f ' f t i P'-a i UL'ii Lin tela&js Sicilian Hair Renever Ifrrs f0fl test of seven years before Vtc public; and no nrejxira tion for the hair has yet been dis covered flint will produce the same bcncfieiil result. Jt is an entirely new scientific discovery, combining nanii of the most jtowerful and re rioratir. agents in the VCETACLE KIHC30.M. It rcs'ores CRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR. It makes the scalp white and clean; cures dandruff and humors, end liillinpr out of tlio lmir; and will make it groiv upon bald heads, except in very aged 1crson, as it furnishes the nutri tive principle by which the hair is nourished ami supported. Jt makes Vie hair moist, soft, and and is unsurpassed as a 11 A 11 J) Jl E S S IX G. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the pub lic, as one bottle xcill accomplish more and list longer than three bottles of any other preparation. It is recommended and used by th First Jledleal Authority. The wonderful results produced by our Sicilian Hair Jlenewer have induced many to manufacture pre parations for the llair, under va riaus names; and, in order to in duce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former part ners, cr had some connection with vur Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Do not It deceived by them. I'urchase the original:' it has never yet been equalled. Our Treatise cn the JIair, with certificates, sent free by mail. tSee that each bottle has our private Jlevenue Stamp over Vie fop of the bottle. All others are imitations. R; P. Hal! & Co.. Prop's. Nashua, H. Hi SJd ail Drtipjists end Dealers in Mediant. C. A. COOK, 67 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. Xffeat for One XrthWteni St tea.- 7 PARKER'S 1 . " The very best medicine in use for H0E3E3, CATTLE. LITJLE3 & SHEEP. This pw-der i vrcParc'l from the recipe cf an oirt tnjclUii Furrier, li. now, nr.tl has been for y-ar um-A throughout Jnrrland by stock raisers, iot alunt for it ci.nMivc, but aloits fattening pro yerties. J'or tiic foilowin.sT discuses, it veil 1 invsri .uiy be fjuuil a tcft, tcrta.n end tweedy curt: . Fevers cf ell hinds , Distemper, Founder, Counhs, Loss of Af petite, Hide Bound, Yel low Water, cs also all diseases arising from a Hsordcrti Stomach, or an impure state cf tht tloti. . r " PAF-CH'S f CECIIL fOXDITIOX rt)WBEP., A iu narue indicates, u n penile fctimulant. Un like the ?ti..uy nrtidus nM ihionpiiciit the. country Ijt the Ainu s of J Mil .;;ile, tiiis ;ix j.cr rtior. h n: ii!y of -err.bb? origin no mint-rais t:rr ot r.rrnn;irt n-nU, hrrbf, roots imii barka, it luiy be u-eJ with Ji.ll roiilhU nee tih ta its mtire io;..', certai :ty , etui r.iMncts rf t-iu'r&tion It tlciles t!ie Jii.-o 1, lix'sers the IL.ie, pives to the stir1 .1 tmooth r.n'l 'ney r-Ternr,rc, if moves all b i Iniinors, arid ..y j;s Vtnuplier.iDp, life-pivirg prnvertiv. U.iiic3 i:.t ) t. e ui Hiila.rd, lrfl;ou djwn n::il. f-tion av, yvirlt, audltstorcs tobim ail his ut'.ur-t i;i&co uxd Lcauty. Cows require rot only careful attention, bat tbumlanre of nutritive 'food. The testimony of ari-wi farmer r.n driry men, attest tbc fact that by the judicioiu use of Parker's Cordial Condition Powder. at . M . - ' 1 : . Awl M 1 n m a a a A till. liis 'iUility vastly inijiroed, as by the use or this I itowilrt, all lenueney 10 icvtr, aupruAa iiumors wiii munues of the blood, are ut oiioc rt-moved. T5reV?TS anA fattrfiTS ef wine will feoieta Tsow that a irmmrt remedy f ir the various mala cLc!, to r Lt jtca tlH?c aaimuls are tubject is io louna la r Parte r's Cordial C onfiition Towdcr. For Coughs, Fevers, inflammation of the Lures, il(.slea, M;npe, Kidney