Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 16, 1867, Image 3

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    "FTt-..--!-') (tip i,-..-'' ! -
A j
i:; j
- i i
11, o c .-v L, ,
I-;:,;rrt--,i.utir-f, t. f,
,,4r' ,-
tttisr-Uui. r,r i:uttf:.l to
" MeoMetU.ns endure. r-es inntat C.;y. C ce
-:S:Dv:n.r,T::i;i:'AY ::av v. i-
r rr r crrrci: i:om:
run yii.c;,fi t i;3r
Arrive?, 2 'd . k,a. ui., i', '
lrrt?. ! 1 ; n., r t.
Ktftberu Jiail. d . pt " i"7 .
, irrnf-- 1 1 v'-i..cky f. ra,, i.'gbt, .
,' Depart. , 2 - " r fc-m., Eifctt.
Castern V'li:, tn-wooVj, .
l)rLru ; 3 -' J 7 r' 3 Fr! ' '
crlzcfiAsc:;!s fcrPiIctc J.;Co.
,KtBlb Cvntj for U-o. A. & tcla-
' i wwi 0rzbf,''odo'jDI' t3' i'rIrice'
TTTIc XoUCJ. i'iice U hereby
-itoVjai iStre tea n.eeiu-cf lie
-.embMof .Vnnaba Vali.y LoJ-e No.
"J 4. F. A.f atibe Jlascnic 1 1 a 1 1
3l'.ru-ijviiitf atrihe Hrst reguhr com-Vu'i'.tu'.i-aoa
Saturday evening, Ju;je
j.7 jSS7,"--.ule- ito censtderauca
-yPurn for.lcar.Jir.ff aa Insniuuoa tor
.he Kiuctioa cf Orphans cf deceastd
V cs. Kvery inen.brr is expected io
fue X A. P COUSW ELL. W.M."
S- P- TcTTtt. Sec. .
'May !0ih, 1S07.
gjy jcur fitbocl BcLs at Marsh &
Co'i BjvjIc Store. .
PSC Eall'ClUt). A rneetm? of ihe
BrowoiHe"Bafce Bail Club will be be Id
iaWnJ. lL H.-ovtr'a cfTice rn Friday
ifcoiuz. A full attendance is requeued
ai tuftnesiof impcrtaace will te brought
tfcre tbe n.eetin. - -
J. C. McNavcutos, Sec. p. L
jy jour SlaieiMMarsbt Co'a Book
A Cioicc Fruit Purra fcr sale. En
Vu,of ' J- W. BLISS.
llilladay t.Cu'a Safety Jlatcbea are
nfe'aci sure. '
Ilacltney kerps ihe cboicest slock cf
Ladies' Fancy Notions in town.
CrCrg tn at par for Mcr-
Bjy your Copy Bcks at Martb 2i Cos
Bjck Store.
' Those Incited to Atkinson L
("0,, will tare costs and troullf by uoe
t iy FaJ(ina UP P'r wariuj.
20,000 Bjfbels Corn wanted by
Thanks to ilab li Co.. for late Chi
cbo Daily. They keep 'era.
Buy your Writing Paper and Ecvtlopg
ai Mar&h'& Co.'. ;
ICO Sacks Pcacb Blow Pclstoc3
yu receired aud for tnle by , .
,VBinkru?t Sile" tf fine Pocket Cut
jery at ' SWAN & BRO S.
Tte LCKUlUtarC meets t.vday. All
cur uieroben an oq band 8id will be
there at the ores niztion. ,J
. Juie Lowe organized th U. S Dis
trict Court fcr Nebraska, at Oiuaha, cd
the S.b.
Tho. Hill J; Co. have tbe fiDest ttock
cf Dry Goods and Groceries eat cf the
Reeky Mountains.
Marfhic Co.. hate tbe finest stock of
kbcol Bjoks and School Stationary in
the mirket, Opposition invited, compe
Vi'.ioa defied. .
IJCS Cash paid for Hides by
j. l. ::dGEE& co.
JBLISS regularly licfnsfd Auc
tor.eer. Sale in the c-juntry atleaded
to on reacnaUvi term.
II. C. lelf, -Lviid AgesinJ Auc
tioneer. :
303 JuLa Deree's Celtraied MoUce
' Chairs Pe-Calncd, with n?Htncs
t4-di?pa:ch. by GEO. TURNER.
; Apply it Mrs. Hewett's Mibner Shop.
. A Peloulet cr Prince Orgnn for sale
W ;hi c;e c.a reasonable terrrjs. "
" Itu Ctcre IlQGia cathe ccr
tfr cf Maia aud is finished ivoi we
Bonce R. Teare i Co , are cpenic up
herein a EpleI:d.d: steel cf Ccd.-:.
M:cnt!:n rrL-crxI-Thehist
artei price paid for Vbeat, Corn, Oats,
Parley, "Wool arri Ccn, ty
!. WOpkTi:iNffi WILCOX.
A fine buildi: g i being erected rathe
:--th tide cf Main bstueea'C..: ;.r.d Cd.
