Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1867)
AWARDED A HOLD MEDAL AT THE . 1 An. Inst'.' Fair 'OCT"r.:n!Lii', m. In'tfirccl conipetitiou wMi nil the lea ding makers ia lUs cfuuiry. ORGANS AND T T & o f r? t, b 1 FFJXiUBKT, PISTON-& CO., Respectfully iiivite tho a'tfiiiirn of pur chasers, the trade and prulVion, io th FOLLO YV 1 N G 1 N S T II U MEN TS Of ibeir manufacture : PEDAL BA S 0RfiAXi Fire sizes, Five Octave, one to Thre IknVs of Ky, Three to Eight etts e Reeds, f - Pricca, " 5250 to 8600. School Organs, rTwelfCsty!e.Mingl? anJ luh?e Reed Roiiwood and E!ack Walnut case.', Prices, $120 to -400 a r .Piano ftyle nrd PorHbipf TV'lv Va neties, from four to fix Octavo, Singh and Double Reed, Rooewood and BlacL Walnut Cases. Prices;: $65 to G250. PELOURET. PELTON & CO., 811 lire-ad nay, Nev York. Ftp". 1st n 2j 3 J PARKER'S TliC Terr .c"t rao'licinc in Use T r -HOUSES, CATTLE, 1IULE3 & 5IIEEP. Thi jiordcr ii rnrtl from the recipe cf rn U l.Ci;iieh raiTior, i now, unci lias Ixtn lor yrars Vi-U Umiwiriiort Ji:Kl''-','l ly Mock mUers. ui Hiouc It.r i:.s fiiruiivf, li:t nl&o its f.itu-Tiinjr fo jvrtirs. I'nr tin' i!lrvnijr i --;t- s, it will invari L1t Lc fuiui'l a tcfe, ccrian end rjicedy cure: Fcrcrt of all kinds. Distemper Founder , Cuughs, Ijvss of Appcii'e, Hide Bound , Vet , low Water, as aLo all diseases arising from a lisordaxd Stomach, or an impure state of the Hlood. ; rmrtirs r ordiai coxditiox powder, As its nainp i:iiictf?, isapntle stimulant. l"n like t lie many kiliclcs (-!! tl rujr!i; ut ttie country i for lh disriii-8 ol Jlorscs ar.'l .!!, this jrijiai" atiou i-j I'lUiii ly of vi'i taMo origin no iniiu rals nl'e int lis C'iiinibithn. Ikui(f cmjKfd -n-t:rly cl aroniutio fc-rd-, licrb?, ioits ami lmiks, it m.-iy l." u.-i l w i(h lull c.nlnU-ii e a s l its rntire . ..-( :.. , rci taivty, and rLildiuss of t.jx ration It eioaijt's the lllood, )( r)s tl.o IIhIc, pifs to the t-kin ft Miioctli aiid pi-vsy aijn-rarr', r nioTr aljl ,X.d hufiiors, andl y irs ttn i!rilmnn, liie-piving Vi "l,ert'i,, u fi tlx" dfliilitutid, lirokcn 'dov n aunual, ocii'in andfwrit, audrcbtorcstohiw &U lua turiil fciatc aud Lvuuty. Cws ruir" nrt rnlr a'trntiTi, Tnt bimd:vr-e -t' imtririvf 'food. The t. Mirtionr of tariom fa-nifr and da. ry men, attest tkt tact Ui&t bj the jttuktiou iwe of ; " Parker's Ccrdial Condition Powder. ie floxr of mil is not only sr,a;i increased, lut ttieiia.ilitv v:i-:iy.i;nTOVfd, r y tiie ue ut tli: " iHiwitiT, ull t i!do:u-y to fcn-r, alU'roi-s LitiuoiB and laijnirii.cj Ot 'ic LlOod, are atom-f rnuoeu. A.? ,: rrcWi and fat?nrr' if Swine wUrrejoi,r 11 Isow l!iat'lTfot te rKiti .nala Uics, to vLicU tlicM! animals ere tubject is fouua la i' - ' TarkcrCorIiilCcna:iica Towder. ;Trr ",4ous-rercT,' laacimatioa f tii Lurp-J, M-a.los, Mana-c, Kidney Uoriu, ". Ac, thu - jtmtici'' acts a caanu. I'oa: Cholera will 1-e avoided liy occasijualdo-es of tl.w jov'.it it is a ureirv"ntative. t ai r adi'n d lo a liarrcl rjlt al jfivm frer'v to ll'i, V ill 6teuilr re- tuuv tUtio oil falai tlitixsta. r T- - - -- -i i i . i r - - ti : TVci xov-rr be;ae toth Tr.ic ard laxr.tive. ptir Iftos tUe I'iom, reinve3 liad liumfr, and wil aiu-rrt" re l" f.xmd most excellent u;1rcinotiag tli oudition of tueep. yrrirt C5 and M rr partdTp, jirrcarei ty U7X.Li.1V B. 2JtAR, &. Lcau. CFor euIc Vy DnirgiiU and Merchants every rhera. IUCIIA.HDSON & C0.',.Gen'l Agts, t04 & 706 Sorth Main Street, St. Louis. MOXKY.niEK ASWATER.-lO.fOC ACUVE LOCAL, and TraveUr.p Agents, Mala or fe Biale, tf a!! r r9 vac ted to jolieit trade in ct ery City. Tcn, ViiUpe; I'amict, Tl' rkhfp auJ ITaeU'ry, ' r vjl.out tiie entire wt.rl., fcr the rti-st ' K1eatl ve'.iif ev. r kr.. wo. toil I TU CUNT, ' TKOnTi.a.i lUlATlV SALF. WlillKVllU 0F t f"LKllM men end 'W(u:jn c:n moke from 5 to f L3 per iy, aiid no tik cf lof?! A email cattal required of frt:a J-0 to $100 the mere uor.ey invested the prter lhe.rrCt. Jfo Xuney rcqiird i .iiroe r ttj tit article oh rrfiMj i;;'T!r(jMi; it you aatualij wis " rnk inuupy raTidlyatl easily, wtite fr fall h to par- icu !tr and address IIILNOri U CO , (From Paris,) IP liUOADWAV, New Vcik City. TiV,r:L, Wtdi l'urkr.SriT r.. at 5 ?