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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1867)
LOCAL, , !2je Lirense.Ac. Ae. Ac. for sale at this 0 See. 'BriTwiLWAlIs, Who is theautboi m&Xgtnlln St. Uuis for this ppe-, will attend to v,Cf collect and purchases In that City. CJTc ESOWXVILLE. THURSDAY MAT 20, 1867. ""tost orncc iiolks. Iastern Mil. daily, ex?qt Surday. Arrives ,t o'oUtk,. i , n?-ti Departs. II " r-m., cthf. yortbern Mail, daily, except buoday. I ' Arrives, 1 1 o'clock, p. m., Bt, i Departs, 2 " Departs, Monday, Wednesday end Friday, .hem and Eastern Mails close at 7, p. m. Kortbera oo.i iHhnrlzcaAjrents fcrrrlucc &Co GEO W. ElLLACO,are the authorized Agents ' v. rvtv for Geo. A. Prince & Co's cele- ttd Calitct Organs, iiO.odeoLa, etc. For price, eall at ;te 're It r.ri ' . Episcopal Service ai uciaenuu. Hall every notice- r SrTinnl Books and School pUj J L u4 Stationery t Marsh & Co's. They can' 1 CtOltC Fruit Farm for sale. En A, J. W. BLISS. Marsh & Co's. No. 1. Try it. Cider Vinegaa is Full s-cck of t kinds of School Sta .erj , McCREERY'S. ClrlS, when you want a pood Steel Pen or bottle of pood Black Ink go to Marsh & Co's, they keep (he best. nfcicnn Boot nr,d Shoe Maker bus iflft- received a frlend"J 6t05k Boots, Shoes. Gaiters, etc. Drop in. cf Those Ir.aeMca to Atkinson & COm ?Rve cos!sa!lJ trouhle by imme diately 'raying up, Fair earning. 20 000 Buehel? Corn wanted by JOHN W. HENDERSON. The IWs for Grading Streets are now in W. K. Hoover's hands to be con ' rerted into gref nbacks. Fine Golden Syrup and Some Thing ,t MARSH & CO'S. CHEAP READING Marsh $ Co. are coralarAly making additions of JVew Booli to their Circulating Library. EliC'l. Cash paid for Hides by J. L. McGEESt CO. Choic! Apples, Oranges, Smcked Hal- ibat, Dried Beef, Pickles at SWAN & BRO'S. 1 A full assortment of the School Books I v?ei in the Brownville Hich School for -.nlelbwat McCREERY'S. f Another lot of these fine Factory 1 Cheese just received at ht tictt c. rrT J. L. McGee & Co.. are receiving cew Goods by every boat, and McGee is now east purchasing more. They are determiued lo keep up their stock iu spite of tne great rush upon it. II. C. Lett, Land Agent and Auc tioneer. If yru want good Groceries at low prices go to MARSH &. CO'S. Boji recollect lhai Mars Si. Co. keep good Black Ink, Steel Pens, Copy Books and all kinds School Stationery, that's the place to bvy I Marsh & Co. keep inchest Steel Pens wd the cest Black Jak in the market, j . . -' 1 500 John Deree'a pelebrated Moline j Plows. TH0. HILL & CO. 1 Pens, Ink. Pencils, Paper, and in fact : all that is necessary for educatioa from we ab c class to College for sale at j : " McCRpERY'6. Jest received at Mrs, Jlewett's Milli aery Shop, a freth arrival of n new Sum Goods, Ladies' Hats, Children's at8, Sun Downs, Trimmings, etc. Holladay Co.',"are sellbg PainUand OJs cheaper than an? houe in the city. Give them a call and tee for yourselves. t Atttntlon, Farmers! The highest rket price paid for Wheat, Corn,. Qats, ' E"ley, Wool and Bacon, by WORTHING & WILCOX. i Hating n!arged their store and in ) "eased their ttock of Staple and Fancy I fnes Swan k Brother are oflerin j l-aiiiocal inducements to purchasers. ; A Peloubet or Prince Organ for sals Cuice on reasonable terms. l0$S Starch, the greatea and Mpest and only labor saving discovery -"cninj pee .linens for sale at Co' and gwan & Bro's. Marsi 20,000 Bushels Corn wanted, iO.OCO Bushels Wheat wanted, tyOOO Bushels Oats wanted, by RAINY &- LEWIS. jpalrs Ke-Calncd, with neatness dispatch, by GEO. TURNER. Arply at Mrs. Hwwett's Miliner Shop. M. McComS has removed his roe Store to tne west room of the old Brownville House building, and has cer- the finest Drug House in the cay. W? ttock displays to the best advantage, room and fixtures bein goten cp in Trclnlns Tract and Fair Groand. AVe leRra with pleasure that Benj. Rogers has succeed in raising the means to clear and build a Training Tract and Fair Ground and has loccted it nn the level ground just beyond the cemetery. This is a beautiful tile, and we venture the opinion that few men c m .1 srrr'rifP it to better advantage than Ban. JaCOl) MarllOC, Merchant of this city, has opened up a Tailor, Ready Blade Clothing Depot at -his old stand cn Man street. Ue has one big advan tage in this business, that cf being an extra ood juo'ge of the article in which he deals. Jake is determined lo keep! nothing but the best, and his supply now is marked at peace prices. Try him, ye in need cf Clothing, and ye will profit thereby. Personal. Hon. T. V. Tipton and Col. R. VV. Furnas are at the Capitol. Col F. M. Tnompaon. E. A. Wyatt and I. N. White, cf Rockport, Mo., visited our city visited our city last Tues day in company with Gen. Moore, of the M. & M. R. A. L. R. R. We are pleased to commend in this connection the action of there gentlemen and At chison county in favor the above named road. John P. Cruthers, of Keokuk, Iowa, called on us last Monday He has dur ing the past month located a large tract of land in this District, intending to or ganize a colony to occupy the same dur ing the preient season. MaSOnlC X0liC3. