xTb CAL. Si ortjmf c , Lxecu lion, Ker,l evi ns, k h,7. jt, . aAb. for iale at thistle. ijKTUf - t a. wiiiii.Ji.jo, VLo If the e'Lo' entU st. Louii for tU taper, will attend to. collection end rebates la that Citr. CJ.ct kett Srtel, N. E. cor. Btk. jSTILLEJELIiSDAY, AUGUST, 29 18G7 EPISCOPAL FESTIVAL! ;teL&dies cf the Episcoral Church E-CKEAM FESTIVAL, ve Hali in the S'ar Hotel, ou i ed jay evening, September llih. TLe l c are invited to attend. Admission c Annual tiectlou of Hie Xcma a Coaritj Agricultural Socletj. Tie cfiitcrs and nitnders ot the Nem j County Agriculture Society are re eled to iet at the county cl rls of a ia BrcADville, on the first Saturday Sepien.Ur, for .he puipo- of eleciicg ""prs of ib st-cieiy fur riixt year. iy crdcr bt the PRESIDENT. Land Entries lor July. TLe fo'l,J'? 138 corrcl au-'ijf-nt ol rUei.end in the Nvir.aha Land Dis- -irttttbe cliice id ihis cry during the ',fl-.h of July. f"r which we are indebt to Geo D'iy, f ihe firm of -Dor-7, Hundley & Djr:cy, Land Agents m Mcf.y: , For H.ine?t?ads, With A?. Col- Scrip, ' Wiib Warrants, Wuhcash, FdicS. 12S44 50 33 971 66 250 1.017 IS 9,720 Total, 57.S33 63 InprOTCniCLU . Last week we -oa)iec) to get a list of the residence im rorements bi-sun in our city since our sence cf two weeks. ! la North Brownville we notice a cl 'e going up, ud on en(iuirit learn at M. Earroda is the proprietor. One block south of this S. Seemnn is vin; the fouadaiioo for a neat &ubs;aa :.l dwelling on the corner cf Cad and Ii;souri. . Senjn s a iinjle man. T. C. Hacktr ccmuirnced reoodel residence cn Nelrc&ka eircct . :d has succeeded ia liilJiaj a fine story stud a half residence. Charles McPherson, anouhcr single an of cotuedy built end fmple means, 1 buildiog a ne-t retidenca ca Kecras a between 2nd tr.d Si'd; It is a de ';biful titwtiiso. too nice f.r Lira alone. ; A. W Morgan is bmldirg a residence 3 3rd between Nebraska and Nemaha' reels. It h z Cat location and the ecl t"e becomes it v.ell. A cew ieeiJeacci rrmkin its appear C0tiud fceiwet n re.Tiaha and N atU greets. We rre told L:i T. W.i '"dferd isproprievor. -Though ecin'nly jf.raid m his f :: 'e tleiedness, there t still bope ia his case. : John Henderson has elected a cottage uay up ca the Lill beyond biailuid s oidence. The site ii a romantic one, nd John is doubtless open to the ccn iciion ibat it is not pood to live alone. Ve Lave a notion' to cor raiulate Lim, ;vhow. George Be.LU y's ref dt r.ce on the hill a niiddle Brownville, e noucvd last seek A residence is oir up apparently cn Atlantic street Lear 9th. We have not 'earned who is its proprietor, i Nate Sedoras, e learn, is build icg a residence on Atlantic, between 7ih and -h. R-J. Whitney'6 two story residence, 3 Ly GO, cn Main between oh and Gth, :i p;roa(hing- completion, and will be taoroament to that prt of town. Jas. Dye is about erecting a cottage n tbe hill west of R. V. Hughe, in middle Brownville. O. B. Hevettf. residence, cn 4th ''feet in middle Brownville is approach 2j completion, and makes a fine appear-J-ace. . George Dorsey is building a fine two -cry cottage residence ca Atlantic he Jeen Gth and 7th. It makes a fine ppearauce and an ornament totheci'y. Jasper O'Del has just coc-leieJ a residence on the mill uact, iutt south of Tina McLaughliQ'8 residence. It is beautifully situated and commands the country for miles around. George Nealy is building cn Water nreet, ca a part of the mill tract. ' Samuel Somers is "breaking ground" 'ar a residence oq Richards street, be leen 1st and 2nd. Mr. Marion has the frame work cf a age residetce crccttd cn. Water Elreet near levee. Joseph OTelt has a cottage residence -farly completed on the corner of 2ad od Nemaha streets. These are all residences bvgjn within AuEjon-U. and are budt becaute of tbe Sreat demand for houses. B these ."Srouud i Tfeienu broke" lor several more ct I TK j ? feranaestic.provem.ntof Vn, all "id thrums I .iOt, ea wi.iih tLe L"tk woik is done to the tr-p of the sec- cud feloiy- This will be about as fine a bail J i Q? as Nebraskcao boast of.