Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 24, 1867, Image 2

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    nnfc r atrittisrr nJeTeTy-conidtr
.licr'wfjc'.itical cDno:ny demand an
1-- Hilte it rtniuaiioa of thi unhappy
,vi.Jj:?a.c('i!-Jc?r. . If the CuniLitunon
llVuaT.dmer;! not only not acorn
fYnh ,ttis, lut if, oc the contrary, it
threaten 'lb p?rptuate Laired, atrife.
er: l Jucord, st ho-l-I le abandoned- at
tut, nhmevcr. 5i:rifices cf cherished
"j iticl do:na$ cr partisan prejudice!
.re" invclted. However wise, just, and the guaranties tought to he
i2in.d Ly thij amen-Iinem rniy now
ippear to b?, if they can oc!v be nocureJ
ly the entailment tipon th Union of the
eternal Inutility of eleven States, they
will certainly proe a eourea cf farrow
nd cf troul !e to the Nation. Ooly that
which will win back the heart of the
f.c;hcro people will pivc f lability and
tndcrin pcaca to the Republic." If the
Cor'titutiyfiol n:tif.Jaent will do this,
tUiU CO It fpetail, l wu taeenuny uu.o
i i. i .
na you ia vm to ua euijrarj
, la conclus'on. permit nt2 to asiuroyu
tla.1 I fchall moil t-arr.estly co oper.ite
with you in every endeavor to promote
the tariei interests of oor Territory
. Whatever measurei may commend tha n
el?ei to your wisdom. and judgment, as
LtrV c&lcuUtf dn promote tho general
wt.If.ire, will rtcetve my mot cordial ap
proval. Permit roe to wuh you a plparant
n j.'ura ai the Territorial Capital, and af.
. lei the Iab:r of the session ar termina
ted, a Lap; y return in safety and in
. health to your imilies and friend.
cbraslm C-lDuciliscr
Cr.OWNVILLr,TIlCn?DAT. JAX. si.ise:.
Jutt on goinj to press we learn thai
Deputy Slier iiT Tuttle, on a writ of R
flerin ij.'ued ly Mayor Lett, entered the
Land Office cf Register Dorrey, to day.
aid took therefrom ibe U. S. Lend Plats.
To style this an outrage is loo mild a
term, it is ly far lie rr.05t contemptible
iricl yet ottrn.p'.ed to ou?t Mr. Djrsey,
ar.d pubuc contempt will tlic to the per
petrators cf thi net os loog as ii cau be
rcacmlered, and thould.
The hrpcacLmem . lulble eeems to
have futlltd to its largtt proportions
and lo be tio.v tuUidin. We adtnit our
inability lo jee any good that could re
mit ihertfrcm. and thit k we fee many
a t m .
ery lu leiuits. Andrew Julmson, is
not luilicieiitly dangerous fur ihe loyal
party to risk a f?Qre bthe matter ol
impeachment ; to ri:k us detrimental
clffct upon cur feme abroad ; to risk
making a martyr of him ; and finally lo
rul. even an attempt at revolution which
it may inaugurate. To-day the Supreme
Court nam! mcro in the way of a jst
reconstruction than Andrew Johmon ; ii
ii asserted that Johnson has done his best
to prevent a fai'.hful execution of ihe
Freedtnans Dureauand Civil Rights laws,
yet this opposition is nothing compared
with effect of tho Supreme Court's Mil
ligaa derision, which nullify ihee ;
again, AnJfrew Johnoa is opposed to all
ten oaths, yet that opposition could never
have effected so much as ihe recent deci-
tion cf the Supreme Court declaring the
test oat'a uncomaitutional. If the Presi
dent is imnearhed no cor.d can result
from it while his policy is predominentl
in ihe n.ajority cf ihe Supreme Cuuryf
Yculd they then impeach the obnoxious
n:erulers t! the Supreme Court ? If the
first act in ibis revolution did not inau?
urate another rebellion the second would.
The country is not prepared for this and
tai'I not hold the leaders in U b!amtles.
Again, the nnomoly ttares lis in ihe
face, that while tian(itl danger from ihe
acts of Ai.drew Ji hr.fcn is helJ up n a
j'.ea for his inijvachmei.i, yet that dan
ger has tot ttrmgihened the tinionot ibe
lcyal tVngrCi. in defene if ihe nation
Vitha perfect ui.ion cf sction of loyal
Ccrrres.-men the PrefiJeut can 1 tn
trc'. 'sd. I f;t ('.is uniiy easier to ob
tun the a impwiUiinenl l If Ufiiy to r,i
h.'s encroachment cannot be obiaineJ. i thai ttdcifnt unity to im
J jach cm be had ? .
" Wc are opposed to impeachment, but
Tc!y upoa the pood judgement of the
loyal majority in Congress, especially in
the Senate I ranch thereof.
An Inillatx War.
Our western and northern exchanges
. acd dip.?i!ches teem with predictions and
i!gns cf a coming IiIian war, the for.
-runrr cf which was th? massacre at
'Yl. PhiKip Kearney, ar.d is being contin
ued in murders 1 y the Indians on the far
' rcjterq route to the mines.
The'e 'indications" cf hostilities are
t!ready drawinj rpeeuhton to the west
Via CEtictpaucn f the demand which the
!)arge ilmy uhith Gen. Grant is intend
ig to cp crate caiLkt the Indians wall
Vrcatc for tufphes.
