Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 06, 1867, Image 3

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    1 '
5 ! ' 4J5,.7
vv t serutirc. Replevies,
itTnl""n"'aw"v '
S. WILLIAMS, viols tbeaatb.-.T-AltotlnSt.
Loms fr tUiPlfr. attend to
..,-..i- rrrrhisfl la th&t C.ty. CfCt
-7 C S.teU, V. T. rcr. t5.
The Ladies of the M. Church will
rjre a Festival this, Friday, evesinj at
jie Star Hotel. Ho pains lave teen
Ured to male this cne cf the plectant
!s ectertaiuments, and a genera attend
ance is expected. Turn cut all, and en
joy this social gathering.
Sec Js Berry's r.sw advertisement.
CJ Buckwheat for fale at
five Holladay & Co. e chance to tell
TOaiteir prices!
Full stock of all kiaia School Sta
tionery, at
II. C. Lett, IvJ Ageruand Auc
tiottccr. A choice Fruit Tarm for "fc. Ea
;qc:re or
Jbis section received a splendid shower
last Friday and Saturday.
Recced Hrices are ihe rul at
' R. TEA RE a CO'S.
I peloulet or' Trince Organ fcr sale
t this office on terms.
67 bolts of selected Prints of the b.'st
Go to liXdn- & Co'fi for cheap Drugs
end Medicmea.
Episcopal Service at Mcpherson's
Hall every Sunday .evening until further
art constantly making additions cf Xtic
Booh io their Circulating Library.
HICCS. Cash paid for Hides by
Tens, Ink, Pencils, Taper, and in fact
11 that is necessary for education irom
a b c class to College fcr sale at
' A full assortment of the School Books
ued in ihe Brownvil'e Hih School for
wle low at ' McCREERY'S.
500 John Deree's Celebrated Moline
riowa. THEO. HILL & CQ.
Attention, Farmers I The highest
.irarLet price paid for Wheat,.Ccrn, Oats,
Barley, Wool and Bacon, by
,Go to Holladay k-Co's for your cheap
Paints and Oils ihey are determined to
Snail & CO, at the Red Store are
.difplaying and selling low as shoice p. lot
.cf Groceries as is found in the market.
A magnificent stock cf Goods at prices
.within the reach of all at
Fresh ;Drugs just received per Kate
Kinney at
To Represenntives Daily and Hay.
.wood are we indepted for several impor
tint bills, received top. kte fcr publication
this week.
tddi,?atch,by GEO. TURNER,
AnnU tit tt , .
"ijj at mrs. iiweu s iiiineriacp.
Ice I Keep Cool I Stevenson is cow
ready to deliver Ice to any part cf the
city. Orders left at Warthing'aaJocn
.receive .prompt attention.
Drs.Crane .Howard win prac
tneMed;cioe p Brownvile and country.
OSce cor. Main And 2d.Sts., Brownville
House, up eta-rs. ' " tf
Swan i lro. hVve considerably en
larged their store room ,and are constant
'ly receiving new goods to supply the in--fcaslnj
demand made upon theu.
" -
ClOSS starch, the greatest and
.cheapest and only labor saving discovery
a ironing fine linens fcr sale at Marsh
20.C00 Bucls.Ccrn.Manttd,
.iO.OOO Bushels Wheat warned,
.10,000 Bashela Oats wanted,
Linseed Oil, Lard Oil, Casicr.Oil,
Jweet OU, Lubricating Oil, Fish Oil,
Nests.Foct.O;!, CcabOil andll other
Mit. aorta :and sjylcs cf Oils' fcr sale
.Reaper than any at
ICpBj-Rca EcCstCSaUcsa
' . Fa'l& Co., is certainly the finest
tctiLe kind ia the chy, likewise
'r -Furniture. -Head their ad. into
dy'" (pspcr, then drop in and leck a
J. L.
a large r.r. I r. I',:
scrtrr.c-:: cf Dress!
Gods, Gr;-cr-r.:s, I. ;.cis cr.i She:?, liars
and! C;. He rJ re re, etc.,
great!' reduce! price 3 will 1 3
the aiu way.
Charley y-ILtiher" Lis retrieved Ljis
I.Ieat Market li J&mht ;:.. all's now
tcrc cn rr-ia street. He i? L-"v fitd
up i;: elf.
13 cr.:l the neat he ;!! n
13 city style. Give Li.; a
C3ii iti :::3i;;w
. 1 !
See the cdvertisemertt cf ,,Farn,cnd
44EuIl" fcr sale ia anciatr c:!:r;ui. Here
is a c!;ar.ce to teco:r.e pc?.ed cf as
fine a Farm as thera is in Nebraska and
fine stock to rai3 c n ii.
Lai7 the Card cf Chester
F. IN' ye, in lo-day's rapcr. Ir Kye is
from St. Allln?, Vi.. where he has been
a successful fcr several years,
and ha now ccncluJtd to locate in the
thnyirg ci'.y aaJ county cf Pawnee. We
wish him success.
IlCrrlca April S.h,tyR. A. Stew-
art, J. P., at the residence c! John Jlanca,
Sherman, Nemaha oranty. Iieb., Robert
O. Hanna and Marj E. Tidwell.
By the same, May 21st, at the same
rlace, Andrew J. Hanna and Lcncda S.
By the same at the same tinvj and place
.Samuel R. Grice and Rosalie E. Shra
der. All cf Sherman, Nemaha county.
RSCkTTllCat.--We are pleased to note
the enterprise of Mepsrs. Worthing &.
Wilcox in making arrangemtnta to sup
ply our farmers wiih seed Buckwheat.
Wherever the grasshoppers destroy the
crops this may b3 profitably planted. -r-
They have some novv on the way, ami
have made arrangements to supply tho
demand, notwithstanding the scarcity of
this kind of wheat in the eastern market.
