Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1867)
f TT i HTKT TASTTTON- -3JIAXD f 1". . .3 I e:c tf t r'.i.i 0n u r-l Jai .. U I)U-t ef 5-ltia , T ten wry. ta aid f f ! r.l Oeoty, It tall Ter Itwrv.ia tnitf, C ia tie eb-'Te sli'.!i tve I t".t Ml' at" . si I1-. t?r f i: r at?aa'i lU'l ta tie Cf vt r.vcTif. tin k f aawL-rt ta K.i terra c-f til l District wt t.l O-i Tii'inJar th? C h c'ay cf Fetrc:ry. I.n.lSJT.iu'uVvU'. 2U -f rv:i dV, tie fir r I'llf . li f pfu cf Lis li.laate 1e 3wie Csjs'y, t rte Terr".-r, t-t-wit t Orii.v -t.; '. i i'.tt 1 I , rii iribb 43 tlt rMHif!iiUri ;l at tit " Jv-Jtb JI Fa-t: n t. 3. i t i. :3 .o. i. i.rr" . r. ' , , 1 Xr, tt t tit &. m i I. iei :i ri &1 21 I. at tv a V. ez 2J 1-2 rii t ttlt. a t-.t rai W 1 l;:rrr, t'.f.a cy t:.t tsv:sirjr.f ' ! f: Tr r; r. :t),ta 0-t 1 nt.tUt v-tr.'! rIt i; t ., ltn- Fvu'a O J Kui "! r.ii u- a '-It, l.'-.: f. 3 th J-m j; r tit j . : tf iilrx Cr.'.U!i vrxa i t f s.b i Jtnuirr. Si. 1:JT, W!f. o.'GLAnow, STEEL FLATE EI.SiiAVII.QS. ATi:. nOLLLAK i:n?rarln?rror trC X A. A. CSK'Jf, Atrfti.viitiiuftuLi. '.:, I r.d . V ttfrG.T.Bubt C ? r t ifr 4tst 4 -tie of t j-t'o , 1 Jk.'4U tit iJ lf 4 Jtry, A. I). V. " Mviiit iltlUclDftt tt tbt tbtt i.jt I t t :J uct ::r, ' A. K. CUt'ilWiiLL T:t f ; !k'"!.''p Lr tiliUej Ltwta lt .t.Ivr -t Ira tusi f U. U. rrLr A i' j., cktetilr I1tc4 - Lbt , r. n. eurches InrroTtl Tarnlns L2na to Ecnt. Ttt t'Wa f tit newooi Tina tt T tt St i 4 at try. tr a ict i.a i ', i. .h 1 '-L In It a:'tt ci U'rr:.:9ir i r rt.i iu:s eax.'n. AtM aim.! '9 a-ft rf the T:?t 1 rra in tit rem W.u'3 tr luiaa't Tarsu Fr ;f!rj aj-j -J ta n. rruMs . - ' ' cr T.M.n.UO0VEr; ,ta. n,v:r r :t Lrew0ri::t GLT Till: BEST ' ' CHILDREN". , Jl Btw t'tlj arkaoTltJjrtJ a uptriar frrpartti-jn i4 a 1 lrde. u tofiat ao-1 ehilires. spjcaks.. " . , , la tf :ti tri't 4 eomfstalatita of iUtrolj wn ail tsttikCiaal tirt tea, aei art de- l;Ui taiUtt. ' '4 Yrr, Orij 25 eestlfr TJitt'e.n 7 t--M r-y t.1 3iV :.', xtl".c!a. Trepirel ta 1 . J -t's M:r.:;r.t CoKftoj, ul, . Swli ly IIOLLADAY & CO , .In. Cti I5rorr.viI!e. Nfcb. ii.'"cJaiyn cf Tfirlncrshlp. Tit y lrrf!.p. krrtteffar i;icz o4er the r. ii tf ::.;r A L'iaiUAlatAi dj.dit- jar., l; i..; r . n. r, sirm.-. a wiU la futurt I earnti ca andet K t ir, C- MitU A iiaow. . . tlt X, ii I.. . Ul Uw C F. CUATFILU. J. il. fcNOYV. U-:t - . Ia a ratuap-e tfas rirf the Ji :l Court of - t-ttr. Trrnwr f NtLraU rracted oO tt lfb 4T ijjit.,,, f . I. Vrf fofMJt ... - -------.J WVI.I Vtf , . t i-tttH, -, t, ti, JtJ fcf lelru l-7,atr. aV.rk u tie tJt ruoca t4 ati l51 ti.t in-r'.wt. tl i'jwinr -rlhtd K1 L", r..-..J ia tit CuT if l Ter- ' m:7r.V--.-w-U. t, ait. J.iu-a O'). n-ran iff? tf tt .r.h rt 'uvr c' tha VrH Vtt4iuarttf r:a:' lxiTawL--ntiiiSL Abrt&tilWa - ' - Tr-tfart Ch lahiii. J'r.trii::t .: my l.'th, i'.7. .AM. VOij:;S. AJmirrftrat.'x.I ??"M.i;i: J. COUS Adinitu'ui r tir-v'-if;;iiT'js i. iu& AND tr U irtirscas to innr : co. JltfptrffJ! irjurm the Citiztnt cf tht Ci.'y aul clujjy llatlhcj are in rtctijt cj a jrt crtl (triplde aiscrtnrrJ of . Ladio's Dross Goods, wmxn goods, XXhh an csiless variety cf ... . . ? - 1ST O T I O iN S. .,1 a wi.h 1L3 JLareti Stock cf Cuitsui Mai a - -. BOOTS AND - SHOES K?er lro-j;lt to t!;i City all cf which t rrrL2fcd rricr ta the" late aarance liv MbicbriiaUes u$ to rlTer suie rir cr.iucement to those desirous cf pur tbtiir j. We all?, teep on luiid a fresh ; , '.At-1 a coJ asscrtcneiit cf aUBITEOWAEE t;ra-?nTr tht rUrt, Ma!n Street, Ona Deer a 1,4 t a ta rot-.