- ' ' n ' r v n n 1 We have on hand a large and well assorted stock . of Staple and Fancy t To vliicli.we are making hich we are selling at prices low us any establish- nicnt west oX the !tl THE Q'JAITY OF OUR GOODS tO-FLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR v. AV I-I OLE S ALE DEALERS IX d) n v AND AVould call the attention of D 2 ALEXIS to iheirjmmense'stock of Drugs anil 3rctllclnc?, Scliool Books, Patent Medicine?, BInk Book?, Glass and Glasstraro, Writing Ppcry ' Faints aiul Oils, Lnjclopes, Slices and Dyc-snrrs, Coal Oil and lirp Fnre Wines, Liquors, &c, itc, WI.uh were ,t.Tz forca-h of lTp.Eufacture-5, Itr.ycrtcrs and Publishers, Rnd will tenold at the mos. favorwlle rrieei. "Uajicj in lurje quantities from lirst hanils, they are enabled to offer extra induce ;nont t the Vi ' -X? Tbc7 sr rth-'W(Et'-mTVh--.!eTe Agrnt? of Dr. D. Jayr-e & Son, ancV of Dr. J 'LrrTt C. Ayre A Co., p.r.d can'furnifh their !IeJicinc3 ia auy quantities. (10 1-1; E -f") .1 TT "Pf - r....- v -a v..;.7 jjvvj ST. JOSEFI-I, MO. Importer and SShoIesale and Retail Dealer in Iron STEEL and HEAVY HABDWABE. Wafon, Carriigp, anl ll-i Woodworks. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. &$Z$r Sj-rirgs, Axe?, Axe!?, Sherds and Sy.ades.Fils nnd Uapps, Chains, Ciirrin-e and Tire Bolls, Xntts and Wa.-herf,: Nails, Ilor.-e cnil?, IlfTe &. Mule SboeF. etc. etc. Castings and EcIIotv Wait?, Sugar Kittles Andirons,' Skillets andIiids, Stew pot3. Rake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Iron3. Blacksmiths' Tools, Anvils, Strcks and Die?, Eellovrs.Sledge and Hand Ham mers, Yisee, Titters, llarpf, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, Aj. Ox Yokes, Axle Grcao, Ox chain?, Woon Jackp, Ox J-boo nails, Shovels and Picks,Gold Fan?,"etc. IXixlots. niooltco and 33 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLIiSrE;3?I.O"YS ! J ntt pstented, and fujerior to any yet invented ; and I?IcCorm!cIis 3Io riSi"anl Kcapcrs,KaIIcrs SSorse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Ccrn l'ianter, Corn Shelters, Fay Kakus,' etc. eto esc. IP 't:rT3 cs.-ls.'s ttstxx&.eiiTcl Scales . Bey ins my goods direct from the man ers, Ioffer gretit induceuients - TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. gjfv From J. S. WILLIAM'S Advertising Aeency. 97 T, Chamber Streets, Salut Louis, Mo DK HENRY'S, Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier, axi i ROOT & PLANT jS fills, Are te pTeatest Preventiv-J and Curative House hold Iu-rn'ediea of the 8e, and are wonderfully ef Gcacioug in coring Dyspeptic and Consumptive Symptom, General Debility, Larguor, FiIiou3 Dis eae8)aa"ticto, of the Liver, Stomach, IJowels and Kjdaj(i. Fcnu'le Compliiats, Scrofulous Affec tions, and all diseases ariiin? from irepnre blood, and a sure preventive cf i ever and Ague, Chol era, Yellow Fever, Dilion Fever, &tr. Se circular around each bottle, and box. Pre pared onlyly theGrafLa iledicine Co.,St. Louis, Missouri. Sold bv ! IIOLLADAY & CO. Bnnvnvill?, Neb. GET THE BEST MRS CHILDHEN". Ia now traly acknowledged a superiar prcpuration for all disease incident to inf ota and children. EVERY BODY STEAKS In exalted terras of commendation cf its truly won derful eSecta and luedieical virtues, and are de lighted with its a?e. - fZ- Frii-e, Only 25 cent' per Eottle.tFj by Sold by all dealers inj-nedicin?. Preptrel oa 1 7 the Grafton Medicine Company, S ui - Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st. 6m Brownville, Neb. LARGE AND FINE STEEL PLATE BiGRAVIKGS. A TEN DOLL LIU Engraving Tor S150 ana a Fortune fo Xctlsing! 