1 1 1' t 4 '. t j:i I. ? ! i. f I;.:..:. '! -A 1 1 j . . . ' ; f r i tr.. . : j , - ; i v. i". r-1 .1 ' i.1 '. I 1 !, t J ill 1 1 i. i t: if 1. v : f c ' til t:.Z 5 t ( fir1 y u r rf;.rm the C , .1 c f i'.t .f t.l i- :?, tti tf.e tv!i jrtt r.U i ry i t t l r; ;rjei Jt.J I c .. . ti.i.'.f?" t Jrt J y t w j , 1 ".u :t jm, j.U an c'.fi cf f .re." !r'. C. Ai l l it jT.ler ra;:eJ, 'Il.'.t o; :.i ii.:urrrJ ty th aevtr il r ' ' !' r.j f r.ert!i, tr ty iftu cf ,y ' ' r ti,tr appvuir.-if n?s made, I y T (., u- Jrr cr I y mxv s tf ihie art, ' '1 h j 5 J c.i t,' tr.y i,-fy ia the t. . .t y i. a c.htr vi.2 r n.; rated. 7. At J l it further erected, T.' at r - r.Ttr.ti.ti for ea!i Sata iLall J - r e i.1.? f-es, ulary, and cr-npen-t".:n la ? e f 1J t i all c'rSt f;aies Jir.4 tth ti t.' r.-n!3 herein authoriied c r i ::ry to orry into effect tie pur .:?.' this an r.:t herein otherwise r . v i f i fcr, ard ihall provided far tie iy er.J t ..'ieaicn of iut! taxes cn the j r.; (.riy in fch M'.ate ai rr.sy La tcces isry to y t!;e nrr.j. i b. Ar.J le it fun!j?r enacted, T! s t!,s w:rJ nniJc, ia the filth lectica t! t.? ct ti w!.ich ihia ii lufpleraectary, t t3 cr.itructeJ ta uitan ection. ilcbraclca CtDucrtiGcr joiini comiaiii:ditok. tILOTf XTILLf, TCUHDIT, 11RIL 1E5T. T'j fit Gcverr.crrif Ihe !atc cf.Ytlrctka. An Crier llzAzz AEstTnncnt cr Jnitlccs to J!:c Sacral Districts. Whtrfct, Il is profided ly the Cccsti tutica cf th State cf Mebra?ka lhal the CevcrLor th&ll har the authority to ai f ija the Jutticci la hold District Courts irj the ictcr&l Districts, until the Legia Uture thai! hare r roriied ly law, and tYhmis, It epeara that tuchajain meet ii rfceisary ta the public interest, Therefore, Uy the power rested in me ly i!.e CoM-tituticn, 1 da hereby assign 1 ion. William A. Litila, Chief Justice, lath 3 Second Judicial District; Hon. Gcorrt Ih. Lale. Associate Justice, lo the 1 ait Judicial District; and Hon. L. Crc-:-?, Aiixiatd Justice, ta the TL:rd Jud;cis.l District. C . Ia tfstiiacny uhereof, I have ' J hereto ett tny tacd and hare cauif d the t :al cf the St&te cf Kelraska fa le tixrJ. Djno tt th City cf Omaha, this ttve t;ty-ierenJi Czj cf March, ia theyear cf c-r Lord ezs thsasicd eiht hsndred tti tlity-serea. C . I'y ihe CoTrncr. DAVID BUTLER. Tuci. r. Ktxaai, Sec. of State. To Tccplc cr Kcljrasia. llxtcirTiTr Orrict, Omaha, Nil, ) I lanh 27t 1SC7. I hat this tlay receircd cfHcial notice frcm the State Department at Washing tea, cf the FrerieM'a Proclamation aa fc;u:r.ir; that ihe Legislature cf Netraa ha his accepted the ccniitiona proposed ly Carers, and declaring the fact lhat IVt! rsfka. is tlr,.i:: d as cz cf ihe inde pf :.1'.M States cf i!,a Uci:a. The Got crccr tlct tcder ihs State cranizatioa leirj ns.T rcaJy la lake charge cf ihe tCi.?, rr.y duiiea t$ tlie Chief Lxecutire f tha Territory this day cease. 1 ule pleasure, before retiring from this t:Z:e, ia arai'ir; myself cf liiia cp p-rtjnity cf rcturuic rny sincere thankj ta ihe perp'.e cf ihe Territory fcr their v:. .'crm L:r.iLe:s, ar.d for the alacrity ad f rcrpce:! wiih which erery c'Hctal t!ert.5r.l upca them has teen hencred, v. ht J.tr ia war cr peace. lo period cf t:r.e cf ihe rime lti;'.h since ihe crgan ixati;a tf cur GoTtrLment has been to eteitfl tr.i full cf ereful histcry as hsa I era Co ;i years lhat I hate been hcr;;rt J with an ciUciil cocxectioa with th pf :; ', cf rCelraika, end it ircs me rrai r Mature ta knjw that peace and f corral prcrpenty prerail through cut cur r.hle ccur.ry, twi cipecially ta Lr.w that ta ccuutry eta truthfully least tf frcs.tr r peuce cr nvre Cu:ui pros sr :ythaa e:a rClra:la. 2.p-eiia!ly da I feci prcud cf the Cz-.r: .i M ct. i.tiva cf the Tcrri'.cry. Six years the cV.i tf il.e Terrr.try vrti J-l j ta uvlars for t ery r.:ia, ncn:aa eui ch.l j ia it, il! the warrants ca the Treasury v.ir ftll r j at frci Ha ta CO cc-u f a ihe d:llar. !c.r her paper is at j ir. ar.d hd is re !y ta pay etery dul ls r cf hr iawtlteders cf vha'.eter chtra;t?r, ea Cat the tew State canccm ! .cr career 'd::ut a !u!lar tf cur her. Ibis c-d.tica f ailiira, 