A3 r'TMfflHfrtWt ' " LATZ3T FASr.IO.N'1 X SZ.IKO " . v rro.a J. S. THXl A3 I: ; a?RC7 :.l 2-ocli, to a nav7 I vo -5 . , , 1 1 it t .. .ri .Tin e -v -5 i 1 i Veckbfs Sicilian Half ilea JJVr stood the test cf seven years before the puhlic ; and no pre2ara tion for the hair has yet been, dis covered thai will produce the savte beneficial result. It is an entirely new scientific discover?, combining inanj cf the most powerful and re storative agents in the VZCZTAZLZ KlUCDOr:!. It restores CI7AY Ain TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLCr:. It mates the scalp white and clean; cures dandruff and humors, and tailing: out of tho hair; and will make it grow upon bald heads, except in very aged persons, as it furnishes the nutri tive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It makes the hair moist, soft, and flossy, find is unsurpassed as a 11AI11 DI112SSIXU. It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the pul lie, as ens hot le will accomplish more and last longer than three bottles cf any other preparation. It is rccommetulcd and used by th First r.Icrlical Authority. The wonderful results produced by our Sicilian Hair Ileneicer have induced many to manufacture pre parations for the Ilalr, under va rious names ; and, in order to in duce the trade and the public to purchase their compounds, they have resorted to falsehood, by claiming they were former part ners, or had some connection with our Mr. Hall, and their prepara tion was similar to ours. Do vot be deceit cd by them. I'urchase the original: it has never pet been equalled. Our Treatise on th e Hair, with certificates, sent free by mail. See that each bottle has our private Ilevenue Stamp over the top of the bottle. Ml ctlanrs are imitations, R. P. Hall L Co.. Prep's. Nashua, U. H. Sold lif all Drvfthtt and Dealers in Medicine. C. A. COOK, 7 Dearborn St. Chlca-o, III Ak( rr t 3TrtJiTrter 6lte. PARKER'S r W1 "1. . , v t f J x j The very lot iiicu'cine J.i ujc fvr nocsi:3, cATTiin, nuiiZa & enna?. . Thi povder U prepared from the recipe of rut eld yAxti.h l-'urricr, i i:o. , x:r.l luis lecn for enrs ufl t:iroii;rii;:t J'n;:l:i;:d I y h'.oe ruiscri, ijI alone il runuivc, I ::t r lfoiif-iltriiini t rwrtir. l or the i"ellov.-inf? I'.iTasrs. il r. ill invari all be futml tfe, cre.a end tpccdj curt: Fevers of all kinds. Distemper , Founder, Coughs, Loss cf Appetite, Hide Bound, Yel low Water, as also all diseases arising from a isorderd Stomach, cr an impure i'atc cfjht Ulooi. rinits's cchbiai corinc poorr, A it naiue imlicntc , is n pciillc Etimular.t. Un like J lie many nrtii lis t-vUi tliroujrliout U'.p country f ji the diseases ot llorv nr.il Cattle, this ) rt cr ntion ii entirel) of t Iv able r.' iiu no minirals . f-ntvr ialj its coiiikmuuii. LSi-ng coinpowil m tinly -i aromatic ct ili", l,crle, tools r.i.d baila, it may be useil with full conLdipce cs to its ntirc ule:.. , r-rtij)ty, and mildnet rf cjKTaticn It c'.rfcc! the J'l. d, loorns the Ili.ie, pive$ to the fkin a n-moouT dosgy ioirnmot removes all bud lnimors, my its fctrtiipihriiiup, 1 i 1 c-p i v i n properties, inliife into the debilitated, broken ilmn annual, action and spirit, ftudreitorei to him 11 ha utur&l rac aud beauty. Cog require rrt rr.lr cr.rcful c'tertir.n, lct tlmndsnrj ff nutritive 'f xxl. 1 he 1"-tirfoiir ot t-nri-wi. f i-mrri r.'id dairj- men, cUc&t tliclsct that by tlw j-.uUcioiii tc f Parker1 orJiaI Ccndillo.i Powder. the fljvr of milk is not