...J i ..cj h ! A. '-J . - r .' c 3 ot; 1 -1 r v. ,c r.: r i CO u'o. t!o t c-c : v.::i -J "-- U 0 r t : ..i j . i i V crj- :ir c 0 - 0 C C 1 ' 1, uie it to aid iu do c 0 i::u : m the over 1 ? Biter i 1 -t 1 , ' : v tcr: ;o V-Yrz:; re. c.j rcev cxr r.:i"a. i e .1 in-: I Ir f 1 r ierchicts Em!: W'zA.i: y.z: ,D. C. L III to ;;:!r.: br;i C:;i rri .:cr. rs to! V- V.-' Nitkrcl Uni:n Txr.'i 'ii. 1,1:3 (r t:.:.:: ; :hcitf r, IT. i Is r T c . v : , l. 1 ; !:r;-'e iLeSf-ic ImJa 0 . cc cno c:::'l. v, ;! crc; ir i -o ;.av5 c.-e, it It. I r e tuojlz 3 Lsen dccL'ci t y tha Ner: County 1 J I 3 nt ;:ir as :::2 . 1 I ' J 1 t i t . ; th : I tr i! i i 'l 1- i i ! -, 'c. j t -v ' - x- K' - - .-'.;.. t -1 ""-' ' reV - " : h-. - . . . , . h i, i - i-- A i 9 - - f., t i I i A L.' c i i ' a t'c.h':r ui;h thirty 5-;- t,:5 v. ill vi.-it (:.: chy t! .'3 eve:.ir.T. Every nrr-ir.;---rc-r.t l-.s I ten r.:.Jc to ;ts th"e:.i n rcuc.'r.T rccci tie::. A fierrel turn cut tf cur" iv.z::.i r..u:i l; hcd. Turn cut vhh yc c: fu hie r.t th 2 iejr.d cf ihu v'l ::!:.. lies rev lecr. in iricn lur- -.vfc.i, ;:::icnt krrih tf li.-ne, it -.:ern? to w- f - " :n, mirtvtw cul r.t.J J'r.ct.y ly i!:e IVcchrnMlcn, c::J, yet, il.o wc TL t o V.i; ri" eppcrtir nm? nt ar-d Ir.cilcn cf pllic tuiiiir -;5 i.ave l:cn ;rurT,. u;:n l.th cf v.lich an ex c ' ! r c c r. 1 r i 1 ! 3 c X r c c ' 1'n:s Iriy, as ccv ccusti'.ute J, v.ascsr t:n!y tkcU to stt:::d to matters cf rcnetal ritun', c:;d tV.3 kcaticn cf t!.? ,.i; v.-;'-v- - , t ' r c f fffiaca :n ti: Gccrc:: cull. W.e.lnve Uli-n'tu t--t :rue ::cti:n cf the cill m:.;I.t I? ttrctchci to cover rsrcvrd cf t!:o Caflto!. S3 cr rrc :: : d' cun ? If ' privately; yet. r.cv?, nucu: c ; ut t.. r:I!cr cf th re or 2 1 cf ICO tj..U i i- .!. t-rlliir-;, to do which there srens now a fevnich lentte cn ihs rort cf cf th? merr.'.-cr-. r.-l j f.r;t reofen tr.'u eucjis 10 U3 -r"-r:'tr ff this t-ter is the fact i i j - il.ot t:r.o cf th. 2 Stale hrda have yet 1 ::n telcctid, and yet the present scheme t; to lceat? all cf th? rulhc luildir-j epe State lends. .The prepositions may 1 3 ccn-iitcnt. yet at this di.nance it ap p;ors th3t a definite 1c cation crd'pccEs- ' rcncf the:? lands should naturally pre- ccd3 the location cf er.y cf tho pullio lulliir-s to make euch location pre Th:3 seems to ;.ave leen the mteo.t:c:i zt czo time, ta locate cur lands first, as .inchoated ly the pasrae cf a Joint Res cluticn requesting tho Secretary cf the I n c r i 0 r 1 0 v i t h : r a v f r 0 m S c r i p c r Y a r r a r. t entry t'.e r uh lie lands cf Ixetra?i:a vntil tics Ctate lands ccc.Il be selected. To vhhh the 'Secretary has replied that "the IVparlr.rnt has no authority to vrithdraw the pullia l'ds in Netraska from market." Under the?3 circumstances the immediate selection cf thej State land is certainly the most important object to attend to, and any action to indicate the location cf the capital and ether public tu'ddirej?, nlll induce speculators to take v? ever foot cf vacant land fcr miles creur.d. If the location is to be made for the lenef.t cf ike people cf Nebraska lh3 cljcct will la defeated ly such baste, end th? people r.tll held to a strict ac cour.t any v. ho by desirn ir.atvcrtance thus play into the hands cf speculators. Anclher design cf the Legislature may le to locate the Salt Lands and up caibsr; locate the Ccjitol, eta. Yet, the object in dcreatir. j the loads adjacent to C-'i Fprir.