Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 21, 1867, Image 3

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: 1 '
JUrrif-Se Lieenr-s.Ae. Ac. Ac. for ;.: at this 0.':?.
rlTysTvriLLlALlS, v-volg tte n-Lo
je(j In St. Louit for this par"', will alter, i to
fctiEiesll-tctiocs and purchases imUt C.'.y. Cct
Xorlzcd Agents for Prince Cc.
GEO.W. IIILL&CO.,&relLeautbcrizcd Agents
la Keinata Count? for Geo. A. rrinee A Co' cele
tal Cabinet Croats, Helodoons, tic. Forr-rica
Ai!;cM at the Adctrti$er OJ.ce.
!r?"r csT b rr iceix d i xii. r
Tuleni Mail, daily, except Sandy.
Arrives,, o'clock, a. B'gbt,
Departs, U 44 p.m.,BiKht.
Korthew Mail,dilj. -.
Arrives, U o'clock, p. in, tight
Dr.arW,J " tlht-
ArrirWToJJ, TbursJay and .Saturday.
JCortbcrn and Eastern Uailscluftat i,p. m-
I, 500,000 Brick wijl be laid in ih:$
tity tie coainj season.
Green ArFles Crar.berries, Potatoes
j.c at SWAN BRO.
Com ! Com ! Casli raid for Corn
II. C. Lclt, Laod Atnx and Auc-U;-eer.
. .mm . '
A New Lot of Books jusi receirsd for
the CitcJaiivg Lilrary al Marth Si CVs
CsnlGIl Clipper FlO .73 for tale at
500 Jthn Deree's Celebrated Molsne
Bjy your Dry Goocfs abd Groceries,
oots aDd Shoes, Hats and Cape, Yankee
Nciict and Fancy Goods at
Rainy &. Lewis New Goods are going
nfT like lots cakes, especially those fine
"Dress Goods and Clothing, winch are
ood and cheap.
One Lceper L KIddar E.SIcs
PIOTT for Sale. Enquire at this office.
See the advertisement "Cosier''1 Pat
ent Medicines in to-day's paper. They
re for cale at Holladay &. Co's.
Harried. Oa Thursday evening,
St b. 7ih, at the colse of divine service,
'a i Nemaha City, by Eld. R. C. Barrow,
"Mr. Win. H. H. Knight and Miss Mary
B. Sken, all of Nemaha City, Nebraska.
r, 3 :cr v.: 9 a ;
that went down at the seme time will
x.ererget over it.
.We learn that by the great thaw of
Jart week the Little Nemaha in several
place rose above its banks. No darrtae
yet reported, and we think no serious
damage was done.
Peterson's Ladies' Magazine, for
March, is received and contents noted,
rla full cf the latett fashions and choice
reading matter, and is a splendid speci
men of thii magnificent Monthly. All
cur lady readers should have it.
We would call the attention of cur
readers to the circular ofj.jS. Williams,
ia this paper and urge all la comply with
a request so reasonable. '
The object is a gc-od one. We have
no heiiiation in saying of Mr) W. "that
he will do all that he proposes to la good
faith. '
The Tennessee House of Representa
tives has passed an equal suffrage bil1
stipulating that negros shall not sit oa
juries or hold office. It is supposed the
'Senate will pass the bill without the ob
noxious clause.
A new counterfeit SIO note on the
.Flour City National Bank have made
their appearance. They are described
as tell calculated to deceive, but still
.have a blurred appearance by which they
nsay be detected by comparison with the
A rather curious streak cf weather
visited this section last Friday miming
about daybreak.' From a heavy bank of
clouds la the West issued several wind
flashes cf lightning accompanied, by heavy
rWHT Not. We can see no reason
.by'D. B. DeLacd & Co.'s Best Ch em
ical Saleratus should not be used in" all
cases, as it has no superior, and v,eihs
. "mere than other SaleVas. '
Kesrly Atclucnts. A fine &t the
residence of Dr. A. S. Stewart burned
out last tight. Lively tioe fcr a spell.
No damage done.
We "pied" a form this mowing which
caused a reduction cf two cciucita cf
! reading matter on oir first page!
AL Scdors let loose his team fcr a
- nouicnt this morning near the brieve on
2 -J between Main and Water, when they
raa'onto'anJ bj the side of the briJge,
. fkin?r.g up the "horses cousiderably. that's
V.l. '
The ice in the Big IludJy loosened
tnd moved down the rirpr" d'lln'a vp.
rday; its all-right this' ir. emir-, and
cany are crcjiin.
Cfciae & caa Ij Co ts.a cf Vnllt,
To tLIj Cltj vitb t'-rvj Cr4"srs, '
AdI vi;boat jy fuaJ or f jht
Ia tba so'.evz bint cf r '--t
Took roncttloa c! tte Lc : 1 CZoe TiTe.
T!b&t tb pol.ry Vf V.'.l. P.
It lie t to lc ci;;uk3D. .
Lat ADirwJfebcson b r'jt
To g'.Te the CCje to nhom he ki'&kl
A-ti from Liia U e-an't be Utea
Now C;j friend T. V. I.
them Eooks erer be
Frtva yoa the Kny be Uken,
And hea V.ej tiia'ere A'n
for J. S. M. you ill bars to praj
To bars the O'oe atraiteaed.
' ' 2f. g. BAKEI?.
Jt rirlr' z TTf-7i T We rive to
day q-ii;e a cullectica cf new Advertise
ments, wherein every reader will doubt
less find something to pay him for a pe
rusal.' Young and old, all should read
them and like immediate steps to acqure
theHeahh, B a ity and Wisdom there
HTfTci Pnnfcrtlast Thursday even-
4 f
icg. was a p'efeci 'success in every re
spect. AUhcisgh tl e weather was verr
inclement the Hall was crowded with ap
intelligent and appreciative audience.
The singing by the Class and Ciub was
excellent and "gave 'great tatisfactioa.
The instrumental part of the perform
ance was creditable and gave general
catisfactioa. Prcf. Dye deserves great
credjt in jfce management cf tjie enter
tainment, and the patronage of the pub
lic in any future enterprise he may under
take ia his line. "
ABIMc In a printing OOcc, is
almost as strange aeadingas "abull ia
China shop yet we actually have one
ia this ofuce, for which we are indebted
to the gentlemecly representatives in this
city cf the American B.ble Srity. To
taem and to ibatang-l of light ia'humaa
form thtf Society we return our sin
cure thanks; hoping for uurs-J es and
patrons muuh good Ihe'r'tf rofn.
N. B. We are sorry to state that our
devil has already searched out and made
'dog ear" marks to all the saiutiy pas
iages. Yet, "sich 's Jife."
This morning was undoubtedly one cf
the' coldest of 'the seasca. The sun was
accompanied by a, couple of very brilliant
sun dogs,' of unusual size and duration.
We are tolcj "cf $ strange phenomenon
accompanying the Mooa just beTcs day
break, two very bright spots were se6a
strips from the moon partially to 'the
horizon East and West ; with a double
circle aro'und the moq'c. '
Uh ! but it was "cold. We haven't
dared to look at a thermometer siace.
Josn Billings" ow Bitteth. I rather
like Stomach' Bitters, I kaht tell why, en
ny more than I kan telPwhy I love Ro
back.'s Jilo'od Piris.ut B.ood Fijls is good
for lazyness in the system.
I dont like lazyness of no sort, not
even ia muskeeters.
I want my muskeeters lively. But aul
this iz foreighn tew my purpose. Bitters
bein my subject, I like Roback's Stomaca
Bitters, they are so eazy to take.
It haz bin sed that they woodent run
out, but this I think iz a error, for a'ul
my bottles iz emp'y, and I kant find enny
on em eak.
Testimony. Thousand of mothers
are' constantly speaking ia exalted terras
of commendation of the magic effect of
Mrs. Whitccmb's Syrup for ss?.ing in
fants teething. Ct quickly i "' ? wind
colic and griping'ia tha bow . -, ..3 sub
dues convulsions, which, if not sooa ever
come, end'ia 'death. Mothers, as you
love your childeru, 3o pot fajl to u.-e it.
It costs only 23. cents a bottle, nd is for
sale at all drus? stores.
Cowsumptios. The result of a neg
lected Cough, which, if treated with
tpce.'? pcugh lUlsin) ia season, might be
cured with very little trouble and es
petite. The proprietors do not claia that
it will cure Consumption, but will great
ly relieve any Cough. They h, a cer
tificnte from a gentlemaa whom physi
cians pronounced incurable with Consum
ption, stating Coe's Cough Balsam ciire
SAFii; KEMIUIK fur unpleasant atd dn?ertus
diseases. Cre II jlmboU'a Dxtrct Cucbn and Ia
p rored Iiosb ra-h. ' ' . 1 '
5t, lULiX.
Jut Fitilishtd, intSc.lcd r,ve!c?. Trie tixeentt.
A'Lrct::rc ori the r.'r.tnrc.
Treatment and KatTJral
Cure cf FperiLatorrb r.i, Scmirsl Tt'csinrs, Ia
rolcttary l.rjlskirT.s, Sexual DebiIIfy,and Jurcd
iiaects to JI.irriKjre gi rersllr. NerTtun !., C-jn-ftsptiot),
4'jiie;y, and Fits. MectaS and pLiM.-sal
In"ar.cify. reul;;r? from Se'.f-Abuse, As. I!y
K'J L : : 11 V J . C r h V 4 K' V L LL, 11. 1) ., A u Ibor i f lb e
'Cre- nTJock." iv. .? . '.. ' . .
