l)t -&iSVtVtlStt: Zi O C -A-J Deeds, Mcrte, Executions, Replevins, "!'! Licens-e.Ac. ii. Ae. for sale at this OEce. i 4,e5 . , J.s7'wrctJA-LI8' tThoU tbe antes? -T.J.Dt iaSt. Loci for this paper, will attend o . collection and purchase la that City. CJiCt :rOW'VILLE, THURSDAY FEB. 23, 1SC7 orTzcd Agents rorFriiicc &Co. " j-q KILL k CO, are the authorized Agents 5eaiu County for Geo. A. Prince A Co's cele i Cabinet Orga ns, Mclodeons, etc. Forjrice, ; nN at tbe JiiWfr eTice. Ojjj Anew Novel, the richest yout,a't MARSH & CO'S. "9 Tfce Ice Broke in &e Missouri river .ibis point at noon to-day. Corn rcornT-Casi, paid for Com IS 2 " by WORTHING & WILCOX i Fist Brother Wagons cold by ; F. A. TISDELL, hioivnville. i i hi i U, C. iCH, Ltini Agenfand Auc cceer. . . Oion Setts and Fresh Garden Seeds , " MARSH & CO'S. ;nft John Deree's Celelraied Moline 1 iLjj. aiiiu v.vy. ;tudelalier& IJro's Wagons sold by F. A. TISDELL & CO. anion Clipper Flows for sale at SHELLENBERGEIl BRO'S. J. W. BLISS, regularly licensed Auc :neea. Salea in the country attended j on reasonable tern:?. CfiSlrS KC-CaIncGf with neatness -.i dispatch. Ly GEO. TURNER. AppJy at Mrs. Hewett'a Miliner Shop. pub, DOC To P. W. Hitchcock are e indebted far the Congressional Globe ctLtr valuable documents. JCSl ArrlVCd, A new lot of Wagons i F. A. TISDELL & CO'S. McCrCCrj" M the City Drug: Store, has '1 kiiids of Paints and Oils, on hand for pring trade. 20,000 Bushels Corn wanted, 10,000 Babels Wheat wanted, 10,000 Buj-heb Oats wanted, ly RAINY &. LEWIS. Hay For sale in any q iantity to suit trchasers. Price S5 per ton. On my trin, three mi'.ps west of Bronnvil'e. ill II. O. MINICK, j . , FfOr.C Cuttlll?. I am now prepared o furnish Drfird StonP, of all decrip ":nsfor building j urposes. Orders left t ibis OtTice will receive prompt atten 'on. JOHN MONTIETH. Hon. 0 B Ilewett-Chief Clerk of o;h the Territorial Couucil and State ?nate reached his home in this city til Monday. I Ko General Herd Latf was passed l this session of the Legislature, and -t ffcw specials. : behave an interesting communication 5 re.rd to the Peru Seminary, which :ust over till next week. This In ifctiori is prospering well considering -e circarastacces. Hocsc-KtEPEKS. when you buy D. B eLand & Co.'s Best Chemical Salcratus will find every paper weighs a pound. jousay tiiessme about other S ae KUS. . . Betarned.-it is gratifying to ie - e ret,iru cf W. D. Lewis of the firm R t.jk Lewis from his matrimonial fP ! Indi"ni. We wish him the tit last limits of human happiness in both ew Slatesn7ay his sojourn in both be , happy ancj prosperous. A Serious Accident happened to our 'nsnen,.F. Hellmer, Wagon-Maker, st Saturday; nhile hewing a piece cf glanced orTand struck his knee, :ihnZ 8 very ugly cut and fracturing r We bane. 1 W T. W. Tipton arrived from Omaha '-" Friday, and started for Washington JWay, :o assume the position which bilitiea to eminently fit him for, and 5 he p id the glorious work of regene lllcS the Union to the standard cf Lib rt7 all men. at Livie.in this ege cf luxu. 'asng, late steers, and rich food, s l furprvsing that the stcmach performs notion, as well ns it does. Coe's Peps.a Cure will be found a valuable ;;;n;nl 10 tLe Sh; henkaded latQ supper,, rich food, cr any indul- &yf v' "cess I " will instantly relieve eelof heaviness f:er eating. A F " i. , c-.-There is scarcely any dis- it h.Ch lhe hurnan fratlie i lMe f may be W8r:led cffor chscled if ' remediere rescrteJ to in time. 4d"tfe -ve 'd f. fr - lu4, as wel1 much pain r Afi Tfy Aea." They are e.rao A NEW ENTEEPBSSB I ChacgCWe call attention to the Advertisement of the Cincinnati Branc'a Clothing Store on our first page, and to the fact that D. H. M'Laughlin is no-v out and S. Seeman is full proprietor. To those in want of Clothing we would say give him a call, his stock is full and prices low Returned. Our Legislators, we be lieve, have new all returned to the bosom's of their faraili es and the quiet pursuits of everyday life, where copperhead fiil abustera disturb them not, and where they may rest easy with the conscious ness a nobly duty well done. No special commendation can be made, all, with but one exception, have well filled the ex pectations of their constituency. N. B. We would be pleased much if our friend Haywood would pay us a visit. Damage by the late freshet. We learn that the freshet of week before last carried away the Eridge at Bennet's Mill on the Little Nemaha, and flooded Thompson Sc Lovelace ' Mill higher up on the same stream, doing no serious damage, Lawever, in the latter case. Three bridges on the Muddy and one on the Weddel Bridge readjust beyend the Little Nemaha, were aho washed away. A German Paper fo r South IlaUe. It gives us great pleasure to announce that Dr. F. Renner, of Nebraska City, has made arrangements for the publica tion of a German newspaper in that city, to be called the Staats Zeitung. This has been one of the greatest needs South Platte has yet felt. It will reach that class who have done as much if not more to make America what she is to-day than any other. We hail this as one of the greatest steps for the advancement cf South Platte ever taken. ' Will publish prospectus next week. Estabrook's Nebraska Form BOOK. We are under obligations to the cuthor fcr a copy of this valuable book. It contains a copy of every legal form end many others. It is acomplets guide to all officer:', m d ecch -clTicer in Ne braska should have a copy of it. The general information contained in this o , book, in addition to forms, makes it of great importance and value to every private citizen. It is compiled by one of Nebraska's ablest lawyers, E. Estabrock, and has been made upon ths Revised Statutes bf Nebraska. The Bock may be had of Barkalctv Bro's & Co., Omaha, Neb. ; Our CHy FlCt'tlon comeseff on te First Monday in April. Heretofore' we have opposed mixing politics in our city- election, believing that the best course. The manner in v.hioh affairs have been run for the past two years has convinced us of our error in 'this respect. There has seemed to be no accountability to any body on the rait of officers, sod almost a general dijrerjard of u!l suggestion, and a very -surly disposition generall ,'. We have new two Republicans ia the Council whom wi deem enlkied to the credit of keeping affairs inmoiicn at all. Let the lines be drawn, and then there will be a party responsibility and a party pride in seeing our city affairs conducted in the right manner. As it is we have neither, and 'slip-shod' is the rule. A ''down east" debating flub has been arguing the question: "Which 'has the most effective agent in the reduction of the population cf civilized countries War, Cholera, Switchmen or Billious Complaints ? After a warm and anima ted debate it was decided that the latter had proven by far the most drsartrons, until the discovery of the now celebrated Roback's Stomach Bittera and Scandin avian Blood Purifier and Blood Pills. The club therefore, actuated by a spirit of philanthropy, have determined to re commend them to the public as a proved tive of cholera, and certain cure for all diseases resulting from Billious eflertion. and to inform them that they are prepar ed by Prince Walton Si Co., Nos. 5G. oS, 60 and 02 East 3d St., Cincinnati, and are for sale by all respectable druggists. N Tails, hV. Is, W.ell Dsckets, Seiros, Ac, at Frobatc 'eUec. The final account of Gcrl 'vTer?, Admici'tratr, of the Estate of tier but W'vr. rill be f r hoari::;; before the lVubat Court, at thc C urt U 'ta i-i tbe City of JJrcwuville.ou ilonduy the ltt day of March 18.')7. . Brownviilo Feb. 7th 1 Sf7. G, W. FA1KBROTIIEK, Trcbate Judg. Soda Crackers, Qisgcr Snaps, ard Aerated Crack era, at STVAN & Biro's. Palm Soap, Castile, Ejjln and Detersivt Scf and the Celebrated Siiycr Glfs Starch at S ri'AN & DUO'S. Beans, Hominy, Meal, Totatnes. Floor Apr1es SWAN & BKOTI1ER. jVesh Layer llaiiins, Currants. Citron Ac, at SWAN &-LKOS. jresh Tomatoes, in two and three pound can., at SWAN & IIUO'S. Tafural Leaf, Fine tvut, Grar Ju'ice and Navy i Tobaeoo.at SWAN & HHO'S. IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT llUCUU fives baalth and vigor to the frame and