- The front'nP .; 1 11 i.uiu 'iQciujin the ccumy fcuiHt-wiU caver the front of half . '''hullJ.ngWio- SO ftet deep. liiree .tone's Lish. The plan is tasteful, y tubaiactia and Till thow to a fine aaranta -r0 Gc Salt at C i per larrcl for sale by WORTHING a WILCOX. Sugar Cured Hams, Srcclei Eeef and Torque at SWA N i BRO'S The Florence Sewing -Machine, J. jr. I1E.YDERSOX, Jgcnt. 500 Jcha Deere's Celebrated Moline Plows. TIIEO. HILL & CO. ' A CI: 0 Ice Fralt Earra for sale. En- qaire of . J. W. ELISS. Grain! Grain !!-Bdford & Co, ray ca-h for all kinds of Grain, Bacon and Lard. EtllS Warm cr Cold soft water o'J cts. at. J. L. ROYS. A full sleek of Self-Sealing Fruit Jars and Cans of the latest improved paterns at WM. H. McCREERV'S. ScIiOOl EcokS Ju?i received large and complete stock at WM. H. McCREERV'S. Levee street. It tweeu Main and Water is a stench in the nos'rilof the pullic. Is the city having it ihd with manure ? GOO'J TeapClarS. We are pleased to t-ee that ari ttl'ort is be in? made to organize a Lodge of Good Tt-mplard in this city. God peeJ the work. Hartf'are. ShellenLargur Bro's have comiri a complete ouirV ot Hard ware of all kinds on the way from New York, St. Loin's and Pittsburg. They buy only from manufacfurers. By special request we re publish ihe Premium List cf the Nemaba Co. Ap.' Fair cu our first page. Read it end pre pare something for exhibition. .7 II IlCCrCCry has just received an assortment of pure, unadulterated Drugs .d Medicines. Wrhat he sells you is all right; ture ! For Liquor's at Wholesale crany eth er r.ir.nDer, go tD WORTHING'S, Opposite tha New Post OJice. Gm!n WailtCCL I will pay the high est market price for WLed, Corn, and Oata. S. SEEM AN. A WJIoran, is rapidly pushing the Baptist Church building ; he has already the bulk of the material ou the ground, and informs us that he will be forced, in a few days, to call on the subscribers for funds to go aheud wnh. All should respcad promptly. - We hare received asking for an cs chitte the PscvTii cfi,'.c Tines, publish ed at Wilks-Barre, Pa. It is a welcome visatcr lo or sanctum, and thoroughly Republican. Of course we'll exchange. A fine shower visited this sectbn last Sunday, and we believe was duly appre ciated after the long dry spell just pass ed. The clej k of the weather has our thanks for the same. Sam'l Merrill has been nominated for Governor, and Col. Scott, for Lieut. Governor, by the Republican Convention of Iowa. Worthing Wilcox are paying the highest price in cash for Wheat, Corn ana uats. 1 r-t ' Dr. I!. P. narley. Hnmopathic Physician and Sunken, Oflice at the residence of S. P. Tuttif. E-q., South East coaner of 6ih, and Main Streets. 44 tf. All persons indefted to the firm of Atkinson fi Co., either by note or ac count, will p!ase cull and pay the same at or.ee. All notes or accounts unpaid by the lo:h cf September will positively be left with an Attorney for ccllf-dion. ATKINSON & Co. Grade growlers are numerous, "as critics all are ready m:de." Would it not be well to "dry up" about matters you cannot belter. Give Ccuncihnen a little peace, their salaries are not sutTi cient to pay ih-in fot being made "gene ral jackasses" of for everyone to bore at. The contracts are let and tha work will no ca. News a:: 3 Book Depot No. I. A. D. Marsh, the old and reliable News and Book Dea'crof this, city is still pre pared to fill all arders for Books at the Post Office. Newspopers from all parts of the habi'able Globe. Sanders and McGrfiy's School Books on hand, and all otheis scca as they can be brought here. TCarC u' CO., are still on hard with as choice a stock of Goods ns can be found west of the Missouri, and are con stantly receiving more to keep their stock full. Their - goods and prices are such that theyare drawing to this point a greater trade thnn it has eer had be fore. 