fL O G AL. .J 'ok "Deeds, Mortgagee, Executions, Replevin?, Kn4.c. Ac. Ac for sale at this Office. '' SHEFFIELD & EATON, 124 Pine Street end fi S WILLIAMS." CAftuf Sf,A . cor.WA. rbo re the autbdsed Agent in St. Louis for this tr will attend to ousting collections and purctas ti in the City St Louis. BROWNVILLE, TI1URSPAY, NOV. 7, ISST.' . BAILIiOAD MEETING. TLe citi j aecsof Brownville, aDd all interested in I tj,e Railroad interests of Nemaha Couo ! iy, are requested to meel at McPherson'a I Hal!, in tlis city, to morrow, Friday, evening, at 7 o'clock, p. m. All should turn out as matters of vital importance !enixd immediate attention. For Choice Groceries go to SMALL & JAMISON'S. For fall tetts cf Furniture go to McFALL & CO'S. Latest Styles of Hats and Caps at DORSEY & BRO'S. jIcCREERY bas Osage Orange j flanh for cale. ! Ten thousand dollars worth of Boots end Shces at j THEO. HILL & CO.'S. Large Stock of Boots just received at DORSEY & BRO'S. I Cash Paid fr al kinds of country ! produce at P- G. STORE. I j rotatocs uanica. we m pay l fa highest market price in cash or goods !'or 1.000 bushels Potatoes. SWAN & BRO. Go to Rainey &. Lewis for Custom ; Made "Boots and Shoes We Pay Cash for Butter and Eggs. BLISS & HACKER. At P. G. Store. Gen's fine Cajsimere Suits at DORSEY & BRO S. 1.000 John Defre's Moline Plows. 3 000 yards Carpets and Oir Cloths at THEO. HILL &, CO.'S. ClothiDg can be had at old prices of RAINEY & LEWIS. ! Tbe Best Teas n market at 1 P. G. STORE. ? Goto Dorsey Si Bio's for your Clo iling. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ! Wheat and OatS wanted in exchange 'cr goods at i J. L. McGEE &, CO.'S. " II. C. Lett, Land Agent, Brownville, lebraska. I All kinds of Country Produce wanted x RAINEY & LEWIS' HUGE STOCK of Under Shiru and -'nwers at DORSEY & BRO'S. 20.000 yards Flannels and Linseys. 10.000 yards. Cloths, Satinets and uci, at THEO. HILL & CO.'S. . Corn Wanted, for which I will pay e highest market price in harness. J. W. MIDDLETON. The reputution for selling Goods cheap ned ty W. V. Hackney is well de rved. Try him! His stock is No. 1. Seating and Cooking Stoves re lot for sale low for cash at I SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. Government Overcoats and Blankets ?Mat DORSEY & BRO.S W.000 yards Calicoes at 12 1 2. iO.OOO yards brown and bleached 'lias, from 10 to 50 cents, at THEO. HILL & CO.'S. Two desirable dwellings for sale. ply a; this office. icmi lime urass scea for sale at PG Store of BLISS & HACHER. Hrst Premium Flour and New a Meal at I ' P. G. STORE. &wls, Nubias. Hoods. Cloaking, are selling at Rainey &. Lewis' per tuan any caber house id the r poking Apples and Sweet Potatoes ! P. G. STORE. 10 Shawls, front 1-50 to 20 00. )CloaJi?lrnew styles, from 10 to i JO Balmoral Skirts, from 1 to 810. & pair Blankets, from S to S20, at THEO. HILL &. CO,'S. aIW?r'8 Bazar. The third num. sf this popular paper ju&t received ;e Telegraph Nws Depot. Jamison have just received invoice of Fall and Winter Dry ' Quick, ale and small profits" ties their store four times a year. :Hj Cried and canned. Fruits for sale 11 ?. G. STORE. Craps VlKCS. Isabella Grapevines, layers from bearing vines, at 25 cents each, if talten this fall. Cuttings at SI per 100. R. W. FUHNAS, ' Brovvnville, Neb. " Thej may talk of 'Lore ia a Cottage,' And bowers of trellised vise ; Of nature bcwitehicgly simple, And milk maids half divine ;" But all is nought when compared with the superb stock of Ladies Dress Goods, to be found at the house of TEARE & CO. 511 (lillCtO!! will positively open an other splendid lot of Saddles by the 9ih or 11th inst., which lie will sell cheaper than any other establishment in Ne braska. The Njinph No. 2 we learn has been purchased for 81,200 by John Way man-r-fonnerl head Engineer on the Lacy and others, who propose to repair and get her in running order yet this Fall. Married On the 1st instant, at the Episcopal Parsonage, Bicwnville, by the Rev. Geo. R. Davis, Charles Alley, Esq., of Peru, to Miss,Zaidee S. Judd, of Sa lem, Wisconsin. It is now very generally understood that what cannot be found at TEARE 5t CO.'S, cannot be had anywhere. Pine and other Lumber, all kind t at may be called for, and Lath and Shingles, in abundance at the Red Store of SMALL & JAMISON. N(W Residence. Samuel Somers is erecting a neat residence on the Fer guson addition to Brownville. Building in that section is keeping up with the bal ance of the city, which has doubled residences this sea.