i I .. i . i 'f ,- til v. f t: r. I I'. r r : ' i n,. i Gr:.r.:: !f;;.' U. . ; e , c . : - I ; ? ( - '." i i:: 3 1 ... ' r V v. ? : . .... -,. - ... . f ' t - j J, . ! i . n i ii.:: cr. . : v $ r " f r t ) 1; 1 1 - - j . r C M i 1 - - . , -... f - . i - v- . ' -; ' ' - . - .. . , '" . ' , v ; - r;:, ,. .l I ; c r : i i ; j i. ' . :.:-.-: ' 1 , - - -. i - ' .. . j i W . , - . A . . J ' , . . ' " ' ' . 1 , - . ' I ; i - V - - " .... , . i i i V - - . : . i'..t ... , ,. , - -; -7 , 'i ' -. ',-.-, '-. - , - ' ' " " ' ' j c. . . .i cf t'.r : ;;:-.er: r th:- cr; 3 t j i f; .. i!, ; 1 '.2 J ! ') cf th- c - I :.. u : f r. p; :. ; r. it:.. i;r 1 . " - - j . . i. . !'" ' ' ' ' ' ... . ..... .... . . - . , t H - . . . .j - -. . . -it - r - - T c i j:. i cerrcrt, we he; -2 t: : rrc..::t I ' ' ' . . r f (- r I. . c ; .':. - G-.v- err.::, will uk: .:rV:.:tt..i r.-, t? ;'--ce v..'. r!:v;i!.: : ;. - ci th; I : :.. i.-n cf cr I h.tt-ro fa l, ; ' ; ' 2 j" rj ..z, f v J i i . i. s s fult r " c. t . rv. i :. .' cf I ' ? " :.trcl red i . V . .. . . . '. . r - 'r. rr- ii t t : -j ;r; ; f;r a trii! t . '..; :'ri: j;s f ri;:r.':r. -Bi: cs f; . r..M ... :i C hj-tj il.it CLitf Jus- - '.. ..' TT,. - ..., .4 . ,l r, . - - - V , f r e p. - . . .. .. M ! ,. ., v . . j I i I. . . 4 . v f,-r I'crfclk the rtx. d y : ' I iiif :.t cf :!iC Unitf.l Slates, !:" . j. (It-:i. ilcr.ry I'.. l'-..:irn,' zi.i j t : r .. rj . .i cr ; :: . .:. ? ' ; v:;. j i j c jsioJy u ihit j-u :. ive the bcJy cf r i M t. C"-;-, 1 es ii is f iij, t. vrtiLtr v.jih ciUie tl - y le cj.:.. j cr cf.-rgd icfore cur Oir-c- ; c.rt tf the Ucr.ti titei for tbs fi;iri;t cf Virginia, at the text term t' . i McnJay is "lay, j?, at the : cf cj-rt ca ib:.t day, to cj ar.i ::re wLat tl.all then ar.d there le I, C. j the said Jtfiersca ?. Cx: a rr. cri f..:;:r tit Lii 1A: mien, v.bicli we cx- ;!J ttartli tut very tnd his wculi draw but a tnci?r:t.' i - t . -; Ty. h!;r Jttrr frcra Ricmcnd r.t I 'Aat Jc.T. Dria hj been admitted titsil in lbs sun cf CIO COO id urr l:x trial tt the ICovt-n.btr' terra cf tie V. C District Ccurt. Tl us tds the rci- l rt" rrn -J. . ct i . u .x L;'v, I ut i i.urj i - ' ' ' '. - ' fr - 1 1 ' SS ' 1 f f t - t vu;..vis ia twii t L;., J. cn . ' ty ---A-:-th-t v.-s Lcve beara cf in i :': r: A- f, r ti-3. !: t;;r-r?Aat A. J. lal.-rn, vAj Lis t... st:;.: in As f-nAy tf CJ. Tux. ty it:-! - - r i ; . - . .i ... i: . k U.I , ; . i. l CA::ufo lA-:. iu ur.-A.r ! As -city, bo d.J ret r A:n ca r::A:rj t'.j f: I ; t Arc t. , i. n. i l. j J i i v V ?. . . It,! :u-T fed. rt-;,y to i;:-. :ri.-.- :rc:a i ncrai-i Jin V'iA.ardt, 3 jcr-A v,hat 1-3 v,a:.tkd. I , : : v. t:i: rcf.. yz. i i:ztizl ar. .L. :a Wi. 1 ir ,!i i r r : .to -. ... v . i . k . .; ;..,. . k i A tr.hinj ciTvCl class -n : - k 1 1- :rdi , r. 13 crc f. r I : cr. i.d n:.i . ra:r A r:-:n cr.J .s far cs . . c . . At rk.cv-.ry, ; : : : . c V S C '. ... t . . :. i. , .t ca t;.: :t that r I I Hit I. .; : : I : vr ; Lit . , , f ... ,, -c::.:.l:: i r:vi ' v 1 ' v " ' ', : " tr r: Vkh.ch i ' ; - t - - t " r v, i. ..e .-i -1 . cf July. I:. l- . -. r. , : : iLcrcjjUy vie ;v It th2 citizens cf tl.ii ;:! '.bit vi c ill l.j rrcrtrsl to v.:zi2 :a c:.itv Icr t'-e r f,r fr c:. :i weal. Anchor n.sf.rr v.!.:c!i -ivest';,? ab?e r.i.j. Cw. - c , - 4 i.. .' :!;c c::rf!il:3a cf wl;i:.h ii c.liently j re-c!::t-i dur.nj t!:3 jrcrcr.t 'J'r.r.