The trcrM-r.T.n-7r ti 'author, la tfcis al-ji'ratle'r'.y f r .f5 fn rr his eiprnnee tent
tbe awful conje acnce-Jof sclf-alase art e&ea.
ally remove 1 wuhou-aciicine, a:vl without Jjuji
pcrous suri.-al eperations, bougies, it -uaen tr,
rcf , or cordiAl, poiniio 5 out a node cf care Jit
one cartain and tectual, by wbici every suITrcr,
Bo'iaatter vhat hi crsiriitinn r-Tf bs tn eqra
biojsntf ciia;w f. ) d tiji I.'y, lll'-s Ii.CTL.E
Sent uriiiiriefdjis a x'i-'a aavelr-e, to any ad
dress, poftpaidjdn rectirt fct six cer.:., or two poet
QZe stantj-s. Al.o,- Dr, CuItm l.'s -i:rTise
Guide," jnco i cccts. Ad J n- : t ' ; e r 0 ) b or.
' li" L:-- :ry,J-.'e-.Y-rk,
rotOlZcelox,4,r!:. 11-5 12 -3
t "TT(- T
i V. 4 ,k l.J
. i Vi I i : .O V- , . i I iJ S . t i J
Zsvszl tt'l";; ;r-t r $.fcr. of tl.Q Ttlrtr
Ti i; i ?:uJ lytho .-nut 2iITc-Js3 cf Tep
r1 -.utivej f the Uaitol tslctss cf Atieiici is
Ai-cxUed, : - ' '
Tilt tJi i ommisionr of puttie ttiilJlngi te an 3 be ti
fcerfty fnit'r;ie4 and iirectfvl, ia iac'i ur.anrer as La
tij te !a BMt i 'c-jr, t unit Ent Cnf tsl Street
be tiaded t rori TLirJ Street t o eleveu'.h Street east
to eleventh ',ret, asd to raa$e t!i sqawre at the in
terrertlon of eaiJ Mri wilri- X igsicti iso'.t, Xort!i
CaroliEa.T'sanM'e, and 'IZeidaci av" not, tseiweoa
t!eren'.h and Thirteemh streeta east, t be eac!oed
vitii a -wooden ?enre. ar."j the isms 1 be Xaown as
Lis o;a square. And t: uia of r.fteea tboaand dol
Isrj is ieieby apprcpriitS'l oit of my mosey la tfie
trcisury ut thermite approprliievl, to talta the
iJ lsnprovement to be ciada.
ApprnTel, July 25, IboS
Public No. 251.
An Act la HsUt'on to tbe nnlavrfal Trr!.i
, , OT:rccrit AVat-er Pipes.
i Co ii dtiacted hj the Ses ate and Uoase cf Hep
rj?cctttires cf toe United ' tuti cf Ac'erica' ia
Cocgn ss Assembled, " '
Tbat tbe unlawful tapping cf any pip laid
down i a the d istrict of Columbia by astboriljr of
tiieUcit 1 .States is bereby decl:ird t be a i.i'a
deiDcaoor and an in jic table effeme ; and fcny pcr
fon who may be ir.dic'ed for acd conricted of euch
fence in the crimical court of tb Eistrict of Co-
lunabis. sh all be subject to such fine &j tbe court
may tfc-ink proper to impoce, not exoefciing tb
buourd dollar, cr to iiuorisonm )nt fjr trta cot
exceeding one year. Anl it is bereby made the
special duty of the comaii3ji'rer of f ublis btiild-
icj8 to briog to ia9 notue oi tae attrue oi tee
cited Statu for tbe District of Columbia, cr tie
gmnd jures tny icf faction of law.
i p rv ft . J u ! j . 1 ,3, 1 b 0 i
TuHic-No. 255
An Act uthoriij trie "TETnlry aTd Clcirance of
cstli at the Port cf Calais, Idame.
V it tnactrd ly tie Senate nnd llouoi nf Jlep-
rttenUtictt of (he United Stales of America i Con
jret attemtled, ' " '
Tbat, from anp after tbe pafnje of tbis act, t?ie
Sccre'ary of the Treasury tuy ftutborize, under
guch regulations as be shall doem neoeisary, tbe
deputy collectrr of cust)tnj at the part of Caliisdn
tbe State of Jlaine, to enter an eiear tcssois, tna
to perform sach other officii'. oU ai the sail dpo-
rotary ehatl think advisable. .
Approved , July Za, iso J.
An Act rranMnr the Right f Way to Ditch and
Canal Owners urer tbo i'ub.ij Ludl. and fur athof
paoposus. .
Be it enacted Iw the Senate and Uoue of J2ep-
reteutatleee of the United Slatee of America in (Jon-
fre$ aetenibled, .
Tbat tbe mineral lands of tbe publia dnjral'.both
uraeyed and unscrey1, ar hereby idecliired to
be free acd open to exploration and occupation by
aU'citiiensof the Un't'id States, and those who
hare declared their intention to become citizen,
iutject to such Teulati as a may be pnsvibed
by law, and subject also to tbe local cutsns or
rules of miners in tne several mining nutnets, go
far as tbe ame may tot be in cocCict wilk tbe
laws of the United S ses.
Sej. 2. And bo it.furtber enacted, That when
erer any perscn or association of persons claim ' a
rein or lodei of qusrtx, or other rock in place, bear
ing gold, silrer.ciniabar. cr tcper,' baring preri
ousiy oocupied anl imp'ovel tbe sacse'acCurdinj td
tbe IcchI coslom or rulos of minors in the district
where tbe same ls eitatted, ad hvin xp3nddi
in Retail labor and improvements taereon an
amount of not lea than oni thoasaa I d !! ,aql
in rrgird to whose posfe'sion there if no sontro
sy or oppositing claim, it shall and my be lawful
for fail clMmant or association of claimants to
tic in the local land office a diagram of the same,
ti extended laterally or otherwise as to conform to
the local laws .customs, and roles of miners, and
enter acb traot and receive a patent ' therefor,
granting such m'.iie, together with th right to
follow such rein or lode wipi itedipj.aogie, and
Toriations, to any depth , although it may enter
tbe hnd adjoining, which land adjoining shall be
I 1
tl.e Ud.
u &.1 pa'
sane in a nespaper published nearest to tbe lo
cation of sai.f'eUim, and 8h.ail if so post such noti
ce in bis office for the period cf ninety days : and
rud afUj the expiration of E.iid poriod, if no al
rer?o claim shall have ieen Cted, it shall be the
duty of tbe surveyor-general, upon application of
the party, to survey tbe pieniises aDd make a
lWeof,iBdtrsed with bis -approval j designatiag
the nnmber and deription of thi location, the
value cf the Ubur an l impro i,a.,n I and it char
ter of tbe vein exposed ; m4 upon p.yment to
the pro;or cfTi er ot fie dol.ars p;r ao.o, together
with cott of such purvey, piat and notice, and giv
ing satisfactory evidenoe th it said diagram and
notice bare been posted on tbe claim during said
period of ninety days, t!ie register of th inl of
fice shall transmit to the genoral ind uillie ii I
plat, survey, and description : n l a pUea shall
issue for tbe same thereupon! But a d p'at, sur
vey , or description shall in ro caseco er more tans
one rein or lode,and n pitiat shll issue for m jir
than one vein or lode, whiob shall be oxpressed nn
tbe patent issued. b .v-"
Sec. 4. Anl be it further enacted, Tbat when
sue') location and entry of a mine shall bu upon
untnrvejed lauds, it shall and maybe lawful, af
ter tbe extension thereto hf (be public surveys,to
adjust the turret's to tbt limits of the prcmiics ac
cording to the loeatien and pcs-CJ-ioa and pUt
aforesaid, and the surrejor genera' miy, in exten
4'ng tbe surveys, vary "tee aam faona a reitaoga
Jar form to suit tbe tirctimstances -of - the .oouutry
and Jbe local Eujes.laws, and customs of miaars :
Provided, Tba no locstion hereafter made shall
exceed two hundred feet in lengthilong the rein
for each locator, with an additional claim for dis
covery to the diicoreror of the lode, with th right
to follow such reio to ony.depth, with ail its dips,
Variations, and angles, together with a- reasonable
quantity of surface for tbe convenient working of
same as fixed by local rules : And proyided fur
ther) Tbat no person ma make euro than one lo
cation on the tame lode, au 1 nut wore thaa three
tbouand feet shall be taken in any one. claim by
ajjr.a$socjationf persons. i"
Seo. 5. And be il fanber enacted, Tbat as a
further coniitiouof sale in the absence of necessa
ry" legislation by Cvngress.the kcal legislature of
any State or Territory may provide for woiking
mines involving casements, dricge ,nd other n
JSAry means to tlicir eomtlete davelopment ; and
those conditions shall p-j-lvlly expr,ie4 ia tne. pat
Soc 6 And be it further enacted, Tbafwbencrer
anyadverne claitc&nts iy mine located anl
c'aimed as af.ireiaid shall appear before the ap
proval tf tbe survey , as proridei in the third sec
tion cf this act, all procudia;s si!! be stayed vn
til a final settlement ;id ad,iudication in tbe cour
cfcf-tupeient jurUdicticn ol'tUe righu cf josi9s
ciou totucb claim, wben patent may iaue as in
o;her cacs.
Soo T And be it further enacted, Tbat the pres
ident of the Uuiiel Sutes bi, ead is hereby, au
t!ioriztd to estab lis additional land districts and
to a ppotiA the necessary oSoers andr existing
Inws , wherever be may deem gibe aa&e nectary
far the public fionyeiooce ia exceedisg the pru
risions of tbi '.t. . .