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the members of Nemaha Valley Lodge No. 4, A. F. & A. M., at th Masonic Hall in Brownville at the fhst regular com munication on Saturday evening, June 1st, 1667, to take into consideration measures for foundicg an Institution for the Education of Orphans of deceased Masons. Every member is expected to attend. A. P.COGSWELL, W.M. S. P. Tuttle. Sec. May 10th, 1507. Brick. This season, though some what unfavorable, will see more brick burntd in this city than any heretofore." Three kilns are new underway which will turn out near half a million. Last week Messrs. Da-vjcnSi Co., burned one small kiln of 150 000 to get buildings underway ; by July their kiln of 200,000 will be ready for delivery, and S. Som ers large kiln will also be burned by that time, the weather permitting. IToniCStead Seekers are beginning to pour into this District by land con veyance. Yesterday we noticed seven v.ngons loaded with immigrants from Illinois and bound for Tawnee county. They are the right sort of men to fill up that thriving county, our subscription list was materially increased by them. Small & JamlSOIl have just opened their new stock in ihe Red Store between Marsh and Holladay's on Main street. Their stock looks superb and they say they can sell as cheap as the cheapest. ETan Worthing left for St. Louis a few days since to purchase a lot of the latest improved Kauanaugh & Decker Cat-gut Cushion Billiard Tables and Bar Fixtures preparatory to opening up in his new building a Billiard Room equal to any in Nebrask'a. SCOlt CItr,5l0., opposite this city, is feeling the effect of prosperous times in this section, and new buildings and Mills going up in it and vicinity. The natural outlet for th.e produce of this District so soon as the St. Joe &. C. B. Railroad is finished will be to cress here to Scott ! City and tap that road. Messrs. Aluir & Bixby hare just opened up a Dry Goods and Grocery Store m Scott City, j . m m Hachlnc Shop ana Fonndrr.- As this city has the fineet agricultural region to back it, and the most densely populated in Nebraska, it seems, to us lhat the busines above named would pros per here. Think of it ye capitalists, and get some of your eastern friends to think cf it too. A Wind HUI, we learn is projected by some of our heavy capitalists to be on the Ferguson Addition. There i3 no lack of the motive pawer, as wo have a good breeze at all seasons, sufficient to. heavy machiney. There is a Wind Flouring- Mill now in operation at Hia watha, Ks., which i3 a perfect success. Base Ball. The first game of the seasou will be played on Friday evening, weather permitting. Members are re quested to be cn the ground at 4 12 o'clock cr as soon thereafter as possible. J. B. JOHNSON, Sec. The following are lhe officers cf this Club, elected at their ks: meeting: President, Charles G. Dorsey, Vice President, II. M. Atkinson, Secretary. J. B. Johnson, Treasurer, Wm. IL Hoover, Directors. T. W Bedford, Chas. E McPherscn and W. D. Shellenlerger. ' The ground selected by the Club are beautifully located just below South Brcwnville, and jts are eager for the sport. Real Estate Transaction during the past week have been good, realizing fair figures. Wra. H. McCreery sold a retidetce and three lots on Atlantic street to Dr. Blackburn for 2,050. .C. W. Wheeler residence and two lets on Atlantic street, to R. V. Muir, $2,000 R. J. . Whitney half of Whitney Block on Main Street to C. Kaufiman, . 1,600, These buyers are all new men. Dr. Blackburn being recently from Pittsburg, Pa., Mr. KaufTmanhaving just come Tippecanoe, Ohio, cn a tour of inspec tion, bought, ana is now on nis back to settle up business and return. R. V. Muir, cf Atchison co.f Mo,, bought with the intention of making this hi3. home. These three transactions brin-r to this city parties who control -at IeasiSlOO.OOO of capital. This is in addition to nuraer eus sales of vacant lots boudit to build cn. FrortrR. F. Barret, one of the princi pal Land Agents in this city, we learn that he has, during the present month, located for Col. A. J Cropsey, formerly of Livingston county, Illinois. 