Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 11, 1867, Image 3

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., Jj Lk.c.K SoJfor t this OEcc.
irftent in St. Louis for ttis paper, will attend to
,fd .r,J cnrcLafcea in that City. Otfce
lln Cone--' '
: A'. T. cor. ttk.
r.-cm MaiUaily, except Sunday.
Arrives, 2 fc'cloci,. in., pigbt, ,
Dfrarti,H " p.m-, Pjfht.
xVbcrnsil. daily, ixcept bunuay.
Arrive? , u o'clock, p. m., Bight,
perhrU.2 " a.m., Liht. -
If ester's Mail, tri-wecltly,
l)er'tf Mcyf cdnctday and Friday,
Arrive, Tuesday, Tbursday and Saturday.
SortMrn au l Eastern Hails close at 7, p. ta.
ABiborizcdAgpnts for Prince &Co.
OuO. W. KILL A CO., are tbe authorised Agents
j3 ytXaLa County for Geo. A. Prince & Co'i cele
ft.eJ Cabinet Organs, Melodeons, etc. For price,
i, call at the Adec lUtr Ojiee. ' "
-jr.- ' - " " '
r.ouy under tU tine law, to Improve the
Sitds cf tirotcntille ! Turn out -all!
SI art irdtratcd. Let's have a general
lumd 1 ! ! I !
rOSTFOXEMEXT, -The lime for
P,; tie Brownville Unicn or Hiah
- 1
a. tecacsa cf the delay in receiv
) Deib and finishicg the Plaster.
teea postponed to Xonday, the
cjliiJe cf the District will
J., ti excellent opportunity forgir
. .. vhi!Jren a thorough education,'
'-.e i ';lc5t brandies lo a prepara-
. . . cc.
n : I uoroughly competent leach
't n ployed are here, ead this
: " .1 start cut under the most
lapoTcrlng the CHy cf
i.le ta borrow money for
: roKrncnts.
a ' h ' i: e Council and House
j t rrv' ris J 'e Legislative Jls
an' ii Territory of JWbraska,
TLu i-e tiij Cauncil cf the said City
cf r.v m'i, ia addition lo the powers
tj'r 1 ia the ic.d act entitled ".A.&ct
to Jr. " rpcrai? the City ofilrownille,"
f ;;Aed February V2;h, 1S64," shall be
eiid it is hereby empowered and author
ized to i55ue bonds ct the said City, to
raise money by the sale of said bonds to
be expended in imprciviEg the Streets of
said City by e'eariaj? grading, or paving
.the said stre;ts ia the manner and ac
.cordiDg to the provisions of 'this&ct.
Sec. 2. That vhenever the Mayor
and Council of the atf ity of Brown
ville shall be petitioned by a majority of
the legal voters o: said City, a? shown
by comparing the Lumber of peiUioners
with the number cf votes cast at the last
charter election previous losaid petition,
b open, grade or pave, cr otherwise im
prove fry street or streets, or a part of
r v,?'lfc and crossings thereof,
1 1
in ; :
e: f ,
cr.ents u be made so far as it
Jiani-,ble, and shsll cause the
o be den? by contract awarded to
' " ' :ririj:g to .do to the .same,
terms for the city, after
sul crr.'.ract
1 V.
v That if it shall appear to the
i'cl that the cost of said im
petitioned for, as set forth in
lit Sfrtinn nf ihis will t-
- - AAA ft
available .funds, which may
ie appropriated to that purpose,
a 1 Council shall proceed to raise
rosary funds by pledging the
y ! the city, end issuing btnds
- s hereinafter provided ; Pro
t - :uhe aggregate amount of bonds
.iiicgat any cne time and issued
irtue cf this act, shall not exceed
cent, cf the total valuation of the
real ui personal property within the
corporate limits of said City, p.s shown
l7 the valuation last
2 va j j
the L-me of presenting said petition.
-tc. 4. That whenever bonds have
teen issued fcr the purpose herein speci
r-ed, and according to the provisions of
act, that said City Council shall each
jear levy a special lit on all the taxable
ffeperty, real and personal, withia the
corporate limits of said city, to raise an
aount of money, at least, sufficient to
Ty the accruing 'annual .interest 0n said
b02ds,asthe sa"d interest shall become
CQe, and also cne-tenth part of thebonds
outstanding; Provided, that said special
tx thall not exceed the rale of ten mills
,ea the dollar in each year, and shall be
Wiucntl to all other taxes otherwise
luthonted to be levied, and also that the
fee. raised by said special tax shall be
'ro?trilled no purpose whatever,
than the payment of the said an-
wrterCl ar)d lbe rederarlion of sa
Stc 5. That the special tax shall be
levied and collected in the same
TZ?t l" s,:d.City,
IS c7 u 11C?-arcQ T-rcperty within
L!Xl awe other uxe? are,ac
b wine law. Cf the Territory.
v J cent per .,3, pyabia acna-j
' . . .v ia.c v.
ally, and thall have coupons' attached fcr
lha iqterest thereof. The said Bends
thall be' signe d by the Mayer and coun
tersigned by the Clerk cf the City ; and
when so signed shall be left in the cus
tody, of the Treasurer, who shall sell
ana issue the same. But said Bends
shall net be cold at a greater discount
thaa Cve per cent. Jess than their par
value ; tid any ale cf .aii bctdaby th.3
said Treasurer cr any oer person cn
behalf of the City, at a greater discount
than five per cent, shall be deemed
usurious, and the person cr persons to
purchasing said bonds at a greater dis
count than five per cent, shall pot be
entitled to interest on the same, and ia
the redemption of the same shall not be
entitled to a greater amount than was
originally paid for the purchase thereof.