-on. Christmas Is Coming. Of which we are reminded by seeing Phil. Deuser straightening up his stock of Notions. Phil is determined to be up with the de mand in light Groceries, Confectionaries, Toys and Notions. CharlCS BrClgle since selling out bis interest in the Brownville Brewery has opened up a small Groceries just opposite this office, with a Patent Lagei Beer attachment. Charley is irrepressibl . All persons indebted to the undersign ed by Book account, or otht-rwise, will please settle the same within 30 days. A word to the wise is sufficient. A. P. COGSWELL. ''Yoa may talk of the pleasure of sleeping Id the shade of a rpresding tree, And a walk in the fields at morning By the -i2e of a footstep free ;" But for real, genuine, comfortable sleep ing, these cold nights, give me thosnfiije. soft Lambs' Wool Blankets I saw at tht store of TEARE &. CO. WaLtCd. 100 ba&ds to get out R. R. Ties on Mill Creek, Atchison Coun ty, Missouri. 2d learns to haul the fame. Apply to I. W. Uedforu, Brownville, or White & Durfee, Rock- port, tf Winter Is Coming ! And the Ladie do say that M'Fall & Co., sell Rear y Made Comforts, Pillo-v?, Sheets, &.c. cheaper than the raw material can b bought for here ! We telieve it! Sup ply yourself immediately ! Arc YOU Satisfied to pay for a pound of- Saleiatus aud only get 14 or io o luces ? if not, then buy Did Chemical Sateratus. Auction! Auction!! Auction!!! -The undersigned hertby gives none that he will sell on Saturday next, at 1 o'clock p. m., a large lot cf Dry Goods Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hats 8n Caps, Notions, Woolen Shocks, Shawls Cigars, Crockery ware, &c, &c. Sale to take place at Bedford Si Co.'s old stan1. This stcck has been cousigbed to me fi Bile, and will be sold withtut reserv. J. W. BLISS, Auctioneer. Livery Stable and Stock far galg, One of the partners havw. engaged in other business, one half the Stock, and the Building now owi el and occupied by Ben. Rogers &. Co., Brown ville, is for Sale Everything is in good order and the business lucrative for ev: idence of which the Books may be seen. Enquire of either of the parties, Ben Rogers or R. W. Furnas -.October, 24:h 1SG7 4 3 G. A. R., Attention !-Post No. l, District of NemaLa "County r Hereafter the regular meetings of this Post will be on every alternate Thursday even-hag al precisely half past 7 o'clock, commencing oa Thursday evening, Nov. 7;h, inst.j when every member is ordered to be present. Important business to be trans acted. By order of the Post. JJtna. Win. H. Hoover is now the authorized Agent of this old and reliable Insurance Company. The connection i a good one for the corppany and this com munity. Hope Billy will make it pan. Pay Up. All persons indebted to the late firm of Atkinson &. Co., either ly note or accoutit, will tare costs by paying up at once. We will take Corn, Wheat, Oats, Rye. Barley. Potatoes, or the money, and will allow the highest mar Jr rfs ket price for the produce. ' " AjiNSON h, qq. , Com CS IS Com. Geo.1 Bryant, living about six miles west of this city. left at our office six ears of average Corn from the same field as that which took the first premium at our County Fair. These ears weigh one pound each and average ten inches in length. The crop is gathered and by actual measure ment of both the ground and Corn turns ofT eighty two bvskels io the acre I We have heard of other big yields, yet we doubt much if this can be beat anywhere upon actual measurement. New Warehouse. We notice that Rainey & Lewis are erecting a large and substantial Warehouse on Water be tween 1st and 2d btreets. This has be come to them a necessity from their great ly increased