r . ran 1 z ' . , " TIC" " .,, -r , LiasatTavrrr In:- a j : N -" 1 1 . c 5ii, 5 ; - f . C'-H f : i - ' ; ' t rtrur c:: nr. t; -: la x t s. : "rO rl Vi O - mm m 3 " L ? i. 1 ... 'I r J - " . -I -in- it.r; its It ' a ". '. : -.-. ...iii.r.itf.tf ' ill AaD i t ft - . . 1 - I ..us r:; l b c uivi o n ,-. o :rE.- a r; d i: p. a rabl n- Or"" . ' "V T ; V " t '1 1 T " T : ,.L: '''-u t T . i ? .- - - - ,. is, - '(" jJ- "ss ' ;rsr:cr,ss cards. A. S. HOIiLADA Y, 11 D. CiraJuati3 In X "I.1 located la UrenTii!! in r - u"VUfir:; V::'V!;:i 1 illlJlL'lui LiJi.u-w.-OB3TETKIC I AZST ; f rrcr'nclbiiy t TJr-2 Store Ci I A ILLS 1 1 EL L ? T ETT. ;- 'L', . goat ami "&Mt ' ' - - i . BEOWXTXI.L3r IT. T- '." : CUSTOM WORK r I'oirxxa.Ea Cxusli. FHAKZ HilLIIEB, f '- i s I ) , Waaoii'4 HFT.j-nr.urxsEa sTiN sua?. . iC.rrXTLTi' j r. J '-. u i- Ill a;.Ikicak house. -a and LHcrj Stable r '.'n.'. l r,:::nss?i. 1 '. ..4 fr !-. . . !.K. .NEURASUA . IJnBINSOX, r , a " t rr .n t?j-Pi! H i!' $ Trorvaavillo rJcIs-iasulJari 1:00 is and shops;"- ilU's.iil.iU.'tOcaicIf, "iinuEiy, (b .Fancy. Gpo'ds ' ojrojn Ta t.-tt oca dscrwMt c$ tiia Poat OfSce l' '"--'.. Ct9r'l.:: i ti ii.:..n7 ;ia -n,.c. . . . ..4iw-vi..A .S..10 obsteteiciaitI " ' k all eajMM -traK ! ra . C R i ( ? A T I- R E R S " l ' K a. & 1 , ?! J i . a. . '-wuilllf. .rtrsaka. ' r a -47 ly . i . . I n JI t If i I- j 'M Pr:' .i "'-,iwrr,aiit7 -Tirr::r;--3st Kirs cer.eT::a: c: (.; :, . :-v3J - t., .--"" I e.f " tr, 4 Bi ahi aa.Fine Ks .ota aflja f erECttiS. - T. 1 a. a. v a jb, aw ' - ' . t 4.-....i.. - - T" 7 i . , . t F.-n;j tu-ra cr cf.y :a t-t .Iftrrttrr c. . 3 ..?.J...;r..J 1 ...a r. j: j :a L ;;r ran-...;a:.,a. V ; '- -r.-llr"-,- I :. wa,-.-..----.' '"P. brO'.Vne5 Ot-. LVen- kinU, sini -Tlvsy aba piiK. -is 2..:, j .. e, U;i d At.r0. c.-:b: c: r. .1-3:3 r..-.:;:,--; A. L. ;rzz:i. E- .-?!: . v --.-' a-..tH-..-.wi.uai. f-t :.m v - . Sunr. CtlTee. Tea, Pepper. AllpioeJ The vicietj. since V-s crgannaboa baa ? third rote cf said body, appioi a per.oa j provuiona a ;j C;n c: t-j S.at? C.j:: an-.Ei-i :n. - : w.V .It .V,r:- r-"a"u r--"-"5 .si w-t Urr - '- ' fc'cd a. Candlenl Tcbaccc. Hatches, ; j..,,... -a. r--. ' I u coll, at, cndertherriaue Iaj cf the ia whiuh tbty r:.ld:, y-r c;.:..;.ltti5 a;-j ; prl.bbe.-i. - " i:-V.;:iff f "f'1 tTTil IX US? ISU-.!. . --, ...Tic of ' fp;rc;nat; gcTer i.wJ.vuj ia cure -.ate t3, cr cither by ;ecial eaa:t.--:".; cf, .-:;: J c : i j" 1 1 i t o t p r ; a i : i t z ' ', b . ' i 1 blam . : i , and b ; a c - ---- " -. " ' " - b--:.b;rtV:l:lb:7ii ''" ' ' I .-7-. tb3 Eb:2 ia foreign caaarnea. ' liars Ue Legbtla'tiTe Aaembiy, aad iaii tar i Tirr-ry iato tb, fa-by c!:i V ! :r. -! -: -at ---'-. 