Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 20, 1867, Image 4
jvj.s. WILLIAM'S A avert sS r A sency. . AWARE ED A GGLD MEDAL Henry P. S&erbsr CStevtGtxxoxxt the. conditfon of the 1.h ,mh.r Streets. Slnt Loui3, ilo 3 ET AT TIIE ,"A - 1 til .t-- -n r- - r-tr - -v-. I 1 ll .iJ t-J t. L ulf i 1-3 lis Vegetable Sicilian Hair Robot ITas stood Hie tet cf seven years before the public; arid no nrcjxtra fnr iht Iuiir has net been aw- K!y.w".pS?Sr5iTo which we"aro making. new scientific discovery, combining sttamcf the most powerful and rc tterdtive agents in the VEGETABLE KINGDOM. . It restores 'CRAY HA ,7 TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. Jt makes the scalp unite and clean; cures dandrttjf and humors, cnd falling out of tlio Jiiitr; ami will make it grow upon bald heads, except in very aged, persons, as it furnishes the nutri tive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It makes the luiir moist, soft, and 'lossy, and is unsurpassed as a UAH VllVS S IX G. Jt is tk e cheapest preparation ever offered to the wif lic. as one bottle u ill accomplish than three j morj ana tasi tonjtr buttles of any other preparatton. It is recommended and xica oy Via First letlical Authority. , The wonderful results produced b.) our Sicilian Hair JUneicer have induced many to manu facta re pre parations for the Hair, under i'a rious names; and, in order to in duce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former part ners, or had some connection wan our Mr. Hall , and their prepara tion was similar to ours. JJo not be deceired by Cem. 1'archase the original r it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise on the Hair, with certificates, sent free by mad. See that each bottle has our private llevenue Stamp over the top of the boille. All others are imitations. R, P. Hail dt Co,. Prop's. Nashua, N. H. a J lif all Drumists and Dealers in Medicine. C. A. COOK, 87 Dearborn St. Chicago, liL Afcst far the Xortli-Wdtni Slate. J PARKER'S .con Uic vorv lc-t medicine in use l"cr H0ESES, CATTIiE, IIULUS & EHEZP. This votTflor is prepm ed from the recipe cf on old-l-Dfrli.h l'arri.i-, i-i l ow, ivA l.ns been lor ears nsrd t'.ivom-li-.tit'!;irnl l-y ftock nnsera, not lo 1". r iis-unii!v l.:t i.l.-y i;s f;il!cnnipr pro jwrties. I'ov I'.dluw -in.r iliM-iisi s, it '.vill invori ibly be fouud : ff, cja.n c;i.i fjci.'j cure: Fevers of all hbuh, Distemper, Founder, Coughs, Loss of AppHli-, Hide Bound, d- loxo Water, s als all diseases arising froma disordered Stomach, or a?i impure state of tkt Blood. " PAr.Krrk"s ccrdiil coaditiox rowen:, At its name indicates, is n penile ttimnlnnt. Un like the innny articles fcold tlironphout the. country for the diseases of Horses nnd t utile, this prejiar Ktion u entirely of a eyeluijle onjrin no minerala nt-r into it composition, lit ii:r coiimosed en lirtly ot aromatic h-e(N, i-ots burk Jt may be used v iili II e oi:lid nee tin to its i ntire a(etv, certainty. cT,.l miMticts f t ration It. el-aneS the lUooi, lookers the Ii. e, ive to tlie hkin a mtootli ai!l lc.s.-v nppenran'-e, removes all bad humors, ami Py its tHi,pihet':njr, life-pivini? liroperties. infuses t!:e debiiitatiMl, broken down nmnm), nciion ar.dpirit, andreotorestohini Uhi6 uaiurtil frace iiud btauty. Cows require not rnrcfiil at,nt:'-n, br.t tbundmce of imtri'he I'.od. 'J lie te-tinioiiV of cariouH rimer oni d.nir-men, uttctt the fact that by the juiiicious n of Parker's Coruia! Conditio! Powder. the flo-W of milk is not only prontly increased, but ehenualiivva-iiv iiiiirovJ, us l.ylnc use ot Urn pom der, ail u .i kn.-y t o favr, cllpro.-s humors aiii Impuntles Ot U:e blood, ore at inov reiuoeil. 3 u V? T?rwdfrs -end fattener cf Swine wilt rejoice i know that n prompt reined v f.r t:ie various mala . to w hich these anunuls arc bubject is fouml U Tarkcr's Cordial Ccnditlon rcTdcr. ' Tor Cough. Fever, inf-.jrimation of the Lunjr, Measles, Jtanjre, Kidney Worm, Kc. Ac, Itn eticine acta a etiarn. lloir Cbolera will e voide.l bv oce:iion:il '-s of this powder it is a -are preventative. One pupr added to a barrel will and given froelv to Hogs, Vill fpetiUly ie jaovo these oft fatal diseases. j..''io .s.y.,'-,",-',.