Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 12, 1867, Image 3
Jliriage license. Ac. . &o. for tale itthii OSee. SHEFFIELD & EATOir, 12 7.e S.'rertcr.d , s. W1LLIA1IS. " Cl.ettr.vl St. .V. T. cor. E:. oi:e iniuiv-t per, Till ttcl to otakicg collection, andpnrchas J in tlie City 1 Loci. - "SXVILLEjnUUSDAY, SE1T. 12, lSf.7 Mechanics, for your Tools call on " SHELLENUERGii::; BROS. . t c tj,i r i dance at . J. C. Deusers. CeniOTul ! We will remove our tidiness to McPherson's Row about Oc tober 1st. THEO. HILL h CO. Salt at S4 per larrel for sale ly WORTHING & WILCOX. WIlO Wants OUC A few Victoria Cane Mill just received Ly J. C. Deuser. Jlti Florer.ce Saving .Machine, J. IV. HEXDERSOX. Agent. " Fall Seed Wheat for sale WORTHING & WILCOX. II. C. Lett, Land Agent, Brownville, Nebraska. A few more Good at Cost at BEDFORD &, CO'S, For your Tinware, go to JSHELLENBERGER BROS. 500 JJin Deere's Celebrated Moline TloAS. THEO. HILL & CO. A CIlOlCC iTUlt Farm for sale. En. quire u f J. V HMSS. A full 6tock of i?eU-Sealit; Fruit Jars tud Cuus of i!)e latest Jmj rowd paterns Rl IYM. H. McUREERY'S. School EookS Just received a large and complete fctctk at WM.II. McCREERY'S. Grain) Grain! ! -Bedford Sc Co. pay cash for all kind x oraiQ, Bacon and Lard. We will pay 75cu a bushels for five lusLel of good ripe Wild Grapes deliver ed at this office. Less than two bushel t'ji a half ut a lime not accepted. Grain WanlC'J. I will pay the high fit market price for Wheat, Corn, end Oats. . S. SEE MAN. W. W. Hackney Las a large and choice Stock of Dry Goods and Notion?, tacked by the determination to sell low. McPherson's Block is rapidly ap proaching completion ; Mc. is deter wiiied to make this building tecend to tone in Nebraska. For Chicago Dailies of the 9th we ore indebted to Brum," cf the Telegraph News Depot. He keeps up with the tunes in his line. A D Marsh is increasing his stock of Books, Macazines, News and Literary . ' . . . . . J papers amazingly. He keeps the latest- Hardware T "SeUenbarirar Bro's 1 11 ui v. b have coming a complete ouuu of Hard- ware of all kinds cn the way from New Yak, St. Louis and Pittsburg. They Hubert Teare, of the firm cf Teare & Co., has gone to New York for Goods, ile goes with a carpet bag full of green- KJts 10 me largest mart or traae in tne Union, and will bring a rousing stcck. Dr. 31. P. narlCJ. Homccopathic inysician and burgeon, Ulhce at the residence cf S. P. Tuttle, Esq., South i-ast coaner ol bin, and Main Streets. 44 tf. nr.'!n?A Plinfk Ac tv ' authurizPfl Arrant nf W H 7VT a r n iNormal, 111., 1 will take orders for Fall C 1 - r oprng delivery of ihse Flants in iAtcraaka. w 11 M CREE IV. - Tin . f . -. i. urccn Liiss iiack-er are now in their P. Grevn store, under this of- fice, where thev are constamlv rcvw . - O 1 Aflll (llslilircinrt f n ai fjrnn... Tl..,i. I .,i. . - i . . . -.ww.u.wi- niuut uiubciics. Aucii is a io. j.ana tney are tne gen ilemen to deal with. We ere nuthorized to announce the came cf J. W. Bennet as a candiJais for atrimonr. Mr Tt -. ...... - muj, wen stocuea, a gooa two-story bouse, tud sees tignsof a severe winter ahead. We have juit made the acquaintance cf Jas. M. Gilkison cf St. Louis, now in cur city, looking ud a site for a Whole- falft TiK Hii.;! r. .,.. UT- Ui.kisoa has means and energy and wil Carson's Bank. This is undoubtedly one Tue2 Ool bglb yot Gover-- rios uamcs ; and, in order to n mke a valuable acquisition. cf the greatest safeguards to the farmer, cor Allen fhurman.' ' ' ' Jc their fmpolJdsln cr any one owning live stcck, that ever Kentucky, Monday, Aug-. 