Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 02, 1867, Image 2

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    . si
Erorniiilc Lmd CGce Easiness,
To rietsr. Dcrey,-Heed ley Co., 1
Land A ret. '.5, are we initbted fcr the
fcllcv.h.g f.g'ires, sha-Jucg' the cumber
c: acres cf "public land eutered ia the
Nemaha Land D.r.'ct at the cCre in
thvie city dnr.g the month cf April ;
''rcrlU-ner.eaiv S3 acres.
1 With A. C Scrip, 15,553 2 1
With Warrants, 4'o5 00 ' " .
Total,. Cl.619 15 acres.
-Thes3 r.ures spak volumes fcr.the
grcih cf this District. Vt'e believe it
is at 10,0 ID acre? checd cf entries
.v r.t, -.p p...;.,.t P,e'jthe to-Limjelf wiihcli his cr her
time ia the United States. co-cperatics ia the enterprise. ' -
EroiniTille a rllrcaa Terminus
We publiih, ia ancthf r column, rt Cir
cular frcm ihe rreiident cf the 2.ris.s-
irriand Miri Air Line Railrcai.
Thtugh not directly culled cpoa to aid In
this cnterp rie cait the Missouri rirer,
yet it is cf v.s.i iiiipjrtinc w us that it
iht'SA be completed- Twenty-hve miles
cf this read are graded and ths rail laid
and fifteen mere are graded.
Ly the Circ-lur u w;Il be sesa that
President Davis regards this as the ter
ciinus cf tbis rend, and locks forward to
na extensicn c:
oi3 to a ccnneciicn
wtta tie L.
t t r
hit Gen. Darid
lucre, cf Cinton, is ca the line urging
the road and raising the money to defray
he cirsnse cf the survev. which has
rbspsexe this If tn begun. .
.-: We Uheve the prospect fcr an early
ccn-rletia cf this road h ood, J
ihe interests r.hich are
rT .
.n i
the counties throurh whtch it rcsses ia
r:-o, , , .
uiiK?uri are aitre to its .mr-crtnncs ana
ready to aid the vr;
Oa cur side cf
the r.rer we can gire pos:ure assurance
cf a
munificent grant cf public Is.ris to
aid its extinsica to the TaciSc connec
tiens, as new ihcre is no railroad grant
withia this D. strict.
We hope the Gcnfral will gTre us &
call while at this cud cf the rood ; and
r. e again urge upon this and adjoining
ics;era counties ihe propriety of raising
the funds la extend the survey at leastto
Ft. K.eamey.
5C0.CGO Acrts crrc!)llc Un2s,
- As ihrro has been some doubt as to
Tsebrails beirg entitled to the 00,000
" acres .cf'jublic land fcr Internal Ica
prcvemects, crer and above the cona
tions msde ia the Ccallirg Act, tee pub
lish the'fcllowing, which conveys two
facts: first, that we are entitled to the
sa;d C'0,000, second, tbat Senator Tip
ton is realously wcrkirg fcr the bentfli
cf Ktlrasba:
Di-rijiTMrs-T rr the IrrrsicR,-
Gtn. Land OtHce, Ap.II, X37.
Jo-.. T If. 7ij?on: Sir Referring
to jny letter cf ihe C.h ult., to jxu, rcia
' lire to 'he lights cf Nebraska to ibe
lands d bv ihe Fr.isbhn Act cf
lP.h April, IS34, and the grant of 4th
September, 1S11, cf SCO,000 acres for
internal lmprcremcnts. i nave low to
state that the Secretary cf the Interior j
decided on the, that the gract Glee wood, Sener Valley, Cuh, which jcr
cf 1S11 is r.oi chargeable with the lands j is an indication that these Indians j fujj
granted ly ihe Enabhr.g Actcf 1SG4. desire a treaty : "4
I have ccwcu ihe loca cL.cesot C:s
.decision and ecclose c-epy cf cur letter,
I alo enclose a circular relative to se-
P.... .r 1.. 4. ... a .,.,....., p.. .itcians under the command cf Biack
1 liaw k, who have commuted many depre-Crci&-
jdaticns in lhat neighborhood. The old
- I am S;r, rcsrcctfu.Iy yours,
JO. S. WILSON, C-ca. 4
OirxiiTyrNT cr tj:c Intertii, ) j
Gn. Lx:.i C:v.ce, A p. 11, '67. j
KccisfrS Rector, Ercwule, A5.. I
Gectit r. : Tlie. Secretary of the Ia- .
U rior, ciiUcr vste o; 1st inst., decided
i..a me in--s ;o i;.e c.a;e c;
. , . . r n- .
rvclrsskain virtue cf ti e Act
r,r,v . iv--. v j 1
ducted frcirt the Internal Imprcvecten
grant by the actcf 4:h September, Ibil,
'O. S. MLSON,Cca
Chief Jnsllcc n:ae.
