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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1867)
6 ..Mntlfii.lii.iiMi5ti.iHiiii'i wiimm'iiii ytrff-r-i.r'iii-r"---"- nil mm m mt. IAUGE AND FIN CICEL PLATE EuGaAViHuSt v A TEX BOLLLAH Encravlnsr for CI 50 and a Fortune fo Kolbins! Send Sump f"r Catalogue with full particc Z.$&s. And address. rr.c t a. A. rxios. 15 ris Street, New, AoryT, VALE akd r ;,iale, wasted, From f0 per x ca te cite Is 6ai 3,00 GET THE BEST it cu, ..Uf J Siv CHILDEEN. - Ii now truly acknowledged a superiar preparation for all diseases inridctt to itfaots and children. EVERY BODY SPEAKS la exalte! fcrni of commendation ofiU truly won derful ctTec's and me dieinal virtues, and are de- lighted with its ufo. . 17J Trice, On! j 25 cents per pottle..? by Sold by all denier In tiodicine. Prepared .,a 1 y the Grafton Medicine Cotnrar.y, St. ui, Sold ly HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st.- Cm Erownville, Neb. . AND n. t. rai:;ey & v. d. lewis srccrssoBS to nAisrr & co. ' Respectfully inform the Citizens of the City and County that they ere in receipt oj :jx large and complete assortment of Ladie's Dress Goods, WniTE GOODS, 9 With an endless variety cf -NOTION S. Together vith the Largest Stock cf Custom Made ' BOOTS AND SHOES' Ever brought to this City all of wlticl " was purchased prior to the late advance in gold, which enables us to offer 6Ue rir endacements to those desircus cf pur chasing. We alto, keep cn hand a fresh Slock t;f O O O Zl O 3 Acd a ccd assortment cf QUEIIESY7AEE l,'s Tiemcmber tbe Haee, Main Street, On Door ; i.bore the FoFto'JIce, Brownville, Nebraska. 9-10-4:y i ' Join W. Largs Plaintiff. v s Jndwin rcrstrille DofcnJtnt. Bcfrre P. 11. liters a Justice of the Tence of Pawnee Conaty, iubrasL.-i Territory. ' " , Oo the lS:h day of itmuary 17, vriVl Justice ipued on trdor attachment in tha, . ve notion, for the mm cf fty dtd'p.ra, due by account., on the 1 et J f y i-f, Jarunry lo", ivi Jut,,:'5 hti .ei tit-ti.i d:iy '.'fiisrch J ftri , a r e'even oVi v k A. hi., bi oCue.M which tfroa find place, t ha!l take judtaeat ppaiatt you for the amount of fifty dol lar?, and interest en the fame, and cost to corer , iuit rot excordin? f:f alia "a 1S-31 7,C0 J.'crtin L. Henirgtcn Plaintiff. V 8 Judcn rerfCTil.'c, Defendant Ecfore (I-orge T. Uobst. a Justice oT the Peace of rwoee Coimiy, Xtbrutka Territ- r.r. On the liih osy of Jar.uary 1Si57, Mid Justice IfSued an order of a'.iarhu 'rit in t!ia abore action for the pu in vf forty-eix dollar and sixty cent, and the aheve nsrn-jj casebcin riii'iva.l frjin :iid Jutioe Bi,bfrt, beJore P. M liters, a Justice of the Peace for paid County, aud he tt fixed the day of on the 8ib dar of March 1807, r.t hi? office, at eleven o'clock of paid cay, at which time and place I shnll take ju l,;ment for the mm fyrty-six dollars and tixty cent, and intere-t on the wrae, tndjeot to cover mil not exceeding iifty doliurs. IV dt 7,03 Sly as You Keep it "Vi fl, J V3C u Lk Great Wcstcra ; Liveiy and Sale Stables, Corner Jlain and Levee S!recist , r re Cemnlclcd ar;d be bas now on band the best Jiioclv of Livery Hon rs to be f "and in tLo AVtst 1 tccthor wah an Lntinly new titock of Jinnies and Carrinprs of llic la test Ics utatle order arid firs IIcv! wiilx frreut Care resrartllcKS of Uxrnse ; cn iJ.tiit cio' tC-irrirtefor co-9- cuu;uH'il ition of i'itrrn-a iu and out of the City ... wi'h r it bout Driver, will b i furai.