Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 11, 1867, Image 1

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i" A
r ro.i.
bui-n ;..3f u:tdt icta-. ; 3 j-.l I ts AJfn..-
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Jitxt Door io Carson's Barf;.
f j,ien hi prrjffjrioni.1 terrice to the cit'uensof
prswnrille and Ticinifj.
orricc at city Dure stork.
Mgbt fftllf t Lis Rfoideiicc routh slle of AUan
ia btwMD lit ani 2ad etrtets.
7 p.O"1
TIti pened wp their New Meat Market in the
RED STORE, vhero tbey will
b pleaaed to wait upon th fkblic to iho Letand
(enderett r,eaU the coonty ards neatly dressed
and cat p.
Country Produce bought and sold. .
C3Give us a caller
x t r 1 s 1 1 sr? v
(5 '.i ?-3ft 1 VjV.
- -f. .
3 33 ""sINy" C2.-
Rafjatt got their Brewery under full ironing
crder, thy ar now nakio as good liter w can
M inada in tb UmuJ t;ate.i. uh the, ri abil
ities for making Beer, they ae prepared to tarnish
acy qnantiyt on aha rt notice.
All orders filled as soca as received
The undersigned buying rented
the Brotvnville
Toku ikis mtlhod of informing the pub-,
V ' ' lie thai ht intends doing
(at the aecommodatioo of farmer! and ohcrs the
tuning teaaoa . Tb mill it now in operation and
wao tuv wheat to grind are respectfully inrited
io gtre me a trial, ai 1 am coot dent, of giving gen
AralaalUractiaa. Tht highest cash frizz gien for wheat.
S6if F. W. MORRIS.
CroirnTillc, IVcbrasUa,
uke oo&tracU for Bricklayicg, TUerin,
JaiUing Ciitern, and do anythirg in tteir lir.o
U lit mot aalisfactory and workmanlike manner.
Aag. 39,1866. x-47-ly
Millinery 6 Fancy Goods
Jitla Stret one door yrest of U3 Test OSce
A aaperior stock cf Fall ana Wiater Good?
treciTel. Ererythig ;e the Millinery line
lepteowtantly on hand. Ureci-Makicg, Eonnet
OjBce eomer f Main anl Tltf-t Stre-13.
Has jut received and will constantly keep on
11 f Ur ni ve''1 elec ted stock of ccninc ar
teletlBUun. One Door vest cf Grant's S!cre, Ercrn
ville, Jfdraska.
S?1? 1tct, ,u Jeeiry dune on the short-
rewattUe, Keb.. March 15;h. IKS. lO-ES-Iy
Lresh Tomatc-et, ia two and thre jvun l
"prtta Layer EsIiits.C.urrtn.Citr.n kc. at
- f ' .
1 ,j
o. r. STi:7HT. II. D.
South Eat Ci.T!.cr of !!aia acJ Firet Street
OrricE IIorES 7 to 9 a. v. 1 to 2 and 6)3' to
J'yi r. M.
rrownTi;!e,i:clrr.5La,l!3y lih, 1SC5 No 3i,1y.
CmrsiCiir.tca In
I,oeatetI in I!r'j!iv:n III c Jri 1S55.
urn tht f.
? fi p n
ill Iiy ii
iiiiJ i)U
Dr. II. b-3 ca Lacd complete gets of Amputat
ing, Trephining ar.d Obstetrical inEtrumcnts.
OCIce: IlGiladay & Co?s Drug Store
7Vo Doers East of Post OJTice.
p. S. Ppoeial attention given to Obstetric? and
the disease of W'jpjea and children. x-44-ly
n mm m
an c -
HH -L E. ES ,
Main Sty 2dcors below Brounvilla House,
on hni a superior stock of Boots and Shoes
and the best aaterial and ability for doing
Repairing done tvithneatntss and dispatch
1 I vri
VllOHS, Repaired on hLort potice, Bt low rates,
lid arranted xo give saiit-factinn. x-l3-fn,nn
'iod Feed and Liver j Stable
I3 connection with the House.