'IcPall & Co., d( aler :n Furniture, Upholstry. etc., are meeting with hat success which their enerc? and nccom- luoj3lion d esrve. They hsve had to renew their IfirR stock f.v iutip within the put four mcrrr Tl-rv keen all kinds of pouda. plain hd fancy, with full ! sf ts at reasonable rates. Tcr.?orIa!. Ve are pleaded to call attention to the Card of T. V. Smith, a jrii na r ena liairdteer, in to-Hay pa - rv i . . i per. Hp i? a ihom-i-'h wurS. r.-.r.a in evcrv denartment of hU i,ui,,fi9 .,rd , ,n; , ritr UH i tiMtus. ana ii nently worthy cf ihe patrca-c of the p.Uc. Qive hia a call. Bedford L Co. Lave a few at cost ! Lumber at City Mills for 2,00 por hun drcd feet, Shingles S2,0 per thousand, H:ur at 4,-jO f er hundred. Highest market price paid for Wheat and Corn ia Ca.h. McPHERSON. LEACH ERO. i CO. Better in B:;atru?tcy. Weare rleased to learn that Hon. S. M. Rich, cf thi3 city, has been appointed Register in Bankruptcy for the District comprising all cf Nebraska South of the Platte river. Mr. Rich is eminently qualified for the position and the appoitment is a good one. tfoI'Jlcr'3 MeCilng !-There will be a meeting of Soldiers' at the ofilce cf R. V. Hughes, Esq., on Friday evening the 30th int., to take into consideration the propriety of organizing a post of the G. A. R. The above notice was handed to us by Lieut. Win. A. Polock, a friend of the soldier, than whom no one knows better the true position a soldier should cccupy in civil life. We are pleased to see him take the lead in this worthy enterprise. Osasc Graeme Plants. As the authorized Ajreht of W . .11. Mann, of Normal, 11!., 1 will take orders fcr Fall or Spring delivery of these Plants in Nebraska. W II M'CREERY. ILJL B. C. A meeting cf the B. B. B. Club will be heli tin Friday evening next at 8 o'clock a; the office of Win. H. Hoover. A full attendance is desired as business cf importance will be brought before the meeting. C. G. DORSEY, President. TlZIWarC We have been at some pains to examine the large and complete stock of Tinware kept for sale at Shell ebargar Pro's shop ia this, and must s::y it is as complete and as good ware as we ever saw. They buy only the best Tin in the market, and have a No. 1 mechan ic, just frcrrr Philadelphia, to make it up. Their stock comprehends everything, and they are prepared to do all kinds of Spouting, Guttering and custom work, on short notice and reasonable terms. Ornamental Shells. J. V. D. Patch lias a beautiful collection of mot rare and beautiful Sea Shells, -on exhi bition and for sale at the Cincinnati Branch Clothing Store in this ciiy. Thi? collection computes the most beautiful and rarest specimens from the coasts of China, India and the Mediterarnean aod Black Seas. Mr. Patch is determined to closs cut his stock by I riday evening, and is really selling them below eastern prices. A chance like this was never olfereJ here before, and we know our peopla will avail themselves cf it ia time. TiiroY It'to the Dogs. If every housewife will throw her cheap, worth less kinds of Saleratus and Soda to the dcgs, and use only the Best Chemical Ssl eraus, there vill not be so much yellow, heavy bread and buiscuit to be saen, and consequently not so many dyspeptic, ailing persons. Get a paper and if it does not suit, your money will be refun ded." John C. Denser has in store the largest,rnost complete arid latest improv ed