orm, A.C Ac, tniS md ciBe acts like a t harm. II Cholera vill !e avoided hy occasional doses of t'ds jowder it is a a:ire preventative. One iater added to a barrel c ftwtll and piven freelv to hogs. Will fitcdily re mov these oft fatal disctbes. This powdrr bcin both Tonie, anl iaxative, pni Lies the Blood, removes hst humors, and will , therefore be found mo6t exctUtntin'rromoUng the ondilion of Sheep. nit y WILLIAM D. PARKER, S. JLou. "wltre1"01 Bale 17 1)ni2'flsU iterchants everj " . KICnARDSOX 4 CO., Gen'I Affts, . Ml it 705 Xorih Main 6treet, St. loui. THOMAS MOSLEY. 4Tt T OXEY. TTXL AS W ATER. 10.000 ACTIVE rll LOCAL atid TraTeTng Ageii;, Male or Fe- male, or a'.l cges, re wanted to solicit trade in ev ry City. Town. Vil3?e; llsmiet, H'orksbop and Faetnry, tbTouciout tb entire world, fr vbe njost ' '!ebl oovfciiiea ever known. IM I'ER CENT, J'IU)FJT tarf. READY bALIi WUEBEVEtt OF .FLi;t U !J Smart men and women ean mske from ti to li0 per day, and no t'.&)l of !ois! A- email espiul required of from t t ICQ the more to'iney inren'.oi the grater the profit. JV', ZSourv rtqiired in oJ ranee o first teitd tkt article ohb Ttrrieepny rf trvnrdl i If TOO ao I ually wih to iuo uioLy' rapidly and easily, write. for full pir licuUr. and M'i lress IiUIiOH Cl CO., (rroraFwris.) i-y 210 EUOADWAY, New York City. Tri4 Teach, Apple, C.ackbeiri 1, Cberries at f Taken nobj the undersigned Utibs in Douf laa Precindt,. one balf mile S E of LiaUm'a mill, en the 1st day of March, 1657, one Brindle Sur, tail c.jr,wa.!iow forkin left car, crop cIT left about tour yenrt old this Srnn. ' ilarch Dth lcC7 U L.J. Wo have on hand a large and well assorted stock of Staple To vhicli we are making wliich we are selling at prices low 'as any establish. ment west of the Mississippi river. Ill THE QUALITY OF QiKI GOODS WE CHALLENGE COMPETITION CSTFLOUR OF THE MOST HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR w.w 0 j is n L3 t." i AND St. Josep 9 3SSI 3 . Would call the attention of DEALERS to theirjratnense"stok of Drags and Medicines, School BooKs, Patent Medicines, Blnk Boolis, Glass and Glassware, Writing Pper, raids and Oil1?, Envelopes, Spices and Djc-stnfiTs, Coal Oil and lop Pare Wines, Liquors, c., c, Wn!eh wera borplit fercash of Mancfactnrers, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at tb most favorable prices. Baying in Urge quantities from ments to the trade. Thtr are the North -western Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jtyne & Son. and of Dr. J, C. Ayre k Co.. and can furnish a (fn m . i hi ,i v 0 ST. JOSEPH, MO. ; Importer and Wholesale STEEL and HEAVY HAEDWAEE. "WagoD, Carriag, and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Spring, Axe?, Axels, Shovels and Prade-s.Filos Washers.' Nails. Horse nails, IIor?e & Jiule t?hocs, Castings and Hollow Ware, Sugar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and Lids, Stew pots. Take ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Iron3. Blacksmiths' TOClS. Anvils. Strcks and Dies, Be.'Iows.SIedge and Hand Ham mers, Vises, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knivep, Tuyere Irons, W renches, &o. O'cs.'tS.tlza.'sr GrOOdSr Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wcgon Jacks, Ox Shoe nails, Shovels and Pick?,Gold Panietc. 1,000 CELEBRATED MOX.IJNEJPJL.OWS! .) ust patented, and superior to any yet invented ; and ItlcCormlclL's Slovrcrs and Reapers, Rallcrs Horse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Planter, Corn Shellers, Fay Kakes, etc. etc esc. 1Pzxrl3 zilzz S"t3a5L3rc3. Scales . Buyicj my gooJs direct from the man er, I offer great inducements TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. 