--ff urowuTii.t, tbrajka. -t4t FRENCH HOTEL! J Ca the European Flan. rf a:u tht Citj niH and Tark, 1 r,.r. of FrtV- tifici. .vrir YORK. frae!rt r.'fefiory.Cath Rocra and rtrlfr'tFhra bt.itra i.tcnrt cr Hiftmtn who say we r:i- Ja!j lit. X?'.j. 1 jrar. Z'zniz3 end CcUt-acy. ArT tf V,AltVXV3 aT9 iKITKrCTIO FO To tj.E. A!k), li,ietit and AUtet which J":i "i:'y r''t b ViUl I'owtra, with tore aart ,:..,.'. .Ktlrtt f Charrt, la ttalti it.j..-l:illi.v norciiTos, , iar4 Aaaotiatioa, I'hiladeij Lia, V. Cathartic : Pills.. THE -SILVER-7: SKIRT! t ; ....... . - - , . .. , e j liars Dsrablo;,' ' V ; t r - . " i ' , i f . . " . ' - . tl: . i v - " .... . " ' ; . .. , mVore GracejuL .Sr J trill hcrp its Shape and retain its ' Tlact than any attar Skirt- ' IF.iii,) w wtr"Te-l by ttt Lr.XiT AKVEI8 IK SILVER MEDjlL. ! 7 17i;tit Premium ever ct'ten f a Hoop Siiri T'it ateel ?rnc art wuol titjae pitted, wire (ia j '.a'ttf cotton corerirp) which trill not trcjcr tecin.t tjilei, and .14 wblt S irt GSJ it rt!ioU i'jtry i.t fufcr Of -TUiUsg, n,ii'ilt .t gvti ute. -.--. Tte Cinl!:ation Silrer, Skirt!.. I Thit isTtntu eorobines with Ik wdiwirT rt ton hkirt the4ri,r.Ufr of r SILTES SHIRT; tbt hot tort hpt 6 re rbo $tm tto utd ia tie Sler ikirt. tbt crerin vt whirh ran not wtar ff. LiI tht urrtr d9 art &Tf rei wiwh cot ion. No htvscT otict writ oot ef ur SkirU, will be iliibx ar ant ether, a i the Itwtr hoopt, cf all cUttr iai are tn injured ana tailed. 'lb ttt materia! are uei ia their eoattrnctlon and frum ticir durabilitj and seatseaa thej axe atst.iAni tttccwaa - ' - ' '' " ' x rAVoniTDsninTi . ... i i 1190 fietarej . coklj bj tht SUttr Skirt mnd : aa iv 22 iiircby Street, : . BTEW YORS. T. S. 6PERRT, Sup't - ' Thtau JeTiijced kef pes Lasd a large assortment c SATTIIJETi C ASSIMERE SUITS v- - rcrlltGtsiBoj'iwear. Alo,alareatock of. HATS -AJSTD COPS uiii&iefflsnniB BOOTS AND "SHOES Knbljer Cols, Legrglns & Blankets. UMBRELLAS AND' CARPET BAG Gent's Fnrnisliing Goods, , Ox a!l kind which we will aell - CUE A P F Oil CAS H e purchased our poods since tbe dt cline in tbe Market? and will sell at lo figures. ATKINSON & CO. - April 13th. JS55. ..9-30-ly - : v Poll. , JIagic Billious Powflef s. f) Thia freparation it the discorery ' ' ' th J. JrcUnJ,fortnerlj 4 ) the Fatter of tbe Baptist church in T.'X ct"rnf X. and a man dear- v.-.-r-T teIore4 br that denominaUon G I C 1 thruughoat Xew England, lie-waa r"? ('hlied tJ leare thepoipit and ftn-- V d medicine to wire bit own life, """"" and hit Magio l'cwdcra are one of the E04i wocierful discoveriet of modem timet. It it ' THE AT" tlYXS AKD-JJILIUUS MtUX ."hic!l foasj-leteSj thr.jwiin the hlo all ether JvTrie 13 meKlicirje ; ana u nnoras i.tot mucn crtt- t tteyTeeeire i&e 1 cnmira as 1 ap- ati"n that theyTeeeire the umnima ap rrcha'tr'n cf ,;1 who fcaTe tttttd them. Tbe Mag fe tr.lou.' Pil te a - - ' ';' " . ijtltiVvCurclorIIvcr Complaint d iu luutt Bjk'r)Tu"i Nru "1 &s iiiijaittcur rtctor of ail . -.:-; . . ; BILLI0U3 ' DERAIIGEMEirTS, Zzieilt&t lor H-ji-ce, COXSTIPATIOI?, yiap!ta, BJolcea...- A ShUow Sila, riKlneat. Hart-crD, Pi-AijpitaUoa . And a most wonderful Cnrc Prerenlhe oI'FeTcrA Ague rVt aa'iA il'rb,re troubled with thistearfnl 'lliVfPorltFartiealar.: -' ' lit Th ire tU Ureal fjr .n bniia' AJTcctions. . . ,v" , 2i ThtfOthe riMW "V tort Liver Cvmolalnt. , ' 11 Tteya-etUo.lj Vaowa reaedj that will I cure 4:h. The Powder, a.