Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1867)
r ;" T - ; 1 . M AaOIda3on3,"Sctto a nsvr Tuns AWARD HD "A" G 0 L D LI E D A .. Henry. P. Sherfe - r r- T r- v, AT THE 4 s C .... rrn H S-- . t 1 i J I t v- .Vepils Sicilian Ralf toff Has tiood the teat cf sever years .before the public; ar.d s?o r.rrara f fcr the hair has yet Veen dis co re red that tvill produce tltc fame , beneficial results. It is an entirely ueiv scientific discovery, comhlniny many of tlic inost powerful and re storative ajents in the VCCZTADLE ICItiCDOf". It restores C.I AY HAIR TO ITS OfllCINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. It makes the scalp ivhitc and clear.; cures dandruff and tuners, end I'ctlJinjr out of the luiir; and will make it grow tipon bald heads, except in very aged presorts, as it famishes the nutri tive principle, by xvhich the hair is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, ecft, and ylossy, and f wisurpcsced as a IIAIJl 'X i: 12 S S i:r G. It is the ckea-t preparation ecer of; cred to the pub lic, a3 one bailie will accomplish vwre ar.d'laii lonjer then three bottles of any other preparation. It is recommended and used by the First nodical Authority. The tronderfal results produced I) -our Si : i I i a Hu i r 21 c ?; titer h a ve indued mrnyto Manufacture, pre parations for the Heir, under va rious names; ana, in order to in duce the trade and the pulllc to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiminy they were fcrmer part ners, cr had some connection uth, our Mr. Uall, and their prepara tion teas similar to ours. Do not le deceived by them, rurchase the original: it Juts never yet been equalled, O ur Treatise on th e Hair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has cur private Revenue Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others arc imitations. . R. P. Hall L Co.. Prep's. Nashua, N. H. SJJljaU. Drvrjisis a:vl Dealers w Ilcdidr. C. A. COOK, G7 Dc-'born St. Chicago, II A rent fr t' rrrti-TTetr State. ' f PARKER'S C r' : -wrr 1'Lc very :,.-? t lacuiclse in Uic Tor ZZOZIZJZZ, CATTIiZ:, IIUIii:3 & EHEEP. ThU rr';fr i y r??-rtl from Oie rcc!nc of na Id III. -juh I":::' . :, i? w:.;', t.rA I'.m Ix-en fur jtrs i'-snl tMup.t I y f r ;L ruiscrs. Lot b:o.i iri ;";:; i 1-i.t ju - f.irt nincT'ro-f-TUri. i r ii'.f 1': -fi-c-,, itvill imcri- be X.Uiii 0 tt.-.: cr.i tycedg curt: Fcsert c f all l.indi, DUtanper, Founder, Coughs, Lizx jf Avpcti'', Hide Bcund Yel low Watcry ct also ell diseases arising from a 1 diiordercl Slomacli, cr ri impure titte of iht C lozzl rADxrs's ezzz'.ki ccm'itic.t roTCEn, A ii Msic in, ia a rrnt'c ttirnulant. "n 1 Jc the Tnany mt:cH bold iliro'-.oui I be conniry tor tli lipases .i Uors'F rinl CiUtlc, tiiis f rrpar iion ib cutirily of vpfi'iaLlc rririu no r.iim-ralg ntrr iiit ils CMiixiii'.tii. beiiii: roiiiiX'tod -a-lirfly ol urorraiir to-'1, l.erl;-, k oJs aii) Luri It :nr Ic 1 witii f: "1 c-nl:;' ;jc rs to its tntirc l'c:,, s-j ii.Il-. .:,- c-f jk ration It fcii.s tli lii. !, I'iTb t!.e J!;''c, pirrs to U? f iii a f ni'.olii a i -y ; parar.rv, r nioT-s all bliunnrrs, : r.ity i - ttn : ni rr.i!i?, Jife-c-ivinj? rippiti . i:..'.:'3 irt' t'r- tkl-iilufr-cl. brokfn 4wn n.-ni. ':!on oi antimtwes t bin .'.."-S. ' Ji v . - . Cows rcjni"C tj'1 r,!r -c'.rtfr.l t'.trrir.n, tnt t.f n.uivp fx I. T'k l--'imony cf ri"'.m Ja-'-i'-iv ar.-l iinirj'ii.c-, i;cit tLcfact'ibat t tLc jl.'Jv i-;:.J I'-C cf Parlvcr's Ccrdhl Condition Powder. lt "ct of r:llk n nt cr.'r ,n-a?'..v ivrrna-ct!; tl.e u .vlli y a"ly irvj.ixvi-.J, u. Ly tlic u.-e ol t.u ttowu v. rI1 t'-n i. r. -y 1 1 ft v . f.!l .T --j ku4 xuriiii : Cl l-'.c Ll'o-.!, a: at .i r.-iavc i. . 2 Z-.