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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1867)
4 JOHN L-COUIATP, EDITOR. EKOWNYILLEjnunSDAY, FEB. 21, 1337. KEBiliSKA IS A STATE. The State Legislature of Nebrast rnet yesterJay morning to act opon the Congressional demand to strike out the word 'white' from cur State Consiitution That the action of .the Legislature was decisive and to the point we are assured by the following dispatch, which we are kindly permitted to copy : "Omaha. Feb. 20th, 8, p. m. To Mrs. Rachd Tipton, Ercwnvilk : Nebraska is a State. I start home to luorrow. T. W. TIPTON.,u This is truly glorions news, and ive cannot rtfrain from offering our conrrnt ulatiens to our Honorable Senators and Representatives, especially the gentle man from Nemaha, and the people upon the energy and principles of their re preservatives. Nebraska has indicated & determination to assume the benefits and responsibilities of Statehood, and she will grow in importance and strength henceforth and forever ; with no more Tetces to molest or make her afraid, but with high resolre to live loyally and make honorable "foot-prints in jhe sands of lime" to be effaced but by tha tide of eternity. Bretheren, let us cheer: Three times three and a tiger for the State of Ne braska ! You man over there groaning for Andy, Pan-handle's "creator," dry-up, all Nebraskisns should ncuv feel generous cough to accept any office he might cer ; be resigned, but don't re siga if you hold one. Of Onrselrcs. - For the past three years has our des tiny been linked with the Advertiser, and intend it to remain so as far into the fu ture as we can see. During thai time Nmaha County has prospered exceed ing, permanent and substantial have been her public improvements, and private enterprise has been'fostered, encouraged and permanently fixed among us. Tha husbandman has received remunerative prices for his products because of the large imigration coming in. That irami- gration has been of a foyal stripe, and our vicinity has been shunned by rebels as they would sQn t9 Dry Tortugus. Under these circumstance Nemaha coun ty has given a two-third vote in favor of Radicalism, and is undoubtedly the po litical salt that saved Nebraska. In bringing about the above our read ers all know the part we have taken, and they'need not look farther than in their own neighborhoods to test the wisdom of our home policy against rebels, bush whackers, guerillas and their abettors not better?, .We have erred in Andy, yet then some of the noblest lights in Congress guided In the treacherous path, and when these "watchmen on the tower" heralded the danger, with shame at our "mistake of the headnot of the heart.' we retraced our steps and warned others cf the danger. During the period of our connection with the Advertiser, no one can accuse us cf not having spoken plain iipon all matters. Our aira has ben to make do doubtful sound, but to enun "tat plain ly our convictions of justice and policy. - In doing this friends have had their corns pinched and enemies have had theirs pround. We have tried to forget private likes or dislikes in our public duty. Is then strange that we should have made bitter, howling, vindictive enemies? Is it strange that we have made warm friends ? Our greatest enemies, Dsmocrats, are and have been making all manner of at tempts to undermine and weaken this es tablishment ; in this they have employ ed falsehood, treachery and deceit. In pursuance of this object they have made use cf every material. Sore-headed Republicans have had their wounds lip salved, and their raised backs rubbed by Democrats ; our faults multiplied and ag rivated. With ail the opposition that could be brought to bear "ve sHll live " Now, in ihe light cf the past, with the firm determination in ihe future to stand by the principles cf radicalism and home prosperity, is it too much to ask cur friends to exert for us to some extent? We hope not, and that they trill do so. Let every subscriber obtain for us another ; close your ears agahsj insidious slander, and judge us by our acts aline. An attempt msy be made to Kiermine us by persons who have been "cf the true faith," but who have teen enticed away by the savory smell cf the viisJf in the White House such a jhreat has been cade against such an fcrt friends Eculi aid U3 for the good cf .he jartj uir v,hozi c;r lzci lit pros-j-sicd. T'Jt to square-toed Pemocratio iubn c-r gauntlet has Ejwaysbeen iLrc v.n dor,-a and cur challenge U "G'-e en XzZzZ, Ati Uc.e4 1 t wt first crlw: 'hMJ! tnotijr.." i; w The Pnrls Eipesitloa, From Hon. Isaac Newtca, Commission er of the )epsrtrnent, tve ia?e just re ceived a request to collect and forward to