Te Ifira it ij t3 c;:v;;:d es a rail!,
ttry tbr-x
11'.-.. V
ti;a Lunself, ct
10 CCO DLtls V,:..: t v.z:
Oa'3 w?.:;:ct
r:y :. 1 .
1 1
i.2 vir. t w. c .i 4 ij ... 'i s c."
Stttirr.-.ry to p. rc!.t: -.n-.'!! d.i r.-fll
patrcniz-j tLi . t".J c .:.-.! liihrd . IIo cf
Mnrih Co. Crjll pr,r.'s cr.1 rukk
faks is t!.f;r :-:a They buy cf the
1 (
not be t:.dcr!;;!d ty sr.y b;j;: ia
; D. pf, rf '.he R (-export tzlkd
Usx llcr.hy, v,M!j in I -ax a waitij f;r
a bnt down, b-.-jrrd fcr t! e editorial Ccn-
veLiicn c f riL-f . ;';, s'en n l -t :J at
JelTtrson C'''' H? I.'-.d with hia c rris
... . .
caer fcr tbs-Per.itentiar. . ...
t!ve frora ti-i coamy, ).t- re re to the
Legislature in fpite cf the hress cf busi
ness, ai.d alA'cre'at p'iOOr.'cry sacrifice"
Under ih?.ee circutnst-'-riCt s it would le
but fair that those ul. : were. inttTidinz
to have him do their work, ihculd,; if
possible, hold over until he comes back
We have a."j-b'atl ir.IetJ it ;':U bold
ever, and hops that cthon will u so. 7
HcFaH J, CO., 'have jost received a
iarce. end choice assort rnr.t cf Furniture
atid UphoU'ry. Sofas, tureaus, Tables,
etc. In the line of Uphrdstry they hae
a variety cf ?hi;ck. Cotton. JI;ss and
and Sea Grass Matrasses, Comforts, Pil
lows.' Sheets, etc. Their stock i No. 1
and ihey ere No. 1 men to desl with.
We bad a nice thnver last Saturday
eight in this vicinity.
Frclt Prospects are looking" good in
this section; frosts having injured nothing
tofur. With reasosableuck this county
will supply itself with peaches, plums,
etc.. and have a surplus.
Marsh & Co., at' iaeir Book : Store,
have a full supply of the New School
Books adopted by tho Board of Educa
tion for this School District and are fully
prepared to supply the demand either for
Books cr any other material use in School;
Their long connection wuh eastern pub
lishers an! manufacturers enables them
to idler extra inducements to purchaser,
in fact they propose to sell anything in
the School Boyk or Statiunaiy line at
prices that will defy competition.
r - i
Com. The shipment cf Corn from
this poict has been very large thi5 Spring,
sciirctiy a boat pasee bai takei froai 500
to 1,000 sacks up the river, ia fact oil
they can take, and "yet there is accumu
luted in ' our warehouses here '15 000
bushela waiting for fhipping. Worthing
& Wilcos are the heaviest and most suc
cessful buyers, frora whora we learn that
ihey have 10,000 buihels cow engaged
and arriving caily. They are now piy
ing 85 cjnts per lu;htl, the highest
Lt.itb .contract prices :ibuve will permit,
which is tiili higher than St. Luuis prices.
13 Cr 20 Leeper tz Kidder Riding
Plows en hand, which 1 will sell for $50
earh in 55 oa time, secured by
nuie drawing 10 pt-r cent per anuuen.
Abo, two Gang; Plows ca reasonable
All kinds cf custc:n work in Wood or
Iron dane with'ceatness and dUp-nch.
22 3t A.W.MORGAN.
FCStl rahThe Students cf Peru
Seiainary will have a Festivd on Friday
evening, May 2ith. for the purpose of
reisinj funds to procure Xfjaratus for
th8chc'J. 'T " " I , ' ' .
Tbe 'exercises will consul cf Orations,
Colloques, Charades, etc.
Ice Cream and ether entertainments
will be provi-fed for these who nay de
Mre it. A corJiil invitatioa is extended
io alb. .fJrmjua 50 cets. .
Bycrdercf Ccnimittee,
, R. F. DAILY. CYui.
17. II. !!cCrecrX,h.i3 this day shown
us ' ihreoga one cf th finest and most
extensive fc'tock cf Goods ever Ircugbi
to Nebra.ka, e;l racing everytfiing usu
ally kp in a firt chts FlLI lorC,
Ato very hrg-3 Stock of Pi;utj, Oils,
Dyetulfs, Lamps. Wall Peperand Wiu
dowShaiesuf e.-erj style. U, is well
known Mc displayea an extraordinary
aruouut cf goad tiste in bis selections.
: ' " Cill and see fcr ycurselvc. ; '
llic Pentecostal 'lectin cf the
Church cf; God will fca held at Numarm
City, ca the fourth first day cf May ; be
ginning Friday evening before at 7 12
o'clock.. Elders Lett, Clover and W. P.