Sc. 8. And to it fartber aaaoted', In -it the
Tiht of way fa tbe construction-of att ways "ever
fublljj.4ands, cot reserved oi public nsas, is hera
3 grante-d. - . ,.. -
9. And be it furthtr tnaetei j Tbst when
ever, by priority of posacstion, rights to the use of
wtter for mining, gr.cul'ura!, njocafaoiurirg, or
ttber purposes, have-vested aud j;red, .and tho
taie are recogairei and akoowledl by the lo
tal and the coutU. the posiesiirs
s.ud ewners of such vested rights snail be main
Umed acd protected i a tie sr;me ; aad tla'rigbt of
way fur tbe construction' or didt:ats anl can;s fur
tbe purposes aforesaid is heraby acknowladged and
cotfirmed: Provided, however, That wUcnever,
Wtor the psag3 of this act, any pa s;n cr pers
oaj sha 11, in the eontruct'.on of any ditch or c-
nai, injure or damage the eosscssiou cf any settler
on tq public domain, the party coramitticg such ?
or uaaia?e stall t liable to tbe pary inju
ry or uamage Lali be liable t'ae paity. injured
.or such iiijary cr damnge. ' ;
eo. ID. Aud be is further earvctel, Tbt irbe'r
vi prior o tbe pa?sg of tbli.sct, upon tbe
v-' .lierc,to!or8 designated as' urserai lands,
wbita haye been exe'uded from saKey tsnd sals,
t."trTe- been homa-steads mde by citixecs of
tlr I liited States , or persons who bive declared
ti-e;r ictentpia to become citinns, whice bom ea
Jteids Lit b ea mile, imrorel, ani u?-j! for & g
ncaltural purposes, ,Dd upon which, tbere bare
lwa Ro valuable mires cf gold, s;iv?r, cSiataror
ctI l'r dUoovcred,acd wbica are prcperly agrkul
tuial Unlj, the said fettlers cr owners cf snch
bvir.estesd3 5l:jjl have a r'ght of pre-emption therr
ftp. 'and ibJ Jte eat; tied w r ir 'b tt rarj at
tie price cf oca. dolUr aid tre:r .y . cen i per
S4;r, aud in. qaautity not to ex id- oae hr. aired
anl sixty-'acs . cr faii j r;iej iay avail them-
iclret1 cf tbs proTisicns cftie act-cf Cocgres i ?
prove! S!ay twenty, e'-- eei bur f red anl sixty
tKo, cntitol 't-'r, act to secure Lomtstcodi tcta
al settler on ptbiic domain," and acts aasnlatcrjr
r- '-' ' 1 f Twit x '. q
I, 1,3 Cacratary cf
i':j izrv-T Cf tie Ii". U t-
llt Iti:r;.? rr-v d :.''- J aal d arirt sich
per:' 3-s cf t!io r.IS lit ia r s s-re cl-arlj -ricalt-t:?:l
U:Ii, li.a t..;Isli:l tberiiftar t subject
to f r-x; 13a a-ui s:-l t -.ber publia lacdj cf
tha United Stat?, scd su"-; ..-t t alt tbe laws anl
rrrulaliors S';-;i?abls to t's uaui. 1
AriroTi,J::!y 3,1-33.
An Act to aatfcorixa "The Cle'apeake Fiy tz
Potoniao Eiver Tiiwater Canil CorQpary', to eV-
t.r tbe District cf Columbia, acd ' extend tboir
Canal to tbe Anacosta Eiver at any Point abore
Uenairg's Bridge.
Be it enaottd by the Senate and Ifotisff of Rep
resentative of the Ur.itti Statet of America in
Congress Atsonbled,
That "The Chesapeake Bay and Potomas Hirer
Tide-water Canal Company,' incorporated by tbe
general assembly of thState of ilaryland. at tbe
January sossioa thereof, eighteen hundred and
fi.ty-ix,by an act entitled "An act to inoorporata
the Che.apeke Pay end Potoraic River Tide water
CannS Company," be , and tbo same are -thorized
to extend tdeir canal from tbe point where
it striken the. boundary line of tho-District to tbe
Anacost-a River any piat tboreon abova Bon
niog's 'bridge. . ?
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, Thit tbe are hereby aathr)riie4 and empow
ered to take , purchase, and hold, for the jmrposes
of this act, so much real estate and other property
as sbs 11 be neee?sarrily required for the proper con
otruetion of the ex'en'ici aforesaid, nnd for tbe
con jtrue'ioa of a!T proper anl convcisnt,
locks, Yeservoirs ,d(ck,aa "wb-!rvi, -to be con
r.ejtcd with sail extension. And who'i the' said
company shall noj ba able to procur3 such real
esiate by purchase from tbe owner tbevcf, or the
owner thereof shall be a femnae cjTert, iiif.-it, noa
crmpa mjntis, imprisonment, or re ilent beyond
the District of Columbia, tb"a j plication may ba
ende by tbe preidut . of ?uid compiny x,i the
chief justice f the supreme out of the Lri.fri.;t
of C-dumbia, for ihe appointment of three pmo ij
wno snail be ireenoiaerj m oia Untrut,a a o:ij
mis ion of inqnest of damages, nnd who shill go
upon and inspect any propbrty proposed to be taken
by said company for the purposes 0 )utouip'a' d by
this act ; and beforo any person so appointed a
such eommi-sioner shall proceed to act, he shall
take an oath or affirmation that be will fairly and
truly rala3 t -e damages sustained by the owc!r
or owners fcf any prt.;erty by the uo and ocenpa
tionof any such real estate, water r'hts, or otbar
property , by paid ccrnpaay ; nd said commission
shall reduceheif inquisition or fiilin to writing
and sgn and teal tbe same, and it sba'l th n b j re
turned to the said chief juslice, who thai! Hie tht
same in Ihe offi.-e of the register of d?el3 of th:
city of Washington. U it no such liquation sh ;1
be b; d nntil after ten da'j notice thereof has
lm serv-od on the owner of the real estta so to
be taker, when be resides in tba Dut ict of Goium
bia.or by tublication ef noiica in-orisor mire of
tbe dajly ncwpaperi published in the city of Wash
ing'en, lor twanty days wbera such ownr resiles
b.yoidsaid Di-'ti ict. When the owner is a fam
ine covert, tba notice shall be to her anl h-?r bus
band ; when be is a miner, to his guardian ; and
when ue it non 0 mpos m ntia . to his committee,
or the person having charge efbis estate. The said
report shall be conarmel by th suyreau court of
the DbHrct of Colombia at its next tarm aftcsr tbe
re:urn ofrid report, unless forcaa shown to tho
contrary. A"n 1 wher9 gool catt" u1 th ts shown,
tbe said chief justice shall set wids said inquest,
and appoint another sijiilar comniiii n. wbi shi!l
qualify in tbe am? m inner, and w'iogc Injaisition
s'h&il I e tiken , returned, L1, and 0 -atirmcd, or
set asid'e for god came showa.ln tbe same man
ner as ih 1 fi'st irquisition wi taken, returned,
file 1, and coafirmel. Such inqu.sitioi shall de-
i be tV property tike by mHes anl bjnnds,
and the valuation thereof shall be paid or tender
ed within ten days after the confirmation of such
inquisition by aaid district court ; and when such
raluatioa cr dSj nagea are so paid o" tendered, said
company sball have & fall and perfect right to ea
ter upon, use, ocenpy, and e&joy a iy property so
valued during it corp rate txi'te-vsa, 'and all es
peoses iucurrod by sach inqu;Ui a shall ba paid
by said ccmpany.
Sew. 3. And be it further enact .d, Thi.t it
shall be lawful for said company levy, demand ,
and receive such toils and rents for tbe use of the
wbarres and docks of said company on said exten
sion, or for freit trane-iorred by ii I company, or
for the pas fago tb:o g'l na;d extension of boats,
rafts, or any other wir craft, as a majority "of
tie dirlor at any rlar ma;b J shall a?sj
I ; ' - ' ! ' ' .: 1 : ' 1 tr.j ; ? to i
ft i t;vr hi c-;- 't 1 ' ' 1 t - a ; ; -lie
highway for the traajo rr m a ot a'i g oio.m
mdiiies, or produce cf cri rjf kind and dcacriptioi
and for all c.vii 1 boa's, raits, r other water crafts
of every kii.d wlatevur, upon ti e payment of euch
tolls or rents as.are au hofjZod tx.'w j imposed by
this act. - '
Sc. 5. And be it furtb r ena tc-j, Tbat tbe
said company shall per nit all piolic property be
longing to the Unitol Slats to pa. ibrough. said
canal exten ica free f !l . hrge of t ll : and the
said company-shall, f rt m tirnd tiiu -, as moy be
required lay before Congress a jut and tmo aci
couutoi irrceip's a id expend: u cj on stil
exrr.s o,, ivith avgtat miat .' ibj cloir profits
thefoof. '
Suc.C. An I be U farther enacted, "Taf, sub
ject to to tbe afres il provUious 0. lui's ait, all
and singular tbe pRif iionj of tho aforesaid ac: of
the gene, al a-sembly of tbe State of AI irylan 1. en
titled 'An act to incorporate the Cbeapeke Bay
and Potomac River Tidc-wa'er Canal Company,"
relating to the powers pliabilities, and authority of
said company , in tpiratirg . n) 1 using their canal
shall toke a Sect and applj; to the exiecaion afore
said in the Di3trict of Ooluncbi. '
Sec. 7. And be it further -"enacted, That this act
ball be deemed o public act, and sball take effect
acd bo in force- from and after its pass&Se, and
-ball be subject to alteration cf repeal by Con
fer ass.