L D. nOBIIISOn. propiuetor.
Trcr.t Street, between Main and Water,
Uay, 30th 16C6. 10 36 ly
fTvr.Tiptoa O.B.IIewctt J:S. Church
C-Utormns at Caiu,
March 1st, '65. ly. '
Vain Between Jt L 5d SlssiX
Takes tli niethod cf informing the public that
he has on hand a splT,.;id fif; jrtcct cf Ucnt's and
"Laditt's Misses' and ChlUrcni's
J3"Cnston work dune with neatness and -iifr-ari
iiepairing dune on short notice. 1G-30 fnun
Till: ATTENTION of the puliio anl tbetrada
is idvited to our )v & ' Cklove,
iiotrxenoi t'iano Forlet, which for volume a.nd pu
rity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto tTorei
in this uiirkot. They couij-in aU t&o modern iai
provecients, F;.snch grahi action, harp pedal jion
frame , over-strung tass, etc.. 'ftts., .an,j each in
struib'.nt b-;r p nale vn ier the personal gppervif
iua cf -L J. U.Ukove?tke.n who has a priicil
eiperimence of over thirty years in their manufac
ture, is fully warranted in every particular.
Ths Grovc-tccn FIAirp FQRTE
Uectired the h"? lest award of mtiit at. the coio
brate l worU's talr, where were ited instru
ments from the ict. praters cf London, IVris, (ier
many, PbilaJelphia,' Uo.toc, Baltimore and New
York ; and also at the American Institute fr-r five
successire yesr?, tie doi.D and Pilvkr llEDiLS
from both of which can be scon at our wsre-rorr s.
By the introduction of i m prove mtns wo' make
a stlil more perfect Piano forte, and by mannfact-
ericg largely, with a strictly eash sj?tem, ap en
ablei to offer these in-struments at prieo ffhuh
will preclndo all competition.
Our t,rl;3s are from JlOOto $2C0choap2r thaa
sdt Crst tUss 1 ianv-forte.
TKliMS. Net Cask in current funds.
LesL'rij tiTe Circtlar sent free.
July 1st I?66 oua year Il.iCo.
Ilk. Roci-F.s.
Livci v, Fecd.and Sale Stable.
Dealers in all kinlsof Stock. Uorses Boaght,Sold
and K,chur.jrd. Suk boarded by tho day or
week.. A Larc CORItAf 1 attached to S.fciibM.
BK. NKAL ilIJ4:ii Vetcrarj Surgeo, Ofice
at our Sublcs, horo he may s.t all tir.aa be con-
uitcd. - 1 1 y
L aniple of Frof. Bulb's Ourlina will be se
free t acy adJres. Tbe Cwrliijue will ecrt tbe
traltcrt kaix cn the Jin-t appUcatioa without in
jury in ft, Liiuraat, beautiful curls,
Ad.iros-i:h starrp, lTcf II. B.T.Or.5
Ics.2lih ICG-o.-a riKtaUN,Otuo.
Sttceware, BwLels. Wai-tbrOd, fjir.-wn Ac. at
iVA-N' 4 Er.'JTilBIL'S
i 7
f.T 71 PTrnn 1 T nT7nTl
UUUl iilJiJ flliUii imm,
GKO.W. Ol iV.Y. LUTStR liOWhZI. CniS.O.DCEillT
snd Dealers la Land Trnrrants.ancl
iirjricultural Coll: z$ crip.
Op.ce in Land Office Building,
c ' i
r,ox"C2X'"cT'XXo , XTola
Bay rd sellitr-provrd aod rrnrjTrovel Lands.
- Bjj, Fell, and Ic-cata Land ."i;ract5, and eri-
c-altnral c.Ug gcrip. , -
J'ake careful .selections cf forernuent Lands
for location, Homestead, and pre-emptions. '
Attend to contested Ilcinegtead and pru -caption
4rH n KftTr vCw
Letters of inquiry, j-rcpiptlj and cheerfully cp-
ST Correspondence Solicited Jj25it
mil rain,
nones-Sign & Orn.imcnlil
: Glazier, Gilder, Grainer,
PApEit HAxrarxi etc. j
All work clcna in a workman- ,
like manner, and on strickly
SJ1 ;J KJ f-
f succrssoxs to raiset S; co.
