Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 31, 1867, Image 3

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    rf) Q'ijvtxtiscv,
!ea-.- "U l t'offi8-
'." S. WILLIAMS. tbeastber-
e4 reverses that cur. OJUa
.Trrd Accnt for Prinre & Co.
lt W. IlU.ACO,sretbeee'nrireI Agents
i .ra r.r if f' G-s. A. Trine Co ' eeje
.,' r.i.Vtl.Kl..Bi. te. Fvrpcice,
-all ffc- AJnrltr Ojfir
llrrm M.Uai'r.iier-t SendT. - . fm.. '?.
W-Wa Mit.41. ipt Jooday.
' .nive,tt, i. -tis;Ht,
IWrt..- . m-. tigbt.
trtm Hail, -V't
VjtfDA.Y. FEB. m
CHANG and KNG, cni ten of thtir
UVrm on tLeir farewell tour through
e United
REN. tie nualleit headed people in the
crlJ. And ,the Bearded Lady. All
iron price ef admission,
i Voort cpen from 2 to 5, and 7 to, 9,
Umusion. uO cthti. Children 23 cents.
See lit Cri pajet
fCWl Com! Cash paid far Corn
( 1 1
! IUUd' Stomach Bitters for sale at
M;ic Hiotpcraphs -t Mar&h & oY
it.t..k'. liloud PilU for sale at
Go to W. H, McCreery'a for yoi,r
? Senator Tipton
I Arnv.-d nt his m-; iu this city, yes
:rJV. fr!i .!ro ti V.thinton, full of
p-s fr i; ir rj-dy a Jitiisi n, ani look
I- it 'a y to O iu!ii.
s New t'ouds i W H. McCrv ry.
y I) v' h'Tf ran lvay
' ii t'i- f -t rk f -verv v:rieiv'f
wOO J lin D-rf'i Cfletraied Molin'
ttitci. tlijTrr Plows for sale at
. IVlri D:4rjs n'l treat variety and
ai.aci at Marsh & CoV
Tbe Ctdur Kapig's and Missouri Rivpr
ailrcad was ecuijiJtted to Council Bluffs
s te This, we be)ieve, completes
conauuca between that c.ty and
- '.: ' ' '
He Friend," for February,
received, 4MJ t as beautiful And inte
Jstmg Lad:es- Magazine as it has eyer
f?n ourrlfAre to peruse.
; A New Let of BjjLs iyst received for
-i Cini.kt,g Lilrary at Martht ia's
Roback' KUd Purifier for sa(e at
' HOLj,AJ)Ay& CO'S.
MiCreery Vfeps constantly on hand a
, ' : ul inis,yu( yaruif.ries,
Fyy. iDtiirush
es, etp.
-Trof. Dye is making wonderful pro
"ith the pupil, in his singing class
vii,di Pmcg a Vocal and Instru.
i cy
f two
e iu
7 Tr Groceries at Marsh it.CoVj
.FouPr,ce- paiJ for all kinds of
fry Prepuce.
A y. riie cf Imperial Tea at
j'' ; C.-.. .d a .el,. cheaper
The V
iumou:h Heral! ;a
rrtilr ... .. ... "i" '
a lUiihe P,cific R. I
V -'vce. .,,,,,.1.
I It.
. ..i UrrMUtg Lilrurv.-
iih.d, ni.d
w IVNIL ac
rlm at' reatoaote
1 "-reat .
r. in eber column.
W Cf Ir wrir. enterprU, and
y. dnovvhehasaiapUe lh
-derotfigati0no him-fo;
-U and f?!e,did carriage,
lV,e Jwi received for their ac
umIit and Friday,
I . n an.l I n PT1 J V
Arrive, TefJj, ' "r . ' , t 1
Where eal Lr fcalls TP- a'
; n.CKSET. MI.
irebbdy'cora was inten'jc'cftlly rcad
in ourcoarnendatibn cf Judge tairtro
ther hs, week ; we merely intended to
gire putlipjy the cornnendation which
he receives from those baviDg business
with him, for faithfulness and efficiency
We call attention to the advertisement
of "Land For Sale by Col. ForDas.--
It is rich bottom and upland, and aituat
ed near the rirer in this counfy.
Attention to (be TradeJohn c. bas a "few more Cooking and
Heating; Store left. Also, a good as
sortment of sVagon Tirnber, such as Hubs,
Spokes, Fellows, Wood and Iron Axels.
Wajon Tongues and Bows, Thimble
Skeins and Wagon Grease. Also, a well
selected stock of Wraught Iron, Blow
and Cast Steel Horse and, Mule Shoes
and Nails; Hoop and Band Iron; Wood
and Iron Pumps; Wood and Iron Pipes,
etc., etc. AH of which he offers lo the
trade at reduced prices.
One Ieeper & KIar Biding
Plot! for Sale. Enquire at this office.
Sing, sing, sing, my knifting alj is done;
Ring, ring, ring, its praises erery one.
Nice hoods and scarfs and sontags rare,
And gloves and mittens by the pair
Of styles the best thai e'er were seen
Are made with ease on Lamb's Machiv e.
Prevention is be'ffei than Cure' is an
old adage, and rnqst haye beep written
before Coe.s DrirrrsiA Cube was dis
covered, for one bottle has, in maoy in
stances, , ured Dyspepsia in its worst
form, whereas it would take one a life-
time to lern to so Jijre to prevent this
troublesome disease.'
It costs you no more to buy a full
pound of D. B. DeLand & Co.'s Beit
Chemical Safer atus, ;han it does other
kinds that only weigh 14 or 15 ounces.
"Lives there man with soul so dead,
Who nevrr ;o ktQtfll hatli said,
Ruback's Bitters they are the best
To appetite they give a zest ;
There jjre none s ooJ, none so pure
pisease none will o surely cure.
Take it mv friend if vou'd be well.
.Take it. and to your neighbors teil
The woudrous story of :her worth ;
Tell it, and let the word go forth,
Itnhh is we aljh, end that' means gren-
bciks, .
One iipg better, that is Roback'
Fire Tuousand Dollars Ecward.
The above reward will be paid to any
one who will prove that there in a parti
rlt of mercury or poisonous mineral in
pr. Henry's Word Tonic and Blood
Purifier, and Root nnd Plant Pills. It
is also averted, and correctly so, too,
that ihey are fast becoming the most
popular family remedies now in use.
They are sold by all druggists.
Four Lock-stitch Shuttle Sew
ing Machines for tale. En.qure at
this office.
Ileiodeons and Cabinet Organs.
e are now prepared to deliver, m
tiis city. Prince Celebrated Melodeoos
and Cabinet Organs at Factory Prices.
"This is tQ best rponunit everet cf
ferred, io tiiis section, to become posses
sed of one of these superior instruments.
Authorized Jl,
Dlssolntlon or Partnership.
The partnertbip. brretcfora exiitin under th
n&tne and firm of Matr-i C&atfield it this day dii
Tlrcd bj matval eonicat.
Jan, lit mi R. V; MU1R.
New Irra.
Tbt lorine-e will In future be carried on coder
tbe rin i l Muir, CbatCtlJ A Snow.
Jan, lit L$ 7.- - R. V. MDIR.
- it v rriATFir.T.O.
Mm " -
f aarjfllans Sale,
Nctirt ! brnby gives, ibat by Tirrua of a License
me punted by the Probata Jndga cf Kensib
County. Ntbr lea Territory, at Ab' JaAaay Arm
f mitt Vw"'"!- ? f ,- " -
I f ' tn. - r . t r , j , , 4 . . .'i f
',. i;i r'i !' 'j I . : .
at rr VWk P. i".. t.vl IVVi-ij P'! V ! !
Lot h'ii 8rrra In I!xk tare fniktdl
!;ownriJ?a. and !t three and fi Mr in Dlnck fifty
'f i A Ta rd Ix)t fonr in LWk f(Tty-far.and Lot -eren
jn Clock twcniy-ntre in ib City of I?row6Tille all
In Nrtnaba County. Nebraska Territory aa the
lrorerty of my W. rda Clara T. and Flora U, Hay
vod minor heir if Tboma J. Uajwood deceaicd.
Ten&t of Sale Cah in hand.
11ELI.NDA HAYWOOD, Gnardian.
Tipton ITeweft A Ch arch, her Attorney a I ft 3HT.00
Adnlnlstrators Sale orReal Estate.