. ' Approved, July 25, 1S55. -
public No. 26-3. .
An Act to authorize tee Issue of certain Bonds in
Denominations greater than One Tboisaud dollars
Be it enabled 6y tbe Sensta an4 Housa of Rap
rcsentatires of the United-Stat ' of America ia
Congres Assembled. '
That hereafter tbe bods of the Uitel F(a'es au
thorized by tbe act of July first, eighteen hundred
and sixty-two , "To aid in the construction -of a
railroad snd toiegrapb lice from the Missouri Rir
er to the PaciSo Ojean,"' and by all acta amenda
tory thereof, m iy be issued in denouoinatbiu grea
ter than cne thousand dollars, tt. tbe discretion of
the Secretary of tbe Trjwury : frSvidil , bowever
That it st all at all ticca? be optional with any rail
rond e.maiy whatever they will receive b nla of
a lar-r: denV!nikk;qn than one thousand dollars.
Approved ;Ju!y 26,'lS6 t.
Public Np202.
An Act to establiihed certain PoH-Heads.
Be it enacted by th Senate and TTotise f Rerre-cn-tative
of the Vniled State of Amtric in Conyn$t
That the following the e'Ubl'sbed a Post-roada '
v 5ew Yoik. .
From Tarry town to White Pi uns.
11 Ei LAND.
From Eoaoa VUta,"TiaAli:tbclTiIIo, to Cocpcrs
rille ' nnouE islxxp. '
From BlackytofTB, Tia Pascaag ,i laTersy ilia, Ha
began,and Alampleville. o Lurriville.
From Des Moines, via itulianola and
Loan :vil!e (Stt9 line.)
From Dm Moines, via AlcClain, Henry, Pajton,
HassrTiii, and Benson, to GroTa City ' ,
From Ar-adia,Tia Buroiida anl Ilale. toStinpm3r.
From podgevilie.ria Jaraos'a Mills. W.n S Bevi'
and Uoitb Ava. From Green Easb,
via Armstrong's Corners, Cnndee, Jfi .Pros'ct,
acd Ebleoj Miil., to Barton. From Wrights town,
via Ett WripbtJtawn, Morrutowa, aad Staple
Ororc; to Pai3f!tte. From Spring Green, ria
Plaia a'nd'aTh'rte M fond, toEeedsburg.
From WUtoa, rlx Swan Lake, to Blue Earth City.
F:om Redwood Falta, on the Minnesota :lve via
Big Stone Lake, Fort Wadswortb, and Fort Union
Montana Territory. From De Luth to tbe Faila
of Tcnaillion River. From Little Fall, via
Lcr.7 Prairie, to Alexandria. From Sauk Centre
via Wenport,Ike Amelia, Reno City, Lake To
JctniB.i? Stone Lake, and Lake Traversa, to Fort
Wads worth. IVsot Terri'ory. From Saiat Pe
t?r, via Lake Pxairi, K Uo. aud Drydeo, to New
.Auburn. From Sbarkopee, via Maple Glean, Xew
Dublin, Tew Markcf, and C'idsr Laka, to Oral, re
tarning thence by flelan, Lyd'.a. and M&rystown,
to Sbsitopee. From Uinoaa, Tia Eaa Claire, Chip
pewa, Fa!'.?, Wisconsin, Fraia Red Wing, Tia
Thomas Car.iey'a Mill,' Wwonsin, to Elsworth.
From Crow Wing, ria Otter Tail C;ty,aai Jlonto,
to Fort Abercrombie, Hikota Territory. Froai E Ik
River, via Pleasant Valley. t,Speacer Brook.
F.ora Monticel'.o, via 'Balfald, to WatcrUirp.
From DuS'aio. ria Uaple Lake tft Fremont.
'stansii. " " ' -Frc-rj
Junctia City, via sooth e',Je cf repub
lican Zirer. Qaimby's Ciin'a Settlement, an 1 Elk
Creek, to Wasb'utoa. From Junction City to
Pacheldcr. From Pleasant Uii!, Miiouri, via ilih
'Blue, Aubrey, Suirsjvilie, Eacias, and Spricg
Hill, ti L'ilJwia City. From Media to Ckalooii.
From raeri3an City, ti Saraanab, to Vienna.
Eron Ottawa, via. Beraa, Mount Getiad, aai Oak
yrr.-ri ITariss C-j, v;L;;.:f fatta Fa, Aulrey'
Es r-.S3. Co' l 7a: e?.C aove, Pvocivi::, ail Trad:.;:
ipllC ...
At' """'3.
r;r:tls-'.:'.3, Ehe ' irUI,C;l;riti,i:ii
Fr. r4 r.'; ley t Sathbury, Tencc;:;9.
Faca Taibc a'Ti letter' stare, TJtloa, k:1
Eliatoa, to Ualcesville-
V. ntana Territory"
Frtzi EIj3X C:j, Iowa, Tia the FeVrasia snl Tfl
Jow S toaa River routes, to Walla Vfa! la.AVaibijj
lonTerrithry. KevaJa
From Wellisgtoa Flat ion, ri J'amios'.a a:d
lone, to AtSaia. From Virginia C.ty to Atnori
canCity. Frcra Aurora, via Columbus , to Siltrr
Peak. From Austin, via Kiagitoa, Cphir Cancn,
and San Anronia, to Silver Peak. From lor.a, ria
Opbir Canon, Boiliiig Spricg?,aad San Antocia, to
Crystal Spri:3,
err Tn.
Frcm Crcg'n City, ria Ct;irg jriil, Glad TiJIr
Silverton, Sublimsfy. acd Soio. to Lebanon, From
Purtiar.d, via Uuion Scbool House,. Pbilip Fosters
on C'ackeca?, and Cutiirsvilla, to Siiverttn.
From Da!la3,via Antelope Valley, Camp Wat?tn,
John Day City, Canyon City, Mnrj-jviile, L'Lioa
Strawberry Va l-y.C iir.r Log. n, aad VVY.low Creok,
to Boisft City, ljao Territory.. From Canyon Ci:y,
via Suifcnville, Elk District. Tines Station,
Creek Icderandence, anl Auburn, to Baker City.
' ' V'aiifornia. ,
Froi Arjdcs to HsTi'ab. City, in Tulare Coun
ty. 'from Lrytown to tl D iano. From ltuiacy
via Jatni.-. n City , Eun&a Mil, Seventy-Six, Tied
CJovur Valley . Jic l aw k , Littie Humbug, and B'ck
worth's, to Sierra alley. From Auourn, via
Greenwood, to Gcorge'own. . From S&n Uaftei,
via Olimi snd Bbliuias, to Pefala:aa. From
V o-jdland, via Ccba, to Iluckeya.
Fru:a Fiatersville, ia Ty 0 County, Tia Twig', to
ilebrun , in I'leasants eouniy. From Sgj,ia Up
shur county, to Uuttomrille. in Rai d Ida county,
From Winchester to Manchester. Fna Elk
hart, ia Logan county, direct to Sweet Water, in
Menard ccuaty.
Fr;m XasbiiHc, in fbeeounry of Brown, ,3 Jlor
gintown,in the counto of Jlorgia.
Approved, July 1S,I.,j3.
(Public JV. 181 ) -
Ai act fo reduce Internul Taxation and to amend an
Acteuutlel '.a Act to piovide luierual Keveai,e to
"Gpport tbe ftovernaien, to psy irterost on tde public
Dbt, an.J for otber ouraes," approve Ja-ie tulrii
tieib, e;go'eon hundred and sixty-Xour, and acl arr.en-
Bo it enacted by tbe Senate and House cf Rep-resentatives-of
! tbii UVited Statesof America ia
Congress assembled.
That on an I after the first day of Auzast, elphief n
haiid ed nd siny-sii, in lieu of the txesvaun
rbnnfac:ar(ii cotron, as LrrriJud in An A t to pro
vide internal reva iun .to .auppor ta government , to
psy interebt on itiepub'io dot, and for otber parps
eV approved June thlrt eta, eihteeo hundr?l and
ixy-fonr, a- am .m5oI 0 tbe act of. U-irqb, tli.ttird.
eiubteeu brmlrel rnd sixty-five, there sha'l be paid b.v
t-h vrxtucer owner, or holder, npoti al! ootton .Ttiuj
ci wtihin ibe Umtel States, and upoa .which no tax
ha 1 been tevle-l. or paie, or cilccte'.i, a ?ax of t'jree
cents per poud. as. he-emafter provided: and the
w l ight of tach c -t 1, shall be asCertolnid bydiduct
iasr fi-nr per c-siftuai for tare rrom tbe gross weight of
ea.-.h t t'fi or package ; and such tex shall be and re
main, a lien there a, in tjie possesion of any person
wjotuoever from the time whei tliia law takes efTect,
or aui:h cotton Is produced a aforesaid, until ti e same
shall bare bepa paid , aad nj drawsaek shall io on?
c.ise be allowed on rtw or unmaaufactnred cottn of
o' any tax paid thexin when exported In the raw or
unmanufacturel condi-ion. B-it no tax kbs.ll be lm
phe t upon any cotton lnportd frrcj ..etheroouLries,
and oa which an import duty shall have been.paid.