11,360 acres of land in Pawnee county, Nebras ka. And that Col. Cropsey is intending to plant out one hundred miles of hedge fence next season, having already au thorized Mr. Barret to have the ground broke for thirty miles of hedge row dur ing this month and June Mr. Barret has also located during the present month for Joseph B. McDowell and William B. Bull 1,600 acre each in the same county. - r All of these gentlemen intend making stock farms of their lands afterfirst hedging with Osage Orange. They are practical Illinois farmers, fully under standing the climate, soil and accessory advantages necessary for stock raising; and have thus rendered a practical opin ion in favor of this Land District. H. Jones will canvass Brownville 'sjnd vicinity for Harding's popular edition of the Bible. These Bibles contain from twelve to fifteen hundred pages, em bracing the Old and New Testaments, the Apocraphy, Concordance and Psalms of David in meter. The npw and attrac tive feature of this edition is its fine en gravings and the Album bound between the New and Old Testaments for photo graph portraits of the family in connec tion with the Register. These phato grap cards, introduced and securely bound, next ths Record presents tha most peifect and beautiful plan for preserving the family portraits. It will be beautiful ly bound, ttrong and durable, and all in need of The Book of all books should subscribe. DcmoreStS'3 Hontlllj This beau tiful and favorite periodical comes to us with all the freshness and fragrance of the June roses. It improves with every issue, and we are not surprised that la dies find it the indespensable companion of their working as well as their leisure hours. Its varied contents embrace al most every lopic of interest in the par lor, kitchen, and nursery, while its sen sible tone and the amount of valuable in formation furnished, not to speak of the money value of its excellent patterns, render it a capital investment of $3, without the premium which is sent for every yearly subscription. Address, W. JENNINGS DEMOREST. 473 Broadway, N. Y. Instantly. Any trouble occasioned be eating cucumbers or unripe fruit will disappear instanter if the sufferer will take one swallow of Coe'a Dyspepsia cure. It is perfectly harmless. It is pleasant to recommend a really meritorious article, hence we ask those suffering from Dyspepsia, Nervousness, or Debility, to try Dr. Strickland's Tonic. Dr. E. M. Saras ordered S4 worth for J. D. Hays. Decatur, Ala. T. Hart, New York City, says "it cured me ; where rn T rrp f It for mrr frlr.1 ?" Thna fTiPV write from all quarters. 35 4t When you purchase an article that is cheap.of which but a little is used.always call for iba Jbest, for the difference "in cost between that and an inferior article will be insignificant. Call for D. B. l)eLand& Co.'s Beat Chemical Salara tus, and having once procured it you will call for no other. The grocers all have it, or should. $Jse it insjeaa of Soda. falrhank Scales, About forty years ago the Messrs. Fairbanks inven ted and began manufacturing these Scales and ever sin:5 then, .their business haa. steadily and rapidlymcreased, and they have kept far ahead cf til competition. During the last year they added largely to their works, and their sales were very greatly in excess of any former year. This fact is unusual, if not unparalleled, in the history of inventions anrt business ia this country, and proves clearly that their Scales are in all respects just what the pecple want. Under Washington dates cf 'the 22d we find the following extract from a let-te-r from Prof. Hayden, recently appoint ed to make a Geological Survey cf this State : "Mr. Mrk left some time ago for Iowa to trace the coal beds into Ne braska, and Mr. Gilhs with him. I shall start to wcrl: ,vith my .outfit ecmplete. JefT. Davis has purchased the Mc- Giyerin estate at St. Catharines, ;C. W., for a summsr residence. Aguo Chills, cr Iniernit;nt Fever Cured, cr the money refunded. Dr Witt's Ague Pills ere entirely a new medicine, and having been tried in over 1200 of the very worsl and. obstinate cases of Chills and Fever, ond. not failed even in in one case to effect a speedy cure, the proprietor guarantees them to cure every case, even ' after all other