bloom to the palid check. Pebi.ity is accompanied by manv alarming symp toms, and if no treatment is submitted to, consuasp tion, insanity or epileptic fits ensue. ir a cboioe article of Tea.jro to SWA & vim o. CTAE NO Moid -KrLEASANT AND UN SA1E REMIDISS fcr unpleasant and dangerous di?e?es. Use IfelmbTjli'i Extrict UucLu and Im proved Eose Wash. OFFICIAL. LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES Passed at the First Session of tto Thirty IJintli Congress. - Public No. .209. JLo Act to iDorease and tx the MiiiUrjr Fac Es tablishment of the- United States. . Beit enacttd by the Senate and House of Repreten Inline of the United St&tet of Jmtrica in Connrtu Attentive, That tee military peace establishment of the Uni ted Stat 58 shall hereafter eousist of fivo rtffimenta of artillery, tan regiments cf caTalry, forty-five regiments of infantry, the professors and crops of cadets ef the United States Military Acadrmy.and such other forces as shall be priuided for by this act, to be known as tbe Army of the United States Sea. 2. And be it further enacted, That the fire regiments of artillery provided fcr by this act shall consist of tne fire regimeuts now organized: and the first, second and third, and fourth regi ments of artillery 6ball have the ' same organiza tion as is now prescribed by law for the fifth regi ment of artillery ; but tho regimental adjutnU, quartermasters, and commissaries shall Lereaftcr be extra lieutenants selected from the first or sec ond lieutenants of the regiment. See. 3. And bo it further enacted, That ta the fix regiments of cavalry now in service there shall be aded four reinanti, two of which shall be com posed of culored uen, bavin the same organi lo tion as is t ow provided by Uw fcr cavalry regi ments, with the sdiition of one Veterinary sur to each regiment, whose compensation shall bo one hundred dollars per month ; but the grade of com pany conEii.sary sergeant of cavolry is hereby I abolisced. The oriwinal vaconcies in the grade of nrsi ana sccona neuienani snail ta filled by sanc tion from among the oCcers and soldiers ot volun teer cavalry, and two thirds 'of the urigital va cancies in each of the grades above that of first licutenanta shall be filled by selections from among the occrs of volunteer cavalry, and ona third from cCctTs of the regular army, all of whom shall have served two years in the field the war, and have been distinguished for capacity and gjod con duct;ary portion of the cavalry fore" map be armed and drilled as infantry or dismian'el cav alry at tbe discretion or tho rresiient, and enyh cavalry regiment shall Lereaftcr have but or.ehos pital ttf ward , and. the regimental jidjutants.quar tcrmaMrs, and coimniwaries shall hereafter be ex tra lieutenants selected from the first or 6ocoud lieutenants of the ro"in?oiit. See. 4. And Le it further enacted, Thai the forty-five regiments of inlantry provided for ly tb is ac t Fhatl coryis: of the r.-t ten regimen ts, .f ten companies each, now in service; of twenty seven rfgiments, of ton.- companies each , to bo formed by addiDg two companio? to each battalion of the remaining nine regiments : ai,d of eigiia new rtgiments. of ten companies eaoh, four regi ments of which shall be composed of colored men and four regiments or ten companies e;ich to be raised and officered as hereinafter proriddd for, ta bo called the veteran reserve corps; uni all the original vac auc i a in the grados of first and second lieutenint shall be fillcd'by selection from among the officers and soldiers of volunteers, and one half the original vacancies in each of the graces above that cr first lieutenant, shall be filled by se lection from among tho tHiccrs cf voluctchrs, and the remainder from ofiieer cf the - regular army, all of whom shall ha.e served two years duriur the war, and hae been distinguished jor capacity and I good conduct in the field. Thsvete au lesjrvo j corps shail be oflisered by apgoimtuoatt troiu any I of.ieera and foiaiersot vuuntoers or ot tie regular army who have been wounlel in tho line ot their duty while serving in the army of the Uoi ted States in the late war, and who may yet be com petent for garrison or other duty, to which that Corps has heretojoro been assigned. Sec. 6 And be It fuither enact d. That th3 ap poinimunts to bo made from among volunteer o(i e rs and eoldirs under tho provisions of tliis a.-c shail be distributed among the States, Territories, and District cf Colaaqia, ia proportion to the nam b or if troops furnished by them respectivs'y to the service of the United States duriog the lato war, reduced to an average of three years' term of service : I'roridod, That thv regulation provided in this section governiug tne portion of odieors to be selected from eae Siate, thall not be applied to the State of California, Oregon, and Neeada. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That each regiment of infantry proveded for by this act shall have one colonol, one lieutcnct-coloncl, one major, onoe a Jjutant, one regimental-quartern u tcr.ono sergeant-major, one quartermaster fear geanf, one hospital ote ward , two principal rausi ciauss and ten companies . and the adjutant and quartermaster shall hereafter be extra lieutenants selected fr ra the firtt i r second licuteaanta of the regiment Each company challhate cneciptain, one f r.-t lieutenant, and one second lieutecat, tme first sergeant, one quartwater sergeant four tcr geant3, eight corf rraU , two artificers, two musi cians, one wagoner, and fifty privates, arid tqD number of privates may bo increased at the disxro tion of the l'rcsident, not to ex:eed one hundred, whenever the exigencies of the service require yuch "increase ; rnd tLe l'rcsident is hereby author izid to enlist and employ in tho Territories and Indian country a force of Indians, not to exceod one thousand, to aot as scouts, ?vho thall reoeive the' pay and allowances of cavalry soldiers, and be discharged whenever the necessity for their fur ther employment is abotsd, oi at the discretion of tbe department cummin icr. Sec. 7. And be it further reared; That Cf tcen bands, iucluding the band at the .Military academy, may be reiurnes or enlisted in tho army with tiuch ranizatiou as is row provided by law. to be assigned to brigade in time of war, and in time of pence to assembled brigades, or to forts cr posts at which the largest number of troops shali bcordinarils stationed. and the band at tae Miiiti ry Academy thall be placed on the sims footing as other bonds, one-ordinance sergeant and ono hos pital steward for c.i-:h military post, and the same number cfcha!aing ao at present authorized, who thall bo appointed as now provided by law : and the Frcbideut of the Unite 1 iStates is hereby au thorized to appoint f.-r each rattr-al cemetry riow establisbed. or tint may be cs'aolishei, a super intendent, witn the rnnk, pay, and euvJumbcti! of an ordinance Ftrgeat, to be eelfH ted from amtng the non-ooininii'siv.nd ofScers of the rt-gii-lar army aod Volunteer joroa who have received tcr'i3'-aics of u:''rit far services during tbe war. Sen. 8 Ac! l e it further enart-i; Tliat all cn lislincnts into the army nall hereafter be K r the term of five years f-r cavalry, and tLre years lor artileri and iofantry, and retruits v.-:y at all times be Feii-cted at the jcenera! renU2v-'iv.s in i.uditioii to tbo riimbcr requiied to 1 to the iuu.a;:um all tho regiiiioiits of the army, pnviJed that pucl: re cruits shall not exceed i:i the i'.j-reg.tto tLr .e lh.iunnd men- It thall "be t-Mtcrut 'to enlist tnen fur the service who have been wotLdeJ in the line of their duty while serving in tin army Qifihc United States, pr-videi it tliall bo found, on metfical inspection, that by pneh wounds they are not unfitted for edcienL-y in garrison or other light duty ; and eucb men , when tnliited, shal! bo as-ignci to service exclusively in the rcgiurcn'.s cl the Veieran Itesrrve corps. Sec. 5. And be it furtner enacted , That thcrj shall be one general , one licuttnant-g'.Lera', live major-tncrl-, and ton I rrMdier-gviierals, who fb.ili h iva the same pay and t-in.