1 a fir at my IconlrJr ex tj.it, m tti.hc-t a parallel ia the histcry cf Lew Sta:?i, tiJ pftscr-it? fur mutual tz-l ctL?ril cr jra'.ulit'ca. Whtld cur cT.cf rt ei-i f jc; .e haraleca iJ attentlre ta t!. f.;. -.:.:;)! cf cur country, ihey hare cutler a iiie cr wilC: ta cher panic tlsre, Lr Jurir; ihe war L'tbraika fur Li 1-4 ta rr sry trerpa tf any cihrr State cr Terr jury ia prvpertirn to their popu lattca; tzi tae;l.l..r frca ft-y quarter rercrd fcr bravery cr true au'liirly coa ductihsa th;se frcua Kcbraika. So?iew-iz-z t frca ary ttani point, I feel proud that I hare Lcea permitted to occupy ta ccirpu-uu.ua e position amccj a p.ecpla ea patnciic, prompt and appreciatire. With try best wjshes fcr the pro-perity cf the ; r.tcle pec-le cf cur Lew State tnd for i'.z gnt kuccess, I am. tc; " ALVi:; SAVIWLT.Z. J t S l: ! all tYi t, - a I - I 4 t'.'. I t t vsi1.? ;r. v. 4 l' Ti-eY tre a t.Lii$:t 1 :t n t;;::r 4,f:ns ta ill.fr '..' r..:3 r. nl curate ta Ret 1.7 :i hi fl.'.UM, ti J ta a; iL&l as zr. a L'.s tie cvti tea h-)i.sr la thsa ths pocr ruia as is thoAercd Lp-oa ari:t::ricy. The 11. V. Times yi : "Hr. Tip:cn cculda't vuu fcr it until he knew hvv l it. I'eaboiy stood darit j the relellioa." And sneers at hira as a "liberal soul." II. J. IiaymoiJ, editor cf thcTimss.has dcubtleis a "liberal toulM or il will cerer excuie the "thir-s" it inhabits fur panic j ihe abcre faKthood, as Mr. Tiptua point djy taid he did cot cppo;e the resolution ca that score, butconsiered theaource cf ihe retolutica Charles Sumner aufli cient guarantee ca that pcict. A ''hb craltoul indeed, presidesof the Times ! but the clay it inhabits is ahaky. The great soul cf the exeuttler who edits the Omaha JlcraU is terribly anxi ous to sit in judgement ca scmsbody. Hear him : As to cur clerical friend Tipton, we arraign and denounce his vote ia ihe Sen ate the other day against the resolution cf thanks lo the great American Philan thropist, George PeaboJy, as a ttander vpon ihe religion he professes and upon the people c Nebraska." It was such He was gailty, as a Senator, when he cast that rote, cf an infamous wrong, cr else all Christian example and teaching, and the maxims of an enlightened cirih zaticn, are a cheat, a swindle, and a lie." How ?clubl8 is ibis judge cf "Chris tianity" and "cirilization," who co glibly "arraigns" one who is thrice bis peer iu all that constitutes manhood and Christi anity. Another case in point occurs to us, which may illustrate the principle of Mr. Tipton's vote, and may furnish this judge" cf 'Christianity a chance to "arraign and denounce" etill another; "And He looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. 2. And He saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites. 3. And He said, Of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all: 4. For all these have of their abund ance cast in unto the offerings of God : but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had." Luke. zxi. Now, Miller, go in ; because this case illustrates the principle involved. The J'ncs alings its filth thun, after calling Senator Tjptoa an "ass" : "We will cot tire our readers nor shock ihe moral sense of the peojle by further extracts from the insane, brutal and Nebra&ka-disgracicg speech of the theological mountebank from Brown vilb." Wonder will Morton survive th "shock" to his "moral cense," which is principally in the fact lhat Tipton would not stroke and flatter this great donation to his rebel friends, though his vote was cast cpon the principle ennunciated by the founder cf Christianity ! We believe in the position taken by Senator Tipton. It is anti Democratic and anti-Republican and anti-good-sense fcr the Congress of the United States to honor with thanks and medals special charities, be they ever so great. Let this plan be inaugurated and the country would be impoverished for gold medals, and the time of Congress frittered away, for daro Congress, in our form of Gov ernment, make distinctions in favor of the rich nabob who scatters one million and a half out of two hundred and fifty millions, and