Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 20, 1867, Image 2

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h cthv ftt 9r antt
f.s ;.e jr. it
f ce:
rr.;t cr,e cs.
,h inf.r.u-iti..
s jr. ay
essary t.tne c c i Lts
sec. o.
lie I
rcrrive fcr Lu ser-
v.ces th? far.itf c-4
lir; per ann-r.s, pyaLIe rttmthly upca
the warrant cf the Audi;cr, frcss the
pentrai iuni Ci i.-n .a.. si. ce s.a .i:
te allowed c-jr.j- fcr all neces-
fary expenses tor c;-r n r ar.i trav
eling, such expuct-s nc'.Vn -.v-rer, to ex
ceed seven hundred and .y dchars in
any cce year.
The cCce cf Cciri:
oner :
cf Schc
, . i,.-:... i.,..: . - fr-.
the date tf the llhr.r cf th2 c:c:al tend
cf the Sep.: intent .f Twlhc Ins-ruct:ca
t XT -ft -V
appointed under ihis t
e pres-
ent Awdiwcr is here.y re
i : C j a .i
rt-cteJ to turn crtr to the superintend
ent hcr-.Ia prwT.icd fr tsn diys
afier his appoint;;. snt ailbcs. records.
Udnls ana j ipcrs apperta,n;n to thi
C.n.-i-.l.:?r cl
p ,
purpose cr ceiray-
irj the expanse c: i-y.rt Conv--nti:a
cf ccur-.v s r; dru's jroriUrd for
ia the llrt
lion fv'.t ht .n,
ent shall draw u
e. parajrana cr. sec-
e S.te Sut riitend-
:a th
thrcurh the State Auditor f.
rodent to p iy the at lOcnts per
tnde g,-;ir. sr. 1, and per dieci
fcr eachSuperint-ndcnf kj actuil attend
ance cot exccsdtn three uo'.Ura per day
fcr r.o lor.jr se?'-a than f-ur days.and,
FroTidf , That the wh-de sutj thua re-'
quired shall not rxceed r.ine hundred
dw-liars in any cue var.
See- S. This act sh!l b
:e a
tale clfect from and aitrr its pas'jge.
ITcbraslfa CADuatiscr
E-OTTxriLi.r t::; - : ay, .vz o.',ijt;
KcnrLa CCCIlty 1 CriCUMsral Fair !
The Lcrd cf D.rectcrs cf th?Nemaha
County" Agricultural So :i:ty are herety
ECtihed to meet at the County Clerk's
QiUce ia Ilrownville, cn Taf jdiy, June
Soth. at 2 o'clock, P. ii., fcr the purpose j
cf making all the necessary arrange
ments fcr holding a County Fair this
R. W. FUf.NAS,
Petitions are now in circulation ia th:3
ccunty requestirg the Ccmmtssionjra to
i -
appropriate Sl.COO to continu
liminary surveyor theatcren
e.. r. a
frcca Ercwnville through Ft. Iearney to
a Pjc.dc connection.
YTe simply call at.entirn to th's matter
to urge the necessity fcr promptness, n.t
presuming that a matter cf such import
ance to this co-nty neeis argument to
a gentrai ccquieseuce ia tne
payment by the c
ty if the expenses
:;nary s.-ivcy.
w - -. . r
county anc te counties wes: wnetieri
... . v ,. . , . . t -
' " S
cf the people's lani can be sooanfered,
,stod, ccnstderlrg th? sp".
niro. th;
'body Lai at Orraha fcr last wintsc's
embrt-IIo thi:h us led cn It N-
, 4.. . .....
