Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 30, 1867, Image 1

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lidi: r. t r a d uicion, g : ;
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i::d foully
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Jul- iccr o DrnV rem;.
.street . -
,fcf5.-tn!i! ecrrhs to tha cltizcss tf
jcrricc at ci rr diilg one.
T -it ca'.ii at l.if Kesiaere in J!r Msjors IIcn?e
Jji'iUUr it--ett, Ufo I tit and t tar
e r:o i-i a. n- t-
rai;o?J ?t their nrowcrj uni"r full inrsisg
ord'r, tlj tre Dow m iti as g-y.l Lic-r t cn
, hBdia tie Uuiltl States. Vi'i.h ihcirtflcil
; itiM f-jr making Kecr, thr-y crc i reared to iuratsh
; trj qoaiitiyt on tho tt notice.
All orders filled as socn 8s received
The undcr.-incd Invin rented
the Brownvillo
rbUUlaXii U ill si LAW )
Takes this viffhod cj informing the pub
j lie thai intends doing -
Lt tie aciommcfiatioR of fartcrr? sr.CJ o,le',g the
otti!5 sa.ii . Tie mill I now in oj orat: n aud
tiob&ve wheat to nr.-d rfpectiull y invited
to pive me a trial, at I ij cocdect of giving geu
ni6&'.i!arti.jn. The highed cath price irivfn for veat.
3i I ; - f iv. MORIUS.
: R p Mi r r"" A T7 17 p O
Kroivnvllle, ?Jclir;isI;n,
S T' tf-ke couiraeti lur LrU k'.uy ;:), ri-terin,
Ul.ainfr Cit-tt rr: . pn.i da r-t'r ir in tVi-ir I. re
Sa tie n -t f -ti.-.uctcry tr.d rhr.'..' ' i r.ticr.
! HiHinerjr & Fancy Goods
! Hali Street cr.e door west oi the Post OfUce
! RR01V.WI 1,1 Eliriltlkzt.
-,, A ti perior it-'-ek i i'all ana Wiatcr Goods
streceiTeJ. Everything in the Miliincry lice
tstai.tly on harvl. l)res-Makirg,Licnet
.vbicgand Triuaatir2 dote to or-lfr.
Vft,bw,2ilSS5. r9-n--::ly
(-.?. enrrp, of Kail, 8.,1 First Stress.
PI OP7 tt- n nnnnn
7" P f
m m
t Em jest received ar.J wiil -cor-startly keen on i
w a irf avj veil rtlntoj ,i.,k tf equine ar-
-oor res o Grcj;?" Core, Prcu-n-
.'WKaiiTa5 TA'cte ;'vc;ri ce cn ti e thort-
Brovnv'v. . . ..... .r... . . -r .
-eo.. Aiatc .-ia. i.--, i j-i.;-1 y
;s!c i:.i:iii):::cr b Clioico
Liquorn, Y7i:
z w 4mv
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IjUJj ir
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L. VV .
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Dr. n.Lr '-r. I". ..I cvu.':t.i tots tf AiuUt-
IV-o Doers Ltd cf Pel Oficc
P. F,. Fjocialatier.ior. fisren to Olstctricstnd
the diseases cf wc-ncn td chillrca.
r O
f ' f n i p
-sir t v
Lltia t 2d:crs below Erc-wr.via I-c-as?t
villh ir. t.
ITaion l a strerior fi cf Ec-cts a 2-1 SLces
ind the left material rJ aVilitjr fr li.'rg
Repairing Jc::c v.'i!h mines s crJ
I v 1 J 1
kU Vt .t t iliuii) l..LiJi..-...l,iKl
VITOI13, tc.,R(-vuirc U n tLctt notice, t lew rac-s,
Ki warranted to give naiutaction. s-33-f a.nn
God Feed and Livcrj t:.Tjle
IacoEccctioa with the House.
L- D. R0DH:SG:1. mopinETOK.
Frcat Street, between Slaia and Water,
liay.Oih 1SGG. lOCGly
T.W.Tif tou O.B.Hetrett J:S. Church
uittovnens at ivaw,
March 1st, 'C5. lj.
k zi W A
liain Bet wra lit f: CJ S-reet
Takes this cctho.l of InforUiing lha r-ul-iio that
be Is? tn l.acd a frh-ndld ars.irtnmt oT Cent s ard
Ladie's ilisses'und Chlhf.-?ns'i '
j2Custon vers Cw.e vitb oicatues and u;Hafc!ir
Jtopairics doivs ca short notice. 1U-S1) fnne
TO TUE FAiurii'r.s oriiOAHA CO.,
I would rerpectf ally that I have
ani am low receiyi: :j a larje sic-ck cf
J I4 U t-
I kcfPeo-utiutly tn LarJ a full a?irt3ieiit cf
TTrvrrrinili ConiS. Pants ii C'Ufei.
