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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1867)
0 i t ') J HEBaASiCArAjj Vi.. i PCiUSiP S 7i.T IHUivil'ir' GI-O. .T7,,,HILL t Ci CO.,, . , t AdTrtl3ST lack, jiaia S'ibstirssa 2tk 2,? i. ;; i t: h 7 I'.'-' ' r f ' --.-2 . " IjIBERT Y AND UNION, ONE.AND.;INSEP.AIiABLE;;:NOW -AN-DRO ItKV E R Cj" B'Xik Wtrt. ad Plain nl ri:cy J-4 Vuit tie best ty!e, aadou iiort Eoiico. f : r , - 3ggI2!?!rJIZ! ' .... .w, ..r.-.,,,. . 'rUKx ' : "7 ; 1 f 77! -,".;''' "1:7 ' " "VJ, J"'":' 4 ';:--"i.,.,!,.r. '77. ;,.o7.7 7,; - V ' . ' 7 " ''7. ' . ; ..... :r, . 7 .z'v .;,.:.;.;. :i U .ic.,-1 ;Ji 7j b ! ; "'7 ; ' 7 "" Vr ' ' - . ' ' ..'-.-...'-." a t - , . .... i . 1 t . K , j ; j . ' . f ... '' I I.I I II I I , II I m J, . Id, ... I I I . Ml' .1 m"7mmm :f ...i. VOL. ZL,- .'"'v'.- iT7 H TT nr e ni; n r 0 I C. I . . . .and;. .-' II..; S II U T Z . .,. n Uit ffi il c'iccuJstv.k of uiiuhiear- ;:t Door vtit cf Gratis S . - . S'.ore, Brown- , . m'jithcei4 Jedrj-done tb bort- j , WORM -W Alt R A I I J-Ii. WlrnriHf N- ,5lh: ISfc6!' ATTORNEY vAP LAV.'i SOLICITOR lTlillANCEIlY, ; RO U N VILLI:, NEBRASKA. 7 . " - : 7 ' ATTOEHBY-ATEAW Ztzt Pcorlo tenon's L-nk, Crowavillo rvTotxrsIx Evan Wortliingr, Liquors, Wines, Ale, Eear, pitt nrrrAr-OTR.4sino II 41 HI i:, iv YO W iftCLTRl- kikg rlakm:k. cji!Arii:3iow- EU and niCIi LIE CX3LTIVA TOK. UHITXL1"S liLOC, Main Street. Brownville GEO.. A. P1UNCE & COS S9 Varieties, it h Taicnt asso Tenuto or 1UU Uir.Ci. ami McIodcoDS. tlrant Ilcscvooa, Valaut or "Vo Charge for Boring or Shipping. '1kF33,000 Xow'ln Usc.esf ILLUSTnATED CAT A. LCOTJE, -UtL'ing foil (IfB'-riptlon of htylf nl tesu u iii In Tjinmt Mn-i a u tbe (-u)pnor Tr'l itnc vt nr mtiuui fills 011 Lu i ihikU:e GEO. W. HILL &CO .' . Bruwijville ttra.-ka. GATKS& 130USF11U.D, BR L t! K LA YE E PL AST EH E Tl S . nrounvlllc, AcbrasUa, TJll ta .iij:riita :.,r l.rioki.tyui. i';trin, kmldjf l ifttrnii, ind du nj tliinjr in thir w la tte mit vatt.-TitcUTj and orkuiDlike luatLer.,lS6G. ( x-Aly Millinery & Faucy Goods QTOXIX2. ..... Kain Street one door west of the Post Office "imOlTXYl Li:, XKUItASSLA. A iBperior u,ek. of tall anu Wiaicr tiudi JirciTet. Kverjthing io tbe Millinery Jioe ftconUntl.T o hnd. Uro-JUkicg, lionnet 'tting.i Triiainluir Jooa laoruati O;tober,25 1855. rV-n--:Sl ; ". JACOlJMAKuiTN 1 IS 31. C H A. IST T: t-ua iJi tli-j AIN .STLEET, bl;0VNVlTLs', ' XEDHASKA AH. H3u G(5 OTlca.TO FARLISRS. uadersigiu-d . h iving, rented the-Browavillo a .... f.. f r-: ' ihot of ixformimr' the - T 'lrttj"w,f,mtn.5iiii.(n of Nmxs acl r'brs.tba 1 '"ii . Tba uiill it nnw iu irti .n anj 9 rbit to jrnud ra re-jetful'r iarittd ttfarUja v " h,$h:t cash price -given fpT-ptcat. lis. 3 TV 7N .v ti stewrt: li.d. ,orr:ci3 . Soth EfiPt , corin-r of, Main ar.J Tint ?trcct8 'irncE IIorKS 7 t t A.v.anJ I 10 2 and 6 t DrowBvillft, Nebraska, My $tb, 1S35 No S,1y. A. S. HOLLADAY, M. D. . Giailsiatoci In isrl, Located in" lli-oit nviltc it 1S35 . O B STJEtL TO DAN Dr. II; liiw D Lial ouii lcle ets iff Atci-'Utat-i .' TifiAitiinp r! Obstetrical i ivtrnmcnts. . OCIce: IIoHii(Iaj7& C's Dri:? Store Tiro Voors Eait of Posi Office. ' x p. fJ, Spe-ialnttcnlioa girn to Obstetric and the disa4eji pf w iuct aua cLildren, , x-4i-l ' CHARLES I1ELL.MEIU. . nam Ct 2 doors below trcwnviJle IIous?, BOWKVILLE If.'T. lis on hand ;i superior si-ckif Hoot .tud Sb( es i:.I the best in '.aerial and ability fordoing CUSTOM WORK Repairing done wit?) neatness and dispatch cMiy fX'oxJO. Cnsli. -. FRANZ HELMER, OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHOP, DROWXriLLE, TVCUKASKA. WAQOKS, BUGGIES, PLOWS. CTTIiTT VI TO KH, 4ic. KepMf-.1 'ii ort Dcti.e, at low rates, lid warranted tgiekii -factina. x-13-m nn AMERICAN HOUSE. . K God Feed and Livery Stable In ccnncction whb the House. L- D. ROBINSON. PROPlUETOit. Front Street, between Mai a and Water, IItOV XYIL.L.E, XEURASK.A. May, COth 1SGG. 10 3G Iy T.W.Tipton O.B.Hetrett J:S.Cburcb TIPTON, KEVETT & CHURCH dttovncvja nt atu, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. y.rch 1st, 6. ly. ' ' A. ROBINSON; it ji mi mm. Min Hetireen lt &. 