rV07 J.S.TriLT.TA.if'. .A .V--'!t'"? Ar Cbaui'ocr i'.-.ue!, ti.r.t Lou: Ye I, s cei n;;jf-';U ..w.ii 1 i DJ:t. Bk MM 1 ... rv l k . .J V- 1867 mA pring approaehtt Ar.ti and Jlnachet from their hole com ott And Juice and Eats , L spite of cats, Gaily X ip about,11 x (071 TiCUELB r -'RING) c :0 at Tdlablg Sicilian ' -JIas stood the test cf seven years be fere V.c public ; and no prejHira tliiii for the hair has vet been rfi's covered that trill produce ihe same hcncficia.1 results. Jt is an entirely neiv-scientific discovery, combininy many cf thz most powerful and re stordtice agents in the VCCIITACLE KITXDC;i. JT restores CRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOH. if makes the scalp ivhilt end clean; cures dandruff and ' humors, and l'alllns" out of the hair; and trill make it grouj t'i0)i .laid heads, except in very a-fed -crsons, as it furnishes the mttri ". iive principle I which the hair it - nourished and supported, Jt make le hair moist, soft, and alossy, , and is unsurpassed as a 11 A Hi , DUESSIXu. Jt is the cheapest preparation ever offered to (he pub lic, as one bottle will accomjdish r more end last longer (nan three Xotlles cf any other preparation. It is recommended and used by the First JMedicnl Authority. The wondei'ful results produced Z'f our Sicilian Hair llcneivcr have . induced many to manufacture prc tfzraf ions for (he JIair, vnder va :ioii8 names; and, in order to in . luce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, ilicy have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former part- tiers, or had some connection with leur llr. Hall, and their prcjiara- tion was similar to ours. JJo not be deceived by than. I'urchase the original: it has never pet been equalled. Our Treatise on the JIair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that cachbotile has our private IU venue Stain p over the top of the Ictite. All others arc imitations. R. P. Hail & Co.. Prep's. Nashua N. H. SjIJIjcH DrurjisisarJ Dcdert in Zlcdldne, C. A. COOK, 87 Dezrbrn St. Chicago, III PARKER'S Y7c have, on hand a large end well assorted stock of Staple and Fancy X -.1 Vo V7hicli wo arc making constant additions, and Tvdiicli V70 aro selling at prices low as any establisli- nlent west of the Mississippi river. II TI2 QUA iTVp? OUR G3GD3 VE CHALLEflQE COM?ETITIO!I. rQ-FLOUR OF THE 'MOST APPROVED BRANDS. THE IIGIIEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. "13 years p?tablUbed in N.Y. City." "On!j iafii!i;bl6 remed kaovrn." Tnt from Foiion?." 'Not dangerous to the Ilutnan Family . 44Ilats come out of their holes to die." r4 i r z I i n 9 WHO X, E S I DEALERS IX -CostaT's' Eat, Eoach, &t$ , Extemmatirs Is s paste U3ed for ftW. Jtoaenes, lil'itlt and rtd AnU &c., ic.Ac, ,COSTAR'S-, Bed.Bug Exterminittor, 1 a liquid or wash used to destroy, and . s a tireTentatiTO fi.r Bed-Dun. &c. .COSTAR'SM:iectrio 1'owJer for Insects 18 lor Moinn, jotquirtew, x icy, ucj-uur, tfitecU o plant, Fom-t, Animatt. &c. ST" ! ! ! Deware !!! of all wor thless iialtaiio en tf Sec that "Costab's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before yoa bay. iSAddress --H K NRY R, COSTA R, 434 liroaaway, ew ioik. Sold in BroTbnylle, Nebraska by Bolladah k Company. , And by all Drugyiti ul BeUiiors. d) 7I- AND d) d) f 1 r L The very lct mcjicine In lisc fvr HOUSES, CATTLE, 2kIULE3 & BEEEP. TMi roller ii prepared from the recipe of nn Id Lngluh rarru-r, it now, uml has Lcin lc.r years tied thi-otn;liji;t Jnrlaud