'VV'-r.b'T -.We PTTQ b1?IEE.! r- ???rir't,t I thaa CCCa cucaiuaaHw era gUd ta b2 tha ! ccbaotur ahal- be caatla-e i ia cllue d-r- S..b . "jgic;. ... : . ; In-1 C.a la c...,lJ a :- ri:-Xb'"!-" "IT "-bH ' b' -" .-.-.LvVu: CHEAPFORCSEi- c u.-cfU t. -ds '-..2.. ThS m c-a.-t:r .t -n. c-: ; u;! ' I;-; ; - ' 7 ; i :: 1 T i'wftnrnr. 'i 1 1 r. 'i " - - ' ' - - wf 'T G I' ll If All wcrk doae ia works: aa- JL"i era loot wiarr ar as: iitui bo? a . s - . r. -1. t - .-JACOB JIAItOnS,"-"" ii E-R c Ti lv-2c t;: tj ti t a 5-J t -Jr. i , i . 3 2? t ? . - - f2 . - ,v - 93 f is S1 "2. JLJ Aur.3i65 BICniIID F. DAEEET,5 a inrnfrci TfT' C? ia J- L Cit c -' Eiutirs Hocse. KIIOU IN V I L L E, ,2s" K B B AS K A . . tlflttMlTiliSS. A5D , . JOSEPH SIIUTZ a Urrfl axi we!! ac!ecteJ stock of pjaaiaeax- OzeDccr.rrttt cf.GrcrXs Sere, Brcvn riU. ' JS'etraska. t r - . - . - r. . . t - " ' . " .' ,XToxixdL23.-S .... - :. Of CocEnV W:cie4ui4 Je'-rj "Ba a tia aicrt- b WORK "-WARRANTED.. C. F. STEWBT IX .... - . OZT,27"XC2-jm v --i Eaf. rr.-r f Jta'a an J Hrat .5 treat CHAKLE6 G. DOIliHY ATT0E1TBXATLATT : i i ' T :'-- r3rowxalioiornj-li!3fl: 1 p ! - . KB T 7 5 4 V- . . f . ft b ft. I mm . . - - W T . - j . . . . . l.nC Hi;.!.lTiLi.. i. A Ton. . Main Street. E-o-nr S.CLca- iT.W.Tl9oa. O . Uj:tt B?.(JWNVILLE "N El 11 A SKA. like raaaner, ad on atnciaj- ji . STCX 5..3i;2 IlIS, i'ar.J c-a. . t,-.;.-.. t -. ... .. f. ' . : - . : 8 j years c!iff; -rec:ei tro toerj. i .Itrtucrj. I z.: . 3 ' ;c- " V- U'trkki isiJancr cf ?K2ae. -epea I -f : ..U -A.:iU Ilcsnii:. - . . f.. t 1-1. 1 2;V i:TEEBiLBK,:-.XBUESDAY, BBSUARTl, 188T; I woaU respscriullj ad tin I L 173 .at! j sn ii & fall aitortaei'tf ALSO: irn " nrHiciiiun;,: Go otic, 1 1 Jt?.tl T.-r TO SVIT TUS'.TB J " - : :i rAIl cf uLich va proria - to sell -as Ii-o a p o r C li e apcr Tim tzj ct ccr CcmirJtcrs. All : ,t rli -?.'-r " 1 we . . ; - : -.-a aci aJjuinincouaues, TO GIVE US A CALL - Jlzi f.rd cz.i fcr thrrzstlics l o . tt v - . y - M U . . - -.J ! .- I'3seceors to 2IcTv.a,:ia & Sw&jx. - - "We respectfully' ..anEormc. to Xhz Public that they, have now in: store, a New and Larre Stock -of 4 . X. AND csi -: To -which' they iavita tie cf purchasers. - - YOU. -WILL FIND TIL" re, Pcre CiwCiTlYIiieer o.i a; Carded Fr&te in rjrcai vcziety ar.d cf ihz lest qudiif ; Qatzzip. pieHc3. OjzUn.Sddinei Chmj,' 'Fiench 1-hstaid, i ITbretsUi.Ure Sauce aid Westergn eserv-s Chiasat 1 S1W'AN;& BROS. ' Sin ad Brother, "desire" to cill p:irticuLlr 'attehtion - to their,' large and Vrletl Stock cf " '. 1' ' 'f -Tobacco, censrittn of Natural Leaf and Jiecar.ae acd cher favcrire braadj cf Plu Tcba:co acd test qualitiea 'A Fire cat, aad Saack:a Tobacco. . 'Wra'uht'-aad Cut 'railiof all size ' Spadi. SLbl. ErcuaiiJSeirj Twine aad Scccp" ShoTtls .at - r - .:.