Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 31, 1867, Image 3
r I I . , LOCAL. "'.rrr Dctds, Wcrtpigcs, Executions, Replevins, dc. Ac. for sale at this Ouce. "cT-jriELD & UATOIT. 124 Pine Street ani . "8 ULLlAtlS.I7 Ciettnut St, .V. ccr. 5 A. ,, w,n.ttePdtgskir.ScolcctioMiln:rcLM!frt,:..ra by R&v Q R JJ,lvis J0n ty. , iutr.e tJ'j 17.T.V'V1L1.E, THURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1887. . C . T ..I- Id (Jj ij lUiney Le-vis' for Cusioui 'laJe Bjuta and Shoes Lafe Sleek of Boots jut received at DOUSEV & BRO S. Jlaia street, in front of Mcpherson's 1o-x is being reduced to grade. - Govermiieut Overcoats and Blankets, :veapat DOR SLY & BRO.S Full Sit& cf Chicago Made BjoIs adihoesat McGEEScCOS Ger t's fine Cassimere Suits at DORSEV & BRO'S. i Closing can he had at old prices of RAIN FY & LEWIS. WhJ IS lt l'ie Goods of Teare &, Co., -j dl so fast ? They "jia suit" the mar. et ar-d the times Go to Dorsey Bio's for your Clo LId, H-1? Cups, Bjo'.s and Slices . II. C. Lelt, Land Agent, Brownviile, Nebraska. . II33C Yv'OOl Klilt GOOaS, at Teare Co. 's are decidely rare, beautiful, and attap, cheaper, cheapest. Hats and Caps in abundance at Mi GEE & CO S, All kinds of Country Produce wanted ,x RAINEY LEWIS' LIEGE STOCK of Under Shins and Drawers at DORSEY & BRO'S. Two desirable dwellings for sale Apply i this cilice. Mechanics, for your Tools call on -SHELLENBEROER BROS. Frcsli Blae Crass Seed for sate at .he Tli Store cf PUSS&HACHER. Don't Freeze this winter : hut go iai.neuia.t-iy and 1 ty 111 a supply 'f those Supei b and exceed. chap I'lidtets, ;o be had of TEARE & CO. McCREERI has Osage Oriiuge Hants fr rale. Woolen Goods '-till yon enntrest," at MoGEECO'S Go and see the splendid Stock of Mil i.uefj' and Fancy Dry (JoikI. at G M HENDERSON'S For vour Tinware cn to SHELLENREUGER BROS. SCO John Deere's Celebrated Moline Pio-s. THEO. HILL & CO. BOIlt KcsICCt. M examine the im mene Stuck of Goods offered by Teare icCo., before making your purchases. Latest Sfcyles of Hats ai d Caps at DURSEY & iiUO. Shawl?, Nubian, H)jl-. Cloaking, Cloths ore selling at lUirn y Lewis' (heaptr than any other house in the City The Atlantic, Harper and Leslie's Magazines, for November, at the Tele graph News Dopot; ?l?o, that great Ladies Fashion paper Harper's Bazar. Z You Til find all the latest Styles, and Goods a great deal cheaper than ever before at the Dry Goods Emporium cf G M HENDERSON Ton Bet, the Stock of Jeans. Cassi raere. Cloths, and all character of Gents Piece Grinds offered by Teare & Co., 'ill please all who will take a k A at . x All School Bjok use I in Nebraska, firiythir.g ehe in the Stationery or Book line, kept constantly on hand at th P 0 News Depot of AD MARSH A"ane drove of 300 head of Cattle crossed here hi Monday on their way to Pawnee county. Gov. Butler, owner mtf drover in charge. Al))' LatJT, ho fails to examine the cent Stock of Ladie's Dress Goods now to be seen at Teare & Cj.'s will not have consulted the latest styles. " . SmuII & BrO Tnis energetic vfi.-m cf Geocers are iut now receiving Urire anions l0 ,jlrir Sioek No Stock in the West is kept up to the demand bet- ter than theirs, and they sell low for cash All persons ind:hpd Ii iV.o rn'lorciTn ty Rjck accouut, or o;h raie, will ' ,-iease settle the same wubin 30 days, j - Miiu io tne wise is smiH ient. A. P. COGSWELL. All persons indebted to the firm of Atkinson .Vc. r ou'ior .xt nn r. count .;n i, tf a .i ! ' iicasc cil ana i av luc same i 1 ' i All notes or accounts unpaid by'the 15th of September will positively be left ui'-h an Attorney for coliccticn. ATKINSON &, Co. i buIilCU.