only crcat'.y increased, but tUeuuulUv VAjJy Luroved, uj Lt.; uc oi tnu iiow.U r, all tcaaite Uit-er, ullj ros lisiinoi aud iaiunucs ot tiis blod, arc t ni-cr iuct. Kreedirs and fattened f Swine ill rei jice t k"oxr that a prompt mnedv for tlie various .nala i.c, to vnicU tiiese animaU urc bubjfct;s touuaaa Tarlicr's Cordial Conditloa roird:r. For Cough, Fever. inllariTiation of the l.unjr, Mcaslec, Manre, J itUiey Worm,, Ac. c, this inwliciiic acts like A-hnria. llrif" Cliolera M ill e voided by oceaiouil docs of t ii is powder it is a ure rrcveutativc. One psjnr added to a bsirrcl t( .Swill and given freely tj liog-, wiil ticfcuil te laVC tliestt viX fiilal iliseRses. S .i '"m at Thi? poW.rr lxin? both Tonle r nd iftxative. pur I f i-4 t'.u r.lo-Ml. removes Ind humors, ond will therf re l? f-ind Hiost cscillcntiifpromotaig the condition of fcUeep. tyPr"t 2 1 M emt fr yiarla, prrpcrti en! tf WILLIAM U. P.tKAr., . Lou:. rj-For sale by DrujrtsU and Merchant! even wUrc. mcnrDSOX & CO., Gen'l Ajtl, TCI & 703 Norii Maia Street, St. louis. Dissolution cf Partners hiv,, -Kr,ti' U bertly piven thut tat prtnerihip in tb LjstiUery and liccti'jirg busioeM fctretofare irj under the nn of Terrell ,8tntca & Co.. 14 L.en lTeJ 18 witudrwel from m of John 1. Terrell. Jutn L. tttn and Tnul Pcr kin. fctve tf.ocUted with themselres in busins-s Charles Do Ken,md will carry on th buiinej at the Matt!.' uider the t ass of CUDtja,l'er ,lin to tiul iti;i:ins, iJLC OF APPRAISED XTOCi:. Fri.'.y tbe " J dy cf J!y. 1 F 37 tt 2 oV.ck p.m. cTMti dy, I wiil c'erfiT n't i- tls tib$t tid der forri.h in band ,on tbo rrewioea cf Wra. 1!. htsrr, lirirg in Lsfayette f'rociuct. in J axaha L r s.ty Ntt.rjs,ono nmy lay taara Pony, ihre .iri old Spri-i. TikJiupoy 7xa. iiJSurr aci cr ia hi. cogiKcioi. J:itri JONATHAN ElGGINS.w. P A if; .v- ff'z " f-.-, ( i (-4 i.J . ' v" S Ye have on Iidnd a large and well aborted stock of Staple To "which V7e are mailing conctant additionn, .and which we are celling at prices low as any establish ment west of the Ill THE QUALITY OF Gil GOODS 3FL0UR OF THE MOST HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR - i t I I - ' "W H O -.L E S L E DEALERS IX isi 1 1 AND d) d) cTosepn.8 Mo. Would call the attention of DHALnRS to theirjmmense stock cf " ' 1 ' in : - . . - Drngs r4nd Medicines, Bcliool Books, ' Talent Medicines, Clnk Dooks,, Glass nnd Glassware, AYriUnp: Ppcrv Talnls and Oils, Envelopes, Spices and Dje-stQlfo, Coal Oil and lop Pare Wines, Liquors, c., c, Which were boogrt for each of Mnuf8cinre-s, Itnporten and Publishers, end will behold at th tnos f.irorsble prices. Baying La lare (juafltities froijj first hands, they aro enabled to offer e?tra Dducn mnU to the tra&a. . Tbey are the STorthwetern Wbofesate Agents of Dr. P. Jayn k Son, aci cf Pr. it C. Ajre k Co., and can furnish their Medicines ia any quaBtitiei. ( 1 1-1; .1 l a K'tgi) i!3iO U IS) s L 3 bt. Joseph, mo. ; ; ; Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Iron. STEEL and HEAVY HAHDW AEE. Vigoii, C jrriige, nd llnw Wixlwork?. AGRICULTU1UL IMPLEiMENTS. Spring". Ale, Axel-, Shovels nnd So.le.Filo8 and Raoi,s, Chains, Carriage and Tiro Bolt, Kutts-n Va.-hers Niln. U're md. Horse A Mle Shtri,Snws, etc. etc. Castings and Bellow Ware, "Sugar Unties Andiroas, Skilletand Lid.