I ! J 7 WVvvVVVVAvV,VAAAV "rrTcci ai?p, nniTOH. Murines, fciecutiuns, Replevins, Se Liceni.e. c. Ae. for sale at tbis OEce. Urric We Pay CaSll fur ButUr and Eggs.' BUSS & HACKER, At P. G. Store. Blank Bods and Stationary lower than ever offered here before, at the EXCELSIOR. Brlnkcr&ofJs Olilo Cora nusli- AStSfTTS er-The,a,,,,ant m .buying .rt untied Ageut m t. uui. for tbit ever invented, in abundance at irn 10 tb car Si Lo"1' will iteuti to making coliettivu and urcLaa 1K0W.WILLE. TllUii.siAY,NOV. 12, lb7. CliurcLcs. Latest NeiTS Jottings. The re. - 7ne0. Hill & CO., bare opened up mains of Maiiiiiillian have been deliver- in McPberson'a Block. Their room has ed to the Austrian Adniiial. The been fiued-up expressly for their use and War Office has been declined by Gen. is not excelled in finish or .neatness ot Steadmau and G-n. Blair.- Gen. Mc- arrangement in Nebraska. Their stock Clellan writes inat he will alcept of no is in every way equal to the room. Government office whatever. A prize The right hand side of the first floor fight has been arranged between Mc- is devoted to the retail Dry Goods de- Coole and Cuburn to come off in May partment, where will betound large . n e I I . . e next. stacks r or rriuts, .01 every soaue -irum every factory, foreign and domestic. Kemember that Tbeo. Hill & Lo.. are shelves fi.led with the latest styles and stlliug Prints at 12 1 2 cents a yard, and pallerus uf Ladies' Dress Goods; Hun- White LCat At COSt IHolladay & olUer gwd" proportion. lareds of boxea and drawers filled with THEO HILL &, CO S, reuuVs Row. , - - - DOESEY & BBO., DEAXEH3 II?" 4? STAPLE AND FANCY Slain Street, BROWNVILLE ft i J J Dealers in Men and Boy's Co , ar Mill belling White Lrad t vari- ou brands at cos. Call uud see before it is too late. Corner Cllx anil St. Charlc3 alS, rmiT BAftHT.-rict n SMjoornl Sunday and tu Htwl tnurtu iu bi-iivtii Key. Jl. m il LIa "r' i:iHT .rifccoPAL - Serrk-es every Suu.Uy i 1 i A . 6 M ,'.wr lu !' Ttiurwj unit v Pi.. "triiLvPAL - iervi.e. iu jiviueiuu' uii ereiy tj rrvive the Brownville Library Aso J"UM?VuMUr bcj.i i 1 1 j r. ji oexsuu. ciation will prove a success. Boarders Wanted.-A few board- ?0X"Z IlOVELTiES " th Se"n' ers i au be arc miuudated with board and Ul . lodging at Mrs. Collins', living on the Clo.hs, Blankets, etc., of every Uescrip Also, a large and well-electei stock of We hope the effort now being made Kt. Hrv.tr. K. 1AVIJ, Atwiuuijr alley between Water and Richards, and uu ttUU "I,r,J- t ., 1st and 2a St,. Board $5 per week. The iefl side is sel nParl for.l.he .Tetal1 urocery. vueeuowarc ouu umunaic F. A. Tis-del has moved into his new trade. Here will be found a full stock ffl 3 Jifl 11 1 Tbatrui.ftb BucAu-Jlta 7oor for s1e bn;1' oo 8J rtteei. where he is reiing of Groriea. Queenswafe, Hardware. vl JuitN 1. aikd. pur. by Tfare & Co , is manufactured in this . .J " ' m-i. ' I county from wl eat grown in this county Arrival and Ueparturc 01 JJIalls. I , , 6 3 a uhaleiug big stock in his line. H s Glassware, Cutlery, etc. Anything de gieru ! Cle U 'cloc. yoribern Mll " . " " frMterDKu clotei MoDdyi tl A. V. Grant KM t loe Wednear ' guck r Xul clo 8lurJr .IIP. U. nmc onenoa Sundyi I rum J w 4 F. M. A. U. MaUSII, p. m. and is kuown to beure. building adds materially to the appear ance of that, portion of the city. sired iu the above line can here be found 'smkj y u oi J il Gents Furnishing Goods, BOOTS & SHOES,' Thanks to Blo: & Hacker of the Ex celsior News Depot for the Chicago Tri bune, three days after publication, and ftr Detnorest's Magazine. They are On our fourth page will be found oue lively. column of Agricultural reading matter. Tbe Advertise lor sale at the Ex celsior News Depot. Tbeo. IIU1 & Co., are now In KcFUerson 8 Kow. 200 Shawls, from Sl-50 to $20 00. 