t A & S 7fj j.:t - sl it " ww ' a UiiU ... i... . v ' To ailing willed t:q arc celling at prices low c any cntablioli- i t r j r I i k ; i I t I t f W t 1.2 V I-I O X, E S 'A X E ;. DEALERS IX (ft a St) Vt'oald call lbs attention cf -D3ALHIIS .to tteirniciensetoci of relent IlecIIcincs, Elnk BnoI;gf G!:s imd Glassware, Vi rltlnp: rpcr Faints (3I!.. EaiclapcSj Ep!ccs and Djc-staD, CcniCIlsna ln?p Pure WIr.cs, Llquor3, c, uc, TTbi-'a were borrV.t fcrcasli tf llannfactnrers. Importers anJ ruUitaers, and will beoU at the most far&rabla prices. " Eajirg in Ure quantities frcai first hands, thej era galled to ofTer estra iadace cDtg to the traJe. Tbty are (he Ncrlb-weytrrn 7bolceale Agents cf Dr.D. Jayne & Son, aad of Dr. J. Sjjr C. Ayre & Co., ana can furci.-h tboir Medicines ia any quantities. (10 1-1 J ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and 'fho!c:r.!o.rnd iletail Dealer In Iron, ' ;.3RICULTURALraWPLEiiENTS." te, Fpir, Axe,", Axeie, Sample and Fpadcs.File ond Rit$pe, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bo.ta, KutU and TTb., Xile. IK-r?" t.ail. II.r?e Mi'lo Shoe?, Saw?, cic. etc. Cz:r.-z r.:..' Ur!lcv7 V7are, Su-ar Katies Andirons, Skillets and.Lids, Stew pets Bake cven?,v Fruit kettles and Sad Iror.3. Elacksni'tilS' Tools. Anvils. Sircks End Die, Ijellows.SIedge and Hand Ham- tiera, Vises, 11 ccer., Kps, Tarrier' Knives, Tuyere Iror:, Wrenches, Ac. Ox Yokei, Ax!e CrcR.se, Ox e'eaioa, Wojcn Jacks, 1,000 CELEBRATED r fTI f , 1 fent racBted". and superior to any vet invented ; and mielL-a loivcrs and Hro.pcrs,I4aIIcrs tlcrsc Cora Planters Iky Corn Cuitiva'or, liacd Cm l'iai.icr, Cum bb tiler. Fay K-kes, etc etc esc. II c Cor: bulKT rujjr.g my ?.'o.'3 direct frnm tbe raau TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT , ConGtablo's Iron and Steel Warehouse - ST. JOSEPH, LIO. TTHl ptivelj core SCr.OFCLA, f.RYSIPELAS, DYSf n-SlA. INDIGESTION, IIEAKTI. i'KX, or ar-T UfMOK in tb KLOO D rr STOV. ACLf . and for rCRIrTIXU the SYSTI M acd LUADICATLNCl &!! TRACES Of UbEASII tbia remedy has do eual, and fr L'i ii i.'ny .- , itm, at:d girir-j aicre its uI:rdiH;i. n,' r I the wonderful eures it j has and is daily verfortuirg are its best puarrsrfee f oa w eat. lest ly deire tUt every tuSerer shall j f-.e it trial. bvJi ty all D.-i'(r-ists. Price tea j cv.&r a bottu. abi H wre t'.a jrC.V cr CJJiT ZLIZZUZZ, ia a lew jrlic::tis. It N; cures jra:ne Svratfh epClilblaitia, Li.-frsard all Eruptiooa cf the Ekia, other rpta '; r.- t-eea tried in vj-ia, cures t 'y a -..J t!:c . Vta cc.tt a tvi.- Lv ty fcli dri""iit. py feeding f (1 c ats in a lfi:-:r to COLM.N.S PIIOlULi:.-?, bi. V'.ccr. Jo4 & 1C8 'v-ta .St. Lculs, ilo., it wi.i U teat ty mail f.-ce f f r.o.-,tte. X-i T-rr.:.r 'J: i ft- f 3tuaj, ar.-.i N. I. i..