A letter recently received ia Ocraha
rial Diitrict.
., :e ,n ti -mf.... I -iCC -i.2ri ?Hk6 aa m,!.;:;. rr.r.-! lh counties atone ihe line tea times i
vec wi?4 allow Kle-ct.ons to be made n-! Wtcli v.s tel: ia this city last Tei- expens, cf iabor andthe Unds of . the: cost ; .for wuh it, your counties j lr-. CoVCTSOr. ; T;, -. ar..
j , . t . , ,. , , j with their mineral?, ngricu. lure and en- n,.-,, n - , - i r - , : - - . j
dcr ihe ere gram without reference to c-esday, we ic-ara was generally felt f cure, if any, given, ihe kind and con--jeral stiics will beg ivec and ruM-J t , ' c. ihe itatej -. 21. Sjd..ihr av?- .s nayej
what may lave bca cr may be selected ! tcugh'oc: "Nebraska, Kansas, " .Ncrih ditica cf th soil, the quality, kind and'ed in patnnhle: -forra,' and dutri'tTd ' -Tvides tf,it-'ihe X-gth- deemtd 1 1 canary t carry c-t ihe pro-
under ihe cihrr. j Missouri, Southern Iowa and action cf Umount cf seed, and ihe lime and mode thronchout! ihe.countrj, showing ween Zl slor(iZ7?f ; c: the Ccnstituttan
Vcrj- respectfully, 1 Mitels. It seemed stronger farther jf ?a:litg n in the ground, must be given, i other States .what and chere are your 'lh
frcra Judge Jittlc, trcm Aurora, 1IL, caem'oera cr ice institutional vxaren- j acre, ana a roci crcps-i3r noness man j v Juu - i--. from a Territorial condition to that cf a ! "Trr-rrtrrTr
hich he dictated, being to low to write, ! lien hts resulted ia a Republican triumph jene-f oar th f n-cre. Root crops lobe j H io c;e jou wi'd ; $tate. absolutely re tires, far the pre-- j XRW A )VFJTK V KT
ch-cs with ibis tad senteuce: -I am : of 20,000 ms-crity. This is ta increase dirested cf their tops previous to being A ii, -u -i . ervat;oacf ordr. aad iae asneuitural s l4
, , , j x r ,ni; r, , ...... . . ' Agam, m my tciamew with railroad ; aDa coomercia! interests cf ihe people, ' rTc Ti
p-ollly cn my death bed, an .ahull j cf ever 6,000 crer Fccirn'ajcsomy in ce;gheu. The rules in regard to ciher men, cf hte, lnd it a settled policy on , tut the Legislature should convene as - - -BREWdhKY.
rtcvrr ?ce voi rgS;n.M j lSCOw cropat be agreed, upon ty the Doctors ibeir.pan, icreqairedaaatiaas from par- s00n s p-racricable. " I r.r7,-r 9 pTT,
This wdl le fad r.e ws to bis many The Republican candidate for :,'aror cfhe -Society. ires.jaterested. somethicg like equal to j Therefore, in accordance with the : '-nuiLU iAMA,
friends in this State, ani will recessitate Z Lcuurille, Kv., was recently elected) -Form cf flicTii. -adin-.aad ueing .rnady for.therroT15iocs cf CrnstitcM-n, and by! niaSttii- EerTi- f ti rsri-
iheerpcinrmcntcf rctr.3 cue to fill the ly majority. Lt year the Coa NtxaBa'CocKiT, Kaaaassa-: " T A . v , ! rt3e ''V6 "?i'e4 ;n : Jrr; '::V "
" . ,v. y.v ' ; , . ; tj v . , ., -Agatn, 1 sa twr friends -in 2telra.-a , Dana .Brrui:, .Gcveraor c: .tne Mate . V. ". -i.-s-u-f.,. , &
uh .h it nill make in this dudi- servatives carried the c:;y by 2.000. A. B bemr rst duly swera. says A,r, 4 v,.,m., k.j, L v.t ... -u-, . : f.-.r a I-r. iSf y m rreii to laitua
From the proceedings cf the Nemaha
Cctnty Agricultural Society, published
in Enctber columa. we drttyr pot hive as-
turaare t-itt the year Ic,- vrid .act pturtM
iwev without there bcfc-z he'd-ia this i
county aa Agricultural Fair. Thi-t is I ui
the mural result cf the grcw& cf 'thta!
county, and it actually demanded ly al
most every interest in '.the co-iury. No
accurate knowledge, cf the qtnlitycf our
clock is possible without it; and erea if
tt l?e rather scrubby," ax some fanners
alledg e, it must fain ty a general knowl
edge cf the necessity for improvement,
as repentance results cnlj from
tioa cf errcr. In ether matters, crcpi,
etc , the negligence which has resulted
bo.h frcca the rich qcality cf ihe acil and
attempts ta cul'.jrate toa much, is sorely
in reed cf jastsuch cjunteracting ttica
ius as is afcrded in the competition fcr
premiums; although cur crcp vcouli not
f uffer by ccmp&riton r.ith tho?e of chie
S:ati, yet low they are but a poor ni
cer cf the fertility cf cur soil.