-hod, D.iy or ' .' i:gut at tLvrt u-tice Fast Teams, Gay Team?, Safe Team?, Teams for Ladies to drive, all to hire at . the Eame old price. LOOK SHARP The Greai Western, has hest accommoda- Ulf0n fT fft'J 'orscs an( a S00t veil of r trafr in the S!ul!e, aho Cairiasre House, Lire Corr 1 and Shls for Sioefc -- rf all kind, also, a go KU-kuiita Shop in lull for aeom-indtioa cf Stailos, Tbj bst - cfllny, Corn, O its. Urn kz .v.i larn quantities ' alayoiT band fr accoinmousitiuU of Travelers. Stock kert by the day week or month, persons i wishing to bi y or PciUry kir i of stock will con- - ult their own iutere.-t by culling at Coz&xL-eil's Livery, Feel Sale and Ex 1 cange Sialics A. P. COGSWELL , .. 11 19 Proprietor From J. 8. WILLIAM'S Advertiser Afeocy. S7 CljatiU-er Streets, aii.i Louis, ilo. DR. I-IEIiiY?S Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier, A:a N. ROOT t PLANT:' i t ' PILLS, Are !le pen left Trcvertive tnd Curative llonije- j -ol.j Ki-inedlcs f theae, and ere wonderfu'.'y f- i fi-M-ioui ;n cunt rr and t-nnsumptive j-jiaf.fwn, uentna wai.iij, j.aor, i'Uioue vil- !, afi"oction of ll Ltvtr.tu.nh, I we!s and Kil;.?ji. Fft:.".'e Cotr; ' sii.t-, i?.?c i'uIous Affi-e-tivn,ard a'.l !.-tae ari?-.;!; i'rfLu iinjure b'or.d, aind a fit tr.titive cf levtrrr.i Ague, Cbol t, YtV..w I vtr,L."..u Tovtr, i.. tir- r i r-..:,.i -acb ix.t lie and Lx. IVe- .. . . ..... if! t-'-l i v HOLLADAY CQ. Erowuril!:, Ncc THE Slum SKIRT! Jlore Elastic, JJore Graceful. I JlrJ ixill keep ih Shape and retain Us Place than ary ether Skirt. Thts beautiful Etyly of Skirt (Tafentel March 7 lSf5,) ws awarded bythe Great Amv.eibav In etitl'tk Paib. held in Sew York, October, 163 5, a SILVER lEDJL,! Tli Well? tt Premium erer qirtn fori a Hoop Slirt The tSttel .r'.ijgs are wound with a ne j,lated, wire ( n j le of a cotton covenrg) wbch will not wear oIT or become ioiied, and the whole 3 irt rnuybe irSe'i without i"jrrf ct foar Of rusting, and will te as good a3 new. The Ccnilicaiion Silver Skirt ! This Inrcnt'on con-binc with tbc ordinarj cot ton Skirt the advantages of our SILYE3 SKIRT : the bottom booj are tho fume athoso ued in tie Silver Skirt, tho covcrirg of which cainot wear off, while the nrner crts "ro oovrrod with cotton. No lair, having once worn enc cfoyr Skirta, will'bc w.lhng to wear ar.v other, as tho lower Loop cf all vie l? are soiin miared ai tl soiled. The ben material are u-cdia their construction and from thiir durability and ne&tccta they are ces oecome X FAVOHITE SILIUT! Manufactured Eolely by tl Silver Siirt and Wirt JlaHttfacUiring Cmpoy. 30 fit S:J Barclay Street, 27EW YORK. T. G. SFERRY, Sup t The undersigned keep oa Land altrge assortment t SATTIliET&CASSIFv'ERE SUITS ForMenand'Eoy'i wear. Als ,a lirgestock of HATS -cVjSTD OARS ffll&fisilliffi BOOTS AND SHOES. rnl)ber Cots, Leggliss & Blankets, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS, Gent's Fnrnis&ing Goods, Of all kinds which we will sell OIIHAP FOR O ASH' We purchased our pods since the dt cline in the Markets and will sell atlov fi-ures. ATKINSON Sc CO. April 13th, 1SG5, C-30-ly 0100 . REWARD tcr a rnei-'icine that w. I! cvirB j Ticliling in the Throat, WhoopiDg Cough or relieTe Ccnsunptive Coughs, ai quick as COB'S COM B41SH ! OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES have been fold and not a tiingle instance of ita fail ure i known. Wo have, iu our' po?esioa, any quantity of Certificates, some ot them lrcui EMINENT PAYSICIANS, who have ued it io their pr.vitice,an 1 given it the T-emincnce over ever other compound. It does not dry up a Cough but LOOSENS IT. 90s to enable the patient to cxpoctotata freely. Two or three doses Will Jnvatiaily Cure Tichlir.g tn the Throat! 