that Department, for exhibition in the Paris Exposition, "suitable specimens of the Cereal productions" cf this section of the United States j and1 vge, in, turn, request that our farmers immediately furnish "us these specimens hat we may forward them to headquarters. The importance cf placing a sample of the productions of the Nemaha Valley in this Exhibition of the choicest pro ductions cf the world, we believe, is ap parent to all, as through this medium we can show the world the rich quality of our soil ; and Nebraska's cereais of '66 will not suffer by comparison to any. Farmers! the lime is very limited, and prompt actica alone can admit us to the show ! Bring in your samples, and we will forward ihem. Home Enterprise. A very praise worthy enterprise has been suzsrested bv some of our citizens during the past week, and the prelimi nary steps were taken last Friday night. It is nothing less than the organization dt a kind of Credit Fcncier based upon actual capital for the erection of dwell icg houses in this city.' The plan, as we understand it, is to organize a joint stock compaiy, with the shares at $100 each ; with the motfey moderate sized dwelling houses are to be erected ; these houses are then to be'offered at 10 per. cent. . , , 1 ,j above the ctual cost, and can be rented until sold, so that in either case he stock holders are assure of reasonable per cont. As soon 113 one nouse is built ana snM nnafhpr in tn hp immPniatPIV ccn. traded for, thus keeping the capital stock M.,...iw ;n m;ftn ,n...n,i J ' . lalmg and constantly improving the city and enhancing the value of real estate geaerally. The plan seems to us feasa able, will doubtlesc be profitable to stock holders, and a great benefit to the citji. We understand the intention is to make the share payable any man may take . 1 J VVe mmmpnd thn Pntornrisa to the favorable attention of our citizens and to r caDitalists ireneral'v. The nrosoeritv of our city is assured and fixed, and the safetvand nrofitableness of the invest- mPnt cnntPmnlated is hovond a dout. T?p!fvv WP rlvP tbP nrorPPdirrrs of thft r f r, '--.jr.- I first meet;n, ana nope tnat tne roeetin'; to-morrow night will be well attended : L. ... . ,i ,..; At a meeting of the citizens cf Brown ville, held at the law office of Tipton, Hewett & Church, on Friday evening last, A. W.Morgan was called to the Chair and Jarvis S. Church was chosen becfetary. Mr. Morgan, the Chairman, stated that the meeting had been called for the purpose of organizing a Joint Stock Company, whose business it should be to purchase city lots in Brown ville, and to cuse to be erected thereon plain sub- stantial and neat cottages to rent or for sale at ten per cent, above cost. ihe necessity ot suca an enterprise and the interest which every citizen ol Brownville should take in the contemplat- ed improvements mentioned by the Chairman, were very plainly set forth a V. waa a ..! w - by Ur. HoIIaday ana others. After which it was tnoved and carried that Jarvis S. Church, Jonas Hacker, Dr. Hojladay and A. V. Margan should be a commit- tee to draft Articles of Incorporation, and report tbe same at next meeting. On motion the meeting -djourned to assemble aain on next Friday evening at o clock, v. Jl., jn the satne place for further business. A. W. MORGAN, Ch'm. Jarvis S. Chcbch, Sec. The "Land OHlce Dimcaltj" Set- tied bj an Ontrae. The "Land Office Difficulty" was tern- porarily settled last Friday evening by ' an outran nnri. .t,,npn,lnn5 IP nnscihl than any which had preceded it in the nefarious attempt to oust, for opinion' sake, a regularly confirmed officer of the United States. On iha prppmrr Donniw TT R it r if J I shal.Dwight, made his appearance in our city, accompanied by the recently reject- ed nominee for the office of Register, T. W. Bedford, and served a writ of Re-f plevin, issued by Rienzi Streeter, Clerk of the District Court, and taking posses- tion of the Books, Plats and Fixtures cf the office in the name of the United States, To this CO resistance was or could h made, and Mr. Dorsey handed them in installments so that City JVVw. We wish him much joy in provides .mat tne president, wan tne con- 23 a hare and easilv ms Dew Connection. It reminai U3 01 tcul Ui luouyuaicsuauBwmo iuyi ia-c: Bitea orsptders, laseeta, inimalss. . . . . . J . . r,M,- ,! , .vll.v rr"Boxe3.25 cts.,50ct.,aad ti siM. over. So far matters seemed straight the permit be immediately withdrawn oouse. ne navmg renieaunm next au enoesb. although no onntnwr. a" ...rTo . ih.t rrt nrrifp. t Rpn. gast, and rent having ; and for damage W w O " w V iiV'J W affidavit the writ was issued on, cr if any was made to base the claim on; only lhat they were taken ia