Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 14, 1867, Image 3

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r?affe Licci!-e.c. Ac. Ac. fur sale at thia OEce.
rCT. UtILL1aSs, Wfc- ia' the .attaot.
-.!- at. Loaii for tliii paper, will attend to
j:icU. " ttat Citr. l?Ic
'jizcdlgtnis forrrinte &Co.
UL'U V. fiiU.a.tA.,aretbeauib.urued , Agents
l'U CvfilJ oo. A. I'nnce & LVj ccle-
TV, Thuridayi'wniug was the cold-
Baincy & LeWlS received a
t. tacao:.LadiCi.Dfe Ciood and
Viiicat and (iats.-rte highest
-arkeipnco pud tor Wlieai aud Oau by
I fiak Droiher told by
F. A. TlbDELL, Biowovilje.' :
. . -.
; ! ... - . - r ,
II. f. Ltll. AgtpVa'nd Auc-
Onion Setts and Fresh" Garden Seeds
The RlicT Peu at l"5 T6lDl is
Ul ailVru. oivn at iNetmwa Cay
;h(t closed ai I'lautinuu-.h aud Umub. -
A Ferry has been eietlithed across
ie I3i,T iStiuaaa ai ifce Falls.
CCJIl 1 Com J Cash paid for Corn
fib Ly w uK 1 HlNu & 1LCUX
- ' .7..""
500 JciiU Dcrte'b Celebrated Moline
1 HLU. HILL &. LU.
Sudt. later JsL Bru's W a'ons sold hy ' .
Hotel. We . learn that, parties are
r.jw in town making arrangements to
rptu up a large hotel ou the Levee." .
Canton CllppcrriopS-for Ejieat
; SAW BUSS, regularly .licensed AuC
iioneeu. biiks in ibe country attended
,o on reaicnable terms.
" M-Crtrry has jut' received a Jit of
Goods in his hue by L'xpress. He is de
iiuiutd to kffp up wuh the growitg
-eii.and; inade tipcn ' "
j. " t- -
i Chairs .IJe-'asJnrt with n?atr"5
Afp.y at Mrs.JJwetiVAIiUm;r Snop
Jllil Arrived, A new lot of Wagons
it F. A. TlbDELL &, CU'S.
M(CrCCry at tLe City Drug Store, ha&
all ku,ds i: i'aiiits aud Oils, on hand for
. PO.&PO Bi shels Coru wanted,
10,CC0 Rebels Whekt wanted,
10,000 Bushels Oats wanted,
Haj. For sale in any q iantity to suit
purchaser,' Price So per ton. On my
iartu, tlree iiles west of Browuville.
' ' : ILO.M1N1CK.
am now prepared
to furtiifch Drestd Stone, of all descrip
tions for luiiding purposes. Orders Itlt
at this Office will receive prompt atten
Three about the largest h en E
rrrra vru
yer saw wPre laut on cur table last Sat-
.'-rday by George Hodkin, who has our
alney & Lewis have a large stock
f keadj Made Clothing, bou-ht at
ackrupi prices, which they are filing
al prices lower than have been known
ia:iL cr since ths war. ' '
Hrc at st. Stephens.- W learn,
ro,a NIr- K'ar, Operator at this flare.
kLat lrichard's large store honse and
."ocL at St. Stephen's,; Richardson coun
;y. was toialJy destroyed by fire last night.
10,000. have for sale
'n Nt-u.diia Lhud District, Nebraska,
10 m acres cf Choice Prairie and Tiui
ttr Lands. Suitable for Stock Farms,
cr Stnerul agricultural purpo?es. Also,
proved farms in Nemaha' County.
JNO. L. CARSON, Banker, k
l .. t Brcwniile, Nebraska.
The Wenern Union Telegraph Office
,a this c,,yha leer, removed to the cor
rf Mam and Froustreets, orer A.
P- Ccffs well's Livery Stable, where Mr.
ear.ihe reiui;n;aniy Opertcf. may bs
i0"tid at ail tiines ready tu accjnimodite
futSic. : ' '
peoa Icairatlon of -an-Orderlj
OQUnly.-The best indicat'iWihat
"'ls is aa orderly and law-abiding com
...unrv ' lHe fact that a cow was confined
44 ksUIco'dayJ and?. tHe. belt iUustii-l
Us lit,4"y ?t'd comfort is contain
; . 'o the fact that- two hoe's have frozen
to in- ild.uric!- Winter... It has.
-t evn a 'morai tuasion"' aspect,' and'
erWtte is useless, W X tuuia tVhivi
ac reeved. '
-IlarcirTTcitherV &e "twine indi"
cates, is always progressive, nerer sta
tionary , but constiqtly, op the March ;
this has been beautifully illustrated dur.
ing the past week; it t!ew, snefr, thew
end triz, in almost as short a iirne as it
lakes to relate it, "anfj.hoiy jt is delight
fully cold. Ithas giveneeTeraj the Brazil
fever, yet. as they panV rcf. ciJ until
Spring opens fairly, they'll recover.
, . r t M ' , '. " ' 4
Bprglarj.Ve learn that last Sun
night, some person,, purglorious, troiie
a pane of glass in hutz's Jewelry Shop
indow and took therefrom 'two Silver
Watches. .This is the . only case
of b'urglary which" Las come to cur notice
for some time,-and it behooves all to be on
the Watch but not on Joe's-
Shocking. 'A man died a few weeks in extreme agony. - Some thort
time afterward Lis alHicied wife visited
a medium fe tjie purjose of a;certairiing
what hod to distressed her poor husband
in his last niornents, the table was put in
requisition, and ihe.asioni.-hed wife soon
learned that he had refu?ed to take Uo
back's Siomach'Bitters, and. failed to pay
the printer. . ? ;; . ".r " '
If you are trcuhled with Indigestion.
Rising of Fflbd; Boar Belchings, Acidity
pf the Stomach, or any other f jrm of
Dyspepsia, avoid all stimulating drinks
which relieve only temporarily, and take
Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, which will surely
afford permanent relief.
Merchants Are you willing to buy
a certain number of pounds of Saleratus
and only 'get -so maty paptrs containing
only 14 or 15 entires ? Buy Bei Chem
ical Saleratus and you will get full
'weight and best goods.
Notice. ' "
Marsh & CoV Circulating Libra
ry. The following List contains a few
"of 'the new and interesting Looks just re
ccivetf : v
O M I, the great sensation novel ;
The Race for Wealth The Claverings;
Kalootah ; Griffith Gaunt ; Hilt
W?atcn ; Horse Shoe Robinson ; Sher
brook j Inside,' or Chronicle of Seces
sion; The Hidden Sin; The Yankee
Conscript; Litluh Lauk, cempanion to
Griffith Gjaunt ; English Travelers and
Italian Brigands ; An American Fami
ly in Germany ; Don Quixote ; The
Life Boat ; The Los- iauiy i Poor
and Froud ; 'The .Drummer Boy ; A
in C vV;-:;ifn v's Great
, .. -i! A , 1 the CrlJc1 ;
the Radical ; History of Governments ;
Anecdotes for the Family j Story of
Elizabeth '; Iron Mask ; Peter Simple;
The AVandertng Jew ; Life of Bar
num ; Three GuarJsmpn ; Twenty
Years After; Louisa La Valliere ;
The Secretary, or Circumstantial Evi
dence ; Matilda Montjmene ; The
fiuadroon; The Tiger Hunter; White
Chief ; Wood Rangers ; Laroon.
We keep U the above CloV to rrr.t l y the week,
nj ere vn -tartly uiakiiif aJJitiuiis tu the iibr.ry,
u ' ;-lia!l secure all Xtw B,-jks cf merit s suoii as
We rc-pft-irully invite the readins public to Rive n
a call mid iee for themie We keep all the
ab. ve bvx.ks for hale be-iiJes ir,y othe- j t'o uamer
0. to nienti 'D, iiJ are fu'lly Trf ParCI Xarnish any
bok Jeirtd at hlixit in.tice. ani a e are regular
aa:ent f..r alt the primiyal Kublichors thr.iiisli..ul the
L'uited S.tiie., we ra mabled to Xjait;;su ibe.u at the
ii!tilmhrrs lowest prices.
ilar(i& it Co.. jvoulii further five Notice that they
keen ttoil2joiTc.I a Icll t-Un. t. biJi wi V k,
Slaies, Statioutry, feus, Sons; Bik;, Sbn't auic,
Blank-. Bi.'fcs n-vriu Paper, Phifraph Albums.
Jlcuioi aiidnuis, and a mineral assorinieat of Mtel
ia..eous. bK.k8, .Mag-tzinei, ewruaper. etc., which
will be boIJ al the s'uialet livtu prodli.
Subcripiions received for any Newspaper or MaM1
ziuc ptitnit-kcd irt the rniteJ States al the pubUAher'a
lowest price.
' Browuville, Nebraska, Marcu "7 lb., 1Sj7.
N lie, rails; Well BuckcU, Seiveg, ko., t
' Eastern Mail. daily, txeipt SunJay.