--f T?rteT?r tsd fitrter;r cf ?Tv!r!e vat rejeire tj know liir.t & prom-t ) u u1 v f r th: various tnola dt!, to vLicU tLc-c anuii;il3 arc fcubject is loumi u Paiicr's Cordial Ceziltloa Feeder. Tot Cotirl". Tc ror. ir.Tr.rr'n-.t'on cf th Lutim. J11ps, Man?, Ki'lncr VVim, A.r. Ac, this nca.cln act like i chariu. l z I'liolcra vill b aroiJi vi by oroniiocfil n-j.-cs cf t:;ii powil:r il is a mrc picvt utative. (.n paj r aduci to a barrel of Cwill find given frf-elv lloji vUl speedily laavt liceu o:t fiUl iliccaics. T9- i TL:s potvr beln? loli Ton'.': r.rft laxative, tir.v !S l.i? looj, remove l liv.T.cri, and Vil thcr :. re be l.-und msi txccli.i::iiri'roiotais the ecm'iUion ci fc-aeep. tJJ"Pri'- cn. ffn.' r''TJ-'a'f , Trtpzrti r3i'or tale by Drrr-juia and llcrctaata every mCH-UIDSON-i CO., Cen'IAr-8. 354 & KorCi Hain Street, St. louie. TaVen nnby the nnder-iprced living in Doug las Prciodt,, one half mile S E cf lialani'a miil, cntbe lit dy cf Marfh, 18G7,cne Lrindle Suer, , tail cS", Swallow fcrk io left tar, cicp eff left ear. abuct fear yosrsold this Spring. JJarcU tith TliO.MAS MOSLET. MONET, FliilE AS V AT.S 10,C0 ACTrS'E LOCAL tnd Traveling Agents, ilalt cr Fe males cf a'l ee, r wrnat . to suiieit trade in ev ery Ci'j. Town, "Village; Lamiet, ir0rkhop and Faetcry, throngLoat tae entire world, fcr the xnott r.le .ble Bovtl.i't tvtr knewn. 500 IT.R CENT ri:OFlTn KUADY SALE VIIEREVER OF FEiiLD !1 Sc'-art tsen aad Trcicca can rcake from 55 to ISO per day, and no risk cf loss! A finall earital rennired cf from 20 to ficai).. aaonpy invetted the grater the fro5t. .Vo 2oxr rrynirttt in uaruncf-j ,CBli the ttrticl't ob rcticti-ay tfiervnrdl If yoa ae iua!l j wish to icake mocey rsp;vlly atd easily, write for full t-ar-4iulm and aJ Ireie 1-7 10 ELOADy.'AY, New York City. D' ii Ttaclci, AjiC! i-:'ackU.rrii. CherriV, at tils-', " - " - ' it"' J J ! .gui 11,11 - . . ... .. -,r-. v ' .. ' :JZ - .' - ' f V J - u r r-r- t j i 1 I3 ivnlr M- 1" u' Wc have cn hand a large of Staple ji To which we are making constant additions, hnd whicli we are celling at prices low as any establish ment west of the Mississippi river. !fi TIE QU A1TY OF QU3 GOODS VE CHALLEHQE COMPETiTIO:!. C3-FL0XIR- OF THE MOST APPROVED BRANDS. THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. l2 t,i tt Oj$ U T H O Xi '33 SALE " 1 DEALERS LY a is AND d) d) Would call the attention of DEALERS to theiriramense'stock of Dregs snd Medicine?, Sclicol BooKs, . Patent Medicine?, Blnk Books, Class and Glassware, AYrlUns Ppery Taints and Oils. - Envelopes, iSplccs-ar.d Bre-stcffs, Coal Oil end ln?p Tare Wines, Liquors, dc., dc., VThkb were Lcntt fcretfh cf llanufaeturer?, Iasporters ntd Fut'isierg, ard will be sold at tie most favorable prices. Dajicg in lar; qaactities frou Crst banii, they are eaabled t offer extra induce in'ct? ta the trade. ; ' ' - FfPSjZ-P . Tift ere the yort-wesbPrt "Wholeya!? A??ntscf Dr. D. Jajae 4 Son, and cf Dr. J. ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in Iron, STEEL and HEAVY HAEBWAEE. Vi'ngon, Carriage, and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Firings. Axes, Axe'.s, Shove's atd Sna le'.Filcs and Ra?ps, Cities, Carriage anl Tire BolU, Xutts and TVaFhersXails, Ucree nail. Horse & iiule fchoes, Saws, etc. etc. , . Catiags and Hollow Ware, Suar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and'Lids, Stew pots. Bake ovens, Fruit kettles acd Sad Irons. BlaelvSIIlHIlS, Tools, Anvils, Strcks and Dies, BeIlows,SIedge and Hand Ham mers, Viicg, Pincers, Easpf, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, 7renche, &!. Ox Yoifi, Axle Grea?e, Ox chain?, TTogoa Jacks, Ox Shoe nails, Shorels and Picks,Oold Pans,eto. IZiitos, Gpols.cs nnd Sont-stuiT. 