-l'imen'., ani bo entiib'd to the ssare staff oncers in number and gtoe ns now jrovidod by lnrw. Sts. 10 And be it fi.rther enacted, Th.it the apjuiant-gf Beral'b dp artnient of tno army fball hereafleo oanst of tbe rficersnow autborive l by law, vii . ode adjutaut general, rrith tha ranH,pay, and emolnments of ' brijradier-fienc rai ; to as sistant adjutant-gcr.cra!, Ttiib ti.d Toiik, j'ay u-1 emoluments of colonels of cavalry . four asi:tm to general, with tL rank, pao, asd emoluments of lisu'erant-coloncls of garalry ; and thirteen a. is land adjntanis-ger.er.-.l, with tbe rank, pay, iiid emoluments of inn Tors of cava.ry. 5vc 11 And be i; further e meted. That thre shall te four inspectors gi;9ral of the army, with tbe nnk. rT. and em Moments of colonels c few- airy ; tnre assistant infpet tori-geero.!, i?li the rank, pay, and eLijlcmots .t iieute aar.t-c ol.n.l j of eavalry 5 f nd two asristLt ic.'j eet.'T3-grneral, with the rank .pay and emoluments cf jyajors of cavalry Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, Thut the bureau of military justice shall hereafter consirt of one judge-a-lrorate-gcneral, with the rank, pay, and emoluments of a brigadier general, and one assistant judge-advocate-geaeral, with the rank, pay, and emoluments of a celonel of cavalry : and tfce said judge-advocate-fiencral shall receiVs, re Tise, and have reco.dcd, tee proceedings of asl courts-rartial, courts of inniry, end military commissions, and shall perform such duties as hav beea heretofore performed by the iudge-advocate general of lbs amy. And of the jndge-advojates-now in office there may retained number not ex ceeding tea, to bo re lee-ted by the Secretary of the V"tr, wbc rhsll perfcrm their duties uuier tis dir.vtioa of the jaJge-advocate-general, until other ise p ro Tided by la w , or until the secretary of war shall decide that their ferrfcescan be is fensei with. Se 13. And be it farther enacted, Thfct the qnarteruiaster's department of tbe army shall here afier consist f -one quartertnastcr-reaeoal, w ith the ran receral : pay, and emoluments of a trigaJ'er- sir assistant qsartermosters-geiie! with the rank, pay, and pay, and emoluments of colocela of cavalry : tt deputy oaaTt8rT asters geceral, with the rack, and pay and eaioriimecti of lieutenant-eolonela i ttteen ouartermasters.with with the rack. pay. and emoluments cf majors ef cavalry . and forty-four assistant quartermas'r shall be filled by selection from among tae per rons who have rendered meritoriosj services as as. eistant quartermasters cf volunteers during two years cf tbe war; but after tho first a pomtmer.ts mnde under the provisions of thU section, as may occur in tbe grades of major and captain in this eici&ruint, x.o tppointtata to fill tLe ecma Marsh c& Co's Oirculatinii mk.?y (shall be mace until the number of Diion shall bo reduced to twelve, ana taa number of captains to thirty, and thereafter tho number it ocer3 ia each of said grades shall continue to conform to said reduced numbers. S.JC 14 And be it farther enacted, That the number of military storekeepers ia the quarter master's department shall hereafter be as many aj ?hali be requited not exceeding sixteen, who shall be required., uct exjoediDg sixteen, who ghail have the ronk, pay and emolument of cipUins of ia -jF Jin try. S315 Aiid ba it further taxctSf, ?Lt the provisions of the act for the better- organisation of the quartermaster'g department, approve! Jaly fourth, eighteen hundred and siity four, shall con tinue iu fores uiitil the first day January, eigh teen hundred and sixty-savou, and no longer. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That the subsistence department of the army shall hereaft er consist of tho number of oncers now authorized by law ,vis: one commissary-general of subsistence with the rank, pay, and emoluments r.f a brigadier -enoralof subsistence, with the rank, pay and emoluments of a brigadier-general, two assistant commissaries-general of eubsistence, with the rank ray. and emoluments of colonels of cavairy two ns tint comissaries-genoral of subsist ence, with the rank . pr.y, and emjiments of lieu tenortt-colccel3 of cavalry eight commissaries of eubejatence, with the rank, pay, and emoluments of majors of caval ry and sixteen commissaries of subsistence, tvith the' rank, i ay , and emoluments, of capieina cf cav- lee. 17. And be it further enacted, That the mcdlcal department cf the army thail creaf.er cm sist of one surgeon-fieneral, with the rank, day, and emoluments of a brigvlier-general . one as sistant surgeon-general, with the raLk, pay, and emoluments ol colonel of cavalry ;.ono chief medi cal rurvcr and four assistant medical pjrvoyo r?, with tbe rank, pay, and emoluments of lieuteaantt colouols of cavalry, wnoff:a. gic o'juis surcons, witn ceo r. i"v - .--.v,. lieutenants of cavalry lor the first tiree years' servi-",-with the rank, pay. cd etaoluiacnts of captains e f cavalry alter threfl years of scrvioe; and five medical s,f orekeepers , with the same corn pen atiou rs is now provided- by law ; and all tho orK'tnal vacauoies in the grado of distant surgoon ball be filled by selection by cxauicatb.-o from, ainon' the pelaor.? wha bavs served as Miff cr rig a mental surge ens of volunteers in tbo amy of the 'United States two years during tiie lata war ; anl persons who hav served a? assi-tanl s irge,,m in thevolaiitccr service shall bo eligible for promo tion to tbo grido of captaid ; and the Secretary s V.'.ir i V,Krhv authoriad to aopaict. Irom too cnli.-ted men of tLe army, or eauvj to bo enlisted , as m-inv ho.-Liul stewards as tiie sjrvi-o miy ro tached to tho wire o be acrmaijuiii-'j meaic.il o Secre- denartm.-nt. undur such regu tiuns ar t!i tury of V.'ar nio prescribe. is. And be it fuither bnactcd, Tbat t!i3 pr-.y depHrtraeiit of tbe avuiy shall hcroaftsr ccust ofcuo pv-unster-;:encral, with the ran, pay , and emoluments of a braiier-gcneral two afis tant payma.ters-geueral, with .tho unk, pay and emoluments of colon-Is of eavatry, two deputy master-general, with the rank, piy, and emolu ments of lieutonant-calunels of e-avalry ; anl sixty paymasters, with tho rank, pay, an i em jlununts of majors ef cavalry, to be selected frompersen who have served asai iitb.nii piymister? Sec l'J And bo it furtcer enacted, That the corps of cnTiuseTS sba'.l consist of one eiiiof i;' en gineers with the rank, piy, and emoluments of a b:i -adier-general . six coloacls, twelve lieuten-ant-ci tends, twenty-four majors, thioty captains, and-twenty-six furst and ten soeon l heutonanti, vh "shall have tho pay and emolumeati d.w pro vided Ly law for offers .f t be engineer corps. See 2tl 20 And bi it further cna.'ttd, That tbe ve fiompir.if$.of enginer soldiers, and tho sor-gei.nt-it.ijur and quurtermister-seirgeant Lr.-t.;-fu.e prescribed by lavrshnllcoa-.tiKite a battalia of engineers, to be eCecrel by etSeera of 'suitable rank detailed frein the corps cf engineers . and tho oarers of engineers, -ctiug respectively a adja taLtandquarturmiscrof tbij battalhon, shall be entitled to the payhd emolameata of adjutants an 1 quartermasters of cavalry. See. 21. And bo it further enacted, That th.3 ordina'nee'departmentcf the army shall consist of the sam? number of oSccrs and enlisted mon as now authorized by law, and the oQjers shall be cf the fcV.inz grades, viz ; one brigadier-general , three colonol3,foi:r lieutenant-colonels, ton majors twenty bapUins .sixteen first lieutenants, and ten teceud lieutenants, v,ith the same pay end emolu ments as now provided by law ; end thirteen ordi nance storekeepers, cf whom a numder cot eiaoed in" bix may be appointed aud authored t a; I n paymasters at ai-nioiiod ani arsenals, Tho ordi nance stor keeper and paymaster at 1J national armory at Springupid shall Lave tho rnk.pay.and emoluments of a major of cavalry , and all other 03 dinance storekeepers shall have the rank, pay, and emoluments of eapUins of cavalry, anl two thirds of the military storekeepers and ordinance store keepers to be appointed under this and the four teenth section of this act, shall bo selected from volunteer oQecrs er Ecl liers who bavo performed rceritor iou? Ecrvice in ibe army of the United States during tha late reb llien. S02. 22. And be it further ena.