5.h. For iavJ resorted to Jalschoo'd, bi UMaa ro- Iiave curin lae past week received a large addition to their tock cf Groceries, Provisions and Wood en Uare. They are determined to keep pace with the demand and keep the asserted clock ia the market. c ' " . Settles. We ere pleased lo Icarn Court cf iLin District and J. W. Bliss has b K L. .. . . ceen anv.caciy eettied, aud that Messrs Bliss : Hacker have received uworny io pea up their crjicens, anJ u.lty uro eterinsneu m fjixts cd all clstaclcs to keep cn hand the Lest coun try produce the market ciTjrds in ccn section wiih their choice stock cf Gro ries. Bully far Bliss ? 1-3 v. ill i .:: c. hr-e let cf II.U2.:L:!i Fur ? cn S a turd-' r.eit. :cis f n r rr t r- t v. i. i. Jl L reserve. If C;urt i is l.i scs;ica ce cf sale willle on the cf Mo in and First street?, if r.ot, in f rev. cf the P. Greentcre. larO I'Clcnj We are indebted to Ames Hughes for a rcuple cf the tughest Watermelons cf the reason, the two weighing V22 pounds. They were whoppers, and we tender cur sincere re gards for the .an;e. Ycj v ill always find a full csscrtrnent cf the very Ida i Newspapers and Mag azines at the cew3 Depot, in the Tele graph Building. "Bruin," the manager, is agreeable and always ready lo accom riCwxl& j c i Cliolce Land to be Sola. Mr. a McLeod will be in this city in about two week'3 to sell the N. Wr. quarter of Sec t'on IS, Township 4, Range 15, in this County. This land is shunted about six miles southwest cf the Nemaha river, near what is known as Bixler's Creek, is choice land, and will Le offered at a bargain. - Personal, Among the distinguished gentlemen who are here to attend Court, we acknowledge a 'visit to our sanctum from Judge Mason ex-Judge Dundy, District Attorney Revis, and Wm. Mc Lennan whose card may be found in to days paper. Nebraska has cause to feel proud of her array cf legal talent. Precinct Convention. At the Pre- cinct Republican Convention for this Pre cinct, held in this last Saturday, the fol lowing Delegates were chosen : R SHanniford, Ed Smith John Strain Geo Crow, J W J Q A Smith Wesley Penny, Charles Ware, S II Clayton, C G Dorsey, Jno McPherson, S M Rich, Jno L Carson, II M Atkin son, J S Church, J W Bliss, J CDeuscr, D H McLaughlin, Ben Rogers, R W Furnas. . Dr. J. H. Jordan, Indianapolis, Ind., says: have known Dr Strickland's Pile Remedy to be thoroughly, tested in numerous cases during the past year.und with perfect success in every instanca. And so it is gith his Remedy for Diar. rhoea or Cholera.and his Cough Balsam. They are all genuine and pure.-", 49 tf cm. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Walnut Grove Cem- a c n , x- t etery Association of Brownvnle, Nebrrs- ka, cn the 23rd of September, 1SG7, at four o'clock P. M.. at the Presbyterian Church in Brownville, for the purpose of electing trustees and other officers for Said Association. xwj-wAwi.Awvjf. JL.. W. TllOMAb, bee V. w t.