5nd Stamp f-r CATALor.rE with fclL rABTicr-Li-rvi. And JJress. SEC T A. A. rXION", 25 TIRE Stueit, Xtw TOEA, ' Aarxii, MA e am) Female, wanted, Froai $t0, to ir weelr can be aisde I3-6ru 3,00 TaVen tip by the nrd jrs-neJ , living ia Glen xk the 7tb day cf Fibruary, 1SC7 One red and white apeckled Vtair with ua lerhit le red ani wliita spetltie l Mir .witn ua lerr f left car, acicrt-p t3 richt ear, 2 yesrc is Spring CYKt S C. DEADER. outf left car, acicn-p t3 riv-ht ear, 2 year? eld this I")al in Snap, Castile, and Detersive Soap . ar.d tie Celebrated Si.ver :io?s Starrb at SHAN A URO. l ' 'mw j r' Wa U fc, . Ui i mmm I r--nn constant additions, and Mississippi river. 7E CilALLEtlSE C9?ETiT!0?L APPROVED BRANDS. THE COUNTRY PRODUCE. 3l (Q r i "H3 V .i? PI ia ci iiii '.fctfra Something Entirely New! Light for the Million! A VALUABLE DISOVEHY ! ' The EUREKA ILLUMINATING OIL! Cofds only One Cent for three hour. Cheapxleai, and Neat. No Smoke. No Atfonsive Smell. Nt. Grca?e. ' No Chimney. Not Explosive. Coets cnlj 25 CENTS PER GALON. No Family should ba without it. Samples for tea ting will be sent prepaid, on reccip of 50 c?nta. County and State Rights for sab on liberal terms, cither for Cash, Real Estate, or PcioCual Property. Address, EUREKA OIL Manufacturing CO. 53 6m 37 Park Row, New York. SOMETHING NEWT USEFUL & SALABLE IUWXnURST'S Soluble IIIuc and DIeaclLlag IoiTdcr. "TABLE MANNA," for Family Oo. "NATION AL WASHING FLUID," Starch Polish," "Mag io Soldoricg Fluid," Indian Pain Annihilator." "Good SaniariUn's Lincment." "Silver Solu tion, A?. Aa, FAMILY RIGHTS FOR SALE. 1 000 Jlgcnis trar.fed, JIale and Eemalc. A g"od reliable agent wanted in every town to take the entiro control, for his neighborhood, of several cf the best, mott saleable and table ar ticles of every day life ever presented to the public Profits large siu-faction gnaranteed. The right man or woman can make from $10 toJ20 per week caly. Ecchiss stamps tur fall description and illustrated catalogue, Samples sent free?. Exclu sive control of territory given. Addreuj, iEW YORK Manufacturing Co., 37-8 n 27 Park Row, New York. STAMtABD 'A'VI J i Pi n . FAIRBANKS, GREENLEAF & 00. 225 Lalto street, cticao. 209 Market Street, St. Lcfnis. J57"rK CAKE IT I. TO ECY CiLY TOS UEXnNE.fJ J?or a choice article of Tea, go to ? SWAN A tnO'S. TAKE NO MORE ' NPLF.ASANT AND UN SAFE RE MID IKS for unpleasant ard dancemus diseases. Us Helmbold'a Eitract Ducbu and Im-pn.-Tfd Rcjo Wa?h. )1F C. ATTLTHAIJ fis Co's SWEEPBTiinsa." TUS OXLT" GEXriXE "SWESPSTAIL C. Aur.T5tA.sf, - HanufHctnrer, Canton, Ohio. IlEsar II. Tatx.08, Geu'l Vwtern A't, CUicajo, lit TWO STYLES OF HORSE POWERS. Tho Improved "Carey" Power, (Both eight and tea horee.) THE "COMPEH'SATITJ'G" FOWEB, . (Both eight and ten her3e) . 1 laydahls amtitLn exists amoEgtlreshers to " era tie test Eiacliine u tia Eeigiborhood.'1 E'othin is tsore disagreeable to tiem iiaa to have fanners cca lrin that tieir rorl i3 not properlj Sone, oi to losd ralnabte tima ly reason of breakages, and they caa aot be too careful ia selecting a machme. TtiQ Sweepstakes fa tne accredited head Of the Threshirs- Macliia family, anj its superior Itrcnjrth, durability, simplicity, ease of draft, stylo if finish, and capacity for threshing nl clia-.iin grin fwter and letter than any other ia the werld, lire acknowledged. tjha great repntation achieved by this fayoilS; machine has led several unscrupulous m.inn-wvrtni-er, and nninerous ajrentg, toattfuli tbenrn "SwEsrsTAKES," in one way and another, to their machines and advertisements to mislead and deceive. This is tie essence of meanness down Hpht piracy, and sailing tinder falce colors. To avoid tha conntprfeit, se that every machine has the card, " C. AUIiTIIAN' A CO., Maxukactcbf.iis, Cauln, 0&i," m piit letters, conspicuously on botl aides of the Sepurator. Tho. Genuine Sweepstakes enables tha thresher to pirk his customers, seldom stops for re pairs, Issts much longer tlian others, saves much grnmbMnx and vexation, does tho same amount of work with loss labor, and enables hiin t select tha best and most proQtabio jobs. .The farmers give i a preference, and often an extra price per bushel, because it threshi-s clean from the head, separates