Resfectfully inform the Citizens pf the
City and County that they are in receipt oj
a lurgt qnd complete assortment of
- t '
Ladle's Dress Goods,
1EEL OS3nHSIFa."2f"
With an endless variety of
N O T I O jST S,
Together rith the Largest", toc of
Custom Made
Ever brought to this City all of which
was purchased prior to. the late ad ranee
iq gold, which enables us to . offer supe
rir enducements to those desirous of pur
chasing. We also, keep on hand a fresh
Slock of
Grl? O O O 21 O G,
Jnd a good assortment cf
Remember the Plnce, Mnia Street, On Door
aboTe the Posto2;ie, Brownrille, Nebr.iika.
9-10-ly injiu . ' -
: PhHip Philips & Co. .
Wholesale and retail dealers ia .
ORGANS, - vi
Weittem Agents for Decker Brothers, Tatect
plata Fiano-rourtes. These Pianos are the only
iii.tauments made in this country or Europe, with
the full jron framo, in which
Jill the Strings rest upon Wooden 'Bdar
ings '
and in which noro .of the.Tunicg Pins go through
jhe Iron Plate. This arracinont produces a Mora
Uined Tone, with combined Sweetness and groat
Power, aai mora perfect quality thovgli tie entire
scale, aud the capacity of iS.Uudins Longer ia tune
and retaining its su potior quantity of - tone j than
any other instrument. - " ' " '
general Agents fur L. D. & BL.'W. Smith a
The American Organs, are the oaly real reed Or
gans ejw before the public. The only Organ bav-
Jicvcrberatirg Sound Bex, cr Wind Chasi.
JrThicb has the sam important part to perforca a?
the oundiij Board has in the Piano-Forte, (t
give bfdy and resonance of tone)and without which
the Organ merely a Vle-oa in an Organ
The American Organs to only bare the wind
chest or sound box, but have the lire Or"in hol
lows, giT! power and great sttad;ne3 of tone.'
Thoe ith their extreme fe voim:of ths f,tels
,ftLd perfecting of the tone, th.-a the.
. JIal Perfect Organ Knows.
The iraprnf etccnts, n ith s-jperinritv of torj i.i
workuiftr.thip, place the American Organs in the
front rank as the beet, an j they command a higher
priro than acy other reed instrument in the tn-ket
These Orgars received the I nst iYcnucu at tha
great St.' Louis Pairin K tobtr.
Publiihc,-j cf the "Sicfpcar Pilgrim" forSuLuay
SoiitKils. ' Surd fr a Tirrular.
Addresf. miLIP PHILIPS & CO.,
?J . ' . H Scrth (licet, St. Lcuis M.
An Act to ccend Chapter 10, part
first,- i:eTledr Slats :rs,i entitled
, "iicYcnue." ,
1. Be it enacted by ths Legis
lature of the State
Nebraska, That
scection seventeen chapter forty-sir,part
first of the revised statutes cf - Nebraska
be amended so as lo reai as fpllows, to
:wiU-Tha President, Secretary, Superin-
.tendent,- or ether principal officer within
the btat? at ths tune of the assessment,
of every ccnal or slackwater navigation
company, railroad company, - turnpike
company, plankroad company, bridge or
ferry company, insurance company,tele
graph company, or other joint stock com
pany, except banking or "other corpora
lions whose taxation is.specificaccy pro
vided for in this chapter, for whatever
purpose they have been created, wheth
r incorporated by any Jaw of this State
or not, where any portion of eaid - prop
erty at the time of the assessment is sit
uated in more than one county, shall list
Lfor taxation, verified by the oath or af
nrrnation of the person so listing, all the
personal property, which shall be held
io include road bed, depots, wood and
water stations,. poles and wires, bridge
and boats,' books, papers,ofi)ce furniture,
and fixtures, and such other reality as is
necessarv for the dailv business onera-
lions of said road, bridge,, insurance or
other company jncorpqration j monies
and credits of such company or, corpor
ations within the State, at thsisciual
Value in money, in roanner fcllowing to-
wit : In nil cases except as hereinafter
provided a full return of. all property
shall be made to the Auditor or State on
or before the firtt Monday of March an
nually, together with a' statement of the
unount of such property which is situa
let in each organized county, precinct or
township, incorporated villa je or city
therein. The value of all moveable prop:
erty shall be- added to the stationary; and
uxed property ; Provided, Inat vneney..
