Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 28, 1867, Image 2

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    derlergh, Haywcod. Iloile, Kelley, Far
rndse, 'Rcckwell, Slader, Waliichs, W&1
d:er, V.'iletar.d Ucthank 20.
Mr. Fuller moved the previou3 ques
tion, and ihe bill was put upon its pas
fe. ; . .
AyesButler, Clark, Cole, Collins,
Crow, Frc:t, Fuller, Griffen, Harden
fcergh, Hayvrood, Iloile, Kelly, Parma
lct, Rockwell, Slader, Waliter, Wiles.
Wallichs, Unthank end the Speaker 20.
Nays Crawford, Dunham, Graves,
Harrey, Rolfe and Trumtle C.
So the till passed The acnouncenent
of its passage was receired with rauch
. applaute. .
After concurring :a a joint resolution
cf the Senate that the Governor of the
Territory transmit a certified copy cf the
act accepting the ci of Congress for the
admission of Nebraska into the Union
to the President and to Congress.
The House cdjaurned.
Wednesday, Feb. 20ih, '67.
The members of the Senate met at
2 oc!ock, p. rn., and after, a temporary
organization, examination ct credentials,
etc., a permanent organization was effect
ed, the ofiicers of tha Council being
chosen in the Senate.
The proceedings being very lengthy
we th&ll give only the proceedings most
Doom introduced Senate bill No, 1,
"An act declaring the assentof the State
of Nebraska to an act cf Congress of the
United States, entit'ed 'An act for the
admission cf the State of Nebraska into
the Union.' "
The bill was read first and second
time and referred to a select committee.
Said committee reported in favor of
the bill.
On motion cf Majors, report of the
committee adopted, and bill put on its
Here, I. N. Hascall, Democrat, made
a very strong speech in favor of State.
The tote on the passcge cf the bill
was then tafcn, resulting
Aye3 Messrs. Davis, Doom, Hascall,
Majors, Presson. Sheldon and Rogers 7.
So the bill passed.
" After the passage of a joint resolution
requesting mo Governor to transmit a
certified copy of the bill just passed to
the President and Congress.
Council adjourned.
TcbrasI(ci St&ucdtscr.
8, 137.
Tfoe Nemlia County Agrlcullnrai
SOClelj" will hold a meeting in this city,
in the Probate Judge's Office, at 1
o'clock, p. m., next Saturday, March 2d.
A general attendance is particularly re
quested, as business cf importance will
be tranacted.
WM. SWAN, Pres.
F. E. Ax. lex. Sec.
We understand the icttntion is to get
up a County Fair. This project must
commend itself to all, and we hope all
will attend and assist, with experience
and means, to m&ke it a success.
Death of Hon. John i Baker.
We learn that Ho. John P. Ba'keh,
a resident of Peru, in this county, died,
in Philadelphia, on tha 22d of this month.
This announcement will cast a shadow
cf regret and mourning over the numerous
frinds of the deceased in this county,
and throughout Nebraska. He was one
of the pioneers cf Nebraska, and was
indefatiguabl! in-zeal for her advance
ment and prosperity. Twice a member
cf the Territorial Legislature, where he
lefi an unblemished reputation fcr integ
rity aBd sound judgement. Fcr a lime
he held the position of Indian Agent un
der the general Government a position
most trying to man's honesty yet, he
came away with the regret of the Indiau's
whose affairs he managed, and the com
mendation cf the general Government.
For several years past he Las had very
poor health, and to recuperate he took a
trip to Idaho, where his heaJtL greatly
improved, and he became largely inte
rested in paying mines. To dispose cf
tome cf these interests, and visit his fam
ily who have all along resided in this
county he returned last fail, and after
a short stay here went East.
The bereaved family have the heart
felt sympathy cf all who knew him, in
the loss that all sustain ia the earthly
death cf "God's ncblea work, anhenest
man.'' 4
T!:c 4GHi Cczsrcss,
Which meets next Mccday, is proba
bly the most united body that will legis
late'fcr th2 country for years to ccme.
The Senate stands Radicals 41, Ccr,ser
vatire 9, Vvkhout counting Nebraska.
Our Senators Tiptca end Tl.ayer will
increase the Radical strength to 43, and
icure death to t!v3 veto power, which
LsVlseata arbitrarily usc-d by President
Jc!,r.-:n. Th? He 3 cf the 40.h Ccn
ZTt'A rculy jrcpnicsate with
,-TEB. :
Below we give both eijjs of the dis
gracetul scene enacted ia cur Territorial
Legislature last Saturday. The first
occasion fcr trouble was the introduction
of a new Apportionment bill, taking one
Councilman from Otoe, and making i: a
Meat ia Otoe, Nemaha' -.and Richard
sen counties. To this bill little opposi
tion wss made except by the Otoe dele
gation ; its fairness commended it to all
unprejudiced minds. To defeat this was
of course the greatest effort of the Otoe
delegation made. To do this a means
soon prepented itself. A new bill was
introduced which proposed to take one
member from North of the Platte and
place it South. The first named bill was
indefinitely postponed in the Council; and
then the contest became exciting. Then
it became the "old sore" again, North
Platte ngainst South Platte; the Otoe
delegation leaguing themselves with the
North Platte members, and two North
Flatters voting for the bill. Here the
dead lock occurred ; 17 to 17, with the
Speaker from South Platte. This lasted
through Saturday- The friends of the
I bill at one time offering to drop it for the
time being and act upon other necessary
measures; the opposition demanding an
indefinite postponement or the immediate
admission of Rolfe, of Otoe, without sub
mitting his credentials, which would give
them a majority of one. Being unable
to agree, the opposition made a bold and
bad move, by having it noised through
Omaha that South Platte desired this in
crease to enable them to remove the capi
1ol from Omaha ! This was a most con
temptible trick, and, as was anticipated,
soon brought a mob to the assistance of
the opposition, who backed up by this rab
ble, opened up in the most insulting style,
culminating in a motion by Gus. Harvey
to oust the Speaker, which was carried
almost by the club and piUcl.