traska.Lity Ilarcey-tnd ccns.Oencg ,
the jloricn; thittre f;r rsjvenpe, it may -
-:r ;
education. 5 ;r:.:r-a:e .,dc:n cf thi state assem-S mtssicner cr the General Lard Oi- w CcV.:bEerS hereia rrc:t fsil w
.iIf!a.ica-.?L!i repirt to be i vet the rcttennesi . ci ex-j g charge c: me .og.cai surrey cx .. as . ,?J - wj.h:3
printed L,- .ate pr.:.ter ar.d shall I Lblu-J in this leev n"' r --g than the ,e-rasa a scr.irci vvi.n a a.wt,a cars after the passage cf thii Act,
deliver u:.,r..rv-,-:u,rt,fncL re- .l!:c5 j, cc c, 7e rji ly Ccc.trres.s catei; ...arch y.; t,eC shall fill the vacancy
u;ar se:j;i 'he ;., t;.rt; 'J T( . i ,. . - . , . , r 7 - , i t a.poin-mcrt, as- L-e person so ar-
hereof ..file Srt--.M ,U 7c, 3 ts to i l-n ? a I u sympathy and hearty co-cperaticn cf the j - y Iif fa ca:::,5r rr3.
,i4 ir..., Tr-c. .-"tr,.! ur'!.. that r.itjhs Lav? aarri (uta 5 -i::x?n c: t;.e M-t. ir.e ar?rc;r:ar;ca tv- Ar.
10th. H-v -:iar.r. u-:a thM,iLrTrr. ts, Ci--I -.t.-' h..verer, o c.ure s csd i. 4 ijority cf thein, shall epea actual j Fer:V.eect, dra,v thro. ;h the h:zr P: ;.r. -- - - 3 t-r 7
Mc-d-v U lr v.. ';- ,'.::-! 'Utal,a'-Uli!lfl':! f-rn-aticn as poss:tl3 ia that lecrtli cf viesr seIet frcni l.lsd te!--in- to I cf State vrerraits cr:a t-State irsa.-j- x A -.. , ,
tr.J'est.i ar; .rt, -:nent j :ru Leirr:!l l"e al-3' 3 te::et j tine, t-e c;e that arther a?-ro- j c.lle tvithia the Wtr- fei urer fcr the amounts n-cesiary to c?rry lt.2i3 4rJ efs, ,r.T..: f r I, KI-, - .
of th-fi-c1 Ii,h rrr. ;n th- Tra-?1 S.ate'Ianis ly the location cf the j Fr-ar-iocs wi.I te irta.e ia Le cemxr-j. Tec01ir!j cf Sard. x.:e oa the ccnstructla cf the Ci:zlv.l:::i lz7rT, t,.-: cf E,:e.,ij " ' 3
sry tron :h;,t !.v r ;he l,t J4 v cf Oc- i I -jlh?ir ccaaccteJ therewith, ; year .or fuj ccrrr.etioa c. t.e jurrey j0,;.f Cuf c TVr cni unferi, said warrants shall le ri;J out cf the j .;.b,rt?ri or . f:, i,?r,i i: fr;3 ar-- c;TTI3T?Tn
tcUrc-xt f reeved o:;d vxhichare ar- U Ver- a-J a ia favcr r- a re- r T Jf GZy c to- f State EuilJL- Fuai. The C,rI:I shall --F-: "" lXaU -CCS
rloLleulrrn wh:'h ! ? ' " v J Cccraiwtoner attaches to resuls ct the ffr i5yGr cf tu a 0f u Iocaud a3 ceir as rs.Ue ia the cea ! f fc t Uy tg f w,c I
cr;:rti;nrt . le La, up jr. the y u a..-, s-rr.r, atu u rarse c t. rv-Kute Tcvru'u? Mv.e, a suttalle site cf cot tre cr the icserranca sectei I y the nc e rc,r op
ecsn.rat;.-.a cf v.-u h rprui t., the U:e F-- chesea are $uiT::ient to coa- aes to Ut reit:-a:e-. I hare qur.- Ie?s tva3 e23 acre3 kic- ia cce j CctEiaisjIocera ia the trK2 cf LinccU Ti4 ar i-, 5,a.---,a-.i r:'-" : f r . .