- TLi Air L:ns read vr ill Cv:..::,.xce frc;rx this briift?, anJ if. 2 ij; pert cf til lie rczis wliih centre tt cr fcsve a cci.a-jc-tun Tiitfi tl.is Lni icr ItexaLa L:nty, tursika, Icr t!.2 ye:.r lb 37: Valu.5 d nr.; 3 CTctbCCO Va!..;3 cf t-wa hts A 1,7 CO Carital h t::: rcba:Aia,3 ll-'i.iCO " ,l n.au-factur3 CO.SJ " stocks ai.d shares 12j Mcneys and ere li: ' -KAliQ Tfiit!2 hcusAAd furr.i:::re 1 V,,iCj cf hcrs 2A21' Value cf ih a far. 2 U,C0 No. cf i.at cattla Vulus cf th-3 sarr.:3 . 91.S17 lo. cf i.'iulas ar.i azts ICS Value cf As taras li'ASD 'So. cf sheep 2,433 Value cf As nrr. 3,720 No. cf twin? 3,C CO Veljs cf tha saruo 11,450 lo cf rarria es u vchlch 15 ' Va!u3 of thg satr.a ZjLjj No. cf cfcjrs CCiiT N'o. cf f olk's mi Value cf oAsr rrepcrty lcI er.u::i2ratei 3 453 i. c.al rah C1.C31.SC0 Atteit: V'm. II. Ilcovra, Co. Ck. IUj 46, 1SG7. i. - J I i 'ii . . . V- V - J I it - J5 A tcrribl ttcry cf IrAkin barbarity ccracs to ts ficra the Ufpr Misscun. The' Ccua;il ElufTs Jcr.;arid cf lb? J 1th learns frca ihe itetr.'ier Lt Clair 2. just d.r.vn frcta Sicux City, that at ou: two wtAs r.p th t'.ear.ier 'liner, when nbout five hundred- miles wctf of Siou City, stopr ? I to taws in weed., The crew vhil? eshr.ro cutting the weed were sur fourAtd ly a frawii; j baud cf Iadians s:p?i;d to is Sioux and ell liilltd, after v.hldi As Indians attacked Ac beat anl rriurcerc-d ever tnn, rAmaa cm' ch.Ii cn t card fare two rasa, who triad ihctr Ci;c. Th2 Indians then pillaged frcra As' uuat all iu valuabhi as.-J set h.r cn fire, vAsn th": turjd to the '-. t " r's c i.' "J. TA'j r'cry nci.'s c ::':Ar:r;ai;a which v. : her i i : t;II e v :rr.t. If lru8, tcv. ever, it is a sure mikitica thutthsij'Ia- likv V t , . k a w Thrctj brut Njrthera Kanrai snd 'lir-Turi, SruAtra IAraAia nrd.Iwa, this r.o.v t;;.a!l but tvuzicrcuu insect h tend.. ubtcAly tin "chsetvci cf oil clser vcri." Wdliheitiy? Will they 1 Hiv? ycjcnyia ycur i:cti:n? What will thay c, thinh ? Are ctUirttions crte may l;t ar t ihcuiani times & c!sy. . Vi'e have paAercd as r..uAt i:.fu.'i:aii;a t p :AA, i..A frc:i r.li v2 cirilki.ra r,-e j'-Ao tl.it t.s s-ca es tht-ycaa f;y tbey svill cither ro. wcjI a--. :.t, cr gradually ci;s crrcar. Cue fact thai Irida us 13 the t::.A.:h;t ii Aat Aey cevr have :AA their r:v;-:s-r-.tt cf the Mis e, t:y ruany y ? a r since lev. a ia greater Izztds Ana Aey . r. th :y mut have gc:,3 u :-tcr j cut." We judge thai tbty may i a: I reaur cf t'..3 cstre.ord eery .': r rf bird h this s; rticr, end j j f:r as wj can lean A kcslitks a:. r ' rc 2 . C i enly cr, new !A- her v.-3 l r i I .vo h'-trd th--yet, end ctrar lave h-: ::d : ? - -.., ... . 1 h:v - !i'ri 3 ts it ma' Hut little rt'.nr, r:e .ia bciagr diMrcyed : t:d ca.M - roan I. !.:.A,: ted, 'rr-,' -'-rr - I -. . ' . "- J. tr:'.3 ! I ' , t , C -j i :-r it r.ill vr; c . . . , A 3 h is . , r : ! et t e f art : ', :. -s TvhiA c .. r - 4; ,1 c c: J cvcL;r:r Jarr.i o. Cl.r..2 v chair. z Th :: j w: : : .. . r ::::u ty ii..n. i, ii , lij'v.), r. .c i.u: ,a, C't-.i. a. Vh Furnai ;w;i cAtrs, nil secnd ceAr oustr.d wiilir j to cxte .elaii to a-y read west thrcuh this ccunty.' After mature deliberaticn the ful'o'.vjn sntlemen were appointed, a cummin