- ri ta.. A. i duiill y ltUSti ujs oiuic uic larest - most comnlete and latest iinDrov- j . i en i c. - ed stock of Cook Stoves, ever brought to this market. For sale cheaper than the cheapest, for cash only. Also a late im" " , proved horse power Com Mill, to crush the corn, cob -and all. The Victory Sor- hutn Caio CooUs Evaporator. All fises of Sheet Iron for sugar boilers, larSe Cat Iron Kellles frorT1 ten 10 lY gallons. Post Augers, Fence W ire, lie. All Cheap for Cash. Wanted at Rockport Landing, 10,0o0 Bushel cf Wheat, 5000 Bushel of Corn, , C0QO Bushel cf Oats, 5000 Bushel cf Barley, For whicn we will pay the highest market price in cash. . AlUIK CC lilAliJC. All persons a.i,. Pn . Piihpr hv t.ota or ac v m 1 a ( 1 1 v; ij w . . vi - f,.int ivill r.l:if and nav the same ivwn, 1 1 j At m r-p. All nntes'or accounts unpaid by the i s . ' r n,f ill n,sw wlv left 1UUI VI i..w .v. ........... - - , .. r . I' Hi' i n a nrr cv Hir ri; iciion - ATKINSON & Co. rMf. itnACf FamerSlOOktO JOUr intC.C.- imber at City Mills for $2,00 per h. un- 1 r T . j mpr d d Shingles S2.0 rer thousand. Hour at per l a'u ""cai v-t" " in asn. McPHLUSON. LEACH BKU. CU. Ilnriforj LIVC IbtOCiL Insurance Company. We tee that this company have establued sn Anency in this city, I rrosHrd nvcr r Ttc "Trv ft unhlnn ntl wag criricaled. It insures cjjoinst less thfft nrd it tfhorvps pvptv nnn ia in- "lt, anJ it Uhooves every man to in- I A ' 4. I- t4 U. atl. 1. H. LlA CaVILA V 1 A U J I- t S.5G0.0C0, and is reliable ia every ic - sped. We notice a neat residence coin? up nearly south cf the M Ii Church. Ssv- eral residences have been put under way sines cqr hst, which we will notice so scon we can learn the names cf ths the proprietors.. ' ; : ! by Death or Theft. The risk ly death nnessee, Ihury, Ang. 1st, cr ?, . - ttcV; ii Va toarersoahavinutasir.all.orrlvcf Governor. Erne r,ou .EUicrSJ?e rtr,?, ?ffrrr forf. lia o . 1 1 isconsia, ijovern ji. uea jay , i.i o j jj deceived vj x. cm. x v.rcnasv ziv stock, cr sav tut the number of hor?es I n h MmiMinn v,rt. I Ain'inif it has never net been fce3t actually need, is too great net to te pre- . Minnesota, (Governor,).Tuesdayf Oct. equalled. Our ?';j;fff" . o i V . ivil.i certificates, scut jree t; mai.. r-w cihj i"jl We are indebted to W G Glasgow for a f e ? specimens cf choice Apple3 s a iced by Lim cn Lis farm in this County. They are cf the.Svvar rxd Win? Sap tarisry, and large of their kind. Ilr Gh::ov Las a splendid fruit farm, prob ably the seccr.d in the County. EnlnCT u LCTiiS. See lh'3 CSV Aa- ! veriisesneut cf this firm in another coa- umn. They have just received a reusing stoc c cf mw goods, of all kin Is. A firet c!a$ tock cf Dry Goods comprising ev erything. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, and everything that can be called for. They also have a large stock of reaJy made C'o;hirg; in this department they are determined' not to be .undersold, and have a splendid stork of goods. Call and examine their outfit! Among the rainy distinguished and energetic men congregated in this city by reason of this being Court week, we notice the genial and good natured ccun temnce cf A. J. Ritter, the merchant prince ci St. Deroin, in thiscoun'y. Bt one glance i3 nectary to assure any good judge of physiognomy cf Mr. Rit ter's success ; he is good natured, accom modating and always keeps a rousing sleek of General Merchandise, end sells at prices within the reach of all. He must