Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 18, 1867, Image 1

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.Advertiser Uck. Haia E'tbei ?ccn ? ,5
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Irownvillo, L'JoT.
A.i.. V - -
rr z: rt i.r a
, 1 "cf?, 'in j:V!r,n jinr,,f, ... lizt
.irutTi tiun, muit inr;-,lj, t raid !n Alvao
too beit styie, !iJu-j bhori uuti e.
: ' c.
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NO. 42
, i i j
Xrtt Doer to Carson s Bazk.
'ttAenW pr Tessiona! ferrice to the citiiucsof
V-fVit('Ut bi Residence fouth side of Atlan
tic betwwn lit and Sad streets.
Hire opered op tlieir New Meat Market in tbe
ftED STO RE, whera they will
U plrMod to wait upon th pullic to the be?tar,d
tfnderet roaaU th county allordi neatly dressed
Country Produce bought and scld.
Give us a callf
.-sriRircER :c criegel,-
TTm jujt pot thoir Prvrcrr wr.l'T fu'l mrninr
'itder, tLry are niw in ikintr 8 p.K i Mtr h. t in
bf nmde !n the I'luN-d Matc. With thcirfaoil
fcr making HeT, they arc prepared to lurnish
quHDtijt on fh't rt noiir o.
All orders filled as soon as received
The undcr-irnc(l having rented
the Brownville
Takes this mtihol cf informing the pub
lic that he iiitcnds doing
for the Bccommriiion of Termors and o'hers the
coming season . 1 he mill i now in operation and
ho Lave wheat to are respectfully invited
to give me a trial, a? 1 am ciiiCdent of giving gn-
ike highest cask price given for wheat.
26:f F. W. MORRIS.
UrowiivlIIc, Xeliraslta,
, "Jl take contrui-t! fur I'rioklayiii', I'l.nterinj,
Vuildin? Cisterns, and dt anvthinc in their Hue
tha mokt Fatif acttry and workuiaulikc manner.
AOg. 30,1800. X-47-ly
Millinery & Fancy Goods
Iain Strct one door west of the Post OGce
A superior stcck r,f 1-V. nnn Winter Goods
"Jkt P. i it. '
'ptennstant!y en hand. l)re??-Making , lionnet
caciiir.f anJ Tr;'tmr.z done to order.
OctobT,Jj 1 Srtt . v8-"---5ly
ORlce corner f Viu n1 First Strets.
3R(j V K 'l L L E, NEBRASKA.
-r.J a tare nni well ele-:tedbt'jck of genuine ar
H'ieiuo i. line. .
.One Door west of Grant s Store, Brow
rille, JWhraska.
Of Clock; Wuhes and Jewelry dvne on the thort-
M X utK4.
rtivmc, Kelt.. March l6:h. 1S66. J0-C5 ly
rrh ToniatocF, in two and three rur.d oan, at
H rrici . Cherries a!
M CMP 1' I fiTiA i
S; 135 W iPT C3r
South East corner of Main atd First Streets
Orncs IIorKS 7 to 9 a. m. asd 1 to 2 and t) to
nrownrilleNebrafVafMay 5th, 15"5 No 34, 1y.
Gratluntcd in 1S51,1
Located In Eroivnvillc in 1555.
,113 .
Dr. II. Las cn hand complete sets of Amputat
ing, lrepnining anauDsieincai jneirumenrs.
OClcc: HcIIaflay & Co's Drng Store
Two Doors East cf Post OJJlce.
P. S. Special attention giren to Obftetric." and
the diceaaeg of .women and children. x-44-Iy
Baal ml- Ik
TttL EL 23 ,
Main Et 2 doors below Brownville Ilouse,
ITas on hand a superior stock o? Boots and Sbces
nd the best material and ability fur doing
Repairing done u-ilhneatntss and dispatch
Torino Caslii
VII OUS, .c, ReiiHirxloti i-hort notice, at low rates,
tid arraiitei!toi?ie8aii!rfdCti(m. s-13-fn nn
'Jod Feed and Livery Stable
In connection with the llonse.