In rnrruanee of an order cf the Probate Court of
Nojnha Cun'y. TniUrr cf ft'cbraslra, prantcdon
tie 14. h day Jur.uary I87, t wT.l offer for wla
at public auction, on the Ci.h day of February A I).
IffiX.ati oe u'cWk"i tbi aft'ernoofa o( aid day
yM,n the premise, tb following decribed Keal
titiate ritaied in the Cinntrof Ter-
nr..ry orXtbrarkt, t9 wjtf Fifteen (15), acres off
of tbe North Eaat corner of the North W t quarter
T rMin;2a, iB TwBhipiz (6 Vorih of Bas
15. LitAt.. - . ,
Termnofj-iaUCajBiahaBi. -
Urownillc'aruary 17th, 1S7.
JA NK i. ('OMItS. Admiratratriz ard
iSONKOE J. CUMDS AdmiaiMratriji
"f ih Eiat orJEH-EPvSOK L. COMydertMed.
17. 3t . M . 4, 4. 4,1
Lacd fur Sale.
I bare a camber of desirable a'irrprcreJ tracts
'fUnd fn-N-maha.Johnw.n A rawTe"e Cotfnties,
ebraskar, fW AtchLnw Cot nly Mo., which I de
to sn,and will !! on lva iie te wHnal ect
ierr, who will improve the same. Also, sereral
it ,td T'We Farm. - '
MttL you a iiAin
trt ?Jvl9 CI ,Prof "tb's C'urliqae will be sect
.Vrsiih, .J4,rtM- The Curlique will curl tbe
first-bust hair on iV without in-
jury in ,oft, InxnrUnt.beiutif.l iufljs. -
VecZlih. iwa-ea pAiAJf,0:o.
iomciAL.1 "
Qfassodat tasnrat isesaion oi nw 'J
IfiatJi Consresa.-
fPtrsLie risoLCTlo Ko. W
Joint Rewlutlon to extend tfca Prorlslona of tta Act
of.July fourth. el sbleeo hundred ann "V"':"
tl uc tta JartsdicUoa, ol tftXrt CUlma U tha Joya
CUUcna 01 Te&neae.
V.JA it. SmaiM mud II tf Bevrttcnta
(ivetetAa Uiud SiaUi cf America im Gnyra-
.. ii.. ..ui.m i ts. .el tltm fourth cf Jalf
nii k. ii,ri.dtTti. or tka court otdatma. ta hereby
exi.Dded u tha loral citteeaoal U 8uOa al Tasea
Approved, Saly 13, B.
(Pviic JJoiufx(m. JVo. 100.)
Solnt Rew'.uUon aithortilax tbeTranimlaeion throuth
tbe alalia, free ot Pataca. ef wtain ueruncw
the ALiutaat-Gaeral of Kew Jersey.
Jtnfve4 ty tM Serca a Hetua T"f:
Itvr of Me United 5t awrtca toaflrren
rv. t ,k. .i.t.nt nrt of Kew JerWT be authorlied
to tran.mlt tbroaith the maile ffee ot poaUre, cettilj
certincate of thank awarded hy the leKlala;Te to tUe
olJiera of that State, under auca rejuiaiwm
Postmaster -gemeral tna direct.
Apprevetr, Jnly SS. 18SS. "
Putc Resolution No 101
Joint Kesolotion aothoriiiaB the Secretary of TTar
to ettle Uh JieTerrttoarof CWI-r.ds. for tbe Mll tia
".aid TerrltoTy employed in the Service of tbe United
Statu In the yearhteBatiHrea and .ixiy-rour.and
.irtiwn hhndred and aitty tve.
Resolved by the Senate and House of
Kryreieniaitves or inc unnc(: wiw" v
America in Congress assembled.
That She Secretary al War be anthorteedte aettle wun
the proper au thorttlea of the.Territory r Crdo'f,or
tbe .erYicfe ot the Brat rextmeat af Colorado moonted
millUa. called latettke acrvice ar tae unuru -v-.
I tie requisition of Culeoel Thuaa atooniicnt, in
year eiahteen hundred and alxty-Bre. and tor tbe ter.
ilceaf anyUhermMltlaferceaet the aald J'""'
which were employed U the aerrrce of tb nl7l
a..r. an tbe call ef the Kereraor af the Territory tn
tho year etfcteee haadrad .! alxty four. oWB "
.Mii.m..i .11 imoau said or Territory to
tbe .aid tnope f.r pay. 1 ora, hth'A5'
er proper all.waneee darins the time 'hyj!!
o ictnaUy in aerlce. and that he report
found to te Justly de to aaia Terruoi v-
to ConrreVt itf-December ueiU
ApproTed, Juyss, IS68.
( Public Resolution JVb. 103. )
Joint Resolution to prevent the Jttber Jy"
f tbe Joint Eefolutlon, (o. u i - -
IS64. agtn.t Kfflcera -and '
Slate, wbo hare been honorably dscnaeu. o aa
t. relieve them trom .he further rVeebr
.D'Ut rive Eer cent Iucome Tjx itypoJ t-ereoy
her-ss by the Joint Re.o Wiono T7 of tongr,
wed July fourth. eibteen bunded a. M ,;r
eci.l income tax it flve percent on . al ex-
a r- ''" ,.1 , I,,
ceedinz ix buudred do ira mcvi ""
d wnerted and w,. enf 000 seuerally apa all city
zem accessible to the revenue oiuw, ""-
forced against all our ao.aiera '"I
active aervi ef the country, and
surrender of the inaurrettiouary armlea, and the dis
banding and return ot the federal aoiatera to meir
V,-n-. uid tax is belnr witk manifest hardship as
sessed and collected of them in many parts of the coun
try : Therefor,
" JJ f rcf4 fcv tAe Stnte an.d He Jr
tnutivet Iht UniM Sttct a Aavrfce iCeii
crmAMewfted, i ;
fbst said apeciat tar. a Ircpesed ibfU ot pe farther
enforced against officers or soldiers lately ia the ser
lae of tbe United Stateiwnd wh hare eeea benora
bl4 aefcarged therefriwn, m4 tfcat- t-be fecreaary ef
the Treasury clrect the propdr obstrrance of ibiS res
olutlon oy all revenue officer.
Appeoved. July 28, IS6S.
pcblic-Nj. sat.
An Act to annul the thirty-fourth Section of the Dec
laration of Riga ta of the Statj of Alary land, aofar as It
tpplies to tbe District of Columbia.
Be it enacted by Seaaf e and House of Represen
tative of the Untted States of Amtrica in Congress
Assembled, ......
Tbatthe thirty-fourth section of the Declasation of
Jlnshtsoftha Sttte of Maryland, adopted seventeen
hun.lred and seventy-six so far as the siiue has been
reci gmxed and adopte l in tbe Dsitrict of uiam'i, he
and is hereby, repealed and annulled, and that all
sales, gift and devises problMtel by tbe aid section,
ur by'anv law p.e ed ia aocor.Un:e therewiih, sill 0',
.wben hereafter made, vailed anl effectujt : Pfovidai
Thai. lnasa of gift and devise, -the ae sbll he
made at least one calender month before the death o;
the dopor er tsiaur.
approved. July?, 18f.
Public fro. 312.