After the retirement of the Speaker
and the friends of the bill, Gov. Saun
ders swore in Rolfe and the new Speak
er, and a grand time was had at law
making by the eighteen law breakers, un
til near 12 o'clock Saturday night.
This statement, copied from the Omaha
Republican, is varified by the affidavit of j
the Speaker and the sixteen members
who left with him Saturday night :
"Ia consequence cf leave of absence
granted to some, and the failure of others
to claim their seats, the House of Rep
resentatives consisted of thirty-four mem
bers, on the 16th inst. At that time Mr.
Rolfe appeared and claimed a seat as a
Representative from the county of Otoe ;
it being his first appearance during the
session, and it being the thirty-eighth day
of the same. He desired that his creden
tials should be referred to the regular
standing Committee, '.'Prialeges and
Elections," according to the established
rules cf the House. This reasonable re
quest was refused by a tie vote; the cp-
position insisting, m a most insulting
manner, that the credentials of Mr. Rolfe
should Eimply be read to the House, and
Mr. Rolfe admitted to his seat. To this
demand, we felt impelled by a sense of
duty to our constituents, to refuse. The
House being equally divided upon this
question, of course no further progress
could be made. Seeing that tuch was
the case, and determined that the blame
should root rest upon us of defeating nec
essary legislation. Mr. Wile3, cf Cass,
offered a resolution that we would pass
by the Aportiocment Bill and some mea
sures for the benefit of Omaha, which" had
given rise to some feeling, and take up
"the genial "Appropriation Bill" for the
current expense of the Territory. This
was refused, thereby leaving the insane
and other worthy objects without the nec
essary appropriation for their support.
We endevored to adjourn, but failed by
the fame vote. Such was the condition
of afi'airs, until about 10 o'clock p. rn. Af
ter inflammatory appeals freer G. W.
Frost and E. P. Child, of Omaha, and
A. F. Harvey, of Nebraska City, advo
cating resistance to the legally ccos ma
ted authorities of the House, A. F. Har
vey, cf Otoe, rose, and after a few incen
diary remarks moved that the Speaker
be deposed, and moved that a person by
the name of Abbott be called to the Chair,
calling upon those who favored the mo
tion to fy "aye." Many, if not all, the
opposition said "aye," but we, promptly
said "no." But without waiting for a
division, in order that the true sense of
the House -might be known, the mob
made a rush to the Speaker's chair.
Thereupon, the Speaker rose and com
manded order. This no? being heeded,
and many revolvers being drawn, both
upon the fioor and ia the lobby, the
Speaker drew from his breast a pistol and
leveling the same upon D. S. ParmeleeT
of Omaha, who was foremost in the
crotvd, told ihera to stand buck, which or
der they obeyed. In the meantime,
Howard, the Sergentat-Arms. with a
drawn sword, crawled upen the Speaker's
stand protesting that he was the Speaker's
friend, assui.g Messrs Wiles, Fuller
and Daily and Messrs Doom and Majors
(members cf the Council, who happened
to be ia the House at the tim) who had
sprung to the support cf the Speaker,
that he was there to protect the Speaker,
thereby deceit ing them at to his true in
tentions. The Speaker finding it impas
sible to maintain crder, declared the
Housi adiourned until 10 a. nr. ou Mon
day, and descended from the chair, de
liberately and walked frcra the room, fol
lowed ly sixteen members, leaving' the
rabble in possession of the Hall
The following it from a correspondent
to the News, over a. fictitious signature,
doubtless written by A F. Harvey : .
"Fortunately ithappeaed that a change
had been made in one of the districts
North cf Piatt river which caused the
ne:abcrs frcra that district to oppose it,
and Mr. Rolfe having arrived from Otoe
county the ccr.test commenced. The till
disfranchising Otoe county was taken up
in the council, aad after discussic,? and
a great deal cf filibustering by its friends
was finally indefinitely postponed the
contest continuing from 10 a.m. till 3
p. in. the members having their dinners
brought to their desks in the Capitol.
The general apportionment bill was ta
ken up in the House at the same time,
and a motion made to have Mr. Rolfe
sworn and admitted to a seat. As Mr.
Rolfs was opposed to the bill, cf course
its friends every cne voted to exclude
him, and upon a count of the vote it stood
17 to 17, the speaker having voted to ex
clude Mr. Rolfe, and thereby making a
tie vote. The vole occurred ia the morn
ing, and was repeated at intervals all
day; upon every proposition the speaker
cast his vote completely, locking- the
wheels of legislation.
Fortunately, however, a remedy was
A precedent was read from Jefferson's
Manuel; a motion was made removing
the speaker, which was put and carried
so quick that he did not know what hurt
him; he drew a pistol: the Sergeant-at-Arms
drew his sword the speaker
vacated- the premises; a new speaker
wa3 elected, Mr-Rolfe was sworn in- by
Gov; Saunder's at about. 10 o'clock at
night. The apportionment bill was killed
and the law-making machine began to
"go" as though it had been "'greased"
and did more business in an hour and a
half than had been done before in a week."