3ort. ffAcucoiNr'SJ BLOOD j HUilOE Will positively cure SCF.OFCLA, ERYSIPELAS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, or ry HUMOR in tbe BLOOD or STOMACH, and for PURIFYING the SYSTEM and FRAniCATTVO all TRACES OF DISEASE tV.U rfmv k. nn ! equal, and for Building up the Syteiii, and giving new Strength and Vigor. Its ucparai.ed success since its introduction, and the wonderful cures it bas and is dailv performing am it hot cnirmnfo ----- - - r- r - r ....... v. and we earneatly desire that every sufierer shall give it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. Price one dollar a bottle. COIXIXS BROTHERS, T. LOUIS, 210. Proprietors. K.CH! ITOHI! SALT Ac" JU-X SALT ITCH I' flHEUUl VO, RHEUM I Wia mii (A ITCH or SXLT JIUSVX. in a few applications. It also cures .prtlrie Scrateb es Chilblains, Ulcers and all Eruptions of the skm, where other remedies have been tried in vain, enxes speedily and thoroughly. Price 50 cents Xr- Sold by all drnrsw-oni1?? u' I letter' to COLLiNS UROTHEIW, b. Vi .cor. 2nd A Vine Sts St. Louis, Mo., it wiU be sent by mail free of postage. x-30-ly-rp,nnJSWj Sngar Loaf Syrup, Sorjhnis, and K.O. Molassw at SWAN A BRO 'S 1Jickles.Can?ruiUofall kinds, and Oysters at SWAN A BROS. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by HelmboU's Extract Buchn. ' NOTICE. The ereditors of Wiliiam SUlweel, deceasel will take notice that the Probate Judge of Nemaha County .Nebraska, will receive, examine ard ad just ail claims against the said deceased, and that be will sit fir that purpose at his oGce in Brown villein said County of Nemaha on the llth dsy of November A. D. 1851 between the hours of nine o'c'ock a. m., and four o'clock pai of said diy, un less toe claims cf Creditors are presented to ssaid Probate Jd for ailownc upon tie iz-J men tioned fcbo? they will not bo enM'.led to pjaieat GEO, W. FAir."ulU)TULR. 23-at3,C0 I'rtbatJuJSe. MANHOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGOR are re j lined by Eelmboid's Extract Bnchn. TjVesh Layer Raisins. Currants, Citreo Ac, at C SWAN k BiyJ'S. and Fancy constant additions, and APPROVED BRANDS. THE COUNTRY PRODUCE. t-..iJ 3 i-tLa'iJ 7 DEALERS IN t I . 1 1 first hands, the are enabled to offer extra induce their Medicines in any quantities. (10 1-1 j a m n m rr i b and Retail Dealer in Iron, Row Woodworks. arrive part, " and Rasj-s, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts, Xutts Saw?, etc. etc. and P ATE1IT HIC A EO OFIIIG The Xew York Mica Roofing Company, (Estab lished 854,) are manufacturing under Letters Pat ent The Best Article of Composition Roofing Ever offered to the Public. It is adapted t o every style of Roof, steep or fiat and can be readily applied by anyone. " ' ju The U. S. Government, after a thorough test of Us utility , have adopted its use in the Navy Yards and upon Publio Buildings. '( - ; '( The Roofing ispnt up in rolls, and has only to be tailed to the Roof to make a J ? IDurable Fire and Water-Proof Coverinjj:. We particularly recommend its use upon buildings, Stores, Cli u relies, Fac ' torles. Maclilne-Sliops.-Stcam- boat-Dcc!S, &e. MICA ROOFING PAINT For coating TIN, IKON, or SHINGLE ROOFS. It forms a ifody equal to three coats: of Ordinary Paint, No Roof can rust under it, and Old Leaky Roof may be made permaaently watei-proof and durable by its ue. Tbe Paint requires no Mixing, but is ready to be applied with the ordinary paint brush. Price $1 per galon, which will cover two hundred square feet -.-. Also manufacturers of ....... . . REVARXISII TARRED FELT AND ROOFING PITCH. Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List furnished. Rights for counties sold at low rates. Address. THE MICA ROOFING Co. 194, Broadway, New York. frand Humphreys, 61 Royal St., N. O. Sso field, Williams A Co., Augusta, Ga. Baldwin H. Woods, Montgomery, Ala. Thomas '8. CoaUs, Raleigh ,N.C. F.A. Tucker, Richmond, V. Tenrp Wilson, Petersqurg VaAgonts. , January, lsUlS65-ly J SOMETHING A good reliutle Aget wanted in every trn to take the entire controLJor his neighborhoocd, of seve ral of the he; tnott talea lie, and pro9iable articles of every uy use ever pre sented to tbe publil. Prof its large satisfaction guar asteed. The right nan or woman can make from $10 to 520 a week easily. En close stamp for full descrip iion and illnstratted cata logue. Sample sect freo : Exclusive control cf ter ritory given Address N. Y. Manufacturing Co. J7 Psrk Row, Y, 1000 AflBKTS "vTantcd (Vale er Female.) d) d) in As; Old Oocs, Est ta a Tta . 1867 mAi rprimg approtcXe Anti and Jioaehtt -, Trim their hole com oat And Jfiee and att i ' At ipit cf catty Gaily $liip alcutJ ' ." ' '., it.-- '18 years established in N.Y. City." "Only infallible remedy known." "Free from Puison." ''Not dangerous to the Human Family.' 'Rats come out of their holes to die." "CostarV Bat, Hoach, &e . Exterminatirs Is a paste u?ed for Uat$. Miee,Hoache3, Black and red Ant &c, i.,C, "COSTAR'S'' Bed.Bug Exterminator, Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and 8 a weventative for Bed-bug, de. .COSTAR'S" Electrio Powder for Insects is tor aoint, jioqiToei, r tea, ocu-uuj, intect on plant, Fotcli, Aio7. Ac. 5F" ! 1 1 Be war ! 11 of all wor tblesa imitalio ns Sf See that "COSTaB ." name is on eacn cox Bottle, and flask, before you buy. J37Address, - 'HENRY R, CO STAR, 434 Broadway, New Yotk. Sold in Brobnville, Nebraska by Uolladah A Company. And by all Druggists and Retailers, . -Jf" rTTTTQ AT 'd T.- T ITT 'i j. .i. i. tj. l 1 1 ' 7r i: C O S TA R -S CELEBRATED. BUCKTHORN SALVE For Cuts.iiurnf. Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers. Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and Painful Piles. ferofu;ous, rutnd and 111 eondi tioned Sores : Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Erup- tious. Cutaneous A Sections, Ringworm, Itch Corns Bunnions, Chilblains, Ac. Chapped Hands, Lips vc; Bites of pider3. Insects, Animals0. tST"Boxes, 25 ct3., 50 cts.,and $1 sise3. tSfSold bv all Drucirists everywhere. IdgTAnd by Hkxrt R CosTaR. Depot 4S1 Broad Way New York. ST" And by HOLLADAY A CO.. Brownville Neb . ...... ... ' . C O S T A R S ! UNIVERSAL - CORN SOLVENT, '.. i "' , ": ' . ' , J -. For Corns, Bunions, Warts, 6 Z " Boxes, 25 cts., 50 cts and $1 sizes. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. JST'And b7 HEivRr R. Cost ib. Depot 434;. Broad way, N. V. . " - ' - . : , r-And by HOLLADAY A'COBrowville, Neb, COSTAR'S rRsr jVbatiox o Bitter Sweet and Oransre Blossoms FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Used to Soften n& Beautify the Skin, remove Freckels. Pinocles. Eruntions. Ao. Lad'es a-e now using it in preference to all others. C?r Bottles. $1. tbold by all Druggists everywhere. And by Hinbt It. Costat, Depot 434, Broad tS-And "by HOLLADAY A CO., Brownville, Neh, i i CO STAR'S recTOBiL COUGH BEiMEDY For Couebs, Cold, Hoarseness. Sore Throat. Croup, Wbnpine Cvgh, Influent. Asthma, Con sumption, Bronchial Affections, and all Liseasea of tbe 1 hmat and Lung. t7liottles, 21 ct.. W cts., and $1 sises. "Sold by all Druggists everywhere. fc$r"And by HxRT R. Costar, Depot 4S4 Broad way. N. Y. pJAnd by HOLLADAY k CO., Brownville , Neb, COS TAR' S j " :- . 7 CIlXBBaTEP '. BISPIOi 1PI L X, S, - ; .''.'