-.: Tic.fc!-est'r;rlce!jl"rcr 1 1. . 2V.".tl; w Jv..u i. u i-. b c lb r e vi- . e li e vrhere. 4 . . T-lO-n-4 Ir. . .: - - G RAITS CAE IP Ca"53 STOftir-.VftZ-a f.W tdzTtx First end Siccnd. BEOTTirraJLS, ir, T., IToali TLUr:aictl"a2y -issTtraaT "tie Cliliwra I tsi f.r.i.-eaj B.timi All k: ska of I ltd. f ' '- ; i. . . c!II arJ. Shera tb aeccai.scacf :?Gia. r2-usi2 :ti2.rs!;ct 'iaxelitisa :U ihs I' Is uoc-ss-J. cc-iiw . T.icu ti.gy icitad tb precsedin'Li3- Ar:ct fsr tb? Air.eriaa E.II8 3o;:3.V. Ti-:2 ia rc2i No.-1cf lis',? s.r: c!?s will rcrusni-cr that l6tiu3liL.cca rersci .vri'Ji: Adin yara, jha ecrja certainlj'ts l-Cic:3 faaillar wiih all lis cV'-u, recorded ia.tieri firs: ciirtrrs if Geaef a..' -la tb year cfi l:ry cf erants ia SyrcIypis J characlsrs. The? UTers, cr pillars " were ; sraaiic la; after tie oci.- See Jos;isr3. Ck. .11. ch. 2. In. tbi3 cocnecnca' Le "' caj3. 'tb tiara are writtea dovra witb- great accuracy ia oar sacred books, tboae wbo tba Jired hiTbrj noted-dowa. with gfe-at uccaracy, both tb births and tbe . death? cf illustrious tnea.-". -If a knswled cf wr:ij was ia exbter.ee before, tbe Good, i: certain!? was afterward, for Shem, faid by Jcsepbss to s?e written, iired COO years after tbe fel2je, and-coten-pcraaeo'Jisly wjtb Abnbia fcr214 y eara. That there ia-co positife accaaat.cf tb3 i acred ..writings beir:.ccsnsi:cinalj - kept by the Patriirtbs acd .Priests dze v.oi proTe tbat :be7 were E3i sotept cziil Mc3s wrc?i. ia the year ,2513.. .It 13 hghly probaM- .tbat.Lhey wi?e so kep, fcr, if previous record hid 'beea Qaie. Frcra ?jc?es dovm to ibe. presec. tice there is tat Ilitla cbscurjty ia lh hhicri cf the Bbie. ' We r.il brie2y sScetcbJts. outlines. ccrcLsdic with a history cf the 15 Ecdiih 'trans!ai:oMc6w ia existence- Frr.m ?.U - r t ' t f was car ?.f all? cumbered. ThT- rrrcte i i - - . . ' j ' . J .t . " :.t I USOU J;30U Sain? I JJ.STJ ,'Twr7 WW I :ce?rs. In 3727, they were translated : " "AncrlcaaElMs "Soclclja. . ' ''Permit rae through thecoliraa of yctrr paper, to lay before'your resiers sorae facts respecting the Americaa Bible S clty. and its wcrk. - . A Thi Society ya organized J3l year 1515, for the purpose ct eircuiatiaj j the 'IB. hie 'without bote or cumraeat. . . r ...... Nia . - The scciety is- cot deacmiaat tonal ia the least, bu: a great natjoaal msmutioa, and belon g to the Acaericaa people. It f sa to see if all matters taaabeenpr-jper- J . i - . Louie "a: Astur " P!ac Ths3- soo.r.y puu.aaes ta ;a ui-jKH a ..;. ,-.j,. . j ---'I - I 1 ioto Greek by crier of Philadelpbu.