i f ' 1 , 4 . . ; . ft ' ' j k' I joiin l coi.iiapp.kditoPw. tOVrxnLLC.TIlUKSHAY. CCT. 10, Returns cf the recent flection were car.rajed this forenoon too late to et the -ccial -tall?.- The fun eral result is: Prelum JV.!je, A. V. ITcrjran; Cojnmisrior.cr, Jis. L. M' Gee; Sheriff, DivlJscn pa: tcrs ; Coun ty Clerk, Jas. TJaibcr; Treasurr-r, G. V. B;attcn; Coroner, B.:rr.?i:d Oitens; Surrtycr, F. Wtiht. Otoe cccr.ty at la!?it cckice had rc'.j gene ?o muchly Democratic as usual. I The JWirs basscrue doubts as to the elec tion, cf a.Democrutic Cleric and Com missioner. - . Djuglas, usually a Democratic county has gone Republican by CCO majority. Bally for Douglas ; cannot resign the fcacner into bettar hands for a twelve month, yet, next year we shall claim it tain. ... . ' " " Later ana Better. The Republicans cf Otoe Las elected a Prolate Judge, Ccunty Clerk tndCcr encr. " ' . - t V;- , v V v ' ' V v - ": Atclilscn Ccnnly Fair. : Atchison Ccunty holds its. Agricul tural end Mechanical Fair text, Wed nesday aDd Thursday, and a bitj time " is expected. It will be held, at Rock fort. V We hepe many cf cur citizens will give them a call, as they turned cut no bly to ours. As that ccunty is much old- cr than this, a much larger attendance will be had and a occd thowinj will doubtless be made. We acknowled receipt through J. P. Dcpf of complimentary tickets ' for the eflieertrf the Kcmaha' County Agricul tural Society. . . ' Tiic Ecn Johnson Snr,L!!The itearncr Ben. Johnson, upward bound, itruck a snag, in the slough just 'above i!n3 city, last Saturday' breaking a hole through her hull about ten feet long, and unk to her lower deck. The following I'm of losses we copy from the Nebras ka Cay Xews : R. Hawke Sc Co., 57 cacks of wheat, insured ia the iCtna, total loss; Wm. Dill, tQO sacks cf wheat, insured in Heme, pf -N. Ycrk for 51,500, 350 sacks lost; D. J. Mc Cana, 1C3 sacks cf ' wheat, insured in Home, nearly oil saved ; Ashtca & Tait, C2.500 worth cf corn, injured ia the Underwriter's Agency, all saved ; White," cf - Leavenworth, 500 sack? cf wheat, all saved. Mr. Harding thiiiks the boat can be raised. Anullier Steamer Sank! By the ki:.d;;e.53 cf J. K. Bc-ar we learn thai . the picket J. II. Lacy 'bunk this, Thursday, evening nbout fifteen railee below Liwa Pitit. She s'.tuck cn Winnelaga l.ur, cb.)vj White Cloud, breaking a great many cf the U'rgK tim bers ia her hull, which caused her to leak and sink as above slated. No further particulars learned. Wc are pleased to notice a ccrrespon denco from thi3 city in the Neb., City Yors, which makes some very good points upon the progress and improve ment cf cur city. Perhaps, the great amount of truth in the correspondence thould make come amends ror the few grain3.cf the opposite character which it contains. Vet we know cf no founda tion fcr such aa assertion as the follow ing ia said correspondence : 'The most prominent and influential mea cf this ci'y do net regard with favor the Atchtsca and Nebraska City Rail road, thiir cljcction caused frubal!y by tkt last r.ac." . W'e assert, cn the ccn'.rary, that 'the most prominent and indaeutial "mea cf tbis city"' da regard, this road with fa vor, but do act propo&e to li it interfere with bd east and west connection, which row demands their whole attention and will undoubtedly receive all their support, at least until the A. k N. C: Road de mands something. The Air Line Road will be one of the maia stems cf the U. T. R. R., whila the A.-& N. C, road will never give to this county any prcav inance ca the Missouri river above oth er counties along the rouis. Yet, it has to far demanded nothing, and no opposi tion has therefore been engendered. The slur contained ia the last lines is entirely gratuitous and uncalled fori Brcinville is making, her destiny upon merit, not upon hatred cr detractioa cf ether pointvA-? .'caV scratching to the contrary totwiihiunding; One r.f the loeomctirei cf the cccstruc lica traia ca the . St. Jos fc Ccuncil IIuTRcilrcii iz right cf-Ndraska Ciy ca the evening rf the Srd. But a f-w monhs will elapse until its whtsila t .