Arrives, 2 o'clock,, m., fright,
Depart?. II " ri. m., niht.
Northern Mai!, d lily , except tundiy.
Arrivec, It o'rlock, p. m., Digbt,
Depart, 2 44 a. w., nit.
Western Mail,' tri wccV'y,
Departs, ModU'hj, Wednetay ant Fruity,
Arrive, Tues ly, Thursday airi iitur jay.
Vor.'hcrn an I La-tern Mulls cWe at f,p. ui.
JORTH JJjlSSUURl ailhoad
' ' ?And All Points East,
CouneetiGg with the flanribnl and St. Joseph U.
R. at Macon City, 133 East of St. Jeaepn and
rortba tEa ' :
Onbj .VI Rail Route from McM&on and
Ht. Joseph to St. Louis
Making direct ani reliable connections with
Famous Express Trains,
Learing St. Louis at 2 o'clock in tho afternoon,
running through to all Eastern cities witlioat a
iiiHr:t,s ilelay. l'a?ergcrs going to
Philadelphia Jip York, . Bali i more,
' Washington, Piftdurgh, Buffalo,
leavcland: ar.d all Stw Eng
land Tovrns and Cities,
Via. the above line hre U?3 t-hnrgps of Cars and
3Iaic Quicker Time,
Than by sny cthtr r ute'. l'lSorigerV goin te in (i4ra! and Southern Ohio, Ccttral and
Southern Indiana, S.utbcra lllirois and all points
ia Kentucky making several hour's quicker tlmo
than oq r made rU.nny hr rcut. .
Tkhtuga tickets caa be jrchii ai Sul- 2aH
Iioad Tijket eCScc.s in tbo West.
( I He it uidwood. that Ibe fare ta '.! Pcia.t Eat
is the Sahj ia, the 'er:h Missouri Rail Kyad and
St. Iouis a. by wy ,r Chicago or any ether routu.
ia. St. Louis liout.'
' ' ' ' ISAAC IT. -STt'TtGlvOX,
' ' rretiJetit and Vu1 Sup't. St. r.-nisMo. 1
Cenl TicVot -Accrt.St. L-ni.' Mo.-
GenT FreVLl Airerif.St. I.ui. Ho.'
. r. u..eaku:v;
' "A pent. Si: Jifpb, io. :
r. si. wxx;-""r'
: Ge.n7 Western dgniUMJosej)h.-J.lo :.
; : icniciAL. '
Passed at the First Session of.the Thirtj-
i v " " .'. . Iath tJonxresa.- ' " -
" W IPubiirNa 286. j"
for sereuth tf twedt j insullmenla for Jhctalary
ftr the s ju of Piu-pi-u)ox-mox per fifth article tre
aty ?th J a db, :yn , Qn hundred, dollars.
Yakauia. .Nation. for se'cuud of five installmect
of'aoeond sjies for beneflcial objects at the direc
ciion :f the Preiidrnterfoorta article treaty Vth
4Jrie 1855,eigbt thousand dollars. ...
For eerentu of treaty installment? Ar tbo sap
port of two schools ,u9 of vbioh is to be an agri
cultural add Idoer-ria! school,-Keeping in repair
cheol buildings, ai tor pf inita iiitiols lurai
ture, boc ks, ai stationer. B3r tl'tii articla trcity
8lh Jane' IS5J, Cve hUnirei dotUrs.'
for teventh of twedty idsUllmonts for the eai
I hymtisl vt one ?upeiintendaat of teaching and
tao teaoatTs.per filth article treaty Vth June, 1855
thirty-two hundred dollars.
lor seventh of twenty installments for. keeping
in repair saw ant flouring tuiilr , and for fiiruisliing
thr ccciscary tools and fixtures, per fifcu article
treaty fth Julo, ljj ,Qva nuoirj(j tliars.
fjr seventh of treaty insul.ments for keeping
in lepair the hospital, aud providing the necessary
medicines and fixtures tberior, per fifth - article
treaty Vth Juisrle5 three baadrod dollars .
for seventh of twenty instalciacnts for the pay
of physician, pur fifen ariiela trcity 9ih" Jane,
1855, lourteen bumircd d llar.
: for tieveuth of twenty iusial'ments for keep ng
in repai. the bnildings reiiuire4 ftr tae var.oas
employes, and lor providing tho necessary furui
turo therefor, per fifth article treaty fftu Juue.liijj
three hundred dollars.
Xor itverith of tacnty installuunts for the salary
of Bucb jrsonas the taid eontedrrated triees and
band of Indians luay select to be ibe;sa nca chic!,
per filth article treaty 9th June. ISbo, five hundred
Stt I'jree Indi ns.--for "second f ve install
EaenLs cf second series for beneficial objects, at dis
cretion of fbo Freedom, per tourih artioio treaty
Vt i June, JriJj, eight thousand dollars.
for seventh of twenty iuitallaients foa the sup
port of two schools, one of waiea to Ds aa agruul
tural ard industrial scbool,kcepiiig in repair scaou!
keepiug in repair school building, and lor provi
ding suitable furniture, books, and statiouiry ,
per fi'th article treaty llta inae, ISrfa, five hau
Ored dollars. .
. for seventh of twenty installments for the ani
ployment of one superintendent of teaching aoa
two teachers, per filth article treaty llth Juno, Is;; ;
three thousand dollars .
. 'for seventh oi twoutyj installments for keeping in
repair Llacksinittis','tiiiB!piihs', guiusinitns': carj,eu
tcrs'.ai.d 'wagon aud plough wall's' saois and'
for providing necessary tools ttterepor, . per mm
article treary llth June, ItJjo, five h'udred dollars
lor st-venth cf twenty iusial.iceuts ur tae em
fkyuier.tot one fupsriaVeud'n't of farming, and
wo laio.ersi, two niulers, two-fclacksuiiiu.-, cue tiu
per,oue gunsiuita , ouo bUek.-uiitii, oue carpenter,
and ono wnou at-d lougn maker, per hi en article
treaty 11 tu June, 16oj, uioe Uiou;-uud dollars.
for Seventh of twenty installments lor keeping
in repair taw and UoUting iiiil,aud lor furnisUing
the .becesrury to. Is and fixture: therefor, perfiiiu
article treaty llih rune, ISoo, five huulrod dollars
lor seveuihjOf ten'y iuataiiui?ui.s ior keeping
in,repair the bojpital, aud proVidiAg lUo ueoosxiry
rucdiciiies and iuiniiure iliereior pr fifta i rticio
treniy 11 th June, IS65, iUree hundred uolUry.
for teveuth of tweuiy iu&ialltiiouts tor p ly ui a
pbysiciyD, lr liuh atiiclo treaty Ilia June, lb55,
lourteen aunJrtd dollars.
for sevinin of f-emy installments for keeping
in repair thtj butaliags for the various employes,
and lor providing tt; lieccs.-aiy lurunure theretor,
per fiiih article treaty llth June, 1655, tluue buu
art d uullars. - i . .
lur seventh of twenty installments for the salary
of such parson asthe tribe in-iy seievt to tneir
he.idch.ei, p r filth article treaty lllii June, 185,
five bunuroa dollars.
; firt of four in.-tallmcnts to enable the Indians
to rt-mobe md locate upon the reservation, to bo
exdended iu ploughing land and lencibg lots, as jer
firt clause lourtn article treaty. Jvue Vth" Ig'jJ,
Seventy thousand dollars
" lor tbepurcbas-j ot iigricultural implemantSj in
cluding Mucins aud carts, U a mess cattle,aad ahevp
or cttier stoeic, as may be aeein-d uaosi beaetiAi,as
per see-otid clause loui te article trcity cf June 9m
ir3, Ility t:iuiuand dollars.
fortlie erixiiou el a saw and flouricg mill , to be
located at ivamia,as per third clause lo'urth' arti
cle treaty ct June tlm, )S6, tn toouaod dollars.
ivt ; iii.dirij IW'.telvai'J.lns r r-jf ,'.H -''' '.:'-.-8tv(!
S.i Isit, f.? Lie I u , : ... u ... ii h
li't r...3'V t! iw,, : .i.t cn:v! ! " T .'r.
(: -t :fJj. :-4 .I.'.c.'j, I'..' y i:
j " 1 'i !r r,vi. . t ut-'i-'i.'id
en d at htMuia, tK aid in the teuipitfttoir of Wl3
smith's shop at the agency, and to purchase the
agency, aud to purchase the neeessury tojis, iroi,
stetl atid so forili, per tblrl ciaasj article
treaty of J une.luh lbf'i3, two thousand dol'ars
Per tlia e."ectiou td lioc,ses for j;1)io.y;j' rqjeirs
ot mills , shops , aud so forth, and providing nocesT
sary lurciture, tools , and materiala as per fourth
clause iiah urticlji Ucaty i'tU Jiioe tSaJ, three
tboLsaud doli.trs
ror salary ot two matrons to take cbarge-of' the
board leg -cUujL-two 'aai:tant teachers, One fir
mer file carpenter, and twj millers, as per iii'tii ar
tide Utaty Uiu- June ItbJ, sevcu thousand sis hnu
drcd dollar. "
For the euection of a house for Indian chief Tim
otLy, as per aiaa article troiiy of Juau Skb. laJJ,
six Uuairett dollars.