perfectly from tha straw, cleans fit for market without waste, saves all the grain, do8 its work with, the utmost speed, safe ty oud economy, and does not keep a gang of men ud teams about them on expense. The telegant "Patent Pivot Side Gear is to be found only ou the Swecpstasxs. Our " Patent Cleaning Appcratu3 en ables the operator to coctrol the direction of tha blast, and pmfpon of the scives, and clean either neavy or ligliFpfun, without waste,As tist as ft an be threntufThe eiaft' and dirt beTr4iparate4 from tho grain before it etriket the leice at all. Separators, Horse Powers, Straw Stack ers, Gears or Jacks, sold separately, when desired. A written warranty delivered with every machine. The " SWEEPSTAKES " is usualy a very jcarce article after harvest, and parties should ordSr tarlrj. Call or eend and get a pamphlet circular", giving a full description and particulars, together with numerous certificates, and the names and resi dence of over three thousand persons vho have b msht and used tho Sweepstakes iu Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, aud h.ansa3, alone. THEO. HILL & CO., Agents, Brownville, Neb. A GOOD CO i KIM Is ono of the most no.'e?;nry and desirable ar ticles of boasU'dd ii ! if properly rnxr.ajrtd.wiii prrmote the L',ultli,'-oui-fort and hspriincs of every mem ber the family. IT0C00SETG ST0YS Ilave ever been brmight before the public which -jbtained to great a popularity or met with more :"avor than the AND Flymoiitli Hocli OVKR ICO.C0O OF TDESS CELEBRATED COOKING STOYES Ilnve been sold under fall gnarnmtee, and we offer theui as rtferenee wherever found. THE IMPROVED CHARTER OAK With Extension Top, Has but one damper, and ia, ho simple in is con struction that a child can manago it. The ovens ire larger, balte more uniform , and tha Stove heav ier than any Cooking Stove cf corresponding aiio aver made. Housekeepers, Sfove Dealers $" Tinners Can rely upon being supplied at the lowest rates ad will find it to their advantage to send for atd examine our Price List and Catalogues bjfore par chasi .g elsewhere. Address, EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO 612 A 614 Main Street ST. LOUIS MO. TgTSohlby E. ROBERTS. Brownville, -Yebraska. THE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION u?ed on Billiard Table i3 the CAT-GUT CI SZIIOX, Manufaetnred by KAVANAGn C DECKER, and Patarted Den. 1 S,1SGC. - (See Dcien;ic American Vol. IS, No. 11) It is the ccly Cushion that po.'srfrs all the qual ities esential to a PERFECT Cushion. It is the most clastic and mi st durable Cushion ever odered to the billiard-p!ayinj pwBlic ,as is abundantly pro ven by the great d'.rcand for it since its intreenc tim. Tho peculiarity wbieh distinguishes the CAT GUT Cufbion and renders it superior to all others, is tho tightened cord cf cat-gut .whioh over! i-3 the face and edge cf the rub'jer aal aua ning tho full length of the Cushion , whih pre vents the ball from bedding inty the rubber and jumping from the ubhi. The addition of the cat gut cord also adds much to the elasticity cf tha Cashionn The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been ap plied to over 1 ,000 tables whioh are in constant use. It can be applied to table cfacy make, lor sevontv-five'douary per set. , KAVANAGH A DECKER'S Factory, at ihecAr ner cf Centre and Canal Street?, N. Y.,U the mot complete of its kind ia the world. TLe machinery is of the n-t improved chanv-ter, the Iamh?r dry ing rrcra tbe largest in the United States, the material use the best that ean be jor:baed, and the workmen thoroajhij skilled. LiUiard Cloth, lulls, Cues, ann Trjmniicg?, all of tho best nuke , constantly on hind. KAVAJNAGII A DEiKER are the only agents in this country for KAY'S CUE CEMENTdjvdged by competent authorities tt be the be the best ce ment evir nsclr 3?uil Sized Tables cut dcrsvn fo $100X3" Send for Illustrated Catalsgue ar.d price List. KAVANAGin DECKER. Ccrn:r cf Centre A Canal Sts New York Taken an by tLa