t c I-:' 7 ?J',rV r i '."1 ,-" . ".it. 7 r 7 .IliLIlTY AND UNION, ONE AND I NSEPARABLE3 NOV,' AND F O. n H V p I "1 !f NEBRASKA, : THUBSD A 7- ' l VOL. XI. I'. ! uRE f 0, 1867. t ; - CHARLES G. DOKSl-Y ITTORIISY AT LAY7 Jferf Dwr to Cars, or? $ BarJ:. 1IAIX STREET rBLTciIDIJSII.II.S. t csiox niumxG succno:.', i 'r''&"i,t profJfional ecrvica to tbe citizens cf Jelrnvitle and Ticiuify. orriCE AT CITY DC G T ORE. -frtcftuiitbis Residence in Mr Majors House cj W street, befween and 6tLr "TJAC0BMAI10HN JIERHOHANT-- -Ti A "n O X1I5 .STREET, BROffXYILLE, 'yE.5.?.ASSA 3 0 Au.23aC6 CITY BREWERY. SIIRINER k BRIEGKL, ' Em jn?t got tbeir Erewery under full rnr.Dic? order, they are now makir? as g;x l liter as can b made in tbo United biates. W'hh tbeir lacil Kiei for tcakinj; Beer, tbey a:e rcjared to furnith ary quanliyt 05 f ho rt notice. All orders filled as soon as received NOTICE TQ FARMERS. The underpinned hnvin rented the Brownvillo if , 1 Jahts this mrthod of informing the pub' lie that he intends doing CUSTOM WORK .for tb accommodation of farraers and o'berB tbo coming peaon . Tbe mill it novr in operation and who have wheat to g'md are respectfully invited to gire pe a trio a I ain c-onCdeut of givijg gen-., tral aatiufartion. ' The highat cash price givrn for uhcat. 6if F. MORRIS. ' GATES & BOUSFIELD, BIU GE LAYERS f la s TIIU BUS. RrownvIIIc, IVclrasUa TJl take roctracU for lirirk'.Kyio, 1'iAterin,, (liuilditig Cistern?, a,nd do enj tbirg in ibeir line in the most satisfactory and vorkiiianiike manner. Aug. 30, JSCS. x-47-ly lHtulLil3cmctt, Millinery & Fancy Goods Iaia Street cne door west of the Tost CSce 1 superior stock cf Fall ann"V.'iatcr Goods jaitracaived. Everytbing in tbe Millinery line ' 'pt constantly on band. Dre?s-Makirg , Bonnet teaching and Trimming i;c.e to order. October, 25 1S85. T-n--2iIy EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ':S0LICIT0H In'oILVNCERY, Office eorrter cf If in ml Flrpt Streets. .BROWNVILLE. NEBRASKA. -'ELOEKMllTEMi JOSEPH S II U TZ ilas just received and will constantly beep cn M 'rge ana well selected stock ,f genuine ar icleiin ialine. One Door nest cf Grant's Store, Bir; t rille, J ebraska. !-tr; glebes tnd Jewelry dune on tbe short. WORK WARRANTED. TrcTBTlllcKeb.. yr:b lth. c.c-5 Evan Worthing, T-tkslcsalc & Retail Dealer h Choice ;Liquors, Wiues, Ale, Bear 30 .CrXSrTI? Pitts ntrrAT.OT:iTiApr:i?;Q Tt jrtvw . JIaIn Street, Brownville 27, nth 15C laJiij fr4-r 5 fit- f.;;v) -t -n. J -i D. 'oulh Cvrrtr t,f 'L.U f-l first Streets LOT Office Kgit.3 7 to S a. v.tzi 1 to 2 aid ti li r. m . rrow-v:i!e,Ive:.r3a,Kay itb, 1E"5 No 31,1 J. 1 HOLLADAY.-LI. D. Gradual cil in ISSl.l Locale r In IJroui.vIHc i:i . 1 iiiluibiiiL d u iiUaUiJ .OBSTETRICIAjT Dr. II. baa on hand comple te sets of Atnputat inj, Trejbinicg and Obstetrical inftruments. OHcc: Ilollaaay & Co's Brcs Store . Tico Doers East of Post Office. P. S. Special attention firen to Ol etetricsand tbe diseaef of votacn rd cbildren. z-ii-ly CHARLES I1ELLMER, t ' JL-M . LIT TrT L i k ;rL3 3 Ilaia Et 2 doors below Ercxvnville Ilcuse, ROWKVILLE IT. T. lias cn band a superior stock of Coots an! Sbces and tbe be?t material and ability for doing CUSTOM WORK Repairing done v:ithr.cat;icz3 end dispatch gorm o Canli. fn.nn FRAKZ HULI.1ER, v .A- ' ' OPPOSITE DRUSER'S TIN-SHOP, d n orr.vii-iLi:, ;:.cn i: ash a. WAOOKS, BUGGIES, PL.OT7S, CULTI V1M O LIS, fc.f Kepaiied on thort notice, tt low rates, nd w arran ed to giv 3 8&Ut-facUn. x-I3-fn,cn AMERICAN HOUSE. I 'iod Feed-find Livery Stable In connection ith the Uoase. L D. RQ31llS3:i. PROPEIETOE. Front Street, between JIaia and Water, FnoYrxriExr, rEiii:isiLA, May, SOth 16G6. 10 36 ly T.W.Viptoa tO.B.IIerett J:S.Cburcb CHURCH Catt), TIPTOfJ, liEVETT CitlovnciiG at BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. March 1st, '65. ly. A. ROBINSON, iiMi linn m& uimi Ifain Between lit & id Street J nrowuvillo 7J"ol3i-ri3Ix.zv Takee tis roetbod cf informing tbe public tbat he bas on hand a t itniid asisjrtnsnt of Gent's and Ladie's J'tsses an . "i-rs 3 BOOTS AND SIIOKS. f"Castou v. ork done with r eatnetss and difpatcr!.,2 ilepairic dune oa short notice. 