Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 31, 1867, Image 1

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Oacsi'Cta !isir leu) o li i3 la $T tS
lch.:4Uiosl Usrtla - I co
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vlf Kiir Slaslc.Ain St Detxreen lit 2d.
92 0!
tr ""k 'tk.n iPIlonl firry Job Wulk dnl
Vol. xi.
. irailn:ilrl In Ir1.
0(n(4l in i:roaiiillc in 1S55.
MLIiS'i JiUlilfsSUii
A V !
SariVlIttUaUaj k (' Hriii Slorc
7-4-0 ;u-r iit Office.
f S p-!! (firm lo Obstc-tpnd
U '"""n ni x-lJ-ljr.
Biutl anil lnnv
M Ju 23 IFL . .
ajt & fct V iiior t ;o Ui'uwuvsJ.o ilouf t.
Hti a fcanM .u..-ti ir '.k -r Vt and Sh. e
m, 1oxaxiE CahU. " w
Wagoit Maliev, tin shop,
IlltOW VI i:, - i: K A S I A ,
1 .
VITOU. " . Ii , at ..w ralc,
v-t3-f:t Mi
I GqcJ Hid and Livery Stable
a I 1
L - O; -RSSSilSOH. vuun:ii:roi;.
r'fi.v SirrH, I't'twceu Main and .Water.'
-S )!.!;! .ill. 'IN-'illl.VNCKKY.
? r . -.'In-. ..1 a aj- 'iri 'f'i.
. ii:tunNyiLLi:, m:hu?ska. ,
Marsh & co.,
tiMiTal News Ap-nis a:nl Si;i:!ner5
ril office ITuilrtfrtsr.
...... . r . 1 . ,1 c
" 1 1 . . n ; . y . 1 i n '
' ' -1 k- f. f 1 . 1 . ii r 1 r.v:r ' l
' " ' ' '. n i i ii- 'i N t 1 1 1 v a 1 i
' ' .-ir 1: ,... 1. ti, Ii t i nii'l laii
M.A.-5'. nli -U J.W.UIJSS.
A. R()B1NS()N,
m m m m.
" I 4 11m f r n t. . y ; s t
"" . il ..I .. ii '. .!, ). K ,,. ,., I J,, i,
' 1 . ' ' " i l'-.l. I nij i.ii . f Cti.iVan t
'.v:. ANh siioi'K.
' 1 '! illi If.ll ,:.,! mrl f;.
mts;iu. in.ijctticu,
Millinery & Faur.y Goods
rT an j Jul.! t..riUr.
lart I . "' ibih
B'lMn4reaaBr.,l,;ctc,n ,
r.e on
UWICOP4TIIIC vnvsiciAir,
tiii..-.!. ! h,.;if,t. i ,r! er.trn.trd to
y ill VrtM
Ai.:f,li;8. J ciloiaxhU
33roveneillo, INT. Z
l nriiui .. I .
J 1 "
jZ? r rT.t-ii
n naijse-Slsn & Ornamental
(.! irier, P.iUcr, tlraincr,
All wort done in a workman
like manner, nnd on strickly . k
O jSi- S3 jrL
si pooawmoraaowsTiLLXiiosx
JAC011 MAliOllN,-
At r: rcha-n't
T 3Ea.: ,
, An:.' '- J 6fJ
Ptrnal nttitition given to mnling Locationi.
OSse in J. L. Carf on's Banking House.
X- 14 lj" IT-VD
Just rccivd and will cntnnlly keep on
Lar d jt larc and aclccud atytk of gcuuiucar-t'.-If
in it! line.
poor vest of Grant's Store, Broirn-
yi.-ihi W,r:ttef-aii(! ewclrj !"ti on the MrV
Itr. wnvhl. Nfh.. Marcli I5ili. 1&C6. 10-8,8 r
-!.aih F..ut corner of Min f-nd J;r.t S tract
rricE ITorRS 7 U V a..rid I to 2 and to
Rr..tynTil'ff.yrVryV.My 15 Xo34.1y.
Kat Door to Carson s Sank.
MAIN sttjeet;
;.vi nnAfr,
v; J.! ! A "
;. ; j . r-f : , : U ' ii e ' r t Y. c
.".-a Vai Cut ;.l c:w Jft 4
a Restaurant and Oyster Saloon.