Sec. 7. It shall be: the duty of the
Treasurer cf caid City to enter ja a suit
able book provided therefor, all such
Bonds sold and to whom payable, which
beck shall be kept as a public record in
bis office open to the inspection of any
person whomsoever. That if said Treas
urer shall make any false entry therein,
in respect to such Bonds cr any of them,
with intent to defraud any person cr cor
poration, cr to conceal any fraudulent or
illegal act, in relation to any such Bonds,
be shall be liable to a fine of not less
than one thousand dollars" or imprisoned
in a penitentiary not exceeding fiveyears.
Sec. 8. The City Treasurer shall give
bonds to the City, with good and suffici
ent sureties, to be approved by tha City
Council in a sura to be named by the
Gity Council not less than two thousand
dollars conditional for a faithful perform
ance of the duties and trusts pertaining
to his office.
Sec. 9. This art shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage
Approved, Feb. 13th, 1SG7.
A new Warehouse is being erecte4 cn
cur Levee by Messrs. Worthing & Wil
cox, no way inferior to those already there.
In th is connection we have a sugges
tion to make simply for what it is wcrth,
"and no thirg more." The time h not
far distant when grain will be shipped
on the Missouri river 4n bulk, taking in
to consideration the cost of gunnies, cf
sowing item rp, sacking the grain and
dcuble freight cn the gunnies, leaving
out cf ccunt the use cf money thus in
veste d, no cne can doubt that the benefit
would be great to both farmers and ship
pers. Under such circumstances woujd
it not pay seme cf cur Warehousemen
to dig down part way the bluff cn our
Levee and build upon it? Access to it
from the town fide would be easy, while,
even with grain in sacks, a scoot might
be constructed cn which the sacks would
slide onto the boat much faster than they
can now be loaded, and wi& much less
labor; and as socn as boats wo.ujd ship
in bulk, such a Warehouse -would ha,ve a
decided advantage.
Ladles, Listen ! Mercie D. ,Gann
has opened up a Millirer Shop, as will
be seen by a Card in another column, one
door above Carson's Bank. It will be
seen that tbe cfiers a splendid stqck of
Goods, which we have no doubt she .will
make up in the neatest and .most fashion
able style.
TheO. IIUl j& CO, haveUid in their
Spring Stcck. In Ladies's Dress Goods.
Goods for -Gent's wear, Queensware,
Boots, Shoes, Cutlery, Groceries, Farm
Implements. Trunks, Sec, their stock is
unsurpassable. Theadore has an envia
ble reputation for buying only the best,
.and therefore the most inexperienced
msy deal there sure cf getting a good
mi;!?. 1
V v.
rr r1
. I-1-' 1 1
:v SYcre lv Hicli Co., tt
Excelsior, Atchison county, -Mo.- and
it is as .good, if not better, than acy ever
effered for sale in' this city. It isa de
serving heme factory and should be sus
NCW 5IU1. The new Grist Mill of
Coals & Sanders, on the Little Nemaha
above Glen Rock, in this county, is now
in running order for grinding Corn, and
will be prepared to grind Wrbeat within
three weeks. 3Ve are informed by pejr
sons who have seen this mill that it is
one of the best constructed mills and ma
chinery in the West, end Mr. Ccats, the
millwright and miller, knows how to
o .
use it to perfection.
Fisk Brother Wagons sold by
F. A. TISDELL, Brownville.
Hides. Cash paid for Hides by
20,000 Bushels Corn wanted,
10,000 Bushels Wheat wanted,
10,000 Bushels Oats wanted,
Hay. Fcr sale in ry q-iantiiy to suit
purchasers. Price Zo per ton. -Oaxny
farm, three miles west of Brownville.
tf H. O. MINICK.
The Lovelace ic Thompson Bros., are
building a large addition to their New
Grist MM on the Little Nemaha, at the
old W'eddel briflge.
The Circulating Library at Marsh
Co'j coniain now 1,000 volumes, and
they are conslar.ily adding to it all the
latest publications ly the best authors.
Give them a call .when in vani of Cheap
Reading I . They also furnish any Rook,
Magazine, or J'acspapcr at the publishers
loxccst prices !
J. u RLISS, regularly licensed Ado
ticnecu. Sale in'lh.3 jcoaVy.n
to on reasonable term?.
Ealny LClTlS Lave cpened their
Store at Peru, which js crowded with" a
, largo clock cf well, selected -Diyl Cccds,
embracing all the novelties in that line
such as Ladies' Dress Goods, Muslins.
Prints, Hosiery and a great variety cf
Notions together with Ladies' and Chil
dren's Spring Hats and Shces ; also a
Urge stock cf building material, together
with Queensware, Groceries, etc., which
they prejese to $ ell cheap fcr caih
Largest and most complete stock cf
Hata ia town, cheap for cash at
J. L. McGEE & GO'S.
We will publish, next week, an article
on "Nebraska. The Nemaha Land Dis
trict, and Brownville." Persons desir
ing extra copies to send to the Slates
will cblige us by leaving their orders by
Tuesday., . .......
Karscry Stock for Sale.The
attention of Farmers and ethers is in
vited to the Advdrtisement of Col. R.
W. Furnas, in to-day's paper, of Nursery
Stock for Sale. He has a choice selec
tion of slock of the finest varieties and
hardiest kinds, all perfectly adapted to
the climate and soil. See the Ad. and
then lay in your stock.