- . . t . A UNIVERSAL DINNER FILL, : For "Nervous and Sick' Headiche, Costivoness. Indigestion. Dyspep4a, Billiousnes Constipation, Diarrhea, -Colics. Chills, Fevers, and geneial de rsnerssent of the Digestive Organs. '' t??"R3xe4i,25 ets. 50 cia, and $1 fiiics. .' 'a -i:"So!d bp all Druggists everywhere. tiTAnd bv Hexkt U. Cosrai, Depot 4SI Broad way, N.Y. n74nd by HOLLADAY & CO- CxawnTuIe, Nes. vol II n20 3ra ; . , Pr s ehoise article ef Tee, ro to SWAN & ESQ'S. LATEST FASHIONS ESiTAKi) J.TT.Cradley'a celebrated Patent DUPLEIj! elliptic (OR POUBLB SPRING) Tne 'Wonderrol Flexltillity and great, ComJort and Pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages llhilrosd Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as tbe Sstirt cna be folded wben in oe to occupy email place -as easily an conreniently as a Stilt or Muslin. Dress', aa iavAlnle Quality in crinoline, not round lu any Single Spring Sktrt. " " ' " ' " - ' a Laly, Laving erjjyed tLe pleasnre, comfort and preat convenience cfWearlnj tbe Duplex jtlliptic Steel Sprio? SSirt for a sUKle 4ar, IF. never a:terwrds willingly diapenr-e ita't'ueir ustf. "rorCIiilJdren, Misse and Youtip Ladies tbey are superior to sDothers. They will not bend or break liie tae 5ius:e"S?rii.s, bnt will preserve their perieet arjfl: greceul v.ai where tbreeor four ordinary Stcirts will Lave been .thrown ss-iie as ureless The Eoops are covered wiU iduuble and twisted thread, uiid tbe tiotti'ni rods aro cut onry 4i'Uhje prings, butwice.(o'.donb:e) cuverodt preventing thera from wearing out wSen Uraggiug con stKps, stairs, &.c. The Duplex Eliiptij is a treat favorite with all the ladies and ii 'nmversally recommendcl by all the Fashionable Magazines as the btandard skirt of the Fashionable Wcrtd... - . Ta enjoy the following Inestimable advantages In Crinoline, viz . :perior quality, perfect niiinntacture, stylirdi sliapo aaJ -finih. nesibiliiy, dorabiiity, . com fort and economy, enquire lor J. W. BrUley's Duplex Kiiiptic or Double Spring Stirt, and te snre youget tbe gennine ariloie.. ' CAUTION. To guard against lmposiiion be partic ular to notice that ,ktrts offered as "DO'PLEX" bave the red ink stamp, viz , J ,W. Brsdley's Dupley El lipt ic Steel Springs." upon the w iiband- none other are genuine. A loo notice that every hoop will admit a piu being parsed through the centre, thus revealing tbe two (or double) sprl ?s braided together therein, which is the secret of their fiexibi lity and strengih, and a combination not to be found in any other skirt. For sale in all stores where First Class skirts are soldtbroughont the United States and elsewhere. .Manufactured by the soie owners of the patent. Wests, Bradley fic Gary, ll-3-2m ' - 97 Chambers & 76 fit 81 Reade Sis.. N. T j2A ma H I IK . FOE jvO If f ij-v - P fa QS t r j.j O M . . a Ls o-a" FORVABDIIW & COMMISSION MERCHANT S ,T Uelodeons ana Caulnct Organs. We are now prppared to deliver, in this ritv. Prince's Celebrated' Melodeons and Cabinet Organs at Factory Prices. This is the best opportunity ever yet of- erred, in this section, to become posses sed of one of these superior instruments. GEO. W. HILL &. CO. JlbthorxzeA Jltnls. The undersigned keep on hand a large assortment e SATTItlET &, GASStMERE SUITS For Men and Boy's wear. Also, a large stock of HLA.TS AJiNT) urn WOOIRII SHUTS BOOTS AND SHOES. PiabDer Cots, Levins & Blankets. -' ' - " '"'. i V -- i UMBRELLAS AND , CAKPET BAGS, Gent's. 'Fnrnisliing Goods. Of all kinds which we will sell ' ' -. . . O It E A P F OR CASH. We purchased our foods since the dh dine in ibo Markets and will sell allow figures. ATKINSON & CO. April 13th. 1S85. " 9-30-ly ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE CONSTITU TIONS, of both sexe use Helmbold's Extract Ba chu. It w ill give brisk and eaergetie fee!icgs,an J nable you to sleep well. V ' S-ja... . ...t ... J ? mi fs I' (l 3 A ' gO J we . r -1 - & " gO t J,..5 1 From 3. S. 