, Through i!,e ic cf cur Senators
jhe attention cf the Quariermater De--inraent
has bren directed to the abund
i.nce in Ntl rasta cf jut suth tup p.Iie as
v. ill Ve ntcdd. Per ihi rrrscn we are
U:d ty teif'jrarn that speculators
. rre !f ' Kn g in Ntbraila a field for cp-
v.-irc the ccnirarts tor supplies
t-..i t tu ; tr.d fcr ilits Lome demand
'v. ,;h ' le created aro ouf Sftiator
:.h!cd to ti e gramuic i-f Ttlralciiins
The bill to admit Nebraska as one of
the States in the Union which passed
the Senate with the Edniyt.d'a amend,
rnent that ihe word white" be stricken
oui of our Constitution previous to our
admission was taken up on the 15-h. -
Uouiwell offered as an amendment to
the Edmundj amendment that upon ihe
"assent of the Legislature to the Ed
round' amendment." the admission thall
be completed ly a Pres'dr-ntial proclama
lien that such asseut has been given.
With thi amendment ina till was passed
by a vote of 77 to CI.
On ilie lGih ihe bill enna "oae'e to the
Senate fur its concurrence tn-BjutweU'e
amendment, which, after tlight ekirmiah-
ioj, was concurred iu by a vote of 23
to U.
Its fate in the hands of the President
is rather doubtful, and from ihe votes co
far recorded ii would seem also doubtful
if it would pass over a veto, yet -faith la
wholesome doctrine and full ot comfort. T
"IIonor(o Wlioni Honor Is Due."
Always ready to recognize merit in a
public servant, and never lackwaid in
condemning demerit in any, has been
our course thus far, and shall ever be ;
and, notwithstanding our passed expies
ions with regard to our Delegate, we
are pleased to commend his success a
fchown by the following, rcceired loo la e
for last week's istue ;
Wa6niCT0."r, D C.
Jan. Uib; 1667.
Dear Sir: The bill appropriating forty
thousand dollars to erect a Penitentiary
in Nebraska, has passed both Houses.
Yours, fee,
P. W." Hitchcock.
And, from what we have learned of
our Delegate's influence at the White
House, there is no danger of a vett in
this cise.
The necessity of such an institution
has been Jong Ml and the want deplor
ed, and tur Delegate is deseiviug of
great praise for his access.
Salary for Probate Ja ages.
We learn, from the Ntb. City Press
of ihe 19th, lhat petitions praying the
Legislature of Nebrasha to confer a
salary upen ihe Probate Judges, are in
circulation among ihe lawyers of the
counties cf South Platte." The reasons
assigned nre lhat ihe fees now alhwed
are insufficient lo pay men of ability to
give it their atiention in ihe most dense
ly settled countie?, while in the interior
the pay from fees is entirely too small.
We have ascertained, since seting the
above, that thd origin i petition
has been circulated and signed by the
lawyers and many prornuitu cuizen
of this place, all of whom feel ihe ne
cessity of the change.
The fees of Judge Faiibrother of this
county for ihe year just passed will noi
foot up $-300 ; and still th duties of his
office are such thai o much of his lime
is require in ihe ofiije as 10 leave very
little time for other employment.
This rffic; for ihe first lirno in the
history of this county under Jude
Faiibrother has been administered to the
entire satUfaction and convenience of all
navmg outness to transact, ani wun a
clearer record thin ever befor. The
cilice is one ot the most important in the
county, and we are satbfied lhat ihe nig
gardly stipend now allowed is not so by the
wish of a liber il and fair-minded public,
and wo hope a liberal saLry will take
the place of the present starvation fees.
Nebraska Legislature
The "big tiling" which has engaged
the attention of our Legislatuve since its
organization has been the Legislative
Printing. The question has finally been
settled to ihe talislaciion of that body by
a vote of a majority of ihai body giving
it to St A. D. Bilcomb-, of the
licm. The Secretary, up to our 1 1 test
dates, had made no more of a deirnn
stration ihan to send up some wjrk don i
by his Public Primer, which was prompt
ly returned to him ly ihe House. Our
sympathy ta with the Legislature, and
we hepe iLe lid usurpation will be broken
op. r '"T. " ;tt. ,"
Our dales are so scattering that it is
impossible for us to give a full report this
week; we therefore give the notices of
bills or general interest thus far intro
duced: Majors, notice of a bill to amend the
apportionment net of Revised Statutes. .
Committee of ihe whole in Council re
ported favorably on bill to authorize
Co. Commissioners lo employ attorneys
ia certain cases, recotnmeudtd its pass
Crow reports back, amended, the bill
to nuihurize Skeen and Homewood to
erect a mill dam ; alo in favor of Bentz
and Kueelan to erect a mill dam.
Walter introduced n bill to pay bounty
to soldiers of Nebraska. Read a second
time and referred.
- Daily, a bill to amend ihe law relative
to Council Districts.
The bill to authorize tho Brownville
School District lo borrow money lo com
plete the School house--which had pmsed
the Council was read a second lime ia
the House and referred.
Presson gave notice of a bill to . re
strain 3 eep and Swine Jrom running t
hu; izi the Territory. -" '
; Crepes:, tiotjce cf a till to extend the
jurisdiction of Prolan Courts over cases
involving SI 000.
Revees, notice of a bill to legalize
wire fences ;
Major?, notice of bill fixing the age
of majority in Nebraska.
Baker, Resolved, that the Sergeant-at-arms
be instructed to causo the Na
tional colors to be raUed on the Capitol,
and kept there during the session. Ad
opted. Hatwood. notice of a bill to amend
chap. 1, part 1st of Revised Statute?.
Crow, notice of a bill to ameuu tue
election law. I v". ' . v
Hoile, introduced a bill to vacate a por
tion of Rulo proper. This is doubtless
"according to Hotle.'
.Mai-i prenud a petition praying
f..r t difranchiiemeiii in Nebraska of
all persons disfranchised by iha General
Presson introduced a bill to protect
sealers. Read first time.