Marsh & CO., have received their
Spring Stock of Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, and are prepared to furnish their
numerous old custcmersand as many flew
ones as see fit to favor them with. their
patronage, with as good Goods and at as
low prices as any house in this cityr Tfie
highest market price paid for Country
Troduce I " , '
Dye's Concert, last evening, at London,
wo learn gave great satisfaction... .The
Band 'discoursed instrumental, the Glee
Club surpassed their former best efforts,
the Singing Class gave evince Jo Prof.
Dye's ability as a teacher, and pepaniar-
ly it evidenced great ability in 'gelling
up a pleasant evenings ent.ertaipment. '
McCrcery bas just received a Urge
and complete stock of School Books, Sta-
tioneiy and Blank Books.
G. M. Henderson & Co., have just
received a choice lot of New Goods, i
Canton Clipper Plows for sale at
3LQ,0 have for sale
in the Nemaha Land District, Nebraska,
10.000 acres of Choice Prairie and Tim
ber Lands. Suitable for Stock Farms,
or general agricultural purposes. Also,
improved farms in Nemaha County
JNO. L. CARSON, Banker,
3t Brownville, Nebraska.
Just received and opened at Rainy &
ewis' a choice stock of Buff, Green and
Blue Percale, French Lawns and Organ
dies, Poplin and Mozambiques, Blue,
Pink and Green Berags;?, and a great
variety of Domestic Goods which they
are displaying ttrtheir many costorjaers.
Marsh h Co., have the finest assort
ment of Smoking and ChewingTobacco.
Pipes, Combs, Pocket Cutlery, Pocket
Books, Yankee Notions, etc., ever brought
lo this market, and they sell cheap
J. . DetlSCr has received per steam
er Montana a large stock of the latest
Improved Cook Stoves, which he will sell
lawer than any other house in town. De
fies all competition, "lively no hurn-li"-.,Tprr.s
cash. '
IT'? tho I."? a wc'.l sele:c:?d
k cf
J&;Jcg tec's uca r.a Trrdes,
Garden Hoes, Rakes, etc. " He
best Corn'Sheller, Separator and CUan
er, combined in one machine, nosr in
use. (2S-2t)
IX e have beautiful mail facilities, out
.West. When the weather is bad vye
have never complained, but duripg such
nice weather as .we have had idoring the
past three weeks Post Mastejs ought la.t
least to do their duty. Three weeks ago
.we sent ICO copies cf the advertiser to
PawneeCiiy, twenty-five miles southwest
of this city, Cid up to Monday nothing
had been heard from them there. An
,dy's men, where are they
Blis3 will have another b:r Auction
Sale on Saturday. Persons having pro
perty to dispeseof are requested to b;ing
it in early. :
PerSCCaL Col. Furnas reached his
home in this city lat Thursday afternoon
looking and -feeling much better for his
trip tna treatment East. We are pleas
ed to note his arrival and improved
Ilea. B. .Lushbaagji is ia enr city
J to all appearances the tame, gentleman
capitalist ani thrcwd gander he if
always been.
,CapL J. H. Presson, of 'Tecumseb
was in town on last Tessay. ; . " ;
Ho1 Fcr ine. Chew Store!
Rainy Lewis .propose to sell better
goods for less mcaey.thaa any other
Hccse in the city. Their stock is large
aid well-sclect'ed, emlracirg everythlag
in the Dry jGocds line.
SCOTT.Veai a clight fall cf bscw
ia this vicinity yesterday morning, coher
ing the ground about an inch deep.
See the Ad; of Well, Fargo & Co,,
' TrcijhtQrs. b to-day's frr.
T. rVV f- ' tfl ' Ir.N !-
tion of .farmers to the advertisement of
Col. R. W. Fup43, c? tUis city, offering
to let out Full .Blood Caihmsre B-ck
Goals on shares to cress with ''common
Goats. ThiaJo. any one desiring to get
fine stock is a rare opportunity, as the
mmmon fiat. when bredto-the Cash.
commoa Goat, when bred, to the Cash
mere Goat six times, prcdure-j very near
pura blocded Cfcasn:: "Io bet
ter chance .to get tha fiasst iicz.t in the
world was ever effere 1 to cur farmers.
The first cne who introduced Cashmere
Goats into the United States, after hav
ing carefully studied the habits of these
animals, suggested that th3 country most
adapted to their wants was the eastern
elope of the Rocky Mountains to the
Missouri ' river especially Nebraska.
Col. is deserving of great credit
for their introduction and his' present
generous offer.. . ' v v .'
Elegant Sett of LaGles' Furs.
We were much pleased, latt Monday,
with. a sight at a sett of Furs that we
believe cannot be excelled anywhere.
They are the property of Mrs. Furnas, of
this city, and Were made from .the skin
of a yoang.Cashmere Goat, owned by Col.
Furnas, and raised iq Nebraska, The
animal before it was accidentally killed
was valued at SI. 200, and the Furs
are valued at 51,000. One striking fact
about them is that they arj a Nebraska
production throughout. Nothing, to our
mind, can exceeds their elegance, and
certainly there is nothing ia the way of
fur finer.
Hollad ay Si Co., have just received a
splendid new Show -Caseand fixed it up
in "gorgeous array."
New - Store The Brownville House,
now being altered into a business house
will contain two of the finest store rooms
jn our city. ye learn that the corner
room is to be immediately fitted up to
receive one cf the largest stocks of gen- '
eral Merchandize ever brought to this
market. The proprietors have had a
long experience ia the business and are
determined, to suit-the market both in
goods an, Clicks.