$ wzs certainly to develop the m zzi cstablioh vvcrks. vve do not fee by r. hat process cf re??onire; this can legitimately be cprlied to ether pur-s pre 3 than that fcr which it is denoted'. Ve believe that the location cf'the public buildirce;s at this time is premature' end will result disastrously to the party tc- it. The lands should le located first. Testes this, ie have no . -hearing at all in the matter, end certain rt:..i nave in a matter ci so great r The ccticri cf Omaha tt tho last ses- ilea, no matter how much she disgraced herself r.r.i cutrcgrd the feelings of Nebroskkr-s generally, uili never go a a pallk.ticn fcr reckless L-gic k'ca crged ly : V.r escf revenge Tha cccaslcn ihr thts session seemed .'.-.cm ti e rrcclamation to grew tut cf the -r.cctcity for rltcrn'ians i;i t!:e S:ot f.tcs. to moke them conform to the want tf (c: r.?w condition as a State r.r.d to ' - ' - j ln'" ' 1 0 r"'J crkkr.t to all. Vet, wi:h regard to the k'tt'ca cf rulhc L-ildir'e the -cere is so L - j : I iu t- J . -i 4. . , u ( the i::::r.cdiata :.c i: hi : rl.c c cud that nk: will ! 3 sath.lcd. khce pk'-g the tier? :.i frpa . r ' - c - - -' r r r l t ' -v I T ' ' i fc - - U " : i "V t:-.;-.ci c: cc...:c;.e s : ". i-ptn-the ; r cf I::"" c ktewe uc:: frcrc: . i. , . . . . la .. . . , 4 . . c 1 i t i. . i..' . . kkkan cf the Zii: ' . -c.' k h ; it f : -etc J, ( t:., Thai j the kc.'rrcr, the Secretory cf State j r . , 1 . " . . r v c , , . .,"y arc ...rti-v ; . - ; C: '.: or--rsfcr the - arc or ! : k ti - the S W d 'Gcvcru:.:.:.t'nnd I . ; - e cf ITk : cn ic. I . i, Ik:. Z. On cr! :k:e the kkh .k.y cf r 1 ,. , 1 r , . J- , U., II, - - C . - cf r , fkoIJ t r ?i ; ciur.l; 2 cures 1, 1:2 ccrt;i;rJy cl .-d Id 1,;. f 1 . L I ,1 1 ' j c:.3 er. .':lic.! fcr f; 'I; -..ur 7 f-rfs j co;i-i frc;;i tl.c Lnu.! (.:;- ::.:" :.3 jLc j ir? t!; cvrr.ler if cent tf hr.J cnt-srcJ in th? Lur, d 0.'u-3 in this dtv uurinr th 1 m.' nth tf 'lay i r:t raeJ : t.".':.v . 1 c " 0 43 1H2 TO acres, 22,013 07 ecres, ZS7 15 acres, C71 0 acres, GLS12 20 acres. For Horn: jit ads With Cash Vi;h Vrarrants, There are in Nebraska a jrreal manv thrumnd aen s cf land which- properly cc.no 2 under iL is head, tiii, from prece dent, Ntlrasha is entitled to them, cr cn equivalent cf what ever was paid for them. Trcm the C-'tera! Land Oihce Report for IC0, we learn that "the criminal act cf 1510 was restricted to Louisiana. J i-i act cf :?s ha vim 1 wv J ex'.cr.drl to rll.1l . U L- W I.--!- . t .1.:. ... !s cf th: oaracter, the act cf 1SG0 added to the r. umber cf grantees." Because cf coitroverstes and ccr.wicts "Congress intervened the act cf March 2,TS"i!, confirming individual titles, and allowing to the States indem nity in caih where cash was paid to the United Slates, and in other land's vthere th? premi-es disposed of wcro' taken by bcurty laud cr other locations. This I tuv was extended by act tf March 3, IS'57," According to the Attorney Gen ercFs opinion cf April 20, 1SG3, we.are entitled to indemnity cn that taken previ ous to March 3. 1S57, at least. As cur Legislature is now in session it seems to us that this culject is of sutu cient importance to require their imme diate attention. O-bcr States 1 are re ceived it and have immediately handed to each county the receipts :rcm the lands cf this character within its bound;?, which has built within the-? -eo.jniies fine pub lie buildir ji. With no other session cf cur Legisla ture likely to convene previous to the winter cf ;C3 and !0, the importance cf present action cannot be over-estimated. Ascertain if we have any claim to these lands, if so adopt measures for their selection and passage to the counties, if net entitled to them, take the necessary steps to get possession, and still pass the bill fcr an