l y ftock raiders', kot alone l'r its ruvniivc, Lut n.oiis fu'.N :iiii.arro yprties. lor the l'ollowinp tiuf-r-scs, it wiii iuvaxi . aLIy be fyuad a soft, certain end speedy cure: ( JTevers cf all hljids, Distemper , Founder, Ccvgh$, Loss cf Appetite, Hide Bound, Yel low Water, as also all diseases arising from a . itordtrti Sicmach, or an impure state of the Mood. ' riEinrs coccut ermines rorDEn, name indicates, is a r mle ttimulant. Tn-1-ke the lutuiy trtic!ts told thror.p-hout Hie ccnisiry tcr the Urease of Jiortts tiil Cwttlc, tiiis rt tr ation ivcntirely of vcetULk' w ivin uorui:urals ctrr into iU composition. Zk-ulfr cou.jk tn lirfly rl aroiiifttic n-rd, herli;, loots nud bik It may be ued with lull conlidciic? cs to its tntire f:y, crrtalnty, rl ruildnrj-s rf oprrsticn It ttrantes the lilood, C -sens tlic IliuC, pives to the I kin a fmoolh ami ;os;y appearance, rrmoves all bad humors, nnd by it ttn upthor nip-, Kie-piving Sroneriios. infjrs into the debilitated, I rokdi nwn nmrnal, fcftion o;xl spirit, uudresiorestohim aCl Lis natural graca ud cauty. . j: ita a Would call the attention of DEALERS to theirjmmeose'stock of Dregs ana 31efllclncs, Scliool PoolvS, Talent ncaitliics, Blnk BooKs, Glass and Glassware, AVritln? Ppcrv faints anil Oil?. Envelopes Spices and Dre-stoiTg, Coal Oil ana Itfp Pare Liquors, dc., &c, Thkb wer bongbt fcrcach of Mnfactnre, Importers and Fiiblisliers,and will be fold at ti moat trorable prices, baying in large qaantuiei tromurst nanii, tnoy are aatiea 10 ouer exira inuace- ient to the trade. Thfv are the North-western 'Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jarne & Son, and of Dr. 3 C. A.vre & Co.. and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities. ( 10 1-1? COSTAR'S CELEBRATED. BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Cut, learns, Bruise, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, Broken breast, Sore Nipple?, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles. rufttlous, rwtnd and 111 ndt- lioned Sore ; Ulcer, Glandu'ar Swelling, Erup tions. Uutaneou Anections, Kinworm; Hca Lorns Cunnions, Chilblain ,c. Lhapped Hinds, Lips fc: Kites of spiders. Insects, Anirails o. f57Boxes, J5 ct., Ccts..and SI sizis. JSf jold by all injgEist8 eteryrhere. I"And by Hrshx K Costa. Depot 4S4 Broad- ' Vrgy Kew York. I5TAnd by HOLLADAY k CO.. Brgwnyille Neb A vkk ll.ga3 1 1 ': H 'n -jja-j 3 ST. JOSEPH, MO. - Importer and 3iolesale and Retail Dealer in Iron, : STEEL and HEAVY HAEDWASE. AVr.gon, Cirriaa?, and How 'oodworks. k nr mTTT frTTT T - IMDr T?lTT7X'rTC 1 On band and to arrive Eg m paft. Pprlrg?, Axer, A5,-Bhwru nJ ipn le.Files and Ua?ps, Chains, Carriage anl Tire Bolts, NuUs ai Va.-hen. Nails. Ib rs naiU, Ilcrse A JSn'e Shoe?, Saws, etc. etc. Cabtinrrrind Hollow V7are, Suar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and Lids, tevv pets LAe ovens, Fruit kettles and San Irons. JlaCulniltllS' TOOlS, Anril.3, Strcks and Dies, Be!lows,Sledge and Hand Ham- aers, l iscs, Pincers, uas-ps, r amors Knives, Tuyere Irons, ronches, . (Onxtfl'tin GoodSr Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Piek.,Gild Paneetc. !HXxx7of3. spolzoa etzacl 33ont"StufT. 