a cf ccrres paadenc2 who power to cell a- me tin j cf t!;? citizens whenever it m'ght be deetae-d c'sccsrary : Cul. W. Fuinas, J. S. Church and Dr. J. VA Dlackbura. Afur whiA the mseticrj cdjoamed. Aa effcrt is row hA"- made ly a re specebb number cf farmers end ethers to jr-:t ia fair running order ta Agricul tural GuC ety fur this Ccoaty, anJ it U earnest! desired, thit every cno !a tho county who feels any interest in Agricd- turaUrierchantiiecr Mechanical persuits 1 shaulJ contribute bi3 mite tO advanC3 the -cod vcrU ar.d thereby increase the ad vantages to be derived from the estab ltthAgcf an organixation cf this kind ia our ceunty. Th?re are those among us who, hate but recently "eft homes in other Stst?3 where they enjoyed the many advantages cf an eld settled cora taunity. a:r.rr?g which that cf a high state of tgricultural irnprevta sat was duly appreciated, argumentj ate unnecessary to convkce tuch cf the importance cf this matter. Yet, there are many who do not properly estimate ths importance cf being well informed ia regard to their calling, and to such we wish to speak. Wherever a farmer mechanic, cr m r chant is found who h deeply interested and thoroughly posted ia everything per taining to his occupation he i3 found to be prosperous and generally contented and hippy. But there are those-amoajr us here, I am sorry to say. 23 elsewhere, who cannct afTurd to take end read the pipers cr visit snd contribute to agricul tural societies, but who do a '"ord to raise grain and stock ord fceil it tor one third cr one half less than what they ought to realize from it, thereby net unfrrqueutly losing hundreds cf dollars annually ia so doing. This is enly taking a pecuni ary view cf the matter, but it is the view usually t-ikea now a days end generally considered the mon important one. . lAt let us not suppose that the subject cat. not be presented ia oilier ways. There is a vast amccnt cf peace and cca Uutment derived from the contemplation cf a life vvh'eh has beta frea from errors, and & source cf the racst deep remorse end kiting cisccAien a:;d self-reproach ia reviewing a 'life 'full cf errors, and es f ecial! j shoeli A ess errors have been so great end cur... r uus 3 to reduce the in dividual to poverty mi want ia c!d age. Tnij is tnivjrialiy acVno wedged. Then vAy not adopt measures 10 injure succees to farts lays ta cur power, and to do so we must grasp eagerly at evry source cf ureful I: ucw ledge withia cur reach, and a$ the fanner end mechanic more es p 3 cially are p.ecessanly .confdnect to their cl 'cure pieces cf labor the:? facilities for cbtair.irg outside knowledge cf their pr-rcukiJue therefore confined to reading and a limited clservauca, tcaless nrsisted ty the unitsdcfTorts tf many ethers to bring together at some co-nvenient plce and at a specified time such facilities for acquinrg ir.fcrmaticn cf every A.'ng per taxing to his c:o-p ;::ca, ccn.pare notes with his fellow AU rcrs, and dkeu.i tha m?ri z cf each ne-v idea cr improvement up cn Ad ti;:-i-ho iero.1 practices, at a very uifA-.g coit cf time and , moaey. Thi3 h-.IAc. is icxhit:.Ttablet but newspaper attirks mu:-t ts short, else cue could go ca L.