Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 04, 1867, Image 2

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the rcvis'cd
tuu.ies el tlras-'a.
At. .net lo provide for ihe location cf
t..e S( Li cf Ooverrnwnt cf the State cf
Kebrajh:, end. for tit's erection cf public
tuilJips threat.
( ;Ao act to jrrcvide fr ihe slate print
ir.. Aftritct fixw 'i!e tiut.ilr cf cflicers
find eiu.Ioyees cf the ben;un and House
cf Representatives, to define their duties
ai.d e.-.ubliih )f;&'r pay.
An net to define the boundaries of the
5i-duinl districts, and to assign justice to
, tLe tajiif ...
An set providing for the times and
places cf holding itrtns cf the Supreme
An net to provide for lLe election of
4ijtriet 'aturney?, and to define their
An act to detlaie cases in which offices
-i!:atl be deemed vacant, and to provide
for filling the same.
. , An oct.relatin to pardons,
r - -An ct to appropriate a portion of the
: money -refunded to this Sicte by the Gen
,ercl Guverumeni to the payment cf the
..current and contingent expenses for the
. : year .1VG7.
-i -.An act to provide for the protection cf
; tlock fram contagiom di5eaes. -:
ir-i'.:An an to- jire to commissioners fur
ther lime to locate the Seat 'cf Govern
ment and public buildings cf the State
; cf 'Nebratica.
v An act to amend tec 2, chop 66 cf the
xevise'd mtute?, entitled mills and mill
tlaras." An cctto authorize the Governor to
employ counstl in tctions instituted by
-nd against the State.
. ..Auact to regulate the prosecution cf
i cases cf original jurisdiction in the Su
preme Court.
- Joint resolution giving to section No
-4 cf an act entitled an act to'provide for
the selection and entry cf public lands in
the State cf Ntbmka, a construction.
Joint resolution and memorial relative
to a mail route from Dakota City to Kio
- Joint resolution and memorial for a
land office at Lone Tree.
Joint resolution to authorize'the Audi-
tor to make temporary arrangements for
the payment of mileage and per diem.
Joint resolution relative to Indian
Joint resolution and memorial asking
Congress for 5 per cent on the sales of
the public hnds.
Joint resolution and memorial relative
to the overflowed and swamp lands.
: Memorial for a mail route.
Joint resolution and memorial relative
to Indian Affairs.
' Joint resolution for the relief of John
S. Lemon.
Joint resolution requesting Dr. F. V.
' Hayden, State Geologist, to communicate
his views in relation to the proposed ge
ological survey of the State.
; Joint resolution ratifying the proposed
amendment to the Confutation of the
United States.
An act to donate 7.5 sections of the
public lands of the State to the Northern
Nebraska Air Line Ilailrdad Company.
An act to authorize and empower the
town council of Columbus to convey real
estate for special purposes.
An act to provide for selling ten acres
cf section 1G, in township 1, range 16,
in Richardson county.
An act to define the boundaries of
Cheyens county, in Nebraska.
'. An act to amend an act to incorporate
the Platte River Bridge Company, ap
proved Feb 18, 1C37.
An act to amend an act entitled an act
to incorporate the Council Bluffs Ferry
and Bridge company, approved Feb 21,
An -act to locate a State road from
Covington, Dakota county, to West Pjuint,
Cuming county, Nebraska.
An act to vacate' certain portions of
the Calhoun City company's addition to
Fort Calhoun, in . Washington county,
An act to amend an act entitled an act
to incorporate Falls City, Richardson
county, epprored Feb 12, 1S67.
An act to amend an act entitled an act
to restrain stock from running at large
in the counties of Clay, Lanca'ster, and
Seward approved Feb 15, 1664, and
amended Feb 13, 1SQ7.
. An act for a special term cf court in
the County cf Cass.
An act to locate a State road from the
northeast corner cf section 8, township
16, range 11. in Douglas county, to the
point cf the State road from Forest City,
in Sarpy" county, where said road inter
cects the. boundary line between Sarpy
and Douglas counties.
An act to amend an act to restrain
Etock from running at large during the
night time in Johnson county, Nebraska,
approved Feb 16. 1667.
An act to locate a State road in Wash
ington and Douglas counties.
An act to provide for the selection and
entry cf public lands in the State of Ne
LrasLa. An act to amend on act entitled an act
to prescribe forms to be used by justices
of the peace" in criminal cases, and to
provide a uniform fystem of impaneling
juries in criminal cases, approved Feb
18, 1SG7.
An act to repeal an act to emend an
act to incorporate the South Nebraska
Railroad company.
.,. Anact to amend nn act entitled tn
act to restrain stock from running at
large in Delaware, McWilliams, Syra
cuse and Hendricks precincts, Otoecoua
, ty, Nebraska, approved Feb 12. 1S67.
An act to provide for copying the re-
. cords of Washington county sj far ts
they 8fTect the title cf real estate, which
was attached to Dodge county at the 22th
session cf the Territorial Legislature.
An act to amend an act entitled an
act to incorporate Nebraska City, .ap
proved Tel) 12, 1SG7. . ,
,Ah act to provide for the funding cf
..the. warrants cf Douglas county.