- ICO hands to get out R. R. Ties on Mill Creek, Atchison Ccun- ty, r.Iisf curi. 25 Teams to haul the same. Apply to T- W. Bedford, Brownviile, or 'White &, Durfee, Reek port, tf Married.-In Brownv iile, Nebraska, Oct. ih at the residence cf the bride- Henderson Kq., cf Brownviile, to Miss Julia E. Padgett, of Cuss County, Neb. Landscape Gardening. We are pieced to cn SI public attention to the Card of E. II. Burches in another col umn. He is thoroughly conversant cf all he proposes to do, Laving bren engaged in the business, loth in this and the old country, for a grtat many years. Storage, Commission and For warding MerchantsThis business s atsumiiig huh prupjrtions in this city. and will grow with its growth and strengthen with its strength. Seo ths Card of Worthing &. Wilcox, in another column. They are reliable and trust worthy. K. H CCIilrrclS By a local in to. day's paper it will be seen that Bedford & Conner, of this city, have a heavy contract for ties on the railroad through Atchison county. We l-arn that some other of our citizens have got grading contracts. Labor will be plenty herea bouts, and money loo. Grading. Workou the head of Main street has ceased and (he street not yet passable, while the old road is to be cioitd up this Fall yet. This would put a naiiy period to its benefit and compel travel to go a mile out of the way to get to town. Can't this danger be avetred ? Cold Winter Is Coming and the bea plate to see a full Stock of Com fori, Feather Beds, Pillows, Sheets.and Bedcloihs generally, atid purchase cheap er than the goods can be bought here, is at Mc FALL & CO'S. The parties who look the Brass Buck et belonging to our test Grain Scales, will pleae return the satne to our Ware House or the cili and get the Beam to weigh with as we have no use for one without the other. P. S. You are welcome to the sack of wheat you took at the same time if you will reiurn the Brass Bucket. WORTHING & WILCOX, KtlW Millinery Slier?. Miss Mary Simpson hns tiuw on hmd a complete Stotkrf Miilinery Goods at her Shop on Second Street between Main at.d Water Streets, which t-he is thoroughly compliant to make up in the latest and most fct-hionabji stle. She keeps on 'land a full Stuck of the latest Patterns, which will do any one good to look at. Call and see them See her Card in to-day's paper Livery Stable ana Steel; for Sill;?. One of the partners having engaged in other business, one half the Stack, and the Building now owned and cccup.ed by Ben. Jiggers i-c Co., Brown ville, is fur Sale- Every.hing is in good order and the business lucrative, for ev. iilence of which the Boo'.is may ha seen. Enquire of either of the parties, Ben. Rogers or R. W. Furnas October, 21th 1637. 