Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 29, 1867, Image 2

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    joiini. coi.iiapp-I-Ditor.
registrars Notice-
To the Voters of Llrownvi le Precinct, in -7.a-ia
County, in the State of Nebraska: Notice is
fcereby iten that tbe a3-eri.r'd bare been ap
r-tnfed atd e'paajk!Kvl Ilitrr of voters for
md Precinct, of -aid eornty of Nnha
and State of Nebr-k. srd, si
wiil meet on tor 2nd diy of rVptemVr
Jc-67, at the I. a oCc of f .j.t n liewett CLur. U.
in the city of r.rowGville, t the boor of 9 o'clock
A.M.. arid wiilernii- in sc-iu for three J,
er cntiJ the lif of votert of ?aid Precinct is coin
jleted, and aM perx.-DH cia"23i',. to be Ugnl vofe-s
to (aid precinct, are borery nwitM ao.I rc,-etc
to appear fernGEalJy there and then hcl-re m
I2istrri f.r lb purpose of regi.'ariag taet as require ! Kr la w.
O. 15. KIT. f
Kepshllcan ConTcntlon.
The Rt-puUicani cf Nfmaha County,
Nebraska, will meet in Delegate Con
enticn on Saturday the 14th day
September 15C7, at 1 o'clock p. n. fcr
the purpose cf nominating a Republican
Ticket for the county officers to bs elec
ted at the coming October election.
The Republicans cf the county are re ed to meet in their respective pre
cincts, co Saturday the 7th day of Sep-
lecuber, for the purpose cf electing Del
egates as members cf said county .ccn
The number of delegates allowed each
precinct is determined frcra its Republi
can vote for Congress at the last October
election, and apportioned as fellows to
Pern Precinct 11 Delegates
Glen Rock 5
La Fayette
St. Deroin
By order cf the Central Committee.
Wo. II. HooTin, Chqircnan.
G. V FAiBBBOTnia, Sec.
TIic Kcglstrj Litt.
Though not generally known, we have
a Registry Law in force in Nebraska-
It was parsed at the late Extra Session
and approved June 24th, 1S7.
Section 1st, of said act, makes it the
duty of the Governor to appoint one
Registrar for each precinct poUing le?s
than 200 votes, and two for each precinct
polling more than thatnumher. Section
2d makes it the duty tithe Auditor of
State to furnish Books for Registration,
and prescribes how those Looks thall be
made out ar.d what they thll contain.
On this book the oath or quallifkation of
the .aid Registrar shall be recorded "be
fore he or they enter upon the duties of
their several offices. " Section 7ih pre
scribe that the Registrar's thall meet at
at tome convenient plate in their precinct
on the lit .Monday in September, cf which
place and time of meeting ihty shall give
ten days prttious notice ly pvlticaiion in
a newspaper or handbills posted in their
precinct I
Here is where the difficulty occurs in
this county. The appointments of the
Registrar's lid not reach this city until
last Saturday noon,be tenth day previ
ous lo the time fixed for the cpening of
the Books of Registration, and then' the
Books to be furnished by tha Auditor, in
which the qualification of the Registrar
thall be recorded "before he or tbey en
ter upon the duties of their teveral offi
ces," had not arrived ! But two of ihe.e
appointees were in town to receive thir
commission. Saturday, the balance could
not even know cf their appointment jn
time to designate the placs and give the
proper notice !
Section 14th cays: "Th judges of
election shall not receive or deposit the
ballot cf any person until they have first
found his name on the list cr register cf
qualified voters, and have checked it
thereon." "
Sec. 22. This act thall take cfTect
from and after its passage." -
With Eorae few it is a question wheth
er an election would be legal where this
law has not been complied with; and
ether, among them several cf our prom
inent lawyers, deem it the. duty of Reg
istrar's to go ahead and comply with the
Jaw as near as possible, holding that the
new law repeals the eld, and if the new
is net complied with we have co election
aw. The Registrar's cf several pre
cincts have already given notice and will
comply as near as possible with the law.
The llama for the present fittatioa is
certainly with the Governor and Audi
tor,, horn we ran readily excuse, as
their time and ability must be Dearly if
cot chtirely abscrbei in the founding
cf a great city arl the building uf Cap
'itcls, State Universities. Agricultural
Colleges. Penitentiaries, kc, .c,
and TKceiving, correcting and sending
back deeds fcr Normal Schools. They
hate cur sympathy.