the poor, honest mechanic who gives one-tenth cf his wealth to edu cational charity ? We "have fifty candi dates in this city fcr medals, and here is another: "D. Appleton St Co., have given one hundred thousand books to Peabody's trustees for ihe use cf the South." Congress, shell oui your medals ; and ye "liberal souled," web-footed, morally, sensatire Christian gentlemen deeci pies cf old Copperhead howl if Con gress duien't do its duty ! Hold 'em level, mcricn and miller I "A Toad Under a Llanw," Is trully ihe present day Conservative wha takes, reads aid believes a Conser vative journal; with iheir dark predic tions cf the future, gloomy hints, and tage prcphesies. They seem all to have assumed that split-tailed, cpen-bcttomed mantle cf prophesy worn by Scvrard in the early days of our "unhappy difficulty with cur Scuthera Irevhren." their prophecies dua't "hIJ wtter'wcrth a cent. Wo pt.ked c ;i il;::.s pa pers the cth:r day, andhcia is a fair specimen cf the ! aJLrgs: "Financial r.uia;" "The Rump Cccgreis;" "Death ta Liberty :" "The Negro taGcrern the C.untry;" The Nigger "Awrchy;" "Ar-iy ta be Impeached ;" &c We pe ruj?i tereral cf these delectable Cop pcrheil u;ncls until we felt trcliy sorry fcr the peer, deluded Conservative, who. from cur. cm cr chcice, would masticate tuch fuoi fcr the mind, and refsse to be warned ly the glorious aua cf Radical pTCgrvis; wuvm m ;-ret ia -'.fck-irg his head ia the sand like the ostrich and believe himself hid from his great, est enemy, Light ! Tha Xrss hopes that Ilea. P. W. Hitchcock "will array himself with the Nebraska City News." He'll doubtless think cf bis later end 3 he puts it c:i. This Ls tisara joke At 10 o'clock ca th CC;ht to reassca bis ta the f.rt Wednesisy ia July, 7. he; if Cera is to teed Lr a ipcc'al 1 a ilzy will adjrura until D.cml :r. Ths President, by Prccl.'.rr.'.ticn, ccn vtr.ra the Senate in Executive n ca Monday. This will Lee? tha Senate ia session about two weeks. AerdhlUcn cr r.n:jfr.3 America. We learn through the telegraph that by a treaty recently cade Russia, for the sum cf S7.C0O.C0O, cedes to the United States all hsr American possessions. This is an important acquisition, and by this time is pr&lably ratified by the Sen ate. The Briti-h minister i greatly ex cited over it, and has telegraphed to England for instructions. Faraer's Attention I Tba Nemaha County Agricultural So ciety will meet at the London School House, in London, on Saturday, April 13th, at 4 o'clock, P. M. W. G. SWAN, Pres. F. E. Allx, Sec. The Honey Creek Horse Guards will meet at the same time and place. ALEX. M'KINNEY. Democratic Consistency. Many have regarded and denounced ins Northern Democracy as inconsistent; ia this they have been sadly mistaken they have been very consistent since the inauguration, of Nullification and the birth of State Rights. They can never be charged with inconsistency, since they joined hands with the Southern Seces sion Democracy, to whom they sold their principles for the spoils cf office. They labored for the South steadily and per sistently,, even against the rebuke of ihe South. Thus, ihe rebellion was inaugu rated by Democracy, the southern wing did the fighting while the northern wing cheered them on, smuggled for them and did all in. its power to cripple the loyal 'North, refusing to vote "another dollar or another man" to whip their rebel friends. Had their opposition suc ceeded, their cherished plan of division of the Union would, to-day, have been a fact ; but, thank God, it did not , and their foul conspiracy has been burled to its proper abode, the hell of public execra tion. Under these circumstances are they cot consistent in shielding, if possible, their 'southern brethren" from the pen alty of the treason they encouraged ?. As a matter of course they are, for this damnable consistency is all that is left 10 that consistent, party Avho have alwaj's preached Jefferson and practiced Cal houn, Burr and Benedict Arnold. Their consistency has abated cot one jot since the triumph of the Union, as was shown by their opposition to the Con