the name cf the United States. Bedford was rejected by the Senate on the 8th. Jf Bedford ever had any right to ihe office his rejection by the Senate cid away with it entirely, and he became a simple, without even the shoddy garment cf Andy to hide his political de- fcrmity. Deputy U. S. Marshal Dwight, upon receiving possession, and with the full knowledge cf Bedford's rejection, gave the Hecks, Plats, 4c, to Bedford, vfio is now acting I Thi is the crownicg infamy of the dirty job commenced by Andy. His semtors end teals in thii Territory !me shown thcrasalves fit material fcr ths tyrast to manipulate. Poor devils 50, lon put cf that they would gladly sticky their hands into bell to rak $xs, tha crumbs from Andy' table. This act cf turning over public, prop- erty to an unauthorized person, one u-Ao th appointing porter has rejected as vnfJ io have then in charge, js unparalled ia the 'history of the cation- Well may the freeman fear the loss of liberty when the Constitution is thus trampled under foot and the Legislative will cf the laud is thus defied by .cringing suppliers at the feet of ambition." Democrats may gloat over their partial triumph, yes, as some of them rejoiced over the hope that the Unioii would be smothered in the flames of the rebellion. Let them re- joice, for their days of rejoicing are nura- ber.e, and Andy's sands of political life ?'are almost run out." Good News to Settlers. As will be remembered, the last An nual Message to our Legislature called the attention of its members to the fact the Burlington and Mo. River Railroad had now possession of much valuable land which a strict construction of their grant did not entitle them to. Upon this portion of the message a select Qommit- p as nnnnlniP.'!. whn hnvf rpnortfid : -rr - r reversed the decision of the former Sec- retary, thus confining the company to the ljue of their road and restoring the lands to market that constituted the grounds of , complaint." We hope that thiais true, No instruction to corotorate it has as yet i ra ; been received at the Land Office in this District, yet we have much u hope from r r 1 Tt .. 11 ii .1, mJ .: I . . . ... t. J . .1 I I . - - I nsnips nve anq six, ianas D0W unsettled in this District ; and their I IJ t , positive restoration wouia mate room xor the flood ot imciigration which will flow into tis District this season. W. A P., .1 Has now opened up in the Nebraska . . ..." . . " wiiere prairie dog, copperhead, rat- . .' , uesnaKe aci pwi ott dwell in Larmony I . rrl mm il wgetcer. ine entrance ot tne.pnivai. rou3 defender of Andy -the creator" is tiiec wita pleasure ty. me JWnates. Thus HcjXqn introduces him : : . , "Mr. iJIOCk JS a radical of the dark- . TT 0 , r . !uo u; - ,5,ue ueai1 .OI loe executive branch : of the Government, and has. the power to remove incapacitated officers." Morton is too sharp to assume the un Uenable position of Pollock, even though it favor fd own ends, but inserts into P.A.W.s platform the word "incavaci- Atated I" This would furnish a key to the situation ; if Dorsey was removed f0r "incapacity" no word of comp'aint would have escaped us. P. A. W., in his private note to us, says: "I do not charge that he Dorsey hai not done hi3 duty as Register.' Morton helps Pollock out 0f the scrape beautifully! Try aain, P.A.W. ! Methinks you'll "save" the Land District yet ! inflj J.?S Officials. Chas. Bojrv. of St. Louis, is one of w the President's appointee ; unconfirmed, . . he is now exercising the office of Superin tendent of Indian Affairs: an office in which the West is directly interested in having filled by a true man, of tried honesty and judgement, not a timeserv. ing toady such as cringe at Andy's foot- stool. A true man was removed to make room for Bogy. Previous to Bogy's as cension the copperhead press found much fault uth ihiV Hpnartmpnt. crvintr war I I J - o and extermination' cgainst the Ind since, thev sav Deace can be h thft Indiana onlv bv kind treatment : and Bor7 - io fatten his appointed'Wers- issued the following permit: -Sih : You iaving : been requested verbally io be informed in regard to your I" I . . - . f "J .. .L - I . - .