4 3t Still OnWitrd. Notwithstanding the hard times and high prices, the sale of the Best Chemical Salcratus is still on the increase. People wiil use it and every successful houae-wife tells her neighbor, and when her neighbor tries it she tells another, and thus its fame spreads until it is hard lo tell where it will slop. Tiic Brownviile Ferry. We call attention to the advertisement in another column of the Brownviile Steam Ferry under the new management. We can now state upon actual knowledge that the boat is in good older and making regular haff hour trips, and no fear need b- en tertained by any of crossing at any time they come during the day. We are also pleastd to note the de 'terrainaticn of tne new proprietor to put in a new boat next season, of much larger dimensions, one capable of sup u u. Cw it. Joe iv. ii. win ue compieieuti to opposite this point eariy next Spring, y whicii will make this one of the most im portant crossings on the nvtr. Bail ROftilS. We have been request ed to tail public attention, and especially j that of ihj Supervisor, to the bad con dition of the main road leading west from thii city to Lo: g's Bridge. The worst and almost impassible places are thoje ju beyond Ilanniford Culvert aloi;g the School sictioa and the lourh which cresses the K...d frcntinj James C-le-man's farm. These ned immediate at- teniion to render them passible, yet we do not "believe they can be rendered per manently good without stone colvertitig. These bad places have already cost the county more, twice over, than would put j in good cu!wr;s. Tne besides .this ' fc j i i i r r:eeds considerable work. A few cays work are also needed cn the Ilanniford ! culvert. One thousand bushel Potatoes wanted at ' RAINEY& LEWIS,' Dr. J. II.5Jordan, Indianapolis, led., Eiys : "l ave known Dr Strickland's Pile Remedy to be thoroughly tested in numerous casfs during the past yenr.and with perfect success in every mstanca And so u is with his Remedy for Diar rhoea r r Choloera.nnd his Couh E ilsam Tney are all genuine and pure.', tf A Stimulatikc Tonic Life Bit teks. Good health is a blessing. The way to enjoy such is to take a wine glas full of Strickland s Life Bitter two or three times a day. They create a good appr-ti'e the? strengthen the stem ach; ,thvy cure habitual Consumption, Nervousness, and Ileeadache ; they make the old feel young. If you wish leng life and ccrxi health, use Strick land's Lite Bitters. For jle in bot tles by Druggists, and by the drink at all saloons and groceries. tf W. 13. MAH1N, rjaimfacttirsr and Dealer in all kinds of Saddles, Harness, Whips OoI.I3rs9 die. Smith's Patent Trace Buckles, Niicii's Patent Trace Buckles. Xortlt, SiJo .Viii Street JOHN L CARSON ' - f . g a sf tw XIrowiivillo, TJo"l3. rxcbanio bousnt and s-.M on oil tha principal Cities. Alsj, d--;iler in Gp.d ail Silver Coin, Gy.d I?ust aniT' GTOVBE27HENT B0HB3. Deposits received, payable at sight. ' Interest paid on time Deposits ly especial agreement Taxes paid for non-residents. . . .All kindT U.S. BONDS WANTED JOHN L. CARSON. LEGAL NOTICE To nil wh itn it rmy concern ; Know ya.that the second MocdaT of ovf-mbcr, A. I). lbt)7, is the day appointed by the l'robate Court of Pawneo Ci unty .Nebraska, for heiiriu; the application .for letters ot Adiiiinitratioa to issae to V" J Uubins f r the Eruc of A F Cromwell, lata of Pawnee County, Nebraska Pawi.c City, Nebrislja, Oot. 11th 1 S07 J C EDWAUDS.Judo of Probata, - JhV.D. PATCri, x MAM" FACT IE Ell AND DEALER IN . CLOCKSWATCHES, AND Silver aiitl silver-plated varc, A'so coostintiy on band, nil varieties of SPjLTAL-ES- REFAIKIK't (hii.e in the neatest style, and at CIIAHGES ajUKUATE. WCUK W A RR ANTED. CITY DHUGSTORK " Niitlee. The undcisigned m.onoeis ci mporinj the Erin of Stanton Perkins & Co.. hive this diy dissolved their c0Ti"ctio!i wkh Cyras .1. S & d I & Steel S. . field A Cf., of St. Ji-serh Ai d we will' not bo re.