Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 11, 1867, Image 3

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    X, O C -A. L
7-- ,c i. forffileatthiiOCice.
-5t a. WILLIA5M,
! Tl'eutln St. for thU sper, " attend to
collection and pu-cLa-e- Clly -ce
HvANTkD All kinds of -Country
L.iacat. K. TEARE Si CO's.
1 r0C3s at New Yorl prices, for cash,
J. L. McGEE &, CO's.
I Holladay & Co., ara selling Drugs
'. ;, and Oils very near cost iorcaau.
! i ChOlCC Fruit Fsm for sab. En
r-rr's Cocoa a superor article for
alealihe RED STORE
i Ttc Choicest Lot or Furniture
u. .
rrcd''Ce of all k'eds bought at
-n, H. JlcCreerj has the choicest
r:r?sFite Cut, and Plug Tobacco in
LeCity; iy wholesale and retail.
ye Lot or Stores and Hardware
! Eatwr.
gs aid Produce, generally
riQ td at Uti
jjjlfcS Warm cr Cold soft water
'J. L. ROYS. :
Ecy your Farm Iiaplementi of one
t-o i regularly in that butiucss -F. A.
500 Join Derce'e Celebrated Moline
iio: " THEO.-H1LL&CO.
; Kackercl i Wbitc Fisli. tie Kit
rU.i tKT!rl U i iNtiiit aiid No 1 faltl,
Iur t! at ti;e ,
; rertts u.tLig to te supplied wiih
Ntvr, ur rliutur Milk w ill be accom
t.ucaud ly itsncgorders at this office
s ty sff-lyitg to A. D. MARSH.
I Holladay L Co, sell for cash. All bills
as soon es sold, and delivered. Tt:s
-.e a'jrk be adhered to every tune.
!-.vcra yourselvei accord. ngly.
' ifirrled. By Ira Maore, Minister
1 the Guptl, at . his resideiiC, July
m7, Aiits CtMMics and 31is
..iiLLik Djdd, boUi of Ntmaha Coun-
A full aortment of the School Books
-i la the Brownvihe High bchool for
i.fhnvki MtCREERV'S.
A Ptlculet or Prince Organ for sal?
f ".I: office cn reasonable terms.
At Stafford's Photograph Gallcrj
-Just rettivtd a large aud tine as;ort
I'ui of Picture Frames, whica will be
OLe-tLird cheaper than tver cti'ered
-rein this city. Thu is a rare chance.
tlOiS Si larch, the greatest and
- ij'tit lui only labor savirg discovery
iiuLic; tut hnens fir sale tt Bass Si
-i-r'saLd Swan &. Bro's.
call attention to the 'Urbana
--?2.eM in to-day'g paper. We have
" E-J-ctd ovkr ihe tcheme and think
"fi:r.' Read it for yourself.
ttOPOSALS. Oo our t-ecocd page
te found a glorious chance for our
2 a:ed
men to invest. There is money
-ese contracts.
1 Silt. .We have oa Land 100 Barrels
M OLio Rirer fait, thai we will sell
b-ures. Salt ntw, and tarrtls!
- cucie aee us !
..H. McCreery has a largemna
clc;ce lots in Brownville which
exchacge for City Improvement
s. Crane & Hoxrard will rrac
"vicine in Brovinvile and country.
f:r-Maia and 2d Sts., Brownville
i'.tpsuirs. tf
, Dcc-Wjll ,eil Dry Goodi, Groceries,
e-i SLoes, Clothing, Steves, Furn-e;IIlr-are,
Doors and Sah, Oils,
nd Glass, Stoneware, cheaper
:;1:JCo;i House in the United States,
WM. T. DEN. '
,e -:t a quantity cf good sound
ier white or yellowjor which
pay the higest market price in
-er Goods cr Cash.
. :Wn T DCD t- received Fruit
Jars and Batter Jars from a quart up to
fire gallorj, with covers, cf a superior
quality. ...
Also Mackerel at 2,75 per Kit.-
White Fish at per Kit.
Lak Herring at G2.-50 per Kit.
Cod and WLi'.e Fih 10 cents a pound.
Table Rock Flour of superior quality
at CC.CO end SG,C0 per sack.
WEI H -3IcCrf GST has just received
the largest and most complete stock of all
kinds of Paints, Oil?, A'arniihes, Glass
etc., ever brought to this city, aud will
sell lower than the lowest.
are condavAly makir.g additions cf J"tis
Boohs Jo ihtir Circulating Library.
Attention, Farmers ! Thehighpst
rrjarket price paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats,
Barley, Wool and Bac:a, by
It has been suggested by seme of our
citizens that Main street might be im
proved by clearing ofT the rubbish, etc.
The suggestion is sound but small, for
we cannot remember any year when it
it was cleaner at the present season, yet
it is open to slight improvement now.
At CCSt i? th rule at Bedford &. CuY
They are determined to close out their
large stock of Dry Goads, Groceries,
Ila.-Jware.Queeniware, Bjots and Shoe3,
etc , on short notice, and will do so to the
advantage of all who favor them, with
their custom.