-e tt Z the.rcpe ratioa that one pckaee win be all that ifie n-Jon-tr t t tU osirg theri wii. re .'re to effett aewe th Thtj art a mild and pit tCeetirs cathartic known. ' ' th. Thej are the cheapest caihiT"(?w.n- fth. Thej are the cheapest and Jbe.t ex tant, aithej can be r.t ly toail to at)' Pf ot tbe W-ff for the price, 60 centf. " . Circular, coDtamirfceriifiittet, Information! c sect to any part of tht world free cf char,e. SOLD BY ALL DRUUGISTS, tr by taaU en arpUcatioa to t C.C. CLARK, &. UK-SKEAL A NTS. NEW HAVEN, CONN. Toreaher 15. 1?C8. Dy 5 popsia uure. This Great Kerned j for all Duvejfea of the - STOMACH, It the diforery cf the inventor of Coe't valuable Cough I'.alftm, while eirimenticg for his own teaiih. It cured Cramp in the ytcmach fur him which had before yielded to nothing but Chloroform. The alsnwft dkiiy ttticionj from tariici parts of the country encourage ui to believe there ia no dia e.ift caused by a disordered ttomaih it wLI not eeailj cure. Py s i ci a n s endorse and Use it 1 ! Miaisters give tesiimony of its efficacy ! And from all directions we receive tiding of cares perfermed. - UIi tnre to enre. Ufrtbmrnt One dose wUi cure. . SUk-Ueadace 1 ; It hat enred is hundreds o ase. Vadact end Zi'nrW Itttopt in thirty minntet. Acidity of lit irtemack I . .. It corrects at onae. r.itinj of lt food t It t topt itrasec lately. Dtftrttt ofler tating t One d.o will remove. Clolrra Xoriuit ' ' Kapidily jieMs to a faw dotes. ' Dad Lrtat t Will be thtrged with half a bottle.' , It ia Pcxfcctly Uarmlesi ! ! . Its unprecedented auccest cwingto the fact that It Cures by Assisting Xature, TO KE-ASSEUT liER SWaV iX THE SYaTEM! Kearly every dealer in the United Statea aellsita oxe dollar run norTLL. C. G. CLARK, 5c CO., Proprietors, yzT mvx?f, coirs. 'c.' UOLLADAT & CO., and McCHEERY A CO. Gcteral Ageotl. A'ao for exit by M inSIl CO. cv.aher IJ, 1S5C. " ' : . i : ... i .. : : i . AW AP.I3 EDA G 0 L D T t.1 E Q A L ;- ; -a AT TBS 1 1 OCTOBER 19, 18G5, j .. - I- - ' Id direct corapetition vriih all the Iea ding makers in the cfuatry. ; Mi ORGANS AND &4 a.S PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS ' . Respectfully lDfite tbe altention of pur chasers', the trade and profession, to tbe 1 FO LLO X? 1 N G INSTRUMENTS Of their manufactnre : -: 'A . '. ... PEDAL BASS ; ORGAN : r 1 -. . -1 Five sizes. Fire Octave, one to' Three Banks of Keys, Three to Eight sets of Reedi, , . : -. . .: Prices,- 250 to J?OUU. School Organs, Twelve stylps.sincrle and doulle Reed. Rosfwyod and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $400 ElSelbSeoas, Piano stvlend Pomble, Twelve. Va rieties'.'from four lev fix Octivos, Single and '.Double Reed, Rosewood1 and Black Walnut Cases. -': I. :, '' - ' Prices, ; ; $65 to $250.; PELOUBET. PELTON & CO.v ; ' " ' 811 Broadway, New York. Sep, let 5 2 , , : D.!B0BA0K, BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. PILLS. BLOOD BLOOD PILLS PILLS. : BLOOD PILLS, 4 pills.-; PILLS. BLOOD BLOOD 1ID Blood Purifier! AJRE TJNEQTJA.r.ED Scrofula, Syphilis, SI in Dla . ease, Old Sores, Salt llhcum, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, SICK HEADACHE Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, Fever ami Ague, St. An- thony's Tire," FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Erysipelas, Tumors, 'Eruptions, w 1'Uh, Scrofulous Con . J ' ' sumjrtioii, etc. ; q - q 5 1 q ? ? : OMTC person writes, her liter waa cured 5f Fits of nine year a' standing, and bL Vitus' dance of two years. ANOTHER write, his ton was cured niter!', bit flesh had ntmol wax! nwav. - " The doctors pronounced the caw incttraWe- ANOTHER was cnrel f Fever and Ague af ter try'ni every nifd cine in hia reuclt. A NOT 11 KR was cure.! of Fever Bore which 4 had exi-tif founcen vears. AMTUKB of Kheimmt tm of e?ght yeiiM. - -Casa iiininnerRl le of DyNperi an'.l Liver Connilaini coold be mf niHinni, in which the ruriSer and TUla Work like a. charm. .. THE BLOOD PILLS Are Ute moat active and thorough pills thai ' iuraerer ieen introduced. Thy act so di '. recti y upoa t! Liver, excilin tliat orgw t nch an extent as that the cysteiH d.