-ur. --e ruing weighty reasous why i-very ..ho tills k t :l cf land cr irakes hi uvintr by mechamcal cr mer- c.:.r Aits AcAJ patrucize every ' t " ' t rt ta cd ranee his ccenpation and plan it in pesitien to le properly eppreci -1 - a. Farmers ar.d mschmics usivcrsally ua- tk-rt- AsArimror:r.n:e. Let Acta tAdiy S f ; -T r . l-.j ...-.J U , ;i 1 I " Lc:r tr.-3 pent Til ! ? reAlA 1 " l ;.l-i. j tire -;h cf i J .:r; xo tf.-. cn f.r C -.r ft ;-;ntion will L3 ri to the. v. i.;.- ' to cuatiry ic.crv.; ; it Co ... teaching. j at a ch'itar.ct? wiihir.;T '. to r cr 3 br: cf this School will ad- cure t;..2 tlresi tho IVmrinal, Charles A. BAr.at Druvnvilk, N'ebraska; an f - . k ! at tha fmf th; t: .J. . - Arran.r-.e-nts have teen tnada by th? B sard cr ihiucaticn to admit all p-jpih cf Drownvilie Ctiy District for the tun tena ; free cf char-s, provided tht-yare tetwesa tha ngescf live und tweuiy-cne. TEKMd CT t VIHOS .TO&- TXF,M- 02 ES'CT ... MONTH S. Primary Department Commoa .Ealish: Departing Grammar . Hthsr; ... -. u . . : .. G10. IA ... 19, Latin. Music, ex'ra. CIA1"- supply cf all Backs needed will be kept cn hand and furnished to pupsls oa the loueit retail rates. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Est ait cf John P. Baker, decs-js:J. Notice ii berelj given that the Probata Co jrtcf Nemaha Cj inly , cits'-3 of iN'ebntvka, has af f-vi.it?-! Octi-l-er ll'.b , 'oTt!:Lcr Utb, ani L'eceuicr f ;h, ls-T t tea .'V!ock A. of Mil d-iyss the tia-j l.r tiaccmifg r..l sll.'wir., claimd axniajt the et'ata cf John P. Laker, dsveacl. v'aii exaiaina tj-a ta bo uio tte court a tL urt ro- ci 1.1 ijrowrivi!.. All claim n t jreiueJ tr.f ilj,r- ance yu or berora Dwotabcr ith- i:zi, shall ta forever barrrd. JJated, IUj lsth 1st;.- - ( Ui.O.'W. FAIllBROTflEIt, . P. Cor?.5ST,IliCHsr?of , ; .'. Aiiuiuislrat.r. S3 4tt9 iidnirJsfrator's Sale cf IIcilEte. In pursaana of aa orier of tha Probata Coast of IVemaha C ountj, State f Nebraska, granted on th Hih daj uf January, 1867 , wa will cur fcr alsat pnbiio auctiaa, On Saturday the 8ih day of. June, lu7. at one o'clock p. m. of aaid dj , upon tha premise tie foSIowic dfacribed Real Etttte, fiiu:vteJ in the County of tmha, State of Nebrasks, to-wil: Fifteen ' 15 ) ncr-s, t.g vf the orth Eat comer i f 1 1 e Korth West quitter sjf Section twanty-9i,j:!..t (23), in Township six (6), Korth cf llaAo 15, East. Tercu f .to.fla-h ia Inn!. JANM tJ. COJlttS. Aklmiiiijtratrix and .u'JNP.Oi; J . COMCSjAiiiiiiiisirilor fift'.ae ' i Jstf-srjoo L. Ctmb,dcea8ek . . ttoxcica.oxrt.'i Of the conduiua cf the -- Hi ei Ircsicrance Co. of rictv YotIl, Oa tVc f-st inj of January, A. D.IS'7, tnida tc th AuUi'or t f .Nebraska, pursuaci to tha Statu i vf thst Cttaii.'. . I.'ATtTu AND I-OCATION" The isme of ttsU Cinspu? is The Home Ixstbasce Company, i.i crpurki;ti in ai.il iuCvied ia ttv Lny ut Kew TbaCapitalof aid Ccmpany actually fs,i,t upioewh.is f 2,CiJo,000, 03 ' The furplus oa tha 1st day of Jaa- raary.1357, l'C77,454 ,22 Total a-oust of Capital anl Surpla, $3,"77,151,JJ Cain !n CpnIs)tt Kstinil Bnk V. r. $317,951 n in'lO-ii ia I' tl. TrukL Coujpaoy, X. T. 2 cn.5 6 ' " iR.hiiir4.A.nnu t53,5i3 fj " in U 8. Rclatred and Coupon Stock ILSI. M-rk lva $MH5?J1 Aai't U, S. Bwkjiii, C C r.lS'J S 3 15 1,021,2375 Kitsaarl St;e bonds 6 par eent Varitet value. IS 7S0 01 Am't V . 0. 6' is, 6 p. c in t. 7.u(i 0) " T. fia. b"s. 6 p. c. m t. . .. 