Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 18, 1867, Image 3
., &)svcvtiscv J r'.:;;; Ae Ac. ie. for tale at this OSce. .rr.s tTT.TjIilS, WtoU taeautbof '-.nil for this paper, will attend to id purc!iei In that Citv. . CLT.cs . cor. 6. jBONVli.''-1' THURSDAY JULY 13, 1667. ic. f root CJjsr go to SWAN &. BRO S 9JjO dozcx Eggs for cash BLISS & HACKER. ! rpf!?! Frnrp. Posts. For fale ! I.(J V vv. I .Octseach. R.W.FURNAS. "v . - 1 rreth Figs jusl received at .. - BLISS &. HACKER. I WANTED Ail kinds of Country produce t ! Wanted-3 000 Euihel3 of Jerrys !El Bliss fc.Hackcr a, iney pay casa : ! Frervihiqig in lhe Grocery line- Rt S ,ai SWAN ZERO'S. '.0 prices at j Oha Republican eays the Lrasshrpre have crossed lhe PIa'te- 11 Hol!a7 k Co'' are ellin3 Draff' Oils very near cost for cash. 1 ffcotCC Fruit Farm for sale. En- TtT T) T TOO 0J J. II. DMOJ. ;re j Brownville has now a Money Order j Past Ofice. ' The preat rush 10 the house of Teare I Co., in ibis city is caused by the rare ' collection of stocky quality and low prices. Choice Sugar Cured, Canvasei and Country haras at SWAN & BRO'S The River is still high, banks full, and considerable drift.wood running. 500 John Deree's Celebrated Moline Plows. THEO. HILL & CO. Corn Meal and City Mills Flour con stantly ou hand at BLISS & HACKER'S. Tizc Choicest Lot of Furniture ever offered in Nebraska is now for tale IX McFALL & CO'S. The cock cf . g- oJs opened out by j Teare & Co., create great attraction and j prices secure general admiration. i . Brownville City Improvement Bonds j bought at BLISS &, HACKER'S. j A choice lot of Imperial and Gunpow- i -Jer Tea, at reduced prices at j SWAN h BRO'S BathS Warm or Coldsoft water ' .60 ci. at. J - J. L. ROYS. Bay your Farm Implements of one who is regularly in ihat business F. A. I'M L Co. Wanted. 500 Bushels New Potatoes for which we will pay the cash, BLISS & HACKER. Kew Lot of Stoves and Hardware just received by the SHELLENBERGER BRO'S. Those in search of the best and cheapest assortment of Boots and Shoes, will be pleased by calling at Teare k Cu's. The finest and cheapest stock of Pocket Cutlery ever effered in this market at BLISS k HACKER S TVa. H. McCreerj has the choicest Cigars, Fine Cut, and Plug Tobacco in the City, by wholesale and retail. That Ground Coffee sold by Bliss & backer is varrardd to give perfect tat faction or the money refunded. A finer lot cf Groceries was never cIced in Brownville than those offered h Teare &, Co. Gloss Starch, " tne greatest and thtapest and only labor saving discovery in ironing fine linens for sale at Bliss & Hacker's and Swan & Bro's. A Peloubet or Prince Organ7or sale t this office on reasonable terms. have just received the finest assortment of canned and dried Fruits ever brought to this market, and &ey can tell them right. Tale your Country Produce to Bliss & Hacker's and get the cash for it. Goods cheap for cash but no credit at BLISS & HACKER'S. fatf Residences. Three new te encet have been completed since our last. Several others projected. WH McCrcery has just received an assortment of pure, unadulterated Drugs and Medicines. What he tells you is all rikt; sure Osage Orange Plant. As the nthorized Agent of W. H. Mann, of ormil, IIL, I will take orders for Fall f Spring delivery of these Plants in KelrasL. W II M CREERV. Br. II. L. 31al!:ci7, Physician, and Surgeon. Office at the City Drug Store, where he rnr.y be consulted at eny time dune? t ho A it Harsh comes as near filling the bill vthen he promises you New Fresh Milk as any man cn top cf Earth. Give hia a trial and you will be convinced of truth in the above statement. " We know A. D. M. personly his word is as good as law. Dally Ilcnancnt -The Directors of his enterprise, we.see, are again making a move to raise the funds for the erec tion of a Monument to the Memory of Nemaha's great Statesman. The enter prise is a