Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 22, 1867, Image 1

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v ' ... ....Ln ftl 60 f
,h .otM-Qoeat insertion, ? I , t VV
r innn. cn year,
tS3 00
JDrv- C riM'i
I I J" t' ''' ' - '! j 44-n 't tJ i l ''V1 ':: 5 AdTertlser Block, ilaia St, tet-sreea la: 24'
0nt Column, ttre moDtM,
-j Cv'ctnn, out rMV -; .
S3 a
60 00
. 30 00
SI (0 v
I 1 i
cMuioa, tlx months, ,
j.juft Column, cue yer,
20 00 .
- 4 r
jtihCo'.omn, one year, 21 CO
I 1 Cory, cne yer. In rr:r?, .
15 00
' 1 ' J Subariptioo, must iaMHt:, ta ' a Airnec
I 'ifcV.fc Ct'.uma, tbrce inonlb,
10 00
,,'.t I soot won, wariiia a J .au nun
f Aoaou'nciDf CDu'i.lte for cfic ' J 690 ' "O. .a.f"7,..r
tba best atyleQJ on t in rt Luicj.
. ..
" .i tf..-;.
1 1
V0Lr XL - :-
NO. 47
.U... . 'i .' .."
i j
1 ' I
'atlii j
! cm
Oncc at HcsWcncc or S. P. TKttlc,
Sontb Ei't. corner of Cth and Main Sta,
' etrrice to the citizens cf
! trownriire end vicinifv. ....
' orriCC AT CITT liRUfi STOKE.
; .;lt rfHs at his Uee idnce acuta fiJa cf Atlan-
tic' between lt and 2nd ftrectg.
i aTsTholl aday, m. d.
: Gral"a5 III 151, -
tocaicJ in ISroiinviZXc In 1S35
nr. H.bajon bnl complete sets cf Amputat
ing T'rq.lininganlOlstetrical ir.ftrumcnU.
OOIce: KollaCa) & Co's Die? Store
Two Boors Ecst of PostQfjict.
, p. s.' Special attention given to Obttetriesar.d
' the dWcM .f w.mcn ar'd children. x-41-lj
: South East corner of Main and Firft Street
" Crrici IIoCR8-7 to S a. M.and 1 to 2 and y to
- BrownTilie, Nebraska, May 8th, 1S65 Ko 84,lj.
; Xtxt Door to Carson's Bank.
- JIAIX street.. . '.
i T.W.Tipton J;S. Church'
SUtonuns at avu,
March let, C6. ly.
Offlce comer of Main and Flrct. streets.
; J. iSTEYENbOX, . -D. 0. CROSS,
STEVENSON & CROSS Proprietors,
On .Levee St. .between Llain & Atlanvic,
: Srownvillo T-CToToi.-cvrslx.fv
This rioc?e is CTirrenient to the Btcnm Boat
Landing, ted the luincM prt of Town. The be
aceomnjidat(.ns in tho City. o' pains will be
par-fl i making t'-ests comfortable. ... . .
Good Suile und Corral convenient
4 Uoa Fcca amV-Livery J' Stable
' IaeoctceUon with the lloce. :
I D .ROB'liSOH. rronuCTOK.
Tront S.treet, between Main and Water,
- May, 30th 1SG6. lOoOly i r : .
Mte M A
JOSIiP II . 5 II U'T Z' ,:
Has jast received And will eootct!y keep on
land a large and well stketed ityck'of goncinear-
cicsm is line. " ' .;
Ont. Door vest cf Gmnfs S! or el Br oxen-
'Ti(.f,' Jt,ratka.
' noToiaixrixxcr .
, 0 ,9l,xk; Wutes and Jewelry dne cn the fchort-
t - "i Aouct. ...
rovjTiile. Neb.. Marcti IMH. ISC. lf-25-ly'
- '
jMeatact in Ustn ani o.l-r.frce frm all injcriCOt
J-reprietiMind i&ntilate it ts action.
HUADJjEj: 6tlV.
and Dealers ia linn d warrants, and
Agricultural College bcrip."
CTcfr iri 'Land Cfl'cc Evilding ,
! : ......
- ; X3ro w ua-rlllo, I3"o"53
Bn j and fell Jmf roved and ummrrorcd tand?.
