Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 31, 1867, Image 2

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    - And, upon the further fwnJaraetal con
If'YMilu hit the JgisTaiure ,cL tbe
mid Sute ly sol emu -ouhv ball declare
fandamental condition, and ihr.ll trer.sroit
.u the TreiiJeni cf the United 8utei tn
caipt.whcrecf tbe Pi eaideut, by procla
mation.' shall forthwith announce the
facts: Whereupon the said fundamental
conditions ihall bo helJ as part cf the or
panic law cf the State; and, thereupon,
end ilhcut funbar proceeding oa the
part cf Ccngre?r, tbe admission of said
State into the I'nion shall be considered
coinj.!et9. The t aid State Legislature
fhall be convened by tbe Territorial
Governor within 30 days after Ihe pal
ace cf this act to act upon ihe condition-
lubmuted herein.
As ictne dctlt may be lad of tbe pow
er cf Congress to prescribe and make
valid the tsfectcf the Legislature to the
abore conditions, we copy the following
precedent ;
U. S. Stat, a: Urge, approved March
2d, 1821, page 645:
Resolved, That Missouri shall be ad-
m III inlA ik A TTnlAn m m w n ti4 1 f f rt -
ing with tho criminal States, in all re
rpe eta whatever, upon the fundamental
condition, that the 4ih clause of the 26th
ft t m ?rt art r P iVia rrl itilt inn
. sol milted cn tbo part cf sud State to
Ccr? ess, --a-- never be construed to
authorize the passage cf any law, and
hat no law shell le passed in conformity
thereto, by whi' h any citizen of eithvr of
the States cf this Union, shall be exclud
ed frcm the enjoyment cf any cf the priv
ileges and immunities to which such citi
zin is entitled under ;ha constitution cf
the United States. Provided that the
Legiilature cf said State, by a solumn
public act. shall declare the assent of the
said State to the said fundamental con-
" dition, and shall transmit to the President
ft the United States on or before the 4th
Monday in November next cn authentic
copy cf the said act, upen the receipt
uherecf the President shall announce the
fact ; whereupon and without any further
proceedings on the part of Congress the
Admission cf the said State into this
Union shall be considered as complete.
Nebraska Siiwrttscr:
V "W V
. . ?
Wiij Nebraska should Adopt Uni
versal Suffrage.
By the kindness cf Senator Tipton we
Lave been permitted to make extracts
frcm numercu3 letters from Southern Loy
a'ists, addresstd toiim, relative to the
question cf Universal Sujfrage. as con
nected with the admission of Nebraska.
In a letter, dated Jan. l3.h, 1SG7,
Senator Fowler, of Tccn., writes as fol
lows: Hu. T. YV. TirTos :
Dear Sir.
The" present is an interesting and
itpcrtant period in the history of your
ycunj anl prosperous commonwealth.
Your Legislature is asked by Congress
to r.d?pt the condition cf the non exclus
ion cf races frcn the right of the elect
ive franchise ca account cf race or color.
This is an advance that I doubt not your
patriotic people will gladly sanction on
cccount cf i!s intrinsic merit; but when
they reflect that it is a cond:tien demand
ed by the Ityal nen of lbs rebellious
districts far their own salvation and de
fence they will eagerly embrace the op.
portunity of pressing upon Congress the
importance of engrafting the same jt at
principle upon the districts Uiely in re
bellica against the Federal Government
The Slate of Tennessee is at this time
making a noble effort to establish the
principle cf loyal suffrage. It is absolute
ly necessary for the nfety and protecuon
c f the Union men cf the Slate. Your
prompt adoption will greatly encourage
the patriotic Legislature cf Tennessee
and do much to enable'them to effect the
amo nobla clject. Wi.h them it is a
quenioa of Jeep solicitude and must be
regarded as a measure cf self defence,
with you it is but the assertion end
maintenance oi a glorious principle.--Thtt
declaration made by your body will
do much toward the restoration cf the
Union cn a basis that will secure peace,
justice and permanency. I hope you will
press upon your Legislature tbe impor
tance cf their Action to the safety and
happiness cf the Union men throughout
ihe entire South. Without the principle
of tuQrage as laid down in the condition
of the admissin of Nebraska, the Union
men cf the South can hope for no ade
quate protection.
I Lope for your efforts the achievement
cf a success at tbii lime much desired
ly the Friends cf.the Union in erery
Southern State.