-.iH.f at SWAN & l -vO'S W wnual( aura Or .i.'T ir.:-. -i-t !"'-. t3 (t.;!.: cr leuile). ia er -y C. j ia tl.a r "t t,t3 f.;9 ia a buis ti;S .!-r ; tie frri: and arj;...Jr "tfcat Fill 5 ay JrC-i r -r r- . A a.lre-9 t;:;c b"t. I ui. :-i. rifi 1 - t ! 1 1 ii left5,? Terntjr'id nlK .-.H-y L-t. Ui.r. the LU 1 n-i.'j c.it p"f'355't their ... :;t f t m;' c c a '.r . : ' .'rs J u "1 y v , - - . t f j j r. .-c:';. 1- I v i.l .-. . r.!,t-:7 I-t1--,6td '. iC-..s r..h i't,:' : t c:!y tj -I ::tc ;, si - it; Pre: :ici.r3. I . .. a .... y w i 1 conctnnt additiorii, and 'IT En1 the iUODUCE.- IT" .J 5. ' ' i 'i r ' i j I.. r I d 9 1 Jj. o S3 Ox Shea nail?, Shovels and Pioks,Gold Tausets. MOLINKPLO"WS! r" r1? era, I offer great inducements ? ilTEIIT IIIGA EO OFIUG Tbe Xew York Mica Roofing Company, (EsUb liihpj 1S54,) are manufacturing undi'r Letters Pat ent The Lef t Article of Composition Hoofing Ever rt: I to the Public. It is adapted t o every ftj! of P.ot f.itecp or 2at and can ba readily applied by anr one. the U. S, Gorernracst, after a thoioat;b. tart of its utility , 1 ave adopted its use in the ISavy Yards and Bpra Public iiuildjng?. Thj JIo. i? put up in rolls, ad ias only to be nailed to the Roof to make Daralla Fire end T7ater-Proof Covering pttticularly leeommcDd sta use upoa Canilins-s, Store:?. Churches. Fac tories. riacIiiac-SIicps, Stcam- "H TTH "RnnTPTTJr1 13 A TTTHH J-Vij. -AUUJL! XI Uf jAIiM I For coating TIN,IIiOX. or SLIINGLE E0UF3. It fjra.a a, ! ilody ecius.Ho t::ree coats cf Ordinary Paint. No R.x.f ran rust vnitr it, tz Cid Leky Roofj tr,;sy be texda peraiotcatiy watBi-prof aad durable by iis The I'iiint rfq'iirsa !Iisinj,.!;m is reaiiy to be applied with the ordiuary iut bruib. Price $1 i-er SM.iun, which will cover two hundred square fott Also n;nufactarers of T" T''' a vf pv a..j A it.tioti TAr.nro felt and nopuNti pitch. ; Diseount to the Trale. Circilars t.r.d lrice List farnidhed. liighr.s fur c;uatie Suld at low rates. Address. THE MICA HOOFING Co. 191, Dread ray, Kew V.crk. t'rard ITuniibreys, 61 KoyaJ St., N. 0. Soo f cid, & (Jo., Augusta, Ga. llaldwia II- Moai, Montjouitry, Ala. ThnniM S. Coatea, Raleigh .N.C. f.A. Tucker, Richajnd, Yft. aenrp ilson, Petrrar- Va., Azciiti. JfcniiarT, 1st. lS-Jd-l jr C DLIETHING- A -oi ri.lit.lla Ar.t vtfinttd ia every tcn-a to trio. e the entire coitrcd,f or Lin tt :.;b.l;irhwo! d, of aeve rx. I (, t.-.e ine-, mot nxb.a .V, and rro'.:a'-!e articles ofeyc-ryiiiy vsm ever pre "r.Ud t.itbe pablil. prof ;."s Lrre Aiiif,ciioa foar ai.u-cl.--TL rr,ht traa or won-. a cud maefcna f 1 0 to Zll'i ii-1 e. it-'.1 . Pn c.cr.a ttai! . ir f.. u'-mrip i-as acd il. ii cu.i- iCOO rr fm " TCI yr. -Jl I '-F-tijie ,'r.t frco: I i..v; )v. i'-e co atrcl 1 1 ty I f. ; ry r'.v r: I -i 1 ;'2 ' 3 j IT. Y. iViJ ti!:i(-t.-r- "7t ::.;.'