Duy Sell, and locate Laad Warrants, and agri
cuUnral r.Hepe-Scrip ? '
ilako careful te'ections ff gorcrrewnt Lands
for location, Homesteads, and pns-c?Bptiong
Attend to ccriteitcd Ilomeftead and pre-emption
cases, in the Land oScel '
Letters cf itquiry, jrcmptly 8nd cheerfully an
swered. - t
Corrvpcndcnce Solicited JT?2oit
VllOHS, 6cc.,RppaireJon fchort tctice, at lew rates,
nd warranted to give atif act Ion. , x-13.rn,nu "
SHOE lit
.' Main Bctvre en 1st &. 2d Street '
Urowuvillo TSTo1ox'ial.
. Takes this rrethoJ of informing the publia that
he hn cn hard a rplcndi.l .ns?.irtniat of 'Sent'j and
Luuie's MisEes' ai:d Childrens's .
t3"Cnsti work doue with neatness and diKr.ach3I
liepairiDj J..,no ou short notice. 10-30 fenn
isf K v
tlain St 2door8 belovr Brov. trille House,
.ROWKVlLIiE tt: T t ' , .
: TTS on hantrVsnperior stock o( Boots and Shces
ind the left material and alilityar doing , .
cu ;tom okk
Repairing dont with neatness and dispatch
.r29ly " Torma OcfSlx l-.n.nn
ITroiTiiTillc, Kcbraslta,
TT?1 take contracts for Drickl.iyin,'riat.ericar,'
building Cisterns, and do anything in their line
tn the most satisfactory and workmanjike manner.
1 Aus.SO.lsr.S. x-:iy
e:oxtj3I3 f:; ! "
, i 1
jQ. X TXT 27 -S3
Graincr, Gilder, Glizitr,'
y AMD r . .
P 1 P i77? - II A JV 'g-js r
White Washing and Kalcerr.ining dorfe:'
All work dcre in a workmanlike manner on the
thortest Dotice " . ""
T E 1 M S V: C A. S HI
STIOPoa Main street ever Mongins Plot Fc-
n T n J
jy . - - ' - . (n---TJ) .
-0 " ' fir A i
- - -.a m. 1 . a a
k-sn:: ; . ; ij A VI 4-J
1 .
' '." ' OF AttSlSSS.' '" ' ',
t 1 Srt La.Ve Street , Chicago." f 1
- - Jli -9 Irket Street, StLcxia.; '
.Zifv-it -Ckrvrrt. to prv oly tiir cs.vnsECd
IIETm HOTlTirEXTJCl '.'lUTcilU ami Itrprvcd,
liere Wash cures sveret ad dclicite disorders n all
their stage?, at Ii Ills eipcae, little or no change
in diet, no Inconvenience . and.xo erporare. Jt is
pleasant in taste atd cdor; immediate, in its afion,
and frca froai all ifijuritus properties. "
1 ' I .1 I II ! II I ! . I I I .1 . I I I . I
.;Aus. 23JGG
' Pi I i ' J
.... ,2ST "Ha - '
Theundersignedkeapon hand a large assortment o
sAtTiiiET&cAssirffiRE sulfa
' For ilea and Boy's wear. -Also, a lasge stock of ,:
hXtsmtd caps
Rubber Cot.Lcgglns & Blanlid?,
Gent's Irnis&iGg'Goptls,
Of all kinds which we .will sell '
O H 2 AP, !F,b R . C A! SH,
We purchased our goods since the cU
cline in the Markets atd will sell atlov
figures. ATKINSON & CO.
April 13tb,lS85 : . 8-30-ly . .
The Lafayette Mills
situated four ;milcs above .
---On The little Nemaha River, :
' : "w, f f ; . .': -. :
is now fully completed a fed doing an nnsarpasacd
husinesi. Fanners wiil L& it to their advantage
to gire us a call. Our patrons tay they never re
ee.vei ruch a turn out of Dread StufT, ' either in
quality, or, quantity in Nebraska as at the .
Highest. Cash .Prico Paid, For; All
irids of Grain.. ; , Bread StufTsof a'j hlnis con
8lantly on hands for tale or in ejtchange for grain.
! ' D. C, SANDERSrProprietor, ' 'a
( e;-. ' ' ' ! .
Tho " uncIerilneS "havinfr r 'rented
the Brbwnviile
f i
Tahis this method oj informing the pub
lic thai lit intends, doing,,. 1
- - i .
fflrtha nrrimmndation of farmers and" others the
coming seasoa . ,Tbe miil is,now in -operaVion and
who nave wheat to grind are respectfully invited
to give roe X trial, as 1 am ocnadent of giving gem
eral satisfaction. f
The highest cash pricegiven for . wheat.-
v.ttjBEN. ROGERS CQ,, : .