KpISCOpal YISltation.-The Rt. Rev.
Robert II. Clarks.n. D. D., Episcopal
Boshrp of Nebraska, will administer the
Apo?to'.ic Rite of Confirmation in Mc-
Pherton'-s Ilall.on Sunday eve., Aug 4'h.
Fhe Rev. Dr. L' and the Rev.
Dr. Twing, of N. Y. City, will alsj be
R. Tcafe & CO., la the Old Ecown
villa House, have as fine an assortment
cf New Goods as can be found, com
prising Ladies' Dress Goods of every
variety and style, with a full stock of
Trimmicgr Ribbons, Sec, to match. A
full and complete stock of Ladies', MifS
Cliiiiren's and Gent's Boots and
Sh'.es. In Grcccrie. Quccnsvrare.
Hardware, etc., their ttrtk is full and
cf the btst. Thty will te undrold by
no houe in the west, and ccrdialiy invite
an inspection by the public of their gocd3
hnd prices, confident of their ability to
please in both respects.
As a few of cur c:t:z2n3 are finding
fault about 'the grading being done, and
'as they say" "the niou'-y will be spent
without fixing Mam street at 'the west
end to amount to any:hing," we have
ascertained that contracts now let cover
Lut about one-half the be .id i. that nearly
half of this is applied to Mam street,
and that the contract on Atlantic street
will open that from the river to 6ih. The
t'rade on Main street will te continuous
and easy from the river to the west end.
Next week we shall publish a statement
from our City Engineer showing the
number of contracts, amounts and where
let. '
We have just learned that R. J Whit
ney proposes erecting three new cottage
residences just so soon as the. lumber can
be got on the ground.
J. W. Bliss is building a residence
just torth cf ih eld Christian Church,
on 4ih street.
Dr. Mathews has the lumber on the
ground fur a residence cn 4th sreet west
.f the High School.
A new reiidence is ju:t being finshed
cn Atlantic between 4-h and 5ih street.
In fact new are going up all
around; and many of the old ones are
bein- reraued a-d b.autihVd- Thus 1j
we thrive.
The High School Festival, given
on the ettijiug of U;e 4;h. was the most
pleasant tifTiir of the kind ever held in
thu city. There waa absolutely cc.hicg
to mar the pleaures and feturi.its of
the occasion. Evcrvtbinr asni2r:ied
with a ccmpletenets and fitness that did
great credit to the. Lady managers, and
earned them the gratitude and esteem
of all present.
The tables fairly groaned beneath the
choice of the lacd and all that tne u:e
and ability of the ladies cculd devise,
making it a fesiive board fit for the gods ;
and, graced, as it was at one time, by
the angehc beauties cf this secuen, one
might eas ly have imagined i; so.
The number present was upwards of
one thousand, all determined to please
and enjoy themselves, end all did so.
The sura netted, we learn is between
S3C0 and S4C0, and will procure a Cit
able Bcii for the Schoul Building.
We are glad to leara that Gecrge P.
Beldon, of this city, receiied yesterday
an arpointment as secud lieutenant in
the 2d Regiment of Cavalry cf tha Reg
, a ... - . , "
oiarrruy. We conranuute George on
Ills eppointment. He Lis lTVed in the i
ar-.y.a.dLad tie r.putatwaof teic? an
unusuauy mu lli-reM er:d acire c;T.rr.
insant far TnMr.'mn r d . ,
f fsvcn. a-uii.iuuau.jiiiuid i'Jii.
- ..... .1. BUM 1 1 , t Jti l.iil JUIU J
f .
TrcressorsCirajilen na Hit,
abo are cow conducting tha Geological
Survey ia this "State, arrived in this
vicinity last Friday evening1. From a
short; co'nrersatiW wr.h .Fof." Ilayden,
Ae get the impression that he deems
this ther most interesiirg county he had
examined. We believe this is ths fact.
The1 two southern tier of counties are
the richest in minerals and ccai of any
portion of Nebraska. In several por-
tions of this county coal may be seen
cropping cut of the banks of the river.
vctiauj j3 uho iuc vase ucai iiicuiuu'.u
of ,he Liule Nera?ha0er Afrm,-I1.
Karl: nf tvh?rh a thnrt Hittnr.rp n shaft
has been sunk the miners agreeing to
fin J a 22 inch vein , of coal or no pay
They have worked a mine in Page coun
ty, Iowa, whf re the strata of- rocks, etel,
are exactly similar. . ,
The Trofesscr j are thorough men, and
will do the uunost that'the limited tmie
and the small Appropriation will admit of.
We learn thai thty predicted that cual
cculd be found here but at a considerable
depth. . , t f .
They will be back again this Summer
or Fall -when we hope to give something
more deSnite from thsir researches. ,Ih
the mean time let all read Prof. Hay
den's Tetter, m to-day's paper, and gov.
ern tnemseives accoraingly. - .