'Abnlf bottle has. often completely cared the most Stubborn Cough, and yet, though it ia so sure and ppeedy in its operation, it ts perfectly barm. Jet, being purely vegetable. Itisarery Beea ble to tlit taste, and may bo administered to chil dren of any ago. In esses of Croup t7o vnll guaran tee a cure if taken in season. dYofamily Should be without It i within li e reach of all, it being the cheapeft and be.t nielicino extant. C. G. CLARK & CO , Proprietors, NFW UAVKN,CONX.' A. S HOLLADAY & CO., nnd UMI. McCKEERY, Erownville, Nebraska,' General Agents. Lyon's Periodical Drops. THE GREAT FEMALE REME DY FOR IRREGULARITIES. . . jLete Crops are a scientifically componcdert HciJ n ?p.:rtioa, rd better that, eaj riiis, PowJere, or KusiiUKS. Eeii.R lic.uM, tueir actu.n 1 direct and positive, rei;Ceri:ig ttivn a reiiat'e, ?ee Jy andecr tpeuific ror U.e tuie of ail obstrticiioa and sup-jircf-siwus ofusture Tteir popularity i tulic:ited by tLe tact that over ICO tCO b tile are SiiDuaWy sold a i I c oiumed by tbe laUic t t the United Mates, eve ry wt.e of w iiom ene.ik in the sirjugt terms of $.raiso ctttelr freit merits. Tbey ar rapiy tak-nir tbe place of every oUiC i'eniaie Xc:ue ly, and e cccsid ercd fcy a.l vko ki:ov alight of ibein. as tte 8ute&t l& Ictl. acd most intatiiaMe rr'P'irlion 1B tbe world, fur tbe c ire of a! 1 If uiale c iriiplaiuts. tie renoval of all obstructions nature, cfJ tbe proDioiion el Seattb recuUri'.y and blrci'b. Kspiitit ii ecivus i-tatiiiR w ben itey may be ;ei, andexpta cing vbenaisdwby tl ey !:-al oot, nor ecu id m t bo us&d witUuui produ cuiz eU-KU contrary torsture'ti cbofiea la'srs, will le fotnd carefnl'y folOcJ around each bentie, wita tbe written aicnature ot John L. Lvos, Without wbicb none are (teuuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LTOX. 195 CLapel Street, Aew liaveu.coun.. w tiocanoe con sn Led ciiber per sonally, or by mail, (euclosicg stamp ) concerning all private diseases and female weakness. Price $l,6o rerioiiu. Svld ty Druggiits everywhere C. G.CLARK &CO., GenM Aier.u for U. S. and Canada Jo llifs Eros. St. Lu:s. i 'ji'boiea!e t iLI I'tVCK Si. Pen ER, Cbicsgo. J Agent A. S. HOLLADAY & CO., and W. II. McCREERY, Erownville, Nebraska, General Acrants. ; FRENCH" HOTEL t On tlicEaroiican I'i.'ui. Orrciitc tha City Hall and Park, I C.r. of Frank frtSt. - SEIY YOIZK. Ppgciini! Hcfcctory.Uith Iioom and Tarber Shop. S rt-nntt not l!oie to rrr?r Periiit. Do n;.t Lelieve llcnnt-rs or Il.icVmen n 6ay we aro luj. Jii'.y 1st. IsCP. .1 ytar. rrir."-o end Celibacy.. An Ikit or V'ARN-isa and Is?rKrcTio roa Yu:.ra - if N'. Al.'o, Diicr,-p and Abc.-e8 which I . rmr.f nt ,y prvtrate X'.n I oweri, witu sure nt rreo of CLsre, iu stdled ittt-r envelvpei Au'. ref, r. J.KILLXS COrGCTO.V. Hjwtrd Asit -jation, 1'biladelrliia, !',. JasuBry, ltlC7. 