Au Act to proven Omcer of the Navy from belrg de
prived of their legn'.ar Pranlin on Account ol
tfourss receivl in Battle, and for other Purposes
Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of R ep
resentativej of the United States or America in
C'ingresj Afsctnbled,
That the provision of section forr of the 4Act to amend
an act entitled an ac to establish and equalise the
grale of line officers of the Ucliel States navy " ap
proved July sixteen. eighteehiidrJ and sixty-two,
requiring tt:at no officer in the' avl service h jll bs .
promoted to a hiebericrade upn the active list until
be has ben examed bv a board of naval sunreons and
pronounced pborically qualified to perform all bis 4u
t es at sea. tball ntbe construed to apply to and eit
elude from the promotion t whicb he would otherwise
1'3 regularl entitled any iffler in whose ca-e sucb
medical hoard sbail report that hi p1sical di-quali-ucatioit
was orcsi ned by wounds received in tbe line
of dutj, and that such wounds do oof mcapaotate bim
for other t'ulies a tbe srade to which he shall be pro
ted. -!' . . . .,
Sec 2. .And Be it further enacted, Thatlhe rate of
pay of ifflcors f tbe navy on tee' retired IUt and not
on duty, jjor retired on furjuvh pa, in jcase' where
socbh rate of pav hasujt Leretolore been Sexxbo law
ahaMheonehalfo; tta pay 0 which fuch. officers
woaid"beB title 1 it M duralsea. And the par of
cierka or navy yards, of clerks te command nu of navy
yatd. amf-vf clerks to naval storekeepers, is hereby
increased twenty. five pr cent spun their present sal-,
aiies, f 10m the cinimeucement of the present fiscal
year t 1
Sec. S. And ha it further enaeted, That the proper
accounting oftVer of tbe treat iay ee,' and they are
hereby authorised ia the aetueasent of taw accounts of
the dikbursiug officers of the navy and marine crp to
allow, subject to the aoprovil of the Secretary r the
Navy, such credit ta f ar losses of property and fsinds-s
have occurred during.tbe late rebellion and aa salt 00
enr hereafter, and which that! appear to then 17 aucb
qoucbeis and teatitaony aa tbey .ball require tv have
bpea occasiwned by accidental circumunctf i. or a con
dition 0 things over which such officers had no control
afciMor which tier are not Justly responsible!- 1
Approved, iuf 8,. 14C6.- - '
An Act to remove tbe Office of Surverr-Inerat of the
States of Iowa and WlscoBr in to plaiumuath Nebrjika
BailcHocferf ly (he "Senate' d Jloutt of jlf?
rettHtatitts tfth Uuited &ate ' America tn ton
grest afemlcd,
Tha. it shall bo the duty of the Secretary of the lnte
ilor ;ss aooii'ter the passage of this act as may be
to cause ot office of aurveyor-geiieral of Iowa am Wis
consin to be removed ti piotuinooth Nebraska Serrito
ry. and to make tbe necessary provisions for i remedi
al and effect ive operations ) aea whea so removed tde
dntin (J ierlKllotiorv ot said trtrvevor-FSnnrai shall
1 v., s:
. a 1 a:
,4 ti
' ' PUBLIC Ko 210 '
Aa Act to provide for tbe8eita, Jo-lcmetts, and Busi
ness of the United Stales Provisional Coarf vr lb0
S ate ot Loultiaua.
Be it enacted by tbe Sfsat a4 House of Rep
resentatives of tbe United States of America in
Congress assembled,
That all stits, causes, prcsecutions, and proceedings In
the United States provisional court or the State of
Louisiana, with the records thereof, be, and the same
are hereby, transferred to the United Statea district
court for the eastern district or Louisiana ; and all
suits, .su-cs,profeca!ims. and proceedings so trans
ferred trail be proceeded with ,n sard court and tried
and Cetexmined, and process and jtdtment issued and
executed therein and by said court n th same man
uer and with like effect as if the same bad ben com
menced criicnally in said dirvct caart : Provided h.iw
ever, That any such tuit or proceeding so tasns erred,
of which the cfrcuit enurt'coi'ld take jurisdiction un
Ucr the laws of tbe United State?, shall In like man-
nnor be heard and determined in tie citcuit court held
In said district. . ..-
Sec 3. . And be; t futher nacted.That in cato salts
ar proceed incs are pending in said provisional court
which coal not have he instituted in said cirtait or
disttlciccnrt, the record shall rema in said district
court without further action therein.
Src. 3. Atd qe ti further enacted, That all jj5;
menu, orders, decrew, srad sttfrisiohs of the United
States provisional ourt for thw-Mate of Lool.lina,
relating t- the causes hereby transferred to the district
court of ibe rsktern diMrictof Louisiana, er to the cir
cuit court beid ia said district, shall at occe become
tbe Judgments, ordera, decrees, aud decUloaa of said
distr ki court, or nM crrtHit -Court,- unless the same
are inconMs tent with the rnlea and proceedinsa there
of ; and bay be enforced. plealed,au.d appioved, aa tha
judgments , orders, decrees, or dxijns of said district
court, or said circuit court. . , ' -
Approved, July 28, 1665-
Aa Act to extend the Joridicrion tf Commissioners of
the Circuit Courtsof the- tailed States."
Be it enacted ly the &uate tid Uoo of Rep
reeeutotitee of the United Slates of America in Con
crete atsemlled, "
That the cemmisFionera who now are. or hereafter
may he, appointed by the circuit courts of the United
States ta take aknowlainneaU o tball and afBJaTits,
and also lu take riep-sii Ln in civil causes, tball and
may exercise all th pewers thai, acyf i hstics. of Us ;
peace may exercise endar and in virtue of the seventh '
secUon et the act passed the tweatieUJ of July, acoo
teant eenteen btndred ind nlsty, entitled 'Aa
act for the eorernmsnt and tegnlatlea ot asaa ea . ia
the merchant aery Ice. Approved, J a!y S3, 13jS
. v Pablic No308.
An Act donating certain Lota In the City ef Waifciar
toa for Schools tor Colored Children ta the. District ef
Co it enaeted br the Senate and Eocse of &eprei
esaiirej of tbe United SUtci of Amerieb ia Con
gress Assembled, - . ,
That the Commissioner of pctlleballdinsa be, and be
ia'herety authorised and require :r .Taut and convey
ta' the trustees of colored schools for tae cities ot YTish
to-toa and Georgotown, ta the Tistrlrft f Coiaajfcls,
for the sole tne of schools for colored children ia said
District r Columbia, all the right, title, and iuierest
of the United States in and to lots numbered one, twa,
and eighteen in square nine-hundred and eighty-five,
la the city of Washington, raid Wi having been des
ignated and set apart by the Secretary of the Interior
to he ued for eolore-l schools. And whenever the
same afaal i he converted ta other uses, tbey satll re
vert to the United States. Approved, J a!y 23, ISM
f '
( Public Xo. 307.)
An Act to protect the Manufacturers of iflneial Wa
ters In the DiKtrict cf Columbia, and tor other pur
poses, ... - - ;
it enacted bv the Senate end House ofjtevresen
tatives of the Unsttd Slates of America in Congress
rW all manufae inrers atd venders of mineral wat
ers and other bev eragvs by law allowed to be sold in
bottle, npon which t heir rimes or their marks shall
be respectively Imp rewd. my file with the clerk ot
toe supreme court of tbe District of Columbia a de.
ftrlpiion cf ftirh bottles scd of the name or marks
tLoiem. srd bal I retire the ame to be published for
not lets than two weeks, auccessiveiy, in a cany rr
weekly tewrrsLer. publuhtd In aaid District ot Col-
Sec. 2 And be it further enacted, That It is hereby
de Ira red 10 te ufllawtul for any person or pars or here
after, without the permission p,f the owner or e nera
theieof, to fill with mineral watera ar other beverdVe
aty'Vtith U.ttlcs so niaiktd, for sale, er to traffl e la
any' stch tcttlesio marieo, ana noi.bouEhtb him or
eer or such owner or wnera ttcreor; ana evtry person
to trending shall be liable to a icnairy tf fifty cents
f or eve y ootite so ntiea.or coiu. or aisposea or. er
or bought, or traffickeJ in, for the first offtucei aat ef
five col lars for every subsequeut onoce. to be racer
ered as other fine in said District of Columbia.
Approved, July 28, 1665
(Public JVb..3C6)
An Act supplemental to the Act te approprUte Uunes
for tbe Posrai Services.
Be it enacted by the Senate end Hcv:e ef Reprts
entivrtof the United States of AmerifinCmgrett
That there be, and hereby Is, appropriated, on t at any
money tn ine treasury not .otherwise appropriated,for
carrying ine-maii uuju tne post roaa e.uo!isbeu by
acts or toiif res pased during the n.-it session of the
Thirt)-8nineib Couere?s for tbe flic I year end: ng
.una intructn. eunieotiuadre-l, aua tuxty-seven the
umoffur hundred jJ eibty nix thoanl flvj hnn.
dred and twenty-five dollars. Apptored. July 28 1356
t .'t
Public Nu 305 v.
An Act tc authorize tbe Secretary of War to fnmUh
Transpjriatioi toiisha-gcJ Soldiers to whom Artiti.
cul Limbi are fur iiished-by the Goxarnmeat. -' '
e it enacted by tka ScHatt and Hui Jle pre
euatieee ofLneted Sates of America im Conyrttt
astemlled, .. . ,
That the Secretary of War Is authorised and directed
to furnish ta discharged aoldiers of the United States,
who have hoen disabled in tbe service, as well as to
those not yet discharged, transportation te and from
taelrbomea and laepUce where they any be reaired
to go to obtain artificial limbe provided for them under
authority of law. Approved, Juiy2&, I9o
Public JVo. 104J
n act direct is a District Csart to be be!d . at tha
1 y ol Kile, in the State of Pennsylvania.