A new building has just gone tp be
tween Chas. Jlelmer's Boot and Shoe
Shop and the City Meat Market to be
occupied, we understand, as a Saddler
J !f
Hay and Cattle Scale. We learn
that Graff & Earsmana are about to put
up a large pair of Sales ia froat of their
City Meat Market.
WTe learn that our veteran Painter,
Louis .Waldicr, has rented the upper
part of Morgan's Plow and Wagon Fac
tory, where he is prepared to do all
kinds of work in his line on the most
reasonable Cash terms, and in the most
approved style. His long experience in
his business and his work guarrantee to
his patrons No. 1 work at his hands.
Fftt HogS C)ur exchanges have dur
ing the winter noticed several fat hogs
butchered in their vicinity, and now it is
our turn, hamuei .Stairs, living in this
county, recently killed two eight month
old pigs, weighing, -dressed' respectively
258 and 26 pounds. Forjcommon stock
begs, in connection with their extreme
yctyth, they defy competition. '
A spUndid - assortment c . LadieV,
?vf,'ser, Ch' tren'. n r- A 12, -r t'e-SW.tnt
received and crct,; i
J. l. ::c.jT.:: co's
SIcCreery has Ciorer a-
e .Grass
Seed for sale. '
The New School House is nearly com
pleted and School will open in a few
days. For School Books, Slate, Pencils,
Pens and School Stationery generally go
to Marsh Co's, they are prepared to
supply all demands at the lowest prices.
From Peru wMearn that times are
lively, of great activity in Commerce,
Agriculture, Mechanics and the Fine
Art's; how could it be otherwise since
the opening of Rainy Lewis' large
store ialhat city. "That's what's the
xnatter, isartia sure.
Maple Sugar, Pure Cider Vinegar,
Sassafras Park and Coal Oil at $Iarsh
& Co. V
field and -Garden Seeds, fresh, ia
abundance at McCREEY'S.
II. C. XCtt, fLand
tioneer. .
hoice Dress jood latest patterns
just received at McGEE & CO'S.
J.GSt .ArriTed, A new lot of JYagons
at" F. A: TISDELL Sc CO'S.
Clialrs He-Calnet!, ' Vith neatness
and dispatch, by GZO. TURNER.
Apply at lUy Ji wU's lilber Shop.
HcCrCCry : Jtt the City iiVrurj Store, Lis
all kinds cf J'abjs srd Oil5,.qa hzqd. fcr
Spring trade. ..
7bcat and Oatj,The hi?hest
caiket jrice paid icr U'hcat and Cats by
5C0-T:ha D:re2'sC T:ratcd SIc?7: i
Plows. ; ' TI1EQ. HILL kTO. -
Stcdli!;er fc Bro's Vrc-oas sIJ by
' t ) AUv!A k ..3 ulZ.Z
D' Strickhr.J. in u . numerous ap-
plications for"advic., ., kisses to inform
those who are af 1,rl, -that they may
consult him ca all ..tuts 6r Chronical
Diseases by letter, statirTtha 8ge,.sycip
toms, Sec, with a fee'cTiiva-dollars en
closed. Dr. S. Haa cbtained great noto
riety as an experienced Physician, Loth
in Europe and America especially in the
treatment cf Chronic Ccmplamts, after
other doctors have failed to( ejTect a cure.
Those suffering should immediately seed
fcr a. prescription ly addressing Dr. A.
' SxkicxLAxi) Cincinnati, Ohio E6-3y
This is therfcas'en "for-Cccghs and
'Colds; those suffering withsuch, or any
1' Affecticp cf the Throat or Lucgsr,, will
'fTnd"Dr.; STKiexijfsuV'Melhflnou
'Cocgh Balsam" an excellent remedy;
in fact, all his Medicines are worthy the
confidence cf cur readers. See Adver
tisement. - , G-tf-
Every one Ills o-,ni Bocior.-Those
individuals and families who generally
get through ;the year . with the least ex
pense cf medicine cr doctor's bills are
!they who keep Dr. Henry's World's Ton
iic and Blocd Purifier and Root and Plant
Pills at command, using them prornp'tly
cn first attacks, before disease has firm
lly fastened itselflbn the system. Thece
: valuable remedies are for sale by all
j tliia if mere ly accidental cr occasional, a doso pf
j Roclatk'3 Sugar Coated Blood Piila is the only
treatment r.e ics.ciy ; lut v.'acn it has beccmafcii
tbitua1, it calloYor TurtLc?' attention. .Wautcfex-'
ercL-e it generally tie cbkf cau3e, especially amorg
the Ligber classes cf scciefy, in which caso tho
UEQf.f the Elccd Tilli tbculd to follovrcd to keep
the bowsla open. v
! READER, STOP AXO TISX We suppce the
mo&t of our re&dcxa Lay aidaie I. C. De Land it
Co.'s Best Chtinical Saleratus,hut if there arenny
of yoa T.ho do Ect. just rtcpend thick ; if yon boy
the Best Clinical ?a!eratc3ycu get the Bcpt Sal.
trains made, and full weight.
JfaDy jerfcrs aie to-day suffering frcca uy?pep
cia who do net knew it j they feel a heaviness af
ter eatirig', a sort of lanjaof or lack of energy, and
attribute it to the Spring weather. It is nothinS
but Indigestion, and one dos3 of Coe'a Djipcpsia
Cure will confirm this fact.