Stewart presented a petition of citi
zens of Table Ruck lo vacate a poilition
of ihat city.
Freeman gave notice of a joint resolu
tion for a special Geological Survey of
the Republican Valley. AUo, of a joint
resolution m moralizing Congress to es
tablish a Fun and Sub-Military Post on
the Republican River between Markey
and Plover creeks. . . ;
Registration bill read second time and
referred to committee on Election.
C'aik, notice of a bill to locate a Ter
ritorial road from D-aince to Columba.
Crow, no' ice of a bid to amend the
law relative to the duties of road super
" Haywood, notice of a bill providing
for a General Herd. Law. ' .
Doom presented a bill to incorporate
the "Plane River Bridge Company.'
Read first time. , '
We notici some bills introduced with
ihe proviso: ' to go into fftct immedi
ately after its passage." It seems lo m
tha ihe Lpgiflaiure tshould make pro
vision to give all such laws immediate
publicity by publication in several of the
newspapers of. thrf Ten itory. ,
The citizens of Lafayeite township are
desirous of having, a Post Olfice etab
Iished at Bradley's Bridge. This is a
thickly settled region without any postal
facilities neai-r than fourteen miles.
The community in the viriniiy ajid be--
yood Long's Biidge are taking the nec
essary steps "toward -having a Po t Office
established near the above mentioned
bridge. This is one of ihe most densely
populated sections of this county, the
aveingo distai ce of whose citizen from
iheir nearest IVO , Brownville, i twelve
mile.s,n tfcyH -llLli' -J:i'Sht Ht a very
light VrffTeTrs' e-bepp:it dly ihe tri
weekly teivice letweeu thi city and Be
atrice. We hope our Representatives will ex
ert themselves in behalf of these two
much needed acc jmmjdatijns.
We notice in our exchanges instruc
tions to the tired ihat Marriage Certifi
cates, when returnable to a public oflicf-r,
need not be stamped but if it i t b
delivered to and retained by th-i parties,
a five cent talnp mujt btt atlixed. Min
isters and others authorized tu solemuiz
marriige, take notice and govern your
selves accordingly. '
:, The bill regulating Appointments has
passed the U. S. Senate by 29 to 9. We
are hopeful of its passage by the Hjuse,
when we will give it in full. .
The fo'lowing are Representative New
ell' aniclei f i npeacameni :
. First, Immediately upua entering on
the dune of his office, without consulta
tion wi h law making power, legislating
for ihe Southern Slates iu ihe most auto
crane manner. ; - ;
. Second.. Assuming power with Con
gress only Cm exercise and laying down
l iwa for ill' wh- i secti n of c nju.ry ; in
fact, mak'ng an I li'tmikin siautcs for
the pepli of th United S ate?.
Thiro AMniug lo d-cidj whi arr
and vhn are not cinzeus the United
States. .and excluJiJg loyal mea from lha
itghis of suffrage.
Fourth Authorizing unpardoned reb
els to exicis the mum rihL
, Fifth Handing over rebel Stales to
disiTl and nut ling loyal men uu
der ihtr tyrannical sway.
Sixth Elevatiug rl Ji hA fimlir
to destroy the Union an 1 putting down
loyal men who hal fought to preserve it
Seventh Appointing men. Governor
of States whose hands were yet red with
the blood of slaughtered" Uuton citizens
and soldiers.
Eighth, For letting loose rebels, in
New Orleans upon a legal and peeahle
assembly of K yal men, resulting in mn
sacre such as frozen the heart of the
North with horror and dis nay. and caus
ed every loyal Southern heart to utterly
despair of h;s couuiry.
Ninth. For afterward shikiig ihn
bloody hands of ihese murderer?, in the
reception room of ihi Presidnti il man
sion, while he CJioplinient-d ihm up in
the manner in which they had executed
his programme for wiping out loyaity at
the South.
Tenth. For denouncing this body as
a usurpation.
Etevruih Not ?atisfi-tl with exciting
the pa?sions cf n inob ajain-t the lawful
authority cf Congress, thro igh thn pre?s,
by fulminatiorH cf himself and sarelue.
hut descend mg ia th nriMii of stu iip or
atory m ihi? nd other cities, and deliv
ering harrangues calculated not only to
excite a breach of the peace, but a revo
lution of the government itself.
Twelfth. Oa pretence of laying the
corner-stona of a monument of a deceas
ed statesman repenting those harangues,
at every poiat on his route, the nly ob-'
ject of which was to .brng the Congress
cf the United Sta;es into ccnte mpt.
The Wisconsin Legislature has passed
a resolution requesting Senator Doolittle
to resign. .
Simeon Cameron has jut been chosen
Senator fiom Pennsylvania.
Charles D. Drake has been chosen
Senator from Missouri.
Lvma'n Trumbull has been elected
Senator from Illinois.
Ruscoe Coukling has been chosen Sen
ator from New York.
-The Kansas' Pac'fii Railroad . s rush
ed twen'V miles beoud Fort Riley.
The 30th Regiment U. S. troop? Iefi
Omaha on the 1C h, l y ihe U. P. R II. ,
for Fort Laramie.
Projected Blllldln.-Nver be-
f ire I ave there bf en so many bui d n2?
pr -j'-cted for r cion tn ihi? ciiy than
a. present, nd all tf theni ly ni-n of
s-u h energy ant hbili'y n$ to warrant
there erection if material is to be had.
O those which occur to us now we may
m ntion . . -
Tliu IMI Sc C.. two story brick 22
by 100, corner of . Main nnd 1-t .'ir-ets.