State H U;e c M::tr sa- fince any mm. cot Hided ty rassion cr f d t-e .o.iowtc- FaraSrara3 frcaa L , fccjy fcr a tovn, d.e regard beic- Citv, anJ shall le ccr-Ietei as ::zi ai :satF-Tti..3er:.-c.-.rt,:.A f r-r, . " - ' H 5
11 lie s.ali hr . p :.,v?r to retire ret... ' v,.a. cn., v-J u 7 C t IfuaJasdcccj re-, cf the Stale and ia general fitness fcr a Sec. 11. The State tmrersity ad ell3.a 0,t'., f,. r-.'-: j I .. '1 ,
cf ctunrv surer.t.tdv. ard d Strict V" 10 bla'; Ue T? h F ard all that h c I:.If shall than appoint a suita- State Asricul.ural Cell, - shall be united :r5, ?r..-? rJ
r-Cicer-.'r.-i tea.I-r.. c:,-:-j cf all re-1 "a J f3:' as ceatrauy aa taa site ceeued 1 a ssmcient suta cf money to U!e fersoa;3 5urTeycr acd such ether as cne eMacationa! initiation, and shall IFrca $3.CC0 1o Z5.zzo Pict3 AJa
p-rts ly t'rri r- .Iri t j ! ir.ii1, azi selected, which is f.t.te tawnhpi carry taera cuL ! assistants as cay te cecesary, who shall te located c?;-n a reservatlcn selected ty naiCtw;...r:int..
to demand frcm r-M sulcr.!i:.a:e schcai 1 from car southern tca-iarv and jfrmv- "ll le yur cV.y to prcceed, as uke a3 sab5Crite aa cath sifaihir to the said Cacacnissicners ia said Lv ccU City, LICIXJ t111;" " Z; r"t Cl:-T .1 n
f V tuTN
4.V- J.iKj - IT ". 4. .J ... w4 .11 . , , , , - Tf ... .1 L.'T 1.21 iJ..-3
River by the M.dule cf July nnd will i ;r , . e cpoa any topics which ha?e for their ch. expenses, shall be paid -by the Auiito
thea be ready to start V,es: tr that uuoe i:t"" aF?--- c- - jject the development ci the resources cf i ty his warrant cpoa the Stare Build in.
v .Vi . ' u. r.asoKi to tne varancy.'' the country. t cr., cpoa the certificate cf the sat:
ue means must .e re i, y. r t"-cintment is fcr the unexpired I would' also ask that such letters cf t commissioners ; and the commissioners
Frcm cur Qumcy excargrs we Iearu, inquiry as I may pahush from time to shall be paid for their services the sum
that preparati.ns are now temj made , - - . N- x . time cay bs copied izi ail the newspapers cf five coar3 for each and every day
tocommenc work cn thia r.i. and ths: -tIssi:3 c: tcf the State. actually m?loyd, by the warrant of the
ra--t,3 ave,i- Asalayerhei5conceededtoliiver.o F. V. HAYDEN. j Auditor epea the State Building Fcnf,
, 1 , ? " J " ""I superior, and as Chief Justice will lose Distdzr cf Gso. S-r. cf Acd. ! aaJ they .hall fc allowri for- coctlmrent
curts. to cj.e t3 rea- s-re. ? -aln-d at the bar. Cmaha City, June Sth, 1567." expenses, furer suns cot excesam;
' 4 - : Tt.. ... -
c-,,'-... c.a Iil-;-t-","i iJ s - iC i Fcr an act to previCe for the ci : ers "sue a cotuce to architects ass
. -r . . , . , j stgned to this Judicial D-strict, and wi.1 f r n.,.a,. cr .i. inj- fcr puns and for a
the Missouri riter and wait years before . 1 . A te boa. c. l3.e.-, . ct c-e .a.e - .j-.i.L.