99 Broadway, X. Y.
TTIIE ATTENTION of the public and the trade
- is inrited to onr 2ittc.iialet Stvm ' Ottati,
AW-roua Piano Fjrte, whkh ir voliwDe sixl pu
rity of t-me are unrivalled by any hitherto oCercd
jn this narkot. Tbey CoRIATn a!J th3 njodern iu-
. .. A. r 1 . . 1 1 1
j j r-f cfucf!:!, rfoi"1') rri ni m:.v'r, nit rp pea i iron
i irania , over-i ru - i
I t-xv. . f :t. .1. ii.C'KUVf
i' i.J ca,-:t 1-
r '. rtf.'rr.i! ftf-rvl-
, 4' :-: :.rt:w-'r.TV':'-
1 ejri,.rai;r.te t"x- 1 ..
' iare, is fully w
fullr warractel :a every parlicuia;.
A.j.a.W a VilijJ
Received the h:g best cward of merit at th3 eIe
brated world's t air, where were ibibited ir'frn-
Eents from the best maJter of LonJM, ir, &vt
any, 'hilsdetpbia, Boston, Baltimore and Ev
1'ork and also at the American Institute for Jive
succes'sive year., the Gold and Silver Medals
from both Of which can bescen at our ware-rcoms.
-Uy tho introduction of improvements we maka
a still more perfect Piano forte, manufact
uring largely, with a stctly cih jysten, are en
abtl to otfer thsnU a.uent ai irice v. bich
wiilprecludo'a:icomi"t.ioa. - --
Our pi j39s are f roia 513J t.$23fl ahocpaj Uaa
anv first class 1 iany-forte. ,
TEBMS. 'et Cash in current f u ji.;.
Descriptive Circtlar sent free,
i July 1st, IS66 one yeir It.&Co.
Stoneware, Uatketi", Wash boar J, Jntems Ac. at
jLJLOI'IS than any other Private Pi?csse J'hx
sician. is & 'regular graduate -of medicine, cares
Syphilis ,in aiiits orpijCorcrrhdea,G:eet, Strict
ure, Orchitis, diabetes, BJadder ani Crinarjr
diseases, Syphilitic ff Jtiopa of .the throat, skin
cr bones.
(Tpric-r self-bts. excesses, ex
posures and ' indiscretions, ia youth and na-J
IXJr-PT J car s, jruuui;ug i,L J - - o
effects,: BIctches. bodily weaknus?, un manliness,
tc societydndl-iestion, constipRtion, dread otTa--ture
ent?, losf of mernory, ssd.fDally lmpo
teney, baringbeen eared. -h
mh rpfpf tn mnnvciJ residects for ra3t
success and present position, also many jhyg-I
Iclaninere ana elsewhere. . I
Occupyia rbcla-iotye of twtlye rx-ms,wua
competent sstsUSt pbj3claa ; tiiOf e rec,ui-rin-;iai!y
personal attention rnay rerca-.n in tue
eft a traii'taett. ."
MciJicise snt.eefwhere ly mau c? eipTerj.
His T becrf anl Jliprsition of;)iiea?s?,,cletrly
r.-iAiitnT nil tlm diseaaes conditions, rnay be
badin sealed letter enre!opeJar aejU.iaii'I.
Circiuaf , embraeki-f aiinrcBic utceac-es,o u j.
Addrosa St. Louiil. iio. f
A friendly talk costJ-Culiiin ;bar-res Eiod-
eTa'te ; cares guaranteed.', S.:..CtjarIes
street, one square sou-tb. oi the Lindsli ilotel.
Feb. 15 ly .
of Urine, irritation, innaa?at:oa cr uictraiiij. tf
the 1,'aJler. or kidneys, diseases of the prostate
glacd, stone id tbe bladder, calculus gravel or
brick dust deposit, tni all diseases cf tbe blitader,
kidneys a-:d Jr-rr3ieial sweHiRt,
U32 Eeueou)3 Fi.rri ErrBACt Itsr. . r
JJIciles.CaaFiu of il ki-ds. ani Oysters at
byUflraboH j txtracl Uuchu.
-Hc-3ar:;:or Crilli.'
Ttrcw a-rsjc yea? f&tso itUxf, tout !-:;:it',;-r -J'.t
retire ct cc Zilat, a:d na w-r'"i e
Core joz-JLtvtl, coa-a r; it-?,
And x " toe ia yp'ir ra ::rnria',t h !r
T!or retori,'!jr t'lr upon ai teif!s (from t.irT?r
tht9 it mnj tatl f Allen oit) inl forcing a (trcv - a .-r
hsir rpun tie fv::, it ha? fe )
beard io fx i re c, a t4 sir..C-t.alta frr :.: ilo
tj eight wc:i.or tir rron ti!3 tcaJ- ir fr-i i t-
t thrae nieaih.?. a f"w ..ocrrt- p'-'.-titic: l-.-t
fScrte1 ttat t?scro is tollies tlfc :lt forio o: Liiei
the erowta ot tie bair or beard. Ttsir assrii'.tara
iil$, a Uocsn. at living wice5Ci (frcn tl.-t ir irn
fiperiencef caae?ar witness.-' ButsiiBf vitrsA.? no
are we to.c;st:3?:iii ito gctrisa rroia t."i.i rpunotj
It certain iy n o.'5"f! i nlna-u-ts-cz thesiTerfst
irepirtitiors s iver.! ri lor the Lair ad bearj art ca
tirely woorUiiea w.i jca osy Lave alreadj lir-iwa
away large ani'.Tints ia tteir purtbute. 2V sue i vo
Kouii siy, try il.o Hepen'or CaprUil it will cst y;u
noiLic; uie-a it ill y cojic3 cp u our ipprcicr.ta:ioi.s
11 you Druc-ut (ioe not tp if, f euJ oue coi ar an i
we will forward it. pct paM, toretn?r with a rct'lt
for tie money, vtuh will te retarne-l you ta a;p ii-u-tior,
parvitfios tntire sat i .-faction Is, net P sro.