er the whole of the property of any com
pany aforesaid shall be in one county only
the return shall me made to the Asses
sor or Assessors in came manner as re
turns of other property are made, If the
return aforesaid shall not be received by
said Auditor within three days after the
first monday of-Murdi aforesaid, it shall
be the duty of the" Auditor to procure the
information aforesaid in any rnannjer that
may appear lg "be mostjikeiy to secure
the same correctly, and for that purpose
shall address a written request to the of
ficer who has omitted or neglected to
make the reiurn aforesaid ; and it shall
be the duty of the Auditor on or before
the: first Monday of April, or so soon
thereafter as he shall have procured the
necessary information', to certify to the
County Clerks of the several counties in
whiph slid property .or any part thereof
shall be situated the- amounts thereof,
specifying the several amounts inpluded
in each organized precinct or township,
incorporated city, or village in said coun
ty ; which amounts when so received by
the County Clerks shall be placed on the
list of taxable property returned to them
by the several. Assessors for such pre
cincts or townships, .incorporated cities
or villages; The Auditor shall certify
whether the return was maoe by . the
proper eftker or whether the valuation
was procured by himself; and it shall
be the duty of the County Commissioners
to equalize the valuation of such proper
ty iasame manner as of ether property ;
and if the return has not been made Jby
the proper officer, $nd at .the time as re
quired by "this act, it shall he the duty of
said County Commissioners lo ax!i not
exceeding fifty per cent, to. the valuation
thus brought before them. Privided,thal
shares of stock in all Rational I3anks
held by any person or persons in . this
state shall be assesse.d U iheir par value,
and ihe owner or owners thereof shall
be required to pay tax thereon , the same
as though they were shares ia Banks
chartered and incorporated by the laws
of ijiis State or by the laws of any oter
State orterritofy of the United States,
and provided further that for the pur
poses of taxation no discrimination shall
be made between any national Bank and
an'y other Jknk," doing business in this
Stale under the laws thereof, . ' . .
Sec. 2. Whenever any taxes are paid
.to the County Treasurer the Treasuerer
shall make out and deliver to the person
paying the taxes, a receipt for the same
which shall specify the land or other
properly on which suoh tar was assessed
accordig to ili discription cn the tax
duplicate, or in some Jobber suSkjent
manner and shall also specify the amout
of each separate " and distinct fund in
seperate lines or columns and' whether
the said funds were paid in, ia cash, in
territorial warrants, county or road
ordersj or Supervisor's receipts as the
case maybe' ;
Sec. 3 Whenever Any taxes are paid
the Treasurer shall write on the lax
duplicate opposite Ahe description of the
leal estate or personal property whereon
the same were levied the word paid
togather with the date of such payment
and the name of the person paying, the
same"' " 4 ' "' ,
Sec. 4. Whenever the Treasurer re
ceives rnbney. warrants or orders on ac
count of license, fines er any other ac
count except taxes, he shall make dupli
cate receipts for the same, , and deliver
cne to the person making sucn payment
. - a -
and tha other to the County Cierk andi
shall forthwith enter ih.e sarse in his i
cash took a3 i;j cse cf rroney received
for taxes.
