Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 03, 1867, Image 3

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    SfIEI& EATON. 1! rin S.'n-rHni
r P'r
rill "attend to ouinjK""""",""'
intbe City St Louis.
Work1 Friends of the Independent
Ticket, work ! The justness of a cause
dots not always insure victory ! At Oik I
A superior article of Teas just - re
ccived at the Yd-
1000 Bushel of Potatoes wanted at
Apples ami Caches are abundant on
sor streets.
Witt a man who is afraid to lay out a
road to-day, for fear of loosing votes,
make a good County Clerk to-morrow.
For Custom made Boots and Shoes go
'3 TvrV cT T rVT2 .
Much has teen htely said about the
rnity of the Republican parly.
coosiit in nominating Andy Johnson s
The P. G. Store of Bliss &. Hacker
have jut received a Uige iiAuice o
Two desirable d celling for6le.
Mechanics. fr vur Tools csxll on
R-.vJ the l'.-i:tit lii.prf fcr nr. East nnd
V; ialr.--ad, ilit-ti c k yourself "Will I
voie fr r Iv'-ui who u opp-JteJ to rail
roads?" at rI.e t-iiloi box .y
voting for J L M Gee.
BIanlet., Shawls and Bod Spreads for
Next Tuesday is Election day. Spare
time to go to Hie polls a;,d itrve the
best inierri-ia of Neuiaba county by vol-iDfih-i
Indepenleut Republican Ticket !
A nice lot of Bo-uni Soda and Sweet
Crackers, sweet and fresh, at the FG-
If you want to pro.-per vote for. the In
dependent Republican Ticket. It is the
only straightcut Republican ticket in the
field !
A Choice Fruit Farm for sale. En-
qu;re of L W. BLISS.
The Florence Serein g Machine.
J. W. HE.VDERSOX, J gent
IT. C. LCit, Land Agent, Brpwnville,
The parent cf the movement for Kent
is reported to us as having said that he
would ruin the Republican party or nom
inate Knit. He has nearly succeeded !
Save the best fragment of that party by
electing the Independent Repu&iean
ticket !
ClOthlCS ClOUlIng. Rainey. and
Lewis have the inside track on Gents
ud Boys Clothing, and have received
their new Sto:U which they are selling
cheapet than any ether house west of
New York.
For your Tinwnre. go to
5C0 John Deere1 Celebrated Moline
Plows. THEO. HILL Si CO.
KcFall & CO., are cnnstantly receiv
in? Furniture of all dt-scripti.-n?. All
kind's of Furniture and U phvU;ry nlvvays
on hand. Here' the place to get a com
plete outfit.
Sheet Iron fur Suunr toilers in cbun
dance at
J. C. Defers.
Cht-prin? news com" fromrvery Pe
cinct ! The Ir, dependent Republican
Tiiket makes friends wherever it is
known I Work friends, spread the glad
tidings that the county may yet be saved,
from the bad ellects of wreckless, in
triguing politicians by electing the Inde
pendent Republican Ticket !
Gloss, Putty, and all kinds of Paint's
by wholesftli or ratail at
Who TCailtS one. A few Victoria
Cane Mill ju:t received by
J. C. Deuser.
EeniOYal I W'e will remove our
business to McPherson's Row about Oc
tober 15th
If you are in favor of public improve
ments, of Bridges, Railroads, etc., vote
for J. L. McGee for Commissioner. Tho
convention of the 14th, made the issue
by nominating an anti-railroad, anii-im-Frovement,
old fog for Commissioner.
Grain Wanted. I will pay th 3 high
est market price for Wheat, Corn, nnd
Politicians ask us why wo oppose the
ticket of the 14th, calling in question our
Republicanism. That convention in ncmi
catmg a defender cf A. Johnson, lost all
claims cn party grounds to a single vote.
We oppose Andy and all who honor his
defendere. Vote for J. II. Morrison
5 01.
Voters cf this county signed thj p eti
tica prayinj iha Ccmraissioaers to ap
propriate SI 000 for the 11. & M. R. A.
L. R. R. survey. Areyoa wiilioj to see
this creafproject d ded for the sake of
party? If not, veto' for J. L. McGcc
for Commissioner and for "Fund."
Dr. II. P." nnrlcy. Hodjccopaihic
Physician and Surgeon, Office at the
residence of S. P. Tuttle, Esq., South
East corner of Gib, and Main Streets.
41 tf.
