Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 03, 1867, Image 4
i it . r:'.-m- -i i mm i iphii igmWM WMl'MW r'7in 'pi A7.n:-D A GOLD ' uEDAL AT TUE ' ... . --.o .11 i. J. i. V- -1 - J LJ t J Uu i Z J w h: o l e s a is e i t ' ' . '.-. f i i A 71 - r ' Me -t , .a 4 ry . ' : i: a f t'irc c Titrol.f jr . i , I. , .u 1- , ! ; '. articles ry ' U ( ff re- j !',.!. l'rtf- r r i - Hlii J. 1 1 '- wit u n-i r i n eo taa I .'Ae from 1 10 to Sl'J a i it crV.l. L'a tl ,? ittr.p f r full derip ; ar.d i.nit'rtt'it'J cat l'"r. - P.;. ; lo aei.t freo : it l :. ivj c.L'-.'vl if ter ritory fivt n AJlro-s Ya!e e? Ftsav'a ) N. Y. Manufacturer Co. low, N i t liemy ?. Sherfinrne, ST. LOUIS .tars ir to ma en r:TT. r!cr j ' r if rij rif)c ril In J, h vna ts t- r;. lt rent.i iiSHnt i r .i fi'i tif; a tonic uvd ' v 'i,,.,,i h'v r"nuri. ll'y eever ;-r t t f.-f'T , tnd in tl! rerjxcU T ... r.. No leuiejy J. t t i ' S .li. .th a icech finr I y Vm C5,?Ci3 IffJ-x re .:J Itms U; :i K - in ut )cn. it i ni. i'r.VtLlUK'h MUMAC'U LIT. i pmt.'Dir -rirtu if ft k , mi :T;i'ieut .i'V. a-4 th Wft tmiwli;c Vneo to "yp t itxti tf irtu.J,-i-iiU lo freiitlirn ki p-xfcirBi.'eii wiitch kilous ume ' . w .a, la ti.e ' Tl.lof i.i.fn.t t( ti, and : f-( h liter lm. a lot's? t'uie, l-n i .- h itf.if.l mi iinti l f 1 1 M AC 'I . I i I" I t !, v h'.h. if tkn lii irni'r. (,.( 1 1, , mti nl t!ie jTff'vr timr, nr a iu;' j !iri.;.e ol I'-ier, I I Aftie, Ijvr Coi.Uirt. I'r- I" H "1 j ,', la !.'!.;uri, J,ui; :oe. KiJiM-j ! !,'- ' it, fcfc i I.!J 1.M-Ke if rirtii!rr ( i''!t; m l-!(er s a I 'niiiiie j l.t l..vii ov(r;;' in'iit, r'.l.Uit g - 'D lrerrflien;rr t he rri-Iem, ai.d jn. ii.-i Iflio tfi c; ;-fk(il t Hon r r V ' ! ?' "'. N.i" j'lat t . . i . f t 1 or '.here 4.' V ) .( 1 vH-i ns'icuia of tli luuk rucr-Uvt.. nor?:;-?- r l.e v , V.'-"t and FoiiUi, , .tkll'li ' l.lni its r !!l!r ir. lnl.l. i..,0 1 1 IliM'i i.t n. l;rn '1 In re in i'rttlly ): 1u!i ti.i.i.kiivi are ( rrm r !j.rfiA, cr it i mors ' j 'fit j f i! I S "r t-; fjHih, a:id 1 Hir it no more t eiiitiu remedy tlmn 'li!rUSi Ktomm-h titt-rs. They are ' f r r-. i . - ' i n.iK h li-M.i.i I'jr thi inl)l:e, an t ' e 5i ' r'-f'-'le l to nil limnner ' ! .j t t lo nt Him I'losn-rs, I I i:t ;.' -Mm mwrrv. A rure eitre , ---fcaj j'fHi.ive is to be loiiiiJ iu Hie NJAN i. I .' , I. ! '! !:. ivoeplhe two!a mtti tlte I'iiN, at-t itivi..'-niie I lie " -ii ! if t: ' m; ch " ' VC7! inf'iTif.Vl ,rerx1y ti'iOiiUi I U- : iu ii'-J JM-ii!;.. t;tp ttie nvslrtn s, m r -"r .iihI ini; t n'5 it lo i-rril .3 ir-.-u rr :.. ;.-it. THK OI.I .J r. I .!.' !.H. Ji ?' ..t.t,ii eive.l i-y '! ti r. It t? rartotis n.imee rvf riiler. r - V -lie!- .;!.r bid It. HORACK'S f 1 . . . . ... v M' ".: ; JiI tlTTrr.S, ai.uh Jtra com-f-..n,.!j the T,l!r't riri;j;t, aud sn :::.!r:r,.rALTc:i cohpahy, . It.,.. 2 EVERYYHERE. O U T!rc Teens, . S . - 1 i , ? i l u i j 'tV' r faU:, !, a rorr-'ete a'. ..rtent of Pry Cools. '"Ir-'-'ea, Coots astl . - wiry, .a'-tware, Qieeufw&re, Hardware,- Cro -ke-y At'aro . Yooden Ware. i-f warectua'.'y kejt ia & Crst-cL-ss Kstail tcrs, ttit will eat wear any t e n V r-M f-es ; ' t arjis Lire. iiO Ecvir Ten c. ; " iTore El a site, ! s . i j -: . .J ..4 ' : '. , . , .. ..Vjre Graceful. I And '.i ill'Iicrp tit Shcjre and -retain its ' Place iha:i crrj elker Zkiri.- : Tl" i .EEiTcl 9?j-!j of Flirt (Paf r,ted Mn'ch 7 1F.15,' v -.rcK.-a.riii bj tic (iKEiiT AmkrieA 1n sriTiT FAia. held in New York., October, 11 3 5, a (SILVER MEDAL ! 