E- H II. ?. n CO- I
rra , . . ..-.,-:-.. .l
i w turn; i-... i-t tiiU'J'Ji.vij
the public that the Erovnrilia, Fu Kear
ney a r,d Pac;c Railroad Company i3 a
fixed fact, craiz.:i, STIC 0,000 3
cribed ia three day3 v;r.h:a crr city, and
in cr dve?t:sin ccl-.r.n wiU le fcur.d
a notice to stocLhcIJ-r lo men f )r the
election cf a Beard cf
D.btin, to soae extent, the capacity
acd energy cf. cur citizens to make this
a soccers, we tarposclr rcfraited frcta
cubliaLinff the incinient itena toward an
or-anizaticn, yet now we will give the
. . ....
narns rf ifa r; inrfirnr.rainr?. r.
at which John McPhersoa was chosen
Prea. and C. G. Dorsey, Sec. A Com
mittee, consisting of JIes?rj. Dorey, Uewett acd Church, was then
appointed to draft Articles of Iacorpura
lion, which bee reined ani
approved, the following named gsntl
men then became Incorporators:
John rcPhertcnv John L. Carson,
Luther Iloadlev, O. B. Ifewett, B. F.
Luslbiuh, II. C. Lett, R. W. Furnas,
II. M. hkinscn, J. W. Blackburn, C.
W. Wheeler, C. G. Dor-ey, Wm. II.
Hoover, J. S. Church, E. W. Thomas,
John L. Colhapp, Evan Worthing, Theo.
Hill, T. W. B-d ford, A. P. Cogswelland
A. S. Holla Jay.
After th:3 meeting the Articles of
r.. "t4C 4 -i- " '
Jaw, end due notice given cf the opening
of books cf subscription.
The Company ia now one of the in
stitutions cf the country, composed cf the
solid men cf th:3 city; men of energy
and capital, determined to strain every
nerve to make the roaJ west from this
city a success.
Cur Eailroaa Iclerc&!
Never looked brighter thin to-day.
From the North, East and South the
nfto-. -Vmn. I
Atchison. Kas., is awake tor the im
portance of aconnection; along the river,
with Omaha, and-Atchison county, Kas.,
has voted 15O,C00 for the read, which,
the White Cloud Chief savs. will build
the road to the centre of Don'phan ccun-
tv. and it calls rron Doniphan county to
' V I
vote a3 much more, which would push
the road to within twenty-five miles cf
this city, without the aid cf a dollar from
Nebraska. That far done, Nebraska
aid in its completion end make it a suc
quarter of the ferry landing oppwite
tins place, work- bas LKjen renewed upon
i.-.k v-A ki .,..
' I
connection is promised us through this
read by the fall of 1SC9. This road
will nrnhnr ltr mvf i Iho Prliocf Pacfprn
be seen that the Survey of the Air Line
is giving such satisfaction thtt, instead
of itsbeinza preliminary survey, as at
first contempla:ed, the line is being es-
. ., , . ... , . .
tabl.shed, eastern capital is already in-
teresttd, counties along the line ere sub-
scribing liberally, and grading from
Memphis west will be begus yet this fall.
This Air Line cannot fail to pas through
.. . , . . . ,
this city, and wnl thus pass nearly thro
the centre of Iiemaha county, which :s
alive and ready to do its pm to secure
tliis, the best and most direct Pacific R.
R. on tho continent.
.The parties who went in pursuit cf the
horses stolen from Bennet and Cres-on,
St. Joseph having voted 82-30,000 to usl- A' D' 157.' lX vjre tf authority ceired from the President;
in us rested and in acMrrfarep wih An f ...... r..... .
cbeSt. Jo,eFb .Bd Coannl BlutT r..d, Ac, u, provide to, .he l.ioa cf S. XVK O.X W.
vv Ai J ii 400 witiiiiA cv tuuo a wa n I SCSI I
havinj succeeded in re-capturing their , iauua oui icj.
. , A t ., , The surveyors of. the ll. ic. AL R. R.
horses, and seeing one of the supposed have reacliedJthe eastern line of the coun
thieves lodged in the Otoe County I tv. npnr lTt. ilffiriaTi. wp !pnm fmm
ail, from which he wasTbrought to this
city on Friday by Deputy Sheriff-Garri-jli,c"arc!30nr
r,n. nf this countv. The nrisonpr r-ivp,
j i t
his name as James Brown; is a dark
complected, curly haireJ surly looking
chap, about 21 years old. His companion
if net in the theft at least in his retreat
... .
with the horses, who is yet at large, gave "
hi3 name at their stopping places as
Lute Gibbs, whose father, the Neb. City
ress says, lives about fony miles west
01 that tltj.
Strange, yet nevertheless true, they b
went from this county almost directly to
the imaginary Capital of Nebraska
Lincoln City-wbere they sold one of the
horses to Air. M'Clintock ; another they
traded to Col. Johnson, at Ashland, and
the other they traded to Mr. Hull, at
'lattsmouth. Over this route the party
ursued, and went still farther up river
afser the thieves, but finding they were
on the wrong track returned m time to
see Brown arrested by the Sheriff cf
Otoe county and lodged m jail.
Brown .is safe, and Sheriff Garrison
is taking every possible pains to keep
him so until Court meets on the 9th of
September next; when he will be tried.
Since the above was in type jjrown
has had a preliminary trial before Jus-
lice Hughes, which resulted in ine re-
.. e . . -, j-f..i.
manamT or urowu to jail m aewu; r,
U La in thft nm of &1.UUU.