-tel, That thero shall be one chief sigual edijor of t'c-s areiy. who shall have the rank, pay, ani emoluments ef a col onel of cavalry ; ani tbo Secretary of Var shali bavc power to detail six o.fiojrs, a id r.jt to exjeed onj hundred non commissioned oCLcrH and pri vates, from the batU'.Iion ef engineers, for tho perform? uce of signal duty : but no cQ.'cr or enlis tel rr an sbull bo so detailed vutil be f ball bavo been examined and approved by a military Loord to bo convened by the Secretary of War for that purpose : and cr.lirtcd men, while 5i- detailed .-d.ali wbcu deeuud necessary, be niauntci upon boisjs provided by tho government. Sec 2U. And be it further cneeted, That tie ad jutant-goncral, quarierma t2i-g--nsr;J, commissa ry general .f rubsistensteJ fsurgi:;a-g-a -ral, pay-rsaster-gcr.eial,chier cf ej.gi.;ers ,and obicf or or Jinonco , sba H hereafter U H ;.teJ Ut acy va cancy crcutJ by this, sot ir. t'uj.pu.r. DiCuieil, or xuartenr.Rster's dpirt:noi , until be thali Lave naj'cd the examination n ? repuiri by law. hcc. rcraon Z. Ana ce si iuii.! ' mh'ill be couBinisioc-i in M7 .the regi- ment? u:b r.s--:d i y tnis s-?t u .w. , .tUJi u tasked a iti-f i.'try ex im w b Ji-ire a boari, to be n--,. el of -iTi -ers ot tbat aroi o! scrv- ice in wtr.eh tbe i-npliea-ot sto'erve, t0 to con ed undrtr tho direction - f the h-ero;arp of ar vane h shall inquire into t.i the war. capacity and q sicrvicc render ad da- w r.? of tr.e a: ,.l!',...n3 - r.,l t::eh SI-V't Client, -.len mr-.io, hi) a 11 bo without reu'ar.i to .fviou- V. but with t-rious serv :iori ' n any sc.Io regard to quuiiii..-: i -i s ; tin. i persons app all-it "' r . Ivrnc f -r evoi-'-j, e,f tl'.rt re iu it nutboriis ) ny i n alt hi. all be t- ti lu-a in ease ri p--".- . , , heir'-firr-or'ted or couim'S i eje:ve mile- agj tro:u tbe Place o;' bis i t ucn.-e to the- place t-( examination, oriueL. i. j ' ; '- , c .Ol. tr.ivo . til 5 iu i .r-.rVii;n -'.-.r- lpr .,r.l w ..ba thcro b:,;..l Lo raid ototr c.iiiipooa'i in . A r. 1 . it furtt er.aa-d 4 That the (.fii e of sitk-r in the army ani 'vt i- j .ry p I St ;vr:- i . .i.oiiki 1 tin.5 ine meat is b.'-.reiy aathofi ?u saa re i-.ru rarni-.r-saeh articles ax miy from tira to t; x: be dc.i nr.tod bv the inspectors gcrer tr.e . army, tho raaio to"be sdd to ofHccrs cal unlisted sn at r.it prices , and if not paid Cr when p-ar.aad, tf tr:c account thereof shall be k: ? , t -c uneur.t due tbo government shall . le de-a--..: t- pwyius terat tbe payment next fvlloKirg sack puree e : Provided, That tb'w aoetwa fcball tt--t int eff ect until tbo first day cf J"';J 't ta Lsndred and fixty-siveu. " ' ' S3c2S. Ani 1? it further enacted, That for ,'he purpese I promoting kuor'i'd' cf mi:it:ry sji enie au-n tbe yoing cf th U-;iil Spates, tbo Frldent miy,a;joa tb ap '.; a of n :,-tii;i--bed reduce r uu'ivet J ' w:t V-e United State?, with suLTicu'ntc-V-,y to ! a a: .td 4ic;e not it;ss tf. n o..e r. v - mno ttu.- dents, de,ail sn eEeer of ta anry t j artas presi dent, surr-riLlsrtloGt, or ;f'-':if-J t '. aeb College : r t . r . -. or university : that ttte ne a osr ei o yls SO fltf- tai'ed shall not exceed tw;tit?ate shall be appointed throng j y nearly as practicable accr-' -' ' i shall be governed by gne l ra V from time to time by the 're;' : ' f- Sej. 27. And be it furt ar ' ever troops aro serviar; at f permanent camp, there w- 1 echo 1 where all enlisted r injtruct'ea in the common t" J u3A'ion,and epecir.y in t ted States, and tbe Secret' t of ' ' : to detail such coxin issionei 5 men as may be necessary t cr -" ' inn. i. tl.l section ; aird Ut timc. ?and States as ation, and .reseritcel Vhat Tvben f irrisoa , or J ab'Uhed a ovi led wit ihes, of od f the Unih lutborlzjl d ealisiel -be provis- day 0f fo to 1 3 set -boJ and tbe post or parrisoa c itntni bo r apart a suitable room cr fc ai. - ' ieligioapurpo3C3. gee. 23' And be it far: ; iLg ia this act fball to con tr- . ' permit the ap-fxitn'm -nt to ny ; - - : oo army of trie United Sv -ie ' bas serwl in any canaiity a t"' t '-'J That notb "thoriu sr r oTi ie in rersn vbo trv. t.Lir n or eivil servirs of tbe so ! ' rate stAfpj or either ef the State in ii'" -' late rebellion ; but an si-''" ST. ' be illegl and voi l.- v ' See rJAni be it further c: . struing this aet,o2i:3rs H b v. aprxuutci er e-otntnis stone 1 !'; States colore! troops fhaT. -- - -i - fcring the " ia con t-en i h U -Cltfc-? nd held to j to be c.Geers of Tolante-r'; " - -v-" i ul.r army w ho htve alsoi ' '- 1 of the rT-5:''f-- afjf--d volun 'aler the fleers cf volunteers who - -teers cr have corcminde i T ' ' jrovisins cf this act. f ' j . t fcoiO. And ba it ftrtir t!t;K Ital ntb- Which are or may t require oi jvuhi,, paymas-Ur-g"CcraL of like grade, and shall, when nut ac ting a purveyor , bo assignable U- iltty ar sur reous, wiLh tho rank, pay ,aad euoluruentj ef nu- I icg herein ccntaiced shall ba construed as aHct- ing the rank, pay, and allowanced ofehapiadru ef the army, but tho same shall remain as now es tablished by the abt entitled "An act to amend section nine cf tbe act approved July seventeen, eighteen, hundred and sixty-two, entitled "An act to deane tee pay and emoluments of certain of ficere of the army and other purpose?," approved April Eine, eighteen hundred sixty-fourj; one chap lain may be appointed by the President, by and and with the adrics and consent of the Sanatecr each regiment of colored treops whose duty shall include the instruction cf the enlisted men in the common English braaohea of education ; ani chap lains ,when ordered from one field of duty to an other, shall be entitled to transportion at the sam rate as o her oSeerj. Soc. 31. And bs it farthsr enacted That noth icg in this aet shalj be at construed a3 to Tacate the commission of any oflaeeo now properly in ser vice, or whose nane may be borne on the army reg ister aa partially retired, according to la. Sec. 32. And be it farther enacted, That oS cers cf the regular army, entitled to be retired on account of occasioned by wounds received in bat tle ,may be retired upon the full rank of the com mand held by them, whether in the regular or vol unteer s;rvico at the time such wounds were ro- cc.ved. - Sec. 33. And be it further enacted, That the provost-marsh.ii-gancr.il'- oSoo and buroau shall continued only so long as the Secretary of War hali deem necessary, not exceeding thirty days alter the pa:sage of tqi.? aet. See. 35. And be it further emcted, Teatallof ficera who have served during tie rebellion a3 vol unteers in the armies of tho Tuitod States, and who have been or may hereafter bo honorably in us .terod out of the volunteer service, aha 11 be enlitled to bear the cQcial ti;la, ani upod oeoasionj of cer. euiony to wear tin uniform of the highest grais h.-y have held by brevet or ether commissions iu tee volunteer service. Incase of officers ot the regular army, the volunteer rank sall be enterod upou the oScitd army register; lVovided , Thai these privileges shall nr.t enti;le ony cClaor to com mand , pay, or emoluments. i See. 35. ynd bo it fuithar cnaetod, That the third section of the act entitlel "An act making appropriations for tho support of tho army for tho the year ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hnnd red an i tixty-six ," jehall continue ir lorco for ono year from the ?.ussi;-;o of this aet: Provided, That no officer who is furnishod with the quarters in' kind ihailLa entitled to rejoin the ineroased com ulutatiun or ration heroby aathorized. Sec - 3d. And be it fartaar en-til, That sec- 1 tion throe cf the act approve 1 February twanty elghtecn Kundt-cd ar.d sixty-three. authrlia the appoijtinoat of a. sj'.ieitr of the War d jpartuii nt, be.und the samo is hereby repealel. Soo. 2T. And be it further enact ol , That tho SeorUiry of War be, and he is hereby diroeted to have prepared, and to report to Congress, at lea uext se-s-o'jn, a c.ds of regulations f.;r the govern ment of tno army , end of the militia iu actual ser-vi.-e , wbh shail e::;braoe nil necessary orders and fi rms cf a general e-boraetcr for tho porformanja of all duties ineiimbcnt i,f otli jeri and m)n in the mi! iuiry servijo ine badi::g rules for trie government of courts-mirtial. The existing relations to aeniia in f ,r.