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLINEPLOAVS ! Ju?t ralected, and fcperior to any yet invented ; and SIcCornilcU'R loxTcrs and Kcaprrs,KaIIcrs Horse Cora Planters Sulky Corn Cultivator, lland Corn Flanter, Corn dlori Fay Kake?, etc. etcx-sc. fcujiuz n:r : -ol3 Uirect fruta tiio raia V ers, I oJfer stpat lncJucerucDts TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. BLOOD I EUMOE Will pnMtively enre SCROFCLA, EliYSIPELAS, DYSPEPSIA, IXDIGESTIOX, HEAUTI3CUN, or any IH.'MOK in tbeELOOD cr STOMACH, and for PURIFYING the SYSTEM and ERADICATING all TRACES OF DISEASE thi? remedy has no e'jual.and for Bnildinq vj -' Sy'tetn, and giving sew Strenntk and Vi'jor. Its nrparalicd sacce.-s since its introduction, and the wonderful cures it tas and is daily crforminir are its beet puarrantee and we earnestly desire that every mCerer shall civa it a trial. Sold by all Dru?riats.. Price cce dollar a bcttla. BROinERS, ST. LOUIS, MO. Proi-risttn. SALT RHEUM I RHEUM! ma curt the ITCH cr salt jinzriz. in a few ar-plioaUons. It a!?5 cores prairie Scratch es Chilblains, Ulcers and all Eruption of the tkm, wher e ether remedies have been tried in vain, cure speedily aui thoroughly. Price 9 cents a bcx. Sold by Blldruisn. T.f eendin 3 cents m a letter' to COLLINS BROTHERS, S. W.cor. 2ad A Yine Sts.. St. Louis, Ho., it will to tent by &ail free cf postage. x-u-ly-rnEjJa J JLoaf SyrCP, Stun.O.olayg )n.kles.CanFruiUcf aU kinds, and Outers at SMTAN A LUOo. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS TJiSTORED by IlelmboU's Extract Bachn. .YOTIE. The crt liters of William Stilweel, doceased will take notice that the Probate Jodga of Kemaha Cocnty ,Nebratka, will receive, examine and ad just all claims Rgainst the fail deceased, and that ha will ait for that punose at his Fice in Brown ville ia said Coonty of Nemaha on the 11th day cf November A. I). 18S7 between the tour of nine o'clock a. in., and four o'clock p m of paid day, un I era tne claims of Creditors are presented to ssaid Probate JKtge for allowance upon the day men tioned atove they still not bo entitled ta payment 23-3tf9,C0 .Probate Judge. 1IANE0OD AND TOUIUFUI. YIGOil art re gaineA by Eelmholi's Extract Bachu. Feih Iyer Eait'ci, Carrntj.CUrn a SWAH A ESQ'S. ( ITCH ) n n ;r, ,yr m.i r- , r ' ' i t ,j V Mrc- u I n'rr) and well assorted stock and Pancy 1 cr-iEr-x 1 r Sal n) J r i I1oxr Woodworks. hand and toarrire rising in part. p atent inc A BCorniQ The N'ew York Slica EooSng Cuncpsny, (Estab libhed 1854,) are maenfactnring under Letters Pat ent The Best Article of Composition Roc5q Ever offered to the Public. It is adapted t o every style of Roof,8teep or nt and can be readily applied by any ore. The U.S. Government, after a thorough test cf its btiJity , have adopted its use in the havy Yards and nron Public Baildings. Ihe Roofing is put cpin rolls, and hai only to be nailed to the Roof to make a Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering We particularly recommend its u.?e npon II is I Mings, Stores, Cliurclics, Fac tories. Macliine-Sliops, Steam-boat-UccIis, &c. MICA ROOFING PAINT For coating TIN, IRON, or SHINGLE ROOFS. It forms a Hody equal to taree coats of Ordinary Paint, No Roof can rnst under it, and Old Leaky Boofe miy be made permanently water-proof and durable by ita ne. ' , The Paint requires no Hixing but is ready to be applied with the ordinary paint brush. Price $1 per galcn, vrhich will cover two hundred square feet. Also manufacturers of REVARTISll TABRED FELT AKD EOOFIN'G PITCH. ' Discount to the Trade. Circulirs and Price List furnished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address. THE MICA ROOFING Co. 101, Broadway, New York. rrr.l Tlnmphrcv, 61 Royal St., N. 0. Sco feld, Williams & Co., Aoir.sta, Ga. Baldwin H- Wo.k1, Montgomery, Ala. Thomas S. Coates. Raleigh ,N.C. l.A. Tucker, Richmond, Ya. Tenrp Wilson, Petersburg Va., AgenU. January, 1st. ISod-l j SOLIETHING LW.lHl&Sifflt A good reliuble Agent wanted in every town to take the entire eontroLfor his neighborhood, of seve ral of the b, mott taxa ble, and proZiaU articles of every day use ever pre sented to the pub'.il. Prof it large) satisfaction guar anteed. The right iran or women can cake from $12 to t :o a week eanlj. :lose stamp for foil deserip iion anl iilustratted eata icgTie. Sample sent freo; ExcIusLto control f ter ritory giren Allre? K. Y. WtnnfactcringC. 