Alao, Confeetionarieii. Canned Fmit, IMed
Fruit, picri -f "II kind. Tea, Coffeo. Sgr
Tit-aeco. ',.tatoe. aweci JVatoen and everything
uanallj kepi in n retain gmeery
x Mix
Evan Worthing,
Wfcolfcaic & retail Dealer in Choice
Liquors, Wines; Ale, Bear,
hig ui:ti'2:i:. qitaukRJXOit
and litctl i;i'i2-tX'L.TlVAj.
-- : - N
,Main Stfrrt. Iirou'UvilU
T.W.Tipton O.ll.llewctt
Uarch let, '65, ly.,' ' ' ' ' ' ' " '
I would ref'peefully 'ay h I have
nnd am now receiting a large stock of
' 1 Winter ana Spring Wear. T
;':.''.. .. - r. ,
W kcipcon'tantl n haud a fuM asjorttnent ol
Of U Kindt. v .
Rcrcr Clotli Coal, Panto & Tests.
French.: Chik Clothing in Latest fitles.
Cassimero Goods all descriptions.
Furnishing Goods,
All of which we propose o sell as
Cheap or Cheaper
Tbntriny 'cf our Competitor. 1 All we
ask is for the citizens of Nemaha
. . .
' ' and adjoining counties
' JJnJ find on! for themselves !
ssici crai STB
nnoirTiLi.G, xcn.
CF ff-aaaaa
it t u ts
For Sale'iiy Joseph Lovless on the
Thee Trej, taring l-n raised fri in km 1 in
tlii rlimat. arxl arljp . grafted ith rh ice
vairii a by Mr. V well anxrinr?d liursprj iuin.
tnivke ti the b si chan" r iff?roil in ihi e.un
tj. 1 ntd c'TrijiD j Xo cloaa out this atuck, and
wiirn a' I to call gofl.
11-55 3m r.u . JOSEPH LOVELESJ.
(Succeaors f McInchHn Swan.
Xemaha Vall$y Bank Building.
We respectfully .-innouRCP to the
Public tlutthuy li.-tVu 2iu;vin store, a
New and Large Stock of
To which they invite the attentior
of purchase rs. '
Sugars. Teas, Ilio and Java Cof
fet. Pure Cider VJsieser and Coal
Oil at
Canned Fmits iji peat raricfj and
of Ihe best quality ; Catsup, pickles.
Ousters. iSadinca, Clams, French
Muttad j Worcesfcxiire Sauce and
IVc&ler'yn eserve Cheese qt
. h;;l rwlhc'r,"f'e:::re
to Ciil
:vl ir
a to
uhd vaiied Stock of
Tobacco, corutsuncr of Natural t.eaf
and and other favoj-iie laandj.
of Plug ToUrco at J Ut qualities
Fi.r;e cut a id iiiiioking Tobacco.
Wroupiu and Cm N-iil?, of 'nil si;e
Spaclt-s. Shovel. IJroonis.Sevvhig Twine
and Scuop ShoTeN at ;
Ttc hiIiesl price paid for Culler,
Eggs, and country produce at
SW.lSr & BKO
Consult your intcrst bv-esamin-
iug Swan & IWs. Goods and prices
"befoic l uying (isetthtre.
v-"l ly. . .. ;
JCrfafdcf IV. h BreitmeTjer, Leccatfd.
tire i hi rtl t firm that tae Irbte Court if
i ii 1 1 a 1 1 :m ?ytk. 1 nil' rj. Ii a 1 1 win
no il i 14 1 i i t i ! .t y t i d ti c Hull ilu) l
A. l. i&7 ax thtt'i'uta f. cnBiniu -0 "n.'!w.,,,!r
rUiow I'iir.t il.e estate of Frxlitick liliiain
nrri'mejer,I&to offaid t'uunl.T of pwba, drcea-ed
Saiii txminatian tfU take pt'co htst'ri tho si A
eonrtat the ciurt : loum iu I-onuTilIe, Jii aaitl
Cau'jr of.Xcmaha. All porann having claiw
a5int aiii.j Kilalo ro,itquiril 19 C'e th camo
with tho Jiulge .f cnrt on r before tb 10th
day of June, A. ). 1S67, r tbeywil.b forever
barred. G. W. KAliiUK.JTilEli, A.
1'robate Judce. ;
4 M
J C Dsusiit, Executor.