J. L' M Gee. twoMoty brick, 22 lyCO
feet, just rat of II II Si Go's.
E. Worthing, frame, 22 ly 40 feet
two story, on Mam between 1st and 2nd
streets. . " ': .
T C. Hacker, two strry brick. 22 by
G3. Main between 1st and 2nd streets.
S. Somer?. two story brick, 22 by CO,
just east of Hacker's. !
Shellenberger Brd's. brick, size not
ka wn, north-west corner of 2nd and
Main .
Dr. M'Pherson, three story brick, C7
by 77. souih side of Main between 2nd
ai I 31 streets.
Col. Puma?, brick residence, size w t
know, north rsst corner 4th and Main.
" To I uild these and complete the bui'd
iigs rwMitdfr way will require at lnst
1 (f 0 0(0 1 rirk.'nrd we I-arn that three
trckyard will be tut in peration as
eily a? practicf.ble in ihe Spring B
sides ihi? rertnin demand there will !
ar!arci' dtn ard for li ildines nt r v
ca e up a d a i ! f jr ot er. o;i w i c : we
aie not now posted. -
There will we b-li v, b a m ch
ptf at . dt inend for id or tlnn the fi rce
now here can exerute, ar.d a splendid
p ning Kill be sff..rdMl for brickbiyv rs.
stone masons platterer. and in tact, f r
mechanics cf all kinds and day bibirers.
Then! knit, knit : uh ! will this
never end ?
Stitch, stnch. ftitih. and knit, and darn,
and miid . ,'. ..-.-'
And Ann. no betier. I ijeclar ;
Thre'd little Da'nfand Su?ie loo.
Their tos ?re out their hee'i are
It ha? Iinff ben'h aim of phyiMtns
to find a couibirinti-in of indii'ifip. havin?
the requiMte .iiiiiulatinr nnd tunic prop
riiet tu r-lipvi ari l cur thn c uixnnn
C)npl.tinl"of ii bn in'!'.. I.iver disorders.
Latigtior.-Ilxd tch.' Ij-wris!t of Spirit?.
IndfgHniori. .I iiunln''. Fver arid Auih.
Xc., wim n ar ne ut.-ras' inriiiHin to
ihi.i rl'iiiati. Th remedy ha been di-
cnKfTrd bv Dr. Uuback. aid in thnu-an's
of ck?ps the merits of hii Bitter. hav
bjn proven in the above ct inplaints.
Pvrv mother know- th imprta nc-j
attain d ti the pprimi if tHHihini; in
childr n Much suffering to ihe ten
der litile l ud of the human family mi;ht
be allayed, and many rlteptess nights .f
painful watching to the auxioiH mother
avoided, ly the n.e of Mr. WhrcomS.
yrup for nvithing c'indren. Depend
upon 'it. mo'hr. thii i a tried remedy.
Ii cnu onlv 25 centa a bottle, and u for
sale by all drugged.
We learn that th ,hngs in and about
Chanin. Iowa, ate dying of rapidly with
some kind of.-di!-eap; ihe eritestine of
those wh'ch have died' of ihi- disea are
filled with worms varying in length from
one foot diiwii. ' ' '
r t
Mart La Mtd v. Coror laicant
vs :
Jame McCoy, respondent -
I i pii-P'itnof a der-Ul ortar of th- Di-tri-f
Cort of tbe S xv d Jq Iwbl I)itrit of Vik
Territory, in and for .Nmb Countv. in aM Ter
ritory, in OiiancTT. nittiiiit in the ahore entitled
I will II at p-ih i M in m th ii rir at
MeFbi-wii atavr ta vim my rin..l)tt i...
etn2 th'j p ave whore lha last term of Mid Iiitriet
wan held
Ju I hursJay the 23 h day of February
A.l. I3rtl. at na ct.K-k P. .M of Mid dy, ih9
roll .win described tractor purcM f l.'iil Situi e
in Xeinab County, NVhrtrk Terriforf, tr.-,i :
Cinin -m ing at atk9 pltc l 4 roi X ir;h 4 i
greea Wen of tha half iile ,S'on at tba Sooth
jidof Sri ti.n Xo. 3.T..uhi;. X . 4. Range X...
15 Ett rut.riin,' North 4l) rod, thence Elt
h 1-2 ndti thnbijk of th Little Xemnha Uiyer.
thenca tip the matn t4-in4 of mid Kiyr, 21 rmlji
and 20 link t ,tike, ihenu V. t j 1-2 r.d t
a Uke. on lha bank of Mid Itirur, thnci up the
m nndenti5i,r t'h Kirer7a l-t rod u an Ok
1rae.tbep-Siuth 8 rod t a nuke, ihen.e South
J dcjjrecM Kt M r.1 t. Stak-, th ocu -u h
83 dre,-. E;wt IM r.i , thyot S.,uth T) desreif-t
K-isi Z ro-ia . n,e tf Licinnu c Cobtainins
W.ard J0-lG0-cre.
Tiuioi Nit carh in hand
January. 24 1837, WM. O. HLASOW.
!7-4t fl.TSa Sbrif of X. BiaL t'ocny
A. F. Cmuiwell. PUinliff
In Juatice Court
hetnrn tJ.T.tb-t
(1 .rge III Bib !efndent . ) Jnc ic oft e fn'c
Sul Jiijii-jo on tha y.h ty if Jaunary, A.I).
1SC7 Irsutd an onler of aitacl inei.t in the i!m.v
cae tor .14.1 t,ru d.faia. A. F. CK'JJIWfcLL
17 3r.ek 3 50 y-I 2.0
Hlfrsolcllon or Co-Partiiersliip,
The c par'nen-hip ben.fore eiihtlp . beia-crn
thi uderiKied nder tbo fi'pi ttvmo of E. II
urvii a. n., w iauiU4ii UuSuUiJ ,a ji,
(.Itetblb iay f Janu4ry, 1&5.