succeed, and has all the qualities necessary to success. May he win! ' . . STRAT PONTV Strayed from the undersigned living in Tecumseh, on the 15th day of August. One black Horse Ponyj four white feet, blazed face, one glass eye, 8 years old. Any person delivering the animal to me, or any information that will lead to its recovery will be liberally rewarded. -50 Gi-p GEORGE W. RAMSEY. Serious Accident. a: serious acci dent happrened to one of our citizens last! Monday morning. While the Steamer Colorado was at our wh&rf, some one on the cabin deck was handling a pistol, when it went eft' the ball passing down among the crowd standing on the wharf and wounding Mr. Connor in the left arm. The ball passed under the arm acu wiuwa a lew iituies ui lue neaii, jek j . - m 9 m 1 inflicting only a painful flesh wound in the muscle of the arm. Search was made for the reckless owner of the! pis- tol but he Was DOt tO be found. A Stimclatixc Tonic Life Bit- rro. finer! hpnlth is a Klessincr ' The way to enjoy UCll IS lO taue a Wine glass . . . . . ; full of Strickland s Life 13itter two or three limes a day. They create, a good appetite; tney strengthen me sin- ncti; tney cure nauuuai -A,on?umpuon, Nervousness, and Jleeadache ; they make the old feel young-. If you lonj? life and trooa nealtti, use bTaica- land's Life Pittebs. For sale in bot- ,?T'aX T- r . t b7 Drucists, and by the drink at all , d grcceries. lf T viclinfii Arror n. n,,r rpr,. efg Qj, un(lerslan(j that the genuine liHUOUVUI ttliujt chemicai Saleratus, made by D; B. Ee I 'nA ' C. P i nPrfr Piton. ' Tn 'fhp nrnrpcts or hnk'in it fill Prn nnTiltfiS. I pa- L.; ,U Uon i;t"n,1 nra Tt W ring the bread light and pure. It-has . been imitated but the counterfeit is not i - j-. j tt - p easily ui. . use u ixisieau vi Snda. - - It weiThs 1G ounce to the taper : . -111 others weish H oz. The following is a list of the more im 0 , . . , , portant State elections to be held this year, with the names of candidates, (so far as nominated) for the highest cilices l0 fc& filled in each State : Republican. . Maine, Monday, September 9. Ftr Governor, Joshua L Chamberlain. Vermont, Tuesday, September 3d. For Governor, John B. Page. Massachusetts, (Governor.) Tuesday, Nov. 9ih. No nomination yet made. Nevr Ycrk, (Secretary cf State,) Tues-day, November o;h. No notmna- lion vet mado. Foj. g f .me Jud ffe Henry W. Williams. Ohio. Tuesday October b h. 1-cr " . i... rztu Vnr Governor, bidney M Barnes. For Governor, William G. Brownlow. ' ti'- f iv t-- -vt Uisconsin, uoveruor,; luemay.o- vember 8ih. No nomination mide. Minnesota. (Governor,) 1 uesJay, Uc tobf r Sih. No nomination made. I rr i , v ou t .owa, Tuesuay October 8 h. For verrcr, Samuel Mermi. Go 1 California, Wednesday, September 4th. p GoverDor Geor e fc. Gorham. n r . Democrat. tJ,vU per thousanu. iraino- Mcrdav Sf -Dtcnoer 9th For nourished and supported.. It makes L At hundred. Highest nV rtn bTrv WH W I V ermont, inesuav, sepieraoer oru. rAr n,,r .Trbn L. Kd wards. Merh.Pii,. finrr.or. Tuesdav NnvpmliPr. i'.h. IN fi nomication tnatle. ew ycru (Secretary of Suite,) Tue made, Pent Governor, John L. Helm. Iova, Tuesday, Oct. Cih. For Gover- nor chaf. Ma?on. Fur Govprnof. Ilenrv M.