7l Ih'ch'it iTrrrrxium ever gt ten foa a fleop SZirl The htctl ?;!ic-i are wound with & fne Uted, ;r!n t.iaronf Kcctton eoveric? which will not wear off or become sni!'d, tnd the wbila S irt , tanj bo irithed vilhout injrry cr for Of rtltJCg, cndttib . g'K'd as Tie" CiLl!i:!ijn Sliver "Skill! : ThU iivfti'Jcn ccrrlinrg with th ordtcry ten fckirt the a J ran t:i 78 if our EILYE2 SSIKT; the botfoTn b.rn.j'S rc ttio fseo ithono used in tie Silvor kirt, the covcriD of which canaot wear off, while tie up er encs arts ooTrred with cotion. No laJr.Larirp: ( nee worn on ofi-ur Skirts, 'rill be wiiiir to wear anv ether, as the lower hoops tf all other ki.i-U are soon injured and coiled. The Icrt materials are used in their construction and fr.'.ra their Uuralilitj and neatnesi they are become A JTAYORITC SILIKT! irtntiraefnred solelj hy the Silotr Skirt and Wirt JL'iiuwWtirriHj Osni party, 3Q & 32 IJaiclay Street, NEY YORK. T. G. GPEUnY", Snp't The under! jned keepon hand alirge asfor taientt SATTIaETt'i CASI"E?.E SUITS For Ilea and Boy's wear. Also, a large itock of IIA.TS AND. C ASPS m St- ka kit 4 BOOTS AND SHOES. Rubber Cots, Leglns Blanlicts, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGS Gent's Fnrms&iflg Goods, Of all kinds which we will sell ' CIIHAP FOR CASH We purchased iur goods since the !, cline in the 'larkets and will sell at lov fir---- ATKirSONfiCO: ."1 Magic ' Billious Pmvders. This preparation is the discovery ; C cr the Ker. J. W. Poland, formerly ) the Pastor of the Daptist church in , UfTjtown, If. II., and a tran dear- 1 pln1 h, iKaf i)itiim!..i;Ai a: i llroi.:; Lout New Ln-rlend. He was otliei to Isare the pulpit and stu dy medicine to savo his own life, lui la Zl3ra Powders are one of the most wonderful discoveries of modern timeB It is TH CEEAT LITE2 AJTD IILI01S EZHTDY which completely throws in the shade all other discoveries lncuedicino; and it auords tim much gratieation that they receive the unanimous ap probation of all who hare tested them. Theiiag ieBi!ious Powders are a PcsIUvcCuresorL.Irer Complaint n its Uiint agrsratcd form, and an lmtaudiateeor rector of all EILLIOTJS DEIlAirGELinilTS, ticc.lent lor UeadacHe, COSSTIPATIOI, Pimples. ' Blotches. A. Eallow fciiuu. DrowEiness, Dizziness, jueartburn, 1'atpitation, And a njost wonderful Cere & Preventive of Fevers!; Agnc ( We advue all who are troubled with this fearful ualady to always keep the Powders on band ready foritaoiediate use.) Ilcr.-rre a few important particulars: 1st They are the Great pecifio for alt billions Affections. 2d They are the only known remedy that will cure Liver Complaint. -1 - ... 3d They ate the oj ly known remedy that will cure Cona'.ipMiOn. ' 4th. The Powders are rv tho.ongh in their ope ration that one package wilt be all that the majori ty of those using them will require to effect acure. 5th They are a mild and pleasant yet the most effective cathartic known.- ih. They are the cheapest eathartie known. 6th. They aro the cheapest and best medicine ex tant, as they ran be sent by mail to any part of the lube, for the price, 0 cent. Circular, containing eerti5?ates, information, 4c. sent to any part if the world free of charge. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, cr by nail on application to C. G. CXARJX,& Co. General Agents. NEW HAVEN, CONN. KeTensber 15, 1S53. i '17 w I, n t 3 S t f , - i F MtJ Ilcii !., Ercivmille, irc!jn:3l f f f n i. ' (0: !' ' '.".Li M, Stlfr-nies n'-ceyyary to'co.Ivct all dsltadoa tha i ; t ; , .' t i. .u t'.I h '(ir. t ice the rm cf J. L;rry A Co., BBfiid by '-"-"i :a tas biiij'if as oir:rfci co'.Itsti?s. ! jtE3Y. OCTOBER 19, 1865,' In direct competition with all the lea- dicj makers ia the cfuntry. ORGANS AND i pi! La 3 Ma L y ij LJ a PELOUBET, PELTON & CO., ; - MANUFACTURERS Respectfully invite the attention of pur chasers, the trade and profession, to ibe FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS Of their manufacture: PEDAL BASS ORGA Five sizes,-Five Octave, one to Three Banks of Keys, Three to Eight sets of Ueeds, Prices, 025Oto 6600. School Organs, Twelve styles.single and double Reed, Rosrwood and Black Walnut cases, Prices, $130 to $400 Piano style and Portable, Twelve Va rieties, from four to six Octavos, Single and Double Reed, Rosewood and Black, Walnut Cases. Prices, $65 to $250. PELOUBET. PELTON h CO., 841 Broadway, New York. Sep. 1st 5 2j r" 4. f5. ROBilCK'S STOMACH V v ITTERS ! CUR1S DYSPEPSIA, and are (he test Tonic in I lie world. v . .. EOBACK'S DLOOD PILLS CUR12 SICK HEADACHE, .5 51 fl A Coatirenees, and all tli eaaea of the bowels. ROBACK'S BLOOD puniFiEni CUK12S SroOFTJLA and all disease arising from tmpuro blood. . . -A -rev - 0 V A 1112 SOLD liY ALL . Drn istsnncl Dealers in Ia(ctit iJedicnics EVISBYWH ERE pnincn, valtch l co (Successors to Ur. C. AV. Koback,) &.LB PKOPRIETOFa, Hoj. 66, S3, 0 : 62 Er-st Third CINCINNATI. OHIO. Wl ti AjI. ARTISTS' UNION AGEIITB .Y7A17.T3D. He!lalde and energet'e persons, cala cr female, are wailed tj solicit u'jrcrirtions for our Enra- risgs,aai to such we clor reiy literal cash indu cements j also to be used in cauvassirr. toreiher with all tccesar ;a per?, wi'-l la furtiihei on np- i;c&Uoa. AciJrurs. wiia reference. BITTERS ; ' i 1 1 I I9-:ai 25 Hi itreft, ytw Ycrk. AND Would call the attention cf DI3ALEH5 to their;immens Drags and Medicines, School Books, Patent Medicines, Clnli Books, Glass and -Glassware, Writing Ppcry Paints ana Oils, Envelopes, gnlccs anil Dje-stnlTs, Coal Oil ana Id p - Pure Wines, Liquors, dc, dc., Which were bovghl forcash of Manufacturers, Importers and Publishers, and will be sold at tbe most favorable prices. Buying in large quantities from first bands, they are gabled to tffer extra !ada:e nients to the trade. They are the North-western Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jayne & Son, and of Dr. J. C. Ajre A Co., and canfurni3h their Medicines in any quantities. (10 1-1 y iJ ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and Wholesale STEEL and iiEAW EAR! Wagon, Csrriage, and now Woodworks. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEB1ENTS. Springs, Axes, Axels, Shovels and Spades.Files and Rasps, Chains, Carriage and Tire Bolts, Nutts and Washers, Nails, Horse naila, Ilorse & Mule Shoes, Saws, etc. etc. Castings and Hollov Ware, Sugar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and Lids, Stew pots. Bake ovens, Fruitliettles and Sad Irons. Blacksmiths' TOOlS, Anvils, Strcks and Dies, Bellows.SIedge and Hand Ham mers, Vises, Pincers, Rasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, Ao. Ox Yokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, Ox Shoe nail. Shovels and Pick,Gold Pans, etc. 1,000 CELEBRATED MOLINESPLOTyS ! : .- 21 agio .3 U7 S , Just patented, and superior to any yet invented ; and ElcCormlclt's Movrers and Reapers, liallcrs Horse Corn Planters Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Planter, Corn Shellers, Fay Rakes, etc. eto esc. . TTa.