.!.) ! -...v. r to a'.;y Lv:y vn-;:? t. e. r.-v'fs I ; rt wille urenv'i i fan.Qlirlj in ail crv-iP4 I A?r.t;'ifi, Oj eras. Cn i?jtc r..4'.r-...-id Csrs. Cfcurt ! Fjws, mi Cbairf., for rrt. ri ..; Tl.'aie tre?, Mil. a i'iirt caa te to-Cc-l sa est u c-'' .t s crsa'S puce s r:ty 8 ! a.-- i-::.-.'. r.;s a is: Uu C'ie;., n lov3ai:!e cn.U:y in criujilso, r.s; f.,nn-1 it- sy !0(ti ?i nnm Skirt. A Li!r. tarir.g er.j.- ye.l tt plessTjrje, con-. fort and (treat csmvetience of wfarSr.j- He L-v: 'px Eil;;.tc Steel Spring Siirt for a icrt sy, trtJI j.ever iterwrda w.i.ing!? ii-j.enp9 ita their t.-. f'-r .'hiKi-tren, iliHe-aiid Tuv.i,a L'.-es tbef s??npprS t to r era. Tlie? wil! not br.d or brfsS: l.e ths Since E;ri: s, but iil preser-ve tlie:r pert - t atil r race MS f'lap wbere ttiree or f.jtir crdinarv fiirts viil tare fceea tl rown m!.-!c a ajel8. Tte lioc, are cr.verci Wi.a d.xUi an.1 twMea turead, ih1 lie to turn rods aru tot on!y O'-iitte Fpriapa, Int t-ica ( double) cwerr l ; preventiiiK thcra from scaring tut when !rar,:r:g The Ddk-ex Eiiiptia a great favorite wish aii t: Ihdiic ar.l is i)iveral!y rocomrnei'at 1 lr ail tba Va.-l.S!nal i Xt inea as t etatiUari siurt ct tt F.ihljior!ai.!e World. To pnSi the followina inestimable a-lvariares l:a Crinoline, viz . aurenor quality, perfect nisiiClactaret, atylieii etape and flnisli. retitility, Sorab;!ity, crm- tcrt ana economy. ena'Jire tor J . . Kraaiey g u upie i Ellip ic or Double Spring Skirt, ana t fire you gt t; - nuiae article. I A J fi O.N'. Tu guard ari'.net Impclfion te partic Dlar lo n tire thai akirts ciTered as "DUI LKX" have the r'fl irk Ftaiu j, i7. , J. W. Bradley's 1' ipiey Ei i!Dtic Sieel Eprii .is." ;ipon tbe wjisitiiiul- is.-ne other are gruuine. Al notice that every fe;.p will admit a pin beim; paRte J tbrou;;a thceeaire, thus revealing the two (or dutsbi?) spri rs bmittcsl together tbcrera, whidi is tie secret of tbeir fieri bi iity aad strei g.h, aad a con biiia'i'n noi to be foand io 6t;y ofisr tsirt. For rale In all ftores -5iere First C?a;s i-kirtt ara Bt.M throiurhont tbe UnUeJ Saies and elsewhere. 4anura( lured by ti e FOjeowner f tbe ratcnt. 67 C t.m!.r At 6 M El Beade Si.. K. T t- i CO O o 1 1 U (? m .. .; a m 55 "op-! j S3" ALSO -5 FOHVAflDIIIQ C0:r.!!SSI0!l MERCHANTS. lidotleor.s and Cabinet Ornns. We nre now prepared m deliver, in this city. Prince' Celebrated Melodeons and Cabinet Organs at Factory Prices. This i3 the best opportunity ever yet cf ftrrsd, in this fection, to become posses sed cf cne cf tbese superior instruments. GEO. W. HILL S. CO. JluiborizeA Jl gents. KaA. Theaaarsigned keep on haad a large asscrtmeat Fcr Ilea and Boy's wear. Al3o,ft largs stock of I T ? : l.'H. -. i i i 1 SS I OOTS A1TD SKOE3. tumuli vlj JiLyii.o Uiii...au.)