dealings in all kinds of country produce. May they increase continually." Fine Stock of Lamps. Wm. H. McCreery has certainly as fine a stock of coal oil lamps as were ever brought to this market. They are splendid. His new style white lamp cannot be excelled for beauty or finish ; and the colored gilded lamps are beyond question nicer than anything ever before produced here. He keeps chimneys, globes, and every thing in that line. If any body finds a Buffalo Robe' with the following mark. B rogers livry Anco B we are requested to say thatit belongs to Ben Rogers & Co. Livery, Brownville Ben announces that he is prepared to attend to the marking department of all bu i iess houses needing anything in that line. Oor Library Association. what has become of it? The long winter nights are al hand, and this safety valve or the morals of many a young man should be placed in operation. Nothing conduces more to the benefit of a com munity of young men than a good Li brary ; public, if possible ; yet, if not, with such fees for membership as will phce it within the reach of all. Come ! Let's have it going, that the community may reap some benefit from the books it contains. Fast Time U. S. X. The United States Express Company, J. L. Carson, Agent, are determined to maintain their reputation for dispatch in the transporta- ion of freight. Mr. Evan Worthing or dered two cases of oysters by this com pany, which left Chicago on the 29th of October, and were received by him at noon on the 31st of October two days and a half! This company runs a hrough express car from Chicago to Nebraska City, and our merchants who vish their goods delivered in quick time, it low rates, should patronize the United States Express Company. Culverts. Workmen are putting in he culverts on Fourth, between Main tnd Water, and the grading of Fourth rom Nemaha to Water, and the street outh of it. has been let, the contractor o commence and complete the work this Fall, if possible. These wooden cul- prts we have opposed until we find it of o use, and now we would suggest that the Council take into consideration' the propriety of using on the plauk and pists. used in their construction, Fore- min's Wood Preservative. If this is as g-jod as it is said to be, they would last t vice as long, while the cost would be nit a trifle. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Mayor's Office, Brownviixe, October 17th, 1S67. Council met pursuant td adjournment. Present : J. S. Church, Mayor. Aldermen: T. C. Hacker, C,F. Stew irt. A. W. Morgan and A. P. Coggsweli ippeared and were sworn in as Alder 'nn in. place of John McPherson and J hn Morrison, resigned. .-. ' The minutes of ths previous meeting vere read and approved. On motion, W. H. Holbrook was per muted to cut down and remove two large -lm trees on Nemaha street, between First and Second on paying into the city ireasury 2 io cash. On . motion, the Mayor appointed a Street Committee of three, consisting of A. P. Coggsweli, A. W. Morgan and T. G. Hacker. ; . On motion, it was made the duty of the Street Committee taoversee all work upon the streets, to let all contracts for irodrog the streets, and to direct the City Engineer and the Streei Comrais- ioneTi'n the performance" ot their du ties. On motion. M. F. BoJ was appointed City Marshil, vice G. W. Garrfsori, re signed. On motion, the City Marshal was to be allowed twenty dollars per month for the faithful performance of his duties. M. F. Boyd appeared and was sworn in as City Marshal, for the balance of the term. - . . t On motion, Campbell & Co. were re lieved from the farther performance of their contract of grading on Main btree.t, near culvert. On motion, the contract for grading Fourth street by O. B. Hewett was ac cented as finished, and a warrant'en bond I f,uLd was, allowed, him of,S27. On motion, Campbell &" Co. were al- lowed ia full for grading on Main street, a warrant on bond fund for 366 07. On motion, McGowan &. Co. were al- lowed in' full for grading on Main street, a warrant on bend fund for 509.04. On motion, Wilson &. Co. were allow- ed