- F; Y;? ether-parttca!ar3 ia ccnS ct w.lh this ,u 5 277 -rear, before ChmL The di5charge. .oa prEeatin satd Tretta- v; red. aad cf ao ect Ptraa-S!aucri then made, is called the Sep- 1 urer th? proper erldecca. which .misccs cr city ?h:;h.saa. ar, " ' ' - -; ' ! v it-- i j v- - i j ' t l cert aad adoat the rroaisisas rf t-5 act: tua?tat, aad ia. cow., ia ciaim-a t shtll include his cngtoaal diacharg?, pj-j : ;u , t t ca,.f T. ,tp fnr oa wh;ch the said Treasurer shall eadorse ....-...; - f ..5T- t - - .v ' .It,.,-,, the payment cf 2a;d Bouatr aad sia his S 't C t " -i1"7' w. c.y -TaCcf - - - ... : - caaue ctaciihy thereto. - Pro7sdea such . . , - - t t- . - 2-5 ri it.wasnraiwniea cpoa rery wia-icf soldier shall hae eclisted and been xsuai. i - -r - - - v . i , . - , - - - i , . . . . . . t aewfltarer mated ia cr nearest to su-th I traces hat soon aner en rarer. prec i-.m r. ?rnc n; trt i r.:r:i ?:!i:as 1 . . . . . ; J ! - is managed by thirty-six Vnea. selected ; t- eerrice cf the Levied States. lor without diaticctiaa of party cr sect, " but any period Ies' thaa thre;jea, Jd t , . . -Is - s - ' ,v ill in a'l c.her repcts 'coevs witia noble raen that looi ta the welfare or our . ? lbi Bc:sijll cwa " country and. hunaaity gen-rauy. j w recejff frsra said Treasurer 1 Nine cf these taea grc "elected 'acaually.! c furtj.;.jag like prouf, the sua cf. Fifty cdhoi their 'pstuoci for 'four year. DoHar Ewaty. ' ,." t -v ' They lock aftr the iateres'cf the soci-1 'Sec. Z. The said Bounty raay be paid . - : - ; - t-ls 1 1- tha wiia-.v cf a deceased 'sory ety,- meeting ccce a msnta at tae E.bfe i 10 t Ti" -rrifl .-a'ia . 3 , :: . profiled she thai: cut .asre cuarnta s.aia Ilcuie saltiew tort, casing graata. cf pi3i,JS cf iisact, and iftota, bocks to tbcie ba apply for tbena; Al- f4:,r a- i catber be ds-d to the, guar- - ., . '.. .'" - ' . r ,,,..v V- ; Ti-: ;:r tb:a ran int tb; h ' ... .. ..bag their E.lfe an) Tc:- f wis appropriated, a sum cf money sui- i c-.lx.I it tae re.:o.u-uc. af:er v. bb ta ; L'' t iT'J Z " r" ccat prices to ihia'e' who are jfcier.r i' pay the ILaatiea "ai -tereiaj ut5 w2j" ubea ca Izi ai .a cf ia .T t?f bV!. .V;' r-:V.', able vo buy. and gia; to uoae that are, b;, rst !jt!I ute ,rect ? livI f, r : . : : .. ... ;j G,z. i:-.rr ::i .v., d c::: 1 b;., peer, net caly t2x..su. tut alio tb.3 i A r:rc from and titar i-ri3Sg ..Ayes, . Abbrr, "Eutl-ir, C: Ct!?, t:l'T 11 ! V-: V 1 ' ' ? - Tettanoentio children tharcaa read. ) ' plintioa. .b ; " . . , ' , . ;, Coibns, Crm, Daily. D;t -,? D:r3e,ft5;j a:jsatr:r3 arro.- I The Americas" -Kbf-J Suciety " rebYs f :Tb abote " till' "wis" iatrc4:ced' .ly j pr:Lf:, Frcat, Fub.r. Cray, Harden.; CJ -:c' r-;s aii "'z 1 np:a-tbe'teae,c:ececflbe-Amer:aa;Lc7,:d:?r, into the Ifouse; g; VJ;. people to saataia it ia t-.s -tcl.e v7orbr,firr2 j to Committee ca Aooouan .and r ;7:I, 2L . . ; .: . ! II; -mi takea into ca-tody by E.rl The XJ.lle Louie a: stur iliC2 ua citcui. d;3r;l'aiIoa - aracs 'our : sre' 1 1 k lz??'zz: t : a ;ia7 hsrj re- .iis'.Gcs-sI t-i tsi'cisra sisics'tb'esj." fuch, ia ; Lri-fi; 13 ia: histarys "cjuri- 1 . 