s'ock cf Cook Stoves, ever brought to this market. For sale cheaper than the cheapest, for cash only. Also a late i:n proved horse power Corn Mill, to cruih the corn, cob and all. The Victory Sor ghum Cain Mill, Cook's Evaporator. AH sises of Sheet Iron for sugar boilers, large Cast Iron Kettles from ten to forty rations. Pon Autrers, Fence Wire, &c. All' Cheap for Cash. New Cliarcli Edifices. The Bap tist deno'hinaiiou ore already at work at their new church 00 ihe corner of Atlan tic and 4ih. The lumber i ou the grouud, thrt old brick are being cleaned up, and everything shows a determination to comple'e the building yet this fail The Episcopal denomination of thi3 city have determined to build a new church, and according to their usual plan, will not do things by halves, but intend Uiildior a church second to but few in the State. Thir site is on the corner of second and Atlantic. We will speak more cf this b'.iildiog hereafter. ClllVCriS. The late rain has dam aged considerably the culvert on second between Main and Water. We do not believe that anything less solid than stone will answer on the branch which this spans. The buxing for a Dew wooden culvert is no'.v io position on 3rd between Msia and Water, and the work cf placing the dirt cn it will soon be commenced if the weather remains cooh ensuring another guod . street connection with middle Brownvdle. The late rain washed oat considerable dirt fiom around the culvert on Atlantic between 3rd and 4 h. This can alone be remedied by filling ia the pavement, fin ishing the grading and conducting the water oa the north side cf Atlantic to 0th. Xllia. This has become a wcrd sig nifying "fcafety from ruin by fire," and has been made so by the promptness, re liability and integrity of the ,l'Va'v suranct Company, cf IJarifcrd, Cc?m., a Statement cf the financial condition of which will be founJ in our advertising columns to day. Though we geneially favor, the bu!.iing up of western inSiitu liens yet in this case, where absolute saf ety against ruiu by fire is the main ob- ject, we must recommend the JEtna as unequalled in the West and unsurpassed in iht-East. Ourci izens will but con- suit ,u-.t tr iMr . . , v ratPmrT;n.T ; ',,..! - . . as us rate are rtaliy notni.o? coniparta J - r j " is.urance received. Charles G. ( Dorsey, Agent. DlF.n Aarui 2Iit Artscr Ecsaxz Cocetket, itlan; Sua tf H. V'. asi M.T. I'eilcorJ aged, ten iaoati.t sod ci.-.t uajs. TO QZllllilp. Oh river Jcrlon dark, coU rlrer, Will Lever sain, look uark to me, A ibiniEg path of little fuuLitejrs From hore to f'aore, toward Getbiemiri3, Footitep of my darlic Ceaia - . Across the river si 1 the wr.y ; Brighter than Golconda'i diamond, . . Ia refaSent beauty, are thej. Oh I my darfin3,-coulJ t catlyoa, Hack ono moment ; tack ia to me ; Could I pre?3 the to my bosom . Wildly throbinj Oh : what bliss would be, To feel thy lovely presence nearme, . Corer it o'er with warm caressing. Oh I what j.y, what life 'twonld giv me, Oh my Ucu:.e 1 Ch, my blessing I Bat alail that cold dark river, Between U3,iu tarbii waters lay, Icincotftow.cross over to you, U or you , come btick ain this way ; Eat thy shining litt le footsteps, They, will ft!wvtj9dar!ing be to ine, As a beacon light, to guide uie, Flow to find my way dear oue to tlee. Darling Genia ! blessai Seraph ; , Bright Acgel 'mid that Heavenly Choir. Wiit, the Anihems thou art siDging, And come back to meonee more, With thy golden wics outspreading, ' ia thy raiment pure and snowy wl ite, Let ite see thoe, in the tp'rit, Little darliug Genie, every eight . TILL1E. Urownville, Aug22, 1SG7. a f ft i x f That'd SO. "People loog ago must have had an mcout fluent time of i:. Jut think, no railroads, no steamers, no ,g.s, no friction matches, no telegraph, no enpreii, 120 sewing machines, uo Charier Oak Stoves. How on oarth did they get aloiiiT ? Over one hundred thousand of the celebrated Charter Oak Stoyes are now m daily use throughout ihe West and South ; and no economical house wife, with the least rejection, will think of using any other. . ' " SHELLENBERGER BROS., are sole Agents, Brownville Nebraska. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Excelsior Man ufacturing Company St. Louis. A Stimulating Tonic Lite Bit t iks. Good health is a blessing. The way to enjoy such is to lake a wine glass full of Strickland's Lite Bittee two or three times a day. They create a good appetite; they strengthen the stom ach; they cure habitual Consumption, Nervousness, and Heeadache ; they make the old feel young.- If you wish long life and good health, use Strick Li'sD h Lite Biitek. For sale in bot tles by Druggists, and by the drink at all saloons and groceries. - tf ' Dr. Stricxland: Having used your Anti-Cholera Mixture during the chol era epidemic last summer, "and induced others to do the same, in case that had all the cholera symptoms, in every case it promptly checked ihe disease. I believe it's the best remedy known for cholera and diarrhoea of every form, and advise those afHicted to try it. -W. Bahbeh, of the firm of Barber, Choate & Naber, Cincinnati. , A C00d Tiling. We hive just learned of a new plan adopted by H. C. Lett, of this city, to induce-immigration into this Land District, by which persons desiring to settle here may .become pos sessed cf choice lands and clear titles at Governmert price. To many of our eastern readers this may seem impossi ble, considering the rapacity cf western Land Agents generally, yet Mr. Lett is not of that class. He tells U3 he can fur nish lands at the above price, 'and from numerous correspondence and transfers already made by him, we can vouch for the truth of the statement and the fact that many have already enjoyed the benefits of .the system.- Mr. Lett has taken great pains to make himself thor oughly acquainted with the lands in this District and those he c lie rs have been carefully selected and are choice lands. We can vouch for his honesty and busi ness integrity ia any transaction he may have. "JJeyohd the Mississippi;" A Qcmphie History of the jYcic Slates av'hTerritories, fi oiiigfhe Ureal River to the Great Ocean, by 'Albert D. lltchardscnThis is a most enteriaining and valuable fcp.-k, and rts norulaiity is attested by the sale of over "0,000 copies ia a single month. The. Authur s hmg and vurieu experience u the little known and interesting recions of the Fur West, furnishes the valuable malarial tor its corneals. Mr. Ri' hardson is widley known as cne of our most brilliant journalists and writers No ether Author has traveled over so much of our vast western domains, and we know of no ona wno can so well de scribe what he has seen, Hj is always interesting, generally amusing, and bet ter still, inveriably Uvthfnl. The volume before us is accompanied by an accurate and minute map cf ih entire regiu beyond the Mississippi, and is elegantly printed and profusely illus trated with over two hundred engravings from original photographs and sketched from the pencils of Biersiadt, Nast. Hen risj'sy, Darley, Fenn, Stephens, Forbes aui other eminent artist, which are re ally beaviiful and wonhy cf eraraiaatioa as specimens of art. . ' It is a credit to American eulhorship, and not only the most valuable work from Mr. Ilichardson's pen, but by far the best and most complete history cf the great We3t ever issued. Those who wUh for authentic information of the re soutces, condition and prospects of the Western tuil greater haif of ihe conti nent, wthina few years to be sown thick; with civilized States, rich in all the eij-j meats of reamess, should con3 ili tins ! most valuable work. The writer has a ; charming s;jle,'a fuod of humor, and lm expedir nc? are cf" thntlrng interest. Wr predict for ih'.tvok an unpreceden ted hal-. "All Youivj Araerica'Vxpect to go V est and seek thrtir fortunes . when twe Pac:fic Rnilrosd ia built, if not before 1 j and will r.ad wuh avidity -Beyond iL j Mississippi. M . This work, we unders'an-J. is io!J cnlv ' Lv u!..vnm;,v. r.r u i-i.