Front Street, between Main and Water,
S0:h 1SGG. 10 36 ly
T.W.TijU.n O.U.IIewett
J :S. Church
CAttomciiG at
March l?t, 'C8. ly.
Vain Retween 1st Jt d Street
Brownvillo "INJol3Xf3lE.n.
Takes this method of informinz the public that
he has on hand a splendid as.irtn(nt of licnt'a and
Lndio s Misfcs ana thlulrens s
Custon work done with neatness and dis patchf
Repairing done on short notice. 10-30 fann
490 Ilroadvray,:;. Y.
THE ATTENTION of the public and the trade
is invited to our Jfew Scnte, Seven Octave,
Koxrtcwi Piano trU, wtn. n lor voiume ana pu
rity of tcne are unrivalled oy any nuneriu oaerea
in this inavkot. They .?ontia U tho modern im
provements, French grand action, narp peaai iron
frmo. nvcr-strunsr bass, etc.. etc., and each in
strument bcir made i nder the personal supervis
ion nf Mr. J. H.Okov.stees, who bag a practical
experience of over thirty years in their manufac
ture, is fully warranted in evcrj jmi iicuiar.
The Grovcstcca PIANO FORTE
Received thsh'elioet award of merit Rt the cole
hratcd world's hair, where were uhibited instru
ments from the beet makers of London, Paris, (Jer-
mnnY. Philadelphia. Boston, Baltimore and ISew
Ynrk : and also at the American lnnitute for five
sii."t(iiiro v ears, the (loLDand Silver Mkdai.s
frr.ra both of which can be seen at our waje-rooms
. lty the ictrodaftloa of improvetnonts wo make
a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufact
uring largely, with a strictly cah system, are en-
hh-ri t.-n.iTr tbefe instruments at a price which
will preclude all competition.
. Ourprioasare fram $133 to $230 cheaper than
anv ffr-t i I iariy-forte.
TKFiMS. Nkt Cisn in enrrent funds.
Descriptive Circtlar jent free.
Julv list IbS one year
TTIOKCFD to rrnw nT,,in t!i smoolhi-xt face in from
iLree lo five weets ty usiii? Dr. SEVIGXK'S CA
1'ILLAIKK. li e T.iQl wir.5prf nl dlsCnvcir in moder:
ience, actina cnon the Berd anJ IIir in an almost
miraculoim nmnnci . It lias teen used by tue elite
rn and Lor.J.c with the mrt CitrinR tnrcesn.
rrcnaf-er will he reci'terert, and it en
tire gatii-farttan is not civen iu every inf-nnce .tne ruoa
ey w ill te clietTuny rcrundci. Trice by mr.ll, fe-Uod
and posipai'i , ft. lo!cnrtive cirt nUrf and teptln-..
liUU mnilfj fr-e. A.Mreas BEU'lKR SIUTTS & fV,
Ho. 2' .5 Kiver Ntreet. Tr y, New York, bole aseuU tor
the Ci:i:eJ State. l t-b 2J 67
A sample c.nW. TUa Cnrlhiue will be fe
free to any address. "The Curliqne will curl the
ttraighteet hair on the first application without in
jury in soft, luiarunt, beautiful enr's.
AddreM, with ftan p, Prof II. B.ROTIB
Iec. 27th lb-56-6ia Pars AN.Oato.
C inn n
l.'afittf, Waatbtardj. lnterri Ac. at
To provide for the Registry of School
Linls, for the control and disposition
thereof and for safe keeping of the
funds deprived from the Sals and Lease
of said Lands.
Spc. 1. Be it enacteJ ly the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska, That
the otTice of the State Land Commission
er be, and is hereby created ; and that
the Auditor of the State be and is hereby
invested with ail the duties relative to the
register, custody, .and disposal of ell the
public laud belonging to or acquired by
the State, which may be prescribed for,
or enjoined upon him as such Stats Land
Commissioner by this or any other public
act of the Legislative Assembly.