Taking this whole affair into consid
eration it was disgustingly and contemp
tibly managed bv the opposition. This
infernal agitation of the capital question
every time a question occurs between
the North and South. Platte is mean and
contemptible. If tha capitol is ia the
right place, why such jeoIou3 dread of
its removal I If it is not, the surest way
to bring it about, is to bring it into the
contest as it was last Saturday. When
Otoe County attempted its removal we
opposed it; yet, if it is to interfere with
cur rights, we sha.lL favor its removal at
the first opportunity.
The last election returns show plainly
the outrage fixed upon Nemaha and
Richardson by the defeat cf the New
Apportionment bill : Otoe county cast
then 1291 votes by which she elected
two Counctlmen ; Nemaha and Richard
son counties cast together 2013 votes and
electing but two Councilmen ! Or, 729
more volfs than Otoe for tht same repre
sentation As between North and South Platte:
North riatie cast last election otub votes
and has a Representation of 22 ; South
Platte cast 5556 votes for a Representa
tion of 30 ; a fair apportionment would
give South Platte 32 and North "Plahe 20
The Nebraska City Jftws regards this
outrage upon the rights of South Platte
and Nemaha and Richardson counties as
a "triumph and .says :
"Otoe county, thanks to the fidelity and
good management of her Representa
tives, retains her just position and power
in the Legislative Halls of Nebraska."
And ia the same issue demands that
the State University 'and Agricultural
College both be located in that city. Will
the balance of South Platte "see it in
that light" in view of last Saturday's
proceedings ? We think not much.
MaJ, Wei. Dally.
A little the strangest portion of the
House proceedings of the State Legisla
ture f the course of the above named
gentleman. First voting against the
motion to indefinitely postpone the bill
to strike out the word white, and then
dodging' a vote on the main question of
the passage of the bill. If any of our
members went instructed, be certainly
was that man. -He bitterly opposed .the
Constitution, last June, b'ecause of the
distinction it maJe on account of color.
That opposition be took no pains tu con
ceal, it was known by all, and we think
he took particular pains to spread. With
this still fresh in the minds of the peo
ple, he was nominated by the Radical
party for State and Territorial Repre
sentative, and elected by them. We can
not imagine a more direct instruction,
nor imagine why he should 'dodge' a vote
to sustain the principle upon which his
political faith has seemed so firmly fixed.
The CiTll omce Tenure Bill.
Wasuixgtos, Feb. IS. The clerk of
the House announced the agreement by
the House to the report cf the confer
ence committee oa the bill to regulate
the tenure of office. It gets to the Pres
dent. J)em. Wash. Special.
This bill vindicates our position aa to
the right of the President to remove
officers fcr opinion's sake. It ousts all
"officers who nowoccupy position upon the
Domination of the President, and are not
confirmed. And hereafter no one who
takes an office at the hands of the Presi
dent, shall receive pay for such ser
vice unless he be confirmed by the Senate,
and the President must, within twenty
days after the meeting of the Senate,
send in the names of all removals made
durinsr a recess, and the cacse, if the
Senate concw, the removal is valid, if not,
the eld incumbent ia re-instated.
This is the most noble act of the 39th
Congress. The Republican party fears
not the eeiaisgback cf this act to plague
it ; it is not based ca plunder the cor
ner stone of the Democracy but upon
We respectfully submit the above fsct
to W. A. P., ia answer to his slavish as
sertion that "Andrew Johnson- breathes
the breath cf official life" into officers,
and has the sane power cf them as the
"creator over the creature," lihe blaster
ever the Slavs!"
John P. Becker, Jchnsca'a appointee
for the Pawnee Agency, was rejected ca
the 21st,
We have noticed thataa effort is being
mad a to build a Railroad from Quiney
through the Northern tier cf count! ;& ia
Missouri to the Missouri River. The
company to build it is not yet formed, yet
Quiney is ia earnest to make this con
nection, and several counties at the east
em end of the line have already made
big offers to any company which will take
hold and a jree to complete the road to
the Missouri.
Of course no permanent arrangements
have been made, and no survey made
A road from Quiney, through the north
er tier of counties in Missouri to Brown
ville and thence toa connection with the
Union Pacific R. R. near Fort Kearney
would undoubtedly be the shortest and
most paying route to all eastern seaports
These facts ihe map will substantiate.
Now is the accepted time for our citi
zens to ' think cf this " matter, and be
ready to co-operate in any. honorable
effort to induce the company to make this
the crossing:.
Public Meetln
Pursuant to adjournment, a meeting of
the citizens of Brownville interested in
forming a Joint Stock Compa ny for build
ing tenement houses in Brownville, met
on the evening of the 22d, in Tipton,
Hewett and Church's law office, and was
called to order by the Chairman.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Report of Committee on Articles of
Incorporation called for. The Committtee
through its Chairman.reported, and read
the Articles, which, after quite an ani
mated debate, were adopted.
Oa motion the Chairman was request
ed to open the Books and solicit the citi
zens of Brownville to take stock ia the
On motion the meeting adjourned to
meet next Friday evening at McPher-
soa's Hall. "
Jativks S. CnuHcii, Sec.
We viil publish the Articles next week.
