I t s i Kcbraslm Sbucrliscr ay -,'Xw v .1 Oil N I C OI.Il A PI KDITO 1 1- niiOWN'VILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1S67. CoUC East The senior, prcprittor cf iLe Advertiser R. V. Muib, is now on a trip east, to bt. Josepn, bt. louis and all aloe? "all railroad rou'.es." He is on a busies and pleasure trip. We thall probably hear from him in the way cf ccrrerpondence, and eastern merchant? who desire to place themselves en raport with one of the finest sections cf the great west through an advertising me diura jecond in advantage to. none, wil aUo here from him. Though not a typo we commend him to the Press generally and to those hating need of our survices we can recommend hini as thoroughly re liable and posted on this section cf Ne tfaska. . Jfce snpllnental Reconstruction Bill Will.be found in another column. Though Vetoed it has been passed over the retoby handsome majorities in bcth Houses of Congress. This bill is simply a necessity, growing cut cf the original intent of the first,' and made necessary by the wrong construction attempted to b placed upon it by the Attorney Gen eral Whatever may have been or is now taid with regard to millitary government for the Southern States, the necessity is to evident to breed cavil among loyal men. But three paths were open tore- . construction ; first, mixed millitary and ' civil governments; second, millitary gov ernments alone ; third, and last to give up the rebel States to the control of rebels. The first has been tried' and came so near resulting in the last named plan that, for the protection of Icyal men end the safety cf the States themselves, that plan had to be discontinued. To place loyal soldiers and generals at the command cf late rebels was found to re tard reorganization, and has cost the lives cf many Icyal citizens. The 40ih, Congress decided cn Milli tary Reconstruction in its fullest sense, und the intent cf the first ect cn the J -subject meant to place just the powers with the Millitary Commanders that the aupplemntal Act does. It is not a ques tion with loyal men which should bac down when rebel State authorities come in conflict with the laws of Congress; that the latter must triumph ii a forgone con clusion, and to retain paramount authori ty until rebels accept the terms, it is nec essary to sustain to the fullest the agents intrusted with Reconstruction. This Congress has done ; and, as it will receive, so it merits the approval of ths loyal men of the land. . BroTnullIe nigh School. The Board cf Directors of this Institu tion wish to say to the public that hav ing secured the services cf Prof. J. M. McKenzie and Lady for the ensuing quarter the School is now in successful operation. Persons at a distance wishing to se cere the benefits of this school ehould, &ddress the Principal, J. 21. McKenzie, who will cheerfully give any information desired. All the pupils in the City District be tween the ages of five and twenty-one will, as heretofore, be admitted free. Bat pepils from a distance will be charg ed at the following rates of tuition . Fcr the term of twelve weeks Tuiticn in Primary Dep't $5,00 Com. Eng. " 6,00 "Grammar " $7,50 Higher $9,00 Students from a distance will in all cases be charged for a full half term ex cept by special agreement. All Books, Stationary Sec, canbe had in the City at the usual retail prices. LuTnm IIoadlt, JoiIK McPlIERS05, Jon II. Mcehisos, t - Board of Directors. ; - The Crops The prospect for a bounti ful harvest is cow glorious. Much wheat has al ready been cut, and the yield.if any diff erence, is beyond that cf last year. Corn looks remarkably forward end rromising, and the amount raised will far exceed any preceedingyear. Farm ers all seem well satisfied, and the word grajshopper" is obsolete. The prorpecM indeed cheering, rais ed, as all are, from the gloom of dispond cy which prevailed three weeks since. Hay nothing interfere with this prospect is our prayer. J. W. Hollmgshead cf Tawnee City, Till have near 200 bushels' of Teaches from his orchard this season. Gen. Sherman has ordered a removal cf headquarters from Leavenworth to Ft. Harker, this is presumed to indicate an r.ctive campaign against the Indians. Great Coal Excitement ia-Tccarn- seli. From a reliable gen'.lemenjj jst in from Tecumseh, Johnson County, tve learn that a great discovery of coal lua been made on the site of that town. The dis covery was accidently made while dig ging a well, when, at a depth of about forty-five feet a vein of good Stone Coal was struckjand when our informant star; ed in, the vain had been gene into to the dep'.h cf three feet by actual inca;urment and the workmen had -not reached the bottom. " Ti;' ... J: :e b . 