- Thii ponder bemar both Tor ic and laxative, pnr ifles tlie r.'orvd, removes bsd hi;inors, and Wilt therefore be found most excellent m'proiuotmg the ond.tion of t-heep. tt5"Prn-' C5 and TO cert prr fiaclarr. prepared Uil bv WILLIAM B. PARkER, M. Louis. Ef-For talc by Di-uggists and Merchants CTcry rttre. niCIIARDON & CO., Gen'I AgU, J34 A 7 North Main Street, Ft. l-ouia. "Taken up by the undersigned livio? i in Uouz- 'la-i Preciuit,', one half mile S E of HalHrn's mill, n the 1st day cf .March, liuZ, one Bnndle Suer, tail off, Swallow fork in left ear, crop off left ear, about four years old this Sprin". llarch fcth 1U67 TU'JMAS 3I0SI.ET. M' ONEY, FREE AS W ATER. 10,000 ACTIVE LOCAL and Traveling Agents, Male or .Fe male, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade in v-ry-City. Town, Yillsge; Ilamjet, llorkshop and Factory, throughout the entire world, for the mnyt mleable novelties ever known. 500 PER CENT, PROFIT and READY SALE WHEREVER OF FERED 1! Sasartnen and w ujen eaniake frora 15 to JiO per day, anl no of liws! A email capital required of from I2'J to 1C0 Iho more money invested the grater the proCt. .Yo It'onrp itquirtui in advauce trif'nst J tie article oith Trctirt pay nfttrvardt I If you actually wi?h to make B.ODey" rigidly and easily, write for full par- ., (Fr era Paris,) P.VAY, New York City. 1-5 10 PRO AD "IVicd PeacLc ApiU.', rduklfrrioi, Chrr'o p,t V LWAN A E1.C We liave on hand a large and well assorted stock of Staple and Fancy 3D Is which we are selling at prices low as any establish ment west of the Mississippi river. Ill THE (yJAlTY OF OUB GOODS VE CHALLENGE COMPETITION . fcSTFLOUR OF. THE MOST HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR V it AA r - . A. L-3 -J O H E S DEALERS IX AND d) D) osep 2a. 9 M Would call the attention of DEALERS to theirimmense'stock of Dress and Medicines, Scbool Books, Tatent Medicines, Blnk Books, Glass and Glassware, Writing Pper Taints and Oils, Envelopes, Spices and Drc-stnflTs, Coal Oil and ln?p Pure Wines, Liquors, &c, &c., YTbi.-h were bout for ca?h of ranufaetnre-s, Importers and Fubusher!, and will be sold at the most favorable prices. Buying in larjo tpaantiues irom nrsi nanaa, mey are eaauitu w Uuw.1uuv-mf-nts to the trade. - They are the Korth-westeni Wholesale Agents of Dr.D. Jayne A Son, and of Dr. J. C- Ayre & Co., and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities. . X 10 1-1 j tf m fkl ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Iron, STEEL and HEAVY HARDWARE. Wgon, Carriage, ani Tlow Vt'ood works. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. c Spring?. Axes, Axels, Shovels and Srades,Files and Ra?p3, Chains, Carriage ani Tire Bolt3, Nutt3 and Washe,' Nails, Horse naiK Horse & Mulo Shoes, Saws, etc. etc. Castings and Hollow Ware, Sugar Kittles Andirons, Skillets andLids, Stew potaf Bake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. . . Blacksmiths' Tools, Anvils, Strcks and Dies, Bellows.Sledge and Hand Ham- mers, Yiscs,l'iucers, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, 4c- Ox Yokes, Axle Crease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, EXixToKi. spolics 1, A" I H 1-C K' I. Hi A M J A M MJ -A -JK mM . M t Jn.n paterted, and superior to any yet invented; and BIcCormicIvS Mowers antl Raicrs,HaIIeis Horse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Crn Planter, Corn S hollers, I'ay Rakes, etc. eto esc. Buyins my goods direct from the TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. : BLOOD 1 EUIilOE Will positively cure SCROFULA, ERYSIPELAS, D YS IT. PS I A, LS DIG EST ION, HEARTRURN', or Bi?y HUMOR in tbeF.LOOl) or STOMACH, and for PURIFYING the SYSTEM and ERADICATING nil TRACES OF DISEASE th 14. remedy has no equal, and for Building up the System, and giving new Strength and Vigor. Its nnparailed success sinco its introduction, and the wonderful euros it Las and is daily performing are its best guarrantee and we earnestly desire that every sufferer shall give it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. Prke one dollar bottle. BROTHERS, ST. LOUIS, MO. Proprietors. iOE! ISOH1I SALT SALT ITCH RHEUM I RHEUM! TTu'I nr Vie ITCH or SALT RUE UZT. in a few applications. It also cures prairie Scratch es Chilblains, Ulcers and all Eruptions of the skin, where other remedies have been tried in vain, cures speedily and thoroughly. Price 50 cents a box. Sold by all drucrzits. Pv seeding fiO cents in a letter to COLLINS UROT1IERS, S. W.cor. 2nd Vine Sts., St. Louis, ilo., it will be sent by mail 'ree of rostage. x-;0-ly-rn,nnJSWj Cugar Loaf jyrup, Sorghum, and N.O. Molases at SWAN ABRO'S IJiclles.CanFruiUcf&ll kinds, and Oysters at SWAN & PRO'S. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED (by Ilelaiboll's Extract ISueha. .XOT1E. '' Tte creditors of William Stilweel, deceased will take notioe that the Probate Judge of Nemaha County , Nebra.-ka, will receive, exauina and ad jest all clHims agninst the said deceased, and that Le w ill sit for that purpose at his cTiee in Brown ville in said County of Nemaha on the 11th day c f November A.D. 1SC7 between tho bonrs of nine o'clock a. m., and four o'clock p m of said day, un less tne claims of Creditors are prcsentel to esaid Prck'te Judge for allowance upon tho day men tioned above they i'.l not to entti'ed to paymect GEO. W. FA1RCROTIIEU, 23-3t $3,G0 - Probate Judge. TA II I NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN- SAKE REM1DIES for unplasant and dangerous dromes. Use Helmbcli'i Extract L'scha it4 Im- ' d pn prorti Lose Warl, 2 constant additions, and APPROVED BRANDS. THE COUNTRY PRODUCE. I. If 4? v. 3 ALE I V A ''ZD 1 Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Picks,Gold Pans,"etc. and Bont-stu CT. I I IVU H il I Ni 1. r A 1 5 ST rniti' er., I.orTer great inducements P ATEHT EIIC A E0 OFIHG The New York Mica Roofing Company, (Estab lirbed lS54.)are manufacturing under Letters Pat ent The Ro?t Article of Composition Roofing Ever ofTered to the Public. It is adapted t 0 every style of Roof,6teep or flat and can be readily applied by any one. The U. S. Government, after a thorough test of its utility , have adopted its use in the Navy Yards and uik d Public Building. The Roofing is put up in rolls, and has only to be nailed to the Roof to make a Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering; We particularly recommend its use upon 3uil(lfngrs Stores, Churches, Fac tories. Machine-Shops, Stcam- boat-UccKs, &c. MICA ROOFING PAINT For coating TIN, IRON, cr SHINGLE ROOFS. It forms a Hody equal to three coats of Ordinary Paint, No Roof can rust under it, and Old Leaky Roofs may be made permanently water-proof and durable Dy its use. The Paint requires co Mixing, but is ready to be applied with the ordinary paint brush. Price $1 pergalon, which will cover two hundred square leei Also manufacturers of ncrARxisii TARRED FELT AND ROOF1NO PITCH. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List furnished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address. THE MICA ROOFING Co 19-1, Broadway, New York. Franl Humphreys, 61 Royal St., N. O. Sco Celd, Williams & Co., Augusta, Ga. Baldwin H- Woods, Montgomery, Ala. Thomas S. Coates Raleigh ,N.C. V.A. Tucker, Richmond, Ya. lenrp llson, 1'etersqurg a., Agetti. January, lst,lSCo-ly SOMETHING IW.IIE&SffiiLI A good reliable Agent wanted in nvery town to take the entire eontroLfar his neighborhoocd, of seve ral of the bet', rnott talea Ue, and pro9lalle articles of every day use ever pre sented to the pullil. .Prof its large sa tisfaction guar anteed. The right rran or woman can make from f 10 to 2.20 a week easi'.j. En close stamp for fail desnrip iioncal iilostratted cata logue. Sample sent frco : Exclusive coatrol of ter ritory fiven .Address N. Y. J'anofactBrirjgCo. 57 Tark Rcw, N. 1", 1000 nmm "Wanted (Hale r Female.) Insurance Co. ofXciirTtrlt. On tte 5rst dny of January, A. D. 18o7, made to tb Auditor cf Nebraska, pursuacd to the Statute mI that State. . NAME AND LOCATION. Th name of thU Company Is The Home IssraANCE Company, in corporated iu 13;;3 and locoted in tho City cf Sow Tork. The Capital of 8aid Ccrnpany actnaijy fM& . up in cash.ia 2,C0C,C0 The surplus on the 1st. day of Jan ruary,I.i67, 1377,4542 Total amontit of Capital and Surplas $3,377,154,22 Assets. Cash In Continual National BankN'.T. Am't Cash in U S. Trust Company, $ $237,95t 47 T. 2.5o5 66 " " in Jiandsoi Agenti ' in r. S. Rei)tered and Conpon Stock 1SHI, Markftt t1t $2J,437.59 Am't C, 5. Bonds, 5 20 1,130,839 75 -1,331,297 35 Missouri State bonds, 6 per oent Market value, IS. "00 00 Am't X. C. b'.is, 6 p. c m. t. 7,60o 00 Tenn. b'ds, 6 p. c. m. r. 17j0 00 Wi. b'ds, 6 p, )., mrv. 28,800 00 Ills-(.tatc b'ds, 6 p. c. m. T. 2J ,400 00 Rhode Island bds 6 p. c. m. a f.0,00 00 ' Cal. SUtebkt, 7p. cm. t. 69,000 00 " Ccun ' " 99.V0!)