Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 12, 1867, Image 1
"T.--c nr ADVEIITISIXG Are AO Jiior 10 lt insctUon $1 60 !l .obeaurtwI1 NEBRASKA ADVERTISER 0 r-h tddJUocftl line 1 09 OoeColom0. one year, 0n Co'lcmii, month. ' 0neCl"'lM',,,oBlh II:f Column, one year, coloiun, sixmotitts, p.jfColomn.ttreemonai, fl)0rth Colcmo, one year, florin Colnn. six months fourth Column, three months, . jigbth Column, one year, Eighth Column, six month, jlfhlU Colnmn, three month, Announcing CanJiJate foroOce 6tr,y Notices (each hed) $sooo 60 00 50 00 M 00 . 30 00 51 CO 30 00 21 OJ 16 00 21 00 15 00 10 00 6 00 300 r V A si hi: 'XI 1 ; i oz iy ! num. hill c co Advertiser Iock,H&m St, between t:t 21 ! I i Ay y . TERM 1 Copy, one year, tu advance, - 1 09 Subsription, must intaiiably, be pail In AJtaro f, 53" Book Work, and Plain and Fancy Job YV'cri t LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLE' NOW AND FOREVER." the best 6ty!e. and on short notice. - - ' VOL. XL BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEP. 12, 1867. NO ! 1 Vt'v' t i I 1 1 ; J t ? 5 P I, n, -t. 1 Ld ids, 1 n 3. JAB o., '3 I ' and f f nU ail :sr rsi f if I A ! 3 ; H.U MATHEWS, !PHYSICIAN. & SURGEON, ciTY DRUG STORE, I BHOffNTILLE, SEBgiSSl. jt V. HAHLET, M D, I rroMOEOPTHIC IpflTSICIAN&SURGEUN j oflrcat Residence ofS. P. Tudle, i goBljj corner of 6th and Slam &ts ! tooWXXVIIIooTo. ly I I. II II II Ij.W.BLACKBUEN H.D. PEXS10X EX13HNING SURGEON, 1 Tenderstifi professional service to the citizens of ! nrriCE AT CITY DRUG STORE r-ry, nt at his Kepiderjce eouth Bide of Atlan- between let and 2nd streets tie A.S. HOLLADAY, M. D. Graduated in XS51, located in llrovnvillc in 1S55 nnicui SD1EE0I O B T ETE I O I lIST Pr. H. hen hanl complete t-of amputat ing Trej'hining and Obstetrical inetruments. CI3cc: Holladar & Co's Drug Store Two Doors East of Post Office. P.S. . Special attention given to Obstetrics and tbedisewes of women acd children. x-44-ljr j C. F. STEWRT. M. D. i opricii i Soatb East corner of 'lain and Firft Streets ! DRO irXVILIX, CnUASIiA. CmcK IIorRS 7 to 9 a. M.and 1 to 2 and 6 to Brewnville.yelrafka.May 5tt, 18(55 No 34,1 jr. i CHARLES G. D0RSEY jATTORUEY AT LAW ! Xtzt Door to Carson's Bank. j MAIN STREET Urownvillo 3"ol3X asIja I T.F.Tiftcn O.U.IIewctt J:S. Church j TIPTOM, KEWETX& CHURCH Clttontcns dt atu, I BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Harch 1st, 'C6. lj. j EDWARD W. THOMAS, I ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR iToiIANCERY,- Offlce corner of Main and First Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. C. E. NYE, litorit i at Cflur, AND j War claim agent, P-HTXE CITY, XECIIASKA. D. O. CROSS. sTEVENSON L CROSS Proprietors, On Levee St.,be4weerl Uain & Atlantic, rowuviUo Nobrnakft 1 Usi : Co.n''t to the Steam Boat 1 lo1M" Prt of Town. The best j W in making pucsU comfortable. ! tVtt bTTodSlaWe and Corral convenient j AMERICAN HOUSEr coa Feed and LlTcry StaUIc J In toancstion with th IIohso. 1 L D. ROBINSOfl. PKOPKIETOK. i rrtt Street, between Main and Water, j CKOTTKVILL, NEBRASKA. SHiV. lose iai i IS" FAIRBAIXCS' f TANP1KD .SCALES, 2 OF ILtiKTVTtS. PA!BUKS, GR-ESLEAF & CO. 235 Lake Street, Chicapo. ?r,9 Mnrknt Street. St. Loais. K Ir CAtmt T0 rr;T OLY TCE CENriNE.iEJ 1 a a cTEVFA'snv . i mtmss GEO TT IK)RET. LUTHER EOADLET. CHAS.G.DORSKT DOr.SEY, HOADLEY & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, and Dealers in Land warrants, and Agricultural College Scrip. Office, xn Land Office Buildings . . Erownvlllo, XTo"fc. rny and sell improved and unimproved Lands, Buy Sell, and locate Land Warrants, and agri cultural college Scrip. . Hake careful selections of government Land. lor location, llomesteadi, and pre-emptions. Attend to contested Homestead and pre-emption ca?cs,ln the Land ofUce. Letters cf inquiry, promptly and cheerfully an swered. S-ST Correspondence SolicUedwj3i25t FRANZ HELMER, OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHOP, DUOWmLLE, NEBRASKA. WAGONS, BUGQIE3. P0"WS.CTJTI VIT OKS, &c. , Repaired on 6aort notice, at low rates, nd w arranted to give satisfaction. x-13-fn nn A. ROBINSON, IT Ml S Vain Between 1ft k 2d Street Erownvillo TTolDrasltn, Takes thia method cf informing the tiublic that he has on hand a rplnndid assrtnont of Gent's and Ladie's Hisses' and Childrens's BOOTS AND SHOES. f3"Cnston work done with neatness and dispatcnJ Jlepairing done on short notice. 