-cs not re- . Iape into Us fonrier condition, which i too Rpl to be the cane with simply a purgative pill. Ihey are really a ' ' DLOOD AND LIVER PILL, and in coBjunction.wilh the BLOOD PURIFIER! TVii't cure all tbe ararementioned diseases, anf, - : of th.'n'Sl.e. wilt relieve and cure - 1. . ' Heada&9.:-" Costiveness,' f 'Colio pain? Cholera Morbus, "indigesiioDr Pain in the Baweh, -DizrinegSt &c.j &c. . . JDB. lib BACK'S Stomacli Bitters ! dlTrbee inedieines. and yotr KI i Bejer re- p-et it. Atk your Mtghbera rtve neetj fhem. and thoy will say they are GOOD , MEDICINES, and you stoaid try ttem be- ore going tor n pbysician. , PRiriCE, WALTON Ci CO., (guccesaorstorr.C.W.Roback,) ' SOU PEOPKICT0E3, " ITos. BO, 58, 60 & 62 E. Third St., CINCINNATI, O. " Aro Scld by all Druggists and - Dealers in Patent Medicine .EVERYWHERE. AM. ARTISTS' UNION v AGENTS WANTED. Heliable and energetic persons, male or fena.!e, are wanted to rolieit tubscriptiocs for oar Engra vings, and to such we ofier very liberal cash indu cement ; also to be used in eanrassing, together with all Decenary papers, will be furnished 03 ap plication. Address, with reference. : . AMERICAN ARTISTS 'CXIOX , ' . -lo-Jms. . r 2i Tine street, Kew Tork. . . stray notice: .. . Taken up by the snbecriber, living in Lafayettd rVecinct, on the 14th day of December, 1S65, one Bay Poney, Star ia the forehead, hear main and tail, 3 years Ii Ust tprisr. -, ... JACOB GOODS. . PffiS 4?.'.ia ,Ly- .'- Di:.iJ.i:RS ly . . m u u T" AND s 1 1 rtm '''tF- O e t. Would call the attention of DEALERS to their immense stock of Dress and Medicines, School patent Mieuuines, . . r" . Glass and Glassware; Mrillnj: Pper, - - Paints and Otis, Envelopes, ' Spices and Dje-stnfTs,:' Coal Oil and lc.p .' '';:: .".pore Wines, Liquors, d-c, &c.9 . . v ....... ' - . ..." " . '". . ...... ........ .i . r.-: - . 5. Which wers bought frrca-'h of Menufactures. Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at the rao favorable prices. BttT5ng in largeiqHantities from first hands, they are enabled to offer extra Induce mnt to tbe trade. ' ' " ' .. '-Jfc." ' aa- - f! AtmA Co' and can furnish Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Iron. STEEL and HARDTOEE. i t. Vagnf Carriage, and How Woodworks. . -. . ' ' AGRiCTURAMPLEMENKtt Spring?, Axe?, Axel?, ShovelaAesyiles and IUii-s, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts, Notts and Washers -Sails, Horse Bail. ll?e tftfto Shoes, taw, etc. etc. ' " '"' Castings and Hcjlw Ware, Su;ar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and Lids, Stew pots Bike oviysK Fruit kettles and Sad Irons, i . BIackSk3ItI2S, TOlfAnTils, Strcks and Dies; Be.lowsSledge anJ Hand Ham mers, Viaea, Pincers, Hasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenchea. Ac. -; Ox Tokes, Axle drease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, Ox Shoe nail?, Shovel and Fick3,Gold Pans, etc. , ..-.; ; . '--XI xals.' sxxli.ea o.aac3L XJoxxt-sfiAlT.' ' - 1,000'CELEBKATED MOLINE.PLO'WS ! Jnat Tuitented-and snterior to anr Tet invented and - ' ' " " McCormlck's Mowers and Reapers, Kallers Horse Corn Planter. J OUlKy VyUru VUlltvaiors, uanu vrn i lauict, yum ouc.icta, AMiftcs, etc, etc eac , lXl3tl2L?3 St33 C3.XC3., Scales . ; . Baying my goods direct from tUe mm a ers, I offer great indnceaiejH - . TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT; - Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST. JOSEPH, MO. BLOOD ! HUEIOE Will positively cart SCROFULA, ERYSIPELAS. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, or any HUMOR in the BLOOD or STOMACH, and for PURIFYING the SYSTEM and ERADICATING ail TRACES OF DISEASE this remedy has no equal, and for Building up the Sytem, and giving new Strength and Vigor. Its ucparal'ed success since its introduction, and the wonderful cures it has and is daily performing are its best puarrantee and we earnestly desire that every sufferer shall giva it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. Price one dollar a bottle. - COLL.IXS BKOTIIERS, , ST. LOUIS, MO. Proprietors. ITCH! ITCH!! SALT SALT ITCH 5? RHEUMIVO RHEUM! ma rwre the ITCH or SAZT XIIZUX. inafew a;...carions. It ! cure prairie Scratch es Chilblains, Uicertand all Eruption of the skin, where other remedies have fieen tried in vain, cures speedily and thoroughly. Price W) cents a box Sold bv all lruit. By sending 60 centu in a letter' to COLLINS BROTHERS. S. W.eor. 2nd A Vine jst, St. Louis, Mo., it will be sent by mail free of postage. 1 x ?9 iy-rn,nnf.ISWJ GLOSS' STARCH. : . Is used by Flrst-CIass Hotels," Laundries, Tens of Thousands of Families, and Should be used by all. It gives a beantiful polish, making the iron pas smoothly over the cloth, saving much time and la bor Golds done up with it ceep clean longer ob seipaently will not wear out so soon. It Mkes Old Linen Lok Like New! Sold by Druggists and Grocers Generally. OUR IMPEKIAI BLUE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD! It is soluble is hard at well as toft water. It it put up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to the publie. It Is Warranted Not to Streak the Clothes. Sold by Grocer and Droggift? genei-ally. -dgonU wanted everywhere, to 'whom we offer extraordinary inducements. Address NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO., No. 218 Fulton Si. New York January 1st 1C6A 1 year a$ From jr. 8. WILLIAM'S Advertising Aeen?y, 9 tft ' - Chamber Streeta. Saint Louis, Ma Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier, ROOT & PLANT PILLS, Are the greatast Preventive and Curative House hold Remedies of the age, and are wonderfully ef ficacious in earing Dyspeptic and Consumptive Symptoms, General Debility, Lacguor, Bilious Dis eases, affections of the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys, Female Complaints, Scrofulous Affec tions, and all diseases arising from impure blood, and a sure preventive of Fever and Ague, Chol era, Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, Ac. 8ee circular around each bottle and box. Pre- Sired only by the Grafton iledicine Co., St. Louis, issddri. ' Sold by DR. A. S. HOLLADAY, ErcTnriJIe, Neb. 'VV : "::J.:;SJ - 1 jP' J&l- y O-ai. BooKj; ; ;; . their Meditines in an v Quantities. (10l-l NEW PHISIOGNOMY OR "SIGN'S OF CHARACTER." at manifested through Tetnperepjem and Kvernai Forma and e- f-jjeSTilly in jha ianrnn J ,o JHviae." One e!eitct vol.urue, M'itti nerJy izo jw? et, auU I, CO iIiuUatiiM- BrSjR: 'TTeU,EiiUjr i'h.rfclasislJou-r.'ZX? ic' t-Tt-Tai37-;tij. ,.atc3r--rvw7eT tc-'Velia.' io 389 Brjlwar, Kew York. ''ew-t-biiofnomv" ia eminenfiv roily illustrated, and well ei 'be warns i f all In the study of -the face" tbe reader oon learn to read ecfc and every feature Xoses are v.'a.iSe.t tbe Kouiaa Greet, Jewish, Snuh and Cetea'ial. TRe eyes speak all lanifaaees. whether Mack, blue, bn.wn or tlzel. In a like manner, cheeks, neck. ears. hn(i, reel, walk, voice, lanh, etc. . are