--.. . rigni io sea arms anu ammunition to tne l"d!an' PJL10"?" aLiA,WAL .h,. nnmn. h ,h TTni.pH fi,J,.'p fiov. ernroent, and are authorized to sell or trade arms and ammunition to any Indians I Mnat are at peace wan and receiving an. rn itlc fmm 1 n o TTnimn Sllp . llnvo rn. mejlL Xhi3 cf course, applies to any other regularly licensed trader as well as yourself." Here we have the essence of the policy of Andy's office-seeking friends, it is, to fill their pockets with plunder regardless of who else may suffer. To this selling of arms and ammunition is thaTnrt Phil. TTprtrnev massacre ehartr. ed by Gen;grman, who demanded that I A BWgWU a a iua w a aavw -y Grant describing th horrors of that massacre, in which ninety-nine me? and three oncers were murdered by Jndi?ns "recehinz annuities from iht United Slates government." This sergeant ''com- plains cf the conduct of the Indian Com- missioners, and says they are f urnishing the Indians with guns and ammunition to hunt with, and they are usbg thera to murder while men." To this murderous permission from Andy'j tool is directly chargeable the murder by Indians cf fifty-nine men in the vicinity cf Sqd Creek recently. And to this murderous license is mainly attributable the presept hostile attitude cf the Western Indians generally. Gen Khprman rnMoorert ti-m I uen. caerman, ca his re.c.ecl trip, see-1 mg thelaliful cperattcacf Bogy'a per-1 I I n. a.. - r me mnaonants or a prairie 002 -note vBAu.v v 1CWCMWU SoidbV ail Dmezista evertwhere. mi, immediately tz it aside, arid was sus'ined in so The people cf the Y?Hbou!d remember Andy- fostering, caraog their interests, in ap- pointing to office3 such greedy, incompi- tant, rebel-loving, Union-hating noodles as Bcgy & Co. q . . -- IMS S 'PoliCJ." tlie "CrC- . tttOF. A statement sent to the Senate from the Treasury department shows that four assessors and five revenuecollectors who were appointed during the recess cf the Senate in 1SG5 and who were not Lomi- nated last winter were continued in odice after the last adjournment. It also shows that these officers, in violation of law. were paid $4,0-16 in salaries and allowed S12.S36 in commissions. Most cf these , persons are still in office, though there appointments have never been confirmed and were not laid before the Senate un til within a month. - - Democratic Wisaop and Honesty. We were amused andTpained the other day to hear the arguments and honesty of spme of our Democratic friends. When we came with in ear shot about the first sentence we heard was: "Well, Nemaha cocntv has made a nrettv G d ' dr d - 1 1 - d d fools to. the Legislature; G d d d 'em, what have they to do with the education of the G d d d nigger, d d em." Democrat No. 1 having fairly es- hausted himself Democrat No. 2 opened up thus : "Yes, and worse, this nigger edu I . v s cation law says, so I'm told, that if I de sire to educate "my children at home free j :. .u - . i. i I tITM . . 1 J vnn pity ror me wt speaker ana a silent prayer for the first, we left 'em, noping mai even taey mign; ce '-.eaucaj- ! .V. .1 - t.t..J . ed up to the pint' The Louisiana Bill. 1 - . -. The bll yhich passed the House on M21 for the reorganization of Louisiana l. A.11L.U ... .L..U wu? -su"oluomteioroneyearliiai"B r : i n :t puim a a iutnaiauii kjmum tu,, u SuaU ua.s ..- n fx va tvarM a wK aKaI Kama mm ih. cations prescribed for the Governor, and uu au B,u.B Powers that all officers of State gene- n . i-.i. rr. A-ii u raiij exrcISe. x,acu OUK?T suau J . . .... on June ls jb II male citizens of twenty-one years, without distinction of race or color, who have resided in the State one year, and have never aited the rebellion, shall have the right to vote for Governor, State officers and members of the Legislature ; that in October next an election by such qualified voters shall be held for members of a Convention to form o n ; . .l-.'.u- Of War Shall ISSUe Orders to regulate u 1 t. . u' . . .' U II . - . these elections ; that th, constitution shall not permit any diftincticn on account of race or color, and shall prohibit the pay ment of any debts cortracted in behalf of fie rebellion, and shall recognize the perpetual union of the States; that the b a President shall forthwith appoint a mili tary commander for the State, who shall enforce the laws, which the civil author ities neglect; that no laws passed by the provincial council shall be valid till Con gress shall approve thpn ; that all laws of the Slate consistent wnh this act shall remain in force. .The Test OatU. The Supreme Court's decision of the Unconstitutionality of the Congressional T... Ch . nnHpd tn th ndmissmn nf a lw. wu.u, r I " I -uPre lurabia- The decision was made upon a molioa 10 adrail AIlen R Ma3ruJ, a ,rg,oia "bel. 1 he motion vas de- i. .b aa a .(.. .a niea upon me .rounu teat tne uecision . J. ? was noimanuatory upon lnrenr courts, lhat a11 court3 Possess lhe erent right t0 "gulate their own rules of practice, including admission to and dismissal from the bar. This geaty weakens the force 0f -the Sft-ijme Couru decision, which was made by a bare majority cf one on a full bench. The "Gunpowder Plot"' in St. Joseph has taken a gather curious turn. Rosen- thai charred upon the amdavit of De- mond .id. auempdngto blow Dp his store with unpowder has brought suit against iemond, cnargin mm witij tne act i3 P him, Rosenthal, out of his to character and business sets his damage at.