10-30 funn CHARLES HELLMER, ttit TUL SL 't , Main St 2 doors below Brccwnville House, EOWKVILLE N . T. lias on hand a superior stock of Boots and Sbces and the beet material and ability for doing CUSTOM WORK Repairing done icithncatness and dispatch rC31y Terms Ortsla. fn.nn GATES & BODSFIELD, r n, u f rr tt a in its ci B te a il ftiA I i!i AND PLASTERERS, nroirnvlllc, cbraslta, WTl take contracts for Bricklaying, Piaterin, building Cistern?, and do any thing in their line in the most satisfactory and workmanlike manner. Aug. 30,1865. xW-iy PIONEER PAINTSHOP LOUIS VALDTER, SOUS X3 5 m CD CO P AINTSH Graincr, Gilder, Glazier, PAPER n A N G E R White Washing and Kalcemining done. All work done in a workmanlike manner on the shortest notice. TERMS CAS II I SllOPoa Main street over Mongan's Plow Fac- 1 T .1. JACOB MAIIOIIN' MERCHANT- A. Tin TV! i ! h 1 i 1 J MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA 3 "S-T C3r Aujr. 23d 6G CLOCE,aWHEIES, AND ' 5 33 W 3 Xj 3r?L 2 2 JOSEPH SUUTZ Has iast received and will constantly keep on hand a large and well selected stoca ci genuine ar ic'.ei in is line. - - One Door west of Grant's Store, Broucn- vxlle, JScbravsa. Of Clocks; "Watches and Jewelry done on Ibe'short ectKotice. WORK WARRANTED. Brornvlllc, Keb.. March 15th, 1S65. 10.25-ly ie inn 05 J T: ; !,- "WtF Theundersignedkeep on hand alarge assortment SAni!IETCASS!MERESUITS For Men and Boy's wear. Also, a large stock of HATS ANT) CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES Eub&cr Cots, Legglns &Blancls, Tnilts and "tr-ll3oe3, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS, Gent's Fnrnisliing Goods, Of all kinds which we will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. We purchased our goods since the dfc dine in the Markets and will sell at lov figures. ATKINSON & CO. April 13th, 1865, fl-30-ly HEW HILLS. ' The Lafayette Dills situated four miles above On The Little Nemaha River, LAFAYETTE MILLS. Highest Cash Price Paid For All kinds of Grain. Bread Stuffs of all kinds con stantly on hands for sale or in ezchange fr grain. SANDERS & HAWXBY. NOTICE TO FARMERS- I The undersigned having rented fc a-1 the Brownville 6-0IfBINfl ML 5 Takes this method oJ informing the pub lic that he intends doing CUSTOM WORK for tho accommodation of farmers and others the coming season . The mill is now in operation and who have wheat to grind are respectfully invited to give mo a trial, as I am confident of giving gen eral satisfaction. The highest cash price given for wheat. 26if. F. W. MORRIS. Beh. Rogebs. E. W. FUhkas. BEIT. ROGERS, & CO., Livery, Feedand Sale Stable, Main Street BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. Dealers in all kinds of Stock norses Bought.Sold and Exchanged. Stock boarded by the day or week. The Proprietors have recently erected an entire new, large and commodous Stable on Main Street near the old Brownville House. 1 neir &tocfc is an fresh and Vehicles new. The public -can be accom modated at all hours , day or night. A Stock corrall with an abundant supply of pure water atached to the Stable. 41-ly , EVAN WORTHING, " BILLIAED EOOLI AND 23 X O O 30" South side Mainbet. 1st and 21 BrovriiTlIIc, IVcbrasIta, " Wholesale & Retail Dealer In Wines, Liquors,Flemings rid Scotch Ales, Lon don Porter, Doub lin Stout, Cigrs Henry P. Slierbnrae, Pianos &nelodeoBS Musical Insfmineiits,Musical Merchandise OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ' No.35 Market Street, between. Main and. Second, Ett clUshed in IS49 ST. XiOXJIS IIELMDOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT. BUCHU vleasant in taste and odor, free from all injuriou - . i , a:.. :4 ..Umi SHATTERED C0NSTITCTI0NS RESTORED by-Uclmboli'i Extraot Bueha.. Let Mc Kiss Her. Let me kiss her for her mother The bewitching Polly Ann Let mo kiss her for her mother, Or any other man. . - - - Let me kis her for somebody, Anybody in tho world, With hor bair so sweetly auburn, And so gloriously curled. Let me kiss her for hor"fellerV And I do not oare a red If he taps me on the smeller . With his "billy" made of lead. Let me kiss her for her daddy The pretty pouting elf, . Or, if that don't suit the family, Lot me kiss her for herself. An Act for the RcTlslon of the School Law. Be it enacted by tht Legislature of the State of Jfebraska ; Sectio.i 1. Each organized county shall be divided by the County Superin tendent into as many school districts as may from lime to time be found necessa ry ; Provided, that the Superintendent shall hare power to change or modify the lines or boundaries of any school dis. trici at any time. . Sec. 2. Every duly organized school district ehall be a body corporate and pos sess all the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes by the name and style of "school district number of county ;" and in that name may sue and be sued, purchase, hold and sell such personal and real estate as the law al lows. Sec. 3. Whenever the'County Super intendent of any county shall form a new district therein, it shall be the duty of the said Superintendent to deliver to a taxable inhabitant of such district a no tice in writing of the formation of such district, describing its boundaries and specifying the time and place of holding the first meeting ; which notice with the