-t c.Snr.;.. - -- - . pfi setkir to act as oattw.s should : cdJ !0 ,hoic Jt is putlIl;hed lhe Naticnd Publishing Co., Divenport.toa. Grand Caraian. Great preparations are being made by cur citizens to give Yankee the biggest reception he has had fcr a Icrg time. The eventful ' day is September 5ih, 1SG7, and then our citi zens will have an epportunity cf seeing the unrivalled forty-horse wagon, bears, gcats, animals, baby elephants, mam moth rauckrats, talking ccon3, "livia wild snaht, and speakia' wax ggers." As a show per se it i3 said to be "way-a-head" of anything and everythingthat has ev. er exhibited cn the tented field. We have seen the redoubtable Yankee him self, and although he is much like other men in his choice of "vitals" and the way fee. wears hib bcots, yet ia the gow- m'g lineaments cf his classical mug, we delected traces of that inimitable twisti ficatioa cf feature that made Lis name a household wcrd in the West. Act.U.S.Ccmmusior.er C.H.Erown.has been several days engaged in the exam ination of the case cf ihe U- S., vs. -The Brovvnville Distillery and the owners thereof. After a thorough investigation of the fraud alleged to have been com mitted the parties were discharged ; there being no proof sufficient to sustain the charges ia information. The indi vidual who made the information as the testimony showed was actuated by a spirit of malice and a desire for revenge upon th'e men' who are clearly iunccent. The prosecution nas conducted ly United-States District Attorney Strick land, who evinced a determination to thoroughly investigate the case, and pro tect the interests of the Government. James Haxby, Eq , appeared for the defense, and exhibited marked ability as a lawyer, and his management of this case will add materially to bis reputation as a first class Attorney. His argument in behalf'cf the defense was clear and forcible, and was an able .vindication cf the innocei.ee of th'3 defendant, both in law and fact. The testimony for the defense was overwhelming in its vindication of the parties charged, and we understand that feveral witnesses in their behalf, were dot examined, as it was not considered necessary. This case has created no little interest owing to the well known reputation and integrity cf the parties accused and we consider it an cmraje that such men should be sutject to the expense and vex ation of a tedious trial m order to grati fy personal malice rather than farther the interest cf the government.' His honor Charles Erown, before whom the case was tried, evinced deci ded ability as a jurist in deciding the va rious points raised by. both the prosecu- 11 111 lion ana aeience wnica were mvoiveu in the charges instituted. His decision m discharging the parties wa3 certainly justified by both the law and the testimo ny in the case. Omaha Republican, AMOUNCEMENTS COUIITY COLIiEGTOK & TltEASUESK W. A. FOLOCii" will te a caad.date for the cCeo of County Collector and Treasurer Rt tbe election this fall; tnljoct to tLe approval of tiio Kepikblicaa Coneeati.n. JOXAS II ACKER. We are authorized to an nounce Junas linker as a Candidate for the oTnre of County Treasurer a:id Cvlkctor.attbo ensuirg .! It election ; sutject to tae ascuiou ot tne ucpuoit can Conven ioa. SHEItlFF