Sec. 2. The Land Commissioned shali
keep, et the . Seat cf Government, an
office which shall be furnuhed for him
by the State, at which he shall give daily
attendance by himself, or deputy, and
wherein he shall keep all maps, books re
cords, documents, and papers appertain
ing to his office, subject at all times to
the inpectMDn of the Governor or a Com
mittee from either House of the Legisla
tive Assembly.
Sec. 3. The- Land Commissioner
shall give, before entering upon the du
ties of his office, a bond in the penal sum
of twenty thousand dollars, payable to the
State of Nebraska, with four sureties, to
be approved by the Governor and one of
the Justices of the Supreme Court of the
State, conditioned that he will faithfully
and impartially perform. the dutie3 of his
office and well and truly account for all
moneys which may come in his posession
by virtue of said office, which said bond
shall be filed in the office of the Secre
tary of the State. -
Sec. 4. The Land Commissioner shall
receive, and be paid bj the warrant of the
Auditor upon the Treasury, quarterly.the
sum of one thousand dollars per annum,
and a farther sum not to exceed two hun
dred dcllars'per annum to be paid on vouch
ers presented, by him.for actual travelling
Sec. 5. When tho selection of Uni
versity and Agricultural College Lands
made as herein or otherwise by law pro
vided, and the selection of lands in lieu
cf Sections 16 and 33 in the several
townships, whereon they have been pre
empted, have been confirmed by the De
partment at Washington, or are properly
ascertained to be under the control of the
authority of the State, the Land Com
tnifs;oner shall make a Registry of the
School and University lands, the Agri
cultural CcJlege lands being entered in
the boik of the University lands as a part
thereof, in seperate bocks to be provided
or the purpose, Provided, That nothing
iu this section shall be construed to pre
vent the disposition of such common school
ands as the State may have an unques-
ionea title thereto, as soon as the same
may be presented according to the pro
visions of this act.
Sec. G. As soon as the registry cf
the common Schocl lands herein provided
'or is complete in any one county, the
and Commissioner shall make an ab
stract thereof for such organised County
of the herein described lands as are lo
cated within such county: and forward it
to the County Clerk therof, who shall ac
knowledge the receipt therecf immediate
ly after it shall come in his posession.
Sec. 7. The County Clerk shall
then copy the abstract furnished him in
a book to be furnished him by the Land
Commissioner, which said book shall be
substantially made, and of the best ma
terial, and shall be ruled in columns and
printed with the following headings and
sub-headings, to-wit :
School Land Record of
(1) Name of Precinct.
(2) Part of Section,
(3) Section.
(4) Township.
(5) Range;
(6) University, or common School.
(7) Timber, or Prarie.
(8) Improved or unimproved.
(9) Total appraisment value of land
value of improvements.
(10) Date of sale, or lease.
(11) How disposed of (as by) public
sale, or lease.
( 12) Name of Purchaser or lessee.
(13) Price per acre.
(14) Appraised value per acre.
(15) Total price of land.
(16) Amount paid in cash.
(17) Amount unpaide.
(IS) Amount of interest cf lease
money due to next 1st January.
(19jAraount of annual rent
(CO) Amount of bond, or contract.
(21) Due of contract and approval.
(22) Names of securities.
(23) Kind of security if collateral.
Sec. 8. Upon the reception of the
abstract the County Commissioners shall
appoint in each county three persons
none of whom shall reside upon any o
the land shown by the abstract before
them, who shall take and subscribe to an
oath before a proper officer to estimate
end appraise carefully the value of the
prairie land3 in tracts of njt exceeding
forty acrea.esxb, and of the timber lands
in tracts of cotexceedirg ten acres each,
and the value of all the improvements
thereon, and to mako due and, prompt
return thereof to the County Clerk.