-. Slew put Hake ovens. Fruit kenl nd Iron. Clacksmlllis' TOOlS- Anvil. Snck and Dips. Be lows.Sledge and Hand Ham iners, Viecs, Pincers, 1'afp?, FMlT'K:Tl, Knive. Tnyete Irt.n?, Wrencbe,A. . . J Ox Yolies, Axle Crease, Ox cnar.n Wogon Jacks, 1,000 CELEBKATED 1 ut patented, and miliar to any yet invented ; and ' JleCormfcTi's jloiTrrR and lScapei-s,Kajj!.crs Horse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivator!", Hand Ccro Pianier, Cto ShidJers. Hay XUkes, etc. et etc. ZPzzlirJo czJsJa Stan dtx'cS. Scales . Baj iiig U' gooJs direct rrora the m.tu M ' er, I offer jt-eat inducements TO VWJULESALE IIIRC1IASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO, iiil JACSGONO BLOOD HUEI0E Will positively cure SCR0FCLA, ERYSIPELAS. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HEART BURX, or any HUMOR in the ftLOOD or STOMACH, and for PURIFYING the SYSTEM and ERADICATING all TRACES OF DISEASE this remody has no .qua.!, and for Bnildiug no tht Syttm, and giving new Strength ond Yijor. Its uoparaMed Success tioce its introduction, and the wonderful cures it Las and is daily performing are i. butt puarrantee and we earnest ly desire that eviiry CtTeier shall iive it a trial. Sold by all DrurijU. Price one dollar bottle. COIMLIXS J3KOTIICUS, ST. LOUIS, 21 U. : . Proprietors. SAT.T SALT RHEUM I ma cvrn V. ITCU r SALT JIITVZZ. ins few applications. It also eares prairie Scratch eaCailblaius. Ulcers and all Eruptions of the skin, where other remedies have been tried in vain, enres Kpeedily and thoroughly. Price &d ce-its a box. Sld by all drutrsist. Bt sending (Ocentsina letter to CQLU.NSr.OTRS. S. W.cor. 2nd 4 Vino SU St,-bouis( JR.iU i;9 ecnt by taail free of postage. x0-ym.nnJSW Surr Loaf Syrup, Sunrhum, and N.. MoUsse b at SWAN A BRO'S TJir'cc or Fatir ScSiool Teachers Or other inielij;eat persons (mile or lemle). in every Cocnty in the West, to tng-ijrs buis ne.'S Jurinj the UTiaj ud sucj'ncr tl at will pay (rcui ICi) tot-3 rT cjonth. Ad.lrVw ZEIGIJR. MeCURDY CO., SOV Olive street, St.iuis. Mo. Cndcr the proviaons of an ctf-the Territorial Iegii!rtorr, approved Febrnorj lst..li. the hol ders of Territorial wsirxnts cust present their warrsnts for piyuent at my oHjctaor before July lit. lS37,andali warranU not so pte:nfe-d will cease to draw iutcrcst after Jsoaary It TXi3, and will be pid aHer that date with interest only to Jnnuiry lit ISS3. A.K0UNTZE. Ter. Treasurer. Cn-a, February, tathlSAT. 53 ft 6.50 1Ji-i:e4.Cai-r:iscfaa kiuds, and Oystr at . . SWAN f "OV. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Us.itboU's Extract Each. s-i, -v,A f ITCH " ) I rt 1 J L J fe.-ul Vtj-'' t- . knd Fancy r Mississippi river. V C:!ALLE?!3E 00:.:?ETITiO!J. APPROVED BRANDS. THE COUNTRY PRODUCE. ; I I I 1 Ox Shoe naiN, Shovels and Piek,GU Pdns, etc. MOLIJNK.PLQWSJ PATEUTLIIGAROOFING The New Yoik Mica R'oong -Ciitnosny, (Estab li.hed ISii,) are uiTnufetprug under Letters Pi ent The Beat Article of C osp tsitioii R.mna E.e. efferrd to the Public. It is adapted to every stylt of Roof s'eep or ,$at and can bs ceadiiy applied b.. anyone. The.U. S. -Government, after a -tsoroah test of iti utility. le adopted iU use n the NavyYartit and upD Public HuiidiDgs. The Ropn is put op in rqlls, and boj.pply to be nail .d to the oT to make a Darabla Fire and WaterI-oof Covering We particularly recommend its ne upon DuIldlngK, Stores, Churches. Fac tories. JTIacliiiie-Miops, is I cam -boat-UecIi.s, &c. MICA ROOFING PAIETT Formating TIN, IKON, or .SUICiLE RUUFS.