immediate selection of such lands should they he granted. Never, in the history cf the Old World has there, been chronicled such a stam pede to the New as is now being made. 70,000 Prussians alone hivo engaged passage fcr America within the past two months, and this proportion will hold gold wdth all other countries. It, is im rouble to place a finger upon" the mcp cf ilurope wi'cut touching a coun try preparinp for 'war; Europe is brist ling with bayonets, and gliitenirg with the turr.i-hei sheen of the most iTective cannon; the lust of power -is rampant in its rulers, that path lies directly through the bleed cf their sulj- cts who are being c unscripted by the millions, cr they are bound tighter cy the tyrant's yoke -thro fenrcf their ascertmg their rights during Lhe genera This is to-dcy the state of 8 Hairs, and is Jt to be wcuierod at tha". all who pes silly can seek to escape the troubles, not cf their -maling, and come to peace and plenty in the New World X Not at aiL Yankee ingenuity is noted the world 1 cv.r for duh g the fair thing by all-with rkasure, yet, 1 ere e'-psciall, when busi CC33 con be combined with thu .pleasure. Tl u. Uncle Samuel gives nwjy miilicns Cf cits c th3 choice it hnd' in the wild 1 tin: to r 3 it rrc Juctjve end lujahk. la the same line have differ ent Stat .-s spent many thousand dollars t m 'grant, I n o - r .r.t ents. . icren me various aa- a r ... tc-r3 they reece- :d over all other - ? -1 Y ir - r?:t :n-. rrric'.-pr - - - i - --. r.nl chcceccr, ly ccml.:r:a:ior:s fermedtnd .l..:,lc:clic:g the Iccincs?, ati i.aduCrr.eais sir.rly to get them to land in their Stat 3, i i . . t . - . i t vw ere li.e-y are tata ia tuuigc vy i;v..z re thery v c ... i :;.:tt:e. v. :. o - 1 h:v; c X tic 2 good points i: o ami rmaco a .teciTion i i l , wee '-t- - 1 I -ct, .c.ts re - m ? :tt er ccmr.-ccca-i- ia curs tic cn in c'der end 1 a j 1 ; c : .. - ...... U v. . .. k a - r Li r . . . . j ee :,.i3 c c: ...f .t is t.cr e to i! fcr ibh Xai tirkt to cf Directors was ct tr.e lo::t 6r.i!- al n; set- consisting c: 1.. t. t urnas. Vtm. T11 I)2ily, J. S. dMircick, T. Rice, A. K. Far re am, Goo. Crow, nri Vn. Hughes. With this E;ord is ta;v left the man fetnent of ui'ihirs entirely, as the regu Sir r.ieetine; c: the Society d 033 'net oc cur until next September. Vie v. uuid r?;p cctfuh'y sue'ect to the Hoard the necessity cf deciding upon a locality and publishing a' premium "list. ta'l'jDg preparaticn is needed to secure success. K . M J tj Lim I. Jil 1... '. We understand that several Eastern capitalsis have made a.prcpuoaien that if the citycf St. Joseph will subscribe three hundred thousand dollars for the purpose, teiey will subscribe eicjht hundred thous and dollars, with -which amount coroscli dated, they propose to complete the Mis souri Valley Railroad to the Icwa line lefnre- the. lit cf January, .1cG3. . ILrcU, t : Lr. mediately upon this preposition a large meeting tf the ciii2en3 of-St. Jcs seph was held and the proposition discus sed. There seems .but little doubt that the preposition wiii be accepted in time to make "cloe connection'' ly theperiod designated. v This read will run within ens mils and a half cf the. river opposite this point, znl will give us railroad connection with St. Louis, Chicago,' cr '-any oiher man." TlioAtcliiC3 i;c!). city n. IL, Is ccjain oeinij agitated by cur Kansas neighbors aloncr; the river. Meetings were held hst. Thursday, Friday end Saturday at Donifhan, Troy and White Cloud in Doniphan county, the border county on the river in Kaneas. What action was taken we are not aware cf, yet from the great advantages which such a read would be to that count, we doubt icot it will. give the road material aid." This ro3d, in its course to its present tamed terminus.