LivcrvFeed'aiid ISale Stable)
Main Street
Dealersin all kinisof ?tock. Horses Bought,Sold
and Exchanged, Stock boarded by -the day or
week. 4 , . ?. ; J , 4 -
Tho Proprietors have recently erected aa entire
new , Urge nn i comnjodoHS Stable on !aia Street
near the oil 1'rowcvillo IIoiie. Their Stock is all
freehand Vehicles ncv. Tho public can be accom
modated at all hourp.ijny mr tiht. ; "
A Stock corrall with an' abundant "FOpply of
pure water atached to the Stable. 41-ly
South side Mainbet. 1st and 2d : ...
' t - ' ' " "'''
Kroivnvillc, XcbrasUa,
Wholesale & Retail "t jfealer , . JiL.
Wines. LiqiiorsFIemiiigs
r : ana Scotcii Ales, Jbon- ,c
'don Forter, Doub
lin Stout, Cigars
i T i
tJt e "r f c :r -
No.38 Mirkst Street, between- llain and -Pecart 1,
FstaWUhei in I84 ST& LOUTS
Stoneware,- Basket. Watthoards.Lauterns Ac. at
.:- ' . :,.'avrA A BROTHER'S
--. 1 TV ; . -
' I 1 ' : , '
r- OJ
1 .-:
1 ain't got nary Simo. I ain't,-'-'
I aia't got nary friend, J. i' .j j -.
. There's nary' one who snys to ma .j . .
s -1 have a dime to lend. '. ' '
Now I'm tlow'd if this ain't hard, -.
- -To live a lifa like this . ' '
Ifothavinf ary gl to hug, ' ' t
Js'or nary wifd to kiss. 1 . . . u
. j ain't got nary place to sleep,'
t -
, or nary place to teea, " '
' My coat and vest have clean gin out,
;.And my hat has gona to seed. , -(
My breaches are all torn behind,
) VAnda-nnpany I shun, f. . ..
There's nary button on my shirt,' "
An d my shoes are done and gone."
- ' ... : - -i ..-V;;-i : ;
1 Misery stares me in the face, . , ;
. 'And hunger gripes my bowels, '
'. And as I walk along the streets,
- - - -Dogs snarl ak ci nd growls, ,
-1 ...
:;l 't.
i 1 ' '
i .1
1 - -(nu 'tffllie' Fields..
,it! ''Brjrhf rnys of mcraing light'? i:u . t .il l
' ii Fall on the jearth.helow . j
' , O'er head and earth is bright, . " ' ' ;
Soft cooling breeies blow.0 ' ;j '' -
. AFy from stately halls, . ,,. .
. From dusty streets awdy ; "'
, Out from the city walls- ' J " -
4 : " IH roam the fields to-day., . t ., .
' . . '
On me yorr hottest ray ' . ,;
' ! Oh summer 6un, let down j' ., .
111 breath pure air to-day, : ,
. ; . E'ea though my choeks shall hrown
Through fields with daisies white, ,
; Mid buttercups of gold, , ..
lied fields of clover bright,' ' " ''' 1
' ' " Whose sweetness is unto4d. v ' -
2 ,. Upon the eido-hiil there
Whoever knew such lack,
: " Raspberries ripe tr.d fair 1 . .
1' 1 ? .With eager neaa I pluck. t
Young wintergrens I pull
"Al irg ry rambling way, .
r And fill my pockets fall-
lama boy tday,
Beside the brook I stroll,
That winds along tho vale j
. t. WcoFO waters as ILey roil, ?
Tell me a ploasing tale. '
- ' ' ' ' : : ;;:. -r ,
' 't.i t:z !
Amons thaswect wild flowers
That bloom beside the et'reami 'I; ' , 1 '
liow 8wiltly pass the aoars, )(
. How very short thev seam.'
." v ?J ,t:
So cHiubing qp tho hHJs,
:'.U ! j
Ahi roaming througii tab vales 0 7tr ,iJ
jy cart witn giauMM!.'. i
Hilt lii?moi of.onfftli ff i'x '
'. M.i.ji v..:; ?''"' --'. '
Now prostrate" on the ground
My weary self 1 fling, '
'' Aud sweetest rest jsfiiand' f.; .t' 1
. '" Jieside a tubling tpiLg '.
' - y '.-t:--4
I dream, 0 God, of, thee, ' . ,
, The generoua gilts of thine j - J 1
All nature blooms for mo, .