uuderaigned living in Docsr las Precitdt.J one half mile S. E of linlarn's mill, en the lt day of 3Iarch, 1857, one Erin-Re- Steer, tail off. Sffillrnr f rk in left ear.cron off left par. ! about four yeMo'd thi Spring. March tub 17 TUuMAS MOSLEY. V C' " ' " ; niiTii -r"TT5nTTni TTAILHO.D TO ST. LOUIS, MO., And All Points SO Connecting with the Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R. atMneoa'CHy,! miies East of St. Joseph and fi.rms the Ony All Rail -HouU from Atchison and St. Josepti to zi. L.oym, Making direct and reliable connections with Famous Express Trains. Leavic- St. Louis at 2 o'clock in the afremoon, running through to nil Eastern cities without a nioiuent,5 delay. Passengers going to Philadelphia JSew YorJc. fialiirnore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, kareland. and all wVftr Eng land Towns and Cities, Vis. the above lina have less changes cPCars and 31 iXe QulcKe Time Than by any other rcute. Passenger going te points in Central and Southern Ohio, Central and Southern Indiara, Southern Illinois and a!! points in Kentucky making several hour's quicker than can be made via. any other route. Through tickets can be purchased at all Kail Road Ticket effice,3 in the West. Bo itucderstood, that the Fare to all Point East is the Same via, the Nerth Missouri Rail Road and St. Louis a by way of Chicago or any other route. Go via. St. Louis Route. ISAAC H. STURGEON, President and Gen'l Sup't. St. Lcnis, Mo. II. H. WHEELER, Genl Ticket Ageut, St. Leu is. Mo. . W. W. EHNINGER, GenT Freight Agent, St. Louis, Mo. P. U. EARLEY, Agent. St. Joseph, Mo. i. si. Gen'l Western Agent, St. Joseph. Mo. Hannibal & St. Joseph 3 A1SD ft as P- f: ON 3IISS0URI RIVER. Tri-weekly Packets (Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R. Line) leave Omaha, Council Bluffy Platts mouth, Nebraska City, Brownvilie and intermedi ate points for St. Joseph, connecting at St Joseph with trains on Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R., leav ing St Joseph a' 11. SO P. M., arriving at QUIN'CY, CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS ITrsi 1037"., On and after May 19th, daily and close concep tions from St Joseph to Atchison, Weston, Leaves worth, Wyandotte, Kansas City, Lawrence, Topek.. 4fc. via Platte Country R. R. an 1 steamer Emilia II. A St. Jo. R. R. Line- Leave St Joseph 5.35 A. M., Leavenworth 8.00 a.m., Wjan-jatte IO.CO i M., Kansas Citv I0J10 A. M.. Lawrence at 5 00 F.X. THROUGH TICKETS EOPv SALE by Porter A Duel, Omaba, D. W. Hitchcock, Coun cil B!ufi,E.C. Lewis. Plattsmuuth, E. S.ILiwley. Nebraska City. Bay throigh tickets and save money. Expensive repcir3 on the ITax'Ibal A St. Jo sfph Railroad, new iron. ties and additional roll ing stack enable them to rtit-r these importaat chan ges to fncilit.ite travel by Tins ROUTE. C. W. Mead, General Superintendent. P. B. Croat. General 1 tckot Agent. H II. ContTRianT, Gen'l Freight Agent. Hannibal, Mo, Catt. RrFCS ForvD, Superintendent Packet Lines St.. Joseph, Mo. THEO. HILL, AgX Brownville. v. .V V. ' si, V . . r GEO. A. PEINCE & CO 39 Varieties, with Patent isb ass. 8sso Teaato 07 CSTSchool Organs and Melodeons. Finlshedin Clcant oscwood, TTalnut or Oak Cases. JTo Charge for Boxing or Shipping. Sr33,000 Now In Use.r AN IliliUSTHATED CATALOGUE, con taining a full description of style, and testimonials of the moat eminent Musicians, as to tbe superior excel lence of our inbtruments can beaten at tblsOiflce Address GEO. W. HILL & CO Brownville Nebraska. The American Organs, are tbe only real reed Or cans now before the public. The only Organ Lav ing a Rcvtrltrating Sound Bex, or Wind Chest. Which has the same important tart to perform a" the Sounding Board has ia the Piano-Fi rte, (to fr-ive body and resonance of tone 'an 1 without which the Organ becomes merely a Melodoon ia an Organ cae. The American Organs not only have the wind chest or sound box, but have the large Organ bel lows, giving pewer and ereat stc-adines of tire. These with