10-30 fniin OTUE FARMERS OF KEAHA CO., AND YICLMli I would re?rectfully say that I have and am now receiving a large ctoclc or r 2 w'J I keer constant! cn band a full assortment of GEKT'S CLOTHING ,jjf ell Kindt. Do er ClQtli Ccals, Pants Vests. Frc-i'S tChth Clolhir.g-in Latest styles, CcxEinsrc Gccda all dc-ciipticns AL50: 111 LLiUlLL UUUiJ, TO CZ'iT THE TRADE. All cf. which I propose toscll as Cheap or unoaper .Than any cf my Competitors. All I ask is for the citizens of Nemaha . sr,d adjoinicr counties TO GIVE LIE A CALL Jlnd find out for themselves ! REMEMBER THE JjiiliLbii brJlijiLjlu mi 3MI3ST STREET, ' "T- O " T." w '"' -"-'T1l S. SEE?. I AN. BXK. E.0GER4. B. T. FCB-XAS. Livery, FccsljCmd Sale Stable, BROWNVILLE. li EBB ASIC A- 1 'rs . r. il 1 rsin alUini? f Flock. II r?c3 Hot:.: bt.Sold i:.v?har"rl. S.'.v:k bt.ardel by tbe clay or week. A I.8rr;(VT!:Al.!i attached t DR. N K A L at ccr .Stat.'c?, ILLLll Veicrnr.ry r'uron, CT.-a where ts visj at il tiJ..:s le coa- air r"7T7 T1 ci it "i n Ti n CEO. W ;.:-tv. LLTLLS COADLETa CHA3.G. DORSET K ?r.SCT, HOiPLEY u-CO., ' REAL ESTATE AGENTS, and .Ce Liters in Land T72.rraiit3,a:id CJlcc, in La.nJ Cflct Building. Ray eel sell improval urd Tinimprored Lands. J?uy -;Il,nd locate Lend Warrants, tml Egri caHcrsl eiil'.'e Scrir. ."Jake careful selections of ?GTertment Land? fol bCiLt: on, Homesteads, and pre-emptions. Attend to contested Homestead and pre-emption cases , in tbo Land oCce. " Letters cf inquiry , prcaptly e.nd cheerfully an- Correspondence SoliciiedjSit 1 3 r: LIB fflffil, Houes-Slgn & Grnarjental Glazier, Gilder, Graher, p Atjeh haiigeh etc. All work done in a workman like manner, and on striokly TERMS. CKIEOail'ESTOrBa0T!fTIlLI EOSI ' t v. t ! NE FIRM AND H. T. RAIItDY V7. D. LEV7IS SUCCESSORS TO aAIUET Si CO. Respectfully inform the Citizens cf the City and County that they are in receipt pj a large and complete assortment of Ladle ?s Dress Goods, WHITE GOODS, : "Vilh an endless variety of 1ST O T I O 1ST S. Together with the .Largest Stock cf Custom Made BOOTS AND SHOES' Ever brought to this City all of which was purchased prior to the late advance in gold, which enables us to offer supe- nr enducements to those desirous of pur chasing. .We also, keep cn hand a fresh Slock of G-rooe xi o a And a good assortment cf QITEITESWARE Remember tbe Place, Main Street, On Door above the PostofUce, Drownville, Nebraska. 8-10-41y in,nn Philip Philips & Co. - Wholesale and retail dealers ia FIAKH5, ' ORGANS, AND MELODEONS. "Testern Agents for Decker Brotbers, Patent plata Fiano-iourte. Tbcse ,1'ianoa are tbe only instaumccta made in tbis country or Europe, with tbe full iron .frame, in which vlllihe Slrir.gs rest upon Wooden Biar -ings ' and In which noe cf the atisg Fins ;o tirough l'ie Iron Plate. Tbi4 arrangment produces a More Kef.ned Tone, with combined Sweetness and groat Power, and more porft-ct quality thovgh the entire a?a?e, aud the capacity of Standing Longer in tune and retaining its superior cnantity of tone, thaa tny other ins'tment. ' General Aleuts for L. D. A II. 7. Smith' AMERICAN ORGANS. -7 r The American Oranjtare tbe only real reel Or gsns now befora the public Tbo only Organ bay- Reverberating S'cund Box, or Wind Chest. Which bas tbe sane important part to perform as the S undic Board bas in tbe Piaco-Vorte, (to give Ix.dy and resonance of tone)ar.l without rbih ihe !r;a.n1bfccmJi3 isirely a lleloieoa'in a.n Oran ca-e. The American Orrans not only bave the wind chest or F"ur.d box, but have the large Organ bel low, giving pover nd great steadiness cf tone. Tl-e$3 wLth their eitreme ve rolcitg cf tbe reeds iid peif.tirgcf tbe t;ne, make theuj the. JJjst Perfect Organ Knovon. The improvements, with juperiority cf tone and workmani-bip, 'a.-e the American Organs ia the front r.ii.kaj tbe bfst,and they coalman I a Libber pc3 than aay olv it res! izstruceat in tbe ir-rfcet '-Jh?