-: would naturally pass through Rulo and the ether town3 ca the river in Richardson county, to Aspinwall, nen take the second bottom in front cf Nemaha City and run cn it to this city and through by 1st street to the bottom, above to Peru in thjs county and to Ne braska city. ' The c-d vantages cf such a connection belcta- directly wkh the Leavenworth 0 Galvaston, Texas, railroad, with the Kansas Pacific, and with St. Louis can cot be over-estimated," and let U3 be ready to aid it to '.he extent of our ability. Next to the Air Line, east and west, this road will b 3 lbs test outlet we. can pos sibly get. Think cf it, fellow citizens, but "be sure you are rieht before vou go ahead." Proline As a proof cf the fact that Nebraska is a greed stock raising country we men ticnthe fact that R A. Stewart has a heifer which was but one year and two weeks old when it had a calf this Spring This is a little earlier than common even in Nebraska, yet the majority come in at or near two years eld. Mr. Stewart has also a Clly which was but two years and crsy month old when it had a mule .ccdi .this Spring. , Though breeding so v;ry young would seem detrimental to stock, yet the'early average stated above is not injurious, as cattle here seem to grew much faster than in -many cf the cider. - ra;7nee.Co. Csdlllnlns Company. rAsEz C;tv, May 2-5ih. C7. Porsuant to adjournment the -Stock-holJers-of the Pawnee .County Coal Mining- Company met at, the Odd Fellows Hail in Pawnee City. J. P. Lore, Vice Iresidvintin tho chair.- r After eome discosclon ty tie stock holders, it was determined by vote to here instead cf. sinking a shaft. On motion, the Secretary was request el to advertise fcr a person to tore, and to let the contract to the cne who would dc it for tho lea;t per foot. Tha Stcchhclders were rearrested to' meet at Piwr.ee. City in two weeks frcten to-day to determine open the I reality cf operations. 'Cmckhclic rs that cannot te present -will le allcwe I to v.cte ly proxy. On motion, the tea" e ting a-'journed to rreet in two -weck3 from te-d.:y.at Paw nee City. . X . v. i . ..... , k. i.&w "A. 5. Stewat-t, Sec. .ricrailhrck 4 1 -.Ja A. 1 ci ie- red vy Ccr. Datlcr to Iceat? the - ) ' o :ect:cn cr v.nt.a rcre co- 1 with sis rJt irriag3 ly the cnab Ii eer set. Thee 3 Sr-riners are in Lanezs- t- .j . j a . . . i t. . v I J v . . . . v r I r- f T I V, j tary 0 tfce Treasury OlC'Jicj U, S. Idcnis fcr every 03 issued. The enterprise and energy cf the man agement cf the Tclee1, Wabash and Western Railway which hat; been exhib ited to such a wonderful decree in the opening and conducting the largest line cf railroad under one direction ;n the country, is to be further developed by the undertaking, mainly by the same compa ny, of the construction of an irn bridge across the Mississippi River at Qu-:ncy, 111. In this great enterprise the T. W. fc W. Co. have interested the Chicago Eurlmgtca and Quincy. Road, and tha contract for tho bridge ha3 been let at a cost of "31,250.000, and it is stipulated that the structure shall be completed early in the year 1S3S, The execution ci the rrork is to be under the general supervision of cur feh'ow-townsman War ren Colburn, Esq., cf the T. W. h W. Railway Company, cne cf the best engi neers in the United Slates, with Mr. T. C. Clark as resident engineer. The'inagnificent work is to be in two sections, the first commencing at the east or Quincy side, will cross the bay cn the cast sid3 cf an i.