Acliresb. . W JL. CTir.S, CO.', Cx.'.tr.-; '
fea20J7 vko 3 V.'fa lVjefl fct.J rr;acis"l? T
, - I lis Gnat Dt::rct 't.
imircLD's co: centeaies rxruACt Sin2AFAr.n.LA
r f 1 te Cruet Lloai Partner,
' are pre pared accordinj to ru!:s cf pharria-
Ly aui ChEuaatry, au l are taj rcj! :
C3 ruaJa. . " ' '
1q iiitcan
"VTatural LcT, '
1.1 'aubacjOjCt
'Izo Cut, Grr.p'i Ju3 a-: rT-.rj
biiAI a. linO';S.
and vijor to the frairje and Lloom to the jn;M c'ie' k.
Debility ta accorsi anied by n'aay alaru.in5 '.-p-toins,
and is" no trt atinont U 3'aliaittcd tc, cu a--:-tion,
ir.sauity cr c JjIIeplio Ci3 enru?. '
Ires'i Tcrxatoes, ia two aaJ throe p.uad ca-, at
' , . S i A2s ' u. L..0
j : . . ?
A a
rap.e ci rrot,
Tuba's Ccrlici-ie r;i!l to 93
freo to any adure2c. 'fao Curl:v- cart tue
. .
awateattit ha;r on the Gr:t ai.c.icat;cn
Out Ui-
Jury in sc. ft, laxuriarit,beaat;fut curLj.' 1
Adircsa. v.ith tin. 1'iaf ROl'D
Dec. 27th liico-o.a
Free to Everybody.
" A Largo 6 ip. Circular, giving li.!;.r?.:o. t
trcietest impoitaace to the youi: cf t'h :.-:es.
It tcachei how lie hcrae!7 may bccrnij 1.';-::
despised respected, anJ t!.o forsatea Io.-oi.
Jfo young iaiy or ger.tlenian rhou'J iail to lh:l:
A.iiress, tad rcc:ive a cuiy post-paiJ, by retarn oa'.I.
AJJress P. O. D.-av.-or, 21,
- . . i
. SA Youn Lady rctur-
nicg to her country home, after a iujeura of a f:-w
months in tie City, was fcariKy reco?"i':Cil by bo:
friends, la I'acs cf a coarse, fluieJ face, ttie hai a
toft ruly comi lexioa of atrncst rtartie sraaUJPs a 1 1
icbtea.i tf twrnty-tLrce to reallj appearoitut ci;h
tecrr, rpon iLniry a te the cause of so t reat a clar.'e
hS plainly tvli ihexa that sns nsM tho CI EC AS -S1AIT
BAL3I, asi considered i. an lnrIcalie bj
qcisition to any Liidj toilet, py iti r.e any La ly-cr
Gentleman can improve their personal a;; carLn:o aa
ton Jerd fold. It U simpla In its comLtfiati'jB, ai Ka
tnre herself is simple, yet unsurparsed ia its efitcacy
la drawing impurifics from, also bcallnj ar:l beauti
fying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on
the cuticle it draws from it all its itupuritlo?, kindly
healing the satad, and leaving the surface aa Xaturo
intended it should be, clear, soft, scnotu andbeautifut
Price $1. tent by Hall or Expreas, on receipt of an or
derby F. L CLAP.l'Si- CO., Chemists.
f eb SO ly No. 3 VTest Tayat'.e St., Syracuse, NT. T.
The only mericari Agcau for the sa'e cf the
mm ! "fj 'n
Mi V .. t -'
iJi V, Jl -A
Cot"vene9, nnd a!! .11
eeascs cf the bowels.
and all disease arising
. from impure Uood.
prnstsaiid Dealers i:
Falcxil Ulceliciiscs
bveryavh nmn:
f.Suecefcors to Dr. C. V iloUck.) - f
; -ITci. 50. 5S, CO 62 Eaat Third St.
. CV I I - . 1 .
Ifri U
C. rV- A H I- 7?
i?.Cl-:J) P pr.- v.; tii? r...'o;he-t f ,e in
VILW iaK. tl.e t: ' !cr:i . :ta - 1 1
siz-. x: .1 V-vr-i ." 1 '.I -.r i"-" '
lit :r j.-. . 1 "im ! - -. ; . it ':(-, i:'-f... .4 .