, Eitrsordinarj.
We are informed that recently, a young
white Bear was discoverd in Brownville,
Nebraska, in the very midst of the town.
Upon farther search, the old he one was
discovered, taking refuge over a livery
stable, close to the telegraph cfiice. The
young cub is iafely secured, and the cap
tors are going to endevor to raise it.
It is proposed to call it Jake. This is un
doubtedly one of the resuls of the Russian
American anncxatun. White Cloud
Chief., .
Trcscdr at cbraska Cltf. '
f Last evening al -out' nine o'clock an al
tercation occurcd between John Mc Far
land and John O'Bryan at Buess's Gro
cery Store which resulied in Mc'Far-
land's stabbing and killing O'Bryan.
There are various reports in circulation,
m relation to tae matter, out as all will
come up for Judicial investigation in its
proper time we think it better no: to pub
l:sh them. The altercation seems, how
ever to have originated in a personal dis
pute in which the deceased called Mc
Farland a'thief liar, etc. Press, 2J.
Ague CLi'Is, or Intern: tpnt Fev?r
Cured, cr the money refunded. Dr
Witt's Ague Fills are entirely a new
njeaicine, and Laving been tried in over
1200 of the very worst and obstinate
cases of Chills and Fever, ond net failed
even in in one cese to effect r. speedy
cure, th proprietor guarantees then to
cure every case, even after all other
meaicines ran. inose suriering snould
immediately give them a trial. They
are warranted to c ire. For sale by Drug
gists, crsent by mail cn rerript of prr,
61. Address Da. Witt. Box Gil, C;n
cirnatti, Ohio. 26 ly
The People's YcrJIct. i-Jocai- suf
fer w.i'h the Flies... ' W.U'.Btrbee, farmer,
near Kalamazoo, Mch., says "'afar
suffering"; intensely with the . Files for
thirty jvars. cne bottle of Dr. Strick
land's File Remedy cured me. C. L
Glass, Janesville, Wis., says one bottle
cured him and his brother. A. II. Rose.
Postmaster, Peru, Ohio, says it cured
him m a few days. 33-tf
The popular notion that people gaffer
ing from dyspepsia cr predispoied to that
disease, should not eat buscuit, ha3 grown
out cf the fact that the 'common Salera
tus has been used in making such bus
cuit. -And it was. right; the article is
mifechievcus. But light and healthy bb
cuit, such as dyspeptic people may eat
with impunity and with positive benefit,
are made from D. B. Da Land c Co.'s
Best Chemical Sileratus. Fhysicirns
admit this.
The scourge of the race, the most ag
gravating of all disaeses known, and
ibe hardft to cure yields immediately
to the influence of Coe's Dtpittic
Ccke. It is certainly the most wonder
ful remedy ever discovered for indiges
tion. -and any disorder of th- Sioinach or
Bo .vela, . : . - .
Sale of trav-.Stoc!(.
On atr-iar 31 Uj f -ri3
avil at piblie Atactica t..h Mnst bilir f r
CH-h, at the nee of J.-.ha li tler, liTir ia
il--n l'oc' ,Prei'-t, -n VV of rMl d"ric l
s f.,,,.wi : (r a red ri-rr with lett born ,S slJ
rtniotb cr y ff' f ! ear, t. thitr a ro . wlilj
ft lora I; i a eff, braai-1 -CT on . 1 -S i tip.
tf j"fel .to b years otJ. Tsien tip bj J. hn
It tp!tr,aai cow in hi p'-i..n. Sr"- tt
-' 25DrrwS0X COLU.N.-?, i. e.
No'J'! i hfrrelj jn'Tta tbat on Satariaj, the
20h day ..f Jnly l"7,at 10 o'ct.jrk p. m., I nill
at -.ubiic aa-t;on.ftt the rfi Jerrre .f Jaaca
l5ijhop, ;a (Jl'-n k'k IVrvicct. X-miha County,
Nebrajkx . r r. VriKiin ffr, a"'"-3t e-ra yeu
tld.aj pra;l a i M,r.lf t.e h i:"er, iir yer
f.'.d,rpra:-fl a, i"), tl.e al tt-xk was Ukea Bp
tj Jjioc L'ii!.tp in (Jc:; ier 1
On Fri-Siy Jn'y 1. , lHet fas Imrs cf
12 'I'ch.vz ui. nni 4 o'clock p. ci.t I w;i fTr fr
;e to ti l i'hert hl-i Ipt f. r t -.,at the rt.-: Ie-.e
cf J. "np. CtcrnaaJiTinj J r?i.p W r-t ffom jr wE
rilla, NttuAba Cooaty, t? m.-ka, j ' iy r ;.?cr
d ribsl tsfilloKi : Ubritdie whilt U r s r-tap
mi f rsbed, hUf rp oJ 4-ft car, it-aij'r.t horat.
lappod to b 4 years oH. t;.ku apl.y J. X.Cole
Lji ,xiJ. r.iW in tii p&jje-jiti. Ar-'rii-el at t-li
li. V. li L o U h'd , J.F.