Sec. 2. And be it farter enacted, That the aforesa id
tax cp n co.t -n shall bi leisJJoy the assesiir on the
producer, owner, or bolder thereof. And sail tax shall
be pall to the c. lice or of internal revenue withl 1
and for the co! lection district In wukh sitid cotton sha! 1
bare been prodeced, and before the same shall bavj
beea removed therefrom, except where otherwise pro
vided In this act; and every collector to whiro any tax
up n cotton shall be paid sball marke the bales or oth
er psck.tges upon which the tax sball hare been paid
in such manner as nny clarly Indiuaie the payment
thereof, and hll ghe to the owner or other person
h iving charge of such cotUm a permit for the recaeval
of the same, staling therein the amount aad payment
of tbe tax, the time and place of payment, and the
wc;;ht and marks upon toe bales and package, so
that the same ray be fi.lly ilentned ; and H shll tt
thedatyof eejy uch collector to keep c eir andsuf
11 -icnt rerords o' all su-3 cotton inspected or mirke4,
and n'X nirns and idemiflcations there. . and of ail
v '-' ' re-c f j! . f tho , of
: i ti ;-.:' i r.r : 1 : r r'.o, 1 1 1 ' :. u S !j :i ' '.
t -
. . r . - : : ii i . i , i f :
.uire n !.-. -r . r au i-. !..
Kk.ciToc 1 a
collector or deputy collector shall be located, an 1
where cotton may be bro- git for .the purpose of besi
weighed and ai poopriatesy marked : Proi!oJ, Tht
it shall be 'be duty of tt e assossor or assistant ss.
sessor and collector or tlipfltji1, collector to ss-ess and
cause to be properly merked tbe cottor wherever it
maybe, ia sold di, trlct proyided thit necessary tea v
el idg tr enei to and -rom said deigr.ated place, lor
tbat purpose, be' paid by :tb'e ewnets thereof.'
Sec 4. And ba it rurtaer eirarted, Itat all cotton
having been weighs! ant marked as herein provided,
and lor wh ch permits ,hall have been dnly obtained
of the assessor, may ba removed f-om tie district io
which it been pm'uced to anv other district, wi a
out prepayment of the ix dne thereon, upon the ex
ecution of such, transitritioa bout, or other securi
ty, and in accordance yrjth an h reulatijns a- shall be
p e crl ed ty ;be Oouim ss oner of In eraal Ito.-enuo,
subject to the approval ut ho Secretary of tbe Treas
ury. "The saids C'litoh removed st all be delivered
to the collect, r of .h.ernoj revenue or eU dpjity forth
wi h cp n its arrival at its point of deltntioe, and
shall rm&1n tu'j C ta b a cntrot 'until tbe taxes
therjKin d an,y wessary charges of cuitoly there
of sha1! ba8 besa pii'l, b it nothing bereia c ln'aln
ed'ahsll aotboii e any delay of the payment of oaid
taxc for mire thaa ninety days from the d ite ,of the
permits, anl w!:ei cjtton -ahoil have beea weighed
and marked 'or which a permit hiil have b-ea grant,
el without-prep vme it of tho tax, it shall be th9 dar
tj oNthe assea .r geanli ig such permit to give 1mm?
tiate r.o'ice or s ica permit o the colinotor of Internal
dvenua for "the di.trict to which sail cotton U to be
tr.ns r'ed, aad he shall also transmit therewith a
ftat:nut of the t-xes Cra therecn, and of tbe bowl
or other swrarities for tb payment tnereo. and he
8'iatl make fall returns and sta'erncnts or the same
to tl 6 conimis 1 nr (f intoraal revenue. ,
See. 5 A d Be it further enacted, That It shall be
nnUwfol, rrom and after ihe firs: day of 3eptamber,
eih:eea lnndreiht sitl-ix. lor the owner, ru iser
superra-ao. a en, or orhe person h ivl .g charge of
aay vessel, or forcny railroad companj. i r 0 b t irm
portai ion company, or for any common carrier r oi b
er person, to ..ever or to atif mot to con- 9 . or traas
prt any cotton, tl e grow -h r produce of the Unite.!
S ate. fr.-m any point in ibeat atrici in which ii eb, 1
baveb ea pro.iu:el. unless nach bale or packjgs there
ofaaallbave b '?n a'lhtl of aconv aaiu it the
proper marks or cViden'e or the payra n of the reve
nue tax. an.y a rermlt o. the collector for s k'j rem v
al or th permit of the .-ss-asor, as clahe ore pro
vide I, mdar ihe rfgcatuna of tbe & mmissl ner of
ia'.ernal rexenne subject to the approval of the aec
tetary of the Treasury, or to convey or transport any
cotton frem any S'ate ia whica ctto t a prolacadto
any port or place in the Ualted Sia'ei vithoat a cer
tificate from tbe collector of interna reeauoof the
distnes from which it wa brou sht, au 1 aach ether ev
ioence as the comoiissiimer of internal reveaae, sab
JKt to the approval of tbe Secretary of the Treason,
may prescribe, that the tax bv b-ea VA thrr.n, or
t&e permit of the aNesso a hereiucafore provide,
ard iuh certl lata and evidence tf irrsaid obalf be
furnished to the co nerve or tte dtriic. t whtce it ia
transpiTted and his permit obtained Vetore landing,
di acharrir.-r, or detiveritg sucheptton at ?:hep'.sci to
r'-icu. it is ir.m.,o-tei as arore;a':. Ahof ary person
ccpersous who itall Violate the pfovts.oas of this act,
in this res pert, cr who ahatl convey or a?tmpt to
convey , Irni any State la wh'ch c titn ts pio-lu e I to
any port or place wit lout lb United any cot
C.n upon win h tte las bas nat been paid, -tall be
liable to penalty of ooe bua Jrel dollars tor ch bale
f cottm so conveyel or transport $1, cr aticnipted to
be cocveyed cr lraaporta, or to ina'iso'iramt f r not
jsaojreJhaa cna year, r bote; and tii vessels aad vehi
cles empl yed in such cnveyao-je or transportation
st all be Untie to seimre an f ritora. by pr;el.?
iij anv court of tbe United Sitab:vl ijcoiatcut ju-rlsdi-ition.
AnJ a;.l cotton sj sl Lpp! r attempted to
be slurred cr transported witSoiit payiae uof tbe tax
or the.exeoutioa of aim trasprtatioii bo-ids or other
aCQiirity, aa provided ia this act, sba'l b? for.el'ei to
the United States, anl tne proceed thereof di&t'ibu'e'l'
eoci.r licig to ths atatnie ia like caics provi led
' Sec. 6. Aid be It farther cnactei, Taat upon artt
t:clJ laanaractarel exclaslvety fna cotfra. waea
exptel, there thall be allmel aj a Cra-t-ick aa
amoUn; einal t the internal tax which shall 110 boea
ae-sei and p'd no n su:a ariicses iu t.ieil Cauhsvl
co-idition, oud In al lium taereto a drawi)a.:"J or al
loVance of as many cents per paal upoa thl poa.t
of cttoa cloth, yarn thread or knit fabrics, manc
factured etciuivey from c' ton and exported, as h!
nnvetjeea asesfe !md pild in tbe forro of an inter
na taj upoa. the raw etioii nte:lnj into tta manu
factured snid cloia or cteer article, the a aiouatx pf
such allowance, or drawback to be ascertained la aoca
macner as iny be ptescr.LeJ by the commissioner ot
latercal rcf raue, onder tte direit'.oa of th Secreta
ry of Treaaary ; and so raach cf section onolhnalrei
and erentyne of the act of June tblrty: e gtteiu
bnnire-f aa t sity-fc-or, "To provide ths lateiml re
eue to sopp.rt th gjvera injat, to pay l itire t ca .fc?
public dot j, aal for other," as n w provid
ed for a dra0dA.k oa taao iial ire 1 cotloa, is btire&y
repa!e!T .
Sec 7. i r.l be it farther enacted That It sV lite the
duty of-every pers-m, firm, of corp ration, aiaaufic-tnr;-ig
cr:tr f r any prpo9 wta-.evsr, ta aay dis
tress Uere ccttoa is produ:ed. to rc-arn to. I?; asses
sr w asr-Utar t assesir of the distr.c l ia wt.!-h sa-h
rjsr.tifactnrc ' i carrie ! on . a tree ltatera?ctin wri.iot
sij'-.ed ty ci.-n, and veriiltd by tis'oaia or allrwiiioa,
on or batere tho tra:h d .y ef eaca oiaaa ; an I la 9 S-si
statement so reader t shall b9 oa or before t: .tenth
Us-y I Arg'Jst, eii-iteea budred and sixty-. x, and
stall sute tte caaatit of out on which aa-'t p.?r.ufac
turer had ca taa i anl cr.ruanaracture i. or in "p.-oce-s
fo tnstcfa-tare ca the Cr;t diy ot aaii menth ; aal
eaa aut;fcT;e-ii statement stall aho th wtaie cnaa
tily ia picr's, gross we if hi:, cf cottori pn -chased cr
obtain-? i. aad th whol qoatiy c .aiacnal f Una k
aiy fccsiceis or proce-a of maaafanare ir:i.z tt
I tat j.rece'.fla calendar nioata. aal the .ttsa-lty aal
caaracter os the ou maaa.'actarel tasretroin ', -A
every suca maanfacturer or coastsmer sh ill keep a
a, cock, la which he shall e-tsr tie quantity la pounda
ot tV.-vQ whi-a ha has cn baud oa tie first lay of A-
h-1. f
i Ct.v cr i. t - ;r
-)! s'
- i 0 1
t- 5 71'
el; t:si
.'. 1 .