-3 until Congress shall bavo acted on said re P'vt. See. on. Fnd ba it further enacted, That all laws and narts of laws inconsistent with the pro visions of this aet be, and too samo nro hereby, ro ealj 'Approved, July 23, ltdQ. ( IS I.) An Act to re'lii'"P Internal Taxatl n and to amemt an Act eii'HieJ "au Aet to prov;i"l3 Internal Itevenuo to Fuvport li.e O vei noietit, pay iaterost ot; tri" public Vi bi, aud'r ether porp.se." approved Jur.e-ti.irii t.e.h. ci-iieeo tu!ilrei and bixt -fur, and cU aarea ijtory tnsrc.r. Continued. paiil tj tbe deTlnqueut parties, or t y the disbursing aient Wr tie district. oi e-vrtin:ate o: the aseor. at t!:erate -ulo vel tj witnesses in t'ae districtcourrs of the Unite States. Th.it seotion twen'ybe amended by6tnkia?out all after the enartiuj d:iii!3 anl inserunx in Ilea thereof r.efollowilir : Th.it the aossor of each collection district shall, imrm.liatciy ifter th9 expiration of the time for hearing appeuls concerning taxes returned in the annual list-. anJ from time to time, as taxes beenrn liible to le asaessed, niase cat Jists (villaining the sums pavablo ccordinj to law upon oery sab.'ectof tuxaiion f jr each colieotion Idistrict; wbieU list shall contain the name of i ach person residiug within the said distriet, or owning or Laving the care or superin tendence of prorerly lying v.'ltl the said district, of engasel in any business or pursult-which is lUblj t, any tax. wti?o, such pursuit or persons are knwn, to pcther with tho cnui pJFyabte by each: and where Ibere is any vrepCrty within any collection Uiitriet I i ableto tax, c-jt owned or occup'ed by or uoler the su pericten ance ol any peron residing theren, there soall be a separate list of such' property, speciryin the scm prrable, au tthe name of the respective propri etors when known. And the assessor iniain? ouiny such s)arate lists shall transmit to tbe assessor of th di-tj-i-t where the persons liable to pay such tat ro siJe, or shnll have their principal piace of business, copies of the list of propertr held by per3jns I iable to pay such tax, to the euj that tbe taxes assessed un der the provi.-ions of thii ao may be paid with in the collection district where the' person liable to pay the snine reside er may bave their principal plae of bu siness. And in all other cases the said assessor shtll fiirnist to the collect jra of the several coi I ecton dis trict respect! vciy. within tert days after the tlci.7of hearina anneals concerning taxes letnruM to annuii lists, and from time to tiuii thereafte- as re-tnirei. a coriiiled copy of taeU l(st or listi fjr their or pr oo!-Ucti-io dtriers. And in cae it hall be ascrtaioel that the ani.uol list, ur anj oth"r list, r hioh may bve ceen orwhico shall hereafter te, delivered to any collector. Is inr, prfec.t cr incomplete in dnae ;ae:.W of tue omission of, the names of a iy pe'Soiis or parties liable tj td, m in consequence of any omission nr nu derstiiterneut, oi undervaluation, or false or fiau iti le:. si.i:omeat. ccntiiajJ i:i any reta-:i or retur.is made by any paroos or parties Halle to tas. tee said assess r r.i iv, from titufl tit .;, or at any time viihin C teoo r.iootbs from tho time of the passase of of tliis act er from the ti e cf the delivery of tho lift to the collector as sfrcsai.l. enter oa any monthly or special litol the 6U.-.CS ut each p-irou er p.inie fj. or.-.ii'.M t.-eiher vfith the anonct ef to for which Ihey uiay l.avc teen or s'nil te.:oino litiiie, a'id a;.n lhe niiie5 of ti.e persons or parties in resye-t to whse returns as afore-aid, there has beea or siiallbjno oiiii-si.m undervaluation. uiiderstatTicit, er false or fraudulent statemcut. loKethcr with tho amouttts for wbteh su "it person or parties m iv be liaoie, over aid a'i ve the ainuot for which they may Lave teen, or bhail ba asse'el np'n an return er returns ma le as aforesaid , aud s'irII certi?y or return aid list -to the oHecior as reo :;re-i Ly law. And all provisions of liw r the a-perta!Miip,nt ,t ! liiyf to any tux, c-r tlie assessoieut.or eollection tlerc-of, fchall be held to apply ss tar a r..ay be necessary to tbe pri.z-eelir.es torcia authorized and eii reeled. And v.herever tie w.ird "duty" is use 1 ia t.iis at t, or t'.e acts to wiiich thi is an aioeriOoit nt, it ti.rtll to c.iitie :.l lo ti.c-an "tax. ' v. 1 never , not; evn.tructi. a hait be ceccs-a"y in r(!er , tf!. -t tiie pnrpos of Mid acts. That sftoi. tw-ffitv. in le auiewitd ty ftnkin? otit ! 3 wor.Is witliout h tvi:ii taken the oath oraGrma ion rc.i' ire 1 ly il u act," and i.-iaerti.i iu lien there r f the vrd 'vi:h..et Laving tiken the ua'.h or hClr a'l'.o re Mired by 5iw." " ri:at s? -ii-ni tventy-two be amended bytstriking all ,at ail jru-r the etuctr.e rSar.se and ir.ertiri- i:i l.eu thorc.-f ibe fol lev- : Toat there stall be allowel aud patd t-i the m i er.l-a-sesn-rs a silary f llfteen ht.it ire 1 U.!lKrs per atsnon ay.iblc l"iarterly ; an 1 In a : l:'i. :i theretii, v h te tri recei ts i.f t!it) roi lection (i-t:i..t i-i .t'.l ex'eed lhe f, :-i if o-ie ho'i lre 1 t'louiaod dolln J, oOt!.a:i not rr.ce-f 1 tl.e ?'j:n four hi:i.'.roi tl.oii:and 'oi:ar '", ...:ie half cf one ; eon uct upi.n it, a c x x . ef tP'-ii o vcr .o e b. !i(-d ih :i-.u I ji-Uiir, V, eri- t-' -? rcfij:s r .: c 'J.c-ciii.;i 1i i. i t f-tfT! I '.ir h r-i'.Oieo iii' ',s2'i't t', n, j a.ilsh ill t Ci-t i : ix iiai.urcd !:. .i--snd JloiUrs. o:io Ui'U -" c::-. .ri cei.fa;:i n. . the e.t ''-.s k! receipts over four hu:0n'i li ,a .t;d d"i;ars. V't.ero t'.O I ec-.;;.'.s - jil t.ci 0 1 t-'iX 1. 1.;. Jrcd tii . l:id do I: a -j. oil J-te lt. of in 3 per ce'u-.i i i p n m;c!: cx.'c-.-. ; bat the siary yf r. as esor yhait ia any case esoeed the soio f ,ur thji san l ihii'ars. .And the several a-se-sors shi'.l La al-l-.wc ! and p i 1 the sums actual ly ao l Udccsariiy ex pel, iv 1 . I'.n the aj'pr iva; ot lie Comtisoioper el In ic-rnai kevcoun, fv-r efncereutj tut no account of s ocl; ret. i sh:li t-.i .i;o.-.vel or pa1 1 until, it shall ! ave l,ee;i veniieJ lit .- - Ir tuaai.er a Uc ConiutiBsiocer s'.iii re- I 4..ire. "! 6.' ail l.a.t ivU aru'r-.-vti by the pr.-oor cersoiU.e 1rc--ury L'r-partmeM . Aul tn vrl I as.-e-ors si ail ba il!, alter the a v-oiir.t tfcereif hil I !i.-.ve bun it :;ercl to p.:.l arwei ey th? pre per oi.l if' i iic.ri iy, iie;r neces-ary sic 1 rea-foti aoie cbaa'c-s ror clerk r..re; h:l n t-ueu t-cc-.uut shall be a;.; r.ved nnlc-s 1: 6i ail stain the r.aiae er z.i,u ef the el tk cr clerks enicljyed un-l the pricUe i er.o-! vr tii.ie U vh UU t;-ey were ie-i.'e.jive!y tia,' .yel, as a ti e ra'e of c -c-i '.i t.ZTP: I v;., ., s.v.1 tt, til i-o ac- cc'tx: .c ; by a uS: ivit ot loo an-.e.-.vr atinj th-i s.Ljioivivi t-ui ncraallv rec iiredl y the n-.:t-!.i i ; cf b-.-i t :u :e, and v. as actual ;y rndred. aa-1 '. Lv she atn.tsv ti i f ..eh clei k Hitin;; that he ba.; rcUuft-d tb scivi.-c ca.trel ta tiuia a:cc:;t oj Uis aelitif. it,-; conipi::iatioti Hzrtvt upoe,, aud -ttat ha Lae J- i aid, le;.oitctl, er a Visaed, cr cntiacu- i to pay, dr-pi.u, or as.-:in any pa:t or ;act. cooieasaiiori to the n.-e or any erbc-r pe.- ;n, or ia any way, U.rectly or iu lire.tiy, paid er five.:, or contracted tofij or rive, any rerird or c-mpensatioa for Lis trice e empioj meet, or t'u e::ic-iuaieni ihereot ; ani the thief c.erkuf any u-b assessor is hereby autaorizej te administer, iu the ab sence of the assessor, such oaths er afHrinations as are redirect by this a.t. Andthre shall be alioc-ed and pud to ,acu as-iotant as-eoirr four dollars fr every day cetually eiLpioyed in collecting lists niakin? vaiuatiocs, tl.s nuni -er of days necessary for that p-ir- pooe to be certirled by tno assessor, anl three djiiar lor every hundred persons assfssed 'Contained la the tax list, as completed at.d delivered ty bsai ty the as sessor, and tweny five cn-.i, fjr ej.:h pi.-ra t grai; ed for uiaHing tobacc-j, itoarT, or cigs.s : ,i l assit3i fcc.