( IT'xTxia.lx.o rr,xa.cl "Celiac: :3f UMBRELLAS AND CAUFZT 13 AG Si Gents FnrnisMng Goods, Cf all tinds which we will sell C II 12 A P F O II CAS II Ve pouhasc-d cur gecis tinea the'dt clinj in the Iark?ta and will sill at io f-ures. ATKIIoON L CO. i:r;i i:;th,i::5, -;.:- y a - .mm 77AP y ... - - .... - j a att4 (T & t-j r : nL i y -Lj o- ltd":Kfc;" r-.:Ss b- " fV 3( .VI S n j w - i . t 1 ---- fa K..J H r" , ii , o - J) CS I xj et cl ? 3 5 p ? I L f V - 6 Ql -- ; if? y 2 r-. "" """i o ? w LJ , 4 2 " O , ry 9 o J ? - ' . - . - K 1 - dirT makers ia tL3 c:.: 5 4t4l OEG-AIIS Ai. f j t i PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., MAHUFACTUKERS Respectfully invita the attenlicn cf pur chasers, ths trade and profession, to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture : PEDAL BASS ORGAN-' Five sizes, Five Octatre, one to Three Banks cf Keys, Three to Eight esis cf Reeds, vsi 1 VJ,--' s 4 V Gcbool ..OrgaiiG, Twelve styles.single and double Reed, Rcsrwood and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to 400 Piano style and Portable, Twelve Va rieties, from four to six Octavos Single and Double Reed, Rosewood and Black Walnut Cases. Pricen, $G5 to $250. PELOUBET. PELTON & CO., 841 Broadway, New York. Sep. 1st 5 2y SALISBURY, BRO. & CO., . Exteniire iiacufaeturei and Im dorters cf SJLID AKD KXCKEL SILVER WARE, Acerican,Er.glish and Acericas Watches, yi-S-;'- : -xrsrD i C";.3XLA'rs' " ' And every description of W fill j V4-..3 u. V. . ... .. n..- j'ooially atjaptcd and desijnatol icr " Kjatfcer . and V'e?tora Trade Circulars and full descripS Price Ltato sent free. J, Agent3 wanted everywhere. Addres SALISBURY, BRO. & CO 51 DOER ANCE STBEET. Jan. 1S86 3m Providence. R. I. GROVE3TSI3IT & Co., PIANOFORTE MAWTJFAOTUEEES, 499. IXroad vray, Ti, Y. THE ATTENTION of tbe public and the trade isiavitedto oar i'ei Scale, Seven Octave, Hnstvood Piano Fortet, which for volume and pu rity cf U.ne are unrivalled by any biibertu odercd ia this markot. They contaia all tha taodera im provements, French graad action, harp pedal iroa frame, over-strang bass, etc.. etc., and each ia gtruoient being made ,i joder tbe pergonal supervis ee of Mr. J. H.GbOTJSSTEES, who bas a practical erperiaience cf over thirty years in their manufac ture, is fully warranted in every particular. The Grovcstcca FIAIIO FOHTE Received the big best award of merit at the cele brated world's Fr, where were xhibitcd insfrn tneats from the best milkers of London, Paris, Ger many, Philadelphia,' Mostoa, Baltimore and New York ; and also ftt the American Institute for five successive years, the Gold and Silver Medals from both of which caa beaeca at our ware-rcms. By the introduction of improvements we make a, still more perfect Piano forte, and by manufact uring largely, with ft strictly cash system, are ea abled to offer these iastruments at a price which will preclude all corripenMon. Our prices are from ilJUto $2Q9eboaper than any E rat class 1 iany-forte. TKRMS.Net Gasp ia current fund. DecrtptyeCrctlar?entfrud. July 1st I808 one year R. h Co. Palm Foap, Custile, Bona and Detersive Soap aad the Ctkbrated JSi.ver G'os Starch at S H AN & PRO'S. THE SHYER SKIRT! 