their exrrenie five voicing cf tha rteds and perfecting c.f the tone, make them th. Most Perfect Organ Know. Tbe improvements, wi'.h superiority of tone and workmanship, pla. e the American Organs ia the front rank 83 the best, acid they commCod a higher price than any other reed instrument in the market These Organs received the First Premium at tie great St. Louis Fairin October. - Publishers of tbe "Sirging Pilgrim'' for Sutday Schools. Bend fcr a Circular. Address. PHILIP PHILIPS & CO., 29 415 North 5th streei, St. Louis Mo. estrayIIorsf. Takn np on MoL-Iay the 11th day of Jua, I?37 & small irn gray hip-shot innra. iShe had jnat twain tho Missouri river from the Missouri lid?. She can be fvund at tho Livery S;Me cf PEN . LOG ERS 4 CO ',7 x- S i llle, Nebraska. , 37-'' ' Brownv ;c 'i- -0--V ,0 Vs - ,1.. tC - ' : - :' v ' ' f .: , - t i Lyon's Periodical Drop THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. f-v 1 ,e. Vrrs are a seier-t'.tlcany con?ponnded p..nri!.n. sr.d bettor thar, any PiJls, Poirders, Ncbttnni. Beirr? li-.iiJ, their action i direct and "osittve, rendr r:s? tiiem a reiiab'e, spee-ty and cer tain fpeoiac for ttse enre of all obstruction and sup pressiot.s of tiatare. Th;r p. polarity is inj;ca:e-l by tte fart th;n over 1C0. n o be ttie are annually soid and cob?uw -?d by the ladies of the United state, eve ry one of whoa speal in the stroiis?"-! terms of praise of tbeir frrei.l nieru. ioey are iaci-iiy laiius; iu , Pi.ceoifwy otr.e 1 eTrie :-tenie:y, ana are consul. eved by ull who snow angut or tnera, as ite sure.-t. -fe.-t. and most in.'aliiable prepara-ion ia tte world, far tLa core of all fei!'ajeeinip.'i'i3, the removal of al! obstructions cl nature, ar-l t; promotion of health regularity and atreeth. Klpiicit 1' cctions stating wbe;i ti.ey uiy be c-e 1, ar.d espla niu when ar.d rby they should not, nor coctld not t-e used wit bout produ ciii ejects contrary to n.iture'a chosen laws, will be found carefully folded arour.d each boitle, with the writteu signature ot John L. Lvps, without irhica none are gen-iine. Prepare.! by Ir. JOHN L. LTON, T5 Chsr-?1 Street, New Haveu, Cosn., who can ba consulted eiiber per sonally, or by mail, (e.icluins stamp ) Ci-B-eruin? all private diseases and female weasuess. Price $l,6o per bottle. Sold ?y Druxists every-wbere C. i: CI.ARS &CO., fenM Azeals for C. S. and Canada 0 LLTSs Est s. St. Ifiui. Wholesale t'L uSi Ficj & FILLER, CLicaso. J . Agents A. S. HOLLADAY & CO., and W. II. McCREERY, IkcvnYillt, Nebraska, General Agants. 'Llarriags zHd Celibacy. An Eg? ay op Warning and IxrrKrcTio:? von ToxtG Me5. Also, Diseases and Abuses which ptriDii neatly prostrate the Vital Powers, with sure moans oCrelief. Sent Free of Charge, in sealed letter envelopes. Address, Dr.J. SKILLIN ESUGHT0:7, H iward AssociationA Philadelphia, Pa,. January, 1st If 37. ' 1-y HELLJEOLDB FLUID EXTRADT, Is a certain cure for diseases of the Hladder Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsey, Organic Weakness Female Com Main ts, General Debility, And ail diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing ia MALE OR FEMALE, frcm. whatever cause originating and no raattornf HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these orgs ns require the use of a diure'ic. If no treatment is submitted to Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Fi'e.,h and Blood are supposed from these sou rc -is, and the HEALTH axd HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends" ndon prompt use of a re liable remedy. HELM COLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established rpwards of lSyear, prepared by II. T. ISKLIJinOLO. DKEGiilST, 591 Uroadway, Now York, and 10 4 South I Oth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. helmbold's concentrated extract buchu I tit 9 Great Dittrctie. rtELJlEOLD's CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SAR3 APAKILL A la the Crnat Blood I'urijl'-r. Both are prepared according to rules of Pbarma by ar.d Chcmiitry, and are the most active that can e m:ide. DR. VHITTIER, T ONGER BY YEARS LOCATED IN ST. XJ LOUIS than any other Private Disease Phy sician, is a renlar graduafe of medicine, cures Syphilis inaiiits ferms,Goncrrhoea,Gloet, Strict ure, Orchitis, Diabetes, B'ad ler and Urinary diseases, Syphilitic aHectjonj of the throat, skin or bones. Thousands sa-Tiring self-abuse, excesses, ex posures and indiscretions in youth and ma turer years, proda-.