... - " . -. -v i
vm.v, - - -
Preaidcnt Johnson havm- got intathe
way of removing loyal oiaciiis, is report-
-" ! . 1
ed as having about made up n.s mina to
sweep out cf his Catmet csewaru,
... . . i 1 T
dallt Wells and McCullcch, and. lo re-
mcTe Gen. Howard Canmtssicn.r ct me
Veedmcn's Bureau. .
m i i-..t t, ... ,
There tan be little harm m removing
cadiesof his own creating, and with the
exception of Howard atd McCullcch,
wehct 3 th. report is correct.
V.'e take pleasure ia laying before cur
readers the fcllowis;? letter from Pres
iu?nt JJavis. ct tae at me liaurcau.
as it ccn'-ains much to e tecum the
friends cf the enterprise. We hope
snca to wIcc:r.e Mr. Davis in car cuy-
Uajjtcx, Jfo., Auj22, 1S57 J
J. W. Elackscb. Dear Sir :
Ycur Valuable favor cf I6 h iaat. came
eo hand last m'sht, and I ara thankful to
ycu atd 3'our people fcr the interest ta-
ken 10 cur ecrPris3- Nothing- womd
ati0rd me raore Fasure liaQ 10 raeet
P"bjic assembly a community of people, so
entKrjs!!' fr.r n-o far.rifc. rrnirt 1T ',u .... ...-... j...-.,
ar.A ',! i rf,- rrr-iflf
ice pleasure ox ccinj to a: no a
1 1 . r
uay ; cui ror me present I must icrego
that pleasure for the reason . that I am
in a Lurr7 to contract tha wcrt. xvhKh
. . .
k.-M.i;iT .t. -.-- ; rtr TKi
fore I wili Lave the Eogin.ers to come
,IBB1M,elJ 10 tr'e cClCe Cil!ie UP ine
rerort ana then whil we are jretiinc "ud
ihp nrir.'fn-r i 1 1 f fr.r rr.fl tviil hv
a CP J
,iimm'- UltW VUk.Ut UlWitlUI fill! Wl.'V
the line continued to Fort Kearney, and
it will come in, in time to be a-'dd. I
have called a meeting of Board of Direc-
tors for the J0.h inst, -it which meeting
some important business will be Iran
tea tor tae interest cr tLe enterprise.
You will therefore please put your Jinan
cial Committees to work. Have
crtney ready by 10;h of October, and by
I fl ft f timid ip r i nr -. t!-a rrrvifrfc
Our ranv inform mft a, l.ift ,h- 10th
. ; '
J '
A.eare making thorough work cf it
and the report will be favorable I thinh',
and done in a manner worthv "so rTand
n irifrnFi'--' if iK fc .-,, r,
, . . , i .
-utuudi uaaeriD.3, tney are oy una
time in rdcdawavCouaiy.-wiU reach you
by thelJih cf September. When we
come to Bro7?nvilIe to sjart tha survey.
1 s d hope to meet a
Iar2 number of the citizens cf Nebras
ka and Missouri. Ian sure ve will
build the road, and I am equally sure
Fort Kearney is our point by the v.ay
of ycur place. I have had a very pleas-
ant corresncndecco v.'ith esteemed citi
zens c! your young and" growing city, and
am SIa(i 10 add yu'l m7 cf corr9
poodahta. Shall be pleased to hear from
ya al aav tlfa;
Very Respectfully,
II. DAVIS, President.
To Wboni H3Iay Concern.
Know ye, that on the 11 th day of Au-
ot governmeni oi tae aiate or re-
brU, and fr the erection of
u ,, xlu,
lw(7 we the undersigned Commission-
frs. en tnia thft -i4tri njr aF Anrnc A I
d. 1SG7, hare by actual T:.lpctfdl
the following. described lands, bebnin" I
lO lli hLC-U!1. VIZ Z i. r.- ntiarJPr rf I
. V1 , ... ... .
! " u AUB ' 'luar-
township No. 10, north of range G, east
of the 6th principal meridian,, and have
located the seat cf government cf the
f l1,3 fcf ebra.wa, upon said described
lands, as a town, to be Known as Lincoln,
Funher lh. we ,iaVe u;,ou thg
day designated within said location, the
reservations for the Capitcl Buildin",
Siale Uuiyersity and Agricultural Ccl-
I Tl. I .i
'Z reservations ccn-
xmplated in the aforesaid act, which
wj be rorery d,s,2Dated a ,alf
0n file in office of the Secretary of State.
Done at Lincoln, Lancaster County,
Nebraska, this 14th day U August A. D.
; ,..-. .
T. P. KENNAKD. Commissioners.
Dr. W. D. Bryant, of that place. Air.
of the surveying party,
ca!ne 10 w-o-y to see xvnai nao
been done towards defraying the expen
ses cf the survey.