50 Cloak?, new styles, from $10 to S75. 100 Balmoral Skirts, from SI to $10. 200 pair Blankets, from $3 to $20. at THEO HILL & CU.'S. ROT?djISGl.--A ruw occurred atClag gett s Saloon lat. last Saturday night. Worthing ejected a drunken customer on Monday. The Marshal accommodated two men to lodgii es in the Calaboose Tuesday night. They took it for a first class ho tel. They were drunk, of course. A JVD- Cnaberries at SWAN & BRO'S. FIshi dried and cunu -d Fruits for pale low at P. G. STORE. Fine lot of Furniture and Bedding just received at McFALL & CO'S. "Saur Kraut" and Pickles at the P. G. Store. The latest Fathiou news at the EXuELSIOR. For a good Comfort it takes 15 yards calico at 12 1 2 cents S1.S7 1-2 Thread J 2 1-2 Cotton 2 50 Total S4 50 That's jutt what they can be bought forat McFALL & CO S. BlrtllS. As the putting on ofihi mortal coil" is uually regarded as hippy an event as doubling it, and em mitieuily more so than rhi ffl ne it off. we invite our friends in this ci'y an county to ive us, for publication, notice of the advent of "responsibilities," thus : "At on to the wife of a son, or daughter." Assist us to keep up a record of the times. Up stairs will be found the Boot and HLA.TS AND CAPS. Shoe department, in which line they just received fifty boxes of every variety. Lfi g) ff! kl M (b tfi! R Mze and style. Carpets are displayed w iu this room, which, as soon as finished, will constitute the wholesale Dry Goods department. . , The lower room, or cellar, with a front to the s uth, is their wholesale room for Grocene?, Hardware, Woodenware.etc, and is fi'.ted up in tip top style for this dr-pat iinent, Altogether ihpir three departments, coutaiuiu $150 000 worth ot Go kIs. offer to both wholesale and retail purchasers inducements that cannot be excelled auy wlwe, and coupled viih their fair deal ing, are bouuJto increase their already large trade to immense proportions. Furnishing Goods HATS and CAPS, BOOTS AND SHCE3 jftlso Dealer In Lime, Cement, Hair Wtite-Sand, Fire-Brick, wmm&m nun, mimi AND James Palmer's new residence on Mis souri, between 1st aud2J kireeis, isubuui at cottipleted. COOklng Apples and Sweet Potatoes P. G. STORE. Since we are. to remove 'o McPher son's Block j-hortly we defer a discnption of it until we move. D B- De Land & Co., authorize those who sell ibeir goods, tu tell pur chasers to use one half of a paper of their B'-st Chemical Saleiatus. and then it ihty are noi entirely atiid with it-up-rioritv over Soda or ai.v other brand i Saleraius, to return the balance ano Hl"g pnrcha?el of J.O. Yantis, the SteamFer Our r,ood. were bought of fijt hand, and we laioK we phd uer ucn indoct-nifnt. to j urcln-er as cannot lnil to uit thot-e wUhing to Luj.' Call iuni fee for your-Hre. II kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods To The Public ! ! BROWNVILLE FERRY ! C A.KPET-BAGS mm mm. nosiEBY. 4WHI a. MM iL Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renever JTas stood the test of seven ucara 'Rlr.YiTma nrA TTm'Uvri'llnr, before tiepuOlic ; anil no prejmra Jxa.u.Eki' bi3 cixxu. uuiuiciiao zion jot rite nair Fnrnno!in rnnnPMlnn frtr Ihn S"JU money ior i e unoie riut.uea . . . i ft ii j . p r l , i ,. . I ills' oiria'u I? iiriiri-i. luririuic iu- House to rent. App.'y at the Star Ho- have now on hand ihe best and cheapest teL Besns and Hominy at 5vAN & BRO'S. articles in their hue ever brought to tht? i . mantei. i are wil in? to Lei it stand or fall unoti :i Mimice of ai Areeineui between the ,IVVII merits. Merchants Union Express Company and c The Morris European Express Company Blankets, (bawls and Balmorals, cuu Le hud at liaiuy Lvi' cheaper than at tuy uihtr house, iu the cay. Go to Dor.ey &. Bio's for your Clo thing, Hats, Caps, B iots and Shoes II packages rceivt-d by the Atfents of the former for Europe, th Enst or West Indies, Mexico and the Biazils, will be transferred for forwarding' to destination Big At the bign of the iicd Stead. Together with all tte Chrer Priyilcges to the name beionin, anl b -ing bi t Belt a Prarllcal I'ngiiieci- Steamboat E Man and Nj fchuddy kepi at DOUSE V &l BRO'S.' Tilt Cthl TtUi i malkel at t. u. biORE. EtDOTal. "e will leinove to Mc I'iitfatU't liiOCk ti) Dec. 1st. J. jl iVicOEE Co. 1.000 John Deere's Moline Plows. 