$20,000. Rosenthal's two clerks have also suid Demond for damage at 510,000 each. The Senate committee on Public Lands on the 11th reported a bill requiring the general goTernment to assume .the trust of taking eight ranred thousand acres of Cherokee neutral lands of Kansas un der the proposition .ei" the treaty of Jat August, at one dollar per acre, payable in tends. The bill further rnakes these lands subject to sale to actual settlers at .Cne Collar and & quarr .per acre m the .,,...1 uww.iuaJUCI. I The UOJoraaO retO has JDOt Tet been . a j . t , , acted upon, and seme doubt is felt 23 ta its ultimate passage. " ians ; wyers 10 practiCB iu o uurl3, Uj CosTAy;DepoV43t, Broad- de4lr imation I v ...!. II ii n t I t2fSill Vi all rrnTTi'. iranaliar. I nA .:,k been sei asiae oy juuge. warier ut tue way,.i.i. .., .;. me Court of the District of Co- . 4 . ,r. , ADYERTISEJIENTS. Aa Old Bens, Sst to a csij T?r.o 1867 M tpriity nfprotcc$ Jlnti and lioacke i'rom thiir hole come out. And 2fin and Ratt, In avite of cat, Gaily tiip about.'' it "IS years established in N.Y. City." "Only infallible reinedj knoTfl." "Free from roWons." . '" 'NotdaDgeroua to the Euman Family.' "Rats come oat of their hole to die." "Cost&rV Hat, Itoach. &e. Extemiaatixs ll a piste OBed for Uatt, Mice, Roaches, Iilaci and red AnU &o ., Ac, Ac, "COSTAK'S" Bed Bug . Exteroin&tor. In a liquid or wash ujed to destro.7. and a preventatire fur Red-BujM, dc. COSTAR'S" Electric Powder for Insects ia for JJothi, Moqnitoe, FUa, B.l-Bug, Hccit on plant, fowl, Avivics. Sc. rrrr 1 Beware t ! ! of all wor tllesa imitalio as ff See that "Costar's" name'is oa each Box, r37Addrejs. " HENRY R, COSTAR, rtr.t.ttrv an.! 1-la.afc. tofore TOP OTlTi - ' isip j.;. v.. V,t Sold in Brofcnville, ebraka by Ijloliadah & Compaaj. And by all Draggutu and ReUileri. C QSTAR'S BUOKTHOHN SALVE. ....jilu u-n.. r .1.1 T J -a.. a.rv--. I . v. . -And tj uull&dax a lu.. urwnyjiieeb C Q S T A B ' S USTIYEIISAL CORN SOLVENT, For Cora?, Bunions, Warts, -e. STBoTes, 2 cts.. 50 cU STBoTes, 25 ctg.. 50 cta and $1 sizes. ""' ""-?" . j a-ST-And ty Ukxry K. IzOSTIB. Uepot 484, Uroad- i wy.N.T. tgy-And by HOLLADAY A CO, Erowrilie, Neb COSTAR'S , FRIPAEATION or Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Used to Soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freckets, Pimples, Eruptions, Ac to" "V,"1" " ". r-j, . : j r .... .t UUI tlCS, pl. COSTAR'S PICTORAI COUGH EEMEDY For Oongh3, Cold, Hoarse Sore Throat, Croup. Whooping Cough, Inilaenza, Aithma, Con t p....i;.i ir.;ni. j . u r . : the. Throat and Lbd. SS'lftSSSiSiJlSr' tiTAnd by IIsxbt B. Costas, Depot 43i Broad- ETAnd by HOLLADAY 4 CQ, ErowBTiii,sebf COSTAR'S CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, 9 k U5IYER3H. DIXSEB I?ILL, Par Kurrnni tnl RTV T7-. ..I. . rt.... Indigestion, Dyspeis, Blllionsneaj. CoaitfMtian Diarrhea, ColieTfcbUU.Terer.. and a21 niiMn.t r V r: . : t rJTB.jxei, 25 cU 50 cm..-add SI s LL. . .6Pft,!l lxnf?itier7wher. --ca ty uarsr . Custar, Depot 4Si Broad- wyrv. V. . 5 , For CuU, Haras. Bruises, Wonnds, Boili, Cancers, P rtr, a sumciert guaraatee, of iti efficacy. Price tne Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind and l"'t'f"? M ?ef; fy ffi1J- S-Pia, on receipt ef Fa,nruinie3,croraioas, rotrid ana m conai- .i' - BSBGEB, SHT7TT3 CO., Chemist. ' tionsd Sore ; Uleerf, Glandular Swehmgs, Erap- feb 20 ly "J' 285 River St Troy N. T tioai. Ctneoa Afieetions, Rinrwarm, Itch Corns '. ', , iinhhlJL01jLLJ1Y 'BTU:i,ir.b."M2to..'1-r- kADA n. a. pkrbigo, ' WHISKERS, MUSTACHES 770HCED to grot cnon th e smoothest fce Jft from J- t ihrao tA f.a w(?ks by uicg Dr. SEVIGNB'S ytixAIR3, the most wobiierfnl dlaco'Tel 'la modsrn Mt'gnce, acrt'eg n?on the Beari and Hair la a almast rrt'-acaloni BianrSf. It lias been Bed btii ellteof ij and London -wiib tbe mott Catterlns sncce: HtmeitJ ki ?arehssra will re legistered, and if en tire ti!ifactiUi is not glven in eTery innnce ;the moo ey w ill be cteerfultf refnnded. Price by mail, sealed aad postpaid, $1. Discri;tive circulars and testimo nials nailed free. Aiiiresi BEROER SHUTT3 & CO., Ko. 2S5 Kier Street, Tt j, New York, Sole agenta tor the United States. .Feb 23 67 ! y "BEAUTY! . Aubum, Golden, Plasca ScSillicn Cnrlrs, PTtOEC'CSD by the cse of Prof DE3P.EUX ntI3Ka i,B cnXN'EUX One application warranted to curl the most itraU-'bt ard stubborn hair of eitDer sex Into wary ring'.ei!, or heavy massi e curls. Has ueen used by the fashionables of Paris and London , wiih the most gratifjriR results. l),es no injury