To pay tleclainsof certain members of the
Jtt t'oioa tube lor services reuderrd and fo bors
cs luruubca by ilicm to tbeOMeg ,n icounta voluu
itrrs en me sixih ol .Muroh, I3i5, at Camp Corne
lius, as pfcrstienrh article frcuy of June Dili iJiH
ku be jaid in gtldj, four thousand six bucdrod
i latbeads and other Conledorated Tribes.. for
the tbird ol five installments ou one hundred aud
twer.ty ihou.-and dollars, e'irg ttr second re: ies for
beuvfiuiai otjeets,at tee di.tcretioa of'tho rcsideu
per artnle treaty It'th July i!i5i, vc tiipts-doiltir.-'.
Pt'.i sevrnth of twenty installment? for providing
sm'.bls instructors fiierelor,per filth ari.";le' treaty
16th July iS55, e igotecn huudrcd dollars.
' Per seventh of twenty in-stalimeiiLS lor keepijg
in repair biack.-mitus' tin and guataith ari.xno-srs
and wagon a;?d plougn ni.itors sneps'eni proyidiug
accessary tools theieior per w'f ill article treaty 7Jia
July, 1033, five buydred d.liara.
Pur seventh of twenty installment for tbo cm
pioyuiiit of two iarirers, f vVo mulerj one biaCKmitu
cue liuccr one gu'f i;!Ua ooe c.irpeater
f-agen aud pl"i-gti m'aKer per fijtn article treaty
lota Julj-'lb"j5evei4 ihou.-und dollars.
' For Se eoi"h of twenty iu-.talimeiits for kcpiog
in rtpuir the hspiiai, aud providing the nejo-sary
medicines and lurt.uture therefor, pcrfiita ariieiu
tlieAiy l('ta J uiy , 1S5 jbre hundred,
; lor seventh oi twenty inuLiae:its for piy of a
lbstieian,ptr fi'lib article treaiy 16th July tj,
oi.e tbou.-aiid lor hundred d.d.ars.
For M-veuth of tweaty insta.liinetp for keeping
iu repair lue buildings rtrirstt ror the various oji
ployes, aud necessary furnitare there
tor pur fi.ia. artKlis treaty loth J uly 1B55 ,tbre
thousand doliars . . x
lor eeveiitn of twjiity installments for the p!?j
ol tne lead chiefs ol the Flatho-d, KooUnany, and
I'ppvr l';bd d.Oi-eihes tribes per tit'iti article treaty
lota J uiy Ji'i, fclietn'huLifred dollars.
Coclotioravcd i'ribesaod (iands cf ilidlle Orego i
For rectuJ ol fio sjojjI suriss Oi six
thousand dollars, for beucfieial objects at the da
crttion it tae ilitJcnc.pjr s."ojd artcla trjaty
25th June 1855 . six ihouait i dollars,
For tevcUU cl btu-eu lnBtamints - for pny aui
SubsisU-ncd ol cjo :yrai3r, one blajksutta aid ane
wagon i.ud pbiiiga minor, pie i varsa rtul treny
25tbJune 155, tbirty-five huiidred dollars;'
For seventh ot twenty installments for pay and
subaistem-o of one LhyMciaii. one s iwyer oai mil
r lt-r, ue fuperiaitiideut cf fatming operations au l
sioiioi leacner, per Itiartb arucle treaty Ziia June
lS5j , five tbcitaud in cu.idrcd dollars
& 'Lla-lam.". For urtt of lour installments sixty
thousand dollars being the on.e fourth series under
the Uirection A the President, per filth aruolo tr
eaty 6tu January 155 .three , thousnpd dollars.
tor sevenia id twenty instal!caeit for toe sup
porrofan agricu'ltnrj! and fnufstril scbo'ol, and
4ny lortuitiiUe Uscheri, p. r eleventh article .trea
ty a0:S J,te 1S5, twenty fivo btindrcJ doi,ars
For soveuth of t wenty lasiaHuQaais f r taj pay
ot a Ma-.- uith, carpenter, taruur, and physician
bo sba. lunu.-h uiedicines lor the sick, pe llth
a'rti'-ie trca'y January Vibj, four thousand six
buiiirvd co.lars.
Ottawa Indian" of Ciancb trd's Fork and Roche
de Loeul. Kor the last of faar rnstallments, in
wouuy, per fourth arti.le treaty St:h, aune 152,
cght ibous-ind five hundred dollars. :
t or interest i'U ti,5ty,:tt five jer centutn, bcin-r
tl a us:pail principal lu duilars , per fourth
ariii-lc trcati 2iui June, 1632, four hundred t.vea
ty five dv''-rS,
ror tbe last of fcor t-aft illmeota of th prim,ir"
sum held in stock by the government, tj be paid
ai uitiiwty sai ;JW7,per leurtii arliete treaty June
2iOsliSJ2 29 ,S.--4v;ar -1 -L-
! Ar.ipaboes and C'bejecce lcdlans ot tbe Upper
aVrkaasas Kicr. .For sixth of fifteen instill meets
cf aucti ty-4: 'JOd tollar.V -U te 1 cJtpcn Jed for
their benefit, that is te sy, fifteen thousand dot.
Jars per anaam for cvi J'a triae, C 'mmea :irg Witi
the ia which" they shall rsmoro to and settle
upon ibeit rcscrTsti j s . per fourth article treaty
February iSth 1S71 , 33 AkO dollars
t tor tianspoitatica and necess irr cxpenet of de
livery ot aucuittids, 1, pr filth
aruolo treat? FutroAry-lai dil , k5.CCJ. thiiusand 1
For icsurancc, tran.-portation, taluo?o-siry ex-i
p-hfCi of the dcEfery of annuiti?; ani r-visica't
to the Chinw" of Pake Soperior, per e7ec"i
article treaty. Sopteuibc? thirtieth, ldai, , 6,2
for inrnrance, tranypprtaiioa and necessary ex
penses cf delivery ai,d annuities and provisions to
the Chipwas of the Jiissippi, per Sl'th article tre
aty Februor 2?n4 1355, tiree thousand etg ht fioa
4red and eigeth-six dollars and astonty-fi .;j cents.
Cnippewas of lied La ,and Pembin'a Tribe cf
Chippewas. For annuity to be paid capita to the
Red Lake bind of Chippewas.-during e pleasure
of the Fresid-nt, per third 'article tsiat'y eond
Uoteber, lfcGd , and second article treaty supple
mentary ttj Ltaty I2ta April, 164, 3,t'iJ0 cTwllafs
For this amount to the Pembina band of jCnip
pewas, during the fieisare of the President, per
.hird article treaty (Jetsber lecond, laoj.and. sec
ond articlue supplementary treaty April 12, 183-t,
5,0'!0 doll-rs
For the third uf fiftoen in?tt!Inient3 tjba erpen
ded annujlly for the purpose of supplying them
with giiling twine, cottodi mitter calicj,; linsey,
bianeels, sneetiug, flannels, "provisions, farming
tools, and for such other useful purpose i may be
de deemed ,or thir best intc-resta, per "third 'arti
cle treity cf twelfth April, l&ui, 8 ,000 dollars
For the third offtcaa in3tallineht. for same b
jects for the FemSina band of Chippewas, per third
article tresty 12th. April, 1331, f jar thousand dol
lars. , ' :." , - '
; For tird of fifteen incU'.ldients for pay of one
blacksmith, ona physiciaa, wa shall furnish med
icine for si ;k, out milter. and one farmer, per 4th
article s-ipplem turay treaty April U, 1351, thirty
niae hundred dollars'
For tbira of fifteen installments for the purchase
of iron and stoej and otnar articles for blacksmith-
ing purpjies per f jarth artie.e suppiom-jnUrs trea
te April I2tb IS64, fiitcen hundred d illars
For ti.ird oi fi. Ijbu install aents, to be expended
for carpentering and other, per fourth ar
ticle s ipplemjntary treaty April 12, Is6l one tho
osand dollars. -
For third of gfteen installments , to defray the
expenses of a board of visitors, to consist . of . not
more tLan ttiree p-Tjons, to attend upon the annu
ity payiu-;at.s of the said Gaippe laliaawuose
salary snail not exceed five djllars par dy, u r
more than tonty days, and tea ceau per iclje
travelling expenses, aud not to excised three hun
dred miles, per sixth article treity .Qj lobar 5, li "3
3t't) dol.ars
For insuncre and transportation of annuity
goods and pro visiods, and material for building
mill iEc.udiag machinery, ir!) and steel" foe black
smitns, tor tl;e ucd Lake and 1 euiuina tiibe, ten
tnousand dollars.
W-octeru Uand of iibosocees. For -third cf 23
instalment , to fce xpudjd under the direct ion
of the President in tae pur.-uase of such articles as
he irny deem suitable to their wants, eitaura bun
ters or Ktrdsinea, per seventa article treaty Ocj )
ter first, eighteen auudrei and sixty . thre, five
thousand dollars.