(0 " K. T. City central bondi m v.53 92o 00 " Q ieena Ooonty bd'.mar. Talue25,C0 00 "Ric'unund County, bds. m. v. 25 0Q 09 ' Brooklvu cur W4ter bda m,r. 9,63a to Total Bduk Week 413,i;3 00 122,620 00 " Lt'brt.- on bds and Mortgages bcin firtlioa of ro.jorJ or un ificcmberod real estato, worth Rt Ha?t $2,172,400, rate of iater. est 6 A; 7 pr.ct. Losr.s on f-'tocks and onda, payable 633,242 50 on denmnd,the market valua of securities pledged, at least 203,743 164,000 CO Auiount of bteamcr Alaaet ana Wrecking adparatui S3 ,433 04 Amount of borcrnmont Stamps , 2H1 44 Jliecellancous Items &j. 52,496 28 Amount due for prcm-ams on Policies issued at 03ce (Fire, Inland & Marino 19,447 21 Amount UeceiV8;i8 tor roenuuras on Marine and Inland Navi-jition Risks ,&o 35,139 57 Interest due on 1st January,1335 18,675 07 Total $i$,615,33i 87 Am't of loses adjusted, nnpaid None incurred, and m pro cess of adjustment 2Ci,131 65 Amt. divds due and unpaid 1,800 00 Amt cf dividends either cash or serin, declared but not due none Amt 01 all other existing claims agaiast the Company none Total Loses, claims auJ Liabilities $237,931 65 The greatest amount insured on any one risk is 75 ,000 dollars, but will not as a gcnoral ruld exceed 10,000 dollars The company has no general rule as to the amount allowed to be insured in any city, town village or block , being governed in this matter, in each esse, by the general character of buildings width of streeti, fact litles fod putting out fires, A certified -copy of the chapter or Act of Incor poration , as amended, accompanied a previous b lateinent State or New-Yrk, Bity and Bounty of Naw-York BJTARLE3 J MARTIN, President, s.nd JOHN McGEE. SecreU- ryof the Home Inanraneo Company, being sever ally anl duly swoVn, depose and sy,and each for himself says, that the foreg in ' is a trua and cor rect statement yf the affairs of the Borporation ,and that they are the above d escribs 1 olajers thereof. BliARLES J. MAUI IK, President. JOHN McGEE, Secretary Snbscribed and sworn to before mo ,this Twenty third day of January, As D. lSi7. Tho's. F. GOO DRIBI I, Notary Publio JOHN L. CARSON, Arent, Brownvills, Nebraska. A GOOD COO'SING'ST0VE Is one of the most necessary and desirable ar ticles of householl economy,and if properly managed, will promote the health,com fort and happiness of every mem ber of the family. 110 COOKING STOVE nave 'ever been brought before the publio which obtained so great a popularity or met with mere f vor thaa the 1 AND Plrinoutli locK OVEH 10O,C0O OF THESE CELEBRATED . COOKING ST0YES n.ive been Fold under full guarnantee, and we offer them as reference wherever found. THE IMPROVED CHARTER OAK With Extension Top, Has but one damper, and is. so simple in V con struction that a chtld can mamga it. Th ovens are larger, bake more uniform , and the Stove heav ier than any Cooking Stove of corrvSponliug size eyermada. Housekeepers, Store Dealers Sf Tinners Cnn rely upen being supplied at the lowest rates and w'iUliad it to their advantage to send for and examine our Price Lis? and Catalogues before pur chai .g elsewhere. Address, EXCELSIOR MANUFACTURING CO 612 4 614 Main Street ST. LOUIS MO. tgSoldbj, E. ROBERTS, : Brownville, Nebraska. THE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used on Billiard Table, is the CAT-GUT CITSIIIOX, Mancfactured Yy KAYANAGH DECKER, and Patanted Dec. 13,1308. (See DcientiSo American Vol. 18, No. 11) It is the only Cushion that possesses all the qual ities esential to a PERFECT Cushion. It is the most elastic and most duruble Cushion ever offered to the bil'iard-playing public, as is abundantly pro ven by the great demand fur it its introcua tion. The peculiarity which distinguishes the CAT GUT Cushion and renders