-pon-'ib'ie f..r nny contracts mad-j by said O.J . SooGHd. from this dite.ani tha authority given him to ign tbo Gr'n rinm". or do an buinss in the namiof Stuntcn Per L ins & Co., is jicrtby re voked. John L. Stanton, P:iiil I'erhins, Cbas. I. Haven, Jonas Crane, s'" 11. M. Atkinson. Brcwcvil'.e, Sept. 20th, 1S.7. ' S TCH T TOO TTlT V STAPLE AND FANCY Embracing all the f ''ilfl T"' the Season. Also, a lcrje and we51-t lectcd stock of Gents Furnishiog Goods, ' BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. ccf i iJ (v Xi ju i!) '-A ATD liu u j A'j-Aiip 9 AND Our Tioods were bought of Cr?t band", and wo think we cun i!fer sorh inducerm-nt to p!irvha"cr. as c.innt tail to tuit thore witLu g to buy. Call nndspo for your eIvc.. All kinds of Produce taken ia exchange for G k-Js 50 I?rch Iyer Raiiin?, Cunnts. Citron Ac. t ! SWAN & BUG'S. Vines, Sfirnbs Cnttings. I will have for sale anl delivery as soon ca frojt dr.ot tiio leaver 00.000 Grape' Cuttings, 5, CC0 . Layers bore Grapes this Season 2.0C0.00Q Osier Willow (the true Bas- ket Willow) Cuttiuus. All of hic!i will be Bold ?i per cent cheaper 'han theycitibe purchased at an Nnr-e Kt ir West R. W. FURNAS, 2 3t Brownviile Nebraska. m mmm FINE STOCK! Call and Seo Tliein. JACOB MAROIIK4 M E E C H A-N tj MUX STEEET, BR0V7X71LLS , NEDRASKA Has now on Land a fall Stock cf PIECE GOODS, Whicb he is prepared to $ell by the yard, cat it out or mko-up ia ih la'.?f. r. iJ ni-vt fishionxMe stU. Also, a larze let rf Read !-v?5 CtotUirz, selected by biaself,. wiiich hi c;ia wrrnt, and Cheaper than was ever- cfTered before ! in this City. , A 23 60 em- uutj cLi WW csj ih ii.y a On raeday nicrht. October 1st, my OHieo in this City was entered and iny Sife robbed of $14,700 in Nation il Rink and Treasury Xotcy, of dt-nouii-iintir.n? from? 5 tolOI. $4,7 1)0 of this money has sinci been recovered , a portion of this money was enclosed in express envelopes. Tiio thive3 re moved those envs op:-, wL;ca we have sines found. I will pay the above reward either for recovery of money or thi apprehension of the thief or thieves wiih inloruiati on teat wul lead to his or their conviction. - T. Vi. BEDFORD. J tf IT'reih Tomatoes, in two and three pund enn?, at 1 SWAX & LKO'rt. S'da Cruckcrs, Ginger Snaps, and Aerated Crack er?, at SU'AN ERU'J. Een. Rogers. R. FUrsas. BEN. ROGERS; & CO., Livery, Fecdaiid Sale Stable, Main Street BROWN VILIiE. NEBRASKA. Dealer? in all kinds of Stock Horses Bougbt.SoTd Exchanged. Stock boarded by the day or week The Proprietor have rocent'y erected an entire new , large Jind Cimoiodou St ib!e on ' ain Street neiirtbe old l?rownvi!lo limine. . Thoir Stock if nil fresh and Vehicles new. The public cf.n be secom-lutdati-d nt all hour., da or r. ij b t. A Stock corrill with uu ihiinlant supply cf pure watt r etached to the Stubie. 4t-ly EVAN WORTHING, "DTT T T A TT5i DA: A N D A Li O O N South side Mainbft. lrland 2J KiotYiivillc, IVebiasJia, Wholeii.alc & lletail Dealer in Y?ines. Liquors-Flemings ndScotbii dies, Lon don Porter, Bcub lin Stout, Cigrs 0 .'.'C-fl.'.YJ . v Pmti Uuigstock If f M O T ly--' ) I Low Prices! PB.ESH GOODS. ROBERT TEARE & CO. Coiner Jlain ar.d Second Street X32ro"V57"Xi.