14-5i 69,00
. - JT? - . -
p 0tX
IV ilimn ror.tlie National .Tbanksr
giving, l)ec. 7111, , v
tTitb furor, LoM, our Nation seo,,,.,, ,
AjietaV'ed tp give Jhes ,
7 ,v7ho huh m'ide Wr'nd 8Hrry c'es',
And brought tho pris'ner sweet rcleaw,' -' I '
To iar, we, with an'itej Voics,
Conn in Thy preien? to rej .ice
Together our thankgWin brinj,- ; . r
And worship Thee our only Kinj.
Oar own and fathers ains eonfea,
Their wrongs, and our?, we would redresi ;
Make retitution where we cnn.,
. 'And justice d 'twixt man and ma.
f .i
Gire all the right themieitei to own.
And aeek the mcoor of Thy 'throno :
Let eah by hia own labor live, .
And none of Liberty deprive. , ,
We own ai brother all enr rae, , !
Of every hue, in every place , . .., .
The eqaal care of Ood above, , K
Redeemed by Josua'dyinj love. ' " '
' - ' " . ' ..;
TVe than acknowledge equal heirs.
And for their welfare offer pray'rjj '
That all Thy gonpiel may believe, i .
Aad equal bliei with ua reeeive. w
0 ! grant ua. Father, ao to live,
Acd to ua each Tby Spirit five,
Till we arrive in Sweet aeeord,, .
Where all (hall know and acrve the 'Lord.
, CJorj to Cod forever. Anion,
- I
Derrr, LorU'a day mornini, Daceni'jer 3:. 1353. , .
Address to the People of Nebraska.
By the Educational Association ofjem
braska, Adopted Jan Othk l$G7.
Impressed with 5 deep conviction of the mtp-rtanctf of the ecucational in
terefts of Nebraska, to her future pros
peritv. reahzinff that thoe interttsts can
unl' be properly-advanced hud the pros
penty secured and made peruiHimnt by n
lull cotiKtpliun on the part of the people
of thfir 're.punsib Iny in 'the matter of
ih ttu?t cotnnmifd in tUeir band ;" the
Educational As?ccianon of Nel
in tfs?ion at the Trrriioril Capital,
f're.-fnt to the peojila-oi nt'braska this1
address its a ineaiii nf informm?' ibeui
as 10 their tchool protriy, and re.-pons
biliiy imposed by that pjse?sion.
haiever may be the re??(i)t of ihe
ueatiou of the udniiasiou cf Nehr;ika.
now jiendmg lefore Hie National Con
l;r, a a evideut that N-lraska will
j-ht-rtly bfcrjne a Slate. Upon emerginj
frmn i,tr 'lerriiurial condiMou, she will
le Jefi t ll.n free txeJei.-e of the popu
lar :ov-ie:nty whicii the toast of the
American people. It will then devolve
upon her people to manage their own
itiMitutiona in their own way," and if in
ihe exercise ot this- sovereignty she ex
hibits a wise foret hought in reference to
the great interests of popular education,
and cirefiilly provides lor the j reerva
lion ot the meuua of cuj port lor fcchoul
ol atl grades lurnisheU ly the general
goveriitiient, then will future generations
arise, and tail bltsed ihe generation
which has understood and faithfully diji
chuiged Us glut ious trust.
The experience of other States is full
t)f instruction and of tyarninij as to the
importance of wisely guardiu and pro
tecting lrotn sacrifice tne lat.ds set apart
by ihe munificence of the Federal
tiovernment, lor tb -.uPP.ri f our Edu
cational s-ysieMi. These lands are now
of immense vaiue. With the rapid in
citase ol population which will result
iroin the opening .of railroad commuu
icatiou with the- various sources of inuni
graiiuii, and the consequent occupancy of
iaudai m.y vacant, the vlue of those
laiitids will be immeasurably enhanced.
Ihe income fiom, those lands, if wisely
managed, may be made to sustain a sys
tem of education equal to any on'ltiis
comment or in the wurid. To sell those
Units, or to consent to their sale at any
price would be rucremicy tu oir irutt. Is
would be a great measure defeat the j
ubjtct of the land gram lor .school . pyr
pi;eff." h would r b yiur chi;dte:i nriJ
yuU( vi.fiJrcnV cli IU fell of thelfds.reii
iieruagr their mst sacred : right ; tht
i-gnt Hie feducat;o;i vouchsafe to them by
ihe j'ruvjsion of these lauds.