1 . It will assure to the interior' of this Land District rood fuel, at a moderate cost, and hereby save timber. We hope our inenas mere wm keep us and alio, give as for publication a list cf the difitrant strata cf rock or dirt passed throurb. iheir thicknesses, debth from .t,- ,,,f,a o Ppopiipo ir : U . .,Tl-.Vi v I i. a iicwvc cur .c "o -b much cf successful Peach growers and large Peach orcharhs. We have, un- doubtedlv. m this county the largest Peach Orchard in the Slate. Mr. Lov- less, owner ox me uw eu x VUUuA London, m this county, Has an orcnaro of 700 trees, absolutely loaded down with Teaches. His crop, thi3 season. 11 font nn inm SPrprnl thoiismd bushel. The trees are so weighed down with fruit that props have to be placed to sus J tain the branches. UllC BrOWIlYille UnlOR Or Ulsll ScIlOOl Is now in charge cf Prof. J. M. T - j t j i i . M Kenzie and Lady. better teachers than lytw.isnu- 1JiUJ'uc"" aUi"" whom are not in the west. As teachers and citizens they have given such satisfaction-wherever they have been that thev have drawn with them the ood will of ih r0mmUnit;cs that hv kr,n,vn , , . . , their presence, and their scholars. Their competance is proven by hundreds of pupils in this Land District - 1 Th H,h srhnol nrill rfl n tT,nnf, jw v ii l; j as uiuu 'U red to interrupt it and rea to interrupt it, ana j, forgotten m the excel- nothing had occurec Tin ritl Knno waw i us.i ii u uvi'u, wiwfckw n v y v'a- i lence of the present. The School House durin? the va- cation finished finest in the west. M- uMiFu A E. IL On oar first page will be fond the pro- edin-scf the Board cf Directors of has heen cainted and ntWuM J ereto as they may deera orer the Si ' l r- t, o.r,u.;.,v..:. j me lnGiana tnow tnev are roinrr to ?e v j. nr t o- r 1 rir others, and e 'hp- nf the rnemhprs nf UP- usiween tueir ougits auu greai4,OQr, ,unenA rr-rlirQ ra om this company, and the election cf cEcers. vo;es lilQ name of any one already reg it will be there seen that the manage- ;red, who, in their judgment, improper- mentcf. its chief officera for the paM rear tas been maorced by their re-elec- tion. Also the names of Engineers now on the survey and the pay they'receive. iu.uuauuuHc Ca,u E wtereaoouis ci me surveyors now ma- 1 .T - . I. I ing the preliminary survey; they had passed through Putnam couutv some two weeks since and are not likely to reach .w.w. v, . - 1 I We hare no dnnht of our financial ability I i.pnrl .mP,. nnr?mt iftair will fc, J I be ordered to extend their survey to For. Ke,rBey if the mean, are ready. Whith will be the case. LINCOLN- me commissioners appemtea io locate . a . t . i LLincoln City, left Nebraska City.ier that purpose on Thursday, the 18th. The News things it will be located upon "the aixia 3 ru, a. .ue uua ruMiug ui n :n r .u rvi-.i. r : e I of bait Creek," for the reason that good building stone i3 found m abundance. This is a very proper idea, certainly ; for the stone ouary could never of itself coxae wiaovapi lue pcupic cau, .v n t :i t I no odds where it be located! Really, Bully!! The Nebraska Citv Press avs that three hundred immigrant wagons were on the other side of the nver between Plattsmouth and Brownville last Tues day waiting to ret across the river to set tle in the Salt Creek Valley. They were mostly f rem Illinois. Omaha Repubh' can. A splendid joke on the Illinois fami lies. Why don't they cross? Our fer- rv is running rejrularlv. Numerons j 1. .u- migrants nava trosseu iiero uuriug luei past week but mey were not nouna ror . . . a 1 tne UapitCl DUt Settiea ta tniS iana JJlS- I . . t T- 1 I trict. - . . ... Uumor La.S It tnat JJrOTVnviue wants ta i. fftla tha centre of Nebraska lies farther south ! The Iclllan Bill The Indian bill, as it passed by the Senate this afternoon, at the close of two days' discussion, authorizes the President to arDoint three armv officers, not below the rank of brigadier general. Who with the commissioner of Indian affairs, sen ator Henderson, Representative Wind ham and John B. Sanborn, shall consti tute a committee to call togather the chiefs and head men of thehostilelndian tribes and see if they cannot make peace with them. Three commissioners are au thorized to select one reservation north oi neLTaa, west ci ;uissoun river ana m t i i r m m - - south of the line of the north Pacific' rail- 1 v.-.w . . west ot Arkansas, mciujmg any portion or aemciaa lernrory; ana 11 tnese see- -1 m 1 .1 I tectious are approvea oy ougres , me ,h;r;hT.r '" iution Pr0Te ibat it is grown with great success ka, to-wit : Lot x0. 3 , iaacir iVsi. ia Ere wn reservations shall be permanent homes ?nerraan thougnt me only true sDiution r j,nJi: Uiiia proper, and Lot .o. ia liiock No. 5. in Mid. for the Ind ins, and the commissioners are empowered to treat for removal thereto with hostile tribes, and peaceable tribes having no fixed reservations. If the com- missioners fair to make peace then three thousand volunteers are to be enlisted for servicC amon the Indiun3.- The bill an-ropriatcs . s'lSO.OOO, and has not been acted upen by the Hcuse. .lie Den 10th THE ilECOSSTLX-TIOS BILL The following is a copy cf the. recon struction bill as it pas&ed the house. Id the Senate cf the turned Stale. July 0, 1507. Head first ai second timea An act supplementary t j an act entitl ed,n,Ariaci to provide for the more eI ciett government cf the rebel States', passed on the 2d cf March. 