--It foriiM a . ody equal to three eoats of Ordinary Paint. No R oi can rust under it, and Old Leaky Roofs mi? be in-tdo permaaeutly watet -proof and durable by its u-. ... ' . . The,Pint.r;guires ni Mixing, but is ready to b applied with ihj oriiaar jmiui brush. Price II i.er &lon, whicli will cover lw hundred s411a.ru leet Also . Pn uf act are rs of . ' - - A. LEVAUrSISXI TARRED FELT AND RO0HNU PITCH.' Di-vount to the Trade. Ciicularsand Price LLt furnished Rights for counties sold at low rales. ' Address. THE MICA &OOFING Co. 194, Broadway, New Yorfi. rrand Humphreys, 61 Royal St., N. O. Sco Celd. William & Co., Auu.-t, Ha. Baldwin H Woodi. Montgotaery, AU. Thorn vs S. Caues Raleigh ,N.C. K. A. Tucker, Richmond, Va. Tnri Wilsin, Peterjnrg Va., Ag-nU. January, 1st. 1836-1 y . S0I.ISTHBTG A pod reliob'e Agent wanted in tvery tewn to take the entire controlor his Be'hborho:d,ef seve ral fit, the oe! rnlea bU, aiad .ywoOraW articles ofeery dy c ever pre sented to tlie pubo. prof its Isre rati.ractiaguar anteed.-The right iran or weuisn can zeal e frota $li to $23 a week cafil. Eo cioee t :amv for ftll de?crip iion and illstrtied cU lorce. Sample sent free: EgXcliUTe costal ter ritory fivea v.- AJJres Jf. Y. JlariUfastaringCo. ;r Park Row, Jf. Y. 10G0 to 0 , V-w W -mi (1IaI er Femle.) 18 67 1 :.i 1 Aati a ltd llonrha ' ' I t'U their ktlt cous cu, And Afire hs.J J!(tt ' I fpite nf rult, ' . CatVy tiip alout.' r i! Jl -1: ? -.t ,V "5 ? . i '18 years e?tab!ithrd In N.Y. Citv." 'Only inf-tllible remsly known." ' KFree from PoiJoB-." 'Not dangerous to the Human Fmily. f 'liaU come oat of their boles to die,". -Costar'a" Hat. Eoaeh. &o , Extprmlnatirs . Is a piste used ftr iitt Mice, 'ooAes,-.. I'- Blaeland red Antk Ac,e.,ic., 4 -.COSTARa Bed-Bag Exterminitor, Is a liquid or .wah uied to destroy, and 9 iin-ventanve f..r Ded-Uan. fc. COSTAIl'S Elactrio .'Powder for Insect is for JJtiit Jrt.qit', Yeas. Bed-Bugs, ecf on fJaut, Fowl, AiW. Ac. riTI! ! BlWARitlU of all worthless imitation? JSf" See that -CosTttV.' name is oa each Lox it... He, and FUsk, before yoab if. ii-Address, , ; . OrtKKY R.fOKTAR, r. , . ,481 RrondwMy, New Yoik. ,:' Stl.i'in'DroVnvilleNebrtiskft by i j .-. Holladth A rm )iny. And tj alj Prns'ut aud Rctaileri. r ri C O S T A R S CELEBRATED. BUCETHOltN SALVE. For Cutf,urn, Bruises. WonnJ?, Boils, Can eer, 1'ioVcn I'.reOFt', hi-rt Aipilis, Blccdinir, Blind and Painful Pil . Scrofulous, Putrid onl III condi tioned Sore : Cleer7 tilaodular S-jreJling'. Erjp- tious, Cutanoou Afiections, ttia 'wortu. Itch Corns BunnionSj Chilblains, Ac. Chapped il mds, Lip. fc: Kites of pidero. Insects, akhu ilss3. J5?"Boxes, 25 cts., 50 e:s.,a,3 1 $1 j. iySo!d by all I'rnpSsfs everywhere. 2And by Hknbt R CoT4a. Dep t t Broai Way New York. jTAnd py uuiiUUAi uy.. uriwnvuie flet . - n a w m w a , . , v . . COSTAR'S UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, For Corn. Bunion, Wart., jfc. Bove-i 2a els. 50 nt- and $1' siz'js. .S.!d"tj nil Diugis's Kvvrvwhere. .ii ny iik.vkt k. costak ;ei.t 43t, iir.vaii- XX 9 .at . 1 . - - And Ly liOLLADAY & CO, -Drowville, Neb . C OSTAR'S rBEPARATIOf 0? Hitler Swccl and Oransc BIossora FOR BEAUTIFYIXO TilK CO -IPLEXION. Usol to Soften nd Uemtify tha Skin, remove i-M-Vel-i Pimples, E-nptun. Aj. now usiug it In preference to all others 5? Pottt s. $1. -r -nll hv nil Orur?.Uts evrvwhefe. Ii"And hy Hkxuy li. I-tat, Depot 431, Eropd X-And by HOLLA DAY AaTO., Brownville, C O S T A fl 9 S . TECTOSAL COUGH EEjMEDY For Ooaghs, " Cold, llonnwneiw. Sore Thrrjat. (Voup. Who--plnjt C ijli, Influ. i xi. Asthma, Con- utnptun, Kr-nehial Aueetiots, aid all Lucases ot he Thr-mt end Lin. V, . . J5?B.m", 25 t. . 