Be it eDactcd by tbe Senate and Hjuse of n r nri.
tatives of U t'ulted S'tes or America ia "Con grata
That, besides the terms of tbe district ' court of the
United Suites, directed by law tube held atPitUburg.
in tbe county of Allegnauy, and at Williamsport, in
the connty of Dycomiue, for the western district of tbe
State of Pennsylvania, the judge of said western dis
trict shall hold two terms in ever year, at the citv of
Brie, In tbe county of Krie, which shall tommenco the
first Monday or July aud January in each ami every
year. besmniLgln the July or Jauuary which shall
first immediately follow the passage of this, act, and
be coutinuel aud adjourns from lima to time, as the
court may aeem expedient, fur tbe despatch of theH
bu.-mesits toereof.
Approved, July 23, 186S.
LPullic Xo. 302.
An Act to amend an act entitled "An Adl mektnf Ap
prove ia: ion for snndary Civil Expenses of tbe Udv em
inent for the Tear ending the thirtieth ofrJune,ei'ht
eea hundred aud fifty-nine.
Be it enacted ly the Senate and House ef Repre
sentative $ of the United States of America in Con
gress assemleff, , " .
That the proviso' to the seventeenth section of the act
is an amendment be'altered so as to read aa follew :
and provided turther, That where there is no collector
at tbe pi are of location of any public Work herein
specified, the Secretary or the Treasury shall ha ve
power tc appoint a disbursing agent for tha payment
of all moneys that are, or maybe hearafter, appro
priated for ibe construction of any such public work,
with such compensation rs he may deem equitable and
just, and al laws and parts of law in conflict with the
provision of this section be. and tbe samo are hereby
jepeahr, -Approved, July 23, 1SCB.
Public A'ot 303
An act authorizenrt tbe Parmentof the Rewardsr.flered
by the President of the United States and the Officers
of tbe War Department, iu anl. aud jy,,lSC5. for
the Captnre of tbe Asnassia of tbe late President
Abraham Lincoln, atd the Secretary of Stats, lion.
William II. Seward. - , . f-
Be it waded by the Senate and ITovse of Repre
sentatives of the United States of America in Coa
yress assenhled, . .
That there be paid, out of any moneys In the treasury
not otherwise appropriated. 4a satrxracilon of alt
claims forahe rewartisofTereCby the President 1 the
United States or by authority of tbe aVar Department
for tha capture of the aacassins of the late Presideut
Abraham Unoln, acd He Secretary of State. Wil
liam Jf- Seward, thai following-sums W tbe following
named persona, vis : .
To Ataior n. W. Smith, who had charxe of. and
cmmanoedfhe force, the sum of
Richard B. il organ, detective
Ell Devore detective
Charles H. Risch. detective
Thomas Samnnon detective
Wilham at. Wermerskirch, detective
Sohn II Cimbay . eHlzea -
P at Clark, citizen
Lu.n Jackson, colored
Mary Ann Griffin
For tha faptur 0f Alcerott t
To Majir K. R. Artmnn. 5l3t 1 Penn Vol'e $1 251 00
SearRe't Zschariab WQpmrnlll. 11 Del.CiT. 3r3 61
Private Christ..f.,re, Del- Cavalry 3 879 64
Private David U . Bsker, 1st Delawa'e Cavalry 2.873 7H
Private Albert Header, lt De aware Cav lry 2 873 Ii
Private Samuel J. William-i. 1st Del. Cav. 2 873 7-1
rrivate t.eorite W. Vouua. 1st Del. Cavalry 2 873 73
Private Jamei D.nsrwe, lt Del. Cavalry
James W. Piudum. citUea
2 87 7S
2 873 73
$35 000 OU
rot the capture of Booth and Tlerald : -
T EJ COnffF . ... . ... .
1 n c lii.jr '
LuiLer B l uior
Ltecten.atn y I r trfy
jsrm i. w's.etae -
U II Wells
fjj"rre Co' t:"rV,rj ...,4-.
- 4 - -
SOTrgean. Boston Cat hett, I6th New Tork cavalry;
Seargen4nasw.WeBltll, 18th Hew- York cavalry;
Corporal r.barioa Zirpmer. ISih New Tor a cavalry;
Corpora Michael Uniac, 16ih Kew Tork cavalry Cor
poral Herman Kewgarten, le h Xew Tork cavsl-y;
Corporal John Waltz, 16th Kew York civalry ; Cor
poral Oliver Loopany, 16lb Kew Tork cavalry; Qar
poral Jlicbael normsie, 16ih Kiw T-rk cavalry;
Private John Myers, I6th Kew Tork cavalry; Private
John Byan, 16ih Kew Tork cavalry. Private William
tiyrne. 16th Kew Tork cavalry; Private Philip Uoyt,
J6ih aew cavalry k Private Martin He! ley, lsth Kew
Tork cavalry ; Private ITecry rutnam, 16ih Kew Aork
cavalry ; Frwate Frank Mtaniel. 16lh Kew Tork cav
airy ; Private Lewis Savagw, 16th IJew Torkcaralry.
l-riv.te Abraham Genay, 16th Kawsaork cavalry; Pt jl
vate Emery Parady, 16th New Tork cavalry ; Pt irate
David Baker, 16th Kew Tork cavalry ; Private Wil
liam McQuade, 16th. New Tork Cavalry; Crivate Sohn
Millington, 16th New Aork oavalry ; Private Fre-ier.
ickDeits, ISth Jew Tork cavalry'; Private Jcba H
Singer, SSlCi Yoik cavalry. J.-ijrte Cart Stain-
burgse 16tU Kew Tork cavalry , Private Joeeph Zi
t en, 16th Ne k w alrj ; ne thousand six hundred and
fifty-three dollars and eighty-four, eighth tenth cents
each $3,C00
Sec. 2. And he it fniiher enacted. That the said sev.
eral sums thslljhe paid to tbe several persona above
named, respectively, personally, or ia case of their de
ceast , t the persons who aouid he entitled to the
a awe under the bounty laws of the United States in
case of sleceaacd soldier. Approved, July ii, 15&S
(Public .Vo. 301.)
An act ta authorize the Use of tbe Metric System cf
Weights and Measure.
Beit entoted by lie Senate and Heitse f Rep
resentatives of the United State of America in
Congress Assembled,
That from and alter the paiwsre of this set it shall be
lawful throughout the Unite! States ef Ameilca ti em
ploy the weishls and natures ot tbe metric system .
and no contract or dealing, or pleading in any court.
Fbail ,9 aeemed Invalid or liable to election because
tbe woigbt or measurers expre'ted or referred to
therein are weights or of tbe metric ihtem
Sec. 2. And be it farther enure I. Ton the tables
in tbe schedule boreto annexed sb til he recognised in
tbe construction tf contract and in all Io?! pruce&J
incs, aa establishing, ia terms i f the weipbts and
measures now in use iu tbe United States, tbe equiva
leuts or tbe weights and measures expressed therein
in terms or tbe metric system add said tables may
be lawfully aet for compntiu g, determining, and ex.
pressing in enstomary welghta and zntasarea the
weiihts asd measarei of tbe metric systecu
6 0' 0
2 CC0
I rnlvsleats la denim
r . lnatlo&s la nse '
Lyrlsmeter 10 000 meters.
6.2m miles '
Clloaeter l,fJmeiors 0,e2i37 miles ef 1230
" re. ana 10 i&ches
173 feet and eae ..
f, J 1 inches.
StJ.S' inchea -
S 37 lactej.
b.AH Inches
100 tsetert
19 asters
1 meter
I-lo meter
Centimeter 1-100 of nieaer
UiUmeter 1-ICC0 ot meter.
ATS trie Deaeafhstlons Xculvalests In desem-
anrf valoAS.
iaatlons ta oj
Hectare lo.wo square metes.
Are loo square maters
Coatart laftsara scats r
t,7l acres
117 sqasre yards.
1650 reuare InchU.