All orders promptly filled before seeding
SafC Capt. Jno- L. Cajsgo has just
amoved, and i? now placing in position
in his EanL'rig House on Main street,
the large Iron Vault formerly used by
the Nemaha Valley Bank. Encased in
eighteen inches of .brick with a four inch
air .chamber all around .it, it y.ill be as
safe a place to guard valuables against
fire as can be irnf gined. and-the Burglar
Proof Safe inside cf it is of a character
sufficient strong and .mtrjeale .to defy or
dinary "villains. His general facilities
for the Banking business are equal .tocuoy
in Nebraska. '
TfcC KCT7 LIverj Stable of Ben.
Rogers & Co., on Main street between
2d and 3d, is so far completed as to en
able a removal cf a portion of their
stock into it. This is undoubtedly one
cf .the finest stables in the west, cr will
bo when completed. -It will have con
nected with it a stockyard running clean
through frcra Main to .W&ter streets,
with live water running through it, good
shade trees for summer and sheds for
winter jprotection.
Their stud cf horses is superb and
they have carriages to suit all.
Pem. We are pleased to learn that
Peru is flourishing and will apply lot
and receive & Xity Xharur fro'm the
pxesept session of the Legislature. This
is a. necessity to the increasing business
and population. They design immedi
ately upon organization to grade some
of the principal streets and otherwise
improvement rally.
We learn that. at lesst 100,000 bushels
cf corn have been shipped from, that
pcint during the present season.
We learn alio that the citizens of (Peru
held a .meeting pi the 30th to raise funds
grade a wagon read around the bluffs to
! i t l i-,:.. r.J .1L1..... .t- L.
f ift .tmpasaaUe ounng the , rainy
&zzson. A suQcient sura .to start the
work was subscribed at the meeting.
.S2ri0'J3 Accident.-'We have this
week to recotd a serious and painful ac
cident to R. J. Whitney, cf this City.
LastSaturday evening,. while going, to
his home, on Mam street, took shortcut
around the lot just excavated by Mr.
Blake cn the , corner, cf Main atd 2d
and, whea near the highest point of the
embankment, stepped ever, falling about
fc;:rten feet, t,poa a kind cf second
b?nch, stricking upon some large rocks,
breaking the thigh bone cf ih-e'-.Jeft leg
&d lacerating. the .right leg bdasv the
knee raking tt.3 lesh eff and laying the
bone bare. Frcm this he fell cfTinto the
bottom cf the eicavaticn, a distance cf
abcuJ five feet, stricking. upon bis hpad.
Thi3 last fall did no other irjury than to
bruise his head, if it did not injure .the
.The most serious irjury .is the jcom
pound fracture cf the thigh. .He was
doing well at last ccccurr.s, wjth strong
hopes of his recovery.
Under care cf Drs. Holladay .end
5 to wan, he will receive the best attention
that medical and surgical science dir'.atcs.
The merchants .ever7 where who fell
D. B. D3 Land Li Co.'s Best Chemical
Saleratus say that
z'tYis VC'1 t'-niveri
at no article ever scld
il satisfaction ta'cus-
terat. They like to have customers
rieasccsp.c;al.y the lace?. They
know it is tho Housewives' -Favorite"
tbat ther.ical 8l.rtus. it a b.ttur thsri
Soda.' .'
frit I:-3 convinces th: C;3'
D-c---, C 72 h Jr.t th-2 th'.-.T f:r eev
e , . ...
:vj lo try Ldf a dczen lor.I; the
co-,; w.u stop u;:tr?:3 ausr caurj it. tea
It h 1 Iccrant to a really
nritcricu3.rtic!?,- hence we thes
suiTerinj from Dyrpepia, Kerrousness
cr Debility, to try Dr. Strickland's Tense
Dr. E. 1.1. Sams ordered 1 worth for J
D. Hays, Decatur, Ala. T. Hart, New
Tcrh City, says "it cured me ; where
cao I get it fcr my friends ?" Thus they
write from all quarters. 3-3-4t
Aruo Chilb, cr Internment Fever
Cured, cr the money refunded. Dr
Wilt's Ague Pills are entirely a new
medicine, ani Lavinqr been tried in ever
12C0 of tha very worst and obstinate
ca?cs cf Chilis and Fever, ?rj nc failed
even one cas3 to effect a speedy
cure, the proprietor guarantees them to
cure every car?, even after nil otner
medicines fa;!. Those sufiering should
immediately gue them n trial. . They
are warranted to cure, h or sale by Drug
gists, cr gent by miil ca receipt of price,
SI. Address Da. Witt, Box 611, Cin
cbnatti, Ohio. 26 ly
Lloro Clipper Plows ! ! !
Shellenberger Bro's. are now receiv
ing xhe most complete and best selected
Stock cf Hardware ever brought, to this
City. "
Their experience ia the business and
the fact that their stock was bpught way
dows-East, for cash by cne-of the firm
in person is enough to ensure cheap pri
ces here. .
Builders, Mechanics, Farmers, New-
Comers and Everybody in want of goods
in their lire will be sure to fin ! goods cf
a superior .quality at the very lops,t fig
on o,
ures. oJ .t
roceeIiigs of IlieX'itJ jCcancII,
Mayob's Oftice, Brownville,
Monday, June 3d, 1S37. -Present,
Mayor' Church, and aldermen
McPherson, Morrison, Stewart, Hacker,
and Wheeler, B. B. 'Rogers, Marshal,
T. R. Fisher, City' Engineer, and W.
H. McCreery, Clerk. . N. Reynolds,
Citv Attorney,
Minits cf previous mepimg reaa ana'
approved. -
Contract cf J. U. Ueuser ana jacco
Marcdm of the first part and City of
Brownville, of iheseccnd jrart, read and
laid ca the table to be taken up at any
Stanton, Perkins & Co., presented a
.petition with the requisite number of
tames, asking a license to sell liquors.