tbown a te -sipna uf character." In no other work it so mncb Ilsht thown npoo the character and destiny of mankind as in this, or thedls. tinative traity of nations and tribes so clearly pointed out. Portraits of distinguished persons of nc:ent and mwlero times, with biographical sketches ami deiinea tion of character, are given. Divines, Orators; States men, Warriors. Artists. Poeti, Philosophers, Inren. tors. Sarpeon, Discoverers. Actor. Mniciats, etc. are included It is an "Kncyclopasdia" of biaf raphy, acquainting the reader with the career and character of many reat men ana women of the past I 000 years, and oi tbe present such, fer inrtance, as Amtotra, Julius Csesar. Skakt.'pear, w"ahiceton, Napoleon, Franklin, Bancroft. Bryant, Lone' ei low, Irvinr. Roa Uvneur, Theodueia Burr. Cobden. Bright, Lawrence, B..livar, Wbately, 'Thackeray, - Dvr, Knox. Rickelieu; Hopper, Buckie. Dickens Victjria, Wesley. Carlyle. H-iatiey, Uii I, Spencer. Tbomp i Guibrie Airim rter, and hurMire'! or other. jCj"AoE!Tt Wanted Bookt tent bt rtl vra pot or txpreit. on receipt of Price. - - . it. . ,,3 mn LECTURE TO VOUNfJ .MEN. Juit Puilithed intSeJed Envelop. Prie tixeentt. A Lecture on the Xaturc. Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, Scm-na! VWaknrs, In voluntary Kmissit-ns, Sexual Dehilifj, and Imped iments to Mnrnage g'-ncral!y. Xervou4ne, 0n snmpt'tm, Epiit-py, and KiL, Mental and I'oi i:al Inca;Hcity. reu!t;ng from Self-Abue. Ac I5y ROBERT J. CULVARWLLL, M. D., Author of tbe M.reen Mk." A . Tbe world-renowned 'author, in thit admirable Lecturcclearly prtM.ves frum his eijx-ricrce that the awful consequcicest f self-abuse way beeffectn ally rem-ived wi-.houtj'nedioine. and without dan-ger-u. surgical operations, bougies, instrument,, ring., or cordials, pointing out a, .mde of cure , at -nco curtain atd effectual, by which every auffarer, no matter what his condition may he may eare him-w If chcapiy and radically, THIS LECTURE WILL PROVE A BOON TO' THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under sal,ia a plain envelope, to any ad drss, pnxt paid, on receipt o six cents, or two post Office stamps Also,' Dr, Calverwell's 4Marrt' Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers. CHAS. J.KLINE A VO . 127 Uowery. New York, Post Offlce box, i,5S&4 11-5 12-5 P ATEHT MICA EOOFIIIG Tbe New York Mica Roofing Company, (Estab lished 1854,) are manufacturing under Letters Pat ent The Best Article of Composition- Roofing Ever offered to the Public. It it adapted t o every style of Roof, steep or flat, and can he readily applied by any one . The TJ. S. Government, after a tb roah tet of its utility , ta e adopted its uae o the Navy Yar.i and npn Public Buildings. The Roofing is put up in rolls, &nd has only to be nailed to the Ruo' to make a Durable Fire and Water-Proof Covering ; We particularly recommend its se wpoi Cuildins, stores, Churches. Fac tories. 3Xachlne-Miops. steam. koat-Dec!isy &c ' MICA HOOFING PAINT For coating TIN, IKON, or SHINGLE ROOFS. It form, a Body equal to three coats cfOrdinary Paint No Rr-of can rnst Bndr It - ,nl nn i. rt -. - - .., mui V1U XJCMJ IHIVIt may be made permaaently watej-proof and durabl bv its n?e. The Paint requires no Mixing, but is ready to be I applied with the ordinary paint brush. Price II ptr gaion, wnicn will eorer two hundred square feet Also raanufacturert of R LUSTRE TARRED FELT AND ROOFING PITCH. 