Pa t ru Uanls of Shosonoes. For third of 20
instalments , to bo exptjuded under tho direction
ot the President, in the pirchase of such arlicTos
as be may djem suitable to their wauts, either as
hunters or herd.mju. per fifth article treaty July
2ndlSt?3, 10, Out) cillars
'orth western Bands ef Shos mccs. For thirl of
22 lns:a!iaien.s .to beexpended under the direc
tiou of the President,. in the purchase of such t,r
including cattle for bearding, or other purposes, as
Ue shall deem suitable for their wants and conpi
tion either as buutsnicn or herdsmen, per 7th ar-.
tide trcatv October 2, 1393 one thousand dollars.
Creek Nation. For interest on 2l, ufll) dollars:
at bve per ceatuiu per anuum, a-s permanent annu
ity to be paid them iu uijr, or for sue n mecnaa
icrl labor or usetu.1 articles as the Sasretary of the
torior in.13 lrom time to time diroct, perv third ar
ticle treity Scptomoor 3, ISoJ , 10,00.) . -
For payment of tiutd of 5 iustallm3:its,to be ex.
peuJei tor. their beu ia the purchase of stock'
horses, beep, clothi'ig, and suce otaer art.cles s
the Secietary of the Interior , with the countil of
said n.uion , may dirt-ot, par rjur h article trea:y
Septeiuoer'3J, ls53, ad uiuoadcd by euate.-KfOUl)
Tabegat;che Caud of Uu'a Indians. For tbe 3d
of tea installments for tae puron.isa of goods,uudcr
the direction of tne Secretary of the Interior, per
eighth a ticle treaty October 7, 1663, and Senate
amendments March 25, Id51, 10,000 dollars
For the 3d of five installments, to bo paid for the
purposes of ogrieu'.ture, and fur tt purchase of
o;i ruling utensils and stock aauui!s,per tenth ar
ticle tieaty p jtobcr 2, 13(33 , aud Seate amend
ment thereto, IQ,000 ' '.;;"..'
For the third of ten installments for the purch
ase of provisions, under the directi in of the Si-jre
tary of ti e Interior, per cightti artiule treaty Oc
tober seventh, H5J,and Senate amendaiaat thoro
to, 10.00 dollars.
1 F; r inrd-ar.-;-, tr::
'-'-tti-i i r'dl. a?a t:
i.'iivwy cf j'vdi proi-iou
dtfn;al rxi -)
a.-il st.x-k. 5 .'
t.'b; .. .-, o! t ' - '.''.. P;'.' t r?. s.n ! Puke
'i i.'. ii..;
aisa lutiiau: Hutu, in of ji1 work oaea
twenty lg chains two ha.iArjl gruo'oiag hoes tea
ploughs, ten gricdtoii'V, one haadrod axes, bin
died, 2 l spadss, Vn'd other larming implements ,per
Sit article treaty May 7th lbo4,' for the iascal
year ending Ll Juat,lat7, 1.500 dollars
For tlio euiploymout of twj carpjatsrs, 1 ,800 dol
lars, and two blacksmiths, l.SOt dollars ; fonr
farm laborers, 2.4C"0 dollars, on pbysidan, one
thousand two hundred dollars, and m-sdioiiio for
the sick, 500 doibirs; per fifth article ' treaty May
7th lMi4,for the fiscal year end n Jcue 211th JSC?
Seven thou.'and c'veu hundred dollars
For this aui-iunt to be applied towarls tlie sup
port oi a saw-mill to b built for t';i corauwn use
of the Chippewas of. Mi.-sipni anl the -Pcd Li'k j
and Pembina bands of Chippewas, so Ion as the
President my d?em it nioossary per sixth arti ia
treaty May 7t'i, IS 11, lor the fisrl year endidg
June 30uh, 1SG, one thoasiad dollars. . .
For. ay of service and travelling expends ef a
h.ii-.r.l nf iri-it r. tit i-nr.-Mt of n.,t in ra th IU five
per-ien!., to attend the aoticity pay jonvs to tbo Iu-
ui. xs, an u so lortn.anu 10 inspwi inepeia?, umn
ings. mills, and other improvements, as stipulated
in the sevouth article treaty vla.pTtkv.l3i5i, not ex
ceeding any one year mire thin twenty davs serv
ice, at fiv-j dollars per day, or more tfi m tbroa hun
dred luiie, ten cents per mile, for ihe fis
oil year e id. tig JneJth lbo7, ix hundred and
fifty d.'H.w-s, - ,
rot the paym-nt of fcmiKr tc ichers mrri.-yed on
the reservation- t' inrtruet In Iran gicls ia d iq
tic ecoaemy.pcr 30ih article tcetih.Uy 7tU 18i4,
one thcus.ial dollars.
Mio.'ieccnjoa 15 ml of DkoWor S;oux. For first
of -tnty insUUmeo's, to bo piid in such articles
as tho Secretary of the Interior m ty I jrect, as par
founh article treaty of October Id, ISM, for th;
fi-oil year ending June 35. h 1877, teu thousand
dollars. '
Lower Brule B idd of Qakote T i bu?. For fir'
of tWca'y instai!uiats, to bo paid in si-b arti des
as trie Secretary ..f the Inuriur uty diret, as pt-r
fourth aruitie treity uf Oetobijr llta rl8i5,Ior the
fi-oa I year endiog Jua s 3( ,1307 ,aix tbouand dol
lars ' ' " '
IJUekfeet Band of DakoU or Sioux. For first
of twenty installm n's , to be paid in 8 ch articles
as tbe Secretary of the Inferior uny direct, as per
fourth article treaty of Octobar nineteenth lSrti,for
tne C.-caj year ending Juae. 30lh 1837, seven tbous
and tioHirs
Two Kett
t lei-i Bar.d of kota or Stas. For brst
of twenty instalments, to be pari in such article
as the Secretary of the lu'ter'ur a 17 dime, as per
founb article o treaty of October I'J b,,Hi5 - for
Uie lis al year ending June 30tb,ldd3, six thous.tud
d.'lars. .
For tis sum, to be pain the wid w !nd children
of Uh-ta 1 -chiin-iie-ah . the dirt?ctioa of the
Secretary oi the laterivr, as per sixth artide trea
ty of October I'J.n ld75,flve tajUwi d .Uar.
For this sum, f.i indemnity, to bo piid uuler
the directioB of the Secret ry f the Interior, as
iT SiXtb article tieaty ot "October I0;h 18j5, five
iiu cdred dollars.
Ohii-pah-poh' Dand of Dakota or Sioax. For
first of twenty installments, being tb?ry dollars
lor eaee lodge or family, (three hundred lodges),
to te paid ia such articles as tbe Secretary of tbe
I n Ichor tnnv direct , as per fourth article treaty of
Cetiber 20 I815 ,for toe fisoal year ending June
30ta lS57,iiino thousand doiLirs ......
Sans Arcs Utmd of Dakota or Sioux. Fer first
of twenty irstalitBonts, being thirty dollars to each
lodge lr lai!y,two hundred anl eighty lodge,)
to bo paid in such articles s tbe Secretary of tbe
Interior may direct , as per fourth article treaty of
October 2a , lSt5, for tbe fiseal year ending Ju ne
3'Jih ISoT.L-hl tuousaud four hundred dollars.
Vacktonai liaad of Eak.ta or Sioux. For ttfce
first if twenty inst illmeatt, being thirty .4dlars
fir each lodge or family', three bairtai, and fiity
lodges, to be paid in euca ariicles aa the Secretary
cf ibe Interior mar direct , as "per f.-.utth artiu.o
trcatvtf October 20tb l?ei,fcr tte Csc&l yer aa
ding "June 30, Ib'Ji , ten thousana five hundred
Upper Tanlttodai3 of ITakr, cr Sioux.
For first of twjnty installurjntj , to be raid in su;:lr
artirle3 as the'Secrrt.iry of the Interior may di
rect cs .cr fourth article trea'y cf Cvobr '?d,lSi5
for tbe fiscal jcar.c.-Pr Jrrao 2?, 17, t4 taous
bd I'Arttf. ' . -
O 'U-airala Paid f f D Arta cr S-u x lon.ans .
For first of twenty InsUliiajBts, t bi pai,r in such
artlelcs as t b Srrrotsry o? tie Inferior ia'v di
r t as p'.T foiirtu- a'rticte treaty of Orto'bcr 2sthth,
1??5, for the fiscal year ending Juus3't 1S67, fen
tonsac l dollsn?.
Dakota JrUd3X.-P. Wpoarss'jjf'tanspc-rtiag
Bd delivering ort:etes fumished for Ialins on
the opper Miss.uri Iliver, p t tic treaties ma
at Fort Sully in Octobrr, 15G5, iwc-ty thousand
dollars, t ...
P is FortHii nf Chiprw-jlnd ia. T en
Lle tbe Presidvntf tbe L'nitfd Ste to i?t apart
a n scrvation for the Puis Pert band of Caippc& provided 1 a article toird, treaty cl Ap
ril 7th ISoo. one thousand dollar.