The Salt Lake I 'eddie geta off th fol
lowing: "A wayfarer dropped into the
Occidental Hotel, in this flaee, n Tues
day, to get a tquare r.ieal. Having
planted himseif in a chair at one of the
table, he was confronted Ij the waiter,
' ii "What'il you have?" The hungry
txa ftstened Lis eyes ca th.3 c'.'-c'e Is
. tcvp, and taid "What have you ;t that's
pood?" Oh, vr'r8 rcast bscf, ccrned
teef, rci:t nut::-, b;:kd cutt:a, fried
ham, and broiled curlew!" "What the
h il is curlew ?" said the f (ranger.
"CurIeT ? why curlew. is a bird some
thin. j like a snipe' "D.ies it fly?"
"Yes." "Did it have ,'i:
Then I don't want any curlew in min;
anything had wings, and could fly,
and didn't leave this d d country, I
don't waul for dinner." - ,
cbrnska &i)uci1t5cr
- - ' . ;-v.
- --" - n -
Kecialia Connty Fair.
There a ill be a meeting cf the Offi
cers and members, and all who expect to
become members, cf theNemaha Ccun
ty Agricultural Society at the County
Clerk's Office in Brcwnville, on
Saturday, JuI.GiIi,
at 1 o'ciock, p. rn., to decide whether a
County Fair shall be held. If held, when
and where, and to arrange a premium
li;t and to make ether necessary arrang
ments. . . ...
By Oxide r of Phisieint.
Met yesterday. Though we have no
ne ws to that effect, the imergeny for which
this session was to meet is upon the coun
try. President Johnson, having once
vetoed the Millitary Reconstruction bill,
now attempts, through his Attorney Gen
eral's opinion, to impede the execution
and nullify that which was passed over
his veto, upon which Congress will surely
put its veto. What layal heart does not
now feel pleased that Nebraska has now
a loyal delegation in Congress to assist
in regenerating the country? A dele
gation in every individual of whom we
have a bright record for loyalty, justice
and Radicalism.
Nebraska City and the Legislature.
Great, glorious and extensive has been
the rejoicing of Nebraska City over the
removal cf the Capitol up Salt Creek,
and the city, famed for its love for "our
erring. brethren," during 'the late un
happy (for traitors) difficulty, wherein
our Radical Governor was hocted off the
stump- to make room for the friend of
Vallandigham, opened wide its arm and
"sucked in" to its loving bosom that same
Governor Butler and the "lawyal" Leg
islature, and marched 'em to the banquet
and feasted and toasted and stroked 'em,
and the poor cat, with its burnt paw,
purred and reared its backed and was
rubbed again and again. Verily, it
liked it ! yea, .verrily, though it had been
kicked out twenty and one times, it was
fond of the smell of the boot that kicked
it, and that kicked its parent, Daily, for
six years ! Ah ! it musthave been a Iov
ly sight to see, the arm-in arm scene in
Philadelphia is oat of sight! The Rads
cf Nebraska occupying tyithout a
struggle the rebel stronghold of the
State. Bjtier's Dutch Gap project was
nowhere to Butler's rebel gap victory !
But, remember, reader, them buildings
ain't done yet !
Of course there was nothing sectional
in the removal, no revengeful feelings
toward Omaha, it was all for the best in
terests of Nebraska ; thus, for instance,
the Capitol had to be moved, and while
we had Salt lands to speculate on what
could be nicer than to practice on 620
acres cf lots, mostly corner cnes too.!
ALd, again, the 500,000 acre cake must
be cut into, it was not made just to look
at, and oc:ording to the grant it-is at the
disposal cf the Legislature, then how
proper to obliterate ali local feeling by
giving 43,000 of it to the Washington
county delegation to help across the Tlatt
with the Capitol ! But why are Otoe and
Casso rejoiced ! Ah, we have it, Scuth
Platte has eight members more than the
North and the mileage saved cause them
to rejoice ! This is a big thing," fcr its
size ! .
From cur exchanges we learn that
south cf this in Kansas nnd Mifsouri this
winged pest is playing terrible havoc on
crops. In this region they have been
working considerable during the week,
yet hopes are entertained that the great
bulk -of the crop will escape them Last
Tuesday there could be seen millions of
them up in the air, apparently moving
northwest, vet this may hive been occa
sioned by the way the wind was blowing
at the tine. "'We nouced them rise from
the ground and fly toward the sun until!
nothincr could be teen save by locking as
nearly as possible at the sun. This gives
-color to the story that they migrate ; we
hope they do, and will rise 60on.
We ere ucrued that Capt. Presson,
cf Jchnson county, a brother of Senator
Press:n Laa been appointed Btate .gent
to select lands in the ErcwnTilI& Land
District donated by the General Gorern
cert to the State. Onaha Kepvlticcn.
Agricultural Fair.