IlardwarC. Shcllentarsat Ero's
have coming a complete outfit cf Hard
ware of all kinds cn the way from New
York, St. 'Louis and Pittsburg. They
buy only from manufacturers.
A bundling Legislature gave us a
bungling1 School Law, yet a bungling
coumy clerk who will also be Sup't of
Tublic Instructions may bungle it still
worse !
Vote for Hoover !
Osage Orange Plants. As the
authorized Agent cf V. II. Mann, of
Normal, 111., I will take orders for Fall
or Spring delivery of these Plants in
Nebraska. W II M'CREERY.
J. C. DCllSCr Has bought the right
to sell Foreman's Wood Preserving Pro
cess. This article is recommended to
preserve Fence pests from decay for
twenty-five years. For information ap
ply to the above, sole Agent for Nemaha
County. : I
. The fnme irfiupnee that thwarted the
will of 5G1 voters for the Survey appro
priation. nominated Knt !
Vote for J L McGee for Commission?
Farmers luok to jour Interest.
Lumber at City Mill.- for S2.00 per hui.
dred feet. Shingles 2,50 per thousand
Flour at 4,50 per hundred. Hichest
market price paid for Wheat and Corn
in Ca-h.
Wre have heard of one Conventioneer
from the Northwest saying that so far as
he was concerned, he'd rather see a rail
road cross at Nebraska city than at
Brownville. Such is the material that
chose a set of impartial officers to con
troal this county. Will you tamely sub
mit, citizens ot Nemaha, to play into the
hands of such men ? Vote the Indepen
dent Ticket ?
The PG Store of Bliss St Hacker have
just received a large iuvoice of choice
Chas. G. Dorsey, of the firm of Dor
fey & Bro., successors to Atkinson &
Co., in the clotmg business has just
gone east for a large stock of Full and
Winter Clothing. Mr. Atkinson goes
with him, and we can predict a splendid
assortment of goods at this house on
their return. See their ad. in another
Vote for the Bridge Fund, and then
for J. L. McGee, that it may be prop
erly expended for the benefit of the
whole county, and not in the interest of
any pet locality. -
A Call. Our sanctum was graced, on
last Saturday, by. the presence of Mr.
Ingersel, proprietor of the Muscatine
(Iowa,) Journal. Mr. Ingersol futs
fortti cne of the liveliest Union journals
the Wrestcau boast of. We hope that his
"knowledge of this section will be muiu-
ally beneficial. ; :
All persons indeoted to the firm of
Atkiuson Si Co., either by uote or ac
count, will please call and pay the same
at once.
All notes or accounts unpaid by the
15th of September will positively be left
ui;h an Attorney for collection.
All those indebted to the undersigned will
take notice that he will take pay in rea
dy money or corn, wheat or oats, hides,
pelts or furs at the highest market price.
All outstanding debts after thirty days
from date will receive prompt attention.
Sept. 26, 1SG7.
Wtm. T. DEN.
Strayed from the undersigned living in
Tecumseh, cn the 15th day of August.
One black Horse Tony, four white feet,
blazed face, one glass eye, 8 years old.
Any person delivering the animal tome,
or any information that will lead to its
recovery will be liberally rewarded.
At the resrudar meeting of Post No. 2,
of the "Grand Army of the Republic
at Brownville on the 2nd inst. fhe fol
lowing Officers were elected fcr the en
suing term :
Post Com. O. B. He welt.
Sen. Vice Com. W. D. Sheilenberger.
Post Affi. W D. Blackburn.
Officer of Day
Officer of Guard
W. A. Polock.
D. W. Smith.
stoves. Furniture, Plows. w.T.
Den has just returned from New York
markets with a large assorted stock cf
general merchandise which he will sel
low down for case or produce. He says
poor trust is dead, and all his glery past
and the grasshoppers carried him off at
last ! Amen ' -
Se!iocl Elccllcn Kctlce-
Notice is hereby given that the Annu
al Meeting of the Tax paying residents
over the age of twenty-one years, of the
Brownville City School District, with the
Territory attached, will be held at the
High School Bjilding in said City of
Brownville, at four o'clock P. M on
Monday the 7th day of October, 1SG7,
at which time and place the following
Officers will be elected":
One Moderator,td"serve for three years.
One Director, to serve for two years.
One Treasurer to serve fcr one year.
And suth other business will be trans
acted as may be required under the pro
visions of the new School Law.
By Order of School Board.
Wr. H. McCREERY, Clerk.