1-y ' - JU r-- fVAUPED A GOLD r.lEDAL AT THE "Am. last.. Fair; OCTOBER 19, 1665, In direct competition with all the lea ding makers in the cfuntry,. ORGANS AND PELOUBET, PELTON c CO., MANUFACTURERS , Re?ncctfullv invite ll e attention of pur- chasers, the trade and profession, to the FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS 0f their manufacture; PEDAL BASS ORGAN" Five sizes. Five Octave, one to Three Banks'ot Key3, Three to Eight sets cf Reeds, Prices, 8250 to S6QO, School Organs, Twelve styles, singla and double Reed, Rosrwood and Black Walnut cases. Prices, 813.0 to $400 ttima z U W Xjl S? fcuJ tW? '' Piano style and Portable, Twelve Va rieties, from four to six Octavo, Single and Uounle Reed, Kosewood and Black Walnut Cases. Prices, $65 to $250. PELOUBET. PELTON CO., S41 Broadway, New York. Sep. 1st 5 2y ARE 'EDI. BUT OBACE'S STOMACH BITTERS, after years of e.vjei!efice and tii:J, lmv. proven to 1 the best .ren;eiy extant br ail co:ii.taiuts whore h tonic 'and MtimubitH are ivjmicd. They never hul to strengthen the we:ik, imj'urt rigor to the strong, and in all respects restore sheltered and broken-down cotixUtiUioriM. o remedy !:ni Li'pii aeceired with hB much favor as Ko back's Stomacu BiTTEas. in Cbicno U VKR 50,003 tntt wre nobi by ons dnig-liDne in the k1 It is d ftittvd by our riiot b-nnied iibvici.ina thut Ir. KU HACK'S STOMACH WT TKRi cornl:iie the j'rocrtif s of a geutie lKxalie, eibcient M:iti-b:lioiia egent, and tbe best stomachic known to tbe world. ROBACK'S HlTTKIW should be wed by convnlecents to strengthen Wie prcslration hich always follows acute diseme. In Ilia 1I.IOU3 dmtricln of She VTe!l nn.l Smtii there bus, fi-.r H long tiine, loen itiin h needed nn nriirle of .STOM ACH WTTKKS, which, if tnken in proper quantities, mid nt the proper tiitip, nra a sure j reve;tie of Hilious Yvxvt', rerernnd Atie. Liver Coinplmnf, Py- W ! h-in, luifiKPiitinn, .humdice. Kidney I T Coinpluint, snd nil tl pe-nsn cf simihir flntme; snd fire le(ter ns it preventive for bilious deraaemeut, regulating . ND Htrenthetiing; Jhe sy(em, nnd civ insf tone to the tiipenlive orfrann, ihnn any other known remedy.. Now that the vnr is over, there will i -thoiiMinda seeking Iiohich in the Smth. Nrpor soii Ulio Tnluts bis life shoiiid go there wilhont Imving conlnntlv nt band band (he W R ;:unst epi- f n t ed by till 1 -Tnuelei j river-bot- J HI I I'Kl.'S, hm r snliiinnl ni tieniif inn! ninla-tic cn-eTwIer nvmi iniij polluted water, ninl all resideuts of the rank torn c Ot'NTIKS orih. Wri. nnd Pftulh. fvnd the :'lley of the MisKijiii mid its rihistaries. pliould provide tliemelven with rhe Hl'lTEKS. '1 here is protnlly no one li.-vne with wh; h mntikinl nr. aAiicted which i the source ot ni.-uiy nineul an fypepiin, or a it is more eonunmily called Sour Stoinech, and H.ere in no m(we certain remedy Ihnn Poback's Stom -h bitters. They nr. Bevel kuown to f:u'. . 1 IN(1 CnOI.KRA ln nlwny bei ni:i-h heilei by the public, end peoj io tiave recoiled to all manner of meiticiiipn ti nrn-st the ioires, but with liitl aiK-ce."". A mhc cur. and preventive is to be found iu tiie cm of It. POFACirs SCAMaNA VIAN lifrMKI'lES. Keep the boMels wd; tti'- ! ,;,, Pii'l mvi2!rte titenv by bee use of the .Stom hit'ers, or, if tbe blood be liiiu, uae ru:irier. CCir nn inrahiab'A rerredy phould ha kejt in every f.mily. Keep the nysf-rn in l.dl vi jor and nolliina is lo !' iosved from diverse or chri-in. THK Ol l r.LI.iAMI.K I'o not deceived by purchasing any of tbe quack nest run; under Iho various nurrie of Titters, rnrehaae other but Dr. KOBACIi'S ETOllACH lHTIErtS, which ar. com pounded of the purwt dregs, ani in v hich the a31icted can rely. psnroE, WALTOir company," (Soocssscrs to C W. R.lack,) SOIiTd FROFBIXTOR3, Kt.SG, SS, CO and C? Et Third Stret, Aro Sold by ll Druggists 2nd Deslers in Patent r.'edicinsa