We understand that the surveyors are
rouch rJeased with the route. We do not
know eaclly. xvhal direction they will
o throuli tins county, out nreurne on
I i -;vii t. r,
Moriah to Albany, es they are bound to
go to Albany if they avail themselves of
the Gentry county subscription.
L.:v... J crvPtr If that mA i
. h wiu te a great through line of
trado from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
and if the road is once commenced it
will Wt. Three strong
companies aro reauy, as we uuoei.tana
commence on it ; the cap.iali.ta of
Quincy are doing all m their power for
. DU VV" " .tt.
and we.t of?us are enthusiastic .or it
e see mat a muvuiw auoi to
du , .
Fori Kerney, there to connect with the
real 1 .acinc aou.l""s "IUS us u.,
"t T-
gold regions cf the Rocky Alountams.
- enterprise succeed, and the
fr.luo" F T .t".jai4 ,Ui
moment tne raus are iaia. our
wuicmjwi - ij ' "j "
rmr sar. 'if wb can pet this railroid.
-- - - o - .
thnn faran'A i r viAucriu an i pmn'TJ nnr
'"u j-w.v. v w.-.-
VPt. a, A mm Ah mC Vi A fltlAll - f
say that if lhe survey is favorable, the
f.. . . . .
jel.Dy f Xriuiie,
Tbe foUowiof? are the cames and sup
p03ed numbers of the hostile tribe now
unitea in tne war upon me wnues: np-
hcte9:7'C? AraI,aho" 3'9? ; EIfc!k'
teet. b.UUJ; Crows, J.UULI; Uamances,
O0 nfiOt i:iawM .oc.o- rhnnp.,. !.
r0O; Gro3 Ventroes, GOO; Almatares,
2,500; Navajoes, 7,500; Sioux, 22,000.
Total, 79,000.
Ia reference to thi3 coveaect, we
mke the fc' -virj extract frcca a letter
to the editor cf this paper:
Not lon .Ince we receivfd a letter
from an enin-ent educator of North Platte
makic ir.q iiriea about a '-Teacher's Aa
scciatioa'urinj that we make a vigor
ous effort to Lave one thi3 falL
That was fust our viw too, so after
writing to diileient individuals we ascer
tained that such an Aisociation .waa
formed last winter at the Capitol to hold
in meeting at the regular sessioa of the
Le-islature. but aa our LUture
meets oy once in to yeara, it seema
VPTV nronvP that W have a meetlUZ Ol
-w ,..r. . .
the Association thia fa. I.
Now if thia movement meets the h?ar-
MR,nrrftnM of all lhe friends of Ed:
1 .
ucation, we hope an effort will be mad
to give it the attention its importance
I J J 1
uemanas, ana iat a Piace uiay uc
I I ll-.-t.-.. t :it . U-tfr
"er. au wao aueuu mu uca.
I .-. T - J - - . f -,-V.T i,-faft r r .
. h
Education has had too little' attention
let ua wake en and bernn the work in
I '-J .
earnest. Let every true friend of JlJu
1 - . .
ca; nn aiiFru our ...u.ui.-- ii -- --
cided to have one.
Press J. M. McKaaxis.
U'e wish to call the attention cf the
tea.hers and friend, of education in the
State to the importance of holdin'r a
Teacher's Association this fall at some
We therefore ask all teachers who fa
vcr th;s movement to send their names
t0 0a? of the following person?, alo sta-
tinT r'fo ft r-i-f xrSarA ihov Wnil III DTfrfT
lo tave-it. Either to Judge O. Ii. Hew
ett or jm j. rIcKenzie, Brownviile,
Rev. J. M. Tagt:?rt or O. H. Iriih. iNe-
brasfca City, Dr. G. C. Monell, Omah-t,
Prof. H. E- Brown, Columbus.
We would also say that we have as
surp.nces that an arrangement will be
made whereby teachers ana others at-
tecdin? lhe Aviation will be carried
t0 an( frcrn jt iy uve toats at half price
I ' And we think we are safe in saying
that the rrocd people cf Browaviile rwill
give the Association a hearty welcome,
and provide for the wants cf the teach
ers during its session free of charge.
What other town on the river wiil do
the same? Let us hsar.
Setd ia Tour BaR3 teachers immedi-
ateI?' ?,nd lel C3 hear froca laJies
v -v a-'V va-M J a
O. B. HrwETT.
J. M. McKeszix.
J Press.
The Onlar 3!oYeh. CeavSfccrlilen.
WAsaisGTOX, August 20.
The following General Order3 were is
sued to day:
Wd Arxt, Adj't OrxxRar.'itOFFiczl
WaHiNGTOH Aurra-tU. lSor f
A'o. 77. f
First. The following orders were re-
Tr.r.0 nr n
hereby aligned to the command of the
Fjflh Mllilary DUtsict created by an Ac:
Lf ri.rrrrp-,,, n-,..0ri n o i j,- ,r
-. . a -
S' '
ral P. H. - Sheridan is
hereby assigned to the command cf the
c t .
apartment or me iuissoan.
llator-General T.V. S. Hancock ishere
by assigned to the command of the De
partmect of the Cumberland
The Secretary cf war, ad interim will
give the necessary instructions to" carry
this order into effect. '
Second. In pursuance cf the forego
ing order of the President of the United
States, Alajor-General Geo. H. Thomas
will, on receipt cf the order, turn over
ais ccmmand to the officer next in ran
to himself, and proceed to New Orleans
Louisiana, to relieve AIobr-General P.