. . Yi' hat priceless wealth is minej
The air, the land, the sea, ,
Proclaim God "s boundless love;
The gentle winds blow free,
. Bhine free the, stars abuva.'
.u "
" ; We thank Him for sweet flowers,
And for tho doming dew ;
ThnnlA for the suuimor Showers.
That give earth life anew.
r ' -' .::lii,
: O feature I if wlti the . .. ,
Wo.did more, oft oommune,"
We should lcS3 ?eld.-h be, ' l'
Our hearts in better tdno.' ; ; .
".Tis done! 'Us dene that fatal bloir" i
Has stretched him on' tho bloody plain."
"Edith; will you forgive me V.: '
";,No. nevert Henry Ross?,''i ' . ) (
TGink pf it calmly before you c ecide
thus.'. ' -- u. ; v
' hare" thought pf it, and I firm y say
that t will not.iI wish 10 have nothing
to .dovith a person tp mean-spirited, as
vnu havfl'Vhnwn. rourself.'' ' i
" What ha ye I done,, pray, lo ' incura
your( lady-ship.s'displeasure m such .a
degree?" '':
. "What have you done? V Enough I
should think. You got-angry, just. be:
cause I went with ' Fred ' Lewis; You
ought to be ashamed of yourself 1" .
"Let us look at that a moment, Edith.
You were' with him yefterday,,ar.d I said
net a wofd against iu Were you not ?"
Yesi. I .suppose- so." ;.'' : - 'I--"And
-again to-day, you preferred him
to me.': I,' surely, ss your promised.hus-
band, have a right to your company, at
least-half of the lime ; besides, Fred
Lewis is a man such as I should not like
a sister of mine to have much lo'do with,
much less roy afilanced bride." . 1 .: .... .
"Oh, 1 know fill about it ; yjou are jeal
ous of Fred."
"Ne, Ediih I have too rquch confidence
in you to be jealous of any one.V
"Why do yu'u assume such a dictorial
manner, then ?"
"1 have" dictated ?nothing.-: I simply
asked-'you why' ypu preferred ' Lewis to
me; and when I-svvcYOU did'iot like, it I
begged you to orgiye me.". . : j
Well if you wih to knevso much,"!
will'iellyou. ii think he-'is-ft real gen
tlernan,, and like him. ever 50 much better
than I. do youV I have repented jarhua-
tlrrd times that 1 ever premised to mar
ry you:" -';;': a v :c .rr
i "I will release!ycu from ycur engage
mem. arfd have you if you wish.", ; : . ,
: "Wry, well ; go 1 never wan; to see
you again. Here, is your ring. .jG.ooaV
evening Mf.; Kos."- -.'.l v -..
: "Good-evenigi' Mis Myrtoh.f. .
". Edith 'Myrtoo and; Harry 'P.oss had
been engaged, nearly five , months, and
lhis.wai their'Ti'rst quarrel5 She r was
nalurallyrery prftud and qui:V-tempered3
and with 'the rest a bi: of a: coquette!
he loved to iGirt as Neatly j she loed
to Jive... Harry would have "cared noth
ing for this had she been a little more
circumspect :ip choosing her company;'
' 1
but, Lewis was a man of whose principles
he did not entertain a very high opinion,
and therefore he had watched the grow
ing intimacy between1 him and Edith
with Alarm. When at last he had reman
strated with her for so often '-deserting
his compainyt rind going: with Lewis, she
grew indignant, andjhe result" -vis the
scene we have given ab'oe.
Although Edith had tried to seem ccqI
and. unconcerned when' she' turned aw3V,
yet for a moment'a vague scnse:that 'she I
was, not doing as she Ehc'p!dUlha"t, Viet
had, wronged Harry nearly overcome
her. - It -;wast but momentary, for her
pride.caroe to'her relief.'' ' What' right
had he to ay with whom she should as
sociate?, .m - -V '. ' .: '" " 'J
. j Her anger vvas nearly as quick allayed
as it Avas easily iDGariieJ,' but 'now' her
pride was touched, and' at' the ' time she
felt what she uttered. . ; But her every
word had pierced Harry to' the' guide
He was'an orphan, and by hfs industry
he had raised himself to an honorable po-
.siuonjn the; eyes 'cr.tne wona. lie met
Eduh, had learned to love.cer, and until
now. he iiad believed .hat'hi3 love was'
returned. ? When she premised lo be his
bride he felt that his. cup' cf 'happihedf'. '4'0h, p.-ha'w ! ""Himy," yea have got
was full . Now he' belieVed that : she
cared nothing for him', ! and the thought
maddened 'him.' IV be 'made ' to feel
that he had been her dupe nearly1 drove
him wild. He. went from her, his heart
being filled'with bitterness; lif a seemed
All a blank, and he. cared no longer to
lire.. ' - ; . ':T'4 " " 1 " :
. . ' '' -'.:;;
., ,'-Cc4n3 to."tiieJ window, Eidth," .said
her. mother twoi 'days ' after :the above
estrangement. ."The soldiers of the
regiment ate passing td lake" the" curs. "
Ediih came in a. moment,- and ! looked
forth upon the blus-caated 'heroes- who
were starting, away to meet victory or
death upon the distant traitor's soil. She
saw many forms, that were familiar to
her; and marked them with gladness, for
her's was New England blood.