50 et.4,,Dt $1 ?ies . J5j?Sold Jiv ntl i)riy:it. yerywher. Crkx .ty U K. CiiSTAK. ip..t 481 ,Eroad way.N. Y. STAnd by HOLLA D AY. CO, BrownrilV,.Meb, .COST A R ' s I ' I- . . . ..CELEBRATED BISHOP JPIiiXiS. A UNIVERSAL .DINNER PILL, Per -JJerTQaa and Siek rJesdiebe.-Costivane?ii. Indlsestioji. Dypepyu. Bi'l'onTO Constipation, Drrhea, .Colic., Chills. Fevers, aai g?attti(d8 rar?Tent of the pfststive Orpins. tiv ioxw2.S cts.ffsand f 1 j,ca. J-;fSold bp all Trefistsevrry whore. LiTAad by CgtT-tt. CpsTAR, Depot -tSMjread- vay, A. 1 . CTindbv nOLLADAT AC0-.ErQWBTll!-.2rcb. voi 11 fc2i3a r.r ": r- Ft ft eioic anicle of Tea, go to SWA3 & K0S. ti?T) The Wonderful Flesiility acc rre C.r.i.'.rt "tic Siirt will be esperin.ced rsrti. vU;'.y '! erovdeu '.ecblis, Operas. Carriaue iMilroal Cars, t -. uca lews Arr Cira. far Promenala and i;.a?e wtn, theSiirt caatafol ti when in ne tooccniv a sFis'lrUce us esiily and coDrpiiienUy as a Ei.'i or UiisaPres.s. an invlcale euallty ia crinoline, not tuuna it py Sme ypraigSsin- " , A ISdr-'!) eujoye-t tse f.Vwsare, enrafnrt and ret convernence cf wearin? ifce "vplex Kll.nuc 5 teel Spring Skirt for a tiu?!e cJ. wi.l tever aterrd wiliiiiRlv dipenfe iili their use. Fur ChiMi-ren, Mie- and Vouu La.lies they are Mipericr i 1' fil ers They will rot betd or bie lie the Siu Sp-intr. L.ni Will preserve iheir periect and rmcefu! v.ai where Ihreeor four orilinsr' Skirt will have been iLto n a'iie a useless. The II. r re covered wnfc double ami 1 itfd thread, ml the N.tli ni r..-;. ar. not un:y I.iihle tpiinis. tut twice (u doub'e) ci-vere.i; preventing tlem from wearing out when drawing diian fctoeps; siairs. 4.C. The Punex Kl'iptia is a preat favorite with a!i tr.e ladis a id I, universal y reccnaienled ly all tl.e FaM.ic-rable Upin& Hi tfee sartard niirt cf tbs .Fashionable World. To enjoy the foiiwin? Ine?i3.at a,var.ta;;s In Crni!iii. if . superior qnnljfy. pprfert 5 1 wIac nre, stylisa shspe and QnUh tletibHt'y. da ttt';-y, c-ni-tort aiMi econ&m ?. hi re tori. Vf. trs ' Uvplex Elliptic or toi:ble Spriai Sairt, ana t ayrsyuJ ft llie rennme article. CAUTION. To nnrd a?In!it loipoiti-'n t psrtio ular 10 n..iire that tkirts ifTerrd as -DLTSJCt" te the red ins ttatnp. vit , J W. Bradley' t"-aote;.- Ei lipt ic Sieel Spiinifa " iirou tLe w Itiband- ai is I ,o r are Pennine. A Isu notice that every ioop will ",t a pin beina-pasted thmnsh thecentre. tb'i reve i'.-.-'S the 1 wa (or double) spri t brahtet tosen ?r thrt .i which is the secret of their Cexibi l ity and tn e g.h, a: . J a m Dibit. ati.oi not to be found in any othf r tbir' . ForsaieipaU stores where Firtt Cim- kiru are soMtbronpuont the United Sutei and e!.c ere. Jlanulaf tu ed by the so;e owners oi ti e p ..tent, , i "Wests. Bradley C ry, II 3-3m 97 Chambers . 74 81 Kf'e ?is.. S. T '3 GJi it FOPJ "9tfJ S3 u g- c Is v-5 H 0 S' VLi C.M U l W w ZD S 0 S3" A l.SO-CS :0R7AFD!f!G a COMMISSIDH MErJOHANT.8. rieloUcoRS ana Cabinet Organs. We nre now prepared to deliver, in this rity. Prince's Celebrated Melodeons ltd Cabinet rOrgatisvt Factory Prices. tins is me rett rpfor'unny ever yet ot- errea, ,m 111,13 .tcuui. to become o?es ed jf ctie.of ihpfp superior .instrutneut. GEO. W. HILL &. CO. Authorized Agenli. w1 V Tbeundcriitjed keep on band alarbe assortaieBtt SAni!!ETiCAS3;:.:".IG.UiT3 For Men and Boy's wear. AUo.a l4- stock f HATS AJSTD CAPrf UiilMBflSlIfiTS BOOTS AND. SHOES RnblcjX!ots, Levins & Blankets. .UJIBIIELLAS AND -CARPi BAGSS, Gent's., Fnrnisiifflg Hoods, Cf all kinds wbkb we will ti ,C ;II jy p F O (Ii C ABI-i.