Shxkey will minister the word. On the
fir.t, ui!l hivts a basket meeting, if th
pec;!? xv;M inn; a lunch. Cc'.lctal re
cess cf v-r-j beers, then ; rethir.g. Sub-
i4::!, "Wl t-i Chrlit r.'Il eat an i driak
I j Li-;-.a cf od, wiLh lb 3
;:t ia A. Ih
is ih: PeLtiCist.
We iaviu
- J. L
) ( JI. i
T T P " '
11b I links.
10C3 U'a V,":.i,,- I
in'; c . r - , "
.r... r-t n'
r 1 :r,!i L.l.:i.-.:'.:.rj O.l,
1 C ..t:r 0.!.
o LilTil Cvli 0.1.
Wir.f . Fr r. J : - s ar.J l'z
-1 ,r
ic?,l purp-e3, bsfides a great vane'.y cf
Dn 3, Facey Articles, etc.
Cr.r Clix Heel; Etore a benefit
to thii :o?t:4unity which can caly hi ap
preciated by rerauveJ. cr.d
ia a ccin:r:unity like cirs, whrj: ti:c!i a
bjsiaess will hardly Ms;aad aloLe," it is
to the tidvantsge of all to su.t3in it while
iisprics &re fair. , This we believe to
be' .ihe case ia sL'.s siwie. - Besides with
thij I. -i slues., cr any ether concentrated,
larger iictli can te UiJ ia at km co:t and
a less' p refit will pay the dealer. We are
epposed to monnpolita, but no tacre than
we are ts ea unfair cot-ipetiiion. If any
one bkeVthe- eld style of "buying a'pencil
htr'e, a slate thrre and a primer some
where 'th e they will favor a fcaitertaent
ok this trade ; if not. they wil ;ve our
Book Store a fatr bearing egainst all new
biddc'14 for a slice cf this trade.
Til 2 Star IlOtCl, cf this city, is lo-catvd-cn
the Levee fronting the steam
boat landing. In its arrangement and
general style it is as ccaiincdioas and neat
as .any hotel of its size ia Nebraska. To
cive a more exaci idea cf it: First we
eater the gentleman 8 sitting rccra anJ
cilice, 15XIS feet, frnni this a door leads
into ihe dining roc;a, 20X30 feel, from
which opwen doors Ie ding into the ladies'
parlor and reception rouia not yet fioish
edaud into the kitchen, which is ad.
mirably arranged ; into the baggage
room, and into several other rooms. The
House contains sixteen newly furnished
and coam.odious bed rooms.
The proprietor-, Messrs. Stevenson Zi
Cross, have charge w cf the cface and
gererally. The management cf the
culinary department is under the direc
tion cf Mrs. Tisdel, and the tables set at
tbe Star fp-ak in in eloquent savory iones
cf ber ability in this line. A gplendul
kitcbfco garden is oa the premises, and
everything connected with this establish
ment is arranged with an eye to the com
fort cf its guests.
aionrs oto-veo t s -
Lloro Clipper Plows ! ! !
Shellenberger Si Bros. are now receiv
ing the most complete and best selected
Stock of Hardware ever brought to this
City. ? , ' "
Their experience in tbe business ! and
the fact that their stock was bought way
down East, for cash by oue of the .firm
in peron is nougb to ensure cheap .pri
ces here. , ,
Boilders, Mechanics, Farmers, Nw
Comers and Everybody in- want of goods
in their line will be sure to find goods uf
a superior quality at the very lowest 6g;
CO 2t
Grading Is going on and being put
ui.dtrr comma nil over our cny, and Is
being pushed ahead wuh such energy
thai this season will give us a system ;of
good streets to almost every portion cf
the city, - k
Mr. Wilson baa a contract for taking
cut 10.000 yards cf dirt on Atlantic
street alone, which it iabr lieved will take
it on a good grade from the river to 4th
street. " C
..Parties are now at work cutting, 'Jain
street down to the grade established last
Fall, which will bring it icta full. view,
from ih river to the bridge. '. ' '
MrDener's corr.ract of 1.-5C0 yards
on second street will raise second be
tween Main and Water to vgood grade,
and down between Main and .It
lantic to a good grade.
Third and fourth streets will soon be
put under contract and filled ia between
Water and Main and graded between
Main and Atkniic. This will make these
streets good an'' passsble.' . - :
The workt is being p ished aheadby
the Cv.unctt, and (he City Engineer "is at
work dsy letting and fixing grades.- ;
Tie City B.i ids are goir.g c:T at par
and are in dennr.d."
U JiiU LU Uil
IVcnsn's Vsrk in t'.e Ci-il Tar..