-IIaioht. sdciy, Nov., 5th. To norninaltoir thn first iucaic:ii iiuiuumj. sylrania, Tuesday, Oct. , Sih. I or i:;r7l,( mainr to manufacture pre - . ...... IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT UUC11U acd Improved IIoio Wafh c ures secret and delio.ile disorders in tl their stage, at little expense, li:t! or no change in diet, no taconveLieace and no exposure, it is pleasant ia tofte ard odor, immediate ia its action, and free from all injarioni properties. Paiai Poap, Cuttile, YUiin and Jjo torsive toap and tlo CcUbra'.ed Silver CIo? Urch at S U A IZOS. GRAN CAEAP CASH RTOTIE. Main Street tctz ecu First cn I Second. BKOvZHVILLD, IT. T. - IV.'ceM r.c?peetful!j Mcra tho Citizens cf DrownviJle.anct rrnd'n? country tLatl Lavo jus-; received iaj fai t-Owi ci uocJi, Cvcii.. Ci v r' r r" l : ' l - i I 1 ' 1 Gf tbolatc?; styles and ta?t quRlity, liens bevj caif l.-cnts, douti j sctcd Boots, t iao Kip Boots toj3 and chil.ireiis l'. :ot3ani HIiocs. All kinks cf La dies' 1! jots ar.d Shoes of the finest and bestqa alitj. India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind, Consisting of the bes brands of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper, ' Allspice, Soda, Candles, Tobacco, . Matches; Starch, Sec, ec, cc. V7oodsn Wars, Gtor.o VTzxo; The tat Qua:ity cf The be?t T7oolcn Under and Over, Salt Salt by the founder barrel WHICH US OFFE3S FOR SALS CHEAP FOBCASI-I All cf ahich he offers tt the loweft prices, deier lninei not to te uui6ro!iI. " . GRANT. A GOOD. I. ono of the iDOt necessary and dcsirabla ar tides oflou?ehidJ econoiuyicd if proferly isanaged, will promote the health.coia- fort and happiness cf every ui.-ia-ber of the faiiiiiy. ITO G00SI1IG ST07E Ilavo evr beoa brought before the pahliu which ob'ained fo qreat a popularity or met with more fdi or than the Flymootliilocli OVEIt 100,C00 OF THESE CELEBRATED COOKING STOVES UrtVW UlTVIl UIIACl Milt H-1 lJciiifc.C n T w cfFtr them as reference wherever found. THE IMPROVED CHARTER OAK With Exhn&ion Top, T'TT tT'Zl strnction tnat a clitld caa mmao it. lne ovens are larger, bake more uniform, and the Stove heav ier than any Coking btova of corresponiics mo ever made. Housekeepers, Slove Dealers Tinners -'an "'T uron Min? fapp.ion ai xoe lowesi r. fiiiU wi liui ii lb' tLciraina iiiac iu c ; i va i'ji examine our IVija LUI and Catalues before pur cbasi :g cli-ewfecre.-' Address, EXCELSIOR' MANUFACTURING CO & gu ,IliVgtreei L0UI3 M0, s,-,,, c1,r11Vrr;vor Pyo : w C"L,V 7 roirnpi Jtbrasha. fr-insm -r'fr- r bjc ririny. JiVJ liii UiiOOacsJU i It - A Co5Kpiele OIj J a T istory of the Xcw T crritoris, from Use Jreat tliver to the Jreat Ocean 1. n ill ..L TV T!1,.,-,l . ) ;iljert ' lU.diun. OYCr 20,000 CcpplCS, SOW ia Oil r;f a a is;.:rta T,.kta t,. the I'acifia Co Wuh ,v3r 2.1a i)e;ript.v3 an rhotoraphic icwd oi the re jnery .Cities, Lmd Mine People and Curiosities of th9 Now Sut the Trtcifia Co-t. With ,v2r 2 a I)cj.:riptivo anl and territories. "Far West'." this HistorV of that vast and foitiie , AinAfff.nfa ft n .1 GftfMi'rQIT, t V. j re-ion will prove aa 'inv..taabl assistance, supply- hn", ; .Ji want lon-r wt of a full, authentic and rcliablo guide to climate , soil, products, means ; agems WANTED. Send for Circulars a gee cur term?, and a full description, of the work Address NATIONAL ttJbLLsniNG CO., of tnvel. x.o.. Ao and - Cor. Tb iid and l'erry Sts., Deavenport Iowa. X I -w- " j1. - J a 44r0 tins szouci