1370 Durably, . More Elastic, ; More Gractjul. I Jlnd will keep its Shape and retain its Place than any other Shirt. This beautiful styly of Skirt ('Pa fee ted March 7 IS65.) was awarded 4y tbe Gn at AMtKiaax Is 8HTLTB Fair, beld in New York, October, 183 b, a SILVER jlElDL I T'ht Highest Premium ever given foa a Hoop SZ.irt The Steel Springs are wound with a Cce plated, wire (in psaceof 'cotton covering) which wil not wear off or become sidled, aod the whole S irt may bo washed without injery cr foar cf rusting, acd will be as good as new. This iavestion eoTribines with ths rrdsntry ect .toa Skirt the advantages of our EILYXIi HIHX ; the bottom hof-ps are the sataa as those u?el ia tae Silver Skirt, the covering of which can sot vre ar tsf, while the epper ones ara covered with cotfon. !S"o lady, bavirg ozije worn oae cf cur Skirts, wiilbe willifg to weir env other, si the lower boccs cf ail other kinds are soa injured and soiled. The bent materials are csedia their con?-::.'' :n aad from their dB.raUlitJ aad Eiatrcjj they &ra dest:Mdtobecora3 ilaaufactured solely ly tla Sllatr Zirt end Wire ZtjnufavKurim Clim-a? v ZO tl Z2 UxrJzy Street, ri f r t y mm ft w Oh ., . . i ma, rr- U -a- . QoJiCracL;:;, Clzs Zzs. ri Aerated Crick O er-,t SVAN A I'HO'li. In direct ccr, U i'; IY FAMILY, zz.l d;..;-ir:' r-( tira frc.n cars a-J c:.:t::ty, I p::2 cf my eta il 4 . .j) la the centre cf ihs rzit Pcich Orch- ST. JOSEF'I-I L1I0I-I. CONTAINING 6 000 Fruit Trees. 1.CC0 Pear Trees, 500 Cherry 0D i'l-u. " Seven acres in Levtizs, AND, ALSO, ft Tit I i.l i t H I . 1 i li ,1 r -. IN THE STATE, TTitb Cne Earos and Otit-TIcsa333. Thu Fbver Garden is not equal ia ths northwest. biTinj over .109 rari' tiea of Flower?, vlx b;atifiii privet der'bedge3 and all kind if ore i iar.til tr:ej. Tbe bouse conuins 13 tuoiat, with ail midara iraproveraeiita. Situated en Laka Jliohigi i, where you can see huadredjof stoumcrs passing backward! and forwards, and ia a br.;;ht, claar day jr e ta seo the Gardea ci.y Chtc!,p, 111., frora .j oar own door. It will yield this present year from 15,003 to -o,-003 baskets of the finest grafted fruit, anl it coats 10 cents per baskst to daliver thaca ia Chica go. . Horticulturists of thi3 jlace and adjoining cities have urged the idea of m-iking tho disposiil of this Mode! Fruit Farm, with Personal Property, dc. tbe fcasia of a National distribution up n the Art Unioa plan. The following i full lUt