Sec. 5. Whenever jt shall become
necessary to th prompt colle'cticncf de
linquent taxes in any county jn this Stats
it shall be the duty of the County Treas
urer to appoint' one or more tax collect
ors in his county 'whose duly it ehill be
to collect all delinquent taxe3 ia their
respective counties. ' '
Sec. 7. The collectors so appointed
shall, lefora entering upon .the discharge
of their duties, executed tnd Jo with
the County Treasurer cf the proper coun
ty, a bend payable-to said ? Treasurer in
such sum as' the Treasurer may require,
v.iih good and suficient sureties, to be ap
proved by the county Treasurer, condi
tioned for the faithful performance of all
the duties required of them by law, and
shall take and, subscribe, to jn oath pre-,
scribed in the-seventeenth' Section cf the
fifth chapter of the Revised Statutes. :
Sec. 7." 'It shall, bo "the duty, of the
County Treasurer to cause to be made
out delinquent tax lists for each precinct
in his county, for which the County Com
missioners shall allow him a reasonable
compensation ; which delinquent lists
shall embrace all : the delinquent taxes
for previous years in ; such precinct as
there may be a rejjsons-b'e prospect cf
collecting. -Such delinquent lit Jists
shafl embrape the whole. snjest of lbs
tax assessed v.hkh remains unpaid, to
which shall be added the penalty and in
terest accrued a3 provided by lavy to
which shall also be added th9 fees for
advertising, and five' per cent as a cpm
p.ensatioa to. the collector.
Sec. 8. The County Treasurer shall
deliver to the tax. collectors, the delin
quent tax lists, provided for in- the pre
ceeding section oa or before the first day
of June of, each year, taking duplicate
receipts therefor j one which shall be
filed with the County Clerk, and the otji
er shall be retained by the Treasurer.
Sec. 9. I" very tax 'collector, after re
ceiving the .delinquent tax lis, shall pror
ceed to collect, the taxes charged in said
list, by calling; upon' each person named
in the tax list placed in his hand?, at his
or her usual place of residence, and re
quiring payment thereof.
Sec. 10. If any person shall be ab
sent from home at the time of the call of
the collector,for his or her taxes, the said
collector shall leave a'writtea or printed
notice, with some member of the family,
above tea years of 'age,' requiring pay
ment of the same within twenty days from
the date thereof ; and such notice shall
be deemed a sufficient demand for the
taxes of such person and the collector
shall be a competent witnes to prove the
service of said notice. .. .
Sec, 11. In case any person shall neg
led or refuse to' pay to his or her taxes
when demanded or within twenty days
thererfter, it shall be the duty of the
collector to levy the same, together with
the costs and charges. that may accru3 by
distress and sale of the personal property
of such j?erson as ought to pay ihe same
in the same manner .as constables are
authorized to levy and sell property on
execution by the laws of this b'tate: Pro
visions of this section shall hot apply to
articles specified in section one of chapter
forty six of the Revised Statutes, ent;tjed
Revenue , - -: -. ,
Sec. 12.v At such sale, jf ;t ba prac
ticable, no more property : shall be
sold, than is sufficient to' pay the taxas
and costs; and if sold for more than the
amount necessary, the surplus shall' be
relumed to the owner of the property on
d.e;uer.d. : . ; , .. , '.: " ;
Sec 13. The collector shall be allowed
4 .
the "same fees arid charges for making
distress, and sala or gooes ana cnatties,
as are allowed to tjheius by law for
mjikeing levy and sale of propery on ex
ecuting; and shall, be e.ctitled, on "his
settlement -jith the Treasurer to receive
five per cent, on all soma jby hua collec
ted, to be the came -provided by section
seven cf this a cj. ; .'."' '
Sec ll.;'Th3 .ocljtor3 shdl.makc
their return to and settlement with tha
treasurer of their county on or befors the
first day' ,of eptPber annualy. They
shall be charged with the whole amount
of the tax list placed in their hands for
collection, and shall ,le credited with
the amount collected and paid to the
Treisurerjand all cases wha he has failed
to collect the taxes, he shall show either
that th.2 person charged with the same
is a non-resident cf the county or has no
personal property of which the same can
Jbe ma'de.