Tcare & C0S GOOdS have arrived.
Three of the largest bcatscn the Missouri
river were eniraged in brinin' them to
this point. In point of elegance the new-
stock cannot be excelled, and is now com
plete throughout. The stock of Ladies'
Dress Goods is trully magnificent, era-
bracing everything, and at figures that
will astonish everyone and within the
reach'of all. Their counter and shelves
are literally crowded to death with Dry
Goods of every variety and shade, and
the most'fastidious " may here be suited.
Their Grocery stock is again filled out
to its usual rotundity with choice articles.
Their new lot of Queensware is of such
a character as to do ones eyes good to
look at, and at very reasonable figures,
too. Altogether their stock 13 one that
we can consciencioudy recommend. If
you wish to purchase don't fail to call on
J.' L McGee &, Co. 's goods have ar
rived, and ail the toice of that establish
ment havo been very busy opening up
and fixing tor tale, ihey have a supeib
Sock ot Dry Goods; Ladiw's Dreis
G.ouds especially in abundance and great
vaiie.iy. Mu:lms of all grades; Gents
piece Gecd-i, B-)ots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Ready made Clothing, and, in fact, any
thing in the way of Dry Goods are there
in abundance.
The Grocery, Queensware, and Hard
ware side of the house is full to "reple
tion, of the verv best articles the east
em market affords. J. L. McGee
Co.. are enterprising and accommodating,
and are bound to do an extensive
business. ;
Theo. Hill left ibis city a. few days
since bound for. the East to lay in a New
Stock. He - says he is determined to
have a Stock of Goods equal to his fine
Store room in McPherson's Row, which
is cot excelled in Nebraska. He'll
bring just such a Stock
Notice to all whom it may concern.
William T. Den has this clay abolished
the cre,dn system and will say to his cus
tomers und friends and the public, that
he will sell his merchandise only for cash
or produce.
The ready money will buy more goods
at his store than any other store west of
New York. The above is his terms and
no credit will be givan from this date.
Sept. 26, 1SG7. -
. Wji. T. Drx.
Dr. J. H.5Jordan, Indianapolis, Ind.,
says: "I have known Dr Strickland's
Pile Remedy to be thoroughly tested in
numerous cases during the past year,and
with perfect success in every instanca.
And so it is with his Remedy for Diar
rhoea or Choloera.and his Coujh Bilsam
Tney are all genuine and pure.", tf
Oar Railroad.
W'e understand that the Survey of the
M. Sc. M. R. R. R., has been completed
to BrtKvnville, and that the Chief Engin
eer. Mr. Smith, is now engaged in ma
king his Report. The Report will prob
ably be published by the 20ih of Octo
ber, and we trust that some definite ac
tion will be immediately taken cn this
important subtect. The friends of the
Railroad are sanguine that it will be
speedily built. President Davis, ancua
ces that he expect- to pu' part of it uu-
ler contract this r all.
We are also informed that the money
ias been raised to continue the survey
rom Brownville to Fort Kearney, and
that another corps of engineers are en
rad. D
The prospect is certainly good that
this road will be built through our coun
ty, and that with'n a reasonably short
' The. Pennsylvania Central and other
wealthy Railroad Companies now have
a consolidated route from Philadelphia
West, through Pittsburg, Stubenville,
Cohimbu and Union Cry, to Looimsport
Indiana, and they re now negotiating
for the Peora an-J Warsaw Road. ThH
will brinaj this ffreat consolidated route
to the Mississippi River, ala point direct
ly East orus, and the route will then be
extended, Westward, through ihe North
ern Tier of Counties in Missouri to
Brownville and Fort Kearney, where
connection is made with the Northern
Pacific Railroad.
This when completed will make the
greatest tnrouun route in the Uuiten
Stales, or in the world.
The report of the survey and the sub
sequent action of the company will be
anxiously awaited by ihe people of North
Missouri. Advance Mercer C. Mo., 26.
A Stimulating Tonic Life Bit
Trrt3. Good health is a blessing. The
way to enjoy such is to take a wine glass
full of Strickland's Lite Bitter two
or three times a day! They create a
good appetite they strengthen the stom
nch; they cure habitual Consumption,
Nervousness, and Heeadache ; they
make the old feel young. If you wish
long life and trcod health, use Strick
land's Lite Bitteks. For sale in bat
tles by Druggists, and by the drink at all
talpons and groceries. tf :
Mr. II. Davis, President of the M. Sc
M. R. A. L. Railroad, in a recent let
ter addressed to several prominent gen
tlemen, residents cf this county, speaks
very encouragingly of the proposed air
line road and says tne men engaged in
the enterprise are wonderfully in ear
nest ; that they are only awaiting the
engineers-' report cf the survey to com
mence active operations.