fact of such delivery, shall be entered up on the record by the Superintendent. Sec. 4. The said nonce shall also di rect such inhabitant to notify every qual ified voter of such district, either person ally or by leaving a written notice at his or her place of residence, of the time and place of holding said meeting at least five days before the time appointed therefor; and it shall be the duty of such inhabi- uant to notify the qualified voters of said district accordingly. Sec. 5. The said inhabitant, when he shall have notified the qualified voters as required in such notice, shall endorse thereon a return snowing sucn nonnca tion with the date or dates thereof, and deliver such notice and return to the chairman of the meeting. Sec. 6r The said chairman shall de liver such notice and return to the direc tor chosen at such meeting as hereinafter provided, who shall record the same at length in a book to be provided by him at the expense of the district, as a part of the records of such district. Sec. 7. Each and every sub-district now existing under provision of law shall be deemed to constitute a district, and shall be controlled and governed as here inafter provided. ' Sec. 8. The qualified voters of every new district, when assembled pursuant to the above mentioned notice, and all existing districts, at their annual mee tings, in the year one thousand and eight hundred and sixty-seven, shall elect, from ihe qualified voters of such district, a moderator of three years, a director for two years, and a treasurer for one year; and, at tae expiration or tneir respective terms cf office and regularly thereafter, their several successors shall be elected for the term of three years each : and within ten days after their election these several officers shall file with the director a written acceptance of the offices to which they shall hare been respectively elected, which shall be re corded by said director. Sec. 9-. Every such school district shall be deemed duly organized when any. two of the officers elected at the first meeting shall naveniea tneir acceptances as aforesaid. Sec. 10. In case the inhabitants of any district shall fail to organize the same in pursuance of such notice as aforesaid, the said Uounty Superintendent shall give a notice in the manner here inbefore provided ; and the same pro ceedings shall be had thereon as if no previous notice had been delivered. Sec. 11. The record made by the di rector as required by the sixth section of this act shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein set forth, and of the le gality of all proceedings in the organi zation of the district prior to the first district meeting ; but nothing in this sec tion contained shall be so construed as to impair the effect of ihe record kept by the County Superintendent of evi dence. ,. "Sec 12. Every district shall in all ca ses be presumed to have been legally or ganized, when it shall have exercised the franchises and privileges cf a district for the term of one year. Sec. 13. In all cases where the Coun ty Superintendent of any county shall form a school district therein and when no election for school district officers shall be held, and hen.any school dis trict shall refuse cr neglect to elect at ihe proper lime the necessary school dis trict officers, it shall" be the duty of the County Superintendent of the : county in which such district is situated, to appoint the officers of such district from among the persona residing in such district of the age of twenty-one years and upward, who are taxpayers therein ; which of ficers thu3 appointed shall severally file with the director a written acceptance of the officers to which they shall have been appointed, which shall be recorded by the director. Sec. 14. Every such school district shall be deemed duly organized when ever any two of the officers thus appoint ed shall have filed their acceptance as aforesaid ; and such school district and its - officers shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities and be subject to all the duties and liabilities conferred upon school districts by law. Sec. 15. The annual meeting of each school district shall be held on the first Monday in October each year; and the school year shall commence on that day. Sec. 16. Special meetings may be called by the district board or any one of them, an the written request of any five legal voters of the district, by giving the notice required in the next succeeding section; and in all notices of special meetings the subject of the meeting shall be stated. Sec. 17. All notices of annual or spe cial meetings, after the first meeting has been held as aforesaid, shall spetify the day and hour and place of meeting, and shall be given at least fifteen days pre vious to such meeting, by posting up cop ies thereof in ihree of the most public