YcCrs truly,
J. S. FowLca.
Undsr due cf Jan. 21st, 1SG7, Gov.
Hamilton, tf Texas, says : "The loyal
Mhite men cf tha South ar.unit in
favor cf the enfranchisement of the bjacj
man. It i with them cot enly a cecewi
tv, I ti ihe ctJy lept ihty Are for ojci
i'jc GcvcrnrttrA and escape from crutl
fppretilca. We lock to the loyal States
: ; a rrprcst-s.ed, r.r.d ibat my t here-
miter represented, in Congress for relief.
The new State cf Nebraska has it in her
power now to make her action matter cf
historical pride in all time, and give hope
and courage io down trodden loyally
Lhrovghovt the Sovlk t"
Hon. L. C. Uanlc, Judge of the 17th
Judicial Circa it of Tennessee, wriurg
from Uncivil fj, says : "Your action will
hare great influence in sustaining and
securing the much desired end through
out the nition, and especially in the South
where it is so manifestly necessary."
Alfred Grifnn, Editor of the Mobile.
(Ala.,) Nationalist, speaking of impar
tial suffrage, holds the following lan-
jruajrer ne Know Mai wimoui ims ice
ranmot live at Acme, and our ceaseless
representations have influenced nuraer
ons Congressmen to resolve that impar
tial suffrage should be the basis of Re
From these- extracts it will be seen
that loyal Southerners look anxiously to
Nebraska to take initiative in the path of
Universal Suffrage, for, tf this principle
is made the rule of the Nation as well
to new Slates as to Territories, they fee
that the precedent established in the
North will clothe them with power to
carry it throughout the South.
Yet, though the "ccnsumation so de
voutely to be wished" is not yet a fact,
we can assure them that its accomplish
ment is but a matter cf a few weeks at
the farthest; and that Nebraska whose
infancy was wracked with the devil which
slavery attempted to cast into her will
be the first to welcome Universal Suf
frage, and re-light the flickering light of
Liberty to burn unceasing but with Time.
Oar Land OClce.
Considerable excitement was created
in our city, last Thursday, upon the
seizure of the Plats of the Land Office
io this city by Deputy Sheriff Tuttle up
cn a writ.of Replevin, issued by H. C.
Lett, Mayor and ex officio justice of the
Peace, at the instance of T. YY. Bedford,
A. Johnson's Register for the Nemaha
Land District.
Tutle seized the Plats while Reg;ater
Dorsey was at dinner. No one being in
the office save R. F. Barret, to whom he
told his errand, and upon being requested
to await the return of Mr. Djrsey, re
fused, and carried tff the Plats to Mc
Coma Drug Store, where T. W. Bed
ford and -'his man Friday,".S. R. Jami
son, and their cohorts, immediately set
to "appraising" the property pf Uncle
Sam, and filling up bonds to obtain pos
session. While this interesting farce
was being enacted, Capt. J. L. Carson
and Evan Worthing, hearing of the acts
of the Deputy.SherifT, went to him and
threatened to withdraw their bonds from
Sheriff Glasgow who is in law bound
by the acts of his Deputy if the-books
were turned over as asked for by the
writ. On this, Tuttle, deeming "dis
cretion the better part of valor," con
cluded to see his ruperior before going
any farther in the matter, and deposited
the Plats with Theo. Hill for safe keep
ing. Bedford and Jamison protesting
in the loudest terms their willingness to
indemnify Tuttle in aoy sum to leave the
Plats with them.
Mr. Dorsey had already sent for
Sheriff Glasgow and Hon. O. P. Mason.
While waiting for them, the -.honorable
applicant for Andy's usurped crumbs,
had another writ of Replevin issued and
placed for service in the hands of S. R.
Somers, our worthy City Fire Warden,
under the impression that he was Deputy
City Marshall, who went to the store of
Theo. Jlill &, Co., about 7, p. oi., strong
ly guarded by a pesse of Democrats to
"keep the peata," and demanded the
Plats cf Cash Sloat, who was in at the
tine. To the credit of Mr. Sloat, be
it gratefully remembered, coal-oil would
not ignite, and before the Fire Wardens
writ could be perused, Deputy Sheriff
Bliss, with a writ from the Clerk of the'
District Court, entered, took possession,
and te Plats are now in the hands of
C. G. Dorse y, Register of the Nemaha
Land District.