Pursuant to a call oi the Chairman cf
the Board cf Managers of the Nemaha
County .Agricultural 'Socipty, a meeting
was held at the County Clerk's cfUce in
Brownville, on Tuesday last, at which
were present the President and Treasur
er of the Sccietv'arJ "three xaembers cf
the Beard of Managers. There being
so slim attendance it was thought advis
able to take no definite action in regard
to a coming Fair, and therefore the meet
ing adjourned to meet at the same place
at 1 o'clock, on Saturday July 6th.
It 13 to be hoped that there will be a
full attendance -c all interested in-this
enterprise. Local feeling must hi ban
ished to secure success. Our interest in
the matter is neither local or -personal ;
we have nothing to exhibit; and care not
whether the Fair be" held in Liverpool
or Amsterdam. so that the products of Ne-.
maha County are brought into competi
tion and the emulation of our. farmers
secured for fine' stock" and good crops.
It is not a town site exhibition, therefore
the dust cf your, pet town should. .be
shaken from your feet ere entering upon
an enterprise like this for the general
good. We know that this community
feels as Ave have spoken.
Hold the Fair where it is most advan
tageous to the interests of the Society,
let that be where it may. " But by all
means hold a County Fair! Let every
body attend the .meeting next Saturday
We Protest
Against the . insult to, Nebraska pro
mulgated by the People's (?) Press, of
Nebraska City, when it cays that the
Salt Bason is about the centre of the
arable region of Nebraska. This i3 a
deliberate falsehood to bolster the capitol
scheme. The northern region of . Ne
braska is as fine a fall wheat country as
the West can boast of. and has shown its
worth for other crops tco unmistakably
to be injured, at home, by this falsehood
If the statement of the Press were
true how much tillable land has Nebras
ka ? The spot indicatad is forty miles
west from the river and fifty miles north
of our southern boundary, this would give
Nebraska an arable surface of eighty by
one hundred miles! If such were the
case we'd favor hitching on to Kansas !
The tillable land of Nebraska is near
two hundred miles square.
Wre shall do what we can honestly for
South Platte, but never by dishonest de
traction of any other section attempt to
build it up at the expense cf another sec
tion of our State. Yet,' ence in the path
of evil, as the abbettors cf the capitol
scheme are; their downward course be-
comes natural
Coal In Nemaha County.
That there is Stone Coal in Nemaha
County is beyond doubt, and this is still
more Rssured by the explorations now
in progres?.
A shaft is now being sunk on Water
Street in this city, which gives good in
dications that there is S tone Coal beneath
in quantities sufficient to encourage pros
pecting which . wili be' carried cn until
success is assured or the funds exhausted
A company have also sunk a shaft at
Aspinwall in this county, and at a depth
of twenty-seven feet came upon a five
inch vein of Coal of an excellent quali
ty. Since which they have gone thirty-
one feet through slate without reaching
other veins ; the work is now suspended
until the arrival of benng apparatus.
In this connection we would again urge
upon the citizens to bring in as mnch as
possible - all .geological specimens that
may assist Prof. Hayden in determining
the mineral rescuices of the country,
as he may be expected to visit this region
if he is coming.
. Tile PlattsKionlli Herald
Tries to be severe on St. A. D. Eal
combe, of the Republican, for predicting
what any unprejudiced mind will see
that the dominant party in the Legisla
ture must bear the responsibility of the
acts of that body. "Who should bear the
blame, then, if the people quietly ac
quiesce ? Is not the principal responsi
ble for the act3 of bis agent, when those
acts are committed in the line of the
power delegated? If the principal wil
lingly lend himself to the squandering
of hi3 means by his agent, who wili
blame the agent ? If South Platte hav
ing now not sufficient votes to accomplish
its local object give North Platte dough
faces 43.0C0 acres of State land for their
aid, and it is acquiesced in, what is their
id consistently prevent a North Platte
'ring" from squandering 462,000 acres
of S.ate land to accomplish some pet
scheme of theirs? And how lon"g will
it be before we have a permanent capi
tol under the "buy and sell' game, where
the people pay and politicians dance ?
To-day -the responsibility rests upon
FaI"ty in power, especially is ihh true
the 'people silently conscent. This is
the principal upon which Mr. Balcombe
has contended, and had he not i'aaivn up
the iniquities of his own party his jour
nal must have sunk in the .estimation of
nil honest wenss partizanly xorrut to
the last degree. He was the s jntinal on
the watch lower, f.nd had ho given a
doubtful sound 'would have merited .hut
Our nssfceia west uj:ij::truct;(3, esd
by a vote in lha Senate rfuied u b2 in
structed ; now, th-3 question with the
party who elected them is: "Shall we
assume, by silc-nce the responsibility V'a
A n d 1 1 m u 5 1 be an s w ered !
We are; with the Republican in de
nouncing th Leiiis'iaturs for its acts of
I partial', revengeful and ...reckless, legist
lion, and will bear witty it the brunt 'f
such denunciation, Cuine from
source it may.
: j I l Case's TLirasiiins Machines
F A Tisdel Co,' Agricultural Im
plement Dealers of this city, last Satur
day received several of, thee Machines.
He keeps all kinds of the most imprdecf
labor saving farm implements for sale, it
is his-business exclusively, - Call on hiin,
farmers, r v y- :7 '-"'
. - i j ... .. ....