medicines fail. Those suffering should immediately give them a trial.. They are warranted to cure. For sale by Drug gists, or sent by mail cn receipt of price, SI. Address Da. Witt. Box 611, Cin cinnati), Ohio. C26-iy ; 1,10 RE HARDWARE ! GTO VE3 ! More Clipper Plows ! ! ! Shellenberger & Bro's. are now receiv ing the most complete and best selected Stock of Hardware ever brought to this City. v.'". .. Their experience in the business and the fact that their stock was bough; way down East,ior cash by one pf:the firm in person is snough to epsure cheap pri ces here. Builders, Mechanics, Farmers, New Comers and Everybody in want of goods in their line will be sure to find goods cf a superior quality at the very lowest fig- ures. auzi FOR I nuTi 5 fc-Hi i r. 'A 3 '-CSi 3 a ft. c- lkaiJ CD H DO FSHVARDINQ .COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Otoneware'.Ua5ket5, Waubbriartts, Lsn?ern &r. at r SrV RP11TT7 F R'3 i ms s . v -aa U DR. WHIT TIER, x ONGF.Ti RT TEAKS LOGAtED IN ST. J LOUIS than any other Private Disease Pbj sician. is & regular graduate 4f medicine, enres Sjpbilts in aiiits forms,Goncrrboea,GIeet. Strict pre; Orchitis, Diabetes, Bladder and UriDary diuei, Sypbilitio affections of the throat, skin cr bones. Tbousaci suffering self-abase, excesses, ex posures asi iniiscretions in youth and roa turcr years, Tclucin,; soma of the fallowing effects : Blotches.. bodily weaknuss, unmanliness, to society .indigestion, constipation, dread offu--turo events, loss .of memory, and fbally impo tency, bariigbeea cured. lie can rcft-i to raary oil residents for past succesJ and pre.ent position, also many phyj iciaastiere and elsewhwe. Oeoupying a irboleboute of-twlTr.roYnS,,itb competent assistant physicians; ihofa requi ripdaily personal attectioa miy reniiia in the tsUblibraent. Me tiHne sent everywhere by mail or express. liis Theory tn Exposition if Diseases, clearly deHaeaiiniill the diseases conJitions, may scaled letter enrelope for 5 cents. Lt iie's Cireu'ar, ejabwip all cbroni: di3eaesj? toU. Addross St. Loais. 3Io. A frienil? tn;k w-sfa rolbin : e':rges twd erat6 ; cures paarant j"l. 03.'e.iir St. Ccarlea street, or.e square south oi the Liadell Uotel. Feb. 15 ly . ' ENFEEDLED A'D DELJCAT Z COXSTlTtJ TI05S, of both seic. oso Helmbold's Extra Da cha. It will give brisk and energetic feclingSjand enable you to sleep well. - Two utcmatio Organs for sale at this OlSee. TTwaelsri'reeitkiorTe, jf ' - "' Tim Wink Ik hS3 T" 2 GLORY OF L'AN IS STRENGTH. Ther fore the trrrccf ar l del'ilitate.t should immed-ate-Ij rjehnboir Extact Bacha. ASTROLOGY. stc :1 M. ML -A A AT THE WOXDESrri. SrTELATIO9 1 l . UD2 EX THE GESaT ASTEOLOGI5T, Illadamo r'orrico She repeals secret no mortal erer tne-w. Shre ,torM lo bappinss the who. from "doipfl evect?, tatsetrcrtes, cres "In love, lss cr re'atious aad frif-i. loss cf morer. fc.c., have tecenee despondent. She.ari-.ves trettrier :roe V'Ttn, ?arate1, (fives infor Qliua vonoerninct absePt friends or lowers, restores lost or stolen jroperty, tells yoa the business you are best qualified to pusne snd In whit you will be not successful. CABsesPf'fly mitrriaife aaj tells yoa the very day yon wiil warrj,' isi3 yov te name, HXor ness anj characteristics of the person. She roads your very thoughts, un t bv hfr almost sr..nrnatural powers 3veiH th "iarfe an'l V. i loft rnystcri.Tj or V e f ut'tre.- Fr.'ai tSa f lars we see ia I he firniaiaeut -the ' ina!e3.: stars that overcome or predominate in tie iouf.rma-tiou-.froni t'je aspects aJ positions, n! tietiifcaA;j anil the fixed star ir tiio heaven at tha Urne or Liri. she defaces the tuture destiny of man. Fail not to con sult the greatest Astm'.ogi ?t on earth. It costs yon bat a triae, and yoa rest ncvorsgaiti bave g favora b'.e an opportunity. Consultation fee. with likeness and all lies lrc J information, 81. Parties living at s distance can It the Madame by mail with equal sa-'ety and 8Rtisfa iiu to themselves, ss If in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inquires answered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on re ceipt of above men tioned. The strictest secresy will maintained, and all correspondence Tetnmed cr -destroyed. References of the highest order furnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month aud year in which you were born, enclosing a small loci of hair. . Address, MADAMS II. A. PEttRIGO. feb201y P. O. Drawer 293, Buffalo, N. T. N ails, Pails, Well Buckets, Seizes, &c, at v v1 vC" V . A. EXCELSIOBI EXCELSIOBlj