21 Street Urownvillo TNTolDrnBltrt Tkes this method vt infortnii j: ibe public ibt he bi on bund a M.kndi l a irtuunt of Kent's and Ladia'i Mise'atidCb'.K?rfns's HOOTS AND SHOFS. CCnctou ork done ii L neatnev anJlitipatcri-3 ICepAirin;; dune u sboit UJtioa. , 10-0 tuuu TO THE "FARMERS OF NE51AHA CO., I would repec'lvUy say that I have and am now receiving a large stock or 1 11 '.r" liVl. tor Vintcr end gpiJcs Wear. I bpf-r cr.t.tatitlv eti bund fu'.l asrortuicrt cf GENT'S CLOTHING . Of ell Kind. J Ilcvor Cloth "Coat.s, Iarts & Vests. French Cluik Clot i in? in Latest i ihlcs. - ------ C ' 77 ; 1 G h e a d o r C n e aD.c-r Than anv of niV Cutupetitors: All I - j . ask is for the citizens of Nf maha - ' - . . ' 1 and adjoining counties TO . GLYE LIS A. OALL Andfnd out for Thtmitfvcs I REMEMIE l THE lEiracraie'iSTOi MAIN" STHEKTj Brx. Eocra. TL. w. rca5A. "BEN. ROGERS, ' CO:, atern k liiaif ftf ftock II res Boujht.SoM and Eiehanp!. Stck bo-irji;l by. tbe day tr week.xA UiterOKIULIi mtacLcd to StAV0- UK.. NUAL .lLLtIi V'etertarj urjaon, Out t at oar5kaU;'.'. whttra be rut at fcll tipes k ba .t fcEO. . Xtil-ET.' LUIHEK HOiDLKr. CH13. 0. 101WKY UOBSEr, IIOADLEY C0., , REAL ESTATE AGENTS, end Dealers in Land warrasts.and H fricultural. College fc crip'. Office, tn. Land 'Cfice Building, 7 Fuy srd ell imprnTtd and nn'mrrnved tands. Uuy .Sc1,d3 lc-at Land Warrants, and agTi- CU.!url c"i!i-go ciTip. . L'ake careful, felwtinni" of goTrrrment Land? fur location, Ho'mestead, and pre-etp;;i ions. AtuuJ to cor.ti'ptiu H.Lueetcud aud pre-emption ca-c?,in tbo Imh 'Ti -e. Leittrs of inquiry, promptly and cheerfully answered. Correspondence SolicHfdy2ou n nonirs-Slgn;& Ornamental Glazier, Gilder, Graicer, FApERHAIIGEIl etc. All work done in a workman like manner, end on strickly , O jSu S3 3HE TERMS. ON BOOR WESjl Or BROWS VILLI D.06I AND R. T. RAIITET & W. D. LEWIS " SUCCESSORS TO HAINEY & CO. Respectfully inform the Citizens cf iht City and Covnty that they are in receipt oj a large and complete assortment of latfie's Dress Goods. WniTE GOODS, v 1 z' htoMMBM a Wilh an endless variety of N O T I O 1ST S. Together uith the Largest -Stock of Custom Made BOOTS AND SHOES' Ever brought to this City all of which in cold, which enables us to offer supe- J rir induce merit? to those desirous cf pur chasing. We also, keep on hand .a fresh Slock of Grooerl og$ . r And a good assortment of .. QUEUES WARE ., - . 1 : Remember the Place, Main Sireet, On Door above the Ptif&ce, Brownvilia, Nebraska. . . 9-10 4lj in,no . Philip Philips & Co. Wholesale and retail dealers in PIANHS, ; " 0RGA1NS. ' AND MELODEONS. -Wyterc Amenta for, Deader Dntbrr, Palest plata I inn-Vnure. 'Thf4 Pino-re Jb-rly 1 fitfi:mnt3 ind-j in tliic r-nntry or Europe, with the full irMifrKmeJ iii which Jill the Strings red vpon Wooden Bsar- '. s l- :,ng .. ; - . . .Ar; and in wbich io"t f the Toninsr Pint sjo thmoxh )h Iron Plate TbU arrmrutat triduo.cj ilsro Uf.n',d Tu. wiUi couibinf-d rinpetaeM and grant Power, Trd tnT3 p( iftt qunli-'r lhov;h themtiro tkcpcity vi $tibin& Imager in tune aud rt'tainHjc it. up iriur innaty of ioue , thaa anffher infriiinent. - - -i. -r r. r r t - --0.-eil Ag.iWrWD. &U.W.iSuiitb,'! 