EVERYWHERE. AM. ARTISTS' UNION AGENTS "WANTED. Eeliable and enereti;? per?02, male or female, are wanted to folicit tuosoriptions for oar Eoru ving, and to such we ofier very liberal sndu -ecraent? ; a1o to be n?ed in ehvnsg'nw, together vvttlj all ceveiiary papers,- wi'd b famished on ap rdij&tioB. Addre?,with reference. AMEIIICAN ARTISTS TXIOX, : 10-.'a3i 5 Tine street, Sew York. STRAY WOT ICE. Tafcen npty the Fubvribcr. livir in LafsyetU rrecir(.t.on the 14th dir of Ucecuxber, ISCil, ere Day I'oney, Star in tha forehead, Lear juaia acd tail, i yearg cli Iwt 'priSj 0 A K TS. the fi ch U .TV s It XT? 4 ! . 1 m 4 Vta 1.3 K V ..'ir. I - r W ki t V7e have on hand a largo and vsell assorted of Staple and Fancy To which we are making consiant additions, and which we are celling at prices low as any establish- ( ment west of the Mississippi river. UI THE QUALITY OF QUH QD3D3 WH CHALLEMSE COMPETiTiOM. JDSTFL0UR OF THE MOST APPROVED BRANDS. THE HIGHEST PJU0E PAID FOR p.7 r 1 . tut O L E S .A. L ' DEALERS LY - "Would call the attention of D2ALSHS to iheirirninense'stock of Drugs and 3IedlclRe?, Scliool Soos, .Patent. McdlclKCP, Blnk BooKs, . : Glass and Glassware, V. rilSns Ppcrv Paints and Oils. Knvelape?, Spaces a:ni Byc-stnC, Coal Oil ana In? p Tnre inc3, Wbi'eb were boagf forcab of Jlanufncturcs, Importers and Publisbcrs, and will be sold at the most fa7oraMc prices. Buying in large quantities from first hands, they are k9aaliled to offer extra iaduce toenta to the trade. They are tbe Nortb-Trestern "Wholesale Agents of Dr. P. Jayne & Son, and of Dr. J. C. Ayre & Co., and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities. (10 l-ly n tthf Importer and Wholesale .-. am 9Pp wr L 1 Ti s axfe mm i:""ij, .aiidct, r : ST. AGRICULTURAL IMPLElJfiKTS, Sprirjj-',' Axe?, Axe!?, Fbovels nnd ?pndc?.Filcs Wa.her", Nails, Iior?e nails, IIor.--c t Mi;I Shoes, Cabtinas and HollcV7 Were. Stewpots. Bake ovens, I mil ken Irs and Sao Irons. Blacksmiths' TfjolS. Anvil?, Sircks ar.d Dies, Ee.;Iovvs,SIedge a nwrs, Viics,rin urs.Kasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyora Out: Ox Yohos, Axle Crease, Ox chains, M'ojm Jacks, 1,000 OELEBJiATED MOLINKPLOWS ! dut. pat-ctcd, nrd stij-crirr to any yet invented : nr.: McCormlcIi'a Jlowers aiul E:cap'cri, Siallor ISorse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Cora l'Untcr, Crn Shcllcrs. I-ay Kakes, cte. eto cso. i?73 zzJ.?l'& at. llnjing niygooJa direct from te m m ers, i otrcr great inducements TO WHOLESALE I'LIRCIIASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. 3DIT. JAdSCOrJ'D BLOOD i'HUIIO Will positively euro SCKOFL'LA, I-.ltYSHT.LA3. DYSriCI'SIA. LVDlliGSTiO', liKAU'SUUR:.'. or my HUMOiiin the ULOOi) , x STU.MACii, ai d f,.r 1 I'i'.lr YlMi the SYSTEM and iiilADICA'rlN'Jl a'.lTKACES OF I'l.-EASE this riLtciy Lis n-. eaual. and for linihtiw) n a tn S.te::t. t: vl jivi::2 ocw tJi.-"njth uuil i'jur. Its ntij Jiraiicd uece n3 acd ia d.;ly arc i bo.-t u-. ur.inic;: and we earnestiy deiitc thiit evs-y suZ'.r-.T t'.vill giva it a trial. Soli by all Dri:r'i-t?. 1'iico oi:c dollar a bottle. T. LOUIS, JJO. , . l'rsprictvra. I.GSl'ISGH!! SALT SALT ITCH RHEUM! RHEUMl Win ir th ITCU or SALT 71IIJSCZZ. in a few aplioaiin l( alsocures prairia Scratch es Chilblains, llleersand all Eruptions of the skin, where other remedies have been tried in raia, cures speedily and thoroughly, l'rice SO cents a bx. Said Xy. all dru?rits. : Bv sending 0 cents in a letter' to CULLlSj. li.'iOfllERS. S. W.cor. 2od A Yine Sts St. Loxg, Ho., ifvrill be tent by mail free ot" postage. : - a-30-iy-rnnJi;WJ . . ' . Notice. Tbe undersigned viil or for sala at FubHc Auction, at the. fits rendsnca ol Stephen Fudge,in the Coantv of Semaha. On Friday the 8th day cf March 1567, tie Uoods and Chstles t-f tbe deceased, cfl'htstin of Horses, Oxen, Cows, Corn. C .'