J. S. Church, Mayor, presenten a bill
for amount paid by him for Band and
Order Book of fifty six dollars and fifty
cents, Clerk ordered to draw an order
for same in favor of Messrs. Mills & Co.
T. R. Fisher, presented a bill for
establishing graces, assistants Sec as per
bill oa file, for One hundred and fourteen
dollars 'and sixty .cents. Cleik ordered
to ciraw an orGer rorsame.
Ordered that the Clerk draw ah or-
'ler cn Trcasurery in favor of Geo. W.
Hill & Co., for $18, for publishing Or
dinances three weeks.
Ordered that the Cl'k draw an order
on the Treasury in favor of Jos. Baker
for the sum cf .S5, for repairing City
Pump. ' ?
Ordered that an order b,3 drawn in, fa
vor cf V; S.'M'Gawen for 200, part
payment on contract for grading- Main
Ordered that Clerk draw an order on
Treasury in favor cf Josh Roger for
2,50, for work on streets.
" Ordered that Clerk draw an order on
Treasury, in favor of J: II. Horrison.for;
S10 for. assessing City. Ccntraci made'
by.Council of JSGp. '
. Mayor appointed a Ccmmitty of ftur.
T. R. Fisher , Engineer, Dr. Stewart,
T. C. Hacker, C. W. Wheelerto exam
ine bridge on 2nd street '.between Main
and Water', end report at' bext rpeming.
Mayor authorized to contract wjih
Maryon F. Boyd for grading 'pa Main
street between Sth and 9ih at his bid of
23 3-4. cents per cubic .yard cut and fill,
also, "at his bids on 3d and 4ili streets at
30 cents, also, on 2nd street. ..
Mayor entered into contract "'with
Messrs. tW-:F. Wilson, AL M. Stewart
and Thoa. J. McKenzie for 'grading 'on
Atlantic street as per agreement on,fde
Council. adjourned to meed June ;5ih,
at S o'clock.' "
June.Cth 1SG7.
' TulhCcuncjh
Minits cf previous meeting read and
On motion the bid cf SayleSc Holscher
was accepted for grading ia the City of
Erownviile und ;r the direction cf the
City Engineer ai the Mayor shall order
at the rate cf thirty cents per cubic yard
of cut and fill
On tiiotlcn the petition cf .Messrs.
Breigel Sc'Sbriaer for & license' 'for six
months to cell Malt Liqucrja tho City
cf Brownville.- by the keg or barrel was
taken tip and lioense graued.
,Oa motion the Marshall was author
ized to takeout the pump nd pyhipjegs
from the city well, and dispose of bame
to the highest bidder,' end" .to purchase
and place ia said well two 'Iron -bound
buckets," in a permanent manner fcr the
-beneSt cf the public. ' ' "
On notion the Mayer was aushorized
to contract with M'Govraa & Robinson
for cutting al .filling .fifteen hundred
yarcts cf dirtca Second sjreet ati'O cents
per cubio yard, wark to bo dene under
'direction cf. City XcgUe-jr.
Oa motica the '.Lvyor was authnrized
to contract ' fcr cuttiug fifteen hncdred
yards cf dirtend fJTing'cn 2Iaa" street
near I0;h street at 2-0 cents p?r yard.
The ccmmittiO crrciste-J to crcertain
rhat wa3 ncceei:ry lobe cone to cullert
crs Cad street, '.reported tLr.t at present
tl.t r.t present
there nzcis t3 1 3 a te
ur.dor ih? cr.e sire: 'y thrr?.
G; rr.:ti:ri the r.nycr cr.i J. II. Mcr
liccn v.-as fp: da c:r:::n::t:3 ,t?s-
. ... r - . - :.l -...Tt- - i r ' - r . - -.-
they think, best to drair. water frcrr; above i
'On motion ancrdcrca tl.3 Bcnd-funl ! t
was granted Wllbn i.Co., fcr-grciLjj -dene
ca Atlantis street as per ccntract. :
Oa rnotica Council ad" vuned cao week, f
W. II.M'Cbeery, Cl'k.
TIlC Lr.;'j"S FrlCirJ Th? June nura
ber cf thi3 popular Ma;-tr:..5 ii before
us. A charming dcmiitio sceaa c.-lled
"Horns -.Trcas-erec," is the suhj-ct
v i.
fine steel rlat3 in front. The
Colored Fahicns present a greep cf
brilliant and graceful figures, attired ia
the latest mode. A.ner.g the nnmerc-.s
woodcuts are a handsome bridal dr--s?,
travelling end visiting' toilettes, new
paletots rnd bonnets, illustrations of
Vax Flower Work, Sec The literary
motter is choice. "How a Women -Had
Her Way," continues Vvonderfully" en
tertaining. "That Blessed Baby," u full
cf truth and humor. Miss Douglass con
cludes her excellent story, "No Longer
Young," and there are poems by Eliza
Sproet Turner, and Mrs. M.' F. Tucker.
The Music, furnished for each number
by Lee c Walker, is aloni Wonh'the
subscription price. A beautiful steel En
graving, called "One cf; Life's Happy
Hours," will be sem gratis to every
ingle (S2 50) subscriber, and to every
persca' sending a club. Specimen num
ber containing the partculars of the
premium ciTers and the reduced prices
to clubs, will be sent on the twenty cehts
Price (wiih engraving) 2 50 a year;
Four copies (with one engraving) G.OO
One copy cf Lady's Friend and one of
Saturday Evening Post (and one engrav
ign) S4.00. Address Deacon Sc peterson,
319 Walnut Street. Philadelphia.
tM hit- ii M
5 rn
L'O i J
bdS' .
r n A(r -
5 a n
1 j
ALS043 -
Qtoneware, Ea;
Ca.ktt?, Wa?tbfarJ, Lar feres Ao. at
Lj LOUIS than any other Private Dieage I'by
s;ciaD. is a regn'sr giadnare of medicine, cures
tfyj'liiti iaaliiis foria,CJonorThoea,Gleet, Strict
ore, Orch:r.i?, Diiibete, Dladier and Urinary
disoscj, SyphLIill- aC-icticaa of tbe threat, skia
cr bones.