of th article ad tna i&aaaer oi arawinj. FIRS There will be i?aed to tha raerabors CsrtiSeates for 60.006 share-", at $2 e w:h. nutahfiria fronj 1 to 5i) 0o0 inclusive, e-ih cne of wbica will entitle tbe boldsr to ona Boa rft ol Ertgr?iqj ad a share ia the award of jreiniutai. v LIST OF PREMIUMS No l- Tbe Jiodel rrtiit rrm $ 34 or-3 2 $1 000 In Greenbacks 4,0 0 3 One ainf matcbtd Bay Holttra with eie.ant Top Carriage anj Elaine a 2,C00 4 One lupurb Oil PaintiiiiJ, Alary MigXi. lene an1 bl i. value .1.600 6 Oue Piano, (Chickurinst,) loo Thia piano was drawn by meat the If or ,h western fair In Chicaga; ticked, $5 No. 6 One complete set of black walnut rnrao- tare, in green e3. 830 7 One large Mirror, rrenca plate glass, 7 feet bltjti marble trimaung COO 8 OnsMeMeoa 135 --One complete set of Parlor Bedrocra far. n.ture . 10 One comole'-e set of Sitting room farnit, 00 100 S5'J 260 250 250 250 250 550 250 250 U5 l.'O 1QJ 11 Oil Painting, Ltncola 18-- Wasenmton 13;- " U " 15 IS-. " 17-. " IS " 19 " " Lady Wasfciagtoa " Gen. Urani Gen. Sherman Paniel Weboter ' Trepics , apeing " TiopicfaU "Hunter's Last shot," 20 Gne Cabinet Grgaa 21 One Mirror, rrence plate 22. One Hysewood AJart-Je Top Centre Table 23 to 3? inclusive Teri first class iTewing . v ire-ij t ! ' I pi'i - .. : j i. . . i ve--' h o I-!' "- t " --i ?s rir.'.n f.;I "..'..i::..:.c y. r-.uh t . T" ; t..- pi frecch is -? w;-.?i r ; r;;ii, .13 j'i Ot.i '7'. ,! i, wi'S frei.-b v'.r.-r , - ri i .iari-ie V-ara itttei'.;.' 1 Oi! Mirror, Ireuch plate glass " " THE AWABD OF PKEI1IUM3 WILL BE. MADE ST JOSE3?H MICH. Hr3?- X, 1S37. A committee will he appointed to sur prrintend the distribution cf the Prizes, by the Horticultural and Agricultural So cieties of Michigan, composed exclusively of Fruit-Growers and Farmers, none of whom shall have any interest whatever in the drawing. As soon as the awards are made, a perfect title of the aigerent Premiums will be furaih-3d to the fortonate bokicrs of certigeates. Oa receipt cf $2 we will forward one carttScate, with list of engravings, from which, parties rruiy select any one thry ra vy choose. Tho engravings will number over 50 diferent varietia, tio retail price of which is $3 each ia any Art Asso::iatioa ia the cuQntry. Pleasa observe that yoa get the worth of ynur money at once, and tha sata1 tims aa opp irtacity is gi?en you to secure an ind.pjnlcat fir tana or life, the same as Mr. II. LES, of Prairie du Ro cker, who drow the Crosby Oper Il-uaa, at Chica go' oa the 2LS cf Jaaaa.-y, 1357, irith a ingU ticket of $5, or hundreds of othars w iota fi ur git mentioa that have made themselves woalliy by the fcimpla investment of one or two dollar. Every Farmer and Horticulturist shoall feet aa intert.