. 11 insi:h.;d' and Kitchen 'urnitore, and all fee F-srai Cteasils. Sn.le eoar.ner.eiEg at 10 o'clock. Terms of iriile, all sasis under 10 Csb, isms ovv?r tht ttnocrst a credit t.f Nite Months, tbe FtiTT.-ti.-er JTiT'no n with rd Wcurity, to be rrrovcj bv tb? A In istratuf. .; ... JESSEF. CCL12 . 20-3t . 7.03 ' '.; ' .,' Am:nis'ra:or. Snar Load Syrup, Sorghum, and X.. Melnsscs at SWAN & LP.O'S Tlircc or Four 'clioo! Teachers, Or oib'T inteiirnt prsos -(riiila or fttnale), is every C unty in tha Weit, to engigj in a. Luis uurieg th spring and aaiaj r that will p.y ficii flo) to ?2j0 rer month. Addrcs .': ZElGiiER, ilcCUKUV k CO., - -. f i.: 5C9 Olive street, St. Lcuk. Mo. . ; t ti tock b-,,.J COUNTRY PRODUCE 7 1 i i I 1 Liquor;, &c, o d) D) JOSEPH, MQ, and Eetail Dealer in Iron, huh liuiv . vi : -vurr. 3 ih. -it - t . On band and to arrive Cuojprijjiuij in part. and R;!?rs, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts, 2s'utts and S:iws, ete-. etc. SuL'ar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and Lids, r-4 Hi.nd Ham- Irons, vrenches, uc Ox Sho3 nail', Shovels 2nd Ii, 'f-i,Guld Tansetc. oiccl. scales , P ATENT BIICA EOOFIIIG Tbe New York Mica floe fine; Curnpany, (pstab lished 1854,) are minufjicturing under Letters Pat ent Tha test Articie of C imposition ItjoSn Eirer offered to the i'olilij. It is ada-1)t3d t o every style of Koof s'ecp or flat and can be readily applied by anyone. Iho U. S. Government, after a tbnronh t?st of its utility , 1 ave ailoj tcd its ua n the ary Yards and ujw.n i'ublic I; ii-iing3. The Koidin,! i s j u t up in r vl Is, and bas only to be nail d to the Uuf to tn:he a Durable Tire and W ater-Proof Covering AVe fr.iticularly recommend its n.;e iijv,n Stores, tJsurtiies. Fac- if: LTIOA HOOFING PAINT For euatin m,li:0.'. cr SUI.NGLE ROUFS. It fjrins a IuJy equal to three co ts cf C.J'xtary Faint o li jof can rust ondar it, and O.d Leaky. lU-Ai miy be i;i iue j ermaacatly watci-prf aal durable ty uo." . T-i Faict rtquir o Miiing, but is realy to be applied with tho ordinary jwiut hrueb. l'rice 51 per guion, vvai;h will cover tiro hundred t juare lect . - . Also mtnufa5turcr3 cf ' .TAKRED FELT AND LOOrUSU F1TCII. Dlseount to th Trade. C iicu'.srs an 1 l'rice List farr.i4.ed.- Iligh f for cellist jus sIi at low rites. Address. THE MICA ROOFING Co. ' 191, Bread w.ty, New York. frarl Ilauipbrcys, 61 Tijal jt., S. 0. 3co Ccld, WilliainK A Co., Audita, U. Ea' iwia II Y.'otds, Montgomery, AU. TLobcm S. C nates, Haleigh .X,C. k'.A. Tucker, Kuhaiond, Y. Tenrp .Vilsun, Feter.jurg Ya., Atu.. January, 1st. l3d-l y . . .SOMETHING A good reliable Agent wasted ia ivery towa to take the entire cottrol,for bis neigbboraod, of seve ral c f the let-, -r.oif talei LV, and fr'AcMe articles cf every cl.-iy uie ever pre sented to the pulliJ. lVof its l irg? .