Thousands suu-jrlncsrlf-abuse, exce.??es, ex
pcSGres and ir Ji.-creiions ia youth and raa-tn.-tr
y r?, prtducin r-a:a cf tho faliowic;;
e-ftfct : lilotuiie, bodily weakness, unnuanUnciS,
to eociety.indl -e.tion, constipation, drea J offti--ture
tvent", Ii.m of uiociory, &id.i;a!!j ia?po
tenry, bavia gbecn cured.
llo can refe to mary old rtaidestsfor paji
access and pre-tct position, alio cucy phTj
iciaashcre ani ci:whero.
Occupying a v bole ho J.'o of twelve roocs.iih
ccor-etcuS aat-.caai pbysiciaas;': thof rejui
ricg'iiii! persuiia! attention may reaiaia in the
establish bent.
Medicine SJnt everywhere by -nail cr expre?.
liis Theory an I Exposition of Diseases, clearly
dilineilin g 'air. the diseases ccfllitios, ;vgy be
hadia eab:J letter eDre!ope ford cents.- I-d:e
Circular, cmbiacir ajl chronic d'.sjiics,3 c-nts.
Addro.-s St. Louis. '
A frk-adly talk cc-Ms Bntbir : cbarrpi nod
erata'; cures gBaraEted. C17 ijtrtlharlej
street, cn r-uire Houth ol tba LivU;I U.ui.
Feb. 15 ly -
TIONS, cf hoih seies, e IIcltabcld'3 Lxtrafi L?u-
cjo. It will Slxo asdcaerS.t!J feeliEs,aQi
I J V- J I Ci J
Q r. a "
ti 1 ' . a
.oral AL
y c h . .v., .5 hi j3
is Ui
w ri 1 ' 2 -
S3 w ft 1
C i.-
2:3 St.r:k .trcet. Chi: .
- I,; ilarkct p".rect,bt. Lccti.
-01. Ti I CT OilY TC2 GE.NX IXi:.';
sroTici: of attach:::.
Viorein I h;ve iei ray' :"2.1aH aa-i a
su :'.,-! cut ar.d an sttac3anient before Ceor:e "t1..
1)3 1( r Kx-cr,c;o Jcstlce of tbe jea-s ia ai A f r
J '3ir-.n County, Neb rasla, returHalla t.nj, tba
l'.h 1337, you c-t beirj fount ia th Courrv.
I LorcVj r..-"ify yca.faii Cbrks Liby I?f; jdict
that ;f t l'a npr'r bcf:ra Geo'. TT. Ilon.r,
aS J. '3 C-..--3 ia 'I'ccauil-.l:, JoLniba Ccl!?, Staa
Qa'ths Cth day of July, A. D. 1SC7, at
cr.3 oV.o. k p. m. j c tjn-ut will b rcr.lcr" 1 iMb -i
you for the jam of Uaeea !olt-ri aal :ij t-rc
Ovlts di!iia3 ani co?t.
31.1?, Us ISih l;o7.
e. c. TLionrsoy.
Dissolution of Copartnership.
Notice is hereby gi7en to all whom it roaj con
cern, that tho Ct-artDT.hip heretr.ura erc'itic
udJ jr tii a sty'.a of Crif & Krismaa haj tb: d?
been dissolve! by mutual consent. Tboso in lebtcd
tc the f'ta are hereby reqaofle.i ta citland aottiu
their 2:-ount3 iiinic iiateiy tti wa waitt to c'osa tbe
I. . Is
! :;a 2 hi ll7 J. Cr.tFF.
- J. F.rJSjlAN",
Erirnm ill carry on tbe business "at t'ao o!J
eitn&. Whe;.6 witl bo pieasos to jeensruodata LU
c!J euptomers and many new onc3 wiiba tba best
met tbat can be found ia tba country.
Rosa Wash ceres sw;et aad J.elicata iiioTlt.r- ia all
their stages, at littla expense, littla or do cbange
in diet, Inconvenience ani co exposure. It is
pleasant in tssto aDd o?;)r, Immediate in its action,
and free froni all injurtous jjrJrfcrtie.'.' '
Beans, HotniDy, Meal, ?7utatoe.. Fioar A jr.! 39 dc
pleafant in taste and odor, free from all injurious
proprieties, and iiamejiate it its action.
t . .
li ' - S ' J ' --f '
Awarded th eji'jbpst F'remicm at tho Exhibitioo
. cf the ;St. Louis aud
Mechanical fair, 1353.
Tho World's Fair, London,
Frcnclt Espositioa, Paria
VTarraidcd for iJires years.
' ' Fr.Oii raz bcizstxtic AiiEr.icax.
We nsV the 'tv'HLELE ' A WILSON, acd pro
nococe it without a rival. " '
lJScnd for, Circular
415 INT 5TH ST.
st. jloixs - uiissorm.
,yXhe Undersigned haying beou restored to
tlealth in a few weeks, by a verj simple rerr.edy, af
ter having suffered several years with a severe lung
affection", did that dreaj disease, Cousumption is
anxious to make known to his' fcilew-suffcrers the
means of cure. .'"'