-We pprc&ased.qur joods since die dt elina ia.ihs .Iarkets nnd will at lo .sres. ATKINSON Ji.CQ. i 3 nil b'O-ij s a Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier, 31 5M L L Are the neatest Prcr?r.tive nl Curative llouje hoi.i Remedies of fie a, anl a.r ytunxiWj ef- fiesciom in curing Dypept..i and Ln?u.pnv Symptom-", General Debility, Urguor, Bilious Pis eai.es,actions of tic Liver, Stoinncii. Bw-j!s an Kidneys. Feui-ila CouirJ-"iat. Scrofulous A-cc-tir,n.n.l all dUenes arisinr fron impure b:4-d, nl inn treTertive of tevtrani Asue, Choi- en. Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, &o. .-s rireuljir aroor.J each txdtle and b"I. Pre- tha Grafton Medicine Co.,St. Louis, . u j j HULLAT4AY &CO. iroXTill Neb. FKENCH HOTEL! Cn tlic L'aropcnn Tlaa. ?ite the City 1I11 and Park, (C..r. of Frank- vrw vnr.A" fcrt S t. :pclo'3 Risfcctr.ry.Bath Boo 33 and barber's Shop r tki rr-fs of nUvtset to reeeice l'erqiitf. )., r. t beliivo Runners or IWlewn who say we relu.I. J?ly lit. year- . Crackers, Girder Snaps, and Aerated Crxck? O eir, at &A- & bkw j. P i!m Soap, Castile, Rmm and Detersive Soap X ltd li. UlltUji Cl-ytr c-M'fi-n d? C 9 cz Dyspepsia Cure, This Great Btm dy fer all Disputes pf tlje " STOMACH, w tee discovery of the inventor id Cpe?s valuable Coush Balsam, while experimetitng for bj own health. It cured Crsu?p in the Sti-mach fr him which bad before yielded to nothing but Chloroform. The almost daily testimony from iarius parts ol the country encourage u to believe there is no dis ease caused by a disordered stomach it will sot speedily cure. Py s i c i a n s endorse and Use it ! ! Ministers give testimony of it eHcacy ! An4 froyi all'dirccUsni wa rej..eie tidings of cuttj perlerKicd. Dyptptif i "'tis turetocure. Heartburn t Ore doFe will cure. Sici-tTeacfaeie It has cured in hnndrcds wes. ieadacle (ind iJizzine! It stops in thirty minutes. Acidify of f)e $for;.tich t It comets At once. titling of the Food t It stops immediately. Dtttrat after eating I One d.je will remove. Cholera Ilorbn 1 " Rapidjly yelJj to a few doe. Dad Breath t Will be ehans;ed with half a bottle. ' It 13 Pcifcctly IItnnlS3 ! ! Its uipreeedenttd success 1 owing to the fact that It Cures by AssiMIn? A'alpie, TO RE-ASSERT UKR SWAY .N ME .SYrEd. Nearly every dealer in the Unito.1 States tel.'sita OXP DOLLATl IER DOITLE. U- U. CLlili. m, Proj.neiuis, aarx.v, cons. HOLLA DAY & CO., and McCKEERY A CO. GeLeral Ageuts. AUofors.1 HvMARSnACO. Niivemh-f 15 18f. ' - CiET Till' BEST ' . . CHILDKEN. Is now truly acknowlei 'ed a sunoriar Drevaration for all diseases incident to inf tots and children. EYERV BODY SPEAKS In exalted terra of commendation of its truly woo- derful effects and eciaal y,jrt,aea, and Are ugntea wttn its use. 137" Price, Only 55 ee(n,t3 rer JottIe.3 by Sold byalldealenin tnl cins. Prepved wa I 7 the Grafton Medicine Comptny, St- uis, . Sold by HOLLA DAY & CO . Jaj?. Jst. 5m jBrowiJIe, aeb. f AS-PAf EllSe The Roard of County Coumiissionert of Nemaha Couoty Nebraska, will meet at tbe County Clerk. office in Brownville, on tho fi t-euth, sixtteoth and eventeenth uavs of April 13 7, a. a B u'd of Kou.iza'ion. A.iy vrsiu leoliiii? airnevad Hy oiv tlnu 'ia the a.