JYfcea up lj tie unJtrs"gnid Ilrlcg cna -raHa
and a bull west' of Browimllo, .Nebraska, on tha
13th day of June, 1857. ono Saw, Black and
white 'Fpotted, about two years olJ. So marks or
brands. 40 ' T.N. SANDEItS, '.
1TI11, 1
Noticer is Lereby given to all persons concerned
that the AnnnaFLicts maJa and taken nnder the
excise laws of the United States within the sever
al countie of Ihe State of Nebraska, lor the year
1:365, hiiya been filed fn my ofiice at Nebraska
City, Nebraska, and will bo tp n for examination
in iny ofiieo as aforesaid for sixteen diys from the
data of this notice ; and during said period of time
all appealj relative to erroneous or excessive vrlua
tions will be received from any party in person, or
by attorney, or by writing, gpecifyjnj the partic
ular cause, matter,' or thing respecting which a
decit ion is requesee 1, and. shall, moreover, state
the ground or principle of error comjlained of,
Assessor.' District of Nebraska
Dated at Nebraska Gitv, Nebraska, this the Srst
day of July, 1SG7.
--' - , - ' - . -
I would respectfully say that I have
and am now receiving a large stock of
I keep constantly cn haiid a full assortment of
Of all Zinc's. '
never CFo!!i CeaSs, pr:t3 & Tests.
French Clcih Clothing in Latest itylcs.
Ccs2imsr3 GcccLs all dccciiptioirj.
Furnishing Goods,
All of which I prcpos3 to sell as
Che a p or Cheaper
Than any cf my Competitors. All, I
ask is for the citizens of Nemaha
and adjoining counties
And find ovt for themselves !
hew:-, hills.
situated four m ilea above .
On The Little Nemaha River,
is now fully completed and doing an nESU'psred
business. Farmers vv-ill find it to tberr advantage
to give n a e;ili. Our patron9 pay thpy never re
ceived such a turn out ot tlread htui:, either in
quality cr quantity in '2ebraika as at tha
Highest Cash Price Paid .For All
kinds of Grain. Bread StuSs of all kinds con
stantly cn hands for saio or in cschango for grain.
D. C. SANDERS, Proprietor.
iale of tra) StocL
On Saturday tho 3d day of August ,18G7, 1 will
sell at public Auction te the higbast bidder fcr
cash, at tho rosidenco of John B Epier, living in
Glen Kock Precinct,ne Yoke of cattle described
as follows : Ona a red Steer with left horn effaed
smooth crop offof ea.ih car, tha other a roan , with
left horn broken ofF, branded mC" on left hip.
Supposed to be 8 years old. Taken up by John
11 Kpler,and now ia his possession. Appraised at
I.'otlee is kerely piven that cn Saturday, the
20th -day of July la'67,at IOo'cWk pi "a., I will
pell at public auction, at tho residence of James
P.ishop, in Glen Kock Precinot. Nemvha County,
Nebraska , one Mexican steer, about eeven years
tH, app risej at $0, and one htifer, three years
old .appraised at $20, tho said itock was taken up
ty Jaiats Biahrp in October ISfia.
On Friday July IS, 1807, between tie hours of
12 o'oliKk m. and 4 o'clfxik p. in., I will wT-.t for
saje to the highest bidder for cash, at therefi ieneo
of J. YT. Go'i';raan,living 5 miles West from ltrown
villc, Neinah C-ur.ty, 'ebrakA, one stray iteer
described as fullows : Blrindle white ppt U on ruinp
and forehead, half crop off left ear, straight noma,
supposed to bo 4 years eld, takej cp by J. Vv'. Cole
man, and cow in tia pczsossi -n. Apfraisl at $13
11. V.UL U11ES,J.P.
On Thursday the 6th day of Jnne, at 2 o'clock
p.ia.,Iwiil fferfjr sale, for cash, to the highest
bidder, ca the premises tf Edward Simpo, cue
mile North f Long,s Bridge, Uoug'.M Preck:ct,
Nemaha County, Nebraska, One stray Ster, ted,
Vith. white face. Appraised at 125. Takenup by
Edprd Simpson aud now in hi3 p.-kgsossion.
y-M. HANNlfOitb J.P.
Beans, Hominy, Meal, Potatoes. Hour Arples to
SWA-N'A BnoTnEit-
1 gained by Ilelmbold'g Extract Bachu.'
cf Urine, irritation, infiamiticn cr sloeraiion
the b'ajdr. or kidneys, diseases cf the pfoetate
C'acds, stor.c iu the H.tdier, ealeu'.np, gravel or
trick dust deposit, and all disease cf tbs bladder,
JuiSPJS cd dropsicial Tveilic,
b.e Lafa?
y t
rc. Z . T".
i i i
Thfundcrsiedkcepoc hanJ alaro a jsort.-iant a j
SnTTiitE i c:CALcii:-i.i.ot l j
Fyrlleaand Doj'i wear. ALso.a large.-lo.k o!
'Rubber ColsfTegglns fiBIanliets,
Gent V FnrnisMng Goods,
y f V ",C kiwUawaich w will sell , J: .