For tte erection cf enc blacksmith shop, cs per !
31 ahide tre n j vf April 7, 12fi, hucdrcd dol !
' For the ereetion cf eight bons?i for chiefs, m per
thirdarticla treaty cf Aill IS5$; ikirty-tvro bun
dred dollars , . ". -
For the erection cf an agsncj buildirg and
storehouse, as per third article treaty of Apr it 7th
lS-ajtwo thousand dollars ' "
For first of twenty iaatallments. for thd seppart
cf cue blacksmith and assistant, and for tools, iron
and tel ,and ether articles necessary for tho blao
kjmiih shop ,as per third art tie treaiy of April
7th Ptfo , for the fi al year ending June 30,1337,
filteea hundred dollars.
For the first of twenty innalbaents , for the sup
port of ao school teawher, and f or neeessafy books
and stationary, as per third article article treaty
of April 7lh lo66 , for the fiscal year ending June
30th 1667, eight lyiadred dollars.
For the first of twenty installments for the in
struction of the Indians ia farming, and purchase
of tools, &.o., as per third article treaty of April 7,
for tne fiscal yeai eroding Juno 30th 1857, eight
hundred dollars,
For first of twenty installments of annuity in
money, to be paid p-r capita, as per tgird article
treaty of April o, lio3 , for the fiscal ieae ending
Juno 33, lc)o jtiii'five hundred dollars.
Por first o! twentnstalimsnts of annuity in
provisioLs, ammunition, and tobacoo, as per third
article treatyj of April 7, 136tf, lor the fiscal year
ending June 3Jth ioj7, one thousand dollars.
For firot cf twenty installment cf annuity in
goods and ether anicles,as per thirl article treaty
of April 7, laij. for the fisji I year endiag June
30 lsGdsix thousand fio hundred dollars.
To enaulo tae ctiiefs, healia jo , and warriors ttf
establish thoir people upon tae now reservation,
and to purchase usefnl articles and presents, as po;
loaiih arliale treaty of April 7. ISti'J, ar.d Sena.a
ameuduieut thereto, 30,t)ui) dollars.
To pay fciee.-sa.ry traiiSpori&tion and subsistence
of tho daiogites vho riiited Washington for lor
the purpose cf negotiatiatlng treaty, as per eighth
aruclo treaty cf April 7, tsCO ten thousand dollau
. For trat; i,,o. Uitiun and ueicssary cost of annuiiy
goodi and provisions to the Uois Fort baud of Chi j
pswa Indians, as per sixth article treaty of April
7 lt0tJ,Kr tiit jcar ending Jan.' 30,I?r)7,
fiit-va hundred dollars. -
Tabeijuacue iland of Utah lnniani. P r build
ing a ciacksmuh sh.. for the .Mabepuche band of
L'trtU In iias.'as per tenth article treaty of Jcto
ber 7' IBiid, fivo nun Jred dollars.
For tne paretiiiso oi iron anl steel and nocessary
tools lor said saop, as per touth article tro tty of
of Ociober 7 IS'Jd, for tne fincal year eadia 30
1815. two buudred and twenty dollar..
For the purchase of iron, steel, and necessary
tools for said shop, as per tenta article treaty of
October 7. lso3, for tho fiscal year ending June
3'J , lfiiio, two hundred and tweuty dolla's. -For
th purchase of iron , steol, and nscossary
tools for saiJ .-hop, a3 per tenth. .article treaty oi
October 7. lSy3,for the fiscal year June 30, 13G7,
twj hundred and twenty dollars. I
For pay ol blacksmith and assistant jorthe Ta
b?pia3ao band of Utah Lilians, as per tenth arti
cle trcrtty of Octcbcr 7 , lbo3 ', for tbe fiscal year
end.iig Juae 3-, 1 8(35 , eleven hundred dollars.
For pay of blacksmith ucd astistar.t for the Ta
tcpuacUo baud of Uta'j Indians, as per tenth ar
bide treaty ot Octooer 7,lo53,fof tKe fiscal year
ehdm6 June 3 J, I jf 56, eleven hundred dollars
For puy of bi icksoiith and assistant for the' Ta
bequacbe batd " f IT'a'j I nit us, aa per tenth ar
ticle treaty of October 7 . 8G3, for the fiacal ycttr
ending June 3D ,lsf)7, eleven hundred dollars.
Arapal-,0 and Cheyenne Indiana of the Upper Ar itiver. For reimbursing members cf tbe
bauds of Arapalo and Ciieyonuu 1'n fi.ins who suf
fered at Sand Creek, November 29to Idol, to ba
piid iu L'nitod States secuiiiijs, animals ,g iodi,
provisions, or such other us ful aitioles as the 8co
ret iry of the interior miy di -.a, a? per sixth arti
cle treaty of O.-t -ber l l:a , ldo5, tliirty five thous
and and fiftydolla:.
For first uf forty installments, to be expended
in such nilnaer an i for such purposes as tho Sec
retary of tho Interior may direct.bciug au amount
equal tu tweuty dollars per'capita fir twe thous
and eight hundred persons, the number agrood up.
on for tbe jresent year, as per seYcnth article tre
aty of Oeiobe-r 15. IS55, for tue fiecl yar ending
June 30 13u7, fitty-six thousand dollar.
For transportation of go.-ds, provisions , and sft
forth , pur.ih.ised for the Auapaho and Cheyonne
Indians of the Upper Arkansas River, for" tho fis
cal year ennmg June 30, 1357, twcntX thoasand
dollars. ' ,
Chamanches and Hiowas. For frst of fort in
stalim mts, to boyexpendod under tiio direction of
the ecreury of the Interior 4 being au amount
equal to ten dollars por capita, for f iur, thou.ta i
perrons, the number agreed upon for the present
year, as per fiiia article treaty of Uctober Id, 1855
l.jf the fiseul year enii.-if JunedOth, 1637, forty
Ci'u'asaia- d.d!rs. ' .'." '
! Por traii.-portatioa of ' rooli,- prtyviifoTt-, aa 1 so
t'rta , pa Thus i fvr the Ctma.icbo and K- wey I I
SL4,.s,t,r a--:'.- - 2 yar eu iicr Jarj 3-Jtb,'ls57
'9 '
U..1- I
4pachcs.Fcr the first of f.,rty "installmcati, t.i
be expiiiuca under tho direction of the Secretary
0: the Interior, for the ap whe Indians , being an
amount equal to tweaty dollars por capiu for 8!W
hui drcd per second article treaty cf Oc
tober li,l8 5, for the facal year ending June 30,
I8o7 sixteen thousand dollars.' '.
For tiansu ruti 111 of gooods , provisions , and so
iortb, purciias d lor tqe Apache' IoJians for the
fiseal year ending Juno i0 , 17, 'or no-cueh thre
of as may be neeensary , 3,5t 0 dobars-
Oinaha Tril.e i f Indians. Eur this Sac, to hi
extended by ther agent, finder the direction of t;w
C'jmmisaioner of Ioiiau alTairs.for goods', j)rovision
cattle , bor.-ei construction of buildings, farming
implements, breaking of lands, and other improve
ments on their reservation, aa per second trticle
treaty ot M;r-h C, lS65,nTty thou-and dollars.
tor this s.uu to bo paid as da.rn.iges , in conse
qucnee of tbe occupancy of a pi rtiou of the Ora l
u reservation and me ani de-tr ict'oa of timbre
by tbe. WiiMiobago trota of Indi ms, as er Jhird
artielo treaiy ol March sixth, eighteen hundred
and sixiv-five,7
For Looping in rcpiir a g-ist ciilla3 per S'h ar
ticle treaty of Maun H ,ls5P amj third artrdo
treaty m M uch 3 , ld'35 , for tbe fiscal year ending
Jane oO, iSoi, three hundred dollar.
For yy of one miller and assis a-.t, as per fitb
artteie; troity of March Pi, lS51,ani third artidi
treaiy oj il.rch 6, tbe fisea; year endic
June 30, l3t7 ,oi e tbou.'and two hudred dollars
For pay :i fj, mar ,as perSth urticle treaty of
.March Ifan, lot and third article treaty of Mar
ch rt, l"5o"j,tor the fiscal year endia Juno 30, 1:157,
nine bunur-d dollars.
for pny of blacksmith and assistant, as per 8th
article of treaty uf March H.2-4, and third arti
cie treaty' of .March s;xth. ldo5, for tho fiseal year
ending Juno 3J , 1S57, twelve hundred dollars.
Yak nua T.ition. For se.-ond iostaliment for
keeping in r pair blacksmith's, tin.'miths', carp rn
ters'.aad waga and plough miKers' shops, aai
lor providwig iieces.-ary loo.s, per.fifte article trea
ty June 9tt), 1S55, five hundred dollars.
For irnrd ii.8'ailui'.nt lor kt-ct'irg in repcir blae
lmiths', titismjthV, guasaaiths , 'carpenters', m i
w ;goa and ploah makers', shops, and for provi
ding necassour. tools therefor, per filth arricle ttea
ty June J, crtja, five Bfudrc dollars.
