-OTOTWMW'ilirjJWMM ' lli-i . .ii.iii ! N 1 cbmolca CAtiiialiscf joiini.coliiapii:ditou. nnow.wiLix.TnunsDAY, fed. u, iss:. 't -' rT V k.'- V J -3 4 .WsMnstoii,Fcl.9tn. Tho Bill for the Admis- rJnn nf Nebraska as a State passed the House by a vote of 120 yeas to 44 nays; also, passed the Senate by SI 3'eas to 9 nays. The bill came tp first in the Senate on the ch, er.d was passed without debate ly the above vote, which shows 13 over a two-thitd majority. In the House it wa brought up cn the Oth and passed overt! e veto, without debate, by 22 over a two-third majority. This settles the matter 10 far as Con gress is concern d. The act cf Congress tlemaLd that Gov. Saunders convene the members cf the State Legislature w ithin thirty days from the passage of the till, and that the question of strick , iog cut all distinction in our Constitution cu nccount of color be submitted to them, and upon the afeu.t to this preposition, Ktbratka will be admitted by proclama tion as a State in the Union. The members cf the State Legislature v... Vr.f-i U(fr.l nrn the State issue; ,t tilt v. J - tvi ere fully qualified to decide this queaL-u ; lht-y have the law of precedent in their favor in the esse cf the admis sion cf Missouri; lb 3 fact that Legro tjtfrage now exists in Nebraska by the law cf Congress, so that the change de manded is really do change at all ; the people ere with them in favor of the amendment; ar.d we ak no better guar antee cf its raisage than the Radicalism if ils h.cr..lcti. . Wa Icara that everal defeated aspi rants fcr ScLatoriai hcnor3-anda few ceppujeads iu O.TiaLi at urging that another Constitutional Convention be called, another Constitution framed, and another election held. Is anybody so Hind as to suppose that the Government would pay therpen.-e of The pecp'e wou:J hti to such a farce ? pay it. The cost cf a Convention w ould not fall shcrt of S3.0C0; the election expenses not less lhanSl.CCO; an extra session of the Legislature, CS;CCO ; cne day lost by each cf 10.CC0 voters, at 62 00 a day, S20.0C0. $-10,000 to give two defeated aspirants for the U. S. Senate another -chance ! Verily, the people will hold all responsible who favcr this swindle, ArJ i.s fcr the howl about the precedent JWlrada vili It cdmxilcd lul ence ! And a Ccngresf ionally demanded sanction to a charge in cur Constitution by the Leg i:Lture, can never occur again. HEDF0I1D REJECTED ! A Oa ho am. ma senate re'ec;eu i licmiration cf T. W. lk'dford as Regis ter of the Lntd Oihce in this city. This fettles the -Land Office D.fficulty," at this p'.-ics; and as Bedford went like adesatf salu through the bowels cf the law, even down to our City Fire Warden, to get USal possession upon the strength cf A::iya ccmination, and fail ed, r u:noa is ha settled to cur atisfs-u4Vci Last. We are immense- . , !i''f J V- cause tt the vindication cf the r rir.cipla "i 1 xh t refluent nas r.o ri"ht to remove an cflicer for opin i:".s rile; f2Y uottinj of the dia 4 .... re cf the crew uho did Bedford's '. 1 1, :t et-r.J the Receiver, S. Tl Intnl. t: f will take, is not known, but that the rt icCii-n cf Bedford sulhfies the order fcrliidinj him from acting with Dorsey, is t:o l''in to admit of a doubt. All the r:U that was claimed fcr Eedfcrd by re--a cf his nomliatiDn, must cease on l rejectica; and the order to Jamison to rcccah:e hha ts tho Register causi "cci-?- is that this "order was .MCit CGLtcmptil'le usurpation cf power ia i-i auihor, Jo. S. Wilson, toboUler the rr.ca cause cf Ar.dy j. in this section. 7U- r::i:3 cf Rr-iner is net a clerkship rt tha d:;p-jil cf the Secretary cf the iMeri-r, ct any cthtr cne nun; tat is , er.tirtiy independent cf cny power sara ; the hws fcr their covernaest. The D,. fart;:.e:.t r-ay ir.,tri:ct the LaLd OiTi:crs tacccstructicncf the Homestead o- ether ;.vvv but who ever heard cf the teadcf a JJ. partmtnt oastirg an cfHcer f t""c:.;nieLt tue ccnccrrence cf Loth the C- "if Executive aLd Lrg'ulative powers t ihe Uu:n tre necessary? It was a IT. ca;r?c-cus uturj aticn, and ths had -".s, if thtir nre any, which have -ht i frcra JtLucis refusal to do hi? T i.iu:t Icclir-cdto Acdv end h:s .Is. 7h? Lzr.i ();Hec t new open, and it remains alone with Jamison to place rrauers in running order by