1 AMERICAN ORGANS. f ,.,.The oericaa Orjftnjare the cujly.ri'al. reed Or snm now hefaia tan ntihlia. :. The c.nlv Orran huF- I,,-, 4 m - 4 - - - - ' - Reverberating Sound Box.r riv,l n. Wileh'hai tfie .:.ZZt - tbe bou -.n Uonrd hs in tbe Piano Forte, (to g.v bly aal rc?unam e of toneand without wbk-h, tbe Orgaa becomes merely Molvieoa. ia. an.Ura cat-e. i . -"Tla"iahfirl-an"Orz;iBifco4 "hly tar 1H Jwhid chet or H4Ji d b-x, but hare the large Orjnn bel-1-w, giTing power 'and grett'r.e? cf tone.- fbee with their ex rem fie Tocin of tha ritd atd jrfectvus oC tba tvne, make th:o "the., "T ., f.Ios) Perfect Organ Known.' V (Tbe in)prorrnfnts, with snpcriorr'T cf , tone ard w,o.4Lmanbir.klar tha Atuericaa Orcna ,tae L-iut rutu the bxt.aed trfT oooauir.a a ut 'aer f tic tbnn By t,her rd iaitrument i b rcMltet, Ibtj Organ receircd Ibe rrit i'rtsaiuiu ftfc ne t. Loui K&irin 0:t"-bcr. , - . . j v . .'I IVbtliiiCri t-f tbe ."Siainjt P;!ria,, forlSuLday Schools. . !end fr CifRtt'ar. ' M Adxeis. PHILIP PHILIPS & CO. fflB .WILKI, I .. 4. ; j f ' : . 7 7 : : ' ' I vv. ZL 'v7 ' :, - Prograraiac or tiic Odd lelluw s Festival at Rrownville, Nebras ka. April 26iH 1SC7. - j sl. Music and Singing the OJes7- ! -2nd. 'Reading of 'the Proclatnaiion of the G. S. cf th United Stales. , 3rd. 'Prayer by Rev. 15 C. Golliday. 4i'a: Address by Past Graud ' Master A.. D.' Jo'ae's.-' . 5ih. Mu.-ic. ...... ....... 6th. Address by Past Grand A..S. HolladayJ as follows : .1 Most Worthy Grand Master and Broth era;jUr Most Worthy PaaiG rand Masr ter. A. p. Jone$. hnying entertaiued you with au able and inteietting address oti ihe rise. prupress, and future of the.Or der, I shall endeavor to call your atten tion'; briefly. 10 the consideration of ovher matters- 1 m not, however, iusensible of the necessity of that charity wnich ;is one of the chief of all Oddfel- lovisv ... Oddfellowship originating jn the nece sines uf the human race, has, in the course of many years been organized and made amennbie to obligation and rules which have been inetrumenial in, carry- It has tor its foundation principles as ancient as creation itself, and which are as pure as ,' the 'first ray 'of liaht that from the throne of God flashed over the Earth '"- ' Seasons come tand 'go. all things around us change, muti dies and goes to his long home, the flower and the grass spring up, at our feet. fade and . are no. more; "he Babylonian rpires- sink. Acbaia. Rume.and Egypt moulder down. Time sLake the stable tyranny of ihrones, and tottering empires crush by' their own weight," but the principles of bur order "are. immutable, " and' im perishable, and will remain untouched and unharmed, growing brighter and brighter throughout all time. .XJddfellowahip as you have been taurrhi buttles against evil passions and practice, vice in every form,' and every wrong. Il tends to elevate and , improve the heart and nature of man, making him what the Almighty deigned him to be; the no-blest w ork of creation. . ; There .are many vice? against : which Oddfellows are vuired (9 wage unceas ing warefare.amongjwhich ncn-ari? aaore destructive of our peace and welf-ire- than Evil speaking. It perverts - the -atmosphere Orroun our Lodges.'acd leads ihe members thereof into troubles hto!d. " The fpirit of Oddfel!owthip "ii rvo'Iess antagonisiic to, and inco.mpaiible.Twith, fault-finding than evil-speaking. Lue the Upas it "poisons the r aiaiaph ,-r.4 all around it, dit-tracts every mpve.-uf-:., and clogs the progress of the Order. - It in fluence is evil, and that continually., ' To the fault-finder, allow ma kh.ifty to.iupgeit ihe tjcp diency cf rtvJviug from this time to abandon the balit for ever ; ever.remeniber that it is net odJ fellowfchip! T "therefore ask yjur earnest consideration -of this important fubjiict, atld if Y011 hae not yet senotsly lioughi of k bee: of vou to do so at once Think of how much vexation cf mind you will avoid, and how much pain will be escaped by the Ledge and ethers around you ! Think of the feHiogof dt g. redation tbat ccmes over you shiie giv ing ybor'tongue to the vile .raoiica evil-ipeakutg. 