'At 'as sis : fstara tisie, -iy- jar Per aa A:t to iraecd Sec- 21, CLapV'CJ, ., cf Rjvi.-p-d Sumtes cf NbrasVa -,Src. .1. , Ee it mzcfri ly the. Gncil cnl House of EeprtsenicLiizts of 'the Terri tory cf J'ebraska. TLs.r9 e.;tioa 'second cf the rTiai Statutes cf ba Terrkory- cf i;braska. eatitlei epporxiaenserir :-"Le sad . the-- farae-i hsrsby aaaeadd afal liwsr by striking oat the. word o' ia the twentieth iioe of said secr:oa arid icsertkj the "word cae ialiea tbjresf, fend that tie clacse ia said sactiia'Js Cci- the eibih coascih,ia district, is folio -ars : Tbe coaaty cf 0:cs , shall con- to Tbrsaii c?-t!ca second cf' aaii.'chxpter be and it is hereby further aa?al;d by adding thereto tb? fcllowia to:v7it : The counties of Nethiba. Rfcbirdicn; PaV nee and Oroe sfrtll c-saMNut'tbs t;lfi district, aad.b? e staled 'to rassibir. Sec. .3. -Tbb Act -hali 'takr, eSVct acd be ia fcrce.frcsj and after its pia- - a Lin k Fcr aa act to provide for the payraeat cf L E yaaty -to Soliisra, who-'hare ;srfed - darir-T the war fcr ths JSupprjtdca cf -. r, sr t,,vr;, ar...;.i( I 1 ft m J M . w a r. ss.A. & ' . . i. ft I . i r - tt . . 1.. . lili U-C WiiC -llUulC iJwill County to any Soldier, the sarae b-iinj a either ia the Arnyror iaTy, f;r ;the tgra cf three years, ca.cr after tie tin cfay'cf Jlay A. D.' 1561 Taad -hxi teea accepted and placed ti the credit cf trccp- fcr this Territory t - aad haa-beea honorably diicharg?d-either at ile ex piraiica cf bis' terra cf eerriceor at the cluse of the TVar,'or ca account cf woaada revived, cr sickness contracted, or dis ability mcirred, while is the liaecf duty as such soldier aad Provided further.Uia but one Bounty -shall be paid, by said treasurer to any ca4? soldier, whether he ; ! baa serred for a longer cr shorter li as cr has rntlited cac cr more thaa cn:i.r Sic- 2- Eaahaad tTery cbi.ed, who bdll tare enlisted aod been cauatered titate the eighth diitricttnd be cautltd ens raster, Sac. C ' .2iti firihkr tzacisJ. df.n cf tlo? crphaa cr crpaaas, the S3illi iezr.tzrj to every ra?,;? c:;.jr?n a: :n , ' ; - - ,. . - ' '...' - t.r - i .. 4 ....... .... . .. ... - .' - Ei-eniiture?, reported laob aad ita ;a sae reconono-ended. Ar"t Fcr aa Act to create tbs cnica cf Tax ailec::r ia Inccrporated C.t;ea. Sec. I." Eiiiextdidly Lis Civrszl P,-r7ir-.