To all who desire it, he will send a copy cT tho pre
scription u-:ed (free of charge,) with tbe directions
for preparing and using the ?anao, which they will
MA, BRONCHITIS, ke. The only object of the
idrer'istr ia sending tho Prescription is to benefit
Iho aDicted, And Spread inforfhaflon which, he con
jeiyes to be invalhable, and he hopes Wrery sufferer
frill try bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, inJ
nay prove a blcsinj. '
Parties wishing the prescription will t.leaseadJres
3 4-Iy Williamsburg, Kings Co., Now York.
. A jrentlcraan who suffered for years from Nerv
ous Debility, Prematuro pocay.aud il the elects
of youthful indiscretion ,':.! 5, fJr; the stkfj of suf
fering bnir.anity, send free to alt wbo'nood it, the
receipt and directions' for making thosiiu lo retu
cdy by whi.-h be wa3 curc'J. Sujerers wishing'tu
profit by the advertiser's experieace, can du ao by
addressing, ia perfect conlidr nee,
3t!jP 42 Cedsr Street, Ne.r York
Keliable and enerotij persons, male or female,
are Tvar.ted to solicit subscriptions fyr oar Erj;ra
ving3,acd to such wo cfiur v.iy liberal cash 'ioda
cements ; also to ba ' used if) canvassing, toother
with ail necessary pap-rs, 7i'l it furu.bed oa cp
"clicatios.' " AiHress.witfci rfTtrei!"?."'
10-?ms 2 Pine street, NeTf.York.
Free to Everybody.
A Large 8 pp. Circular, giving information' of ttn
greatest lipj to tbe cf both r ekes.
It teaclei how tbe.bomely mayliecutno butifuf,tb
f?;pcl restcted, and 4b e foTtaten loved.
Xo yourgjady or f ent'.enan f b aid lail to nd tie U
address, and receive copy pt jaid, by retnm mall.
" Address P. O. Drawer, 21,
fcbOfiy ' -oy, X. T.
Lyon's Periodical Drop
1bese Dros lire a scienfir.cany c-mrr unded i:!J
t reparatiun, and tetter rau my .Pilfs Fowdsr'a, or
Kc?trusis. Bei;g Jlr.nld, their action .fs lect and
positive, rcnderln? tbeia a reiiabie, fper ly and cer
tain svcciHc f iir the cure of all obs'.-uc'-iT-ns a:.d atsp.
prersians cf nature. Their" posalariry is iadiiated by
tba fact that pver 100 IO b-tils rrs smually sold
and eonf mw ty the laiJiw cf ifte-lni'etl ttates, eve
ry one of whom apeat in toe etr jejest tera;s cf praine
of their rrtat rr:Tit. Thy are rapiiiy taiias the
f?aiecf every cttisr. clnala JtemeUy, and are cocjjj.
ered by ai! who know auiht or them, as tb sorest, -feat,
and most infalilable preparation in tbe world,
tor lbs enre of ail female cmip'.aiau, tht removal of
all cbs'rv.t'ti'.nscf nature, and tte promotion of teal-h
recrv.larity aa I Hrer.pth. Explicit Uecuons stating
wbca th?y bnel, afcd ex: nluff nljen and why
tbey shonld net, isor uld not tersd -aUhout rroda
cjn? ef.Y'CU contrary to natare-? ct-ca SaafS, wtrl b4
found carefully folded arour.4 eahboit!o. with
I Tvrlttcn tirniture ol JOH.1 L. LVCS, without wtl;,
ncne sre ccr,n;n8
Pre; a'eJ by Cr. JOII2C L. LTOK. H5 rh Str I
Uew lisrea. Conn., whoeante coTisults-J-e'iher Vr-
i! - a-tw I tf T"1 ,t ao. I .r-.,t.- a - . I
. ..... -..i f
j.i iv: e
per t -.'t
- -c.Ssa. nics i,ae
- .ol: by TTB?sIsts everywber
' ' ' C. (i.CL.VRS it CO.,
Gw'l -:e;;ts for U: S. and ( nsJa
i-Li.a,iixca Fuitra, Ch!caa. J Aseat
. - i - - 1-
ij 4lv t'.ituij I ' C--:
cf :'.-..ib Cc :t : ,: .'.. i.'"
' i j Jut; j I!;'. I. .'7, r ' "i (' ' :s J. r-. , s.i . t'
:'!:: f rt - .'. ; I .:
' x . . ; t. ; . 1 r -: r.
r' ! a t; -'- - : i r :.' i ;-" " .
a. i ...v.:. .;: ',
j.: ..; : r : r. :t ;
. : i . . ..... t .... 1
D. U. C. : ' '.
SrEYEInOir ii CHO-ii rrcrr;--.:is,
IhU Ii.:ai-j is coavenient ti tl. Ste.-.:?? T. at
La.ilinj-,ani tba bu.icciS part cf Town. Ti-a bs?
s?-rr Ti ..1 --s ia tbe Cl.'y. N j will t-J
s;.lTPd ia m.i Is '-;j ;;-':. 5 U c i. for .
do: 1 iiaci: an- Cc
:izi ccver::;
to the Ho
wonderful but True.
A S-
trotoist aal S.wnambuUstic Ci iirvarr, while ia 4
clalrvoy st stta, c'elineitw te v.:-ry mature c' tbe
rnentc? iateau pcrsr, Xavn s tlJ Phichoaiotrv;?
feu.irsr.; to j r, ! : a a perfect sa r li:-j-i;? pictura
of U.s utt:r3 bc.-tar.d cr wile cf tbe a; paean i, wita
(Jiia of r.arri. '.f.?, occnpitios, leal;; trit cf cl;arac-
i tcr, is, i;o i:r j..,Uka, a,' if-'lzi--- 1' with.