-knd in the river.- This section will be a 'Jduihnan Ecidge" cf four spans cf Sj feel each end a draw of 190 feet. The Railroad track will run on the iop.ef this division cf. tha bridge, while across the main channel, ever which will be extended a bridge cf the Pratt patent, the trains will run cn the lower floor. Across ths island, a dis tance tf -1,400 feet, the track will run upon an embankment 25 feet above high water mark, which will be the height of the whole bridge over the high 'water level. ' . The main branch c the stream will be crossed by.'a bridge cf 17 spans, as fol lows: eleven 157 feel in length, two of 200 feet, one of 250, then the great draw 'span SCO feet long," and" then "the span on the western side, 250 feet in length. The abutments are two in num ber, the piers seventeen. The pier sup porting the draw span will be 400 feet long and 31" feet wide while the ethers will bs 40 feet long and ten feet wide. Th3 channels m this case will be each 1GQ feet. The materials cf the draw span will be entirely cf wrcnght iron, as will be that of the others wjth the ex ception cf the 'upper cords, which are to be cast iron.. The draw span in this division will be entirely self-supporting, while the ends cf that in the shorter division will be sustained by chains hung from a central tower. The main bridge will be 2.0S7 feet long, the embankment ever the island 1,400, and the shorter division 530 feet, making a total length 6f 4,977 feet across the river. This bridge will be one of the longest , and certainly. cne cf the best, structures of the kind in the .world, and will give facilities for the transit cf travel and freight from St. Joseph, Mo., to Toledo, a distance of Gov miles, over an almost air-dine route. Tc-edo Lmlz. Eepcrt of State Trc.ihhvr.:r. The Speaker called the atte.ntien cf the House to a communication from tho State Treasurer. Office of the State T r e a s r a e r , 7 Omajia, May 21, 1S57. J To the Honorable, the House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Nebraska . GtENTLEMEcr .In obedience ta a res olution passed by your body requesting a 'succinct statement cf the financial con dition of the State upon the first day of May, 1837," I have the boner to submit the following report : ; GENERAL FCXD. On hand Dec. 1st 1SC8 O 0,113 81 Receipts to April.30th.lS37 G l.CCed 20 Total . Warrants, S:c, paid Overdrawn 10,743 10 10;S33 73 8S7 CJ ' ' 1 ' SINKING FUND. On band December 1st 1S33 CH.210 7:J ileceipts to April 30da J3 CS Discount on Bonds cancelled 117 CO Total - Coupons and interest Bonds redeemed T1,.. t ;S15IS1 10 i r i - 7.CJ0 CO .G10.CL-3 On Reared CLSIj 7 r-1 2!iscr.LLAr:r.ot;3 Erxricxs. Received "Conscience mency." C7J CO Territorial Treasury CC7.C00 CO " ' RECAJITLLATIOr?. Sinking Fund on hand Conscience Militia, reimbursement to 00 rcj co Lesa overpaid in Gen. runi 57 C3 Total ia Treasury .VeryJlespectfullr, (Signed) ' A. KOUNTZE, irecu- cl i.,eo. -' "A.T-Ieuntza, State ' Trx a r er,r e per t el having received through ;Gcv. 'fhiunelers C'd7,CjO frcm the United htc tes. cn ac count cf tho expen-es cf tha Territcr? cf 'I'tbraska'in the Indian v ir, Jrc, and embodied in the financial repcrt to May t . rr .- i.'i k J j ; end referred tha iiecrco to ex- Cc7. S: fcer. :?rs, " t;;e (l S'CC. t r"' r r v : r i - r ing. Let's crganiea a c elcl . e.:i. i thccJ will le a fleccsure to enjey, tzl leave a A VI i. . . AT .1 r r n e. ) Xkin -ccmpcdled to re tiro frer.i budncsi cn nttfoant of ill-cieuilth, I will - pcativcly clo:o" out ni kLock in niuutj.Vbjatlkh-3 than flr:t co ;t. 1., Must 'step -tp ar;d'cttic lniniCiii atclyb Longer clcmcrery is inipcs siblo! Trouble an costs will bo saved by promptness ! I'll have tok;go for 'cm" Ie-i!ly nitlilii thirty days. Fair VaniLa ! '., , JALISS BERRY. 