11 Tirk Row, K.T, 1000 ASBMTS i Wanted (Hale cr Jtiraie. 1 8 6.7 A pring ajproac Anls ad Jloachet i'rontheir hole come cut, S iJ ZIlc and Rait, ' J. tpite of fd, Si L . , ' - wti 18 years ejtabliabed in N.T. City." "Only infallible remedy known." "Free from Pcisonp." 'Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Eats come cat of their holes to die." "CostarV Bat, Eoaoh, &o , Extenninatirs Is a paste used for liati. Slice, Roachei, Blacl and red Ant Ac, Ac, Ac, "COSTAJ2"S' Bed.Bug Exterminator, Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and as a preventative for Bed' Bug, dc. .COSTAB'S" Electric Powder for Insects is for JJotht, Jfotquitoe, Flea, Bei-Bngs, iu$ect on plant. Fotslt, Animate. Ac. J5"n ! Bkwark !!! of.all worthless imitations XT See that "Cosraa's" name is on each Box, Bottie, and Flask, be-for yoa buy. rTAddress, ; H3NRY B, COSTAR, 484 Bioadway,New lork. Sold in Ercbnville, Nebraska by . Holladah A Company. And by all Druggists andR&Uilera. COSTAR'S CELEBRATED. BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, Broken Breast, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles, Scrofulous, Putrid and Ill-conditioned Sore ; Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Erup tions, Cutaneous A&eetions, Ringworm, Itch Corns Bunnions, Chilblains, Ac. Chapped Hands, Lips f:c; Bites of Spiders. Insects, Animals Ao. JSfBoxes, 25 cts., 50 cta.,ad $1 sizes. 4fSold by all Druggists every Trh ere. 57" And by Hkxrt R ('ostar. Depot 4SI Broad- J37"And by HOLLADAY A CO.. Brownville Neb - COSTAR'S UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, For Corns, Bunions, Warts, &c. Boxes, 25 cts., 50 cts and $1 sizes. Sold by sll Drnggi3ts everywhere. 55?And by Henbt K. Costir, Depot 4S4, Broad- .way, J. Y. . gSFAnd by HOLIADAY A CO, Browville, Neb COSTAR'S V PREPAaJlTIOM or Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freckcls, Pimplea, Eruptions, Ac. Lad let are now using it in preforenee to all others. frPottles, St. r-tT"Sold by all Druggists everywhere. k"Aud by Bkxbt It. Cost at, Depot 421, Bread way.N.Y. And by IfOLLADAY A CO Brownville, Neb, COSTAR'S PECTORAL COUGH EEMEDY For Coughs, Cold, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup. Whooping Congh, InSaenza, Asthma, Con sumrMcn, Bronchial Affections, and all Diseases of the Throat tnd Lung?. iSTBoUles, 55 ct., 50 cts., snd $1 sizes. Srff Sold by all Druggists everywhere. iST'And by Hexet U. Cottar, Depot 4S4 Broad- -AnVbyEQLLAPArA CO., BroJiTille,Neb, COSTAR'S CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A UNIYE2SAL DINNER PILL, For Nrvons and! Sick Ueadiche, Cpslivonesj, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Billiousness Comtipation, Diarrhea, Ccllca. Chills, Fevers, and eueral da ranzeraent of the Digestive Organs. E5?Bores, 25 eta- 5D ets nd 51 eizes. t-ifSoli bp all Drurgists everywhere. tiTAnd by flxxjtY iL Costa, Depot 434 Bread way, X. Y. HT And by HOLLADAY A CO.. BrownTiile, Neb. Tol II c20 5m TTer a ehe article cf Tea, go to X SWA A ESO-S. 4- "n r a.J m t 1 r V n i OCTOBER 19, 1SG5, In direct competition with all the lea ding makers in the cfuntry. ' OEGANS AND PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS Respectfully inviie the attention of pur chasers, the trade and profession, to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture : PEDAL BA-S OEGANS Five sizes, Five Octave, one to Three Backs of Kevs. Three