; The interests benefited ly a County
Fair are enly linr.tti. by the. bounds cf
the county : and thooh farmers are
rectlv'inurtr.ed. retail will i& material-
ly feel its tentft ia time that na merch
ant cr householder ia the ccun:y can in
1 General Yzr In Europe
Seems rc- ineTitable. Prassia'a euc-
1 cess in the war with Austria has, with
-e Ler one of the leading
powers of Earcpe, and Bismarck feels
himself completely "master c the eita
atjca,' and has erea demanded of Tfa
pcleca his reasoa for aa eTident prepa
ration fcr war ca the part cf France,
France, Prussia end Russia ere all seek
ing alliances with as many of the minor
States as possible, while Prussia and
Russia hare already formed an alliance
ofensire and defeniire wizh each ether.
The possession cf Luaemberg the sec
end strongest fortress in Europe is the
cause cf contention between France and
Prussia; Prussia havicg new possession
d garnscned by her troc? which it is
Frt-e rawn ;
Russia-is preparing to dine Turkey,
whde Europe js m broil.,. .
Ail the lesrer States are arming and
cifrwUe preparing for war. Italy will
itant by the power which aided her :a
, 3
winnicg Veneua ; Austria is reported
w;ii side widi Germany, Thile England
plays neutral.
la the erent cf war the United States i ed to appoint seren mnnagers, who, to
hare nothing to lose and may gain much. ; gether with the cfBccTs of the Society,
By absorbing into the army much cf the
producing population will gire us a for
eign market for our surplus bread stuffs,
will gire comparatively rrreater security
to our bonds and ;vj renewed impetus
lo immigration.
Cnr Intlzz rollcj
Of to day is a shame and a crime be
fore God and man. The Ft. Phil Kear
ncj massacre is yet fresh in the minds of
all, and now ihe telegrtph brings it as
glad tid ng that a ireaiy has ' been made
with these devils, ihey, while demanding
peace, confessing- their participation in
the late massacre. -Concoct like this can
never bring peace with these savages,
while it can but inspire contempt ia the
minds cf civilized whites, and. must ar
gue to the savage a pusclanimity incon
sis'ftct with his ideas cf a brave people.
Well, a -treaty has 'been concluded, and
'die Ir e 'ens doubtless have heaps of nice
presents to garnish the scalps they have
taken from murdered soldiers and citizens.
j In this connection the Salt Lake Union
j Vidette, cf the 6th, gives the following
tcciuent which occurred during a k:e !
massacre by Indians cf the iti2er.s cf
j i family consisting cf a faiher and
jhis two daughters. cf the respective ages
!of were wcked by a band cf
man had his brains beaten out by a club;
ibe fate of the daughters was most re
volting, their bodies were first violated
T savages, when they were pot tc
death withextrerre tenure by ihe thrust-
trough kuo;te rice sticks into
A. Government which will make a
. , , .
trea: cher lasn cf crterminatioa,
, .
l"ese -evit merits only contempt
rcm its unprotected citizens.
south ihsa at this point. an4 at U.nana u
r,rr. rii-'-l.ert'lllCn" "AM LVfl
premiums on grc5s ari grain crops cay by a railroad. As it now stands J cr i
Thft recent election in Neir York for shall cot be awarded d"cr less than one lyou are central; but an encroachment nr i "x'-v."!- . x-v . !
T 1 t),l I - - 1 . . UJ : tir, t.-" Ill rr,i."':'.--:-i rc ,lc f.-i-.
.... w.w.wvww.v'Vfc 1 . V M A M M. '
InpcrteJ CSelalSc
Frrm the very fLrs: movement f cr Slate
one reason why we urired it w as that we
would thea Lave inhuence so centre! ;the
gcrerijnent cutces in am
rcskafcr I Te
la this v;e admit our ener.
We e that Mr. Callamcf Jackrcaville,
LL, Las beta confirmed Omaha Indian
Agent. Although he is a E.epubiican,
and, fcr ought we know, the appointment
is a good cne, yet we cattnot see the
justice cf impcrting men to H positions
Tittia the bounds cf liebraska, .vhile
plenty cf raea, honjert and capable, who
hare roughs 2 it through a dczea years cf
conric-ipicaeer life lo bail! up Nebraska, are
here ta select from.