Prepnrfd on ler tbe approval of the Siittr awf
Cirittim C-fi'iftim. An eMLneat L'.vir.e
lays. Thiswtrki abourK.H treuxer, a joy
ai-i t.essir f-iture tiir, . It 4.TtLp. a new,
era : a r. lower in wotsan : a pey pha'ta
Cbriianiy i;c f T i. Ankur't J i.m"j say :
'We rel-AM)e D.nk tr. it b-!!j ai tta on'j
recwrj f V.'. n:tnj -. in tbe $r which nakei
apj resell to cv:cpl-tene. !j tLe beauty it
tjfgraj by, and f-e eic?!!ein;y cf its m-uiuron s
Meel si?gririi5,it in roKi?l. A gen; bae to df
Cculty in eellin; it, f j- all wbo mo li wrj; t rei
it. Eiscrgalic jov rg ccn ani la !: i aJ as
agency ! r ihi w .tk the hwl pRyic jmiac tliey
can c in duiinj the p-ii.- ar.i tuarmer
For lull d-sr-rij. tiia vf the wvrk arid tcrtu to
Arc" tiyS.-droaJ.
S3-2aa Iiabard E!fk,Ch jea-ejila.
ar. II: t- J j i , !"-
"P1 rooas, Ka.It.AzfJ. TcFd-T, t ar- 5 L.t at
U SU'AN ti l.r.GTH-M'S
ilLMLOrDTxTRAt;? lIuOUU -irebeaUl
a- i Ti-rtotbef -swo and tlsca to the p!id cheek.
DiU.iij if ace. c ) asieJ ty en ay atarxln; fjup
tcc?, aci if no U tat-s ii stu tied to,ccr:;r j-
' ' ill j L U 1 1. ilj "
;? i, indi'f Lnrtl-p. Fric lixctn't.
f V i r-
,'1 ! r---
C.;n cf f ortrtorrbvB-i, ?o:r.'n4l V.'fskr.ei?, In
i; jct. fs to traerft'.:y. .x. civu Con-
- -it '?. recu i it .
:e. I'
I i J.i;iLAi..i tL'.-, ... 1-'. ... ,,t tt tj
j i-Li.-, i i:u k." d. '
t 'iL! tr.-.r!.i-r?n(.waei author, in tl.ij a.I:ahat'
t ."y rtai'ive i withcot ioed' , . i ' 13-
1 ' '..
tIo:.i'.r ' " ' .- . It
V I I.I, Y .. j i .1 !. vtj .' U
(ws, --. l,c 3 r.-'. t c-1 Ax cvnt, cr two; :' t
HZ .e.iku:; . A!;a, Lt, (Vvtrae'.i'i "y.lKV, 4
Uuli ' irkaSicecu. d.irt thepub;iait.
' 17 iowrV. New Yri,
rest CS:Vlox. 4,533. H-'l U-S "
li & ceiuia cars, for difeaes of tho "
ItliJJer 'Kidneys,' Gravel, ' Dropej, OrnrAi
IVenkncs Fnaat Cu.t'iut, (iecera! Debility,
And alldl- . th.' criINARy 0RGAN3
wUt-tr elUliDSia I-;'; ;lAbi;'0R . FEMALE. 1
from wi.jcTer causa cr.;n and nu mAtiomf .
j , .v . ., UUW.LONU STA.NULVG.
; Pieasei of tbesa orjac rcqairo -tL 'U3e of a
: If no trestipent is fsbTjii'J to Corfan3ptjon pr
trsauiiy may ensua. Our Flash and iilooU &r
isupbostd from lhe?e sourer, ftrid. th
, nd
that of Posterity, dependj udon prompt ui of a re
liable Tcuiedy.
EsUblUihed vpwards of 18yer. irpprd br
591 Broadway, Sow York, and
10 4 Soutb lOih Street, fhilndeJphi, Pa.
ij i j 0 w 3 .! J f j i a t? x U
P1LLS.; :
. - i ; p' i .
1 ARD .
roa ci'kino
Scrofula, Syphilis, S7Jn J)h
case, Old Sons, Salt Ilheum,
Dyspepsiti or Jndiaeslion,
Liver Complaint., llhetwiatism,
Fever und Ague, St, An
.thontfv Xiretr.
Eryxiprtas,- Ttwtor, Era pi ions.
2-V, Scii'jirfotiM Con ) J
aainjitioiif etc,
q r-V ? q; q- ?.
OVKfarfMi wiito. Iir tnii;liT i 'Urfd
!f l"ili of Nino '' atandmj;, ut t. Vrnj-'.
dstfn'P i.to4-f;r!l. '
A I ll11 'aflilpn, t)i on w cured nfler
his f!.li liu.t :Jiim.i( Masted npy.
Tlw lwiir riniiM..d tli i-ase incunilile.
A N'l II K!J W;i C!trfl -f vT wild Agae tf
lor try m; fvcrv ni'-.iH-in in lw n;icti
A No I'll V.H hmm t-uifd f Kevrr Soetv -hicli
li.-i-l exiwti'd fonrn'n fitrn
AM'TH Kit of Uheii'mHlmm ffa"jcht y-tr.
Vm HiiitiiMoriiltln of lyv. hviA I.ier
ConU'lHittt ij.iI.I ! nu l i. iil, in w Uiidi llie
rtaiuer and IMia work like ti chartn.