II. Sheridan of the command of the Fifth
Military Diitnct.
Third. Alajor-General P. II. Sheri
dan, on beinj relieved from thecomm atid
cf the Fifth -Military District by M.-ij.r
General G. II. Thomas, will proceed to
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and relieve
Alajor Genera! W. S. Hancock in the
command of the Department of the .iis
Fourth Major-GeLeral W. S. Han
cock, on being relieved from tne Com
mand of the Department of the Missouri
by Major-Ger.eral P. II. Sheridan, will
proceed to EoufsviJIe Kentucky, ana as
ume command of the Department of the
Fifth Major-General Geo. II.Thomas
will continue to eiecute all orders he may
find in force in the rifth Military Dis
trict at the time of his assuming command
of it. unless authorized by the General
of the Army to annul, alter, or modify
Sixth. Alajor-General Sheridan, be
fore relieving Alajor-General Haecock,
will report in person ai thesi. Headquar
ters. By command of Ge5E3al Grakt.
Official... E. D. TOWS END,
notice to 111 o Sicck Holdsra cf
the B. Ft 1L. c P. Fw. IL Co.
Notice ia hereby given that there will be a meet
i a; of the Stock holders of the lirowcrille, Fort
Kearney and FaciSs IUil Road Company oa Satur
day, hepiember loo7, at 2 o'clock p. ta., at tbe
lUaking tioa.e of lno. L. Carson, in Crownrille,
for tbe tiie parpoe of electing le-en Directors fur
said Company. UmI direclors at tbe sa.-ne tiae
will proceed tjeie.1 osa of their nouber President
j.s. councn.
Taken op on t- 1-t day of Aoutt, 1S!7, within
my enewsaro, two milts Sou to cf B.ownrii.e, in
'eaa County, Nebraska, one white Horse, bran
ded with tbe letters S. K. oa the Wt hip, tea
years old latSp.Lnj.
4. A.Mli . I,
SikSl S)2lSilSSH12l 9
Main St-, 5;h door trom 3 W cor 2ai St.
Stoteware, Ba.keU, Waahb'ard, Lanterns Ac. a
Xolice ii hereby givi.a tiat we wi.l re" I at puV
Iic aaetioa, in front of the Fur. OL;s ia Feru, 5e
mubi County, .braika, at one o'e'.ock p. m.r in
Saturday tha 2lstday of Sm-mbr A D
ISt'.r.tbafdlLwiaKealLstito, le!..r.;i3- ti ti.
estite offc'amutti. D iiij, ta wit: Lot I ia C-v-k
63, LoU taa.l 3 ialilock l35,Lot Ii ia E: ci. 137,
Lot ia Llak 145, La s I,2aai:J ia Liic'i
Lots I and 3 ia Blrx-k 143, ail ia th TonraofFera,
ia s.iid Uoan'v cf Jfern;tj. an i Iit I of 2
ia Toflrcs'iip 7 5oi t:i of ILio-jre 1 5 Eat, in Vaa:ia
Coaty,c -auininc 5i 70-IJJ acrjsf an J binz
timberaJ. tract. The Uit naiued tract will bo 3.!J
in Jots of fi e or Un acra U 4iit j urciiaier if dccai
ei ad?i5iib!a.
Aai-t 23'J ? 7
"w 1LLI M DULY, AJmitrtor,
S.RAii ii. DAILY, Anaiiu.s:rtr:.x,
431 of tha Estate of Suij jI U. D iiiy dcea?eJ
r Notic
Office op thk Collector cf Intrxal- )
FErKSCE, t)ITK!CT cFi'eia?5A
Sebr-s.. City, Aajuar. 2l,tSoI. J
Annual Tax Iiiatlcn 1S-37.
'.TflTtrT: i hrebT vivsn. tn-.f the Annual Lut
1 ftfTaiei Aes?.-d ia aiieoru-inca wi:a the p:o
vision of liia Act of Centra. Ta provide Icier
na; Kev.oaa, ta support the G jTeriiaiaar, to pay
inter t oa ihe pabi d.'ot,.'io i lr oi'uer p-rpt 3 ;
app.-'.Fe.l Jan. I V)4. a atr.adl by tje a:t of
JLu-.a3,!bt53,' Ai-y 1, WW, aai Mi.oa 2, $K
hxi be:i rctarned to in-- by the lwi r of tiiu ln
and tbafe aa:d taxus re r.uw da. and paya-
IKsaod r.ivc-enc t-ereof 'r hereby detnar..lcd, nd
t.u 1 wiil iu frsn,or Dy c.juiy u as, u- -
Of S. P. Tcttle, Asststaut Assessor at
Brownviile. in said Drtnct, on the 91i,
lOih and 1 1th daj-3 cf S-ptmher, 1567,
for tLi jir-se of receiving iail U.ic.