C II 33A'P O It "x O A'S 11
-,Ve purchased ou'r.:g:ods. since the dt
elite in the Markets and will sell at low
Azures. ATKINSON & CO. '
April 13th, 1?55, , 9-;0:ly ; . .. '
,. . i j.l; roy,
Barber and Hair Dresser,
Main Street, Brownville, Nfcb.f
This Shop contains all tha modern improvement j.
CSSrOOcl Mew
- !
For The People of Nebraska,
' . Every Farmer wants it -
- Every Builder waht3 it.
I ; '"-Wants What ? ;'
The right to nse B. S . FOREilAX'S
Preseivinsr Coin
Which will harden and effectaally prevent:' frora
decay acy structure built tf woodmen materia!,
either Lard or soft, insures it from burning, and
makes it proof against the raaea of grabs, woruii
and all kind of insect.
It costs but two cents to preserve
afencc post.
The undersigned having purchased t'13 right for
that portion of Nebraska south of tha Platt3 river,
offers County rights f r sale at reasonable prices.
Farmers and capilalijts are bajinj County r''ots,
and sellin; cut in Farm rights, thereby realizing
large profits, frequently miking
From $3,C00 To $6,000 Profits
on a Counly witLiaa. short tima.
Cair at CINCINNATI IIOITSC, ' NcLraski City
and cxnmico ?pc;imensof preserved tiinb'.'r,or sec'i
frr circular jrivir. pirlica'ar., with names of r-rom
ir.cct rn -n who teJtifv to its val'i?. It is but i 'ens
ure to these ?
-ij cirliii; the bj
of-this pree;hi;h U destined o la of thor-:it-eft
value to the peofile of this section of. country,
whe the scarcity of timber makes its preservation
io in:porajit.
Nebra:ha Citp, Nch.
"GRAN T 1 S.
JJain Street between -First end Second.
- - - ,
IWcu'd Respectfully inform tho Citizens of
Brownviile, and surrounding country that I have
judt received my fall Stock of Goods, consisting of
Of the latest stylos rpd be?t quality, Men? heavy
calf Boot3,doublo soled Hoots; Pine Kip Boots boys
and childrens Boi.tsand SLoos. All kinks of La
dies' Boots and Shoes of the finestan l.besCqn ality.
India Rubber and'lluffalo Over ' Shoes .
for Gentlemen and Ladies , . .
Groceries of Every Kind,
Consisting of ihe bes brands of
Snar, Coffee,' Tea, pepper, ; Allspice,
Soda, Candles, Tobacco, Matches,
Starch, &.c.,&c, &c. "
"Wooden: Ware, i: Stone V7are,
. The Best Q aality of
W.Mai hm aXtaa t'fJ
The best Woolea Under and Over IShirfs, Salt
Salt by the pound er barrel
All of-which be, tie lowet pxitss, deter
iHicer. tot to be csuergo'..
NOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may
concira that tha books-cf .the PrownviUe, Ft Kear
ney and Pacific Rail Eoad Company from r.Dd after
the 15th day of July, 1337 at tha Banket John I4.
Varson, in tco Luy of Urownvi.lo , will ba opened
for reviving subscriptions to the capitol. b took cf
said Comjany. by order of-the corporators.-'
Brownville, Nebraska, Jane 12, 137.
U. V,r. FL'B.VaS,
Dissolution cf Copartnership.
. Notice is hereby given to all whom it.miy con
cern, that the Copartnership herct.jfor3 eristia
between A. D. Harsh, and J. X. U', aj .'larsh
A Co., has been this day difeolved Ijj Eiutual con
sent. The buiiness of the late Arm of Marsh & Co
will be hereafter conducted, at the old stand, by
J W BIis3 and Theodore C iiaoker, under tho firn
name of Bliss & Hacker. .
U1 persons having any claim or demand agutst
the late iicn of Marsh & Co. we requested to pre
seat the same to Bllas & Hacker for pavmon t.
J. V,'. UIJS J.
June 10, 1S57 37,-31;
"VTatural Leaf, Fine Cut, Grape Juice and Navy
L Tobac,at KWAN & LI.O;S.
I will sell cr barter, my thorough
bred, puro white Durham Ba.l.
11. W. FURNAS,
BrowfrViIb, Neb.
June 7th 1S37 CG-3t
Estate of John P. Balur, deceased.
Notice fa hereby given (hit the Probate Cunrt of
Xcaiaha , s'tat e t f '-r.-rack, has an-v-inted
October 14th, Not. mher llth, fct:d Utteoilvr J.h'f
1?37 at t3a. o'clock A. if. of uiid ujS,aa the ties
for exfimiBin? ' &nd a4:omg claiau sg-sin't the
er'ate of John baker, d.cad. iUid eiamica
tica to be before the Court ut the Court room ia
Brcwnville. All clatm..t- t-r!.ente-J fur ai! j-.r-
aace oa r Lcrore Deciiuler t:h. I;i7, sLjili be
forever tarred.
.Dated, ilavltih 13-17.
- I'rohate Judge.