-sors may It allowed, ia iha eit.eaie:ae: their ac cjunlr, such suroj as the Contm!sWir of I ite real l' ence thai approve, not exccedi'ig three hDndre-J iljliaxa jier a:oyji, fur office rent ; bat no account for snch rent shall be allowed or paid natil U hiil hive teeu vended iq auih n.ahuer as the Comniiseiotier of tLternal Revenue may ref;ire, aal sniu bTabeei auditcra'nd ar j roved by tbe proper crlWer of tbeTrs&s arj IVpart-neat ; and asitat aer, when oi-I-lo) ed oDUi-le cf tbe town iu which tt.ey Tf -i. Je, in f 1-e'i-.i -u u tbe C'impeusalioa now allowed by Uw, khall, Ciutii iu.-b time j employ el, recaive one dollar per day , anl the .aid assessors ard assistant a-essori. re- pvejiveiy, shall be pud. slier ti.e account there ,l thsll Lave been rendered to and aimrcved b the iJ-.ni '.filler- - I t!,n trea.-ury, ihe.r necsry ew i r.-.ub ehrk-es ;er sttir.fry and hiaai bjs, -j-ed in th? dis- I coarse ef tnerr d'-ti.i. a ' t . r , - , .... leu eitci fi ao.i dxitmeat receive 1 aul seat, fcod t,nine i usiveiy to tusiiejs, aul for au.aei act ually oaid ! oi v- .iU.v. l:o thai iiU stJt J rtlc r . . t:rs reia rel by tlu art : i'rcv.dei. j unt 6'i.l Le an.irvvei noiess it Lai i . sta:e ih , ol tae nirtici it ito u oi every 'i :ra ! vAi-ruaua.f, and thiU t.venn)l by toe r.rhuraia.- iav.-"i; of u. h ases-(r i..iiti7, ....... .....i t ou-.-tisation beraiu apecail .till Is la fuller all All kinds of DSooks txrerifCH not otLerwise particularly authortzel : Pa vided further. That tie Ccmli!aer ef Intir..i Ktrenue m,y. en.ler aoee repttlati'vB aa miyte es tablished Ly tie Secretary cf the Treasury, after dee ptiblia notice, recelTe tide and mi a contract for sap plyin? tatic.aery, b'.an-k bookfi, an ! blanks to the as sessor, as!stint acsessors. and collators ia the sev eral collection liimricts t Previdti irtfterj Th'at the Secretary of the Treasury aball Le. aal Le ia here, authorized to flja aaoa additional rates of coinpetsaiioa tj te made to asf-ors and assistant as&esors in cases where a collodion 'district embraces more tli.tu a iiu gle cengrei sbmal C;is;rict, and to asseuors and assin tant assessors, revenue aftcata. aud instieetots in i,jui iiua, tieoigia 4)ath Carolina, AlaOau:. yiiriU., Texas, Arkansas, None Ciroliua, Mtisiss'.pl, Tcnnoi aee, California. 'vada, area Orejon, au 1 tbe Territo ries. ; Ziiij appeaa to him to be ,'ost and equitable, in conss tjuenre of the greater cost eX iiv.cs and travelling ia thoso States and Territories, aal at rosy, la aa judgnient.be necessary to secure the services com petent officers ; but the compensation thus ailowal shall cot exceed tbe rate cf five thousand dollars per annum. Collectors el internal revent?9 acting as d.s b ursing officers kball be allowed all Dills of assistant assessors heretofore paid by theca In puraevtee of the directions of the Commissioner ef Internal lleveuue, notwithstanding the siiaot assessor cil not certify to hoors therein, or that two dollar per diem was de ducted from bis salary or coraocu-satioa before compu tation ef the tax thereon. Ttatsectica twenty four be anieadel by strixlng out the proviso thereto, and iuseriint iu liei thereof the following; Provided, That la caleulaii ig the comatis sions of assessor aid collectors of interral reveaue in districts whence cotton or distilled bpirtls are fciioped la bond to be aoid in another district, ono halt the amount of tax received ea the1 lac.ity of cottoa or tpiriia go eLlppel shall Le added to l!:ij iitrunut ua whicn the commissions of such asseisors anJcDlleetor are calculate-1, and a corrdspoadini amount s'asll bo deducted from the arnonnt en which tho ccnv.ut ssicni of tho assessors and collectors of the districts lo winch such cut n or spirits aro shippol arft eilc i'.a.e I That section twenty-six be amended ty :rifcicj oct all after '.be enactinc; clause anl I'isertinj in 'iea thereof the foi lowinj : Taat iu ths adjustment cf the accounts ef assessors and Collectors of intern il rcei'oe which bbali ace-rue after the thirtieth ot Jana, eigh teen hundred aod sixty-four, and it the paytaautof their compeasatiou f..r services arisr toat date, the fiscal year of the treasury shall be ebervet; sal where (uch ompensation, r aay p.irt tf it, bUll be ty coti'iaissi jU4 ol'ou a-iiessaaent or cj! ieetious, anl shall during any year, in e :i3e4ueac: of a new up pomticert, be Ouc to more than cue assessor or collec tor iucbe same distilct, sueli co'muiiislenj f.hall be apportioned, between ech assesaors or eolle-'tor ; bat in n i case shall a greater amount of the comniission bo allowed to twj or niore assessors or olio tors iu the atoe district taaa is or may be authorized br lw to bJ allowed trt ai.y as-ir nr ll-tar, jlii the sal ary and coTaii ai..ii el a.f .s.r an I collector h,rii. fore eaitie 1 iiol accrued shall be adjusted, allowed, and pai l m coaforuiity to the provision 4, ef tail sec tion, and not o'tbervfi ;s- bat no paya.aot aiiall be made to asses j.,rs or col lectors oa acecuat of s Uarl. or co-ciniissijiis without the tertiicale of the CO n o is sioner of l.nernai Iteve.mo that ail report re-nred by la- or re;:ilatioa Lave beea received, or that a sat isfactory ex;la;i ition h vs b eea rer.de. ed u tin of the cause of the delay. Tint section tweaty-oi'ut be araondel by strtkic? out ail after tho enacting clauso and icserting in liea thereof the foilowim : Thit each of said coiic.ors Hba'l, wi'tt.iti twenty day after reeeiv.a his annual collection list from the assizors, ?lve no'..ee, by a l ver'. isem iit in one newspaper publish? 1 in oacU coon ty in ins collect i oi litrtet, if there ee any, a.id if not then iu a newspaper yoijii.hed io a:i adjoining canity, and by uoticoations t be posted ia At least l;ur pnbuc places ia eacu equity in bis collection d. strict., the, that the said taxes m ly b'l -nia daa and pavable. a.1 state the time a. id placi within said cirity at which he or ois iey ity will a:tso I to rocoive tae sane whica time shall not be less than tea days arte.- tne dale of such notification, aul shall seal a ejpy of aaca notice by mail to each postmaster ia the county, ti te ported in bis onico. And if any person saall ncgUct to pay. as aforesjid. f -r uor than tea dtys, it shall bo tt;e dutj cf the collector or bis Uep-.ry.tJ issue to snch person a notice, to ta left at bis d-;Iir.ja?r usual pla-e of business, or b9 sent by mail, de n indiu? the p lytneot of sail taxes, station th3 amnat thereof , with a fee ef twenty cents f,r the i-uiag and sorwaco of suc'a notice, anl with four cents for each mile acta -ally travelie 1 in scrvf-jc: tiie satri'3. And if sdcli pe--Scns sii.sll tot pay tho duties or taxs, and the fee of twenty cents and ntileise as Aforesaid, within tea diy after the servics or tho sending by mail of sues notice, it hill La the duty of tha cdleuor or Lis deputy to collect ti.3 saiu taxes ana tee c: twenty cenit anu niiie aco, wi;h a penjity of ten per centuai additional up)u the auiotMiees, And with rejects to all . such taxes as are not inclnfled In tl,e annual It st3 afo-esiid all taxes the coiltcti in of wiicli is u.t othsf Aise pro vided for in this act, It shall ta the duty of each col lector, in person or by deputy, to givo m'.iee aul de mand payment thereof, in toe manner last neniiuned. within tea days from aul after receiving the 1 iat the. eof from the asseisar. er within twenty dtys from and after the expira 'iou of the time within which such tax sh jU'A Live been paid and if the aanu il ur other taxes shali not be pail wiibtn ted days .rom ind after su;U notice and demand, it shatl be lawful f r sn A c 1 lector, er Lis deputies, to proceed to colie:t thssaid taxes, wi;h tea per contuni additi?ual thereto, as aforesaid, ty distraiut and sale of the goods, chattels, or eilecis, including stocks, ccurities, and evicfeu oa of debt, of the person delinquent as aJoresaid. And in case oi distraint, it shall be the daty of the enVer charged with th collection to make, or t'ao-e to bo nisds, an a couut of the goods or effects dluraiiie 1, a opy e f which, siiif d by the off. er .makingBtuch dis traint, shall bj le't with the vwuer or pjesor o' such cuds or tfTjcts, cr at Li or her dwelling or usual place of busit:ea. with on.'3 person of suitable ago and di-creiioa. if any such can he fount withani'o of the sum1 demanded, and the time and plate o si:e ; mid the said eiiicer shall forthwith cauio a tiotiil:a:ioU to be published ia s mia newspaper withiu tho ccm.atr wherein saic' distraiat is ta id?, if there i a ne vpiper published in said county, or to be p ib.icly o s'.e I at the pjt or.lce, if thore be one within Uva miles. uarest to the residence ef ih person whose property Khali ba distrained, and ia not less thiu twe oi-Ue.' dabhc pla ces, whicn notice shall tpeciry ibe a. tides d.stral ied, and thd liuiO a;.d place lor the sale thereof, which time shall i-ut It- ts.s than tea nor more thao twra.y days f aom the tla'e of nurh j.otia.