stitutional .Amendment, which J. C. Breckenride, Vice President of ihe Con federacy, pronounced "the mildest pro position ever offered to a conquered peo ple. " Had the Northern Democracy for once sunk their consistency, this would have been adopted and the Union reconstruct ed. But, co, this would be inconsistent ; they wanted to make treason respectable. What they have gained for their "err ing brethren" may be seen in the Mili tary and Supplemental Reconstruction bill recently passed by Congress. These measures would never have passed bad the" South in good faith accepted the Amendment , and we believe it would have been accepted bad the Northern Dsmo cracy kept silent; yet they did cot, and the South owes its present situation to them. This Millitary Reconstruction simply aims at a thorough and fair reconstruc tion of the rebel States, with Constitu tions republican ia form, recognizing co distinction because cf color, and forbid ing certain rebels the privilege of voting. To exercise a servillance of the later and to see ihe provisions of the bill fairly carried out, the Military arm of the Government has been extended over the South. The Supplemental bill just pas sed simply pledges Congress to accept ihe rebel Stales when ihey comply with ihe requirements of the first bill. Is cot the Northern Democracy consis tent in opposing this measure ? Truly ihey are, becauaa it compels an accept ance cf the loyal situation and punishes by disfranchisement their rebel friends. How they do howl at Congress and the loyal North which Lacks it. No epithets seem to them mean enough to dain such an outrage to their dear "southern breth ren, yet ia all their vamping not cne grain cf argument is used. Let 'ea howl, fcr ia that too are they consistent ! Under these circumstances it is truly cheering to cote how little attention the South is paying to iu toady ally cf ihe North. - A general movement is caw ca foot in the Scuth to accept the citua:icn and organize under the Military bill, and a strong Union party is forming which trill C2ry . SMy !'e ciajoriti. Gea. Lee, Gen. Lcngstreet, Wade Lump toa. Gov. P&ttca, cf Ala., and many cf the most prominent rebels are urgirg an acceptance and reccnstrccticn under this biilfand meetings are being held all over the South, irrespective cf color, to fur ther reconitructicn. The loyal party and ihe rehtJs sxe striving for the colored vcte, tzi thuugh to us cf thu Ncrth th issue may seem cct at all doubtful, i: ii yet dcubtfah The lesso-is cf the war f :er.x lest cpoa s:mo cf lha lea-'.rj bUckt at least, fur, at a colored nesting held recently, at which Wade Harrptca mail a speech, Beverly Nash, a ccl;red crater said : "He had respect fcr a man who upheld his principles at the point cf ihe bayonet, whereas skulkers and so called Union men at the South, he could designate as nothing belter ihan tra:tor3." This, however, i but ca3 instance, and -we have 00 doubt but Union men will be protected in a fair contest for the power freed and enfranchiied by the Unioa party. ' Howl on Democrats' you must be con sistent in Conservatism and disregard of the good cf the country, happen what may. BRO WNYILLE CESIH1L OS III Gil SCHOOL- This institution will begin its first ses sion of six months on Monday April 15. under the ruperintendance of Charles A. Bakxr, A. B. The course cf instruc tion will be thorough and afford the Stu dent an epportenity to secure a good com mercial Education, together with a thor ough preparation for College. Particular attention will be given to those wishing to qualify themselves for teaching. Persons at a distance wishing to se cure the benefits of ihis School will ad dress the Principal, Charles A. Baker.at Brownville, Nebraska; and if possible should commence at the first of the ses sion. '.The Board of Education have made arrangments to admit all pupils between the age of five and twenty-one, of Brown ville City District free of charge for the full term. Further particulars will be given next week as to the course of study ; cumber and qualifications of the assistant teach ers, and