it superior to all others, is the tightened cord of cat-gut which overlies the face and edge of the rubber ani aun .cing tbs full length of the Cushion , which p;e veuts the ball from bedding inty the rubber and jumping from the table. The addition of the cat gut cord also -adds much to the -elasticity of the Cushionn The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been ap plied to over 1, GOO tables which are in constant use. It can be applied to tables of ary make, for seventy-five dollary per set. KAYANAGH A DECKER'S Faotory, at the cor ner of Centre and Canal Streets, N. Y.,is the most complete of its kind in the world". The machinery is of the most improved character, the latnbir dry icg room the largest in the United States, the matarial nse the best that can be purchased, and the irorkuien thwrocghly skilled. Biliisird Cloth, Balis, Cues, ana Trimaangs, jtll of the best make, constantly on hand. KAYANAGH & DEiJKER are the rnly agents in this country for E AY'S CUii CEMENTdjvdged by competent authorities to be the be ths bc3t ce menj ever csedr Sj-ull Sized Tables cut down for $100X3" Sevl for Illustrated Catalegue and price List. K A VAN AG II & DECKER. Cont:r cf Ceire Canal Sts. New York T3 OCTOBER 19, 1S65, In direct competition with all the. lea ding makers in the cfuniry. ORGANS AND 1 PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS TJp?n.;rtfullv invite the attention of pur chasers, the trade and "profession to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture : PEDAL BA S ORGANS Five sizes, Five Octave, ona to Three Banks of Keys, Three to Eight sets of Reeds, . Prices, 3250 to $600. School Organs, Twelve styles.siDle and double Reed, Rosrwood and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to 8400 1 vii Piano style and Portable, Twelve Va rieties, from four to six Octavos, Single and .Double Reed, Rosewood and- Black Walnut Case3. Prices, $65 to $250. PELOUBET. PELTON & CO., 841 Broadway, New York. Sep. 1st P5 2y LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, inaSe.ded Envelop. Pric six cents. A Lecture on tlie Xaturc, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea, Seminal Veakness, In voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Imped iments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, Mental and Phi sical Incapacity, res-uit'ng fmm Self-Abuse, Ac.--By ROBERT J. CULYARWELL, M.D., Author of the 'Green Book," &o. The worli-renowned 'author, in thu admirable Lecture.clearly prooves from his experience that the awful consequencesof self-abuse w:iy be effectu ally removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once cartain and ejl'tctuai, by which every sufferer, no matter Viiat his condition may be may cure himself eheapiy. and radically, THIS LliCTU RE WILL PROVE A B00.X TO THUUSANDS AND TIICUSANDS. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, postpaid, on receipt ot Ax cent:, or twopst Office stamps. Als7, Dr, CulverveU'a "'Marriage Guid e," price 25 cents, ddress thepuMishers. CIIAS. J.KLINE &. CO. 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office box, 4,5St. 11-5 12-5 LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. IV. TZratlley's ceielratel Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOrBLE SPRIXG) Tbs Wonitcrful Flexiliiity r:J great Comfort and Pleasure to any La ly we-irin? the Drp'ex Elliptic Sirt will be experienced partirularly in all crowdl Asemblies, Operas. Carringes R.ii'.road C-rs. Church Pews, Arm Chairs, fur PronPria;le anil Il-.m-e Dress, s ibe Skirt can be foMeit when in u-e to ocuny a small pure as eosi'y and convenient ly as a Siil or Muslin Drc'. an invaluable quiiily in crino'.ire, nut found iii any Single Spiin? Skirt. A .Lady, bavinx eiijyel the ploasnre, enmfort and preat cenvenience ot wearing; tie Diiples Elliptic Steel prirp: Skirt f. r a single !ay, will never aitprwnls v.:lling!y !i.-pen-e ith their u-ie. Fur ChiM'lren, Misses and Young Ladies thry are superior to aM others. They wilt cot herd or break like ti e Pins'e Sprms, but will preserve iheir per:ect ar.d K" "re.a' ape v. here three or four ordinrv Skirt will have been thrown aside as ueless. Tlie II x'ps are covered with double and twii-ted threil, aiid the t-ottoiii rod aro ru t only dotb!e springs, bnt twice (r d ub'e) crverel; pieei tin ther Irora wearing out when drawing do n stoops, stairs, ice. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite wKb all the ladies aiidi universally recommended by all the Farhionabie Magines as the 6taudarJ skirt of the Fashionable World. To enjoy the follow-in; Ines'imable advantages In Crinoline, viz . (pperior qaality, perfect nianulacture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, com fort pnd economy, enquire tor J . YV. Bradley 's Duplex Elliptic or Double Spring Skirt, anJ be sure you get the genuine article. CAUTION. T) guard atrainst Imposition b partic ular to notice that ikirts cirerpd a-; ' DUPLEX" bve th red ink starip, viz., ' J. W. Bradley'x Dnpiey El liptic Steel SpTinjis." rpon the wiistbaiid- none other ace geni'doe. Alrj uotice that every bop will admit a pin being passed thrnush the centre, t'ans reveal ng the two (or double) sprr gs br.iide I toge'her therein, which is the secret of their flexibi lity ai:d strenx'h, and a combir.ation not to be found in any o'ker skirt. Far sale in all stores where First da-5 fkirts are soViUhrontjaout the United States and eNewhe-e. Manutartured by the owners of the ratent, Wests, Eradley &. Gary, ll-3-3oi 97 Chambers & 78 is. 61 Reatle Sts.. N. 1 Thenndersigne J keep on hand alarms assortments SATTIIlET&CASSIMEfiE SUITS For Men and Boy's tear. Alflo.a largestock cf HATS AjNT CAPS LIII&WBIffll BOOTS AND SHOES, nl)l)cr Cots, Lc?glns & Blankets, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS,'! Gent's Fnrnis&ing Goods, Of all kinds which we will sell C II E A P F O It C A S II We purchased our goods since the d& cline in tbe Markets and u ill sell at lo figures. ATKINSON & CO. April 13th, 1835, 9-20-ly Sale of Appraised Sloe!;. On Saturday, the hrst day of June 1357, I will offer for sale to the bizhest bidder for cash in han-i on the premises of William Bjurke, living C 1-2 miles South West from Apinwall,ia Xercaia Co., Nebraska, Two Stray Sleers, ilescribed as follows : One Brindle Steer, crop o of ea-h ear, trinlle face, J years old. Oire Rcl and Ycite Steer, crop off of each ear.end broken offof lef hcrn,7 years old Both appraised at one hundred dollars. Taken op ij William Bourke, nd now in bis possession. 20 -51 1 1 II. A. STEWART. J , P. An. OSt. Fail: Worlds Tonic and Blood Puriher, A. NO BOOT & PLANT! PILLS, Are tho greatest Trevor. tive and Curative House hold Remedies of the ag?, anl aro jronderfa.iy er n.aciousin curing Dyspeptic and tontjumptiya Symptoms, General Debility, Languor, Li.ious dis eases, affections of Uia Liver.Stomach, Bowe.sani Kidneys, Female Complaints, Scrofulous tions,and all diseases arising from imj ura b.ood, and a sure preventive of r ever and Ague, lliol era, Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever. t;;.- Si e circular around each bottle and box. I re pared only by the Grafton MedL-iae Co., St. Louis, Missouri. Sold by HOLLADAY & CO. Brownville, Neb- FRENCHHOTEL ! On the European Plan. Opposite the City IliU andPark,(Cor of Frank fort St. Ai. ir 1 UI.A. Spacious Refectory .Path Room and barber's Shop. JS,.r.-,lnfsoia,7jiceeforfeeii Ptrqnistts. Do not believe Runners or Iliekmen who say we aro full. Jtly 1st. isoo. i year. io3a Crackers, Ginger Snap, and Aerated Crack erf, at SWAN & PRO'S. THlm Soap, Castile,- Rosin and Detersive Soap X and the Celebrated Silver Gloss Starch at S WAN A PRO'S. o o ms Dyspepsia Curo, This Great Remedy for all Diseases of the STOMACH, is the discovery of the inventor of Coe's valuable Couch Balsam, while experimenting for hi3 own hcaiih. It cured Gramp in me ntomaca loruiji which had before yielded to nothing but Chloroform Tk, aim.iit. AaV.v testimony from vari us parts of . mi... . - j . . t. B.