The-regimsnt had neatly ' passed, .end
she wb si abcut! turning, away ' .when she
caught a glimpse-r of. a form! that she
should-know above .all. others. She", re
membered .now that Harry .had t'pld her,
some days before, ; that it fwas his inter:-,
t i on 'to j o i n . the : ar m y , ,bu t . sKa4 not
believed hjm. thinking ;hat'heMsaid,'(t : in
jest. - Sh8 observed bim closely thro u?h
the window-blind, but sav."tha .-b-Tdid
not onoo'lock in the .dirc.ctwa.wberd. she
wa3, although he. must. nave known mat
"she would .be waiting. He looked nei
ther to ihe.right nor to.the Jeft, ; but kept
steadily on with his eye? cast downward.
; Edith watched until she say. them, go
on board the train that was. waiting to,
carry them from .home,, and then she
turned awav. 1T she cared aught be
cause be had gone she showed it not.
For a time all went on seemingly ( the
same : as ever, except, Edith appeared to
g"row,: more gay every, day.. , yr
She was well ducftedwitty, !and fas-
cinating.r:She was; also.: considered by
her' admirers, as one cf the fairest, if riot'
the' queen of beauty, in heir circle. What
wonder, then, if he was . courted ant)
admired? Her life was fast becoming
one almost continual .scene of .'pbasure-
seeking and. mirth. ,The acknowledgdf
belle of such a circle as thai 6v?r .whil-h
Edith reigned could afford fto. be proudi
She seemed to have all that she cp-il
desire to make her happy. Eut wds she
happy? ,', .n-r-') J ...,;-)
"Let mirth and music sound the dire of care,
Put ask thou not if h ipjiness bo there ; :
If tho loud laugh di.-gniso. convulsive throe,
Crif the brow tfce-heart's truVUvery wear;,
- Let noi the fcstaV roafk eiircgh Jo Knjw,
. Kostcneof mortal'lif jbutturcj with morULwoe,'.
.. .Did. fdie ever think. of cne frir'j distant,
doing.battle for' the. "jusV cause In the
ranks of the. brave' North men, fighting
the foul deamo'n of 'secession', :siriving'd
wipe away the stain of our fathers' dis
honor;in permitting, the scourge cf sla
very to: over-run tli3 fairest portion ' cf
ono..fair land? , Did "she ever,-in-her
vyakjng or sleeping hours, think that her
accursed, pride and wilfulness hfcd turn
ed a heart ence full of hope and ' faith in
mankind, into gall and bitterntssa gen
erous, light-hearted ;la"4 into a wild,
fierce, reckless soldier,' who seemed nei
ther to fear nor care for. God, man or
deamon ? Was her heart'free frcm ail
pangs? Were, her dreams always quiet?
Or.did there, sometimes in the solemn
mid night 'heurt come 'to her the visicrr of
a face she' had" '.once 'seen, as sha:h;id
seen 'it when' "monger and' scaro;elie.
turned from Harry Uos3," end told hini
to leave her. and never aeaih to 'return,
with its ftrrn set teeth and bcldies chetk,
with the same mournful expre'ssio. .ip
the . large ' dark eyes that ; Lad .almost
made her relent her purpose ? - 'If 'ta?
so, none . knew, it. -Her smile v;V Yri'l
, the'same j her laugh' socn Jtd as -merry
a3.cer. She was the same, but njcre
worldly, .he plunged into, every fish
icnahls excess' wildly anddeeply. ;Ivght
ugh she spent 'riir;g,ia tte g.u
nee, her'cheek .cfta fi'riihed by aih-
dy dance, he
er than natural
mean?, and her dark
eye sparklir. with a- lu?r.ure not 'its' ovvri.