-atton t the owner or possessor ir ti e property o l the pubiicati ir? or pos'. ing ef such notKC as herein provi.Ul, no 1 tha plai n propose I lor s tie shall r.at be n. ire thaotlo mile distaoi from liie pta e of UitlUaj such di--:rain. And tbe saie may be al;onrne 1 front time tc tiiri) by fail ofiieer, if he shall to i;k it advisable t. do so, bat u i fur a tiia? to caceeJ it; all tbiry days. Autif auy rerou, tank, association, company, er corporation ii.iole io pay ijiv tax. sUili l.eilec. or refae to pay t'.e sanr atier deinao I , the am mot bha'.l ba a lien in favorer tie Uuited ites from the time It was die until paid, with lhe i .te.est. p3.ai'ti.-, aril coU tlit T.'.y a cere in addition the et , tip o ail p-op-rty and rigolo to pup?rty Leiougtag to such pe.-..ti. ivi'x. a; boeintiuti, company, er ciporation ; a..d '.Lc c.s-lleotor, after demand nny ievy, or by warrant m ty a-Hti r ii e e depa'y collect r to levy ujii all property and r ghts to property leloiigiog to such por-ii. t ank. as. mri itioii, conpanv, rr corporation, ho'i which toe said lien exists, fir toe iayme.it of the sn: t due as afer esa.l. with ineret and penalty f r tun payia.mt, and also of su h f irther "im as shall be autllciem for the fees, costs alio expeti-"s of such levy. And in a'l cises of 8il, asaforesnd, the certi dca'e of bf s i. o i ale sbal 1 ti airier tr the piinhaser all right, lirlo an I iu'-erest of s uch dclinuont in and U, the property sold; and when s'. h propo iy sh ti I cosit f t iclis, t xi l certidcato shall be ii. tico. wheu re. eivul. to a-iy c r rovatioo. company or as f.it'i trS c( s , l tra i .f or. a 1 1 tha II t o authority t.. snch corpora" lion, con.. any, cr ac negation t re -I the same taair b -,is a.i 1 re "or U in the sa:u ttuti'ier as If transferred or assigned br tie person or p irly hi'ding the same, in lieu of any o: Kmal or prior c .iriii! Jates, wh:c,i sl;tl! tie vjil, wl.ati.er cmi.-ei lei or not. Aid said cert id tales, where the s'lbje-t of sa! i shall bt fc mri ies f,n,:!irKilj:i. ces of deht, shall be good and valil receipts to the pit on ho Ming the same, a,i a-'.tiu,i a ly pcrsoo h .Idir.?, or c'aieMt i to hold, ps.eitio:i of suoij aisiaiar.et or othr evidence of debt. And all pirs ms, anl r.fil.rs i companies or c rp..rti ;is are re i lire , oa d.-r i n 1 of a co!:e;:-r ef deputy ce;ie.tr a' ut to d.tr ain, o having dt-tra' i e 1 ,.n a'.y pr .pi; ly or ria'tt of pr-ccr-ty. to cxhibi: ali b iks e-iritiiolni evi jen.-e or sts'e nents rclnting t il:ie ru. ee! or s il e t of d. "triitsi. i r tbe pri.;.ert, or rights of r r"Par"y lii'det distr.t.i.t fir the at so d:;c atore-aid ; Provld d. That In ny ci.-?if ei-trett f r t" p.iytn-"it of the taes r Mid, 'oo ' chf ... "r ei'"..o ?i ) d'-tra rii'd h e.nd n: iv hi re - tor; ! the or.er or p.isess ,r. if r,ri r to tha rsle ; i ".eut of ti- a.o t d .e he m ls 1 1 the j r..i ;-r - r. c charge 1 w.'h tin c -i .lo.i, tv jjpth r Tito the f cot ae'l other ei. irs , h i: ir. caeif r. Mi-payment as a.' re aid the 1 onTcor shill pr-cee-1 t. b:1 the ss id pods, rb tttl"-, or e?VU t'. Oil), lie ai;c" b.ii , and tl ail retahi irom the jj-oce ; '. f saca tie the amount donun la'.l! aor the u-eof t: eU'ii'cd btat.'s. anl e c on::r. is-mn of tt e per centum there -u for LTa oa-.-i nso, wi'.b the fees and charges for i.sir.t-.t nud salo, rendering the o'-orp'u.s, if a:,-the-e be, t fie t 'ir-in wh'i may te eul.Uoi to re-eiTC ihe sms: Proaried, J arther, T.iat tiier shall be eacnipt from iitrn.t and nale, if bfcl jring Vxhe bead ef a fatu.ly, tha s !) be iks aid wearin; apoiidl Rj esary fr sa h fi"iiiy ; also aryis f-.r personal 0s. one cw, tw , ho:. live sheep nl the it joi tVreof, poi lol fse ag trUst niiiket vai ie '.'sail sheep h'l i.texce, flfv ',,::-- ; th oe.:e-a'y fo.-t f.r c.rt.n c.w. .gi! a 1 b!.p f r peri i-l n it n tct.i; thirty days , food to a a no'int rmi treat :r in Tafci tiiaa lwr;y ;t . d-llirs; ; f..-.-is:-r.j t. a a ani cA nrc-j"er ,?.". ly di'lsrs; L .-i-eVi t i-id.a e kJ ; f.r u.-, t,i -u. ; ! i o grit r th xi three h mire 1 i .la -s . a 1 1 t o bx;ki. t iols or l::.;l;mcr.t of a tralj or prfa-i n to a!i am nn. n a rrfc i.:r th in cue t ::.d e liars .u t;j 3i be exempi; ai.lt'.c otHvr ?ntk.r: t Ji-traiit s.iail umti:ti three disinte e.'ed hit eh d lcrs - th icluity , wo sbaii aaralse and set tr-art lo tlie owir the ar.ooht of properly herein declare 1 t t-e 4xu .t. lh't eelioa twc-ury-nina Le im.tr.ljl Uj it.-.i.n o-..i a'.! after tbe t-nactimr ehsaie ol luserliag ia iiea t'rfre .f the follow. ng : Teat ia all case i wiere prop erty l'khle to distiaint f jr taxes laayuu bs divisible, sa ts to enable tbe co!;e:U,r by a sa eofpirt tuer, t raise tha whole am uut of th tax i.aaii o.u-j charges, aa l commi -sioos. tte wnle uf suca propa.-ty ahall be a-jii, anl the surp'.a of the pr u of lis sale, afier' atiifrir.g tte tax;, t-.sts anl e.trio , shsll be paid to the persia legs,; aath. ,:.i i to re ceive the Mme; or li tc rain ii ,? f a i 1. ra.'u-e ta xjceive the same, then ti-3 scrpin, iia!. d.p,s-.?i in the treasury cf the IToitel Slates, to 13 'be.-e bud f r tte u.-e of tae pera-ii lejtiiy e itli od trc;e;vj tlie sane, until be shtj mate appli.:ai.i:i fJt;.-t. ,r ; .j the Sccre'iry of its T. ecs i.-y. wu,,n,n ei ,;)J.i . ctinu sad sat.s'acory p ta a,:p .rt thereof . ,al! ty warrant t i tha tre tscry , ca-i -e to sam: t . Be jt.l to tbf apf ri ait. Aul if ii of tee p'openy a:.rr Used for sa!eJ afore-aid Is of a kkod one.t t, nx aa? such tax ta3 cot beea paid, ao l the ammt bid fr j-efc. property i u ,t ia! ta tbe amja it of suca. Ut, theciilectir may putctoae the .u iab?.-.i.f of tae Tnite 1 S tei ror an amount tt exev t.L ' the sai l tax And ia all cues wire prji:,:y tjta-:, Lut cpja wnich tha lax ta ujI earn pi.j, shalibi aeizel opin diitrain: ail ailt, ij9 md-izi ut mij tax siittl after del i;t i; tna exa't'esof sa.-h saia. la Br.: aj prot.ria.el oat ., t34 p.-e tbe. e f t . pay c est if said t ix. Ail i? n in:".! mi: i: in tm beea ta lie v;n aich property, tlj c. ;?-;. rh ii. r.-ake'a tetaro thers.. f ia tua fjrui re'i'ie-r j ' v'i acd tho a-sesBor th.H asses tho fax tiie-en. And all pn perty so pi rcha-d iiiy te toil 1 said oll.t -r, ondtfr aaci reglaiioui aj ma t prec.-:tod by tha Commii..ser cl laternal Ke.cota Aal tbe collec tor shall rea ler a distioci axijjt c ai: : i xt ia-curre-1 in ib sa?e .t ach yr-vertj 1 1 t'i a C j ni s n-t-i of laiertiil Bave ia . w.a a,M if re r u t: n l; ternine ;i;e fees and ttargc t- be .l-.wCd ttj ii Cljaj of tbsiraict aul uXar ua."tij o.- v..ts us et;4a fo Mcnt, bv e?pe2es for 'n: alt lag" sa-'j Vict -a' it "er elIarQaTak beea tncuTrcd, and li rsseer fate, tho sai l cill.-;,.r shall pay int the tretsar tea surpi-js if 6C7 tjor he, a I tor defraying sH h rts se.J chj-ea. That ectl .n thirty be T..a it ,1 y e'rlk'r.g rut alt after the ea-tcting clause anl inserting ia lion thereof tbe following : That in any esse where g'l-.ds. tat ties, er edj:ts snCcieuC t aatisfy tbe taxes i.T.poseo by law upo:i aay persoa ILible to psy the acie ahall not Le fount by the collector or dop-iy collector whs4 duty it may be to iollict the tame, he is herhy au thorized to collect the same lv ttiiure daale'-f real esta'e and tbe i-acer tcsiirg tich seizure an I sAle shall five notice to tie ieron whsa3U:ei pnpsed :o le ol t, ly iviU him in bind, ur leint at Ljs last er r.scai place of aboi if i, tj any iao! v.ibia the c.i;ccaou distr-t wts.e e l ;t Uaiei. a r.vtiee. ia wr.'i..fr, t.u-r:g what part.a.uar es tate i proposed to ba sold. decr.