Itajlfl!! i.
earsis 1 1 clM.T.
which u. t':e tr-
. tr ' part.e fro:
a.: :iy cf sai.. c--
1 , Iff ':.:ti v."
t :.
j if
:t v.-' re'
1. '
e- ;.-re a
tiii Sf-ia la -Ti
i--'-art !, t J C"vii-.f,
e i S r-irs-4! ty any
autUo:-:..? 1 to wti a an 1 xoar th itra ; tie ca-xHy
if any v;.a wh;ta t;.9 In hu r. t v r 1 ; ,1. t. is t r as
a la ascert..'. be ore ; .1 f.,r. -.Catarfl ts ?- ', .' 1
:.;olLii qaaotitlos iisol or d.-s;-! cf ty 1. ' if ro
time t U-n? So B;!Trrii) e-f ct: z'tc',-f ..; r'.v.f.d
aud tto r . 1 ;'( it ct tte rr.. t t! r-ejf.
j whicU t.o--i it U a ;it.i-9 dar.r.i i-i.v... t.. rs,
I be i-pen to tt 0 i3-; e-'i 1,1 cf tie as?-ij., r -iiita-.-
Sisrmt a--esrrs. cr-l!?":- oi depn'.y c?i:?r:or cf t;.j
d. strut i.i kt ;r cr ct reveaa ajut; utili ; :ia
nianur:i:tr.rr slail ff rjjialy to t;-, c-juz-zux with.
In the time prercriied ty law, tte tax tir?ia re-13o.i,
;t.ert to nc delui-ti.ina, oa all cottin coaiur:nd by
tin ia acy -naa-.Tictare, aal ca wl.-.a n etcie tax
h3-t previously b-jea p:J; eoi cvejy aa-:a taicv'ur
or'temon r-eS caty it is to d , w'aisai'.l EOi act
or re.' Jjft to mit $cth returns to It 9 ;i ,r,ur to
keep bo It. cr rto raall iru'so f or t: 11 1 j'oit
ret arc 1, or iCiSa fa". .79 futrio in :;cH bo- S. or p?.wtre
the eauf to c-e so done in a ;.uo-a tho py nit of
the tax to he as.see-i thcreoa, f jri?.t 10 in L' u-
ted States all cot tea a-d ait pnklucta cf,. rott-.a ia b'.a
pocwi:a, snl thall be Ilat'.'a "to a patl ty of u t.M5
taaa 0119 tai'Mratid d iiirs cor-mere itnn CrehJ-lrel
dollars to bo rec jvere 1 with coA.s of atuiy cr .to ia;r n -onmeut
nvt excecUsa I wo years ia tue, w'..rr?'; n cr
the Ciicrt a-.d any ro 1 a or persons wli sh :HU nttk4
any faU ojih or a'Urm t iors ii ro'at n to any in
or thiug ber-na r?i ire I shift be g js.ty of perj.ii-y,
ard shill be ea. j :t to.: th j panisiimni pre-c ibeiby
xjstinx sututei f jf to at ofTo-t.-a P.-o-i-iel T:n.
tin eereiec-mtainiil shall be construed ia any m in
noa to il'?ct -be liihility of any re a n foraiy tai
it:i?oscd bi la v oa the g oil Jmur.:ficur?l Iro:a j:a '
Sac. 8 A ii bb it artheror eoao .e.l, To at th pn
r'.sious f t!,e a.-t of Jcoo t!.;tv, ei o h 1 '.t- J t i t
aisiy-four, aaaaioaioi oy the act o' Marc'i the f-.i.-d,
isUte-i Luid.-e-i aal. sixty fle, relati 1; t the a
aesaiont of tax, 3 aud cuforciug the cllic:iin of ths
Same anl !l p.o.el us aj reuelloi reiatiOj 'he e
V shall apply to the nsivj it a 1 1 z V -m o of th
tii, fl i s aud pena t js. impose t ty at- n ,, '-c ni-i-eat provi i i: of toe p e ;irg .u -.t h.i
a:t; ad the tVmm.iloner of Iiite.n A R.-v.-ooi a 10
ject to 103 approval of the Sira ary t th Treaaa f.
tht.l make at! noe.-sary rmJ tes; ala.i ins fora-K-or-itiioij;;
the weight of "all c( t'on o 00 a"-e;e!, an I f r
appripriaie'y ran-kins tte n?, and oai al iy tor
CrtnyiOii iLto ttiett the foreguinj vrovisloo. AiU tho
Sacresiryor the Tresiry is aut:ioriz i to app )Int aii
Eoceba- y intpt-c o: s, weiho.-s, aol uiafka.-t, of c.jttoa,
whoe coibp ;oai.iua thill be CetoraJined ty the com
rissuncr o.r intmtl reverie aad p-i I ia thesicaj
manner as infctrs o, toacoo ara paid.
.. 4iao 9. And oe it fnrttier eaictel T 1 it the s-;t ai'.l
tied Aa Act to p-ooi Jo irr.o-nai reaeoue to su;ip rt tie
gouii amerr, to J.-.y -iiiie.-e.jt oa th 3 p-imc djo: aal for
other pn-p s.s', approoed Jaas thirty ei;o:eeo hon
iradar, l saxiy-Ii.r ameadei by tbe act of il ir ;h th
third erTtea huadied and bia j-a 43 be aoi j.oij
U lierety aaten-ied a f. M.wj t--wii j
Tlirs kcctioa fine be am'eudcl by adJiaj the-etoVj3
foliowu:g: AnJ any ia-.pec'.or, w 'er. -mi ai?ot, or
any special asut apo.nte. by th4 sro-.ary of the
Treasury, rrho sball de a tad or re.enia any ci np.jn-'a-reeer
reard oth?r itaa such as are rr o lei by ia
lor orin regard to the perform uco i fai ottl ial d 1
ties, oa b lll be guilty .of acj ex;orii,.-u or w.iful op -proastjn
in t he d.ichar-e of such dot cs shah upn cjo
li'ctioa there. f ia any clrca.i or iiJtr.ct cou a of the
U .lied S;a;e hanm jariadution ihareof ba suojeot t
a flue 0 not txcejiing one th ann-l dollar ortlrv
priioaiat lor njt exc.e ling 0-1 yir, or -jo:h a. tao
til cretioa cf the coort and shall te di-m.-tse 1 fro u
ctfl e aad shall be foreasr 'lis lailiajd from nolding auf
oftce uuder ihe goaeruaifit of tae L'aitei S.aus
A:id bal f f the llae so imposed -that I be for tne n
of tte Vr-iieS. :S aies a d the ot -e' half for the a of
f,hai.i-oU W ba ascrtaine'd ty toe jodjcient of tut
coutt -n,i shill Q giue tae loformatiju waereby
ayguch.dne uiiy inirwse I,. ,
' i'hat sgttioii eiht be an md -d by "friritla tat of said
section a. I aiter the w, rks un i a 1 app )iutu?at II.
icl tliervciicy shall be made."
' That ?e.-tion foarteea be amealed by s'rikia? out all
ftar th8 enaotir. o atjie, and i iiert.a? In lieu tiirs
of the fol. owing : That tncaie ray pjrioa Oill bo aO
sent from bis or hr reden; or pl a;e of b-isinos at
the time an assatant assess r ah til a: I for the tnn 1 1
list or returnaul no . aoaaal list or r. t t'n b n ooea
rendered hy aaoh person te the assistaot asons w ai
reauirel by law, it shall be the doty cf au;h assiuaa;
ssses.ior t leave at such place of residjaca or bal ias
with Fom- one "f snitahleaje and di-reiion, if so-:i
be pree, otherwise t d.positeia iVe nepret
efH:e, a n)te or xnemuranlu.a, ad Irssel to suh psr
aou, re'imrirg him or her to ra id jr to such sa taut
assessor the n?t or rpturji reiairclty la v withiu tea
days f rem the date of am n note or meinoran lunt, ver
tied bv oa h or iitn itioa. A id If aay per. 01, oa bi
lax nutldod er required ai aforesaid, fehdl refaaor
neg ect to render au:h list or rjtarn wi'htrt ths tim
retjiirei as aforesiii, or if any per.n witha'. noti;e,
a aforos.'ld, shill not de'avar a minthly or other list
er return at the time rejuirei bylaw, r ifii.ypor
son shall deUve or is 1 e to any asieior or aa s
tant assessor any list, btata'ue t, or re'arn. whioi,
lu tbt opinion ot the assess jt ia tA-$ cr fia Ua ent, or
contalui any ur.djrs'a'ement or ut-d.val iatio-1, tt
shiil be lawful for the assofS r to 11 nm .cu su.n par
son, his agent or other person havl .g p jgiessioo, c oa
tody, or caa f books of a.cou it contai iia? entr e ra
latiog to the trade or business of saoh per 01, or any
o her psnou he -may deem proper, to up. e ir b. t j o
fi-v ; a- i--'-r :-vV rr- 1 1 -y surU t.o k, at a tlm i 1
atsl And when ttia pursoa ui.i 1 . 1 ta a saai nahi
dees not reside, and cauaol be fou ii wi.h.a aao.istat
the assessor may eater any coliec-.i n distri t whdre
sath peroa cny ee foaaJ, aad thcr : ma the exami
nation noreina e'o reauthorix.-d . ao.j 10 this end he
shall have and may excrciseall thepiwer and uthor
4iyhe h?.A or may lawfa'ly excrci.n la the lurict ia
which te Is cmmlja oied. Tue nmmjm authorized
by ttls tec.ion shall in all ciass be sirved ty aa as
sis ant a-ecssor of the di trit whei e the pars n whim
it Is dircc cd may be fouaJ, by aa auestel copy de 1.