0 1
mm B - W Tf
1 m S
m aHOq.
p cr-EEgaSj:
.3. ea""
b a
a fa
D a.
o S - 3 u
ft ?2gw.J
v ES 2 g 2
Q 5
m S
a a
" o V
o.o a'
a o
r: a
, .
S s.
at a
6 5 5
!- 2 2
S a.
4. z I
r a--
Public rro. 300.
An Act te revive and extend the Pftvlflons or 'An
act framing tho Risht of Way and making a Grant
of Land to the States of Arkansas and Missouri, to aid
in tbe Construction ef a Railroad from a Paint npon
the Misslppl opposite tbe Alou'b of tbe OhI River, via
Liure Krok. tonhe Tex Boundary, near Fulton, m
Afkas, with Branches to Fort Smith and the Mis.
sippi River, approved February 9, 1853, and jor other
puryjses. .
Be it enacted by tha Senate and House
of Representatives of the United Slates oj
America tn Congress Assembled,
That the "Act granting: the right at way and raifclns
a giant of land to the Stat a of Arkansas and Missouri
to aid in tbe construction of a railroad from a point np
on the Mist-Usinnt onDnoitethe mouth oftqeOhiosive'
ria Little Rck. to tbe Texas bonnlaty, near PaHon. in
Arktnsar with branched tn Pl'rt SiiUa an t tire afissis-
sivpt Jtivec " approved Fabruary nine, eisnteea bun
dred and fifty-three, with all the provisions therein
made, be, and the rame-r hereby, revived ana ex ten
ded for the term of tea years f rem the passat e of this
act, and all the lands therein grantol. which reverted
to the United Statos under the provisions ot said act,
he, and the same are heroby, restore-! to the same cm
tody, control, and condition, and mala subject to the
uses and trusts in all respect as they were before and
al ttstime such reversion took effect : Provided, That
all mineral lands within the limits of this grant and
the grant made in gectioti twj r thu ast are bsroby
reserved to the Tuite.l L'atej : anl Provided tar'hoc
That all-property anT troeps of the United LUte shall
at all times be tranprted orer sail railroad anl bras
ded at the eost, charge, and expense of tbe company or
corporation owning or operating said road and branches
respectively, when sj reqairei by the gveramjat or-
the United State.
Sec. 2 And be tt farther enacieJ, Tht thre is
hereby granted a1detto(and mada part of the dona
tion cf land hereby renewal andmtle sabiezt to tie
same u-e and trusts, and un lar tbe sitns ctiito1y,ijn
trol, and condiil mj, anl to be held aid di:pel of ia
the same manner as if included tntb.3 origin il trait,
all the alternate s ctlom anl parts of settlont. dial?
nated by odd number.'1, lylnx alo u th9 outer liaa or
lands heretofore (trance ', and within fle miles on eacn
side thereof, excepting laud reserve 1 or otherwise
appropriate b't law. r to which the right of p-e-emp-tion
or bomfrteadfettlemenf has attached: Provided.
That tbe additional quantity of lands hereby granted.
wuen added to the lands specified in section one here
of, shall not exceed in a?rr.ate qunuty of Un J be
this act granted, to amount to ten sections for each
mile of railroad ; That tbe lands embraced in this g.'at
and tie grant revived by necU m nueof this act shabe
disposed or ontr as'fol lows; Whenever proof shall be
furnished, satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior
that any tection of ten consecutive miles of said road
and branches is completed in a good, substantial, and
workaiantike manner as a first-class railroad, the f aid
Secretary ot the Interior shall issue patents for all
the lands grantodas aforesaid, n ,t exceeding ten sec
tions rer mile situate opposite to and within tbe lim
its of twenty miles of the section nf siilroad an I bran
ches thtrs completed , and when like preof hhall be I ur-
nUbcd that s'.xithei' reaicn al ten mile of said ro.vl
in said States or ouihe'said hcf.uche-bf e-psctively con
nectingwith the procexlius section is comple'el as
aforesaid, tbe Ssce tary cf tho lutanor sh ill Hsui pit
ents in like niauner as in case et the -first completed
tectictis, end so on from time to timo until the whole
is eomplet d as herein proviileJ. wben tbe Secretary
or the Interior .ball lku patents for all the remain
ing lani herein granted, uot evieediar. the aggregate
amount provided lor anl located as required by sec
tions one and two of this act : And proviJel further.
That if one sec ion of twenty miles of eich.of sai l rail
roads and branch's shall not ba ful onitrtKel anl
completed is a first clas riilrovl within three yoirs
from tbe lime tbifact become a law, and at le 1st one
section of twemy uiiiea on each sido of said roal.and
branches in each year thereafter, aud the whole of aaid
roadi and branches within ten years from the time
this act sbatt take effect, toon-and in anther of said
cases all the lands granted en Ue grant7 of which Is
revived onxtonds I ny this acty and wuich at tae time
shall bs unpatented to or for tbe benefit or the road or
cotnpaay making or suffering such failure, shall re
vert to the United S:atos.
Sec. 3. Atd belt further enacted, That all the
lauds mentioned in tbis act. and hereby granted, are
hereby reserved trom entry, pre-emption, or appropri
ation to any other puipoe than herein contemplate 1.
lor lbs said term of ten years from tbe Yasage of tbis
act : Provide? that all lands heretofore eiven to the
State of Missouri fcr the construction of (he Cairo and
rmton railroad, or for tha use of said road l;inz in the
State of Missouri, and all litds proper C-U to be granted
by tbis set for the use r in aid ot tbe road herein
named, aud lying in s4l S:ito ot MUsoari, shall he
gran ed and pneutc I to tbe said State whenever te
road shall be Completed through Kail Mate. wbi:h
l.iiidi niaj I e beta by ha d State and used toward piy
iui, the Sttto the amomt of londs tieretoforo U$u:d by
it to aid said ccmpauy, a- J .1 1 iuiere:i accrued or to a:
crue tlieieo.i , Provide tui taea.- the provisions
of ibis act, so far as the same kelate to the afemuhU
and Liule Rock and tha Little Rk and Fort Suiith
bran.hrs of iJ roaJ, shall d l take e.Tect until tho
Secreitiyer the luterlor shall mako auJ tile a certif
ica'e ia bia office aod tre offlce or tbe Secretary or State
or Arkansa. statin- hat the ompania or corjiora
tioaa cLaimln? tha i neat of thi act in behalf of aid
cjtocecs reo r ..2al tticlr boardi of iiif--lor ! a
lawful manner, '. f'r snort rco-iHitsfB, ,: t
they have recpit .' re-cinded all a '.1, r -.. ,
or oiber procit-i.i r ; ; .' .;
privileges of . , -: i " cj... . : '. try
erjuvauti. r, : ? ; . r j
ia co'v f r r- t-- - . : s vt . i-i v-
Calio4 Coucvr.anj Si.4 ol. AeilCf '
Approved, July 23, WC3. ' ....
, - -
public No. 242
An Ac, grantinn Lands t the State of Karfjaj to
aid fa to Con ruction of tho Kansas abl' Ke
oho Valley IUilroai aad its Hxteosion to IleJ
liiver. .
lie It enactf i lj Hje Senate atd Ilo.ysp cf Rer.
re sen tall Vcs of (be United States of A js erica ia
Consrcs Asaembled.