A. W. Morgan has already SI, 000 on
the Subscription Book and the Company
is a fact beyond peradventure. Our citi
zens, who are able, cannot do better than
subscribe, by which they make money
both ia the enhanced value of property
generally, and a certain income by the
This Is "My Policy," saitlUhc ' Crc
The report made by the Postmaster
General, in compliance with a resolution
of inquiry from the Senate, stales that
during the months of August, September,
October and November he made sixteen
hundred and forty-four removals of post
masters, of which twelve hundred and
eigbty-lhree were for political reasons
and only ninety-four for the benefit of
soldiers and sailors in the late war. A
recapitulation shows in Ohio 127 removals
made, 97 for political reasons ; ia Illinois
193 removals, 160 being for jrolitica-
reasons; in Indiana 143" removals, 123
being. for political reasons ; in Michigan
171"removals,'l54 for political reasons ;
in Wisconsin 65 removals, 5S for politi
cal reasons ; in Iowa 61 removals, 53 for
political reasons; in Minnesota 16 re
movals, 10 for political reasons ; in Ne
braska 16 removals, 14 for poluical rea
sons ; in Kansas 6 removals, 2 for politi
cal reasons; in Kentucky 20 removals, 8
for political reasons; in Missouri 42 re
movals, all for political reasons ; in Ten
nessee 11 removals, 7 for political rea
sons. This is a fair specimen of "My
Policy" and its working,
Negro Suffrage in Tennessee.
The bill establishing negro suffrage in
the State cf Tennessee became a law on
the ISth, with the clause that negroes
shall not be elligible to sit on juries or
hold office. Two years since Horace
Maynard's prediction that Tennessee
would adopt impartial suffrage ere Mas
sachusetts, met with only an incredulous
public smile. To-day he is vindicated;
Massachusetts still have property quali
fied negro suffrage.
This act on the part of the loyal men
of Tennessee is one exhibitino true mar
al heroism, unmixed with selfishness and
grounded upon the true principles of our
Republic Unirersal Liberty. With us,
the declaration was but an act to sustain
the true principle with them consid
ering the threats of murder and venge
ance from rebels, bushwhackers and gu
rillas against all who should aid the
measure it was an act deserving class
ification among the greatest heroisms of
the age. -
Schoolmaster Abroad.
We have reported to us the following
rich conversation between cne of our
learned Judges and a farmer:
"Farmer MonaV Judge ; under
stand you wish to rent your farm. What
rent do yoa ask ?
Judge Well, yea may have it for tea
bushels of cans per acre, delivered.
Farmer But, Judge, if the grasshop
per destroys it ell, what then ? Will you
want your rent out cf mine ?
Judge-wOf course not I That is irr.ptr
advenum; and if the grasshoppers do
take it, I'll take ray pay pro-raiurn."
We presume if the grasshoppers take
all the Corn the Jssdge can catch 'cm with
a Duces Tccvn, imd make env disgorge
with a naniamy,t,
Nebraska to-Becelve 135,G00.
A bill has been introduced into the
U. S. Senate to reimburse the several
States for expenses incurred ia raising
troops for the suppression cf the rebel
lion. The Slates are all credited with
tht? number of men raised and S5 al
lowed for each man. Nebraska i3 cred
ited with 2,400 men, which would give
her $135,300.
The New Bounty Bill
' Recently introduced into the House by
Schenck, of Ohio, proposes to give to
each soldier who served during the re
bellion Sd.33 per month extra in lieu of
bounty, the U. S. bouniy already receiv
ed to be charged against the recipient at
the above rates; thus, in fact, equaliz
ing bounties. This bill has been very
favorably considered, and, we believe,
been passed in the House. This bill, we
believe, will include the Second Nebras
ka, whose honorable service, eeem, thn
far, to have been faithfully and studiou
ly ignored. Yet, their day will come.
Among a batch of confirmations made
it the Senate on the 21st, we notice that
of Frederick Kennard Assessor of In
trnai Revenue for Nebraska. We pre
fume this means Frederick Renner, o
Nebraska City. Mr. Renner made some
of the most Radical speeches which were
made in the Convention held ia this city
last fall. .
"There will be considerable hemp
raised in Otoe County in 1SG7. This
soil will produce it readily, and Nemabir
county morals will furnish a ready mar
ket." JVtws.
You forget, Morten, the indictmen
against several hundred Utoe county
citizens for the rourder of Dirks ; and
your own neck isn't very safe either, as
general amnesty to traitor? ha? not ye
been plroclaimed. A rope-yard in ynur
own city will save the necessity for im
porting the manufactured article.
Topexs Be Warned!
We find in the Indianapolis Sentinel
an account cf the finding of the body of
confirmed drunkard in his Saloon at Co
lumbus, Ind., dead, with his lips and nose
burned cfTand bis tongue charred to
cinder, under such circumstances aa lead
all who saw it to believe it a case of
spontaneous combustion,, by the genera
tion of infiararsable gases from the ha
bitual use of intoxicating liquors Al
the circumstances make this the only
solution as to the cause of his death.
In ordinary times this case should lead
to sober thought on the part cf habitua
drinkers : but now when the most
scientific chemists can barely tell ih
difference between burning fluid and
whiskv. and when even Congressmen
are forming a Congressional Temperance
Society it is doubly necessary that ha
bituai drinkers should be moderate, or
abstain, entirely. Clear the track for
spontaneous combustion.
Is now in prison at Washington City.
He denies that his name, is Surratt. He
is very reticent, oniy answering wnen
spoken to and then only in monosylihles.
He has had council retained ia his de
Henry Ward Beecher lately delivered
a lecture in New York favoring the im
peachment of the President. Where,
oh I where is the rebel press which so
delighted in quoting him last fall ? Why
can't they "see it" in hi light now ?
m 4"? n
now 11 musi
Over 60,000 maoufactared an-i bow ia ne ia tb.ii
country and Europe.