receiving the public money for lands and giving a certificate therefor, and the responsi bility for a refusal so to do will rest en tirely with him. The law rerulatiLg land cfucs expressly places the direction and control cf the ofnee in the hands of the Register ; the Receiver is only a receiver cf public money; how silly and weak then must the efforts cf S. R. J. appear to bolster up a political friend ? THt friesd ia "up the spout" beyond r.:,,e , and it is to be expected that S.'R. will act ratianal and do his duty, which is to receive the money and give- a certficate for all applications legally made for land to C, G. Dorsey, Register. Reed and Tuxbury, Johnson appointees to the Land Office in Nebraska City, were rejected the same day. W. A. P. Last week we ofler'ed V. A. P., alias Win. A. TuIIock, ex-Speaker cf the House cf Representative, three-fourths of a column to wind up hi3, so-called, ar guments in favcr of Bedford. He had tne opening, we ictenaeu giving cm me closinrr. Last Saturday, how-ever, he, of his own free will, changed the program by sending us a most scurilous and abu sive letter, marked private, m which he heaped the vilest epithets upon Mr. Dor 8ej' who has no! entered into the dis cussion at all and levies Hack mail up on us. bv threatening to start another paper here if h-3 is not allowed "to pub lish his trash in the Advertiser without it being replied to. . Monday he sent in a communication, which remembering the threat we returned to its author. The threatening, slanderous and con temptible ,rivate,, note, which, he say?, we "mav mint if we like." is too slan- derousand personal for publication, j it may be seen by any one at this office. We learn that he is "bloviating" about our refusal to publish his last effusion. We did refuse, and the above is our rea son. We owe respect to our readers, but none to ihe tool and apologist for the usurpations of A. Johnson and his fol lowers. Fiom the time W. A. P. an nounced his belief that Johnson was "the creator," that he had the same power ever an efficer that a "master" has over a "servant," he had earned the contempt of every true American. He pleases the le Neb. City News immensely, hear it: "Many of his (Dorsey's) political are denouncing his action already, and the radical Mr. Pollock, ex-boy-in-blue and ex-Sreaker of the House, of Represen tatives, ii out in a card," condemning the f.cticrs cf Dorsey, The" Erawnville pa per intimates Very,stroilh,';iI.at!ore, that ex-boy-in-blue Pollock is a, fool, and otherwise, by denouncing the red-headed radical aforesaid, gives painful indica tion?, cf disloyalty. The trouble voilh Police!: is that lie is too honett. He speaks out what he thinks. He is not a trimmer and shoddyite like Tipton and his disciples. In his private note Pollock threatens to "stir up" our political record ; he is at liberty to go in on it whenever and how ever he pleases ; and should he desire he is at perfect liberty to ra'l and examined. our files to gain light on that subject. Legislative. Our Legislative news is slim this week. The bill empowering the ci'.y to bor row money, on a majority, for public im The bill tonav the members of the July Legislature, has passed both Houses, . ... i The select committee to whon was re ferred that portion cf the Governor's message relating to the withdrawal of public lands from market for the benefit of the B. Sc M. R. R. R.,by leave' to re port that the Secretary cf the Interior has reversed the decision of the former js 'confining the comoan secretary, mus connning tne company to the line of their road and festering the lands to market that costituted the grcunds cf complaint. . .i Our Land Office. The friends of A. Johnson's appointee far the Registcrship of the Land Office in this city, make a great noise for so small a crowd about "the cffice bep closed , end say that emigrants nre forced to enter in o, her Districts. The Neb. City Press, of the 7th, gives the follow ing as the entries of land made in that city during the month of January for ibe Otoe District ; Cash - , Homesteads Afj. Col. Scrip r.hi. Ii'ty War. 151 793 1.2S0 220 2,541 acres. Total, Daring the period above about two weeks previous named and there were hied with Register Dorsey applications