-atit-taction guar ontetd. The right 'u an 03 aco:an can niul e from $10 to 20 a week easily . En stamr f .r full descrip iien and il'utrattei cata loce. Faaiplo aent freo: t v 'i-ive control cf ter ritory given Addresa : Jf . Y. Jlanufactaric? Co. 27 Tark Itow, . V. 1000 lanted (ilale cr Ftaale.) i tYTIlV SCFFEU T7IT3 and JLoattsomo l)isca2G orci when ir Can be Cured rAND ENTIuELX ERADICATED FT.OJI TIIE SfSTElI jjl THE USE OF SEEL YE ' S D r HEL1PYI tVILI. SCKEL7 EESCLT IS Unless checked In it3 incipient stage! IT NEVUH a rr n Cure "Yarraated if DirecsionJ are Fclloived. SINGLE BOTTLES WILL LAST A WOSTH. COLD IN THE HEAD ' relieved is a Few Mi nates. BAD BREATH Oured by effensire iecretions. WEAK EYES Caused by Catarrh affections. , SEITSE OF SHELL DEAFNESS . When caused by Catarrh difficulties- All are cured by this remsdy Throat Affection Are more frequently than otherwise caused by a thick, sltaiy mucus, falling from the head, espe cially during the nigit, and resulting fronj Catarrh, and are cured bj 1 BE, SEELYE'S LIQUID C A T A R E II REMEDY The rymi trms of Cularrb arc'at first TcrysTTght. Persons tiod they have a cold, that they have tre queritiy attt' ks, nnd are mr eniitive to the changes of tempeiatu'e. In this cocdi'ioa the nosemny be dry, or a slight ditebarge, thin andtc lid, afterwards thick and adhesie may tucne. As the disease faecarri',3 cbronic, tbe discbarges are met cased in quantity aiid changed in quality ; they ore now thick and heavy, and are haw ked or eocghed otf Tho secretiena are ofTen'iive, causing o bad I reath : the voi'i-j thick and nasal : the eyes are weak ; tha ?on-e of smell is lessened or destroy ed ; deafness frequently takes jiUce, : . Another pc rsmon and important system of Ca tarrh is. thai the 1 orn is obliged to clear fcis throat in the morning f a iOck or blixy mucous, which hia faileo froiq tbe heal daring tue Light. When bis takes place, the person may be ghuie that this diseaceis cn its way to the lungs, and should I.e no tixe iu arresting it. The a'ocve but few cf the many Catarrbil fjuiptoms. Write t-j our Laboratory for our ram phlet defcnbtr-uHy all e:npuis ; itwillbetmal trto to any address. AisoCuecti isociiectioni where to jro- care the medicine. We are receiving letters from all parts cf the Cnion,acd aL-o nuicerous te?t:iaonia.U from tho3e usirg it, bearing tha evidence of its iafalliable merits. ! i , " ( This remedy contains no Mineral cr Pc;?r-3oas Ingredients, bat is prepared from vegeublc extracts taclusively; therefore it i Fetfattly LLarEiless, even to the most tender ai delicate cLild. Call For Seclye's Catarrh F.emedy, and take- no other. If not old by drugiU in your vicinity, they will order it for you. FrL-a 12A0 per bottcl. All persons suTerirg with any aS'ecions cfthe Cead,Tbroator Lung.-, thould write at once Iwr our pa:phied fully describing ail symptoms pertain ing to the above disease. - - ; ArrsESS, - DK. D. H. SEELEY & CO FsExrciiT. Illinois. Soil iv all WLoTewIs tni RctaU Druggists Oct. 15, 1SC31 7 j CilTAHBS exit JJTJ5 I ELLIPTIC "it rorL: mm wmm S?.t!XC) The r '.ZT'll PTdiuie to ar. ia '. Hint wii: La estorir ' . i ) : f y 1 : red.-.: t Crest Cwoifc-t ... "'I'. M-iT ia ar; cr Pes. Arm Chairs, f r as the s.'tirt win b? smai! pljca as f'.'.iy Muslin Press, an i:iv Jl tonnJ iu any 5.nzie li; A Ld'lf. t.avij en: -V.';H i'i (..r.lf 1 1 ! T It . o .'I i.-ia T-J.i y ia :1 tv:e (Treat con veu: en, ? et wcjrh; ?h( DT.ilej E:i:ptlC 3, , iprir-i: Siirt f;.r a .-in:.; "jr. wi.f never ane-s,!' witiit.-Sly : -p;"! tta thir u-e. '..r c',. Mie'and Vi aiz L .'ie.t they i."3 ? 1; eri. r ( r. , ' Tte? wi:r r u t 't. ; or 1 bnt wili pre;er-e' tt:e;r wtere Uree w iv'-.r .v'.. ! e-ii Lie tLe s : r- Xiititr.t. an.l r..