praiseworthy one,and we hope all will aid to the extent of their ability. We have just learned the present loca tion and business of the Rev. D. Hart, former pastor of the M. E.. Church in this city, he 13 now eDgaed in the Drug and Grocery business at Peru. The firm is Neal fcc Hart and is willing to do a fair trade with its customers. Baptist ChUrcIl. A. W. Morgan is just n w labori ug faithfully and success fully to raise the means to erect in this city a EapiLt Church. He has thus far done well, and our citizeashave responded iberally. The work will go ahead. NCtf Physicians. Two Physicians have located within this city within the past few'weeks. Dr. Mathews, Eclec tic, and Dr. Harley, Homoeopath. The former is building a residence cn 4th st. j)Cjj Will sell Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Stoves, Furn- ture, Hardware, Doors and Sash, Oils, Paints and Glass, Stoneware." cheaper than any Cost House in the Uaued Slates. Call and see me. WM. T. DEN. Buy a Florence Sewing Machine. The most perfect instrument to exe cute any kind of Sewing now done by any Machine in the world. JNO. W. HENDERSON. Jlgent. Win T DCD has just received Fruit Jars and Butter Jars from a quart up to five gallons, with covers, cf a superior quality.. Also Mackerel at 2,75 per Kit. White Fish at S2.75 per Kit. Lakft Herring at 82,50 per Kit. Cod and White Fish 10 cents a pound. Table Rock Flour 'of superior quafity at S6.00 and SG.50 per sack. Wa II McCreery has just received the Iargest'and most complete stock of all kinds of Paints, Oils, Varnjshes, Glass etc., ever brought to this city, and will sell lower than the lowest. CHEAP REJ1D1XG Bliss Sr' Co. are constantly making additions of A'ew Books to their Circulating Library. Attention, Farmers ! The highest market price paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Wool a&d Bacon, by tf WORTHING & WILCOX. Episcopal YISltatlon.-The Rt. Rev. Robert H. Clarkson. D. D., Episcopal Bsshop of Nebraska, will administer the Apostolic Rite of Confirmation in Mc Phcrson's Hall, on Sunday eve., Aug. 4th. The Rev. Dr. Littlejohn and the Rev. Dr. Twing, of N. Y. City, will ai$3 be present. Consistent. One of our citiiens, while opposing the grading, has dug a celler and deposited the dirt, 30 or 40 yards, upon 4ii street, on a spot which is now under contract to be graded down. The City has already enough on its hands. If there is not already there should be an ordinance prohibiting the depositing of dirt upon any street without permission from the Council. Serins Machine Result.-rceer Sc Wilson Carry the Day ! New York, July 3, 1667. A dispatchleceived from Paris this morning, gives the award at the -xpoition for Sewing Machines. Messrs Wheeler Si Willson are awarded the first Gold medal for greatest excel' lence over all others exhibited. Ti er1? were e:ghtytwo competitors The grea' est interest attended the announcement of the result. Spec, dispatch Mo..Dem. Success Upon JlerlL If thereyis an instance upon the records of our coun try where an article of American manu ufa tory has made its way to universal favor soly upon its own merits and with out extreceeu, aid it is that of the Best Chemical Saleruius. It has only 10 be sold in oae place, and it is demanded id in another, and so it has gone on increas ing in favor ULtil the products of the ex tensive Chemical Works of D. B. Deland & Co., at Freeport, Monroe County, N. Y. are now immense. This article is made only at theseworks by a process known only to the proprie tors, and is letter. for all purposed than Soda. Try iu No Medicine equals Coe's Dyspeptic Cure, for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Consti pation, Fevor and Ague, Sick, Headache, and all diseases that proceed from a dis ordered state tf theStorn&che and Bowels All druggist keep it. Brs. Crane Hqirard. will prac lice Medicine in Brownvile and country Office