-.-a w .Sw ( . v , , .r i. inter s.t re cnl ts irrrri4C.-.r cr 3.oit
Fan is in tout grap n:t prenrpt aj l ".V bI ' 25 Public Euilfings thereat. j cr nt which shaile suitable for th
ti-a c- will -e-r- --c - c:ath-' Ilx-arx:i ccc-y ca r5t Sec 1. 5r ii r.i fj XJo:-; ex?rSve c Seers anl the asssmtlycf the
,: w' " j Monday in Ilarch ani September. .fcr cf iU cf -Vtirajio. Thai ! two Kouses-cf the Leslature, which
1 ,c-il- " IT-, j i - r,. i thar,0Trccr. the TSecretarT cf State said building rxv l desirned as a :r- I
i ano. cep.emcer. f - -w ; : w n? ut t:r -4. ; ' w . -j ' .... -4-
CpItCl. I r,P. .v.iv-,-:,", jappcimed Commlcnersfcr the purpose : ceed the sum of fty thousand dollars. I ri ter s cf Fr S:rr; i 1 r:' i, e-rn-j--. -", ..V-s iHi "m'-
.Wf r,...v -:.v .t. v. t r.,f i-;--1--';; -- tn..4,J, Icci;: jv. Seatcf Government and j Sec ID. The ccmraissiocers shall frcm 5Mli , : lz i-f -n f TV t -"C; i -l "
,v.j;;tX .::;STD!' . .kEuildmgscf Nebraska. the plans presented adept the cne best y ir.v, FTT T It, I
- 7 . Z I . . j ia Jchnson, cn the -rst Ilonciy in Sec. 2. Sili Commissioners shall be- i adapted to the arts cf the State, and ! JV -TV. X XXXXj IXdUi.,0. 2:. G-d So - I- ' r - t t- li'TiiA
an--rs, tots aenoments bemg in! jpjj, zts entering epea the discharge cf their ! shall appoint the architect cf the desirn ! 1 , , , i tolh3 H-us e?::1 : :- .
. v. In Ian?. second Monday in 3Iay. .-. cf ; accepted the S5permtendent ef its ccn- j 2- Lcn X A cr 1 ' U,fV:
There is ncthir g remarkable in the b'di lz Irn Mc-d-y in Oot-W j57 c-- fTood ; struction,-who shall te pari nod cr- rf G lSntrfcf i.f &!d:cfj: A. GlT, ; r.,- : , -:.,-5 ..;r:;(i
if wt except it, groat coonoence in ho- , suretoesto be approved by croupr rire ?r crt ite r-cf rv U,ia f,r : cr la er f.ri rblra :-.k,!L; Ir- c
maaca--r-- a i' l-C-)a- Cf --f r-TiV. , v.: cne cf the Jndgjscf tne Supreme Ccart.; fcr his services. The buper- D. CSAN p-... : pC:::::. .-rvab:'- ' I
be ccnttldcrcd cheap. It is also startling
J ; because it V.-23 ihcucht re Lad the dis
unite nt.Jc3c: Cii state
i . r o . . . . i j - . i.
t thru fr:m the ncrLern. and j?r-n town-
$hi-5 frcm cur ciotern tcuadarv and
, . .
t tne salt lica. ard tne limits rresencea
i ...
; niisa this far. Tte earner cf
j tuihlicj the luildirgs sixply raaies lie-
t j ras a through its chi3f
its cnier c.-cers a
town speculating cccpany tcckei tya
'little brief authority" and set ty the
!e. Otoe with its two-third cop
j teiheal Cass ocrntieswill
certain.y sustain tne move.Ti ;it vet tl
farmer wu be the f.rst to rttaLioutical
j capital ty cendencinz the Radical paws
that raked cut their nicely routed pea
nuts ; to Nemaha an Richardsca it caa
be no earthly benefit it beinj so tear
the river, to Parrnee and Jt
a positive detriment ty drawb
graticn north cf them, and to ocr wes
tern frrntier it will le a drawback as it
will bulli cp on eastern eppositioa to
their prepress.