for 9,400 acres of land in our District, of which 4,000 acres were icr Home stead ! " . ' Do settlers deem the Oulce as closed" And thcre are they being driven tol The settler has confidence in the princi rle that A. Johnson cannot remove an olUccT for opinions fake ; while todies cry: Andy Johnson is "the creator !" "The creator has a right to do as he pletses with his creature. The Master xv it h Ms Servant V GOT. Bailer raid our sanctum a .visit kst Monday, cn his way to Omaha... He is the fr;t Governor elected by the pecple of Nebraska, and the choice will never be regretted by the people who elected htm. He assumes the duties cn the as sembly cf the State Legislature. if An Outrage ! We learn that S. R, Jamison ha3 been m IT T" 1 r 1 . 1 1 - C T)rtf paying i. . ieaioiu iu cuiajy yj. n- ister. since his nomination. If this is so it is a swindle and a fraud upon Govern- ..."-. t .. .:n v merit, for wnicn r.ir. jamison wm held responsible. This game of fatten- jrT Johnsonites and Democrats is anout- rage which shall not be smothered if we can prevent it. Pawnee Seminary- We are pleased to hear cf the growing success or tue above named Education?! Institute unaer the management of Prof. I rsher. Witn the new Professor, increased and reason able accommodation .for its pupils and for the sobriety and morality of the town in which it is located, its advantages are unsurpassed. Our members of the Territorial Leg islature are also members of the State Legislature. This is-important just now, T 1 t I Ml 1. .. ' J L-.t as tne neorasiia di:l nas passeu com Houses and the State Legislature will be convened within thirty days from the 9th, to give its assent to the fundamental con- - :mDOsed bv Congress that there ..n iQ j-.:np,:n ni1P nnn:,n tion on account of race cr color. That this assent will be riven, we have no doubt : that thi3 principle must now con trol the action of all th9 States toward the blacks is '"nevitable, and is founded upon both justice and policy. Our Legislative delegation are right and firm on this question. The follow- ig shows the position oJ our Council man: "'Majors, Chairman of the Committee on Elections, to whom that portion of the Governor's Message relating- to "Impar tial Suffrage" reported as follows: '.That while the recommendation of Tmrartifll SuflYnfrp f-irrimpr.rl ifciilF tn Aur favorable" consideration as a steD in ad: vacce of our present restricted rule of sulirage, your committee is satisfied that it is not broad enough to meet the views and desires of the people n)f Nebraska, inasmuch as we confidently believe that they are averse to any restrictions on ac count of race or color, which will debar any male citizen over the age of 21 years (except Indians not taxed) from equal rights and privileges under the law."' This report was adopted by the Coun cil. Although the report was made long before the condition was demanded by Congress, it meets the subject most com r Jetely. vote in the House on strickinx the word "white" out of our election law stood thus : - Ayes, Abbott, Butler, Clark, Cole. Collins, Crow, .Daily. Deweese, Dcrey, Duerfeldt, Frost, r ulier, Gray, nan: n- berg, Haywood, Hoj!s Kelley, Parraeleef Ross, Stuefer, all:chs, aluter, War rick, Wiles, 21. Nays, Andersen, Baker, Child, Craw ford, Curran, Buggan. Graves, Harvey, Hicklin, Link, Trumble, 11. Nemaha County is well and ably rep resented, and will lose none of her radi cal glory through the present Legisla tive delegation. Grasshoppers ts. Locast. Mr. Alderson, a citizen of Atchison, Kansas, taking a deep interest in agri cultural and scientific questions, sent a sample to Washington, from the swarm of Grasshoppers that made their ap pearance Jast Fall. He received the following letter from ihe Commissioner . Agriculture. They are pronounced "Locust;" but in Natural History all va rieties of Grasshopper are technically called "Locust:" Drp ARTMEIST OF AgUICoLTCBE ) I Washington, Nov. 3, 1S66. ) L. A. Alderson, Sir: The bottle of Locusts came safely. The insect is very pearly, if not quite identical with the Wcridium (Culopterms) ftmur rebrum, or tet eed !cufl ( Ha8' P 17V. The esc of the locust does not hatch into a grub at all, but into a perfectly formed iocu3t with the exception that they