That for tbe purpose of aiding the Kamti and
Neosho Valtej Iliilroai Cjmpany,' the samo being
a corporation orgini:d under tbe laws of tbe
State of Kansas, to cooslrmt arid oporte a railroad
from tbe eastern terminus of the Union l'a:ifc
Railrvad, eastern division, at tho lino- between
Kansas and Missouri, at or near tbe mcath of tbe
Kansas Iii'cr, on the svutU sido thereof, aoa In
wardly," through, tbe eastera tier of ccaoties ia
Kansas, with a vtow of iu eitsjiioij S3 Z3 C) elicf
a junction at Red River with a r&ilroad natr being
eon st rue ted from Galveston toJedSiver at or near
Preston, tn Texas, there is hereby grantol to tbe
State of Kitsas, for Abo Bit' atjd benefit of taii
jailrvai corn' any, dvery alternate section of land j
or parts thoreot.dSfijraatea oy oaa numoers, to the
extent of ten sections per milo on each siia of said
road, to be selestai within twea j miles from tbe
linb of said road ; bat ia eass it sh tll appxvr that
the United States have, -when the line of said road
is dufiniteld located soli aay sectiia, or any part
thereof , granted as afarcsatd, or that tha right of
pre-emption or hemestead settlement has atuched
to the iao9,or that tho soma has boon roiorvod by
the United States for any turpoje whatever, then
it. shall be the duty of the bjcreury of the Interior
to cauro to bo seiectsi for tbo pjrpojoi aforeid,
faom the pablio Ian Is of tbe Ua t:d Stt'os nsirJ;
to tbe sections ab-jvj spesiSid. a maii ladl as
f-hall bo equal to tha amaat ol sah I talj.aj the
Uuited Ststes havo soli, reiorval.ur oii3r-.Tiia ap
propriated, or to woiuh the ribtof homost-iiid set
tlement or pro-ccptron hu atuwhal as aforoiaid,
which landj, than indioabed by tha direction of the
SocreUij of the Interior, shall be r.'3orveJ and
held Xor the Jcateof Kansas for the use cf said
eopjapy by the raid Secretary for tho purpose of
tho cetrsetion acd operation of said railroad, as
provided by tbis act: Provided, That any and all
laoii heretofore rojjrreltr the Ual'.ed .tstes by
nrtrlc dracrai nations
and value
. ; 9 3 p ts"
.1 - ?RSSX
any ncttf Cstrress, oy la any ether rsi: t;
competent aaihoritp, for tbe purpose of aiduj ia
any mbjost of Interaal improrsaent or other pof
poses waiterer, ba, acd the ste are fceroSr, rs
serve d acd eacentod from the operation of this est.
except so far at it may be foand necessary to locate
the route of said road thresh fash reserved lands,
In riich case the rirht cf wxr twa hnndrai feet
la width Is hersbh f,nntj, subjact to the approral
ef tie Preaiisat of the Dnited States: Acd prori
ded,' That ccne ef the lecds hereby granted shall
be sclocted Icycad Tt zzXj nllzi frcm 4tha said
road, t '
Sec. 2. A&d la 1 farther enacted, Tba.t the i?:
tions and part ef sections of had Which bt the a
foresaid grant ahall remain the Units! State,
Within tea miles on ea;a side of said road, shall
net be add for less than donble the aiaiaara price
of pubilo lands whta sold, -or shall tnj of said
lands become subject to tale at private entry until
tn same shall hare been rat offered at public
sale to the highest bidder, at or abere the minimum
price aforesaid : Provided, That actual bocaed
settlers under, tho f redemption law of the United
States may. after dae proof of settlement, Improve
ment, and occupation , ajorr provided by law, pur
chases the same at tbe paceX-xed, for said lands at
the date of such settldmsnt, improrad, and ocou
pation: And provided also, Sha t settlers undsr the
provisions of the homestead act, who make their
settlement after tha pass-;e of this vet, and com
ply with the terms and reqaireents of said act,
tbalj be entitled, within the laid limits ef ten
miies, to patents fjr an amount not cx;eedinj eigh
ty acres each.
Sej. 3. And be It further enacted, That tho
grant of lands hereby tnade is up m condition that
raid company, after the construction of its read,
t.hall keep it in repair aud use, and that it rill at
all times be in reJinei to transport trcopj, muni
tions of war, supplies, and public 8torc3 cpon iu
road for the government, when required ta do so
by any department thereof, at the crst, charge, and
expenses of aid company. Aud tho Ian U hereby
rtnted, held, and reserved as aforesaid shall iriurj
to the benefit of siircompanr, as followj : When
the governor of tha.-3Ua f Zinsni ttzll C?r:"j
that aay section eJ ten consecutive miles cf sail
road is completed in a good, substantia!, work
manlike Manner as a firit class railroad, then the
said Secretary of the Interior shall issue to tho
said company patents for so many sections of the
land within the limits abort named as are coter
minous with said completed sections hereinbefore
granted ; aud wben oertifieates 0 f the governor
aforesaid shall be presented to eaid Secretary, of
tbe cnmpleteon, as aforesaid, of each successive
section of. tep. cqUsocu tire miles of said road, the
said Secretary shall in tike manner issue to said
company patents for the land for each of said sec
tions of road s '-in . the first iastance, until said
road shall bo completed : Provided, That if said
road is not complcced withtn tea years from the
date of tho eoceptance of the grant her;inbcforo
. t. . . 1 . 1 . ..
inada.ins ian.ii r camming uspaiemea snail revert
to tha United Statos : And provida further, That
tho said land shall not, in any manner, be disposed
of or inouitbarod by said company or its assign.
except as tbe same are patented under the previa
Seoi' Ana ce it further Timet!, That as snan as
said company shall file with tho Secretary of the In
teuor maps of it liuet desiynaliCK ibe route thewf
it sbalTbe the c"uy of the said Secretary to withdraw
from the market tlie lands granted by this act, la such
manner as may te test calculated to eCet tbe purpo
ses of this act an.i suaerve tne pnoite lutereit.
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted That the United
Stales mail shall be transported on said road and its
extension under tbe direction of the Post Offlce De.
partment, at sica price as uougresa mij Dr law pro
vide : Provided, That until each price la . flits! by tbe
law the Postmaster General shall have power to fix
tee compensation.
See. 6. And he It farther enacted. That the rlSht of
way through thrpublic lands he, aad the same Is here
by, crantep to sai l Slate Camas aad De sh Valley
Railroad Company, its aacccf ors anl asnsaa. far tbe
construction of a railrosdaa proposed; and the rijht
is nereby liven to said corporation to take from the
public land adjacent, to the line of said r ad m aerial
ror? the construction thereof. Said way is granted to
said railroad to the extent or one qundred feet in wid
th on each side or said road whero it may pasa through
the public domain ; also all necessary ground for sia
tlon buildings, 0rkshopa, switches, sldetracxs, turn
tables, and water stations.
Sec 7 And be it further enacted, That the acean
Ua.9 of the terrix.4, onditlans. aad imposition of thii
act, &y tue saw asa ai-u xxeosna valley Railroad
Company sal ta signed ia writin-;' under t he cjrpor
ate seil of the sai l company, d'i!y executed p'lrsmnt
to the direction of its board of directors first -had and
obtaiued, which acceptance shall be made within one
vear after the passage of this aet. and not afterwards.
and shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Inte
Sec S And tlt furthsr enictsJ, Tait sail Kansas
and Neosho Vlldy Railroad Company, its successors
and aisigns, hereby authorized and empcwereI to
extend and construct Its raliroal f .0 a tha soatbern
boundary of iCmia south, throujh the Inliin Terriw
ry, to Esd River, at or ne r Presto 1, in tha Sttte o!
Texas, s as to connect with the railway now beini
con.structed from Gal vast a to a point at or ne ir Pres
ton, tnstd State; anl the right of way tbrougL tbe
I ndian Territory, wherever etch right is now rese rved
or mat bereifter be reserved to the United Stat es by
by treaty with the Indian tribes, is hereby granted to
said company , to the sams"extent as granted by tbe
tlxth section of this act thronn the public !ann ; an t
in all cues where the rlvht of way, at afyo4a'.d.
tbrcoih tha Indian lands, shall not he reserved tithe
BovemJLrwiw mo r, wouiiwuj sail 1, oerore cons iruct
in? its road, procure tbe coment of thi trioe or tribes
intereatel. which consent, with all its terms and con
ditions, shall be previously approved and indorsed by
the Prc-ldcat aaJ filed wiyj, tiis . Secretary o( the la-
Se3. 9. And bo It furlher enacted. That the same
grants of lands through sail Indian Territory are hero-
t-y nude as provida I in the first section of ttils act.
whetiever tho IndUti Territ ry are hereby made as
provided in tlie flrot section of this act, whonever tho
InlUn title shall be extinzuishad by treaty or other
wise, not to exel the rati, per mile granted in tbe
first section o tbis act ; Provided, That said Ian is be-
ceme a part of the pblio lands or the United States.
Sec 10 J nJ bo it further enae'ed, That said Ctn-
sis and Keosho Valley Railroad Company, its succes
sors and asi ign shall have tbe right to nesotiate X'Llt
and acquire frem any Indian nation or trite, atthoris".
ed by the Jjoited States to dispose of JanJa for nil Mad
purpose. aud rrou any oUer nalion or tribe of Ind
ians through waoia . lauds . said railroad ay pass, sub
ject to the approval of the President of the United
States, or from any company or parties incorporated or
authorized for such purposes, by such nation or tribe,
or wbich such parties may have acquired uaicr the
ltws ot tha Uaitel Statoi.