On Tlfiriay tfc t:h ij ef Jsnt at 2 oVloek
p.m , I will fTr f-T Je, for ca.ib, to th Light
Lviifr.tB the fremie rf Edward ftiajpon, one
laiie rnh cf Ixme a fJriJ lttQzi Pre..,
ytBli Ci:riy,XcbraW. tae st-ay fi-r, red,
wita wbiu tao. Appraid at Tke-B ly
Ed ward Si3j-a ;id now In bi t-vm"'?v.
vii. HA.jifFo:a J. P.
Hi nine, iinu'i'ii, ib .i:ui.ivo cr u..::xki i-u ,
the bUdJer. or kidaT, d;54.-e of the irout
T " I :..: t
f!ad, "" ia tb Madder, ca-I-'nlns, -rrarel r
Z "r U"'
l."ft Ii ilxsold's Fixid r'lTEacr Crcnt.
i II -jana, U ij, al, Pctat-.tH. Flir A f j-.e 4
t:ti ? ECa-lA titraci D-cLa. '
i7"k ft""" ! f mc
, , . - . , ,
( r'; V V-" -
f m ITJ -
t S B i SB, S
Horse P 0 wars, Equalizers,
EtC, Hat'O. .
For Durability,
Light Draft,
I J?as 70rk, GOOd Work,
ixooa iviateriai
and High Finish,
... if 4 ,
VV. U, KUUVtrt ui,
Brownville, Neb.
w p0
- -.
c5 ri
y ixj wj
. I,i (fr
71 H J'
-j LTV
( I v w m
. 1 ' 1 " ( ' C L a "
: go
r 11 o
i j
O WJ jt
r-t 1 i t .
-3 fed
C3 iMAJfi) tt
S3-A I."S0"-CS
j lfas-ir.t in j r.l -i.,r, free Tr-.m all injuriou
jr H-tiei. ar.d in.rr.'-li ?e i; in actios.
C. 1 NYJi
t- -I f ,--? r ,t f
rVii l lit t i-i
. Dissolulion cf Ccparln?nhip.
Jti-- is herery rjerj ft a!l wb'tn it may
e-ra, that th , f-.?rt-''---h:n r.-rt : -re etntin
b-nrefri A. I. Mr-h. ar.d j.W.-B.b, an
Mtr.h I
: ht krf-t'v.T- i 'y i!.-.!f " ty t.-'-i-jtJ r. n
trv.t. 1h- hcis r.f :ht lire SrM cf ?!ir. h A. ('.,
k". t'c e .'i'"f J. t tbs oM "?-t:.d.hy
J w i Ihf .-! re C lU-k-.r , niicr the Cm
baco, of B A Hi-kfr.
AT. ir.s.a. br;r;-?s.y e!?3 tr Aatr. t.'r.ji
the Ute rrt f il-.h A are rnu- .l9i t j:e
aentUtetau: la i;'! A IJc"tjrf r jrr.i.
A- !. .MARS .7,
J. VT. tL!.-?-?.
Jans 13, V:,7 r.T-3. ' '
l 7uUa--.,at -.ViVi:; a t!ii;'.S. .
Cigar Lotr yrar, F rrLaw, and i0. i!r!N
O at . AX A I::.( S
J 11 SYA" A I'KC j
n " '
o yutva
I'apcr Hangings,
: And Printers' Stock,
No 12 Second Street, St, Joseph, Mo.
C:jOi Paid f,r Rajs.
O'i Fie was l.eti.i!(-.ii ni1 f.iir,
V'i'h starry eyes. -H r.i'1'aut hlr,
V.'J v-1 cnf'.irg lfn !rt;.- iwift, e'Hwi
Eu.Luiiit-'l il:o heart aii J ibinJ.
For Curling th Iliir cf either Sex into
Wavy ard (ia?sy Ringlet3 cr"
Heavy Massive Curls
-By r.'!rch! rtir'tf Li'ii-i anj rl?nev:'2t ma b?in
t'.ry tLP!ineivci a tl,(.ua:.ii foM. it is the only a 1 1 -c!e
in U' ' "M tli at will f.irl straight balr, and at
the ianie tir-p k:v a tfAiiti'iil, plo?y a?paianci.
The Crisfr Crt:a n .t nly turl t: fcair, butinvlpr
a?. b'-au'io- .! awtv it ; is fciiihyr ajJ ilfUlit
fuly pp; tti.i,oi. bv.l li tti( nifift cifr.le article o'
ti 7 k'n.ii ever i.-5erei! to the A::irrica pnliilc The Cri
per C T;ia ill be rent i' any Hd.'rwi'S, fealcJ wnil pout
paiJfurl Aufirem ail h!-1ith to
W. L. CL vKK U CO., ChemM",
feb 2!) ly No 3 We t Fa cue Street. Syracue
Wonderful but True.