We said cne'year pjo that with the
munificent donations received State cr
racizatiea would be a tene5t, yet, we
fear from present appearrnevs that
we shall hare to move to another Terri
tory to malie a lair cxperimenU
. . V - . I -
adracta-e, or tie Slzit, cf the public
lands, is certainly no reflex cf the wishes
cf the Republican party," though that
party.has the majority in the .Legislature,
vet, all must admit that much -cod lej
islitioa has eminatti from that body.
loft at the Rinkin House cf J. L. Car
son, ia this city, with the assurance that
ihcy will te shewn to the Professor ca
! his arrival here.
An explanation is needed with regard
to the tmLun: Prof. Hayden sap is ap-
lT--,-'-i:-,T-',1-3V-rT-e.T- C T ' I
Hie GCClCZICSl Scrvei An Eipla- F-"? ana -ecio-ten nne cpenel from Ciy to day at 10 o'clock
r -stlnn f flf cf T1"-s geclcioai formations, to ; a na.. and ke;t cpea at least for live suo-
" ' the extent explored, an i ty drawing and cessire days after the expiration cf five
teca.I the attention cf cur readers inscriptions cf the characteristic fossil days or more. If announced for on
to the circulircf Prcf. Harden," Director ! remains cf the d ncrent -roupst cf strata, day previous to the close cf the sale it
of Geological Survey cf Nebraska, and desirable that the portion of N-- shall te adjourned to be opened five days
r-i e-fit'- CpceM- c c-.r-- ,'J braska south cf ue Platte be examined thereafter at the Court House m Ne-
specimens tat may cast Lht cn the CUFiJ ty the limestones cf the true coal fire conseJutive days, and the ii Lie
work he has ia hand. AH such may be measures. Yea will institute a careful ' shall thrn be adiournod to be cene f--
....w., uwi.;,. cf Omaha and Winneba-o
dated IMarch Cd, informed cs that Con- Indians.
gress had cn the Zlt appropriated the c
expended balance cf 53 2 .GOO due the
Territory cf Nebraska for a Geological
Survey cf Nebraska. This, at that time,
:r ue purpede, ye: i
ZZXT trca some cause cr ctner, it has '
dwmdltd down to 5-5XC0. There is no '
o I T r, V,-, V-, V. -1 TT . I ; .
according to instructions. "There's
something rotten ia Denmark." Vitere
are the ether 527,CC0 ? By whose an-
ask tte at
tention cf cur Congressicnal Dele'.ion
to tnts matter ; its importance demands
tetter n:t le made at all than imp
Uusw U 1 0a.4.C-Uu
The the I5.h.sent to the
Senate a message stating that Le had
a-rroved an act to declare thecals ml
, ,
wnicn c:
oes shall be deemed vacant,
and to provid for filling the vacancies ?
therein, and t.
cy ia the Chief Justiceship cf the Stat
. . ,
stancs cf ce protession ani gives great
.r. ..: ,vr. tr
:y las; Tuesiiy for VTishln jtcn, to at-
f Ccnrresj if i:
H I-.:' '
e I e am that !. Irs. Tip 10m s Iso
tes to pa
a v:sit to her relatives in In
d.ana. May comfort and freedom from
arclient rhtrir.erice their ?
Having teen eppcinted by tie Corn-
23 very iicaf re J oIy SJ.COJ ar.J il
wita tte view to ascertain tne croer ct
succession, arraczeaect, relative po-
deposits cl cres, cca.s. cays, mirls,
talyses cf such cf these substances and
cf the dtnrrent varieties cf scil, as i:
may deemed desiratle to ascertain the
elementary constituents tnerecf. loi
will also determine, ty careful baromet
ric cbservatioa, the relative eleTations
a not expressions ct ine uiiersnt parts cf
the State cf Nebraska.