Owing the heavy snow, falling Sheriff
Glasgow did not reach town until just
after the final act, but came determined
to reverse the act cf his Deputy, Tuttle,
and restore the Plats to the place from
.which they had been illegally taken. He
immediately removed Tuttle, and has ap
pointed Messrs. Fairbrothcr and Garri
eon his Deputies; which appointments
give general satisfaction.
Tuttle's action in the matter is con
demned by all, save a few of Bedford's
cronies; and the action of Mayor and
ex-Oficio Justice of the Peaca H. C.
Lett, is only to be excused on the flea
that he is a Democratic politician of the
new school Pogram style.
"Such a gettin down stairs" as T. W.
B. has made we never did see. First, he
went to the District Court.'at Nebraska
City, for a writ of mandamus to eject
Dorsey, which, becoming satisfied he
jcould not obtain ; after four weeks spent
in maturing a plan, he suddenly gets a
partizan Justice of the Peace to seize
them with a writ of replevin tjirqugh a
deputy jShcrtif. and .failing io thjs, he
gets another vcrit of replevin and places
it fcr service in tha Lands cf our City
Fire Warden!
This affair has gTeatly lowerd "JJed.-1
ford" stock in this community, even jrnh
many of bis jartizan friend. Dyit)
willing to lake all the-cesponsibility which
may attach to his acts, in which he is
backed by the loyal rarty of -this Dis
trict, and both he and Bedford know that
the calary will be paid to him 'who is
confirmed; if then Bedford has justice,
law and right on his side, as is claimed,
why this illegal, contemptible, indecent
haste io get possession! Is it not the old
rebel style, showing the weakness of his
cause to perfection f
Drowkville, Xebiuks. Jan. 2L Cap, T. 7.
Bedford, democrat, rreeEtlj appointed Ij lha Prca
ide&t receirer of tb land office, rice Chas. G. Dor
cej, procartd a writ of replevin from tbe major, bj
authority of which the deputy eberiff t ok poises
ion of the records, which Dorter had heretofore
nfud to d'tirer to Bedford, his scMersor. About
dark thu erening a party of Dorsey'a friends, num
berit about one hundred, armed with hatc'aeU and
rerolrers, proceeded to the room where tho sheriff
bad placed tbe records for fo keeping, anl tooK
forcible possession of them. Great excitement ex
ists at present in regard to the settlement of tho
aca.iT. jtluiouri Democrat,
The above dispatch we find in the St.
Louis papers of the 25th. - Any one who
was there can see the falsehoods in the
dispatch. The fads are as we have
stated them. Bedford first made the
move to get possession, and his Justices
writ and Fire Warden were 'outranked"
by a writ frcm the District Court in the
hands of Deputy Sheriff Bli-s. As to
pistols none were shown ; and Mr. Sloat
informs us that durm? the excite
ment in the counting room one of Bed
ford's men rot a hatchet in the store
and while flourishing it in the counting
room it was taken from him by George
Dorsey, who retained possession through
out the scene.
Nebraska Legislature.
Reeves presented a memorial signed
by 400 citizens cf Nebraska praying for
a General Herd Law.
Majors presented a petition of citizens
of Nemaha county, to allow salaries to
Probate Judges. Also, notice of a bill
for that purpose.
The bill for a geological survey of the
Republican Valley was indefinitely post
poned in the Council. We had hoped
much from this bill, as the resources of
this Valley are comparatively unknown
and yet persons who have passed through
it describe il as most beautiful and fer
tile. A geological survey would cost
little, and would do much to bring its
good points before the public.
Collens presented a bill to repeal the
law changing the name of Sr. Deroin to
The memorial and joint resolution of
the Council for an appropriation from
Congress for a bridge across the Platte
river, passed.
The bill to defray the expenses of the
Legislature of July, 1S6Q, has passed the
House by a vote of 28 to 4.
The bill to remove distinction in schools
on account of racs or color passed the
House by a vote of 25 to 10.
A bill amending the liquor law passed
the Houso.
A resolution assenting to the demands
of Congress previous to our admission
and guaranteeing their fulfilment has
passed the House.
The copperhead melange thrown into
the Message of Sec. Paddock, beaded
"Peace and Union," has met severe rep
robation from Committees in both houses.
and so well have they met the views of
the loyal members that the reports will
be published with the Message to coun
teract any copperhead impression it may
Majors has introduced an acj supple
mentary to an act to incorporate the city
of Brownville.