-ill Is heard epjesjte this city. f'f'A '.'(im : 't f--itt?v To iTS'fuiiM)3 A3D Path or s : I am authorized to say that the N era aha Coun ty A r-ricukural zi ? ! ecH nicr.l Fair. IviU cq lie 25th, iiCth- aud J7ih ultimo, proved cn entire r;.cc:-3 r! , re:p;rt?. TLui, the permanent 1 ..ur.dati.:'a h hjd cf an crgaLi2atio .tItulAt Nlit i.!' Le licvt.J. to ai J wonderfully ia developing lie agriculture, hiccLanicf.i and artistic resources and abilities cf cur premising Slate. Fr.:ni the manifestation? at and tinco the Fair, a conclusion .i warranted that preparations will immedi ately commence for a carnival nii year that will astonish the most sanguine friend of our highly favored scil and cli mate. Let the farmer, n.etlianic, man ufacturer, ai.d producer' of whatroerer Ohar a'citrT jirrpa're"" ta ' bring tHelr "first and' lest fruits" grains, vegetables, stock, implements, machinery, n-anafacr tores, handicrafts and - arts.. -.Let our "fair ccuntrywomn"- bring", i'lf ir ofitr i'ns cf &'cri- iheir'rich' samples from the garden, oven and dairy -the results cf their skill with the nqedl, shuttle, kniutrg-pin, and pencil.; . No. organiza tions are n,cre inMrumtural in introduc i:j,7 superior breeds cf 'stock,' improved and' labor-saving, machineryar.d ena'.ir ngjng .industry and. mechanism, m. A healthy tmulatioa is cultivated. People cf nil ag(?, grades, s.'xes. end cf'all pcjuicsl ar.a religious compfexions meet and form; new acquaintances acquire new opinions- and., more-. enlarged ideas, and becGrns better fitted for fouty.; ; 1 ; ! ' R. W: FcnxWvPrea't. i:ctc3 c:i llic Fair. The.clas-ses'.ivere generally wellfiJled and the competition close and lively. . We assumed -.the privilege, cf taking a few notes, and intend to print 'em. Of coru ih'j showing was such a3 to nobly sustain Nebraska's reputation as cni of the best corn raising States .in. the .Union; VTe measured .and weighed .a-few speci mens as this would give a better idea than cculd be arrived at ia any other manner : . . . - . . . . . . . - G. Shellhorn, 5 ears yellow weighed S pounds, average length 12 inches. B. F. Mclninch, 5 ears white 8 lbs., average length 11 inches. ' V ; , Geo. J. Bryant, 5 ear white, 7 lb3; length .11 inches. ;. ; -. : S S Lawrence, 3 ears white, 4 1-2 lbs 12 inches. '' : ' ' ; Jesse Cole, 5 ears white, 7 lbs, 10 inches. W B Phillips, 5 ears, white, 5 1-2 lbs, 10 1-2 inches. " ; " " - . H O Minick, 5 year white,! 5 jbs, 9 inches. "' ' 1 ' '- ! . ' W S Hughes, Gears, pure white, G 1-2 lbs. 9 inches. . . ' ' , Ceo. Marshall, 5 ears, yelloV, 7 lbs, 12 1-0 inches in length. This is but afevv average samples, the collection embracing almost every known variety, among the rest Geo. Marshall exhibited ". sortie of" the regular : Flour Corn raised in this county, as fine a specimen 'as we l ave ever seen. Why is not this kind of corn more extensively raised to make meal of ? It is certainly the only kind of corn adapted exclusive ly fcr that purpoe.'; : ; , Tha showing of 'Wheat was not so full a s was hoped, yet the samples were very fine. ' Ed. "Smith took the first pre mium. . . t - t The display cf Root Crops tvas'Tull ; u'give the weight and size of; the ave rage: ' ' Geo R Davis, white beet, weighed 13 1 2 b?. 20 inches long and the same in circumference. ' ", Jacob Collins,' one white beet, 9 lbs., 15 inches long and 19 in circumference; and one weighing 11 1-2 lbs, 24 inches long and IS around. ' " . ' A T D Hughes, Turnips, one weigh ing G lb?. 23 inches- in'circumference. . R W Furais. Turnips, "one weighing 5 1-2 lbs, 22 inches around. S:afTord exhibited some Carrois 2 feet long, and broke off ia the ground where they were one inch in diameter. : The varieties cf Tomatoes were well represented, as were alsoSweel and Irish Potatoes, in samples choice, yet not'near so large as we have seen raised in this county, and we 'were much pleased to hear the general determination of our farmers to do better next season, i Several specimens of large Onions were exhibittd, El. Smith had half bushel averaging near a poynd ap;ece. Geo Shellhorn and. Jamsf Coleman had the largest heads of Cal bageon tne ground, average weight abcut GO lbs. each. Geo Marshall, Pumpkin. 