terms of tuition. Brownville March 23, 1SG7. TIPTON OX RECONSTRUCTION. The following remarks of Senator Tipton were delivered during the consid eration of a proposition to the Supple mental Reconstruction bill requiring a majority of all Registered voters in order to carry an election, instead cf a majori ty of the votes cast : Mr. TIPTON. I have just this to say : lhat the more this question is discussed the more I feel an interest in it, and the Senator from Indiana Mr. Hendricks spoke the democratic truth when he said that such a rule as that cow proposed, so subversive of the principle of democ racy, would have kept a recent State out of the Union. That is true. You never required it of the people of & Territory. I represent a people who were permitted to come here in case they could show a -majority ia favor of a State organization ; and I will cot, therefore, under any cir cumstances or anywhere cast a vote by which some other constituency shall not come here by a single one of a majority. That is my democracy on a question of this kind. So far as it is said lhat men will slay away and not trammel this op eration because as rebels ihey will not take the oath, that is cot true in fact. So far are they demoralized all over the South that 1 understand their pulpit taught it to be a high Christian virtue everywhere lhat men should perjure themselves for the benefit of the confed eracy ; and when Mr. Lincoln's amnes ty proclamation came within the lines they flocked to our headquarters every where and look the amnesty oath, and if ihey were ihen taken the next day they were found with ihe amnesty oath in iheir pockets when they had been shot down hvith arms in their hands. I say that I am col here to legislate for the rebels of the south only incidentally as I am com pelled to do so when I come here to legis late for the loyal men of the South. I have made my position clear and emphat is in Nebraska upon this question. I told my constituents there lhat if 1 came here 1 cared not to counsel with the loyal men of the North in regard to bow I should cast my votes on a question of ihis kind, but I would come here to ask the loyal men of the South, and ihen I would vote to enfranchise the loyal man of the South, be he white or black, if necessa ry for the good of loyalty in the Souih, and I have nothing to take back upon a subject of this kind. 1 must declare that a superficial obser ver during ihe discussion ihis day would suppose cur first business here was to legislate in behalf of reb'els, forsooth! Sir, we went to a loyal minority when we went with erras ia our hands to release them ; anil propose to ga to that loyal minority now, and a minority perhaps thai would be willing to give as good at tention to the poor remarks I should make as many of the Senators here just at this present speaking. I go to that loyal mi nority and I say a minority cf them, so help me Gvd, shall control the destiny ihe South and the destiny cf the rebels of the South. Fcr four years we have done without the represjntatives cf disloyalty in ihis Chamber; for four years more we can do without the aid cf iha disloyal in au thorizing Slates at the South ; and loyal white men and loyal black men who have litely sustained ihe flag cf ihe country will come to our aid ia this Scatter. 1 am cot willing that the disloyal, by any ciassjcauoa, by any mathematical calcu lation, ihali be permitted to stay at home and assist in defeating the wiil cf the loyal mea cf the Ncrth. This may be called tpvxkus morality and phiianthro- j phy. I noald tinnlv .wrpo f0. iK benefit rl thV Senator from ihe State cf New Ycrk Mr Ccssxixc that when ha geea ca a peddling mUsioa with his finetoothed ccmba he may find as much necessity fcr thera ia the perlieas cf ihe city cf New York as ia the humblest freedmen's cabin in the whe'a Stats of South Carolina. Sltrirv Tulitt, Wabbari,LfiEten 4. at Tut ti9 Ai.tti'it lim Illaslcis. A r 7 !a tiny bwttt te lz-t - :9 vu Z- t-'S drear:!. X'l-; ovrt:a wtci-rirj wi?eitb;i r. A wl-cui fijwer, tf crimen .! . IIsk'ijI tiioarto inr t:s It mz ii