Art tlwe moj-t active and tliontnh pilU thai
iwv fver In'oh in'roili.cpil. Tlicy ! t o li
rectlv iijkih tli lver, exciti'i u-.-'.i -... to
antii n extent h tltnt tt'e m i.t .i i- i; t re
!ate into its furiiier ..inlitiii, s 1 itt
Uey are really a I
and in coujitnrtio'l V lib '
J 8
Will cure sll ibt? nfre'iientio'.
of llictiiti'lves. v ill rliere a t
i :-e:i-.', find.
Pains, Cholera '
Indigestion, Pain in' lId lco!s,
- i -Dizziness, &c.; ' :.
Stomacli FlttorsI
f-'li'xild le tiied b mavhIm'"" ? t"1 -(- r,-then
the jiroatration aliich alvf-i '.' -icute
Try theae medieinea, anil i 'a'", fvirro
erel it. Ak ymir neijjlilmr w a !,v iiwed
tlijn, uid flier will w ' GOOD
LLEDIUI.N E3. and yti i" i r l a be
ore gtn5 lor n jihyMfinn." ;
Succe"r tc tr d '' ' ';,)
ITca. 58, 58. CO & Q i
. .1 St.,
-r Ara So!d' by all Dr. 3 "nd
( Dealers in Paten! r.-'e-" '-!t .
. EVERYWi!F.::Z.
TTxT' f. n7T3 '
e-. - aaWi2
TTe are prepared fe Iad tntr
15 b oi My 8ity ntrjnier of
Fiatle Siatioa. ou the Union Pi
eroojcnt Treigbt ?c
Fort Laramie, ;
And fcr the!b of April, will
nuc tr of ox Tearii.
J . nnfli tbe
y at North
i witbGuv
" nd
' load any
W are also orenared t euni ' . .
Uob, Ue yer'a supply ft ' .
Tor ccr Ovenaa j ilail EjT'.p.
''actors '
o. 1. "
Cc .'a, Ajlll iih
lj tie i!'
J i i
reveaia a. no r..i ft r
ati res bap?'.n i": wj-. fr-ri 0
CJ..4tru! he-i, cr,K -,ei '3 love,
-v. I i i
e-T'il ever;
IrpMh, l; umiwy, , have tt.- s .: -ia
i'r.t brliiii t. i ea er i-ce ! us (efaraj.-j, fivc-j ir.r,,r .n '' f rua; t ' -l frii! r ;Tr, r''.or?
l-ji-t r i pr.. . .; : y, i j",t: te t" -a a: a
wf ' i. el t.j t!rv. in -rut jv t w"t
a-",. :ui Ciiij., vt--.y tnrr.,.j;ca aa J te'.l y ii tl
rerj iUt yoti will currr, siv yov '. caaie. I.l'e
ce anJ chArc?eri3tii iif ira prs.a. b roa Tiur
rry tsj"bt.i, at.d ty ttr airxiti eurerr.ytn'i! p.;wr
cr.vt j.ii.a dar at-1 t. iu3 t;? i.' C ; .' ..ure.
from the aUra we rte ia i be flnnkwess -'-.a roa!?:.:
tare'verco1e or preuuisinata ia tie c-: ". m-tloB-
Its a;:! ;-ai !' .T ti ; ru, ;j and
tha C.tffl stir J t; a Lear at tt(j t:mut tif .a. sl.a
d-licea tbe (utui csiiiy of mm. FiH n.t ic-ri-alt
the Kreatet Aefc-I -cl at r-n ear'.h. it c-t yea
tut a ti ir!e , and ytu r ay re. f r 7f ta rt.
t an opp.rtonry c!n.t;utru ioe. wsta l.aenea
aii'l rfl! 0e- ire ) i if.Tfis! i.-n. $ I. Parties lialvjc at a
(iista'ti r:t c , .:- u't I'. 3 V ' '.s-re ty tl-iil wi'S ejril
t!e'y p.i Hr,jrts-i .Hi ia ip&.ivee, aa ii ia pfra.
A foil m.d fipiic it writitu out, wiiiiali tr.qiras
alls rpi , gcj liifntfia en l.w.e.i, real b ni.l i.a ra
eift abuve meu tiouel. TJe at rict oat aecrey will
mainiatned and all cvrnrf pon.leaie retnroe-1 or 3a.
troyed ne'erenca f u Jiubest order XarB?fteJI
ill j deslruii; ti.em Write plainly the dy of tbe
nii'iitb and yes? ia wtich yya were bum, eucluaii: a
aoiail I jca ofta.r.
i Artdreaa, rasiME II. A. FriRMQ.
rcb2Jly p. o. 1. rawer US, Bvftalq, N T.
Ta::.H,Pans, Well I'-ckcU, Snivel, 3ns. t at
it ' a WAX LUC'S.
,xoa : ve(
y vN p v
Fcr Removing Supcrfluotia Hair.