Sec. 15. The Treasurer EtuHcontin-o
to receive the taxes due from non resid
ents of the county as well after as before
the-appointment of the collectors.
Sec. 16. . Upontis settlement wiitae
Collectors, the 'Treasurer t.hii execute
duplicate receipts for the amour-t recev
ed one of which shall he deliverd to the
Collector, snd the other to the .County
Clerk, and hs ihall immediately enter the j
amount so received acd. jectipted for,
ia his cash book. : --
Sec. 17. Deeds heres-fter executed by
the County Treasurer .-real. estate sold
for taifcs shall be prima fucis evidence
in all controversies and s-its ia rslattou
to the rights of perchaser, his heirs cr
assign to lha land thereby conveyed, cf
the following facts:. " '.
I Eirst That ihe land conveyed was
ub;?ct to taxation and had been assessed
at the lice and in the manr jr required
Ly law. ,- . ;
Second That the laxe.i vcre net raid
at any time before the sale
Third That the lands cenveved
no; been redeemed from the salj at the
date of the deed.
; Fcurth - That ths land was .advertis
ed for sale ia the manner required by
iw. ;
Fifth That the land w:;3 sold for taxes
as stated ia the deed.
Sixth That the grantee in the cesd was
the perchif er ia or h;? cr her assign's 53.
Seventh. Thit the sale was conduc
ted in the m?.nncr required by law and
this -hall apply as well ts private ss to
public sa!e5 made by tha TrM-"" r U
taxes, and in all suits involving L.- till
to land claimed and held ctder and by
virtue of a deed executed by the Treas
urer a3 aforesaid, the arty claiming
adverse title shall be required to prove
in order to. defeat the siid title : either
tharthe land was not suljectta taxation
at tile date of the sale ; that the taxes
had been paid ; that the land had never
be?il assessed for taxation: that the land
had not been advertised for sale as re
quired by law j or that -the same has
been redeemed according to the laws of
this Siate.and that such redemption wvs
made far the' use and benefit of persons
having the right cf redemption under
the l?vs of this Slats; and ja no event
shall a decree or judgrnent be rendered
against the purchaser until tha claimant
shall have paid to said purchaser, his
heirs or assigns, the .full value cf asy
and all imprjvements he has put. upon
real estate, which shall be. determined
by arbitration according td lha laws of
this State.or by trial in jury in any court
of competent
tion: Provided,
That infants, idiots or insane persons
may redeem any real "estate belonging
to them, and sold for taxes, within two
years after the expiration cf their disa
bility. -Pririded, That no person shall
be complied to pay for any improvement
made prior to the due of the . Treasure
ers Deed.
Sec. 18. No real estate belonging to
any person shall be sold for taxes, which
while personal property belcging to such
person can be found by the Treasurer or
Collector and no taxable propety shall be
exempt from' levy and sale for taxes.'
Sc. 19. Whenever it shall appear,
from the return cf the Treasurer or Col
lectors, that any person charged with tax
on personal property, has removed cut of
tha county, or has deceased and left no
property out of which the taxes can be
made, it shajl be the duty cf tha Coun
ty Commissioner to cause jhe same after
the expirotion of two years, to be stack-
from the tax lisj.'apd ths County Clerk-
shall certify the amount so stricken from
the lax list to the Audjtcr jn'such mari
ne r as he may direct, who shall credit
the county with that amount ia adjust
ment of the accounts of the County treas
urer. And all taxes assessed cpoa hor
ses, oxen, mules or wagons.shali ba can
celled from the tax lists, whenever the
owner cf such property shall produce sat
isfactory evidence ihat he or shs has
paid taxes upon said property ia any
other State or Territory for the same
Sec. 20. All properly to the amount
of ivo thoucand dollars belonging to the
widows or minor heirs of soldiers who
lost ther lives in the tunica 'Irmy, or by
disease contracted whilst in the survicof
iheUnited States, shall be exempt from
taxation. The warrant of tha County
Commissioners, requireing the Treasurer
to collect taxes therein levied according
to law shall be fjull and sufficient authori
ty to the Treasurer cr tax Collector it
collect any and all delnqunt taxes by
distress and sale of personal property
whenever the same may become neces
sary. -
Sec. 21. Sections seventeen, forty
three, forty-five forty-seven and forty
nine of the act to which this ii amenda
tc ry, and all other acts or parts of act3 in
consistent with the provisions of this act,
are hereby repealed
' Sec. 22. This act shall take effect from
and after its passage. '
Presented to the Governor for his Sig
nature June 20th ISO 3 and signed. ;
..... it
A gopher hunt tock p.?-co in Trenton,
Dodge county .Wis., last week, ia Which
one side (fourteen persons) made- 4,653
gophers, and the .other side 3,710; cf
these counts, A. Cook tallied 020, and A.