Mr. D. says, "if the counties through
which the road will pass will do what I
think they are able 1 shall have the en
tire road under contract ready for a vig
orous work early in the spring. It wiil
be my aim, also to commence at three
places at same time-viz: this end, your
end, and at Brownville." Thu3 it will be
seen that while the road is being built
from the Mississippi river westward, it
is the design also to commence "at the
Missouri river and build eastward and
form a junction with the other end cf the
road, and also to build westward from
the Missouri river to Ft. Kearney,
where a junction with the Union Pacific
road will be made.. WTe hope the com
pany will meet with no obstacles which
they are unable to surmount and that
the great work will go surely and satis
factorily forward. IlocJ.yort Journal.
Kcmalia County (Neb.) Asrletir
aUalr. On Tuesday last we ha; '
cf attending ihe'"2nd day cf ;'
the '-Nemaha County, Nclr.:
cultural bociety," and although t..
ciety i3 in its infancy, the show wzs :.
from being a discredit to the county, '
deed, we may say great credit 13 du:
officers who have worked so faithfully 10
bring about so pleasant a result as il'i
which we witnessed there on our visit.;
Notwithstanding the many unfavorably
circumstances with which they have t ;enj
surrounded we think the people of thai!
county should feel gratified that tbeyj
have made a beginning, and determines
hereafter to make their Annual Fair c.vJ
of the permanent institutions of the c un-
IC. Wtt l-hnlitil btf pid to fro into rfll MC-
.. o - - c - ; r 1
uiars and jrive our readeis a list of fch-1
we saw, but sace forbid--. '
Of horses, the display was inferior
1 1 t . - .1 r
ana we nearu many reirreiuiai iupv t au
not brought some animal for exhibition.
Of cattle, only three or four head u - -;
on exhibition all of good blood.. Uf
sheep, there were more on exhibition..
Of hogs, only three or four pens were
exhibited. Those shown were the finest
we have seen, (Atchison County Ches
ters excepted.) There were no fculi
shown. In the vegetable departr.:er
we found something to astonish at tvtr
step. We saw twenty-six "inches c
a parsnip, the balance of which has 1:
been dug. Large, ears of corn, hi
beets and enormous pumpkins and ; c"
es, melons and citrons were dispbr
abundance. Of fruit?, the e ; 1
excellent. That entered by C !
Furnace is particularly v.orihy of
as was also that of apples by J. C.
ser. In the department cf household
arts there was much to admire as was
there also ia that of domestic manufac
tures. "
Being unable to attend the last day
of the show, there is much of which we
cannot make notes. Next year we hope
to be able to attend the Nemaha County
Fair and give a fuller and more favor
able report. Rockpo'rt Journal.
(From Harper's weekly.)
Forewarned is Forearmed.
The experience of the last six years
should have taught us that even in the
United States there is no security against
civil trouble. A more appalling introduc
tion to it no nation ever had. Yet to the
very moment of the actual blow ft was
considered impossible. The republic
was charmed. Other countries have suf
fered, but we were exceptional. Wars
were over, and however loud the threat
of violence it would pass as an idle word.
The method of the Southern - madness
was not heeded. The plainest declara
tions were regarded as political "gag."
The most evident preparations were un
seen or unmindnd. It was said that
Senator Seward would rise in his place,
and, in the midst of the most courteous
but crashing anti-slavery speech, turn to
Senator Butler, who sat behind him, and
hold out his thumb and finger for a pinch
of snuff. The Carolina Senator, aver
ting his head, would extend his box to
hi'3 colleague fjom New York, who still
cculd not see anything in SouthernJ
speeches bnt party rhetoric. It was a
game they played in the capitol. It was
supposed that they would vow secession
and disunion until after election and
then nobody would be so sound and ear
nest a Union man a3 Senator Seward's
excellent friend from Georgia, Senator
Toombs.' It is only a cry of wolf ! wolf!
said comfortable public opinion. But one
day the wolf cams.