places, or by publication in a newspaper published in the district; and in case of any special meeting called for the pur pose of establishing or changing the site of a school house, such notice shall be given at least fifteen days previous there to. ' Sec. IS. No district meeting shall be deemed illegal for want of due notice, unless it shall appear that the omission to give such notice was wilful and fraud ulent; Provided, that for all meetings to provide for the location or removal of a site for a school house, the notice required in the last preceeding section shall in all nase3 be given. Sec. 19. Every inhabitant of the ae of twenty-one years residing in the district and liable to pay a school district tax therein shall be entitled to vote at any district meeting. Sec. 20. If any person offering to vote at a school district meeting shall be challenged as unqualified by any legal voter in such district, the chairman pre siding at such rr.eeiin shall declare to the person challenged the qualifications of a voter ; and if such person shall state that he, or she, is qualified and the chal lenge shall not be withdrawn, the said chairman shall administer to him or hsr an oath in substance as follows : You do solemnly swear and affirm that you are twenty-one year3 of age, th?t you are an actual resident of this school district and liable to pay a school district tax therein, so help you God. And every person ta king such oath shall be permitted to vote on all questions proposed at such meeting. Sec. 21. .If any person so challenged shall refuse to take such oath, his, or her vote shall be rejected, and any person who shall wilfully take a false oath or make a false affirmation, under the pro visions of-the preceding section shall be deemed cullty of perjury. Sec. 22. V hen any question is taken in any other manner than by ballot, a challenge immediately 'after ihe vote has been taken and previous to the an nouncement of the vote by the chair, shall be deemed to be made when offering to vote and treated in the same manner. Sec. 23. The qualified voters in such school district when lawfully assembled shall have power to adjourn from time to time as may be necessary; to designate a site for a school house by a vote of two thirds of tho?e present and to change the same by a similar vote at any regular meeting. Sec. 24. 'When no site can be estab lished by such inhabitants as aforesaid, the county superientendent of the coun ty in which the district is situated, shall determine where such site shall be ; and his determination shall be certified to the director of the district and shall be final, except that such decision may be changed by the county superintendent on a written request of a majority of the qualified veters of the district. Sec. 2o. The said qualihed voters shall also Lave power at any such meet ing to direct the purchasing or leasing of any appropriate site and the building, hiring or purchasing of a school house, and the amount of fuel to be furnished, and the time of furnishing it for the suc ceeding year, whether to be delivered at ihe school house, lo be assessed by a lax on the property of the district and to im pose such tax as may be sufficient for the payments thereof. Sec. 26. Any school district shall have power and borrow mon ey to pay for sites for schoci houses and to erect buildings thereon and to furnish the same by a vote of two-thirds of the qualified voters of said district present at any annual meeting or special meeting. Provided : That a special meeting for such purpose shall be upon a notice giv en by the director of such district at least twenty days prior to the day cf such meeting, and that ihe whole debt of any such district at any one time for money ihus . borrowed shall not exceed five thousand dollars. ... . Sec. 27. The qualified voters, when assembled at any annual or regular mee ting, may from time to time impose such tax as may be necessary to pay teachers, to keep their school house in repair and 10 prcvids the necessary appendages acd to pay and discharge any debts or liabil ities of the district lawfully incurred ; may raise a sum not exceeding forty dol lars in any one year for the purchase of books of reference, globes, maps or any apparatus for the purpose of illustrating the principles of astronomy, natural phy losophy, natural history and agricultural chemistry cr the'mechanic arts. Sec. 2S. They may also determine at each annual meeting the length of time a school shall be ta jght in their district during the ensuing year ; which shall not be les3 than three months in the district which have less than seventy five pupils, nor less than fix months in the districts which have between seventy five and two hundred pupils, nor less than nine months in the districts where there are more than two hundred pupils, and whether by