1S67, and the act supplementary thereto, passed on the 23d day of March 15G7, Section 1, Be it enacted by the Senate and House cf Representatives cf tie United States of America in Congress assembled. That it is hearby declared to have been the true intent and meaning of the act of the 2d cf March, 1S37, en- titled" an act to provide for the more etncient sjovernment or me reoei estates, and 0f iae Qct Supplementary thereto, passed on the 23d day of March m tne I ir( . i - .i .. A year iso mat ine goreanmeou . uiwi c- c!,n.V Sauth CaroIinia.Geor L;a Mississppi, Alabama, Louisiana, mcrida. Texas, and Arkansas, were illegal and void; and that thereafter said i . 1 (jiovernment, if contmuea, were to oe CUi-lluut'a suujcli m all w k ; um- uary LKjamanaers ci me respective "c;b. acu 10 me uuiuruv vuic. . J . 1 . 1. : . C ! cp- OArUs it rnnhrrrtd. That said acts iQ which lhj3 is a suppieine3t shall be construed to authorize the officer assigned to the command cf any miliary ?lstnc.1 oaer saia act, wnenever ne snai.i Qf dulies ucder gaid fiCt3 TemQyd 0f cUpec(j frcta 0ffice Rny rtfunicipai or State officer or person exercising autho under or by virtus of any so-called 3iaie govenmeni existing in ais uisricr, and the said GfScer so assigned to com mand as aforesaid .is hereby empowerd to appoint an other person in the stead of the officer or person so removed, if he shall deem proper so to do; and. when fever he may deem it necessary as afore- said, to prohibit, suspend or set aside any act or proceeding of any such State or municipal government, or any act or thing j j t . . .1. - dene under or bv virtue of its authority: aDd & acl3 heretofore done by any such officer in accordance herewith shall be deemed valid. . -ec- 3. And be it further enacted, That lte Board of Registration of the several military districts established by the acts h-A lh- . supnleme ' shn admit to registration such Deraons as thv O l J deem entitled to be registered by.the acts aforesaid. They shall not regard the o taking of the oath prescribed in the act of March23, 1S67, conclusive evidenc cf the4 rwht of the person taking it to be reg- . i-., nf tna nor; istered. bat nrima facie onlv.and mav rp- ceive such evidence under oath relating I - - said Boards is hereby authorized to ad- minister oaths or afiirmatins, and exam- ins wilne5sR3 tnuchinT the right of any person to be registered. Said Boards of Registration may -strike from the list 0f n 1 r innlr thf natVi rtrptr riKp.'f in tfi a prte tr which this is supplementary, or was cot entitled by said acts to be reistred Record evidence shall not be required by "ii Boards to prove partisipation m the fficient to establish such cartisiDation: and . . ' Eaid j3Qards of Registration shall not be bound or governed in their action by any opinion of any officer of the United States gowrnmeni; rroviaea, inai me rignt.or ter shall in no respect be changed cr reeled by any pardon granted to such vntp -fr.A t ot, n BUCVtCU U ttJV LIU1UUU glUUk(.U IU CUVU I npr,nn hv tri PrP.Mpnt r.f thA TTnitPr! States forpartisipation in the rebellion L;,. AUt a vi v aa wwa a aa va w aa vv. w or anybtate shall have jurisdiction of any action or proceeding, civil or criminal, H a. aerainst anv such district commander, or w - .... .i any ofiicer cr person acting by his autho-1 rity, lor or on account oi tne aiscnarg "ues "iposeu u ou mm y iu 4ct ot acts t0 which " " srPl8meat!1- rv, g 5 a a fcfl j. fulhe en-cted Tt n0 district commander shall be relieved from the command assigned tu him under the aforesaid acts, unless the Senate shall cave eu eui. nr iinioea rrtf pn pn nr cnuri mnrurii np " J . haUb ash;ered of dismissed from the army, or in arrest for an offence pun-j ishable by dismssial from tha army, or r nf hi, daiii.. Sec 6, And be it fnrther enacted, That the time for the completion of the re- istratioa of persons properly qualified to vote may be extended by order of the said several district commanders to any day prior to the first day of October, Anno I . " , , , LVUiiUI " seven. Sec. 7. And be it fuiher enacted. That em-fanv person or persons who shall prevent nr Rttemnt to nrevent or obstruct the ex I . r- ; . 