-sespm-mt rol sof ii'SJ . inxy then apply to the lioard for the Correction ot auy aup- poea trra.r ApriSll87 ByHer ofthe BiMird 27 3t 20 WiLLIAM II. UOOVER Co. Clk LEGAL NOTICE William Tnm-r will taka n-iice ihit Teresa Yir wer did on th-21''n dy i' Marci ". I). 1ST. fi her hill of c init.iint,in the iistri-t Court. in au.l f'r Pawne Cuiity. Sti te of N rs'4, in Cli.in-te rj .ajjainat.tha mid Williarn Turner. Tne object and prayer otid coinp:,iuaiit iTore, P. Turner in said bill .is to obfia dKre f 'ail Court dU solving tbe bond of ipri''y tntwren the sid TPJ!. Tnmnr l?i.mUin4nl . n . ,hlft . A W - - .j . ...j ..ii 1 yi. 11,. i. nil'. . ... ,,ti m . u. Turner. Defendant, aad the said' Villiaui Tame is n-tifi-d thtt ho is required Ui aorM-ar and an swer siid bill of C opUm iut on or bofofj Monday the -llth JsTot M.it Ifc57. I.ite4 April ith ,18C7. 11-ix.Vi ' CHARLES H. GERE. Solicitor fur WotnpUimi t. G li AN"TrS CAEAP CASH STORE. Jlfain Street between First and Second. BROWNVILJjE, n. t. I Would Res pectf ally inform tbe Citizens of Itrownviilt, and furroundinjr country that 1 have ) usl received my fall ijtock of tods, eonitioj f I s . ft--i VSi UmJ a. Of tbe latest styles and bet .equality. Mnj heavy ealf Boots, double soled Boots,ine ,Kip BooU boys and rhildrens Roots and Shoes. - All kinks otT JLa die BMts ad Shoes of tho fi test aod beat eu a-Utj. India Rubber and BufFaJa: Over Shues for Geutlejuep aud Ladies Gxocv.iues ,of Every Kiud, Ctmsistin? cf dhe bes brand of Supar. .CqflTe;, Tea. Pepper. All? ice. Soda, Candles XqbCQp, AIaiches. Starch. Scc&c.&c. IVooden 'Ware, Stone VTaro, Tbe l'e-t Qaality of .The test Wm.len Uuder aud Or tr"thirf j, Salt Salt by therx.nnd er barrel JfillCII I1B OKPEKS FOlt SALJ5 CHEAP FO K CASH All of wBich he offers at the lowert price. Aur Imned not to be uciermli. . . GRANT .F0HN0N-!:LIE.TI0N ciNCUMlNENCE cf Urine, Irritation, ia2jTnti.'oa cr acertioa of the bidder, or kidneys, dissases $f the prostate ftands' stone id ihe .bladder, C3.!,i!ui, eraTel or ,l:r'ckaastiiep'stt,'a?.tIl I'.iea;jj f ti l!adier. a,-jney afa aropivcia.1 sc. ir. 'TARE -NO KCrj ? PL2A3A.N? AND UN SAEa UltlllVtH-i fjr.unpIeafaEt a ad daPTerona Ld'uease. ;Use Ue!QU'i III trici L';cLu ahd Ja- jTovto.ise. as a. r-t ' . -- , .- Thresh Layer Iiaiiia,Ccrr2tj. Citron Aa. at Mw'r .1 cr -r- " - 1.. If ST. LOTJi; .tip GLOSS STARCH, I3 ti.pJ by rirst-CI note!, rai.at!r?B, Tens of 1 and SIjouI 1 Lc csetl t!yq!J. It gives a tcaatlfu! po!".-h, vnVi tWim sai'xjtiilj over the tlih, sina inaua ti, ' '"r1 lor- Gi.-di done up wui tt Keep eleaq lor. s? gently wiU Tt mr out s s'ein. 'ft v UqJ J ty Dru3tj and Grocers GeDeraH;, OUR, IMPE1UAI, BLUE IS THE BEST!; THE. WORLD! It 1 foible m tiiii we. las s.,ft yi;fr, put up ia tne sate--", ne'eft, an ! u;ut eua. Jura) of acy ou'ered to tha puthe. It 13 Vammtcd Ilct to Si the Cloths S!J by GrKMsr and Drug's' gne-a:;r. Ag Rt wnte4 ever w jer. t., hu ,C- extrai-rdirary iadarenients. Allres "' NEW YuUK STARCH GLOSS fn o. 215 Fuliusj St. N tori January .t IS ''5 1 Air AM.ARTISTS'UXIOX AGEI7T5 T7 ANTED.' Feliabla and energtic perjoos, nnleif are wanted t l ci t fuH--r-piion lor oar Esi virs.anj to su'-h we6-re y lihefnl :J cements j aljo t b in eaf.vsinj, t.-r., wub all necessary wipers. i'l I famL'hej plkation. Ad.lrw. with refer ne. AMERICAN AKHSTSTSTOT. 