Bill to vacate part of Table Rock has
passed the Couneil.
Mr. Daily's bill to correct the appor
tionment so as to allow Otoe Co., but one
Councilman, and making the other a
float in Nemaha, Richardson and Otoe,
passed the House by 24 to 11.
Washington News.
Mr. Bout well, from Judiciary Com-
miitee, reported to the House a bill pro-
viding "that no persona shall be permitted
o act as an Attorney or' Counsellor in
any Court in the United Statea who have
beenguilyof treason, bribery, murder,
or any other felony, cr engaged in any
rebellion against the-XTnited States', cr
given aid, comfort, or encouragement to
ihe enemies of the , United .States in
armed hoMiliuiea thereto.'-'
The introduction of this bill, for the
first time during this session, galvanized
the opposition into life nod activity, and
a stormy time was had until its passage.
An attempt was made to briog k to a
final vote on the 22d, when the opposi
tion commenced their skirmishing, and
wiVh calls of the House, motions to ad
journ tid demanding the yeaa and nays
upon every question, the session was pro
longed through the night cf the 22d and
until afternoon of the 23d, when a vote
was tsached and the bill passed, yeas
110, nays 40.
This bill is intend to and will kill the
test oath" .decision cf the? Supreme
Court. Explaining jt Mr. Boutwell said
there were five judges in the highest
tribunal of tbe law who had cot su(5cieul
self-respect to enact rules and enforce
regulations that would protect themselves
from the foul contamination of conspira
tors and traitors against the government
xf the country." Congress will protect
The President has arcroved the bill
convening the 40th Congress oa the 4th
cf March next
a mphtica has leeo introduced io
"Congress by Mr.'Norion7 "directing- the
Committee cn Public Lands to enquire
what if any legislation is necessary to
correct the construction of the ' Depart
ment of the , Interior of several icts of
Congress granting lands to railroads; by
which construction settlers are deprived
of full benefit of pre-emption and home
stead law. Our District is suffering un
der just such and evil, and the Burlington
and Missouri river R. R. grant withholds
one-third of the public, lands in this Dis
trict and about one-half in the Otoe Dis
trict from settlement" We hope this evil
will be corrected.
Congress js about to pass a Registry
law for. tbe Territories.
The time allowed the President to re
turn bills has expired in both the bill
curtailing his pardoning power and that
confering equal-suffrage in the Territo
ries, and both thua became laws.
The Senate Judiciary Cammittee have
decided to report a bill making Presidents
and Vice Presidents elligible only for
one term.
A veto of the Nebraska bill is expected.-
, ' :
Col. Pressou.
We notice that the Omaha Herald is
sarcastically inclined toward Col. Pres
son, Councilman from Richardson county.
The editor of that sheet. Dr. Geo. L.
Miller, has occasion to remeicber Col.
Pressons power on the stump ; but he
now takes a contemptible revenge thro'
the columns of his paper. Its misrepre
sentations and drivilling articles can do
Presson no harm where he is known and
where he is not. the general character of
the sheet is such that its abuse i the best
passport to the confidence of loyal men.
Col. Presson is a power in any com
munity where he is known ; and his
record is bright on the roll of hunor of
his country's defenders; not to be sul
lied now by a personal notice of such
contemptible copperhead slanders.
Tbe Land Office Dlfflcultj.
There is an unfortunate difcuhy con
cerning the Office of Register for this
Land district.
C- G. Dorsey was appointed Register in
1S65, by the Presidentand confirmed
by the Senate. In revem,ber 1S66 he
was removed, and Theodore W. Pedford
appointed to fill the vacancy.
Mr. Dorsey was notified by the proper
authority that he was removed by order
of the President, and that when Mr
Bedford filed bonds &c, be Dorsey
must give Bedford, the books, and capers
of the Office. ,;
Mr. Jamison the Receiver ws alsq
notified, that when Jiedford filed bona
Stc, he would then be the Register.
Bedford filed bonds, bad them approv
ed, and then demanded the books, plats
nm1 nanprs of Dorsev. who refused to
t i
give them up, stating that he had a com
miinn for four veas. and the President
had no right to remove him.