-t in securing this bjautifijl hoq;4 for aira actf or fataiiy. The Horticultural Association OF ST. JOSEPH MICHIGAN IS NO GIFT ENTERPRISE, And must not be confounded yyith the Dollar Gift Concerts aod humbug which hav3 been advertised to extensively thrccght the country. The Asuociatioo wott'p rejrectf ally re.'ar to tha fal lowing ceBiseociea : Hon. J. Upton, M Hon. Morgan, Sherwood, Hon Jno Morrison, OJenera! Ward, Capt II II Langley, Capt Samu el Langley. James E Steven?, B F Km O W Oviatt, St Joseph Mich., C S Fisk Chicago Illinois, B F Lawrence, banker Stephen Lasher. Elgin III., L Gillett, Aurora Ills.; S E D.ckensoa, Carter h Davis, Milwaukee, Wis.; James 2'la ck, Detroit, Lich.; William 2?ort, liijes, jJIichigan; II Y Schell, Chica-a,' 11U. Applicatlcns for cirtifieatei ih; jII b3 addressed to fJIIITH WHITTI-33j (At t.a owa riii) P. O. Eraser ,1 iT, Chicago, illlvd:. : O. r rt All letters e;ttiatr cvor $.3 ple-vsa re jut;-. J..r-Ageat waatiil la srery town a si cou.y bracgbWt the Uo'wd u;.tcs, to whxa a L)stA iiCo-cS will be ciii3". 1 J . ... i "13 y;irs e?UUi.ei ia TT.T. City." 0 ny i r.fr. h - ren? ly k a 3 ." 'Treaf-on Ft'u-.r..'; r-" '"at d ir "sr'J as ti tie it-;-:aa i a,..y. ;Utscfi9Cii cf tha'.r tvlsi to e.," 'C'--tiiV r.at. r.:-.c--. nrrrainatf ft r;-i tj U"1 1 ,r ..:. ..e,'U-.., litiie!: ani red ' .1 3., .., Iir-u-tcr wa-u.d to dtroy.aai is for i.'J, J'p- -'J1 j ; ; i ri'.TAS ! !'; of a'i w:T t!vf i'.r-J rt ' - Seet t u "Co iTii's" r-tci3 is ca a:. I'-X, I b'-t v. :i jRt'r., COSTA R, rjAdireiJ, 4 i r!-:ndway,rTsw York. And by tll Dr':,r3ti and EiUilerl. COSTAH'3 CSLES?AT2D. BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Catj, tiaras, T?ru :., TTounds, Pol!, Casrs, Broken Preiits.Fura ip:, Ekeding, Land ad Pftiofal Piles, SjMfa'ou. Putrid and F.l CDtii tioned Sore ; Ulcere. Glandular SwelJic, Krap tioas, Cutanaoua Afiectien. Riaworia, Itch Cores Buaaions.ChiibUins.&o. Chapped iltndj, Lip f-o.: Itite? of Spid-jr. Insects, nia.tlj3. E7"I?ixe5, 25 eta., 0 cts.,aad Si sijc. frr.r'Sold by all Droifts everywhere. uJAnd by HesaY 11 Cost ah. Depot Eroad- Wty w Yurk. PTAd by pOLLADAY Jk CO., l?ririjTillK C O S T A R S t lldii 1 i ; For Coras, B anions, TTarts, tf-c. BoTes, 25 cts.. 50 cts and $1 sites. ...-Sold by till Drnziats everywhere. JSTAnd by IlxNRr K. Costab Depot 484, Erod way, f. I. JtT-And by aOLLADAY & QO, Browville, Ksb, COSTAR'3 ?X?aBATI03t or Bitter BiYCCt and Qrzzzz C1c:?d FOB DEAUTIFYINO THS COMPLEXION. Used to Soften and Beautify the Skia, remove Frrokels,Piuipe3, Eruptions, Ao, Ladies are bow using it la preference to all ctaen. r-7-Bottles. 31. TS!d by all Dragrists everywhere. tSTXnd by Il.BY K. Costat, Depot 43t,LVoa4 -Aad'by'nOLLADAY & CO., Erowavii:,Sih COSTA R'S :sal COTJGEC HEIVCED For Coughs, C..M, Fdoanienesa, Sore Ti '-., Croap, V.'ho.pis? C.5 xh, luSa enra, Aafhira, Ct.a sunnt.i(.n, Broochiil AJuctiuoa, aad all L'mta ci tho Thr.