King 003.. ' . . . :
The greit: Summit Tunnel through
the crest cf the Sierra Nevada mountain
chain has generally teen looked upon as
three of four years' job.B it the Caiifor
nian, ia their itnpaiiinca lo pushfoward
the I'entral; Railway, have put in
pral'iice the" uuerground tacilcs which
their quartz mining had taught - them.
Thy attacked tha tunnel at both-ends,
and. theu sunk a shaft ia the middle 'dowa
to a level of th? grade, and worked both
.ways. The tunnel will be l.COOfeet Jocg
through 'the solid lock. ' ' ""
It was commenced last Septmber.and
ca the first day af Juna 0:7 411 feat re
mained to be takea out. Tha Progrt-Si
made is sixty fees p:r .week, at which
rate tha job will b a .completed by the
first of August eleven months from the
time ground waa broken ! Ii Lot this
morvelocs progress ? After pa.--:;r;g tha
mountain the way is cpea witho-; seri
rus obilaclrfi to overcome-, clear. Id Salt
Lake, which the California ara confi
dent cf reaching before jhe I'asiera' Di
vision cf the great wcrkgeu ter:.
Ikes nevp.r wcrk i n 2 y always
in'comj,-any, Ihat they ' miy a:is! each
other. . . : .
i-iJiA.i iji . , -
a -
We cempde, fjr tha b; cf Lib a
Iievers, aa account cf z f c." tha Ind
ian atrcciti-33 azl roll :ri:t.c:.r:i:tsi
within cr near cur bori-rs wi'.hin th
last six months. To emir?. -a ihfrn all
would fill several iuei i ;r 71- t.
On tha 23d cf hit D.e:;..l-;r tha In
dians attacked ar.d mt-hrcd ni-j'.y t;.r?a
enlisted men and ciUcers r.t. Ft;rt Fhil
Kearney and crtur1! wh?t s';'; aj
not killed, together with v.acr.s, Ccc.
On the 2d day cf jinary tha Iniian?
killed ens maa at Sweetwater ar.i sev
eral othwri were rciiric ta ba
killed. v ' '
On April hck,ut S:.r.i; 'oa
the Smoky Hill,' threa mea wera killed,
and a large quantity of stock stolen.
. At the same data a litt'a whit a , girl
who had beea horribly violated and icf;
ia a dying condition wa3 founi ia aa
abandoned camp cf friend' j .Ch:yanaej
near Fort Zira, ,.: ..."
At the sams time a mail party cf fiva
were killed betwvveen Laramia and
Phil Kearney. ' - -
Oa May 12th the Rock Creek statha
was burned and alLtha stack stolen.
Willow Creek and, Lake stations wers -
burned almost at the iama tima th stock
diivea c;T and caa man killed. :
Oathasama dy tha Ir.Jiin3 stala
about two hundred head cf stock ia siht
of Ft. Mitchell.
On the Cth of May at tha American
Ranch they male aa attack and drova clT
four horses and four muls. . ; ;
At Fairview they burnt tha s'.abla aad
cqrrall and drcve ch six hnrsea
At tha Wisconia Rin:h f ju: horses and
four mules were stolen. ,
About this time a? soldier was kilied
and scalped near Bridger's Ferry and a
large number of stock, in that vicinity
was killed and stolen
Oa tha 16ih of May they made aa at
tack oa the Commisioneri .-teat to treat
with them but wera repulitrd a: ErJger's
Ferry. . , , .