to the hair. Price oy mail, teiled nd postpaid, at. "DewrlptiTe Circular mailed fre. Addresa BKitOEK, SUL'TT3 oc CO., Chemists, No. 2S3 Hirer Street, Troy, Mw York, U:e Agenu for the United State feb 20 S7 ly gToELSIOgl EXOELSIOBM CH ASTELLAHS air Exterminator For Removing Superfluous Hair. To the ladies especial I j, this invaloable depllatnry recommends itaU beioj an almoot iadoapensible article to female beacty. Is easily applied, doea not barn or injure the skin, but acts Jirectl? on the rocts it is jirarrnted iv refliov gapfcriTinMia ftir from tally an radically eztirpatiosr tae same, iearing ilea soft, inooth and natural. This is the only article used by tie Erench, and is tne only real effectual da pllatory in existence. Price 15 cents per package,ect aid, to any addre.s, on receipt of an order, by RUEa,SaUTT3 & COv, Chemista, 286 Eiver St., Troy, N. T. There cmet' glad tidings of joy to all To young and to old,, to gret and ) small, The beauty which once was so precious and rare. Is for all, and all may bo fair. By tho fcss Of CHASTELLAR'S - WfllTE LIQUID ENAMEL, For ImproTicit and Beautifying the Complexion. The nioet valuable anj perfoct preparation in use.for Slvmff the skin a beautiful pearl-l!kc tiat, that is only found in yooth. It quickly removes Tan. Freck'es, Pimples, Blotches, lloth Patches, Sallowness. Brap- tlons, and all imparities or the skin, kindly healing the the thin white and clear as alabaster. Its use can not be detected by the closest scrutiny, and beina vegetable preparatin is perfectly harmless. It is only article of the. kind used fcy the French, and is con- sldered by the Parisian as ipdisptnsable to a perfect Ullet. tpwansa of 30,000 hotties were sold dur last -a-iX J JL JlUJJ nrrnTTn -rv tv-vn n rr -r-i -t-i - - w .'M I n H. K il I f 1VI I 1 H M k oi w jui vr -i. -- - can be cured cerm.'inftntlv anii at a tri Hi nr ., utu vj tiio U.B or xi. JUIil V aus 3 ..lXii. TDe asoD!.tne unccPKH whirh h. .tt.nH.i .:. i r. " vaiuabla medicine for Physical and Nervous Woakn oenerardeotmy arid Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy, Impotency or ary of the consequences of prirparation ever diaruverel. v4uao It will remove a 11 nervoua affecUons, depression, el cltement, incapacity to study or business,-lora of aiem ory, confusion, taouhwof seif-destructtort, Oars of in a . . . ... . . ' ' ' V - - anity,&c. ft will restore the aDoatita. rnw th neann 01 tnose wno Dave destroyed it by sensual ex r'Tr?.1: . ... . . t:T;:..::. u,"r. . 7?CK.W?C lay for the Elixir, and be af onca.Test.1-.1 tn hiih iivtuii UUI hHIJfl WlLOflUL QA happiness. A Perfe.t Cure is GuarantPRd in avrv stance. Price, $1' or fdnr bottles to ons addra. -...-, u .uuciik truecv a cure in an oraiim- r.o rmvir.rtc.a -.., . Iti. Ki.lfT. 1. .t.m..;...4 . ..-. . .. .. ALSO, DR. JOIXVILLK'S SPKCTFin PIT T.JT Wtnr IP epeaay anu permanent cure of Gonorrhea. Gleet. iremrai yiscnarges, Oravel. and all affpe- uons 01 tne Kidneys and Bladder. Cures frctad m from one to Ave dsys. Ti.ey are nrerarad from vant- able extracts that are harmless on the system, and nev er nauseate the stomach or impreKnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while usin theui, nor doaa thair arti,.i In an-r ,n.- T;.w w.... ness pursuns. irice, $1 per box. j . i-iici u i r wnu .un JCither or the above-mentioned articlas will he aant to any address closely sea eil. inrl D.t n.i.i h. m.i i r express, on receipt ot prUe. Add-esse all orders BEKGKR, SHPTT3 k Co., Chemlats. toany aouress ciuseiy sealel, orders feb 20 ly 2S5 Hirer St.; Xroy,N. T. Free to Everybody, A Large 6 pp. Circular, givlnj information of tje greatest iuipottance to the young of buth sexes. It teaches how the homely may become beautifu!,the despised respected, aod the forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should tail to send their Address, and feci'.ie a copy post-paid, by return mall. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, feb 20 m Troy, N. T. Wonderful but True. MADAME liEMIXCTOX the world-renowned As troiogist and Somnambulistic ClairTsm, while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you r to marry, and by the aid of an instru ment of intense power, known as the Physchomotrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of the futurf husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, leading traits' of charac ter, $c. This is no imposition, as testimonials with out number can assert. ' By stating place of birth, age. I - - ' - diSDOsition. color of eres and hair, and encloiinr tittw cents, and stamped envelope .dressed to y.ur.ejf.yoa I ,,, . . . . cooCJence, Madame Cutiudi Box J37,West Troy.N T feb 20 Ij jssta Young Lady retur- nicg to