-f -rk&Llia a3ti23.c3.2rc3. Scaled . Buying my goods direct from the man era, I offer great Inducements TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouss ST. JOSEPH, MO, BLOOD I'EiniOIl Will positively cure SCROFOLA, ERYSIPELAS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, or any HUMOR in theBLOOD or STOMACH, and for PURIFYING tbe SYSTEM and ERADICATING all TRACES OF DISEASE this remedy has no equal, and for Building up the Syttem, and giving new Strength and Vigor. Its nnparallcd suceess since its intrcduction, and the wonderful cures it has and is daily performing are its best guarrantce and we earnestly desire that every sufferer shall give it a trial. Sold by all Druggists. Price one dollar a bottle. COLLIXS BROTHERS, ST. LOUIS, MO. Proprietors. ST. CHI ITOHtt CALX SALT RHEUM! ITCH RHEUM I Wm ckn the ITCH or 8AZT IMEXJ2Z. in a few amlWtinn, It lmoures prairie Scratch es Chilblains, Ulcers and all Eruptions of the skin, where other remedies have been tried in vain, cures speedily and thoroughly. Price 50 cents a dox. Sold by all droits. By sending CO cents in a letter to GOTJ.IXS BROTHERS, S. W.cor. 2nd A Vine&ts., St. Loaia, Mo., it will be sent by mail free cf postage. x-30-iy-rn,nnJSWj ONE ULLIOISr. Choice, Thrifty. Gsage Grange .Plants, For Sale, at E. H. BORGHES & GO'S NcstsrsT. 2 I2 miles west of Erown- yille, Nebraska. Also: Orders taken for making Osi.Gr Osakge Frscrs, which will be done in the very best style, and warranted. Osr charges for building Hedge Fences, and trndiDg until they are a perfect fence are as fol lows: " SO cts.ver Rod, around a 160 acre tract. S1.00 " 60 4 81,25 '"...':' 40 A cTQllf f! anted! $10 A DAY EASY MADE 010 By sellisg Engravings, Card Photographs and Stationary Onr Stationary Packots excells all oth ers ; each Package contains Psper, Envelopes, Tens Pencils, and jewelry worth a dollar at retail. Price only SO Cents we will send Agents 100 Stationary Packages and a Silver Watch warth $17 We also publish splendid Steel Engravings and Portraits, Lithosraph Pnnts, c very popular and saleable. Will send a fine - assortment of 1C3 fob $15,00 that will realize fifty dollars, or a ten dollar lot that will sell for Thirty Dollars or orer. Yv"i:i send a sample lot for Five Dollars that will sell for filieea DoLars. Send Stamp for Catalogue, Term, Au. HAS KINS i CO., Feb. lSSjl.y 33 Bekman Street, JT. I". ADMIX1STRA TOR'S yVO TICE. In the matter of the estate of Joab A. Thor&burg. Tfcerp?g the Probate Coertinand for Gace Cocntf. Nebraskt Territory, did on the 23d dycf November, A it&, cs una ppolnt me xaia raay I Jinoarj. a. D. 1SS7, as tie day for the final settlement of the es tate cf Joaft . A. Thornfcurp, Ute cf said county, de ceased. New, therefore, at! persons indebted to the said estate will come forward and make lrauie-Ute payment. All creditors of said estate, atUalljtri onu Interested therein, are hereby notified to present their eUlma sgainst said estate before the Probate court on or before Use 2Sth day of January, A. D. 1SS7, or the same will be forever barred. It i ordered by said Probate Court that notice of the above be puuU!ied for four consecutive weeks U te yclraiia Advertiser. - - , TVliJLmr CRAIG, - AiTis; ro'-r. 9 it Beatrice, November S3, I3S?. 7 ! ; i . I ' ' 1 I. stock of 7 and Retail Dealer in Iron, I il i GREAT IJirROYCTiriT !C1 I fWO ff! 'i f W ( f WW Tin ' r'"-m it 1 . . f ' : i . . . a M llil (Will 1 1 Fs.tcn.tsd Pebruary 11th, ISC a. SJl.LESR 0 O M, 533 BR OAT) XV A I Y. 252 WASHING TOX St. BOSTQJi THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to be SiniDlicity and Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle. Deroendicular action makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH, which will neither RIP or RAVEL, and is alike on both sides ; performs perfect sewing on every degcrij tion of material, from Leather to the finest Nanook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarest to tbe finest number. Having neither CAM nor COO WHEEL, and the loast possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass and is EmuhalicaUy a Noiseless Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CSNT less power to drive it tnan any otner jiaciune in the market. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily,with- OUl laiigue or injury to aeauo. Its strength and Wonderful Simplicity cf con struction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is UU AliAA i hbu by taecempany to give entire saiiaiacuon. We respectfully invite all thoso who may desire to supplv themselves with a superior a. tide, to come and examine this Unrivalled Machine. But in a more especial manner do we solicit the patronage or Merchant Tailors, Coach Makers, Hoop Skirt Manufac turers, Shit and boson Mak era. Coset JTake Gaiter Fitters, Khoahindera. Vest and Pantaloon II alters, Dress Makers. elioioui and Charitable Tntti(ution$ will be libt rally dealt tci. Prices of Blaclslnc Complete: No. 1, Family Machine, with Uemmer, Heder and Braider, No. , Small Manufaotaricg, with Extension Table . No. 3. Urge Manafacturing.with Extension Tibia . , No. 4. Lahts Maaufacturing, for Leather, 74 8i with Rolling Foot and Oil Cup ICO G half hour' instruction it efficient to enable any . 1 .a I V- peraan to vsorlc tnt Macntne to ier enure eatii faction. Agents Wanted for all towns in theTJnited States, where Agents are not already established. Also for Cuba, Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. Terms invariably Cash on deli vory. T. J. McArthnr & Co., 536 Broadway, New York. A. A Co. 652 Washington, St., Boston 70 Chestnut St., PhiU. GEO. FRANZ, Agent, - 102. 4th, St. Louis, Mo. Gb .thlH5. 10I91y A AC. hew fhisigd::o?.iy OX "5IGN3 OF CnAACT32," aa roanlfssted through Temperament and External Forma, and es pecially la the "Humoa Face Divine." One elegant volume, with nearly 600 pages, and I CO Illustration By S. K. Well, Editor Phrenological Jour a f . Price, post paid, )5. Address Fowler fc Wells, Xo. SS9 Broadway, New Tort. . 'ew Phlaiognomy" !s eminently practical, folly Illustrated, and well suited to tba wants of ail. In tbe study of "tbe face" tbe reader soon leara to read eacb and every feature. Kaei are c?asied as the Homaa, Greek, Jewish, Snub and Celestial. The eyes speak all languages, whether black, blue, brown or bazel. In a like manner, cheeks, neck, ears, hinds, feet, walk, voice, laugh, etc, are shown 50 be "i igna of character." In no other work Is so much light thoown apon the character and destiny of mankind as In this, or tb jdis. tinative tratty of nations and trites so clearly po clad out. Portraits of distinguished persons of ancient and modern times, with biographical akelches ar.d del liga tion of character, are given. Divicea, Orator; dates, men, Warriora, Artists, PoeU, Philosophers, Inn. tors, Surgeon, Discoverers. Actors, Jtositiaes, etc., are included. It la an "Encyclopedia" of tiagnipty, aciuainUDg She reader witu th career and character ( iaany great men ana women of the pat 1,000 y ssra, and of the present such, for laftaace, as Aru'otle. Julios Caesar, Skakespaar, Washisgtou, Kapoleoa, Franklin, Bancroft, Bryant, Lon;feilow, Irving, Boa Bonheur, Theodo6ia Barr, Cobden, Bright, Lawrence, Bolivar, Wbately, Thackeray, Cow, Knox, Ki-kf iiea, Hopper, Buckle. Dickens, Victoria, Welry, Carlyle. If oatley, Mill, Spencer, Thompn. Guthri?. Alcxau- der, and