have no wings. After some weeks they shed their skins and have rudiraertary wings, but cannot ily or migrate till an other change takes place, and perfect wings ore developed. Some few may hatch in the fall, if the season is favora ble, but the majority come out in the Spring. ; They eat every sort of crop, as far a3 we know, unless it be sorghum, which it is said they do not touch, Fall and win ter plowing, or burning over the fields and meadows in the Spring, when the insects are small and without wings, may be efficient in destroying them. You may expect they will devour ev-. erything eatable in the neighborhood of where they re Latched until they obtain wings and are able to migrate, when the y go in search of fresh food. We should bs happy-Jo know the re sults cf any experiments that -may be tried for the destruction of these insects, or the protection of crops from their rav ages. Yours, truly, G. Boltox Newtoit , Acting Commissioner. Tiie Territorial Universal ScOxage Bill. . The following bill providing for uni versal suffrage in the Territories, has become ' a law, the President ntither signing nor returning it: Be it enacted by the SenafVffnd House cf. Representatives of tha United States of America, in Congress assembled. That from and after the passage cf this act, there rhall be co.denial of the elective franchise in any cf the Territories of the United State?, now cr hereafter to be or gamzed, to any citizen thereof cn account of race cr .color, cr previous condition of servitude, and ail acts or parts cf acts, either of Congress or the legislative as semblies of said Territories, inconsistent with the provisions cf this act are hereby declared cull atd void. Crn. shprifian cn Trait 9 M. U Gen. Sheridan does up rebels and reb el demonstrations with a vim. The fol lowing correspondence was published in Galveston, Jan. 21: Major Gen. P..H. Sheridan, ccrnman ding the Departmeot ,cf the Gulf, New Orleans : ' Sir The 'citizens cf Galveston wish to give civil escort from steamer to the cars to the remains of General Johnson. 'Gen. Griffin commanding, has issued a prohibitory order. Will you give author ity to the citizens here to give civil es cort to his remains f Chablis Leonard, Mayor. To Charles Leonard, Mayor of Galves- s ton : ; - '. Sir I respectfully decline to grant your request. I have too much regard frr tho memorv of the brave men wuo died to preserve our Government, to au thorize confederate demonstrations over the remains of one who attempted lode stroy it. " P. H. Sheridah, Maj-Gen. U. 5. Army. Horrible Fate !-A Man Smothered - . to Beatli. " BkTBlce, Jan. 30th, 1SG7. Some Dersons livinir on the west fork of the Big Blue, residing in a temporary - - w dug-out, for the purpose of trapping, were caught in the snow storm of the tioth ult Their dug-out being on the south side of a high bank, the snow drifted on it very fast ; when one of them by the name of U. J. rarish proposed to ieave it and go to a neighbors houre. the other said that if they left they would freeze to death, and he would sooner stay where he was; Parish said he would runth& risk, as ths timber over tleir heads was bending un der the weight, of snow, and he thought it certain death to remain, the other, Lewis Warren by name, said he had been in the service of the U. S. for three, years, and in some hard fought battles ; but he never felt himself in somuch danger; with that Parish tlVhi wife started off and left WarRn there alone, preparing for a smok 'they started in a southeast'course and by keeping on the ice the managed to get to the house of Samuel Englehauft, this was about ten o'clock in the morning of the 25th of January, on the 26h Parish went back to see about his horses which he had left in the woods, hewent to the house and it was entirely covered with snow ; he. called several times and got no answer, he had nothing to dig with, he then went to the house of J. R. Johnson, a distance of four miles, for shovels and help; they got back to the dug-out about one o'clock p. m., and dug down several feet when they came to the roof, when they made a hole large enough to admit a man's body, and two of them crowded in they found Warren lying on the bed apparently aseep; bat on speaking to him he -did not move, they ihen picked him up and carried him to the hole and passed him through to t he, man, on the outsid?, w here they uiceriwined-that he was deadvther? was iwoTtedo-s ia' with.huii,cri.3 of thea -wAdAi Jr' efc J the c;l?r-r.:'t a" 1 3- to stand irp-wh"?