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLUsrE53?ILOWS! J COSTAR'S UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, For Corns, Bunion, "Wart, f-c. -Boxes, 25 cts 50 cts., and $1 siies. Sold by all I)rur2ti's every where. t"And b7 Henet K. Cstab Depot 4S4, Broad wiy, N. Y. I ST And by HOLLADAY & CO, Browville, Neb. Cows require rot only careful attention, but abundance of nutritive '. (.;!. The tPTtmo!V c( arirtus f.irrper and dairy luce, tttcst the fact'that y t-s judicious Uie cf Pirktr's Ccrdii! Condition Powder. th tow of nillk is not only rrtatly increased, but tt; quality vastly Improved, us by ti;e u.-e of tin powder, ail tendency t lover, ailrrositlaiinora aud Lupuriuea cf the blood, arc nt um-c t-t-iuuved. 4 .- r ..... ". " 4 J t Hred?rs and faffener cf Swine wilt rejoice ta 1 wow lUnt a proni;iC ienif.lv for the variou inala t.ti, to v lach tlivio auuioiU urc f ubjtctH lotuiu ;a - TarLcr's CcrcUal Ccniltlca TcTrcIcr. Tor Cou-M, revers, inam-rstion cf the Litre?, AieaV.es, ilarj-e, L.itncy Worm, Ac. &c, thia medicif acts l.ke a charm. IIt.fr Cholera will l avoided by ocraiional loes of t:.is owdir it is a sure preventative, one paper added to a barrvl ftwill and given freclv to llogs, ViU fpeedily re taova Uitsu otl fatal diseases. V ' r-- : .. . .... i This powder being both Tonic and iaxative pnr I t the P.lood, removes bn humors, and will H.erf ore be found niytt exctlicttia't romoUrir the ond.tion of theep. Yyrrir CV eit ,r1 CfnM ?rr faclair, vrrparei Px y ."-y li'fLLX B. PARkLR, St. Luult. Pf-Fcr eale by Dm-gxsts and ilerchants every -ert, ' TJCnARDSOX & CO., Gen'I Atfj, T'A & T5 Nom Maia Street, St. Louis. Tkkca nty tha oodersncd living in Douj Ui PreciJt one half mile S K of Halam'i tniil. - e1 e i.j l JZ JyA V"0, fcj J ut patented, and sujerior to any yet invented ; and 3IcCormIcL?s Jloivcrs aisd i:capcrs,lfcallers Horse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivator?, Hand Cum Planter, Corn ShtHers. Fay Lakes, ctceto esc. JJacilz?.JolL''zz S-tr.c3.sijcl Scales . - Buying my goods direct from tbe man erf, I offer great Inducements TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Varehonse ST. JOSEPH, MO. BLOOD 1 EULIOE m ' mm mi Wte mmmW ' In t$ Will poMtivelycureFCKOFXTLA. liRTSIPELAS, ')YSPFPSIA, I.VDICESTiON, U-EAKTBCRV, or r v HUMOR in the BLOOD or STOMACH, and for 'UR1FY1XO theSYSTSMand ERADICAllXO .11 TRACES OF DISEASE this remedy Jias no qual.and for Building tip th iS'yfn, and giving iew Ftrcvyth and Vigor. Its unparalkd (uccerts incoits introduction, and the wonderful cures it as and is daily performing are its butt piarrantee ir.d we earnest !y desire that every sufferer thai! ,'ive it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. Price one lollar a bottle. COLLKS CROTIIER5, ST. LOUIS, 210. Projrielcrs. Z7aHI "C3HII PiLTElIT HICA ROOFIITG i fTPH i The New York Mica Roofing Company, (Estab lished 1854.,) are manufacturing under Letters Pat ent The Best Article of Composition Roofing E?er offered to the PuWlic. It is adapted to every style oi uooi sieep or tut and can be readily applied by anyone. . - The L. S. Government, after a thorough test of its utility .have adoptcdits use n the Navy Yards ana open Public Buildincs. The Rx)Cng is put up in rails, and has only to be nailed to tne Koof to make a Durable Fire and Water-rroof Covering We particularly rex:ommend its use upon Hiiilding-s, Stores, Cliurchcs. Fac tories. H2aci2ine-SJiors, feifcam- loat-Dcclis, &c. COSTAR'S rREPABATios or DHter Sweet ana Orange Blossom FOR BEAUTIFYING TnE COMPLEXION. Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freckels. Pimples, Eruptions, &o. Ind'.e a-e now using it in preference to all other!. 1ST Bottles. $1. fi?Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ISTAnd by Hi.vby It. Costat, Depot 43 1, Broad way, N . Y. t-And by HOLLADAY & CO., Brownville, Neb. ZA.-LT RHEUSM ma run th0 ITCH or SALT JiUJZr-ZZ. is a few innlications. It also cures prairie Scratch es Chilblains, Ulcersand all Eruptions of the fckin, where other remedies have been tried in vain, oares speedily end thoroughly. Price 53 cects a box. bold by all drurnt. Hv sending f-'j ccnis in letter' to C"0LLi:S BROTHERS. S. W.cor. 2nd Vine Sis., St. Louis, Ho., it will bo sent by mail free of milage. x-?.0-ly-rD,nnJSWj 'agar Loaf Syrup, SorchuDJ, and N.O. Mnt.wes atSWAN A BRO'S V. tA J 1 m r mm a ia. rv uy fc. iuarca, iti),one lirindle Ster, UU ofT, Sw&liow fork in left ear, crop off left car, aboct fur yenrs feld this Sprics;. L'arch tih 16C7 TIlOlIAS MOSLEY. f 0 N E Y, l l.E E A S M ATLR. 1 0 .C o 0 ACTIVE LUAU and Araveiscr Arr2U. ilale r l-'e. rf a'i es, re wanted to Sulieit tn ie in 'J v4tj, icwn, ihce: han...t, l,rk, 1 actcry, throughout t . ei l. re t:: f 'T the rie-t ..eabie novelties ever known. J;u l'Lil CTN'T rr.CFtTsad READY SALE Yi"HEKEVEIi 0F rri.LD l Smart men sr,d wonen can t-ike froca ti to IL? pr dsy, ar 1 no rk cf lo?sl A rrcall a'xJ tf ' t9 5K3-the care r-.e i..irsT;r.yat2 c-.!; 1,r;l f"r fai I" tiev'sM 1 a! iresi , v 1-y - 10 tr.O;.DTiAY,N Yf-rh City. l!?V!e.Cs.n FrulLi of all kin is. an i Oysters at 1 SWAN & PRO'S SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by HelmboU's Extract Eucha. . ' ' XOT1CE. - Tie ered'tcrs -f WiUiam Stilweel, cerefiMd will take notice that tbe Trobate Jai; tf Neraaha County, Nebraska, will receive, exAinin and td just all c'nins acrninst the i&'.d decessed.and that Lo w'.'.l Hi Ut tUt jurpe.? at his cCise in Brown ville in rtiii Ccsnty of S'eonha on the lith dy cf Novtt her A..D. ISC between the hcura cf nice o,c'o..1: . ia.,tEd four o'clock p in of tt id day, un less tae daiiis of Creiitcrs are p-cser.ted to s?id Prcl ste Jule for allowance cjon the day men tRn: 1 a'-cve they will ret V ettiled to piyEiett CLO.VT. FAlRLlwOniLii, :3-tS3,C0 IVchau Judge. MAN ROOD AND YOUTH RIM irrj 1 y F.H tp Void's F.tre. MICA ROOFING PAINT For coating TiN IRON, or SHINGLE ROOFS. It forms a - 3i'oJ7 eual to three coats of Ordinary Paint, No litwf can rust under it, end Old Leaky Roofs, nay be made permanently watoi -proof and durable by it3 uee. The Paint requires no Mixing, but is ready to be applied with the ordinary paint brush. Price $1 per galon, which will cover two hundred square ice ' Also manufacturers cf TARRED FELT AND ROOFING PITCH. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List famished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address. THE MICA ROOFING Co. 194, Broadway, New York! frand Humphreys, 61 Royal St., N. 0. Sco- fie'.d, Williams S Co., Auzusta, Ga. Baldwin II- Woods, Montgomery, Al. Thomas S. Coates, haie-.gi r.A. lucKer, Kicnmona, a. lenrp nson, i oicrurg agenu. January, 1st. lS3-ly SOIvIETHING COSTA R S TICTOBAL COUGH KEMEDY For Coughs, Cold, "Hoarseness. Sore Throat. Croup. Whooping Cough, InSuenxa, Asthma, Con sumption, Bronchial AffectiOLS, and all Lueses of the Throat"and Lunjr. r??H()ttle, 25 (., 60 eta., and $1 ite. t5?"So!d b? all Druggists everywhere. KfAnd by Hixnr R. C03TAR, Depot 431 Broad way, N. Y. ' jKTAiid by EOLLAPAY i CO Olrftw-pTillo ,Kah, XI; Tonderfcl FlexiViUty tn:d grit Ple.istire to auy Li y weirirr tve L ' PSrirt will b eTterince'J l arlKn! r'y A?iemblifs, Operas. Csrri.i5.es P..ii'.ro.id C rews. Arm Chair-i. tvr T'-osueoale and I. -t end fx i a. I r f-vdsd r.5. Cuiircti ue lre?s, mtm Skirt r.m ha fc.UIt! 1 wt.en in Ce to o-'fiipy a smi.tl p'ace as e.isilv and conveniently a !'