Sec. 9. The appraisers shall alia as
sess !1 damage done and waste com
mitted on said lands. They shall also
rnr!p ! L-'nrl fn ipinrnvmPRls if anv.
specifying the value of each. The said
appraisers shall be allowed and paid
from the county Treasury each the sum
of three dollars psr day for their ser
vices. Sec. 10. Upon the reception of the
report of the appraisers, the county clerk
shall prepare a" rough abstract thereof,
and lay it before the county commis
sioners. When a rough abstract has
seen corrected if need be, and app raved
by the commissioners, the county Clerk
shall copy it into his "School Land Rec
ord," putting the several items of. tp
praisers reports, usd-r theirnpprcprip3.?e
headings; and shall forthwith forward a
copy from 6aid book to the Land Com
missioners; and thereafter no erasure or
alteration of any word or figure ia said
"School Land Record" shall be made
without the written authority of the
Land Commissioner.
Sec. 11. If any purchaser of timber
lands shall before recieving his title in
fee simple therefore cut or destroy; any
a i . . 1
timber upon said land any iartner man
may be actually necessary for the build
ing and repairing o" fences upon the
and, and for fuel for the family of trie
occupant, he or she shall be liable, in a
civil actions for the recovery. of twice the
amount of damages done to the land.
Sec. 12. The County Clerk shall give
notice by publication, in some Newspaper
published in the county; or, if no JNew3-
paper oe puomnea in saia county men
y posting at least five written or printed
notices, .in tne most public places in
the county, that upon some day named,
not less than seventy days from tne
date of the notice, at 10 o'clock A..M.
all of "the School lands within the county,
will be offered at public sale to the highest
bidder, Provided, That no lands shall be
sold for lass than seven dollars per acre,
in addition to the appraised value of the
improvments on the land.
Sec. 13. The Co-intv Clerk shall -be
the crier at such sale, and the County
Treasurer shall attend to receiving mon
evs and cive receipts therefor. The off
ering shall begin with the lands in the
Southwest corner of the county and nil
school lands in each Range shall be off
ered before'that in the next range east
is put up, and none shall be offered for
ess than seven dollars per acre, ine
Cleric shall name the appraised value
if over seven dollars per acre, and the
appraised value of improvements, if any,
and shall first demand who will give for
the land the appraised value thereof,and
if any person shall offer to take it, then
the Clerk shall use his best effort to ob
tain a trreater price; and if after due dil
lence in this respect no greater Did
can be obtained, the Cierk shall declare
the land sold, and the name the bidder
to the Treasurer. And the Clerk and
Treasurer may at 12 o clock noon, ad
nnrn the safe until the next day at 10
j'clock A. M.. and they shall continue
to oiler at IU o ciock a., iu., every uay
asv 1 t A T ,1 .
until all the school land advertised shall
have been offered.
Sec. 14. When anv purchaser at
such sale shall pay to the county Treas
urer, the purchase money, the county
Treasurer shall deliver to such person a
receipt and duplicate, ths presention of
either of which, to the Land c-omnv.s
sioner. after fifteen days from its date
shall entitle said purchaser to a title in
fee simple from the State, and upon the
delivery of such deed he shall surrender
either his receipt- or duplicate, as the
others shall have already been given
to the Land Commissioner. Any occu'
pant of said ianda sold under the provis
ions of this act may remove within six
months after the sale, the improvements
he may have put thereupon.
Sec. 15. Within three days atier tne
receipt of any purchase money for lands
sold as above the Treaurer fhall notify
county Clerk, and the county Clerk shall
make the proper entries upon nisscnooi
Land Record,,' and forward an abstract
thereof to the Land Commissioner.