Prl lor. '.--n r.-:'T. a ? fnt(!- '. : -
t.c'j 1 fri win ij ftS'1'" :. .t en
tire t ::r?a"'. ;n i c. t -'icen 5 r c ' 7 :a C
ey w i : j b ..: : u'.-y 't-c-l .?. Pt c by sr.'., il
att'I pita.l, 11 . rcr it. i r -"t. ' o ar1 t.xe
n-.5iei rr;.' AJ !.:- 521 il. rt-t X CQ-t
j -; '
iincv -Tby;'Dd3tihy.:
ItAr.-.v.t E. F. Tkobjitos, tie g-ert Er.jU.-a Atj
j tro'.-JS'v c;a:tv;jjat an.l , P;.'t(.ratrktan,
an, wta ba
:i' ViriJ.Hi
-4t2-; C.iiac-S of tte C
r.,v Uct;i Lst.-.;:: atuJa, JJ- T. Mi,a T.jfa
t.n jojsiii s r. .r.'.e.rui poe: or eon4 i'-iuit aa
I ta e-ljla Ler ircprt InowicJe vt ite srratat iic-
1'csiar.cj to tUe slr.jia cr jnv-rir-1 ! ci'.ter ses. WLi.'.
ia a stst j c t:;r;r. kh-j Jr'..5t s:n iu rry fv9ie
cl iUc 1 i.aa j-ju a.-a t j uai .7, al U i-J aii cf a
ijsiri:aerj'. p; ij'.ua f j vr, ka .va aj th I'y;aot
f.-'r; c. -.tecs t-j prt.:u-a a ;.5.ra. of tie
f ttiu.-a Ld. ban 1 ti w.t , insjv'.k t;:, ?.-r!T'.:!v
lino .-f r.:ar"r;.'ij, p-jjiua is life, :in trii'.J f
cba-acle:, IUU 1j r;i jv, & tcut-iicf
te jlinoniats earn a.tart. Si a wil scad waen l;ra.l'
a'ccri:2l ccrtit!:-.ta, or i;s:ea ctiractes tiui tl.
;U2rj !s rit !:pv.rprtt By ea.iasii a staili;
lid ct L-air, Si.J sttir;- j,:vp of b:rta, ?e, a'spoitsio.
Ct'u:p.e:.a, aaj i.. ooi:k UJ'.y ctt.t; auU sia"i.p I
r.viM .- ,0 : : I t y i.-i.-.f. y .a T.-:-i
tlcture arj .s.Alrel rrr vi;r. syrstura n'a !. Ail'
onjunicaliaui -cre4iy cvueieail.aal.
A.79i ll
cailit' ilA3.12tr .
P. T; TO V,
H-iu, I. X.
' Th?te e-.m?:h 5!r-l tMIrfej cfjry t sM
- youi'- ar. ! .; v!.l, tc jrc-t and to 53:!, '
?i:e tritty v'.ij'a ccci ivm so preoivij aai ir.
li frca f;-r ill, at! L.ay ba fair.
B7t!i3 liso of . :
;a:-::;rr.-,ti:C -:ptxi-t).
1 ftttvcj repais.i'.-u m ;e.c
C. ...(? to i.u j4-t 1 peart-::; tiet. tiii l.o;x
' ' .;; ! 1 1 yj i'.'i. - .'.i'ry rciaivs Tia. . f,-e-
m.:i;s, h: ;..l;iP1:J:, rIU'.vn-- K.-n;;i
r 1:. k. ti. tV.rj. i! ttt-iia
tii 9 t!.e.thi.i wi.i. rtt frr cf i;at l.;ert 'J'J tu catj
i:- i e ir it-i . !ii 3 ; 'j. 1 r-.rc::i;, 9aJ:i!a
v V.' i. .'.? i -c-, .-.r :: - t.1 'K, t a: !,.. I
c"y irt 'i.e . f I r--" i ! y t'.t ifarht At? 1 er:J
stvcrc-J by tre P- i--i n ji inf mu: ! t t ftcrrr-rS
' -it. i : ij.wu tcititrs wee f C'lcnx fie
on;y-r.r f c 1 rj. trj." l: tint. ia'.d. ca rvieiyt if
an i,: J:.-;ty , . ... ;
feb 23 ly
li'. C 21.
- . ,. -
f .'. ! ." " c 7, ai lo.iu'.i.'Ll hr t fair,
ti-ry e;.- , aai-ra2.aaJ itiir, -
'7i;ll c irli j tf aJriia ao.'t, eatwnor,
X.iiJ'zi !2a ::-lxxxi aa2 :-jiai.
rcr uurncj tiiS mir tcr, ei:rir.
mm a ' 1 ar a .
avy am Uicsjy :;in:!et3 cr
Hea'y Mascirs Curfa ' '
Ey?:n? llii arii: L.i li.j Cc-j.Vmea can iA j
ti.'y thertcsb'.ye? s t jou-mi. 1 1, 1. It is the only aru
cle ii ti;e'.vvr;d that stll cutl st.-a-ht hair, a-.d 4(
thean.e tit.""; ;iv? a br:u:i:'a', .- :y apeuan-e. C. ii l-o2t 11. t oul. 1 cr! iln L.iir, bnt i.v.i.,f.
aii, beau'ides an 1 cieaaei it ; la t.i.biy an.i .i.-i ; ut
fully perfumed. n 1 li the n-;t carriete arti.-'j if
tbe kin! ever t-Ccrfd to the AP' pnM:c Th Cru
f r Co'.na will b nit to ary n !.'rn, ;?a!c 1 2'1 p:3T
paidfirjl A'l lres a!i .tJT t" .
v. h. cr.vii.:; h co., Chomi.ti.j
f I?c World AstcBisIieiJ
AT TTI" 70"'1ZEFVL icr. VLL A riON 1
iiads r;x Tnn cr.AP ast?..)L'j.:st,
.... ., . ; ,r-.j fiyj. nr. Sbere
-"i wh , ia 'i 'f'i! event.