'lo, preserve these landa from the ra
pacity of the ixuhttor ; to thjowefen
ces around all revenues ur the support
ct scLooU; 10 devue uians whereby the
educational system of Nebraska (hall be
made tqual or upTior to any known
system ; to en:ourge at as e trly a day
as piacucable, ttie found m ot Nonn il
Schools Jiud a Siate jjmir raiiy ; an I t
auiiUcu an tyiert iu ti;e caus of Klu-
canon are auioag the o-jec.s ol our As
sociation uud we seek our reward, int in
xjollars and cents, but in ihe c j:iscmjus
ness thai we are laboring in a good cause;
are striving to .execute with fidelity, one
tit tur most nnporiaut truths ; and we are
doing ihat upon which our children will
IbuU. with graietul pride nnd say "this is
the work ot our raitiHjs."
We ask of the pe.'pe of Nekra-ka. that
in this work ih-y take a part.; That in
every, organized . t: untiy "i ihe Terriio
ry, the Iriemis of education meet togeth
er and'organize auxiliary Associations,
lor ihe purpose of carefully guarding the
chool interests, and that they annually
send delegates lo sit with us m our; Ter
ritorial Association, in order thit in. our
meetings we may have the advantage of
ti e wisdom and experience of your best
men to guide us in those important ques
tions. . 1- i V; ' ) .' ' ' :'- ;
Signed 00 behalf, of ihe t Educational
I u
Association f Nebraska at O.uaha, this
9ih day of January; 1S37,, -
J. C
A Geological ' History or Kansas.
'In a skeich'of'th Geological
period in which bur 'surface 'deposits were
formed, and after alluding to preceding
events. Prof. G. C. Svvallnv; say : y ,
Subsequently this whole region,
Eastern Kansas and Nebraska, Iowa,
Illinois, Ohio. Indiana, Missouri, and
parts of Kentucky was covered by a vast
fresh water Jake.
Tn this lake was formed or deposited
ihe beds of gray and brown m trl, which
underlie and form the bais of the rich
soils in allthis vast' region, Shell Tub,
auch as weepy our present, waters, lived
in the lake.. Forest of Elm, Sycamore,
Walnut,' Oak, an 1 other trees like those
of our present forests, grew upon the
shores of this lake. The squirrel, deer,
beaver, buffalo, elephant, and .mastodon
lived in the forest upon its borders..
"The history of those times is found
in the petrified wood and shells and
boqes of the trees and animals' of those
days, carefully laid away in the beds or
bluff formation deposited it this lake and
which are from time to time brought to
liuht bv examination of the beds aud
their conten-s.
. "Tho remains brought to light by the
examinations in Pompeii, . Ilerculaneum
and Ninevah, do not tell the hi tory 0
those cities more accurately than.the pet
rified trees and shells and bones exhum
ed from the marls of the bluff formation
tell the history of this lake and its
shores. , r . .
"Bv some chanjres of the succeeding
ages the la!, e 'vas drained away, expos
iij tlie surface nf the earth' somewhat
changed! The marls' deposited ' in th
lake had f'jr the most part covered up the
limeetone . and , sandio!ies an'J shales.
partially filled the depf.'t valleys, ren
dered the slopes more genile,' nnl nioQth'
td up ihe rugtred and precipitious hjil-Mde.-
presenting a contour of surfaces of
valley and hill substantially such as it has
remained ti the present time. .
The streams it is true, have cut their
channels into the surface marls, antl in
so me instances into the solid rocks below,
and the waters have cat ravines and car
ried away some cf the surface material;
but the contour of the surface remains
Mibstaniially as it was left by the waters
of the lakf. Ai a muter of course, a
rank growth of weeds, grass an I trees
sprung up on the rich marls left ly the
receding waters.
"Then was the broad area, once occu
pied by the lake, one unbroken prairie.
Fires av-'ep- ver lhe jurfacs and killed
out the young trees and such other plants
as could not endure the aunual burns.
"Thrts it is een that ihe prairi is the
normal s'ate, and the question, should be
how the forests were fgn:;pd? and not.
what made the prairies ? there vere
ravines and wot places which the fire
did not reach, and there the trees grew
apace, and produced the present forests.