to Eisht sets of Reeds, . Prices: 8250 to $800. . : 0 ' : School Organs, Twelve styles.siDgle an3 double Reed Rosrwood and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $400 I it Piano style and Portable, Twelve Va rieties, from four to six Octavos, Single End Double Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $65 to $250. PELOUBET, PELTON h CO., 841 Broadway, New York. Sep. ht65 2y LECTURE ty TO YOUNG JIEN. Just Published, inaSezled Envelop. Pric tixcentt. A Lecture on flic Xaturc, Treatment and Radical Care of Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weakoess, In voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Imped iments to 3'arnaee generally. Nervousness, Con sumption, Epi!ep?y, and Fits, Mental and Phi tieal Iiy-apftcity. result'cg from Self-Abuse, Ac By liUliLJiT J. L LLv AKYi LLL, 11. D, Author of the 'Green Book," Ao. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Leclnro.clearly prooves from his experience that the awful conscqueneesof self-abuse way be effecfa ally removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instmnien ts, rin??, cr cordials, p-jiiitins out a moila of care at once carUin and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may ba may enre himself cheapiy and radically, THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND TnCUSAXDS. Seat under sual, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt ot Ax cents, or two post Office stomps. Also, Dr, Culverwell's ''Marriage Guid e," j rice 25 cents, ddress the publishers. CHAS.J. KLINE A CO. 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office bcx, 4,585. 11-5 12-5 LATEST FASHI0X3 DSMAN'D J.TT. Bradley's celebrated Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OH POt'BLE SPRIXfi) Tfca Wonlertr.l FlesitUity en1 great Coinfrct anJ Pleijiire ti any La!y wearia? t'ae l)cp!ex Ellirtic Skirt will be eipcimced particularly in all crowded Aj.einblies, Operas. Carriages Kilri.aJ Cars, Chnrcli Pews, Arm Cbirs. for ProreftnaJe aui U.iuc Press, ibe Sltirt can be (o!Jcl when in use td t.ccnpy a mall place as e.trily and conveniently as a Sil or Mnslin Drew, an inraltiible qca!:ty in crinoliue, u:t loan I li, ai.7 S.n.ele fprins Siirt. a Lady, having etij'Jic-J the plasnrif, comfort arvl srreit of wearins the Dcples Elliptic f teel liprintj Sfcirt for a siccl8 day, will never aiterwards willingly !HpeB39 i:u .tbeir use. For;CiiildJrcn, Mixe and Tonne Lalics tbey are s'Jicrior to ail oiters They win not bec.i cr break li'se tbe Single Sprins, tnt will preserve tbeir perfect and prce.'nl v;ape where three or focr ortlimrv Skirts will have leen thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with tljuble an.1 twU'ted tbrep.J, and tte trvinm rvla'onot only double 5prinps, but twice (or djto'e) covered: preventing tLem fr?n wearing ortt When Uragin down iitoops, stairii, &c. The Duplex Ellirti.i is a ereat farj:ite with all tte ladies and is cniversalty recoaiaenJeU l-v all th.e KJhional!e Magazines as the stadird sltirt cf the Factional ie World. T? enjey the fotlowlc lnestimat'a advanfsse in Crinoline, viz-, superior ja.lity, perfect mjnufacture, stylish shap and fnish. ftesiM!iiy, dcrability, com fort ami economy, enquire lor J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic cr Doeble SprUig Skirt, anl b2 si: a you set the genuine art:c. CACTION'.