.: In !.;,', I 1 . f re's ;.-r an i
rv. Uc.r i.Hve tr?,rr.i Jf.-.-'r.f .
ciis -'r..; c
trijnjj, 1 .; r; o
She br;: r? tr-'1 (r thv.'-
mati'.n rifiicrrn.i.- r
last cr st'iir-n prp?r'-. t ;
br-st TJaiii'.cd t' rt J ? a
sr tcf s-fnl. cj'i ;r? (:
very C,z- you w:M i.- itj ,
cr.-s t,t! c'a: a : fi-i..-s
t r,Jf!;r; i (if l.-.f", rn- r
li , H'llil T'Hl wi'! t L! il
ri -jv a:i I tM t., 1 '.' .
'1 v-1 ; (2 f n j -1
very tprr.::!iU, ;.r. ! 1 y bf r nini
t:nv?ii-t !ie r!: 51 -1 bM ::
y .,!. ic J 'f t!.? f'l' C - -
""'.an0-:' r.
:r: V 1U tb7 ' " t. li-
ci i.f ;h,- p' v.i'-. . t- i
:ll I'.. 1 t::,ive l'ir'.
From tl'O Stars " O ;n !
t.tar iv -' i-- '-r -
i l:;--? thT . J m-l- l -'
the f!:l rtar.-. in tin; :
dci:5-es l?.e f4if.i-e t
silt the ere:-, t A '
t.nt a tr) ar.-! .-. -. .y s - rr
ble ti .:k-.r""i-.. C '''
B-J du -sirr.j 1 .; - i.t, -..
c'.jt2;..e cir: !u, 1 .-:.. ' 1 :
,. r ,; n , f, ,' -'I
I. rr -j .
. wii'i I i : 4
1. Iir'.t X -
.i .- If!
tj t '(.
, t . r. i if in
1 y u i a.-a cf l.t. JCi.. '.
can '- ' :rt 1 pc--r.satc-i:v, au I at .- t
iii9 ar.i.i .i-ii-c ic:;- s w.i. a i! n -..iC-. t.
va. :. is n-frtitiue fjr ILyo.- i an.l Xtnji;, v.-.
t.a rrj.1 ut'-iiy .:-. I :.!.. 1:1. To. $ of M-
-:'"?r. Ir-Pv'fn-y or r.:y f t'.3 c:.-!--r.,;-.
)"w:l i'- r..; -f-:.:crs it the nvsv yi
rf rura'.Sr e".?r Oi.-r .vce !.
It i.i rr. - nail arvvw - ;;;.:
ci.CC-t.i.-, .ty to s'.'j.iy , r '.:.
oiy, cui.iu.ii.:'. iv.-vt$ t-f s.-!f.';.--.tru
na: .lF,.c. ft w.l, r-i--.. r.? tbo 1 , , ;
tciia of thria wi. ) Lave ' ve I V.
cer cr ; racri.-ej.
T ,r.x nifn. t j ijii ml t no rort
tors'' ii:!riu: prafiti. c.-rs, lav
, .irp'e-.-.n. f
i. l-.". . r-r'.a
. is .- 1 , .
.a, r . . j
?.y ri-. i- :
" -1 vrit;
-.i ... e
r. 3 a ! -r
rs all .r
?y r r tn- iiwir, ..,i De.r,.ni3 rr.
bapprtth. A?rfe.t OorMa (icia
itir.c'.' Ptire," (r;r)-7 ,,
C:2 t' (.:e,.t t, iC::t a c .
rj o .
ai.Si;, ta. Jo:vvn.t.F.-3 s?rx;r:: ?:t.l.7.: "
.e-;ea-'y ar.4 fire cf G c.rrt. (,-,
L're;,ri l'iari-, .rfl.s-'i.u;;, a ".- '
L ri :fi i'Vttt";- .x..: h;.. . 1; -rr (.?(- ,
fr.i'i (.:..- t- day. Z'ry 5 rr-,3rp-5 f-.
lv f.trasta at ii;i:i:(-j -,a ti.'.-. :'.'
r;- eat? t'.e .-- .-a or brc.-.. '
Nil i!.i:r 'J lt i. n,ic? -.':. . t- .-..
Ue- pu-si4t. ;-;- 1 : : f tbe a! jv-r : n 1 t
U,aty .:j-c3 c.,--i Ur ..i. t; .u 1
' tl'.-e-i,on If-Kii'lti-T: ". .'. :-. Bit f.-ie-l
fcct.i;:t, L-i;-:r:r. cr ... n.,-... -.
rtw'y s r r.-.y,x.r.
Wondcrfcl but Truo.
i a at ah n r.n:-!;c
j tr--! S--i-;a
iUirv-y.?t ti!. C i
''.!j C l:-!rTar..T W. r
per? 'ri v, a r : . ij. i--f. t. J- V.
i.' a,
I c: ai
I " ii.ttne p km r . ti-
gur?.p;?rs t ;? -:-.c .1 j ;-..' c: r l
I cf tbe Ii-tur.; a i r no . t ;"-o a,,
! ctate '! nvi:,.::, ti t,-a4.i.-s. lea , 1 tr.'. of 1.1 !n
cct Ci:rk.2r ca a.--t -t. ! .'ji::ii, - ,
Ci-p -:. , ciu.- u.' r .(! 1 i..r, .- .i tt
I c! its, ir. i .tlx-el envr'.i ;n a i're
tv ifl re-t-iTe -'.b y 'wii t j itli'
1 tli.-i't f :--M3V! ).
1 T-jA :.! i:' C !i-u-. '
f C: it!, t- Y'-r?
i' ',mc i:; n il