Oa tha. J7ih thsy killed. twi. mea at
On the 23d Lake Rmoh.wen of hera
was-attacked. The laJiins 'stola 25
horses. -----
The sama Jay 'at E; Lararr.ia ' th?y
stole ona hundred. i;ead cf oxc-a and 2 .
mules and hones.
The sama day they ran c.T'the stock
from Fort Sounder and killed twa man.
Oa the 21th they kilhd and sca!peJ
three men cn Pole Creek, and stole fcur
head of horses frora a ranch near by. '
Shortly, prior to this time, five da?r
ter3 from Fort Haysa, wera Vjlh-d" and
scalped. -
At Fairview, on June 1st, th2 coach
going Ea;l was attacked ; the driver was
killed, al;Q;a man that was l-ad:ng stock.
Rev. Fullercf iQuiay, Iaisachascttj.
escaped. ., ; "- . .
Qa the 4th two men wera fo-ci killed
and scalped at tjoosj Creek. .
Oa the 5th, they mada aa attack at
Hanshaws, and got siv head cf stock.
Oa tha Gih at Pi:: a Gfove, ia tha
P,lack IIills, two iaea wera kill a 1 and
one wounded. ,
Fifteea miles west cf' Bebop's ranch
on the same day, they killed two tuea
and burned a ranch. ' .' . :
Qa the same day ,SiIverthorn's party
were attacked sixty-five miles east cf
Denver. , , ,
They also ran cT fiva hil cf stock
from Fcrt. McPhenca.: : -, , . ..
,-Oa the 4ih thsy had atta.ked ? ;l;hur
Springs and rua cif nine h:ad or Stock.
About this time. tLy attackr.-d th-j
coach and killed or.a maa and woundo-.l
Mr. Davis, c:ail agent, whahajain':
then cied.
On the 7ih,a man was killed and
scalped at Plata Creek."
They aho drove or a lar je ht cf stock,
and attacked -Baker Pinch the saco
On tha Bih they burnd rium Creek
Oa the' 12th 'they Lille 5 and s-:a!pe,l
Chief Division Engrneor IMl cf tha U. P
R, II. at crow Creek. -Oa
tha 13ihthay attacked two ccachas
at II u go t a t i 0 a ca th j .ri it. . c k e y 1 1 11 r 0 zl a ,
wound a i ona man ad s'.c'.o sc'ven'.y-fiva
head cf stock, -
OathalCih they attacked a trM'a n;ar'
Bijou station, wounded oca man izl 3to!a
forty-Eve heal harses a:,d rr.-:! j3,
Near Laporte, o-J tha IS.h, they cap- .
tared' two w.aoas"viih their lo.ida.
Oa tl.i VJh, at Ihg TimUri, ca tha
Smoky Hill route, ona pi!, .jugec and
iwo ao'diers wera killed, tva pa.seners
one driver and oc soldier vuuaJed,an I
that the fight continued threa day?.
One maa was killed at Walker Creek
and two at .Gunnell Springs.
: Alio ona wounded at Iad Crcsk.aai
GZ9 at Daer:cg3 Weils. . ..
. F.rcm the htttr station nr 1 Re; -el's
Springs ail tha stock hn 1 U-?n driea
cir." ' ; ' - ' - '
These are a fev cf th- murders anl
rcbberiea remmittsd. Thora ar many
mora n-h:-.a hara btcrj r; ordr lt an
still a vast number r.cra vhich hiva r:
These thit:3 Lavs 0 23 ccouniag for,
last six n.ouh. ever a ccur-try hun t-
redis cf rai'ej in exte:;t, in r.u? own vi.
cicity, and ether like cotreas cf -Mon.-tana,
Idaho and Utah. -
Near'lv two , million dLi ir 3 v ria of
stock ar.d r re;. erty Lx beau sto.-:
destroyed by ihcm.C'.virdj-
. i I f