-.:i-.x nfiJL itr-! ( y,--, 2irtt2 s Lea ji to tata:t. er::'T,' . j - ia a p?ral sarri equal to tr.v.i ... . u cf taxel iTiei.f:r tbziy.r,..!. shall b2 executed and file J with ;.." cr after tb? Iry -f t'.T-j l" -ar.i tjfwra'ibi' ux lo-is' ::V 'r su:h tax cclctcr's h.is.3 lr c:..: . .. ' T" 1. - - -j; and k: rurc'tias - p:a lb IcaJ c; aa a::- irr, rs 3--;dr,'?3'j?eI, cr d Iactcr, tLall te released 'm :' lies erd pT.iItisa ntil all a:?- twe-i: tb cc!l2ctdr aid ths'ica cr ci;v, as ihorra ty i? bccW cf tl ,r: aad the Trsarurer'a b-CAf shall ,V 'It - ci tyiz'i C'v.j Coor.cil at i a crJT. I itffact2a' &t,l tars' tea'enr" i fcv U5 ..yjcT --;c2j tae U;i c ;..h I. t T Sec. 3. Said ccllector r I. e fcr hit s:rricei,-ih.fII'r?;rfsej ead ao more. For the czlizzCa cf all ni:a;s3 excep. t-iT's f:- schrt Uc.'ir 3 COO (!cbr.'ien(I.jjper csat Frcra 3XC0 to 5ZG0 d;:ar-f six (6) per ceau" . j . ,.' 12 .-: : . . Frcra U-10.CCD d-!hr2. f.(i) per cetf. , . , ... s i'Oy r lO CCO'dIaxj, ts (2) p?r'-. r- AIl: schoc! cca;j' kji t-aa ' C5,l - J, Uro (2) pr cca:. : ' - k . " " -. Al. - rchagl rr.jal:3 . t7jr C5XC0,t cr? (1) p?r Cir.t.. ..... . Aal the ala ccllec'cr my c'izrj? 3 fs cf nc: to exceed cae dwbir for eTery'ux Tcel;t mails! to' coa reiiiVat,' ;;ia tlxll &;r.j tj IcizzT id zziiX dllezizT. : - ' ;, ceat3?3'eba!l bj.aIhTd..tut c-::?r -ar.i Li cr.apuiic jtbf'ar3ocrt cclictd IziX-- purp;is cf ' es:;a:ia. , t-arjr. -3 all si jr. a frcra vlatevfcf fuad 'd r i ?e I cbili b?.ia:!udi '4cet:r;;xxcr;; ue e-Lj.. fj:ai; and tbej .nllecv-.r-a'p.'.l, (fi::t, f j csv.;i:-;uai ibu3'estirr.ti at the ti r f each payaieat to the treasurer giv. j ;be slid. .Trttiarir a: rsi.2ipi'f.;r lii ail.j-j.icf such ccraj;ica5w-ad tlrj:7Tf.rc.-a- ti3 Treas-rer a re:ipt for the vcbcla -rr.cjr l cf. tbi p 3 7. 7: at, ccrr'irsi-ta jidudfd, which ree'dipt ' shall specify ' tbi serera fuadio ?vbi;h the taxes cci2c:ed are to be credited..'.: : ri i-c:: i-" Srr. 5. Ja all cthfr ca'.::rs appr cf m ccilcr'the i - f IC. b All acta. and mis cf astJ vrberehy 3Iarba'j cr ciisr pericna "are tu?.-acrcit7 taree s.cce;2i7e v?s a. -Src. 7. Tht3 act ahull be ia force acd; tabs' effect frcao sad zltzz Its pa - . - - . - . - To .r.o?n? Section th:r.7-thr?3 cf Cbiptsr Seventeen, cftbe E.eri.?d Statues cf Nebraska, tatitlcd. Elj-ctlori.' ' Sue.1 I; 'Tril tr.acUi iy LU Cclr.cZ and !L'.e if Itriraer.ItUves cfl'.s Ttrri torj cf iriT2.1;jT,5.Tbxt scutoa thirty three, .(33) chap -r sevatn, (17) '.ba aaoe ided by striking cut eftsr tbe.crcrd :.Pc-?d lbs II; II. nays 7 f Tuesday, Jan. 3, the h:u?2 tec!: c;! thj b:!I u extesd tb? rirh: cf r -.Tra-r ia . r. - j - -- A J - TJ, ' . ("'. f r ford. Curraa, Duaa- G raT??. IIir7e7f Hi:b:a, Link, rr-r-blsll. - ' - :... A. 13 - - rou. . ft .. Ia tbs Cc , f .r. .t. r- m,:t-e ca i- :i. to r raj riliml tae i:.a: r.:ca rc-.ati 79 to 1 t-.' a;: cr L-jurreii t white," so that the ' rat cliuaV ia the 1 1 ."