cor. Main and 2d Sta.t Brownville Hous?, up stairs. tf iiacX C YTatSOn'S New Steam Flouring and Saw Mill, in Scott City, Mo., is nbw in full operation, and from sampies of their Flour shown us by Swan & Bro., they make a splendid arti cle. They pay the highest. market price for Wheat. igue VyWiis, or internment ever Cured, or the muney refunded. Dr A yt T . . Witt's Ague Pills are entirely a new .... v medicine, and Laving been tried in over 1200 of the very worst and obstinate cases of Chills end Fever, end cot failed even in in one case to effect a speedy cure, the proprietor guarantees them to cure every case, even after all other medicines fail. Those suJeriog should immediately give them a trjal. They are warranted to cure, t or sale by Drug gists, or sent by mail on receipt of price, SI. Address Da. Witt, Box 611, Cin cinnati, Ohio. 26 ly The People's Yerdlct. No one suf ferwith the Piles. W. W.Bebee,farmer, near Kalamazoo, Mich., says "after suffering intensely with the Piles for thirty years, one bottle of Dr. Strick land's Pile Remedy cured me. C. L. Glass, Janesville, Wis., says one bottle cured him and his brother. A. H.Rose, Postmaster, Peru, Ohio, says it cured him in a few days. 39-if Statement of City Engineer. The following statement of the grad ing now under contract has been furnish ed us by the City Engineer : Main Street, McGowan Las 2500 yds, $ 750 do do ColJericfcCo.6Q00 deep cat 1600 do do Drjden h&s 1000 " do do M'Cord A Co. 3000 " do do Peek & Co., 6000 Atlantic St., WilsooCo. 10000 44 Watef street, Sayle & Co., 1500 do do L'arberCo,l0C0 " Leree St., Garrinon & Co., 1590 " Second St., M. F. Boyd 2000 14 do do Cogswell A Co. 1U00. Third St., McUowan A Co. 1500 Fourth St., M F Boyd, 1500 do do Oli llowett 1200 " bet V 11 300 200 betllAll 1800 . 3200 450 300 450 600 300 450 450 - '360 O Total $12,110 In addition to the above a small con tract of 166 yards on Water Street near School House. And one of 1500 on Second Street, between Main and At Ipntic, which were paid for with City Orders. The above contracts have all been com menced except three, two of which wil be under operation next week. Several Bridges and Culverts are nec essary, the cost of which is not included in the above. They will not cost more than one or two thousand dollars. The contracts are all taken that the Council has so far decided to let, unless it is First Street. A bid for which has been received, but the contract has not been closed. The grade cf Atlantic Street from a point on the levee to where First Street crosses the same rises one foot in twenty. Thence west to near top of hill by Dr. Crane's is a very steep rising grade of oae foot in ten. Thence west to 3rd stree1 i 11 t m a railing grade 01 one root in iwemv. From thence west to 6th street a fall ing grade of one' foot in ninety, On Mam street tb.9 grading is nearly finished to 5th street which is as far as the grade isr established. On Water Street the grade was estab lished to 5th street several years ago. The petition of the citizens asking that S20.000 be expended on the streets only asked that the same be made prac ticable for travel; and the Council has directed the City. Engineer to have the work so performed. For this reason the Council did not think best to establish the grade of the streets farther than al ready indicated. The grade of the cross streets, between Main and Atlantic is of course dependant on that of Atlantic, Main and Water. The contrrcts let where the grade is not established will only be sufficient to make the streets practical for travel, and the excavations are certainly above any grade that will ever be established. The" number of men now at work on the streets is fifty-one, which number will be nearly doubled within two weeks. Nearly all of these are strangers who would not have come but for this employ ment. Several of them, having families, have