.r. n. r.rRrriE
. li-W. 1 TEXAS
Jaanary, lith I87 17-3; .
IpproTca Farming Land io Bent.
That portion of thtt Ueyw-Kii K.rm w
tu d . Xnrjery. a4 the .Mrd Fai ,n. both within
two mil. or Br-wotilUad f.-r reH thu n.
A.Mib'MtaS ae.eaor it,, t), Farm in tha I'ern
wwuui.ucar yiiinia a iaim. V, denil arolt
m.It to
, tr Wit. il. llUOVEK
Jan. 24,1877 I7-3t UrownTill
Naucv Frael, Cr.'tine lirdJley, Th. inns Rjsi.
William FU.Il.bcrt R.s, J-ph llos-, Saaiuei
Kn.r, Jamc Ko. John ll!k, and Jcor;p K.y(.i
will Mke nt re thiit in ura!nce " an rd-r grn
teJb.T t tie IV bate iU urt ff .Nma?; Ci.nnt.X
brsk Territorj.n the 2 Ua Aaj t DeeemSr, V.
DMSRil I will Fer f at fublio nutirtn on
Tfle 9ih thy "f February. A. D. 1S67.
at fiiio oYWk i'. M . f ai-l lrtj,nprtri tha f r m'u
e. tb- f. It wire 'crib'd r-al Khtatf .'i.-wit :
Tho North Vet qu;irtrrf thf S-uth Vf.t quar
ter, of Section TtiirtT-th' o (.It) Ti wnship U ur
( 4, of K.nxe Kvent-en 17), ritiniteil in Xemahj
('iiuny, Nrl'riik T rtitnr. five ncren Vm
l.rrd lit lid citi'Mi1 in llict Hiil.-n ( unty, in Pa tl
Teiritoiy. it d l' M rih-t n. fnlli.Vi: c ii mnnr-in
t -ilt SM-nlt-Weft- Mtf-r lli t-U4'-t4 )4rt'r
of tl.p South Wert 'irfrt r of "Action Xin Trwn
-hip 3,-t lin 17, luruin? K.-t 2" n J . thtnc?
XoTth'4a r- iU. thrnc'2vVVef 20 Trd, thence Soalh
4(1 rods to the Uee of linninr.
A. J. -KIT1EU, AJuiini tmtor
of the K ura f S.nnu -I 't
B:ownvilIe, Jan., 4th ISG7 14 4i S 13.50
- ST1L1Y Y071CES.
Ti krn upty ih t leifitu-I. I i v i r r HcdfurJ
IV(cin;f . n tho 'Jth day i .lii-Minry. S.'7.
Ond 'ed and whif f p ttcl IIu!lr tw i year !d
Ia-tpr r2t n ifrkon br.iai
Jjn. i, itM. 17 I'm Eli DXULK.
TllVn up ' J t'li'lcMijrncd liv-nsr Sv mi ten
Xnrth-W'e.-t t l.oi a ;nde. in X'Ui In Couutv
Xtrliritsl. on ihn 4 h Air tt .'; ruary IS'iT. -
One n in hf id r, i if vor -l i h-t .rin. t o
mirktut' br.i-is. I7'i SO El'Ji uul
T.i km up by ihe ii'nl" r.iine I, liviig one ud a
half Uiiies' Wti i l A-" lnwiill. Xt no'l.i c'unty . N -bm?ka,
on the I itli d i if Hwftu'H-r, IS:'7. One
rt-d ai.-d whi'o StmT, a' oat i)wr oi l.
Jan., l.'Sih, IS'if. t I j WILLIAM I'hXXY.
Tnkin nn ty Ihe unJ-rig;i i living in Xiuth
Ci.unly . Xil.ra.-k on th l-lil iy ut l r.
lii-d Jo;ir old. Hink.'.l wii'i tin-ih amp
olT-.f Kit ear, aud vro uoJj Iok ri if.
la-J-d JOII.N W. rfl.MMuX.
Titkin i liy tk nuh-c'ril r living in Gen t tk
I'rt-cinct, Nc.v. 17. IStifi, u . k of dale. '
red ter itli It ft hrn oft"' and Moi"th i mp olful
iaeb ear. the other a rem. with Wft burn bMhu
ol, liiiit.dtd C cu loft Lip, suppofceJ to bo eight
ear oil.
15-5t kI ' " - JOI1X li. F-PLEU.
Tate-! npby tbf onderij;ned. linh wi ruil
Si-uih c f i't n in X-cuiCmniy on rh 2 i J ij of
1 lectin bar. rlin Ste r, re I u I hi e
f c-kt-(t, marked, with w;luw fork ia luft errand
cndtribit iu riht.
Jan, iiix l&(57. O. W. GLASGOW,
j j t-U
And All Points,
(' i nrclip with it e Ilmnibal and St. Joseph U.
It. at Maci.Q City, I3it u.i es M. Joeiphatia
lorui" ihe
Oitly .111 Rtil Rout? from Atchison and
St. Jvarj-h tv St.' Isouis.
Making direct r.n 1 reliable conned ion with, '
Famous Express Trains,
Iaring St. Louis at 2 o'c'ink in the afteruoon.
runuiu; thrt'uh t all KaxUtii citia witbeal a
m- ment, dolay . PaaseDgera'gidflg to
PhilatMihia JVtic Yotk. Baltimore,
Wamhinton. I'Htdurh. Jh jfu'o,
' Ctturduhd. ai d all J'rw Lug
land Totritj and Cities.