Tbesa world reaawnod niacfchjeg were awards
the first priie, Ten Founds the Great
Quadriennial Trial at Flyiaoutb, Eng., July,lSf5
and at the Great National Field Trial. Leld at
Anbart N. Y.. in Ja ly, 1S6S ,the First Freaiiua
While it retains all the adrantagea whieh has
made it so ucioersal afarorite, is jreatiy iicprov
ed by t.he addition of
Saitin? it a perfect machi&e. Th IMitst draft
the most durable, and at tho same time the simple
and best catting maceiae ia the world
The Self-Baker Kepealer I
a4y called tka Victor of earn entt
is com tructed on tne most scientific principles
The new ii owing Attachment gives general sat'-j.
faction and makes one of the most courenieat
combined Self-Rake Eeapers known, ani wo fui-
iy winim i..
Is at the same time tht cheapest and the b"t of
its kink Tr Sere.
It cats a swarth fire feet wi Je ia Reapir-r. n4
four and , a-balf it i Mowiay. As a Jlowor it U the
best Folding Bar &aehin ia use. The case with
which it is managed, and ih ehar-ging from Slower
to Eesper.or vi-vcrta, will at ace recoica it
Massfaetcred by til
McTTirs & Heaping Machine Cciqy,
Hoosick Falls II. T.
40 Col andt Street, N, Y.
206 Lake Street, Chicago
77 Upper Thames Street, London.
Pskrif tir Catalogue! eeat ta sr-pUctUoo. CZ-Iy
j prtrri "v p-!v
Unler tti ftorhnoiM of a act of tha Territorial
lat. I'67,aai a ;i warrants cot so preacn.el tt;u
ceaae to d raw iatercat after Jawuarj lnJ3j3,aaJ
will b paid aftw iiit cUts , witi ictereii cnlj to
Janaarj 1st ' -
A. KOOTZE, Ter. Treasurer.
Ociha, FeVriary,23:a 17. Z2-Cl&fid
""Taiea up bj the nu.l.ifiijacd , l;rin ia -Glon-Kock tlia 7th day of February, 1S57,
One rsd ani 'hite speciled taar with wnderbit
out of left oar, aadcrop off ri0'ht ear, 2 j ears eld
ttiii ypriD? CYRUS C. JuhADI.
Feb. 7th IS'37 22-5t-pi
Taken up by the undersigned Iivin two and a
balf miles Worth WesS of Erownrnls, Nemaha
County, Nebraska, oca red heifer, mpposei to be
one year oid lat spricg, bash of tail while, crop
and ucderbit ca the right er, uodarbit ou of the
left ear, bo other mark or trand? perceivable.
Feb 6 1S67 22 jd T. ii. EDWARDS.
Pickles. CaaFruiti of all kind ?, and Ojstsra at
XjLOUIS than any other Private D iseai. Phy
sician, is a regular graduace of medicine, cures
Syphilis inaints forui3,Gonorrhoea,Gleet, Strict
are, Orchitis, Diabetes, bladder an i Urinary
diseases, Syphilitic aTections of tha' throat, skin
or bones.
Thousands suffering self-abuse, excesses, ex
posures and indiscretiona in youth and raa
tureryear3, producing aocna of the fallowing
effects : Blotches, bodily weaknu3, uniaanllrie s,
to 3octety.indigf3ti un, confutation, dread oii'k--turo
erents, Usi of raomjiy, and finally impo
teru'y, haringbeea curd.
Ho can refer to many old residents for past
success and present position, aba many phys
iciunshere and elsewhere.
Occupying a whole house of twelre rocni?,with
competent ast-istact physicians; those rerjui
ringdaily personal attention aay remain in the
Medioiao sent everywhere by mail or expre33.
His Theory an f Exposition of Diseases, clearly
delineating all the diseases condition?, may be
badin sealed letter envelope for 6 cents. Ladie's
Circular, embracing ail chrooLj diseases cents.
Address tU. Louis. Mo.
A frieadl? talk costs nothing ? charges mod
erata ; cares guaranteed. 03i.2e.617 St. Charles
street, one square south ol the Lindell Hotel.
-.Feb. 15 ly
Under and by Tirtue of a certain writ cf yendi
tioni exponas, issned by the Clerk cf the District
Court of Xemaha County, Nebraska Territory, and
to me directed, I will offer for sale at public auc
tion, On Saturday, ' the 30ih day of March,
A. D. ISO?, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said
day, at the frons. entrance of JlePherso n's Hall in
the City of Brofa-i He, (it being tb.3 placo where
the lust term of said District Court wa3 held the
following described lands acd tenements Bituate
in 'emaha County, Nebraska Territory, to-wi
The North East quarter of Section thirty-fire (35;
Township four (4) North of Range fcfteea (153
East ; it satisfy a certain Judgment heretofore ob
tained in the District Court of said Neciiha Cou n
ty, v ith the icterese theieon, cost and accraisg
cost, in favor of Richard Lynn, and against Joseph
OTel. and Evan Worthing, said lands and tene
ments having been taken and levied upon by em as
the property of said Joseph O'Pdt
Terai3 cf sale, cash in hand
Sheriff of Nemaha CuunTy.