erected houses to live in, and others contemplate doing so immediately. Sale of Stray StocK. On Satordy the 3d day of August, 1867, 1 will Efil at y.ublic Auction to the h'hast bidder frr OHab, at the r jfid'"3ce oC John B Kpltr, living in "Glen Rock Precinct, n-: Yoke ofttle lesoribeJ aa follows : One a rrd Stter with lift horn i ff acd smooth ere p oflfof ia.h ear, the other a rAn , with left horn bruken nil, branded f -C" 00. k-fc hip. Supposed to be K years old. Taken up by John B K pier, and now in hie p.ei..n. Appraised at 1125 AXbEIiSUN COLLLNS, J.P. Jotie is hereby given that cn Saturday, the 20th day of July ltG7,at 10 o'clock p. m., I will veil at fabric auction, at the residence of James Bishop, iu Hien Itck Precinct. N"eauh. County, Nebrtka , c&e Mexican eteer, about ?eTen years uld , appraised at t.0, and one heifer, thrte years old .appraised at $ 20, the said stock waa taken np by James Bishop in October 13oft. G. R.REEDEIt. J.P. Soda Crackers, Ginger Snaps e rr, at SWAN 4 BKU'S. ITYesh Layer Bairlcs, Currnts. Citron &s, at ' i?WA5 4 BRO"S. FOR KON-RETEXTIOX ou IXCOXTLXEXCE of Urine, irritation, iuflm-itlon or ulceration of tb.9 bladder, or kidney?, dis-3as-?s of the prostate gland;, stone in the bladder, ealoulcx, grarcl or brick dust depreit, and all dicasj of th bladder, kidneys and dropsicial swe'Iinj', Vet Helxbold's Fluid Extract Euan;. Beans, Hominy, ileal, PotVft-. Appier te . - SVA' A BROTHER- MANHOOD AND YOUTIIFUr. VIGOR are re gained by Ilelnibcld'i Extract Buchu. BrcoiEf, Silt, Axe;, Towder. rhot bp 1 Lend at SWjLV Jk l-UOTUEK'S M - H t - r i I-- f T n ". MACAINES, Horse POwers, Eqnalizers, ZZS"o., StO. PITT'S For Durability, Light Draft, Past Work, Good Work, Good Material .. -. and High Finish, CANNOT BE EXCELLED, W. H. HOOVER Agent, Brownville, Neb. 1 mtimm. !.Or3S3r!uI?S FORi r3 ??S tp OS 0 P SB a 11 5 FORWARDmQ COMMISSION ME R O H ANTS. II ELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is pleasant iu taste and odor, free from all injurious f rej r'.etie. acd imroelinte it its action. C. .IB. NYE, SUlornrij at Cava, AT WAR CLAIM AGENT, PA1VAEK CITY, AKCRASKA. THE GLOKY OF MAN IS STRENiTH. There fore the nervous and debilitated should immediate ly ue Hclmbold's Extract Bachu. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who rufTered for ywrs from Nerv ous Debility, Premature Decay , and all the effects of youthful indiscretion , will, for the sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple rem edy by which he was eured. Sufferers wishing tj profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by" addressing , in perfect confid nee, JOBN B, OGDEN, 34 lyP 42 Ceder Street, Ne Ytrk IVJatural Leaf. Fine Cut, Grape Juice and Nary Vi . SWAN k BUG'S. 'agar Loaf Syrup, Svrgbom, and N.O. Jlolawes ' at SWAN k BSa'S w TO CO1IDUIIETI7E0. t57Th Luders'gned hating: been rosfcred to Health in a few weeks, ty a rery ilarpla remedy, af ter having guffered several yean wita aiercrelar affection, and tht dread dLse, Coasumptioi is anxious to make knoa tohia fellew-saHereri the means of cere. To all desire it, he wilfjcnd a eopy of the pr Pcriptioi;ned (free of charge,) with the direction fi.'rprep.-irirrr'.i3 nsic the snrae. which they wl linda.SL'HE CURE FUP. CONSUMPTION, ASTH MA, BRONCHITIS, &c. The only object of the advertiser in eeirlin th Preriptioo is tobensSt the aSicted, arsd f jtread information which he coa eivea to be inv!uab! and he hopes every sufferer trill try hi3retnedy,as it will cost them nothing, asi say prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will plcaaeaJJroi Kev. KDWABD A. WILSON, 3 1-1 y WilliaDisburfj.Kii;7C.. New York. ' . P H 0 ? 