We are pleased to know that tht; cause
of the people cf Nebraska found an able
champion ia Hen. T. Vi. Tiptaa, who
strongly eppoted the importation cf cS
cial3 lo T'fcbratka, Tft wiuut arail,
'agaiit ihe theory cf the majcriiy . -that
these Indian Agencies were national
property and cpea to men from any of
the States. Tlc.'h defeated in this
effort, we are sniLhed thai Senator Tip
ma. will ght it , cut ca this Tine," and
strirelo hare rendered to INTebraikians
justiy their.
PrccceSIss: cr it 2 -irein tt a Co
, igrlcsllznil Socieij".
Meeting called to order by the Presi
dent. ' -
E. R. iNickersca was culled to art as
Secretary, pro tea.
Oa moiica a Committee was appornted
to procure Certificates cf Membership.
Oa notion a Coniminee was appoint
ed to solicit members, composed as fel
lows; George Crow, James W. Coleman,
W. G. Swan, A. K. Farnam, Ben. Sa
rin, S". P. Majors. John S. Minick, S. M.
Rich, Jcha LI Colhapp, A. .J. Enter,
W. Robb, J. IX Paulia, C. F. Haywood,
Wiliiara Hughes and C. F. Harmes.
On motion, "the corresponding Secre-
iary was instructed to tent to Hon. Tr
W. Tipton, U. S. Senator from uebraka,
a list cf ahe names cf the members cf
this Socis-tv. -
-Z. R. laCKERSU, Sec, p.L
Lcsno, April 7th, 1S57. .
Soiiety met persaant to calh. 2:
: ' President ia the chair.
Minties cf the previous meeting read
tnd approved. " f ;
r H. O. Minick stated the object of the
meeting lo make iurdier cecessary ar
rangements to insure a successful County
Fair this Fall, and then" cfered the foi-
lowing which was adopted :
That the President is hereby request-
shall constitute a Board cf Directors for
the General management cf the affairs
of the Society.
That it is essential to the success nf
ihe Society thai fair be held ihe coming
F all. -end that said fair be a success. It
is hereby resolved that the following
rxdes be adopted;
That a list of the articles fcr which
premiums are to be awarded by the So
ciety be published ia the .Vebraslta Jli
vcriiscr at least four months previous to
the day of exhibition.
That c cmpetitors for premiums must
be members cf the Society.
That ail articles offered for premiums
must be eweed. by .the person offering
ihe same, cr by members of their fami
ilies, and products f the soil or manu
factured articles must be produced or
manufactured within the county.
That awarding committees of three cr
ve persons each be appointed by the
Board cf Directors id ihe Society for
judging the different classes of articles
offered in competition and awarding pre
miums fur the same.
That the awarding committees must
comply with the provisions of the law
requiring competitors for premiums on
ps and other improvements to furnish
and -correct statements cf ihe process
and expense of culture, production, etc.
That competitors fcr -premiums cn
crops shall be required 10 furnish a state
ment in accordance with the following
rules which -statement shall -be verified
byfndavit as per form annas ed. viz .
The land shtrll be measured by some
competant person. The applicant shall
make affidavit to the Quantity cf .ground
and grain raised thcrecn and entered on
the premium list, which aCdavit -must
accompany the spplicatioii lo- premium
together w-ith a sample of the grain.
The main object cf the Society being,
- r.rUo.r.! im!i.-. it i r.t
r .
,n rvfTa-r nrnminmt fnr rrr.n nri. 1
duced ty extravagant expeciture mere-
i j
fere, a detailec certtded accourjt oi toe j
The cram to be weighed and the num-1
V.. C .....-T- r : J-T.
, Cim tn be hel!ed. ' j ' . V 1 a:ca tney v.-ere so, to lc , A i iCO
i . t i ; r r-vr i.irr ii.t :,i.i.-,; t,, r-A iiL?ia
-grr "ere "suhirnTrd" nest tl the Capitol ia the City c Oma-j
measureu by and and taut the f, loexteiid our T0,d to the cn Thursday the sixteenth day cf j
quanujy cf land was - acres ana no pr tocoecticns. All this mike? : t3V LEx at : a l.v:r rt two 0 c.o, .
morend that tie "v-aatity cf grain greaily for our enterprise. ' M.,'for th- a inking action up-1
rah-ed therecn tia'ssc-bushels, and that Ycu -.villpiease receive err erent. r.-z zz e fllorr r. g sut ?c:$ c. Legisatica. ,
b wwnu6w. eb until the work- cn
rc: ;
1 A. i
c. ,rt t..Vcrr;l( htTr,Tt rr. e
thii day of -s 15-7.
Committee oa Certificates reported
that they had five fruadred Tickets -cf
llembership streck.
R. W. Furnas, Wm. Daily, J. S. Mia-
R. W. Furnas, Wm. Daily, J. S. Min -
, T. Rice, A. IL Farnam. G. Crow,
v- tt l
i lm. Hughes, were appointed as a
Board cf Director?.