Ffcc Cci in Ldal ti-hs
Crxiimcrc Gcct.c all cLcrci:.;:l:cr
1 1 r m r
rc sivr r;:r trail.
Ail cf "which I j repose to sell as
0 h o a p or Choapc r
T! in tr.v ui i:. v C;r.!ret:t-TS. All 1
and cc'icimccuntics
f "1
c:.?jr i'.r:p.:chcs
a J i j
re::e::le:i the
jU.A.T2n 5TREKlt
..J i 4 J ,
z-z O y T " "
tzs. F.oget.. T. . v,-. r -jr. .
Livery, & Sale Sialic,
. v.
'..' in ll m -Jj tf v :. T
s.r.1 1.x ;.ir tc J, i.. ' 1 t v
I -; - C: .', Tu f.-lnl ill
ii u. N a l ... ng.i. : ; . . --. r: i
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;i ,..ty i.
n, (;g-i-a
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:r::v, i:oai;liy s to.,
.7 T"' I-. T, T" "' "1
CTcc. tn LzrJ 0cc Evil J h, -
iorr:.i-ri:io, i: Tola .
: Buy e:;l lelWrrproTel nr .1 cntirrfOTel Kbt3?.
Duj .-j ill, and 1 IrftJ 'arrant?, trd
crltur:! c--I!-r9 al?. ' :
lU.Ut cartftl" Wtiori t-f poTrtnfBt I.anl?
fcr 1 'f 1 1 i : d , 1 1 'j m 3 1 c a J 8 , a rui i ' e - c u:- r t i o c a . -Attend
to fer.tfvtH l!oa:etc-vd and pre-cs-thn
C'i Ci , '.n the Lan 1 f ili.-o.
J.c.tfrs cf i.r ju'rj, j rcr ; t-j atl c'aecrfa'Jj ea-
1 ,,t
i ; i I. U s :Ui
Glazier Gild:r, GraiEcr,
All work done in a worlcnaan
: liie rnanaer, aid oa stn'cldy "
c-rs E;EWE5Tor3i;ow:Ti3Jaj eosi
r, -"v
Respectfully infom the Citizens of the
City and Covzty that they are in receipt oj
a large and complete assortment of
Ladie's Dress Goods,
With an endless variety cf
Together with the Largest Stock of
Custom Mad8
Ever brought to this City till cf which
was purchased prior to th?Jate advance
ia told, which enables us to. cfTer supe
rir eu'ducemenls to those desircu3 cf pur
chaino". We al:o, keenca liand a fresh
Steele ' -
Acd a ood assortment of , ,
-J A T 7!
riemenher the P!3C, Main Street, Out Doer
abt ve the I'ostoSSee, Erowaville, Nebraska. .
Philip Philips & Co.
Whj.cisla at I retail dealers is
'iTfterri gcat fcr Decker Brothers, Fatent
flata nDO'Fourr.?s. ihese Piatos are the only
i n: niiJe ia this country or Europe, with
thu full irr fiamo, is which
All the Strings red upon JVoode; Eoar
ings end in T.kicb. nore t( the Tuning Pins o thrcogh
ihe Iron llate.'TLis arranuient produces a Muro
Rained Tone, vrith combined Sweetness and creat more perfect quality thevgh the entire
v.Co, au k(h e-ipicity cf ftanJiiij Longer ia tunt
std retAiir iti supoiior quantity cf tone, than
aiv c.'nvr irwtnisient.
' General igtnts fc? L.D. A HAT. Ez-.a
Tho Amerioi'.B Or .rsn.n-a the only real reed Or
5L5 now be fete ths i abilc. The csly Organ hav-
tti (,:r.J;rc Co.ul laa in the Ihano-t orte, -(ti
civs loiy r;.a res, r.a ice tf $-re-ni T.t;r.ot ib: h
tia 0r!-a b-Hes K :riI if ' deori m c.-raa
Ihe Aajerijin OrT!.n E-ot ca'y ive the wild
(h : t cr sened box, bet hftve the large Crra tel
ivirg p o-ivt r !-ri rr ?".f f t nJ'r tf cf t -"t.