a warrant, for grading on Atlantic street, on bond fund for 626.23. On motion, G. W. Hill-St. Co. were al- lowed a warrant on general fund, for 200 mad orders, 6 ;.for six months' print- ing Council proceedings, 20. On motion, T. R. Fisher was allowed an order on bond fund for .12 days' work as City Engineer, 60. , On motion, the Street Committee were authorized to' let contract for opening Ailantic street from First street to River, on such terms as they may think best for the city. On motion, the' Street Commissioner was ordered to report at next meeting the amount of road -funds collected, and the manner in which the same were ex pended ; and he is .further ordered to make out his account for services in de tail, showing the work performed by him- self and-others, under oath, before settle- ment is made with him for such labor. On motion, the Council adjourned. JARVIS S. CHURCH, Mayor. W. H. McCkeirt, Clerk. Mayor's Ofeice, Bhowsville, November 4th, 1867. The City Council convened in regular session. - Present: Jarvis S. Church, Mayor; Al Jermen T. C. Hacker. C. W. Wheeler, A. W Morgan, A. P. Coggsweli ; M.F. Boyd, Marshal ; T. R. Fisher, Engineer. The minutes of the previous meeting were-reoa ana approvea. k 1 a 1 On motion, C. W. Wheeldr was al lowed city order on the bond fund of 325, for bridges over Fourth and Fifth streets. On motion, Wilson & Co. were allow ed - in city orders on the bond fund in full for removing 9,073 yards of dirt on Atlantic street, and were discharged on the contract. On motion, Brown's bill of S0 for damages on account of detention from labor on ihe McGowan contract, on Main street, was laid on the table. On motion, the bill of Win. Peters for assisting the City Engineer one and a half days, 3.75, was allowed, and order drawn on bond fund. On motion, the bill of Madison Stew art for assisting the City Engineer one day, 2 50, was allowed, and order drawn on bond fund. On motion, there was allowed Brown for work done on McGowan contract, in order on the bond fund, in full for re moving 725 yards oli Maln street, the sum of SS0.72, and discharged from con tract. On motion, T. R. Fi&her, City En gineer, was allowed, for nine days' work, on general fund, 10 50. On motion, J. H. Morrison was allow ed 2S for fourteen sittings of the City Council in 1867. On motion, John McPherson was al l?ved 28 for fourteen sittings of the City Council. On motion, Dr. Matthews was allowed to cut and use the brush and timber on Richard street, between Fourth and Fifth, excepting on sidewalks1' (twelve feet wide.) without charge to the ci:y. On motion, J. C. Yantis was permitted to assign his contract for rent of ferry franchise on the Missouri River, at Brownville, to Messrs. Ford & Ward, on the conditions set forth by said Rufus Ford in a letter to Capu T. W. Bedford, of Brownville, under date of Oc'.ober 15, A. D. 1867, and on conditions made by Mr.. Ward at this City Council meeting, to wit : We (Ford & Ward) will have a first class ferry boat built in the spring, and 1 (Ford) will guarantee to the people of Brownville and the community generally that ample facilities shall be provided al ail tknes to meet the public demand. (Signed) RUFUS FORD." Mr. J. H Calgett presented a peti tion, signed by ten householders of the city, asking that he be permitted to sell malt, vinous and spirituous liquors, at hia saloon, in the city of Brownville, six mouths. . On motion, said license was granted, on condition that be pay into the city treasury, for the use of the school fond, at the rate of twenty-five dollars per year, and a further sum of one hundred and seventy-five di liars in cash, for Ihe use of the city of Brovvnville, per year, and ten dollars each for billiard tables. A petition was presented by Charted Briegel, finned by .ten householders of the city of - Brownville, asking that the sard Briegel be permitted, to felt malt liquor in the , city ol Brownvifle, ia the Stephens'-botrse, on Main street' fcf' Six months. On motion, a license was granted, on condition that said BriegeTpay into (he city treasury, for ihe