-at an i Lung. r'"rButtlw, 5 ei- 3 eta., and l aiiss. fSold by !1 Urur't everywhere. . t-i"And bv Ilr.NaY i. Cojta. Depot 434 re4- way, f . Y- r-T-Aadby E0LLADAY A CO, EriwBTi::,Ma, COST A 11 ' S Cir.1314113 BISHOP jPIEjLS, AOIYEF.3AL DIX::E?. PILL, For Trv.--s tsJ SIc rTaii,h, CostiveatMi, ladljestiVa', Ei"to'ir.?, Coastipatloa, Diarrhea, Coiic. Chill?, Fer, a-1 gvitrai de rarrment tf the Dl !? Or;'-.!. r""B.i?.',25 e'.s- c;a.,a-.i CI li?8. '"Soi 1 bo ail Dr -: iU ecry where. ;;J-Asilv Cxrr.T ... CosTia, Derot 134 Sroai- rT-Aiity EOLLADAY i CO., Erowsville,r. ToiiiLiasa I7;r t'-:sa "TA!T ft. r:j-3. 1 Can be Cured ;? 7::r r:: cr s ltmJ I, .t I 1 1 : i ! Ml i T7ILI. suaiLr SISITLT 1J W K i iy n IT&tasi checked ia iU laclj'tst i'jt Cre TTarrtct! if Zr''r.z pF." .ti IIGLX ECTTilS TP 1 1. 1, LIST 1 k.!'. COLD IITTH3 HBAD Cured by cTJcsiTi mr:;. '3 3 Cj. : Jd by Catarrh tf-t-'-s ! ?-:;r.l or " D When caaied by Catsrrh - a 'las- l".ri ear4 by thi tt'Z'J 'Threat AC: otiom : : Ara more freaestly thia c'i.'rw'fe etn)4 it thick .al'.ajy iaa;us. filllag f;jsn ths head.? eUJlj during lbs tU.ad tesahio f.a Catarrh, aad ara carid ly LIQUID CAT Alt?. II3E5E' A. The syaiptorr.s r.f Catirrb ar ai 2 -it very Persons ttl they bare a c i. that they Ba T quenUy at ticks, aai ara i:..:.3 eisiti tt f change of tespetatu--. Pi t'v,l.i eon J.:i" 551 aoe cay bedry.orit s.'.--.t dUchrg, thia aai rid. afterward thi-il. asa .il.ilTt, may is-'B- A tb disessa r.orat ebri'-?, t'; are lacresed in quantity aad chj;s J i they are now tl t.it:l L,y, aai ara aa"' eougbed o5" Tha - -reiir"? are o r;nir. '"'' o bud breata t the t- ; j t- t and e1 : t- art weak ; j-f iv f fi ' ,:." (if i':''r-' ei ; iUalscs f;jita'. us jlacf Another eoaoa al ?s .1 ijr.iS. o- tarra ia. that the person is cci - i toci'jarif ia the taoraing of s.kk ., cacees, bas fallen from thebeal daris tie sight. bit take place, tr.s persm tj..y"be stare th d i.4?9 is oa its Tjy to the ? : t )'?'$ r no tie ia$rp.a;-;"i. ' ' " " Ths aooe rs I at f cf tbe casT Ci ytaptotrs. . r::e to oar Laboratory fof af lJ TLlet dei-enbi.-g fu;ly all symptoms; iti'd'Hr, iree to tny 3l.-e?s. Al?o i;iecJjahr f cere the catdieiae. TT ara receiving letters frca all part- "k Unioa, and aleo BU!ercas t --: ia a la fwia,.u!, u.-;r ' it. bear: i- e?:. '-..9 ci i -a cvr.-j. 7bireaedyc,-.Uir.s no Miser! ct r' Icredi-T.ts, bat is pr; - r 1 frcn ?e 2ta' Eaclusivrly ; therefore it is Pei fct.y ' eves to tha cost tesi.-r asi alcl.;ii ci.ld Call FSos'iCih-:) r--ifr, pthsr. If &ft s. : 1 (Tdr..-'..i ii V t fif". tL..j"B'Ul crirr ii All r?cas nT.r:."? with ay racl f "J jjJ,lhroatr.r Li.-.T,, writ ej cur. . . 1 ' .1.-?- ,-JIIM a r - Eiiiva:!Tn..if..::5 -,r. It- i j . O:.. I', . 3 f 1 I i