Jamison does not recognize Dorsey as
Register, and wl no act in ppecert with
him, and the consequence is, ihe Land
Office for this district is virtually closed,
much to the injury of the people of the
The power of the Presidet to remove
officers of this class, has never heretofore
been questioned. The justice or policy
of removals has. The fact is, all presi
dents have removed officers, and their
Commissions read, that ihey are to hold
the office for so many years, "unless
sooner revoked by the President of the
United Stales, for the lime being."
I have no particular friendship for Mr.
Bedford. He has always been an ultra
Democrat, while I have always been a
Radical Republican. As a Republican,
I wish a Republican could have the office.
As a citizen, I want the Land Office
opened, and emigrants encouraged to set
tle Jiere, but so long as this diculty
last.1, people will not settle on the public
lands ;'n this district, nd fee) secure of
their homes.
Of Mr. Dorsey I will only say,' that if
he is a patriot, he will consult the good
of the people, and not his own private
feelings' in tb rour.
I think that he should give the books
and pcp&rs lo Bedfard, so that people
can enter land in this district.
The above comrruinication is refresh
ing4 the "news" in it is late, as the po
sition of the contending parties is not
known generally, and "W.A.P.'s" p.en
is trjlliant and states 'facts" forcibly.
The act ibat Jamison refuses to act
with Dorsey, and .thereby ihe office "is
virtually closed, much to Ju injury of the
people of he District" seems to our cor
respondent a grevious sin in Dorsey.
Ergo, it is wrong to resist Andy John
son's usurpations, and justice to give the
control of Government into tbe hands of
his rebel loving friends. "W.A.P." is
a "Radical Republican."
That "the power of the President to
remove officers, of tbS da?, has never
heretofort bitn questioned," we know to
be untrue, and will if desired point him
to numerous instances. On the contrary
this power baa ncv;r legally been admit
ted, and but few administrations have
attempted the exercise of this power but
it has been called in question.; and, we,
with the loyal North (save our "Radical
Republican-' correspondent question the
"power" and desire n definitely tetUed.
"I have no particular friendship for
Mr. Bedford," who is "an ultra Demo
crat, while I have always been a Radical
Republican ;" "I wish a Republican could
have the office ;" "I think that he (Dor
sey) should give the books and papers to
Bedford! Looks consistani, don't it!
Is it "Radical" Republicanism to urge a
"knuckoling" to A. Johnson and playing
into the hands of his appointees ?
But, "if Dorsey is a patriot he will
consult the . good of the people, and not
his own private feelings in this matter."
Ergo : "Pa'.riots" do not resist the
"one man power" to remove officers
for "opinions sake," Congress is resisting
the power of the President to remove.
therefore, its members are not patriots Juries and Carriages of the la
Jnt what coDoerheada sav. test St jles made to order and On-
. ,.
C. U. Dorsey IS not consulting his own
. . ' .i - . t . tl
interest in iu. inaucr, wc nuuiv. i ue
steps he has thus far taken are upon the
principle that Andrew Johnson has not
the right to remove an officer "for opin
ion's sake." We urged upon him this
course lemg before he refused to give up
books ; and finding that this course was
urged by the leading Radicals of the
Uistnct, ana several prominent lawyers
. . . ' i .i i
took his present Stand, regardless Of Ll3
m -
personal interests or feelings.
.... 0
r A. P. says the Land District Suf-
. . ,
thereby; lets see; the number of
nn!irntinr fnr bind filed in ln rffir cf
' r
M 1 ffl . 1 J . L I
v. u. horsey, negiMer, uurjng tue
present month, foot up as follows .
For Homesteads,. 4,000 acres.
For Script,
For Cash entries.
This shows an amazing lack of confi
dence on the part of ''the settler," Jon't
it ? And is it Dorsey 's fault that Jami
son refuses to complete the entries ? Or,
can any one be so rerdant-our corres
pondent excepted as to suppose that
Jamison's refusal to act caQ effect the
zn;3 oi inpteiucrr
There isTjut one palliation for W.. A.
V r r
P. S present Course, and that IS that sere-
n . 1.1. i
rat uemocrais uaye oeen urging smce
they See that Bedford can't win that
. , ...
ootu ueuioiu uu Auiscjr wuutfnw anu
COrrespent remember tne fte Of tnose
who left "principles" and wedded "My
Policy." or 13 his a new kind of Radical
ism which fuses and blends with conser
vatism for the benefit of both 1
'Pitty the sorrows of a popr bjind
History of tbsBlMc.
JJy R. C. Barrow.
No; i.