To tbe ladies e-pecialiy, tbis invaluable flepilat .ry
rec.inimends its I f a being an alruo&t indvpenai3le
article to ferrule beauty. Is eaiiy applied, doea nit
burn or Injure the tkia, bnt acta ilirectiy i.n tbe rotta
it la warranted to remove superfliioui bair from low
JornbealH or fuii) a:iy part of tbe body .c:nip!
tally auj raiicaiiy extirpating tbe fame, leaviug tba
en olt moth and natural. Tbii is tbe only article
ut-ed by t-e Krench. au1 U tbe ouiy real etrectnat de
p llntory in existence. Price 75enta per package.teot
. it-paid, to ary a. Mre. . en receipt of au order, by
, l!iraGER,Sl!UTT3 ft. CO., Cbemtsta,
'.. : V iver gt , Troy, f.'. T.
W-heo by tbe ne of DR. JO I XV LLE'S KM XI It you
can be cured permanently, arid at a tnflinrf cost.
. Tbe astoni.-btnK nieces wbicb ha attended tbia in
Talnabie meJicsne for Fbysieal aua Ne vons Weainfsa
General tieoiiity and PTitrat!nn, Ix or .Muscular
Snerfty, Inipteucy or ai r of the conseqneiurea of
youthful iuiiiscripuon rerwjera it tbe moat ; valuaole
preparation ever iiievere f.
It win a !l nerTuu affection, depreyaioa ex
cltemeut, incapacity to atndy or business, .of of aveta
oiy, cuiifusiutK tbevebts ot elf t".e.traciioa, leiraof i:i
sanity, &c. h li restore tbe arpeute, renew tbe
health of th-se abo have ueatrved it by utual ex
cei or evil practice.
i Tuung n:fn, be humbejed no more by "Qnack Doc
tors" and ignorant practiii. liters, , u et d withi.ui de
lay for tbe Klixir, and be at onca reoti-ted to bcaltb and
happinesa A Perfect Cure ia (ioaranteed in every in
itauce. Price, $i .Murjr bottiea to one ad'ire, ti.
One bottle ia nifficifut to eftoct a cure in all oriiiaa
ry C4HC6.
!bepeaty and permanent care of Goccrrbea, Gleet.
Uretbral Di bataes, Grvel, Strl.tQre. and all a!Tro
tiotu of tbe t.(Juei ai.d li I adder. Cures Ceced ia
from t tie tu eve c!j k. T!,ey re prepared from vezet
able exir-ct. that aieturrulossoo tbe -jsleia, kt.d nev
er UiiUf-eaie tbe atoiuacb or loij;reKniite tbe brttiih.
Ku cbange of diet ia iieveary wbile Miai tbetc, nof
4oe ibeii actioii to any tubiiiior imerterc witb buki
neii pmsuita. Price, $1 per but.
Either of the above-mentioned article will tw aent
toaoy ao'dreaa cloely eal:l, and pot-paid, by mail
er express, oa receipt or pri; e. Add eso ail ordera
to JBEi.Ci KK, baUTTS Co., CheinUn,
" feb 20 If 86i River Sl.i Troy, . T.
THE ATTK.VTIOy of t! e public and th trade
is tiiriteJ to our jVVw iSei-a Octnn,
llotvwtod Piano Fvrtc. w iqh for Toiume and pa
rity of t. ne ere unrivalled by aay hitbertu nf!rel
in tbia icarkot. Tbey cont: ia 'l tbj taifra iai
firoveiiiont, French grand net ion, brp petUI iron
trarae , over-strnig b-,etc.. etc., aui ejeh ia-
trumcnt beine made rder tbe personal uperri
ioa or Mr. J. il.UaoTsr?Ei:?f, bn hag a ac'ical
experiruerjce o over tWrty years in their B; taufie
ture, is fully warrautod io every particular.
Received tho h'g beft award of merit at tba cele
brated worki.; k ar, where were . xbititd iratrn
merts from the best taakers of London, Psris, jer
rrnny, i'hiladelpbia, li.i-ton, Baltimore and Jiew
Vot a ; and alto at tba American Ittitate fr Are
U(ceiva yearn, the Gold and SSilvkk UsnaLS
fro:n both of which can be aeon at oar ware-rots:.
l!y tbe iatT'idactioo of itDprovementa wt make
a t'iA j erfv t Fian.t f. rte, and by munofact
unn larriy, with a strictly cJh ?ytetn, are eo
a'ulud U oifr tbeue in. truuiects at a ja ke which
wilJ precede a'.icuisjAtitUo.
Our p-rifliss are from $l j)to $233 cheaper than
any first caa I iany-furte. . Uasa in current fnndt. ' -
JJeaoriv've ("irctlsr eat free.
July l?t lSJ one year p.. Co.
A ?arsple cf P;-nf. Bobb's Onrliqae will be se
free to any ad Iress. Tbe Curlicue will carl tbd
traigbuat Lair on the fin s; yiioa-tiosi wilhoui ia
jtiry in aoft, luxarant,bautif ui curl.
Adireg, with ftanp, IVof H. U.E.0D3
" roc.2;th is5-a I'ArxMAS,Oi::o;
Frco to
TTfTrr !i rl TT
A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving ii;f jrntiic n cf tbt
greatest irupw'UDcwte the yur.gtf botli iea.