--To gnird asalnst Irupcit!on be partic alsr to notice that ifcirU ofTered a "DUPLEX" have th red inS j-tamp. viz., J. W. Bradley's Dop'.ey El liptic Sieel SpriLgs." tipca the wj ififcand nre other are penmce. A lsu notice that every hoop will admit a pin bcins passel thront:!i the centre, thns revealing tb s two (or double) spri ps trailed toreiter therein. which is the secret of tbeir f.eiihi Jity d streriRth, and a combination not to be fi-und i:i any othpr skirt. J-or sa. e in all stores 7here First Ciasa skirts arn Bcldthronphontthe United States and e'sewhere. anuiariared by the so;e owners cf the pateftt. wests, uradiey u Cary, 3-n 97 Clamber A. 78 & 81 Reade Sts.. T 11-3 Theandersiaad keep oa hand a large assortment SATTiMETci CASSL'.IERE SUITS For il2n and Boy's wear. Also, a lare stock cf HATS .AJOTD CAPS AND SHOES, Rnblier Cots, Lcgglns & Klaukcts, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS Gent's Fnrnisliing Goods, Of a, kinds which we wiil sell CHEAP FOR CASH. We purchased otr goods ? ince the da cline ia the Markets and will sell atlo figures. .ATKINSON & CO. April 1S&.1S65. 0-20-ly Sale cf appraised Stock. On Saturday, the first day of Jnno 1317, i will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash in band on the promises of Wit! iaca Bourke, living 6 1-2 miles Sonth West from Aspicwall,ia Nemaai Co iiebraoka, Two Stray Steers, tescribed as follows : One Brtndle btetr.crop Ou cf ea-sa ear, bnnile face, 6 years old. One Red and Wcite Steer. ?rcr tJcf each ear,end broken ifof lef hcm,7 jearj old Both appraise! at one Dsnarei ujuars. Tskea op bj William Ik tiki", end now in bis po3?es.iaa. ,:a:5tri a. tTEWAi;r,j.p. A 'rag "woT" BOOTS Tro.Ti J.S. Adrertiiir? A;r.r. 9? J Ctiirubt.-r SiresU, Salct Louii, JIo . Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier, A-VD x ROOT & PLANT: i PILLS, Are the creatcst Preventive and Curative Hon5- bold Keisdies of these, asi are wonderfally ef ;acious in caring L'ypttii and 0nsusip'iye Symptoms, Genfral l)ebity, lAEg-aor, Bilious Xi' ea.se5,afrwMon3 cf the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. Fi.rr.ale CoxplainlJ, Scrofulous Affec tions, and all diseases arising from impure b'ood, and a sure preventive cf ever and Agt:e, Chol era, Yellow Fever, Bilirns Fever, e. See circular around each bottle aa i bci. Pro pared only by the Craftoa lladicina Co., St., iiusouri. SuM by HOLLADAY c CO. ErowLvii's, Neb. FRENCHHOTEL ! OntlJcEnrcprnn Han. Orr-osite the City Hill and Park, ( Cor. of Frax.i fort St. . XZY YCRK. Spacious P.efectory,r-atb Tijoa and 5arbr Shop. &:rra;it3 uot a'. ti:ce to rrc-ice Prrriit3. Do not Lolieve Bcsnerf cr Hiekuien who tay we are full. July li:. I . 1 year... Qoda Crackers, Gi :gcr Snaps', ard Aerated Crack t SV'AN t BliO'S. , er?f at T)a'm Soap, Casiile, Eoi!a ard Detersive Sor.p JL and tLt veiesratea fcver fcuirca at Search at ' S I TAN A BSO'J. Dyspepsia Cure. This Great Remedy for all Biieaas cf tha STOMACH, i3 the discovery of the inventor of Coc's valuable Cough Balsam, whilo csperimtnting fcr his osm health. It cured Cramp in the Stomach for him which had before yielded Co nothing cut Chloroform. The almtdaity testimony frora vtiri ius parts of the country -encourage-us to believe there i3 no dis ease caused- by a aiivrrdered stcaxch it will no speedily cure. P v s i c i a n s endorse and Uso it ! ! Ministers give testimony of its efficacy And from all directions we receive t;Jing3 of curc3 pcrfermed. D'jpepia I H i3 sure to care. Htartlum! One dese will cure. Sicl--Eeacfac.'e lt has cured in hundreds o eses. Headache ar.d pizzincs ! It gu ps in thirty minute. Acidity of the Stomach t It corrects at once. Rising of the Food I lt stops immediately. Dtilrti afi-r I One dose w ill remove. Cholera Horiut 1 - Kapidily yields to a few doses. Bad Breath I Will bo charged with half a bottb. It is Perfectly Bcrrrtless ! ! Itj unprecedented succe3 i- owing to the fact that It Cures by Assisting- Xalure, TO EE-ASSERT HER SWAY iN TCE SYSTEM! Nearly every dealer ia the United States sells it a 0."E DOLLAR I'Er. COTTLE. C. G. CLARK, &. CO., Proprietors, NEW DATES, CONN. HOLLADAY A CO., and McCREERY A CO. General Agents. Al?oforsaleby MARSH A CO. November 15, 1305. GET THE BEST MRS, CHILDREN". Is now truly acknowledged a superiar prepirrition for all disca.sJ3 incident to infants and children. EVERY BODY SPEAKS In exalted terms af commendation of it3 truly won derful effects and medicinal virtues, a nJ are de lighted with its u?e. tT Price, Only 23 cents per B-jtHa.3 by So'd by all dealer in '-ndicina. Prep-ire i oa 1 y tha Grafton M-.