use of the school fdni.the sum of" twenty-five dollars per year, and the further sum of twenty-five dollars per year for the , use and benefit f said cityc - On motionr the Sfayor was authorized and requested to make a full exhibit of the financial condition s of r tbe city of Brownville, and report the same at our next meeting". , Ou motion, the Mayor was requested to. advertise for sealed proposals (by posting three notices in the city of Brown yille) for the furnishing material, con listing cf good oak posts, five Cottonwood boards, Ax inches wide, io the pannel boards of same kind for cap and strips at each post, and for the erection of a fence around the poblic square. On motion, the. City Marshal was di rected to ascertain and report if any slaughter pens were to be found within the city of Brownville. On motion, the City Marshal wa3 ap pointed Fire Warden t On motion, the City Marshal was in structed to put the city well by Ponn's store in running order. On motion, the motion instructing the City Marshal to put the city well in run- uing order was reconsidered. On motion to indefinitely postpone the motion to put the city well in running order,. the yeas and nays . were ordered. Yeas: Messrs. Coggsweli, Hacker and Wheeler. ' Nay: A.W.Morgan. The motion was declared indefinitely postponed. On motion, tho Council adjourned to Saturday evening, Nov. 9th. J. S. CHURCH, Mayor. W. H. McCbeery, Clerk. Dr. J. H. Jordan, Indianapolis, Ind., says : "l nave known Vr Strickland s Pile Remedy to be thoroughly tested in numerous cases during the past year.and with perfect success in every instanca. And so it is with his Remedy for Diar- riiura ur iuuiuera.auu uis uuugu jjaisam Tney are all genuine and pure.1', if A Stimulating Tonic Life Bit ters. Good health is a blessing. .The way to enjoy such is to take a wine glas3 full of Strickland's Life Bitter two or three times a day. They create a good appetite: they strengthen the stom ach; they cure habitual Consumption, Nervousness, and Heeadache ; they make the old feel young. If you wish long life and good health, use Strick land s Life Bitters, ror sale in bot tles by Druggists, and by the drink at all saloons and groceries. if W. JD. MAHIN, Manufacturer and Dealer in &11 kinds of Saddles, Harness, Whips Oodles, cbc Smith's Patent Trace Buckles, Nixon's Patent Trace Buckles JTorfA Side 3fain Street BROWN VIIXE, XElRASKA, JOHN L CARSON k Ki K E 'R 3 33xo-W2X-E7illoy ZNToTo. Exchange bought and sold on all the principal Cities. Also, dealer in Gold and Silver Com, Gold Dust and GOVEBIIHENT B01IDS. Deposits received, payable at sight. Interest paid on time Deposits by especial agreement Taxes paid for non- residents All kinds of U.S. BONDS WANTED JOHN L. CARSON. J. V. D. PATCH, MANUFACTURER AMD DBALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES, JU1 3" JbUi W E-XjS.-", Silver and Silver-Platcd ware, A'so constantly on band, all varieties of SPECTACLES. REPAIRING done in the neatest style, and at SHORT NOTICE, CBJlEBXS MODERATE. KTOKK WARRANTED. CITY DRtJG STORE INToTo. T DEALERS IN STAPLE AND FANCY Embracing all ttte-limfr 1 TIFf of the Season. Also, a large and well-jelected stock of . Gents Furnishing Goods, . BOOTS &' SHOES, HATS AND OAPS! -AND- 2 ay-? 9 ASS Our Goods were bought of first hands, and we think we oan offer such indscemects to purchasers aseannot'fail to suit those within to btfy. Call and for yonrsclves.- ' ' f' All kinds'of Produce taken in exchange for Goods -5(f GRANT' S ..0 " '- CAIAP CASU STOES. ..Main Sired beivseen First and Second, BROWNVILLE," N. T. ' I Would Respectfully inform the Citizens of Brownville, and nurroandinjr country that I have jast received my fall Stock of Oooda, consisting of fa ci Of the latest Ftj)c3 and be;t quality, Mens heavy caif Boot?, double soltd Hoots, Fine Kip Roots boys and cbildrens Boots and Shoes. All kinks of In dies' Boots and Shoes of the finest and best qu ality. India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of ' Every Kind, Wooden Ware. Stone Ware, . . The Boat Quality of READY MADE CLOTHING, The belt