17 6c0 tt? ",! Ws. ti't' , 8 P. d , rsir w. 8"0 01 '-li;-t5 - 1'U. 6 p. c tn. V. 2, t ) 6 -"i ? 1 sa-i tii 6 p. c. m oa . , i "iT.St tks, 7 p. c. ru . . C-i'i'jOC) ' ( C " K - ceiitrml boBlfl m v.6i f-iioa itsty. W ratr TuIurSj to CO . i Counij. 11 to. v. to oaoj a CUT Vvitr baa ra,r. 9,3.") to , r,k i'eck ' " Loans on bis ni iiortirpS . feeing Srjtliea of rfrd on ui incumbered r?l t iu?9, wor.h least 2,172, izi, rate of iater est 647 pr.ct. tl32i2 50 Lana on cocl.s &'id Honi, pajabla on demaoJ,the TEnr'tc yalaa of socri tios plcded.at least f-CSi3 . 154.CC0 CD Am'iunt of tetner Jlar.et acJ Wrecking adfirataj S3.1'3 9 kmoin of U i"crom ml Stairpi , . 2 t -14 Jl-rell.-.-.eut.'i Uvus &i. 52,113 23 A sr.--.usr. d Jt f r prtr: tins V-'V, m iis$ac3tC.i( Fire. I-.t. 1 'c "-.r;;,-,) I 2,'J 21 A'si' 't lie ' f--r -m: -' ";i rine tit I: N4vi.;;:.-, Kuk , ; j.l.,3 57 Ik.l.re;' daq cu lt JaLiUiry.I cjj 15 ,.75 C7 Total ?,?J5r1.'J 7 Ari't '-.!" I- 31 1 'J'ed, nnpi-J ,'uQf iriirred.gni ia pro- cvrf f--' iitmrt 255. lit C5 Ar.t. tl A t . f cr ? : Av,t ! is .'. ia and nnr;l I. jCO ? .lt n ts eitht reiit ',- I'.rei bit uu. uU4 csca I other existing ciaitaa s Corupaey nona -s, cl&issaal LthiUtt9S ?2i7 ,t it ' 'rt aoitsttt insured on ary rr-e tll i. - ;--,lat will net as a general roll exc-ted i . ' - ' ' y hajt ga- g-ncm! rata at t tha .. -ed bo insure! ia any eity, town, i ' cfe , Letc trerued ia thii iaittr, in , " y the ,?ofrl.. phra:-ter cf tasldir eti ,fjci iitie fo pattir- cct lr, If.. I copy oi tha charter or Act '.: Is: r , . i loicr-iti, actc;3Ui a jtt .us 75 i a e ;f rr? v-To :r. ) uaty of I rk.s rriAr.LTM J -a I:ar.no It or. b-;l. -rtr- sworn, d!jHH:l A: x f . , ,that tn f -.--c; -in-r is fa as. 1 c r- : . i- r ; yf tta a ri t -7 ltis.-i ,$r. tba -I'.-Ti d ;r.h-I 1; ri t'r.;o j! ; v -1 ; ia k ; ; '! it .1. i t c. . t" '---t i. o i.a;;Ur I c r c t '1 e tit tr.-'.-t v A -j tAv-L'.y ;.:.t,k..i tL- ...c ; ir;i ! ' . . . . :CC, i a: i i'. w i , . , k. . A a Orlhi&trr.V.V.t t'-.j 3v!o cf Mi't, V j : i ..l-ii t ; i.".t---j L-.i'ii-i 1.1 ! i s ii'tu J ii.i;-i th-') C-.; -.i C Ci'? vl Hc.jiit'y.). ia iz-3 -.-D if C .r.tr.-.A,.S-.t;- r.i i; i . Vtl. .:u ' or t.-v: a .ty t-s ttii y . ';.-., IS Of ! ..1 . .I..S.1 lt,r ( i-ll- jjri.-iicuc-a cf us i .ry cf I.r .vi.;.-, it -"--' 7 J . viuUia )-. :ia oi3 cf this 0 j a ts.ca. l.-f i :t.;-: tLerttcl t ir.vii jy iii Ci'. ii..i-u y t iesa.a i-f 11. : y d..i.i.ri. r ii. U. I'ij.iti;i ; ;,i..-1 tcr t';- t ? I '.!.i:t, vu.(us of intuuaj li-acf cr is.:. .si v'f.i," ds u!;, tLll fiio u Ui,J f.iid it receipt ti'.-.a t City j. r-.-t:-,-r .ic.i tli City C.e-i; ;n ; v. 1 .-J ii rcct...a i cf t'.a c:'.;. : .1 i.u.!j uf l---hc i wuc-i th Coki.;. c i C:u iu ty r;. .t t'-.a s i- cms i a 1 Occam t. a ii t: '.sissi b.-' .rtttu tLe h l ji 4 sA.uii t a. rs., ari 1 1 1 oVl . u., c-a the six ch U.t..3, ci cik-l Ktck, sutjtfcl to iLi j:r c;a::a lion ct '.'..j .Miytr.clio t-te places of su. h we..-tfTcr thd s:.ie' .1 of-iir. of tha City so quiro it, fck-c. 4. Th ittha sr. .scant fhall pny into ths City Treasury for a Ho so V ?e'.l 31 i'.t I.i jucrs by tha k. ,.t.