-ing some of the fallowing efiects : Blotches, bodily weaknu??, ur m:mliness, to society.icdigestion, constipation, dread offu--ture evet.ts, loss of memoiy, and finally impo teney, haviti gbeen cured. He can refer to mary old retidentsfor past ; success ana pre.-ent p;..-jtion, also rtany phvs- leianshere and c!.-ewlierc. Occupying a whole bouse cf twelve rooms, rith i competent assist.t physicians; lho.-e r.-ui- nupduiiy persona; attentiun may remain in the establishment. Medicine scot everywhere by mail or express. His Theory an i Exposition of Diseases, clearly delineating all the diseases conditions, may be hadiu scaled letter for 6 cents. Ladie'g Circular, embracing all chronia diseases.S cents. Audro-j) St. Loui. Mo. A friendly talk costs nothing : charges mod erate ; cures guaranteed. 02i-:e.t?l7 St. Charles street, one square south oi the Lindsll Hotel. Feb. 15 ly AGENTS WAUTSD FOE Woman s Work in the Civil War . Prepared unJer the approval of the Sin itnry and Chrittinn Gmniiwr. n emineat , Divine says i This work is a household treasurer, a joy and blessing 'o future times. It dovclops a new. sooial era : a new t-ower in woman : a ney phase in Christianity itself. T. S. Arthur's ALxynine says : 'We welcome this Bo. k most heartily as tbe only nc 'rd of Woman's Work iu the War which maker apt roach to completeness. Ia the beauty of its typography, and the excellency cf its numerous fine steel engravings, it is a model. Agents have nO dil ficulty ia selling it, for all who se it want to raal it. Energsticyourg men and ladies will find ar, agencv for this work the best raying business they can engage in durirg the Spring and summer. r r full description of the work and terms to Agents, addrors. ZEIGI.FR McCURDY A Co., 30-3ia Lambard Block, Ch ieago,IIl3. and St- Louis, Mo. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, Awarded th e h'hrst Premie rn at the Exhibition cf th? St. Lruii AzricL'lru'.al aul Mechanical fair, bw. The" "World s. Fair, London. ' ATTH3 Frcncli Erpoition, Paris ETERY MACHINE IS Warranted fcr three years. FEOU TftK CIENTinC AMrnrexN. Wecse the WHEELS & WILSON, tnJ rro Bounce it without a rival. ZStud for Circular fiy A. SUMNER, -il5 IsT- 5TII ST- ST. LOUS - MISSOURI. C,-) TO 5 FOR EVERY HOUR'S SERVICE. -w Plensant and honorable employm ent without risk : desirable for all ladies, clergymen, teachers, students, farmers, merchants, mechanics, soldiera, every b-.:T. Flas-j call on. or ad drew, C. W. JACKSON A CO., Beaver Stroet , N. Y. nELMROLD'S EXTRAC3 BUCHU givea health and yiror to the frame and bloom to the pa! id cheek. iMoiiity is accompaniea Dy maty alarming symp- t,,ms. ati,l 'f no treatment is sUbinitt,it,,coU,uu,p- tion, insanity or ep lptic fits ensa. Henry P. Sherbnr Piano's Cslaelod, or !',lt 'f Ml OF EYZRY DESCSIPTIOX 21 J. Ei'.allUhfd in liO Poland's i Magic Billions Powders f Z) it is r-reraraiion v. v ' - cf tho Ktfv. J. W. P.vVV :V.' 'J tbe ''astor of theBapti.V-r' r- Gf, N. II .. and V '-S '1 rSf ly beloved by that d.l.M ' G ! Ci ttroogbcut New Kny.,, a y medh-inato shi, fVU and bis l!Sr! " :. - '""" are t-. I the most wonicrful discoveries cf re od em ' XH GREAT LITZS A5D 2lU0Vi Srv, which completely throws ia tha shads al I discoveries in medicine; and it ad,rJs i'. gratification that they receira tha una'ai-r 1 4 probation of all who have Usted theia. i, ic Bilious Powders are a Posit iveCnre 1 orLIver ComPiVM ! ; n its most agravated f.rm. and an irameaVi 1 I ' rector of all - j BILLIOTJ3 DERAirGTTW ! : Excellent lor IWf.,. ' j COSSTIP ATIOT Pinipl?s, Btotcas. A3a.iv,wss drowsiness, Vi.f.nen. UHrtt-uru. dp, t , A An-I a most W')n-H.rfui Cure & Preventive of Fcfw, i, 1 (We advice all who are troubled jti (A-V, malady to always keep the Powder. aa kiidt!i" for immediate use.) f Here are a few important pirtienlir: 1st They arc Lh Great SpeciSo f a',1 ., Affections. "" " 2d TheyarJ the dhiy inown remely that 1 1 cure Liver Complaint. 