Is it worth while to return to that
ghastiy self-deception of six and eight
years ago ? Is it any more foolish to be
lieve that the President wiil push the
present extremity to an armed solution,
if he can, than it was to belie've that the
secessionists would take arm? at the first
favorable moment? Andrew Johnson is
at bay. He is conscious of the contemp
tious condemnation of his country, and of
the doom to which his history will con
sign him. He is ignorant, passionate,
and headstrong. He is surrounded by
the worst demagogues by Fernendo
Wood,: Jeremiah Black, aud men in
sympathy with ihem. He i3 the consti
tutional Commander-in-Chief of the Na
tional forces, and he hi3 told us how he
interperts the Constitution. After a long
and exasperated struggle with Congress,
in which it was supposed vhat he had
been so bound by the laws as to be pow
erless, if not. to have acquieced in the
inevitable, he suddenly assume?, the de
frnsive, defines the unquestionable pub
lic opinion of the country quarrel, un
der polite phrases, with General Grant,
and knows that within ninety days Con
gress will assemble and will probably
impeach him. Has he done all this fcr
the sake cf being impeached ? Has he
done it with the intention of placidly
yielding when he ia impeached, and
going humbly cut of office ? Or does he
mau, if possible, to provoke aa armed
crisis 1
We learn, upon good authority, that
there are ten thousand men in Maryland
called mailtia, armed ander the command
of rebel officer. Net long before Mr.
Slantcn-was suspended, there c&mtj a
requisition from the Governor cf Mary-
lanu to tne v ar department for batter
ies, which the Secretary refused. For
what purpose is such a body cf men so
armed and so efficered ? We do not
mention this to excite a foolish alarm,
but as alarm which is not foolish. It
may be an untrue stcry, but it is not in
.1 1 ...
tne least improbable that the President
intends some action hostile to Congress.
It may be in the guise of resistance to
the process and results of impeachment.
It may be in pursuance of a plan to issue
an amnasty and to assemble a new Con
gress. The wildness r.f the clan and its
futility do not make it improbable. If
the President knew the feelin of the
country he might pause. But he does
not know it. He cannot know it. He is
surrounded and led by men who misrep
resent it; and General Grant, the true
friend cf the country in the Cabinet, he
does not li:tsn. '
The times are grave. No man should
deceive himself or 44deride." with the
New York Tribune, the imminence cf
trouble. To be forearmed against dan
ger we must be forewarned. We ceed
not, indeed, imagine that we are already
Mexicanijied ; but we ought certainly to
reflect that in a revolutionary neriod.
- J l !
when the country still trembles., with
-I r .1
civu war. ana reaceiut oraer is not y0'
?j, c. - rate, 1;:: - 1 k
. 1 ..,,1 .
. 1.4 4j .
,i. i, kUilillS New Saiiukry and Har
ness Shop in Bliss St Hacker's eld stand,
i s already attracting attention among
Farmers. His stock is all new, with
nothing but journeymen workmen, and
the work he is turning out recommends
itself anywhere. He will receive a stock
of Saddles in a few days, together with
a complete outfit of everything usually
kept in his line. Call and SCC felCl.
If any of our readers have been troub
led td make light and uniform biscuit, it
is more than probable they do not use D.
B. DeLand & Co.'s Best Chemical Sale
ratus. That is a pure article, not detri
mental to health, and sure in its effects
Try it by all means. For sale by Bliss
& Hacker at the PQ.
Remaining in ilio Post OfSco at Brownville, Octo
ber 1st 1307 A D iURST.P 11
Armstrong Jo?uah
Boone Kate Mrs B'.nkemore N
hechinan J W Rev IJoarcbman VTm A
Bunnell L Jlerrj LacindaMisa
Cook AlniTa Mri B Caramings A
DrumiaoLd J A Dunn U L
Belong Dewitt
Tnle 51 A lurs Eltuore Cyra?
Fi;lej Ballord 2 ' Flamb M.irf Mrs
FarnswortaJB Fuller Smith
Grantham W P F.e
FTawlcy A Handler M B
ITailwi Milton Howard Va Loa Ti II
Hill S M Harrison Revse
Ililleu Wm G Hash L W
Hoffmann Christum
Kinio Chaa Kinney John
Jesbke C F Lee Oapt Cbs H
Ludwy F W
Kern M.:rtha
Jine F
Miller Edwin McCo11u;hRB
Mare Frank Mor-J Thorn is W 2
Mege A 11 MeFerron Thoua3 O
Mor Juhn II
Nevillo Jones
1bd,y John
Peck lrah L
Nesbett James
Penny John
lVzr.e A L
Pre??on & Khoda
Itush Ilichurd T
Standlr Schalle Jo?efh
Smitb Michel Sjencer E A
TLscm.m Wm F Titer mb Cap D A
Tbr.n?pf3 W
Utt X Bro
Vanrsy Wilson 2 Vanclear M. B
Valkcr Cfcri?ho 4
"Wciterfield Barton Williams A J
J. W. BuITSIl. We are authorized to annonnee
the name of J. W. I5rnh a an ii;der endent Candi
date for the eCice of ishenn at the enjuif; elec
tion .