1 . , , , 1 euuiiuii Ui Liiia aoh ui cuucj am w 1 . . . . ?UDDlemftntarv. shan bo T a I 0f . misdemeanor, and on COnvic- tion thereof shall be fined in a sum not ex- s .1.. .1 J.11... : : ceeuia uwo mouiauu ouudis, ui uiia- onea one year, or uuui u. iuc uiacmuu ui t r n ah ft 1 Passed the House cf Represetatives July 9, 1SG7. Attest: ED. McPHERSON, Clerk. The Colorado Tribune calls Miller, of ih9 Omaha Herald aa ignoramus on the Indion question, to which Miller replies: "Before the editor of that sheet was ever within a thousand mues or a camp ... .v m. II cf the Sioux Indian, we had been in the Uiunty County Agricultural bociety. -ftnn r!itinrt Tndian wars in this It is a beautiful article, nearly a foot llxi kj m a m ajaa a - - - - - - country l- : 11 U..a liila 13 tCiiCIaiJV nunc uibic uu i fc J I a get tneir mrormauon. ui-m Aiavc . t - . - i added als0 in iht rear 0f 9 Union army durin? the rebellion. - - aaMiiaaM4MalAWMa I for Indian dituculties was to absorDtnein- r aians into tne general population." How are you'absorb." He ought to have.beea here last Saturdoy evening, to bave'uniertakea an absorbtion contract, T . . U6k Ui uut -MBWiaiwB eguiatora aic terribly afHicted with wisdom on the In dian question. Veto r The following- is a telegraphic synopsis of the President's Message vetoing tae Supplemental Reconstruction Bill: , . Washington July 19. The Preiiden t'a veto was transmitted to the House at 2 p. m. With thegilleries crowded, good attention was given to the reading of it. Hi objections are prin cipally that it makes the military para mount to tie government and takes away the right of habeas corpus. He objects to military courts, trying civil cases and to giving- the military authority full control of the officers of the Southren States, and subject to removal at their pleasure. He complains that power is given to the military unpossessed by the President, and that the bill creates, in fact, a military despotism, with Gen. Grant at the head. He complains that no qualification is required of tha appoin tees, of the military, although Ihe State laws require an oath of residence. Con gress asserts that .the State governments are illegal, but yet appoints officers to take charge cf such govrnments, although they may be unfamliar with the duties of of the office. It is too late now to say that ten Southern States are not in fact in the Union, as they have peen recog nized as such in seven of them adopting the amendment abolising slavery; alsc by appointing United States Marshals and Judges for them, and if nt Siatea the Chief Justice has no right to hold courts in them, He asks whether an officer in charge of a Siate goverament is consider ed a civil officer or a military officer. If the former, where in the constitution is the authority derived? He denies the power of Congress to strip the President of the power, and says military officers will not recogaize the President under the bilL He will never submit that the power given by the Constitution to the President shall be taken away. It is a great public wrong to take the power away from the President and-give it to a subordinate. He calls on the people to stay the acts of Congress and lift the op pressive yokes from their necks. Messers. Stevens and Boutwell folow ed the readme of the veto raessaga in I speeches, and calling loudly for impeach ment amid great attention of the House. The bill, then passed the House by yeas luy, nay3 24. A Plainsmen thus expresses him l m i v 1 sei: on ine regular army mode or maian wariare : 8aia wa 19 "ls c i . ,, j. fac e,fPssdKlhf ost unutterable dis- fust, "talk about regulars hunting In- dians! They go out, and when night comes they blow the bugle to let the In- HiaQ3 kcow ltat they are going to sleep. 1 f 1 1 trams, they manage to keep the red-skins out of their sight. Junciiou Ciiy Union. , .U b 5ate tuI- aclfs called up -itie bill U. S. Senate, July ISth; Mr. Hend- . J A 1 V 1 . T tj:- ..:v-. i." .u -" i wnu vci taiu liusiuc iuuuu uiucs, uy lue : . . : : c f If, T T . . . s anerman. fnr.r!(':I. Antrpr. Anrnv 4 t -u tT o bl xr t.. c- . . t-.r. ' . .. "vy cauumu, ivii ouuuu, ttUU tue Commisioner of Indian Affairs, to select reservations upon which to locate said tribes. Mr. Ross offered an amendment aa thorizting the General commanding the army to accept the service of volunteers not exceeding four thousand in number, from the States of Kansas and Nebraska and the Teraitories, to aid in surpressing ian hastiiities, said volunteers to be Ped on the same footing, as to the pay 1 , QUU aui.cf iue gui iruups inserting Secretary of War under the ihe tclon President, instead of tbe Ueneral-m- a r,i k a. i : i . a ca a r; ii.il lie ur: i . n i lr.u iipil ii. ir.a inn Comraissioners sahll doit tosecure peace. Th f . r.mmi:onpr .L . .. j . j LiiHri sirir-ifen n i Rnn a nrnv inspripn ntKnP1- a- iha tyraAarnt tn annn;nt . Commissior;to consisl of three ofers of lhe afm D)t beIow lhe rank of Bri;radier General, lhe Chairman of the Indian Commntee of each House and the Com- misoner of Indian Affairs to negotiate with the Indians and report proceedings to the -president. After discusion on the general merits of the bill, it was passed. Adjourned. Two weeks since we copied from the while Cloud ,(Kas) Chief an article on lhe locat,on of the CnoX m whlch 11 I mnrTumpf! iho tpfioms nf 1K0 remnrali'M I ,,. ,... .t .. , . weeK 11 cas aDOlfl ua- ing lhe Leg slature for locating ail the Public buildings together, and says : . - Let Nebraska take warninrrof Kansas . . , , . . , r . . and stand by the action of her Leisla- y i o ture. If Sol. want, in bfl nuntpd nn . , . , . , . sides f lhe question he is taking the right shute, but if he would talk as nn rrtatPfl nn h BuniPft iKo lact r;io I 1 w " j - .v,.v. r:. - WC.UU1W k j 1, , , v.