CHASTEJiLARS Hair Exterminator For Removing Superfluous Hair. To the ladiee especially, this invaluable depilatory recommends Itself as being an a'.tnost indcpensile article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts direct! on the roots it is warranted to remove superfluous hair from' low ?oribeads, or from any part of the body ,completeiy,to tally and radically extirpating the same, leaving the ken soft, f niooth and natural. This is the only article used by the Erench, and is the only real effectual de pilatory in existence. Price "Scents per package,ient post-paid, to any addret. on receipt ot an order, by BKKGiiK, SDUTT3 & CO., Chemists, 35 Eiver St., Troy, N. T. AFFLICTED! SUFFER NO MORE ! ! When by tho use of 1R. JOIKViLLF.'S EMSIR you cau be cure 1 permanently, and rt a tritlimr cos.t. The as"tonib!nK which lias utiende-l this ia vsluable nie.iicine for Physical and Nervous Veakne;-. General debility and prostration, Loss of Muscular Euei'P7. IniiX'tency or ary.of the consequences of youthful In. iiscription., renders it the moet valuaole preparation ever disfoverei. , It will remove a M nervous affections, depression, ex citcment, liicapscity to btndy or business, loss of mem ory, contusion, tbouhts or self -destruction, tears of in sanity ,&c. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of tbr se who have destroyed it by tpntua.l ex cess or evil practices. Toung men, be humbutreed no more by "Quack Doc tors" and ignorant practitioners, bu. send without de lay for the Elixir, and be sf once restored to health and happiness APerfe.t Cure is Guaranteed in every In stance. Price, 1' orlocr bottles to one address, $3. One bottle is sufficient to eiiect a cure in all ordina ry cases. ALSO, CR. JOIXVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS," fe ttle speady and permanent cure of ' Gonorrhea, Gleet. L'retbrttl Discharges, Gravel, S5tricture, and all affec tions ot the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from one to Ave dsys. Tbey are prepared from veget able extracts that are harmless on the system, and uev er nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary wbil.3 using them, nor does their action' in any. manner interere with, busi ness puisnits. Price, tl" per box. JCither of the above-mentioned articles will be sent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or express, on receipt of price: Add'esse all ' orders to BEXGJiK, SHCTTS Co., Chemists, - ' feb 20 ly 285 ttiver St.; Troy, N. f . GHOV:STEEN Ec Co., PIANO FOKTE MANUFACTURERS, 40p Broadway, . Y. TIIE ATTENTION of the pubiic apl tba trade is invited to our Yo Scale, Stren Qdaee, Uof.Kood Piano Fort?, ubich for volume ami pu rity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto ofTered in this market. . Tbey contain a! tho modern im provements, French grand actiop,bcrp pedal iron frame, over-etrn baaj, tc etc., ted eacU in strument being mado V fader the supervis ion of Mr. J. II. Ukovsstees, who has a practical espcrimence of over thirty years in their manufac ture, is fully warranted in every particular. Tho Grovestesn PIAITO FORTE Received the b'g bejt award of merit at the cele brated world's i air, where wero txhibited it'Stru ments from the best makers of London, Paris, Ger many, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and New York; and also at the American Institute for-fire successive years, the Gold and SiLrxa Mcdii.s Irom both of which can be seen at our ware-rocr-is. By the introdaction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufact uring largely, with strictly cash system, are en abled to offer these instruments at a price which will preclude all corr petitkin.' Our prions are from f 100 to $"00 choaper than any first eiass I iany-forte. TERMS. Net Cisn in current fanijf. Descriptive Circtlarsect free. Jaly 1st 1363 one year ' B.&Co. GEO. A. PEINCE & COS S3 Varieties, with Patent zsso Tcnuto or tiub ' das. m ESTScliool Organs actl Melpdcons. FinisheJ.'n Elcgrant . HoscTVood, VTalnnt or Oak Cases. A'o Charge for Boxing cr Shipping. 'iT55,000 i0TV;ia Usc.t A2: ITjXjTJS TJl ATZ D CATATjOGTJT!, ron tflirr.j a full de!criptioa of style, and testimonies of t!ie"iot eminent JIncieiaas, as to the superior eTcel lence of "ur iustrameuls n be sen at this OI;e Address ' GEO. W. HILL & CO ' Browniille Nebraska. grooms, Silt, Are? Powder, Fbot'ard Lead at STfN & BROTUEFS mm (hec: Notice i3 hereiy :v?a tLitt'ie -Probate Coart of Cousty, Nebraska, bu srcictel Mjti- dayJjLelO-h lciT, st tea o'tkc't . n., f,j ths tine fcr exarn'.aicj and allowirs tae Enal account cf Wj;;tia Chambers , administrator of tb Estate of Jam A. Gi tiy dooeajed, said bearing i'tak ?lce a t' rbe t rurt rocrt in irrow:T;,. 