5 feet in cir cumference. Squash, A T D Hughes, 4 1-2 feet in circumference. ' . v . Th display of Fruit was ragnificent, the collection of Grapes, : Pears, Plums, etc., exhibited from the garden of Col. Furnas, would do credit to any old fruit country.' In size and flavor they could not be excelled a'nvwhere. Mrs. Lovtless made a very fine dis play cf variety cf S'immer, Fall and Winter apples and Peaches, from the Loveless Farm near London. Amonir the choicest of her collection, and the hardiest in this climate, we notice the B'g French, weighing nar a pound each, the Pound Pippin, Limber Twig and Winesapp, all being extra fine of their kind r.nd of splendid flavor.' Their IVache?, though seedlings, were large nr.d well flavored. The show ing of send ling apple. froi: this farm wa? very fine. Chris. Deuser, Hiram Alderinan and Mrs. Thurman were cn hand with Pound r sppins, aveiaging mare than" their name would indicate. Flora ; tho .Council Phils jYcjareil we learn that.M' Phe!p the ccntractcr, is now wokirg four hundred hands. 03 the St. Joseph end cf the road. It is heprd that the grading will to ccr.ple t.i thb " wsnler. '".'""' Clc-b FxcrdcCJ cf tlic Erora- On Friday evening cf this present wpc-k I.'is Jfhnscn's and Mrs. IIcKen-z-'sDurterts will have, their exhi Lticns.: . ' . On :Vjnday. Oct. ir hsni;iccnme-c3 a. re gr.!:.r' exartr.naticn wf all ih - classes taught durir'"l'.e the term. Th'i3 ex aminatica'will continue till Tuesday nccn. .Tuesday afternoon will Le occupied ia listening to Declaiaalicns. and Ccmpcsi tions from the two remaining, Depart ments cf the School. We. cordially invite the friends in to listen to what the students have prepared f C r ; t h c i r c I o i p g t He r I n gi' - To t!:o citizens cf I)ror,mii!e. We.wish ty say one.wird more. to cur friends in Erovvnvilia concerning.- the forthcoming-Teacher's 'Association.' We cannot tell how many'may come from a distance to claim your hospitality, but we do hope, be. they many cr. few that they wilf receive a hearty welcome; that the good name cf Brownville in this respect may still be preserved. We-hope, further, that the friends and well-wishers-of -ih i -cause of education ; wilL Eitend ihe Association as much as possible; and: .we .especially" urge our prcfessronal men to give it their support and. encouragemen t... ' ' ' . As a" body cf teachers we. need your sympathy and .. cq- bp6ra"tion, and ' we would' most cordially invite the ministers' of all denominations 10 come in and lake part with Us in our deliberations. J , " ' ' O: B. HEWETT, ) "L''i ;: j: MM'KENZIE s 7 ; Treasurer Report . Of . the Receipts ' an-l Expenditures, of . iht . JSeniaha Cosily Jlgriculturil Society jar the year lS'67 'y . . ' . .. . :v Receipts" fr ni all sources, mem- . ' bership?, admission tickets, rent J of-Booths and sale of .'lumber . 57jS 75 Expenditures for lumber, labor, r printing and ina erial for arrang- ;ng grouads and wall, - 4G2 00 v Exces3 of Receipts,' 116.73 The Society, by a provision ;cf a ; ; . State S.atute rilative to County ": Agricultural Sucieties, is pniitled ' to two cents batata inhabitant, ' r ''' which amounts a . ; :i ' G.S0 The .-Society has jordered 300 Vignette Engra'ved Diplomas, at , . -a coat here cf , 45 CO . Unexpended, S1C3.53 . The award of cash premiums, by. the Society, amount to 333. Thus farr;ali who drew, cash premiums and have been Conferred with,' have donated' their re spective. amount?. It is presumable that most of the remainder, will do the same. : V . ': S. W. KENNEDY, - "' Treasurer. , Farmers efJienMlia County. The. United States; Commissioner of Agricuhure has requested me fo furpi-h hirn from Nebraska,-for use in the Agri cultural Bureau at-Washington, certain ngricultural statistics . and samples