No further business eppeanng the So
ciety adjourned. . . ....
F. H ALLEN, Sec.
pAWjrni Citt, Nebraska, ?'
Pursuant to notice, -the "Stock-holders
of the Pawnee County Coal Mining Com
pany, met at the Odd Fellows' Hail, in
Pawnee City-SaVurday, April 20, 1?57,
at 2 o'clock P. M." " ' ' "
On motica of'A, S; Stewart,' Gor.-D.
Butler, was elected President pruiem; .
On motion cf J. P. Lore, A. S, Stew
art was elected Secretary, protem.
Moved and carried that th'eStock-hnld-
ers proceed to the .permanent election of
officers of the. Company, v.hich resulted
as follows :
President, Gov. David Butler; Viee
President, A- S. Stewart. Treasurer,
E. J. Shellhorn,
The following named persons were
elected. Directors: Kev, H. M. Gdtner,
Ruf us Abbott, J. C Peavy, J. P. Lore
and A, S. Stewart.
On motion of A- S..StecrarL, Hon. W.
W. Wardell was elected local Arent a
ieorask-a uay, utoe county.
m . , , -. an . r.
Ua motion or JJr. J. JN. .dcLastanc,
Col. T J -Meiers was elected local Arem
at Brownvil!
- t i t-. - ,
c&tTon 0: J ohn Don. Gov. uutier,i u. kltl
- Oanrs
was re
quested to secure the service cf
Prcf. Hayden, if possible, to make a ge-
ological surrey and examination of this
County. Gov. Butler was also, selected
j to act as General Agent for the compa
ct.- : ' - . , ,
On mrro cf H. 11. - Gilter, " A. S.
Stewart was elected Cabinet Superin
tendent oLGenlugical Specimens, u-. '
After" some ' interestrng remarks by
Rev. H. M. G?aervGov.' Butler nnd
others, the meeting adjourned to meet
i in Pawnee City, iwo weeks from to-day.
TJ. BUTLER, President.
A. S. Stxwakt. Sec'y.
7V Cmoil i' r't, April IS a. -
lllssosrl & Hlsslsslppl A. L. Rail
road, Chsccnaa.
I seat to you a circulir some time since
asking your co-operation, and giving suih
facts and condition of thirgs as then ex
isted. You have had the matter before
you. and I am satisfied you need no ar
gument 10 .convince you of its importance
to your couutry.
Now that the roads hare become pus
sable, Gen. David Moore, cf Canton,
will visit each locairy along the line,
and have put in a practical business
shape, the means for ihe survey f :his
road, and to urge the counties to contrib
ute (in iheir ccrporaiecapaciiy) of their
bonds for building ihe rou-tl.
Since -sending cut my former circular,
dvnw Yoajt, JJarch 27. ?GI.
. H. Dans: Sir I send you n In Jo
seph Smith, who has had considerable
experience as an engineer, in the North
Wst. and is weiifjualifled to take charre
cf a survey of your line cf road. I shadi
nave luu canndeoce in whatever report
he may make on the route. cc I have
mentioned your project to Mr Jov, of the
C B & Q R R., and Mr, Frost, of the
TP i W H IL, while competing with
ours, have at the same time, a common
interest in this western extension. They
agree with me, that an early survey by
ail means ought to be made, givicg ihe
probable cost of the road, cc
Vke Pres't T W &, W RR Ca.
Now, it is evident that if we, the peo-
pie, do not feel latere,: enough in ths ;
ecattstics of so rich and yet so isolated a
country, we will do but little toward the
boil Jinr the. road; acd ihe liiie ha com
when the matter has to come to an issue.
If you start this surrey, I candidly think
- -II l . l r ,
u wiu t-s starting tne Dui4ua, ana a t
)5UI? lU wu,l"cuoa
And tor the !
ake cf arumem. let us suppose it uune
... . , ..
oai "closing- a bargain 'with
those companies for the tuddin- cf :-t:r '
t. .... ' ' .
roau, tne survey wm i?e wcrta 10 ihe
- - ,
-a . - -- - 'u-
froat Rrcwcviile, oar terrnlass, to Fcrt
1 have received another letter from Mr. f - .uoa,.- rIl",cul ut "c:" Irf , T i
Colburn, which I here give to show ycu j.. ' 3. To rrorn- f,r th- i-ttmg cf tron-;
the importance of an arly survey. ar-U lvX:enc' -ru-n:el!c- A!-?' i Jrar V 5"7i:y,cpESal arj r-qutred j
- -" J J -.. oaictry Tsjcjietc arvyir,.-i,avi- j - the use cf tf.e fltato, cud iar ue.tng
he rend is comr
! menced.- Hence, vre "have toasi: you-o-
i cr. m. cm- ! 1 d nr. it :i nr.s t a make tnem a vail-
The General is fully qualified to give
r i the details of plans, lio.