7 If you -cautiot speak well of & brother, speak nofat all ! The world, at large, and still better the Lodge, will com mend such conduct, but far greater - will he the ccnsolation of a ,coDsienc8 void of offence ! end, instead of a wrangling anc ahq'uietude, all around yea vriile harmonj7', peace and joy. JSat, an oddfellow .is-judgec 7; ac iious, asSvell as his .words.- W 'l.ay be softiand gentle -as the whi-ptnogi ot arge46..; full uf -ccm asfion, knint a ud iove; dissipatirrg the overhatging '.ctoid uf sorrow ; binding up theiltim and. btc erated heart and lighting" nj :he ab-jde of glootn w'uh the golden, tin V I ray t,f Hope',but hotv povvtrless areMit-r words 10 bring relief to the needy a'jd hrlpless? Truly it has ,been said ; 4,If a briber or siMer be naked and de?tituie ?.f .:A7y food, and one of you say unto ih.;i, De part in peace, be y warmed an.i fi;lJ; Dotwiihs'tanding ye give ihero it tlios? things, which are heedful "ta - the body, what dotli it pn-fii ? Odcfellowihip, " like the ,chrt?iianj faitQ,"ttriihout works, is lead. TLJ, trut mono is :, alk less arid xcorfc tr.n ! T i savl am an. Oddfellow withiut trts o. Love, friendship and truth cuilty of V violauon of the 1? TV. -71 b.r i .iv J.'l -nth tf, ':i tS.! 7f!Ijtr t, ; , a ;i OU -" , s 1 , 7r rl t rhc rei nt ' ? I.-j,y f '-ir.gj " Kl dy e a . the chaiti,au;l should not be c7 er ? and if permitted a seat v. ' walls of any Lodge my cletk crimson with UU and shami, ; fihcer of scoinof evrv true 0 ' e; poiu te pjiuted at me. We thou! i a profess. Oddfellow ib-v- 1 transactions" with one anothe t i v,eii as. itjfiue, De -iouge. Love fehttold Jbt'vas iip II1' ' ! 1 J Lss the bi her ! Wben the N. 'j the': -Lwdge . closed our W3 fiuished. it has only commt r conduct town rds Zh( another : outside world will show how havb been impressed with'th cf the Order. 'If we engage I 1 Ute cf iimiliOralilV and Vice. It c : .i most proof positive that ike sti 'have falleti otr ouuding:. -brass .cr tinklif:; that the eeeds ci Truth Thnv thorny ' and - tiony, places Qdeity bring ioru ?o fru.; s. .-7.70t:;ritr and die! crif in the transactions of-hfe, we .exhibit a disposition la oppress, cr take advantage of one another's n'cm-. cities.' e are surely. and swiftlyudriftii!g toward the rocks and whirlpwls'cf vto latted honor, and fideli.y and-may be deservedly brandrd. as-nnwonhy the confidence 'of all good men." The obli gation of justice is no less binding on our members, than all others of -the, human family. 'To do unto others, as we would have others to d j unto u-, is a rule to ,which we cannot , too closely adhere.' ' i 'Justice teaches u5 never to 'wrong one anoiheri as brmh9r! it also . teaches' usi never. to wiong anyone,, be he a brother, or a fctrangt-.r : If we wouidcarry this rule intod.rify practice; live up to i it in all our dealings One svith'! "thB llother;' and feel that we do so as an - obligation -we owe to the,;great would ba the respect. ; which we would Lreceiva as in dividuals. The effects of sch a crarse, wogld deprive .this iife cf very 'inuch" of its kbrrow and but fewhearts would be pierced with: griefbufl feJ eyes moistened -wjtij the, tear ff.anguish! The obligations taken upon ourstjlyes. cannot be re-nou'iCfd, cr sei ati'ie &i pleasure. Wiih all good Oddfellows they are bind inland sacred the sa:n.3 ju ady ve' prosperity ; 'in war,' as In p'iace; in sickness, as ia health; they" kcow' no South, no North, no East,.' no West but one country,and on3.lcotnii)on(humanny one God,..and one'broiherhpod of man! During the Iaie ci'vil tvar '"no ' attempt was made to establish ' a ' Northern, or South era Oddfellov.