Woolen Under and Over Shirts, Of all kinds, Wholesale and Retail. SWOEMJ1KERS and HJRXESS- ALiKERS can rely upon having their orders filled promptly on short notice and reasonable terms. Call before pur chasing elsewhere. wniCH HE OFFERS FOR SAL8 CHEAP FOK CASH All of which he offers at the lower t prices, deter tnineanot to OS cncersois. GRANT. n To all Who Desire to Save Money. S SEEM A N Das just received from the East, large and well seleted lot of n AND GLTiK!Mt2 Which he oflers at Eastern Prices. He defies competition and will convince all who will call a d examine hi3 Stock Ha has also a arge Stock of Hats. Caps, and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks &c. Come One, Come All tvho want to Keep tKeif Bodies Warm. REMEMBER THE IMIICtBTHISSW MjllSr STREET, BROITSTILLE, WED. S. SEE MAN. At the Sign of tha Big Bed tead. Is the place to buy FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY!!! UILJ LJ 3 Keep constantly on hand a complete assortment cf Sofas, Bedsteads, Beaurcaas, Springs beds, WhatNots Chairs, Wardrobe3 Kocking Chairs, Wash Stands II it Racks, N Tables, Kitchen Kitchen and Parlor, toped S tands and Parlor Tab!.' Metalic Loongef, 5 Settees, Mattresses, Cases, J5- Lounge Spring's Tcte-tetes Swing Cribs, Offiue Chairs, Comforts, Kitchen Safes, Plain Stands ; Rocking Cribs, Bed Kpr.ngs. Children s Cibs and Digs, Pinoo Sto'l?, Tenpoy Stand., Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc.. etc. Show Cases and Office Work made to Order And anything arid everything required to set op plin orfanfy housekeeping. All of their Ware is either manufactured or p.at up under their special superintendence, v. nich enable them sound articles at smaller price than eastern tuanufactuted goods. OUH IIEA11SE is at the strvioaof the 7nb!ia any tiso it maj be needed, and is go: ten p in as ae s'yi as anj farther cast, - Hetalic Burial Cases, cf all sire3 comtsn-tTy orr ha cd , at eastern prices. We are doin fcnfln's cnst'iftTy ca?h principles. At a until prnfit, an-d by artenf lyn to hn:aesa and the wants of the community, ezpfct ir ih fature as i the past to- receive tho pstrtnjga cf the pub lie generally. M'FALL & CO. LEGAL JVOTICE To all whom it tny concern ; Know ye.thatthe second Jlcnday of Koveraber A. D. I3S7, is the day appointed by the Probate Court of Pawnee Ctunty .Nebrasta, for hearinj ths application ,for letters of Administration to issae to W J Robias f r the Esute of A F Cromwell, late of Pavrxiee County, Nebraska Pawnee City, Nebraska, 'Get. Hth 1SS7 ; - . J C ED WARDS, Jadga cf Prohjle , V ULJ N"ai!s,Piik, We'J Bacef, Sc4ve, Ao., at .A5 & BE BRO'S. Notice of Foreclosure cr C2iztUa UOUTGlGi: J . Wh-rcts GW. Garrisow and Joseph OTtltia ing business in the City of Erownviiie, 5hrakar under the rm name of G. W. Uarrisoa k Cv, Mortinged to J.M. Brunswick of St. Loa'w. H:9 one Billiard Table 5nmbtred 2S7J, oae Li:; lax 1 Table Numbered 3732, two 8ets of i-lirlw do co Cues, two Uases, twu Bridges, twoseCs'of Coas ters, and two Cua Kark?, which Said Uort gag i dited My 30ib , 1867, and recorded in JJortnjw kecord No. I.oopago 83, in tha Recorder's CLcw of Nesnsha Connti State cf Nebraska, ani vis given to secure three jxoiaisory notes of evta data with said Mortgnge, tn which there is bow dae th sum of And , w hcreas.defsult has been ntadv in the rendition of payment of cue of said notes as set f.rtn in faid ! rtgnge. Thereto no tic is hereby given that said ChatL'a Mortgage will b foreclosed bySSa!o of said Mortgaged property at Public Auction in the basement Story of the biick building, teltrgorg te the Breitmeyer Estate ia the City of Brownville, SUte of Nebraska, oa tbw 16tb day of November. A. D. 1337, at on o'clock P. M Dated .October, 2tth 187- J. M. BRUN3WICX, ' per Tipton, JJenett X Church his Attjl SDHLIA KimUBlS CUBAN I IS IIOirilRETS' I203IEOPATIIICSPECin C TJ AVE PKOVEN, FROM THE HOST AMPLE LA. experiance , an entire success; Simple Prompt Efficient, and Reliable. They aro the only Med icines perfectly adapted to popular ns9 sosinrpl thai mistakes cannot be made in teing theni ;se harmless as to be free from danger ,acd so aScieiit aa to be always reliable. They have raised tha highest commendation from all, and will Always render jatiafaction. Nos. Cents. 