Sec. 16. Payments for land sold un
der the provisions of this act shall be
made as follows : For prarire lands
one tenth of the price cash in hand, and
ror other lands one half cash in hand,
wilh a promissory note for the remainder
to mature on the 1st day of January
1SS0 bearing intreste payable annually,
the first payment of intreat being compu
ted to the 1st of January next after the
date of the note: such note to ba secured
by the endorsment of two freholders of
the county, and of one additional endors
er for every five hundred dollars cf the
principal of the note after the first five
hundred: the note to be accompanied by
pnntrart which shall ssecifv the times
and terms of- payment; ' that no waste
shall be committed upon the lands ; and
that iu case of pou payment of interest or
rrinciral the land snail be surrendered
tv, ih thft iinnrovments thereon to the
i a i- 4
Spc. 17. The counts romnissioners
of the several organised counties are
hereby authoiized and directed to lease
thp common school and unitversity land
within their juristiction at any t:ae ex
cept that timbered lands and lands held
b resident occupants shall not be leased
u.uil after they shall been offered for
sale as herein : before provided upon
the following terms : The lessee shall
rire his or her obligation and conract.
mat the lease money shall te fuily nd
promptly paid annually, in advance, (tha
first payment beiug computed. Ij the first
of January, next ensuing) ;that no waste
shall be committed upon the land, and
that the premiums shall be surrendered
at the
of twenty five year
from the first day of January next, after
the dcte cf the lease, or sooner with the
the coment of the county commissioners:
that the lessee will pay for the se of
said land the annual rate of six per cent
upon the appraised value thereof : that
at the expiration of five yeara froni the
date of tha lease, and every five years
thereafter, the leud shn!l be appraised
by three person?, one of whom shall be
appoin'ed by the county commissionersj
One by thelesfee, and the third by the
two others, and that the valuation made
by such appraisers, shall (provided it be
In'n less than the former . nf prihement)
be the basis cf the rental
for the five
year3 succeeding the next
first day
Sec. 19. In the case of the' violation
of any of the covenants in tho contract
furnished by the lessee or purchaser by
the non-payments of moneys at the time
specified in the contract by the commis
sion of waste upon the land by the re
moval of any improvments thereupon
from the land without the consent of the
commissioners the county, treasurer
shall notify the lessee or purchaser of
his or her delinquency, and require ' the
removal thereof by the fulfilment of the
convenants cf the bond and contract, and
if such delinquency is not removed with
in thirty days, the lesseo or purchaser
shall yield possession of the premises to
the State of Nebraska, and the property
shall thereupon immediately revert to,
and be revested in the State, and the
contract shall be dissolved and the
rights of the lessee or purchaser, both le
gal and equtible therein, be absolutely
determined, and the prosecuting attour
ney cf the Distrcit shall immediately af
ter receiving notice from . the county
treasurer of the violation of hi3 or her
covenants by the lessee or purchaser cf
any school land, proceed against the per
son in possession of the premises involv--ed
in the nam e of the people of the State
of Nebraska, for forcible detainer and
obtained restitution of the premises in
the same manner and with like effects as
in case of tenants holding over. In cases
of violation of tne contract by the lessee
or purchaser of school lands, the county
treasure shall accompany his notice if
such delinquency to the prosecuting at
tburney.with attested copies of all papers
which may provet he covenants- and the
violation thereoef.
Sec. 19. Any persons purchassng
lands upon which they have made im
provments, shall be allowed to deduct
the appraised value of improvments from
the amount bid for said lands ; and' in
the evnt that any person purchase land
upon which any other person has im
provments, the purchaser shall pay the
full price of saijd land to the county
Treasurer, shall pay the appraised value
of improvments, to the person, ownin
the same.
Sec. 20. If any person shall commit
wastr, trespass or other injury upon the
school land in the State, or upon any
improvmenis thereon, the person so cf
fending shall, upon conviction thereof,
be fined in a sum not less than twenty
five dollar?, nor exceeding one thousand
Sec. iil. Ail civiJ otlicers, upon in
formation on oath.or of their own knowl
edge, shall cause any person committing
any of the offences mentioned in the pre
ceeding section, to be brought before
them bv the like process as in crimnal
. .
cases, and enter into recognizanca for
his amee-rance at the District Court of
the State to be held in the county.on the
first day of the next term thereof, and
in default of such recozmzenco, commit
such person to the jail of the county
. Sec. 22. The Judges of the District
Court shall give the 20th section of this
act in special charge to the grand jury at
oach term, who are required specially to
inquire into, and make presentments of
all offences committed against the provi
sion of this act.