'.: 3 vith their iire-o Tokirg of tha reels
I.:.! i ei O.'ctihg of tie tone, ir.tke t.c-rj the.
ffo.5f Fcrfct Organ Xuozn.
Tbe iirjrov,-'-:!'-!.:.. i;!. s-;v.--;.;.r;-v ( f t:r nl
-Li;.-' . '..! .-'',' 4 A ; ' 0 .1 O - : 3 ir, tie
A r.i: ki ? t---5-,ac.l t'.-ty r- -j- . r; I a t.'
' tl. a ar? t ' '.cr r '-l ii'i :'rca.':i v;i li-.e i.;.irl: t
mt t. L;-u'.3 hir:n COvlo.
- . i . - - ; - . i- t - -
f p. ' "
I re::r.Kr4e::d liut ths Etejo tal.:ea Id
secure 'from the General 'Gcverrrrnsn; an
order to th3 land efdee, rr.akisg tha'ras
crvatioa in this ir.cncce.
By th? terms cf sections 8. 9 and 10
cf the act c-I Congress aforesaiJ, tha pso
rla cf th3 tata upjia its admisisa, he
came the g-ianteei cf a Urge umcunt cf
:anu. ccnatea icr soecutc; nurcaei. cua
entruited to your body for selection, b
your lady fcr selection. 1 ration and dis
position. ' As the grar.;? aT2 cyndition
td urea the event cf their location "on
crjbtfcre the 1st day cf ''January next, it
beccmes your duty tq, provide fcr their
immediade selection. The .follovvinj
are the sections ado-Jed to; .. ", .
,43e'c'8. And tr it further enacted,
"Thu provided ths State cf Nebraska
"shall be admitted into the Union in ac
cordance wiih the for2g6ing previsions
"of this act, that twenty sections cf the
"unappropriated public iands within said
"State, ba'sslected and located as direc
ted by. direction cf the Legislature
'thereof cn or before the first day cf
'January, Anno Domni eighteen hun
"dred aud sixty eicht, shall be and they
"are hereby granted in legal subdivisions
"cf not les3 than one hundred and sixty
"acres, to said state for the purpose cf
'erecting public buildings at the Capital
"cf said State fcr. legislative and judi
cial purposes', in such manner as the
"Legislature shall prescribe."
"Sec. 9. And be it further enacted,
'That fifty entire sectirns cf .'land as
"aforesaid shall be, and they. are hereby
"granted to Eaid State for the purpose of
erecting a suitable building for a pen
itentiary cr State prison in th manner
'aforesarJ." . ' '
,"Sec. ,10, And be it further enacted,
That seventy-two other sections cf land
shall be sent apart and reserved for the
use. and support cf a' State University,
to be "selected in ajnanner as aforesaid,
and to be appointed and applied as tho
Legislature of said State may presents
for the purpose named and fcr no ether
In addition to . the foregoing specific
grants, the terms cf which deolva upon
the Legislature the duty of providing for
the selection and location of the lands
granted, other grant3 ate made, that are
also specific in their nature and require
the action cf the legislature," to make a
proper disposition cf the lands, after
they shall have been selected and loca
ted according to the provisions of the
act. The following' are the terms of
cf the act aforesaid ; ' " . - '. '
Sec. 11. And be it further enacted,
that all salt springs within said State
not exceeding twelve in number, with
six sections cf land adjoining, or as con
tiguous as maybe to each, shall be gran
ted to said State for its use, the said
land to be selected by. the Governor
thereof, within one year after the admis
sion cf the State, and when so . selected
to be used cr disposed cf on such terms,
conditions, and regulations, as the Legis
lature shall direct,- Provided, That no
salt spring cr lands, the . right' whereof,
is now vested in any individual , or indi
viduals, or which hereafter shall be con
firmed or adjudged to any "individual or
individuals, shall -by act be granted
to said State. - 1 " -
The next section in order cf .the act
aforesaid reads as follows:
Sec.' 12; - And be it further enacted.
That five percenturu of the proceeds cf
the sales -cf all public lands lying within
said State, which have been or shall be
sold by the United States, prior or sub
sequent .to the admission of said State
into th8 Union, after'deductiong ail ex
penses incident to the same.shall be paid
to the siid State for the support of com-
men schools. . -. . . ; .