Cy O Y. FAIRBRi THEU,Depa ty
BroTrnville4 February , 2I,1S67, I-4-'l3,S0
Dried Peaches, Apples, jJlackberriei, Cherr s at
SWAN i, 15KO-S
TaJksn up by the subscriber, living in Glen-Sock
township. Nemaha Conaty. on the 1st dav r.f Jan
uary, 1857. one tao year oM Heifer, a crop off of
AM .W . it t 1
eo oiicr oraotjs.cuitr wnite with .erral
crown spow. IJ-ot -pd JAS E. HEAL.
Taken up Ly the nndcrsigncd, living cn the
iriaaua, io mjies aoore Longs Lrid oa the
tnaay ot uccemer Jij6,oae Steer, tw5y3arolJ,
red neck, light roan, left ear eronnpd. unrUrr.if n
of the right, good straight Horns. 15 5t id
-aweJirBp l ,ihe UBerfjzned, living 1 miles
ortb-VVest of Brownville .ehrs r.- fV- ?.k
day of January IS67. One Kd nitr
old next Spring, line back bush of tail white, hind
legs wnice jart wap up.
Taien pby tie nndersiVned. living in nAf..rA
?rcinct,on the 9th day of Jaeuary, 1807.
vuu re-i sou wuiio Bppouea uuu, two year old
last spring", no marks on brands.
Jan. ly, 17 PETER ENGLE3.
Taken up by the undersigned livinr fir miu
North-West of Lone Bridge, in Nemnhi L'nnntr
Nebraska, on tha 4th diy of January, 1807.
One roan Leifer, one year old la?t iSt rins'. no
maras on oranas. l.-pa J'JShril OKU.
Know Thy Destiny.
.Vaoame E. F. Tiiohntox, the great Engliaa as-
trologibt, Clairvoyant and Psycbometrician, who has
astonished the scien tific elapses of the Oid World, has
bow located herself at Hudson, X. T. JJadaase Thorn
tea possess Euch wonderful powers of ktcond sis'tit, aa
to enable her to impart kaoyledco of the greatest im
portance to the single or married of either a. hi;
In a state of trance, she delineates the very feaoures
of the person you are to marry, an-1 by the aid of an
instrument cf intense power, known aa the Psychom
otr?pe, Ruarantees to produce a life-like picture cf the
future huFt-aud .t wile of tLeaplieaiit, together vita
date of marriage, position in lira, lc-iJu.g traits of
character, tec. This is no fcninbi:;, a.? thousands of
tetimon!a!3 canat:ert. She will scud whea. desired
a certiiled certiilca'e, or written guarantee that the
picture is what it purports to he. ly enciosin; a smii:
lock of hair, and statin; place of tirth. age, disposition
and complexion, and enclojinj fifty cetits and stamped
envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the
picture and desired information by return un. All
communications sacrelly conC leu'.ional. Addreia in
conadence. Madam e E. F. Thobxtojc,
feb 20 ly Hudson, X. T.
Oh she was teiuti:.;'. and fair,
Tith starry eye, aud radiant hair.
Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined.
Enchained the very heart and cilaj.
Fcr Curling the Hair of either Sex into
War and Gloisy Rirglets cr
Heavy Massi7e CktU
Br u-.inthia article and Gent ienren caa ,n
tlfy themsreiTes a ihoLaud fold. It i the oclv 'ti
de in the world that will curl straight hair, and at
the same time Kive a beautiful.
The Crimper Couia not only curia tb bair, bnt invigor-
iea. teautifie nod cieanses it ; is hUhiy and de'ich
ully polluted, and u the tricot comcis-t- rf.r-
he kiud ever o'ercd to the American tmi.iic t. .i.
per Coma will a r.t to any acJUre., eealed ax. a po.i
paid for $ I Aadrt-w all orders to
V.'. L. CL.vitiC &. CO., Chemhts,
i.0 3 Wttt Payette baeet.Sj racu e
b 20 ly
Eeparator Capiili.
Throw away your false friizes, your w;tches,your wig
Ue tractive of conjfort, and not worth a flj ;
orue ageil, come youthfo!. eooia a:i and fair.
And reiuice in y-jur own faxariaat hair
Zor retoriog hair uro tM hada ffrom whateTr
cause it may have fallen out) aiij f ircii.g a Kr-.-wth 0f
air uikiq the face, it has no ectsa!. It will force t
eard to grow t,pn ttc rKHtb-;t fac- it from- the u
to cisht weels.or hair c;h.-d laid Lead in frcra two
to thrse Eion!bs a few ignorant prartitiouors fc
asserted that there is Bribing that w.n fur;e or ha tea
toe gr-jia oi too car or ofrj. xeir assertion r
alse, as tin uands of liTing witr.eaac ffrom thfiir awn
experiencef can bear witness. Eat tunny w.11 my hD
are we to di-tinsauh the genrine from the Dorio ?
It certainly is a.riilt, as ciLe -tenths of thediJareni
Preparations advertise I lor the hair and beard art en
tirely w.-orthless znd" joU msy have already thrown
wa7 large amount ia their purchase. To auch wtt
would say, try ih? Eeptrator Cappilil 'r It will cost yoa
aothl ig on!ea It rully comes up to our represetatioua
If yoor Druggist does not ke-p it, sendooit dollar aaJ.
wa wl 11 forward it. post paid, together with a receipt
for the money, which, will be returned you oppi;ca,
tion, providing entire satisfactli.a u not given.
Address. W 1L. CLARK, it CO . ChtmUn
'98 20 17 Xo i Wett Pastes st.I Svraca. K v
Lend tor Sale,
rh:i a ETMaber cf desirable unimprorecT traot3
of Land ia Neniaba, Johr.joa I'nee Countie
jSebnika,aD4 AtcLisoa County Jlo., which I desire-
to sell, and will sell on bn time to actual set
tlers, who will improve tLe same. Also, several
improved aui fainafcle Farics.