The word Bible, orBiblos, greek,
means book or record, and as it was for
, , , 1 1 . .
A JODg lime tae only OOOK in tne world,
receivied. and still retains the aDoellation
of "the Uible," i.e. the book. All know
. . . i , , i i -
" uivi, tti.u mai ii
claims io be a revelation from God to man,
but comparatively fevy are acquainted
.:.u:.u: .u. .
nu ii3 uiaiuiv, wu u, auu uy yom US
various bosks were written, its different
" " " I 1
translations, made and bow it came to be I
received amopg us in us present form.
The first five books of the Old Testa-
ment, commbnly called the five books of
Moses, or the Pentateuch, were xvritten
Vit os fl t A 1 T fv ..,-.11 C 1 I
" i .uc yufiu jo,
doubtless in Egyptian characters at first
- uiir ... . ,
aa Piuses was icatuc m la Wisyoiji
of the Egyptians. Letters were iventd
Memnon, an Egyptian, in the year 2182.
some year? betore Moses wrote.
Skeptics have affirmed tbat Moses could
not have written these books, because he is
therein made to record his own death, but
the objection has no weight with those
who are versed in ansient history. Ii
was trie custom OI tne ancients to place
an author', name at the beginning of his
worK. anu upon nis aeatn 11 was written i
Ji:.,,,,. .
out and ni?hed by his . successor in his
(the author's) name, aijd called his book
i . ' 'r , . . . H wuwk.
" I
it is oiten ciaimea tLat tne matter con. 1
tained in the Pentateach could not have
been preserved simply by tradition fori
' tL T - ". ' jr Y . J
mn r A. than tni Ft L J
objection we shall attempt to remqye.
Itoan was born in tne year IQoQ, his
second son, Shem jji the yiar 1-59,
utnety-seven yeari before the flood, which
occureti iu the year IQ5Q. That l the
eventsrecorded.preceedingthayear 165-5 I
i ... ,;t
were kept by tradition until that time, we
events we.e made matters of by eogly-
yhic record, w propose to show in our
next paper. It is easy to believe that
the evenis recorded in the six first and
a part of the seventh chapters of Genises
were ketby tradition for 163Syears, when
we take into consideration the great ae
of the Patriarchs. The jives of two men
fpnn the lime from creation to the flood.
Adam died in the year 930, Methuselah,
born in 6S7, held converse with Adam
243 years, and lived till the year of the
flood, 1656.
"A Missourian will feel more al hnm
here (Nebraska City) than infietcher
ized Misrouri." Acicj.
Yea, verily, if he be rebclized, gturil-
aized, bushwhackerized or galvanized
4,The Democratic part? is stronstr to-
day in defeat, than it was before the late
disaster overtook iC"-Phila. Age.
X skunk went rambll eg along a read,
A wag oa wheal ran o'er it f
I'm itrtnjer new, in aeata, quoth be.
Than t'er I was before it
. M ashed thander eat of me.
Rusk C4 fer tti dlsasHr.
Sly as You Keep it
or r t7 & I n ' n
Lively aiifl
Sale Stables,
Corner JUain and Levee Sretts,
X3HOWWV1IiIj2, rvJ-.T.
Ate Completed and ho hs now on hand the best
Stock of Lirery lnrts b fcnnl in th YcjI
tuthor with aa Entirtlj new b toe 1c of
lsbcd witli great Care rcgardles
of Expense; an .Elegant Close Carriage for ac
commodation of Farriea in and out of the Citj
wih or witnout Dri?cr. Wlll ba Unshod, Daj or
I nig" notica
Fast Teams, Gay Teams, Safe Teams
Teams for Ladies to drive, all to hire at
the same old price.
The Great Western, has hest accommoda
tion for zfly Horses, and a good veil of
wattr n (he aho
UAUida iiuusb. I ijiirrri an I binn.iv 1 1 r nuics
rf all kiadaUo, a good HUck.mita Shop in fall
0f Haj.Corn.Om, Bran Ac, in larj quantities
oi naj, vorn,uiw, Bran ac, in iar9 qnamui
lJon hand for accommodation of Trarelerj.
Stock kept by the day week or month, pers
wishing to bLj or sen anj kind of ttock win c
"U thrown terest bjeaUins at
tOffW?e Ltvery, teed bale and $x
Canze Stables II. P- COuSUJSLL
11 18
A TEN D0LLLAR Enzraylnz for
$1 50 and a Fortune To NoiMng !
t$aa. And aliir.