-: ' ,'"t r - - . r-rv i-.s:rt W;i hJT. thrown a;:3 as nP!e. Th? Il.v-rs are ci.ip.m . dout le ar .S tw ist.'il tiireact t. and tte to' ton rwU ln." : twi.-e t..ut e) f...,!? out whea a-!-.- ' only d.n.Mc pi i-.ii, fit t'rever.tiost them rtf.n w Thc.Dm.iex EUiptla is a Rr"3t ftmritt ita i:) l.iaie a lid is u-,! re...; ,r ..' it Fsi-t i'-nabie jii;::u:ue4 lite btaiiilirj akt.-t of Fnhionat-ie vV'o:f..t. J tti F To enjoy the ! io-!r.-; lnerimahJu ''vin'j-, Cri'i!:ine, vil . n ,'(Ti r qu'.i'y, r-erfrrt f'mr ic.,., stylish f,-'.'!"0 a nl icSri. 'lecl.i'rr, iarai,i:i,y, .'"' I S 1 j,j tee Eenm:i irn';ie CAi;nu:J. To Z :a:nt inrpo;:: n t Pl,.., n'ar tj n..tK tv. :t, s'irt '-!)..'PLFX" k " thril iui retain j, J. V. Erafiii 3'rt, 7' are cent. me. a ! ni-uce mat every h'.p wi a lunlemz pa. ed :Ur..;.:;i i ccr ire. thus rereina whli'h I ih terret ' t!:Pi r 1 ii i't .. a c BilLr,aii", net li be lou-iii in any ortprti)"; FuV sa:e In all 6t..res-mbere Firt Ciass 4!rtiM auMthrotho-it the United SutJ 4t-i a.vhera' 2Iatuiaf'i ei! ! y ite si;e i 1 er 01 a ;,trj WCEtS, Bradley tc Cary, ers it "i 4;. 5! Sis., j t 11-3-Pra 91 C'canj! TO X'ONSUJMPTnx Tbe advertiser, hivirg been re.-t..rei to he-l-.a ir a few r. eelis by 2. vcry'siu-.j !e recie l, afr rV--suJered fcr several ycrs with a seve,- l-jtI;. tion,ar.d tbat dread disease, Corsum;.tij3j, ious to make- knewn io his feilow-sufenrs j means cf cure. , To all who desir? it. he will send a crji" tlt prescription UBedfrec cf eh irg? . wib tiie divL tions for preparing and using the same, whi. h ;. will End a .--ure cure f.-.r CocsnmrrioRjls'hm i;"--. ehitls, Cough?, Colds, and a!! Threat aadLa:,. fejtio".3. ""Iheonly olj .-et f the adver'.itr 103 ding iha Freicrij. r.a . u to benefit the ai (ted i;i spread iEfor:naiivn L:b he conceives t hi icrt'. nable, and hsb'' every gii,Terer wiil tryhlsrf.a. ady, s iiwillc-iJt tbec ttthinj, tti i:ajprerei blsing Fatties wisbir.g the prescription, FEZl.ljretarj mi!,will please addrc . I "v. i:DA?.D A."VILS0N , :!! .i'.r'u'.irg, King? Co., New YCrt. EKKOErf OF YOUTH. A Gentleman v?ho suffered for y..ars frr-n 5-rr. ous Deb lity,Freniature D-cay; and .'! the t'vi of jontb'fu.1 iEdi.-crttion, iil t r the sake of ju? ing bjnn'.ty, send free t t ? i afc inecdif, tfc rt ceipe aid direct;, n r maliing thai:nf ie rm Jf by which he was cured. S.;J.r,TJ wUhi.-jg tc pr f it by the advtrti;r's upei Iff.iP, ;ln d- o I ad dressing ' JOilX K. 0(lLE y.) IJ Chenat St.,fN'!w York. STKANtJE, BUT TllUE. Every yuung I.uiy gontlecr.nn iu tf)eln:'tl States ea hear s- a.ethir z ery mu b to thir il vantage ty return ::.ail : tree . f y h . rge by ad Jr;fc ing tha ur.ier. itrt d. Th se hartg far buuituged l.loi:ige,by. Ewt ncticicg thisearl. All ordrswil.r'.eaie addre-s tbein i"di-r.fser; TllOS. F. ( il Al'.MAN. 8C I Uroad vay, Ne JlotJt " S M. P. 23-ly W . ? PI ; k 5 ? M r - i t erf ( ( 1 1 , ui . , ,i, , u 5 .HERO II A 1ST Tg. . niflaacoiii ::nJ Cabinet Organs .Ve .ire'ijjw r rD;ireJ to J c-lt ver 13 thu ntr I'nr rr- i.r- t-hriiOd J.iriou kr.d Cabinet Or-ar.3 at Fattory Frices This is the Let: rrrortuniiy ever yet c ferrtd, in this'? ociir n, tj iccoszie p sed cf. cue cf tht's s:; rior ir rt:r;ie CCO. V."HILL"& CO. : - :- Jv.'.crizcJ Jz?fi!s. r S a ' I 1 - , J PJ ' r 1 ?i) J-A-rt -, 'SrL; j r " 1 r ! r - i p r' -j - J z 1 -r r-. A ' -q U;5 - - h t.fd u 2 w 1 . f . a. 1 1 i. 11 n f -I- & M t. a L3 1. ? m o 5 1 - ;i -7 . Li .oral v 3 Hih I H -r u ' ' - 'oy r n ! I !