- crdriuk the suai ci thiity dollars Pur a lict-Dsa to stlf tai'ii, vtnoi. iibJ sit .; us liquors auu intoxicatic drnki of bitter at wh--la SAie -r in u.mtil:a exuouiia three gallons, the uas I.; hiiy dol'-ars. iira Liucne to sell ma.t, virouj or r!ritii as I'.q ,s rj, r ii.toxuat:.ij(iriak or butr by the bet tie, p'.nr., o-iMrt, or -iher quantity cz.Jer three 1jO not Vj 1-j d.-.kuk ca ths reii;i?si, tha uu cf twenty-five doll.trs. Fc-r a l.ic!-rs.-ke' to gcll u:iU, f j -iritu :- J3 cr via-im liqucra or isit..xieatin .1 rnkj by th j sr'ou , cirs.i't, or I'thrrwistj the fja cf two hucclrcl ti.-ii.rs,w!j .oh ?fti J ih-t-u.-'ft sh all b j- -I f r one jf.x". mo hi'f th a'covo r'ffhall La ro juiroj fv.r a l.-czsQ rua ni" til ia'nlh. l',i.-.-i,M:y 6, 13 7. t:r the C-'-ns -n Coan-it. Aitt. JAUVLi S. VdlilV'Alijor. V. 1!. M'C.tKSHT.Ci'k. Xciiea i? hereby siren that :. A 11 pcr.'vr.j in Ti7-in S , CoIIc-otiun "District e!!i.:v., 'h- have failr.l to c"n-!y with F t-?ti ocvr.tUidrc-I ar i ikix'y (ISO), of U.S. in.ernal Kevenoe law r--rsi.'in all pcr';r,.i cf la wfsil' a z-3 to rcn i r u r re'ura to tLa A-aiat.vnt A.,.'')r of tha bivieiyn ia which ihy rrsiilo, of th-ir Iiouce. Kr"f:!3 or bu?ine.-s. Ualcai uch li.it bj returned wiiLia ten i it frwia ite hereof, they w: 11 bo dealt with ac cit 1 is,; tu the pri.visiom f ?ti;.a Ii'-v. Alc, all perj-TK who lsa received Inocua UUuts w ill picp. rly Cli an t r'-iturn taesutne to icy o!2ce wiciin ten d.y. or it will 1 ccssse my duty e.-t uate their accf-kisr. to the bc.-i iiif.'rns'io i I' e-s.n cbrsiin and add l&ero-o a pjs.alty of 25 percent on tile asu'Hint ' L;ruwuviUe. Xehrstki., Mv l.l'7. ti-'ilTU P. TL7TTLE, Atslitilit XiziiJT. OSco , over City Dru ?tir . On Thurdiy the 6 h (Ur of Jane, at 2 oslk p. iq , I will otfer f r sa!c, for c?h, to the highest bidder, .n tbn pr.-tui.ie of Fdwird Sharon, one nsile Sorth of I-ong.B I'ridr, I-u'hh lJie i ii-t, .etaa. t.-unry, Atbraika, Ou-i otr-iy Sk-.o0r, red. na wnite ta.io Aijrai-!4 at $'J. Tikosi tt by Edward sJitBpjja a.id tio i;i hi p sfc-i n . HM. iia:ia:vu!'.d. j. r. Xi.tic hereby s-iven th.it oi th kh dif of Juna lr.at It) o'el.x-k A M , t w-ll m-J! at putiio wuoiion, :at tha hon.-e of J ..hn li i :n i , in l.'-4i i.-i l-'reciin't. Neinih;v Can'y. "jb'iik.., ooe r .i -;c.;r, bout t uryt;ar old. T.ikea uo as an Etry by John Ilinnac!) tha 2ih di ot October, lito, and reported by hlta m such. 2-5to It. A. STLYh'AI.T J. Ih On Friday th Urh d.tv of Jar.a. 1?17 between th i Lii.ars tf S o'cl cli si. m.. Hsi 1 12 o"el-!t in., 1 will olfor for asil to the highest ho br fr c.ih :n tiiiisd.at the residence ut Juseph A iijird, hint; 2 wi". Suuta .if Lir iwjvslle, .VM ihj C'nosify, -Ve-b'adia, one atry th, d Moribcd i filio-f ; Id ijd hs$a inttd, or-.'!' o.T uf ibj Iericir, gj.rje off of r;ght tar. TtiKeu u u l y J -si p A . L',ri und now in hi r-'Messiva Apt n it-.! at 2.) - 32 i"to " li. f.LCUJi:.-..J.? .. , . , .. On Fri lly the lilh d ty of Jar.a, 1517,' bet at en the h'iur of 12'clixk Marid 4 oVx:k p. in., I ft U uS.r i -r s..lu to tt h'ljhest bidder frrfdiin Land at tha rpfidessoB of C. T. Crri:n.-r. l.Tin 4 Lii.'es U't-7-t ot Drownville, la MicastU Count; Ka br.skii. one ?triy : 'f. d--"s isjad at . f,.-l ;.. ru": ilu.I ii.J white, brtissded wi:b ric; J t on tha ht.;fc of the fkire 8h..ulder, rusiikei wstii orop. rlit n:d nn tierbjt izi left ear, crop U" of rij,ht er. iupp -1 to be four ye old. Talun up by.U. T. C a ii-icr, acd nnw in hii posdei'ua. Ao r --.