In ihis case it enly . remains for the
Legislature to provide for the reception
and distribution cf this fund.
The general act of Congres' of 1S41
donating 500,000 acres of land to each
State for the purpose .of internal improve
ment, also demands your . attention.
Other new States, with the' sanction cf
Congress, have applied this grant to uni
versity and educational purposes, and I
commend to your consideration the pro
paiety cf mernoralizing 'Congress for. the
attainment cf a like privilege.
Congress has also, during it3 late ses
sion, passed an act, extending to- Ne
braska the provisions of;an act approved
July 2d, IS'32,' donating to each State
SO.OOO'acres for each Senator and Rep
resentative. of the Slate 'in-Congress fcr
the purpose of "teaching agriculture and
the " mechanic arts." '. This will give
0,000 acres fur the endowment, tup
port and maintenance cf "at least cne
college" where the leading object shad
be, without excluding ether scientific and
classical studies, and including military
tactics, te teach agriculture arid the me
chanic arts, in such manner as the Leg-
' j'atue cf the State shall prescribe,
J i 10. The location cf State Pub
I lotaviuu & uciiw j-ju-
i d ir. and makinnr such provisions fortha
j . i, repair cr completion cf ihe same
as may be deemed necessary.
.20. The location cf such State P.cads
as may be cecessarv.
21. The responsibility cf Railroad
Companies for damages done to stock by
their employes.
It is urged by farmers ypon the line
cf the UP. JZ R. that ct preeest no
protection cr remedy 'is afforded them
from any injuries that they' xniy suffer
.rem the negligence cf rat.rcaoi em
It may be proper for the Legislature, to
efford thew cens mtthod ref rcjicf, end I
:t 1-j
:. Th3 r
13 C.l.
u.atio:ri c: the trar.nt
ever th'$
it ;
- - -1 u -
:ard caii:t
c : t.i l:----ir rr.tti
T' s -
.1 , . . - . .1.
.13 IJ
c- rriZz Tier rre
the b.trdi cf t; e:u:!:
mat it is i:np;
s?:ble fcr a. single dr
a' settlement rei
r1u:.rt:r' withoui
rcit jsopary
to t.:e
states have prchibitad such transit
through the s? tiled ceont:.:s r;i'.:;:3 th. : i r
border?, and it 'will b- wise for us tef;I
low than example in this particukr.
23. The rs -ulatioa cf the payment cf
salaries c: 2 tote r.;:d Judicial O dicers.
21. Prcpcsed.-. amendments to the
Constitution cf the United States as may
be submitted fcr ratification.
I shall take pleasure in transmitting
to you, at an early date, an attested copy
cf a concurrent resolution cf the Senate
and House cf Representatives in Con
gress sssembled, proposing to the Legis
latures of the several States an omeni
meat to the Constitution cf the Unitad
States. received at the Department cf
State June lGth, 16G3.
This proposed amendment, . which if
ratified will constitute the fourteenth
article cf the Constitution, embodies in a
few short, but comprehensive sentences
the Essence cf the lesson taught the
American people during ths terrible r.g
cny cf civil war. . In extending the right
cf citizenship to "all persons born cr r.iU
urahzed jn the United States, and sub
ject to the jurisdiction thereof." and pro
hibiting the denial cf the equal protec
tion cf the law to any such person, it ac
cepts fully, and forever vindicates by the
solemn pledge cf a nation the idea that
was the corner stone ' cf American Inde
pendence, but ha: been for a time rejec
ted by. ths builders cf . the national su
perstructure. In providing that when the el?ctive
franchise is denied to any cf the male
inhabitants cf a State, being twenty-one
years of cge and citizens cf the United
Siatc-3, cr m any way. abridged, except
for participation in- rebellion cr other
crime, ihe basis of representation shail
be proportionately reduced, it simply
enunciates a proposition that would pre
sent itself as an axiom to a mind unprej
udiced by long participation' in the fruits
cf injustice.
In"providing that no person shall held
cfiice'under the United States or under
any State, who having previously taken
an official oath whereby he was sworn
to support the Constitution of the United
States, shall, in violation of that oath,
"have engaged in insurrection cr reheil-
lon agaiost tae(sameor given am or com
fort to the enemies thereof." it but rec
ogcizes the common, law definition cf
the Lature and obligation of an oath,and
the disqualifications incurred by the crime
of perjury.