We are authorized to announce the r.rnae r.f K. .1'icej an independent C.mdita'y for
the office i f Coronar at tba enaia2 election.
cii'ij U-J iusii I
On Tuesday night, OeUrcr 1st, cijSce in lTi?
City was enfcr?d and my Safa mbcd of $14,7f 0
in National Bank a;id Treasury Xotes, of denomi
nations from 13 f$10.7, J4.7C0 cf thij monay has
sires been recovered, portion of this mn-jy was
enol 'fel in expres envelope. Tne tjierei re
m'.red thtie enve'ops, whicii wehava since funi.
I will ray the abore reward either for recovery
of money or the apprehension cf tho thief or
thieves with information that will lead U his or
their conviction.
Fresh Tomatoes, ia two and three poanl cans, at
SU'iv t iH'nN
mi ww ot kJAw v
So-la Cradtsrs, Gia;r Sasps. Aerated Crick
", . VAJ A JJX).
J-V.D. PATCH, axd esalsh ix
Silver and SIlver-FIatcd ware,
Also constantly on hand, all rariotie of
P.EPAIKI2TO done in the neatest ttyle, and at
!T3 rownvillo , rc"ol.
The underpinned member cotnnoslnr tho Crm of
Stanton Perkin3 & Co.." have tin diy dij solved
their connection wi;a Cyrm J. Sj Sa!d X Stetl
becf.eia & tccfM. Jo?e;.a Jio. And we will not
be responsible for any contracts mids by said C.J.
.cotiP.J, from tun d Ue, an 1 the auuaorify Civen
him to sin the firm name, crd i any b'l-iinejj in
the natne of Stactoa Perkins k Co., is hereby re
John L. Stanton,
PanI Perkins,
Cba?. D. Uaven,
Jonas Crane,
II. M. Atkinson.
BrowcTille, Sept. l!0ih,lSi:7.
At tho Sign of the
T jrDed Stead.
Is tho plaoa tj buy
;oatantly on hand a cornploie assortment cf
Bedstead, Wardrobe,
T.caureaus, Booking O-.a.'rj,
- ;r bed:!, . WashStitds'
t Vots U.H ua.-ks,
r : -; ;J! Kitchen
7 ter
- a
.i i i iau:.
-v ,- -1 Metalic
- ' m ' - , -X Cases.
.--t-ee i7t'-- Lounge
.:".st'rM.ias, Strings
8 afcp, Tcte-tetes
(; l"'in Stands; S win? Cribs,
j .:-.iv.z Cribs, Office Chairs,
i Bed Springs, Comforts,
si Cabs and Gi,
i Tiano Sto'ds, Teapoy Stands,
iV. t and Rosewood MoulJins, Sbocts,
F: '. : -3, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc., ete.
! :. rrr'C ses and Office Work made to Order
An 1 tr-in- and everything required to set up
.v- :t ""v hnu?ekee;'ing. .
V " is either aeantrfaetared or put
i. -. . ?peaial gupr:ntndeno, which
i i articles at smaller pricos than
' :ted goods.
is at the service of the Dah'io at any time it may
be needed, and is gotten up in as fine style as any
farther east.
Iletalic Burial Case3,
of all sizes constantly on hard, at eastern prices.
We are doin? buine?s on st-ietly c.iidv principles,
At a fmall prrjit,ni by attention to bosiness and
the wants of the cominaniiy. txpoec in m-j iaiuio
as in the rasl to receive tie patronage of the pub
lic generally.
"V DEAXSB3 121 "TX
L 1' m w . f ,
Embracing allthe TJ3' th Season
Also, a large and well-electcd stock of
1 ff I 1
SS vlls li J 1 lj J
Geats Furnishing Gool3,
-A ArD-
vur uooas were &oug3j 01 tr?t nacas, anl we
f 1 e . mm .
think we eao ler such inducements to pa.rc Lasers
as cannot fail to suit those wiiLing to buy. Call
end see for yourselves.