- inr, air .u w M ar ax. 4 a I .MM,T ...l -I. I ,u&a U4C UUk wwreu tti .uouiu, uuiy me Capitol, University, and Penitentiary ; .i.. xt t o .i 1 j . iub xoruiai otiiot.1 is iutaitru bi, jreru m 3 COuntv. and the rest are vet to be . w If Sol's last remarks be true it would matter little where they were located so that they were all together. We hope he will permit us to differ, as tojihe pro priety of "standing by" our Legislature. We were shown yesterday a sample of the wool of the-Cashmere goat, sent by Col. Furnas, of Brownville, to the Hon. - nausr, rieawcmoi iuc "ui A fTV. .A. U...-(Ant C Ik. It, vT..l long, snowy white and as silken and soft : . rii : -! r as 15 possioie 10 couueive. 001. x. is - . . , . , , . n orlortira rrrnrcor nf this rrrfii o nr! ,a I laborinj? earnenlv to introduce its growth w - amon - the farmers of Nebraska. It is unquesti02,aaiy one or me most crontatie .rtirJp. f th frmPr'a enmnwi tif i. produced; and Col. F.V experience has -a. "" " " w uw mum - " - - - - iUB mcls w uuC m9 Wl. to. exhibit some, of these Goati at the Douglas County Fair. He says it would give him much pleasure to do so, and he nu a,a r-If.n, .t,. "-- same day aa ours, Come down, gentle- men, and sse them here. j Tlic Crasslioppers arc Cone. From Kansas comes word the Grass hoppers have left ; from Missouri, ths same; and, "with rapture we delight to see" that they have left this sscticn cf Nebraska. For, the past ten days or two weeks they might have been seen, about noon, rising toward the sun, where they would apparrently circle around, enjoy themselves, and blow away with thus first heavy wind. Where they went to matters little with us; others far away may discuss tha question where they came from es best they can, .we only know that beyond the hopes of the most saguine they have left ua a larger crop of wheat than Nebraska has ever grown before, no thanks to them, but to a yield more bountiful than is recorded in our history. If they have simply "gone up" may I they continue. The following is a copy cf the Indian Bill irtrcduced by Senator Tipi.cn on the 5th, in the U. S. Senate : Be it enacted by the Senate end Ilous: of Representatives of the United StcLs of Jlmerica in Congress assembled. That for the purpose of surpressing Indian hostil ties and preserving the peace in the or ganized Territories of the United States, the Secretary of War may call for volun teersin said Territories and the States adjacent to the scenes of disturbances, not exceeding ten thousand, who shall be mustered into the service subsisted equip ped, and paid as troops of the United States: Provided, That said volunteers, when so mustered into the military ser vice of the United States, shall be officer ed by the governors of taid States and Territories respsctively in which said volunteers reside. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a commission consisting of ' three mem bers shall be appointed by the Secretary of War for the purpose of conferring with the Indians now engaged in hostili ties, in order, if possible, to secure their removal to localities so far north and south of the great lines of travel west ward as shall be necssary for the securi ty of the inhabitants, and employees on the Pacific railroad and branches now in course of construction. Sec 3. And be it farther enacted, That ttUV suiU auauciu J - SecrelarY of vJ'ar' ' , ' ... - any such arrangements for the removal en approved by the hall be enforced by the proper military authority. The Califoirnia Central Pacific Rail erra z ployed in A-a fcaa wuuuv4 nuta adinr from Cisco summil tunnel 16. to Truckee. The 65S feet in Iecjrth' will r 1 F C V I nro Kaon car1. aol Krr tna rnmnanw f nr i a . t dill VUdk V IUW WUJ ..MU T 4 V i j i cars aua luuuujuuves i fx. tic til I uaujt&u vi y uuj uvvii I . . . . . rounded near tne .buck iiiiis.at tne crow I Creek creasing, which is expected will i . ;Iin.:nn nf ,K DPr iinrl Union Pacific Railroad, and which it also be lieved will be the big city west of Omaha. Describing the Cincinnati House in Nebraska City, and its furnishings the Press cays . 'The carpet for this room alone cost S22500, and is American Brusselles." It is only necessary to add that the room on which is bid is 16 by 24, 10 Prove lhcl this is the flnesl Piece of carpet in tne unuea azaies. ii is; iaci. Kev. iii. fnuiips. late or iuancaester. w-w i. m 1 a ' Iowa, has been commissioned Colporteur of the American Baptist Publication So- rictv H nmvoA nn rnndav lt and w' - j - w j - has determined to make his headquarters at Nebraska City. The Rev. J. Carrington, late of Dela ware county,Iowa)Thas gone toTecumseb, Johnson county, to which place he has been commissioned Missionary of the American Baptist II. M. Society. Late Arazona advices state that the Colorado river is so hiVh that the break water at Gila overflowed the country, causing the entire destruction of