5-6t-I" TU V. SIUTIi.
Brocns, Salt, Aicj, Tender, hot and Lead at
der of Territorial warrant muit pressni their
mmmmm s
t:ra mfacta I c.n giea In eterr Uiui ,1 u
C7 ;-l te cberfu:iT refun-ictl. ?rie bj
and ;-wt;atJ, SI. rescTii,tiT clrcnUr and
nial roaiied free. Alir?-; BSKftsa snrt. . :t
5 Rir Street, Trr, New T.rV, 3cl.C.
tne United Sul?s.
Atlbtrn, Golden, Flisoa c'i
"PRODUCED fcr the nse of Prof i-
i.K IHKSKLl une applicant wrrIf .
the aicst striiLt nJ stat-tora hair of i:nt '
wayy rineiet, orhey raistrecnrU n si
Lair Jistsrmitiator
. - ' cvi t J u Li ir f
is warrarr.ed to remove superSjos hat fr-
TheJs, or from aay part of iha be iv f'''
tally and rallcaliy esliruatinz th ..,.
ien Beit, inoota aad Dtjril.
- - UlU . PIT
uru vj tuo jbreiiLa, ai is ise only rei
C5 aiverSt.,Tro, .'!r.
There coaieth g'.a l tiJiug of joy to u
To youna and to o'.J, to gret th to sari,
The fceauty which occe wss so precious j rv-.
Is free fcr all, au'J all u be fair. ' '
By tho uid of .
For Toiprovlc anj Beautify In; the Cenpiion '
The aioht valnatle anj perr ct rrefirati.jrj ta 3,'e;t i
K-Tjvg the skiu a beautlml pearl. like tint, i!:; ij Jn.
founa in youth. It q. -sickly reatove Tjq. ft
Piaiples, Blotches, iioth iaUhes, d!:owDei E-.
iions, an-1 all lmpuntie't of tl.e biin, k:aa.T hn.--the
the tkin white anJ clear as autater. In g4
nhe detect e-d by tha closest wr-tiuy. mi t.a
vefc'etah! re,arati n is. terectly hrui:ei. UUiU
only article of tLe.kimi uieJ t-y the French, aaduaiL
hiilere-i by th Parisian as to a perfKt
toilet. Upwanis of 30,(X!0 buttles wero olJ duria ti '
pst year, a sufficient guaraatee. of ita efficacy. P:t
uuiy75ceuts. Seat ty nail, post-faij, ou recei. r
aa order, by
'eb 20 ly 35 Eirer St., Try, X. T. ' '
Wtoaty tie use of IF.. jyiNV-.LLK'3 KMi:3
can be turel perui ti:enl7. an t at a triflin &,-.
The a.-fonijiitng tiuce?- wbica hi atien.le. tljii iu
valnable nnwlicine for rtjikal and Nervous We, Sae
General debility aott Prostration, L. of iltiaiu
Eaer?y, fmpctency 0r ry of the con-eq'.ences of
youthful inuicnrtion retiicrj it the must vila.
preparation M)er dij'overeJ.
IXlSt-Paid. tO SET S'i:!r,. t.r, r.r.., ... . .
It will re;iiove a II nerv.-jns aTectlr.ns, dprei'jii. n
citemest, lacapariry to btntjy or butin, ion t a
ory, cou.'usi:i. thc-uchts of e!f ietrtion, ferWui
sanity, itc. It will rotors the appetite, reiew a
health of those wb. have destroyed it byeu!;al h
ces or evil practice.
Youd meu, be humanpged net more by "Q iackf).
tors" and ignorant practitioners, but enl without d
lay for the Klixir, ami bo af .nee restore-I ta bfaith ial
tappiceis. A Pe rfe.t Cure 1 Guaranteed in tenr in
stauie. Price, Jl' or Jour buttles to one alreni, i.
One tut.tie ia tuSiaei.t to tffe.v a cure la ;l ord.0
ry cre-.
taajpfljjy ud pfruunoat cr of G-tirrn, t,
I'reihral Vl trims, Gra-el, Stricture, and ail aTec
tiun ofthe tidnej avi BladJer. Cures iTected a
from cue to five days. They are prepared frutn ve jet
able extracts ,hat are harm!e on the yte. nS ar
er nauseate the ttowat)! or iajpre?nate the ir:h.
Sv cbao?e of diet Is necessary while UMn the-a. aor
does their acticu in any ciaitLer interlere witu biu
ness pmsuita. Price, $1 per box.
Xitfcer of the above-ciemi.neJ articies will be M3t
toany address cljsely aeaheJ, ani po.t-paid., bvtwil
or expresa, on receipt of pric e. AiiJ'eisa ail onieri
to ilZKGKH, SUITTS St Co., ChetrM.
feb 20 ly SSS Kiver St.; Troy, M. I.
Free to Everybody.
A Large 6 pp. Circular, givir.g informally cf Hi
greatest tn:p.itance to the your ? of both eex.-j
It teache how the h-Mi.ely maj tec- me beautifal tht
dospij-cJ re:ptcted,and the forsaua love J.
Xo young lady or gentleman hu!J iai! to send their
Address, and receive a co;,y p.t-paij, by retorn ics.1.