3 01)0 yard- Carpet? and Oil Cloths at to Morn's European Express whilt all THEO HILL & CO.'S. ptcknges received by Morris European Express for the Interior of the Unmd S at s wil. be handrd over to the Mer c iant. Untoi. Express Company. THEO HILL &. CO , Agents, Biownville, Neb. Call and See McCreery'.- fine stock of Toilet Articles. Hair. To th and Cletl. Bruhe. Perfumeries, Card Cases, fine Soips, etc. For Cheap. God Clothing go to and VVell Mad DORSEY'S. 1 ot hi t sets o: ilrfiu ss go to I lit chtupesi lit:ci in l. wii at Business Dlrectory.-See the np-v five line business Card in to-day's pa Parlor Healing StOVeS will now per. These will appear on the 1-t ppt next wek. Business Cards one dollr per line for one year. H-n-after we prpose leaving out all large display typh is the plane to buy FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY ! ! ! Keep constantly on band a complete assortment vt Sofa;, ! ofedrd. For the iat-si ..nd best pat terns ! lo Ml ELLEN BERG ER RRO'S Tvo dtsirabie A py n; ihi otiict'. UaeUins tor tale 11 C. Letty Land Atnt. Brownville, rstLraska. MfOeery'a st ck of Wall Paper. Win d.w Shades, Cord and Tassels is complete. and cut from the 1st pag. Eveiy man Mar m Dumes ran an-na to patronize tin: 1st page Directory. Hand in jour Cards Bedgtend, Beaurenua, Spring bed, VhntW t'liair, Kitchn and 'arlor, Government Overcoats and Biaakeis. cheap at DUKSEV liRU.iS All kinds of Diieu Fiuits at SWAN & BRO'S. Il0HkaDora keeps the latest uewsj la town at nis EACELSIOR KEWS DEPOT. New Residence We notice that Rev. V. S. Blacburn, pastor of the AI E. Church, of ibis ciiy. i? having a nea. residence built on Nemaha between 4th and 5th streets We are pleased to see this evidence of his permanency in our midst. NathaQ Blakeh'ne of the live men of beuinqe, cnu oil us last Sunday, on Lis return Irom a trip east. ClOlhlng! ClOlhlng! I-Rainy &, Lewis have received their new attck tf clothing which they are telling at New xcrk prices. The weather is stili verv pleasant, dry with a bracing atmosphere mormug ud evening. Daring, the middle of the day uirchanic work out doors with bleeves rolled up. No enow yet. and but little frost. LIEGE STOCK ot Under Shirts and Drawers al DORSEY & BRO'S. You'll have to go to St. Louis to buy Books aud Stationery chtaper than you can get them at A. D. MARSH'S. Ten thousand dollars worth of Boots and Shces at THEO. HILL & CO.'S. For choice Teas go to SWAN & BRO'S. Cook Stoves in abundance at SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. McCreery has the choicest brands of Cigars, Chewing aud Smoking Tobacco. Cash Paid for all kinds of country produce at P. G. STORE. Perfumery and Toilet Goods Aud endless variety of these goods can be found cheap for ca.