All kmis cf Prf-iuc3 taken ia exchange
for Gfxds CO
Takerf'liri 03 t M day of Aagus 1S37, within
-jy ennsrjn'ro, two milt 9 cuth if Drownvills, in
emaha Couuy, Nebraska, cne white Horso, bran
ded with the letters 3
versold lasiS-wiaz.
cn th,e Jejt hip, tea
-" - -" "a"
eics, Ii-jmJay, ileal, ra.. .-'-,tt
'.. a. & l.:.oi.:l:
0 lass It, ScpL lGti, m
fas S, Sept. 30i
1CC7 '
i PrlIe or $50-000 i ,77,5300
A Prize cf
Priio cf
Priie or
Prlzea ol
S,C0015lrr!2C5cf 200
VJOOJ 9Pr:2Cac150
5,000 1 220 125
00 1 18n:zC4ef ICQ
400 1 261 50
Prtzre of
Prizes amounting to 230,550.
C2,cco nrasnis and vziz-i.
Tickets S12, Halves SG, Quarters S30O.
trvta i to 3.'.!,ro. prinff." ca tn' .! ,
? e: til.''1 Wl'hnia:rj t:n tnre.a.-l pictl fa or.
wteel. TLe pr.zes.c-f b U I, !jtr aro rjl::rae
abovs. fro.asocioto .re Hmi:ar!y print n
separate iips. fpetrCM. , .,..., , .
Tbewbe!..rt1rnrf.vt,!re.l, n.. , r.w.,r u tt '
!ra-nfr-m tbe heel of r..ri;.r, arutvitih-, tJm
time a pr:;e U drjirn ( oni the whee! Tte ri'iTi
berandt riie drawn ort are or.,-ne-l an i exaibite l t-
the an-lictre, ar.J registered tf e turn ttlEi Dt.r.i
against tbe number itrawn. T.U rterati ,n u rereaiej
until all !be prizes art d-awa out. "Teai
t3" The- abore Jffcxincr-r
UTrRY will be drawn 1.1 rcaLic, in Covivoto.
.u ... iur Li iouriii ana.'Kott S s. Jlo Keill:
Stale Lotteries re no Gifi Kuterpri.e, Ut rf-p -n-i.
ble Money Lotterie, tbt h,ve bcea ccn.lutte-1 for the
past tuiriy yeirs, ai.l are dran nnUr the auib ti:r
it a ljurter frcra the State, ar.'l are g rn frf
the payment of all prize.". The lrairi.?s are puMjxn-
e-J tu the New York llei a!l an.i CiacuiKatli Corrrnrc"al
rrbe above .cbeme wi'i to drawn the ta i.idia m l
cf ?acb tnonth dnrins lc-7 and l HH.
Circr.lara of Utteiies drawio.' dairy sartir arni'ci-
tion to tfce ltjna;cr.
Address ail orders fr tickets ti
Vjatura. jLtai, line tut, Oinjj .lu:-e ar.d S'ayy
i Tobaco, at rj7A & UKL 3.
Taken cp by lh undo -sinod. Jiir;-i5 1-2 miles
We?t -f ;irowavi;;e, n ih. 21st day rf Auju..f,
ISO 7, One L'ny il.iro Pony, four vea.-s old, roacfceU
mane,!ar in l'.r bend, boih tied feet white.
or anjeu j i in riut ts-5 ui bran I on
ngbt tip, rtverad li Me IMC II. 51
U. J.McCacn & Co.
Pistrict Court. Xeal-
V la CtUrtv. N'chta.kc.
s ra. v incent
) In aitacLinn;.
1 o Wm. Vircrnr. y u are hereby nctiSed that
an action his been brought jncaiiu-t y u by th"
bore named jlaintiST., 1.J. McCann X Co., in
the District Court of Nemana Coun'y Ncbrajkn,
wherein they claim rf you the sum of 1m hundred
dollars with i cle ret thereon from tboSHhtbynf
January, A. P. Is-JS, at theratoof fll'teen per
cent per annum, ts evidenced by a prcmi.'ory nota
01 tnac uaio .execuici t)y you.ttiat an orJcrof ;
tachmcnt has been issued in said cause, and your
property, ta-wit : ib-j t ast hair tf North i'c?t
quarter, and tha Ncrth Wet quarter oT tha N'urth
West quarter, Srx-ticn 33, To'.vnshin 6, North of
HangcPt, Last of C:h rrir.Jral Meridian benn
atfhed 33 .iir , a. 1 that a in '
pear on or before tbo iih u..y .t November. A. L
1MIj7, an 1 plead arswer cr lemnr t the patilion
filed in said eauo, a i -lgment by difialt .jfiUbe
entered ngairtt ju, f r an::;:n al:-re claimed
and said attn?had preuiics ordered sold to pay th
sam with costs .