13y a solemn declaration cf the validi
ty of the public debt of the United States,
it guarantees the preservation of the na
tional honor, and by prohibiting-the as
sumption or payment of any debtor ob
ligation incurred in aid of "insurrection
or .rebellion against the United Siates,
it merely puts the seal of- condemnation
upon national suicide. . ;.- . : .
Regarding the 'proposed amendment
simply in the light of an .exposition of
the convictions cf a' Congress that rep
resents the loyal people whose unfalter
ing faith in the great principles cf free
dom and natienal integrity brought tea
successful termination the great struggle
for the Union, it is worthy of our most
respectful consideration, and I doubt root
that the representees cf a constituency
that stood firmly cn the side of the Gov
ernment during the trying contest, will
show by their action upon this question,
that they are not prepared to surrender
the principles for which they fought, the
moment the battle has been decided.aai
the victory won. ...
25. The education of the Deaf Jltites,
The condition of this unfortunate clas3
cf cur children, commends them to the
special care cf the Legislature. Often
the poverty cf tha parent utterly prohib
its them from the advantages cf schools
adapted to jbeir needs, and condemns
them, except the State becomes their
guardian, to a life cf the darkest igncr
arace, without hope cf usefulness cr profit
to themselves cr others. 'It is fortunate
that modern philanthropy has devi3?d a
method by which the mind cf the deaf
and dumb child can be developed.uhere
by society can receive as an intelligent
anl capable citizen, cne who wculi oth
erwise remain a burden upon public cr
prirate charity. I recommend that a
suli-xierot arprcpnation be made for th;
foundation and support cf a seheol for
:h;ldrcra, provision being maie for
At present the h-y-impesee the duties
-t - -i p M:,,
r m
the Stiu
Auditor. While we v. ere in a territori
al condition, the arrangement was "p-er-h-?-3
'.vise, but now that .. a ar
; prc sod cf cruple mean? fcr the rrm
n ti ca
stem ct
non schcu,
thereby cootailing the herons 3 c; lib
z.i ....,,
the gratuitous instruction cf such S3 are not legally in the pessesoien cf the Clerks i the tk..r..e. z 1 t z ,'7'ff',w,
cf indigent parentage. j cf the State District Coon?, that the first 1 -- f"! ".j! . - J lV
2o. The creation cf. the cfi;ce3 cf i section c; the Soheduh c: the Con-ti V"."; 'V''. " ui.".; i
S.hocl Commistioner, Adjutant General ticn which declares "that all righ-e.-.its, i fi;oVm;-:od '.'.: m
and Librarian cf State, and such ether rctions, prceecution3, ': ' to rto. r-"- h'u; -V'"' 1
c:.;eer3 as may be deemed neccoeary, fix- mzancei, claims zzl tcmmc.e, bo:h as i r ! r- ' ' - , , .
jng their calarioo and defining thsir du- res-oett p errons and bodies c. ..rat?,! '' 1' '":;: '
z:. i : '.::.,- t'..:.t r.:i ' . - b ; - : - ' '
th?.t imr::'ta;-;t c:.1;j. it ij :. . I:'.'. :!.'t:.-:t i;, ; o:!. : . '. v i'l . - i 5
t'1 3 u' ' -r- -' 1 r "t ' 1 1 r '2 I I v,", '. i ! F .1 - -f. I. t. '. z ". ,1
..-.V ..)...--..,. i 7 A ' - ,
lv J LZ .- i -i . a - - J i .. V. . . . .. i . - . J
' V,'hi::vcr b tbe chira:v.r c: i C bv the : c::-: . . . :':
s:h::L :yc::-..; :d:;::-l by yoi U th '.s e: ' -1 1 ri:. ; s.:!: .: - .:.l cr.rts ; : :
:;ion, it' . i 1 1 t:;. :..::::!y r. t'.? f;.:i ; : t..: c:..: - :j to f . . c 'i
time and zv.iz:l:: cf tl'.i c :'.'.;:'- '' i :y s..:h -.
1 i ) T t , .
'iui ucL-.-z..-: j U f ..... i. . ! i t w , - ' - j 4 t . . w . . . - . - .