Ft r fourth installment for" keeping in repair
blaciiiitl,.', tir:?u lbs', gunsmiths', carpenters'.
;;ad wagon and p ugh meat-rs shops, and f'r pro
viding uecossary t'Hjls, per fifth article tr
eaty June Via , l;o5 ,fivo hundred dollars .
Fer sixth installment for keoriDg in repair
blaeksuiiiiis , tin.-iu.ths, gunsmith, carpentor,arid
wagon auJ plouti makers shapsind fur providing
oecu-Miry tools tberef ir, yor filth artide treaty
Juoo 9.1K65, five Hundred dollars.
For seventh installment f r koapinr in
blacivm.tjs, tio-.mith'S, gunsmith, carpenters .and
pi jug tuiaer', sauj.s.n Li f'-r providiur necesury
tools iherel.T, per ritth arti'dc treaty Juiis bine,
rdos.Qvo liiiriUrcJ il.lTirs
Kiamatii and Mjloc Inijuns. For Crst of fre
annual instairaic-iits to be appliel aoJ;r th 3 d:
rection of th President, as per second article trea
ty cf October 14,1S;H; for the fiscal year ending
Jene'3'J, 1357 ,eiges i! 1 osaud (!lUr9.
Pvr tins amount to piy for ucii ar.idss as my
be adraadod tte Indians at tbe time of signing tbe
treaty, and to subsist thim during ibe first year
after taeir removal to tbo reservation, the purch
ase of trains, fanning implements, seeds, tools,
clothing, and provisions, aud salary cf the neces
ary employes as per third anicte trit j cf October
14,11, thirty five thousaad dollars. -
For she erection cf one saw mill, ond floarlng
mi!!,, buildings far the blacksmotb, carpenter, ac i
wsguu and plough maker, iho necessary buildings
for cue mauual-diti'r-r boo!nJ hospital bail-ifg
t-sper f.'UOh. arfid treaty uf OeUacr li,ld51,
eleven th.a.-a:)d three hundred dollar.
' Fur the purchase of toort aed material for srw
aiid flour a.i',L-,cr?euter. bL-cksxith, wagon ar.d
j Lugh makers, shoo-', and bcoki and s-.aticm.ry
for tae tnnnnal labor fthool, a p?r fourth arrive
treaty of October I4rIdi4,f r the fiscal jear ceding
Jdr.V32", Jc67. fifteen bantlreJ dollars. '
Per f.r.'1't.fSItcen iasiaHuieu'.s'to r'-J" 'f
end subsistence cf or. supcrintend-at cf farming J
one ftn-er.c;e Liaei,ti.i:u, one .-awyer ene car-1
pi tier. a-.J o-- ia;n and plough per.
tub are-..?!? trv-sty if Octcr if, ISoS, for tae in- '
cal yoar ending J una 3?, l.c, six tbousaud Uol
al rs - , ,
For iTrst'cf t2ij icsUiIa:eulJ to pay salary
at-1 suhsTsfoa-ie cf naa physict-tT, 03 iu;?l:r, R'lJ
two H'ho't! tevh;r, as per fifth sri.i froVy cf J
October 1 1, l-?o4. fr the firal ye-ar cading J uae
30th 1317, thirty-six ban drcd dollira . :
For the creciion'cf.agsncy, 4,30 J db'iirs. - . ;.
.oi.'ee!Ineius. F r iciuiance and traa.p'rta- i
tion of ann jity goods nnl provisioi.3 to the Path-
crland lodiansfer the tlfcvl year e. ding JuceSJ, j
!S37,pjr .rth artwie trea'y July 1', JsiS.elavea
thousand nine huadrcd and twenty dotlarj aj
f jrty C3lf. .. I j
Indian "Service- in Xcw -'Meatco. For general
inc-ljntaT cxpcr.c.' ef ah " Indian sen'lse i Ve
Mcxi.30, presents of co-l aghaaltnral irsplemen'.s
iul ??h?r ejcfyl ?rii:!-'-. ui t" '".t theca I"-
cate in pertr aunt abodfi, and sustain tbexselrcs
by the pursui'.s cf civilised life, to be expenie
under the direction of the Secretary f the latcri
or, fifty tionsic I dollars
Indian Sertice in the Distpct of Conntry Icsied
from the Cbottaws for the Indians ktcly pjsding
ia Texas. Frr the expenses of coloring, support
ing, and furnishing agricultural implements and
stock, pay of necces34.r7 emplyes, purchasing clo
thing, mjiicine, ;ron, and steel maintenance of
schools Lt InJians Utely residing in Teraj, to bo
expended diretith cf the Se:rsUry cf the
Interior, twanty-two thcusaci tight hundred! and
twenty five dollars
Per the Wichitos acd cthrr Af2'Jattd Band.
For the expenses of colonising, supiorting, ond
furnishing said bar.'Js with africaltural imple
mcnis and stock , pay of necessary employes, and
purchase of clothing , medicines, iron, and steel,
and mainten.mee;of schools, to be expended nnder
tbe direction oi of the Secretary cf the Istenor,
37,800 dollars. -
Miscellaneous. jor the general expenses of tho
Iridian servico in California, including travelling
expenses of the superintending agents, 7,5Qo dol
lars. For the surc-hase cf cattlo for beef. and rzV.'k,
towetber with clothing and food, feams and farm
ing tool3 for Indiucs ia Caiiiornia, fifiy-five tho
and Collars. ' '
For insurance, transportation, and recessary ex
pensescf the delirery cf anouitiej ;?nd previsions
to thjlpdian trimbeg in Minnesota ' and Michigan,
twenty ttousind three hundred acd fifty dollars
and sixty-two cents.
For insut'i jc-, t?aaspcrJ''tion; and n"re3ry ex
peoses oj tfa'de iiTerycf PAn- . p. - t.i, an lYar
ton Sicux acnuity gocJi a. .1 !. ,rs, 13 "'O
doban. "
Per txpecres at teaming t'59 v '.- - .1 'en, ' T !:
I or tho geaeral iaddental ex peuse - of lI 7.,
ian sirvice in Oregon and Washington Tern I. rj,
including insurance and transportation of annui
ties in goods and presents, (where no special pro
vision therefor is ni:id? by treaties, and oCso and
UawdUn.4 eienscs of t-ie superiti'tendrnt acd ib
agents, 3 j,5I0-
tor d.frajing the expene- of tbe removal and
subMitecce or InJians in Oregon and Washington parties to any treaty, and forpsr
of necessary empleyes ,-59,000 dollars.
Indian Service in Nevada. For tbe general ia
cidental expenses of the Indian seavice in Nevada
preserrts ol goods, agricultural implements, and
otter useful articles, and to assist them to locate
in permanent abodes' and sustain hemelvct by
tbe pursuits of civiiu-d life, to be expend; d under
lVnn..cotIJ!1 uf ltd Secretary of the Interior,
23.000 doilors.
Indian Ary ice in Utah Territory.-For thogon
eral inciaeLtalexpehsesofthe Indian service in
Ltaa territory, presents of goods, agricnltural im
p eiociits ; , aad other uacfal articles, and to assist
aem to locate in permacedt abodes, and sustain
thcm.sdvcs by the pursuits cfciviliied life, to be
expended u,.der the direcUojj cf the Sec;etarj cf
tho fnrior, 2j,0oO . v
Indian service in Colorado Territ ry.-For tho
general lucmcntal expenses of tbe Indian strvice
in Colcaauo lerritory, presents of g-ods. agricul
tural implements, and other useful arti. es, and to tbeia to locate in permacont abodes, ard sus
taia tbemselvcs by tire pursuits of civilized
be expended under the girei-qos.of . the Secretary
of the Interior, lij.OOx) do'Un- "
For the pofn -nt or interert oil Sften thouar.d
dol,ar?,acstraci-d bonds, for the fiscal year end
ing June 8p, lb'b1, for the Cherokee school funcd
i'o'3 dollars.