-Anri it a ii a trt believe there is no du- ease caused by a disordered stomach it wul not speedily cure. P y s i c i a n s endorse ' and Use it ! ! Ministers give testimony of its efficacy ! And from all directions we receive tidings of cures performed. D'jKXK'vaia I 1 1 i3 sure to cure. Heartburn ! One dose will cure. SifJc-lleadache ! It bs? cured in hundreds o ases. Ueadache and )iz-ine I It stops in thirty minutes. Acidity of the Stomach I It corrects at once. Rising of (lie f ood I - I t stops immec iately. I)tvtre8S oftT eating I One dose will remove. C h olera Ho rhu I Rapidily yields to a few doses. Dad Breath I Will bo changed with half a bottle. It is Peifectly Harmless ! ! Its ncpreecdented success i- owing to the fact that It Cures hj Assisting Mature, TO RE-ASSERT HER SWAY 15 THE SY&TEMl Nearly every dealer in the United States sellj it a OA'K DOLLAR PJCP- WOTTL13. C. G. CLARK, & CO., PropYietxirs, KEtf HAVEV, COXN. nOLLADAY &, CO., and McCREERY & CO. General AgeDt3. Also for sale by MARSH & CO. November 15, lioo. GET THE BEST MS CPIILDREN. Is now truly acknowledged a superiar preparation for ail discuses incident to infants and children. EYERY BODY SPEAKS Tn exalted term of commendation of its truly won derful effects and medicinal virtues, and aro de lighted with its use. tT Trice, Only 23 cents per Bottle.F3 by Sold by all dealers in jrai licin. Prepared on 1 y the Grafton Medicine Company, St. uis, , Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st. Cm Brownville, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE William Turner will tajce notice that Teresi Tur nor did in the 2 1th day of M-ireh A. D. 13o7, file her bill of cmpl;int. in the District Court, in and f'.r Pa wnoe County, St ;ta of Nebraska, in Chance ry , against the said Vrilliara Turner. Tho object and .-ayer of s:itd cotrplainant , Teresa P. Turner, in said bill , is to obtain a decree of said Court d is solving the bonds of ma'rim ny between the saii Teresa P. Turner. Complainant and thh said Win. Turner, Defendant, an 1 the said SYilliatn Turner is notified that ho is required to appear and an swer said bill of .'o;aplircat on or before Monday the 2Uth day of May , lhG7. J)atjd April 4i.h 1So7. 27-4t $3 CHARLES II. GERE. Solicitor for Compiainant. G 11 A N T' S CAEAP CASH STORE. Jllain Street between First and Second. BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Would Respectfully inform tho Citizens of Brownvilji, atd. surrounding country that I have jut received my fall Stock of Goods, consisting of Tv! SC (Hi CI Of the latest styles and best quality. Mens heavy calf Boots, dou'jia soled Roo's,Pine Kip Boots boys and chillrens 15r)ts and Shoes. All kinks of La dies' Boots and Shoes of the finest anl bestqu ality. India Rubier and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind, Conistin of ihe tes brands of Suar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper, Allspice, i ! fcoua, Candles, iobacco, lAdaicaea, Siarcli, &c.,Si.c, Sic. Wooden Were, Stone Ware, Tho Pe-i Quality of The best Woolen Under and Over Shirts, Salt Salt by the pound er b.irrel WHICH UK OFFERS FORSAI.3 CPIEAP FOll CASH All of which he offera it' ihe lowert prices, deter iaicednot to be ui.ierolC. GRANT. Racael Ca'Jen by her next Before R. V. Hughes friend H. M. Atkinson pl'f. ) J . P., cf Nemaha s f Nebraska Territory. William Mv D. r,ald defen l'tj On the 3"th day of March lolT said Justice is 6aei aa order of attachment in the above action for the sum of S31.O0. Brownville, April 4th 1337 27-4i $1,30 r. Y.-nrcnEs, J.P. Taken op t7 the crdersigicd , living in Glen Rock Precinct, on the Ith ay cf February, 1SG7 One red and white speckled Steir with underHt cut of left oar, and crop off right ear, 2 years old this Spring CYRL'SC. MEADEE. LARGE AND FINK STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS, A TEX D0LLLAR Engraving for 159 and a Fortune fo Nothing! SenJ Stamp for Catalogue with r.vLt pahticv l$as. Al1 aldress. sec t a. a. rxroy, 25 FisK street, New tora. AflEtTs, If Ale asd Female, wanted. Fmm ( i "0, t? per wecS ?in t rru-Ia 13 6m 3-00 Musical luStrunenjc J Vp:, O? ITZ2Y DESCRIPTION. No.35 Market Street, beUeea 3!ia 8 ST. Lorn, JCstallisliei in IS43 Poland's Jlagic Billious Powdea f) This prepanfioa tk d- j of the Rev. J. W. Po ------ ;. v, x: : lv beloved hv j.. ? throughout ew Eng'nci P -obliged to leave the puv t? dy medicine to save hii 0, an d LisXagio Powders ar, '4 : the &.03t wonderful diicevcries cf modern TH GREAT LITE?. A5D BIIIC7S i which completely throws ia the hJ9 .' discoveries in medicine; and it aJorij hiaj I gratification that they receive tbe uaanimooi ' probatioa of all who have tested thea. Titr io Bilious rowders aro a 't PosiliycCsirc lorLIver Cpra?!a' - n its most agrvated furm, and aa iaa-ul? ' rector of all BILLJOUS DEHA"NGE1I2:2 Excellent lcr Headache, .: COAST1PATIOV Pimp'.ei, Biotcbes, AStu:!;jj, Drowsiness, Eizzines. iieartbura, , . I And a most wonderful Cnre A Preventive ofFereri A m iilady to always keep the Powders ca bacJ,-, I r immediate use.) ' for Here are a few important particulars: 1.1 TV. .