, t - .- - r-- r A s t r , ' , y - i - - - - -
The !:v rrjvldi: i for the c r:!t..h-.;r
Aciot-nt (.'-n :ro!,-.: JV.';- dut; 7 I,; o o : . W. , o f; r ' ". ;
v,., -re
deem it i. ore; toot that
:;::-!. v.ho .:.'.:. ..1
nervi::;a c.
vt i.
s. asoii
e executive
in tho crjanieatien and control cf the
vclurteer cr enrolled militia, should su-
pervise rmy mj.r.ary rcrc-e ;e
State ia the servico of the United 2:af.':,
shoula L3ep the State miittory records,
1 1 ? r i' y n r : " r
and mae ar
ai returns to the Go.;rn-
cr cf the condition c: the vclanteer an
enrc led mi'itia ct the fctate, am c: toe
military force in actual servioe, an: per
form such other duties as may be tv: :n -
ed him by the Legislature, cr th? Ex-
Te hw providing fcr a Librariin is
-till jn'force.but at the election cf State
cfiioers under the provisions a tn
SUC.l C.tOOi
was chcocn, and consequently seme leg
islation is necessary, to p'.ac-.. the library
in the custody cf a State effinah ' I rec
ommend that the office cf Librarian, be
created and provided for, cr that the
Secretary cf State be made Librarian
ex.cflciJ, with a sufficient remuneration
to scours the proper attention to the. in
terests cf 'the Library.
27.' Appropriations for pay cf Deputy
Auditor and Clerks for State cificere.
. No crovisions having been m tie for
clerical aid ia the Etecutive Depart
ment, I commend to your consideration
the urgent need of such appropriation?,
for salary- of Private Secretary cf Gov
error, dork for Secretary ci State, and
Deputy Auditor.
23. Making prevision for the redomn- j
ticn. of State and Territorial bonds. j
Our finances being in aprorperousj
condition, it is eminently proper that
measures should be taken fcr the rapid
Iiuidation cf cur liabilities. j
23. Providing fcr the copying cf the -records
cf Washington County so far as
they affect the title to property in Logan
Creek precinct, and placing such copies
on the records cf Dodge County.
This action i3 rendered necessary by
the transfer of Lcgan Creek precinct
from Washington to Dodge county ,by an
act cf the late Territirial Legislature.
30. Enactments fcr carrying cut the
previsions cf the Stale Constitution, as
1. To deane'the boundaries cf Sena
torial and Representative. Districts.
2. To prescribe the mode c; organizing
the House-cf representees, at L,e com
mencement of each regular s;;ion.
3. To provide for the letting cf con
trris for cupplying stationary required
fcr. the use cf . the Stste, and for doing
the public printing.
4. To provide for the organizing c!
the militia.
5.. To prescribe' tho manner in which
civil'c.ficvrs shall be tried for misdemea
nors in effioe.
G. To declare the case3 in which the
offices shall be deemed vac;
and the
manner ct tilling vacancies.
7. To prescribe the manner cf apply
ing fo? pardon of convicts.
. S. 'To provide a seal fcr the State. .
9. To prescribe the duties cf Secreta
ry, Auditor and Treasurer cf State.
10. To prescribe the time and manner
cf electing Supreme Judges,
11. To divide the State into Judicial
Districts, to prescribe times and place",
fcr holding District Courts, and to assign
Justices to hold District Courts in the
several Districts.
This &ection contains a proviso, rela
ting to the assignment ci Justices, asfol
lows : That until the Legislature sho'l
Live nrcvided bv law.the Governor chaii
have authority to make soeh assignment,
Deeming that the public good required
the erterciee cf the Iicut;vr; numoriiv
thereby conferred, in nn. order i
the 27th cf March hit. I mode i
:ed cn
i id -
lowing tsmp-erary assignment cf Justices:
to-wit: Cz..:ef Just.ce . m. A Lntb to
the Secured Judicial District; Assistant
Justice George B. Lake to the Erst Ju
dicial District; and Assviate Jui:ce L.
Crcunoe to ihe Third Judicial District.
12. To define t
jariodi:tion c:
several c
A i wA L--.4.Jti.V vd'-C,. L. - .' . . . . !
. A question cas arisen no to the juru-
diction cf coir State Court3 over actio-o
commenced in' the Territorial Courts,
previous to cur cdmission. And it has
j loen. thas far, decided' that the records
ct tn
Territorial District Cou
;'.:'.l continue and I
r . rc.a t.o
... . i. j '
arte i from
:f Terrific; ci! govern men; te a !,';,. -.