-Villo, UNToTo. Have received and opened their Which is in all respcers ihe mostv.iricd and Ingest tr-T brought to thi m.-irtvi't and th ir G oda arc oITored :it unpr cedcuted i..w figures. They ot! nak nn rx miinHticn to verity th .ir .o: crtsoa. Kv ery artijie i f tr uetmnded iu thi Couuty will be t ound nt thoir hua.-e, via : Dry Goods and Groceries, iiardware and Queenswave, WOODEN and WILLOW WARE "3 C tiiScoJs ana noes, HATS AID GAPS, Tf. TT tri Tf J KM Ostobvr ICth ISC 7 LULtTDBR FOE SALE. I Lave f, r S;:!e abo-it 53.00 feet i.fLnai'ucr, con sisting t f 2 in.-h l'i: c U . ird'.io feet,JfeRfin?, Florri., J ,ii ? 2 by '2 I" fret lr, clear Weii ?fa;ore t Co'rotnvi.nd 1 by l!l Id ftet ion; clear Walnut and Cak L-ar'j, ws. 11 se;uoned , arid f awed Oak I'o,t3. R. W. FURNAS, 2 Ot Bro.Vfiviilf, Nebraska. Bro rnf, Si-It, .u -5. I oTr. Mwt '-i.d 'nd at SWJX A UKOltJIK'S '-r-? ..... r- hA ,MV. w e ! - - v ' 1 '- ' ' - ' r: 1 l c or i A IN CAEAP CASH ST0?.2. .Vjm Sired First and Second. 3ROY7I7VILLE, IT. T. I TToald Rcsp'-c!ful!y in''crrn iYi Cit!xn3 cf lIrown ille, ;i,d yurrr.un'Ii njr c.-ar try that I have just rtccivtj my fait Stock of Vtoodi, consisting i-f Of the latest styles and be: qnility, Mers heavy c i'.f Ut)s, d'.'ille foled !?.-ot?, Fine Kip Roots brs and ernidrens Roots and S..- cs. All k;i:k3 ot La dies' Lot ts and Shoes of the finest aci best qa alitr, India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind, V7codcn Wsro, fStono VTarc, The Lc.-t iuaiity of READY MADE CLOTHING, The le.-t Woolen Under and Over Sh;rf3, Of all Kinds, Wholesale atid Retail. SllOE.MJKERS and IIJRXESS JLdKERS can rely upon having their ordt-r-d fiiltd promptly cn s-hort notice and reasonable terms. Call before pur chasing elsewhere. ; . Y7IHC1I HE OTFERS FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH All cf which he offers at the lowert prices, tiner i;uuc(t Dot to be oa Jcrsu! J. GRANT. To all Who Desire to E&vs T.Ioney. . S ' Vj ll A N u 4 XJ 1X- x 1 Has just received from the Ea,t,a lare and well j H-'ptHil Jilt. Ipf v I tr-VV " ill ia u si Which ho odera at Eastern Prices. lie defies competition nnl will convince a51 wa o willciMa d examine Li? Slock lie ha also a large Stock of " , Hats, Caps and Furnish ing Goods, Trunks &e- Come One, Corns All ivho want to Keep iliclr Bodies Warm. REMEMBER THE MAI. 1ST STREET, S. SEE MAN. At the Sign cf tha teacL E.J C2 Is the plane to buy FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY ! ! ! Keep constantly on hard a complete assortment cf Sufas, Fcdsteads, Tlenureaus, Spring b d, What Noti Wa-drobos, Uocking Cbtlr.. W.i'h S;and. 11 it Ka; ks, Tables. s . Kitchen and Chairs, Kitchen and Parlor, Mar ble topf'd S Und3 L( ur'er. 2 . "f- -f - -j; 1 Tib's tetiees, Js'frfrr- n-unge Mattre sei, '-is' Si-rirgs Kitchen Safes, Tcte tetis - I'lain Stands : SivinCribs, Uo King CHbs, OTi w Chairs, Bed Sj-rin,;, ' Comfort., Chi5drend Cobs ei-d GiCs, rirr.n S:o K, T'.-pry Stan 1. (lilt ar.d Rosewocd Moriding, Sheot. I'illows, pillow Slips, etc., etc., ttc. era. Show Cases a 2 Office Work tj Order And anything and everything reij'iircd to get up pl ' in or fanoy hi.ust-Hrej 5g. A '1 of their ware m cither tnanufkr tnrcd or put up ut: Icr their special snperinter.dn '0, which enable ihivi sound arti.dcs at f tualk-r pikes than eastern ui i.oufact'.ited good). . . OUR HEAltSR- is at the sr-rvico' the uTdie nt any t!rre "it iray ho r:rt(id, aLd is go.teii np in us fir.e jtj le is any farther ca.t. Hetalic Burial Gas of a55tizes co-i'tantlypri eateru jre?. We are duirz bu"rC-! on rt-ictly cash principles. .5.' a mnU 'i-r ,.t. pn t ly a tt:i! ioa tf bi.