cred to tuih j.ersea in hand or ;e t at hia last or usoa!
ptar-f a'Ki'lc, f liow nt saca person at te rate cf oaa
day for ea.h twenty five miles he may ta reiiirei to
travel, ccmpuied from the pi.M?e ef .ervi.- t tn pias
of examination ; anl tl.e crrtlljate of service siae I
by 'fiic.h t ssistant assessor shalf be evi ioaca of the fact
it states on the bearing of aa ap;ll aftjii for an at
tachmstt; ai.d wh n the sum noas reiniros the pro
dvction of b ))ks, it sh ill ba suiU.i -nt if sK-b books
arc d'escr ibed with reas nib e cona.iuity. Ia ciotay
person so sa nmoned sh 11 neglect or re'ae t) Vic" smaai ns, or to give lestira ny, or to aoswar ia
Uairesatorles req nred. It sha I b-la f : f r th?
assessor t a apply to tao j a 1 e ol tha district curt or
t a comm S'i nr of tba cu: tit co l 0f theUoitel
S-ates Tor tae .list net wmre th pirsja si nuanajl
resides ror aa attan ra vit ajtiast sich p'.-;oi a fjr 1
e ateaiit. It sha 1 bo tho dity of a 1 h jolja ircii-
I m'.snnfr to bear auoa arpli-a'.ion, a i l, if saiisr.i.-tory
proo; no uiaoc, to issue an artichraoot. directl to a
pr per ctiice, f r tte arre.-t of so;h pera.n, aa J npa
bisbhinit brooot bsfre him to p-oel to a bea'lar.
of the cae ; and up n sao.i herinj the jal'2 or com
DiiMtioner seali bave power ta tn he si:c 1 as he
shall o'com proper, net ins nsl teat . wi h tb p vil
lous of exis ing la-vs lor tbn pauitimn's o. 1 tm t
to e.if r-e. obeiience to .the reenrem nt of the su a
n:o is o'ud pun-.h Vii-oh per)a Ar hi, ..eft'iltor Ciso
ledieoce. ltshi'.lba the duty f -ho as ef,r or as
sistant a of 119 district w a t woia aioa pe.--01
shili bave tax thle proper y t nt?r iatc a. d up-ia
t e preBia,if 5tle i:eccsaiy: ,,f anih pera.n .ore
.u mg or neglcftirg orrpnlcri'g .ftlsor frvudalcnt
a false or frat d i.eht list or re.u.o. aal to mik a:c.r
dn,gto lh9 best infprma'.Ka wr.L.-h be con obtain, ln-c-uding
that derived from the avldsnoe e i :ital by th?
ex ni. nation of the sstes..T. ai.d on bisowa vijw a id
iotorui iti n, each list or return, accordtaf ta tin form
p e-'Cilbcd, of the property, go-id-, wares an! m irch-andi-e,
and gll objects or articles lis'e te tax owaei
or posi e.-sed by or uu.ler ite care ai,.l maaagjmen; of
aach person, and assess the l .here , a iajludiut tne
ciaotr t, it any, due for or inaorae tax , rf in of the return of a raise or f au.lnien: list or va'o
at itm, be shall adl ene nanlre per ccatun tQu h a.
tav; and in ctse of a ref'isal or neglect, except in cu
es os sickness or absence, t m a lister return, r
to verny n.e ti ns . s fores,iid.l shall all C ty e
ceniow t siKB.tix 5 aid iirasj.f nr;ect oris.oiiT.1
ty aickuess or absence a tfore-a d, tho ass.r mry
atlow o.h further tima for m.ka: aal detive ia
such l":ft or renin as be m.'j j t'ge nec-.-"ry, U't ex
cei n; thiny daj s; aad the am.,ont 10 a Mel O tae
t.x sh.d, in ill c. s v, becI c d by the coiici Vtt at
tte same i:uii asp in itie same min?r aa t o iax ; and
tue in-i or return so mada and sabscrite-l ty si ch as
ses or or sMstant as.seesr shall be takn aal -.ep ite 1
a tt'A aod eutHcient for all ;e",:3l pt'.rp-'Se.
Trsi-sorti'ai wr.ei.eec be ainemJ! oy sirikios; on? a",
after' tba' enacting clause, and lrer!in in lien foe-e
ef the foiiowiax : Tt it the a? -e. r f-i nch coi.ecU-n
sisui t stall give nonce y adver'.isex, j it U or.i n w
I' pahllaiel in eaib eonniy wutin s ii '"'trict,
and if ih-re te none put li-beJ io tte d.-irior, . . n in
new-paper p ibipsas l ia ocoilo ioa di-no: a J i I
theret 1, ami a all post notices ia at le -.1 f-.u-- puwna
1.1 .ccs within cah acss..ltct, ail in 11 o a 1
a-c pyof su to each postmaster iu bit d .at? 1 :t
to be poi'fl ia his oil e, s-un? tae time a i.j- pure
wtibin md collection dia ri.a wnen enl wr.ere ipp.;a'.a
will Ue received ai d i!e'eniiirl reinivw to any erro orex vaitlitioiis, sift s 111 u:. nr sua o
rati .ns by tte asesj.- r as. is anv aen r riml
in- tte abouat -it. aui aac; no-1 e !i J te a is
edand postal -.7 tte asse- or ant matlcl a ioroail
at leat tea iiaf btrf ia tfc t-.nio ai ? ititoi f .r hearm
gid aaa!s. ar.d it ahsii bo th d ity of ihs asf o.
fr a:h CeiieciWiQ l!irkt. at th ti-is 1x-i f ir hosr
lug suca appeal a aroresaid. to u aiaa ta j j,re:-. 1 of the ass-crnl ats stint ase-or, anl th
aanual lists tak aEl retained a aforeai-!, to tii
iuHpeLiioa of aay anl all porsi wh jtiay;;! f .r
that purpose. aaJ suh as-s. -r la he-ty aaih.r.zt
ai an y Line to aar and determine ia a unimiry y
ccfi.;iix t taw al right, upon any and alia;-pti:a
which may be extih.txi a.-a;-it th p' cevt:: :4 the
sail assessor or aaicUnt e-a s, aai ,ho.'l 9 o.
priLiiiaiJlaca af tani.esa oi 1 e tail r-s r e ja I
C ops.a Oariai tae b iiiDtss touts os ea a diy ff t.ia
teirn? of appeal by pa-ues w:u aaal. pr voaa
tar;ly before him ; FrjUel, Thit no apral sha'l te
aliowel to any party atier to tall livo tet u d a.y
; rii-.:K !, aud tte ia.nai iLt tuaiala-nj; tne a:es
; "nor:! hts been traaiiuute I ti leo cmirci .r of ta d.s
Strict. And ii appaais ta ite asesrot asa-oresail.
j tua :! b.aia ii ia h t:, ml ali etvy .ytao ,.r-.toa
1 it cnase, cic-.ter or tmcg r-ap ti i h ra a d j.-ic-1
is reiiOSstel, aad ahali ni irio a.-, s.ta s-ro-j.i or li
I ri-.-.p.e of prror co;opiai.T:l if ant the a-a'ssar
j-iaii nave power to re wta.-a Iu atl oterc:-.T.e opo;
o iietiKoi aud valaitions. a::ire;i;'y IL si.jj
as fcha.l appear ju-,1 an i e jc' tab 'e, bat ju a vrUuui ri
s.-s.uejit, or ea-ituovattoa ibil tt te tucreaol
with cat a previjus ::.K;e- cf at l,-. it-t days t tba
pi.rty laterrsted to a: oar 51 1 i ?..;t O tJe a.e ii b)
juio tro; e. .wiith u-ii.e f .A. I t-3 ia wn;:j ar.i ls:t
at toe ae-iuii-h j-aio. on'.e, r pU: , ba in t f
tt3irtf by suau s-ssr, a.-.,tant , cr ot.e.
I t,. t , . i-.i ia t a i.eaij.i c-r u.ail p.i.i-
jo:!'.-e ...l.e-a of :! lurlr ; FrovM-M f:-ihsr, T2 -j
oa uebeaur-'o r;eu it shall be uwful f r tae a
; - r t. r-.1a.1-9 j sjtmuona its atioaOauca ot w,t
i 1 t 7i tae pr-ductiou of bK-i of acoust ia e
aamj act under t&e m.s p-uali-e.-- ss a
r-. j, u u.n o, re: l or Detlci 10 t ara.c.
or 11 ; urns. Ta ca,-; r.,t tr.a ; sa unce o-r icuwi.ia
otinl .;j3.8kS stall La h ta as.jjjor aiJd
Ts bo Cga'.ls; :!.
: 1
1 . r :: .. . a j. .'' - )
T?aru a tr-y f 5 r r.. 1,"' 1'.: . '?a I
Ey S. R. . 1,, 1 --r I J;-:l T'.:',
s.-.-ad-i-ay. :: y .-v.
-. e-v r r.i-.o :!- '' '
n-js-ra'e'7. aM w.-.i
tt? si t;-'y 1 f !!. t '
r -.-t a-.-l s. rr; .' st .-.