ro39 tbea UrL'teJ r:,a AclUrelfcUoBiia rstnj a ioif VTm lost ia chiiics the jhantoa Cower. At Iwt wbea h griped tht coTetel prit How poor il looked to ti wonJerioj I DrBcioi ly tb leaipMt ! craabftJtjti ttarat Shorn of U beaatj f44 ad tors WoriXlti I b cast it werij Eck to tie warei cf tlit tzttlta te. Oa rtcnaj eiU oft, wictrj day, Tht lilt cf ter eLbbg wy. ETa bfcl toegbt wealth, al fame and power. Wfcal wert tbj now ia Lit djing hour I IIufetbadfwtrTel frota th path of iru&, It row reproach from his TaaiihtJ joalh. Utbo! ambition the ttn2;l9 and si rift -Had purcbaed rtor, for ft wasled lift. Oh. why do we bail! ? ftnd why do we dream ? Wby chase ptanlomt ft dawn lifes atreszi? Why corttasM? tomorrow Uday TTt nuy nd oat iioU the buut clay. MALLIE. . ' A Carfl Iron George Ilelcr, BaowaviLLE, Neb., ) March 29th, 1SG7. J Mr. Editor: Air: In your paper of ihe 14th of March, an affidavit was pub lished made by me, before Wm. H. Hoover, CicCl of Nemaha County, Ne braska, for the purpose of obtaining pos session of a piece of land claimed by me as a Homestead. Said affidavit was lo be sent to the General Land Office by my attorney. I do cot object to the publication of said affidavit, us it was best to place set tiers on their guard as to th3 manner in which the Land Officers, at that time, were doing business. In your paper of the 21st, I see three "Cards,", respectively from Sir. Barret, Mr. Jamison and Mr. Bedford. These cards too roughly assail my character for truth to remain unanswered, and, with your permission, I will answer them in their own style. I emphatically state that the affidavit is true in every respect and yet cot so full, complete and damaging to ihe parties concerned as might have been. The charge of false swearing 13 the basest slander ever hurled against me. I fear cot to risk its belief where I am known, and am sure it will cot be where its authors are known. Mr. Barret charges that I lie when 1 swear that he "talked to Mr. Jamison in whispers.' He knew when he wrote that lhat bis assertion was false ; they did converse in a whisper, and alter that Barret called me out ! As regards his charge lhat I did cot apply for it as a Homestead, I can only return the lie he so glibly, for a Christian, hurh at me and refer him to Mr. Bedford's card where one of Satan's desciples contra dicts another. I came in expressly to enter that land as a Homestead, and this is corroborated by Bedford's card. Their lies are so bungling lhat they show them selves up. As to my being a German, and, as they say, do cot understand ihe English Ian guage sufficiently to know the meaning of the affidavit, I will say that I did un derstand il in every particular, and it was as I desired it. I am a German, and after reading the "Cards" referred to, I am proud of it, fcr I do cot remember of any instance where a German has lei himself down to the level of the black ft.. r a guard, roway ana "connaence ' man so completely as these men. They certain ly do cot understand the language they 60 cruelly murder ; for I anv informed lhat Mr. Barret who prides himself up on a knowledge of ihe language be dis graces spelled in bis communication the word said, "sayed," and Post office, "Poast office." From him the charge of ignorance comes with a beautiful grace ! I do cot deem it necessary to further cotice these "things," Andy permitted for a while to lord it over ihe Land Of fice and poor "German" settlers, ihan to again plainly and emphatically stale that the affidavit printed over my signature is true in every particular, and lhat I will maintain it at all times and places ; and in every particular in which ihey charge me with perjury in said affidavit, I am ready to prove thit they bare lied. GEORGE MEIER. This letter closes ihe debate through our columns. Having given the affidavit cf Mr. Meier publicity to warn ethers of what seemed to be a "snare" for greenbacks, we cculi not consistently re fuse all parties a hearing ; this hey have had. and the case is cow in ihe hands cf ihe jury. All panies, we hope, are sat isfied ; but whether they are erect we wiil permit no mere cf it through the Advertiser. Kcts Ite earn McCcn cc ficA me; The Impeachment Ccmmittee have sus pended examination of witnesses until ihe 1st cf May. Gen. Sherman ha, ordered that all steamboats ascending the Missouri river to points above Sioux City, be supplied with two pieces cf artillery and twenty cusk?t3. from the Press that Stewart! 