AOERTI, MilE i)io 1'iMiic, wmntcd. From
$20, to $50 per week can be wade IS Sai 3,90
LOCAL and Traveling Agents. Male or Fe
f -
male, of all age, ara wanted to solicit trade in ea-
rr Cilv. Town. Village.: Ilaraiel. irirkSan
Factory, throughout the entire world, for the mo'it
mleable novelties erer known. 500 rtR CENT,
KV? , ' Vd ?tm? e,an fr
$5 to $50 per da y, and do ink of los! A small
capital required of from 20 to iioa-the mora
I money inrested the crater the
i ivj-ioi mora
pro S t. ; So Jfo meg
rMiredin adduce-, fint ,end t, articU, .
IreceiMpoyvftenta rdtl If yoo actually wish to
I make money rapidly and easily, write.Tor full car-
i ticuian ana aaaresi ' .
ZliLiU un a. uu., (From Paris,)
?in nniunTOiv v.- v.t r:..
1-y Newspapers copjiDgwillbs liberally delt with.
xuib UcCoy, Complainant
Jamen McCoy, respondent
In pursuance of a dcrt'l order of the District
Court of the Soeond 'Juiicial District of cbra.ka
Ti-rritiy, ioand for N'einib: County, in said Ter
ritory, in Chancer, sitting in the above entitled
emse I wi
II eil at public auction, at th djr f
a's Hall in tbe City of UroTnTi ilo. th;it
beta"' ije p' ace" where the last term cf said Uijtrlc:
mxt hei.l
On Thursday the 23.h d;y of February
A.P.13G7, at one o clock T. M., of Mid day, the
follnwtnir described tract or parcel of Lind situ;'e
In euaaa Cvnnty, rbri-'k 1 Territory, to -wit :
Common Mog tastiik'5 l 10 a 1 4')rol X rth tl d
rreas Ve.'( of tbe half mile S'one at the South
side of section o. 3. T r..-hi; . 4, Kanire .N
15 El. Ibtnce runnin ' North 41) rwl. ttirn: K.ii-t
ri" lo ,ne0,'t "f tnc Liit'e Nemaha itivcr
I thence up the meinlj-iiii uf Mid KiT-t 24 rdj
and 20 link-, to a Make, thence Ve.i 25 1-2 rods U
. pf K.rer, thnc-, up the
meanaeiinjjs I i:iia ttirer i 1-3 fxl.s t. an O.ik
Tree, theme i S.uth 8 rod tuasuke. theme South
fi5 decrees K-ist 32 rods t a Stake, thrnce south
iSodrirrecs Kutt 2HroJn, thence South 79dereei
Jr?"1 32, '.'i' tbo p!aco cf bc KianicB Containinj
Terms of sale cash in hand
January, 24, 1857, WM. 0. GLASGOW.
I7.4t SJ?,59 Sheriff of Semaha Count r
nT7 . ; ; : 7T
A, F.Cretnwell, Plaintiff ) In Julice Court
before O.T.Botwt
.s.j justica on the Bth dT of Januarr. a!d.
1307 J ""'tuchineBt in the aboTa
I7-3wecki 3,53 pd 2,8 a
Dissolution Of Co-PartnershlD.
The eo-Bartnershio heretofore existln- between
tD tweriigned under the firm name of E. II.
Burches 4 Co., was mutually dissotred oa the
fifteenth day of January, IS67.
January, 15th 1367 I7-.1t
Taken np bj the nndersiznej. lirine 7 miles
North-West of Brownville Nebraska, on the 7th
day cf January 1867. One Red Heifer, 2 years
old next Spring, lina back bush of tail white, hind
legs wniU part wap up.
I8-pd - WA1UIA 3 1i.tl3.
Taken nnbr te nnderfijrned, lirinr in Bedford
Precinct, on he5thday r Jaeuary, isrw,
Ond red and white sppottcd Dull, two year eld
. .1 i : c
lllfn BD DT io un i5F5ii"cu ii.iug uii miles
North-Wi ut Bridge, in Nemaha County
Jibr"k. V 4lh dJ of Jan."7' ,8f-.
Qua roan heifer, one year old lat Spring, no
marks on brands. u-pa jutru uku
brsska.on the titb Jay of December, 1S7. Osa
red and white Steer Wt three yean old.