Meanwhile the fi.-h and reptiles occupied
the present streams and lakes, end the
animals became the dwellers cf the for
ests and prairies. Animals and plants
died and decomposed, and formed a black
matter which mingled with tho surface
ani formed the soil, the last at;J mo?t
.valuable of the geolojic tl formation.
fhe soil by this process is formed exceed
ingly slow ; btii th) increase l as sure
as it if that anirnais and plants will die
and decay, and the waters fall and run.
and ihe winds blow, ad the animals walk
and di, and thus, mingle the decaying
matter and the surface deposit..
Slow as i.' ih process, the lonar period
silica that lake iva' drained, hasben am
ple for the formation of the deepest and I
richest foil ojc tne conunem-
to. Cincinnati, wSr I
.-.-iuf nuporiarce t tran-act.
rrsv - ! 1112 ut with nu At
i i m 1 t y
J I:
'he Jiroadway hotel, in ordtr to be" sure
to hit the mornini: train, which leaves at
an early hour. Iu the morning theirav
eler was Jeepy. lady had arisen,
awakened him dressed herself, and gone
down to breakfast, expecting her lord to
follow her without delay. While ea'ing
hastily and scolding mentally in view .of
the husband's tardiness, she heard the
whistb? of the locomotive. Rushing
frantically up stairs, her horror may be
ini tgined when. 01 opening the biroom
doiir; a sriure from the couj igal gluggtrd
saluted her ear. -
A slight rcream and a rovgh shke
awoke hue. II j hesrd t' waisile.
Putting on his t.o:jts, hastily gtthered
in his arms ihe rst of hi attire, and
pushing the la ly before him put for the
train at u two-forty :ait. dressed only in
boois aud shin, The train readied the
depot. Throwing all but his shtrt npm
ihe plaiform, the liJy hurriedly sought
10 obtain tickets at the office, while the
husband proceeded to clothe him-elf wiih
his N- 1 ga merit. While it was yt
fluttering over his liead, the whistle again
sounded maliciously, and cflT started the
tram. The u-jfortunate creature entered
the car, his flesh having a pimptI, ghost
like appearance, .while. his blushing lady,'
spreading out her crinoline like the sa
cred vail of charity, conversed herself in
to a'screen. thai his nakedness might be
hiddeu frcraiis fellow-irnvelers.' The
ether female passeDger.puttiDg her hard
4 (4 . ... .. i '
1- . ...-' '
before hr eyes with her fingers spread
wide apart, declared, before she turned
iier head in another direction, that, "it
vva3 shocking '!'; And So, ua suppose, it
tinist have been ' to t?ie unlucky wight
who jhad to make such a spectacle of him
self. 4 ' " - ''-;".' . ; t v .
.yt. 23 Cv. . .. - - ......
,-,0ji wig occasion during tha attack at
Fort. Dotelkoti, 'a" Southern Flirdshell
exhorter was "holding forth in' exaUed
trains,; declaring repeatedly that the
Lord fought oh the s; the Southland
Jehovah was encamped round about the
Confederate army, saying that it was im
possible for the invading Yankees to con
quer them. Just at ihe close of ona of
these sentencss a man da?hed up to the
church door on ; horseback, and yelled
out : . v 1
The Yankees have captured Fort
Donlson, and ari corning up the river!,:!
'Then my brethren,' observed the
startled preacher, "save your.-elve?, for
t"hs Lard has got licked!" ; . ; .1
The. Nebraska Dill.
The following is the'bilt on file for the
admisson of Nebraska as it passed Con
gress, together with the amendment at
tached in the Houso on the motion cf Mr.
Whereas on the 21st day of March, A.
D 1864, Congress passed aruct to en
able the people of Nebraska to form a
constitution and State government, and
ollered to admit said Slate when so form
ed into the Utiion upon compliance wiih
certain conditions therein specified; and
whereas it appears ihat the said people
have adopted a constitution, which upon
due el imination is found to conform to
the provisions and comply with the con
ditions of said act and to be republican
1:1 its form of government, and that' they
now ask for .admission into the Union,
therefore '.
IU it enacted, by the Senate and House
oi 'Representatives of the" United Slates
of ;Amer:ca. in Congress assembled. That
the -constitution, ayl States government
vyhich the people of Nebraska hive form
ed for; tljerriselyes ba and the same is
hereby accepted, ratified and confirmed ;
and that the said Slate of Nebraske shall
bu and is hereby declared to be ons of
the United States of America.aud is here
by admitted into the Union upon an equal
footing with the original States in all
respects whatsoever.