Ue want your counties to ia.e
liberally, and ieMhsre ba as Ujl condi
! tions as pessibe to protect your interests.
for such reduce the value of your hoizis
and you are the loosers.
are co B Mt c?aicsI
ibl? until the wcr
-our county lissumg.bsnda for this road, j cjgtt cf ch-pter fppty-lhre. cf the Ite
and, indeed, it is a financial blessing to j T;sed Statute, regulating the Eppoint-
i you,
V' i
you cive m
a 1
L o n u 5 scy
from ILK) to ioJ tnousan- cc.mrs, t:e
amp' with two or three times as much,'
will bii put in active circulation ia your
county end. will act as a successful reme -
dy. s g inst iafd times, sp -tf -noh;pL?T cr
more important results were to cone ta:s
cf i t eel f wwl lie a C-n e ' s t r ok e o f -fi na
c al -poliryv and. furthermore. thee bauds
will not have, to tepaid tiliyoa have the
The msf,.ar is with yen.
IL: DAVIS, PresIdenL
IN'ew lork Dry - Go oils Xwrktt
The Independent" says, .4cnce more
Isew York seems to be alive with activ
ity. The hotels are crowded with mer
chants from the liorth, Haii and .West,
gndu coTiSitrereW pwtW-ar are froa
tne iou:n.
I lur in- N jits rpil'.i.-ir
. . ... .
stocks rHprdly, and very soon prcbab'y,
the commission houses and impjrters will
be hard at work again. The sudden up
ward turn in gold has had, perhaps, a
little influence to check the downward
tendency in the price of goods. JJuyers
therefore 'do not iiave everytmg their
own way," as they articipatd tea days
a0. The war news frurn .Europe came
w-. 1 "
. I iust in time to nive a better tone to trade
j iNowhere, now,- irxcept in Wall street is
;Lere rA.h zutelv ;Q rerard to the re-
suits Of tn sprt::g business. The first
! f2x moninsnt t-is year, nowerer, will De
devoted, oimmiy to Iiquidattoa 'anu rr-
j pairs. OT-meruhauU hrnd in tne
-i . i i - j
interior wul rut their houses ia order.
; Zli feej ,val pye dDn? remarkab!
weii if their balance sheets look as well
ou tne nrst nay or utr astney c;u on
the nr?t drT tt zari-rr. Tf.rv sr
i her .
coming cown ai.-s
m war tc rpc:e
prices, and nia thank' Providence which
is so wed directing our commercial af-
V. jr-c I
j Brown sheetings r.nd shirtings have
faiten Lau a cent tne na.t v.
- B!L?he-! gtwcsTontimje rery-actrv,
-om .grades axa.a hdu.Lw3.-, ... ...
""rnn-ti: DriM; S:f!pfandTli:kT-rin-ted
Lawns. Cambrics, Cio'.hs and Cussi-
. mersr, rianiiels ar.d Foreign roods are
in goou" dfnaud for the best grades, tut
inlerbr grades are slightly lower then
last weeic.
Dmras. Ccre. Jeans. Ginghams. Jac
onets, Silesias and Cirpeti, are selling
freely without any quotable change o:
Auction rooms ere filled w... second
class goods which are selling at a loss.
BrwRTHIe In! on orllisli School
Under the sirperintet-hirce of Chaeles
A. B
A. B.j assisted by en able
corps cf Teachers, will .pn.siih.-ely begin
its first session cf six months cn Mcnduy,
The course of instructics will c-r.i?t in
:he Primary D-pariment, cf tl e usual
branchy, t.arne'iy, Spelling, i Leading,
V ntn.-g. Mental Arithmetic. Written
A ri ;h ru 1 1 io , ,C f c pro phy, and Lnghsh
Urammar. . in me ttr-ner de
oiT.r.p.-j -wr.n me nature an. sotir.
ic? ; Natural Pniios- phv. Cr.ea
trorjnmy. I-hyi.-d-rv, B.-tary. m.d G
; ivlertal Fhtiosr-hy aLd Lojic: mu
.... . .... . . -
also i-attr., uree.; ana ottier nan-
re -iasirccuon -wih be thurcurh
and afford the- S-odext an orp-ortem'r t;
secure a. .good commercial ucatim, and
to those csirmg it an excellent prepara-
on for TJoliege.
rarticuiar attention win oe given to
ihcse wishing to qualify themselves for
Persons at a distance wishing to se
cure the benefits cf this School will ad-
dress the Pxincipil, Charles A. Bakery
Bronvilie, Nebraska; and if possible'
should commence at -the first of the ses-
Arranrments hare been
L.i3ru o; Eujctiticn to admit ait mtnik rf
KrownTill Cv D!?rj."f fr.ftka '-'(
fres cf charre. provided thyare between
tne ares c;
five ar;d twenty-cn-a. or trriTic.!c
rca TiitM or six
-pnrr.UTy -D"p a r : n ; e r. t
.C.mrr-ca Xi,gi:;h Departm't
Grat:;rr,ar "
Hibtr "
3 5.