'.:t -n,J.-er a?.-.ri. Fjs!a.:i:! p laca tsr'h, ;i j
ii?:,xiit. ca, c:!;r tf eyes aM tair, jm.i eaclsi:)3 f-fty
c?ats, a il st't::;ei cavetope aIJre-''ei ta yourse'.f.'yaa
will receive the p.ctare ly retnm mail, t ge'.her vrtta
Uesirei ia-.raatiun. ' ' :' " '
5i3"Ah:rej In cocVlcv.ce, J;da:z& CsaTacDE
Eemikstos, p. o..Box 297,vrert'rrjy;;'yt t -j 20 ij
Oh ! she was beautiful and fair.
With sUrry eyes, and radiant hair,
TTuote curling tendrils soft, entwtnod,
Encbaited the very heart aui min-1.
For Curling the Hair cf cither Sex :nlo
"Wavy and Glossy Ilirglots cr '
Heavy Jlaasive Curls'
By using this article ta.tii and GentU;uea caa hcaa
tiry thf niselves thousanil fold. It is the ai ti
c:o ia the wcrid that will c-l utraight hair, an i at
the same time give a tejcfif'il, K'-fsy a;?--rnv.-e.
The Crisppr Coaia not only curls tl hair', hut in vibr
ate'. t?iUti:!es aal it ; la i.ihiy i'i;uvt
fuliy lerfumed. ani is the nwt c-.-nv, U'te artlc'.s j'
the kii.1 ever offered to the America pv.hUc Tba Oris
per C'.iina will is sent tj uy ah!ress, sealed and pest
paid fcr $1 Add'e! ail orders to
W. L. CnHS CO., Cf.c:LU,
fib 20 ! Ho 3 West Fayette StreoSyracn a .1
A i.imle cf Pr.f. B ulb's Cur'i -'U9 will be ?o ri
free t.) any address. The Citrli-;u4 will curl the
traihte'it hair on the fi -st rfpp'ii.atiort without in
jury in soft, luiariastjbaautiiV. curls.
A.lre.-s, with stamp, Frof II. UJiGBU
. i'th' 113-6ui . ' Fakslm in', Cmo.
Is a certain cure for diseases tf tha
Ehidder Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsey, Orm:o
Vi'ealness Female Comblaints, Gcceral DeL.iity,
And til dis3.t.cj cf tho
whether Cii.tiaj ia
from whatever eause origin.itin.r en, 1 n nuttor '.f
Discasos of these organs reuiro tho ude cfa
dlar'itic. - ' -
If no treatuient is submitted to Consumption or
Inraclty may ensue. 'Our Ffesh and ihA tro
supposed thc.o sour3.,tr.d l;e'
iliiALlil i,"D UAt't 'INTS?,
and ' '
that ofl?ostsrity. dep er.yi uJon j rottjt use cf a re
liablo reriedv. '
EstaVii.hji vpwards cf prcliir-:d
' ii. t. nn,:;cLO.
631 Hroadway, Now York, aci '
1C South lJr.hStr.'ot, Philadelphia, Pa.
Cr A Young Lady ret ur-
nini to her country heme, after a K;oa.-a of a !z-f
months in the City, was hard:y rcy galled by ' her
friLds. Ia place of a coire, .lushed face, tho bad a
soft ruby corcplesbn of almost nartle smoothness and
Instead if twnty-thrce ibe really 'appeared but eigh
teen, .Upon tniiniry as to the cause of so great a change
she plainly told them that she used the' CIHCA3
SIAIP BAIiU, and considered 1! a. i invaluably ac
qoitition to ar.y Lady's toliet. Ev Iti use any Lady or
Gentleman cn improve their personal appearance an
bnne'erd fold. It ia simple la' its combination, tn
tnre hersolf is inr;p!e, yetansurpa.d In its cacy:
in rawing luipnrifica from, also ' healing a'nd beanti
fying the akin and complexion. Iiy iff direct action ou
the cnt'iels It d'ra-ws fron it s'.l it3 impuriti?., kli.4.y'
healing the fame, a-if leaving the surface as irtfnre
intended It should bo, clear, scft, snDcth ani fceahtlfa'.:
Price $t. sent by ilail or Eiprel, on "rVettp't cf'tn or
der ty ' ' W. L CLARK." 5t CO., Chemists, ' 1
f eb 23 ly Na. 3 West Fayatte St., Syracuse, v. y.
The only American Agents for the sale of the same.
FCHC&D to grow upon tbe smoothest, far In fron
rhre? t flee weeks by UKins: rr. SKVUiNE'S CA.
PILLAJKK, the mott wondcrf Jl U'.iicuveiy ja 'modcra
eieuce. actio; ttpn ro Bafd sr.d ITir til an almo.t
miraculoos mannoi. 'It baa bean ne.t Uf iba c'i'acf
Paris and Londun wita the mrst- Cttcriiu- n.cccj.
f ui (bikers will fe rf-eltcrel, and if enr
tire satiffaction 1 n.. given in every instance tiie mon
ey w m he cberfulfy refunded. Trice f.y miU, scaled
and po.-tpaid, $1. Iecriptire clrctilar i. 1 te-timo-nia!4
mat l 1 fr-. Address ESiKiZ'A Slll'i IS 4t CO.,
Xo. 2-j5 P.iver 6'trret. Tr:y. Ne w Tort. H..i a?cat bt
the 'Jr.ifed Staie. FeO 2l t7 ly
, . , f . i i . i 1 1
J?reh Tcrcatoej, ia to asl thrci p nnl can.j,at
Know Thy Destiny.