-h at HOLLADAY & CO S. Hollad y &. Co. have just receive an The Council have ordered the survey of a street up the hollow in the northern oart of town. This will be done in a other fine ,how case to display their new few daySt and when opened will be of iocit. mey must tucceed. A Lheran Church edifice twen y fet by fify. of cut stcw, is being erec ted iu B nton precioct by the German Lutherans. This is in the Southwest pin of N -rmih Cunty. There are thirty-five families with a membership of about one hundred and iwen'y per sons. The building is now ready for i he roof and will be enclosed this Fafl Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs. WTMh Stand II t Rack, Sr W'-T -vfTK and XTti " rt Metal' Mttre-o, sdf Spring Kitchen Safe?, Tete fetes Jlnin Stifid : Swinj?nrib., Rocking CHb?, Offi.;e Chairs, Bed Springo, Comlorti, Children's Cib and (Jigs, Finno S'o TeHpoy Stands, Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheet, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc.. etc. The undersigned takes this method of infnrrainff the j ubuc geuerully that ihe Ferry is now in coin plete RUNNING ORDER, nd that be will epenr no p'n or means to make this the mst RELIABLK CROSSING On the Missouri Rivrr. and to saiifu . i. ...... j all who may Javor nun with tnnr bust nets. Patronage loliciled. Salixfac Guaranteed. We propose building a first Clag Boat ( of more capacity than the present one) and placing in the same ai an eariy any. JOSEPH WARD, Manager. Brownville, Oct 25th 1867 oped S binds L. uog Set''6f, Theo. Hill & Co.. Dealers ia LADIES', GENT'S, & CHILDREN'S how Cases and ojjice work made to order (Q) (S) And anything and everything required to set up pi in or fancy husekee ing. All if their ware is either mannfictared or pot up under their special superintendence, which nHble them sound artf'les at smaller prices tn an St. Louis no me Journal. The first number of this paper IS upon eastern manufactuted fcoods ur table. It ia publhed by Blet-r-Sheffi-ld "and Eaton, aud is devoted tn Literature, Fine Arts, Nes, Drama. Mu.ic, and t riticism. It is an eigbt column paper and its typographical ap pen ranee is good. It gives promise ol fuccess. AND OUH HEAKSE TP $2 Oue frpntelman says my doctor?' bill for live yar:, averaged one hm. died ai.d fmyd.illrtrs per year. Tbree years ago 1 procured one ot Dr Humphreys' caes of liomeccDpaihic Sp cifics and m'uch ilia lime my doctors' bills have averaged $15 per year and we hare enjoyed alun st uninterrupted heahh .Price $10. pent by express on receipt ot tbe prie. Fir !ale by MtCOMAS &CO.t ood lews! To all Who Desire to Save Money, ft V T? f A M is at the nerviceof the nnblicat anr time it may u LU e netdt d.ai.d it go;ten up in aa fine atyle as any u,, jnst received from the East a large and well neleted lot of farther east. Hetalic Burial Cases, 20.000 yards Flannels and JLinseys. 1U.000 yards Cloths, Satinets aud Jeaus, at THEO. HILL &. CO.'S. immense advantage to that portion of the town. Bonneta ! Bouneis ! ! Bmueia ! ! Hau! Hais'I Hat!! 1 Fur ! Furs ! ! Fur ! ! ! ana tee the fpleudid new eiucU ju?t received direct ttuai C..ica-.0 at G. Al. HEMjEKuN S First PrcDlum Floor au'l New P. G. STOUE. ti.r Corn and Oats w-tuied in exrh exrnai)r- guUa ai J. L. MiGEE ik. CO.'S Coal 011 Lamys. M Cit. .y 0 o: Lamp, Jumj. Fix ur.-.- c.ij Te tverbooy Go hi.J Vm. KCCp Comfortable by buying a fU.t ;t Winter Cloihiu? of DORSEY & BRO. Complaints have been made about pers-ons digging out t-and at the foot of Water streets. If this is not stopped it will gully the street so in one year as to make it impassable. Change J. K. Bear ha given up the Ns D pot oppits.te this office,' and Messrs Bii Si. Hacker have charge now, T. C. Hat ker. clerking. They are t-nergetic and determined to keep a fu 1 Mi-cW of es. Boks ami Statiouery. BUSS W1! have another Auction Sale no Miurdny. LouU out fur bargains There is no restrrf t "20 000 yard, Calnoe at 12 1 2. 