1 T, , - ia, cf Nebraska Cr.v. has been . , T, . x, . , . e , t, , . " " , , , 10. s xz w-erncai zalcralus is tetter rfirmeJ as Regm;r ths Laci Of- r . . . . . , xathstCitv. Thtai a rood annoint. .... . ... . --;. ui. La -u ruca, a.,y nt. ili Supplemental iU'.vr.;:r-::.a -wai cially rr-.u!gatei ly th :r urycf ca t. ? ... cf thCh 2 1.llt-ry D.itritt, Loui.-iaca ar.i Texan his rem 1 fr ciT.ce Mayer M-n::e. Judge Alcll and . a: Attcrcey Ccr.oral l!:rr;n. c! th? New'r Orleans Masstcre ootensty. N. G. Taylor, cf Tcna., haa Ice a ap pointed and confirmed as comminhaer cf Indian Affairs, vice L. V. E.'.ry, cf St. Louis, rejected. E. Casper has been confirm J as U. S. Marshal fcr Nebraska. Bca't kno-.v him. Oa the 3d the Mexican Liberal Gea eral Escobedo ordered and had executed one hundred and twenty-three French prisoners cf war. No excu;3 paliates this stupenduous murder. A Pike's Peak miner represents reat dissatisfaction among; miners in Colorado because "they have to dig through a solid veia of silver four feet thick before they reach ihe gold." Much suffering from scarcity cf food is reported in the neighborhood cf For Snelling, Minn., several persons having starved to death. When this was first beard cf at St Paul a large meeting was being held to relieve the sufferings ia the South. Ii is announced lhat Napoleon favors a confederation cf ihe government3 cf France, Holland, Belgium and Switzer land against Prussia. A dispatch from Vera Cruz, Mexico, dated the 15th says ihe last of the French troops left on the 12;h. Maximillion is still in that country backed by a small body of imperialists, but anxious to retire-. . A Washington correspondent says the trial of Jeff. Davis will .begin the first of May. 1500 freedraen have applied to the Colonization Society to be sent' to Africa within the past eight months. Aaron Jones has challenged Michael McCoole, of St. Louis, to fight, within three months, for SI, 000. Joe Coburn has challenged John C. Heenan to fight for 810,000. Chlcr Justice Little. As this accomplished gentleman ard lawyer is assigned to this District, the contents of ihe following letter will pro duce a feeling of general regret, cot only because it will materially disarrange our Courts but because of the threatened loss of one of our ablest lawyers : A v ror a , March 19ih, 15G7. y Dear Sir Your favor cf the 8th inst., has just come to nana and contents noted. I am in quite feeble health, hav ing been confined to my bed for the last three weeks. From the present appear JancesI doubt whether I shall ever be able to do any business. If ihis be as I predict, it will be necessary to appointor elect some ono to fill ray place. I think this Spring will determina the question of life or death with me. I write this short note in bed, unable to sit up. Tlease remembor me kindly lo all inquiring friends, and believe me, as ever, your friend, W. A. LITTLE. Hon. B. E. B. Kennedy, puiaha. Yalnablc AdTlcc forllie ACIIcted. Dr Strickland, in reply to numerous ap plications for advice, wishes to inform those who are afflicted, that ihey may consult him on all Acute or Chronical Diseases by letter, stating the age, symp toms, .Sec, wiih a fee of lvo dollars en closed. Dr. S. baa obtained great noto riety as an experienced Physician, both ia Europe and America especially in the treatment of Chronic Complaints, after other doctors have failed to effect a cure. Those Buffering thould immediately send for a prescription by addressing Dr. A. Strickland Cincinnati, Ohio. 26-ly This is the season for Coughs and Colds; those suffering with such, or any Affection cf the Throat or Lungs, will find Dr. Strickland's "Melhflnous Congh Baliam" an excellent remedy; in fact, all his