-: taken out. ' - ' ; There was" an inquest' held over his body the jury returned a verdict of smothered to death. His remains were interred in th9 bur ial grounds near Thos. Wsst's mill, in Seward county, JJ. T. The Times' special says the following 13 the amendment to the Constitution which the Souiherners in Washington agree to, and that the President agree to it : Article fourteen," section one.r No state has a right to recede, nor ha3 the the Federal Government the right to re ject a State or deprive a State of repre resentation in Congress. Sec. "2. The; United States debt shal be hld sacred and inviolate but the reb el debt shall never be paid by the nation or anv State. Sec. 3. All persons born or naturaliz ed in the United States and subject to its iurisdiction, shall he citizens and shal have tha rights and immunities cf all States life, liberty and property are guaranteed. Sec. 4. Representation shall be based on the numbers, counting all persons ex cepting Indians not taxed, but when any State excludes any cf its population on account of race or color from voting then those excluded shall not be counted in the basis of representation.. Also, the following i3 to be part of the Consti tution of each State Every male citizen. 21 years of age, who na3 been in this btale one year and in the county six months preceding the day of election, and who can read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the U. S., in the English language, and owner of c2o0 worth of taxable property, shall be entitled to a vote, provided, no person who has here tofore vo:?d ; shall h2 excluded frc;u vot ing. Terrible State oX Affairs In Ten nessee, .Nashville, January 31. A fearful state of things exists in Obion county, in this State. The guerilla F. Farris, who murdered Senator Case,- defies the au thorities to take him. Numerous other scoundrels are in intense activity, and a general system, of terror prevails. The neighboring county of Wakely is in a si milar condition. I have received letters from that region to-day which represents mat tne Union men now, as during the war, have either fled out of the country or have left their homes and betaken themselves to the woods. The rebels declare in the boldest terms that no convention shall he held in those counties to send delegates to the State Union convention which meets here on the 22d February, and that all enemies of the old Confederate government must be unconditionally exterminated. These counties are in West Tennessee. A sim ilar state of things, however, prevails in some parts cf Jlliddle Tennessee. I saw a Union man in the city to-day from Lin coln county who had been compelled to fl" from there for, his life. In Franklin county, ex-members of the rebel army are goirg about in their uniforms singly and in squads declaring they never sur rendered, that they are not subjects of ius ianKee government ana that ro one thaH reside there ho is. They insult, abuse, browbeat and mrsaieu evt.y iW)a. man they find, and the latter are making rapid preparations to leave me oia;c'T7 Nothing but the passage of tneioya.mu itia bilfwill save the Union men cf Ten roio frnm extermination. u - . . - The rebels knowing that tne acopticn cf this measure and tha penu:ng si;., rag-. Kill will forever put an end to taeir out- rares. seem determined to accomplish a3 - - - M o. . ... -II. 1 C . V. n . - power is gone. mnrh miectliet BS DOSSlOiC UCiUlC Ut " . . Tne Latest Fashions. since the invention and sucsessfal introduction of the Celebrated Duplex Elliptic or double Spring Hoop Skirt, by Mr. J. W. Bradley, cf New York, the ladies thro ighout the country ha7e given up the ida of discarding the fashion of wearing hoop skirts on account cf the peculiar and graceful manner in which tha Duplex Skirt adapt themselves to every exigency nil empriTPnrv. Sn rpnera!lt? accent- uuk w ... j - a J 1 able have these Skirts become that the ladies regard them as a special favorite, in view of the superior Flexibility, Lightness