Sec. 23. .All fines, penalties and for
feitures accruing under the provision? of
this act, shallbe paid into tho treasury
of the county for the use of the public
schools of tho district where the land
was situated on which the trespass or
injury was committed.
Sec. .24. All books for county officers,
blanks for deeds, bonds, receipts, and
other papers for common use, under this
act, shill be prescribed and furnished to
county clerks for the use ; of his offiee,
and other officers mentioned herein, by
the Land Commissioner.
Sec. 25. The Secretary of State shall
receive tho sum of fifty cents for each bend
or deed r'ssued from his office, which said
fee shall te paid to the county clerk upon
the delivery of the bond or deed to the
party entitled to the same. All fees to
county officers, and county appraisers,
and others, for services under this act,
shall be paid as they eccrne, by the order
of the County Commissioners npon
the treasury of the county, and tho County
Commissioners shall annually, on thelst
day of October, send an account to the
Auditor of State, which, when adjusted
and approved, by said Auditor, shall be
paid from the general fund of the State.
Sec. 23. All moneys recaived as ad
vance cr f all payments by "purchasers of
school lands shall be piid, by tho officer?
receiving slid money.lo the Treasurer of
the S;ate, specifying whether said money
is for common school or university lands
duplicate receipts shall be given fcr said
moneys, one of which shall bo filed with
the Land Commissioner, and the other
shall be retsiued by tho p?r3cn paying
over the racney. Sucb moneys shall be
held as the principal of tho geat'ral
shy funds, as they have teen derived
from the dbposil of common school or
university lands ; and all such' moneys,
and al other moneys derived from fines
assessed fcr breaches of the penal Jaws
of tho State, and all forfeitures which
may sccrue from lands and other estates
which shsll escheat to the State forwent
of heirs or kindred entitled to the inherit
ance, from all lands which hare been,
or may hereafter be granted to the Stats
when no special purpose is expressed
in the grant, and all unclaimed fee?,
which said other moneys shall belong to
the com-.non hnol fund, shall lf . bv lh
Governor, Laud Commusijner and
Treasurer of the Siat?,investad in United
State or Stato securities, which shall
bare not less-than six per cent, annual
interest.and all bonds, ia which the com
mon school or university funds cf the
State cf Nebraaka.shall ba invested.shall
be endorsed across the face thereof, in
red ink : "School cr university funds
of the State of Nebraska," which en
dorsement shall be signed by the Land
Commissioner ; and said bonds shall not
be sold or otherwise disposed of, except
by order of the Legislature, in a public
act and they shall, in no wise, be held
as applicable to, or security for the pay
ment of any indebtedness of tho State
of Nebraska.
Sec. 27. All moneys derived from
interest upon notes given in liue of cash
puyment.i for school or university lands,
and all moneys received as rental for
school or university lands leased shall be
paid into the State treasury to be by the
treasurer accounted for as common school
or university funds ts they have been
derived from common school or universi
ty lands, and such funds shall by the
treasurer of State be reported to a board
consisting of the Auditor, Governor and
Secretury of State, which said beard shall
proceed, on or before the 1st day of Oc
tober in each year, to distribute tho same
to the several organized counties in the
State according to the number of children
between five and twenty-one years of
age in each county.
Sec. 23. Every county treasurer shall
pay ail school or university moneys re
ii -
ceivea by him, into the btate treasury
upon the 1st day of tho month next after
its receipt ; and if convenient they maj
make 6uch payment by bill of exchange or
sight draft from some solvent banking
nouse upon anotner, and deduct the ex
pense therefor from the whole' amount
in his bauds to be paid, forwarding with
the draft and voucher for such expense
and if any tank, private banker or ether
person shall issue any draft or bill of ex
chance which shall be dishonored on pre
sentation or maturity he shall, be deem
ed r-uilty of fraud, and shall, if he do
not in three days make restitution of the
amount named in such bill or draft, be
subject -to conviction as for obtaining
money under false pretences, and upon
conviction ehall be imprisoned not less
cne year for every thousand dollars or
fraction thereof of tho amount of th
bill cr draft in question.