It teacbet how tb: fcrfiiitlr may become baat:fal,tte
detp'ed rf;'cted. and tbe fraen lovel.
your j lady cr f eatlemaa fhou'.d :ail U send teei:
Ai.1r!ii, receive a copy post paid, by rentra tail.
Ai'ress P. O. Eraser, II,
i y. t.
j V- L Li w
Ia fS C-?af Diutxiit.
i (7-iat rurr:.
Cjti re prepared aorJiEj to rules cf Flarca
by and CiiiTy i re tfea t3t v ttattas
; o v.5v
V V .e v X y'' rVIv ' .vt
; S
4. kliil
l' u -i
' J i i m t :u orld.
s. i ami ri' tne ionic
- r
i i
Coftireni4i, Bnd all di
caf of the Uiweia.
.V. 'V
I juirltul
at id a'l disa-e e.rirsj
froiii impure blood.
13 rif:2i wii
pnirjcn, vALTor: co.f
(Succeosora to Dr. C. W. littlttck,)
fcI.K I'KoPRl K'l't'R-,
tJcs. 0. 53, CO Si C2 East Third Ct.
3A Young Lady rctur-
Blng to tor country home, after a rejourn of a few
loontba In tbe City, waa hardly reccgnied by her
fntJ. In place of a coar-e, llubed fare, abe had a
soft rnty fcmplexion of almoat martle imoothness and
iuetead f if tty-tbre be really appeared hut eigh
teen, Upon tr.qniry u to tbe raune of io rrtat a change
b plainly told tbem tliat she tce l tba CIRCAS
SIAN BAL.LI, end ii!Uurrl 1. au invaluable ac
quuitiun to ary Lady's toilet. y itaoaeany Lady or
Gectlerr an can improve tbelr perauoal appearance an
fcuaerd full. It it 8irjy1e ia Ua combinatica( aa Ka
tare henelf la itnp!e, ye t nn6urped la lta ecaey
la drawing itnjoriie from, also haiine and beauti
fying tbo akin acd cc mplexion. By it ii;rit icU.n on
tbe cntlt'le it drawi from it all lta impurities, kmJly
heallcf the aams, and Iraving tbe aurfaca as Nature
intended It should be, clear, aof t, an: mife and beautiful
Price $1. tent by Mail er Xxpra, n receipt of an or
der by W. L CLARJC&. CO., CbemiaH,
feb 20 ly No. S Vest Payat.te St., Syracuia, X. 7.
The otxlr Aaerkan Areata fw ::he aale of the same.
TJORCRD o grow upon tbe anryttb-at fsce In from
bra to week by uninn Cr. SEVI.i!iK'A CA.
P1LLA JUK, the eiort wmtilerfal d'e"very iu modern
a -If nee. acti' ut -e tb Heard and lit an aioioat
mtravuma tannt. . Iittaa teen veu by tba tiiteof
Taria aad Loudon witb tbe trxwt fatterinz mofa.
nrch i era will e rrvri-tera,, and if en
tire aa'ls.c: luii l not .iven iii every i- -ta&ca tLs man
y w 1Q be tiewlni.'y reloaded. . I'rke by njai aa!ai 3ecriptiv circnlars rd se.tima
mala n:ailed fre. Adi!res BSROiEa sriL'TTS 4. CO..
'o. fc-o River Street, Tay, New .rk, S-leajtut for
the Ua. led State. JTobSJelly
Pesh Toojatoej, ia twj aaJ tlire p'n !ci, at
&VA.S' A l::o-.s.
Kiiovr Thy Dcctiny.
. IfaDAJf E . T. Thoto. tie great J-.liah Aa
trologiat. Clairvoyant and Pi.ychoosetrc;ant who baa
aatonliled tie Klealjfia c aot et tbe Oii 'Worid. saa
Bow l ocated herself at Hedan, V. T. JtaJaase Thsra
t.a pofreas acch wonderfnl powers of aacond siijht, aa
to enable her to In part snow'ed.ja of tia greaten im
portarce lotto single or ttavrieduf ai'.er ex, VT&v.
In a rale of trarne. tbe delineates tiie vf; feasor
of tbe pormn yoa ar to marry, ac.1 ay tbe aid of aa
lnitrtn:e;t of Inteaaa pwer. Aa.;wn a the r.j:t,..i
otropi,"giarantes lq prodnre a k.a-:;ka pscture ct tbe
future husband or wife of ia alicaut, k.gptliar wlto
dateif rf,'arrUg, oltion tu !lfe let Jlcg ' Jra.7 f
character, Ate. Thie ia n b ir oax, as IhoaaaaJa of
teitinonlals can assert. Sbe id isr.d whn ijfii r-l
a certiae-i cer:iS:a!,'or written that tbe
pic tart ta what it pnrp-la t be. 3 esci.s:nj a am II
loc a tf hair, ar.4 atatn.? piace of birtl. a;o, po;tt..a
and Cfmj;exi-..,u-J e:wi.Min City cer.ti j :.;,!
enve.ope a !Jrn. ' to yours:f, ya wi : ": ., v u.t
pictare and du-irat icr.rma'i.i ty retc-a u t.'. Ail aacrel'y ftttf..lifl.atl. ' .1 ;'i4 in
CoLfi. !em- . X i. P. 7 o t jt TO t
tziT ... li.x r.