MADAMS KSaiXGTOif the world-renowned is
trol ogint tui'.i8tlc ClairTanr, while ia a
c;alrvij-dnt state. tfeiiaeV.e- the very foatares ol the
person you 9re to mnrry, anl ty the aid of an lntru
mentof Interne power, known as the PLyach'-motrope,
guarantees to produce a pei feet and life-like iiictnre
of -the fUne 1 clan( or wife of the applicant, wiia
d.te of iaarriae, occupation, lea'licg traita o charac
ter, -4.C. 1LU Is no imp('Fitiry as te-licior.lals with
ont D'ir-.her can a?sort. B7 stating place of birth, g
ilsjiiri.u; color of ere anj hair, and encloiiins fifty
cent, ar.fl .-ao:el e&val p dd rent to yourself, y.ti
will 'receive lEo piepj-e ly return mail, together WitU
t!J"Ail-'.rc-a in cotfUence, MADAME Gibtrcdk
Remingtcj-, p. o. &x 2C7,Wet Trcy.X V feb 20 ly
J-?f" Two Au(zi:lc Organs for rale at Oils OCice.
A Young Lady retur-
tins fo he cor.r.try h Tit, after a -..'.a'n cf a few
ucnthst ic the-C it y; ' har-Jly reec-gnUed br hor
frtt(S.i. lu jlace of a course, fl'ihivl face, ihe bad a
r oft ret y ce DpIc-xS n of a:rioet rnarlle mo'h-jn and
infttail f tw rrty-thrre really s; pesrel Int eisb
taen, ln lri;iry as to the cacteuf ereat a change
she plaiLly told tLeni that the ue l tl.e CIIiCAS
B1AN EALM, sn? cornered It an lnvaluab ac-qniiti'-n
to any L'l's toi'.et. Ey Its us? ar.y La'y or
Gectlecisn ran in-.-rivo tfieir rersonal ppp;r jnce ar.
bnn'lerd fold. It Is rtr?p:e la its eci'iM-iatloD, a"
tare h"r jf li r-ij? p'c, B!".irpi'-t ia i! elilcry
in drawin ii'.'uri.- f-.n, aio Lealir au I
fvins the ski.i an l c. n j x;on. liy 1' i.rect cti-.n on
the cctl'-lefi uiii's f.-oT, I! a!! its ir;:rt;nt:eit, kintly
heulln? the T:. acd !eavirig Ihe urfae Nature
in'eialed it $!iuo'd bf, c!e.-, -f t, xth and beau? if ui
Prire $1. te:.'. ly ilail or, mi receipt of an or
der ly VT. 1. CL, Chcmisti,
fob 23 ly .(. 3 v'.'Kt Fayatte St., Syracuse, X. T.
The fi'ily .l3eii?uu Aits f,r l!ie ale of the aarue
33 Varieties, with Patent asso Tecuto or
tub ass.
rGSchool Org tr.s and' MtloJcons.
!:ir;:inf oscwood,' Tl'alnnt o"
Oak Cast'!.
Yo Chcirgp fur Boxing or Shipping.
35,000 NOW In Dc.Sj
i I tit-." ti.: ,-. of tyle, an l ti!iriK.fii,"i ol
tl-.e rn"st ct.iiri!r t Mn-i' is a to tha aprri' r errol
lence .'t Acr : iwtrutifu t an te tf t t tl L- OfrS e
A 1 Jr ' - ...
', A sjrf.' wh, afT-:re-J f'-r years fr'-m Nrr- j
rut Utility. I'rfmatairt" l)'ajr,nd ill t-'is ' .f x-U j
..f y,utfcru! indi re';or,i;:, f.r the aafee ftfI-
Uriisz lHTr.r,j, aend frre V. all who id it ,tr
roecij-t and d:r-tir,r.j f r la&icjrijr ti ilia In r.ii-
edy ky hi'-n r.e w" cir- l. ji;--rer w i..Mc; t
jr'.fr by the a ir. nr-r'ir cx-.enence, c.n d ty
ftddre'jiirz, in -n-e,
Z lyT 12 C-. ! r Strc;?, Ni V' rk
'7V..e L:;i'-7.':r.l Urir; c-n r-? '-re l?.,
IT:. ;;. -1 f r wef.t, a r-.ry fsro-'o r ;?: dr,f
t :r 1 "' ir -.ffe rs i Ti-.", r ih a -"v -r- Iji- j
aff- ti- th?? drdd.' s-, 'Vus'-ia-ti-r.-i I
aoji-.u t.-.r..tke k-i-v-. totij ffciiw--.i:ercra tit i
-n.-ar.jf f cnr.