-3 Or ran? no sire a tbe Tirrt Preaiaa at the cre-'it St.'Lcais Ffcirin October. Pui liaheu cf tbe ''Sir ziv, t.C-01?. Sr,d fi r a Cir-ul.tr. Address. PHILIP PHILIPS CO., t? 15 c;t!i f .h rtr:st; t. Lc;:s M?. A EILL. For tl;c KcTisloa ci liie fcenoe; Eatr, J Sec. 55 The directc; ':aR also at the end cf each school year, and within, three days after the 1st Monday in Sep tember, deliver to the County Superin tendent to be filed iahia cilice a report showing . ' - " ; 1st. The whole number of children be lengieg to the district between the Rjjes cf ftve and twenty-one years' according to census taken a3 aforesaid. 5:id. Tbe number'aitending school du ring. the year under five, and also the number over twenty-one years of age. ' 3d. The whole number that have at tended school during the year. 4th. Th.3 length of time the school has been taught during the year by a qual ified teacher; the name of each teacher; the length of time kept by each, and the wages f aid io each. 5th. The avrage length of time schol ars between five and twenty. cne years af age have attended school during the ytar. - Cm. The amount ot money received from the county treasurer apportioned to the district by the county clerk. 7ih. The amount ct money raised by the aistrict and the purposes for which it was raised. "8th. The kind of boots 1 used ia the chool. - 9th. Such other facts and statistics, in regard to schools and the subject of ed ucation, as the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall direct. Sec. 57. The moderator.director and treasurer snail constitute tne district board. 5ec. 5S. Said board shall, between he first Monday in June and the third Monday in une in each year, make out and deliver to the couniy cleric oi eaca county in wnicn any pari of the district is situated, a report in writing, under their hand, cf all taxes voted by the district during the preceed incr year, and of all taxes which said board is'authorized to impose, tgTte lev- led on the taxable property of the dis trict. Sec. 59. The district board may purchase, at the expense of tie district, such school books as may be necessary for the use of children admitted by them to the district school free of charge, and they shall include the amount of such purchases and the amount which would have been payable tor fuel and teachers' jvggs.s by persons exempt from the pay ment thereof, together with any Sum on the district rate bill which could not be collected in their reports to the "county clerk, or county clerks, to be assessed as aforesaid. They shall have the general care of tbe school, and may . establish ail needful regulations for its management not in conflict wita rules prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sec. GO. Said board shall exempt from he payment cf teachers' wages, and from providing fuel for the use of the strict, ail such persons therein asm their opinion oughtto.be exempted, and shall certify such exemptions to" the di rector, and the'children of such persons shall be admitted to the district school free of charge daring the time of such exemption, oaia yoaru may aiso aumu to the district school non-'resident pupil3, and may determine the rates of tuition cf such pupils, and collect the same in advance, and they may authorise or or der the suspension or expulsion from the school whenever, in.their judgment, "the interest of the school demand it, of any pupil guilty of gross misdemeanor or per sistent disobedience. Sec. 61." They shall purchase cr lease a site for a school hous8 as shall have been designated by the districts in the corporate name thereof, and shall build, hire, or purchase such school house out of the funds provided for that pur pose, and ehall make sale of any site or other property of the district, when law fully directed by the qualified voters at any annual or special meeting ; Provi ded,' That the district shall not' in any case build a stone or brick school house upon any site without first having obtain ed a title in fee to tbe sane; and also thit they shall not in any case build a frame school house on any site for which they have not a title in fee, without se curing " the privilege of removing the said school house when lawfnlly directed so to do by the qualified voters, of the