and durability uomMned in their Manufacture. They also consider them a far more Economical aud Com fortable Hoop Skirt than ever has or can be made for all Crowded Assemblies, for the" Promenade or rfouse Drets. Any Iadv after wearinsr cne of these Skirts will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. Long experience in the manufacture of Hoop Skirts, has proven to the proprietors of this invention, that Single-springs will always retain that stiff, unyielding-and bungling style which has ever characterised them, whereas the pouble Spring Hoop or the Duplex Elliptic, will be found free from these objeptions. Notwithstanding the aHllity of the manufacturers, Messrs, W&sts, Bradlev and Carv. to turn out over six thousand Skirls per day from their Large Manufactories in'New York, they feel obliged to request all merchants ordering the Duplex Elliptic Skirts, to send their orders a few days before they are want ed, if possible, as they are most constantly oversold some days ahead. What is there so mortifying to a lady as to have her facecovered with pimples, blotches, and cutaneous eruptions, and vet how many there are who throug-h Dure neglect, suffer them to exist 7 Go to the drug store and have the drugist make you an ointment with twenty grains iodide of lead., and one ounce of simple cerate or fresh lard. Apply this to the face every nighi; at the same time keep the bowels gently open with Roback's Blood , Pillsr and. take the E1562 Purifier thrta timeo.'a day. and'yoj .will be per f felly i?tcni5hetJ"Jfc't'lhe' fSsit- produced before a week" has passed. Continue this treatment until a perfect cure is ef fected, which will be in a very short time Mrs, Whitcomb's rSyrnp for diarrhea and dysenteryjn children, whether it is brought on by teething or any other cause, is the safest and best remedy in the world. Full directions around each hottle in English, French, Spanish and German. It is sold at the low price of 25 cents a bottle, ant! can oe round ' at Holladay & Go's Drug Store. SaCCCSS. The enormous sales of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure is in a great meas ure owing to the fact that those who use it are cured and tell their friends and naighbors of ito thousands of tongues are advertising ibis conqueror of Dispep sia, Jndigestiou, kindred evils. When you buy Saleratus please notice how much larger the Best Chemical Sal- trains papers are than others. They weigh more. AW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dried Peaches, Applos, Blaekborrtei, Cherries at SWAV i PTiftu Notice. Th underaicned will offer for ills at PnK!!. Auction, at the Uto reuieno) . of Stenhen Fudge in the County of Nemaha. ' On Friday the 8th day of March 1SG7, the Goods and Chatles of the deoeaasd, coaist,io of Dorses, Oxen, Cows, Corn, Oats, lltf-jscholi aod Kitchen Furniture, and all tha Fannin lltniu Sale commenciBg at 10 o'clock. Temofgale all turns ondarilO Cash, sums orer' thit amnnnt ti credit of Nine Months, the Purchaser eiTinz Bind wilt, . A L . K - u .ouutikj-, i it mpprovea Dy tne Adtnin- isiraiur. JLSSfcE COLE 20-ii 7.00 Administrator. Sugar Loaf Syrup, Sorghum, and N.O. Mo1ms at SWAN BkO'S J. TIsrcc or Four School Teachers, Or other intoligent persons (male or faule), la every County ia the West, to engtga ia s bais nest daring the spring and snmoijr that will M. freta $100 to f 2C0 per month. Address ZEIGLi.lt. McCCRDY k CO., 509 Olivt street, St. Louis. Mo. pickles. Can Fruits of all kinds, and Oysters at A SWAN & LRO'S. DR. WHITTIEIt, T ONGER BY YEARS LOCATED IX ST. LOUIS JLJ than any other Private Disease Phvsici. u . regu Isr rTaduace of medicine, cures Svr.hii; in m iU forms. Gonorrhoea, (ilet. Srr.i, r-.i,:.-,. Diabetes, Bladder and Urinary dieeases, Syphilitic affectiocs of the throat, skin or bones. inousands suffering self-abuse, excesses, eiro- sures and indiscretions ia vouth anl miturer years, predaiing some of the fallowing effects : uiotcnes, bodily weaknuss, anmanliness, to society, mdlirestioa. consti ration. drPfiji fntn r vnr loas of memory, and finally impotency, having Hean refer to miny old residea ts for rast suc cess and .present position, also Joaay j-bjiicians here and el3ewhre. AJccupying a whole bonsa of twelve roocu, with competent assistant physicians; those requiring daily personal attention may remain in the estab lishment. Siedieina sent everywhere ly mail or express. His Theory an 1 Exposition of Diseases, elearlv delineating all the diseases conditions, may be had in soaled letter envelope for 6 cents. Ladies' Cir cular, nsbracic? all chroaij diseases, 3 car.U. Adiross St. Louis. Mo. . - A friendly talk eoEta nothinz: ebtrrea modar. ate ; cares juarantoed. OtSce, 617 St. Charles street, one square south ci the LindeU liotel. 