-dicina Corupaty, S:. ui, . Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. lot. Gii) Brovvnviilo, Nth. LEGAL NOTICE Y7ill7am Tamer will take noti '3 tbit Terr3 or ner did cn tha 2lth day of Jlaroh A. D. Ii37 , file her bill of complaint, in tha DL'trkt Court, in and for Pwne8 Concty, St.-.ta cf Nvjriska, in Chanra ry ,3-ain3t tbe said Wi'.iiiiai Turner. The object and prayer of said complainant, Teresa P. Turner, ia sid bill , is to obtain a decree of said Court d":s solvinj the bonis of mitiim"ny betweea the a'.i Teresa P. Turner, Coinplaiaaat and ttih said Y"m." Turner, Defendant, aai the said William Tumor is notified that he is repair?:! to appear and an swersaid bill cf CvKaplaiaeat oa or before llcnisy the 2i?th ar-y of M.y .1S57.- " " Dated ApiU4ch lciC-7. 2:-itt J CHARLES II. GERE. Solicitor for Complainant. G R A N T' S CAEAP CASH STORE. JIain Street between First ar.iT'SecQr.J. BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Would respectfully inform the Citizens cf Brownvills, and surround icr country thatl htve just received my fall St-ck of Oocdi, consisting cf yfw n .r ae t - : i 2 HP i2 Of the latest styles and best quality. Hers heavy calf Coots, docile soled Boots, Fine Kin Boots boys and children Bwtiand Shes. All kink3 of La dies' Eocts and Shois of the S nest an I het quality. India Rubier and Buffalo Over Shcea for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind; Cosistinj of tha bes brands of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper, Allspice, Soda, Cand!e3, Tobacco, Matches, Starch; Scc.,&c, fee. V7aro, no .V7arc, kJ tow The Ber Oaa'iry of The bet Woolen UoJcr and Over Shir.'s, Salt Sajt by th" round er barrel Y. HICH UE FOlt SALS CHEAP FOB CASH All rt wtiich be offer at the lowest prices, deter Imaednot to be u-ertoli. ' GRANT. Ra.-b-l Callenbyher neit", E.r;r- R.Y. TTa-he friend II. II. Atkinson plT. i J. P., cf Nzlaha ts I Nebraska Territory. William l!iD.nald dtfeni'tj Oa the oOta day cf March 1357 said Ja;t".ca is ined an order f attachment ia the above action for the sum of $31.03. Brownville, April 4th 1357 27-4t 1,5 a . Ii. V. nCGflES, J. P. Taken np by the nnderiiined , lirin,; ia Glen Rock Precin:t. oo the 7th day of Fbrusry, l-!7 One red and white speckled Swr with a:nder-it ont cf left car, audcroa iff riht ear, 2 year? eld this Spring CVRl S C. MSADRR. LAKGFi AND FINK STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS. A TEN BOLLLAR LnsraTlnsr for ana a Fortune fo Notliins! f enj Stamp lor Catalog wits rrLt pabticc x.$as. Ac4 Ures. SEC T A. A. rXICjT, 2j?!SStbzxt. NEvrToa. AstSTt, MALI akd Umili, wantel, From . u ( M per nwi cjb te caie 13 6m 2.C? OF EVERY DUSCRlPTiGj N.3.C5 llarkct Street, bct-jreea llaia i,, ' ST. LOt: oland s Hagic Billious Powden , i; uo i.ev.j. .folar.4 . 'the Past rcf tk 1-tin ly beloved by thu dea? K thrcnhoctNewErg'ia.j t l'izej to leave thera'p. dy medicine to are J the ccst wor:djrfiil discoveries cf e.'. " ; If.. l icBi lea cf all wh hae tasict Ca f oas Powders are a P n osltiveCisrelorLivcrCoai'v 1 its UiO-taravatel form, tcl a ..m "4'51 I tor cf eli " alaiieu j 1 re?tor cf e Exjtlicnt lor llti: tU AS T I I A T I o r v B! i''.''. P!mr-e-. A! BsrtfcurB. ' ' . A.-1 a Q-t raa. fcr iminaclata a j.) Here a.o a fw :-aporta!it parti.-IjiT 1st They ara tha Gret Src;e, t ' ..,.' Ifecti'-r.s. 2d They are the only knw tmU tin.. cure Liver L02piii.1t. " 2d They ae the c!y known remdTthit. Ccn. t:pation. - JWd 4th. The Powders are so tho.oh ia faW ration that one pkae will leall that U my ty of-tho.