-dne- and ths wort (,!' lo? c. ir iiion.ty. ctp ciiri tho f iuirc a? in th p. ft lo rvc:'. ih atroag of the ub l:c y. lu'FALL & CO. STRAY POXY. Taken cn by the uidcr-jnel. firing 5 1-2 miles Weft f rirf.wrviiie.f n the 21? t day .f Augn-, 1So7, Cr.e Tny J'are i r y. four years old, r ached rr.ane, S:sr in f ; r l end, l- 'h 1 i::d f,ct nbitc, braf'tdJ I, in riht i'.xa I t.-r, '.im" brand on Lip,rcvtra i U I. ;i;lN 1C11. LI AND P fulfil rffifMpPCTPP N,7,,Vu-A:, V s!'. Caci :S Se . Ac. at : WAN 4 fl.O'S. r.'oticc ol'crecXr.ssirc cf CL attic Wfc?rcSsC.T,'.G:irr-ci-n nrAJo-' OT-Mdi . if bajr.;s :n tha Cit of LrcwnTiil-!, elr:'Fi, mJsr tbi fra i:ao cf G. V.'. Girri.(.n Co., AIortrMd t J.M. Jlrun-Tiek of St. Ua'?, Mo.. rt-.e lii :. t ir-.l Tj'.Io Xa;pbtTC'l 3i7J. one L'.'.janl TaMs .pib'-ei :i7Z2, two fets of Lai U, two d.,?- en Cues, two Mass. two L'riJsa?, two ?e? of Coaa tr?,od twr Cue U.irk-, whiti Saii ! :rt,r? ;o h j dsUd M.iy 3):h, Is 57, ard rfecrded iu 15. r-..-? ! lico.ird .No. 2, on p; ;o D j, m the Rcecruer s (; .. i Xeinah 't)u::ry: Stato of Xebra, crd w::i given to seru.'e thrsj prom'snry notes of even d..-: with said Uiirtrajjoa rl.L-h there i cvv duo t).j gum of 7n3. Aa 1 , wfcereas.dfcfault Lns been r;ili in thccor.diti.yn of payicett cfcr.a of sai l note a? set f;Tth in fid SL rt-g-. llx riTv-ro n -..--i is hereby given that said Ci itt'e ilor'jj will le fore-!,.sc 1 ly Sato of s .id Mortal t:el proi-erty a: Pubii? Auction ia tha ba.jcancni tMory d t!;o trick bai!din tc'iTgiT' to the Rreifrr.eyer Estate in the City of KrownviJ.e, St te of Ieb.-;ki, on the ItUh day of Xovctnher, A. 1. loj7, at cno o'clock r. m Dated .October, :i:h 15.17- .. :d. BRUNSWICK, ( per Tip -fra, Eettt & Chun-h his Attys SBIILlA fcLlTLi Lis ciMsi t a ZIOIPIIZICYS9 H aye rnovnx. IT.OM TEE MOST AMPLE , nn cniire succij; Simple IVoiup'. ETK-ifLt, :ird Il'.ii.ib'e. They are tire only Md- icints i.erfeeii7a!-:.':c-l ta popular u.8 so :ni' 5c thxt r-iisUkos cannot 1-3 icodj in tsing theia ;s.i j harrclcs as tob-J fico i re ai danger, and so cEieictt I as to be always rcii.ibio. Th-.y have raijed the j hi-'hest com-oend itioa from all, and wilt always rendorya-iafactios. K03. ' CeaM t I, Cores Perots, C-. apcsttr.n, laflaroali ns 2. VVevrns. v onii-i-ev.T, w orm-u.oic. 3, 4 Cryiiiii-Colic, or Tecibin of infants, , " loia: 1 ce a of cl:i iitr( n or Rviults. 6. ' ' Dysentery, rU'ii;. Billion Colic 6, " Choiora-i-'l-.rb-us. Voimtin:, 4..J ao .3 25 25 2o 25 1 r, 2: 23 ) CO 6o S 7 ' ' "J P, " Uerdnches. Siek-nclacbe, VrtUo to, , Iivforsia, Billions STomac1! 11. " rurpresfed, or painful Keriojg. 12. v hiter, too p of'jeJ Perl'njs. . 13, " Croup. Cui'h. tt .'ur-iH ire itnins. U- ' H.l!t Kh.-Tm,Kry,i;e!a., K.uyu, lo, " Si lt Kfccuin.trvstieia; Erupti. J. W V i. .1 ' . i ns 11s. I-J. n.ithn. irrv. anl soreor we-it: Fres. , " Cotiirrb, 2'"'U or chrooia, liolan. 1 J CD, Whccpii-K Cough, vioieut CogiiS I ' Asthma, iires-ejj u.