19-3uis 2 i'ine street, Xrw f A Troiaic Notice. The f3nal account i f Grl VVeri, .if ni n'tf t. of the ;date f Gtrdtrt Wvr, wul f he.tr ir twufore the Prbat C urt. at the Cvit It. i. tha Citv of Browuviilc.on Mondjy ta II:a jt.j March IS-f. Brownville FeS. 7th 1S7. (J. W PAlRBROniER, Probate JbJ 19 -It 3,50 R Beans, UooiiBy, Meal, Putat'-. Hour At'mA, SWAN A Dl.CliiZX JL.A1JGK AND FINE STEEL PLATE Mr AVI 11$ A TEN DOLLLAB Eimnnlifor SI 50 ana a Fortune fa Soils.:;! Send 5amp f r Cataloove wita rcn. paxtuv- )L$bs. And aJdresn. SrU T A. A. I MUX. 25 Pjsfc STaciT XiIoa A0E5-IJ. MAI.E Ann FAMAI.E wantni, Vt-m S-'il. i 50 pt-r cjq m mnl Itrat Poland's Mtigio B1II10U.S I'oudiii f) This preparation i- the dir-Tf . ) thr I'astornf ih Baiui-. chjrrh ia S Goff-town. N. Hand a nun dsw- 'XMiJ'sr Jy U loved hy ihtt dfS mioitioa G 1 CI throughout New England U-U - l . 1 . . I . L ...... anil'.. niiti-ni ii, irn i i j.u-j'n. dy Eiihlieini To sav.) hr -n " and his Miigir P - a t f the rnost wond r.'ul du-corerle- cf ;;.fi t as ItU . TE CEZAT LITER AND lillutaitli IT ;..h M,..iui' ihm ia tn mi Jj aiil)f d'sc'ivijie-t in up-dkio'1 i ant it a loru aiia mxs grariS ftf';.q that tisey receive the uo inimoai p prohar oa of stll who hive tt-ited them. TusMj; ie Bilious Powders are a PoslllieCure f or IJvcr Complaint n its most agravatod foria, and an iuuniiat cor rector of all BILLIOUg DEnAIIGEMKiXS, ExceUent lor" Hrvjizhe, OriSTIJ'ATIOS, Pinpiesj Siotches. aisii.iwa Drowkioess, DIziines. Uearturn, DPaliitaUua And a nmst wond "rfal Cere & Preventive orFeier&Arsi (We advise all wh.re tr -ubled with ih!len' mLtdv t always koyp the 'owjrs op bap lr injtr-"':-te .) Here ifew impr ajit particulars: 1st loeyareth Great Speciac f.r all biliioJ AfTeet'HS. i l The v are the only known remedj tiat eure Liver Complaint. 3d They a etheo lykc .wnriindtbatwolc C-n'iiatin. Tth. The Powde'are so tho.on-h li thrvp--ration th4 one p-ckago w 1. 'Leall'ibat 'b '.' ty .f ih'i-M!. usfg thMu ilt rjurj to jI c1 5'h Tdey are a wd.l a..d p.iwiU !.' t? J,"'! rfferiirc enihwtio kin. 6th. They aro i lia i u.e'i-st Citbsrt.' Vn"" fUh. They are ihe el.eapeVt aud Wt m - .-- tant, as'tbey can be sent by tuiil to au ja't "i ajloh. f.f the pnc. -i? eem . . cnt t ariT prtJ l)f- W .rid fre of ch-''- HLJ) BY ALL pitUliGlb r- r 1 mail on applM-ation t C.JG. CL4nia,&, NEW HAVEN. t0 November 15, $100 reward" For a nifi.ciue thai will care Coughs, TickUniaths Throat. 'WhoopiDg Coi j or relieve " j CcpsTisiptivo CoughJ, as quick as COS'S fflfflEM'J! 1 OVEaOiNi-: l.flLLiON DOTTLE bar bee a sM an 1 n-u a single Instance f u " are is known. We have, ia our pourt-i'B, quantity of CertiCcVf, some of them fr-w j EMINENT PAYSiriANS. j who have used St in their prvTt;c,n t f19 lt ' I r-etuieenc over trer other cixo;ub-I. , It does not dry up a Ccus? LOOSENS IT. ao as to enable tne paticul to expecto. ate fr7- Two or three det JVM lnvatialbj Curt Tidling t W Throat t A half bottle his 'of ion completely eird and speely ia its operti n. li is prfetiy IawA Imin . ris-n!v v .a .lit. I . . Wt.tr a ji- ble tj.ih Usts. and may b j adainisiered w1 drcn of any age.- Incases cf Crosprro T7ill gr tea a cm 3 if talioa ia ssaso lYojiirnily should bj Svitli"1 It is wi:b 5o ihe rrach of all, il beinj the cbr and bVt mciiciif exraat. fi.p.jCUVS -CD , Proprietors, NEW U.YEN,CO-. A-JIOLLADAY 2c . CO.. McCREElVfcY j general Agents.' Nebn-4; varnie, HELMKOLD EXTRACT RCCI iJ3i7siI Rosft.a.h c-ires scvet and 4;I;oate i,&ri& H their'stjs.'at little erpease, liiile of e ia diet, no Ineonveaience and B x?3'B.r,.i-;S, pleasant ia taste and cdor, iunediate ia J "r" . aai free from all "njujions prorti-M. )5 ir