.. k or iluslin r?'es., an ia valuable qni'.ity ia trisvliuo, not fun vl ii. any S:cs!e Sprmsc Ssirt. A Lady, bavins enjcyeJ the pleasure, comfort and rret convenience of wearing tte Puplex l'.ptic Sie-e! nrln? Skirt for a tii.f-Me 1y, will tcer ertc- nr.ls w'l I ! i n s ! y ft:ppnFe ttielr usa. Fur kC!.i d '.ren, Jtise.and V.nr.I.5hes they sres -iperlor to ai' others Toey wtli'cot tei.J or break liSe the Sirz'.e ljprin;, but will prg,-ervo U.eir perteet ar.J craceft.'. f'-tapu wbero three or four orJinars- sums wilt tiav been thrown asido as nseless." The Ihx v are covered with double anrl twisted thread, r.ril ihs hoti-mi ro?s ant nt only rubble fprinas, tut Li-- (T tluub'e) covered ; predentin tbem from wearing cat wbea d'azing down hio"pn, ftairg. &.c. The Duties Eitiptia is a prreat favcrite wih aU tte lsd es o I'd is v.riiveraal'y ten nmier.dd ty iU tbo I ss'riionablo Magazines as tiie standard skirt cf tlie Fisbionatde World. To enjoy the following inestimaole a'lvantajes In Crinoline, viz . Fiipem.r Q'liiity. perfect ror.u!ac: lire, styiish shape and finish. Cesihility, rturaldtiiy, cin fort and economy, eiifju: re l.r Jl. V'. Bradley' Dnple Elliptic or Dcubla Sarins Skirt, and be sue you get the pennine article. CACT10N.--Tij guard ac;nst impnsiti -n t partic ular to notice that ekirts ofTered m "VVFLT.X'' have tbe red ink stamp, viz , 'J V.". Kradley't Dupiey Kl lipt ic Sieel Springs ' upon the w Isifcard- n rc otter arecennine. Ali notice tbt every hoop will admit a pin beina passed Ihronsti the centre, thus rev;i!iM tbe two (.r double) spri brlded together tbcrein. which is the secret of tbeir tlexit i lity snd strei ptb, and a ci inbir.a! ion not to be found in any otber Fkirt. For sale In all stores where First. Ci?. s-ksrls are Sold throii?bo'it the United States and e'c rhe e. ilanctar tn ed ty tbe owner ,t the patent, Wests. Eradlcy & Gary, Il-3-3m 87 C1;nber & 73 K 81 Peade Si y. T 3 FOE H3eJ ft klLi 5 P .:" J 1 ('Sad 4 . L ''a H3 0 orlds Tonic and Blcod Purifier, AND LOOT &PLA2w PILL Prcveftive ir.u Carative IIuse- , anl ars wor.lrrta..y e--epri.i and Consumptive Aro tha creates bold RecicJies of the nc fi.-nid iv. in puri"-" Dv- Sympt'-m.', Ccncrti Deoiiity, Larpur.r, ..tluns va cassaJocttoa tf ti e Livvr.Sto:u.i':ii. H-'Wels and Kidneys. Facial d C;j3p! iiit. Scrofulous AfToc titinacd a!! dis'ase. ari-:r. frt'in iu'.rure b!o"d, and a fure preventive of revtrnnd Ajue, Chol era, Yellow Fever, Cil'.oas Fever, Ac. JSi e circular around each h. ttlo and bis. Pre pired only by tha Orafton Medicine Co.,St. Louu, Missouri. S'd hv HOLLADAY & CO. Brownville, Neb. FRENCHHOTEL! On tlic Iltiropcaii TJan. Opposite the City 1111 aud Prk,( Cor. of Frank fort St. VZ7JF "J'CA'A". Sracious Re':ectf;r3Ml;ith Ro'.ra and -arbor a tnop. Servant not a'tomee to we.ee rerqnttila. ro not helieve Runners or Liclien who s.iy we are lull. . July 1st. ISfiC-. 1 yenr. ! Aerate! Crack- SWAN A LRU 75. VIA "I f ;,i 1 l..lll.i...l J,.iu.'