of agricultural pioducts cf this, State... Tiie samples nill.be placed cn . exhibition in the Agricultural Department with the name and residence of the donor or pro ducer attached. ' If those having speci mens of corn, cat, wheat, potatoes, tur nips, beets, carrots, Jn short, anything produced in Nebraska, and desiring to contribute them, will leave them with me in Bro.wnville. I will see that they are properly marked and forwarded. The statistics particularly desired is the yield this year, per acre, of com, oats, rye, wheat, buckwheat, potatoes, &c. The interests cf i.gncuhure will be served by furnishing this desired infor mation.' I hope farmers will comply. ' 'R. W. Furnas, Prest. Nemaha co. Ag 1 Soc'y. ' LIST. OF PaEHIlJ3i3 . : . Awarded at tlie Secoud Annual Fair of the Nemaha Agricultural Society, held at Brownville, Nebraska, Septem ber 25ih, 26th and 27th. 1SG7. ' Claw Horses Stallion for all work 4 years and over, H P Manning diplotmi and 1st premium ; A Dodd, 2d premium. . Stallion 3 years old,' J W Argabright, 1st premium , Stallion . 2' years old, C C Hale.Ist premium. . . . Stallion with; 5 hel Spring Colts of his getting, Geo Ashley Ist'preRiiuai. . Gelding for all work, H P Manning, diploma, Ja3 Million 21 'premium. , Gelding for draft, J Jl Rogers, lit pre mium; J W Bru-h 2d premium. Spaiiinatched Horse?.A Tynan 1st pre mium: We?Iy Penny 2d premium. Gelding 3 ye ars old, J II, Drain 1st and 2iid prtmiams.. Gtlding 2 years eld, Joseph Medfard, Jst premium. . Gelding, 1 year old, N A Coleman 1st premium; J H Drain 2d premium. . Spring Colt (either sex) N A Cole man; 1st premium; Geo Ashley 2d pre mium.; j.. Broad "Mure for all work 4 3ears old and over, Wm P.IcKinneyr Ul prem-um; N A Coleman 2d premium. Brood Mare 3 vears eld, Wm McKin ney 1st pretnium;Wm Corn 21 premium. Mare Celt 2 years old, Wm McICin ney 1st premium; a Francis Redfera 2d premium. . - . .Mare Colt 1 year odd, Jno Argabright 1st premium; .Wra, Reed 2.J premium.. . Single.. Roadster in Harness, T .. W Bedford, .1st premium; 3 Seemaa 2d pre-, raium. ,-.;:- .:. , P-. . . Class DJa&s'caid JU-Jfs , - : -Pair 2 year old Mules, Joha Creesoa 1st premium.-1 ".' ' ' ' .': -r P.tir n vpar cld mulC3. R 1st premium. rMuleSyears cU.Abrahara Fenny 1st iretaiuta . " Class ECclllt '. Ball 3 -years old and ever, R V,' Fur- Ball I y'e.ar-clJ and ever, J. W. c.:- ; man lat-t-rnniuia Bull Calf, J W Blackburn 1st premium, tleif-r CahV. WTirrell 1st premium. Cow for Dairy and Stock, J C Clark 1st premium; J W. Deary 2d premium. Fat Cow, J C Clark Ut premium ' Gas's T -Swine. " Boar, W.H Hawley .Ist premiura Boar Pig Sow. . . .1 It So w Pig ' ' Litter-of Pig It W. Furnas 1st pre mium, I. Black, 2d premium ... . . Class JJ&ii'cef ia.xC5 ... ;r Stflion. ;Vim.B.'iriz3l diploma. . : '. Span Matched Horses, Fred.-rjI.Sper-ry front Atchison Co Mo,, diploma. : SadoTe, Horse, "Jas'.W, . Argabright. di-, ploriia. ..r. , t. - i, .;; : : ., .Gelding,' JacobTH Rogers .diploma. . i - - . - - -' i ' i i - t i . ' ; , Class l-rFgm Implements B?st Stirring Plow, Hill ii. Co., diploma. Best Sincle Wigon, J Merlatt diploaia. Best Reaper' McCormick, Eli II Wil cox .diploma, ' n - v.-:.'.: ' . -t Best MowerJI O SIianiclc diploma; ... Best Harrow A. W Morgan. 'lst pre-, iiiium--; . . . - ' . . Bst Corn Cultivator, A ;W, Morgan diploma. . .-: ; -o " ' Best Corn Sheller for hand power. J C Dc user diploma ' v : . : ' ,Best Washing Machine, J . II Clagget diploma.-.". I - ' "'v-' .-.' v '"'-r :- . " Best CJjthe's W'ringev Shellenberger Bros dij Ionia. .' . Best Portable Fanning :.'Mill,-- R"-A Hawley diplirna at-. i : Best Swird , Flaw, A- Wr j Morgan' -d i--ploma ':.-'' '1 ' : .V.-. "s-v ;': : Best Gang-Plow, A -W Morgan - di ploina. -. : : ; r - i i :; !'.. .. . ..,r.: , .. . .... c - - ' - . Class- K.' JVorJ: on Leather " r " Saddle for Gentlemen, Gallatin i Co Nebraska City diploma :: 1 - '.. Saddle arid Bridle for Lady, Gallatin c Co.,- Nebraska City, diploma 1 1 '..Class L-Domesiic JJanvfaciuriss. , - Ten- Yards of Jeans, Mrs -A Dodd 1st premium ;r . ' 1 ,.;;.. Ttr Yards Rag Carpet, Mrs. R A Hawley 2d premiarn - '""' '". '.'