. - - ..... . ...
Jan., l3ta, 1357. - IS , WILLIAM PES5T.
Taken an bv the nndersijned Urine in Nensab
Coooty , Nebraska, lb 1st day f lro, l'66$,a
Red Heifer, one year ! J, marked with smooth crrp-
a of ktt ear, d two aaderbits in tbe rijht.
Takes ap by the sabscriber livior in Glen Rock
Precinct. Nor, 17, li6 Yoke of CatUe, on a
red steer with left born elf' unci imnoth err.n off of
ch ear, the other a rcn, wuj left bora btokea
t Urandca M on i nip, supposea w oe eijtii
Irs oi j.
M - ! . . JOHN B. EPLE2.
IBKCI Up OJ luc auuciiijucut ii.iu iwij mnes
South of Peru in Sem ha County, on the 21 day of
December. 1813, two y-arlinz'Ste?ri, rejand whi e
speckled, marked, with swallow fork in left ear anl
nnderbit in rih t.
Jan, otV UV. G. W. GLASQOW.
5 5t-G' ' -
Improved FarralnsLanU to Reni.
That portion if the Ileywood Farm nn oco
piid an Jinrsery.and the heard Fmm, Kmh withiu
two miles of Brownrilleare fr rent'ihrs ax3.n.
Also about 60 aeie or the Dsir Farm in lh Peru
bottom tear' Farm. For detail ancl t0
or Wil. tl.IIOOVEti
Jan.21. tSII I7-3t
Is now truly acknowledged a preparation
for all diseases incident to infiDts anj cbiidrea.
la exalted term i of commendation of its truly won
derful elects and mei.ccal rirtues, and art de
lighted with its use. "' ' '
E7 Price, Only 25 eents per Bottle.J j
Boti by all dealers injmedicine. Prepared oa 1 j
the Grafton Medicine Company, St. ulr, ,
' Sold by HOLLADAY-&, CO.,
Jan. 1st. 60 Browmille, Neb.
: J C V tt
y'C; P C U
I a mi
( 4 ;
M K K O I I A. X T .
" 2sTIW FIltM
K. T.'BAIWET &. V7. D. LSV7I3
6uccrssoR3 to nniT c co
Respectfully inforvi ihe Citizens of tht
CUif nnd Cqvvjy ihatthry are in receipt oJ.
a large end complete assortment of
Lake's Dress Goods,
Wjilj an endless variety of
Together with the Largest Stock oi
Custom Made
Ever brought to this City all cf which
was purchased prior to the late advance
in gold, which enables us to offer supe
rir"enducemeus";o thbse desircus of pur
casing. )Ye also, he'ep on hand a fresh
block or
Grooerl on
: - - . - - - . . j- - -
Aod a rccd a.5crtro?nt cf
Remember the PUce, Main Slreet, On Peat
aboee tbe 1'oJCce, Brownrille, Kabraska.
9-10-4Iy inia
Main Street petxeen First and Second.
I Would Resjcctfu'.ly inform the Cifi f
UrownviMe und urrijuudin2 country tbat I h
fust rcceired lay fall Stock of Govdi, consi.iin
Of the latest sr-rs and bo qoalit?. Mens kny
calf lt.nts, duJ'u,l Uh,-,Kin K'pibt.U J
and chiblrcns HinUaud Sh-K. All t:,,v. ..f L-
I . . . . . , . . ar
FOR tfo
t . fw t.
m a v
m rv , - i '
t 1 CIS , L 11 i
a oar J IriU a
lo fei HI? !
55 ii V I
I J - -- -w m - mm
V - 3 S a
dien nnT S.k. ..r fh fi i.v.tan t bo.p alit-
ndia Rubber aiid B .fralo Uv-r Sho-s
for GVritleinrn and Latns
Gjrocerie of Kvrrv Kiutl
Uonsisiio? nf ihe bs brand nf
Sugar. CoTee, Tea. Pepper. AIt?ictf.
Soda, Candles 'Tobacco! Matches,
Starch. Scckc, &c.
Woe den Witre, Stcno V7zrs,
Tbe Uc-t Quality af
The bet Vi'.Hilen Under and User Shirts, Salt
Salt by the poo nd er barrel '
wmcu hs orKK3 roa sals
- Allei which bettors at U iowerl 4i5r
mlaid sot to be asgerteltf.
G RAliT.