-hip. The thunder itig nf the cannou.the glittering 'of the, aword, the. shout cf victory, the wail, of defeat, the "clang of . arms, the shriek of agony, ihe' groan of deaih" did noi destriy the solemn 1 obligations of our ancient Order, but So soon as 'peace was declared the smothered flames of Love, friendship and truth illuminated, ihe hall of the Grand Lodge of the United States; all' were mingling together again as a band uf brothers. - 1 ' - - - "Absence With ail its pains, wai by this charming moment wiped away!" Says a writer, ou the subject ; "repre sentives from "every, jurisdiction came, .save uvo North Carolina and Fioridd ' and these! wer? absent on accoun. of un avoidable circumstances. The brethren of New York and Massachusetts cbi.pd hands with their brethren from South Carolina; tears were shed ;' all em braced and plcdged'to each "other"' e:er hal fidelity to the principles of - ihe Or der, and thus were the broken - links welded as .with a white heat.", It is this inteiesling event as, well, as the anniversary of the founding cf 'the Order in he United States, that we have been calltd together this evening to commemorate witn tnanks-crivinj?: and prayer. Through the mercy. pf.the. AU mighty, our Order has been safely xou-' ducted over the wild and blood-stained wave of war and desolation, leaving it bound together as in days past -by - the threefold chain ofLove7 friendship and Irutb, for which we should r.etum the most iincere and heart-feit trjanks to Him who nidkeih wars" to cease, breaketh the bow; and cuteth :the spear in sunder. - : ' ;. The statistics of the Grand Lodge of the United. Slates gives a detailed re port of .the ' .whole benevolent transac tions of the Order. From this it ap. pears that during ' the year' preceeding the last sesfc)n 19.133 brothers were relieved ; 2 719 widowed 'families were also relieved. . ,. ; ,, The amount paid for. tb3, relief of Brothers was S334.149,?B. The amount paid out for relief of wid owed familied 32,069:88. Amount paid for the cducaii' n of Orphans. S11:417.75 ; amount paid for . hurrying the - dead, &S3 592.33 ; Total , recfc1jt, ,J. Ihe report shows that the Ludgfcs in New York, are not' inclu ded m this amount, and, of ' course, must be much larger. i -.. . .j s .. : Besides these amounts, the Encimp menii' have paid for the relief,' cf caeiu hers and widowtd families, burying the dead, and educating the Orphans S53.CC4.i20, Ii'wiill be seen Hh'at con s derable more than half a' million - dol lars was paid during the last year -in be nevolence wiihiu the . Ord-r. ,; ; s j . Jn Nebraska only a ?mall amount has teen expended in the way of benevo lence : '2'2 broilers relieved ; paid Out for tbe same 273; for burying the dead 75 ; total S349. . . ; .j i The report ives no statistics ; of i the amounts expended for the. relief of .."wid owed fauulies, and the education pf or-' phans iu Ntl'raska. Ths causi of this' I am unable to explain. It is clearly, however, the res-uli of an over sight. - " i ' This is no ' small amount but, who' can compote the private chiruyr grow-! ing out of the-, kindly feeling cu.uvaied and exercised by the cf.ihe Lodges"? How many friendly, a id af- fectionate visits hive b-ien paid to"sick brothers, to the widows crphins.aud how many nights have - been spent via w atching around the bed side of the sck' and dying?' These are qustians not easily answered. Can it' b-?7 p-Vsible tl et this is a '" mere ''shadow1 of affection? No; ;it canuot ba tijat'toeD so iiioosd en on themselves. , . ' -7: v. 2 , The niau that 13 . .a , kind.., has-1.1 band and father, may usually be , 'relied upon as a iasi friend. "."S we" say'that the man who is a good OddfelloRr 'cah riotfnil in being a good and charitable fitrzeu. IIi.leern3 ta bej bene.volent:- He may indeed feel the warmest. cHeo- tioa-ror tnose wco ere, rricmbeTj M t t . .i 4 It i Order, because their sfficitdn fori him' bas .inspired iiim .with a like ..sentiment, but his heart arid 'hand 'maves 'at .every caseof 'i vHxtrih g.'r He has learned ltl bles?ednes of benevoledea. ' Its lessens he does: not' forret.tor . cegiectiv -.