Sec 2. And be it further enacted,
That the said State of Nebraska shall be
and is hereby declared, to be entitled to
all the right and privileges, grants and
immunities, and to be subject to all the
conditions and restrictions cf an act en
titled "An act to enable the people of
Nebraska to form a constitution and Slate
irnvprr.rnanl nnrl fnr thfl
admission of
on an equal
such State into the Union
fooling with the criminal States,"'' approv
ed April 19, 1S31. : - - '
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted,
That this act'shajl go' into effect with the
fundamental arid perpetual condition that
within said State of Nebraska there
shall b no abridgment or denial of the
exerciso of the elective franchise, or any
other right, to any person by reason of
race or color, excepting Indians not tax
ed. -
Tcnare or Certain Civil OOlccs.
Full Text of the Bill as pahtd by the
: Senxle. . .
Washington, D C. January 13 The
following is the full text or trie bill regj
latin the ten. ire of certain civil oflhvs.
which, after more thio a week's debue,
was passed by the Senate this evening
yeas 29. nays Q, the negative vote being
Messrs, Bjckaleiv, Cowan, L)ixon, Don ,
I'ttle, Hendricks. Nesmiih, Patterson,
Riddle and Salisbury.
lie it enacted. c That evry person,
excepting the Secretaries cf State", of the
Treasury, of War. of the Navy and of the
Aiiiencr, in rudiirN'.Mer General a J t.
Atiomey General, holding np civil cTic-j
to uIikU h l$ teen appjiutcd by and
1 !
v.r.h the advicj ar.i cuus
aie, anu-tvery person wna sUiU -uerejl-ter
be appointed to any sveh ol5ce, and
shall become duly qualified to act there
in, is and shall be entitled to hold such
office until a successor shall hive been in
like manner appointed and duly qualified,
except as herein cr otherwise provided.
Sec. 2. And 03 it further enacted,
that when any officer appointed afore
said, eiceptiuar judges of the United
Sietes courts, and excepting those speci
ally excepted m section one of this act,
shall, during a recess of the Senate, be
shown by. evidence satisfactory to the
President, to be'guiliy of 'misconduct ;n
office or crime, or for. any reason shall
tcorue incapable or legally disqualified
to perform its duties, in such case, and in
no other, the President may suspend such
officer and designate some suitable person
to perform temporally the duties of such
office until the next meeting cf the Sen
ate ; and until the cases shall be acted
upon by the Senile, such person so dcj
ignated shall take the oath and give the
bonds required by law to be taken and
given by.ihe person duly appointed to fi.l
such office ; aud in such case it shall be
ihe jjuiy of ihe president within twenty
days alter the first day of. such next
"ni'reting of the Senate to report the. Sen
ate soch suspension, . with the . evidence
and reasons for hb. action.' in ihs case and
the name of th person so designated to
perform the duties cf such offices, and if
the Senate'sLall concur in s'y'chV susjpea
8ioa ana sane' ard -rctisEr-t 't th r.
33nc5 arc
, al carta, ix JIsir Uft, ari, w" - -Cnfo,artlJ
co!aaB,o09Te'. '
ijoeetfhtSjcolcrn.cnaytiT, -
1 oscoluain Ixnwntat,
Oa hs' Culnma ix ont -
-rTiftfurth ttliDB ixtcoa'b.
SI 00
J5 C9
53 00
6 00
One culuus iore musius - .
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Etriy 8ei ttarg94 a trancitii aJrertiifOf
yaoce- Xearly adverttsenicata orttrly U 4a
ati kin,iof Jub. Book and Card srtat4nf. dona la
the btfct at;t on abort noiiet ant r4.ootla ttiai.
moval of such officer, they shall so certi- V
fy to the Preiident, who may thereupoa
remove such officer, and, by and with
the;advice; and consenC of the Senate, ap
point a person 10 such cface. But if th3
Senate shall refuss ta coasar: in suchsjs
psnsiou, such Ci7t;er so' suspended shall
forthwith resume the functions of his of
Xcd, iuju ths powers cf the person so per
forming; its duiie3 in ui3 tend shall
cease, and tha official salary and emolu
ments of such officer shall, daring sue!
suspension, belong to the person so per
forming the duties thereof, and not to tha
officer so suspended ; provided, that the
President, in case he shall become satis
fied that such suspensions was made oa
insufficient grounds, shall be aqiherized
at any time, by resp'orting such suspen- .
sion to the Senate as above provided, to
revoke such suspension and reinstate such
officer in the performance of liij dutiss
of his office.