. She'was still the rroud; baunhtyKdith
Myrton, but a fair difierent being from v.vek wit ths-snfiie, o'.i drudging smile
the. maiden who. promipd to love and iei lei' iifeT.'A'sT lir'a; is pasirg, to
true to fcer cacsea aamirer, 'let- come
- ' . ;'4.' .' .-
"Harry Ro?s," so 'wrote hm 9 d;ccm
rade of his, "you would hardly know. I
never . in' my life, saw any 02: charge so
much in 'such a 'short- lime.'- - He is no
mere as. he was at home ihar the-dsy is
like.-the nighL' ?In nmp he' is drunk or
gambling neatly all ''the t3'rr!e In. battle
he is a regular fiend. He knowico fear,
and, seem3 to ' delight' in the sight of
blood; yet he is as tenderas'a women
when the wounded are to beicared for.'!
And it .vas so. reckless diriug
vvas the, theme of reckless Tematlc ,To
scma itnppeared perfect natural tooth
ers, who were mere thoughtful 'and ob
sarvacjt, he acted as! if ever trying id
drewn th3 memory of something; that
weighed dowrt his lifec- -
A great battle, was soon to be fought.
Everything was in redine?s,'b.e cf
fi c ? rs , a nil m c a w r ? i 'n p .1 1 : . : . ; i.: r iha
morrov','' ' Thi 'men xiho composed the?
vast'h'ost'fe6oh lo hj hurled like rin over-;
wUSiming avalanche -upon the forest cf
tha-.enetr-y,. were passing .the night' that the. battle morn as best suited
their 'd i 3'e, ae at' te m prnm's'ri ts2 Seme wiere
sleeping, same -'playTg :ckrdsi- 'some sir
iently pcTideribg' what' their fale might
be on tho morrow, .-and ..-others .engaged
in conversation, Among these last were
Harry. Itoss anu the soldier who occupied
a rude shelter with him. -vVnilia'ms,,?
said Harry, "if .1 .should
falUtell the folks at ho&i that I fell with
my face tu.ih. fee .aud give this letter
ta,E(Jiui Myrton.
the blues i'vou will vet- lite to see your
sweetheart, and give it to her yourself."
i. "She i3, no sweetheart of mine, tut
you will give it to her if I fall, will 50U
not ? ,. ' V . . ' '. ' '
' vYes. 'certainly, if you wlah' me to ?
' No more was said until the first faint
light of' the rooming, began to appear,
when Harry .after gazing a moment upon
his comrade who had fallen asl.eep, look
ed, toward. heaven and exclaimed,' "
''If 1 die, O Godhave.nercylon my
soul ! Forgive me as I forgive her who what-Iatn.". . - ,
Therr ho roused hi3 companion as the
order was given to "fall in." !
r lidith Myftoa returned home late at
night from a fashionable '.revel.; sne
entered. &e family setting room the eve
ning; paper.. which ,her father' had been
reading caught her eye. She picked it
up, and saw, by the heading, that a des
perate battle had been fought, and that
tne loyal .ware. victors. ..While, glancing
lei?urely oveHt she-cams to the list of
killed and wounded.'. These'- names' she
carefully read, som-3 'cf whrcfr were fa
miliar ta her.. But .whaf'was it that
made bet start and grew so pale? A
"second time the .read; it.,. Yes, there
was no tnietoke.-- Pnnt'ed in held, letters
.she f a;.v, "Harry' Itcss, th Mass.
Volsdead."'.. She stood a" mcment a-
if stunned, then uttered a-famt cry,' and
sank to the floor, where 'she lay until her
tmcther found her in the-morning.
' A.weck later. a letter was given her
by a wcunded '.soldier containing the
wor4s : . ' vtt.
" 1 forgive you, 'as I feel that I- have
not lcng tojjive." 1 1 have been very wick
ed in the army, but hope that God will
not deal hard with-me. Forgive me. if
I,aye wronged you. II Ann y Ross." .
:;r!: ;the old thoblei. :
Ims a question with me,1 'whether .all
work and no play is not quite as demcr
aKziD Tas-all' play. When , the weary
pEarney ultGuire,' with his , tia dinner
paijj crossei at fcipit the tureshold cf his
miserable tenement-house' h'orp?, or.d
sees' the same stereotype-dismal' picture,
of a frorrzy wife at the wash-tub, and a
dozen"! fractious children quarrelling at
her draggled sktrt. Tcannot but .feel a
strong f-ympathy.for Barney ;! and when
I'read in the rr.orning paper that he was
.on trial ."for a drunken lrawlJ''the eve,
ning bef'orp, I wtrl' understand that he
m'sht be drawn-into it beca'i? .he Was
ico utterlv disheartened to ih down amid
the filthy, -uncomfortable surrounding of
the dirty little roinhe caueavheme.