-.i J -We bave sesn; tliat political lostitu'.ioa, I . i . - i i . . tr Ib'.vj nl tl mini rtoMl at .. this is n-n a political for, tha vi-ws oi a man. neither. recommend nor injure htsCr ' connection -with ' thij crd sr. Uoi its tru4 sums is a social' institution, haviii'g .a.'jsy-Km df. pecuniary; benefits wlch are-pitrtly a bjod to give .it con sbfjency, and pnrtly a means to aid in accomplishing ihe social 'designs of broth erhood; u'' J I' ; iiOd i-fpilowship is. willing to stand 'the test, of, being judged by .its wotk's ;. and so long as ii does noi make a man WoVid as a cuizea. or a christian, i .... i' i '. ' it cannot condem ?i?d ! -'The doctrines of Oddfa'Iow-ihip are in the fullest sense republican, and! i: fully farrjed .cut .-would prostrate evjry tyrant ia the, vvorM..iQ hi dist. It leacaes that all. men ar equal. 7 7 . 7" i '' We-alf should understand ihaf Odd fellowship is iriy- a' social intituti(n, designed io inculcate .the Great principle, of brotherhood, seskingius end by teach ing and, engaging ,m members , ;a the practice "of benevolende and friendship . i OJd fellowii.; -draws 'iut",7&33Qtial teachings from the Holy Scriptures, but claims only to bei. moral, not a, religi, ous jusLUutfon. Lbve.Truth and Broih erhpod are plainly taDght ia the Bit-le, buu'vve do not believe ihat . the . practice of these moral sentiments, is all that God demands of. us.7 .. Man's duue3, morally, are two fold; Th'se which he o-.ves to his Macr, a nd those which he owes to his feliow-man We should not confound these duties, or presume the practice of . one class ex empts from that of the other. Odd-fel-lowahip has to do with the duties which man owes to mtn. We do detain d that every person asking membership, shall believe in the existence cf .God; As you all know the ritual' of our Order teaches that God's word is the eternal Truth' revealed U man for his moral welfare; but we go no funher thaa this! Ia examining an applicant for membership, we do not ask what nuy be his political creed, nor do 'we ask him what may be his religious creed. Odd-fellowship is aa institution for time, . cot .-, for eternity. It has to do 'with .the present life ; but religion goes beyond-! ir,- and prepares' for a lit e tc come. We acknowledge that true religious is better,Dybler iuap,any merely moral cr benevolent institution, howe r., true its principles and pure its ; practice. And when ihe day comes a day fcired hi every trua scul when through lbs rinsirumentaliiy . of religion, every depravity shill hi destroyed- when:' war shall yield to universal peace when r despotism t-hali fall and liberty shall be proclaiqied when; anger, suite, jealously and discord shall, ( give, away bef ore ihe glorious principles, of kindness, meekness, love'7 and 'harmony, : melting all hearts into dne : grand brother hood ; Ai!our raissiod will oj consurnateJ, and not , till ihen I "Then ..the vvoii'.-shall dwell with ihe lamb, and tbej leopard phall lie dovvn with the kid 'an J tbe alf jind the young lica and rthe"fatling 'to gethtr. and a little child shall lead ihem. And:; the - cow and the bear shall -feed their young ones together and the, lion shall eat straw like an ox. All nations then shall beat their swords into 7 'plow shares and their cpears into pruning hooks Nation i will not lift up -Word against ca:Un, neither will ;hey learn warany.iaore.". t . : . o ' . . .. 