7 5T?f)T7 T) fo:b SALE. An iraprovel Farm, ccn'air.in 133 screa, cf which 13'3 is hcay hlijf'mri lott n timber, tb3 ll:an p open irairie. Two bun Ire l acres p.n-Jer fence nd cuUUatjoiL. lo err,;!,, bat caiiiforta L!e house?. Tho fn;m.;3 all i; i button lnl , ar.i i. ad'niraLly alarted fur a Stoc'c firm, bir earroaclod wUb abundacci cf un'ri J. ranj. Sit uito 5 miles f'm Peru and 12 mile from Drown Tilto. FriceJ3.500. Kcq-iiro nf II u. V.'n. D.iLlj cr P. iljorsj i'er-4, cj 'n. II. IJjjrer, Lrowa vi'l.j, hebri.ka. . Juns 7ih 13 7-3t - At the) cf tLa Ji ih$ pla3 to luy 'URITITURE - UPHOLSTRY!!! F" ""t iJ' Keep con?tar.tly on band a ccrapleta r..i"crt.ect cf i;cdcr;d.', Fcaarciius, . f lirpr-i bed?, Ih'iair,'- ' iVarTrchoa, Ruf ! i ncr Chuir., Wh-?!i Stands JJ.it Racks, Tfcbief, ''":. JCItcbei and ;; ihir!,-r C.'-.' r ; ' iCt-a-y tor ! Tb'.s Tark-r, .'ar- bla S t,.ndi -Lounge.", Matir2ese3f ; Metalio ' .. Loan ires J ---' Sprir,- Tt-tetea F-.rl ji Cribs, Ceh ;e Chain, Cwpfarta, Kitcbca Sife?, Rocking Cribs, Ikil tS;rrcgi, And ajiytliin and cverytbifj required to set np pi in cr fancy houJtVff f in r.- A!l t.f their ware ia either tasnr-.'-ctarei crpat up undr . .their epociil .ri'ppr!:.rcn:'.:nco, which enable tbeia sonnd artij'es at siiitlicr prkjj than eaatera Eanal'actuted good.-;, ...... OUEIIEAESE i ftt.tho service of tha puhiio at any 1 1 :n it iry ia seeded, slJ is gy.tia op in ta ae stale aa auy fj.rther cast. uctalic Ilurial C?.cc3, cf all s'icj corijtatty oa bmi, at eastira pricea. VT re dofr.T la"r.- rn ft-tctly ca:h -'r.t':,-t At a tviz'l rr'- .',c.-. 1 -y tT'-uth. i iu-int.-s ar. l tie war -! t ic.,.:; ; .' . e- r; t ia k.e fatnra asiathsp .t tj rc?-.-. i i a j cf tho pub lic geae;.u.y. ; . -c. ju- ir Jit, a: 2 WAR CLAIM AGE NT, .'14. fef.Va.Aj.l.ii.A .9 .tAjtJt.at; An Crelcar-o to I.i??r t' e ?--- cf Te l! I J : r 1 i Sao. 1. it eaac: si by the c-L.OiC-ai Cunil f f tho City ofU.-oTr.7i!!o,in ths Ft.ti. of N:!.raj ha, that ?; -y y rr :a vh t..a!I k 1 " p a IhU i.r 1 tt blo or ! J . ahy f if r---". ' . " r h 1 1 f.h 1 r- ihiJa p-.r-e-". ".! ia t, ; sal I L ity L : -r .- J. J s , ah '-.I j. -y jnt t'zs city tr: i.-a-y ,u .at:. .: tt ;;.:! -1 f.r ta. !; i tah!o cr ahoy soket :.;la.aiat.u..-2, i'.o of L;n ci;.ars. eT:?. 2. Iho?':yr (fJJeC; y rij i-"a a! ce:.'-o to aty B' J h tr t ihr 1: 'v.-.t f r 3 . : I r ori-f.. v?b.:-r.?ver t--:ro t'r.i'.l bi rr;"-:.: :l t:.l i. :i v iiu V. a the tr-r?.' :-cri r-?.-o ttf,r :h..rv-fy j.!!. 3. Ar.y - ?ry, a cr ,--:. ' -r, r 7 a i. . 1 tiJ-Je or ta.iJ' j a Coy ia th? t'i'y . f. I'rri- ! Thi , fr Liro t-r rc:.f , . ut f..- J -- 0 :; tain- j c 1 a Ih;easa thi rt f. r,.- f-rf. it b . k j i r.'.o tho I city trp'.'-jry f r thi tf i t: o .;a cf rCrs -I j harj ; r Csr f. r ?;.h lat,;cr al. ey : j ksrt. I jAJtru? cii": t Jf - - 'P?. it i'.--. v : 1.. i e,.- I R0BZRT rv CO Anno-M to Hi j ceivel a:; i C. ! ;; , f ,-j hra j:ct U 3 Brownvillo IIuicl Building, -. CL'O'V illC, - O 1 i. I .' . . - J i 4 f ' j 1 ! ; i , Toother wi'.'a nr. tv-rj va!w cf ar.; .,!--? usuaily bra V,e-t--?i Tr.ii"n,; iio-i.o, Cioh tbyy oU: to tba cltii.'rs tf li.-?-27i b, .xabi County' ucl ' Southern llebraclia. Ia or2i:r.ot a Stc.k cf G.y Ij in th:3 City, we do. not frc-j.e ar.v .r-.i. Cl .ariv-b, lyt to srsy that we have jan-bA-wi our g?vi andor the rr.