" 3
: -. " c-v
0 f.;
- n
:, tot not to e::e
'- Iso4-- C- - '
. . . J
to j nereseory to c
...A ".-.U.
C . - -.. vit..
i ' -
- - c .
nocos:".:; to
2 v.'0r.;.:.-.; .
i uOiioora'rms, t..e s;
j mutual forbear;. o:
! t J-
j tne presorvatton c.
1- , A..
o core:.
i. v.-
your c-:
i ar. I to::.
1 ticn that
wisdom ?.
the c;:n;
i y.oi
- - - -
a r;o-
i 1 -
ery memoer ci
r : i v
IT"1 " t r r - v- r - " i J " 1 r
? ' Y -
I- h C ' t 'i Cut tO 3 y ' T - - -
:ae.:a aa
at integral S::
C ... y ' t 11 -
now c:
p ... f.,'
, r. 1
: iitnocrmg in-a.i ;;nc:r;tr
achr.o-.-ltdgemcnts to the G;
k 1 "
ft a
. t . . - ? -i . ..-v ' - '
with tor sister Stales in gra:;'..
for IIi3 guidance cf the Amor,
cuhlic, through the tcmpeet
and armed Rebellion, to thi hiven c
ti.tiiz.z.4 tv"r.i J-w. .H.j i i-
.. . .
Almighty Power, fcr the continuance
i 1 13 fostering care that cui
ever ield its bounteous harvests to
.h j
intelligent toll cf-;hc husland,
the peaceful conquests cf commerce nnl
mechanical skill, may be as enirAriog
as the truth cf ihe great principle c:
universal freedom, wbhh fcrever ..res
them c:
Tz A "-"iVi TT'TI "
. t x aJ aj s X 1....,
' i. - w-
Editor cn Acr.-
:ivd said it
w J
' J -.
i. J
settled this Fall, si that other imrcrtm:
subjects may be considered,
can oe sc...- .iy oy 5 t i
hite from cur conefit
Now for
i w e
are men, tne cnuuren cr
Fn her, God.
Two Kfgro rv.icna baj
teen formally a
anl by all the great cf the earth,
viz: II lyticn and L...r!am All the
o s 9
cn. i hj L..r;e.;an cur.a c;
a.l sects receive negroes as mcml ore. and
most cf them, including
Vz i. . . . , j-
1 t
u'.ar.v craainee: c-: Tr j ..iiniet
i t I I - '
Even the oiJchamsdans receive tl
groes a3 proseiytes ana brother
1 th?
same is true cf every form c: rfi:rio
;,-...-! .....
the h.J7:j:
cr mim.o'o.i u
What then can be the c
-.-.- i
-.3 1.!,
Eaih-er o:
J .
t:m j.
1 : a
say they ure le:s inteileotual r:
wefid be b
bad as fair a chance ns we bar? hid,
They have already, oven in Ohio, mots
1 - '
atcrs l:ttie, if at all, ?urpaoe.d by nay.
Rut suppose they ere inferior in ie::!-
ment and cf common sense, that "ov:r::-
ment oheoeld prcteotthe weak 3 rain- thvt
strong rather thau the strong orilzet th-e
weak ? Iithoyhuj-: the tmn-eii
. .it.- -
so r. ' . '. z 1 : '1 1 r- - 1 ' ' . . , 4 -
i use vAnt they have ::j their c
i i:on ? ' If cur co-ie;r.-;t:o:i s
- -
i term met. 3
- 1. j
v .-o his
! o:ro::g ten
to .a v; z tree i c. i;
i- "e ct. aro.e aa to i
1 vrculd cut'c.f ma:,y :o:ell:-:r
i ... .
i b true- .:te :;.-.n, and r.
o ac; ;:. to 7
! h eod se..feoge ;
tor all re:
- i c emtio role.
. i .
nt n V " 1 " f
J -; i .- ' . . '? T ' ,
2 i
I '
I " ' o '
:e men
;r.e ins are a c
V a
- " ' .
ih y kao.; v.htt r
I -'- !--- t'-r
j rtioa, .1 im. i
I -Ivhl n? jr ceav
-ed t
'..hole matter ;
l e .
v e
i v...y no
- cy ttl ?
C .tr.
. - I - i.i
1 ... 1
- - ' J
! a
, 1
m C .
i -i
j i
am -ha me I I Live ? 1.
I .--.'
rii :