-d at -f 5t) 5tvs II. V. HUGklES, J . V. CITY BK3SW15Hir. . .SHRINER Lz ERIEGEL, ITai jajt gr.t their Brewery ir.dcr full lunrin order; tijpy a.-e dow rLskin 83 .r'.d i'tt r sj cn te L,ada in the l i.iie l Matfii V.'iiU ihuir iK-il-iv.ej fur inakiag Iteer, they ara --repami t-iit;r:iab any o sntiyt on mi rt notice. .Ai crders hiid as sec a r.3 received I TI,":BDn LAUDS i - 1 ! Tha uts-brd ?.t 1 a- -:- f what ii knowia 5 i k .. . . f 2".;rs f ji' ? .? 1 ti f t.-r.r. to boy, j - -r -s i will be t -1 i cl.'.-.: . . ' - i' in "8 to. j t 'ti-:.--' der'ne-l -r a A? 11'. ' . V. c: Or on L si . lefrn I r I -' ' . : i ' : .. : ,.li.-:.b'r ;'.'! ; :.-bai ;ra , I . ca tlii oa- V1 1 w . . i. . a..iu ; e , they caa i . . . i . i - - t - i tl "t ? ..hrd asl c. i : .. v::,Ajsat. are hr.i- . : ia t . i r tio;; t r "A' f" " !t a? -m ffT1 Ai T!'"-:Tr." M. ...... . S r . r v - . -ir.x! 8r?:ci t- .3 clti:catf isil;o sstl TiLiiiy. .. tC !' '.f r - Ik k& & b4 tmJt .j It ir . a t i.s in :-f , 3 i. : siia N nlc-a :. 1 ortl.r t;r-a 'hit n " tha fint'i d.y cf J;iEe '"7' Rt 1DwV,ri5 ? ' ' ' a ' r 'J h lv f-::..n.tt r-;, cf 4. 12 ;.;, in ri Irer :r,et. ..err.-.u stt't, .vcl.- s :-v, , r e ; ir't,t:"kti'jrv--'f' r.iu'i tp cy. ,. - . a the 21ch djy tJ t.Ur I ' ,; : 1 re: r- In;'.'. 3 1 : .( ' C "i i' : J ' ' . i u, Ar-i. l t; n c ioi) tii.t (. i - i : "(.' . f r : t ;; ' Il l ,! it r i !; - a. .. s -.:. to- :..(:.! ! r''...,k i' v.d i i. S j J k. M. f ?'! r-e. . 1 17'. ta eit' '.i'e I t- t "J- h .. . J . PAT" ! - v. . W ' iL " Ii o.i5 of th i. t n ' , ti.,--...i ! - d ;! . 13 tr.s..?"-I,-ii! : r. for; s...-i fc.ij ; b-.-r id .,r-f ail .! -y r: TO C , v. ' -! r f 9 -- 3 I V1 IT.tve eer been tr;:;..c li-re t!.e f-l'lj nhk'x ot.tir.d f? t-re.it a p o;.-u:.rit cr tuet wilh core farcr thaa t;.j j I vn on ? 1 o r ovin ioo.Ck.0 of Tn::i:j cnLnoaATua- ' COOKIXG STOVES II.iV'3 been s.;M u:.-.!cr full piafr.ir tea,' and we otTtr thia t r.'c-;-t! vhn-"--r f-'Or.d. riL1 IMPROVED CUJilTZR o.i i: ii'iih Exists icn 7 hp, IIm but o'ie cha-.pur. a;l N ?. i.-aple in 5'j eo-stri-ciion thit a cat'.d i-m t:. i . :r it. Thi oreaj are larger, bake uiro b ..-r:a . hi; 1 the Stova heav ier tL.n any Cookie j f.jve cf Cursztyoalin tin llouirkeepers. S.'ore Ec-zars & Tinkers Can rely opn bes s unpolled at ihe iowe;; ritei and will a-l U t j, t.t.r i.drr.ra to jeal f t at I f ii.n:ine our I'rioe L ! !;( tj.iial'ij jj bs'r pur eh&fi g e! c-vvbru. Ad-trc .M, EXCELSinji MANUF ACTUHIXO' CO ei2 4 m yuhi i-rtTt sr. locis mo. ZgJ'SMbyj E. ROBERTS. EroicriViKs. JVrbra&a. nCLMHOLD 'S I-XT 1; ACT DCCIIfJ nn-i Imrr-.veJ Rkife Vhah turcj c -ret aod dcl'.-Mto die rh t- ia their t;(!s, at litt'.a expend, Hti'.-i or r- -h.-in in diet, n Itic nve'sien'a and no explore. It pleasant in Uvtz i d od-.r, iu-.aiiiata iu it action, and Ire from all i juri-ua r j e:t;e-i. Beati, Ii-Jiiiirij, M ca!, Iof i Flour Arp'c if-c SVv'A.V 4 JJIlOTrihii nriLMhOLD'-S tLUID uxihact bCCJlU i pleaont iss t,ie ii -i cirf, Irssj tn in nil l:tjariou I rt : rlc .:c, and i-.. . olite it it action. hViAisEUiT .v;' cn ron sale at Uy th rocent dii.."lori'"i of oartaenMp nf K. fl. Hit: l e??A Co., the rtn.i sin.ici iha Nursery near J.ri)i,-;ile f.ti! fi.t u.y h ir.di. I 'l-h to clear thv g'.iuiid epen- i h' the r:i3.