- it f -iTC-rib ! c I r .; -s f .i . nr 1 f ,r Caa : tbat t'..? otp;:: bivci : s eiiKa.i fre-hr3i ti.a cur eT;-:-ri-!u- e in t. ;:; t:.s bu " ar.l wu'j cf th ia v;;a to: the patroca 5 i.; the put I is. CALL AND SEE US' n H ,p . rpilE MOST nnLIADLC CCSniOc. ssei ca Man a fnetorol ry KAVAXA'J PKCXFT., 1'atanted Do?. li,t-;03. C.cJ Dcicntils Aiacri.-aa Vot. H, h'o. 11 It id il.e nnly C'J-bi(.n that po!rj?.'3 a!l tb.? qua! itios eseotial t. a i-'CI.r LtJT Cu.-hioa. It ii th-j mot e' i ;i;'ar;J rc. Ja-i.t.!a Cufhi n cr-r ( J.-red to tha bit i.ird-p')y:a public, as l.bund.in!.;y j ro vea by the urtat Ji mmJ i' r it sin.'-o i's in?r ."'j--tift!. The ; ftfctitiarity which dijtip iii.-he? tl.o CAT CL' f Cushb.-j rct;dcri it yperi.-r t- ad other.'', ii tha tightened cri of cat-'ut wbi.'h overli'.i thi) face and ed.p of tha rubhsr an 1 aua nin tho fct! ler.:h cf iba Ca.tibirj , wlich" rs verifH th b.i'I fri.;a beJ kn r ir.tr tho rutibur nni jtitnpic - iMta th fbl.-. Tii:j adii;i'n of "tho rnt rtttrori udls mub tj tho eUticity of the Cu;hija The CAT-GUT Cushion has already - be?n np pli?d to over 1 ,0Ci) t ih;?.? whi :h ara ia const.iat US2. It cm Ve a; : i to taLtei of any nii'ij.fr jve.Qty Sve d.biry t-t-r set. kaa:'ac;h a i;::c::e:;'S Fictry, t 'nc--r- cer of Ctr.fre ai:d t.i .--'.re t, CS . A .,13 tho a----,; complete of it3 kind ia'tbe wor!J. The machinery is of the trios t itnrrn.vej chamtter, th fasihjr dry i'-o.-n the jur-est in tha ;Uf.iteJ ht.iUi, tha Kiittar;.-.! ttJO tha b.-jst th 'tt can bo purjaa-ed, asd the workmen thor..o ;h'.y skittcd. - Billiard Cloth, U.it:s, Ccas, sra Tritarr.iajj, &tl oftheb-jt m ii''? , eon-i:;n;!y on hi;-J. KAVAA(ilI h MviKJIU ar th o..ty n -nt in this country fur II A V 'tj CL't Cw-MIIN i',.5vvC.; i bycojjpetfnt aathortties tj ba tha ba tho bst ce npm ever ui; tr jrcj'rull :iz3d T.alde3 cut dctra tor loeeccej. Send for HSyitrated Crijkgua nr. J price List. KAVANAGII ic DECKER. -.Coru3r of CeL w.3 d. Cir.al Sv. Vvrk Oa Thar? lay tha n'.h day cfJuss, at 2 o'c' nk p.m.,Iwi ! crf.jr f'r sal-s, for oa.-ib.'ti l' bi; ,b:st bi-lisr,oa th r rv ...isr-s of KIwirl thircsn, or.o mil 9 'cri cf J..ir.-,9 l.i.-e, L.c l'jeo.rict, ."."caiiia C.i'in'y, rolrr.i'ra, On :'.ri .veor, r-l, i:h whitv f,io.i;. Ac pral: I it JJo. T .'-a up bj; LJwiri t'i.x: i.a sad no la Mi jHiSio:"; .n. - tv:i. iLiN.h'jrur.y. j. p. On Tha.-!.iy 17 ta of Jur.a 1M7,I will at pcblic attcti'tn at tha rerldene of .(Jocr" Ut-m., 14-1-2 laibia Wtut of L'rWLTi!Ie'--r:i ?io -r, t . k n up a aa e-tny tho 19t!iy of NoTea)tr,i -r e. Saii ?Uer ii about 4 yara oid, eo'.or, red, t a -a of tall wbit j , rud has a crr.T . CJ' .f bvtb '. e.i i:a:::n'a:d utl:s, j.r. Notice iihTcT t:T5n ti. i1, on th ftth dy f .Taco l.v.'.st llVtl:: A. M ., I '. at pultic aoc'ion, at tha han.-a of J hniiAcr.i, ia l-if.-rj i'r-cir.jt, c uui C : -irr, N C ra ki, oa? -a! tS;;er, about fc-ur year ol 1. Takea up ai aa L. triy by John Ilant cn tho !CC,h u ;y 0: Cvtvhsr, liCi , aJ. reported by LJi aj such. 22-5t c r.. a . sTivrAr.T J. r. On Fril.-y tha llth day of Jar..-, 1:.J7 botrrec-n the boars f 3 oh'hok a. ua an J 1CJ o'ct -ck m I will o'I-jr f.T sa! a to tho hi;hei-t Lit -r f,r cash ia Lund, at th' roi ! ;rro r.f JusoA A l; j-.r I, J-rj- - 2 Hides tiuath cf Ih'j '.cvilh), . .;. .;, 1 Ca'.'y, Co-t-ska. or. a stray C, d-.-'r,bi aa tA'.yni tn-i wbita SiwtteJ, cr-.p t f thj b.t't ,;,.p3 tf of right ear. Taken up Ly J ...?; A. Usar aci tow ia hi? p r-::i5i.a " A - : -" i a f e ) t'.. hoarj c f ihoh:..k Clii-:! t -Ch-i n j w.d o;T.? t .? s;.;s t.lhe b .-hs-t bh'.lcr frca'Tia bird at th; r -.. ti':.e cf L. T . C:i;.i.;-,'r-in. 4 Kjilea V.'e;t of B.