?f ded wd-
Latin. M
-0'" A supply c:':h Books r.
v!f. -
rx V-
iC-west rr-tau ratr
'of the Givermr -a'" -r-- v
aa rstiics to me
of the Legislature cf th& said Stats to j
; inetl cf a h;r for the Registering c.
iet The revision cr amendment cf the
Statute relating la
neys. , ,
3. The rerisba cr emen-ment c lie
general incorporation law.
4. The revision cr amendment
cf the
Statute regulating interest.
o. The revision cr amendment cf the
Revenue law.
6. The amendment cf ne-ctioa tnirty-
f Citnmsmners of iieels.
7 Tt-, rr,; .PnUUitn?. CC tl?
crLit4 law.- - , .. .-
5. The revUioa cr amendment cf the
1 Cede" cf
j disiicctio
cf Civil Procedure to aooiisn tae
) between actions at law it.- j
suits m JL'y
9. The re vis
ion cr amendment cf the
sections of the
mtrncing " a'." c
Revised' Siotu-tes,
ctkca' fir?-htrrrdrrd and
. - . - , ' , ,
. 4 t.tT: . -J r.. - P
20' Tr.e amerrdrrenl of Chr.rt'm -of
11. The Emendment. cf statutes,-, re-
cuiricc tees c juors u
nd wimes
12. The ane;id::nt
,f -1
ir.g Rouds and th- elciija cf Supct
tii. . ..
13. The amendment of section fiftyone
j r2rre fifiv-Cve. cf the Revised Statutes
so that ns -provisions rray - apply to me
Judf'es 'of the first and second Judicial
14. The revision or amendment cf any
general cr spepiai law, now ia force, that.
j may be deemed necessary.
15. An enactment authorising coun
ties to vote taxes fcr internal improve
ments. 16. Appropriations for Legislative and
otner expenses.
17. Enactments for the incouragement j
cf immigration. . i
15. location nd disposition cf
suct, zs zs are DT rAt Le hereafter d
rmted to the State by the General Gov- j
ernmert for arry purpose. 1
19. The location of State Public Boil- j
amrs.anci mcuirr sunn crovisiuas tor tne
1 1 - T - r t
e recti ca, ret air or ccn-etion nf the same
as may In deemed necessary
T 3
as rrayte nerer?ary. '
' 2i: The .renoaslhllitr of Railroad
ni, ri a
s lor cds:'es
their empire.
"22. The rgj'.u'.i:n rf .the' tracru of
Trias or. ether dore'gn .rutt'.Lc 'nver the
S.ate. , : '
-. The reuiatin of she payment cf
salaries cf S:cte nrd Ju-iicial Oriic-ers. i
2-L Proposed amendmeru -to th
Constitution of the L'nited States as mr.y !
be submitted fcr ratihcatton. j
2-5. The eduratiano: the Deaf Mutes.
2o. The creation cf the cflires of
School Ccmmtstioner, Adjutant General
and Librarian of State, and such other
crnrers as mey be deemed necessary, fix
ing their salaries and denning1 their du
ties. 27. Appropriations for pay cf Deputy
Auditor and Clerks for State oScprn.
25. Making provision for the redemp
tion of State and Territorial bonds.
29. Providing fcr the copying- of the
records cf Washington County fo far a?
! they atTect the title to property in Loran
! Creek precinct, and riicrnf such copies
records of Dodge County.
2Q. E:
:uts for co.rryir;r cut tne
c: tne
te COL:
1. To define the boundaries of Sena
tcriil and R-rf-sentative Disiricti.
2. Tcprrs -ribe th-'nsode cf orrntzirii;
thp Houe cf rTrp.-E tires, at the ccm-
o. To prescnr.e tne manner ir rci
; c:vii-crn-'rs fce tried a tide me.
, nors tn cthco.
t 6. To declare
: chices s-ta.i te ceemed vacant
; manner ct fiding vacancies.
j 7. To prescribe the manner cf nrnly-
mr fcr paniun of convicts.
S. To provide a seal for the State. -
9. To prescribe ihe duties cf Secreta
ry. Auditor and Treacarer cf Scate.
JA. To .prescribe the tcca and r;?arnnr
of electing Supreme Judjeti.
11. To divide ih Stare inta Judicial
Districts, to .prescribe times and place?
! fcr holding District courts, and to assign
dustier? to held Distrut Courts in the
' several Districts
j :o Tn Htfi-ft tuo ;!!;.?; j-f v
! several court, and to establish such in:- I
rior courts a
rr.ay be deemed nres.a:
j J. J o provtJe t r tl.e rarrjent cf fees i
r- -! c
net e n H Sarrar
omniencicr cr
; ignate the u yrhich said Clerks !
ffCf'' fp-?" .....