Adiiiiaistrator, -
4 ti 3
C. 3D. 1ST YE,
Siforncij ni Cam,
I o
r 1 Jl
U now selling out hii
1 i j
1 '
? fT T"; id ""fc i
V- ! t i ' ' . i 7 .
V, U-J
1 r-
Being compellcll ' lo retire frcm.
business o:i 'account of ill-health, I
will; positively close out my Stock in
niuetv d:tvs at less than first cost.
"... - -
TIiosc Indebted to Do
Must step up and settle immedi
atelyl .Xonger clemency is impos
sible 1 Trouble, an costs v.hTbe saved
by promptness ! I'd have to "go
for 'em" legally within 'm thirty days.
Pair Warning ! -
fore the f.errcu? nr.d debilitated should immediate
ly use Ueiiiibold's Uxtrajt Buchu.
hy-HelmlTcii's Extract -Bachu.
STEVENS 02 c CEOSS Proprietcr?,
Oa Xiovec Ct.,b2t7;'05a Haioi z Atlantis,
n 5 i " n v c T: ;
the Ir-i:.- ;':
inn-inii! '
red in
y ? -iim v.iil le
frrjr Goo. fctv.tlT1 a:.d Corral convenient
10 tl.2 lU'diCf'i
Eat ah of 'Jane Jl. Gau-J'f, deceased. t
Nr4i;c.'"3 h-:r:Vr '--o i Ihattho Rr-b-ite Curt
of Ni.-i:nha C -ur'y . Nc' ra.--kn. haj appointed M.-u-d.iy
Jure 1 f b 1 ,'-7. .at ton ' 1'ick a. in., as the
tita f'r estrf.i;rff a:i. r.ll.fwU:, fi rial .: unt
cf V.'illi i'.n Ch"!!-,''.? ,adra;ni?trutor of the Estate
of Jane A. Oaudy d-icens; I, faid hoailnj to tali
Til h o A l' 'he ct-urf- tc( iu in I'rov- r.v.'Jo.
Admimtr.itor.' 2 1 .'Jt ' Probate Jud.e
ri"VIU unexarapliH I raj.iilii
L a; -prwiati-d the gat Tfl
unexampled npiillly 'it!i which tho pubh't
alue cf thii invention hii9
lij!l;.rcij itliT t ia:ilufo boxes an 1 bu'-i so 113
to en.iMd iLciii ia sell ihL-ir irjft:riur gvjcdj tL-j
The g?nai:if; CRA"3 COLLAR h denalad ly
two camei enly : Xoveltt," f ;r the tnrnovrn. bik!
MErr.tS't,"i"kir the staud-un ftyU; they nn pnt w.
Li bluo hex?', ;.u ' nianur.tctu-.vd l j the American
Molded Collar Contny, ro?t-.m,who liar-j
adopted tlis ulovo words ta rntrs. TT.Arr.-.vr.s?.
This is (he criminal arid only'ratentDd
collar inoM:d to t tho ceck, aad with tha
Bjace fr tho Cravtt in the turn-down style.
Consumers vi.l N- .ti'-e OUE ritIYAT!5
TIlADE-MAP.U ca f.:ri. i;ii,j'iic L.iX cf Cray'j CoU
liiM, (sen t,i-:-,i; :Io at h'-. d of thi niv-rt;f nn-nt )
and thu woi-.i-i :'Cra7'3 Pat. I'clJ?-l Cellar,"
with datj of j i n each gftr.rfoe c1.-jr. :
lbtith, tfo7msc;i iZ- Co.,
In:rortrs t f M.-n'a Furnishlrig fJiwl.-, 8 ,i lrron
a?ih'f Strwt, fioxion, aittt 31 Kufrc:t St.
Xc7 Tort:. ci;in ? Ag'.-Eti A. M. C. Co.
The Tra !e snp; ti.'d lit T pr.:."3 rr
.TOTii:r;K.s ix
Jfo. O ?;orlli ;iIn Street,
St. Louis.
rsrr..ix nonsF.
Tivlcen' cp oa Xor.dar the llih day of Jun?, I3r. 7
a small iron gray hip-shot luira She had juat
swaia tho Sli.'3'.'uri river from the Musouri silo-.
She caa be fouad at the Livery Siahhi of
S7-$t l!'.'..3, 'oLrasha.
. Reliable and ene.-tic per-ros. cza'e or feraals.
ere wanted tj solicit sub.-ricti-.c3 f.r our Hr.r
ricgs.aril to iuch we vcty liberal cajh jiidu
ceineutj ; alio to be uso l iri caaTeic j, t-jther
with ali r.ece?;ary;r, id t'a farLihed on ap
rli:atics. A-' tr, with rtf.:rrcs.
!0 -:'c;s 2.' f iue ilreet, Stn York.
u -J .
'.V'v, :.i--v j j
s-l 'J'lS
. - .- ' . ; . . s . ' - v v
r i : . C c v- r- .
h.i' . . ' " - ' -' V vs
v. -S-y-.:. .. ... .