J. W. BRUSH. We are authorized to announce tho nauje of J. W. B.ufh a3 a Candidate for the oCce of SheriJat tho eriu.ng election ; subject t the decision of the Ho, ubhean Convention. . CFORGS V, FAIR3H0THER. We are au thorii d to unrource George W. Fairbrothcr a a edndiaa:- fur ihe c !3c3 ol hli.riiT, at the ensuing election; gubjbec to the decision of the Kepublicau Convention. ""DOUIJTY CliUHS AND TvECOHDErw WIIXTAM 11. HOOTEIi. We are authorized to announce William U. Hoover aa a CaaJid.ito fjr th ofTio of Count CUrk and B cordar at the eu ru'h election ; subjoot Ij th docUioa of th Re publican Convemioa. G R A N T' S" CAEAP CASH STORE. Jtlain Street between Fint and Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Would Respectfully inform the Citizens of Brownville, aiid surrounding country tnai i cae juit received lay fall Stock of Goods, consisting of C5 Of the latest styles oni be-t qiality,Mn? hary cult' limits, doi:biek-led Hoot?, Fine Kip Boot a bvj an.l ..lii'i.lfi'tlJ HoOM&il't hOC3. All KiJi 01 IM- diea Buts a til .Shoei of ths finest an-I-btqui.iity India Rubber 'and Hiifialo Over JSnoos for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind, Consisting cf the bes brands cf Sugr, Collee, Tea, Pepper, Allspice, Soda. Candles, .. Tobacco, Matches, Starch. Sec, wi.c,ic. Wooden Vcrs, Stone V7zzo, The Ben Quality cf Th9 bt Woolsn Under and Over Shir.M, S. Salt by the found er barrel WHICH U3 OF7ER3FOHSAU5 CHEAP FORCASH AU vt wlucft he oftrs at tie lowert price, datcr- lmuedTiot to be ua-cr6o!i. GRANT. !1 in 3 GfD iUnuJactnrer of Aad Deelera ia erery Tarlety ot Gchool llEncnAiiDisi:. ; ' ,n4 Citu!ar er Kodel lent ca Arp" j - EC3. 403 1 411 IzzzzX St; tcry, Cor. SJi & Poplar t3., git JUUi 1 1 3 m fx. 35JC 3E XI O V XI V ' - 'YAIIMEE' RGBISOK'S COLOSSAL II DUAL EXIIIBIXIOIt. COlSrOLI DA.TJDD. t oil v. AND Most Positively ihe Largest oa the American Continent, Nearly Four Hundred and HORSES. AL'L UNDER ONE VAST TENT. Lcoli cut for Iho , GR A-iSTD CARIYAN Over a mile Long, proceeded by the Fcrtj Horse Ear.3 Chariot. ': r i r .- - -. ' : -y ' mm:. ( r J The largest team driveh by one man, followed by the Smallest team and driver, Tom Thumbs Cortege ; the Dashing Six Dng Team ; Khy Elephant, Mammoth Drorr.edary.Splendid Car riages, Animal Dons, Cages, &c. Ouivising any Attempt at Display in this Country. V "' ' -XT- H' v I f Re -rcmer, it i Ltt "rcc It a 1' retime .ni-h au oppjrtuuity i Ird tt a: y rlco. ,-V,?v " ;'".. V' WILL EXHiEIT AT 4 ! THURSDAY, ScpttLCr. otll 1SG7 . ' . Doars pcn at 1 1-2 'Circvz cut JLaagerh ell wl-sr cm Tcr.i and fr cne price f 2 !ir.i$ccn Y' - - 4 B . f m r-- . . 7 a v 1 1 ; v. 1 er 11 13 r-1, . i 1 oil- .cti fi. A 3 VW m if: I r "y 3t I 3J I 1 v'ir 31 I - .-v . t." v. It s i . , tmJ 1 ri' . - -14 jJ U I wcUd r::p'ctfil!y s atd ara now recoivij a 1. , ;TT! i ; - : t ? , .1 I . i I k?f p coo.-taoily ca lit l a f- .rt' IIT'S it , X A A A Li U "ever Clotli . X. ' French Cloth Cubing i LaUd It C- , ; -. r T ril r"'----:--k: ALSO: nrniomn- f f f f ; to suit Tim r.i.trr. All cf which I pr. pes? to sell S3 Cheap or Cheaper Than any cf my Ccmpetitcra. All X ask is fcr the citizens cf Ne an J adjoining counties TO ' GIVE LIB A CALli ?jiJ fail out for t.hn.iselves I PtEMEMEEIl THE MAIN STREET, is .a - S. SEEM AN. EDIILIA SLiUEHS llilAMli: i:oxgoimtz:.!c s;i:ciric3 Have pnovty.Fr.o'M the y,oT amp:.k e?t er'aii--q . a.i r:Uire si. ivsi; Sinq lo i'romp!. EtLi K-nr.cr. 1 UtJiib'e. are tL- ea'y iled- K iucd j erlVi-t ;j a l.iu-d to r.u?r b. so sia: ? lh. niTikci nrint t n.n-1 ia t?ir.j th"m; hsrntrs ut t it fr?e from rgf r.and so ctTi .'ieLt 1 3 a. i. (u-y bie tmsc1 ti f;o:a ad w.il atwi-j roni r .-a'.i.