T all rh J:i:e 'r.i.- J'!pd --yr-f the fr
cri tivn P J-d (fre f.f j.-r-:, j wjr- ,d diri rf
f r irej-Ari: g ar. ! '--ii ihsi:e. hiih 'hey will';;'tr.(o:& co.-lm:iio7, a.-ti;-
MA, I'l.tLVCUITJ.-", -,.-. Ti.e &:t .,M-t f the
id7ri-cr ir. f-.z-Vit.-A U. 1 r-s-cr: j s.-n is - h-.-r. f.t
th aT'i, .' ' d -t - a 1 ir : r- -Lii- n whi h L e'
f.'f - l - ';':;"'!'. " ' i- 'J7Tefy affr-T 1
iHtry '.i-r--ir-. Iv.-i it est tb-rr, r.,ih;r.-,an. 1
5y Vr..ati --rr.-. "
rart;e- :.-li.. ? ' t.t r;.'. wt.I - !-ru-a llror
34-1t V.':;:a-.-...r- Kir-''..,-- Y-i
Br'rrU!. -fer. b'.t Jrt 1 d at i
' ' f '' ' M'TJ?." A ItTi'TiiLrTS '
IILLJIK-'-U'VEXT.-tAuT rt'tTIt; ,r.--hea'-b
Inli.t.ji- wr'.-oiaaiel by tr-my alartoiae aytst,.
ai TiZ'.rtn ttia iraacts an I L: v,m t-. ta? chek.
:V i t i-
"V' "'; Syf 'y-CXiy''' .i j All of thfir ware either mani:.i-tnrjl pn.
p-..-V. ;'Vv -;i'"V-VNC'-N! 1 ip uadr their pc-"ial jupriniesdire, w!ii-h
,';v;. 4Sri iy-? V-,9 V. I ei!h them -uu-l ni;Seat aiiiler prl;ej than
c' -- v V,v " . govla.
. . , -v . v . -i ..I.-, fartlicr eat.
f ?v5 yfiv?.
ti.-,n,iB..a-liry ..r.p '.ej.'L- fits , ajl " ' 'i-uJljie an (C"'S lU OC fc.if(i
r . . : -"TT rr i-n' rr..rr.ptn-:rs! hive to
?r..! .svav a liiio-.d. cn H'.illy thirty div.
A - , ' T - '
. u ,ti iVMr'!"'" '
' f ' ! 'j
Ar.nvjn-e t!e piit'.i ti it t'.ty lirt ji.t re-
ceirtd iuj tave now openel in
Brownville Hotel Building.
' 1 " Conier Main and Second Street
-Zrotvnvillo, ob.
CoiisirtiEg of CTery Tariety of
Dry GooCi, Groceries, Quccns
tvarc. HardiTarc, Provisions,
Hoots and Shocs,IIat and
Cap Hollow "Ware,
T( ".-o'Ler nilli all, an l evsrf rarlefy cf rtlcl?3
usually kept by a Western Trading Hong", whi'h
they oSer u tho citiiens of Urownri'b, "omaha
Couaty' and .
Southern Nebraska.
In 0 er.'n oat a Stx-k cf GooJjJn tJC'ty, w
do not projoso any grsnt fiuri?h, tot -i ny ly to say
that we hive pnrcL4cd our gord- und;r tVe ri'i?
f.ivorri!)e rircu.-tnnre-. and lor Cash : that l!v
1:MI1:d STOCK IS NEW and frohnd that our
expoiiLnca in tb bm-inen and wanti of tail
cotuoiuni?y, en ib'n ai to select with coufiJonco
the patr-jDHe of the public.
At the Sign of tbo
li the place to buy
Keep censtaoi'y cn hand a completa aortiaont tf
' -: ' : Sofa.
Sr.rir, bed,
Rocking Chi
WmH Staad
IIt Rackj,
ana - "Ti. r,a
J Ir 2r'?' 1 1 I Cen
t- pd
Kiu-Sin Sa'e-, Tete-tftf-a
1'iflin Str,.ls : SwinCriljd,
Iijt k'n; Crib, 0"(i' Chaii-a,
iiod .'frinr, Comlurti,
CrLi and Gig",
Ti-no S?od, Tea-x.y j-ttnd ,
Gilt and Hfiewo.jd Mooldirg, Shet,
Pulow-, l'iiluw Slips, etc., etc., etc., tto.
Show Cases and Office Wcrk made to Ordtr
Ar.d ariyll ir; nnd eTerythlng r-" iired ti ot np
pliin or f:in"y bouekee-iii.
Eletalic Burial Cases,
- V-.-. ' v-.-'. f
of all sire eon?tinty on htr.d, it eastern rr'cw.
VTe are df irg bo-"ns cn -t'if.lly ca,-h r.rir.ciplp-.
At a trni'i j,riji.t. and ry attention to linine-H and
th wn of tne eoramnnity. eip?ct in thi future
as in the t at to receive the patron igi of the jtib
lic gnaral!.
1 -
Ii new sellioj out hii
k . TH
t " J.'t f j
U J j j Vf t Vf l
t? V .J
viibii vL?iii
EX:'"? m
U a
tl -a I! .
pf ) ft f J?OKl
LS3V'J ii ililfi UtJl
Ik iri'; comrcIlc.fl to retire fr;;m
Will fO-jtiVi lv dcSC OUt RlV Stt'C;C 311
. , . , lt .