1. Cures Fevers, Coepest on, Iaflamatlons 2. Worms. Worm-Fever. Worm-Colic. 13 5 s, " Cryinsr-Cohc, or leethlnf of Inraats, " Diancea of children or dolts. " Dysentery. Gripinjr, Billions Colle IS, 53 . 6. . 7, , '0, II. I 13, 1. t, 16, 17, 13, M, 15 25 Si as S5 - J5 , " . 25 25 , 60 to bo 64 6a . 61 60 6 60 . 60 60 60 l,eo " 61 6 60 I.OO 1.00 60 Neuralezia. Toothache. Ftceacbe. " Headaches. Slck-Healache, Tarti4 ' Dyspepsia, Billions STomach " Surpressed, or painful Periods. Whites, too prof used Periods. " Croup. Covgb, tliffleult Breihins. " Salt liaeun, Krjsipeias, K. options " Salt Kneum, xrysipeiaf, JTraptWos. " Rheumatism, Rheumatic Palna " Piles, biin- t bleeding. " Opthalm ; and soraor weak Srw. " Catarrh. :ute or cbronia, Io3ania " Whoop i:g Cough, violent Coughs " Asthm- oppressep Breathing " Ear Di i-iharges, impaired Hsarlng " Scrofu a, enlarged Glandu, .Swelliogs " General debility, Pbysicial weakness " Dropsy, and scanty .Secretions " Bea-Sickness, sicknoss from rjdlng " Kidney-Disease, Gravel Uervous Debility, SeminarEmls sictts iDvolnntary Discharge 20, 1 22 23 24 e 27 28 ?9 " core Meuth, Canker 30 31 " Urinary Weakness, wettlnj bed Painlui Periods, with Spaauas Suneringsat rhauge of Hie Hpilepisy, Spaxms, St. Vitna' Dace Diphtheria, ulctratcd Sore Throat FAMILY CASES. 33 14 " or 35 large vials, morocco caSe,conta!nIn3 a specific for every ordinary clcscaa ; a family in subject to, and a book of directions, $10 OO Smal'er ramJy and Traveling cases, wtth Sot :8 vui, t3 ta3 Speciflcs for all p rivate Deases, both for uuncg and fr Freventave treatment. in via. a and pocket caes, $2 to $5 Fvr Sale by McCOMAS&Co.. ErowDville Neb. 47-ly Stoneware, Baskets, Washboards, Lanterns Ae. SWAN A BROTHER'S s r can 1 "Si On Tuesday niirht, October 1st, my OfSca la-tafs City was entered and my Safe robbed of $11,700 in National Bnnk and Treasury Notes, of denomi nations from $5 to $103, f 4,700 of this money has lines been recovered , a portion of this money was enclosed in express" envelopes. Tha thieves re moved these enve'ops, which we have since found. I wiil pay the above reward either for recovery f money or the apprehension of the thief or rhieves with information that will lead to his or their conviction. T. W. BEDFORD- 1 tf FINE STOCK! Call and See T&em. ; JACOB MAItOHK6 MERCHANT- MAIX STREET, BRO WNVILLS , NE3RA2.SLA lias now on hand full Stock of PIECE GOODS, Which be is prepared to sell by the yard'. rat'i out or mike up in the latest and most fashionable )le. Also, a lara-e lot f Ready Made Clothing, selected by himself, which he can warrant, and. will sell Cheaper than was ever offered before n this City. A 23 6G lickle uitsofall kinds, ani Oysters at SWAN A BJiO' 7or a, choice f icle of Tea, go to SWAN A BRO'S. tl! B cans, Hon , i omioo. r tour aodu Apples f SWAS 4 LRaTiER, A GOOD COOKING 8T0YE Is one of the mort necessary and )!rarie ar ticles tboseh H economy jnd if properly managed, will pronoote the health;om fort aud happiness of every mem bcr of the family. NO COOKING 8T0VS ITave ever been brought befvre the publio whici olxaiaeck so great popularity or met with mora fiver than tiko -AND Plrraoiitri Rock OVB ICO COO OP THESE CR5.3BSATSD COOKING STOVES Have beerr .lt an ler fell1 garnan!ee, ani offer them as rererenco wherever found. wo THE IMPROVED CHARTER OAK ITith Extension Top, U But cne damr. an4 so simple i Stkmik'' strn.-tion that a itld can manaa it. The uvea. I are brger, take-42re uniform, and the Stove heav- (fvi U ff n o i j) jj j u2 ar s mo., vooticg ciove oi coireputtiing sis, ever mnde. Hous?heper$t Store Dwlc c- Tinner & Can rely opon being suppHed at the lowest ritx and will find it to their ad vantags to tend fvr, zanine our Price L;st and CaUlogues before par chasi? g elsewhere. . Address, '"js EXCELSIOR 5IANITACTURIXG Ca 12 A 0U Main Street ST. LOCI3 MOv PWSchl ly Shcllenberrsr Bro., ; . Brovmvilk, Nebraska.