districi at any annual or special meeting. Provided, aiso, That tha- qualified vo ters of t!ie district may appoint a . build ing comrnettee to take charge cf the work cf building such school house. Sec. C2. ' The district board shali.ap ply and pay ever all school moneys be longing to the district ia accordance with the provisions of law regulating the same, as pay be directed by the district, but no moneys apportioned to any district shalPjs appropriated to any othey use thaa the payment of teachers' wagasjand no part thereof shall be paid to any teecher who shall not have- received a certificate, es required Jn this act before the commencement cf his sth'ooL ' Sec. C3. Said board shall present to the district at each annual meeting, a re port, in writing, containing cn a;curcte ' state--entoof all coneys cf " the "district received by them, during the precetdir.g year, and cf the disbursements-made by th2:n,wi:h the iteis .cf such receipt .and disbursement. 61, Such repcrt shall aha con tain a st-iU-ment cf all taxes arsssssd uj cn the taxable property cf ths district during the preceding year,th-3 purpssa for which such taxes were ae2es;e J, and the amount assessed for each particular purpose, and said report shall be recor ded by the director, in .a book to be pro vided for that purpose. Sac. 63. The" said district beard shail have the charge and castidy cf the schcol house and other property. cf the district except so far as the same shili be" confide i to to the custody cf the di rector, including all books purchased for the use of pupils admitted to the school free of charge.- - Sec. G6. The said board shalh have power to fill by appointment any vacancy that may occur in theii owa number.and rit shall be their duty to fill such vacancy within ten days after . its occurrence ; Provided, That in case said beard shall, from any cause, fill such vacancy within the time specified the same may be filled by election at a special school meeting called'for tbxt purpose by the qualified voters present, which meeting shall, be called ia the same manner and be sub jected to the same regulations as other special school district meetings. Sec. 67. If the treasurer shall faill to give bonds as ia required in this chap ter, or from sickness or any other cause, shall be unable to attend to the duty of collecting any district rate bill, the said board shall appoint an acting treasurer to coibct the same, who shall possess all the powers of district treasurer for that purpose, and shall, before proceeding to the collection thereof, give bond3 to the district in the same manner and the same effect as the district treasurer is' requi red' to give. Sec. C3- Every school district oiTice shall become vacant" by the death-of the incumbent, his resignation to be tied with the other members "of the district board, his removal from office. by a two third vote of the legal voters at any an nual school district meeting, his removal from the district, his conviction of any in famous crime, his election cr appoint ment being declared void by a compe tent tribunal; or his neglect to give cr re new any official bond according to law.or to file acceptance cf office to which h.s is elected'or aDnointed according to the provisions of this act. . . A CILL V To proildcfor the election cf r r County Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction and to jrcscribe bis duties. Sec. 1. Be it enacted ly the Legisla iureoj the Slate cf Nebraska, Thathere sLall be a county superintendent or com mon schools in each organized county 'of the State, whose term of service shall be two years. Section 2. The first election of th county superintendent shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in the month cf' October, 1667, and ev erv two years thereafter. The election provided for by this act shall be conducted as near as may be in the same manner and by the same officers, and the judges and clerks of -election shall make the same canvass, statement and returns as provided by law for the same ballot, and the board of county canvassers shall de termine and declare