. It shall likewise be your duty to pro
cure and prepare ia the field cf your ex-
prorations, acp;e cciiectjoas in Geclctrj,
Ilinerology and Paleousclogy, to illis-
iect;ons ia Gee
trate the notes take a iajhe field, and
transjutt them to this t nice tote
bodied ia its next annual report cf Sur
veying Operaucns.
Ia order to enable tiij educe to present
to Ccnjress the results cf the Geologi
cal Sorvey, yea are required to make a
preliminary report cf tne progress
your labors, accompanied by such maps,
sections and drrarms as you mayconstd-
scoaas recessary arrangements caa be cce t,3 7 Ccmmis.cner?, they
made, to the sphere cf your operations j s t aII iediatelT sur-rev. lay ctf and
ia the geological survey cf ebrasLa, j U cul lte sajj tract cf b-J into lots,
sntcn.depta and ccmparative taickness jic - -bich said town Tvhea so layed cut
cf the- several strata, and seelcgical surveyed shall -te r.neJ and
formations ia the State; to search for Lao as "Lined City." and the same
and eiamine all the beds, veins and other ;s hereby declared to te the remanent
peat?, and such ether mmerai substances j fcrasii at which the public chuces cf the
as well as the fossil remains cf the van- j g.a.a jhall be kept and at which all of
caa formations : and to cttaia chemical i sessions cf the Leisiatare shall
"!er rdiisite La illustrate th st-.A nmh
(the first cf October next. Ycur final
f t- v :tt j , ,
refun, jo- i.i renuer cnuer tne
apprcpriatica, shall embody the results
cf the entire surrey and shill be accera-
ranied by a Gee lexical map cf Nebra
ka, with carefully prepared sections, dia
grams, ic.thowin, ty dierent colors
and ether marks and characters, the
search for the localities, depth an
Cxi extent
cf that most valuall? mineral.
It will also be important to extend the
explorations and examinations al:n the
Missouri river to Sioux City, as there is
reported to be a bed cf ccalcut-crcppino:
frcra rcchs of the cnalk formatioa n-ar
the Omaha Reserve nov surveyed j ihey may see proper afier suir.; due puh
into le-al sub-dirislcns for the nccomo- j I c notice thereof. And at", said' sales no
As the more settled portions cf the
State are upon the surveyed lands, it is
desjracde tnat your explorations be di
rected to such regions cf the country,
locktL to the determination and icca-
tica. as well as the extent cf natural r-
sources in coal, m.etaiic cres, hydraunc
a-d -common Lmestonea, rre cays, free
..j 3 T
and wnicn may te cr mnmeuiate use to
the people cf Nebraska.
Tne Mate cf Nebraska being chiefly
a farming ecu c try, your attention is in
vited to the examination cf its sotls and
subsoils, and description cf their adap-
tetiiity to part;
ur crops, and the best
methods cf preserving and inor
tnetx lertiaty, sncuz engige your con
sideration ; ani as so large a portion cf
Nebraska h deficient ia timber, the ia
troductica cf suitable forest trees should
te the subject of your examination ; and
such suggestions as from the nlituoe cf
the native soil will be found best calcu
- m 1 " " T
lated to promote thevgroth cf timber.
v V v'r i. I-'
Ia order, therefore, that as much in-!
fjvdoa cf practil value may be cb- ?
talned as possible, I earnestly solicit the i
btate ea thi
various subjects emttraceaia t
conditioned for the f.
cf their d
itiea and er this Act, to fully
or i.i mocoois that roar ce
to thole hands ns such Ccmmlssirners.
r and they shall ao take and s.bscrib:
j each to fully, faithfully and impartially
: carry-cat ie pruTistcnicf tills act. which
y.WSIWMIWiBWMMfe-, yirw
- .... V t
said cath shall te endorsed en t5::t:::
and tho same shall te filed in the ciT.ce
Stat Treasurer. If a:
ay cf
Se?. 3. On or before the loth d
VT0C'i2 streets and alley and public
I fare's cr reservitions for public tuild-
j seit cf Governraent cf the State cf Re
i vere2f.or t e held.