IilllCty U tV.5 U IC.S th 1 11 flfit COC t. Indebted to .11c
Mt:t step up aiul fettle
atCiV I LOIlT Cl( mliCV l.-J lHU'O
1, r f
I Hannibal C: CL Jcnsph
i ,. r .
A h U
Tri-wjk!v r.ick't. f Ikrr.iv;! ! : .fi.b
R. R. Line) Uay Ocn. a:.-!l J ' 'i -ro'-atb.
ISeraka City, Lrowun'.w wai .4
ate j ointa fr t. Joi-ej , n-.m-ot iii t rj'-'j-i
with train n l!4i-:b-.l n. 4 j h J'.IL, k
in; St J. xt a 11 1'. M..rtrririr a ' ' '
Un f aft-r MrY i'"b. d.ily and c5 je e'
In ri S .1 t-"i h o Au y ii . V.' stcn,LeaT--it.
worth. vv y-j r..1.- 1 1 K m-i t'i'y, Lt"vruct;,'i'-ifk .
e.,vi l 'fj Vir.'rv I.. U. u; i .tf,i,',r ila.iii-
H. & m. J li. l.h." j L?-t ; v J.cj.H 3.35
A. .M.,U--r rtl- :.:' , '-.'v ' '.-i't. IJ. i
K.r-v;-(': T " 1. .. 1. r : . ' C j r. X.
ir.fjr, f-t- . f--.. T-.T--.
i U 1. J 1" llk' io J - -"-
by P-.rtr A : l . ; .,-,t). . Tli'- S " C c -rii
Blu2--, !'.. I. .:. ; llv-U.-.-H'r , l. rKl'.wl f,
?br.k City. Luy tLr tr;"i t-c-'. a:.J ra.o
Kxen.irer'7!i;.? rr ?! TT .'-?' . 1 Ft. Jr
FFPH Uahroa!'. rcw ir n.t::.- rr.l a-i-ii'tinai ro'l
iaz U.'k l'.in t cflTt!.cr :.:5;t ',rta '.tria
ges to fP) T:?AV:i. BY TH' KOf'f
C. W. MtMn, tl Su- -r'.r.t.-u I-..t.
r. B.GR.-AT. G-r-raT'li.-'.-.: A
H U.Cui-r.Tr.r.iUT. G: til Trc '.-'.' f.
Crr. Rrfr? Fw:--, r-;:r.ut-:..!jti I'-ket
Lire- St. .!.i-.-t . '
TIID). illLL, -t..i:r;v;-v;;:-.
ilKLMH0i.!S LXTK.VT'r ; tT;:!.'-.?d ir.-fr. vri
K'.f cr.r.s T-t ir. I '. -i ri r-. ir hit
tbeir ftnc-, 1' "i- r." . I.r- :' rh:r
in d'-t, i lr vf-:r h ' r-- -r. 1 1 ii
jlea.-r;t in t"? ard . ir:.: '--Wat.- ia i. vtii.o,
and lre frcn all i' j u ri .n jt j
i A ,h .I iii. J .
for" tha r.rv ! ar.i del -1 f';i a'i iur:, dil
!y . Ilfliiib. id '.-t I'.vr-.. t Iu h .
fr-'K TTi::;rn co.n.-, uiriio 1 ! 'i;.:KD
by Ilelrr.W IV Kxtr'-I Hi.. : j.
j. sirvn'T-Gv, l. t. c r.'.-
sti:vi:nson : cuors rrrT
On Iijvec r.'t.,v.ct '.v. n 21 vu C, - Ll
Tli'n II. ;." i- r-r. vTj'-'f.t t' t'..- ; 1.1 T-'it
Laiidirr, rti d t!:e tu-iui.-i .rt ( T i. .? -s
uwnrr.-i "l-i Itofs in tie ';?;.. .- v. ii t
ci're l in niakin;; ue-- C--i' .r'.iv-lv.
Cicji Static ai. J wjrral c r.iV-is'- at
to the II iu -7-
-OTM'K ii h' r-r y tr-r- n t , a!l wl-m it rt..i
er.ttrn ihitt lists h i.g I 'o- I'r.w).- rh. r': K-r-nry
and I'.'-iljf 1 (J-1 mtv' J. 1 1 . ?t!T
tiij 15ih day tt Jly, l-.i'T itt, ?.o U.i 'i ' f l. tne Cry t liruw . i'.'- , ;d I s u.I
fcr r-fiii iLjf f, th 1. ; '"v-k vi
aaid (!ftn-any. by ofN-r ;' l.'i -r--..M'--r.
Urow uvi.U, .irajka ,Ji r li. i.
JulIN l..frw-ri,
it. w. I t ;t.NA,
J M' vi- s rui i.''!?.
MliN M.-Hiliat'lN.
J. vr. b:.AtK:,L;;N.
Taken o;. '-n '.. ::.' 11''. ''a .." .i..r r-r
a-fTiIlif u y ":;- ':-"?- ? r- -'.. I I j a,
jiwam the Mi- uri iivT f." -."n ?' ' "i . -NLa
can be f ur.u al ; i ' ' .- . r ,
j ; : .'1 ' ...