&lLg ice sa:a sntb reasonable cerun;y,-tad tho time whea and plica where sldc'lcar proposes t acil fie same, whin time ihall not be less t&aa tneury nr m rS than forty diy from tbo timj ilnrg n;jnM,t. au tbe tail erf.ee r khall s',v r.us a uoitJcaiiuu t the same effact ' ba piihlltal ( s-ime naviaoer v.-.hia tbo couhty wUere such se-.ssre is rna!e, if a..j cui there be, and si til also esuaa a sike nrl;e t- be post ed at the rsi o3:e nooieit to the e-ute to ba seized, and ia lo other public plaaa wittin tee cjrstiiy and t!33 p'.aca of said file shall nolle more icaa Va miet distan. from the c-:tate seuod , except by swcul oruor efhe Ceaimis; iouer of Inte.-ual It even ue. At ths Urns and iac appointed, the tSccr lutkin sa toi sure shall proc-el to tell tbe nil estate a t na'j.ic aoo isoa, iaclctiag tae 'xpeo-es of n; ,kini s:ic4 l9Vy and all charge? f, r aivcrti-iig aa! aa 0:3 .-ec faa of lea dollars. Aid in a-e tbs resl ctatososei: d as afore aid, shall cusiat ef everal dnstm;; trir.0r parce'i the u5).:r miking sale ihera-r shall c.T.'r earh tract or parcel for sa:el fr tale sepiratsly. a t shall, if he dea it advhahie. apportion tha expaasca. coir'e. and fees, aforesail. to a ich several inct or parcels, ortoanjef them, li estimating tae minimuai prlca. the oincor shtll declare the saau to be purchi-.e! tr ' . .uiiiutturo laesaau io ne piir.j4el blni for the Uuilel Slates, and shall depnit will district at: r iey of th United States a fee"! tier 1 ice Mm-.C;ujii!.csK..i-ei anl pr .videi : othei-i rc- tu.a snail tedecltiei ta le sold U taa tiheit bid uer. ABdsiiJ tie ruiy Le a djoornol from titu to. tiebj sa.-on.-er f ,r not ex:ee ling ta irty davs ia al t 1. . i.e it-ink itad-.s-hie itj d.'. If the amount bt sha.l cut bo iiied an I tbijre b. !, tae ciScot nai I fart a. wi.u prucsel to acaiu. tell sid e ta'e U thasa-ea ta'.uer:aQl up- .taar tile sn. the o iynnt ef V 3 purcui-a tuoo.;.v thill giro to ths rcr.n u , w.a. ctot puicoase. f!ii tjatl set t-ut ihj real estate purcaacl, fur wiio5e tao fa same wis sj'l' tU uamsct tha pnrcja-e-. a.vt ibe price p-,.j therefor, and if toe said re il osttfe la 1 ,t itf i j,, , ,u. .er and wu,.iu ta, tiace tcrcina.'tcr provi-KM, ibe.a i-e .a:.l cd.e tor ,,r ; ;t c.ile.: ,f Kvi:i t 1-3 S4.-1 ;.II-Ch tar. u:k.o h 4 r mu,j,1o1 Uia re u l to ;.- :-' Jl iy l.'a'li aforesi.d. reduug the U:Liid fort, 1 10 sai'leemd caie, and iu accordance w.te 103 la.t c' the .stite 1:1 which suoa real estate is nttta'.e up m the s ihject of sales of real estate u.Uor ex -c iu . 0. wisu said deed sball be prima faclie. -ide.icj of Cefict thei.-insta-ted; and if tti pruceein: of the o.'lcer s settortli Live beea saost 1. it. n,y v accord iuce w.tathapro visi,ui of ia-v, 4'iall be eormd.-re 1 aul operito as a conveyance of ail the rijht, title, and tutor -l the par ty deUn.iueat ha 1 ia an 1 to the real est.t( thus w.td at tte time the lieu cf the L'u.-.ed S'.aios alia d.e 1 there to. Auy parson, whoso estate mar bi proceed agtius: as af.re.ail. iall have t ie r.,-.i ta pay toa amonn; due, We. her wt a tha est, aal chnrnei thereon, tc tha eul,ctar or deputy e .lle-r-or at ir ti.ua prior t tba ale ithi.re f. fd tl farther pr--cee lings shall eeasa f r m the lira., of s-i.n pv,u.a t. Tha owners uf any real c.itate Soil, aforosali. t-n!..-heir, exe.etors, or adr. i'.iUirctcr, ie a. y jer..-: L tving any iutero-t tuereia. or a !. . 1 i i.ro ... vr :. pcroo-.i in their Lcha.f. thiil be pvru-.it.e I t r.Meeui the Ifi.lsjld a; af.re.iil, ,.r tf p.,r:i:ular ti.,v thereof, at ar,y tima w.tn-.a cue ear afier 1 0e si'le the -eof, upon payment to the par.-. ae-, tr. ia tai he cannot te found in tho cjanty ia MhicU tho laivl 1 1 oe red.;eiael issitatie. li.cu t- tbe ciiect-.r ..f tb-. district ia which the linl issit c r.eog.r the t;a t the pu-chiser. his heirs or r.','n., tar am mnt paid by the a;d par.h i-er a:i 1 inleret there. u at theiaiee twenty p?r centum per cunum. And aay collec-rr ort deputy collector may, for the c o.euion ut taxeita posed up ii any peisu t.r fur whufi a:.y pftrs..a m ly ba liable, and tJu-riittPl to Lin. for e.d.ee.i, cna f sell the lands of s ach p jrsjtt s.;iiit i " jr ..:Ui c dlectui d.,trict wi'.hla tk,a Slue lc Lich sail o:U eer resides ; a id h is pr.xedgi ia re ltioi; the'ei 1 shail have fha siuia e.t's i as it th sa ,-.a were b el in bis proper cjlleiii.u district. Aid it hill! duty of every collector t kjjj a record of ail fal . f land mile ia bis Coll ?: 1 distri'-:, whe.bor ly ht;u seir or hi dopoties, or by a-: ?hnr c;!le;t ,r. in wl.ica sholl be set furtli tha t,x t .- wLuh any s-tcii sala wa male, the dates of i-eiiareanl saie. tl e rsm - of t.ja party a-.-esei, 2:.d ail procceditn; m ui.ik.-.K said ea.e. tho amoin.t of feci an expenses, tha -ia: u of ihe pu.chacr, &u 1 the d no of tha deed; w-toli re:.rd hbill b2 ecrtiaod by the oulc-r mak.n-; tha sale. A 1 1 U shall lo the dn:y uf uny deputy mating tale, t.j aforesaid, to rf.;rn a tateoietit of ail bis pr.Kelimt . to tfce c.llect or, ami to certi y tho rcc ,rl thereof. And in ea.e of tha Ccath or renival or tha calico or or the expiration 1 .f his tiTtv otic fiom any other cause, sai 1 recjrJ shall be delivered t Li u'ejior ia t)i3"e and a cop? cf every s'i a rcco. J, ceriilel t'f the eollecto-, sh 1; 1 b9 evideace i 1 any ever! ef tte truth of tbe facts therein .-tttrl. Ail wu. 1 a:i lsais sold, a af ireaid, shail b re !ec-t ; t ai l.eeinhirjr provided , the collector sfiall ina'ie n e-.rr; of th i foot upon th reord ufore-aid, anl tfce t ail cMry ; . t.l La evidence q: uch reda np i ,n Ani wuca a-.yp.-op-f j be v ,ut. .riel. BARKER'S !UC OK 7 s ? . s . i.i i j-J it. I : - A : 'c " c f v- v-" f it i - - . - p y " - a TLTT - - ' -r-" VTi'i.'.i.1.h..'.aT..-.o.h -.?.. KttL'a. Ji.KO.ia a. bo ci'V 1,. -1 l;i ."ilei.ic iil IwC fi Tliia i.wlcr ii -... n d from t':c rcci,-.e cf an old Eiit.ii it t ;.ia'..i, 1, j.otv, !.-i'l i::-. b a lor ears ii-ci tin .u.'-,....i.t i in .l :i I I y r yeli ra:..-rs. i.ot alone bo-1. . c.nv: ivc, '. tit :.!., us 1 it.. ! it;:? )if; -jo vtics. 1 of 1 10 1' i ir i.i -1-a.sfs. itwill imai bi be fow-.'.i xt ''', -'"'' -ix-J t-nrc: Fcvs.3 if cil ..hie",, DU,ciiS'.ry Founder, &jiijh, Z.oo3 -!;);' 1112c a?t loxo V'itrr, us al.,0 uU xl.eu'o ajioi.io froma Ulood. Pir.AEr.-s : or.!):.!: iT rr. rr.vsrn, Ai in ii::..; i;.;!..-1"-.. ..i.-i i.iuiit. 'n l'.l.v Ul' lili.iy .!. - .:; .h'-' ol The l ot.il.ry 1 ji 1 .:0 i: o s ; , f. .It'll 1... i I S 1 I i'l - uli. u 11 c.i;. -.. -i I...... ' ... -i iii.eiu.t i-nl ; i 1 1 i i i. . . . ., ..:,. -1 tirt'y ;' " . . I L c ;k i: may lc t i.-'.l '. - i.i ;-t t' ; t i..i fciii';..', e' ri-i .', tin ! :..!!' i t i r '' ti It .'.:! "; i.' I. i .-1 . . t li. .' , , .ir i loth k:r it mi. .". i.i Kni ; !" ;,; 3 ', i mr.ve ml :-.., 1 l.tti-i : ' i'- ... ; n "' !..w-Jfivt.i2 Ti,..v.i'", i.i: S j I t ' all i , lii'nken ilow ni it. : u i n ." ' ' 1 ' ' . n:.ui.-;oie4t L'u t, jsvi r-i'i! -e r ' -;'c.'-:I l'.: v-'tosr, Vr.t a'tiitlii.r.'3 ' f r.t'.'T! ""' f i" ti -; iriicrr t i var.f'.s 1 f--iCT-t !"" i-c, L.lcii i.-.c.et l-i kj'j I..-C ' .ifc.iou i.-c e I!.v6t t"r- ! : 0(-.,." ?-e r.o-v f ir-Llki; nt ti-n r,rc .''y ?-.-r:z-.z-, but l..v- 4ua!...y ..-:;; v., .- t-o - e u powder, tia. tea t. n-.v i Kie.-. n.i vo-h-.noi's i.nptlTil.t.3 Cl t-U" OlOOU, lire ut j.f l oi..,n.c, I5ro-d:rs aid fit'.ner- c! "w'c wilt reioic Ut l.noir lint n proir ;t ri-n -'iv f ! Ine various .nuia ul3, to vliic!. tl;e-a c.r.i;.e.'i tut ".l.'ect i loua 14 YztIict'z Ccrllil CccCXcn PcTTtZcr. Tor Coa-r'-.--. revcr:, i.il!an:Tri:i.;ra rf the LU221. Measles,' 2Iaj-e, Jvi'it.eT .':in, Ac. tie., tbi iae!icipe actj l.i-e ii. i-ii :rii. 1 1- pr Chopra will te avoidml by ccaiock cl'ea ct to is towder it 11 fare preventative, i.'i-c "a r iwi id lo a barrel e Swrli ard given ire'ly la ll ti, vJd fc".ct.lj Xe 10 vc Luci eft Inihi t.iwt-.cw. - , Tliis pow dr ''lei's g l.or'i 1 i-rt it d iflxalivr ide t'iO Jliord, iti-.vi 1 c I !!.?-. is. en, I avil tii-refore be f-'in.t ijs; encil.-:.-; rjiiioiiaj couihcioa cf hiict-i. . -"$Pn' f mi .V -- -rrf, T't"-wr;i ay by WILLIAM 1). PARUZ21, :.t. Ls.j. Ch?ror sale Ly D.-uuL. uud ZlcLU trcx;- ' Kra.CpS0N & CO., Ct-rI :i 4 TOi Sorti Urn Z'zz:, i.t. Lzi. - 1 . 9 " H' . , . '''.;' ' v -a . k'-a--" - - . - . v -7 tc..vn-rv-.r;;tV- "".': . ' :'.'' -' ?'-;2 t c I I V.