male or female teachers," or both; and whether the; money appor tioned for the support of the school therein shall be applied to the winter cr summer term, or a certain portion to each. Sec. 29. In case any of the matters in the preceding section mentioned are not determined at tbe annual meeting, the district board shall have power and it shall be their duty to determine the same. Sec. 30. Said qualified voters may also at any regular meeting authorize and direct the sale of any school house, site, building or other property belong ing to the district, when the same shall no longer be needed for the use of the district. Sec. 31. They may also give such directions and make su;h provisions as they shall deem necessary in relation to the prosecution or'defense of, any pro ceeding in which ihe district may be a party or interested. Sec. 32. The moderator shall have power and it shall be his duty to preside at all meetings of the district to coun tersign all orders upon the treasurer for moneys to be disbursed by the district and all warrants of the Director upon the county treasurer for money? raised for district purposes, or apportioned to the district by the county clerk. . But if the Moderator shall be absent from any district" meeting, the qualified voters present ' may elect a suitable person to preside at the meeting. Sec. 33. If at any district meeting any person shall conduct himself, or her self, in a disorderly manner, and, after notice from the moderator or person pre siding, shall presist therein, the moder ator, or person presiding, ma order him or her lo withdraw from the meeting, and on his or her refusal, may order any constable or other person or persons to take hun or her into custody until the meeting shall be adjourned. Sea. 34. Any person who shall re fuse to withdraw from such meeting on being so ordered as provided in the pre ceediDg section, or who shall wilfully dis turb such meeting, shall, for every such offense, forfeit a sura not exceeding twen ty dollars, to be collected in the same manner as other penalties ia the manner provided by law, and shall be paid inlo the school fund of the district. Sec. 35, The treasurer shall pay over all moneys in his-hands belonging to the district on the warrant of the di rector, countersigned by the moderator; and shall collect all rate bills for tuition and fuel, in obedience to the commands contained in the warrants annexed there to. It shall also be the duty of ihe treas urer to appear for and on behalf of the district, in all suits brought by or against the same, whenever no other directions shall be given by the qualified voters in the district meeting, except in suits in which he is interested adversely to the district, and in all such casas the director shall appear for such district, if no other directions shall be given. Sec. 36. The moderator and direc tor shall require of the treasurer, and the treasurer shall execute to the district, a bond in double the amount of money to com9 into hi3 hands as such treasurer during the year, as near as ihe same can be ascertained, with two sufficient surities lo be approved by the moderator and director, conditioned for their faith ful application , of all moneys that shall j come into his hands by virtue cf his of fice: '.'! Sec. 37. Ths director shall be clerk of the district board, and of all district meetings when present; but if he shall not be present the qualified voters pres ent may appoint a clerk of such meeting, who shall certify the proceedings thereof to ihe direntor to be recorded by him. ,Sec. 33. . Th3 director shall record all proceedings cf the district in a boGk to be kept for lhat purpose, and preserve copias of all reports made loihe County Superintendent, and safely preserve and keep all books and papers belonging to hi3 office. ' Sgc. 39. The director, with the ad vice and consent cf the. moderator and treasurer, or one of ihera, or under their direction if hs shall not concur, shall contract with snd hire qualified teachers for and in the name of the district, which contract shall .be in wriiing, and shall have the consent of the moderator and treasurer or one of them endorsed thereon, and shall specify the wages per week or month as agreed by the parties, and a duplicate ihereof shall be filed in his office: Provided, thai if the director shall refuse to make and sicrn such ?on. tract, when directed so to do bv the mod- erator and treasurer, then it may be made and signed by the moderator and treasurer. Sec. 41. Within ten days next pre viou3 to the annual district meeting th3 director shall rake the census of his dis trict find make n list in wiiting cf tha names cf all the children belonging thereto between the ages of five and twenty-one years. In case cf the ab sence or inability of the director, such sensus shall be taken by the mcder atcr