Medicines are worthy the confidence cf our readers. See Adver tisement. L't-ll ErcrjoneHis otto Doctor. Those individuals and families who generally get through the year with the least ex pense cf medicine cr doctor's bills are ihey who kepDr. Henry's World's Ten- ic and Blood Purifier and Rostand Tlant Pills at command, usicg them promptly cn first attacks, before disease has firm ly fastened itself ca the system. Theae valuable remedies are for sale by all druggists. JlCSt ElttCrS that are advertised to act as a tonic, hate a tendency lo wea ken tha stomach; wo wculi therefore caut:ca the pu :il p-rrha$:i:g any but Ruback's which are real?7 as their came indicates, a Stomach B. iters They should be lakea an hcur before cr two hours aar r meals, to cite tone, aiu: Jigcstira and strer '.ha lie !'.cn.ach. tISaCi.3Iasy hausewires wha j oier brand of Saleratus. C03Sll HeiliclneS should be so com pounded that they can be taken "little and often." It is ihe throat and chest, not the stomach, that is affected. This is one great secret cf ihe success cf Coe's Cough Balsam. Try iL AH dealers sell iL (Live Len cir frr -t V a ti a : r UlV'iiv-i- 1 a..-- , f .'7 ' ' - ' ' i i 1 . i 1 Jt : - "' - . 'I a.-.-jo; . or a s - - ' 5. i. J jf ft r ? ; .:arr, t C-utT .i;-a. - 2-.- t'-.j.. tsatj .J Ul rW r r j. asi b.w ia blj j . --.-n- .1. -1 iriv ''iTff' ner Uvl v.i li 2 Uj t , her b.U f c-'Djtxit.ia U l::nt , M ry ?s,;vE5t :v.a f ..i . k a wr. Ts. .,r aal 1 riTr f ct:; ! i'. ; lit ,T;- a P. T.-. ia a.l b '.1 , i ti V. x i vr f Cun i J )!fi3 th bor.Jicf si '.:'. bii-i tr TrojA t. Tar&cr. Ck!-"'x:r.as a-. 1 tu . i v Turcef, DcfVaivrii.a i I ti ivi Vi ili..- ii notice-! th.it b- u r-jiiri t ir--?xf anl w. sweraiii ciC a--i or t:.'.r ilj the 2-nhdayof Mi.t .1-;;. l)at-J April t; 37. 2Mt $j c:ur;:.i:3 :r. csss. ' i? i : ; t : ;? f . r Lw aim Dissolution cf rfrrrsUi' " . Notice ij broly Ten thjt th j.-t3r,a.'3 the Distillery and Iif.iyi:;r bmi:i tmt.,'.7 exiuc.j under the nii3 of Trro.'2,-UQ,9 4' hu bn dis;!rej by ihe wi;h Jrt f.- jrn tum J .ba I. Turr.l. JobaL. :j:;;;a a.idi 1; pw. h:n harea! i:el w:ta lirj elroi ia ba..,, Ciitrtei Da JliT.a.aD.l w',:i c-ury ca th tj, At the iaa place uaUer tie eaoij of .uj' , t.: . L f ' " W" April, 4'.h 1SJ7 Ok VW, JOHN L. S7 STOT 27-3t$i,C) DWQ11TQMIII!; KEIS V ALDTER & CO ITtTe opened np their New Jlsat Mirkat ia the merit of Mct'ali'j Kurnit.ire .S'-jr, wh?r thj w'4 ! be pleaj.d to wait upoa the pallia ta ihe b-itul tenderest meatt the.euaty ajurj ae:'y JrmtJ i and cat up. Country Produce bought anl sold. Givc us a callrvf RiokelCalleabyber neit) ii-fure H. V. lit Am friend Ii. 51. Atkinson pl'f. I I . V Tt William 5I'jp.oulJ JofoJl ctriika Trr;:.-, Oa the 30t"a day of Mr.h IS' said Jati-e i. aed an crier cf atta.-huiout in the abore acUoa'4 the sum of S3I.0). Brownville, April ilh IS57 27-4t8i,5 0 K. V. nTGIIES, J. p. NOTICE TO IMEKS. The untlcriigncd hivir.g rcst:d tho Erownvillo ? i Takes this mtthod of informing the p'J. lie that hi intends doing CUSTOM WORK for the accoiBmodarion of frmrs ecd o'.kere lit coming eat n . Tie r!l i 00W in ir'i n nit who bare wLnt to Rfi.id ar rrHrctfaHy ini'-4 to k'w me a trial, as I iu oonHJent of gi Tit j jn eral satisfaeti n. The highest cash price given fir vht 6 if F. Y. MORRIS. Taken opbythe uoderfinl lirinr, in Dob; las 1'recinJt,; ooe h!f mile S E cf LUlain ' u .'!, on the lt dy cf March, 18S7, gne DrinJ.e ?'-r, tail off, Swailo forkioli'ft ear,erp oil ie.'t cu, about four yearoli this S.rin. iiarcb :h ls37 TllUilAS XCiLT.l. DORSET, llOADLL? RKL ESTATE AGENTS, and Ecal:rr, la Land trzrrants zzi Aprlcultural CcEc? hcri?. Orice, tn Land O'.ct E-iIhrz. m Srownvlllo, !TJ" olo Eay i I U i-pr:.T-l - 1 o-.;r ?-i it'-' Lay V:i,o4 J-: L-i 4.-r:i, aid eltfira) b r-;. ikerar-fut !n'ti-.r. f jfoTCTt--ti la:-1 fir I ratio-, I! ..a-- tea 1.. e ... a AllaJ t- e-.t!r-"5.1 1. 1 ... i ' i eac.ia th 1- 1 Lexers v iL .rj, jr. t -;. . - I thi.u sirl. ' ' . ' '. -. -' N . j v , i i v y v v ' v . ' - t v -"-Si S v o v V V s czo. .rxjfu-rr. Larura EoitLxr. cau.o.KJf UtU. t. r y:s s'y' mO 1