20ly S10"' stSzmn$u& v " We have on hand a large and vrcll assorted stc; of Staple and Fancy ""' ST To whicii we are making constant addition which wg are selling at ment west of the HI THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS E2TFLOUU OF THE MOST APPROVED URANDS. r HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. ; PARKERS my Tlc very Ja'-t medicine i:i use for CA-TLIr:ULi;3 & SHEEP. T'liJ rvibf i rcnarol f. om t!ic rcc.:i of nn oM KHfiUii I'li.v...-, ii low, up I h.i3 been lor eiiv- usi-l t.ifoi! rli- ut i:: . Iiu.il l;y stock racers, nut alone f n- 'm curative, 1 at nl&o its fatU-ning )-ro-l'riies. l'or t'.-i 1" Uowin?: :i. arics, it wiil luvari ably bo ' fauad a certain end specdj cure: Fevers of all I.'tuh, Distemper, Fomidcr, Coiijk.i, Loss of Appetite, Hide Bound, Yel low Vr'atcr, as aUj all diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, cr a:i impurejtate off he Blood. riKKEirc cordial cosDXTio.x pawcriT, ; As Hi name i:i(liente3, h n gentle stinuilant. Un lika the many urticlea iulil iliroubout I ho country tot the diieaaed ot Horses anil Cattle, tins lUTror atioii ii entirely of vepetable origin no nuntrala eiittr ir.t.) i'io c mposition. Eeiiif? conmoseit en tirely ot aromatic, frccus, fccrbi, roots cml barks, r m-iv be u.5et w i;Ii lull e rlk!ence 33 to its entire aafcf. certainty, r.nd r.iiKlncss rT tperation It cleanse the llluod, loostus the IliJc, gives to the skLp a- f-ntooth ami glossy iipieranre, rrmovfs all ;k1 humors, ami hy its fatn r.gther.ing, iile-giv fns; orf"ertii-, intv.scs into tho debilitated, broken .l iW: niiiiiial. action mid .ciirit, niidre-teres to hiiA ail hii iialitral fracc and beauty, i S&y"-??.S;f : v. .-(-:'fsit Covrs rcquirs net rv.lr careful Liter.tlon, l.r.t ab!'nd:;nc'4 n:' )it;'r:ti 'j A'd. 'J !m testir?ionyAi by in:' juiUvj. - u.-.c o : , ' . Parkcr'c Cor Condition Powder. the Cow cf mil!: iirot only creatly merged but t!ion:t;dUvv:iiJy l.iruoved, a.- by ti.e llae ot t.iU iowUer, nil tendency tolcwr, a! it robuioan.l InnuriucJ ot tlx-i L'.l, arc u o.u:v nm. e-i. -T5rccdr3 and f.Utenrri cf Swine will rejoice to know that a prompt remedr for the various .nala-d;e3,- to 'vhicii tneic animals ore subject louna la Tarker's Cordial Ccnditlca rcTrtlcr. For Cough?, Fever?, inu.nrnmntion of tli? l.un.sr?. Measles,0 Miinprc, Kidney Vnn, Ac. Sc, liu medicine act j like a charm. IL Cholera will I avoided by occasional don-3 of tins ).owiler it is a sure preventative. Onj i.ai.er added to a barrel 1 1 Swill and given freely to ilis, Wilt fpecdily xc move these, oft fitiil Ueuiej. ThiJ powdT bei botl-. Tonic pml laxative, rur ifles tha Iilood, removes h ImmnrJ, and vriA therefore be finnd mast excellent la'i'romotinrj the condition of Sheep. yPrire C" ent ctn!i rrrarkarrr, prepared onh by WILLIAM B. PAHKEli, St. Louis. 53For Bala by and ilerchanU every- Vfhere. KICIIARDSOX & CO., Gen' I Agts, "01 & 700 Xcrlh 51am Street, St. Louis, B rooms, fc'alt, Aie3. Powder, fbot and Lesd at Trobate Notice. . . Tha Snal afcoont r.f flar.l War?. A.lrr.;nUh-f-r of the Estate of Ger lirt Wtrs, wi.i b? f vt before iaa rrobata Court, at the Court U joji la the Citr of Browuville.on ilondav the lltn diV of 11 a rob 1367. Brownn:; Feb. 7th IS. O, W. VAIRBROTDER, Probate JuJm.' 19-St 3,3 R 0 " B eans,ll5fli:ny,lIoal,P.Juto3j.n)ur ArP!ci ,f e HELilEOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BL'CfJU : Is ths Great Diurctie. HELifBOLD'S COXCENTltATEO IITR1CT SArSlPaRIIXA 1 the Grnat Blood Purifwr. Both are prepared according to rules of Phsnra cy and Chemistry, and aro thej most active that can be made.. ' Y )alm Soap, Cartile, Rosfn and Dt;rjive Sorb and the Celebrate! Silre'rTJIos SUrh at SOMETHING mm m ran HI P SSSI MBWi A tod