3d They ate the ou ly k?o wn remcJ that will er Ccn3tipation. , 4th. The I'owdSfJ ari so tbo.on?i in tbe:rir. rauon that one pnck?ge w;!l be all that tha !u:,'-.. ty of those U3'lrg thera will re-pjire to ffect 5th TheT are a mild and pleaat yet the effective cathartic known! 6th. They are ihecheaattathart:c kar.wj, 6tdi. They are tho cheapest and best incl.cisj n. fant, as they C3n be sent by mail to any pirtaf globe, for the price, 50 cent. Circulars, contamirg eertieates,icforati.)n,l sent to any part of the Wt.rld free of chr SOLD UY-ALL DRUGGlSrS. tr li mail on application to C. G. CLARK, Si. CTEVSitAL Acrcn NEW HAVEN, CO.N.Y November 15, $100 eewaeF Fur a medicine that will cars Ccugks, - InHuenza, Tickling in the Threat, - V7hocpin Cori or relieve Consinnptivc Corgh3, . as quick as COB'S 3IHJP! OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES hava been sold an! not a single instance of iu Til ure is known. We hare, in our possesion, ad; quantity of Certi.icat-cs, some of them fr-na E UINENT PAYSICIANS, who have nsod it in their prv.tij3,anl $iraa itt'i :,r? over ever othr compound. It does not dry up a Cough but LOOSENS IT. io as to enable tbe patient to expcct;ase f.-e!. Two or tfirce o"ooa Will Invar ialbj Curt Tidling h I't Throat! A ha!f bottle ha3 oft.u completely enr-W t't most Stubborn Cough, and yec, though it is nd speedy in it' operation, i; t pect'-c'ly hm !e, Leirii purely vejetaSle. It is a very a; I. f . t-wfa m -i f u.t rnlni jt ii..l t,. V-'. iren of any nge. In cssc.i cf Cronp X70 will gna as tco a curs if taken in ssasci Xofumily should bd witlioc! ft is within oh rach of all, it being tfc c'w. and best medicine extant. C. G. CL.UIK & CO , Proprietors, EW HAVEN, fOXN. A. S HOLLADAY cx CO., tnJ 1V.K. McCREERY, Brownville, Htbn, General Agents. SALE OF APPRAISED ST0 CK. Friday the 3d day of May. lsC7 at 2 o'clxk f.J or said day, I wi:i offer f;-r sale 1 1 the Mghm i ler fur rush in bard ,on the prrise of Starr, living in L-ifayettfj Precinct, io "eaaie County stray bay mare P"ny, tS years old last Spring. Tikeonpby Wbj. L'i-ff and now in his possesion. 27-5tj.d - JONATHAN IIIGGIXS.J. IWlSfillfl! Over C0,000 mannfactnrcd and now ia BSeis' country and Europe. These world rercwrrd achins were the first priie. Ten Penr-Js ! Quadrieniiial Trial at I'ljmoatb, tci.,J' ' and at tbe Great National Field Trral, b"' Auburt N. Y.. in Ja ly. IC5,the First Frt.r"B GRAND GOLD MEDAL. The PRIZE MOWBK While it retains all tbe advaaUges wb! J aado it ro uninerFal a favorite, is ieat.' i"1!' ed bv tie addition cf STEEL LIN Kl) ( CARDS, .NEW PITMAN CONNECTIONS, feTRO.NOnR KNIVES, bPKlNG SEAT, , ADJUSTABLE FOLDED Making it a rerfect machine. Tb" the roi-t durable, and at the Ktme time ti! and best cutting maceine in the world. The Sclf-Rakcr Repeater 1 f Is qut,y called tke - Victor of wry eit is constructed r-n tne roost aoientihe jrinr:? ict:on and maes on cf the niot e'.o" combined .Self-Rake Rear-erj known, and 1 ly warrant it. - Tho HAND II A HE RCAi' Is at the same time the cheapest and the its kidk ever oiTerod. .J Itcuts aswarth five feet wide in Rei?i? four and a-balf in Jlowin?. As a Mwof bet FolJire I ar M.tchin ia use. Tb Mf,..Lr which It is t;angrd,n-l ih changing Ut Reaper, or n'?- term, will at once rewn: Mmufvrtared by the WALT EH A. WOOD Machine ITccsick Falls IT. 7. GENERAL SALESROOMS, 40 Cortlantlt Street, N, Y. 20G Like Street, Chicago. FOREIGN OFFICE 77 Upper Tnamos Street, EXFEFRI.ED AND DhLICATE ruX-'J j TIONS. of Iv.tN sexe. use HeimboM lT' .it , rhn. it will give J e3ib! you'oaleep bri.-k anlecergetK e'.l.