1-1' To provide fcr an anneal tax scfH- ;
J cirj. tc defray the necessary expenses cf (
f -15 Tc rrrttT-errvi?T-.n f r-th disrosi-;
' tion sjwJ'jTfer-on r?f school ind5
of Nebraska, th:s fourth day
Bv tha Garemar. i
Teomas P. Krs5 abx). Sec'y of Srate
' .
Ail crders filled as sees as received
.rtrv. As- ! 4. To rrcvide .for the .crrrtnizir. cf I
i i - - E3 n i
J - - - ' I I I f .
5 T,. 4
". ' --.1. if tl',.. -4,
7;L cf "l
' 4
Ti-?ie .-ir.I:j
most u?-..-
ia ii-i r--.a oT ..t-.
Trei?n 'tis p" f-5a'3-al serrljs to ti
ornci: at city dzizz
rT'Lt ca'-Li t'. Lis -"J ;.IsTrTe in y(
cr. V't?r i tract, ti'xt'j i:L "1
r.Li: or .l" riTii.?r?v
cf kii? 1-."T, r t i; f'.ck p. t:.. w
lie lU'-'-ion, tLe r?s.Usj j.
lUfif.-ri 1'reicrt. .'r-ia Cc j. v,.'" 3
r: aU-t f,ur rtar. o.u.tUj eT'w
E-u-a c- :Le 5;L djj c' t).-u,T 1- ' L- :
- !
Liveiv, Fced,und5alv.',1
lalfp in ii kiri . of u.- k IZr, r , . ;
u-r Eieha:ir:?a. txls Ua-lJ It"iVv i
n ' rr r ,
EZWETT 4 CIILT.Cn fx , u
lowin- Taiua'-it- L-tcds, is .Vessiia Cju-.t" '
lwet aiart friNn. T12 :
40 acre. N E if tie S E q-. je 2. f J 1 -i
4J acrttfL V 7,0!!- S'E qr, S;a rt. Ti I 4
Lax 11 cf Kt.Tj 1 I
Ir.Dmrres, JC V" qr, , '
l'i. :res V' Jri w 1-
40 aTTtra. X E q, tb S E C', Jj
4 ' '"e.X TT q.. f t.j .v -;r ij
a , S W ni, of ta S r. i
iiU H.T23, 5 .V x. '
" . Lir?.
r " r ; j i-
1 IX iU
' -r .
a:?;t oi i.;?a. t r tirrs'T'-r .-. I.- U"t.
1 4eard Sj wit u ,w ib : uU.e to
-i jr-f?: tviU te even ' .-yV'-n;
r . , . . ,
y i
I bar- a ' Ei..; il, "d Cia-- i Sj
I wU! it' 1 I) tc rartrei vi r;.
r.'is .e Feai. f jt: cr... t
aaJr-. j-, i... . . Ai.
AfTi:7.1;t7 Lr. :.'-
i'r Nei,rit Cir ' rifcii.ii ',
riAttt-ZLout h JtVi-Tai -r -r s ;
" -eN
1 - f
v cArzf rrcvrn ErrrrT?..
Sj , i-ir fim. t iiu::im i--f m
f i I .t:r! :j..uu -ii:i.v?i. 1 ' "
, r . .;,
.': -S- : - I; - -
; r j.. , i ...... , f
e.--rt, nJ t'v- 1t -v ;. f -a "T"
ti - ;i u It ! l'.t I ITTr.;.- I
U f,,..'.r-.. i. tl.i; if "
, " ' ' . ' I. .
r, .- if. 1 k: .j ' r-
' Ut
TV'"-- tn,! I't? "i ' ' -
f f-xi, : : , v.. j.i . ' I
CjTt' ! i: cf , mH'I "''i . ; r "
.. . .-. fc 'i;- I:'-.'-" '
- -- iwwr rf!i-' "
i mi'1 ttti ' . i rr r
'l tt Tu.uULi o. Li.- '--'
C-...., v r i r- r u .z-. s . ... ft -,
.t . m r-- - -;. !-: r , - -.
I.-, t V .-. ...lira. '"
T7 S' cr.--.
m. l J i t T :. v ia b- i'l"- '
r? f r m.
..-i r- i.
t .
ft-, v r-rrrrr- ...-.
tiM.i 1 '-a -tt... j T". .
awnv 1 1 1 j
5 rrormnToits,
3."o.iV;. t. cr cj? r ut - rw -s
Are Schi by nil Dru-'is
Defers in Fs'hsrd Medici-
11 U. ! E A Lj .1U.EI: Ve-nu-j !
i;t ocriULiiiS, tfie-t ie euj iku ta""0