reliolle Ase' v:nnt.:i! Ja trery t3n a take tha erriro cr,ntrol,for hi3 nc'hbr.rhvocd, of seve ral of the m0 tatca t..anl provable articl cf every cUy uiB ever i re tented to the publil. Prof its bre- satisfaction guar anteed. Ta right n an or won;an can mike froa $10 to ?2D a week esi,)j. En close stamp f.r fill di3crip iion atd iilustratted. tata loae. Sample 8ert frel : Excluive cor;trt,r tl tti ritcry given Address N. Y. Manufactnricjt Co. 57 Park Row, N. Y". lOOO iv ant 2 ci (ilale or Female.) r -v J 4 i f zr i z. mm prices low as any establ Mississippi river. WE CHALLEH3Z COf.IPETIT;; STRAY JV071Cr.lL " Talien ot hj the surscriber,liT:n ij, G' township. Jiernaba Conn-y. on tLe fat daj uary, lbd7.tne tuo year o!d IL ifr, an. each ear, no othtr Irnu ljjaalur white i h brown frots. I'J-at-r-1 JAS E.3 Taken op by the 3nJerineJ, i;r;B Nrrnaha.two miles above Lores Eri'. 27th daj of December 1 6, one fiieer. ' red tcck. libt roaa. left tar crorped, Br xV ef tho riht, good straight liorns. ' u'" Tak?n np ly tlo BDersNned, IWic- ; j yorlh-Vest cf Drownville tbrf, a -s day of January S5,?. O49 lied V.v:'r I -old next Spriusr, line back bu.-'u of iiu legs white part wap up. . 13-pd J'ATIUAS TESTIS Taken op by the underfit'n;d, living ia E Pre:inet,oa the 9th day of Jaaary, l')7, Ood red and white sppottcd Bu!l, tfs jv . lastsprin. no marks on brindi Jaa. 1S,W03. 17 FETUS ESCL Taken np by ihe undersigned living im North- West of Loriri Drid-e, in Xmb Cs ebraska, on tho 4:h d.iy of Janoary, 1 S7. One roan heifer, cne year oil Ia.t Sjr marks on brands. 17-pd JOSEPH t. Taken np by the undersinel, livii :.e half miles Wet of Aijiawall. NemehaCofi braska, on the 1 5th i j of December, Ii".". red and white Steer, akiut tbr year oil. Jan., 13tb, 13S7. 15 WIU.IAU VIST. Taken up by the undarsignad linof ia 3-a. County , Nebraska, on the 1st day of bva, b' Red Heifer, one year old, marked with off of left ear, and two underbtts in the r;iu 15-5t-jd JOHN TV. S.j4a.5 Taken np by the sub?crlber lirin ia C'tt t Precinct, Nov, 17, lSort.a Yoke cf C!t.', red steer with left horn off and smooth ertrf each' ear, the other a rcan, with lefl hon k- off, I'-randed C on left hip, supposed to W year3oll. 15-5tpd Joa5B.En2. For a choice article of Tea, to , SW'AXJk L".C1 Henry P. SIierDnrce, f Musical IastruEeisIcsical ilcrc!:::: oy EVERY DESCnirTIOI. No. 33 Jiarkot Street, tekweea ilaia aal Zttabluhtd in IM ST. L0UI N all f. Pails, Well Ducket, Seiven, Asi SSWAN SALISBURY, BRO, & CO., Extensire ilanufactures and IovJorten SOLID AJD ITICZIL SILVERWARE, AnericaEnsllsh zz Anglican Will - VSED DT OURSELAEJ And every description of ! Fan'y Cood9 & Yankee SoK' Especially adipted lD designated for and Wettorn Trd C ire u lairs a od fjlldtKr Price Liste sent free. ' ' ' Agents wanted ererywher. SALISBURY, URO. Ji CO 51 Kaniscj: tsairr. Jan. 1SC6 3in Providence, B-1 Soda Crackers, Gingei Scp. ai i ArtW'. er?,at .V,VA.' 1 K'"J TORTII r"TISSOURI Tom TO ST. LOUIS, 3K" And All Points East, Cm-ftir-wi h th Il--bal an! 9i.t f.;rms the N Only All P " Roxlefron A'chisT; 1 C ' jh St. LoJis. Making direct and reliable con- ictions wi'i a Famous pprcss Tral. Leavinr St. Louis at 2 occck is tie sf4" runnirg through t? a'.! Eastern cities :' mcment deliy . Passet-rs g'ioj to PhilddThia Xevs York, -'Washington. PiUihtirgh, Ef& leave! and, ar.d all Ln? I ar. d .Tnu'v.s and Cities. Via. the above line hava 1 -?s ehir j-s it Make Quicker lino , Thsn by any other ru'. Pas.?crr f ' points iu Centra! and S; . ut'irrn Uio. Southern Indiana, S--ulh rn Illinois asJ"''.. in Kentucky muk'r; scr ral Lrur'a 'iuii r ' than can te tr de vi . nzr ether ra:e. , -t Through tickf-'j cn Lj r'rchusi u Road Ti-ket tuc?.s ia tho V.'ejt. . t, Le iiutder.-:. !, that tha Fare t " r.v--,., is the Since via, - S.?r.h Miasoari luil St. Louis as by vrr.y of Chicago or acy e" Q via. ii-t. Luu:3 li3ut. r ISAAC II. STURGEON Pre:-!..!-. nt and licit Surt. St. Uo-" - ii. ii. v.'r.Er.Lr. Cea'l Ticket A -rpt.St. L"- Gea'l Erei-ht A;tn',St. I"' IV II. EARhv Ajen:, St. J r3 L. 31. DWSi, Genl Western. Ager.U Si. JoS. . I?reih Layer Rjiit-. Cutti-'j. Citr -n "',t ! -.- SVA.SJ Pe.;h Tott: f?s, :n twi aad thrs p"- ift 1 N1 nralLs-f.F zs C-ii. Ctiri Jotee a", . Tobe:ce,S . : S'tTAN U-"' I t