..' a h. -. .' ' -s i ,:. ' :. Class.. JI : ; - '. Best Counter Pane, Mrs 'Henry; Hart diploma r i: . ; ; B-st Bed QoiltMrs F: A Tisdel -di-Dloma: V B -Philips;2d pTemium i , " Bf-st Pair Woc4en Hoes, Mrs Wf-B Philips 1st premium ; Bast pair Woolen Socks, 'Mrs W B Philips 1st. premium ' ' ; ' Specimen of Embroidery,' Mrs Kate F Crane diploma . . - - - Worsted Quiltr Mrs Mary Brown 1st premium - Display of Needle Work, Mrs McCo mas diploma ;:- ;. . 1 ' Display of Worsted Embroidery, -Mrs. J Q A Smith diploma, Mrs. F. A. Tis deh 1st. premium " - . . . : ; Lamp Slat, Mrs Armstrong diploma ; Mrs F A Tisdellft premium Pin Cushin, Mi?s: Nelson lt premium. : Chair Tidy, Miss Morey diploma '; Bend Work, IIrs F A Tisdel diploma Ottoman, Mrs J L Carson diploma ' '. Gaunter Pane.' Mrs T Black diploma Djsplay of Crochet work, Mrs Eunice Leach 1st premium : . - '1 ' -) '. , - - - ' ' !-. . I .Class Jf Mechanical - ; -. Dressing Bureau, McFall &. Co., 1st premium - ; : . : ; r : ; Dining Table, McFali .Co., 1st prera. Wardrobe .. . !: .1. . '. : Sample cf graining: .. u Sample of painting, L Waldter 1st prem Sample of Tailor work, J Marohn Class : O-Florai . ; . . ; Variety cut Flowerslis Downey diploma Variety of Dahlias, . . r i Boquet, : - CLASS P-FR TJITS ." Variety of Apples', J. C'Deuser l3f pre mium; Jane' Loveless 2J premium ' Greatest Variety of Pears, R W Fur nas 1st' premium ' ; " ' ' ' ' Greatest Viirlelies. of 'Peaches, Sirs Jane Loveless 1st "premium; Twobert Gnl inore 2d premium. ' " "" Greaieal ' Variety of Plumbs, R W Furnas 1st premium ' '. Greatest Variety of Grapes, , R V' Furnas' 1st premium : .. CLASS Q--VEGZTABLE3 : Six heads of Cabbage, G Shelhorn 1st premium. -' - Sweet Potatoes, J B Johnson 1st pre mium ' : - ; Irish Potatoes (Neshanocks), Geo J Bryant 1st premium; W S Hughes 2d premium. Beets. Geo J Bryant 1st premium; J Cvlhus 2d premium Onions. Ed Smith 1st premium; J Col lins 2d premium : Mango Pepp- rs. R W. Furnas 1st prim. White Beans, W B Philips 1st premium Sweet Com, II O Mmick 1st premium ; Isaac Biack 2d premium Pumpkins, Geo Marshall 1st peraium; J B Johnson 2d premium '. : ... Squashes, A ;T D. Hughes 1st pre mium; J Collins 2d premium. Citron, W B Philips 1st premium Turnips, R W Furna? .1st premium; A T D Hughes 2d premium Pop-Corn. R IV F-unnas 1st premium Display of Vegetables'owned by one per son.. U IV Furnas 1st premium; A Sti fel 2d premium lrish;Potatoes ( California ),JVm T Par is 1st premium i- . ' 'CLASS SGRN ' Corn, BF Mclninch 1st premium; GeoJ Bryant 2d premiura ' . irnne Corn,' Jacob Collins 1st premium; G Shelhorn. 2i premium. ' . , " it fine i all If heat, E R Camp 1st prem Red Spring, : El Smith 1st pre mium; IVS Hughes 2d premium. Nats, W S Hughes 1st premiura V CLASS T RUTTEIt, CIIZZSSLc. Five pounds of Butler, M J Armstrong 1st premium; Miss Kittie Cdersaa 2i pretaium" ' " '" s ' ' ' ' ' ' " '" Ilonoy. R IV Fur: 23 let pru' Francis Redfern 2i Premium Pre serves, Mrs R IF Furnas 1st p: Currants, I u 1 1 1 1 11 Go r.eternes, " 1 uT.. Ty. j Leave s cf I'amily h: d, r i ty coit'man 1st ; m ; - m i . - fc- Ts;a JJJ pre u i . i , Pickles,-Lss Ilittey Co:,:aan 1st CLASS UFL OLT. and HE A L Sack of Fall Wheat Flour, Ihcmn, son Bros : Loveles diploma -' Spring" Wheat Flour, Thof.peca Bro. 2c Loveies3 1st premium , CLS3 rFIXEAR? Best Oil Painting,-Misj E Abby Jean son 1st premium f . T.. I J KKt. I-.i.n- , -w .Feather Ijwisr Mrs Clpgget. Is 'prem. CLASS XD IS CiiETIOXART Display of Photographs and Ambrctypes A Srahcrd:diplc:ai ; Colleclioa'cf PotatccYJ I v 1 x arras di- ploiaa -. 8 a n 1 p 1 e, s -o f T u r r a p s . Tt ' V F u r n a s d : p 1 6 m a Chair -Tidy Mrs W Mt Fhilfps- diplJma. Door Rug, Mrsjvi J Armstrong i t pre ratum. IlBttuiigracUae-, -riilibn-'Jchn' LCol happ, f!i; ! .