Via. tie above line hare lc.t cbarg'-a t f Curs and
Mt::e Quicker Time
Ibn by any other r ute. PaSa igra g injc to
point" In ("intra.! aid Southern tni.. Central nd
ri .uiberii hijii.,utbini l:t ioiRfcd H .int
u, Ki-Murky tiikit:K rul lour' tiiicler titn
than cau t v uaile vih. ny tlr ftni'ts-v
1 tr upW tx--t. 'can- brt (.nrviiAiei Jit all. Kil
K iil T s kev -C5e,tir-tlr Wrt. . . , ' '
1 it ui.der.oi 4-thai the Kre to alt Puiiit K.t
St. L ai.i n. bj m.y .f LIiicii t tvny vthr routf i
livna.ijt. Loo.a htfT J , .
Preidnt and Gf 11 up'". St. Uni, Mo.
II. H. WlltKLKK,
Ccu'l Ticket Avnt.ft. L ni. Mo.
w. . i:um.m;i:u,
Oeu'l I'reifc'ht Aui. t M .
I'. H. KMil.hV.
Agent. "t. .l .-ph. Mo.
I.. .11. ur.w,
Cen'l IVrstnn Jlgtut. .V. Jotj h Mo.
(ii:r thi: bkst
1 now trult a.-kio w i j 1 t -uH ri e ore;.iriion
for all di-i'-a'O- in itent ti ijf.n. n 1 hiltrtn.
Inxa.ttd term d coni'a'ndttinn of ii truly w n
dertu! rfTi-c' ni.d in -dicmnl virtue?, and are da
ligh'ed wi'h it ure.
Price, Only 25 cents per It ittlc. JJJ ly
Sold y a!! ditertft'.in l lvj'l 'I J
the Graf U 11 M;di--i'M !un. '
Sold by HOLLA DAY & CO .
Jan. 1st. Gm Brow nville. Neb.
to youm; mkn.
Just ruWthtd InaSe ltd Fnvetop. rric tizcen't.
A Lecture on I?jo. 5alnrc.
Treatment und fladlcnl
Cure f Fpermirrluc. Sem nl MViikio , In
rolmiUry I :iiiai 1 . ! xni'l ! t iliy. nn.l Imued
irn'ijtH to Mair-ajre fu r!1y. Xerri nie-. (Tn
titn"l'on. Kj i d r it. M Miinl nn I I'tii
Inca'iMirii. ie-u!i;nir tr .m Self Atne. An
UOl'.KhT I. I'l'LVAKWfc LL, M P.. Author of 'he
(,rn t ok."
Tbe worlil-renowred ulior4 in thi adm'iratile
Li-cturp.elinrlv pr m ves "f ni hi 1 (c ri' iu n ihai
tl e f a' ut C"ii qunirei'ot celf-abu!'- way be rflVein
4liy rim 'V.-d wi-h'nieil:cine. I wirhotitd -jr-r
u eorieal op.-rati in. bii'ijt, in'rin nK
rinif, or c rdi k'. ii:i'ia "Ut, 'U"dd of cur-. t
once cartain and tffei-tnal. by whi-'h erry fuff'T r,
m tnitier h-t hieondiMon may be mtr i-nr.
hlm-i-li .heaiiiy and r-idicnliy . TUl-i LKt'TlTKK
- Jf if. a. rli T)TtjloT t inf d
dri, p-tpid,oii rwiit aia oept!," or twi jxwt
(Si.-tantps AU. Dr. Culverwell'a Marriage
GuideJ' pr'wo 25ccott. Addrea theiuhlihera.
127 UowerT. New York,
PoatOfll,'eboT.4.yS5. ll-i 12 i
G n AN X1 s
Main Strert btticeen Find and Second.
IWon'd Kes;clfnMy Inform the riti2R of
l'.rovnti!Ie,at.d urr..oiid n country that I bv
jiiat receircd my fail Slock of conminj; of
Of the Lite M afyle and be-r qnaPty. Vcn? hey
cill It,Nii. d. ul.Io (i.inl !(.,. l-'ir) "Kin !:..? h
and elnMren U.H.tnd Sh. All kir.k of .
diu i;K.Tnd Smi M t!S wtanl n. iK q 1 hy.
India Itubher and Buffalo Over Shot's
for (Jentlmen and Lm'.n s
Groceries of Kverv Kind,
Cinisting rf the bs bruud. of
SuV-tr. fC)jIeH. Tea. IVpp-r. Allspice.
Kii. Csndlt-s iolacco, '.Matches.
Starrh. &c..&c..&c.
Wooden Ware, Etcno Wtu,
The -. Q a a I i t t f
Tbo bct Wool., Un lcr ii'l Uer aiiti, Salt
Salt by ihepjui d cr barrel
Allnf irlii'-h he tiTr at Ibe l.-stt nrlr. .l.t...
' I Duned not iv te ouJerlU.
. v 1
S R : 1 1 r'
- rs" u w- hi!
v i 1
: i f
rv- cA
. ci
't - vr- 1
FOnWAnniG & C0SWH!SS!0M'
(Sui:teftri t.. M ol, .i:gh i-.n bwan.
Stniaha Va'itj Lank UuilJing.
Yk r;'p rti'illy ;mtiou!!fi to thf
Puhiir th:t ili-v h .v' now in uu.
X(W Jlllfl !,il!'iT
To which they invito the nttcntior
of ptirdi :Strs.
Sugars. Tras, und JavaCof
re, I'urc 11011 Yluegcr snd Coal
Oil ai
Cumin! frw'h iv gxeal roichf and
of 'the belr?!ti!i,:y ; VaUup. pickle.