Arizona. The corps of engineers who are en- SZed ,a surveying through tha northern tifr nf rnnntips in this StTttft fnr thfl U - at r a t. t? n !, ...n.m, - r; : V putnam emj 'T roo.s ,k:q hrrho f crn,t . - uou, w iutw ytiy aas r . t t i -1 vr. i t. i been appointed Deputy U. S. Marshall. Ktlmit a nTriDrmOLnf U Trnei JA-s-J H illy I lLiItllOiJaliJJi IO SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Tha nnders.VneJ will offer at Publio Sale at tha ,,dwIof ,Ca"?'r t Hai I? "m . viF..,uSuS. , ui,uiw.iiiiB-ivin tneoity or UrowuviIIa : 1 - ot 1 J JJIock U'J Lot 9 Block 60 13 1 4 8 6 o 6 do do do do do do do 43 "loSclG do 6S tt 34 10 do 33 43 40 " 9 5c 4 do 64 3 & 8 do 32 3&12 do 27 6 do 37 " 2 do 60 16 do tt 11 ti tt 67 SO 25 C3 " 2 & 16 do tt 11 n 43 97 " 123 4 7do 82 And n. half of s. e. qr. of s. w. qr. cf 12, 5, 15. . y. THOMAS, Trustee. LEGAL NOTICE. Sirmorc See eemaa, Pl"ff.) Ia the District Cccrt ti V cfmaha County Ilickox.DeTt.J of Nebraska, P..!.:.I7;a oeniftOin LI ICE tato The said Defendant, L'cnjamia Hickoi, win tika tt5t defendant, for tha foreclosure of a certaia Jiort die Brownviiia. The prayer cf thasxii petition is towjtht the r&tjof tan pereaut per annum from tha 12.h d' caiJ1"VheaiSitwaEldc!0 "id rt' forsairdefeJdantTha ii wSta'Sa? duly assigned by the said Uurst to tha said Fiain- tiff. And the said D'fendutis required to appear stembw,isV 43 31-513.50 Attj'iJriTff. , s I grage execute! by tha said defeadact W. L. Jlurst, I Estate situate in Xetcaha Conntv. Sta of VxKrva- LEGAL NOTICE. Luthar ir,aJtT, AJuiisiiifiVT of tba E.tata of V, K. W. CJ.b. 'I J ce.ii-d,r-i f- beirf or dareea of W.R.W.L'vlb.wlwt t.u T.dinn is Cvurt a accrue for tL S'3 p-rformnn of cer tiin coa'rast ia wriiicj m-t-tby tbe 1 1 'A. It. V . Cobb, ca.:eiijJ. tacoaey t fUint:5 Cue .North wes; qi-irter of Kvtlua 13, in town?hip 1 . north cf ranga lt,esst,in Tawcee Connty, Nebraska, thev.laiaii3 payicg th an:u:t cf in rey s;res-l njou in said contratt as cf.LsIJTj.tion for sucii con voy ac:e . Ucfcuda:.u are required to a2sr or d-;-Ear cn or Vefra the Stb day f Septoiiber, IsK . J. W. IIULL1NGSHKAD by C. F. 5ve, hi Atfo'uy. Ordered that tbe abore notice be pablL-bed in tbo Ncbrajika Aurertiaer fur fonrcon.x-ntive weekj. VM. II. HOOVE Ii, 4i-4t-$ll.25 Cl'k of DU'S Court. STRAY" NOTICE. Ta' en np July Tri, by tb nndfrsijncd, liv ing four ciloi mat of l:rownTil!e. ithin his n clos ne, on two year old dirk Iron Gray tors C.d , ttar in forehead . has a rptck in the eye. other mark or brands. 4j5j. "Watson Esrsbx. IX P. HAHLI3T, LI D, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Odce at Resilience cf S. P. Tutile, Sonth Eat corner of 6tb. and Haia Sta, FF.DF03ALS FOR WOOD. OFFICE Act. Asst. Quartermaster, Fokt SA5DEHS, D. T., July 9th, 16G7. Bids in duplicate will be recsired npto 10 o'cix:k a m. , on the 5th day of Augnst, 1S57, at Fort Sanders, D. T., br tha nniarsijned, for the delivery of three thousand flr haadred (3,500) ecruj of I at the new seven (7; rctrpany pest, to ba crerted near the crossing of North I'latte rirer, D. T., on crossing of Pass Creek, D. T., to be dalirerod Sub ject to the following conditions Deparimect of the I'latta at Omaha, Nebraska, fr each lot as above required, as soon as delivered, less twenty (0) per coct to be retained octil the fulfillment of ths contract. Bidders will accompany their bids with a guar antee, signed by two responsible persons, noi bid ders, who will enter into contract in writing, if bid be accepted, and eiga the bond with him re quired for tho performance of the stipulations of tne contract. -The right 13 rfserved to reject any or all bids. Uids for ay re&iona'j'o quantity less than the amount required will bo received. Bids will be let subject to tha arrroval of the Chief Quartermaster's iiepartmcnt of tha Platte, who may at any tim-3 reduce the amount to bo de livered. A. H.TTAXDS, 1st LUat., Q. 11. 30th U.S. Infy. 43-2t A. A. Q. ii. Proposals For Hay OFFICE Ass't. Quartermaster, F02T Laramie, July 19, 1SG7. Sealed Proposals will ba received at this cC:o nnil 12 o'clock, M., August 5, 1357, for tho delivery of five hundred (iCO; tns cf at Fcrt Fctterci'vn, D. T.. (tha new potnaar the couth of La Prcle Cnek, on the Xcrth Fork of ;h.2 riatta riTer.) " The ilay must be well cured ac n:ade frcta the best quality cf native gra-ss. To be stacked of tfc dimensions, in such maLncr and in such part of the pest as the A. Q. ii. inaj direct, abo subject to hi3 iisctioa4 or a&y person ha may desigasto for the purpose. The contractor must furnish salt at the rate of twenty (20) rounds U the ton cf Ilay, iid drainage pies at least ten (10) inche? thick, and so arranged as to preTent the ILy fro coming in contact w;4h the ground, and to aiTcrd free circu.aticn of nir under the sticks. Tha Ilay to be delivered as follow vii : To co m mence August 15th. 1S)7, 2C0 teas to be dclirere I by fceptember 15:h,2Ui) Ucs bj Uctober li;h,a-d tie balance by September 1st, JSST. I arties to trham the coLtract