3Taxame E. F. T:iOESTO.!f, tic crest SnslItS as
tro'.ogt, Clairvoyant and P?r:ttni?tr:ci-Va, wh-j "has
atti nisLed the Kientsflc clause cf the 0. i Mr!d,ha
now located h?rself at nu-iioa, I,'. rl Ji.dime Th j ra
te n jjosress uch wornierf a! f owira of etci.i.d .si,.'t, ai
to enable her to ia;-art r.owIed-9 of tbe sreale-i i:a
portance to th siug'.e or married of cither tex. TVhi'a
la a atate of trane. kbo Jelincitei tj ,c.-y fsuwures
or Jhe perron y-ra are tv tiurry; ai t: by t o all cf o
In.irtiment of intense power, known aa the IVythoni
otr'ipu, guarantees ta produce a life-'.iie pioiure of the
fa:ire hnsand or a-Ke cf t':? a;pl;:ant, L'cec with
date of marri.i'ie, p-jgo:? a lie, leading traits ef
cn-,racterKfcc. T5U.U nohi'j.tsi,-, a thnsands of
tes'.imoiiials cm astert. ' S-a i ,i t e l 'whea desired
a c-ti'ed cer!i?. r.'e.. or rit! .n gsirao'ro ti--t the
picture is wh'xtti puryorti to br. ?r mil;
loc tof hair, at.d aiatirg place i birth, ase, s..psitiaa
and compiexi jU, and t n..-i'i.,in Cfty and -ajp3
e.lvell.;eal.irreed ti y.urjeir. yr.a niil rocive the
piclnre and de,lryd lu.' Tmati-1 by te;ura Loail. All
Coair?i .nuatlons sacrei ly conCdaiknal. Add raw la
fcD 2 J ly ' ', X. r.
.There cemeth f!ai tldirsj of all
Tj jouds rd to old, to greit an 1 to srnalf,
Tbe beauty wLich ouce n ioirKig;;j aairsre,
Is fre fcr all, aud all may be fair.
Ey ths; uzo of
, ?"t InproTlr? a.d Seautl.'j'ry th Cr .".pljTn.
,.rr: .". ll''c V c''dr-' ' - -?f-r
.." J ,!" " -'
t a.a.pic-, ji .n sarcnej. t....'. v
r t,n. tad ail cf the .-
7 hi t : ii-.
.wOlJO.i.l.!..ji,t.llji;i v.f. I. i Brecon
R t b? eliec! fd l-y t.j :;.-. t; ,t, a-.i it
vi?etabie prep.rats a u perfictlv ha.-"!;i.' I. n v M
or iy art.,, of tte I.l I ued bt - , ? , - . . CjX
silered by the f .r:-;-,n aa ir.i: e UV a V.r1-i,Ct
t-.i!:. Upwsr .j vf 33.ti0 ;.)ttl. wr so' i d-trsVe th
P'f F.;rit6ir:c-.r.t jtj f-ccy. p.t
ot-tyceats.- Udatty cail. pvst-pa.d, oa
a order, by '
.-4 W -
L'i '..
f rp.s t.) b '.,. ;j.
tliM'i'l'cfS 1
frier.'l. i. .-j
:". .? ti:.ts ' :e vcr t
cutb-n r..'T'r ! a' '
I t cr f .,,-ti ; y-;. '
tt't v i . . i. :
it.. civi' ;i. ci'j-fj ' . .
very i5 1 via w.'.i r: i-ry ,
!. I : ..a jn . . i
v?:? t:.o-:.-K-, h-: 5 (v .r
iisv;. i" '.re 4, .i !. 1
r;: . r.- . . '
$ t:. : . ) . ; "
tr-.r.- rr t:.c i-v ;
t: e ! $: s.-s ia :'-.- I-
"-s t'. ? I 1- ? '
j i '
; i-zt a t-."-, a!: i
!:; .y i. ". f :
j Ru 1 v. j!
a . !
t: n t v I1.
: f j -1 , w r . : .1 t
t. ' f
cf;pt cf at.'Vf i..vr? !. '' -
! '.r - c !. r ' f ; l:. J !
lr. -i C . t... -.1. 3 ;
a a;;-: jour ia h: .1 y ." e
naaU ! ci f h i.r.
. A ' . . .-r.vr v-rs
1 f!
.u v.
y v
i.- v
v ..vv.v...-.-,S..
..s .v
: f .
'V. . ..w
, v -
y . . K . a. r , i. W ft
I ,
excelsior! j:xci:isiorv'
lullw ul
Tjllii TC::j;1-, .bii Ir.vaLji'a o','7!'.i'..,ry
recoRi;:iead lUcif i U." an i,i ! a . .
article to feua'e beany, is eii p;!.t.! , j ci
tarn or injure tta akin, tutacn directly ou tbe root
It.ts warran'-c! t- r;nn.rj sver'IiK.-n bur fro-a low
forsboa iii, r fromry p-rt n tuo t -:y , coalcteiy, U
tally ar.4 ridicaliy e"ctirr-atwi? the fa n, leavic? t.i
aen aoft, itnootli ainr'n'tttiral. This is the onlart.clf
used by tae iire'i'.b, an I U tbe on! resl e.octj
p ilatory ia ex!tc-rce. Prtcp 75 cents tor paca?9,-3l
P St-paid, t any addie, on recpii-t of an order, ty
Sii L"TT3 ."it CO., CbemiL.-..
1-5 iU'. cr li , Tr.. r, X. T. ,
When ty the c of Lit. JdW.X .TXZ'$ XMIU y:u
can bu cure l permanently, and at a trlii-.t ,-t.
Thr- asi-ini-iitnii si.--8ji wbka atU'i.-tvl this lo
vilui''e ni? !:.-.:ie f.-r Pbys'cat a:id .Nrvoas VTMknm
Cetr.ra! debility and Pto. -tu.n, Lo-a of IB j. -u'j-Etier-if,
Iip..tei)cy or a f of tba con"j-!er.e
youthful 1 ml iii. ription renders it ;t-j -coH vaiaaole
prcparatlou ever iiir.verel.