I: r,-a i- .-'. J- -. '
.. t'l i-' .,':i. 1 -- --. '"-
t ' 7 r-i " . st . full y
v !- . sli. n,
; - is TftX
' ' ' " -s' al. ""' p. e)
r 1 : 1 :, b! b:-v u 0 r
;"';s. sort, f tj-.'j,''
, -: !': .--?! ;i . "s ,aa
1 s '. -. i i . " . ' . ::' ;-f---t.
-M v '. - : ., Ct.;. ,
of ct ira.: r . .'
Ia no .-the- ":r" is so rm-h '.' .:
rt ir . f ar an. I Ui.;:"; t f" !
tiii.iti . v ol ns;i :. a- I tr .
oct. IV r- ra:t s of i:. ... ; . 1 ; 1 ". ; .
rm..'?"i tii! ?-. h ri"rs !:: I
t..-n of ctsras ivf, are given, i
men, Warriors. Artis-a, Pets. F
i cf a--
. 1 -
tors, r.a, C.nove. ers. A. '...os, -
are in I;;.:.-.) It is aa !;:.,;: ; :. i'' ' ' . - k ' y,
a.'-iua.iit.riX tte reider wit.i trie ;r??r alt a r . :
of roaay grfat noa ar. 1 wt::ira cf i..e j i.-t !. ) ya-,
af.d -t '-'-a pre.-p-.t s-ic, V-r i:.;t i--- -, at A-: :,
Juiiaa i-'-o-ar, t:?akcsj.e r, Vv"j-i-:- a. Xapol
Fra-iMla. 1' ia r.ot. i'.rvaat. T.o:
"t: "r. Irv. - 1, r.j-
B" I a rjri
S;-tt-. -.r, "Zl.e-.-l s.a H-irr. f t a,
H.-liv.-.r, ST
u w, . t- x, kol.'a,
;r:a, T. , I 1 r . .
"' , ' . . i. A ' -t . a
1 ' A z 1 t s t " t r r d.
c pvr, ii i.e. . L.;cke :; s 1.
ii. ai.t:. i'ili, Ci-or. er. Slcvr.
'er, aid nnr Jr-vls ,,f n-he-s.
Book scr.t Lj fx.
s. -t y . : : ' cf
- :
mm nastM i '
v.t 1 r: , ft fi r --" - ...
VTKV.t lT?.:.V.iV.'.- VC. '.tl. . J,TTVa -.!.. i.i I ,
Tiic- very tct r.v --:: o - vzz f;r, cattli:, jiulij & enzzr,
Tlii pv,-ui--. ii i'rcptitv.1 f.-i rt '.'to r?c-a cf .;i
did Iv.ifii.h t';n-vi. ii nr.. I t..s 1 . a J jP
yt-ars u.ii' I t'lf-.M't iu. t 1 'I ! Meek r-.---rs,
iiot f -r ir.s t-.t'-. : c, i..' ui.-o ; t. ro-I-ortics.
l or I'to i" 11 ! in r t'.ii.t..;: s, j; w: l invari
ably L-e foi.L 1 it -;-, ir.-:.;t 5. id r; coc.'y crt:
Fevers of :J 7.i'..j, D-:'.'?;;;yr, Founu'rt
CvitghSy Lois uf -y.t-.V, JIUc 2.,-::,
luw Yiut'r, as aUo all ulascs crh'.n j from a
disordered Stomachy cr an impure stats cf iht
Lloo-I. - " ' " " -:
pAr,sz?.u fcnum iGxrn:c vz:,:?.,
As its uanic iniiicates,' is n fontle stintt:!ar.t.' Un
like tlic many artK U a bold i:ii-oii:-!;i,i;t H p. c nr'ry
for the (l.acndos of Ilors" ar.i LVulo, tl. is re; Ar.
at ton is ctittrtly oi t vu't-tabio origin n.n..rraia
enter i.ito jts compoiiicn. ' 'mr con: r-n-l 1 1
tirely ol aromatic si-, fieri -, roots ainl Lark.t
it may be used wiih full eio.Ji'u us lo iij ervri
safely, certainty, anl n.ib'.ne.;.. r f t jH-rat.r-n it
clcaiises the Ulo.i'l, Ioomt.s tl.e K..ic, pivg tci th
Skin a smooth and ;l.ossy an, rrr.-.ovrs a.i
bad h timers, and by i:s etrtiphi ri;u, Lic-civ;;
jTsrofiertifS. i.ifusis i.r.o tlio i. liiiiaioil, brtea
d nvn nnttncl. r.rti. n nr..! ;.:r'd, acilrtstcrcs tfca
ail luj ntural fjruce u;.a Lctu-.ty.
Cows rcq-.'.rc r.rt rarcfrl s.:.-r.:ion, tl
tbnndanrc of nutritivo i.vl. j'h.- vtbrnj rf
Various farrrvrs) anltl.ii-j' tacr.j a'.Ust tl.e f tct'i.-jt
bj tbe judicious Ui cf
ParkeHs Ccrdld Csr.i'.l'.on Fo'udcr.
the Coxr cf milk is not only c,-rr.:ly increased, l4
the vastly ini rove. I, s tyti.e use 01 tma
powder, tt. tuii'l -tu-y t l v-sr, u!!f ro,n hunior aad
LT-puriUeJ Cf tiiO l lO'.l, arc utwi. c I-. :a.,-d.
Erector nni fatfenr?-? cf ?w;a will roic 1 3
know that a prompt reti.-j'l 7 tor t various -,;m)a.
tlies, to wliich tiiiisc iiaiinaiisrc ,'ect is louna u
Parlticr's Cordial Ccr. ;. : :1 j n To Jcr.
For Cotigha, Fercr", inf.arrrn .ti-'-t of the- Lnnr.
Jleasb-s, Man-.'o, Ki'SnfT Av.'v:;!, .v.. Ac ti.i
medicine acts l:kc a cb.trm. IT '-r Cholera will Ikj ilo esot' t'.is it is at
sure preventative. One pa;r tul-b-l t- a barrel i
fewili and given l'reelv to li jJ, Wi.l SeC-..; Xt
rauvc tacsu' oft fatal ilieaici.
.- - -
-r- ). .. ,v - -
Thn powder bci.irr bot'i Tonir; an i i.iTrdlv?, prr
llles tho r.iood, n-inoves bad t.-int.tra. and wi t
therefore be 1' mnd raot t-xc.-il.-;iliu; rcuttj IhM
Conlition of slieep.
yPrir 1 anl 'A centt ",'' pa'-vi'. frrrarfi
culj by WILLIAM B. PARALR, Si. U.j. '
pJ-For sale ty Dra-jtV.s ad rdcrcLaats every
TD4 & 725 Xorib Maia Street, St. loula.
GnoyE3Tni;iT Co.,
499 IJroai;Tar,r;. T.
rrnC AT7K.VTI0:.ria?pu,:tc an t'-.e trade
1 iii ia vited to our fittc ' , .' -r- Vt-ivt
J?.,ictrood 1't'tno F'jrtti, which r V '. 1 v'3 1 pc
ritj ofj Una are uri.-.i'lel ly, s- y 1 '.. . clrl
ir. tliis market. Th? c.nt-in a'., t'.. v. . !ra ia1
provemcn's, Fr:-i a zrsrA aetior.', h trj pial Uil
frauio , ovcr-?:ran ta, er and ei !i ia-
truant Uii.- ni'ila 1 r ler ths iu"rvis
ion of Mr. J. 'J.A?:tt.zs, h . Ls a ji a.',.'..-al
et- snmcn-e cl' over '.h.:r;j jcirs i 1 their ma tafia
tuf ii Wirracte i ia every particular.
m, VJ aDw.jvwa a. J.a.a W C
Re-eive.1 llie i'3 be;i r.vrari tf merit at th ei '
brats 1 w-rld's ! ir, where were 1 x'-.'.bittd i.-.?r-sent
from the L'-st makeri cf i'arU, t'Jar-
roajij, i'hilalilhii. iiorAofi. l..:!;-.?' a.; I 5
York; and also at th? Arrf?ra?Ir!--titate f r v-.
successive j ears. t..a Gcl an-'. MiTS.t i.'zDaLl
frona Loth cf which car bi .-.: at our ware-r.oraa.
L'y tbe intrwl ft ': 'it . 'f h.-.j ..vevi'j we irka
a s'i.l snoro perfe i. hian 1 f,rt, an 1 iy m.i-t:fju;t-arin
i-xrij, wi"b a itri.-t'y e:..-h r.-u, ar a
ab'ed to cf -r these ins'r'-.r.:oati at a .-a whk'a
wi'.l fr eladi all ctirj 'iti. n. '
Oiir prk-s are froai UJto f 223ca?i;tf taa
in; f..-.t t ! us 1 iaay-forte.
4 Tr'K'iS. rr Cis 1 .ti '.urr'.at ta&Ji,"
'r.'a. H, -.-fc ('-?..-s-fr;4. ;
Henry P. Sherborne,
tiSALr. z:r:.:--i:c
.T"t y i n-u.,i . v,'. rr
.iS.;.vuil iu)a . ,, ;.i
Ct t- . . - - - - - - ,-r--- .
i I. i. .. . . . ,.1 l . ....
.il.vJ auato.. :t. 1 e" v:ca .a
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Xi.' r.el it I'
: -iV ff - " '
. S!
ar-1 vi ,:--r to t e f: a :, s
l?eliii:v i a."::.-"'-torn,
at. 1 if no t:? .
t:.r, iajar..: cr it .
t j c
r-' " -
, 'v mi-.:
v iat.w4i .
HJlSJii lai J
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