0 SA LSF G II VC3D. OFFICE Act. Asst. Quartermaster,- Foht McPntasoy, Ntbraska. ) July 5th, 1S67. Sealed Propo'ils will be reoivd at this cQce nhil 12 o'clock, il., July 2lch, 18(37 Jbr the deliviry at thi Po.t uf One Thousand (1.000) Ccrds of TJcT" O O tt The Wood to be good merchantable qnality and properly eorded, fuj-ct to the inspectioo cf aa of ficer or agent of the Government. The Wood to ba deliveml ai follows, rii : Three hundred (300 ) Cordj in the month of Anuit. Three Lundrei (200) Cordsin the month of Sep tcmber. Four hundred (400) Cord in the m nth of Oc tober, 1S67. A Bond equal to fifty ( 50)per reni. of the amount of the contract with good ruCicieot security, will be required of tho party to Waom the contract is awarded. Bids must be mnde in duplicate, accompanied by a copy of this advertisement and a giirialae tinned by two responsible parties that the bidder will en ter into the contract in accordance wiih the term of bis bid if awarded and that they will become Sureties for the faithful performance of such con tract. Bids will be received for any reasonable quantity of Wood. Payment will be trnde in such fan li as may be furnidhod by the United States Govern ment. - The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. No bid will be considered, unless the ptirty making it is present ,or represented by power of attorney. Proposals will be enclosed in an envelope, en dorsed "Proposals for Wood at Fort McFhencn, Nebraska," acd directed to the anders;gned. H. VYKINELL. Brevt Capt., and A. A. Q. SI. U. S. A. Q- M. Suppliea wanted. OFFICE A. A.Q.M., ) Fokt Rexo, D. T., June 20, 1867.J Sealed proposals in duplicate for the following Quarter Master's supplies will be received at this offivff untU July 25, at 12 M., 1857 Three hundred and sixty (360) Tons of One Thousand (1,000) Cords of "7". O O . Each bidder wiil be re pmed to accompany his bid with a guaranty Figncd by two responsible per sons, not bidders, that they will enter into a con tract in writing, if his bid is accepted, and that they will sign the bond with hia. required for the performance of the contract. It is to be understood that the Chief Quarter Master of the Department may at any timi reduce the quantity of supplies to be delivered, and the contract will be made subject to his approval. Bids for any reasonable quantity less than that required will be considered. lhe hay must be delivered at this Post on or be fore the 25th of -September, 1867, and the wood on or before the 25th day of November, 1657. The amount of hay required can, probably, be obtained within twenty (2 0; miles of thePost,and the wood from three to five miles. Bids should be sealed and endorsed ''Bids for Hay," or "Wood," as the case may be, and should state the amount for whioh the bid is made. JNO.C.JENNESS, 41 Lt. 27th U. S. Inf., A. A.Q. M Q. M. Advertisement 6FFICE AST QUARTERMASTER, Fort Phil Kearset, D. T. ). T. ) , 1S67. I June 7th SEALED Trrposals are invited for furnishing the Q. 11. Department at this post with the fol lowing supplies, via : Six hundred (GOO) Tons of good HAY of 2,000 lbs. per ton; Four Thousand 4.000) Cords good sound 717 O Q jD ' . Delivery of the Hay to commence on or before the tenth day of August, and to be completed by the thirteenth of September, 1867. Delivery of the wood to commence on the first day of .dugjst, and to be completed by the thirty first day of Octi.ber,l867 Bids will be made in triplicate, and bidders are required to accompany thtfr bids with guaranty signed by two responsible parties, not bidders,tbat they will enter into and sign good and ufik'ient bonds' (say 5 (J per cent of the amount to be paid on completion of contract,) and that the party to whom tho contract is awarded will enter into, sign and fu'fiil the same. Contracts will bo awarded to tho lowest bidder if bid are responsible , if unreasonable, they will be rejected and referred to the Chief Quartermas ter of the Dpartmeut for his action. Bids for any reasonable quantity less than the whole amount will be considered, and all the bids will be opened at the Quartermaster's office at Fort Phil Kearney on the twenty-fifth day of July, 1837. ltist)be understood tbaf- the qnantity of sup pries advertised for may at any time be reduced by the Chief Quartermaster of the Department. Bidders are invited to be present at the opening of the bids. GEO. B. DANDY, 41 v Bt. Brig. Gen. A A. Q. 11. U.S. A G R A N T' S CAEAP CASH STORE. Jilain Street between First and Second. EKOWNVILLE, N. T. I Would Respectfully inform the Citizens of Brownvilie, aud surrounding country that I have just received my fall Stock of UohL, consisting of Of the latest stylos and be.