-e uv.rS them wiii remire to 1 th They are a mild and pieacaut vel elective cathartij kEjwa. 6th. They are the cheapitiathart'j krc9 5th. They are the cheapest ,ai tMtBi.cian. tint, nstheycaa be sent ty cnii 13 T4-'.f globe, for the price, ? cents. ' Circulars, contamirT cer?iScaes,ia.'(;rst!os L. sent to any part cf the wor! 1 frse of evar's ' x SOLD BY ALL DRUUGISIS, wh mail cn application to C. G. CLAHlX, & GEsriii Aiirrs, NEW HAVEN, C02W November 15, liZZ. $100 ESWAED Fcr a meiicine ttit will ccri Cotths, Influenza, . . Ti-kiln j in tho Tljcat, or relieve Consumptive CcnAJ, as qmcii aj OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES have been iold and not a single iDitacce ef i ifi! nre is known. Wa have, in oar pciseici, scj quantity of CertiSratft?, some of thea from EMINENT PAYSICIANS, who h.'.ve csel it ia thr pr:v.-t;ceaJ givsa it the. rre-euiineace over ever other eooipojoi. It does not dry up a Cough but . - LOOSENS IT. l so as to enable the patient to espectotate frIy. Two or tare does Will Invariably Cure Tickling H tU Throat ! A h'.lf bottle has oftaa cvcnIetely ear-1 tb most Dtact'ora Louga , and vet, tboii'i it is io ifi and pte !y in its operiti.n, it u perfrc.." hrs Ie.i, bein purely vegetable. It is a very sjrwt- b!e to the taste, and u.ay ba admin!s:ere-l tj au tre a of any a.j'5. In cases cf Croup rrc xrUl gua is- tee a euro if talica in scasoa. Xofamil v slioultl be without t ia within :he reach cf beicz the cha'irt and best inedkire eita-jtr C. G. CLARK & CO , Proprietor?, NEW nA YEN, CON. A. S HOLLADAY & CO.. and 1V.H. McCREEPvY, Brcwnnlie;' KebrKv General Agents. . SALE OF APPRAISED STOCK. FriJy the Ci day ct lUr. IS 37 at 2 o'clock P oraaiJ uy, I will orT.r s' t the bi;at b-J-der fr cah in hand ,ca the prervisej ef W. . Sta-r, living ia Lcfayerie Pre in:t. ia 5i.t County Nebraska , ?na stray bay tr.are Ponj. years old lt Sprin. Taxea np by Wn. iiitrt and nw in bu poatJoj. ' ' 27-atp4 JONATHAN HKJGTNS, J. " TvFtvy j 4 .y ft v-i wi m mm Over C3,CC3 rnscafactnre'd srd now ia 3 ia iJ coanfy an 1 iiarope. These wrrld renrwrcd nrr-.!si were awanM the first prii. Ten Ponrds tbat' Qnadritnaial Trial at Iymoatb, Enj., Ja'ydM and at the Great Natiina! Field TriaL Auburt N. V.. in Ja 5y, I?G3,the First Previa GBAND GOLD JiEDAL. The PHIZE MOTVEB U"l;' It rr':rt T! th n lrnrt2-- which k nade it to uii;r,r?al a farorite, is reai-'y is?"' e,l hv tbea I titinri of STiFL I-INTI) OL'AP.DS. NEW M7MW CON.vrCTIOXS, STKONGEP. KNIVES, SPUING SEAT. ' ADJUSTABLE FOLDING 5HC. If-ikirj? it a prfe-t n-jchine. The lightest the most du.-aU, anJ at the same tine thesis?-' and le.J. cuttiog n-.a-eice in ths wo.-il. The Seir-Raker Repeater! Is qastly ealled tke Yor of every eot't" Mconstrnet J on tGe ia-i scientiLS priaeiplei- The ne? Ilowir j Attachment give general J1 faction and make on t,f .the nnst etf' ccxblced Sc'.i-Kak- Papers known, ai ly warrant it. Tho HAND RASS REAP; Is at the same tlase the cheapest and the b!4 its kiuk evtr ciltred. i It eats a swart h Sfe feet wide in Eeric'' X. foar an i a batf in Mowing. test i o:Jd' Lar .'lahin" ia bj. The ease" which; to Hearer, cr tiee-terta i, will atcneereconQH'- iian; afaiured bv the WALTER A. WOOD Mowing & Rear ing Machine Ccr? Hoosick Falls IT. T. GENERAL SALESROOMS, 40. CorUandt Street, 20C-LaI;o Street,' Chicago. FOREIGN OFFICE 77 Upper Tiiames Street, Ioxsdc!r IeiiriptivaCatalogass tent cn app'i-atie-Jf Oyer's Cathartic Pill?. TTiZ GP-TAT IITJTt AND ZlUO which cosijlctely throws ia the shaded? di&x-veries in taedieice ; and it a'orjj V " ' gratiSsatba that they idceive tb Brn:J,,, ; Cure PreyeniiYe of FeKf&'L. ( We adTis-? all who tre truM,i -- :ady to a;wij R:ep tie v. . auU .la. lilSI! .... he Ti