40.000 yjtrd- brown and bleached Mvi I n Iri H. 10 to 50 c-ms. at THEO HILL & CO '9. Yresti Blue Crass Seed for sale it the PU Store of BLISS HACHER. Pay Up. All pereons indebted to th late firm of Atkiuson & Co., either ty note or account, will -ave costs by pymg up at once. We wtil take Corn Wheat. Oats, Rye. Barley, Potatoes, or ihe money, hi d will allow the highest mar ket pi ice for the produce A I KINSON & CO. AND of allicsconftantly onhcd,at eastern rices. We are doinjr buine? on tictly eafh principles. J At a wil yrnjit and by attention tn bnsinew and the vnni8 of theCnimunity. expect in th i future w in the at lo reteive the patronage of tbe pub lic generally. M'FALL & CO. We just received a hort call from liev J S. Hoag this morning. This is the Dissolution. NOTICE is hereby given that the Co- partnersht heretofore existing in the Advertiser Estab!i?h- UTS OL0TH INC Which he oierj at by immediately settling up, Any indebtedness third vilt he has made to this portion ot m nt known as Geo. W.UilI Co., is dissolved VKro.L-o 11 a..nn.n..,A uriih by inutuil consent. , , . . r , Those indebted to us wi'l confer a great favor parlies irom Illinois, wno are teeming homes in the Wesi: We print on an other pce one of his latters to the Ro cbelle Register of Illinois. The letters he has written have servd to press him into the agency buiness much againt his natural inclination. He is favorably known throughout the Etstern Sta tes and Canada West, and many of his old ac quaintances insist that he rhall serve ihetu iu thi? capacity, which he has con euted to do. His knowledge of Ne braska is valunble. and without douht bis employers sav-. much time and money and ob am better selections of land through his assistance than if they were without bis)' Eastern Prices. lie defies competition and will convince all who will call a d examine bis Stock lie has also a large Stuck of atraiDSi os itust be i reentcd at this cEce within twenty days from this date, as oar , oW mast be HfttS, CODS- 8i1l6. FUTIlisll- sqaared by that time. JOnN 1.. COLIIAPP, GEORGE W.1I1LL. Brownvil!e,Ncb.. Nov. Tth. 1667. i STRAY NOTICE. Taken up on the eigh h dav of November 1867 at the rrsidt-cce of the audefin-d.tww Bile south of HrwnvilW one rd c w with while face, crop off f, and swallow1 fork in iach ea-, su(.Mei to be five vears t M lajt spring. W. PENNY. Nov. 14, IS67-N7-5t pd STRAR NOTICE. Taken up Not. 2.1,1857, by Ihe tnbmriber living in Sonti Hn.wnviile.one cow wun oiaek and white spots. She bad a bell on fmcnel with a leather trap. Also one calf, belonfin? t the mv. V HENRY 8UAFFEJL, 0Ttmbar 1 4, l857-y 1, to fi ing Goods, Trunks &c- Comc One, Come All who want to Keep their Bodies Warm feEMEMBER THE BllCICtlffill&STIl biiousiiLle, m:r. . , S. SEEM AN. Nails, Pails, tfeil Backets, Seives. Ae at .-WAN A BRO'S. Sugar Loaf Syrap, Sorzaus), and N.O. ilolawes onable rates. All or v tx 8WAJT October 2iti 1867 j H ive just received and will keep con stantly on band a large and well asort ed stock of the above, and all other ar- has vet been .- coverea that will produce the same beneficial result. Jt is an entirely: new scientific ttiscoverj, combining many of the most powerful and re storative agents in the VEGETABLE KINGDOM. It restores CRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. It malcen the scalp tchita and clean; cures dandnijf and humors, and full ins- out of tho tides in their line, which they tfTer to hair; and will make it grow upon ... , bald heads, except in very ajed Hie public at j person, as it furnishes the nu'tri VERY LOW PRICES Z3 L ll1 1'' i ineood' - fiusVhgoods. ROBERT TEARE & CO. Corner Main and Second Street 23zox7V23.