'WILLI ASl'S Aaverusiny Ajreacy, ; . Chamber 8!reata, Saint Louis, Xo j4 TTorlds Tonic and ' " Blood Purifier, AND jEOOT&PLAKT; 'PILLS, Are tbe greatest Preventive and Curative Haa.ie tuedies of the ne, and are wonderfully ef hold Reni' fcacioa? in curing Dyspeptio and tn3utnp'iy Symptoms, Generiii Debility. Languor',, Bilious Dii eflses,aJ;cf.ioD3 of the Liver, Stomach, Buwels and Kidneys. Female Complaints, Scrofu.lou? Affec tions, and a'.l diseases 'arising from impure" b'oc.d, end a sura preventive of .i'everand Ague, Chol era, Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, &j. See circular around each bottle and box. Pre pared only by the Grafton Medicine Co., St. Louis, .Missouri. Sold by HOLLADAY & CO. - Brownville, rieb. FRENCHHOTEL! On tlie European Flaa Orposita the City Hall and Park, ( Cor. of Frank fort St. -VjCHT YORK. Spacious Refectory .Bath Room and Z?arbers Shop. Strvanti not allovsee to receive Perqrtiiiii. Do not believe Runners or Uaekmen who say we are full. July 1st. IS65. 1 year. Qoda Crackers, Ginger Snaps, and Aerated Crack- U erf, at ' SV"AN A BRO'3. T)alm Soap, Castile, Rosin and Detersive Soap JL and the Celebrated bnver Uloss March at S H'AN A PRO'S. 7 Dyspepsia Cure, : This' Great Remedy tor all Diseases of the ' 1 ! STOMACH, - is the discovery of the inventor of Coe'a valuable Cough Balsam, while experimenting for his own. heairhi 'It eured. Cramp in the Stomach for hiu which bad before yielded to nothing but Chloroform. The almost daily testimony from tariua parts of the country encourage us Jq believe.tbe.re Is no'dis eusecnuscd by a disordered stomach it will not speeaily cure. ' 1 - '- ":" ' ' ' ' - Pysicians endorse andUseitl! Ministers eive testimony of. its efncaqy ! And from all directions we receive tidings of cures performed. , Bipepia ! -'tis sure to cure. Heartburn I One dose will cure. StcJfc-HeatfacAe It has cured in hundreds 9 utu Veadache and JUizzinei I . . . It stops in thirty minutes. Acidity of the Stomach I It corn-ctsatonce. Riling of the Fond J It stops immediately,. Dttre after eating I One dose wEl remove. Cholera Horbu I .: Rapidity yields to a few doses. Bad Breath I ; Will be changed with half a bottle. It is Perfectly Harmless ! ! Its unprecedented success i owing to the fact that It Cures by Assisting Mature, TO RE-ASSERT HER SWAY iN THE SYSTEM! Nearly every dealer in tbe United States sells it a OMC DOLLAR PEH COfTLC. C. G. CLARK, & CO., Proprietors, NSW HAVEN, COMM. , HOLLADAY St CO., and McCREERY A CO. Gecera! Agents. Also for sale by MARSHA CO. November 15, lSStf. - GET THE BEST .MRSj OBEILDREISr. Ts now truly acknowle lcd a saperiar preparation for all diseas-js ineiJcnt t infants and cbi.drea. EVERY BODY SPEAKS In exalted term of commendation of its truly won- riorfii iTperfl nnd medicinal virtues, ana are de lighted with its use. E2f Price, Only 25 cents per BottIe.JgJ by Sold by all dealers in, tnd:ein. Prepared oa I y the Grafton Medicine Company, St. ui?, , Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st. 6m Brownville, Neb. LEGAL NOTICE William Turner will take notioe that Teres Tur ner did on the 21th day of March A. D. 1357, file her bill of complaint, in the District Court, in and for Pawnee County, Mate of .Nebraska, io Chance ry .against the said William Turner. The object and prayer of said complainant, Teresa P. Turner, in said bill , is to obtain a deoree of said Court dis solving the bonds of m itrimony between the said Teresa r. Turner, Complainant and tab said Win. Turner, Defendant, and the said William Turner is notified that he is required to smear and an swer sh'uI bill of CompUineQi on or before Monday the ZOth day of May . 