-cry i planted thiaVpria,- all tbo ;tt.k Pe n.insr? wi;l ba soli at unprecedented b.irlp. It c.Mt prnicip!!y oi lirsj a-- . 'urr i rt's . U-'- t rit-a anl li rk:-..-ri. Ajrll, 1-t b-57 2V It. . Fl'it.WNS. Lt t ii;c.t.Ui-j isti.ki Vii-'i..cl tiiMt.., We nr t;w prep-irr-! t'i cAlivt-r. m this rity, Prtnce's CAAr.ud M !'! "0" and Cubh'iHt Org.ii.a at Fst.-tory Trice?. This ii the te.-t t or' ur.ii y e-ver yet cf ft rrtd, ia th: t-fC-.i. n, to b-.-e ;;:;c p-.-rs sed cf cna t;f tl :-uer:'-r i ---? r i: ,i net GEO. W. HILL cA CO. WIIEKLUIl i WILSON 1 --l.i1-' rTTr7r. T 7 n"7TTT AtrarVd th bL:it Praia! ra t tsa Fih.hUln ef th C ' n'i A.:Hu!'u.aI aal 2.Ch...Cl 1 tt t k The TTorld s Fair, London, Jk SU mot a i "'w " I fivv" y 4 i A i".U.i.t Aj 9 I'.: i::r -e--- ! ; - A- Y.e u o t". vriiinL'-; i 1 30. !. it wh t i rir!. v.i: ' Jt.K It ' -AID 5TE ST- 4L A. k . AJhAirnSTS'uXIO;; - ;i - - If.- i ; C.:r.;. V d -c . - ' ' ' . ' A; ,V,r - --A A x- V. " - . A . v ,A, A - s t , 1 '- twi-e, .. .1 u. . . , . ... . ' . i . 5 I !.J .1 -T ..." k i a.cion. a rinh-r cr ! -' Tjhils-i ir. a ere, C.-.v::, ', c'jri. i.'f biT.r?. I .-? ha-, ff?ii, -h poiurej 1 il l -.ret.M is y cat's .vi ssa-J turer j ers, pr -i-ic'r r -'ti:a cf the f.'os2j ed-.-cta : IC. -.t- .-i'?. t-...:y s-siM, etawa. s$, tv.i sio-ioCy.iuilc - V l-'T, C' r. ?r ; .r'.-n. dreJ w;7t tare ererits, l"ji of w-u .ty, asl Saal'y L;;a-ti-r.'-y. bars ;h.--u ,!-- 1. lie t: r--; i t.. : -y '! r-?i-IenU fcr rt-t lii. i-i's' ar 1 p-c-..i .3, ilji juay icirt r-iier as'. 1 rl.eh-ra. (.VciTi-.jr a wbi'id h"cje of tf -It ro'jxi,..J r ooirpefnt ait-nt p hy:cisni; thot rii-rir-' i ii! f -r.'-r il ,ttt iikicn m ; retniia IB U - r , e.-ttc.i 'Ls:i.-.'!.t. ! ;'c i 1 ?c:st errj-whera ry nss of tl I 9 Theory an htr. u .f t.tr j d-;r. all i ' - ) c c1 1 I c b h idin ?'.V.J letter elsfrl. !-.rJ - Cire'ilar. en.: 'if.nt a '. --' i Addr-" St. lhoui. ' A frietirttf tsiii rs.?: n c tt4 erte ; rare '.'.irante-d. 0." M..1I7 (.bar! ifrett, n!0 .;9 i-'uth '' r 4- ; I? 1 C.ta.. . F'b. 16 I v v- ;;.' 1 i A fair f hev r.ru line ; a plr of well 5)s Muiei; fair l.;i--. w I r.si'.-2ol l'-V4 ; a J hi-r. wi; G-?i!')i i;!t Sin- Vib, (an) i a .e t ca...! cirri., 'i au 1 vti Apply 10 Ajril lJth ref 2 - to:: .N0.v-!ir,TL:.7. of Urire. irrs :-ki t-.:;, i , .. ttse bl.i.l ! r. .,r kl t r.. Vr". iCIli 1 1 r aleariii-'B f tha pr-i's- g!.ir:ui. trc; .' , t, -- I 1 d- - of ' t'dlf, i .... , l.r i i . 1.1 i iTH S-.T iVCt:?. , .. " . jS.'i. ...... ". f -1 n x : a bl'J..,..k i , i - - j t In dirpct c"rr,r -ti:io:i wi.h &U t-i'- j ding; itsekrj 1 . j '-J . 4 '' 1 . : -e, i ij J ii 1 . Cf their : :. ; PEDAL : 1" - se .i " - r iv-1 t : ;, . PtrA-jcf . -1 r - f ' V ia1' ..j w -w kV IV !): - -ik j 1 tjr 4 r t - -' D i: c 1 t .. . T, . . . -i ! - !e-;-v;i:i t- t r j. 1 . 1 y t .. . . I 1 i ty Lira ai ta.h. v v ;:i ba f.": T m t ' t I - ',?!..! 0 -r L; , :i-l - . f .: : ! 1 reut;-. e p cs -i r t A-ri: 2t;k 117 " ' - ; r I 1 .' I... 3 . - -- ; .rij .t m:y uS . . w j Ca I " - . t :ed ir.ctt to r. .. t.t c I . - ! . :,i i.;..k.: r. i . Z I i L . ...i f.r i: r-1 . itt til .I. J U: d 1, CO.. I" - f ' rjj , i.e r: .... S. k . i ............ . , c: tcj ::,! rra:: i 0.; CAI. I. til : - 1 0 ! . I i. ' I t i..Tt 1 I. ii, ' Vc '., a