4. " . fe ; .y,' . . vrf v a- .. v
the e-
s:-co "
:iini5t? . .7 cf j.,
A 1. 1 fr--n I v?ii-vtionjj-.-ec6;ra (' " '
rerru.t.J. W" i
J ii s-r? to eure
Cr. 3 dj?e w-:i car.
It i.a cnre.l intaaJj
. .... I'aV'-; .vatov
It , r, A OCC9.
liJ of I'tf i l I .
lt it.j iirameGiite!.
Itntreu aur tntltnj t
Of:e d.,ie ill rpTinir.
Baiiiilj jUldj to"
Dai Ercni !
V;iI be char.-d w;th h,,.
It is. Perfectly Hrnnlera!!
Its UD rcocdcntcd sa:ce?s i- o:2Jta't'v ,
It Cures hy AssUtlv-'
to cE-AssEiiracn sway isti
Nearly every desk-r iu the Unit! SuIT'-
v 'Tv rr tm m - -
a.G. clark, & co., r-tr
J.-E-.7 HA7EX, CONS. '
AUn for 3il e hy M . CO.
Govern jer Ij, lrf.,.
; unow Thy.Dcstj:
i'ADAJXE K. F. Tnoax tost, the rnl , i, Caairv.jyaat al'rycLunetricut r
astonished the scieat.Cc c'ajses cf tls O iV
nov IccateJ fcerelf t Hadaca. X r v .
tea posses 'Jch wn.Itrfu p.jr, o! mqj
to er.aole ber to irnpart kr.owlce f tb
: " ""- i (r.Ljfn T, -
f'l Tira .nc.tif n-'-o a "k. .
date cf marri.ii.-e, posit:oa la V.!e, eiiiH t
character, ?.c. This la ca haab3,, M i
testia.juuu can assert. She wi.i ,eca t, j
a csrtiaed ccrticate, or written gnarste
1 -k-tare l. wb t it pcrr.irti to be. By n jI11Bl I
Jccfcr.r bHir. ar.d sratir, placed bina it 4- '
and oirplexku. an-i faiio.-ini u;:y cenn nitt
eaveivpoa.Mree.1 tu yourself, ya w. r
picture ana ia,irc1 Infrmatin ty rc:n-a ii 7 :
Ci.siajsauat.iiaa sacre liy c.mC! 'a'S-ott '
OUUl.-.-Ke. itAOAMEB. r. Thimm i
Free to EvervbridT"!
A Large 6 pp. Circutar, givirg Ir.f, rmi:.a 4
greatest impui tance ti t'ae yucr. cf !o:a Hi. '
It tejeici hew the bon-cly n:yLecoiii ti- n .
- .
c?.;p:ie-i respecJed, ar:J the tirsaltea loved. j
' Xo yourg lady cr- jent:einan ttn'Cldiail to t
AtWresj, ana receive 1 ccpy p-3t puij, by r;a m
A.:ure--5 P. 0.
fe'a 20.6m Tr.y.lj.
There comei?i g'a.I ti l.t&t 0 joy to aU
To yt cn,: ar.d to oil, U great ar.,l tona.'!.
The telu'y t!.us ct.? r-.i; , pr-r'.ju mi :k
Is free fur ail, a;: I all p-ay Id fair.
By tho 11ZO Cf
CH j 5 TELL AH'3
P-r In,tr.-v!rf aM D?ast:'r!"j tno Cir.rsUj'-. !
TLe tuvst raluaSle a:.i jerl. ; rpra:sn.i mJM
givi- it.o ifiji a ! rnv. ;earl-..'aj li'it. ta-t j 4
f"nrnl in yiuii,. It (i's.y re.aivi1 Tin, T.
Pimples, Ki t;!!e, Al i: J'atthu. SallowDM I-
ti'.'ua, jtcd !2 lu-.puritie of ti ki kiuJir
the the Ffei: white and clear a a'.i! iser. Iu 4k
t Le '.'f-'.tctea l y tl.0 c;.-so-t mrulinr, anii
vec.;-.t.:e pr?;-arati. 11 is prf,. t:y hirm.e'S. lis
uIjij art a-1 3 of t ie ki.'u! u.e.i 1 Frttch, inixm.
iJereJ ty te fjrii:i a-i i'niser;si'j.9 u a prrM
tuiiot. lpwar.i . 3J,i''it btilea were n& :tt 'J
pt, a sii.'i ioiit giianutee. or na tii . f l
ouiy 7j tf 11 n. beat oy iua il, pcat-paij, oa rtcr.jt 4
au order, ty.
IJSRGSE, S.T7TT3 4 CO., Cofd
M 10 7 aii5 Kiver St., Tr.., T.
"JT'OCHD to grow cpon ie m'Othet face In j
J- thrtLP to ;tT. wcrici r riinz 1T. SKTKJSJ'l C. j
PILLAIilB, tli3 most w, li ienul .1 :ny U w4rt I
8-ience. antint; na the Ifesri and IT ur In a -4
rniracu!o ciannei . Itti is teen Bfl b tfc 1 ' I
aru and LoL(h;3 with the m.t Cittern- """
i.rcbater will te rn;i?tereJ. "i '
tire t iti?factl n is not sriven In every utaac tt
ey w iil ce cnrcrfulir rfcfun.led. Price by m.':'-
an.l p.tpai-1, $1. Ue ripttvn circuUn .'.J teV.i3
r.iai m tiip-l f-.e. Atidres BE!ti.iR 8BCTT3 fc.