-ifa. Urn. 1. C';re 'Fever?, Caccstlon, laTaaali' n . C 2, " W cirns. Worru-ypver, VTyroi-i.'wiic. ii " CryiE2-Colic or Teeihirisi ot hiint, 2 " iJidrrcea of iiiMrt n or .ia!t. Co Hyaer.teir, firipioe. Bin 10114 CIlc 5.5 " CaolftrA-2a.-'J-r-is. Vomltia?, 15 " TieuraVsia, iv!biae. Kiiccb, 2i " 3IecJr.bts S tfc-Wcuche, Teriua 55 Br3pf.pi.i. kilU'Mi STi.msei -4 ' tsurpres ed, r r,I f ,! rr' :1. v h)! ef too proi 'l'-v'J Per iU. S5 " Cic-cc- Coivn d.rac-u'.t Urs-niiim. 2 ' fcalt Ih:un,Kry;,:;.e li, K.u:i -r "it " Sflit Khaura. irvs te:, JCruvtl ;Si. 25 " Puss, b.iiI -or bleeJ.n fc O; t'la my an 1 m reor we.. Fye. 60 " C;. ar1. b, a"tn or etiron:, I'irta Mn "J 6 " Vv h:p;i;? Cou.tii. vli.ietu Cous- " Afclh'Ta, i.uprtep are.nbi.ic 6 22 " F.ar Di3?.hzrcea. in-p.ur.d flMrtrj M 13 hcrotU'i. etilArKH Ouixl. i t"'in; fcsi S4 " GtliCial debility, PI,y;cil Wtttil 6' 2 " iDTcpfV. nd cn'y fwre-ions' K -.6 " ?-iclresa, Bi-kmw iruia rv-linj fr CJ ' Kilrjev-l)'sf-iire. Urvel CJ 23 i;ervo"uj Debility, SeraizrlTJ- t o r 3 iuv!ilun!i"y U;sc-jrai;. tir Ttrlmvy V.-'eaknessi, we'tln be4 bt " r.i:'i;fui I crjoU.-, i:bi' 'i " ' PuCeill-''iat ifcati.C t.t 1 fr) " l".piier-is'y, Spm. St. Vitoi' Dtre l.(;ij " Iiithiheria. nktra'.cJ Sre IU:ot bi IWLY CASUS. Of lare vJr.!., njorocco caSe,coi3laijiin a specific for c ery ordinary Oc.itax a family Is Ruljcct to, anil abool; oftllrccilon, 13 CO Smal'er Farn'y and Traveliaj cm wt.h WtaiS vuls, $3 to $3 Specitics lor all f rivnte Deae?, toth for Curinsand fr Preventive treiiueat. Id via., and pocict casks, $2 to $3 For Sale by 47-Iy IcCOMASS: Co.. Irownvilld Neb. . IIEWETOUE ROBERT TEARE & CO. Announce to tbo pullio tbt they Lave jaat re ceived uud hvt now opened ia tho Brownville Hotel Building, Corner Jljin nd Second Street AX EXT1KE :DV STOCK OF GOODS, Cois:!ticg of every variety of pry Goods, Groceries, Quccr.s v.arc.UarI are,I'roTls!ont IJoolsi anil glints, Slats ami Caiis.. IlsIIutv 'Tare, A ID Agriculturailmplemenb T.''!..-r .vi:h ail, a ad tv.y vaV!ty of articles R.'uwil.r .e-.t 1.7 A Vi'i!tU.-D 'li"d:n Ilouw, whieli tii y o.Tcr t.j the citui.es ai Lroifnvi le, 'eirah Cvuniy aud Southern Nebraska. In oreninot a Stwk of Coodj in thiaCity, vi do net y re ! en v jrct Sjrib, tut ia:j 'y to fay that w hive rur;L.i:d tur p.od under tae tft fiyr.-a'.Jn c i rpjfnr.r.-!, ar-.J (or Cii'b : tbit tt tXTillK STOCK IA ;;W and fr,hrd Ui.t our fx y irp-;a io b th lha bu.sinwi ani w .uti t T t'. u c.-iiiiUiuairj, en ibt4 ui to ftloct wi.h con2ir;c the jutruriae of the piblij. . CALL AND SEE US Jl.;u lL.kau Cw L -7 Frcpccala for Atzzj Supil;. OFFiCE Ac't. Asi't. Quartermeiter, Eobt Sedcwick C. T. ) Auzuit, 15ih 15G7. SrJfd Tr rr- ui. he rfteeiTc 1 by tha i; .. t $'rzti c t Fi tf Sr-l-'w-iek CT.op-t.U 12 h ,11. t An-ru-i 3I.t. lljir tho dul'.v-jry of vo Laairei ON D atFt.S-d-ii i. V. T. The liny uiot t- well cnrd od mrle trrm th .e-1 rjOility of rif;ve zm. To le tcf 1 i,f t- d racn iuc-, in iy.h rsicntr and ia sach part r.f t'. ai tha A. Q. M. may dlre?t, a! u J .i t-j li ir.-'tion, i r ny t:k-3 n.j ftr the yuTyiiv. Tt i ..:. jjr ti?l fiirar'a Salt at tae rat. tweily' 1 23) poasds tj the toa oflUv. ' Delivery c'l:sy tjle-'t w;.h?n twenty (:3;J3ji tf.T9 Nve.:.br-? itirre-h, I -M . i'.-j.f.r.en; i la's j i t 'y i ') ) rsr ecci : c'jiitr.st. i t'...T ivi!l A w ! ! ii l.tu- will fc m. jJi : !'Cj'5i!j a eoy gi thii 1 Tfr;;-" g-,! att.hf-l , and will aup riifxi ly a written s ''&" s:jt.l by t r;oi V 5 ao--e-,t.;-I, rd tzn tte tcad Vi-a t;tu renxma fur the irrvrxsaio tf the i: a'.a:ioa3 of th contract. The rtht i rTT'd to t ci any or a'l bii. itu trtTiji nr.;r 1 than tic Cli-I O'sutruxwt- 1 "of tha IJvtaftxJnl rr..j at acy litaaba nix i q-st.:y t? ba df vers I. Ail bJi t 'e en iorei -i rr;nf. i r ujj. m l adJr.cSi.d t j tho udes'-p; i at it. S. Jw.ck, ! C. T. 11 Lieut. P..Q J Ml