-iw a a t Ha Uravt Mroi'Tr 1 t .... A lections. 2d They are the only known remslj tLU f i 3d They are the only known re-aedthitr.-i Constipation. 4th. The Powders are so tho.oah ia tir'ri ration that one package will be all that the mr ty of thoso usirg theia will require toal.-ct irn, 5th They are a mild and pieaiant yet tbia efTectirc cathartic -known. 6th. They are the cheapest cathartic' knevj. 6th. They are the cheapest and best me-liciwa. tant, as they can be sent by mail to anj part of i globe, for the price, cents. Circular?, ccctamirg ceriiScates,inforEti,U, sent to any part of the world free of char". SOLD BY ALL DRUCGlSrS.trtj nail on application to C. G. CLARK, &. Gevebal A:iv. NEW HAVEN, COM November 15, 1303. $100 EE WARD For a meCicine that will cure Coughs, Influenza, Tirlrlino' in thr Trri Whoopirg Cc-;i I or relieve Consumptive Cou3b3, as quick as j COII IU! OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES ; have beea sold ar.1 not a single instance of it Tl nre is kr.own. We have, in oar pos'es'i'jo, lej quantity if Certilicates, some of them fruai j EMINENT PAYSICIANS, who have used at iu their prv.'ticein 1 gives itCi pre-eminence over ever other cotnpoun I. 1 It does not dry up a Cough j but "" i LOOSENS IT. ; so as to enable the patient to expectovate bs.. j Two or three doses Will Invariably Cure Tickling h El! ' Throat! A half bottle has often complete' cwl & most Stubborn Couh , and ye;, though it il m and speedy in its operation, it u p3r!'oe:! kf-! less, being purely yegetable. it iiavr bio to the taste, and may ba admiaiitered to:!.- dren of any age. Inpsscs of CroupT7e willgraai tc.o a cuie if taken ia seassi Nofamily should ba wite It is within ibe reach cf all, it being the cbu: and be.t mediini extant. C. G. CLARK & CO , Proprietor?, NEW HA YEN, CO.N'N. A. S HOLLADAY & CO., and WH McCREERY, Brownville, Net"-'1 General Agents. SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK- Friday the 3d day of May. 1S67 at 2 ocl k F I or said day, I will c2"er fcr sale t tbehi"'M cler forcnsh in hand .on the rrenises of Starr, living in Lafayette Frecinct, io 5ta County Nebraska, one stray bay niir Pon. years o.'d la-t Spring. Takeaapby Win. d--" and now in his possession. . . 27-5t pi JONATHAN niCGISS.JJ mm m siii . ,. f Oyer 60,COO manufactured ar.d bow in ti" count'y and Europ. These world renowcod niachires were the first prise, Ten Pounds Ster!ir?.st tl , Quadriecnial Trial at Plymouth, Etj.,J7"J and it tbe Great. National Field Trith 'i Aubu-t N. Y.. in Jalv, IitiS.the first rV-pj GRAND GOLD MCDAL. The FRIZE LIOV7EB nade it so nniner.'al a fargrite, is J'e ed by tbeaj liti m of STEEL LINED GUARDS. NKv' PITMAN CONNECTIONS, STRONG KH KNIVES, ADJUSTABLE F0LD!5j , Making it a rerfect machine. Tbe I;bt' the mot durable, ar.d at the same tia t- " and best cutting maj'eine in tbe wur.J. The Self-Kalier -Kepcater! Is qustly called tke u Victor of ever f " '' j i constructed on tae m st scient.tie r110"'''! The new Mowing Attachment gives S'rt,.t ' fctin and makes one cf tee niu. i''f0 'i combined Self-IUke Reapers kno"3, fy warrant it. i The XJAUD KAKE Jj at the same time tie cheapest and its kink ever ofTertd. ;rt " It cuts, a swarth five feet wide ia fur td a-hAif in Mowing. AsaMn1'(J, t ? t Foldiag Par 2Ijfbin in . IL -i ' which it is itanaged, and ih chargi'C to Reaper, or tieeversa, will at once re MiDufaetaredby the WALTER A. WOOD Hocsick Falls IT. GENERAL SALESSCOK?. 40 Corthmlt Street, N, 20G Lake Street, Chicago- 1 FOREIGN OFFICE TT TT,,- TL.irr.a 9frof f lc' I I U I'UUi Alt a in to Descriptive Catalcgaes sent on apF1 Jmgi c ( L'Jii 1 1 1 M