xiiv icbv uj &c,v f io1 for the hair haa vet been dis- beneficial results. It is an entire! v tipir xr.iP.nnnc iiiscuva ir, ivi.ivsi.imv - ; Mtnsf nwZrfi;l and rc- stored U-iS agents in the VEGETABLE Kir'&DOftl. It restores GSiAY HAIR KlfiCDOril. It restores OWJ t ha h TO ITS ORIGINAL -YOUTHFUL COLOR. It ma Tees the scalp wiutc a; cuveft dandruff and humors, and falUns" out of tho hair; ami will make it grow upon bald heads, except, in very off eel persons, as it ,Vlf.iCf7w tut. nrineinle bu which the hair i3 D IZE S S IN tr it is tne ciieapesi I v..,xt Usv nninrti-!iu. jt is recommended-andm used by parations for the Hair, under va to bl claiming thej were former part- jcvcniio Slam p ever the top cf tho bulilc. . Ml otiicrs imitations. ,-. ll. Y UuA &. OOh rTCp UuJ:L2j n SdJbjaU Druistscud Ikdcn ia :ZIcJlcins. C. A. COOKi 87 Dearfccrn St. Ch'c-c, 1 Acent for tie Jfortli-TVcetertt fStaten 1 i'.d Pea'chej. Arples, t;'.acl.L-crrii. r.herr ft J; sv;a:; iiir.n s Brcoss, Salt. Ares, rowdc-, Phot anl Lfl-iT at ANl Vegetable Sicilian- Hair Renever preparation ever cjereu 10 ittepito- lie, as cue borne tciu accoinjuisa ' ir.nre and last lonner than three ' in.f)..s,'jVi7;ffji Hair Ilencwer have i uv III I III iTTlill t 9 i rrn ri mr r i in n y t ii t ttttttt t tt tit nn r i ----- - - - - - . - tha ziz cf j k'O a I.".,.. v. .Li lw CT' - . " , ,v and am now recei;i-r a Urge sioc- tf j j:i,j. L.. I I kenr - .-'Lt'r c)!:r!:i fa'l a--'rt2ct t: ; ') i'" i 'c n Keep ccnstantlj cn Lal a ccmp'eto asortcat cf Tciitcadi, Ucrcrcauj, Fr rlr-i bed?, AVI: it"Xv,:s Cliiiri, Kitchen - and - -T7ardrobc,- -' " - rj, V.';-:i ;Sf,ii Is Jut-Lea cr. i Parlor, .... ) Mar- tl8 t .pcd ' S ta-jjj Lounge, ' M ' r.u! r Cn- - Ur . ? Tibls Matalis - L'-injft - . -.'.S.rrirjfs Tete-h-re3 Sw'n'cCri'-s, Oiaje Ciiai.-?, Ocrnlort 3 , htt:t e?, Kitchen afc?, l'liin Stindj ; Iioe.kin; C.-ife?, ; . T '. Led Sfrifi, Chudren ; C.iba ar. i ii'i, " ' ' rirnn S'ocl?, Ten joy .Sbn'l. Gilt ar. 1 Rosewood Moaldirj, Sheets, Tillowa, rilluw Slij.3, etc., etc., eti?., eta. Sho-iT Casesanl Office Work nik to Cider And arythin and everything required to sot np pi : in orf.incy bousekeepir. AH cf their Fare is either .uaanufiernrod :or put up under their j 'cll superintendent, which enablo then: sound ar'Jolo3 at smaller prijes than eastern manufactuted goodi. ' OUR IIEAKSE . 1 ::;Wl'1! is attho sprvicsof the pnblio'at any timo it may be reeded, a cd is govten up in as l8 style aa any farther cast. Jletalic Burial Gases, of all elzes constantly on hand, at eastern prices. We are dcin; business on ?t-ietly cash principles. At a ini'tll, and by attention to business and the wan3 ol tt.c community, expect in tne future as in the past to receive the pitrenase of tbo pub lic generally. M FALL & CO. mi. . . f f lis 'ti-'irj . r rr try 83 V SCO 3 A M : ': K (j J 1 'i 'J GO -- o 3 CO S3-ALSO MEEC HAN.T B . - 17 Layer ILti, CSrrant.Cilrcn Niils.Paib, Wsr.r i'JoivM. Ai., at r V1 . 1 j l hr 5 Hi - - Al I ! I) J : L ii g v - - - ' V t : -i ( . 1 CI.07M1IIG ncTcrCIcili C Fr-.ich' CcM Chl;.hS i:i Laicsl ils. Czzzizizxz Gcccli all dczciipticr.. ALSO: All cf which I ,pr f03) to sell as C hoap.or Cheaper Than any of my Competitors. . Ail I ash is for the citizecs cf Nemaha and adjoining counties to give a gal: REMEMBER THE ! . S . - ' . i .MAIN STBEET, t" rr T -"Tr S. SEE MAN. SIHILU SKHLICUS Cl'KiMTTK ri Avn p 1 exreri TAYi! PKCYEN.FROJI TCC MOST A5ITLE ar:ee ,!:n entire sucee;.s: i:i!U ie rr:tr.Lt ES.i-JLt.aud .I'.clsablo. They ara the ca!y 'k-d icines p eifect'y a i-ip'ed to popular us so sicij,le thii. miiUhes caanut ba cade ia tfirj th m ;s harm'.