Sec. 4.. After said bad shall have tern
properly surveyed, staked c:T and laid
be-maie slowing the tlccL-s, lets, strests,
Clerk cf the county ia which such site is
situated and tr bim ententd In the proper
I de:d tcck, cne cf said plats shall be
tU-1 ia the c"flcecf the Secretary cf
m t
ahys parks, squares an: reservations j ve the duty cf all State ciacers whose
for public bajldmp, one of v.hich shall chuces are properly kept at the Capital,
te recorded ia the cfice rf the County j l0 remove i7 tlree their several
Stat, acd the third shall te retained by
Tbe said Commissioners shall fix a
minru.uin price cpoa the lots ca each-al-
then advertise ia six newspapers rubltsh-
ed vti.hla the State, that they will, upon
a day to la tdierein named and not less
ten nor more than thirty days after
da'e cf the notice, offer, cr cause to be
envred for sale to the highest cr.ici bid
der, at public sale. each lot ia the alternate
tiocis not reserved as aforesaid
said u Lined a City.
Said sale shall be
held at said 'Lined City, and shall
5 re day's tifsreai'terat the city cf Omaha.
If deemsJ expedient'by the commissTon
ers. cr a majority cf them, they may.
after the adjournment cf the sale a; Omaha,
open such pub lie sale ia the cities cf Piatts
mouthand such ether place
cr r laces within cr xril.hz-xf the State as
lots shall te soli for any su
price marked cpoa the plat
aco-?e poviUco; rcr, cor upon any coner
terms than fcr cash ia hand.
Sec. 6. Every purchaser cf lots shall
deposit the purchase money therefor with
the commissioners, who shall give a re
ceipt for said money, which receipt shall
the amount c: money ana tne
cumber cf the lot and block for which
the money was pad, and
upon its presentation to ihe secretary cf
State, shall entitle the person named
thereia to a title ia fes simple absolute
from the Suite cf Nebraska it the real
estate named ia the receipt; irlira ca-
Treasurer as a "State Building Fund
ana ne Kept ty rairn separ-te ir:m coner
funds and be separately accounted for.
Sec. S. Ad expenses incurred by the
- e .J
commt - .sioners for a surveyor, at not ex
ceedicg five dollars per day. and foui
assistants, at cot exceeding two dollars
. . . ... . .
sary tu.s lor forage anct team Lire, aa-
ve hundred dcilars in any cne year.
cec. y. immeuiateiy alter th sale
T3 r-i
ilots above provided for, the com:
'Sute fcr ilrte nciLls, for
r the erection sf sard buHdmtr ac-
cordinr to the rlxn and srecifioatiens to
. a 1 1T
y tne '
TV 17. t ?t l V. ?
A 4.C ...iiTi C iCi kJ 4 i IiT43i
tsrna-.e tlo-ck not reserved for the erec- f,Yv i.a tf.osi. for trAcr ierriw. cr I TTCpiTf IT C- SAT A RT F r- - ? -
Luu c- , v.t-u.i.y aa .iumcipai jrtodencj.. end it anoint pczz : foeA j -
buildlnr?,cr f,-r public uses, which said - i r.ucicrr c' oi'j so'd, fo c.oj lUTHIiniSrS - , '
price shall be marked upca each! f,r vj,ai encur:! ; iS vho-x cr.J fzt v.hai . JAuLLib LEERY,
said plats. . Verrctae contract cr tetrads v:e SoIcSIcIHae ruia T-"T?T? HTT r T nr
Sec J. Thesaid Ccnr..-aissxoners shall Wfi efclhueh cyxlmcuA XIcartJasr OTvdcrI UV la D FAEJ
ctd ciUsUI 1 tit Stcrdzr? cf o:fe, "08 xU Xtlb, XjUHaiUcilo, iuvicj -
TCiQihail f.t end keep dlrtcnds tvss m ! J t : .1 c Hi- W t - a'4 0
erestrJiJ. 1 STtO jETtO. of -- r-. ' t.