But what cf Mrs. T-IcGuire? that hu
man -fixture,-wiih her perpetual 'baby,
and its 'snarling brothers and sister,
whose. disputes sho ha3 enly tims to set '
tie with a hasty slap or a rough pitch ci:t
cf the way ? Though it is very bird for
Barney, I think it is much harJcr for
her, and I can't think t.v'at Barnf-y bet
ters matters' much, by giving . her only
enough cf. his sympathy and presence cs
to run for the elector at the birth of their
thirteenth child. Alas! it -U .hird
enough for pecple -in a pure atmosphere,
with plenty of clean clothes and leisure
lo put them . cn, to feel an 1 act like
.Christians; how wa exact it from those
why 'live amid perpetual,' demoralizing
din? A Christim cut of such
a dunz-
f hean; 4houCfT.ave iev. els enough in his
j crbwii todazxle ihe eyes of the seraphim,
ar.d I ha'yef na doubt he has,: if ever he
gets. in ktri ccmpany. t- :
' Sometime'3 I have thought if the poor
v.-.ivf-s cf these laboring men. had 'seme
pj.ic'e where they could go ence a. we,k
to sbm'e.. cheerful, innocent mcrry-ma-kicg,
uterine' charge if some benevc-iv-.n.r
j-ercn'; their tflf-respect might
wake intu hfe.'and the motive mizht b j
pcwfTful enough to secure a tidy appenr-
anc.'e.'fcr'the ' cccasbn, vco through all
j theie di.-icJ vantages. . Bat tvpek in aiJ
tne-;r imraaax;, v:;;:rcrar;ve, zn-xCiT.rt.r?
words. I trritik -tf nil this, .and
to judged them' harshly. ' '-'-"
How-iaii lhi to LV helped? finda
voitv e-rcTy hcr in the twenty-four.
Our good .cjty''onaries, with the ter
rible drain ctx their sympathies and pur
es, reiterate. 'the. cry How I Said a
very 'benevolent ladv to ie ihs n-hp-
day, "I see so mucn cf ibis misery, that
w ...... . J
sometimes 1 cn p:s:Lvfjy ashm?d even
to eat nfy'owri comTirnbls dinner'
How I wish we hf.d bridges stretching
out frcm this overcrowded island ia ev
ery direction,' j i5t bayond which : might,
whole villages. pf clean cutta'ges, with
their vegetables and 'flower-patches;'
where. life might be a' blessing", instead:
of the curse it is to eo mnnyof ou; work-?.
in? Decile." it seems to me
is. t.s..
best reaiedv I A3 for the chifdren,
reared in thesa places, cr.3 . cnlyj hci
that thev mnv die sreedily. The 'other
day, 3.-ii
a nere tcy,
stand aba?, tied cn a windy ccrnr to a.,
fence, by a cord attached, to its wrist.- It
was a bleak, cold day, and at every frssh,
sharp gust, its little cotton dress L'lew up
from the purple lg;, and the little red
hands' rncved ' helplessly up and"dcwn,
while the t?ars forced from its eyt.i
the sharp air, ran .down,: it -,cheekj...
looked about and at ihd.. distance ct ,a
block, "playing snow-tail," ' found ' i'J
protector, in the shape cf a ruliiauly, lis
t!e boy cf seven years, 'who had beea
sent out with it, to get it out, cf'nha, ray
cf its distracted mother. ,1. untied jthe
wretched little captive, and saw. It ..'saf a
on its way home. After leaving :iracd
passing into a better locality, I met two
beautiful little girls' cf three and; six
years, dressed in the present extrava
gant mode of juvenile adornment,, under
the charge of a pert, curse. Just 'as I
passed, one,ef the children stopped to
lock at something in the strset, rihea
she caught it by the arm, and shaking it
violgntlg, exclaimed, -como here, you lit
tie.hujs.eyi or I'll .knock year head cfT
your shoulden for' you.'" Now here
were th9 two extremes 'cl1 society ; I
puzzled all the wayhome,;trjicg to as
certain. which cf these children was tha
inaoro to te pitied. .Lite is geiimg-roo
much for me, any 'way I ' r an 3 tit tart.
FiOoni3 of the Comniltcc cn liio
'Treatcies; or Prisoners or V-'nr
ana Union Citizens.