-:.- as t b free f roa c:?.cgvr,ani s iSineLt Rsto be ahv.iys ro'i ibl3. Thoy have rti.-ed tho highest crmmvnditioa froa all, and vrii! alvnys rcndcria'iifactio::. cs.: , Cents 1, Cu.c "FcTCrs, Peace ..tlon, T sfT-imati r. Co 2, VVcrns, MVra-l'evvr. V.'ri!i-C;ic. V'5 3, " Ci yir -CdUc, .r Te-i:ii:' ofir.Uuti, t!5 I)i,r: cna ef il.ilrtn r !ul:s. S5 5, " Dysentery GrlpiiiC, Biliivus CAi ' 23 6, "- C'loler.i-Iu Thus. V..ii'::i :, - 5 7, " Tleura'pia, Tuo:l;;tcii, F.ccacts, 25 ?, " Hcrdr-cnes A'uit-i'ca iji tie, Yeni.o 2J 10, ' 1'ivspc pr.ia. Bil'.iuus i3T:u-.(h. T. It, " Kx-Ir pressed, cr p if .1 Pc-.Js. 5 12, " Whr.e:-, too prorioJ Tei. Jj. fi 13, ' " Croup. fi'U;t BreuMns. ii 11, Salt Jih.HiiJ.I-iryKiie'ad. E.upti.ns 2 16, " FMlt liheuni. trys.i e ts, Fr.p;l-ns. 5 16, " JiheumrttiaDi. KUL-naiaUcPauu 60 17, " Piles, b:inl vt tlteliiii . . to I, " Cpthr-'rcy. an'l s-re 07 weak Fr?. f-J t " Catarrh, aeatp or cluui a, li.i'ariza 6) 2'., " V.Tlicop:Ej? Ccugh . vi lem CjuUs to Jl " Asth'Tia. --pressep yrea'M'x? 5 22 " Ear DisoharKes. impair. i Iljarins to 23 " Scrofula, enlarged Gi.n .1, iiweiiiims 6a 24 ' General deUity, l'l.ysi iul WcakLeos 60 2 " Dropsy, i;fJ shinty hcci o.ioiis fio .6 ' Sea-Sickncas, tusm-ss from ndinj . 6 27 Kidney-Dise--e. Grivel J 23 IJervoua Debility, Seminai'TIiiiis- giOl'S lnvi!:miary IficUa'.os l,fO 23 " Koro Mer.tb, CanVrer 51 3) ' Drinary Vcf.kRCfc3, woUlnjr bed ' 6- 31 " I'ai-iul i-eicda, wirh Pr iiuis to S2 SuJiVvmgsat ihans.-e or !i!'e l,Ct) 31 Epiienis'y, Spann, St, Vi'.os' Dafs ' 1.00 3-1 " Pipinhtria, nlttriU 1 Sorj TUroat 60 rAJI'LY CA&E2. : Of C5 Iar,T;c iSnls, mcrocco tor evtry oi! I siiii y icsca? a familj' is subje ct to, ami a book of directions, SiO OO Sraal'er Fatn'y ard Travclins caies, wtth SO tj is vi ii, ' $5 to 3 Spcci.Ics for alt f rirf.te' Doape, 1 oth for - Curing a;"1 preventiivo treitmenr. . in via.s and pocke: cist, . $2 to $ j For Sale by McCOMASfc Co.. I-r-jwL villi Neb. 4T-!y ROBERT TEARE & CO. Announco to the puuiio that they bevo jast ro- ceivtd aaa have cow opined ia taa Brownville Hotel Bailding, Comer llcia csd ?ccond Street AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF GOODS, '. CcEsistirg of every variety of IDvy CJooils,:' Graeciles, Oiiecns t arc. S!ardn-are,'ri-ci Islcns, Hoots aBdS2iccs,I7aland Caj??. Elolloav Ware, 'jTX. 1ST ZD Agriculturallmplenients Together with nil, and ?wy vari??r of artiolcs upual'y kept. Ly a Wefte?n Tri lin liou:o, which they oti'or t. tlie citizot,3 of I'.ro .vavi'lo, Nemaha Caur.ty' and Southern 1 cbrasiia. ' , In opening ''it n Stxk of Go"Js in thiCify, do Dit propose any grott2.arih, Lot fim 'y to say that we huve p'ircl;.i--.-d our p: ;:d.i ocdor tho m.3t favord circ':"f:ini-'.M, jnl for C;i!i : tho EXTIPvF. STOCK LS NKV." and frc-b,ir.l that o'ir fti i-'iiro in b th tbo Icsin-si anl wiata of tlii coiiiiiiuaity, on io'.- s uj t tIvct wkh coi:2Jeac the pafr aa re of the p'lllio . CALL AND SEE US HODEiTT Ti'AIli: Cf) CITY BREWERY. S SIIRINER & BPiIF.GEL, Has ju?t get their Ere?ry v.r, jsr full iunn'r. order, they ere rw rmking aa ''d Uirr .u cia be irado in the 1' tilted Msti-.. .With tb-.