AL r-r..uj who uez ( c; to p-'J t'i amoant
of thtnr taic icieby d-Ki.vll o: r kof.ire the
in tilt nauiJ. wi.i be l;jMe to ry'y cf
five perc.iiiuiu, tt;j-e.h'r with ioitrest tl.e r.-ta
of cuic prr i tatu cr bioiilIi, and a fee of twenty
coal a tir services of a?ptu:i.l dctaavl aad n-.e,
together wi: four ecut & muz travel t's, actatt
ly and neceaanly uaveiei t rak.a tii ..rvic
npira nrM--Froi 9 '! !; A. II. to 5 P. II
Aa. 23 2t Co'.Wtor.
iuorjcs.ti.s ran coxt.
Head Quarters Department of the Piatte,
SEALED Proposal. w:llf receded at tb:s oCee
uaut TuisdAT.Ji-p'.cci-ir 3d, !- ", at 12 o'o'.cs
ii., fart'uraiohi-tl.H l)-jar nJ Kt i-b. Oao Haa-
drei Thauaacd l.CJuO) iu-li ot
Th9 Cora to b ISo. 1,13 qi.l ty. pu; up in
itout re-sewed n-i ganry of aboat twi ba-ia-cU
eaiti : and d.uv.r-d fi6J of d.-.y;i i i ..jj
(trnoe&o Corral ia tuici(y,cr on lcvec ai c.crui-
eat loadioj ditice t'ro tiailr.a.d tiak ajua .y Cd
reoairjd. '
'la-Cora to be wei 'hfl and inp-ctl by swora
G(jT.rn.2ulIaLK-cc.r. d w.i 'ii of c'i to b-
ded acted.
Ili7err cf oaa bri!f of tbe aujount of Cora for
hi.ii aw.t-'dj are mxit will be required ia 15)
Cfiaea da? froai datd cf awarj a ad la LhU.cj ia
(.30) thirty d.iv -
A Load wiii. good and saSjiaat secunti-jj will
ba reiaired from ta p rson or perioni to whoaa
tha cwatrnct ta'kT ba aw-rlel : a..d iaaJ;:iua a
di,o.4tof Oa Tlioand Do Ui3 luwiul curreacy
uiat accoa;-LT taib bid ta ia:re ta ij.iti.lul
bci iw'of las ac.jfai bidder..
Ho biii will be ntt-n.M.od ualeiJ accomnanlftd
by 'be(l9:0 Oa T'aias'.nd DolL-r i;p 3.:, w'aici.
will be faifoi:a ia tbe eyeat ot tUe prty or par
ties to waooi aa:di are mad., faianj to farat-h
tne prv-oar boa li.
Bids wilt be c-.vJa in aiticit, wilhftcc!y of
tliis idr.r.' atiac'-ud to each.
The reserwe. tbe riht to rej-Kt any
or a!! bidj.
No bid. will be receiieJ fr 2 lsu smoant tLaa
100 J i!e:..- are rque3tl to be prjjenl at tbe lt-
ti eitLr in ier.a or by ait jruoy, el tLtif Lidi
wid n ;t be ,euteru'nd-
ti.ii t,biidjr-i A-P.oieia!rrLKrn,"aciad-
ur. gsed to tbe aaderi Qod.
lty order of Lrev t aj. ua. O.L: Arcrs,
Ercv't-Eri. Gea.&t'ui.t LI.3I.
iiidi-iliimliili. mm
TOTA2l losses paid
S21,271s972 57 !
L, 2SS7.
o eJ----i -.
(Ji Market Value.)
Casli ca hand la Ur.a!
$r5.;sG so
Real Ei.l--1e
3lcrl-..-;e iiontls,
I.atiU Stock.
City K.ocli. and other
Public sctaiilics
l,OSl--l09 SC
,G30, S3S 27
lit. a -iiauiiui-e.
Claims net duo and
Ket Assets,
I 1 lic dl
Si;273,2GJ Si
Fire & Inla nd Navigation
r37"Areticic in aJJ tbo principal Cities and Tow3
ia tbe Lu'ued State.
AFplica.tion. f.r Inaaran.a will te pronpt'y at-j
tenned to.
A Complete Illstorj of the XciT
States and Tcrritorl" , frora
tLc Great IXSyer to tlie Grent
By Albert D. Ricbrisoa.
Over 20,cco coppIe3 sola ia cue
Hod tii.
Lifft and Advent tire oa Prairie. .IonUyis and
the PaciCe Cot. With over 2.0 D.ri; tiv aal
Photographic Views of the scenery .Citiea, Lind,
i-fees, 'eopIe ana Curnitie of tne - States
and Territories.