Wasbiscto, d. a; r
' , , , ' July, 17, 1537.
In puritianee to a series of resoluticns
passed by the House of Jltprqseata'.ive?,
July 10. ISG7the undcrsj-ne4itwe;e "ap
pointed a- committee Jo" invest frata th
"rrea'invjnt' cf J'riiOefs' cf War'- and
Uaio'n Citixens hrk IV tha'Canfeu.cxato
authori'icl during the' late rebllion"
; All.persona-in pecsesrion cf. important '
information upon e;tbcroff"t!ii-?' subjects
are t-ttrpeVuy.'rctVueifod' 'tar 'aiirL'-i'ih
Committee,' directed &eIot7"s:'irlng ;
' First;1 The name, age, and pest oTice
address cf the writer.- : i , . ,
- - second.. If a soldier a seaman, hi- .
rank cr position, and with what command
he served.' " - . ' '
Third. A full statement cf all facts
known to the writer touching his own
imprisonment or treatment aodthat cf
.others eiiher soldier or citizen," giving,
as'far a3 possible, narhe:.'p!.lCC3., and
dates, with names of Cchfedente 'officers
iu charge. il - '1:, 1 - "
CorrespondenU from '2iu York, New
Jersey, renLsyivania, .DfHwi.r?,, Miry
land, West Virginia. Virginia, ''JJorih
Carolini, South Caixlini, GecrgiaVFlor
ida, Alabama, Loiii-iahi,' 3VIi3J;.:sippit
Arkansas, -Tex?.s. an' S:aie- and. Terri-
tories laying ve3t cf the. Rocky TJoun
tainsj w ll please aJd3C33.
i . johu PvCs-coAyss, r..r. C.1,
. , WrijhiritTto'iiD.'C
Corre'pondent? fro'rn' r.Iicurj Iowa,
Ivan?as, -'-Nebraska,'' -Nevada,-' and ths
Territories; easttf the. Becky Mountains, .
will addre?3, j. . ": , . . .
.William A. PxCt, M. C,
"'iSr.'Lcuf?,' Mo.
CcrrcjpocdentyTrcni'IIli'is.'Iniicna, '.
Wisconsin and Minnesota, wi'.b address
- r'ABSM C.;IIardi:;G M, C-
, Mimmcih! III.
. Corrcpo.n-.ont
from the'Ne'.v Fnj-
land S!.a'ie3 will addresa''
Aaco.t Fi Stxtexs; Mw C,
" ' ' ' ! .Kashui; r. II.
Correspondents fror;i Ohio, Michigan;
Keatncky and Tennes'ee.wi!! ce'dress
..( V"iLt:'A3i", M. C,
- "Tic Jlay, Ohio.
' Comrntmicati.vm addressed to the mem
bers tf ths Comiriittee v.iil bs
pottage, i- " '.
, It, is the intention of the Committee ti
ccll&ct all facts neccsiary to' make a thor
ough cfiitial hisfry if thir subject
The -varU3 L3jpaprs .ihrcnghout
the r.;untry are reiuested to give this
Cirrjl?.'r' gra'tuirJui ir.:erticn, together
sit!i such; notice a3 they, c:ay deem
proper.. ... . '. .
Jca.v D.. IiKaABcr, C!?r!. ' -
' Jon? V. C. SiiAXUi,
William A.-Pjtr,
1 A2?za C. Ha.3pi."c,
' - rAikdx F. SrzTi3,
'. " William HSIcsqct,
. '';'? .- Cjn7-itie.
. Tho'b
a? a coiv
mdisTLiiii is used
. ; .1 CQ i.P'.V
T!xprc??i:i3 d:ro7
cred'iliat th'ts is a
' ; Horace Cveley r.t,
p-c never ag.aia to- be
.wir.T'3 his
a cir4iJa:3 icr
' Th? popuTitioa of the 'city cf Lcaica
is as great ts thi: cf the whJ j cf Sco;
land, "-''; V
The centre of lbs TJcued Z'tU iaj;
been fixed at GrnW, Nf Lrlki,r,'o
: ty-ix raiies. vet c Ortaha, ;
f In ISj-j Ar.dret; : Jcinirr) $a;d;
i V'h.?vtr 70a hear a-xan parting abcat
! the Ccr:s:itutic?a rot-hic5. lis is a
tvaitcr 1
1'T)eans,Ho3ii?iT, Meal, rvtatrx. Floor Applo f-j
li) ' SWAX .BR0TRUl.---
.., ' - , , r ' ' ' 1
' ' - I " -
1 -.