-.-.Sec. '3. Ard be it further enacted.
That the President shall have power to
fill all vacancies which may happen dur
ing the recess of the Senate, by reason
cf death or resignvion by granting com
missions, which shall expire at the ni c
the next session thereafter, and if no ap
pointment by and with the advice and
consent of ihe Senate shall be made, no
such office temporarily filled during such
next session cf the Senate, such oftce
shall remain n abeyance without any
salary, feci r or emoluments' sttncheJ;
thereto! until the same shall te filled by
appointment thereto ty and with the ad
vice and consent of the Senate, and dur
ing such time all powers and duties be
longing to such crHce shall be exercised
by such other officer as rznj by la7 ex
ercise such powers and duties in cjo q
a vacancy in such ofllcs.
Sec. 4. -'And b3 it further enacted.
That nothing in this act contained shall
Se constructed to extend the term of any
office the jluration cf which is limited.
Sec. 5 And be it further enacted,
That if any person shall, contrary to the
provisions of this act, accept any appoint
ment to or e.nplo yment in any office, cr
thall hold, order, exercise, or atternpi to;
hold, order or exercise any office or em
ployment, he shall be deemed ani is
hereby declared to be guilty of a high
misdemeanor, and, upon triilani coavc
lion thereof, he shall ba punished there
for by a fine not exceeding ten thousand
cellars, or by imprisonment uot exceed
ing ten years, or bosaid puaishmjnti, .
in the discretan oMae court.
Sec. G. And be it further enicted.
That every removal, appointment or em
ployment made, had or exercised con
trary to the provisions cf this td, and
the making, signing, passing and coun
tersigning of any commission or letter of
authority, for in respect to any such ap
pointment or employment shall bs deed
ed and are hereby declared to b? high
misdemeanor?, and upon trial and coa
fiaion thereof every p3rson guilty thereof
shall be punished by a fine not exceed
ing $10,000, or by imprisonment not ex
ceeding five years or both said punish
ment at the discretion of the court, pro
vided the President shall have the power
after the adjournment to make out and
deliver the commissions of persons
whose appointments to offices have been
indorsed and consented to by the Senate.
Sec. 7. And be it further enacted,
That it shall be th duty of the Secreta
ry of the Senate, at the close of the ses
sion thereof, to deliver to 9 Secretary
of the Treasury,' and to each of his as
ristants, and to each of the Auditor-, ml"
to each of ihe Comptrollers iathTrea3r
ury department, and to ihe Treasurer,
and to ihe Register of the Treasury, a
full and complete list duly csrtified. of all
persons whfi shall hve been nominated
to and rejected by the Senate during such
session, and a like list of alt the office
to which nominations shall have been
made and not confirmed anil H'e 11 such
session., , .:.
Sec f
ArJ I; it further enacted. whcUiVi
'resident shall, with
oeit of ihe Senile,
fr.j'hy .any per-
i-.j cf any office, ha
cut lbs a'lvira u
1 .?..:.
shall fcrthwith notify the Secretary of
the Treasury of it, and it shall ba ihe duty
cf the Secretary of the Treasury thsre
upon to communicate such notice to all
the proper accounting nnd disbursing- of
ficers of this departrnsc..
Sue 9. And be it farther ' enisteJ.
That no money shall be paid or received
from the Treasury, or paid or received
from, cr retained out of any public
moneys cr funds cf the United States,
whether in the Treasury or cot, to any,
or for the benefit of any person appoint
ed to or authorized to act in, or holding
or exercising ihe duties or functiens of
any office contrary to tha provisions of
this act; nor shall any claim, account,
voucher, or certificate, warrant or other
instrument providing for or relating 'to
such payment.recipt or retention be' pre,
ented, passed, allowed, approved, testifi'.
ed or nnd. by any officer of tha United
Siates. or by any person exercising- tha
functions or performing tIT3 duties of any
office or place of trust under the United
States, for cr in repect to such cffic?,or
the exercising or performing the func
tions or duties thereof and ersry person
who rhill violate a.ny cf ths p rovisions
of this section sbill be deemed guihy of.
a high misdemeanor, and upon trial and
conviction thereof shall be punished
therefor, by a fine .not exceeding tea'
thousand dollars, or by imprisocn-iart r.ei
PTfp?ri.;ri" ten vears. cr KntS
sau ;-jo-
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