-.c-i;:?, ia .Ve-r-.h-a Coaaty "a- tr-i?s, or. atray t icr, a '.'ri-ei aa ilu-s'j : Bol ani wnitrf, bnaiJl wi:h t'raro 1 J oa tha laci of ..." "1!1-r. n-rCM fiCi crT, slit ar,i un- to be f-:r j ad row iu Z2 5tj i-i-r.w ia i.;.t ear, cr.p c-t; ci r-; :t -tr. "o?-; J ' '-i. i 1 '-2 nrpt y U. T . Craa -nor, p .....j. . jTi,' -1 .a ie-j. tr. j j - tare ; is, -irel or i f'one ia tha bcii h r, i-ai i -ii it It, sr. 5 ai: .i ' . - -ryi sn I ar - i ' t '-t h .-. litr.':.: vtu'i Finrj Lztn act Bvcrrrr. :::iD!h.i f,r --iv?, d'.iesscn I.'ro i.' .' -. 'I's .Citrtrt B ;:ha - i I. rrcrel Ko.- :.V.,b, f ! fo:: :co:;-;...t.; iio;; o.i i:;cox7ixcce i r-f Ur'.n. ir!i-ti ii 'r -icoj or utrertrici f 'r. u u. j ' m r- n. r. - ',-' - . .rr : ' . .kk C. t. ;' 4 . ,. V . ' 1 c . 1 ' I L t fiU; y; ; e." .e, : -r y. a- ? '0.".-. A:.: :. f f C- 1 ; 3101? , 1 A:n-'. l..:,r i i .... i J -.i ;a y - - : i. c7o Hit I c 3. '"rill yJr, a i 4 . JC--U.T . ! . 8..' I in rii. cp -1 ' ! ft : ; .... ; " " '. t i A;.-.. vC-- i I, :! - Al. a. r e;.j Ttt.I L-:::.'. c!;t.j r . 1 L' ,'. ;; 0 'i-?c -r-irTh; ri rati it is 3- t - v. , tj ' : in-.r" I in sr.j ri:' ' c . cr bi -ci-.beicrf.ysr-;! ja ti'j ih ea. Ci c-?, by the .--"rv nl c!..s,-.-!r of b'C A etr;, i o ; y c; ;a chaf.ar ir .1 h po rati cn, cj a.r.i-n.iej, a::;a;:-;; 4 j.r S tate:r.rn' Dlty ai u jv.l'.j tf "e-i'urk. , ..... ma any. rr-.: i -..t, rj j j.-'i.Tr ry.?. f tho if. .j I -.iur. ;! L' pr, i:.':; r R.f a .i d.-'.j i v- n, ljo.J3r.l jtr.asli biir.f.i'.r 5.ijf;,th tho t .-rcMs? ii h t-a .l rctsf.4t.?in:s. '-ft;, i', ri t.f , :i;-,-ki, th it they ar th ah .v d rlb-l ;s l:ia:;l::s j. MArvr.F.-.: . J'-.IS M.JjICI. s- Fnr..Tib',-2 rA rn before au,A.i Ti j third day tf J JOHN L. CARicON, A root. i .v s. k . ii.iyjt., j.i, .5a'; J,rownvn.3, ..lecrsc-a. 7 A GOOD ni w -.i. i . , T k) 1 V I . Ii on.i if t!- m rrvry sal HirsV.? ' t.;..!-'s cf !:cH-h- If .iy.asif pr.rc-'j Ju in ; 5 r -r . . i.r: g;. evry x 31- -.:y. I'ro tv-r I n I r Ivf.-rs tha psLC: t jMi.i-.-l .-) :-- it a j ; jCihty cr at:i w.A a ivvr thaa t..a V f) .1 i ' - ':0Ca ovna i::.c ) ti cerece; csLSbOiren C00XIXG STOVES JT.-tv bo.-a s . ' I f -! jr f 1'! rr'iir-!a3t, aJ p o.Tcr th:uj si . -.'i:r';v:sr fyuaJ. THE IMPROVED CILIRTERCI II J but o?!- J i.r '-r. i shrtticn th it. r. ( . . it o ihn-! ii i' : t:.i'. it. T': .rai.i'uiibJ:-"-' . ? if e-.rrV -tl-'X - ::r thaa xr.j Cr,..; -ever rr 1 . r'...,.'. , Cr. t3 re'r or b.-i and t ,1! iiu 1 to t ji-s ; ; 1 at tha w !"' . r a i v i,-ta to sr.J f exirrjias vur i'.J tc I. .ir Ci'ii Ji' tef.r r cha?i r c:,..h?r--. d Ci:-", EXCELSIO:: MANtTACTUELN' 1. 1 . r : 1 JaC- -:!. I . : s ..1 ; , j ji ! j Is C h J 1 : 3 I ' H. tZ jJ ..i.. . v c 1 : ' . '-'j..btt la 1. ... .. (.i . . . . ., . r j be ric-.ei t u- a thj ':"':':; to tit ' - i" . 1 1 i t J. j c : c t y ..rh-t::.J Cc-ntry Fr., Icce I e eejr.t iel sidi. :-''rH" ri 1 hJ- -.1 KjuLiJ. y -r f'- fr .- m, pur(i' ' ( ; C . ' -t , 3 i wor 'i 2 J 0 ; - . -i : : -. i -1 f -. . - : . . - . . c .rr ' :; ,r ; . ' hi ir CV -3 ,t ci ;V ! f-,j f ; i -r : . . : lv..ri I.. .1.11.! - ' - , , a o.-; ju I fr-:ri t- e., v.c i s. u? t i.r i t j are , j j., ... . . It rs--- i . ,- : 7 v. I f .r t; - Jir.i?t:;of ovt rxr:;;T ieucin' aniT;.-T'.j;'..tf fri;? a-, i 1 i : - to lb L'ebitiiy i - 9 r- j -' . ; f-y z -.ry Jj tics, . r. 1 ii' j t i : " t j :. - : "'-'J tioa, S3.-'r!i'.y tt (-':.- ... Ci tr'i. 1 te r r J .... rt.4 " . t 5- r ;;:..' -:" J' . .. ri -7 . ... c-.r. -) f.-.:r C r ; . .. -. . r i ', . t i - t ' 'xt'J ' , . .- r i. , . 1 ; ' ; 'i-i : - , 1 t .- . f v.'a a 1- .. 1 ? .1 oa ' 'A 5 t 1 !!