'Discount to the Trade. Circulars and Price List furnished. Rights for counties sold at low rate. alddress. THE MICA ROOFING Co. 194. Broadway. New York. rrand Humphreys, 61 Royal St, N. O. Sco Seid, Williams A Co., Augusta, Ga. Baldwin H Woods, Montgomery, AU. Thomas S. Coatet, Raleigh ,N.C. F.A. Tucker, Richmond, V. Ternr-Wilson, Peterqurg Va., Agtszjts. January, 1st. IStjS-l y Avers Cherry Pectoral . . . . . ., "i i : i i O Li 1 i . . 4 I U - ai ..ii. . . A bOh. . J - .M aaw a j i - WHY SUFFER TITa THIS : Ehcoroos and - Lo ithsome Disease j . O ; ..... ... i . . t - 1 J '- - . ..... I , WlIEi If .. j: J . Can be.Olirad; L " " AJvD ENTIRELY . : .-.t. - ; -.j 7-'- j 1 . .'. 9. ERADI'-ATED FKOM THE SYSTEM ' Bf.iHXTrsi or ' D r -. S; B, E L "5 -E ,' S :J it ... i - -1. - ? : . ! t i : ..- .. i ;. ' ... . . . . ;.,ti-- ! " I 9 WILL. SURELy RESULT I ' Unless checked ia its incipient stagee- IT ITEVHR FAILS i. ..' , . , ..- a . ' i". ! ; ' Cure WArranted if Direcioa are Followed.'- . ,H f . ; . -... i . t i . ". - j . 4 ' - . . - ' - S1KCLE BOTTLES WILL LAST A K05TH. : ' - COLD IN THE HEAD -. Relieved in a Few Mjnatea. BAD BREATH Ou""i 'r-- ffnsive srefi a i WEAK-EYES- 4 DEAFNESS When cauied by Catarrh Jtih. a::- A.'ix cured by th; renidy v Throat AtTections V; Are more frequently than otherwise can sed by a thfckjSltmy mucus. falliDg fn-tn the heaj.espo- eially during the night, and resulting from Catarrh .a ad are cured by . DE, SEELYE'S LIQUID CAT A II H II REMEDY The rymptrms of Catarrh are at first very slight. Persons find they have a cold, that they have fre quently attacks, and axe more sensitive to the changes of tcmpeiature.-: la thit conditioa tht nose may be dry, or a slight diteharge, thin and ac rid, aiterwards thick nd adhesive, may tnsne, . ... - - - As the difeaae fSeccmea chronic, the dischargee are increased in quantity and changed in quality; they are now thick and heavy, and are hawked or coughed off The aoereiiens are offensive, causing bad breath : the voiqe thick and natal t the eyea arc weak : the tense ol smell ia lessened or destroy ed j deafness frequently takes place, . Another common an d important system of Ca tarrh is. that the person i obliged to clear bis throat in the morning ot a uliek or slimy mucous, which has fallen from tbehtal daring the tiight. When bis Ukti. place, tbe pt r ms o shire that this die.- i n it w t-. the u gsaad .-hould loe no t;iuc intr:eft:ni iz. Tite active are f wte- -.f the Lua. y Catarrhal ymptooi. Writa :.. , -,u-i.Jovra"r fr-ur ra pblet o.enkii.p tiir.-v .vif i '. ns . it wi'tt-eeLt i re e t iy iodf.. A i -,'d icr-'v.-ziLvT? to rj cure the med:c:ie. We are r-ei . in- !-rerv fr-J "il prts cf the Union, i't.d a!;- er :t-tj;i"i:.j.lj f.-vio. i.i'.e uing it, Uar.jj i'-e eiJ:--e : ia tifaiiiaci trtrits. - This remedy c-'nuiu. n Minri! t.r P' --aTi IbrredicbU. but b pff-ir.-d tr :n vegi;iote titixu Eclui;i ; thrreiore k is I'a.'iecr.y iiarailc?, even tw lb uaot teii.r ani del. 'aw chili. Call For Stelye'tCaUrrt Ii.mdy, a-:i taka no other. ' Jf not sold by drugzi.u ifl your viciauy, they will order it furyoa. pnee il.W per hottei. All persons suTenng with any affeeions of the HeaJ, Throat or Laegs, should write at once fur our pamphled fully deseribiag all symptcrns pert?3 ing to the above diseases. PR, P. H, SEELEY & CO F5EP0RT. IlLIXOXS. ' Sold brUWlioIeaIeaEi Retail Drajjist - Oct, 1515631 y -02 rcr"" srsixc) 'Tb WonJerftt Tin,IL?y ar.i trei Cwa'u F.aaawre ta aa X1y Vtarirte te Pxrt tt I ikirt will e -epe"iew:ed rar;lrt,rl ta af.2 - Ataeajb iea. 0.raa Crri. Saitroa Car. 77 Pewa Arm Chur fie r-on:eade and n,' ) at h Skirt ea be fo'ded wbea a t to rmatl.f lace a. etn? a ix4 avetitatij . 