-e'.ibu -: 52 liar LMscharses. in-pair'-d Kii'-lr.s 23 PcrctUla, er.i..r;ed Giam;-, S .veliin;. It " General tielliiir, risysicil Weikueis 2 " 1: cpry, arn! sotn'j" .S.civicn 6 " tsa-iskncst, skkr- - rptioj 21 ' IIidney-Disea?c, Gr-1 23 ' l.rervou3 Debility, KerainnrEmis- KiODS iiivcinoiaiy DiscLaie : " fern .Mtu-h, Ci.ker 30 Urinnry VV Ciiiintt-R, weit'.n- ied 31 " Painlul Pcvicds, with Spasmi 32 " f-'utevirgs st f hane of !i!e 33 " TipilTiy, Spin, Sr. Vuna' Oace 'H 11 D;ph'.hciia, uhxratiU S.-ra Throat 6 60 to c; fo 6 J 10 6 6 1 0 I. CO l.l 0 6U FAJI.LT CASES.. Cf 35 larc vials, nserecco ca.Sr,contai2iiaJJ a specific lor cv tit j-din;xJ3" t!c.ieas a8"aimJy is subjret to, r.s:d abco;t ofdircclioas, -10 OO Smal'er Faraiv ai.d Traveling cases, wtih 2o ta i8 vi.i;, $-3 to $3 E;ieciiics for a!l f rivnte Ccarcs, toth for Caring at;J f:r i'lxvoritavo treatracnt. Iu via s ar.a packet cases, $2 to $3 For Sale ly 47-Iy MtGO?IAS& Co.. Erowr-villeNrb. FOR NON-RETENTION os IXCONTINUNCL of Urine, ir: 'nation, 'n il mi 1 lion or ulceration ol the bladder. r kid n. ., disea.'ta of tha pro.-taU gtjird.-i, st'-ne iu tho bladder, calculn?, gr:ivol cr brick dust deposit, and a'l disease? of tbo bladder, kidniv- and droptiml swuiiing, Ust Hei.meoi.i;'3 I'u'id Kithvct Hrnir. FOB?' E0I 1 S' CS:?? 1 1 J;ji K.1 bn-i ill IK.. Vi f':r 1.1 V 5 fb- a 2 . 5c! 5- fit z H r r t H fr': f, ( i 5 n I , -. . K' s. a r T, Li o ei53 ' i j ' c A. H. 3 CD CO it.," ' ; (3 so :7 J o o - - t rTAl.SOi NE15 7 O IT j. W T S . FS TRAY NOT1CF. Taken ap oa t o ltd :r .f Auut, 15G7,withit; inj br.riorii.c2. tno tnilt Souticf IVj nvii!e, . i ."lij- ,. i.:5k, r-u? w-ii;a iiori?, ttan- i CTo r. t& ill) 4 tied wi.u i..c i- Umi . it. ta tiie 1- ii li ,f tc: carftdd .. t Sp irg. T'ANIEL I'EyNT. T T ? V I s f 1 ' 1 ' 1 TpJ.- i"r"" " ' "T: x - - - :vi::;v rrsci.n-TDX. LOUI ' i I'i hi.;;, v. (::.-; n ; l ii; bv Ilcimh.d.i's F..Ttr?c !u. b.-x. r1 1 V,a v for ?.ib- rb"'.t r 1 Coot ri, sui-abio for Gn'r Arlvri au i I'oj'.j. cen:j cah. R. W. FURNAS, 2-3J Rrownvi! e Xel.ranks. LEGJ1L JVOTICV. D. J. HoCann & Co. 1 I'itrl.-t Court, Xni vs ha Ck oi.y. Nclraki, Wrn. Vinicr.t ) la ivtta(.Litat. To Win. VircfT t. y"j are hereby rctiErd tl n action h.-3 been br. : 7 t ncrtinst y a by th sbove risml tlsintiui. 1. J. ?-;i-Carn .t Co., ia th l'.-tri. C ur: of County Xelrak., whertin tlevc'.iiin tf vo'i the sum ofTwo hundrei rlolliw with i i.tcre?t ihtrecn from the 21th dj cf Jir.u:iry, A. 1). !:'. nf th-ratnof tlicfn pif cent pt r aua :ru. as t v; dcreo 1 1 y a y :c :ni ry n-t t-f tLif di'.e ,secuted by yea. that an crJerof tacbnjfnt has h.n i?uc 1 ia said cans, and' yoaf proptrtr, to -wit : ibs bud f .M.rth i';-.rtcr, nd th.i X rib V.-t rpi ft-'r of tb r'A u c-d cua-tcr, Sj:?-n j, Township , -cr b tl Ear' l-t, L.;.-tofoth rr'.n-ir .1! J'erid, an fc att:u a a. yur prrpcr'y , ur.d tat uijtes3 yoa r par oti or f the 4:'i - of Xovenber. A. D. LSj7, and j lua 1 aoswer or ivaia; t t'io petition filed in so d caus, a ji-'rr.r. y d;fiu!t will rnteied 8-ninjt jru. for a'-ij'.int atioT c5aiie-l and said att.ieLcu j rcu.i-e r.d s..!d to py th stm with cost?. "September, I lib 15C7 w:d. 31..LENXAX. 51-4t 41:,.ra Attrrny for I'!aintiiT. Stoneware, Baskctr, Washb"nrd. I..ntrn 4e. SIXOND HAND HEAVY WAGON Wo hare at onr 5tald f-r s cr barter, a near ly new second Iihti 1 hoov V.. ;- n. JJLN ROCJLRS S: CO. 2 nt Brownviile, Nbr::ska. A GOOD k U X v$ 1 i li cno of! h1? rno-t Pft-e.Mry ail di-irallo ar tieK's of i.oo-c'i-11 t t.iiiou.y.i.d if pri.