would otherwise b a warded, must before the hrial award is c:ade , sat isfy myself or successor that they hare the neces sary transportation aans to tnter uioa and complete the contract as per agreement. The party to whom the contract may be award will be required to gi?o bond, within furty-eig. hours after tbe award is made, equal to fifty (j per cent, of the amount of the contract, wiia gcx and sufheieat security, for the faithful pcrloru. anco of the contract. A copy of this advertisement (a slip cut froa the paper) must accomiany each copy of projosal. JJids will ba reeeirod for any reasonable quaot i ty ofllay. Payment to be made in guca luads as maj ba furnished by the U. iJ. liorernment. Proposals toba made io daliiate, eeIosd in an envelope endorsed "Prporals for iiay Fort Fettermaa,"and directed to the undersigns . The riht to reject ar.y or all bids offered, is re serve!. S t bil will be consilercd.anless the parry matiDg 11 u presc-t , or represented by power of at Urney. It is to ba understood that tho quantity cf sup plies advertised for may at any time be reduced by tha Chief liuartermasto r of the Depart taeut. E. 15. GlilMtS, 43 2t Brer. llaj. 1 A. Q. it , L. A. Proposals for Wood. OrriCE Assistant Quastzsmaktcr, Fcrt Laramie, D. T July 15, '67 SEALED morOSALS will bo received at thL cC.-a until 12 o'cl ck .M August 15, IS 57, fr the delivery of four ti ou-'an 1 ( -t,iJ 0 j cords of wood at Fort Fettennta If. T., ttha new near the mouth of La l'rela Creek, oa the North iurk of the I u .. ... v I Tha wvod to ba of pood merchantable quality, cut in lengths of a:ght f fet, and spat. No smaii ovd or U'scy-?d ILbsreveir d. It must be pn;jr'y e.rlfrd l-i su h part cf the r-ost as tha A. (j. K. shall dirsot.acd subject to bu lnspoctioa cr any pcisca he xuay ds.-inata fjr the pur. Ite party to wtota the or. tract ruay be awarded wil b eiircd to . iv lord w.tbia f-rtj-ei -h: tours aftir the axxri is tu,id-, e-iuat to 50' ter fill VI IQCIUQUUIII COIlLTavL. The wckh! tj be dliverel as fellow. t!z . o.n I lid dir.T i I . .,1 .ii ..... - 1 . i , , , - r - I (.AUjjaat t'-ei-tr, October and November, IS i'arties to when tbe contract would otherwise be awarded, smst, btfero the fisal award is made, sat isfy myself or successor that they have convenient the necessary tratpf,rtati'.n, means, Ae to enter ulou and coinpleto ihe work as per azreemtnt. A copy cf tais advertisement a slip cut frni this paptr) uaast accimpacp each copy of prepesai. Lids will be received for any leasonabl oiactitv Cf Wjvd. l'ajment to ba cade is such finds as mar be far- tishtd fr tha puqos by the L". S. t;vernment. 1 rcposai s to te ia durlicate, ecluad ia an ea- Tch p, endorsed -proposal. f ,r Vd at l'rt i't tern.au. anl are-.i! to te un !-! -n4. The Gwveroruct resorvc the r: -i.; bj riectanr or all tii. Nj tiJs vill ba rtco-iiyl cnlejs th pr.rty cakirg it is ireiezt.cr rtjren'.ed by power of a:;omey . It wi.I te ecJcrsM that the Chief C jarterca.-4T oi taa i7epirtaeat my, at any tide, reduce tha quantity to b delivered. U2l Erer.L'aJ.4 A. Q. M..L.S.A. STRAY HOG, Takea up by tha. undersigned livineona mil and ahn'.f weif cf lirownviile, Nebraska, ca th: i-ta aay ot Juno, isoJ. fcna ftavr. iSlic'c aa white" spotted, abouttwo Tears old. 'a marks o. brands. 4J T.N. SAXDEILS. TTr&iii Tomatoes, ia two and three pound car.s, at X SWAN Jt LT.O-S. Tiei, Cherries t SWAN A EKU i D ftd Teaches, Applts, Elackberri tctieware, EiikeL, WasL.arJ, Ijinterc A,. at fcV. AN A CK'JTIIfK'.S t-onre u:iknr3, will Usj noao tnu J. .u a- ti.s.ra asd -Un Isls, ia isa D!?:r:ji Cvurt of 'eni L iaiha JLMta of Nebraska. Theobj-t u!,lrrarof JiU i e'.itloa is ta obtain frai ail AH wood delivered to lc good merchantable fine ""v i i - t v ' la, wood, cut four feet long atd properly corded for -a-d anaW ea3ias, lo be euzaetei wIU inspection asd measurement. Of the above amount ?a7st"ca e ut9 cf r't. Aci of wood : PnUir.g asnay be retired f.r the Sut, mBtaJ 500 ccrdj to be delivered on crbcfor8Sert.S0, '67. lettS xt coctract, u profile t, jOOO " m O't '67 r eectioa of the said act. ' 1000 - .W30,''57: n rropwa:j "shall diitisctly aalaa: !000 44 Dec 31 '67 !tate tbe rnce r tho"'1:,'i " frr ecrar.: p.rPt , rr,n 1 v, tv. rsiAf n :-t-,,.r tia Joufoats of .the natd tad ILose of E- OFFICE AST QUARTER?.! Fcrt LanAMir. D t" U7itii (iC,.j.Ji,.'l.,A..".:: 0,1 ery oT Iur tncuaani j . tu.h Furi FettermiD, D. i'., (tha rw ry.f,iV' oiit f f U l'fe! Crctk, fca tie sjt I I'latts I.ircr. ' TLs charcoal to le of good m" u a--,; , TLo j- i:y to when tho coctrict ir.ryUr will be rtq-jireJ within f.rty-eit hoar, rNi a.:c':ptajc of the b:l I) , ire boci ,,,,?'' 5Jj jrce;tof the amwunt of lk too-!, : g..od acl u2cient ioccrity fr th8 tm?v I frin-icco of ih 3 contract. '4'1 K I'artie t o hvn the cc ontrsct wobM k. . .r.!A.t T"-j! Lf;.,,,'!!,,! ..V U!ynijil it that tLey htrt for ear eric npoa aid e.-J?'"