-t quality. Mens heavy caif Boots, double Sfded Boots, Fine Kip Boots boys and childrens Boots and Shoes. All kinks of La dies' Boots and Shoes of the finest and bestqT ality. India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries ' of Every Kind, Consisting of the bes brands of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper, Allspice, Soda, Candles, Tobacco, Hatches, Starch, &.c, Sec, Sec. Wooden Ware, Stems Wars, The Best Qa ality of The best Woolen Under and Over Shirrs, Salt Salt by the pound er barrel WHlCn HE OFKKRS FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH All of wbich he offers at the lowert prices, deter turned not to be caiersoli. GRANT. . C. P. STEWBT. M. D. South East corner cf Main and Firet Streets miOlYAYlJLi:, STEIIIIASIIA. Crnci Cocas 7 to 9 a. x. and 1 to 2 and 6 U to 7r.. CrowBTiBe, Nebraska, lfy Jth, 1S?5 No 34, ly. 1TEU GTOIII ROBERT TEARE & CO. Announce to the pab'.'s that thiy Lars Jxit ra ceive 1 and have now opened in the Brownville Hotel BiiiMing, Corner 3!ala and Second Street AN ENTIRE NE17 STOCK OF GOODS, Consisting of every variety cf Dry Goods, 'Groceries, Qncens wari. Hardware, I'roTislcns, Hoots and Shoci,IIr-ts and Caps. IZollovr ITarc, Agriculturallmplemciito Together with all, and eve fy variety cf artitles u.ual!y kept by a Wetsn Triding lLume, which they oiler to tho ciliicas of Broxaville, 5oznaha County and Southern Nebraska. In opening out a Stk of Goods in this City, we do not propose any gfe it flourish, but simply to say that we hare purebred our goodi under the most fiivorsble circustances. and for Cash : that the ENTIRE STOCK IS NEW and froshni that our experience in both the business and wants of this comtcuniryentbles ui to select with conSdence the patronage of .the piblio. . CxLL AND SEE US . EOCEET TEAGE & CO At tha Sign of tha 1 ) ED Is the place to buy FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTRY!!! Keep constantly on hand a complete assortment cf Sofas, Bedstead?) Wardrobes, Beaureaus, Rocking Chairs. Springs beds, Wab Stands WbatNoU Uat Racks, Chairs. labl. Kitchen ani Parlor, toped S tands Lnnge iSettees, Ms Ureses. hprings Tete-tetes RwingCribs, OSSoe Chairs, Comforts , Kitchen Safes, Plain Stands : Rocking Cribs, Bed Springs, Children s Cabs and Uigs, Pis no Stool?, Teapoy Stsr.d. Gilt and Rosewood Moulding, Sheets, Pillows, Pillow Slips, etc., etc., etc, eto. Show Cases and Office Work made to Order And anything and everything required to lot np pLin or fancy housekeeping. All of their ware is either manufactured or put up under their specUl superintendence, which enable them sound articles at smaller, prices than eastern manufactuted goods. OUR HEARSE) is at the service of the public at an? time it may be needed, and is goUen np in as flue stale as any farther cast. I'letalic Burial Cases, h of allsiies ooaitintl on hand, at eastern prices. We are Joirg business on sWctly cash principles, At a mail profit, and by attention to business and the wants of the community, expect in the future as in the past to receive tha patronage of the pub lic generally. M'FALL & CO. REDUCTION I 3 la now selling" out his SUPERIOR STOCK 0 1 A 7 D C"T3 linn ti noji CSS i Being compelled to retire frcm business on account of ill-health, I will positively out ray Stock in ninety diys at less than first cost. Those Indebted to He Most step up and settle immedi ately ! Longer clemency is impos sible! Trouble an costs will be. saved ;uuuie ccbiS mil DC-SaVCU (ptness! I'll have to "go leg.illy within thirty days. by prcni for em Fair Warning ! JALIE5 BEERY. Jrv Kitchen and ' . ter h ZZZZ: Tabls Z Meulio W "1; V Cases, . - .