7 ' Mualin Ore., an invtlnabie .aa:Uy im craw.," : found 1 1 any Sin:e pnrt Surl A L8'1v. bavin enj ye-t the pTat-re rtwf ru liirl i r ( Mi .1' ''.!! Pfvt j , trt tirT'T r.-r.n- r- . " ,- , . fl- i, w,TfT' lf Vtfvv-V p-tv r ,:, ' TLC wi-. r ... b-i i . r f ? S I i 0 , , tat wilt prr V-i. per:-c ae- t..-, wj-rre it ree ur r tii:t- 5k.iL, wLj.kM J' ti.r- u as-'ie Hi- !f p- ar t. irri w d ajj'-'wtt s e --i r OO.y d- l.b e fp iBi.: M l tK ( .rj. r f prevertin tl -ci lr. tn carn:oet mh-ad-... The pt:Mx EUrUis a treat. J a rt it) ladies and ia amveral y recrmatebUed by x. Ftkbiooabie sf aaxiaea.aa tne aUadard akirt . Fashionable Wrr4.. " : Tc enjoy the ftill.-wins ine;imab, ariirti, Crinoline, via . snptn .r qT,;jy -f4 E ,u:jf 1 stylish hape and flniih Cex:bili-y. dari,j;i.y fort and economy ensure for J W.' Bral'iev) a Elliptic or Dsl Syrinx Skirt, and tt iray,'' ; the fennine article - ' i . CAVTION. To guard itupoi:i be utar to aotice tbi skirls efftred a ' VZnm- iZ tbe red Uik Um?. v.a , i Bradlfj. Eap:ej u lipfic Steel fpriii.r uon tie wiJiafcj a r9l.j are tenuuia .Alw uot:c 15 it every h x.p :. a pia be lot pa-d tbrear tfce raatr. n,n wtj Jj which iahe tecret of tieir fi tioi uty nd '.' ft. a et'inUhatx.'a nt 44 M ftmf ia any wr&er ten. yvaaleinall atores wtre Firt Cum Airun : told tarwuznoit tbe Vmted 3 Ute, msj 1 , aiasuf attured by the ve nwcert cf tbt paMct ' . . . Wests, Hjadley U Cary, , lI-3-3m - 9? Chancer v7 tt at Ream bt.'. 1 1 TO" CONSUMPTIVE; ': The dvertiser.hatiag bewo rired f i, ( a few weeks by a very simple remedy, af:er harj. surered for rereiiar ytrs with a sever lun5 tion.and that draJ dteftse',Consamj ti..B- ij. ionl tv . toaka know 4 ia bii ieUtw-aurm means of enre. To all who desire it. he will send a cerv af 4. "in (i aatai aw ww a- k'-tA0' U (Jl, &f "J. ehitl?, Cough, Cold.-, tni all TbMi aniLcsvij: fections. The only ohottof the advertiser iaui. diBg i ha Frtescriptkisj is to ben5t the a2a?t)e. epreaJ Informafiorl whichTie ei.ueeivei tv be n. able, and. ba hope every sufferer will try Msr. ady, as it will cost them jju thing, and nay pr:i bleicg Parties wishing the prescription, nst.ojrtic: mail, will please ad jret , Rj-v.-EJIVTARD A.WIL?0!f, ; Vir.iam.lurg, hjngt Co.,New Trt ; EHROES; OF YOUTH A Gentleman wha sxrZrfiS for yoan from 3rr oaa Debility , Premature Deray, aad a.'l tht tin of youthful indiscretion, will for tbe sake (fii.V ing humanity, send free to all who aeed it, tc ceipeand directions for Braking the simple r?f by which he was cured. Sufferers wishtrghj jr it by .the advertiser's xpcrience,ean do -o l?1 dreating ' ' JOHN' U. OtJDE.X. No 13 Chennt StNcw lrt STRANGE, BUT TKUl' Erery yoncg ladv anil geaileman ia ttr I r- Statoeanbearfon-.ttriigyei rtu-1- t tr , vantage by return tV, fre f '. r 'yii ' in? the Brtdr.';crel TKk k.' T u humbucd wi.l"bl:p r.f !. t : , t . i dJ-e- ; ' ! - : - . IHU'i I . 4 II A ; All order wil'pleai" S- M P. 2.1-ly" f ,i Vl V- I 5 ' r - ; a - ;'p- -r . 112 fs3 53-AI.SO-a FCHVARDiuG COMMISSI MERCHANT? Ilelodeons ana CaDlset Cr?3 We fire duw prpired to delivt,r this city, Prinze's Celebrated MeIJ" and Cabinet Orgaps at Factory F, This is tbe besl opportunity erer J' f erred, in this section, to become F sed - pf cne cf these superior instruntf" GEO. W. HILL CO- prcscnption usea i treev;r errarge , with tht i r. tiont fur pr; panng.and.ustDg tf Hcae, wkira tS taar i 1 1 Ivn.-i ta .n rt iittt fi.r (iniiriir tioM 1 ak.. l, ! - -'. ' , . v,. -"s ; a - - - j mm ) ' i "T" ' lSCn? hip , tat i j - i(5e 15: ... 1 LI CZ t r . . U. Sal 11 . t ? . ev . aaataa-' ;' .'- t; ' -n . n " iS ; i , r - i f f : t ' l. Hi iv , tf- ' jl -in I I: (,