-ma,.., ... , , . . .. s ; p;.ip.luy .of C r ? ch' e r y u V a ri;YSc h & Uto. of Rose Bottom Mo. Pottery dipUma. , 'BTsplay 'of Clothing. S -Seicaa' diploma. Display of. Cc.insaua Ge. Jogical. Cvllec 'ticn, John'L Crfon- diploiaa'. --- - To.y.S?ove4.J C Deu?tr diploa a.. . , I Coi St'ovr, .; '-; ' 44 hrbm.u1 i . Cook .Stpve,;Shejleabergerr L'rcb;-,:. 1st premium ' ; H e a t i n Si 0 v e , S h e 1 1 nb e r g t? i ' U?03 i i -. ploma ". 5 Display 1 of Jlardvvare, . ,Shd!fs burger TSros'lsrcr'trriiiuih. ? " ! "Jar cf Catsup, Mrs-F 'A 'Tis3 ef In prem B-averRo.b?, Mrs S- Jl Jamison diuloma Child 3 Bonnet, IMrsf1 W Kennedy Jst Irti'h In'ti-Freezing' Forc Tvpy, 'Jno" C Deuse'r'Git.Ioma La'dies-Bidnet.'MlsVZctla 'McCord 1st 'prem Him.-';. !: ' ",s . ': . Cashmere Beaver Cloth; J'JIaroha ' di-ptdrna- - i ' ; : ": : ''' . ; . ,'.s:;v . Doeskin Clothj J'Maroha diploma Sewing Machine, . u Needle.Cushicn, MrsChggt 2 st prem. Engraving""' " ' ' ; Wreatli of .Butterflies,-. Miss- Zetta Mc Cdrdiplomaj 'f ;r 1 ju '. Mosaic Work, " diploma Door Rug.. Mrs Wilson -11 premium . Display cfjDrochel work, Mrs F A Tis dil.dipuiiha' ' - ' : --- Custwn Made Boats and Shoes, Hackney diplom'i : '-' - ' Best Display of Bratnas, R, W Fur has diploma' 1 vti- ' ' ' ' :' u ' Best Display . of Shanghais, R.W. Furnas diploma -: .i . -. . :. . t - .' B-'.st Samples . Cashmere Bool, R. VF Furnas diploma Prsa Cashmere Gcats, B W Fumes di- : ;. ci.AS3 aa--Hesges and Geovss.: ' ; 1st Bstrl acres, 3 year old Grove, H O. Mniick : . lt Best 1 acre; 2 year c!dGree Gi O JlirysTst..,, 1 ..". V. ' 2d Best 1 acre, 2 year old Grove, W FrParis. . ...... '; .-. :' 1st Best 80 Red of Osage Fence Geo ...... i .... . C ' Crow 2d JteA SO nod cf-0-'?j3 Fen; e, S W Kennedy ' r . 1st Bestf40 .Rpdrt of Osage .Fence this years growth, VV F Paris ; 2d Best 40 Rod cf Osage FtLce, tKis year's growth, Geo J Bryaut Yourcomrr.it.ee woull further repcrrt, that,' ou 'examination cf ihe severi4 en tries in this ela?, as rpa-tpd, that, ia order to more fully sjl fonh the great success lhaT,has;.fcj,vAys nitendvcr the set ting'om cf HeJges aiid Groves in South ern Nebraska, and in order to certior ate ihe mauy j-tatf myn's that have gone out to the world in regard to ihi luxuri ant, growth if fiuir aod forest trees io Nemaha county, and especially as there wa quite a number of our witeprising farmers who, through the imperfection of the prtTu'ii urn list, did hot compete for prizes, thgught.it'rio mere than justice to ibtrn'snd the ,ct?uf)iy, 'to m-ikei further examinations and give the at-lira 1 meas urements of the growths and manner cf culture in other localities. There were , three; entries cf ..Osage Orange Hedges of one year's growth, all of wtych were very fine specimens ; those receiving the firt an I second pre iniums;were planted eight inches apart, and had made a' growth from two nnd a half to six and a half feet high, very even, and to all appearance, would ma ture sufficient to stand a severe winter. On the list of grouo up hedges'we find only two entries, loth of which are able to withstand all the nt'ack of unruly cattle to break dewn or j .-tap over. or the .attempts, of. pigs, to" crt'p.. through hav ing made a grovvtnct at least 1 feet high and so thick ns to exclude even day light itself; and '-what is more striking, ihey are rilmost entirely self-made and -i.t i,,.-.A - l... o since planting, demonstrating fully their ability io stand our climate and anake a permanent and cheap protection- It is ndt an experiment now, as there are many other hedges in the county equally as good as these.. Toe- cultivation and training thus far seems to be a question open to debate, and the published expe rience of those successful growers would be of great value to the ccunty. - C ROVE 3. 1 .