C7 56 i ; . - . ', J .- 1.
'- C. ATjLTr-IA . & Co's
' -.'
TilLilii-, .MV(II1.L'.
C. Ar:Tr,
taiiton, O! I f.
I.';-.r..- If. T.lTro.
t :. 1 V. -t r i Ai-'t.
c;.i'.'j, 1.1.
. '".' X"-'A
Tho Irnprovcil "Carey" Pccr,
(Ejllt 1 1..!.! l.r.rse.)
7 u
the co:irr;::.rATr7rc:" rovzz,
(S ,!1, 2-. 1 t f I, ,r,
tl tat micliaa ia .. r-.'-.V.-t -.!.
50T9 filr.?'jrial! ti t';::n t.-.ia tv liri f.r.2---j " . i
"lilatiat tlifcir wi.i b z ,t;yr.-j C tt t 1 .
Takalla tia rj r?t-a cf a; i l?y caa
setts too crc.'J iarci-j a L.icL- .
Tho nTrPtp'td:" rs - ""'! 1
ftf tne T:-re. u,; M .!. :.-' !-.n.', i. , j r:--r
tr-n.'tii, ! ir r n tji, .;.'.. ': j , -, ,., ,r4',
cf fiiti.h, ','.:; f..r l f--i,: i' k. i.t.;,;-ij
-rrvn f i'-r and ?-f.,r tLa . t-.i.-i t ..-fj;"
Tkp -r-"it r?r-atl:n ,.-..y' 1 t7 lh:
faro, Hi;, tun. I. t " r t n -rti .. 'i , ,,, ...
aVtnrr, an ! hirt' r-'4r..-..i, t . ! t ti-- (..';
J'wita-'-Taarji." it c r ' r.-.-n- ( . t... j
Kiachiurf oi aJr'f ri ..-r- to u.. -.-J.J .; i . ',
This ij th.9 c-s:n',ocf rrc -Uow-;.
rij;tit Tfr7, and .r r f". -.. T
a'it the r..iin'-rf' t". - t S f --"ty jy ' ( ," t-,
tl.e rr I. t'. AI n T V A ' " , ,! -1 r ,r ,-; fc5 s
Cantu, f ,:;' i-, j, : i a r-, ci, ;;- i..B ;,it,44
it-let f the 5 ; r! ,r.
Th Ccnnir) f"-r t'Tv'"- rr:',';- t
tbr"il'r t. pw k h, tuy.l r .s',, ! , - f.., l-f n. u ri .-f2r Mi.r, -v. -ni-S
frBiblinj nr J '; ';i.n, rt-t?. n-i. , f
work wifli t'-mm JaK-.r. 1 I t J ,. i lh
bt aoJ ra t jrorit4'-.: J'.t..
Tt) farmer-i ci" it R rrT: rcn-. a- 1
?-n - -.xlr '-r ,uh. I, ? -.k . it .f... .4
el. ft'tfn tl " 1 "!-, i';.4--' fff '". fr.tfi t':
tJraw.rl-ar. St f-.r in .rir.. J .:,..T,t w.C-,fT--, ;1
t'1-.train. 4'-. it w.r'i w.i: t;. ntn.i? ..K-..J. .
ty t. f i-i.,my, find r-.t k -; a .'ii'.a
"WiJ t-anjf f. r
la to Ut fv?iui f.nly Ih-j St. .-..- is.i.
Ot;r .--. t Cl- -.'-: " x-,.ff..,r.
'' tf." f,y r:. r t . . r .i ,., n fcf t'-
tlat. and r-'ti-.a vff.- , , r
a.--. .f j..t -!.'), 1 r t -f-. k; ; ,t it
o thru! '!.th- r'. . r .i : a.ri -ir'ej
from tL. graia lf ,rn a f -;.t lh; .
Bera!","-f T, Tlori Pot-tt, f'Ttrr "--"?.
-rra, G'.ara or Jrc.t.-w-m - !" "whu
-. A T;!''" ,-', r 1 7 ;. . . r ,; j, pt,r.
-rivhs... T:."-tt :.hTAKJt" i- i.i!irT7
K-aree ar'.l. af'.er Li.-trtf ar, l rrt.t sLu.i c-iir
Callcr-n-Isn! -- a ziTrrXS.: ?:rr-..r.
! w
ti!i nr.T!f''R r-r;
j5.T,r ,,: ,,ir t.r. t .,, ,,,..,, ., tT
tm--?.t and tt.. f. i",in in I ir-oin, Icira.
H.'.co-'yt, Vriicoi.n, a:.l Kar-ms. a...-.-..
' . li'i t ' lia 'ru j j 1 r ai.
IHI'.O. J!!! f. - f
in' H !l . ."-l ;; ! h L
1 r. ,
Ir.-d, 'tr; v.i. .
' 4 V
: ! ."I rr.
".an a :...'.t.