. IT. ere eotneSh glad lidlc of joy t a:j '
To young and to eld, to greu and tojui!!,
Vb teaiiiy irtico onca was t-o preciocs and rar,
!s free for all, and ;l issy l f:r. -
: " ' ENALIEL, - '
Por 'sproti and EeantifyL-t tie Cr-,si.,a
Tie rLt a. table ana j.rc ,, i p.rej.araua" c.J-ve
a v i
toilet. l';wa-; il i j (,i j b.ti .s e'e'i: l du
pe i;.t
; ; tit
n.ii .-j err; ;j, rei; tt ft
cr. P.-Ua
an ri3ir, fcy
1 1 JUU
by,--" i
q , ,. . ., ' ---w j-iAt;ii,j
Ttdia T'tta. !n-:r .w T:, j-- ,.,
P.plea, i .:!., lita Patcbu. .
t;-ts, and a'.l jrpurtii. , tte -.-:. k:i t
t.-.s tea axis bi' aad clear a a!.- Vi t? l-';'f
rottedetecieltytbeel-rfu a., t
venutie pTevriva it:.'; v tsr-Jj-.. i
on r MTV.c.iot tbe k;o-i a-?.. t-.a - ' - t'.i ...
i-j, v! BlaiJ H (KTBUlirTal Sft!' 1. 1 ;1 a tins . , ; . .
c! ' 71'"
i ; ! :
f, :.rc- . ' :
! r.e;.? t
i ? i ir. ' .-ru. . .
rry f .
t i n
J 4 '
. r 1
13 .
' i . r..-: .-- I..; : 1 f!C
t. lo -..?' ! ! '.
wuri i t ' t : .). c" -1 t; s -I.
. ... a l . . .:.
r a r-. t cat i i :.
t v t .-
t : .1 t
! f '.- ; f ' 1 1 ; .? !. a:: 1 ia t::g r t c
I t; it i . i ere: t L"-rj ti t a j
f"" C -iia be e ,t in ar r ; trM,
r ?1
Avt a'! i -'
ffb :3 lj
jacoum Alton::
MAIN' !:r.0'
.1 I I L.Lw
Aiij. ;i3d C j
ss. a)w - -a a
Th'J . unJersir.ed hivin;
I : ;
for the aecornmcJition of fArmrs arsl o'beri 11
coming ea"ri . Tbe mill is now in oprt:-)a a? i
jhu hve wbeit to grici are repcfl"a'.:y 1
to a. triad, as 1 ata cou-iunt of jiic
eritl gatisfacti n.
7"if firgh'sl cash price girci fcr tr.u',..
. 3:f F. W. SI ORRIS.
J Li ii II i
Tfrr. n aV M
A "f.r "1
ill ;A J. U.
a y d
P T.
ElroaTnilllc, r.'ebraslia,
- tae contract tor Cricltiajin, i'iaitsris , .
baildin; ;i.attrns, ard di snytbir in the.rli.a
ia the nioet satifactury and cati.r.
Aa.2J,lSCd. x-47-Iy ,
mre ( $j rip-l
Millinery & Fancy Geo;!:'
tlain Street one door west ci fh9 r:?t CT.rt
nnowTiri jlz:, r.::::::9a
A aaperior stock of rail inn '.'iif.r L Ij
just reeeirei. Everythir in tbe '7 ,
tept constantly on hand. Dre-M sLi; , 1 1
t5!e.:hi t an I Tri'nciir; Joas ta crier.
October, 25 1:3. v.-a--::!
S3 Vriti3S, vrlth Pitent
bub ass.
4 r
W .4 I
. ...
Yo Charge far Lazi;
in r
taU.-lcs a loti Jecripti-tn of atyie. a: i t . t
tbe iuo.t nuint llj'Kijif, as t'j tt e , t . . r e t i
teice of our iLkircairut. vaa be t t at tL.s
I M W vtwiaV A W
Liquors, T7inc,.
4- a . A .
" w w--1 I W e-
fe al &. a.
sr-f-i-w- -
aV -s A i .
a i - . . .
V 4 si V aWal. A aft. W VfciC-.a4.a..-.
. . ttiutet's;,
Main Street, Hrzryr
i'sy, J7th 1H? 3 y fr P3
CDT7AHD W. THO'" " " i
solicitor i:rciiA:rc::iviv
C"c corner of V ;s p--rt ir:
A. .4 -
1-? i ..I a
T A e -
jiit rceire ar.J VA c; ; r
i Ure aal i i..c:: 1 i :.J tj
icls ia is i.jie.
Cf C:.xkr- "... .uisj.J ' IW
ent 'ot::.
i f . i . .