Ho. liiver Street, Trey, New Tork, Scle
the United States. Fd, 2J 67 I y ".
Hair Exterminato?
To the Jalie e pe-ijily, tt,is inva!-at! CkIW
r-c. i:.r?jf;r..;j iisvlf b,;.: ? an i!ra -t i-.lpi.J
articie to fei.'nif t tuty. l.i e i' y apr : ia-I .
burner injure t.c kin, t-ut ct !irectiy cn the !."
it is warrants. 1 to remove s-operilnijua bi.r frra, ,,r f r.;i:i v, t,-t or tiie by ,auj?:i .
tally an.) rad kaiiy e.tirpfin the a':i, !' tA
Hen ft, '-., ott a.-. ! mtaral. Tlil- ts il .'T "
tiM-J tv t.'.e tfv!..:!i, au ! 1 the on y real
pila'.oiy iu ?rk? wrr.;j p -;r iJ
I'.it-taid, to u:.r h '.tq. , 1 n t r:. ot n -itier,
Ei.Ii'j Kit, .'.".TTT3 iit CO., C.eirjt.
2-i Kiver St .Truj, V-
YTi-err tyf!,e ae of J j I ST - LIE' EML13 7
can U cured jwrnjjir:.,U, and at a tr-l05T,t
valuable jued.ciitef.r rhtnail Xef 'tf
General df-ii!ity and ProtrtiiO. Lc-' Jt
Ki.c.m, Impcteu.-v or ac;' of tla c-u. ie.
y-oiii h f n 1 ip.Jiair:,;!.
:a.; rer3 it Ibe n.ort
, rer-arati'ti ever il
e I.
i. ... 1. .. ..- - .1- : . r, . (.nr?'
citem-nt, ii:apjy !iu:or buice-,
j;s t.' ;!f -ietractwa, '" ,,,
heat'b ut thi se Sn have Ui-slroTd it j
censor evil prdc'lcps. j
l'..nn? :ti-i, te har2'aj;cd co tr .re "Qia': i
ijj ir 1 o n.i a (i'ic! reoreJ is l.
Lj p.ns. Aa'erfs.t Care ii ij5.a'anteeU
!iaerr - i
'au ?. rr:c, f r f. ur I (.tilen t.. i n
t'ne t .:::3 ;s ,c:.t to c.Tyct a cure in a-lrtJ"
al;.. t.-i. .-.;;,-;-LLLr3 e?kci?:c PiLi'-.r?
i:--i:v a.!-: ;ci-i(1:.i.:itj-!f of iJoiiurrU. ?
I";if.:.i jS i,. ?. i-g-c, J.-f-.:.. -ri.-tnre. -'!''
: rv.j ...-e t .0
ty re irt ;a:l f-'-"1 '
py.e t are harui. : r a te y.ea.
t r i.aujit t:.-3 c r ;.i.;.re:'.ate tte
: of i iry U"in t-eiJ' ,
o.-:i the:; iu i;:;.Ler iiiurfcre
tt'M VMi i.'. ri..r, j p ;r t x.
-...Lcr . : .t 1 a. ..e-r.;e-!' : . 1 article '
t'ai.y a-Mr, r . i s : . : e I . anJ p-wt-j-itl.
. ejtj ts.-, ci rr p.nt .: p. t- ea ;
. t T &
fi -0 ly -o 'iver t i fro',- '
TO ccnsuxirTi f isT
JT7The L' udersl uej havia leea re.
liculcn in a .j j iveer a vary Israrle t'?-''
, fcr-i yew P'-1 i9V.4L"i
ter bavir,; i ."!": rei
aUa- ti.a.ati arad d.-a.;, C'jUiuXf""" .
ar.iiv-u ioLvike kno-.a thia fsilew-safitf'
n.iaa3tf eure. .
Vo ail whfi Jef'we it, ha will end a cofj e" ,B ;
fcription u.ed (fro 5 .vf char;';,) with ta iru j
..r fA'rarir-.:ar I inin tha acie, which they ;
JfA, 1W.O.NCHIT1.-5, Ae. The only objel ;
Kl7tfrti3r ia ser.dio tha I'resM-riptioo is tW
the aHwied, acd spread infor.-uaiioa which
:eires to ba!uablf. and te h:res eferj
illtry bisreiiiedy,aj U will cost them colaiS,""
r'artie3w;ihtDjthe .rc.'npti"n wilt f lease WJ" ;
i.ov.RLV.'Ar.D A. Wlf-UN, .
SMy Wi.jji ?cbur KlnzCa.t,ycIl
7s.:5,rai!i.Vei! I Se sve.
T f' '"'-'X it",
or the person yuu -a v, ninny, aal ty tt
instrument ot iatwse r-vrer, known u &,f,Ji
otrore. tuirarifp. t-i n-,,,:.! -.. .
, . ....s a I..C-.UJ ;