September, 1 Ith 13o7
51-41 13J for Plaiuti.f. "
And All Points East,
, Tfi X. ' i r .
W ftj WXJ 9 tri
Connecting with the llannibnl and St. Joseph li.
R. at Mflcon City, 1:54 miles East ef 8t. Josepa and
forms the
Only All Rail Ronls from Atchison anJ
St. Josrph to St. Louis,
Making direct sn l reliable connections wit'a
Famous Express Tralni.
Leaving St. Louis at 2 r.'c'ook in tha afternoon,
running through to ail Eastern cities without a
moment,8 dc!y . Pn"3rr3 gjing t
Philadelphia J'ew York, Baltimore ,
Washington, Pillsburph, BvjTah,
leavtland. and all jh A'itr
land Towns and Cities,
Via. the above lice have les chants cf Cars and
jlaKc Qnlckc Time
Than by any other r.-ute. Pajs jr,jer going te
;ints in Central and Southern Ohio, Central and
Sontbern Indiana, Southern Illinois and all points
in Kentucky making several hour's quicker tim-
than can be rnde via. any other route.
Through tickets can bo pun.-hajrd at a'l Kail
Road Ti-ket effice.s in tie West.
Pe it ur.d "retool, that t f ; Fare - all Points Past
is the Sutne via, the N'crth Missouri FuilJFlcad and
St. Louis a by wiy of Chicago or any other rouio.
Go via. St. Louis liont".
Prcsidefit and llcnl Sup't. Sr. L. ni'.Ma.
CcnI Ticket A?ent.St. Lenis, Mo.
W. W. I' UN I NULIt.
Ccnl Freight Aent,St. Iui,
At'ent. M. Joseph, Mo.
I.. 31.
Gen'l Western Agent, St. Josejh, . Mo.
Hannibal & St. Jo3epIi
Tri-weekly Packet (Hannibal and St. Joseph
R. R. Line) leave. Omaha, Coun-il BIu.T, Ilatts
moatb, Nebraska City, Prowr-.Ttiin and intermedi
ate points fr St. Joseph, connecting at StJosepht
with trains on Hannibal and St. Joseph II. n., leav
ing St Jfirh 1 I .".0 P SI .irriiin t
On and after May tb, daily and c!n-e cuoit
tiens frr-n St Joseph to Atchison, V.'ertcn, Leaves
worth, Wyan-lotte, K.Tnt City, Lawretiee. Trceka
via I'la'te Country K. R. an 1 ftearaer Em;!i
ti. a M. J. i.. It. Lme- Leave St Joseph 5.3i
A. M., Leavrnwi.rth 8.00 a Wyan latte 10. C3 a
Kansas Citv IilJJO a. m.. ljrr..'e at 5 f-Q r x
through Ticznsro sals
by Pi.rter A D-ul, O.naha, I). W. Uirh.-xl ,Co!uffj,K.C. Lewis, llatt'm-.cth. L. S.!ivwley.
NebnVa City. Day through tickets aaJ tav
Efersive repairs 00 tie Hissisn A Sr. J--srra
RaiLXOi, eew iron. t!e and roll
ing stack enable theTi to,fT"r thej-eimrortantchaa-ges
to facilitate Ta avzi. BY rm KoCTS.
C. W. Mean, f r,er-! S'iprir.t?n,!en,t.
P. B. CiRiiT. Genr:i Tick' : Aitect.
II II. CoraxaioaT, Ucn'l Freight A ?nt.
lluu:bal. Mo,
CarT. Tirrrs Ford, fc'aperititecicnt Pcbel
Line St. Joseph. M .
THEO. HILL, Ag't. Ercuciille.
-,8 c ALES,
--- Of MIL
fiinnivrc rrirrrt 1 i . n r
22 Lk Street. Chicara.
Market Street, St. Loa'.-.
txJ" E- cinEFrt. ri) zzx oily T.rr: cs.riNS.3
Dili Peaches Aprlcs, P.t.L-:rriei. Chrrc t
r-i 1