For payment of interest on 9.000 dollars, ab
atr.icted bonds, r.r tbe fiscal year end kg Junds
-0 . 1 6C6. of -he Cherokco National . fund , 4.0SC
dollars. . -
Navsjo Lidiacj in Now Mexico. For sjbs;tence
for the Navaje Indian, and for '.he pursha?o cf
agncuKural impleitcnii, ec'di and ethar. articles
necessary for breaking the ground on the reserva
tion upon the Pecos liiver, 100,000 dollars' .
ror payment nf interest on I'V'O.oOO dollars.noo
paying stock held by the Secretary of the Interior
m trust fer the various Indian tribe, up to and ia
te.eit payable July first, U33, 100,153 dollars. .
rorsubsistince, tlothing. and general iucidcntil
expedse.s of tho Sisseton, Wahpamn, Medawakan
ton, and Wahpakcofa bands ct Sioux or Dakota
Indians, at their now home3, 100,000
Iudian Service in Idaho Territory. For tbegon
eral incidental expenses of tho Indian service- in
Idaho rcrritory, prcser.ts or go3s, agricultural im
plements, and other useful aaticles and to assist
them to locate in permanent abodes, and sustain
themsove3 ty tha puMuit,s ofcirilite'l li3e, to be
expended under tle direction cf the Secretary of
tbe I nterlor,2(r,000 do. Icrs
P-dian Scrvi-r in the Terrifory-''f Arizoca. For
the goueral icciilental crpe-s-s of.t'r-e J--' -n !tt
fc'.e in the Trn'.to.-y cf Ari; m . a, v.- - -- . '- xjds.
apricultun! implc-mrnrs, an ether .-. : ,1 art id'!
nrl t'iiv:f, (''-a' : i,i r.. abod?,
- ::a t-"- ;j-?;,- sy ; ! pu.vuu uf i-ivi'ized
life, to expended ui,dor the direcacn cf tho Sec.
retary of the Interior, 20.000
California. For pay of one pcy.icino, one black
smith, cna assistant bl:wk, one f.irm-?r,- one
onrper.ter, upon dadi cf the fotr roserfa'tioas in
California, at thj rate cf Cfty dollars per month,
12,1X10 c,. liar
the gtaerl i'lcideutal ex-.eet of ibe In'iUn service
in Dakota Territory, presents of goodj, srieiltarai
implement!, jod otter useful nrticlct, ami to assist
tfcem to ii.cate in rs'aianmt abedea act! tastaio them
sslves lj tbe pursuits of cirilued lite, to be eipeo
dlfd tin ier the iltrection of tbe SenreUry 0 tie Interi
or, weusj tboiisdiid dollars.
'or the tr. unperutien and ceeessarX axpemes of
Jcli.veir ot proviiions to tl.e Io4iana wiibin tbe Utah
superintriKleucy. Tor the fiscal yte enJiDg June thir
tieth, eighteen bunJre.i ard sixty-seven, twectr-tw
thinii.l tte rMjii'ii J ()oilr.
For salary of a sf-ial iteut to Ukecharje cf Wia
teriano ar,d I'ottuwatonjie Indians now Id tee Ltate cf
w laconsin, end ibnunnl fls LundreJ doIUrs.
tec. 't. And be It ftinbr eaicraJ, That no funds
teiongitiir to any lid ao Tiibe wiibiu wkkb treat re
lations exit sball be applied in any manner not imb
oiiaSl by Kuril treaty, or by exprea provisiona If law,
nor shall m nry apprcprtaltd to exrcuie a ireuy be
ute a treaty be transferred or , applied to tcj ether
pice, cme-s r.rp siy amh ri:l by raw.
Section 3 Aoj be it lurthet oaci M , That ft tre be,
and is hereby ei.'actrd, and appropriated, . out of any
dior.ey in tt: treisury i.t otberwie app'opriated, nut
ot Hiiy money in ibe treasury not cbarwii appropria
te J tli ma of flTebt ndred thousand dollara tor tbe
l a;u)Dt or ni-pir a ruaiiy fc-matifd to tbe Jeitita'e
Innaus or the bouihera superititenceocy. for rstnov.
Ii g lb em lo tbrir b ujr. au! fur relieving docb desti
tute pernons anoQ2 inl lmliana as are in actual (of
feriDK and want ; Pmv ded, That do part vf tte nis
ney trtfy appropriated shitil be paid unii! a foil ex
amination Bb II be ma!e by the Se'-rjfary ot tije la
'erior and the f.rat Comptroller tf tte Treasury, and
they sball ascortaia ttal the money i Juatly aod eq
ui'atiy due under cntra-t male and execnted ia ri
Ure koo1 taitb i.n ! for neeeisary anppJiet actually de
livcrel to its: lutXwt is aforeaail. al reasoiab'p pr
c. and fef thii pmpose tte Cunitrol :er is kereb y
autborirfl fo tite te'iniouy a id staie tbe amointlae
taid c-.Q'.-'aclor? aron principles of e jnity ; an ! no mo
ue thai I be paM wX auowed on 'account of aspplioj fur
nihed a'icr tbe p.isaaze uf tbn act.
Sec 4. And l.e it further raitf 1, That ar.y lo-T
peracn. acitie-.icf the Lolled Stales. 'of good moral
cbxacer, MbaM be pennitud to trade with aDy In lisn
tribe epen giv.nt; br-d to the Uoiied Stuea in tbe po
uat mm rf r.ot Iras th.iu Cve nor more tban tea tlioes
aud dolla-s, with at least two Rood i?cnr!lies. tote
approve! by tbe SuperiatenJuot f t ta f.atrict with ia
wucch u ii person propo- turae. or by the United
State diatri. t inli or listritt Atlorucy for tu
tfiit ia v. tiub ' tie oM;J'.r resMes. renewaM eah
year, C"i ierift Ibit au'Lb person will laitb.'oliy i0
yervp 11 irns la'-V .iCiT leaiatioca maile tor te aov.
' i;:;ir.;. of ii'aie anl intercourse wi-b Indian tribea.
and i'i nr rfsp?ct violate tbe tame: FroviO), Thai
the lri j-iV ii force re:nlatin trade ami i:i tcrcvtir
w,;b latiian it ifcea. aS-fctiLg lice'icad trader and pre
scria.r.; t'.e powtra tnd duiiot the Coiuiiutaiouer of
lud.ari Aai.-, SjjX'rintendriUs. Asruta, aod Snbag. ;
ei.t.s ia renn.-tion ibrrewpb, eball Le coi.i.uoe-l ia
fire and apply to tracer under tbi p.-oviaiou, except
as terein ottira-ie provided.
A;privcil Jaly ii. 1566,
1.1reh Is-iyer K.iiiins, Curra'j. Ciir-n Ac, at
1 . '.SWAX A LKU'S.
TtiiM J. S VriLLIAM'3 Ar!vcrti:r? Agency. 37
ft cbailer 5trre.. Saint Lot-is, U-
WTorlds Tonic and
' Blood Purifier,
ttAat a-ht i vt
j . -
Are ibe greatest Prcvep ti7e and Ccra'.ire licose
bclJ Rf sir-dies cf then ;, and are wondrrfu'.ly ef
neicioajia rurir Dyspeptic aad Con.-utnptiva
Kjuiptt.iii. GcLC-ral licbility, Largucr, llilious hit
e.-cs, actions cf the Lirtr,bHrrb, iiiwels and
Ki-l-icy.?. Fru.-nl-j Ciapfaints, Scrofulous ATce
lir.s, acd till sii-'f-a-Ts arisir fr rri -mp-ire blood,
und a sere pivcative of reversed s-', Cboi
crj. Yellow r ever, Bilions Fever, A.'. -;-S
e tirfu'ar twni each bottle and bis. Fre-
ran-d cn'y by the (raftcn Medicine Co., St. Louis,
Ajroanvdiltf ,
1 .-e Wa-h cures secret and dcli-ate disorders in all
their stages, at l.ttie expense, I't la or lo change
ia diet, o: Itcoaveaience and j. ""expos ire. It is
pleasant ia tufte and eder, imrasaiate ia its action,
aod free trotn all injurious proj ertiti.
SAFE nMlLii!S for unpleasant and darjcrojs
disease. L-o Uelxb-Md' JJxtrtct Liatti ail Ix
"."?d iih.
f V
a :ra
FOaCSD to grow tpoB ti anvoUiet faca !i
three to five vet 'a by aaina Dr. saTlOJTT
PILLAiaK, tba moat wotidertai dieverT le ,
f t t.-a
a-lence, acting npoa lb Beari and Hair li u.
miraculous ninr,ei . It has teen c-ltTi&4
Puris and London with Ibe tnw-'t Cattarir? f'
'ameof all ptirvbai-er will e r ' i ir 1, a :
tire satisfaction Is not givca ia eTfry izvtazt :
ty w hi te cheeriully re'undeJ. Prira tj t?
and postpaid, $1. l3escrlptivtircUr a .'T "
r.ial maile-i fr-e. Adlrs BKRUiS $?.Vt: -
Xo. ito R;ver Street, Tr y, New T.j-r, s-.laa
the Ur.ued States. fob 2o 67 I y
Auburn, Golds;!, Platen CiL
PRODUCED hr the ue of Prof bSSanCI' '
LS CUENE7X One apoUcati iu warrnt . -tbe
niot utri.fchl and atubbnrn hair of elttiftr
wavy rinftiers. or heavy mrsie corla. Iiai
by the' lashioCables of Paris aul Lonjon .
inest gratifying re31U. l)oa ut tojury to t '
Price cy mail sealed and postpaid , $. t
Circular! mailed free. Addra Bi.R'JSH,
- CiJ., C'bsaiistp. Nj. 2S5' Etrcei, T
Tori, So.e 'Z,2aii Ut the Vnitesl Stat . ..