Ssc II And be It ftirthar enactei. That any railroad
company chartered under any law or the United States
or or the State or aass, which may have been here
tofore or shall hereafter ba re:nised and subscribed
by any a:t of Congress of the United Stales , may con
nect, unite, and consolidate with this railroad corn 1a
ny. aftor the sme shall be located V the valley cf
tbe N?oh Kiver, upon just, fair and equitah'e terms,
to be agreed upon between the parties, and shali not be
reel ndn between the ptrties, and cot ha against
the public Interest or the interest of the United States
nor shall any road authorized to coqnect as a afore aaid
char: the rovl sj ccr.n6i a graatet tariff per mile
fr )rei;htor passengers than is charged for the fsime
per mile by its own road: And provided further." That
should tbe Leavenworth, and Fort G.bon Railroa-t
Company, or tho Union Pacific Railroad Gompany,
soutnera branch, construct flnl ompiete its road to
tb it point on the sont Lorn boundary of the Sta'e of
Kinsas whjro the lioo r said Kinj snf Xejsai Vl
ley Kaiir. ad sball cross tha same, bfore the 3ald
ICinsas an l Xobho Vail ej Riilroad Compmy J.,hall
have conitru-tel ait' etc 1 lis said roal to iia
point. then and in lhat cveat the company to first reach
inz in completion the said pjiot on the southejn bona
dry of tr.e Siaie cf Kitia shall be aathorUei. upon
o'jtaialns the written apprjvaljof tha Pre tlent'tf tbe
Unttl Sta es, to coustmct aad operate its line of rail
rsad tron spaij p-jint: ta a point at or near reton, in
the State cf Texas 1th grants of iar.4 wuceUi. to the
provuOi of, it oia tueTarth'Tpocial cen
daiois never toaiaaiii rail'osl hit'.l
Lie eomtieoce'tin go4fa.iii ts-9 rsntr'iwi .n there
-' hif'ire t'.s H Zaata al N Va!if Rulrotl
, .all Lave coai "; 1 lu salt r:!-c! U t
. ' t iar fr-H fariir, Xiiis.J o;rr r: iroii
err., ."-r, ii asviaf eataen:et sail wark ia gol
sfca.l coLunaa t proso6i.ute the tuT.j w.ta.
eaerjy to insure the eiapleUua or the stms'witain a
reasonable lime' anbjeet to the approval ot the Pres
ident of the United States: And provida! further.
L Tail ibe right of way through private property waea
not otherwise provided lor in thia act, or by the law or
any State ihrouii which tbe road miy pass, shall te
obtained by said Caaias and Xeosho Valley Railroaa
Company,, or ei'.hor of tha othar cotapaniai nau.ed ia
this act, in accordance with tha proviiias of - s'e-tion
three or an act t- amend an act eutitlc 1 -"An a-t t aid
in thecon.trucaonor a railroad and telegraph line
from tbeatissouri liver to the Paeiflc Ocean, and to
aecure to the gcveixnwut tho o-e of tbesame for postal
military, aod other purposes," apprjvsd Jaly n.'st,
Cihieri hundred net sixty-two
Appr3VCj,Jiiy 25, 1Z.
f Public -;io.23a
An Act to establish in the District of Columbia a
House of Correction for Boys,
pe It enacted by tte Senate and IIou.-e oRpre-cn-taVves
of the United States of Amtricn ia Congress
That there shall be established is the Districtof
Colombia, oa tne tract of land known aa tha gov
ernment farm, a fit and convenient house of cor
rection, suitably and eSacieatly rentilatcd, with
eoareniant yard, workshops, and other suitable
by antnority or-lho-conrtS'and a;itrata of tha
District cr Columbia: Prorided, Tbatthejbuildin"
already erected on that land for the- pur posh of
esUbhshing a. eimilar iastitntiea together with
all the otter property there conected for tbe game
purposeftair bo transferredb tbd trustees ap
poiatei according to the prorieidbs of this set, at
eot net exbeediag one thousand Cto hundred
bee. 2 And be it further enacted, That the
gorsrement ofsiid Institution shall be restad ia a
U.ard cf sore'n trustees, to bo appoint! aal com
missioned by the President of tne Cat tci Sutos,
Sns of whom shall ba nominated for appointment
by cfce miyor rf waihington, one bp tha uaayar of
OeorgetoTsn,oae by the levy eouri of thecoanty of
Wasuiagton.and fourby the SacrsUry of the In
terior ; aai no trustee shall racoivo oompensaw
for his eerrices, but each trustee shall bo allowed
the amount of expenses ncoosaary iacarroi ia" tho
disharge of toe duties of his ofiae. Tho term cf
c3tcf the till trccu thai: he ::a years :
accomuioaanons aajoietng or appartenant Jiefeto
for the safe keeping, correction, gorerning, and
employing 01 oaenaers legally committed
CTBCimtllg''a.llM- V a Ti ,TTI ill,J.-r-'Mi . .. .. .
'tat on tb 3 irtl aroIstEnr.t t,f tbe bsari cf trails
two of tho r-embers shall b-3 appi-tC'd fir. cas,
yeir, to fcr two jenr3,ani thras iit tLet
to te doceraiaed by ths Pr3iJaat.
Sm. 3. Ard b 11 f-r;jar en;td, Tiit tL
said boTi cf trustfJ sv.a'. be a crporaua by tha
H33 Ml iul iniS-033 1.4 i B7JM Ci CVIT-3kiOU I
the Di?tr!?t cf Colucl'.a, f;r the p-irpoj f tak!a j
ane ho!dicj, is trsst, whatever pr:'.srty et-sy t
conreyed, djrUei, tfosr.tei, or btKittairi fr the
benoS": ef said Institution, wi ik all t:wps.y ca.
sary to carry thi pirpua lzi sot. -
See. 4. Acd fca it f-r-.hcr eicti, Tiat ll HO.
i the daty cf said beard cf trustees tt? take ekarj
cf the iaters?tr of tha isnitarba : ti.y
may appoint a jnpiriataniant.a suwirl,a tstci
er tochers, and such other cheers as aty bs faaai
neceiary, eni! sy be epproveJ by the jSeerrtary
of the latcrlor they may fix the alari cf said
oScers subject totbe :p proval of the Secretary of
the Interior ;. they rrs.7 prepxre sash by-Uw If
mty be cecei-'ary ta regulate and direct the scan--agementof
the Institution, rfbich however, shall
net be railed until sppjored Jry the Secretary ef
the Interior ; and to exercise arilzctsuperrislca
orai the institution, its cheers, end tti iasutsj.
Sec. 5. Aud be it furthei ea&ctel, That Isfore
enteric; npon the dutiei of his o::s the superia
tendent shall gire a bond to tha traito3, with
sureties to be approred 07 the board sf im'.iii
and by the Secretary cf jhe Ltterior, ia the lata
cf three thousand do.larj, condition-si ;hAih shall
fasthfully account fcr all money rscoirod by tlar,
ar:i fiithfu'ly perform cil the duties isiatnbeat
him as superintends cf ciii hatil ef esrrotloa-
S:o. . Andb itfjrth3T-ea::3i, That a treas
urer of tho institution sh-.U bo appointed by the
board cf truste:?. su'ijait t tha er?"o4 cf tha
Secretary of the Interior, wbo s!:2l!. b;fore eata;-
in; npon tbe duties cf hia 0 g'.ve a bond to il
trustocs, wita sureties 1j bo ap'oicrsd by the board
of trustees nr.d by tho Secretary cf tha Interior, ia
tbe sum cf fire thousand dollars, conditioned that
he shall faithfully ocjaunt far all the money r
ccired by him as treasurer ; anl it shall be his du
ty to keep a alear and lull record of bis recounts
as treasurer, and report an abstract of the same t.
the chairm.2 of the board cf tru;t:o? oa:i la trtr
two months. -
Sec. 7, And be it furher exacted, That, as sso
aftor tbbir appcfatc;ena3 possible, the board ef
trustees shall take measures ta hare the Un aa i
builbin designated suijably prapared far thi u?e
of said house of correction ; and, as socn as the
buildings snd premises ara preptral fr oi'iapaniy
the trustees shall giro notice ta the proper author
ities and Courts of the cities of Wajhingtoa aai
Oogetown,and ef the county of Washington, thai
the bouse oj correction is ready to reeeire ihmites
Sec, 8, And be it fuether ens:ted, Thai whea
any boy nndsr the a;) of fiartcsa years is found
guilty in a conrt in tha Dutrici. or Cu!ambi ef
any crimo punishable by impriia jaiiat other tbaa
imprisonment for life, ho shall be corusiittpi to the
said houso cf correction, asd th :ro held ia cartaJy
cf the superintendent for the t:sm cf his ssatanie ;
and when a- y boy ever fourtaea and uuJar sutsaia
jcar3 cf sre'fhall ba fouad guilty ia a court ef tha
LUtrict of Columbia of any srima paniahable by
impriiontceat other than impriionTnnt far life, il
shall be the duty of tha court trying tha case t
consider carfully ani decide whether ha i3 or is not
a fit subjact for tho house cf correction, ani make
its sentence accord with its decision of this question.