7M.A. CIIAMUCr.S," O. T7. MY.'r.T.OTZZY , Adnininrator. ' ZiZl ' Probata Ja i J. bTEVrSSON, ' D. O. CII035, STEVENSON i CROSS Proprietors, On Levees Et.,b9iTreen 2Z?.in A Atlantic, nrowrxvillo rJotornalxn This Hobs'? is convenient the Steam P:at Landing, and the br'ice?? part cf Town. The best acecmrQoJatK.r.s in-.taa C.ty.- 'N ica nil! bo spared iu making guests eomT'tatl. ' - - tx-T' Good Stable and Corral convenient to th Horsf.T3J i " i.:.. ;;:' .Wonderful but True. KADAMS LEMIXGTON' the world-TTVwrtM As trologtst aa l Somnambultst'c "Clrran-, a'.t3lna ciairToyant state, deiinat03 the ' vety. Icttares oi tht person you are to marry, and fcj- the aM of an instru ment of intense po'Ter, known as the Physchocotrore. guarantees to produce a perfeci and life-llta picture of the future huttand or w'i:s of '.the appliiacii wt'b date of marrispe, cccupatlca, leaJinj traits ofchirac ter, &c. This is lo imposition, as teitiriooials with out number can assert. By static j place of birth, age, disposition eolor of eyes and hair, and ea;.'.oin; ST'.y cents, and stamped envelope addressed to youre:,ycu will receive the pictui-a by return mail, tofether VTitU desired information. - 53"Address In cooadence, Madame Gcbtbudx KrMiNOTOK, r. O. Box 237,West Troy.N T feb ao 1 CRISPERCOMA. Ob ! she was beautiful and fair. With starry eyes, and radUnt balr, Whose curlinj tendril soft, eatwiae-I, Enchained the very heart and mind . CRISrEU C0.1IA. For Curling ths Hair of either Sex into Wavj and Glossy Ringlets cr Heavy Massive Curb By nsin this article Ladies and Gentlemen caa be.ii tify themselves a thousandfold. It is tbe only arti cle in the world ttt -ill curl straight hair, and at the same time Rive a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Crisper Coma not only, curls the hsir, but rnvUor- at(v. beautifies and cieanses It ; Is tun ? atd del ;ht fnlly pei fumed, and is the P:ost compiote article o' the kind ever offered to the American publls The Crl per Coma will be sant to any address, seiled ani post paid for $ 1 Aonfoss all orders to ' - -W. L. CLAltS. H. CO., Cnomlits, feb 20 lj . Na 3 West ?ayette Sireeiiyracure 1 y CUllL YOUR II A lit! SAMPLES" SENT FKEE. A sample of Prcf. HobYs Curli'jn v-i'l bo eo. free to any addresit. The Cnr!: to Trill curl the straightest bair on the first application without in jury in soft, laxuriaat, beautiful curls. Address, with stamp, Prof II. 13. Deo. 27th lS63-8ra PAHKMAJ,OlItO. HELI.IBOLD 5 FLUID EXTR ADT Is a certain care for diseases of the Bladder Kidneys, Gravel, propsey, Oranh Weakness Female Comblaiafj,' General Debility, And all (JlseascS of tho '- VRINARY OHGAS3, whether existing ia - ' JIALE Oil FEMALE, from whatever cause originating und no m:ttorof IIOW LO.(t STANDING. Diseasas of tje3 organs requiro the use cfa diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to Co.ns-iraptbn nr Insanity mny'cus'ite. "Our Ffpsh and BIvoJ are supposed frota these sources, and thf . UEAL1U ad HAPPINESS, and that cf PoFterity. depends u In prompt as; of a re liable remedy. IIELMDOLD'S EXTPaCT Eucnu, Established vpwards of 13 vonr. prrrnmd by II. T. IIEUIZSOLD. 50 i Crc':dTV;i, Niw Vrk. ;inl " 104 Si-ctb I'Jth Street, Philadelphia, Fa. : tzA Young Lady retur-; to her country home, after "a foionrn cf ft f 2w months in the City, was hardly recognised ty her friends. In place cf a coarse, flushed fare, the had a soft rnl y complexion of almost marble sraoothness and Instead rf twrntj-three she really appeared but eigh teen, Cpon in-jniry as to the tanse of f great a change she plainly toll them that she used the CIPkCAS S1AN BAJjM, and considered it an Invalnatle ac quisition to say Lady's toilet. Bt its nse any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal an hnnderd fold. It Is simple In its combination, as Na ture herself is simrle, yet unsurpassed in its eflkacy in drawing impurifies from, also healing and beanti fying the skin and cnrop'i?rion. By Hsd.pect ictlon on the cuticle it draws from It all its imparities, kindly heallnj thesame, and leaving the surface a Xatare intended it should be, clear, soft, sm-ota an! beautiful Price $1. sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of an or der by W. L CL.AHlT.f3t CO., Chemists, feb 20 ly No. 3 West Fayatte St., Syracuse, :r. T. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. WHISKERS. " " AND MUSTACHES. FORCED to grow upon the saivjllet fa-'9 In from three to Ave wee'ts by using Ur. SK7Ii'K'S CA. PILLA IltB, the most wonderful dimsnvery ' in tr-drn science, acting upon the Beard and Hiir in an afmost miraculous manTiei . It has been cse JhytLe elite of Paris aitd Loud.m with the most flati erirsr success. crchasers will te teetered, and if en tire satisfaction is not (riven in every instance the nvn ey w ill be cheerful ly refunded. Price ty mail, sealed and postpaid, $1. l)escriptive circulars and testimo nials mailed fv-a. Address BEHUER SIIUTT3 ft CO., No. 2S5 JUver Street, Tr:y, New York, S-.le agents r the United States. Feb 20 67 1 y Fresh Toaiatoc3, in twj aai lhm po-tn 1 cin, at swan & n:.Q-q. Enow Thy Destiny. 3IA3AKE S. F. TiroRHTO, the gret 2n;!lsa A trologist, Clairvoyant and Psychcmetrician, who has astonished -.he scientific classes rf the Oid WirrM.bas now located hrf elf at JlJd-i.'tn, 2i. T. Jam Tliorc ton possess such wonderful powers of second si?ht,' as to enable ter to in.prt knowiee of Ike grea;e-t im portance to th j siLgle :r married of eitLcr e. Whi's in a state i f trano, tta de'inestes the very fpaettrcs of the person yon re to m wry. ' b7 tie ait of an lasiruipest cf itten power, laovn u the Psjcijrn otrope, gcarantees to psdnce a life-l.ks pictnre of the future h.isbnd or w.fe of the applxaa;, t. setter wifh date of marriage, position la life, lea iiD? traits ef character, fee This is no humhag, es thomart'ls nf testimoalata can asert. She wjil send w,ea desired I a certified certificate, or written guarantee that the picture is what itpurports to le. By eicioiiig stuI! Jock of hair, and statin place of birth, ae. J,-ition and eompienl'-n , and en ! fifty cents arid siaT)p1 envelope addressed If) yourself, j-ou wiil reciv-3 the picl'ire and desired information by reioru wall. All communications sacretiy confldntiosl. Address ic cone in-e. Hadaji? K. y. Tnoasro-t, f3b 20 ly Huda, N. r. There coTri?1!! glad tiJicgs cf joy to all . To young and to old, to fire t and to saull. Tie teauty which once was so precious ani rtra. Is free for aM, rzi all ma- be fTr. By the nso of CHASTELLAR'S WHITE LIQUID i For Ir3r"iTi" vrA Seactify in? tha Com?' prion. lie Bit: va. uaile an 1 pen t j rp r it :t ii- m ase.I-.r giving the io a tf-J.;.f .1 rar!-.;t j t.t t. '.In is only found ia y "jta. li 1' 7 r?.; .7. T.t. Fie.-i'ei, Piu-'ples, Blotches :i'.a Pat-che', Z:V.-jxv.f Er-tr-tioiis, and all 1mpur;t'fs of t vi, tnilr hti.;-? tee the kia bite and c'ir a al'-; ?r. I's rxa cot be c,:etttd by tLo ci-5t fscur. s..i Ltima vesefaOle pre;iarau-n i 1 erfe::ir fcarcil?;s. I; is ;. ony article of the.ksnd used ly the Prec1:, ard is -e. sidered ! the Psri.-isn a-t i:ii.i--i-ijaL: j,-, a ptrj-v.t toiiet. Upwar- s of 3 0,000 boti.:es w-'e fr! i da.-!'7 ria pst year, a snf.cieot inariute. r f its t".acy. pri..a oniy to tents, sent by nail, pjt-ptd, ca receipt sJ an order, by - i . r .eix,z3, smrrrs a ro,Cie"siu fi?31y iS5 Hirer 51 , Trry, N. T, i :.N,SO ALES,. niif3AXK3f GHEi::a::r C: co. x lit La!e Street. .:-;. 2.13 Market ;r--cf,t. Loui. ZZTtt CAK-rrt. Ti ecy oily rnr. centinx.H .VO 71 CE OF ATll QUJ.IEXT. E. C. Tiopicn, p'.iintl . , . . " . TS VThcri i I h iv "iT.J I uy ariiar:t aai a bj-fl, jnlTi'iint a-d an Dt merit b.'lVa Ge'ir-i 'T. PdU-Tis Fr-( !S ?io .I'tiVe of t ft: In ani for Joh-in 'yoanty, .Nrmn.i. rt-turnstjs, u IStb, IW7;yii not bciii- foanl ia ti Ccaaty. I hereby cotifj yoa ,sa; 1 Chvlos Liby defeniar.l tbt if vim do not npoir befora Ge:. V5". Delc, ai his clii-e ia iecviuiisa, J-hniia Coint; b-ai4- j cf N'ebrakt. ' ' " Oa.'Le Oih day of Juiy. A. I). lcv7, it one o V'ock p.m. j j-iz"a?nt will rer.-'crcd ajicss yoa for the rim of f:-:cea dollars .':t tbr c'cuM d.iratj ani ef !. . ' ilAy.tha l3;a lo67. E. C. TirOLIPSO Dissolution cf Copartnership. Notice is hereby givea to all wbrm it rasy eoa cern, tLat t..e Cor-rtiTship beretifjre eiistia; under tl.a sty!e cf Graf J; Erisana hat tbii day been dissolved by mutual consent. Those iniote-l t5 the rmarahereby rt'j'ic-ted ta rail ani set;!