: -a
s :t
r 1 r-
To tbe ladies e-peviai ly, tbu iij..5:
recomuien j UsU brma an niu.i la.
article to feui4ie beauty. 1 esai y aolied,
lnra or injdre tbd bkiu, bal actatlvrjtiy e
it Is warranted to remove suprttuoua tair
!orbeads, er from any raft of ihe bc.'y,e-;a- ' -tally
and radically ettir;allii; lint fain,'
tken soft, n:nHth auU natural. Tijis li ths
c-ed by t .e trench, aul i tbe f u y re-t e.
pilatoiy iu existence. Price "5-euts per j5
i" St-paid, to any addre -n receipt r an 1
b3 Hirer St , Tr ,
There cuoieih glad tiding of joy to ill
To yotir.g and to oil, Jo greit iai ts iva- .
The beuty wtku -nc,s w3 ao precijui "a.:i :
Is free for all, aud all ruey be . . .
13 y tho use of
For Tmpfovlnu arj beautifying the t?02in'cj!-rj
He iLmt valuable ana perioct prepaia'.i .:i li ...
Cv.crf tLe f kin a beautiful pearl-like tint iti: -.-f'und
in y .uiij. u rjuickly remove Taa i'rt
Pimf lei, bi-.-tches, Moth Patchea, Sillowtisi,
wviis. aft all. impurities of tbe iir.- kin i'y fc..
tbo tl:ekiu wbite amf clfar a alabaster. I; u
not be rlp'.jcted 1 tte clf.tet rcrotiny, gad I .
vegetable .Heparan, n is perfectly baraitxs. I. -.
vn y article cf the kin.i uel ly tbe French,. sat . . .
fciileiel by "lie Parisian' as lnUipenabIt fr at -toilet.
t.'pwaiV.wcr30.0U0 buttles wertso'd 4ar;
p-s year, a aud.ctent Marauiee of i'i effl "acy. : ,
omy 75 e:its. . Seat by mall. pt'St pa.J, catM ;-.' v
aa order, ly
BEliGEB, SHCTT3 CO., Cbetrl -
"feh20Iy - Hirer tit., Troy, 2 . 7.
When ! y tl,e ue of LR. JOINV LLl'3 I'.Tr.T
can be c:r?d rermaie itly, aud at a trtS;a.r ;j
Tne aUni.-liir!jj succcsa which has attr.ier -valuable
medicine for Physical and Nervous V.r
General debility anH Prootmitn, Wa f aC
Eoersty, Iinpotoncy or ary of the cone-
youthful iuuiscriptioa t renders it IL v.:
preparatlcn ever discovered.
It will a II nervous affections, drpri'f
citemeut, incapacity to atudy or biiKiae.a, ias
ory, confusion, tbot:?bts of self Uetraaioi, f ?r ,
tanity,&.c. it will restore tbe apput. rer
bealtu of th(e whi have detroied it ty e-a .
ceii or evil ptactiies.
Toung nieu, be Lu.iibu?i;ad ai nort ly .
tors" and ijiiiorant pr-ictiU Tiers, tui aod vi.!.
lai Xor lb ilu ir, and it one rotor i to iir . .
U o.r.,rA. . a Varf.t C n r 9 is Gn iraEtrP-! '
! 11 r f-:.r r : '. i i0 vr.e :
C 2 ' ... .tu uc:; -,n .-a a
ry c , . i
also. ta. j-o:v:r.L3 ?:'.C-?Z
? r-a
. -a
- :-t
j. t.e ?' a ptr :u'-.-. r-- i.r (, re.
F t'r-..i-l ... 4. t I." - r. . .-,1
n.ou of ibe K..l;.f.v a., t a?iait: i.-r. c ; '. a
fruin ine to Eve oja. Ibey are prepar! if
aole extracts vbat are barmiefacn tbe aytsu
er nauseate tbe atoniacH cr lwpre;n.;s ;ba '
Xo chai.i;9 u( tlipt U liOief.rj V'.e t
does i.-icii action In any nxin wAntetfert '
ne pursuaa. Price, $i per box.
JCitber of the above-uien'ione I articles w.
to at.y addreaa cioely aealed, aad post-pai.i. i'
or cx;ire, on reeiptof prue. Add'Oa.-e a .
to 9 lihiiitaiiit, fcurrra & Co., ctt .
Itb 20 ly JSi Kiver Hi.; Tru
Free to Everybod .
ALATfA 8 pp. Circular, givlni iuir:r t'.:
greatesi ii.i;Hji tauce tu .be yuang ct tots s t
It tcaclios liuw tie Lviuely uiaytecotue tr- .
despised repttci, and the foraau lovoi.
- Nu youcij lad; or tcntieaisa bouJd lal. t
Aidr-ia'a, and receive a wpy pi paid, Vy r
AuUfOJ P. O. S.'t.
rcb 20 6.a . 1 .
"Wonderful but T:
MADAME REolIXCiTOM ibe wor'.d-rs.
troiogiat aa Soai-iaoibulistic Clair vast,
clairvoyant atate, deiiaei'e ibe very tea
person you are to niirry, an l by tbe ail t:
men t of interne yoer, kuoa aa tba
guaranteea to prvduce a perfect a:J li's-l
of tbe iatme Luliid ur who the a?!
date, cf s;af risi:e, esxnpatloo. lea-Jisg t.-ait;-ur,
fa. iLii it to in p-itlcn. at tei-uc:.
cm ntr;i! er can aert. By suticg p.a- of .
disposition, culor of eyes an 1 hair, and lc -cent,
ai-1 ita mpci envelope ad. raised '-j i
will receive tbe picture by return Lia.'.,t2
desired ii.f rmatioa.
fj-Adire.s in canf. Jence, SfABlMi; Gi.
ItZMistGTOr?, ?. o. pJX ii7,Wet Tr y N r
ra-A Young Lady rc
ning to her country turne, alter a vf
monUis in tbe Ciiy, waa hardly t
friends. In place of a coare, flaahl fa'9,
;tt ruby complexiou of a!mol marbis a-i.4,5.t.' -Ltistead
f iwniy-tbree he really ij .-'U;.
teea,' Up'ii lnqni'y as to ibe cauaeoi g-e: .
the plaiuly told them that tba usl t. e C lii
SI AN AJ2I, an-i considered it sl i.iv,:..
quiiti to any La'7'a toilet. Br lutsi any I
Getletuau can ltprove their peraooal a,;.r
bLcderd foi l. It ia iiDiula la its con.'.a..on(
ture berhelf I aia:ple, yet cnsjrp-wed ,i. ,-.
ia drawii iaiarifie f rota, a!,o healics
lying ibe kia i-cj commie XiuD. ByiUA. utir
tbe cu,ivle ii draws from it til its in:;!) ; i,
hej'.lrR alia aa:e, atd teaviax tte tsrfj.e "
iateodel it sbou d be, clear, soft, am u;a
Price $1. atiitty Hail or Exp?s, on rtc.;'. '.t .
derby YT. L CLARt CO., C i..r. a.
fe'o 0 j Xo. 3 WcSi FayaueSt., Syt i. .y
Tbe obl.r Acterirao Arats fur tae aala C : :
. f
Tkc Woyld AstODlsI
at Tin woNDtarct tiut:i
made bt the great astrqusz::
rIr.clnmo 22. XjL a-zt 1
?Le rrveals cet n Tnrtl ijr i vy.
rturea to b.t;jj'.Gi th-6 wb). Irurn l'..;-r.
catastroi he-!, cr istas Jn 2ot. I- i : i .
iriend-, ct n.iccr. &.c, fcave tccor e
She l-nc-rs t'sfner tr ns long Mparatr !. .
raali- n c 'T-cern;rig abaeel frirndsor 1 rr.-
htf-i or ;to!en property, tells yun tbe bu:r..i'
t fit cruaiiaed to puruo and ia htyo'i ..
f-sic.etifui. cacsa pee:y iuarriaa iu :r:.
vry day yen will caarry, i7t yu t a I.,
nt at. 1 cbara.:teria!u of tbe pr-ja. &Lt
very ihoi Kbts. und ty a!ru.t aupe.n.'.i'
tiaveiis tl;e tlarx and til id.) isyies of ii. j
Trum t;,e star we tein ibe amiaaiei.. -:i
tjra tbt cverci-nie cr preooaiitiaw ii tl.-?
tion frwia tbe arprcts and pmiiiiorut c?
the Ssel atars ia ibe Leaver al lbs t na .t
ie-ltice tbe fntu-e deatioy f tcm. r... t
s",u tbe grrateat Astr&l gi ti r-n a-". I:
tet a Irtue, ul yon may a7er aa.u Ljtj .
bl an crp-irt unity C-aat Iuu.jii e.
aud all desired information. $1. Pa-..s :.
li.staace cic cr.sriii luMadiaie by i..: rf
atrty ar.d ati!n-ti a lw lam-elra.. aa
A full and cxpikit c'uart. wtiUru out. ; i
a? crf i auV i2pi.c. eociuoe'l, acub.''
ce:i wi aN-ve r-Hutivafd. The unrw ?
D.aiiiiai'sc-l aul ail CTrp-jrideoce r-.c:i
iroyed lte-erencts of ibe tiite 5 .it
i:v.s"e d. 'r;L thepj Write jlaiu. c
cioira a:..i year ia abicb jou wee t. r
small I'Jtii of b.ur.
AwfeS, 3TAD.1ML H X.IZ' -
- 9
. )