. c l T z n Y e r,7 c r i4 rjf;i::..'iri ft n:i LOU'- o ! c ti rl ' n W tv rfi Jlagic Lillious IW r. is. s rre-ira:;,,j is Ci T2 i.sr.J. , p, '10 I .st..f of t.ia Jj ,lTn, it vt ! ty 1. . l L.daCrackers. Cinzer Scji s. ar. J1 er?, at E aim Soap, Castile, Rojin and Detersive Son; and the Celebrated Sitver Ol.i.s starch at S U'AN A RRO S. Lr. H e O 0 ZS3 ? r3 Dyspepsia Cure. This Great Remt dy fcr all Diseases of the STOMACH, is tbe discovery of the inventor of Coe's valuable Cough L'alsam, while experimenting for hi own health. It cured Cramp in ihe StouiHch for h.iin which had befurs yielded to nothing but Chloroform. The almost daily testiuony from ari us part ot the country eneourni:e uj to beiieve there is no dis ease caused by a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure. Py sicians endorse and Use it! ! Ministers give testimony of its emcacy ! And from all directions we receive tidings of cures pcrfermed. Djitpejzia ! t 13 sure to cura. Hcmftburn I Ocrdose will cure. Sicfc-HeaoJaeAe It bas cured inhundreds o ase. UeaaacJie and Lizzinctyi ! It stops in thirty minute. Acidity of the tomnch I ItcorrectsAton.ee, III tin j of the food t 1 1 stops immeo lately. Duirett after eatinj I Or,e dose will remove. Cholera 2!o rim I Rapidily yields to a few doses. Had Breath I Will be changed with half a bottle. It is Feifcctly Harmless ! ! Its unprecedented success i owing to the fact that It Cures by Assist Ins ?ati:e, TO Rtl-ASSRRT HER S'.VAY THE SYSTEM! Nearly every dealer in the United St.ttes sells it a OXE DOLLAR PEXl COTTLE C. G. CLARK, Si. CO., Proprietors, JCEW UAVE.V, COKN. :-' i.5.r,. i: 'si v. " ;ir. i th i: ' at .n?w .'..' i to I. ava t ,u - dy cedL-in to hit v ' hn rf b;.H V. .. t . , B1 the most wcndctful di.-ci.vcrlc . r r ' It i " '-"a t ins cheat Livir. A::rr:::3 which completely throws in tin jm.i.u""" d:?ooverie in ia-die!n-s; and it aJVj, ."' ijratiS.-ation tb.5 they nciva t ie un,, ",'a 3 J i-robatioa .f all who Lava tiitsd th a " t'' Di.ious PuwueM sr? a " ' -'2 I'osnivcCurcforljTcrCcnn'- n its tuot Kznivated laa, aci n ""- r-cfor cf all BILiLIOUS DrHAI,Gr:r Fxceiienr. I .r I! r, c: O S STI I' ATlox I :ci, BlotcfcPj. as;,,-'- j, Piiiines. Ueirthiiaj, rv . -'t And a piot wo- Pimp Drowsiuei Aria niot wo-d r;'.il Cure & rrevi nilve crreicri. (Ue ad v -.fee all who are tr uok-J .. ra il idy t alwsyi keep the iWLrj ,,'a CY ; tor iuiaedi.ite u?o. ) ncre are a tow iu;portant partii3:lr.. Lt They are the Urtst Si'f, -i v- 2d Thevarethe only iaotrs rix cure Liver Complaint. 3d Theyaretheooiykuoworcaic.J,''.,,.-.. Constipation. - J k -.i 4th. Tho PowJeT ars so ti.on a 11 tjr- ration tnat one phcRs'; will b ai; tv t ty of those usirg them will ZSl.'.t 5'h 1 r.ey are a aQ j rjea.-, ... lV elToetivo c.ithartio known. ,e"-,3w 6th. 6 th. They aro the cheapest caihvtls vyni The7 sro the chejrast :.ii.......! " rant, as they can be sent by mi to 1( T R' globe, for the price, 50 cent-. Circulars, contain;r;certiSl-aieg,ir.f-TM-,. i. sent to any part of the w-rld free t,f ch-,-. .SOLD BY ALL DRUUGISK ?, mail oa application to ' C G. CLIRK, &, rcEW have:;, com ' 15, 13o3. Novcrabcr 2 XlihJ nOLLADAY A CO., and McCREERY A CO. GeLeriil AgenU. Also for sile by MARSH A CO.' November 15. 13 "d. GET THE BEST MRS CFIILDKEiSr. Is now truly acknuwled red sup-.-ri ir prepiratlou for all dt.-tea'ies mcidi:nt t infmts and chuJrea. EYERV BODY SPEAKS In exalted terra of commendation of its truly won derful effects and medicinal viitues, and are de lighted with iU ue. Z3T Price, Otdy 25 cents per Dott!.3 by Sold by all doilers in.mi ci.T. Prep vro J oa I y the Oraft)n Medicine Cmp-iny, St. ai, Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st. Gtn Brownville, Neb. o 53" ALSO -S3 FORWARDING C0MMISSI02I MERCHANTS. , , -B3T JZlz J:iJ LEGAL NOTICE Winiara Turner will take notice tht Teresa Tar ner did on tbe 2 Uh day of March . I). 