Sec. 29. The Land Ccrnmissicner
shall annually on the 1st day of January
present to tho State Superintendent of
Public Instruction a brief statement of
the whole number of acres of school and
nnivsrsity lands, which were possessed
by the State'at tho beginning of his term
of office, or tha last 1st day of January
the cumber of acre3 acquired since
th number cf acres sold and leased
the amount of principal of common school
and university funds tho receipts from
interest, and rentals during the year.
He shall also report to the Legislitave
Assembly on the first day after the two
Houses are organized, a full report of all
the opperations of his officer giving such
detail of every public transaction con
nected therewith, that tho Legislature
may have a clear understanding of the
condition tho business of tho offico of the
Sec. 30. This act sltall be ia force
from and after its passage.
Approved June, 24th 1S87.
Maine reports same average of winter
wheat a3 last year, but 10 per cent more
in sprig wheat, with present condition of
the former six per cent better, and the
latter that amount below the crops same
time last year. .
JYtty Hampshire. Same average Win
ter wheat, and 15 per cent mere of spring
wheat loth in about the same condition
a3 last year.
Vermont. Threo per cent greater
acreage of winter wheat and 15 percent
in spring wheat the fanner 17 percent
better in appearance, anitLo latter eight
por cent. ' .
Rhode liland. reports an increase of
three per cent in acreage of Spring wheat.
with present condition three per cent be
low that of same lime last year.
Connfcicuf. Three per cent increase
in acreage cf winter wheat and abont the
fame in Spring what &s last year tho
former promising 17 per cent, and tha
latter eight per cent better. '
-.Vei? VcrrJ reports six per cec. incre
ased acreage cf winter wheat, and ten
per cent in Spring wheat, the former bo-
mgl4 per Cent; and the latter 10 per cent,
letter in condition than same timo hst
J cu? Jcrsnj Five p2r cent increase of
acreage of winter wheat, which is 17 per
cent tetter in present condition. No con-s-.btrnbie
amvit ef Spring wheat groins
Pennsylvania Slight increuo" tho
acreage of winter nal decline in ?:rf ar
of Sprang wheat, tha former over CO p?f
cent better !d condition and th? litter io
per cent below that cf lat year.
Ddairare Seven p jr cent increaso cf
acreage in winter wheat, with CO per cent
improvement appennee over date li.-j
year. iot much bpnc;
grown ia
Maryland reports fcr percent irceis
of acreage in Winter wheat, with 30 pr
cent better premise from present ccsii
lion. No Spring wheat.
Virginia Thirty three per cent in
creaso ia acreage Winter wheat; very
little spring when; the forns:
promising 100 and tho latter 5 per cent
better than last year.
jort Carolina. Eight! rr cent ia
crease m acreage Winter wheat, and mt
much Spring whaat sown; the former b3
ing forty and the latter 30 per cent bet
ter ia appearance than at the earns lima
ast soa3on..
Soulh Carolinia. About tea per cent
increase cf acreage in Winter wh?it. and. .
about 50 per cent better ia condition thaa
last year.
Alabama.- About seven per tent in
crease of acreage in Winter wheat, pre
sent condition 60 cer cent lttpf thsrt
last year.
Mississippi. Seven per cent iacreas
in acreageof Winter wheat, and tha pre
sent condtion is given at 23 per cent bet
ter than last year.
Tennessee. Increase of acreage reach-
per cent, as compared with last
year, and the appearaco of tho crops at
the nrpsent tim irt
limited breadth3 of Spring wheat, with
30 per cent, better condition.
kdrkansas. Thirty per c?nt. Increase
in acreage and ten per cent, advance ov;r
last year in conditioa'of the crops.