To prc-rpsctiva emrrants and seUlerin tba
"Far Wett."lbis IlL-tory of that. vast and'feitie
region will prove aa invalaab! . aut-nce, supp y
ing as it poe. a want long felt of a full, authentic
aod reliable gai js to cliaiale ,oit, prouacts,aens
of travel, A;, As.
AG EMS WANTED. Send f3r Circulars and
Lsee oar term;, and a fall de.cnptioo of the vrork.
Cor. Th Lrd an4 Perry SU., Deavenport Iowa.
Grape Vines For
I will bave for sale this fall, two thotmnl
Grape Vines of my own raising. Tbey will all be
bearing ; Layers can now beseeaia fruit. Con
cord, Delaware, Cllcton, Ie&dblla, Oporto and
Diana. II. WilCi;NAS.
r,H.-J (w? V --Vl
Vf -'
Pi. -IIW. - III VBVpB y l.
!- As--j jfu f-"-'
'ii W- .f . K i r -- i i itjT"i i,i8
10?-! -, uOB
CCJ ,lv: ' - cl
v. f ; r3 x
- . t-4 ! p
- N Ci t-rt- P 2
?- . H i K-
.. ... 1, . . . 1 1 . . . v
M EEC I-I-A-j-n T S .
Lots in Lincoln, the
Capitol of tli-3 Stato of
The undorsijrreiC'-aiinlssicn-rs appointed by an
Act of theLe-TiJ.t ire oi tae i?it. of 2iebraiLa,
Pro ide fortaa L'x.-cioa i tb Stat of Ct.ra
j?rt ot the State c f 'bnka, aad ior the rcti.t
of Pubiic tlu.Htnj3 -tbcr-w-at approFed Je l.-h
la-i7." iJarirgg i t.elltl dy of Au;u4 A. u.
1857 fK-l'-wtcd tht -it-, and c .1 located Litcoin,
the C p 'ol of the State of 2Vebraka, oa th. f .ilow-
i2 l.u. Ltloujici; to the S:ts to wit ; Souh
eat quaitr o. s-.iia tweay-trc ( 2-Ji w;
balfo: te x.or:b v.t caa.-ttr ad wt ball' soiun
wefctq.arter of Scct.ou it. nty-vei2j)aud section
twenty ix,('1) i tuwaicip -Vv. tu (19; north of
.... .iX (o ; ea.; ot tee sixin (i ) ptia.:a
.Iltiely gita notice that r the 17th day of Sep-
teuiler, A. D. 1)7; at 1. ol-xk A. ii a sale wi.l
taLe place un .a.d t-A7a sita of Lincoln tjb. h.Id
lor ve e.a5-jca:i7j day. ad thea t dj.a.-eJ to
bi 'jened at the U-.urt LI;o' ai'e brska Cifr.for
t7 conecitiTe a-y- co.nj.;i;:jj; on th z.iU Jay
of September liill, a! 10 o'.' c. A. 2i.,an.llL- u
aJj ourtii to Ou c c m eve Or-tuUr lt lioi .
at I'Xo clock cciiliu-. fur five t-oacctire
Te tcrrs and condition? of M'd sale wiTIbeaj
follows; The I-ots aa l altornate Jl.-ki will be i-
praijed by the Cctaiii. r.ers a:l the m ic:n
price a.xc- ca the teveral Lc: ou tne rU
the saute e'.d to tie tiiri.e.t lil.icr (aocva h
market price) for casIi ia hacd, rc.ipt wiil b
g'?eaiothe f(.r the tui' uat of i!i.ey
jaid .pecifyi t the tvs.Ur.ftLe Lot ad U.ock
po rebate i .Ln.h receipt wa-n pix-.inei at the
c5;e of Sccrt.ary i.f Su: sa.'l eutitie tb pron
cau-ei to-.reir. to a ti::e m f .e r.Li !e,aoi.Ia:. from
the S?teof X.Lra.ka to t.e real e- tate nctd ir,
the receipt which ctri v.-.- fhall be :..; tod by
(be Govciaor, aud aU'-ated ty the S...x;arj ot
The lots arc i! by 1 12, bui.ns loU 23 ly
U- ,ct.
Tae'prin-ipal st-ec't 10 feet wide, the ethers
IQ'J feet, alleys lo foct
A reservation ot tc!ve (12 a?Teea.b hs been
mad. forth. Capitol S iiare. biiiorn.v Kft mi
Agricu.taral Loic'Ii.niil City rrk, acd futtbr
re-erva'ion m -de tor other p.blio building coa
irl 'law- iti .iii ...
l.ineola i iiu!M in the ralley of Salt creek J3
mile t r.f the i!iiuri rir.r and cqna.Iy di.-
taat from 0ih.Pia:iiiMCt"a and Nebraska City.
to tlin centre of tae mo.t hciithy aa rrouutiv-.
aicaltural p .rtioa of :he St.t, w i;h aa a'joa
of t.oito and other cr.toriI convenient tj
build al! ths nccc?iry bullJ;4'. aad pure wtr
to be bid ia ahoo luce at a deoth of 3. to 1 )
AIi5 at Vi9 junrtiiO cf the F.rvcv of the L'.r-
Hr-rton ond M. il. 11. R. via Plat tuouth and the
l.-w Slate Lite Ii. fi. via Xibraska City, and .itu-
ared wittia oae Euil? of the rti Kali hain
whii'h ban provvd by ,-t tal eiperixcst to le the
ri. he.-t url.-e water ia'th L"a:tcl States.