or treasurer, or such person a3 th:y may appoint; and a copy cf such lii, verified by the cath cf the person taking such tensfls by affidavit appended to - cr endorsed thereon, setting forth that it 13 a correct list of the names cf all the children belonging to the district between the ages of five and twenty-one years, shall be returned with iha annual report to the county superintendent. Sec. 42. He shall furnish a copy cf such list to each teacher employed in the district, and require such teacher to car fully note the daily attendance cf each scholar, and to make returns" thereof tc him, including the age? cf all schohrj whose names are not on such liat. Sec. 43. Every teacher shall make a monthly return to the director cf tha district cf the number cf pupih attending his or her school, ihe names and age3 of each, the days attended, the studies pur sued, and the proficiency cf each pupil in his or her studies. Sec. 41. The directors shall, with the concurrence of moderator and treasur er, or either of them, provide the neces sary appendages for the school house, and keep the same in good condition and re pair during the time school shall bo laught in said school hense. and shall keep an accurate account of all expenses incurred by him a3 director; such ac count shall be audited by the moderator and treasurer, and cn their written or der shall be paid out cf any money pro vided by the district for such purposes. Sec. 45. He shall present at each an nual meeting an estimate of the expense necessary to be incurred during the en suing vyear for such purposes, acd fcr payment of the service cf any district of ficer ; and such amount, when voted by such annual meeting, shall be assessed and collected in the same manner a3 oth er district taxes; but no taxe3 fcr thesa purposes shall be voted at a special mee ting, unless a notice of the same shall bo expressed in ihe notice of such meeting. Sec. 46. He shall giveth2 prescribed notice of the annual district meeting and of all such special meetings as he shall be required to give notice of in accor dance with the provisions of this act, one copy of which for each meeting shall lo posted on the cuter door cf the schoci house if there be enj Sec. 47. He thall draw and sign all orders upon ihe treasurer for all moneys to be di.-bursed by the district and all warrants upoa the county treasurer for moneys raised for district purposes or apportioned to the district by the county clerk. ..and present the same jo ihe mod erator to" countersigned by him. Sec. 4S. The director shall r.I.?o at the end of each, school year and wiuiia three days after the first Monday in September, deliver to the County Super intendent to be filed in his office a re vott showing ; ' . First, The whole number cf children belonging to the district between the ae- of five and twenty-cne years, according to the census taken as aforesaid. Second, The number attending school during the year under five, and &I30 the number over twenty-one years of age. Third, The whole number . that Lava attended school during the year. Jtourth, The length cf time the schawl has been taught during the year by a nualified teacher, the rams of enrh teacher, the length of time kect bv each. and the wage3 paid to each. Fifth, The average Ienzrth of timq scholars between five and twenty-cne years cf age have attended schoci durin the year. . ' " ..... 3 Sixth, The amounl of money received from the county treasurer apportioned to the district by the county clerk. Seventh, The amount cf monev rail by ihe district and the purpose for which it wa3 raised. Eighth, The kind cf books'uied in tho school. . Ninth, Such other facts and statistic in regard to schools and the subject of education as the superintendent shall direct. Sac- 49. The moderator, director and treasurer shall constitute tha district board. Sec. 50. Said board shall, bpt-xpfn the first Monday in June -anil the third Monday in Juns in each vear.-maka cat and deliver to the county clerk cf each county in which any part of the district is situated, a report, in writing undi'r their hands, of all taxes voted by th.-j dis trict during the'preceedinz year, and cf nil taxes which said board is authorized to impose lobe levied ca the .taxable property of ihe district and to b;' collect ed by the connty treasurer at the saraa time, and in the same manner a3 State and' County taxes are collected; end when collected "to be paid over: to ths treasurer cf the proper , distri:t cn iha crder of ihe director countersigned by the moderator'of said district. - Sec. 51. The distriit board ehall have the general care of the rchocl, acd may establish all needful regulaticr.j for it management, not m ccnSiet-with thtj rules prescribed by the Superintendent ' St;c. 52.- Said board m.ny alio ad:h;t to ihe district school non-resident f'-pil;, 1 ? i.