Loaieana. Fifteen per cent, increase
in acreage of Winter wheat, but cenditioa
about the same as hst year.
Texas. So far reported there is a de
Crease of from 12 ta 15 per cent, in aero
age of Winter wheat, while the con
dition at 20 per cent below last year at
same date. The crop of last year, how
ever, was late.
Georgta.-Ferty counties report 11 per
cent, increase of acreage cf Winter
wheat, and about GO psr cent.'advance ia
prospect cf crop. The crops was not more
than half an average.
Kentucky. Forty counties report fiva
per cent, more acreage of Winter wheat,
while the present condition is givea as 60
per cent better than at th eame.tirn-
last year.when tha yield was coasidsrably
below average.
Ohio. Sixty counties cf Ohio report
a decrease of about 15 por cent, injjihe
acreage of Winter wheat, but tho pres
ent condition of the crop is claimed
at lean 1G0 per cent better than last year
at the same date the crop ofJlSCG being
half an average. Spricg wheat covers 35
per cnt. more acreage, and appears 17
per cent better thaa last year, whea tho
crop was good-
7-J- T" . .
muxana. rcirieenper cent uecim
in acreage cf Winter wheat, and from 40
to 50 per cent, increase of acerage of Spr
ing grain the former 73 per cent, and
the latter 13 per cent better thaa last .
Illinois Seventy counties report two
per cent. les.i acreage of Winter wheat,
but 25 per cent increase of Spring wheal
-the former being 15 per cent, better
in condition, and the latter 12 per cent,
belter -than last year. 1
JJissonri shows an increase cf over 25
per cent, in acreage of Winter wherrt,
and 30 per cent in Spring wheat tho
condition of the former being 35, and tho
latter 29 per cent, better than same ditet
last year. .
West Virginia. About tha wseacre-
ro c: wit-.ter wneat, but 10 per cent. in.
crease in Spring wheat tha former pro
mising over SO, and thejlattar 23 percent,
better than in 1S65.
. .Michigan. Reports show G per cent,
increase of acreage ia winter wheat, and
1G percent in Spring wheat tha former
SO per cent, better in condition, while tha
latter is about tho same as last year.
Wisconsin Three per cent, leu acre
age in winter wheat tut 15 psr ct-tt.
more in spring grain th formerlein
22 and tho latter 7 per cent, better thau
same date last year.
JIinnesota.-FirQ per cent, increasa.of
aceraga in Winter wheat and 35 per cent,
m Spring wheat the former 7 per cent,
and the latter 13 per cent, core premis
ing thaa last seasua.
Iowa. rour pet e'en:. Jacraa3o ia
acrenge cf Wint:r wheat, tut 29 per cent.
iccrea30 in Scrinr Train lha former
slightly letter than last year, fttrd tho
latter about 5 per C2nt. above.
Kansas. a:reage cf Winter wheat 17
per cent le?3 thaa last year. Spring
wheat CO per cct mere. Cenditioa cf
the former 13 per cent below la3t year,
whea tho crop was excellent. Spring
wheat is about the rama ia appeUana
as last year.
Selraska Falling o.T 19 p?r cent, in
acreage cf Winter, but 90 percent
more in oprmg nnjat; the former 15 r
20 per cent, below tha crop c(
in condition, tut bpricj gr;
well a ?hp rrfrnrirf
ji yrr
4 is doing a
It will le no;:-3 ,.-. J, .v r
. racst of tho Jar ye
wheat grcr.-ir, St-.p, - . ... V"9
decreed their acerag of Wi,
and turned attention urb- io "a
former SLriDf f- -
i .v , interfiling
w -'..aJlties ta
r3 ACr? ot Winter wheat sa
;';r!J 6s hrge m tho a-reta as t
:i ;l "car; o-i-h it is ie5i b a fe.lT
1 1