1 8o7. iatel April 4th 27-4t$9 CHARLES n. GERE. Solicitor for Complainant. GRANT'S CAEAP CASH STORE. ' 'Jlfain 'Street between First and Second.. BROWNVILLE, N. T. I Would Respectfully : inform th Citizens of Brownville, and surroundir.ir country that I hve just received my fall Stock of Go'tds, consisting of i: Of the latest styles and heft quality. Mens heary calf Boots, double soled Boot?, Fine Kip Boots boys and childrens Boots and Shoes. All kinks of La dtes' Boots and Shoes or the finest and bestqu ality. India Rubber and Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries of Every Kind, Consisting of the bes brand of Sugar, Coflee, Tea, Pepper, Allspice, Soda, Candles. Tobacco, Matches, Starch. &c.,&c, &c. Wooden Ware, Stone Ware, Tbe Be-t Quality of The best Woolen Under and Over Shirts, Salt Salt by tbe pound er barrel WHICH HI OFFERS FOB SALS CHEAP FOHCASH Allot wticn beorersat the lowert stiee. dtur- 1 tuned not u te uatlsrsoU. GRANT. NOTICE. TTw-ereJiiars of Jara Gruwell, dece-ised. wilt take notice that the Probate Jain of Nf.raha County, Nebraska, will receive, examine, adjust all -1 . : . - , , . .. . ciaim ngKiufiiaia aeeesea, ana that be will st for that purpose at his oCce in Brownville i io said County of Nemaha the llth dayof Noreraber A.D. lS')7,and tbe 9th day of Dnee-ner A. i. ls.7. be tween the hours ot V o'e lck A. M., and 4 o'clock P. M.cf laid days, unless taolai of creditor in presented tosaid Probate Juda;e for allowance up on one of the days men' iuod aba ve , they will not be entitled to payment. , i . GEO. W. FAlRBROTHtB, : : 23-4t; 9 Probate Judge." FOR NON-RETENTION INCONTINENCE of Urine, irritation, infiimation or ulceration of the bliutJer. r kidneys, d i-eases cf the prostate glands, stone ia the bjdder, calculus, gravel or brick dust deposit, and ail diseases of the bladder, kidney and dropsieial swelling, Usb Hiijie old's Fi.riD Errs act Dccnr. Ayers Sarsaparilla r sJ Henry P. Skenmnit Piano3tjIJeIodeoa Musical lustncntSjMuskal Merch; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. No. 35 Market Street, between ll&la and Ses ST. LOUIS rttalluhed in 1343 Pol a nd' s Magic Billious Powders. f) This preparation il t!i. dijcor.r, , -r f lb Iter. J. W. Polwi.f,,,.,,,!.'' - - - . -1 tho P.stnf if ri P , :... .L . ' he hastor of the Baptist charch i jtown, . ana a aaa d... J':f ly beloved Z ' ' throtijjhout by tht denoniintiCm NewEnzlsol. H..'. M-lGIC vCPSX ob"Aed to leave the pu-pit aai ,.. l mo .vnuui ti9 0DS the most wonderful discoveries of modera tixa It in TEjS G22AT LI7E3 AND jSILIOUS Eir which completely throws is the shade a I o-i, discoveries in msiicina; and i aJords bimuj gratification that they receive tbe nnanimoaj iv probation of ail who have tested them. Tit JUr". io Eilious Powders are a PositiveCure t orUver Cornplaiat n its most agravated form, and an -maeaiat.fj. rector of all BILLIOUS DERAlGEIJEnT3 Excellent lor Headache, COXSTiP ATIOT?, Pimples, Blotches. A Shallow 3V Drowsiness, ' Diisioess. fieartvuru, C?l;iuu And a most wonderful Cure & Preventive offerer ij (We advise all who are troubled witij thisteirii malady to always keep the Powders on haadrwjj for immediate use.) Here are a few important particulars: . 1st They are the Great Specific for a'J tillkst Affections. 2d They are the tmly known . reaudy that wi3 cure Liver Complaint. . 3d They are the oaly known remedy that will ears Constipation. ..... 