. ec. 7. AU conies received by the . .i.r;v'i; iI rtr. FVr ;.T V,
be deposited ty them in th St3te Trea3- -tdx" i i oor a- S" :T C ;i -f- 1 f 7" V - 7
cry, and said monies snah te heldbr the -t-j--L--tu ... 1-. 1
I . " I I . V - - I
sna c?st uaoer. ar.a tt-- --
ir,, rr.',v. irh sur2t":3 tO b
i c . r . v r . ! .r . . i - - j
contract. The rc-:;:i:
:ia.l ra-
serre the r?
-i .'.! n r;.j.'f rrr sr : .1 i T.:Z.i !
... .v . . 7 .
U i. -1 1 4 - A
prcars ia the rr...r..i-r prcnieJ 1.1 t-t-
j act. The Ccrctr.iisicrers shall, frr::x tle
:sary luiiOinops sn.a.i te
tereen as
scon as funis cjn I'
secured by the sale of ;a
ds donated to
the Sate for that purpose cr from ether
Sec. 12. Tee Tenltentlary cf the State
shall be located cpoa a rerc-rvatioa se
lected by the siid Commissioners ia the
said LiacoU tnuj fo.: -
tsvn of Lincoln Ciy, and tne neces-
sarv taildinrs shall be erected so see
an as
funds caa te secured
Sec. 13. As soon as the capitol build
provided f:ir ia this act is erected an:
completed, it shall be the duty c: th;
Governor to issue hrs proclamation an
nounclcr said fact and thereupon itshal
rrea. tr-prher with the rubllo r rcr
eny, arcVcS, re-. t3, tX, 3 -c.
papers to said "iiicci Cty.
ana- ail se
-ions ci tne iei saii
thereafter be convened at the sam r'ice.
rr.sUa fell crA ezrr;Utt rori fo
a ess jLrij.fitnre- cr c. ..cir ui.p,
-lad snxd Cj-Tzmut toners aii r.tetriiirj-
15. All acts and parts cf acts in
any manner inconsistent hersidi cr re-
Barber and Hair Dresser,
Main Street, Brownville. Net.
Til tcr? e-i2tiii3 juI
For Durability,
rT3. i
Rnnri i
Fast Work, Good T7or
Good Material
and High' Fiiiish. t
Gr z
ErorrsTiila. Neb.
The Lafayette jlills
Kntl all-is xc:t3
0 T T:-'T t--t, pv-
LT- 3 f 5 T 1
Ji- HO-, xri r.r-c f u .":
llo.ioOvZZ a co.
acU vjiiilthe Is -n-iiaiurt hall ci.'er ih "Goci j Liita-iv" iivir I ia c--";'?r tti
Cea.i.--t. i F.iMIL Y RIG UTS FOP. ZLiLE. I ?-- ... v 0!
purnant thereto are hereby repealed. , iitlV Ps Z ?f J . 8i - t - 2
Sec: H. This act shall take eeot and ef :i te,s. a-su;;Vs: !li;rfV l'ih :.- '
be in force from an f after it? pssaze. : cf r-rr 7 .rer t ti rar Ir-.'V;..;,;4"1'" ""''
j -;r ?a- cm .'.-.3 S J d J) pr wk 1 "" .
NEW ADTERTISE1IEXTS. ! .;;?.v1si !
j - ' m tt .i LT".T 'u J f)
i Jf- Ok
I Country Prod i:e bouo-ht a-is.! I
no xess than X ' :-'": . "" -ris . '
,r,.-;; : 'K. .r.. f -r-ror-p-: : : : 1
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