-vJLULov XSToTo. Uave received and opened their Fall BZooh, Which is in all re?pects the mot varied and laigest ever brought to thW market and th ir G odd ar. offered at unpr cedented l.v figures. TheymN ack an exininHtion to verify th-ir aertson. Kr -ry article t.f trade dem anded in thi Coauty will be tound at their bouse, via : Dry Goods and Groceries, lard ware and Qucensware, WOODEN and WILLOW WARE Boots and Shoes, HATS Am GAS, PROVISIONS. October iOth IS87 SEED POTATOES. Ihnve for sale Fottorf tbe following varie- tie-: tiuz-o. J'r.iice Albert. Uusty Cwt. r.ar'y I)i vei. Early Miller, Eariy Jn e, Kluk, Mcvr, Coppermine. Pure Peach Mow. White Peach lilow. ISuckeye, and Garnett tyinii, all of which yield we 1 and are fne from disease. R. W. FURXAS. Nov. 7. It Brownville, Nebraska. DlsolDtlon. The firm of Stanton , Ft rkins 3t Co., Is this dav dis.olv-d by mutual coo-en t. Tbe as.'ers of the firm are placed in the bands u't John L. Carson for .ale, who will aoi.ly tbe rm eeods of lame ia liquidation of the debt ifihe firm. J)M LSfASrox. PAUL PRKKINs. CHAIiLES U HITEX, Jonas ckane. IIEMiY M Brownville. Neb Oct. 2Mb, 1837. 6 3t tive principle bu which the hair is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft, and glossy,, and is unsurpassed as a II A 1 11 DRESSING. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the pub lic, as one botle will accomplish more and last longer than three bottles of any other prejmratlon. It is recom me ruled and used by th First Medical Authority. The woiulerful results produced by our Sicilian Jfair Ileneicer have induced many to manufacture pre paration for the Hair, under va rious names; and, in order to in duce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former part ners, or had some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. JJo not be deceived by them, l'urchase the original: it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has our private Ilevenue Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others are imitations. R. P. Hall L Co.. Prep's. Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. C. A. COOK, 87 Dearborn St. Chicago, III. Attat Tor the Xortfc-CT cater Sttee. ti it a n rT CAEAP CASH STORE. Main Street between First and Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Would Respectfully inform tbe Citiiens of Hrownville, and surrounding country that I have just received my fall Stock of Goods, consisting of Boots BIioq Of the latest styles and beff qnalily. Mens heavy cair Boots, double soled ltMt,r'ine Kip lioots boys and children Itoots and Shoes. All kinks of La die' Dvot and Shoes of the fi iet and brst qu alify. India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind, Wooden Ware Btono Wars. The be.l Quality of READY M AD E CLOTHING, The bert Woolen Under and Orer Shirts, Tl Of ail kind. Wboler-ale ai;d Retail. SH OEMJJtCERS and 1MRXESS- MAKERS can rely upon hartus? thrir orders hll-d rri)tnptlv on hrt notic and reasonable terms. Call before Pur chasing eUewher. wrticn ng offer sroa sale CHEAP FO K CASH Allof wiucb he (fer at tbe lowest aru:-aii- i.ineUnot lo be nnUerol. GP.ANT. Henry P. S&erfinrae, DEALER ?:n MCIO Pianos XtTelodeons Musical lUNTieEentuMttil 3Iereandise OF EYtliT DESCRIPTION. Xo.33 Mar ieXSirMt, btweea Hia aad Seeoa.1 ST. LOUIS A'ataral Leaf. Fine Co-). Grap Jo ice-and 5at- L. TOao-o.at Jt UliO S. E. H. BUROHESS, Landscape Gardener, UROTTXYILLE, NEBRASKA. WillaUend to Pnini?and Plntin Vin4 and Orchards in any part of the Country, at re Iti ers PP41 itteadad tc. Qreneware, Cket., Wasbbords, Lanterws Ae. m & S'-VAXA BROTHER'S SdaCekers,Gin;?r Snap. mt Aerate.lCrsek iTA'A.T A ELITS. Brooms, S!t, Axes, PwJLr. Shot aaJ Lead at . SW5 A BROTHER'S STRAY NOTICE. TAKES UP hf & abocriber, living tbree uifet nibof Bp wnrille an.1 two miles nortn of Nen-ba Hity. a tbe 2tfh Ay i.f Oetber, 17, Ow Pune-y, twelve haods high, laid fata, Uar whir ft, -oppose 4 to be three years TJ. 1IOSE3PAXK3. Pr cboeea kle of Tea, zi tn SWA.T 4 BSC'S. TJwas, Uoaia ileal, PoUtnFJoor ArtJas . i "1 3. t I, y . , c: 1 1' 2i ci- l'l, ca.. ca sJ to art. of Aj '.remj "orni rs, a ;rrc tow j rra-j . ar; f S s:c; j.a; !bv; Oil - fcU t n v lea; rea' : cb. f ?rt ,b3 cc; tv. i I ia: i M n u I ' hi ci t r t i j? f i D" r' il n n 1 v