Sec. 9. And bc-it further enacted, That the sa
psrintendent shr.ll resiia at tj ihstituiion con
stantly, anb that he, with such subordinate oer
as may be vppoiated in accord.nco with the fourth
section of this act, shall hara the chaogs and coar
tody of the boys ; shall govcra them in aojcrdaaJa
with su:h rules and rog-alations as the board of
trustees may prescribe la its by-law;; shall tta
ploy them in agriculturl, mechanical, or other la
bor ; seall gire them iaatruJtion in reading, wri
ting, arithmetic, geography, and such other. studiae,
and in such arts and trades as the traatees mry di
rect ; and shall ooploy such cnthols of dioiplie.
as will, as far as possible, reforoi Heir character!,
preset re th.ejr health, promo to regular iaprorstseni
in their stddtes, trades, and employmeat, aad
euro in th: fisid hlbits of relijio-, njralitj, aai
industry. . , . - , -
Sec. 10. And ho it farther enijtas V T-& Ue
supcrintondont shall have charge of to 1 t ds,buii
dings, furuityre, tooi3, imp'.ianQtj. stock, provis
ion., and every other sfweiaj of prpjrty p;rtia
ing to the iuititation, within the proi nets there
of ; and be shall keep, in sailabia books, regular
and coraplcta accounts cf al his recijts and ea
Dsnlitures,and of all tha property ir.trastad to
him, so as to show clcarfy tlie imcms afll arpoaiu
of tho institution ; and bs shall amount t th
tr?ajutr, in such niannoras t ie trastiis raiy pre
scribe, fcr all th j m aoy rcj si?l by aim frasn the
proceeds of the insatttivi or ot'iJi-Tvlij!; aid h
shall keep a register of tho naai; anl agm of alt
boys 0 mnv.ttai to the institutive,, w'uh th datsa
of thoir admiifion and discharg. aad such partic
ulars of their history beforo and after leaving the
institution al he can obtain. il:s books ani all
documents relating ti the house cf correct! eg. shrl
at all tinns ba open to the inspacliou of the trus
tees, who shall oi.-o or in irj in evar three mootas
carfully eximine his aoauntiid tho Touchers)
and documents cinnctaiuaerjun. aai makj a
record of the result of such ei.vina?io4.
Sec. II. Ane bo it furth3r enactei, That all
contracts on account of tho institution shall b
made by ehe 3uperinte tdsat, anl, whea approred
by the tniitec,if their br-lawj shall require their
approval, shall bi binding in law, an 1 the so. per -intenbnt,
or his saecjssor, raiy su or bs sue!
thereon ta final judgment ttnd execution; and aa
suit tball abate by reason ot o2cs of saperiatendsai
becoming vacant during tha pendancy of such sail,
but any successor in the oGica shall a&ame tha
prosecution cr dcfcr.cJ of any pending suit, aat
continue the prosecution cr dcfcccc. uctil icea
suitthall bo conelcdoj. .1 "1 ''.'
Soc. 12. Anl l itTurihcr enact jJ, Ta.t oae or
more cf the trustccsi shtll visit the said nouieof
correction, once, at- least, in erery t"o weoks, at
which timi the condition of the saiaj shall bs
cirfu,ly examined and the regis'.er inspected; a
record of the risit3 shall dj kep: in the book ef
the superintendent ; ones in every three u oaths
tbe institution shall bo thoroughly examined is ayl
its departments by not lesn than throe ef the trus
teed, anp a report cf such oiaminatioos shall be
made to the board : and an abstract of tha resorts.
together with full annual reports of the au porta -
tendent and tho trea?urcr, ihall be nrcsantad t-
the Secretary of the Iatoriar oco.besore the fif
teenth day of Xovemhcr'ia eac& year.
Sec. 13. Ani ba ir furlher eavctad. That whta
a eoy shall be ommittei to th sail bans of eorr
re :tion, the city in which he Ltd his randsme as
the time of saca cam n teat, or, 11 hij resides)
was within tho county cf Washington, .aai got
withia the city or Washington, or ths city of
Ooorgojown, then tho county 0 ..Washington shall
pay to the treasurer of tho house of correction flftr
cents a week white ho roaitius theraia : the nr.
meat saaii ba mvld q'larterly on tha fi.-st days ef
January, April, Jaly, aad Octo&er ; ani any sans
so pail may be recovered by sua city or county of
any ptrcur,ki-ir:i,cr gaariiaa, llaila by Law u
aiiaUi ) himr.
S.c. 14. And bait farther envied. That fcr the
purpoio ot securing a translcr of the baildij aad
ether property to the truclo33,pror:rinz the prem
ises and buiUin for occupancy, and for the roar-
meut of o her nccoss try expenses, thare is herebr
appropriated, out of aay moa?y In the treasury aos
otherwise appror.riato-l.tbe sum of twelrn thoawa t
doliar, t o le fkl or:! v or th or far of '- t 1-.
Ury ci
1 at 7-
t S . :
1 R
i is L-T--' f cfliMj
1 - . t
t :
ta a;w.d w .-4 c'.:y cf VTailisagv U
raise, by tax or othoi-wise, and pay iito the treas
ury of tho United State, at or before tae tlait
when tho promises shall b? ready faroccapaaiy by
the houje of eorrectiaa, the sa-ca of fair thaaiaai
.Te hundred dollars; and it shall de the daty of
the prvper authorities of tha eity Uoorgetowa
oaiso and pay ia like mtnair tha sum cf oae thou
and dollars: and it shall b the duty cf the prepay
authorities of the county of Washicjtcn ia ralasi
and pay in like manner the sua ci fire haiirod
dollars ; and ia ct.'c, cf deTa-ilt of such., payaeat
into tha treasury vf tha Tailed States by either cf
said cities or by the said connty of Washiogton,
the party so making default shall be liable to sum
nary prooe.'dicrd bo.'oro thj saprsms ooa.'t f ti
District o Columbia, as thiins'.aa;o of t ielJattsl
States atloroey fo sw'i District, to eafone the
same, with interest thoreon after ihe d its of djfia'.t.
ckc. 15. And b- it further eaactad. That this
act shail tako ejoct rrora tho dlt5 of its p4&e.
ApproTci,J!23l3l). ;
PcbJIs isl 240.
Ad 'Act legnliSng Slarnages anb for ether P.ryoi
eaitfUio District of Columbia.
Be it enactep by tbe .Senate and llouse of Eap
reseofatiTes of the United States of Amtrk i
Congaess Assembled,
That all colored persons in the District of Columbia,
who, previous to their actual emancipation, had
dertaken and agreed to occupy the relation- taeaaa
other of husband snd wife, and are cohabiting to
gether as such or in any way rccogaizia g the rela
tion as still existing as tha tin a of the passage ef
this aat, whotber tlia riU cf marria-e- bZsra baea
celebrated b?toaa than or n shVl bs dseaud '
husband aad wife, aud bj et'rJed to' all tha righ
and p.irilegs, aal saujot to ths da:iej aad ob'i
gatioas of that rcl it!oa ia liko ua-caar as if lhy
bad beaa duly marrial acordia to law, and ail
their chilicra sLa'.l babeemcd leitiratte, whsiher
born befora tr after the pasc-a .f this act. Anl
whea te partieo have ceased to coa tblt b.'crth
passage of this act, iajroasiacnca of the dattii of
the voiaan, rocogaiiad by t'-o aaa t Is his shall
deemed !egi'.i;dta. .
Approvel. July 23,15S3.
lyers Cherry Fectora1,
It I