-'Lsr Ijounjre 1 i r' r IU11 RELMBOLirS EXTRACT MTIIU ar 1 h '-v ! B-no Wh cnr" secret and !-! -.tin i r 1 i : ' 1 their stsges, at little espnn, lit'. or v.t tl--r m dtt, n Ino'jnrer.ionfa xr.l !i;s p!3.ant io tfte and r, ,r, irr n..; ; lie i i i i a . ?, tul fr?e frets all injuria ; ? ;- --r. :j. j- Jj:ckl5S.Caa Fruiis of al4 -1 .v.." a:; i hlUTTEUEy CO.NsriTUTiONi l.ZZ'HZl by IlelmboM's Eitraci L'a'-i ji J. STEVENSON, V. o. !., t . m-m s , f J ' m M,.'r Ksmi-"- . t- ' STEVENSON t. CROSS ?rc;rir.:r. This Uou?e Is eoutfciint a te f.i'ars rt Landing, and the tuvLfia pnrt cT Ti wn. 1hi bs aocommodations in the C::y. N tll b- spared in making guests eoujfortab!e. tZf Good Stable and Corral convenient to the House. Philip Pliilip3 Cz Co. Whcle'e and nil doalers ia PIANHS, ORGANS, ANDMELODEO:;S. TTetern Agtj fjr Decker L'rcthert, TaUiit p!U Fino-f oortes. These Pianos aro the ooly ihstaumosU riade ia this cuunty or Earc-i-e, iva the full in?ti frame, in which Jill the lirir.3 red vpon JVocJen Biczr- and in which notv? of the Tuning Pins tr--H lhe Iron llate. This arranrni'jQt prudaea a lint RoSned Tne, with combined Sweetues and g4 Power, and more perfect quality thorjh thssatl.i seal, and the capacity cf Standing Longsr ia taa and retaining its superior qnantity cf tone, ihaa any other instrument. General Agents for L. D. & II. "W.! AMERICAN ORGANS. JSIL'W FIRM H. T. nAIIJUr & V7. fc, LIIT7T3 f 8CCC2SS0S3 TO HAtXtT CO. Respectfully inform the Citizens cf le City and County ihatthrj art in receipt cj a large and complcts assortmrr.t of . Ladie's Dress Goods, v WHITE GOODS, -A Wlih an endless variety cf NOTIONS Together with the Largest Stock of Custom Mada , BOOTS AND SHOES' Ever trouht to this Cityall of which was purchased prior to the late adrauce in gold, which eealles us to ruTer rjpe rir enduceruents to those desirous of pT chasing". We alsoTlceep on hand a fresh Stock of Grooori o g And a good asscrtrnent of .GUEHEBWAEE Remember the Place, Mi a Slret, On Door above the Postoffice, BrownTilia, Nebraska. 9-10-41y in,na GEO. W. DORSET. tUTHXB EOiBLIT. CCX3.C. POR32T COuSET, IIOADLET iCO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, and Dealers in Lazdx7arrant3,a2d Agricnltnral Collets bcrip. Office, in Land Office Building, . Buy and sell improved and unimproved land. Buy Sell, and locate Land Warrants, sad agri cultural college Scrip. Hake careful selections cf government Land! for location, Homestead, and pre-emptions. Attend to contested Homestead and pr-eCptiri cases, in the Land office. Letters cf inquiry, promptly acd cheerfully an swered. EZT" Correspondence ScliciledjTj22oi The undersigned keep on band large ti iof taert ATT!?:?TAnA:r'-r-rnfn For Men and Coy's wear. Alio, a larjs stock ef HATS AND CAPS III a MiOSiS BOOTS AND SHOES, Rubber Cats, Levins & EIan:;ct cvxid "VULE3ocr UMBRELLAS AND CARPET. BAGS, Gent's Finishing Goods, Cf all kin Is which we wiil sell C II E A P F O It C ASH. We purchased our goods since the da cline in the Markets and tvill sell at Ie figures. ATKINSON k CO. April nth.tSUJ, -Xd-ly IT2T7 IIIII3, The Lnmyetto jjib United fjur rallci iVrvt On Tho Little Kcrsnha Rife?, is new filly eomrlsre! nrd r -:-g r-r ..x..- ba3iaess. Farmora wiil it tV t':': . la give cs a call. Oar : itr- ns i.t t tl r ? ce.ved ruch a tura out rf I:.-a3 '.aJ, .. r i i fjaality or quantity Li Sctri as t tie LAFAYETl'E MILLS. ilishest Cash Trice Paid For A!i kinds of Grain. Bread ftt??s cf all kinds ,r a sUitly oa haaii f;r saie c? in ex. bicg fr gria Jb. C. SANDERS, rrcprietvr HUCU COATE iilLLEH. )