- their accounts io-aediatoly as wavra'it tic'ciJ tba boohs ' ' 1 ' - ilay 2!st 1S37 J. GItAFF. J. EP.IMAN. Erismnn will carry on tr.e ba?;aesi at tha oil etrn 1, where ba will bo pleajes to acccmuioiata h J ell enstoraers and many new ones with the best meat that can be found ia the country. HELM CO ED'S EXTRACT BUCIiL" and !x.p-ore4 Uoso Wash cures secret aud delioata disord'jrs 'malt their st.iges, at little expense, little or ro eban; in diet, no liiccr.venienca asi n5 exposure. It is plea'ai;t in taste an j oJcr, ii'.aedi.tte in its action and free from all injurious pforertiSM. Beans, Hominy, Meal, w. Fiour Apei SWAN A BTiOTiiEIi- " nzuiiToLD's FLcii) extract iiucnir i lpp.sanl in taste an 1 odor, frco 1'rcra all Usurious proprieties, and immiiiate it its action. WHEELER cz WILSON ' ' ' " H SEWING MACHINE, Awarded t"n e bipbest Prcmicro at the Exhibltioa ' of the St. Louis aud ' ilocbanical fair, ld5 J. The World's Fair, London 1 AT TCE French Espositioa, Pari ETEF.Y ITACnirsE 13 'Warranted for threz years. Fnoif ths sciFTirrc Atr.aiCAy. Wen'o tha WIIEELE & WILSON", aal pr? uoaico it without a rival. EZJSend for Circular A. SUMNER, 415 1ST- 5'I2-I ST- 3iissorni. TO C0HSUIIPTT7E3. J7"T'.ie L'u!ersir:ed havi.Tg been restored to Health in a fw week.i,by a very siinpls remedy, af ter h.ivtrjj sufferc i several years iih a scvorelanj affction, and th it dread disease, L'uusumption is anxious torn ike kLewn to bis fullew-saft'ererj tha means f cur-?. To all who desire it. he will sen! a copy of the pre scription used (frea of charge, ) with tie directions fir crernringnrid usir- the a!a, which they will BndaSUUK'UURF FO!l COSSL'MPTION, ASTH MA, P.KONCIIITIS, U. The only object of tha idrertiser in sendirg the Ireicription is tobenefls the aCicted, and sprea.1 icfirmidoa hich be con -jeises to be invaluable, artd behopej every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it will cost then g.anl nay prove a blessing. 'artieswiihi&g the nre?criDticn will p'ea3aaddreiS J'.er.EDvVAIllVA. WILSO.V, 34-I7 WiIiamiibtir, Kings Co., New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A tjentloman vrbo saTered for years fr-.rn 5err fj? Debility, Pr?tnauro all tha t'lt.t of youthful icdicrrtin , will, f r the ssk ef suf fering humanity, send free t- all wh3 nei it,th rec;ij't and dirtionj' fr :.;akir.2 the sirrn la rem edy ly which be wi? circ j. utTarers wi-hic t 7 the aiver iser's eitpsrienca, can da so by aldro!!ir ',in perfect uoalil' r.r.c, JOHN D, OODSX 3 1 ly P 2 C5 Jer li tra e t, X e Yor k AM. ARTISTS' UNION AGENTS WANTED. TLiliaole a;.I enaretic perron?, male or female,' sre wanted to nit-. it erb vriptiooa for oar Engrv vinrs , na J to such w t.Hor very iiberi.1 cftsii ind j-crrri-nts ; alij to L-j me l ir. canvassing', tosther With all nece:-.iry rnprr, sill bo furniehcj oaap plicutiCn. ' A 1 iro, wi.'h refer'-rce. AllEill C A N A I: T I S I S 'UN 1 0 , 10-3ms 2 j Pins street. New York. Freo to Everybody. A Large 6 pp. Circular, jivjrig ln'.mM'.ort ef ti grestrst lrr.po'tance to t ae yjirg cf both ices. It teachei bow the bone may become beautifu!,Gi tep:red rejtcted, and the forsaieti love J. No yocr.j tady cr ser.t:enia i.h.ul1 !if to tend taelf Address, and receive 9 copy post-paid, ty return nail. Acttrtss ?. O. prjwer, l. Troy, K. T. Lyon's Periodical Drop THE GREAT FEMALE HEME . DY FOR IR REGULARITIES. l2f'PJ ar a scieotij-ally coi-poaded flalt preparation, ar,d better than any Pills, i'owders, or tuin. Beii.? liinid, thetr acttcn t Cirect poiitue, ren'iert;i? them a reliab'e, speedy and eer txiu specific for the carw of a! 1 . ructions anl Sif 7resioi3 of cature. Tair p pa arlty is indicafel ty tne fact thit 6-er 100 tcu b: !ti. are anorja'!y :4 srd ccnf-n:M ty the ladi? of tla L'tltet State, eve ry ci of who:u ir .-ik in the str C4!it terms at prsi of their great T:ie-l's. ' Th' y are ra;ilir takia tha ptacec e.-ery otbe Female Remedy, ai are c n.i erel ty a.l who tru.w ancht of them, as the sareit. a tet. and irttnraliiaMe prer-oMt'is in the world, f jr ths C"re'oI a'.l f ?m :ecj:iiiaicti. ' tea removal oX ail ctslmctiM of ntnre, er.d tha promotioa of bealta reuiarl:y at.d strength. .-pricit di ecticca :rt6 wben they niy be nsad, nd etpta DUig when asd w! thy should n- t, cr.r oc'.l nut tensed witJoat prv),"f"j-c-r..; tZt i'i ti.ntraty tor.jtnre's clloca lsw. wilt fe fo'.n't'rsTi'.'cl'y fo;d--l arouiid each battle, wni tb written Mnj;iM of Joh.i L. Lvo.x, wiliest whjca n ?e ae g?iulne. XTer-ared by Lir. JOHN L. LTOV.IS5 Ctspel Street. ev iiaver., Con-j, '.uti!it,-8 c&cuUe-l euher par- s.-ni'. y, or t.y mail, (e urig stnir.? ) cn-rnif: alt pilTate i:ease atfealo -eiincs. Prw !, pertottl. ' & id by Irc;gi!ts eret.e-a C. G. CI ARC A. CO.. Gen'l yle:'s tor 'J. S. ani C.irala Ltll l'?.CS. St. Lriis. Wooiei:. ''.'utj, Fl-CJI 3t rcLLER, Ch:.-.i?j. $ ' Aj?a'J Kl. T T 1 1 1 T . A Tl V m nil Vi T. A a m a m - v - T McCREERY, Brownfiile.- Nelra?J!. . u