Iiwiii rctaovs a 11 nervosa a.Tfotlnrs, daprsFioa, ex
citetrent, tPMpi ::ty to f tiidy or l:- .- nens
ory;con:-.i;ion. ijjonjts of eif -:ct.-':..::j i, fr fm!t in
sanity, ol. it will restore tb 3 ar.'Oti'.a, r-i tbn
health i.f .h.?se who h-tveusstruved it es
cesa -r evil rraciirei. '
lonr.j,' tic.n, be haa:bt;;ed no more by "QivkC.
tura" an'lj;!n-ra-.t practitMner1', et:d without da
isy fcr tba Elixir, and be af once rett. r?d a bealta and
happmoss. A Perfe.t Cnre i Oaarantec I In every m
aiaiice. Piica, $! oritur bottles to one aOlresa. $3.
ui.e tome is itc.c;e:.t to e.cct a cere ia alt ord. na
ry C8S.
ALSO, tn..J0T.N'VILLR,3 SmrtFIO VILL5.for
the spwtijy and permanent curj of :oorrb. Oieet.
Urethr.1 Di-hargus, tirave!, Sr;.;tare. end ail aTec
Uons cf tbe Cdneys t.l Eladde.. Cre f.tti r
from one la. live df y. Tboy a;o prepare 1 fr ,.u vyt
fible cxtiac ts ib at are iin,:lei.ii tt.a j ste'a, and oev
er nuseiite the atom. Lb or i:pr.ria;s t breath.
Xo cbanpa ol tl.f t Is dMowtf wnile o.i tJ.ia, nor
docs their actiun lo any iu'.erfe. e w;; a b jsi-ce-a
puisuita. Price, Jl per bux.
JCitber of tbe above-cicir.i. ne I art;.:!? wlil be ni closely .!!, an I p -.t-pi 1, by mail
or epi e-, on re.-ut or pri ?. A i.:-s ait order
to KEUGK'i, S 11 '.-TPS ii. Co., tbetuUU, :
feh.Jly . Uc-j hirer St.; T.-vy, X. T.
GiiovrsTErzr cp., :
420 Uroatl .vny, V.
rnn: attbntio:'.iis ani t:
e in
A is i t viu-.. io ou:- ,V"., -r-a fm
JiO".sci;'jl 'j'.Jio F-jri:, whijh f r v ! r .J
tity of t..33 are unriviillvj by ar,y hi t rl
ia t'iia mar k."'t.
.cy .
ruent.i, 1 r3
:ral a-rilwa.harp rcial irca
- ra im
f.aio, ovcr-'ra: x t-is. etc.. f"., ai each in-
ftrunerst t-tr taa r I r. ;- r t:. jcr.. cal s-rvia-;.,a
( f 'r. J. ti vi r::-.-, h i Lu a .rVcticl
.sperliKcrce o ever tit-rty yetr ii t't-j-r tu4 2.fjj
turejisfu!! wa.-r t.;i iu every prtica'sr.
netr?J tbo h' best awarj tf rcerit at tio eolc
b?a:;d w-.:; Fs fa'r, w'.vre were xhih;, I ir,ra-,u-3r.:s
ff.n-. t'.a bs. itakcrs of Ir, .' ,n, pa-j , t;,r.
vmr.j, 1 1.,..!....:.,. ,-i.,n, uo: rj a., t ;;c-.
Yorit j Jtnla:.:o at tho Amrican I.-i;?,'.. f ,r
lacc..-iv.j ye;ir, the C' .o3ai i t
!rt;:a ci .a cf whi-. i oa bj :;. at cur ?. ir3'f-eta.
Py tb. : -- ;' -; r .-.-- w rniks
a i'ill cr..- p-rf-cl I'i. -vi'.rte, er. i by t-43i.act-nnn
largely, wi:h a 'r.:t.'y ca'h fy.teo. art ea-
b'e-i to ocr the.e irxtrjrs-cti as jrlco waici
wi'.i pr.-.-lad-s all fo::''i:;.-n.
Our prie.ars f.-.ta 5 1 2 J t ) ;ht;i--r tlam
tr v fi -t rl us i . ny-f rto. 4
TtllM.-f. N; r ia c jr-ea. fu:?.
Do'.-rii t'se C"r; ? ;:.t 1;.3.
... ? v 3.
'irc.-nan Wcrk in tt.e Civil Yt' '
r.pare-l anior the apjrova! of taa .S'i.'m.- i
C' rit is h C-iiiovT. Aa cv'aeai i..vl
says ; This w;-ra is a-i-os-Lold ?rca-3rr a W
ar.d blcV'icj 'j f.tare i:.-.m. It d ,vtkTJ L 9'r,
iorf il era" : a new prwr wna : . c ;baa ia
Chrii-.w5ity i vif. r.'.Arsiy,rueuyi t
A a w;-;,;cno tau !.. m h-art'.lj aj the ot!r t.r. n u.) ar .;-.;a nuisi
r-.tch ta .?
ia bc'y of ia
Jl' ""i hy, ar. I the ejrcil.-r.-y of in n.Srr;.'-,ss i.a
st-jsi e-;raVin-, u ii r,v A-r,.s havs - d.f
t:i-.y ia s.lUt tt, f. rail , is w: j c real
it. LciTit';..'jt-r5-:a atl iadi.s --illlslaa
a r-n.-y l .x us w-,rk the b-'t tavir. bait' ;hj
' T.r f jii .-1-ti: t;-..:1 i.f t:j, n aui t.r-i ii
e -,-'--. a. ,
. ,. a-.. !..-. ...Cc J 1
- - . .
Il 111 c-, lt
nzuiBOLU's r-T:a :r Mr:.:
I Eoia aro rrf;"i nc -1t ts r-', ' -f f
: IS7 a ad, ac-i . .h r -1 :--.'2
i llf Two 4otcroti Organs for sale st tiff Oil?
General As?c:..