WITN-.SS oar h.nliaal Sa'j tail 13 h diyof
Ana.-t,"ISo7, Lia-Ia, Lincaitcr C.aaty, Ne-
Gov., of icra.-k..
Se.retfy wf State,
Auditor of Stale.
ITasjast get their Brewery nnler fall innninj
order, they are new making aa go d Bter as can
be made in the United ttate. With their facil
ities for making Iio-r, they are Trap-red tolnrni-h
acy q lantiyt on sho rt noUce.
Ail orders fillet! as soon as received
Crackeri, Ginger Snap-, and AerU-d Crack-
at bWAJ A Ui-O'S.
'?- v o
)rc7 f--;J r-t--
: Y2ZJ
So 22-' sr r
52 W S I 1 P-rlcr,
yft , . ? '.vw! t:,fe,,1
rn ? t ,' . vv if) 7 5i 6 '
f3 O r
W ------ i
0! of th1 Clij-t 'J,l--l-- r l J s
ticks Of ' l.-t')i,i i?rrT?- I
Irt and car c
ter of te fataJly. "
, ut-:r: r-r.
IIje eer ben trouc'-. before the
obtaiaef so -eat a po;u.arity or "aiei " ' T
fif or tlian -4 4 '
.1 yi .
OT.a 10O.8CO O? TH255 C2.3aj.-r- '
IIiTa bn sold
Id under fa 1 spar-ant, j
ferenee wadirver fm;l ' i
o-T.r them us re
Has but en dartirer. aa.l i
n :3D!e In
ars larger, bake m .r- nuif.rai.mad
ier than acy Cooiis; 0f corre-j,' ,
e-r m d. 1
IjQus'.kf-ers, Storz DeaVi i- r
Ca rc!r BD..O b;a ' janp'ithl .
and wut sad it to I2t,r advira to w-j j
examine our Price List au 1 C.iul -le4 i,
-a.i el where. Ad iresj, " .'r S'"
612 A 81. Main Street ST. LCCI3 fii
-icJ 3 EhcIIsnhcr-ex r3
At tha S;t cf tha
cd Stead,
I. the place tdbay
J 1 "3
---i-i N
Kc-p .ja.-tanLly oa Land a ccniIou s;ors; j
V -At .
Wi'i S-i-sii
ILt kiL
S .
Pl-iaH-mdj; Pw:.(i,Cr.M,
otkis Cnbs, 05 :s fiui.,
Btd Si;kia, ' Co-utrtJ,
r?c S.'-i-L. Tej-y Staads
Cilt act Ti-ew.od ltouli.ui r'a-e'J,
Pillows, PiUow GlipJ, etc, s:c.,etc
&! r r .... - -1 r .., -1 , . r.i ,
And anythir? and ereryths. reairtd to Hi
pi ia or fancy li.rusckt.i.'.j. '
All rf tbc-ir wa.-e i. eiilier Bjaoaf '! wK
up nd.?r tholr : . -iirolrn-, wi4
Dwhli tetn ioj-1 ar:.:oi 41 filler pr
ca-tem ciasufactatcd
t. a
. , m . i --.
is at the servic of tae inb'i.j at any tias it
be nedtd, acd ii gotten no ia aa Le stjls u
farther a.l.
etalio Eurial Cas23,
of al! sizes constantly oa band, at eajtera prices.
. We are dcin, luna-s on stH.?t!y eab T'-
At tuftI prr,j'j,&z.l by aiteotioa to .in:--4
the wcatscf tde e. i.iri3tJty. eipect ia th U'-&
as ia the r.l to receive the ptron-g -f i"
lie generilly.
P.. T. HAIII.rr c V7. D. LE
f srccissoas to tii5ET & co.
Rt.tptctfuXy inform the Citizrr.
Oil and Covntii thatlhrv art in rtcc.'l
a large and complete assortment cf j
W W a. - nt V
Ladie s Dress uooo
rT"'d u"'.
Vi!h aa endless variety cf -
Together with the
Cuitc-m Made
Largest 5tx- j
F.TPr rirnu-rVt 1M1 Pitr ail Cl w
was purchased prior to the lata
in goli, which ecalle- to nr't'r
rir enducemects ta those desircti- cl F '
cha-in?. We also, keep oa hand i".
Stock of
Acd a good ajsortrnent of
r.m.T-.W t P,--. "taia Street, Pi
above the Po-to.ce, lirowavills, 5ebr3-
9-10- lly Icia
k 1 A
1 1