13ut, let us contemplate,. for a moment, the beauties and beueuceaCt of our Or der, cot rn health and prosperity when the sea of - if e is as tnicothas "he bosom of a summer's lake, and smilicg flowers cmbclrsh tc'r path with all "that can'nfike ourTit'e one continued round "of - earthly pleasure and contentment, but when sud den pe? lilence ,tbat waktth in darkness," has spread us dark. shroud over the laud, with a no'.ver' so ternb!, as almost' io obiiieraie the cainmw ties of humanity, andwhen the living seem1 f orgeiful cf thbir.dead- :, t j, . of a cyminui,iiy have been borne to their long homes wua scarcely ad eye follow ing them to moisten' the' newly made grave with a tear, and birely a friend to mark the hillock beneath ..which,- they were.Liid. perchance, by ihe .stranger j hand.' the Old-feliyvy has bad fanf-fOl and tender watchers who 'have attc : .d to ail his wants with all 'sohcfiud . i kinduesi.- And, should thesiivr 7 be severed, hu solemn funeral car -that aa Oddfellow's duty dies v a the expiring groanl f "Ills last'resting place, 'silent ' and o'j scorethough it be; is pointed out'aj' that of au Oddieliuw.aud the grass tint-grows .upoa in vol ittcfy- ".iveiy in it ...verdure thaa .are ihe t remiuiscerises associated with th.e Vpot'in the bois'ains of those whb'drepp-d the everrein' upbu the ltd of hi cothu! ' 'n:.:n . ( '- Thoutj 'life's fitful ferer!! hs assua ged by the cold fljod if dtath ;doea; ihe vvrk of aa OJJU-lljw stoa here ? . No verily I provision m made, for the vidow and orphan j. Tof tne fa. :s 'of- 'trecf an ' arm" fo'r fuj crsj ar.d-a tNield wurd off iheikbaftiofrc sorrow,; want ud grief so bng they;are needed. To ihe second, tbe chilim mind ,of, ad cioi.y ait? ic.u-itu ine saorn lamb" by pfcii-'pr and fa.7.hfu'7 aid y tha mind: is educate?!, ind irnlned-t' virtue ai4 irpvh. .? hjejx will lUa i to honor , aad e 1 1 j. use;uinc5i - 1 " ' a i No one who becomes a member oi taa Independent Order tf O 'Jf reiiows ii cad regard himself as isolated from his fil-low-tnan. -Wbn be earolls himjelfs among the number of thase. Wha .pors-j,, and cultivate its benevolent l-3sn?lh,) is bound by every thing-that is high ariA honorable to act-ia concert-with thimTor' their dignity and advancament. Avthia charsre which is commuted, to us involvelj the welfare ot mankind, we . are bouc to recognize and sub;:nt to thJ, compact which unites' in a c-jmju broiherhjoi 10 uphold it successfully. ' ' - '" r.A, necessity of cherishing amiaLl3 rehtions wii each other is obvious frcrrv; the comfort and. saiisfacti 3 .which , are a'iToirded in the performance cf our da" ties.- - We should be prompted toit'by3 generous and noble impulses, as well ar by a deep and keen perceptija.c. warjti and frailties which are cjiaaiaa, to ha raanity. D fTiculties and trials, disease and aSictions oae tune or anoth er,' attend the course of every one," and friendly council 'and - assistance 7jjr$ requisite to remove oru .dispel thp.m, . Ia. proportion .to the cultivatioa. cf-.such. relationsdoes our Ordar derive pjiiiiv ' advahtagevfor if pructisfd ia ' the ?p f ri s " of Friendship," Love and Truih, and not of jelyjsy and hatred, itcauilibe es'.22Cjl ed nnd prosperous... . : ;.. Tu; v Bit, the rauk' which OdJfellowship holds in any community, vvill depend t3f no small extent, upon ihe coaduct cf ihe individual meinbers of ihe Order. Tera perance, virtue, mtsrality, honesty ,'aai charity, at least, canaot he compromised by a trua Oddfellow. . . 