her country home, after a sojourn o few months ln the City, was hardly recognised by her fmcds. In place of a coarse, flushed face, she bad a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness and instead f twenty-three she really appeared but elgh teen. Upon Inquiry as to the cause of o great a change she plainly told them that she used the CIRCAS SIAN J3A1.1I, and considered It an lnvatu;ble ac quisition to any Lady's toilet. Br its use any Lady or Ceutleman can improve their personal appearance an bondcrd fold. It ia simple in its combination, as Ka inre herself it simple, yet snsurpusted in its efficacy in drawing impuri.ea from, also healinjj and beauti fying the skin ,nd coaBpItxicn. By Its direct ictlon on ths cuticle it draws from it all its ' Impu.'iUes, kindly healing the same, and leaving the. aurface aa Kature Intended It abould be, clear, soft, sniwth and beautiful Ljef by W. L CLABt CO., Chemist. . Pr:e 11. sent ty or xnr.44.nn, , feb 30 ly No. 3 West Payatte St., Syracc se, N. T. The only American Agenta for the kale of tbe same. ASTROLOGY. fSlf. a-TVatT1 h ci .finl. A AT THE WOKDEarCL BETXJLATIOXS XADS BT TUB GKZaT AST20LOGI3T, !SirX-cl .xno ZX 3.. 2?orricOi Lhe reveals secrets no mortal ever knew s. tores to happines itiyt who. frcm aietnt ...,. catastrojhes, erossea In love, losa 'of relsfclolis and friends, loss of moaey. Ac, hare become despondent. Sbe brinea together those lonn separated, girea infor mation concernin,; friends or lovers, rore lost or stolen property, tells you the bu-unei y.ia are best qualified to pursue and in wn,t you win be mot successful, eausca sreJy marri.jges anl tells you the ?er day yem will marry, give yen the nm, ness and characteristic of tbe pars-.n. ffhe reads your yery thoughts, aod by htr almost aerastoril powers eaveiis the dark and bid Jen mysteries of te future From the stars we see in the flrnument -the maie3c fctars that overcome or treoominatn in t i.-. tiea-.froca the aspects and posi:k.ns of the placeTa anl . fixed stars la the heavwis at the time of birth she f, cf mau- o,b- uit the greatest Astrolrgist on earjh. It costs yon du a triue, aai rou mar never as-sin h,. . ble an opportunity.'- -Consultation fee. " wit likanpsi and all desired Information. l. p.;i,. i .i-".'" distance can consult the Madame by mall with enual ?'e 7. it,sflc4iol themselves; as if tn person. t "d "P't.written out, with all inxre. answered and likenesa enclosed. ),nt hf moll f.n - A. ceiptof aoove mentiuned. The strictest se:rwv will njaintained. and all returnl or da. atroyed. Keferencea U the highest order furnished ul0wMmng Uieia- Write P'inlT mocth.nd year m which you were bom, enciosm a UnQTT Thy Madame 2. r. TnoasTo. ti, P troioiist, ClairToysint acd Psyrhtm asloDished the r;entj2c t!aesottit 0 now located fcerseit at Uudc, S. r . . Aliv, CA.. un possess sticq wonnerfni powers of to. fTi-'jia her to lm-art knowiedjj pcrtauce to the Ringie or married of i,v ' In a'feiate of traBce. she deii71eat-.1v of'lbe F'foQ roa are to rurry, m.j j; taitrauMsnt of iniensi power, kaowa u iT - Mil, , otrope, r -arantec to protfect t life-l; t . future h!JsSand or wlfs of tlVp!ica vl data of ciarrUge, poaiiioa to' !!., Je; ctarcter, ic. TU is no hu'w testiaconla! can a-?rt. S'ae wi:Vse ' acert.Oedcen: - rltua rnn j.ictnre is wfci; ,,'u, By fcaj Ixi of hair, a-, pUc of bi'fth .""!?'' - 1111; Cfnrii esvelope a.$urkSl to joarself, 70a ti! picture and desire-l'lif jrmalioo by rsmra com;nuuicationi crp!!T e,w fl.ion . cjnflJence, fob 20 ir Madams a. p. Ta, -Vyunii ... CRlSPERCOJiT Oh ! she wm ti'xotirul and fir . . "ith starry eyas, and radiant hiir Whose ccr'.iai tocdrili oft, eai:ai Ichaiced the Tery hdart n3 fcai ems it. r co3u. For Curling the Hair cf ei:f il T - By nsingthis article Lidies and Seat . tirj-thennelrea a thoutand fold. ItiitbaJ: Kw 1 cie in ;ne wor; j ir win tnrl atriigit iwr r. la in tha wor! J tr.t will rnrl ..,,.. tbe same time ge a, The Crlspr Com not only4 euri Ue h;t ate, beautifies ud ii j i 6, the nuj pciiQuiea, mu is in mu.t cwnipm the kind ever offered to the- A met it. a nuv.. ' per C'jma will be seut to ny v-j, pua iui fit- nurci w oraers to W.L. CLilIkCl)..r. feb SO i . No 3 Wsot i ajetta Sirek SttZ! Separator Capilli, ; prow awsy your fa'.sa friztes, yonr iwitrto i. r.ruLiiB ot cuintur., aiHi not-worth alii Come aged, come youthfT:!, come njiywdtilt auu rejuito in jomt owq azariaat hir REPARATOU CAPIUI, Eor restoring hair npon bid heads frmm . cause it may hare faileo out) and forciuj p hair upon the ace, it has no equal, u r.iiir, heard to grow opon the smoothest fact la trim to eight weei. or tairupoa bald heads tt to thrae months. few lgrsorant practltioMr, asserted that there is nothmj that win torcti I ta iT,wtn of the hair or heard. Their luru 'alse, as thousands of living witnesses (.rmtt- eiperiencef can bear witness. Botuany are w to the fenrine from Un 11 certainly is ..T! ul t, as nine tentbi nfti. Preparations advertised lor tbe hair and Uui- a I lirel wjorthless and yon m;y hate alrAk tfcs away large amounts in their surrhsse. 