Vyttcrx.y Xw!trictn CA;'. fxnuh
Muxtuxih J nVr.Y.vov Suikc und
Weslerjn czcrvc Cheese ut
SWAN & BROS. 7tnhFn,t5n-rt lcire to eill
i:irtk'ulr 'attention to their largr
autl varied Stock of -
Tjhacro. cnnsivttnc of Natural Laf
and Nf'ar:ne and other favorite l ranj
nf Tlulr Tola' it 'l I t ijtialities 'A
Fine cut d i:ru'i.iuj Tobatco. -
W ronsht and Cm Nail, of all siz
Spades. Slun!. Hroonis.Sewing Twine
and Scoop Sbore-U at
. SWAN !c IJIlO'd
The hlIicst jirlff iald for Cutter.
EKSs, nntl t-o-asjir) -produce at -
- - aSAViV -&-BMO
, . Consult your i:itnst Ly rx tnim-
itttr iSwiin .GowU uinl.t:ik'cs
-' , ...
bflbic liivii.t; rlscwlu iv.
v-'l ly.
Eitofa cf IV. I Biiit.nryrr Deceased
X't Ire ii In r. I y C vi n li !i tho'l'r. rmfe f,. r-f
ti i i - ' Ii Hit. rj. 1.1.. i i ,n.
... ' ....j.i.iii . .
I. I 1 1 14 1 lij i. . i; ni -ir in. i. muj , i j p
A. I an 'lie Uu e t r . x i iimiiii i a ,,lh f
rhiiiMi ran i't i' e-i -'e . Ir-'l'inl Wil'i.u
Krei'e -tai-t i i.n'y f X- ni l.n, U. e., 4 X;IU l '" ' ''"' -- l" lh-J.ii.
eurtai'ile i-.irt Kiiu in lU-j i.;-.l!r. r .i.l
! .. ... a ..1 ,1 111. All II iivim
.?.i.t i.'w f tVnw
vim iimjo");' ' u 1 in-, in- n) i
dny of Juu, A- P- I5'.7! ltywjtl Iih tortviri
barrea. Gt W; F. IT11KU, I
I J C Dtustn, Executor. ll-5t
. 1 r,
-- n" ; -
aw! (fi. v.
m U & zzl "
I K 1 '. 'W I
L J .
1 1
, vr"t c -t .a
. a t w ' r 1
' eV t
- O " n
Eiteaia Manufactures and Iulorteri of
i .
Ascrican.EnpjIish an! An?ricia Wa!c!ics
U CD D T crnMt EJ
And overy iten-ripti. n of
rnn-y Coed's & Yankee XoIIotn, adpe-I AND te-i;n-e.i fi- Souther
cd Wetorn Trida Oi t uUis and fulid ti.y,
I'rict Li.'e ii-nt tree.
A?'ii' ut't-d -ry frr. AMrei
bALLt'IJY. I'.r.O &. IU
Jjn. ISrG 3 11 I'ruv 1 Ifiii K
II. T.-RAir?E? & W. D. LET7I3
r - - V , . ..
1 M CI IS ilB; TU HUM V it Cil
Rtsjf'tful i itforut thf (tiznM of tit
'ttJ and (.'unify tfiufth y nrr i,t rrrrijtol
a iare awl t myhU aaot tmtht k.f "
Ladie's Dress. Goods,
Wiih an endless variety of
Toffpthr with the Largest Stock cf
Custom Made
Kvnr brought to thi City all f which
was purchar-d prmr tu thn I.itp adrar.cs
in C'lJ. w Inch t'nahlej m to uflVr tupe
rir ftidiiceniHntii tu thoe di-siri 11 nt pur
fhasincr. We also, kep on hand a frta
Sti'tW of
Gr X O COll OS
And n good .5ortnietit of
Remember the PJae, Main Sireet. One Pace
akov the Ho-toSe, Hrownrilla, Xabraaka.
9 ttf ilj iq.m
(Troo tbe New T rk Ir.'J)
Pmmlnent amntic the iu--ihri. l tiinrm-h or tV
nio.t lun aite ri.niTit'ti ti .rle rni el. tis t a
lice ilie Knipire SewiiiK H u tiine, c ni:nein!el aJ i.i!y
uriey verretli-n iie-f I refu" no lave iein he
nu ifwiiH mrt.iu-v fri in mur 1" li'ne ne-rul4
lo Hie ptt IC fub l.e T Itiem h i. t-een rin.'J !
rwtic I rerrei. hit t Ovir. ih irt-m 1 url nil.-I!?.-.
Wafiie I lr I he e f bl p en-i,
ll.e lnii .r i iw- I nc n i h. 1 .ei, p-tnl na m.
'.Irimirm.'iiii.ii ju tie .l v uiM-e Vr i.Aa
other. iie rut-te-t an l vi inn r -i i-fiH t h
an ie nMriiiulc I r I , lv Ui in ii Im i. ni .
The mp.r i liiitr Ii a 111 e ..1 k. nil, 11 .M . ,.f
-IIIIIll- IV, fC- I.eillV MM'I V-.T till W.rk.r,,., M.t'll -
he 'ioe 11 i'i.i v t . I t. or- r
jikI e;i-.r w opera I I iiiih ti tfuca. c. hi 1111.M
n hue ire -Ml-l'I'V, liee-l.-iii If.cil i l- tr.iihi
n t a-t w 1 k 111 i-i-l. in. I(t ih ij" ot i)ir 111
enieil -.hiittiem Mr.n.!ii l e".!! ti iu ae -1.'
winrh cjii M-i'lmr r I j.- m-r mvel u e al lie -ia
1 ne 11 in n oie-ie pordvlly iirvn, rt ipv.ii. f
1:1 1 e ii' Irorn e tihr 1.1 1 ivk.o 11 h b-e.f' "' -1
I urn r fuin 'tn d i.'iti ( 'Le ivrei ana
tier. A - I lie K 1 1 1 1 I e 31 I' M'e I ' '4 't t' :r tp ' , i in a In; - nr., 1 . - i ri ; I' -1 .,0 IHi ' 1
iiii. .' ' - i-ii-. s. .'V r ! ' i r.