13;7, fi. her bill of c ini'Uint , i n the i'istrict Courr, in alio f..r Pawnee County, St.-.te of Nenraaka. in Chancts ry .against the said VViiliaea Turner. The objee atut prayer ui ea-d cornp!iii;i'it . i trsji 1. Turner in said bill , is to obtain a decree of said Court d i- solving the hood of rn I'rim ny bet ween the iiid Teresa r. Turner, Cornplaiaaat and tbh Slid Win Turner. Defendant, and the s.iid Wi'dUai Turner is notified that he is required to appear and nn swers iid bill of C i.np! linnet on or befura Monday tbe 20th day of May . 1SG7. ' Dated April 4th. 1357. 27-4t $3 CHARLES n. GERE. Solicitor for Complainant. GKANfS CAEAP CASH STORE. JJain Street telivccn First and Second. BROWNVILLE, IT. T. - I Would -Respectfully iafena the Citizen of 1'rownviue, and surrounding country tuat 1 have it received m fall Stock of Goods, consisting of f n . - rv! n : : d h? - i 6mn K? A V V i. For a medicine ttat win cars Coughs, Influenza, TjchliniatiaTL-ca!, or relieve CO USUI is quick as m ii pi! OVER ONE MILLION E0TTLE3 nave bei)i sold aad ni a single in-Unr . f in 'vi ureisino vn. i have, in mr .' :a. iy quantify of CertfGj-itej, sotue "t them f: .jj " EMINENT PAYSIfIAN, ho have used it in their practiso.an l itti ; re-emlnence rer ver.tire- oj'. i. It does not dry up a Cougi i UUt . LOOSENS IT. h as to erjable the p-it.cut ta txpitas f.-n'j. Two cr three do-cs ! IVlll Intaiialhj Cure Tidling h 'J Throat! ! A half hoUla his ofwn compt-lv w.l t1! moist Stubborn Cough, and yet, tboc-'i iiissi 'T.d fpeeiiy in its o;.er iti..n. r. n .:r: e. l!.' ics, bing p-i.-ely veg-jtuij. ' Itijar-jrf '- ie to ta-. taste, and m.iy b-J adjiinisurJ bii' iren of any g3. In C3S23 cf Croup vrc will gra tco a euro ii taken in scaci Xofamilyliould bj witlid 't is within ihe raeh ()f all. it h;inr the ch: ind bet miici!l hm-:. C. G. ILAilK & CO , rroorlctrj, NFW HAVEN, CONN". A. S HOLLADAY Jfc CO., aV.ML MtCnEEIlY. Brownville, NcbraU, General Agents. SALE OF J1PPRJ11SED STOCK. Friday the 3d dav f Mav. 1S37 at 2 oVUi ? r mid dar , I will ,Ter f . r nalo t ihe b ,",t k ' lor forcah in herd .on the-1 rr-r i.--e t,f Ha. - tarr, living in Lnfayette Preeinct, ia Coanty Nebr is!A,f no stray ba tnin i'on', rears oJd last Spriox. Te3"ipbr Wic. d and now ia his p-jsj 'rioi. 27-5tpi .- .WSATHAN IIIG0TX3.J. r V mm m mm Over 60,CQ0 rnrjnfscturcd sr.l jicw ia c3s ii-J coiifv and Furore. it i 'i nun n n nATnfltiTn lil'UliHJilMflM DBU.H 1000 AiGIOTS wanted A good reliable Agent wanted in every tow a to take the entire controller hi3 Ecighborhood,of seve ral of the be-, most talea lle, snd pro9talle articles of every cisy use ever pre sented to the publil. Prof its lare satisfaction guar scteed. The right irau or woman een make froca $10 to S20 a week esrily. En close 6trir for fulldescrip iion and iilustratted cata logue. Sample sent freo : Exclusive control cf ter ritory VTea COSTAR'S CZXXtS EAT Ep bisixoi pills, A TOTERSAL DINNER TILL, F.r Kerrr-cj at I Sick Ueadiche, Costi.vcnesa, Tndiesuon, Dyspcs-i, Liliiousnesi". Cc-natipiticn, Diarrhea, Colics. Chills, Fevers, ani geaeisi de nrrement of the Di?estivo Orzans. rT7"I'oxes, 25 cts- SO ets and $1 sixes. JTSold bp all Drtpgists everywhere. LoAnd by Host Coctab, Depot 434 Broad way, N. Y. . rT ind by HOLLADAY A CO.. Erowrville, Neb. TolIInraa Theondenigned keep on hand a large assortment SATTif!T&C ASSIZERS SUITS For lien and Boy' wear . Also.a large stock of HATS AXD GAPS LIIilKlIOSMI BOOTS AND SHOES. Cobber Cxts, Le??tns Blankets. Of the latest styles and be?r quality, Mens' heavy calf Boots, double soled Hoots, Fine Kip Ucoi boys snd childrecs Hoots and Shoes. All kinks of La dies' Boots and Shoes of the fi iest and bestqu ali ty. India. Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries' of Every Kind. Consisting cf tbe bes brands of .' Su-ar, Coffee, Tea, Pepper, AJfspice, Soda, Candles. Toba.cco, Starch. Sic, he, Sec. Wooden V7are, Stone . The Be.-t Quality of Thee wnrld rcnrncsd n sehirj ir?r ': the firstrrixe. Ten IVnr.ds St erlir. at t ; ' 1 Qnadriercial Trial at I'lj meat h, Lrg , j and at the Great National Field Trial, b?H j Auburt N. Y.. in Jo lv. IS.M.the First In GRAND COLD 21 FDA L. . Tho PHIZE MOWES ; lYhA it rrtiilm all tVa .1 tr it wbicH I Jlaicbes, rrade it so unirer;a! a faoritc, is J.ta J &i ed bv the iMition or STFFL M.FD GUARDS. NEW l'JTvf N CONNRCTIOV.', SIRONdRR KNIVES, bPRlMj SEAT, AD.JLSTADLE FCLttW 5-' Making it a perfcet machine. The lihvit the noit Curable, and at sametiji b :i' and best cutting cieeine in tbe wor. 1. The Scir-Kakcr Kcpcslcr! , The best Voleu Under and Over ShirM, Salt s qutly called ike Ylor of every tW.t l Salt cy tnepoura tr carrei wniCil OFFERS FOB SALS CHEAP FOR CASH All of winch beotTerat tbe lower t prices, tleier- Imneanot la be BMCer;i:. GRANT. UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS, GentV FGrnis&mg Goods, Of all kinds which we will sell jOilSAP F O 11 C ASH. We purchased our Dods siDce the dfe in the Markets and will sell at Iov figures. ATKINSON Si CO. April 13th, 1S65, ?-30-!y Taken op by ti.e ut ljriiiid , living 13 (i;n Rk Precinct, on the 7th r nf Fchruarv. IS'J cba. It will eive briik andencr-etic fselinrs.and ! 0n8 rJ anJ white spe-.k.tid S:air witli undrt it iiil f i ip? r ctw qr.iar.-.n .r i vi aie Ra--kel Callen by her re.tt Rcfore R. V. Hashes friend H. 21. Atkinson pl'f. ! J. P., fcr NerJilu J Nelraski Territory. William McDonald d-f-nd't I . ... . l i, ; .u : . : . i .ir- . Ut tne iiu.a-iiy oi .ii.irca is . r,& cstic i- I "u,lu ' " i.a in t.-jangmi .i snea so or ver i aiutcnrueni f, lao above aticn fur i,v e-itra, wut ai ot'; the gum cf 131 S i. w .. lirawcville, April 4th 13.17 27 4tJ4,5o K. V. HUGHES, J. P. IS Cull'lmitf.l r, r. fna ....t ...af ... triLVf"1' The new ilowirg Atlabmeat gives gn"! faction and makes one of the iiioit . c cotalinej Selr-Iiake Rdaftrs known, ac J ly warrant it. Tho HAND haiih r.rA?- I at thesame tirni the cheapej at! bti' its kink evtr cTr l. ..i It cuts a swart b f: re feet -a ide ia Ct-?ir5. fr i r srd a btif ir. Moirl -As a best f oldinz R-r 2Iachin i use. Tb i ManufietarsJ by the ' , WALTER A. WOOD enable yoa to sleep well." q" Jipprauzd Sfgch: On Satanlay, the l!r.-t diy of June IS"7, I will cfer for sale on the premises mills South We Nebraska, Two Stray Steers, described as follows: One Lrincle Steer, cp o!T of enh ear, brinile lace, o years oia. uce i.ri ana nite r!?sr, 3ror thi3 Spring CVliuS C. 2IEADER. LARGE AND FINE to'the bluest bidder for cwb in hand nT?! PI AT F '1 A" !sof W.iii.m Dourke, living 1-2 ' . Jn,iV i1 r t " S t'd .Test from Aspin wU.in Netna .a Co., A TLj D uLLLA Ik LlraVlll iOf. - GENERAL SALESROOMS, ' 40 Cortlandt Street, N, T. -20G Lake Street, CL!c.. , FOREIGN 0FF1C, Send Stv-p f'T Catalo-sts witi rcLU rATicc- 77 Upper Thames Street, Decrin,i ve Cata'n-ue sc-t on ar','i', ri.!. .iiv. IT ; : t'7 , t A ! r A - ?7 re it.". i- i