1j m. I ou.dsay, trj the Separator ; it wiij oa I nthin). unless it ally cornea up to onr reprtnt. tha "joar uruegist does not ae-p it, sead oo (Li -, wa win rorwara u. pwt ia, together with a . for the money, which w.U be returood Uon, providing eutire sati-ra-(lon ia not Address. W IL. CLARE. St CO .iChni feb 2J jy i ei Fajriee st , )jtw SHERIFF S.iLE. Under ani bj vtrtae of a certain writ of n I A ' 7 . . 1 a . 1 Mi a - h III f , -r v V- r .-I -v-v m uooi exponas, i.saea or tne tieri ot tae C-j i vuun ui .i.ilmjj vuuon, iiesri.i i rrr. tn, t j to me directed, I will offer for ta.e at pub.k s VOT1 I lion. I r r. 1 .t . nn 11 . 1. ,n .ariiriiaTr no .s i n natr at " " - ""Ji " " " J A. D. 1S87, at one o'clock in the af?enoca if day, at the front entrance of HcPhersoa'i Ei the CitT of Drownrl He, (it bein,r the p snr. me un iern or iad Uistnct Uourt was hoUL J 1 arii 1?. Ta9 orta J.ast q fdilowinf djscribel lands and taoeraeais aia QtT, Jitbrask Territory, to-ti1 qaarterof S-sctioa tbirtf-l'i - I a - I To wash in fjur ( i 1 North of Rnc Sitaca - it ; to satisfy a eertaia Jadj-nant turstof. UinediqthaIiiCrictCour;of sidoihC- - tj, WUS tho interest the, eon. c .t anl ir,, n,i C03t ln ,a'or ot inehart Lynn, and a-unit I ' . - .-.. . . . . in. I " "' and Jbvan Wrthinr. said landJ sal lr 3 I meets havinr been Uken ami levied nnoa kt ti I . 1 . ... . 1 me property ot said Joseph O rIt I Terms of sale , cah i r ha r. 1 Sheriff of :-Tmaha Cuuary. By O rAlnnr)TIiER,Dapt!t ErownviUo, February , 21, 1 SS7, ' II. TVied feachea, Apples, li'.ackberriei.Cosrr. J ' ..' uvlRI &1U.UM STRAY. YO TICKS. ' ' Taken np by the subscriber, living in G'es 1 township. Nemaha County, on the 1st aj of uary, 1387. one tao year old Heifrr, a crop i each ear, bo ttber brands, color white wiih bfowa spots. la-5t-pd JAS E. Mil Titken up by the onderizned. Sivin? emaha, tft'o uuilea Lonis Bridge-. J 2'th day of December 13 ft, one dteer, ta-oys red neck, light rtan. It-ft ear crorrd. nDdsrkil of the right, good straight Horn. Hit JOHN' Hl'Rur. Taken Bp ly tha tndersTgned, lilioj I ' Korth-West cf BrownviJJa Nebraska, un fcn ' day of January iS6f. One Red Heifer. J J old next Spring, line back bush of Uil wfeits.i Ugs white part wap np. -P 3IATDIAS TKSTiil Taken op by the ndersizT.ed. livinsr in R-i'-" VMnei,oa theVthday of Jaeaary, laoJ.t Ond red and white ippottil lia'A, two yssf a Ia.t fprinf, no mark oo braqvi Jaa. la, li3. 17'-' rZTXlI Taken op bir the nndersigned lijinj fl' ,l North-West 6f Lotis liride, ia Nemaha Nebraska, on the 4th day of Jaftuary, 1S?. One roan heifer, one year oiJ lawt Sorint,' marks on brands. 17-pd Ji)6ZV'dO& Brooma, Salt, Axel. Powder, Fhot an, ....... . Palm Soap, Castile, Rosin and Dtr-is and the Celebrated Si.rer Gi.s FU'rrh st khan nut r - lana Tur Sale. I have a number of dtsirable nnimprovo J of Ind in Nemaha, Johnson k Fawnee CBl Nebraska, and Atchison Ooccty Mo., whicb I sire'to sell, and will iell on loo time to acta' tiers, who wiil improve the tame. Also, improved and Taiuable Farm. ts-ot-pd ' r. v. Beans, Ucmicy, Moil, PoUf-.. Flour Iji" SWAN BROTot GLOSS' STARCH. Is used by . Flrst-Clas Hotel, Lanndrl Ten of Thousand.? orramilJr and Should he used by alj. It jptm ft beautiful polish, makini? the irf t smoothly over the eloth, saving muuh tiaie aa" ' bor. Cix-i done np with it aeen clean loni e'lneBtly will sot we ir oat to soon. , . - It MUes Old Linen LcT- Like 5?; Soli by Druggist anl G-rveers Gecera!.,7- OUE IMPERIAL BLtl IS TJIEBESTIN THE WORLff It is fohible in bard as we!! aa toft water. ptH op ia tb fafes neatest, and most eon"' form of any offered to the publie. It -Is Warranted Xfot to St- thcClothsa ?'.!d by Grocers and Druggists generally. 4g'(Trs wantd everywhere. Ui whom v extraordinary iDducemeiru. Address NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS .rf Ko. 21S Fultca St. flew x' Jaaniry 1st lSStl ear Mails, Pails, Wtll Buckets, Seivej. Ac, at IN ...... -tiWAN A h'dO Probate ypllcc, Tl,-, ,, f n-w 1 Xra- l.lmTnljitn 1 UO a IJ Jfci vcV'u u aa wci s w of the Estate of Geruirt Vers, w'ul be fr h before the I'roba j Coi,rt, at tha Court h o-a , the City of SrowatUle.oa ifondjj the llih ilarca iSft7.' Urownriie Feb. 7th IS7. . O, VT. FAlUBIiOTIIZB, Probate JaJr 19-3S 3,50 P. Soda Crackers, Giog;r Scar s, and Aerato-lCi1 r?,al SWAN A BW4. 1'