! x 11 . i- 1,. . 1 ..... 1
.... i; - , M , '(.. . t, 1; . , ( . . , ,. i, -.
I'.'tr J .,; e f. . r .. ,-i t . i - i- i :. n i i i .
1 1 IT! e r t r- Km t ii - .-i- r , ins t, 1. .1 .
J3i K .1 w i . k Ti . ijv. ii. , r
I'i .11-- .m,n " i mi.i.- : -.ft.)., , o
die ieal r'.li e iti . s , . ..-i y UertH.
Fel i n lty IU .9 C
CUHL Yuvi: U.MHl
A -a-ii l. of P...'. t i.u'a tJurl .ti w tl be eat
lretoi.n miltiM. Thn l'ir rj wi I , nrl l'
trighiT Ii4ir ihe B'et u .i. uti ,1, iriihu; in
jury in wfi. lux. ri i.t. 1-'hu i rurU.
rl lr . wl h -t m. .IV.fl. KOhll
Sith l.-f. rku l'ana4.x,Ojio.
DIsxoluiIon or Partnership.
The 1 art nerthip. berefef' r xit:"c Uii'l.r ti
name an firm ,.f Mir JL Ckai&elJ ia it a cay d
.olrad b matal eunaenr.
Jn, In 166J n. V: MTJt.1.
XctT rirm.
Tle Vninei will !d frtue- srrie4 n
tbe f rm it iu'r, (LatCrlJ .t Sci.w.
Jac,.i9t 18;. u v. vrin.
R. F. CJI tTflf U',
IC3i J. M. SXOA'.
Miardlnns Sale.
Xlwe Ihi J ,ieu, ih.t ly ir-e ef a Ie-Ja
o r (rrin'e l hr ih- I'r.a'e .Ju.lae . f Vatala
fi nniy . N-I.e ki Ten I'n-y. at iLe .Un iarr ter
f rn'it I rol-ate 1 urt f. r !H 7. I w I! !i a mb-li-
A.ii'bi.H ilr In rt r?n r f tbe Law l.ffi.-eif
1 it tn II-wett A bure'i. ?n the Ciy vt Urea-"
wt lie in eo.rt ,,f X'n"h.
On the IG-hdoy of IVrrn.-uy A I 15G7.
al nre nY-Iock V.h. U-XU m-ng lieal T,'.U W
wit, I.n)a Six r. SrTen in Iijek ilree in j:.!Ua
Hriwnvin.a.t I.t tbrew ami f. r i Dtk l.t
eis.aixl 1 in Kbk f.ftT f- i.r i.ivt t ee
In Htk twenty-ni imh' fiy , f Jfr. w T,na a1
io Smhi lo:nty. Sflr tl Trr:j.ry aa k
KOierty i.t m W, n! Har T. an.J Fl L
m4 miner btir-V.f Iboma J. UaywooJ deceA
Trims i.f SaU r.h in bun'!. .
I!FI.IMU njlYWfOD.Caardaa.
Tirn U'w-n & thnrc.ber A U..rey. H 3 $7 '
Adnliilslralors Sale of Seal Wi!;-
j In t toTnaree , f Y iit. , j pr. bta TiMir J
XtDili Ciuti'tv. IVttiuTY i.f X'ba, ran'':!1'
tie J4 h Jay iTJactar I7. we i'il 1 ffer fi 1
at iubiii: aui tion. i n tbe i"h .lay i f Ftlrnry Af
lN" .ue n' in tbe ite riH- n i.f iJ J'
l- n Ihe preiu 5e. ibe A;i. wiDK it-erile.1 k
Estate uuaied in thu (. unty t X miba, anJTtT-rit-ry
01 X. bra'ka. t- ts it. r"if:em I j). aere
i f ibe Xnttk I-j- eorre-il the X ir'b V.H,or'f
7Iimi tn Ti u-fc;j, x , 8j, Xtttb vt U'P
li. tU-i, -
Tenna afS'e CtH tn bm.
trownvilW J:i uiry im. I.-i'iT.
.'Xt U A?it !irat'f
iU XbOK J tiVI;S Aitmia eir-'
f beE.-tattl JhhFLiiOX L. V O lii vlin '
17 3t -
land fur Sale.
I hare a rninl.-r nf .e--r il Mum-irel trW
f L'..l ir Xmnrn. . Juhi ". '!'-. iee iVa.f "'
Xebra-ka. ani AUt.i in Oi""n y M. , m'S ! ""
tit tu ar. a. ,.1 will . I .tn .n t imii I
Hrf',ttHi mil -ii m. AI.
inijr. ai d uJa;blo l.rui.
t.t.! n V. Mt',r-
UaTK& UnrsFIKLD, .
OP- i r' - f n
u i U uj .i A k! a 3
p L A o T E REUS;
IlrowiiA lllr, cliraxlisit . .
ill lake in I ri. Hiju ;, rii.ieri.V
. . Id in. I i.iim. .r.l ii.. .1.111.11.,' 1.1 t heir t1"
fu ibe nmt tu-Uctory aiid wurkai.mliia mBter'
Aus.3a,lS:3. x-17-lj