-ir labil ities ivT rckic Ur.r, they sr.; j reared to Suruwh any qu inliyt oa ho rt r.t;cc. . ( AH crdef filled as socn as received J. W. SMITH,' A X D r?f " r'0 "rf"5 ri ?r?"T) - J!a!n St., 5ta d .or ran cr 2uI3t. r.ROvN v i i.t .t:. ni : u n as Tv a Otoneware,. Isakct?, V'asr.' .ar'f, Ituterrs .c. r. T J.eLi-.Cia Ftu'Ui of all Li;.:-, .-: t Oy-ler at I AN & 1?Jj. C'lryar Loaf yru, l:..r-;'.u aj, crd N.O. .'.': .-e O " . at ji7,'A A Qt.iaCr.iekcj, .i-o'-r i " r' i TCfj'clt- O T?,r.t . swa:,' ,t :;!;o'j. j'ff J -f ntU e: .itui, K( ne u tj I-; i ler, :,...-aiu.s K" vc trick dast dejesit. aiaii duv oI.tLa" LLlder, tl.a?j" ani dropiL-lal ' rc'.;'.r-, . i. 32 .I:r30Lr i tin? L ! ' 1 : iiaJSiii;Oj CO., HAliTFORD. CONN. "I ' 4Tr'. Caili on fcuuil in IIar.!i Kop.I -stale 31 1:-r? Tit Uont'v, 1 - V. atf s, Slate ami City Att-'i'li, other r1 TTO r-; LcL!:i!il!:n:?, .!.-- 1..'4 Li. u l.iiU 1 ? .1 t ill 1 Net ASsCtJ, uil t'j) i O Fire & Inland Xavisatiou "A'crotct.-s ia all tha piiij! Citlss aaiT&wnj ia tha t uitod State Apli'!Atii.nsf..-r !o?ancc will to jrcnirtlt-ter.a- J to. CIIAS, G. DORSET, .Agent, '7 ; J J i 1 IT A P A TTT?q HorsePOvzers, Equalizers, PITT'S UUUliUiUiliili liJiiiilUil For Durability, Light Draft, Fast - Work,. Good Work, Good Material and Higli Finish, CANNOT BE EXCELLED. . ; Wl III llUJ 4 1 i-. .3 Ut Ero vvnviile, Neb. B eans, U ja:iny, Moal, rJt.'t"'3.'.Tloar .rp; f a LOTTERY! Class S, tpt. ZOih 1007. i Prize C$50,0001 0FrlIMCfS300 lpn,,., lia.OOOl 9PrlM( 200 lpn2ccf 8,003 15lrrhesuf 200 1 Prize of i,C00 prlie of 100 2rri,of ' 5,00:j 220Pr:zMO-f- 12o 20recf 1,000 lSPlof100 C3Pr:2r6C, 400 201Pr,s.,a .50 Frizco amounting to 230,C50. Tickets $12, Halves SG, Q::arters C3C0. PLAN OF TKK 1.01 1 LliV.-i e 5t. fr. tn 1 te 3i.CC0. priat'.l in septrire of p,;.er, sr( efcirclcJ wih satllj tin tut a, an J .v ei in o:. fcLe i. Tne pr:z-i. of y L'.i h ttere art :oi, Trxin? . s'j"V. foru i 5.),UirO ti Ji'i, r s:r-.iir!y printf.J oil tej.irte iir. eDcirc'e-), an.jt ir wr.r ?t. Tne wbeeiii ore ttei revoke i, n4 a uauc rf i t:,-n ur n fiou tliO t?el ut Ci.s;, ai.. 'i !-e :ae t; raa a yriie U dra-r a f . oai tt.ecturw:iiel . 7'.e nil ter a: d prixj Jrswn rt are l ' i L.t-.'. l v tli, i.d re.sterid t". p:.. le.:. pijico t a;air.ftta natntcr :rawn. Xii o;?ru.a reseat frl uii.t. ;t tU .r:zes a. e drawn oat. jrT?" JlAGsincr -t gijr.E-.nt-::jsr a LoTTrar win it drawn im v3l:c, ia Covin jto. Ky., bv o a "oni:ai$i-'ier, at ., .eo'c:Uc' .p. r., utiecrwcf F;r!b an ; .-tt 3 s 7.e if 8UU L.t:ere ar t O.t. i:.ter?-i t-, b u t r . -1 Ule Money Lottcrie. thjt l r. U"r. c; ti-a.-tcl Ir i past uirty years. a:.-i are -4 -a rn ui.:.r t. a-i t ri'y ol a chirtr fr';ai t!.e tt;;..-, :.J ti-ir i tre (iva ir 15.9 payui".t Cf !i prjn. T? .r'. :r us j ut el Wi if.e Sew Tft'lt V. aid a" C:r.j.fcm Cotscir:..! T'je at'.-ve pet i.e w: !i tu:ia tac u:uU!a and lat of em Lor..U uu.-hij -r. l tvIJ. Ctre- larit of Lotifi ie Srawto -' i:y seat ly appl'.ci-tl.-n i) tv.e y ili-'u-j. A IJ c-i a.i irOcr thket t x.:Tjrj?-T, hdiit ClCd, - Tat-irul Leaf. V.zs Cut, Cm: a Jua .nr. 1 yT 14 fcV.'AN i rr.Q'S' a j'T"rch Tcsatac?, t.i tn- sIt pT 1 ean, a& 5HUTTLB AP.E SUPERIOR TO ALL. OTHERS, M ' " or -ivt-ii-iio iiAmll ll