4lh. The I'owds'S are so tho.onja in their ope ratioa that one package will be all that the mvori ty of tbo?e U3irg them will require tosuect acart. ' 5th They are a mild and pleasant ye f th koiI elfectivs cathirtiu known. 6th. They are the cheapest cathsrtio known. " ; fith.' They are the cheapest and best medicioew Unt, as they can be sent by mail to any tart of the globe, for the price, 60 cent. Circulars, containing certificates, information,!: sent to any part of the world free of char7).' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, or mail on application to C. G. CLARK, & ' (iENKvtu Agists. NEW HAVEN, COIN? November 15, 1S63. $100 EEWABD ; For a medicine that will cure Coughs, Influenza, Tickling in the Threat, Whooping Cczi or relieve Consumptive Coughs, as quick as DIED Ml II! OVER CXNE MILLION BOTTLES have been sold and not a single instance of itsful ure is known. We have, in our p.iscjioo, atj quantity of Certilioatn, some of them from EMINENT PAYSICIANS, . who have used it in their prvitice.an 1 irsa it tbe pre-eminence over ever other compound. It does no t dry up a Cough LOOSENS IT. so as to enable the patient to expcctoiatS fretty. Two or three doos Will Jnvaiiably Curt Tickling tn Lu Threat! A half bottle his of ton completely eirsl th rcot Stubborn Cough, and yet, thnuzh it is so iur and speedy in its operation, i ; u parfeeny barf less, being pareiy vegeUbin. IS U a very tde to tht t.ite. and may be aaministeri w cau dren cf any age. In esses of Croup wo will guara tee a cmo if taken in season. . Ti ;i i i t l ,k,,i ioiuiiJii) siiuuiu ud vwwyu. It is within ihe reach of all.it being the ch?t nd best medicine exta'it. C. G. CLARK & CO , Proprietors. NEW HAVEN, CONN. A. S HOLLADAY Si CO., and W K. McCREERYr Brownville, Nebr General Apenta. SALE OF dP PRAISED ST0C Friday the 3d day of May. 1867 at 2 o'clock or said day, I will offer fr sale t th highest der for cash in hand ,on the preivisee of W Starr, living in Lafayette Precinct, in ' County ebrajka,one stray ba mare rony. r years oJd last Spriag. Taken up by Wax. and now ia his possHSioi. 27-etpd JONATHAN 111C bowk jd mm Over oOjCOO msnufsctured and pow ia " UJ couufy ana turoje. These wrrld rrr.rvti.-d o scbins were syT tbe Er?t rrhe. Ten Punnds SurHrff.at tHef"' Qusdrlrrnial Trial at Fljmrutb. Erg ,J'7l51 and at ire ireai national J iful inai, Auburt N. Y.. fn Jutv. ISCi.lhe First PrB g::and gold hfdal. The PRIZE MOWEB While it retairs all tbe adrantazes wbicB aade it so uninerssl a faronte, is irtetly iprf ed bt the addition f STEFL UN Eli GUARDS, JhWHTMtN CONNECTION:, - STRONGER KMVEJ, fal'Rl.N(;EAT. . ADJUSTABLE FOLDINaFScI, Making it a, rerfeet machine. The lightest d the m,t darahle, and at tbe same time the s-ap and best catting cnrr.ee io tbe world. The Kelf-Kakcr Kepeater! Is qnstly called tke Victor of ewer y eontt. 1 m a. J - - ... .. J ., t . '. . ..n Ik.' 1 u,ww The new Mowing Atrtc faction and makes one :bment givee rnr) C of the most ",(ZZ. eapers known, aad ' combined Self-Rake Reape jy warrant it. Tb TJAUD RAKE KEAP Is at ttesame time the cheapest and tht ! its kink ersr oCered. It cuts a swarth f re feet wide in Respiff- ijt four d fcif ia Mowirg. As a M-wtr i' "'.j best Foldinz Bar .XncLjn in use. The ,".s wbieb it is munsged, iJi in rhangng i ) to lieper,or tie-veri, wiJl at once r "-'-3131 Minnfirtured by the TT ALT E A. WHOD Mowlcg & Kearirg Machine Cos; - . Hcosicli Falls II. T. GENERAL SALESROOMS 40 Colandt Street, N, Y, 20GLake Street, Chicoo. trtlTJTTP.V OFFICE 77 Upper Thames Street, Londoj Descriptive Catalogues sent on applictto i$a?s Cathartic Pilk Th TV C f-r win i U 7"