'J T Then let me beseech you a3 you vs!. ue your own honor, the honor .of your, friends and family, and the honor of ihe. Order, be faithful to ail your obligations. Let a real, earnest foeliag 7 of brother hod'rua through all your actioas la'sucl, a manner ihat those .''witliout'. shall sre tint you'tre not pursuing a 'shadow, 'but a rfaliivt thit vnu arft tnl in 1 ivA with 1 1 j - - - j , 'Y an idea, but with a fact: that Oddfellawr ship does' not consist exclusively in bet ing in possession cf secrets, and wearing regaha, attending ' festivals, .eating aal drining,"but ia ads of friendiLip,'- love and i benevolence, arid; ia - carrying bao that golden rule, Whatever ye vtf'al thaf men . should do to you, do ye, evea, so to them." Visit tbe sick, and the dis- iressed, with a heartlive to all th&ir" wants ; be found in th'home of tha wid? owr aud fatherless, rendering - them is sistaace, and such chaeriog words a3jaa make it still sweet to live,. although . thi huiband and father sleeps r!ath.' ' ' ' ate -u m . , j My Brother ! TIow often do yoa -at tend .the Lodge meetings? ! As often m jou can possibly ? or do you only .com when earnestly solecited by somo broth er whose heart is in the work ? Do you stay away because the 'meetings are not interesting to you ? If this is the rea?oa I would ask . you ; to .examine , into yo' own, hearts aud see if the hoLecaui cannot be found there. ' . : It Vto be hoped that in the futurefes' tival, or.uo festival. :yoj will" gire'yjar aid, by attending the'. Lodge, to 5 pfisLa forward tha causa of the order, palest prevented by unavoidable, cauie, x y 1 ' To the Daughters" of ' Rsbekah, I would say : 'That oa exarainatioa -'of thj reccid of your degree, I nd lhaty3 have, only held two' meetings ; the -fust Nov. SDth 1S31 at which there were 0 initiations: tt9 second April,34 ISCo, at which 3 were Initiated. " This is not often enough. Yoi should hold regular stated meetings: - Yta Lava 3 work wi:h u- to do, and !oald mees often eno'jth to undrsiaui and ciate its noble character. ,appre ' But" I know wherever there C i Leary wrong wi'h grwf, you will ever be readt to sooths it ; whefevet scrruiv has a tear to hed,you will ever be reiy tr wipe'tl away; and that yoor beans. as wells your hinds will ever' be open to the cry of the distressed and destitute." 1 "'"'' Brothers: may we not fjrget the 'suffering-poor, whoe wail of diatres cCxaei to us cn every breeze. . We havo bread enough, and t9 ?p.ire Let us hava compassion ' ca tlriem.' ' Qi2dfelij'whijo teaches the doctrine cf relief, but if - re lief is beyond our power.may we dsepfy end sincerely . . ' - L-.l5 - 'J'T8 rilj onth'sm.for thtlr Uf . " U full ot pief ioj er ; - f 1 :' ?r.'".u t koow one bs I th wj -5 z its "S ,Ter poor mist bear. "do cot tLilLt Xa&t "l?i llj tcny a.rz' cr hei, . . 1 Jieii:Jiixrl of jr tp the pfeer"''' a 1 v Give 6ouf ul!j irea.1." r-jnl In conclusion let .3, labor, on iath work" "cf "friendsaip," Love and Truth, hhtir.gup the heme of the "poor, "with the src.:!e cf joy and : gladness ; .visitir.g' the sick-; - -twrymg the dead psupporticj the idow and educating -the -orphans; until we,, resting l"rc"tn 'the' "toil cf, , Lf 0 hava been calledto the G:.zl Lodg9 above.' ' : "i i : I -t'.:.t' At the conduiicn of the foragolag'ci- dreis the.ruerstrs aal their fam.Si-s a- joyed a'mag7iifi:ir;t supper and a gay lime f;ettral!y. -.The whoU UiTii.-'V.lj quite credil theOrder-! -. I ' - - ' ; '' , 11 v-' It may take nine tailors' to traks..a mac, .but one is enough' to ruir: "Lfra." A a cj-j raTcriPior. seemz Ua ".vorjj 1ft fa ...... 4ramnies upp'ied'' ever 'the' dear tf a shop, stepped ia and said he well ji ff.8.cli'w. chddr?l. - - v.-. i Ta "educate the orphans' is c:,e c; th5 most imperattver as well as impcr:aatta mandates-cf'OJdfellowship. If ia.;. your duty id see that it is .faithfully execd'dX) Anl. now a few. words ia the . wftj, c' x friendly adtnoniiion. and I wilt cbs3. . r 4 r;,l 4. 1 ill r 1 ... i.:..? 3 3 , , M J