the person thu3 elected to the office of county superin tendent. . - - Sec.' 3. A certificate of election shall be immediately issued by the county clerk to the person so elected to the oglce cf county superintendent, who shall, wiihin twenty days thereafter, take and subscribe to the same oath a3 required of other couaty officers, and deposit the same with the county clerk, tor be fifed and preserved in his office, when it shall be the duty of the county clerk' to report the name and address of the county su puerintendent of pablio instruction,' and the county superintendent thus elected shall enter upon the duties of his office' on the first day of November following. Sec. 4. The county commissioners, or a majority of them, present at their first "regular sesssion,shall detarrr.ine the com-, pensation to. be paid' to the county super intendent, but such compensation shall not be less than three dollars or more than five dollars or each day actually employed in the duties of his office for such number cf days as the Superintend ent may determine; Provided, That the number of days shall not be less than the, nunuber of school districts! in said county, and one day for each precinct thereof, fcr the examination of teachers. The superintendent shall file in the oejce'of the ..county clerk a swora statement of h:3 accou"nt. ' ' ' ". ' , , Sec. 5. The county superintendent shall examine all persons offering them selves as teachers' for the pdbl.'c schools, and shall attend at the county seat upon the first Saturday in the months of Aug ust, November, February and May, in each year, for that purpose, and twenty days before' such examination t? shall cause' to be published' in s6me" news paper published ia said county, notice" cf the time and place thereof, or if there be no paper published ia said county, then he shall rause to.be posted up in three public places in the precinct- where such examination is to take place, tea days prior to such examination, a notice of the time and 'place' thereof. He may also held exeminatioa at such other times cr.d places as he may appoint, but all ex nainatic3 shall ts in' public; ' ' Seo. C. lie shall grant certificates ia c-ech frrrr.s ae shall be prescribed by the . d t c 1 C c I . c i n c I :iicci, li- censirg 5.3 leichrs all persons wcni.cn there 3c:.rr;!r:?.t;c;:i, 2 s 11a uicm qualified in re?pect to gccl, n.cral clizf act?r. learrJrT ttr.l -acciiiv, to instruct w s r ana govern cheel ; but no certificate inctica in shall I3 grated to any person. not piss x sati:f-:t:ry exini t; r. -rrr e .oir g, grcin- mar, gee person erarny ariiein. etio :ntel a c' it 0 teaccer witma tna nesting c: tii e p. r mary school law who has not such a cer- t)iicat3 ir. iorc3 cr tha eertihoats ct is fUyejctendeiit cf Mi jnetruouen; Provided, That the certificate heretcTora 1 by th3 school examiner shall be1 valid fcr ths term for which they were given unless sooner ravoked by tha coun ty superintendent cn examination ; Pro vided, fuether, That tha school examin er, S3 now previded by law, may examine teachers, and grant certmcates, until a county superintendent 13 elected and quod ified. ' Sec. 7. There'shall ba three grades cf teachers to ba granted by tha county Vuuarint jndent in his discretion, to-wit; The certificate cf the first grade shall ba granted to no person who has net taught at ieast cne year in this State or Ik err i tcry with approved ability and success, and it shall be valid throughout tha coua ty in anl for which it whs granted for two years. Tha certificate of the sec ond grada maybe granted to any person of approval learning, qualifications and character, and shuu-be valid -throughout the county for cne year unless soon?r revoked. The certificates cf the third grade shall license the holder thereof to "teach in seme one specified precinct, and shall net coninua in force fcr more than six months.' "The county superintendent may revoke any teacher's certificate fcr any reason which would hava justified iha withholding thereof when tha same was given, or for ' gross negligence of duty, or fcr incompetency cr immorality, which reason shall Eot be spread upon tha records of said superintendent unless requested by the teacher. But no cer tificate shall be revoked without a re-examination, unless tha holder of such cer tificate shall, after reasonable notice,neg led or refusa to appear before the super intendent for such re-exarainaticn. The superintendent shall keep a Tecord cf all certificates granted,cr all annulled by him, with tha date, grada and dura tion cf each, and shall deliver such rec ord, with all other bocks end papers ba longing tohi3 office, to his successor. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the county superintendent to visit each of the schools in his county .at least once ia each year to' examine carefully int6 the discipline and the modes of instruction, and into the progress and proficiency cf the pupils, and to make a record of the same, and to counsel with ,the teachers anl district boards a3 to the courses c studies to be pursued, and for tha im provement cf the instruction and discip lina of the schcol ; to notice the condi tion of the schcol house and appurte nances thereto, and to suggest places for new school houses to be erected, and for warming and ventilating the same, and he general improvement of school houses and grounds ; : to promote by public dec ture3 and teacher's institutes, and by such ether, means as he may devise, the improvement cf tha schools in his county, and the elavaticaof the character "and qualifications of tha 'teachers thereof : to consult with the teachers and school boards to secure the more general and regular attendance of the children cf his county upon the public schools. Sec. 9.. It shall be the duty of the county superintendent to receive all such blanks and communications a3 may be directed to bin by tha superintendent' of public instruction" and to disposa cf the same ia the manner directed by the su perintendent. ' Seo. 10. Tha annual reports cf tha district boards shall 'hereafter be made to tha county superintendent within three days after tha first 'Mondars'iaT Septem-'-ber, and ha shall oa cr before tha first Monlay iq September file cop;e3 cf the same in the offica of the county clerk.and' transmit duplicates tLerecf,togetherwiih such other information aa may b'a requi red, to tha superintendent cf public in struction. He shall examica into tha correctness cf tha' reports cf tha district boards, and may, whoa necessary, re quire the same to te amended, and shill enclcrse his approval oa such as h3 may find correct. ' . Scc. II. The county superintendents shall ba eubjact to such r'ule3 and ia structions as tha superintendent cf pub Lis instruction may from time ta time prescribe, and they shall report annually .'.odhe superintendent c pubhc instruction at such lima as he may direct, cf tha cf cial tabor performed and cf the general cenditica and management cf the schcoh under their charge, and such other in formation' a'3 may ba required cf them by the said 'superintendent. Sec. 12. No ccunty superintendent shall act a3 agent for any author, pub lisher cr lockseller, cr shall directly cr indirectly 'receive any gift, emolument, cr reward for his influence in recommend ing the purchase cr use cf any library cr school .bock cr school apparatus cr furn iture cf aby ' kind wLiterer; ' Any act heroin prohibited shall ba deemed a vio lation cf his oath cf effi:?, 'end any 'en pioyment'ef such superintendent ty any author, publisher or bookseller Uz that purpose. shall baeecsianisde meaner. 13. '.Vhe-erer ty death, mi". nation cr rem val cr ctaerwi-?l? ci-? cf :ri: rerio.ter.dc-t -hill be":a vacant, the r: have p o t rr-l ei ccouiT vaiii teyoi trire suceeieni eie: t : cc ocr. ' T tie-; cf a t .rs of thz SlU cf Stra. '-ij Governor, Auditor, and i :re,.;r Stata shall coustitu'.a a I card tf cc;::: sicners, who shall seme d.uT r?rt-?r t? 1st day cf July, A. I). 