-On thi3 list We find-three entries ; two of two years and one cf ihr ie yearr growth. ". - ; The grove cf 'E" J Bryant' Vet 9x12 feet apart, two years groVth Would seem almost a miracle to some cf cur "eastern friends, nnd fcr the benefit , of this class of people acfiingfor elbow room, we took measurements of this also. Of W II Pares' grove, of the. same age, we find the greatesr growth to-be over four inches in diameter and 20 feet in heighi. We next came "to the three year old grove cf car worthy Secretary, H O Minick, which meaeures upwards of 7 inches in. darherer and 3-5 feet high ; the grcve is planted. GxS.feet, making about 2700 trees on an acre ' which :yiil average near the above figures. Year committee have teen abla to prove by actual measurements ihat Cot tenweod trees transplanted and cultivated wiih a hcrso the first seasoa will make a j tl3 Ic-Cl iunt j r: 0 r f: . v; V.' e n ; ;he well known farra . i i cT'Ik.t la ti. iSUTt.- 1 a gr t: i . cf ('. r --;ro a -d ca thii 00 1 trees - ne Cotter known to be tut 11. years from Ireak ing the virgin- sc.ih s:rae cf which are more Isk the ns-.ij-'Stic forest C'Jtawoo j rr.i of the ur. riv"r-..haa tiratfd m so raw a country. . rt.- trees are m -sny ucd u-e. t. er to form a hgo in a lino so CJse U.nl we counted CCOtreOi ia a spce cf . '. ) rods, averagi;.g fr: ;i; 4 to 1-3 inches ih r c-: g i a--1 ! . J h e dge, a n d seme t h 1 1 star. 4' 1 ut j"'" r.lo-e. mf -aured as fol lows: -iO'l'2' -13. 51 1 C'3 1-2, and G7 1-2 inches in circumferrnc?, vr .r';.uy 'inch us u.rcca cr.Iy "lo.--:ng 2" incbe in diameter in G fcrL ia. b-iziu. .-and es timat'.,d. J to be") frc:a C-j.to S-5ict high, producing ever a half crd of wo. d. Think of this t armers .a f the p. rui rib and take c.jurat:e. Measurnr.tnts were alsi.:tV;k'en xof- .''ft -Map!-.' -Vijhes m circumference-; r -1 J a o Lr r ry , , T ch. 2Z.',' MulLiri:(ifctir-5 4'ruu).L2 ; Blackwilout. tu g) CQ ; . Batttrnut, (bringX-Vd'Ap.ru-rica es Iti r.'rTu'ial-'ff nie at G''yeirV pointing. On this ar-ii.there ..aret'.yp p:".U orch ards of 1'1 GO trees' each; bearing abuad a ally ,thfS r.raac:;:riG 7 5 -borb'gC peach .trees, on. three :1f,res of . -land... yielding neatly.dGCO. bnshi.cf porffctly formed fruit, which sells from $2 ia.83 a. huihel. This' orchard is. surrounded', by "a willow hedge. 'seme O1 fott high." and'-.' plipted but three years. B it -your" -commiwee r wou Id rft 0 1 rvee m m e n d t !i t ? - wi ! 1 ' w '0 : d y. a ? a prote.cti53.to Richards, Sec,, Wt? woId also mentioa hrt that we haticed- a growira'ir 8'.wfanj ia v?51.i?'rif? f a? Osa'ge. Orange Hedge two years old. cut to the ground Iatt spring ; also, qafe an extlnslve-' Nursery of fail tiinl's a; Iniit , trees avhfch ' appear very;-';h?al:hy,7aad ?!iouid prefer th.m to thSse of eastern origin"'; all of which Verepc"tfu!ly sub- niit.:-::?:" - ,rn-; R. A. HAWLEY, , 7 ' V.' Q. SWAN. ' ; .B. F. McINJNCII. ; . y : v r r- .class -jDn--L . Bj?t par;Tg?mer.tof IJor?. under ,ad "die-1 y La dySIr B e e s o a 1 s t p : r e m i j n ) . . Brf'si 'manatrem int of Ifj-V.-e irj'han :'-s by "Lndy", Mr3 Shafer 1st premium; Mrt Beeson 2d premium. - - B?si ' Trofiog Horse' cv?f 5 yea'rs old, A Tynan' 1st premium; 'Jcha L CaN ?on 2d premium . - . -:- . ... Bst.Trottjrg Hcrs! under 5 years old. J H Rogers- 1st premium;-' J b J)I?.tit 21 preVnium ' ..'"'". ' '.' .-".'. ... Best Pitciru Horse, B vni .Rrs c Co.; 1st preiuiiiiii; . Arcrariht "2 1 prmia'.; XKsi)Vi-:(i!.si;.Ui::;v'iiS. r .j a iii vk x a. I r ICt ' ;- -)' ' ' h i ' This Goout AT . row Prices! v- --it .;, ... PXlESH GOODS. CcrcstlTttia zt,i Deccl'Street Have r?ce;7ei al orcaej their C--J 'I T 1 L-J 6 wo ercYbroalit to tiii .t-nrkat aul tli ir O .;; ai asi an 'fxirj!urrr.a to vtrtfv ta ir n-'-cr'in. Er- rjrarlt.-id.f trio Uid.n.dt-1 ia tli.- Couutv will Y - v ft 0 aiiu uiutuiiUii, Uardwafo and Qaeenswarc, WOODEN ar.d WILLOWWARE Boots artel Shoes, October iO 1 31 7 'LUMBER FOE, SALE. I have for Pa! bont 12 C"l f.-pt nfL'Tibe rnn-t-tln of 2 in"h Vri .r fc-.rtin, K' i.. ir.;, Floorirjr, J-icw 2 by. 12 IT f;ft I ,r ?T-!c.Vr KtV n'oncil CD'tnn '..J I b-2 t 1ft f.'T-f io irr' rb s Vfttnnt,Rnd Oak livar J j, . wuit fccaiac J , an-I iawed R. W. FURNAS. 2-3t Bro ynville. Nebraha; SECOND" HAND"'-; " HEAVY '-WAGON TTe b.ara ef frr; ab!o f r"n!? of" barter, 6 near ly tew ECCoL-J b.T ? b?;TT V,"n-".n.- - . BBN ROfJERS&CO. ;i 2 3t ' - Brownville, Ni-braiU.