..,-,;. , "V'"'' V ' ' V t - - t " .. , ! ' . .. J, u;i . Jt:.3."J0l' ' 0.- ab-are caat?i sfct;:a aad'taaptjr "wU 5, -....-,jc r., T read as folia-.??, wii: Ersry ccals ci:- 7",'- 7.','" - b": T Src. 2. Tnu Act ibo.l tu? :e:: .t.. j..,,,., ' anibeiaforre fcna and after its pta- r- . . . , . . hfm crr tb b?-.i trlia & r mi'.t.:.-. i I- . .-1 t - ' U : tl: fcrkfC U s - ---- ! ci:;z? j, cad a rscss: e;: cf Coc :::: 1 a-alia Czn zrzzlz s::j cf lis i7eral j Ttrrircriss $3 r t.; r. c. ui.rae cp:a.c. ex: ,t f ' r - T.tl7. 1 w . tilt r 1 r . r a ba3 cf tb? r''".-' -, tbc.; it u . .i Lei i;cj t; o c;..:l. 3 . - . Ycur r l;.at a:' 4. rirh: cr r-t7i!' tj.5 c;:;z;a cf tb.i Titzr.-,: , z. 1 J t 1 - ---( . , M .ti. i c - J . -daTJ:5i7tiV Lib. t -i:u..irr?. ;.;;a 'as taVa The re :; ;a 11 ?3 f : - - ..Lnd-i, T:ii -?c-!' :--:-V -Cc-,:2.i pliac:rr u- aad tlat t 7-.; :::Ia.-:r. i-L:r.:j to tlj ccasti:ut:;a cf tb? Uc::.-i T.:: ? riv:;7 cur uarualli.I : ;r;raL. ; the rc.u:;ca. Fuiler""acd. ir-'jef fo'lVWed ia s;uri , -Fr-n fob t iin ib- a:!:;t :p:::bf ti.i3"c3, a-i ta,'!:i t;.- ?.r - - ;ti aaiast'ih 'j23slu:!:a rritb S27jr:v. -Atl:;t. t-c' cp tbj tr;ujasa: ail fowfd ia a lhcri bit s;:r;t: J :b i A bhalf cf tb r-2;Iut;:a. af::r - : . Tc:e was taVea ca tb-! ad.; . '. j cj' reiclu::ca. Jt wa carried tj th?f:" Uvj, i.-sicf, iu....-., ti-....rt . rick, Vi'iles. 21. , r.'ays.-Aaierrca. Eiksr, Cb:d. Cr'aV ford, Gurraa, D r -a Grur ? r, 'II.: t . .... W , k w . ... m k w 9 Pr c .oa tb 5 Pla tta . : u ' h" I'.rcU 7. tb fcILicg art-bls ia re;iri tu asb--: ing alfray ia that city ca b aturiay e , I " Nr - rf -'-'- . - 1 - r . . f " j - t " . . .. a., W- - v. JJ Scott Key singer : s - "Bjtreen four and V5"c-bl;:b srt r:. urJ Tec:ngh:;;, tb5 siui! cu;: cf r:r to. 7 a nil J.ii..r"uid Ly tbj si. A..-; c: a raaa iao?ra by ti auaj cf C::t: ZZij s;ngr, r-1 ; b-si t?a for i:aj pj.it working fjr Via. E!?r. z,cz ih: ep poiiiJi s;i cf tb rirrr, by G;e. Kara- v wh rr.liej' tar" Ilcxk II -IT, ia tbia" ccuaty. : Tba mutter ii'ccl -.. 7o:n a I j gil iz7zr.:z-r::ir z-l . rr? ..r;?.-iljl gi7jr:j p-t'.': -ty.ta . ths. .:--;;- r:;:ru; wblia ars ia c:r:ula:.::a.- Tbs f;: i tb cuue, so fur aa' tb.y a-r ?ar to ': ! Vb'ther iht j b a 1 tr.T T3' ' .2 &z -e;;u:: a..a w:. F T r. . 8"r riu;a i-Jury. i:tra2:a tb2afl.;i L' ; rrr,t; I z'.itz :criaji:?y.rg-ra. - c - . - j i...... .:.,.7 t . . . . . rrrr ta :. j t, ?, it l. 5 c-t .. J . t T . -! turt i c- a r.; ? - i cj. r : C ; wis L:l cp:a tj. b'-dy c: - d I and mtit cf the aboe vr as el';'.: - - - I 4 , . ft . t -. . a f . -7- TV a v?rdl; rro-i to 11 e: . -o.-j. j tx J 1 . f----i m j - ' 1 - . , , i naa-j c; U; o. . a a j CI:-.:!-) G