( erly lii in:,.;p d.v. i!I prMtc ' b J 'ii 'US, 0"l ' fuit at.d hi pi-i-- of r v ry i.l oa b r of toe f..iu.; y. 110 CGOZIHG 5T0VE" - ITive ever 1 ?rn brought Iji-fra the puLln; which obtained so grwit a opul.trity n ciet wiih uhr favi.o' than too l j ' -,NI PlTEioatJi Bocli OVi:!t 100 COO OF TEELH C'il.E B!t ATED COOKING STOVES U.-vo been 11 in 'cr fol -i.v-n'ntce, and wa olT.r them as refrronoe wherevtT fi.uud. THE IMPROVED CHARTER' OAK With Extvsiim Top, Flas but onr Co-Tpcr. nnd i po piTp'i in i's ron ;rnefion tha t i c'tl'd ran rrrs i'. The oven iro lanrcr, bake ni'.ro nnii n u . "u 1 th St-ivo hoar ier than toy Cooki:ig Stto of eorr. 3:;i llr "r n ' It. Uovs-k'tpers, SJovt Difm lV Tinner Cm rfjr u"i berpo. soppiiod at the lowest! W t ir.d wiii find it lo tteir advantag to send f.r ai.d sa-iiinc our I'.:.;c L V i"-d (5'.,a! -goM bjf ro fur :!.a.i jj c!vhore. Ad Ir?', EXCELSIOli MANUrACTURING CO C!I.U:i Main Strrc ST. I.OL'IS .MO. ToId ly Sbellentcrgcr Eio., , PrcwrrWf, .Wlraiktt. n n -a n)r Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renever Tins stood Hie test cf seven year before thb public; and no prepara tion for ihe hair han yet been tlis covercd that will produce the samo beneficial remits. It is an entirelj new scientific discover, combining': mant of the most powerful and re storative agent in the VEGETABLE KINGDOM. It restores CRAY HAir? TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. It makes the scalp white and clean; cures dandruff and humors, and falUns" out of tho hair; and will make it grow upon bald heads, except in very afed persons, as it furnishes the nutri tive principle 0 which the hair is nourished and supported. Jt make the hair moist, soft, and tjlossy, and is unsurpassed as a HA III 1) li i: S S l A G. 1 1 ir, the ch ca pes S preparation ever offered to the pub lic, as one bottle will accomplish more and last longer than threa boftlct of ant oilier preparation. It is recommended and used by the First 31 c -Ileal Authority. The w'onderfitl results producctZ br our Sicilian Hair llenetver havet iiiduccd many to manufacture pre parations for the Hair, under va rious names; and, in ider to in duce the trade and i'.c jmblic to purchase their comjtomnls, they t have resorted to falsehood, by ' v claiming they were former part ners, or had some connection with our Jlr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to orirs. Do ttoJ. be deceived by them, l'urchase the original: it h'ts never yet been equalled. Our Treat i :e on thellairp with certificates, sent free by mail See that each bottld' has our privatet Jleienuc Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others arc imitations. R. P. Hall & Co.. Prep's, Nashua, N. H. S'Jl ly CiZ Dr t.-.ists ar.J Dtden in Alidirin. C. A. COOK, G7 Dearborn St. Chicago, X Azeat fr tho Xortla-YJ'e.trrn Ktatea. IJ tkle. Cm cVoi: f ali k'.nl', anl O, SWAN stcrs at; swan a i:r.o-s. 1) ar.rll ;.'.ir,y, ". -a5.. .. i-ur A; ,' ) V. A HI' OTi! EK L) i'.ut r.o; ,1. tl. J. i.'-i ! " i'frr-i ;u.J nr;:.H!f it.' rri o p, E 1 L - II L7 Aw; W q X . i. T'" 3 t I, y . K cr c ; .ci tf- m -f - it. ca. C! seJ ria too art. of A w took I in ctei tha "rom rcrni t wa pcof f:er , W9 rs, at On trror; r.'n ( . and! to; re Ti" fr-rj' ' A)3 at; copp( 1 th ture? n tei'j rehet ienaj r, ihj nassil uJ h nt . j d tb! oed I od I ?r c: r! wj it, it re ct I C4 statdj id V -l Tl'., close t a .; eie 1 $ b2' ?l sav prj , cbi ' i icrc' !1 I!