- Yimil -Ssrjjbs 5 Cnttings. I wltl bare for tila zzl direrj as 3oon as frcit dro; "fbe '?-ve? - - - - - C0XC0 Grapj Cut tin -3, "."" " 5, COO L-iyor3 bcre Grapes : " . - - ' - this SVncri 2.000.CCO Osier Wiil. w (.the true Bis . --, . .kpt Willow) Cattin-rs. A!l of wh:ca wHl b-j ?f 1 1 2 j prr r.s cluarr ' b n thej caa bo tci'.iiic & i iT-'nr r? Fi-t or Wes; - - It. W. FURNAS, 2-3! - " Brownville, Ifibraa. "If'J rAcbei, AfpIcB, tlU'ckberrl, Cherries r.t d . .... teWAN & D2C3 1 J it r: 3 ' ' "7 c' : c ) j ci.-n a; t :a-n a j - v '.11 cn'.! a ! esixla j iare six- tor .J.ut3 t.-P.IlCl .pF-v i t ; -J --' - - ' ' . -. -. . . , 1 t ,v:-d::o.vill::,. rn' ,M" "1 f -'' ' I fcnvo for fs!e acui-HO, r. f f ... . sointb'.d fr -Li:Jt3.Aiv.-i lJ lV.-V'"r " ct:.:s tic!.. k. w.puh:;a3. ? 2-3t 3.,Ci.0,CC0 . ' 1 . 1 pTE PRICE PLAX TTiri j-,- . -,7 ptt Tf -. c . ' " Forthe low Pried cf Ten D: 1 Without Hosard to Yd:; AnJ not to ho P.i:J fir ulIus ici ?o'!.s G.ri nfirti-;,-w-i'cr.e?, ""'m 1--0 Mic C-e I JM V.'atri-, ji.., 'j ' 'WD I.rt:e- V,ncte. Cu;i;:w t, 153 2ii OuniJI unit:; L'lu iiii;!n4U"r rcha 2'.0 II'jH li"'iu:: Kn;;,4'. I.fve-i r-'u i.Mroi-1 U ! i: ,i. A-l ;r. : tk V.i'.jjj, .1 j 6u) o! i vrr 1! at.u j l.n eri, 5. to Silver 11 i..t: i-r i--j!t rr:c!;ti, ; :: 4 i 6 iiij:l Li iiei V.iU!i. , 1, L-;a r..:a II . i. Li; '::ci. 1 1. jU ;ii.-reiUii--:-. Li v?r '.7jt.-fc3, J- 2,11.0 il-iiaiiu 'i.ver Wdl h ii j I 2, '.t0 Am-jiI.! V.'dl. i.K'.r lj ) 1 't3" every ptU-oa obtu a V."-tti by tl'j t.ti .Bieat.cis'i tut$'.'3 h. r. niy te wrti "Vj wt-b t.i i-.ne v. a ry dt'poe of rt i--tiia.ei'. S'ocS. C'jrii.r it'M, a -ii. a? ,t::8 i.n.e 1 ia t .ie 1 eavj i .,. a U .! ni:-t H -n :e e i u i ; ? t.1 l-i a r t. .? Tj.ira 1 . :.i-if Cf.. i.p I P ' J r.e.t of T-.a .'lol'.ir, wt:.:cr i.Mift. ortii $1 .."-. r end w..r:!i Is-. T-f tct in i r 4f our ceriiaua'fi ea'.iiii1. yu t t;.o : it..' iiia. ihOfeon n;v ii 35 infti, jrre-;: sva t t -'"i. t.c rtic: vaine-l ie-. to n Jit) U it :.-.:..- lr.ci . it vvh at .i:ee b? s ; inn 1:.;. .1 j SToIoUjry. but; a tl.ta-'g'ii i'orward raato traasaeti jn, v,-ai'.a ra.:7 L-.J pxr- '. teJin eve a I; ihs no..! ftiuiiOJ.' ! A sinlJ c-itui nt-i w.ti. t j -i..t . M I pui 1, uya r-vJji,:f. uf 2- C vj !. f Lr al.'V-fn t'.-r t- -1 .U'lr-". tljirr a 1 1 . preahua f..r llvj ii 1 ir-: -,'.:;; ii al jj .r 14 a,ll .retn;otii i'ur l-;!..-, aa hj"b-t ; .-.i irt ca: 'ji o Witt h f.,r f. i' vii :"t.. 1j1.:) or those wi-h::. ; o:nf!-7:3:n , thi U m:ir ; ?tly a-th rli"! i t t.f U.r :r-.ra.'i, aal tLe Li'st cure ul serutijj.- - V7 ml VIllGIITEIlO.cdjEpra I ::i ur:.).i)AV,y.)rt i ,G, II A NT1 SI CAEAT STOr.S. ...BROV7ITVILLS, N.T. IWooli r.erecffBt!y inf-,ra ti 9''; ilrovnvilie, tn 1 ?urr.,i.i; '.r - c u.i'rj t-tl )Uit rcCiJii j lujr fo.Il of iiwa., yt.4.''- ' 1 r'" ' W W w L J . W j Of U)9 late'sstrics nn'l'be'e rl:u.j.V.'"-$ c-i'.f it.it.t,!, i.i:t!.if.i l'..t?,t'ia.- K'J'V. ui lehi -reus !;.:.!? c 1 Kbo. - i tio'i;'. ' .11 1 S'.neff t.l s ft-i"Jtrl t'-P-. f India Rubber ar.ti R nuio Out for Gentleraen and Lalias . , ! Groceries of Kvery ij WwWkwi rf. van., The ::.-: 'i i:.;.'7 cf READY ZlADn L 0THLU Tbo bcit Vrootea UniT an I Crcr r--J Of all kind, AVhcleiala ari H:' SH OTJMKnnr cr,l j M.IXLIIS can rtly-itpca br.J j orders fulotl jfonptly cn ?L jrt c- j ar.d reacr'able ;eri!i3. Call benH" chairing - tTiC'hn1. " j . . - . . srjiica 7u:.n?Ki:r.3ro3 5At.3 j CIII.VP 1TOK C ASg f All of i.ich l;oJ:n 4t ta lowcrt ?'' r " On' rac.:l ir.n'V-l'0--r)T.:r U.rr.f p''j City was er.r. ml 1 n:y -S.tfa r bV . iiiXat!swl Rnk .i.ft Tr?rr N.'.-. ' riA-i m from I j t SI 0 , 1.7 0 e-f tb! src le0ri r.Hf er-.lf. rti n . " enci'..-ol ia e.;- H c. .'---i A-" pj m.veJ thtf.e i-ovs'i' wbicj eb.rj1,: . I wia jay tha oba re vi.-tl a-.rl .y j e.f none tr tb-a a rrr'.-h ?:; tLeir cnr.Tict.:-D. 1 t.' ' Tv o,Ua.'J, i-i t j - " "aZi? 0.,U Cr-icker,, C;c-r Sr.p. h O er'.it bA" ESTRAY NOTICE. .v, m. . . . , r I ..-.,jf . rcj coiscs-ura, tr mi Is s tf ; Jei nib tii let:. ra ti. i. oa Ua , years f.'l Uit c"j t;: ii n