5b appoint a State Surerinteu lie Instruction, who shall hv-ld his c'S.ci until the 1st day cf Februory, A. D. 1S71, cr until his ucc?sscr is cn!, .ed, and thereafter the s.iiJ cf.ice sh iU X for tha term cf four years from the Id udy cf February in every altercate eld num bered veor and shall be filled by ac- pointmeatty said board ers. . Sec. 2. Said Superintendent rh-U. before entering upon the discharge' tf hi 3 dutifcs, giva a bond for tha use cf tha State cf Nebraska, ia tha ponal sum cf five thousand dollars,with su tacit: nl sure tie, to be"approved by thj becrettry cf Stata, conditioned fcr tha faithful and impartial d cuaes cr lis c:.i;3, rui such ether duties concerning K1 structica as may ba imposed upon h;:r, by law ; and be shall, at the tima cf giv- Ling such bond, taka and sub.crt--a to an cath cr'afiirmatioa to tha e fleet that ha will support the Constitution cf th c Uni ted States, and cf tha'Sdt'a uf N'cbr:sV and faithfully ar,d"imparii il!y p?rfc.:Ti tha duties required cf him ly law M tha best cf his ability ; which cath' shall la endorsed upon Li3 claciil tend, sr.l therewiih held ia the cfiioa cf tha sec retary of State. m Sec. 3. The Superintendent cf Tub. die Instruction shalbueepaa ctl:;e. which 'shall be furnished for him, at tha seat of gqver&ment of the State, at which ha shall give daily attendance when not ah- sent upoa pubii I Keep ail tna. cooks anu papors pei'to.uicg to his office therein, sutject at all thuVi to tbo examine t;ca cf the Governor cr Auditor' of 'Si'ite, cr a cci-unittee from either branch cf tha Legislative uoi.-w-biy. """" Sec. 4. Tha duties of tha said Super intendent of Publio Instruction shall tb as follows: ' 1st. Ha shall meet the county super intendents in Stata Cunventioa at leoct ence ia each year, giving dua netica 'If j'th'e time and place cf such meetir-cr, t compare views, discuss prcncip'e?, Iistea to communications and suggestion?, and to discus3, if need be, question! re'ouuvu to compensation and qualification cf teach ers, branches of study,, methods cf in struction, -formation cf libraries, valua cf text books, and generally to consider all matters connected with tha common, school system. 2d. II? shall visit such sc::c;'3 as ha have it ia his power to do, a;ld" witness and a'dvhe with tha teachers thereof, upon taa same manner ia which they ara conducted. 3d. Ha shall visit county teachers' in stitutes, 'and deliver before them lec tures upon topics calculated to subserve the interest! of popular evocation. 4th. Ha shall, whea tha funds pro vided by law fcr tha purpoca will admit purchase libraries and apparatus, ami distribute the sam'a amongst the- school according to the grade therecf, and iha enumeration of youth in tha districts. vth. He shall defina tha text bocks to be csed ia tha several schouli in thb State ; lists cf which shall tc" furnish?;! to the county 'superintendents, and by them transmiited'tj tha several boards rjf district diieetcrs witnia their juriidio lion. " ' , ' ' - 6;h. He shall prescriba forms fo? making all reports, and regulations j o all proceedings,under tha general scilocl law3 cf the State. Jth. He shall causa to ba printed in pa'mphlct'lhe scbcoI'.lirsVand la-.i rela ting to school lands, with the blank forma prescribed by him; and 'furnish each couniy Euperimen-en; wita suiacient number to supply tha di-tri:: c .eers a.13 jurisdiotior:. Sihv He sfiall annually, cn tha 1st day cf January, submit to tha Governor cf tha State, z. full report cf tha cperi tior.3 cf his cilice during tha year, which report snail ccntaia a statement th-3 i"j"-"i w4 at.;-jui iar.us LClon"Jr'T to the State, tha number tf acres atui red during tha year, the Lumbar cfecrss sold, leased, and remair.i:, lt.c!J t cf tha ccmlkLu c: rl:a c-- i- men schocls, and ed-. caticnal lu stiiutions chartered cr festered by th: State, embracing the number cf school lls 5 ciihe several rrau? zzi compensation cf tes if I ' ; - , - - ., . . y. . and compensation cf coc ents, tha n cf 'putiU' attend:;) t j 3 c id iTi r 3 i ?; 13 c t, tha several s; youth by counties, tha nveroga ."aiiy ai tendanccr cf ruciis bv ri --:-i. il- ;' th? ofsohcel i . 1. e : . and plir.3 a.5 l.a ray fc?. 1 . conditiau of the sohrol funds of the State, and an account cl the receipts and expen ditures for tha purpcs?3 cf schools a