Address P. o. Drawer, 21,
Troy. V. T.
tf.b 20 Cn
Wonderful but True.
ilADAUB RZMIXGTOX the wor'd-reaowned if
trol,-git aa-t SocmamhotiUle C lirfvaat, while lot
clairvoyant itat. deliaea'.ei the very featirea e.'ths
person you are to rr.arry, and by the a.i tf aa ia.ui
meutcf inte'.ie power, known as the PhjKihomt.-oj
gaaraLtees ta produce a perfect and life-like pictiis
of theiuturebui-landorwtof the applicant, wtta
date of marriage. occupation, leading traits cfcbarf
ter, he. Hit is no ifcipoMtKn; n te.timonia.a w.tS.
out Bumher can a? ert. By eCtin place cf birth, ti
dlspoaiticn, color of eyes and Lair, aud encloiiig try
cents, and stamped euvelopo adJressil tj yvur-lf,y
will rereive the picture t y returu mail, together W!:4
desired information.
Jj-Address in caiaience, Macami GtaTarci
BrMisGio.v, r.o. Box J07,Wet Tmy.X T ftSWly
zsta Young Lady rctur-
nics t her country hmne, after a sojourn cf a few
months in the C.'y, wsi tar-jjy rec f-.rl ly tsr
frtftds. Ia of a cjarse, fl-j,hi fare, h? fcd
s-ft rnhy complexijn of alciot marble :noo'ane.-s sal
Instci'l if twenty-three he really atpoarel but e :gi
teen. Upon Inquiry as to the cau.-o of so grsat a f,Mrt
.he plainly to'.-l theia that she used the CISCA3
S1AN CALiI, and onaered it an inralaableK
qni.,itloa to an Lady's toilet. Lr itsoij any La-?yr
Gent'.eian can Improve thetr fersooal pperaraii
bundprd fold. It is suip: la Us foiub.nat.on, a X
tare herself is sinipie, yet uc?urp-rel .a its c-f -in
drawls j impnriies rrom, 3!i hca'ir.g aud ii"t- ,
fying the skin ai.d ai::p:ejiuB. By its direct tc.Ua e
the cuticle ;i draws from it ail Its Iu.parltles,
healing the tauie, aaJ leaviog the surface a 'ata
iateuded It should be, clear, soft, iai xia ndbeatiisi
Price $1. seat by Mail or Express, en receipt cf aa or
der by W. L CLAKt 4.Ca,Cheuii.i,
fib 23 ly Xo. 3 West fayatte St., Syracu-e. X- T
The only American Agents for the sale cf tht
j !. to i-iiw opca iae jaiM;,ft fvrj i
PILL 123, the rt wocierfai a!Tw7 5 U
-ieu-e, aciin npoa tie Kerd r,j UUr in s
Kiracu.oa trunnei. ltj ta i. tv , h
yri a;;4 LriJ.a with the entering " '"
N-.-- of ali p-ircb-irs will e frxu.i
br the faLionai) lea of
I 'Price dj!e3 and roitiJ. $i i,'!
, Circular mailed free. Ad.Jre BEKGIH iLt
I CO.. Chemists. No. S5 Rirr R,r.. 3-i
Tork, So: e Agents fur tt 3 Caii e l Stale ' t sT.
. "3fl87:,
atth? woscram kztzlatios
2-XrXn.xiae XX, ZPcxcis0
She reveals setrefs no mortal eer k.iew. S5!re
store to happiness th-j.e wh-5. frjra io;ef nl eie'-t
catastro( hes, crosses In love, !s of re-atijus as
friends, loss of money. 4c, have become dipoolect.
She brines together ibote let.? separated. iTes infor
tnaiioo concermcg absent friiecjjor iovert, rewre
lust or sto'en property, teils you the bumes yjt are
best!i.ei to pursnu iui in what yoa wi:i be
mccessfut. causes s-,eeiy marriages anl te!: yo
very day yon wii Di-irry, giT$ yow r.e name. hS
ne ant cha.-actensiK-a .,f tt; prv;ri. ihe roJ l-t
very tiouahts, ad by ber ain:oS; supernatural pj':t
eaveiis tts dars aa4 bLieu ovjte'ies of the tatu-e
Prota the stars wt se ia tbe a r-xe;.i -the saaieie
stars that overcome or preJocu ia the canarm
tion- from the a;its and p.Ki-.its of the piaae'.
the fixed -tars ia tl:e heaven st the ti:n s ot brtS, t
device the fature Uestin cf tr.u. Pail n t coa
suli the greatest Astralogi t vo earth- It costs je
bat a tnae, and you my pevgri.-aia aare tt ftora
ble aa otportncity. Cotsiltk.a fe, w-.ta h:i-;o
and all detred iu.o?n: tti.a, $L ?art.s livia- at
distance can cjn.m't tMJu. ty a tul wi.a et'-1
saieiy an'Vsatisra'-iiv a ta thea.e;ves, if ia perwo.
A full and explicit ebart,wrtttt-a out, wnii U incurs
auswere-4 and likeuese enc:-oS sent bi taail
ceit of h"Ve rnexitioDeJ. Th str;ete". .ecresy wt-t
tiia:L!aiLed. and ! corrcsp.-n ieuce re'urnet or
esroyeJ. Keiere-jcs of toe o: nr-t orter iurm-'bl
th(.e de1nxj? the:a. Write x::'.s i:,e dar cf l-
ciouth aid year la alixii yui e."0 tori, eucloaiU
tuiail lot of hair.
Address, MADAME E. A. Q.
Xeb:iy P. O. Vrer-.,n! Evrf al'J, . .