- p.reesieiit. M ft A copy of this aJrertlicmeTjt ( j;r, this paper), must accoatasy each eTof!!. S LJi-ls will terece-.Tcd i r acy rex ,.n.:.' JrK xaja-int u be cade ia inch le f iruiih;d bj ths United iute n,.w. H T 1 IVopoaals nut be in dup:1Ca:e, enc'ojJ ! r etu-rman, ni direc :i u the un-lurJ S Then?ht is rreryt..i t.. '6 31. , ivg it u ir.MLt,orrci.r.eLteJ by woVrf, It will be BBdcntxJ thzt ils n-f-fn master of th. lr,BlJ7 S? V TV r"- ti f r 4J-2t mopcsALs Fen STATE PRLNTLVg' 03IA1IA, NEDHVslv V J iCG, I er.tative. Tha General Law. The Ln-i I. . The price per quire fr Press Wurk of aU D',u.i' and Circulars fr the Executive Olce taj price per quire of tbe paper to be faruUhtJ by 4, liidder f r each nf tbe kinds of work provided (tt at which tke Didder u wil;in to take tha mtrt Tbe Joarsata of the Senate an l Hjo.- if resenta'lves shall b printed ia "Super R-niQ, tavo"forui on neat ion; primr Typ a.j' and ctrpact order aj is oonsi.-tant w::hgodri manship without untieceisnrv blankj or paos. Taepagea t te of the game sii u of the J oumals of the Territorial LciilkJa The Lawg shall ba printed in -Roval Ocat form in g.cd sciall Pic Tjr. Tha jurwfcU the saraa sise and f rmas t!n.se in tha Lai rf ji 10th Session of the Territorial LegisLitars ilS,. braska.wiih sin.iiir ci urinal njts sol ;Ju s the General Law j. Tha tir? or Par?ienwr 4 the Contra;. wVl be required to jive 3..0J. 5 tie sum of Two Thou?aaJ Jiuil.vi wih I proved Sureties fcr the faiihfd pcrf.naace 4 said contract. Proposiis to have a copj of th; ilvsrtjawri f printed) atacbeJ ar.i tnl r--yl "I'npaU 'A Sute Printing". Did dors are invited to b prw tut at ths ojc.-ir tf tha Pr-psals. TLOS. P.KUN.VAuD, Secre'arv of State. JOHN GILLESPIE, An lit.r of Stat. ACGUSTCSKOl'STZE, 40-tt Trtajurrr of Proposals for Amy Suppiijs. OFFICE CHIEF QU.ARTZr.VASliy JJrjnrtiHtnt of tAa 'iutt, Omaha, Neo., July I2;h,15f7.) Sealed bids will be recoivel at the oSL-e of it Actin- Asristat Qiartemater at Fort Ca-w. Dakota Tcrrit rv, until Wednesday, Ai.'t Ii 155T,at 12 o'clk, M.. f.-r furcii;;- thi D-irv men; with seven hue Jr-:d i TO ; cri of l'Ls and one hunire i ani fifty (li'J) tons of Ilij.Ub delivered at said Pf. The wood to be of gocl quality, aaJ labjsrt m injpectiyn. The hay to ba Treil cured and uuls fra 'Le V qn'ityf native jrvi'-s ; to be st,ick-d ii nH: manner as the PvH Q-iartcraUr no Jirtd.t contractor to provi le draime poles Ijt iutko toau and twenty (20j pounis of salt to each leas' hav. Delivery of wood and bay tole.a within i (1 j) days from date of contract ;and filidcli to l.e made before October fifteenth, 134T. Lids will bo made in d upli-jata with axprrf this advertisement attached , and will be aexsp nied by a written guarraateeia tha LlloiistU rix : We. n ni , of the County of ,5 of , dj hrcby a jree that isb to til a contract in accordance with his propositus, that should his jr jpo,"Ti in be acep.ted he once enter into a contract aecorJiaco thr:'i Should a contract bo awj Ud ta hLa J I pared to becomo hi -Jcur:is. S:gr.ed by two rep i ; 'e penor.s. The r ght to irjfct aiy ail biJs is tMmA. A Ixir.d wiih $i and s-.Jl.iect scurlas wi.lb require, from ; or pcrscas U wh- the contract exit i,V- arioJ. Did to bo addrcsrtd to Lieut. A.S. Gn.'i, ISth Ia!try, A. A. Q. M Fo.t Ca.fr, D.T. ltidto unl?r!r.J thit th C'ji-f Crt-' master of the L.-partuiont may, at aoy ti b? 1 delivery, reiu:e lhe q laniity cf the v-iT?': j ae;;ver-.-J, and tnat taa contract wul U a. ject t hij ap;rvl. Did lerarere'iuc.'tpj fo be rr?sentatth e request! to ter i iijj. on.e. c Ey order cf iljj. C. C. Av'.ra. V..M. MVL'S-S i-:t Drev. Dr-Ij. Ucn. i Chi-.f Qir.r: TO THE FARMERS OF NFJllUA CC, A.ND VICINITY I would rerectfullr say thit I nn n.-rr- rolr; - !, r '.2ck 1 w " t& ...... f am now receiving a large s-c - stjihier a Fan -mm 1 ketp cnitintly to tai.d a fall afor-J C-EHT'S CL0THIRG -;-... r' iorfs .t. Tf i a.wa.a . v . . . . - - French Clolh CVLi'n- t'.t Lcixt a Cassi isic Gccd3 all dczc::?- I ALSO: j Furnisliiiig Gooi: TO SUIT T1I TRAIT. All cf which I propose to sell Cheap or Clieapef Than any of ir is for olizecscf "ec:al and ac; .nigCcU-iies TO GIVE ME A CAl Aud fix dcit fsr . ; 1 j rememeeh the S. SEEMA i hilLMLJOLLTS LX TRACT liL'CiiL aad 'j,! K"sa Wash euros secret and d.-li--'. - , their stage?, at little expense, lif.l r n t - in diet. n- Ic-onveniou-'a aa l t ' 'Jf ple.vant ia ta.: tri til r, iu'U'-J il and free fre e all rj uncus ' i'-.N. -it.-3- The Charcoal ti be i shared ao fo'-ew. i One thousand I l,6u;j baihelj pri0 eotapieiea, coaiiueacic Aurust li;h s la ccorJ&nce with" An act to rnrj. rriLt:a-,aprroTeJ J ire 13, lis. tuZ'Z.X ecJt-ry. Anditjr en I Treasurer u it. ,'"" Sute rfictin? , Ac. Fror-ml w-J U the OSce of fcecrelary of Stafe nnt l Bftn. 51,157, for the execution of tttimS of the State 1'riccic hcrtiLifter fo.:!jat Forthel'nntiof the Law, and the 1st., 2nd and il Leg-slatarea. Flat. ka. 2.0CO Copies of tbe Laws icen:c and 3d So.ji..a. 1,003 C,rie, ca tt, l 5: j'Jit 81a l r i 3c (' - a. " 4a tfar, a.js an: Va' Cu : t1 ? M . ioj ii.: j 1 i lr.: i i tie O. 11 IV th