bundreda of others. t5"AoE5T8 Wasted. Bool tent 1)3 rttur pott or tiprets. on rtceivt of Price. ni t PROBATE N O TICE Idonday, Jane 10th lS57,is tse time eetfor bear ing claims a-instthe Etat4 tf Saxael ceaird, and the place the Prolate Court Ilooa in IheLity of Lrownviilo, emata Count v. Nebraska Territory .ail persons havhg cSaiij s -li-it sii.l Estate will present thern on that day or be forever barred from the ol.ect.on thereof, bv orJercf Pro bate Ccnrt. CEOP.GE W. FAIREIIOTIIEIJ, IVobata Judge. :ov.22nd ls55 8-4t 4,50 iter's Cathartic Fill Lit ytht srrrr,r. vna this Dangerous anl LoatLcomo Dlz: 1M Can be Cured 'AND ENTir.ZLY ERADICATED Tim THE STSTEM bt tsi vsz cr Dr. S ii L Y S Cil iliiUiliJl 11 11 li TM mm i WM WILL SURELY JtESULT IK 7C f. T Unless checked in its incipient stages IT T-lXVUIl TAILS Cure Warranted if Direciins ore Followed. SINGLE B0TTLI5 WILL LAST A MUNTII. COLD IN THE HEAD Relieved in a Few Ii nutes. BAD BEEATH Oured by offensive secreiicns Canseity Catarrh auctions. -iJjli When lessened or destroyed DEAPI'TESS r When caused by Catarrh diSculties- AJlaro cured by this remsdy Throat AfTections Are more frequently than otherwise caused by a thick, sltmy maeui. falling from the head,espe cially during the nigat,and resulting from Catanh.and are cured by BEELYE'S I- LIQUID C AT AO II REMEDY Tba rymptcms of Catarrh are at first very slizht. persons find they have a cold, that they have fre quently attack, and are more sensitive to the changes of tempeiaturv. la this eoidition the nose may be dry, or a slight diieharg, thin and ac rid, afterwards thick ac4 adhesive, may tnue. As the disease fEecomcs chronic, the discharges are increased in quaptity and changed in quality; they are now thick and h-avy, and are hwki;d or couched 0gr Tha ecreiieu are offn-iive. causiasr o bad breath: tbe voiqo thick ami : th eyes are weak : the aee of suieil is lessened or destroy ed : deafness frtqaently taks rlae. -, - . . Another common and important systeia of Ca. tairb ia. that the peraou is obliged to clear his throat in the morning oi a siic or eunuy mucous, wLich has fallen from the head diriog the iiiht. When his takea place, tbe ptrsou may be share that this disease is cn its way to the lungs, aod should lose no time in arrests j it. The above are but few of the many Catarrhal symptoms. W rite to our Laboratory for our pra r.bltt desctiCinz luily ail tvmptotcs : itwilibegtut free to any address. Al-o directions where to pro- ear tbe medioine.1 v - : - ... .. Wears receivinj letters from all parts of the Union, and a!?o numerous teatinicnials , from those nsing it, bearing the evidence of iU iafalliatlo Bierits. r This remedy contains n-j Minoral or Poisonom n-rredients.bat is prepared from v-"5tabln Trrt Exclusively; therefore it is Perfectly Harmless, even to the most tender and delicate etlld. Call For Sedys's Catarrh Tl 3medv. and talca an other. If not sold bv druttj in Tnnr vininTl they will ordar it faryou. Price $2.C0 per bottsl.' All rersons sn Trin 9 with anv Tp.TnT -.fv LTeaJ, Throat or Lars, ehoald write at ones for our pamphled fully descrlbiDja'liycjptojrcrtjla icg to the above diiases, ADDars3, DH.I. CO FjXSEPOItT. IlLI3CI3. Sell UainYhjlenlaaui Hetail Dnsr-i:t3 Oct. lo, 18651 y ?0 A Prvnr pT:-, .... 1 i ... i: I Ji'o Charge for Esvfr'Z or r.xjYnV -a f " p f f 0 v U tJ . u . Iu i. v,'- AIT ILiTjUC T r. AT -I D C TALOOTTT! t . the mo t iuuea t mumiijo, i l i tue i upenor t teace oi otar iastrameras taa t s?i at '.tH-i'i GLO. T7. HILL Cz CO Erowsvilrj iiebruii. MAN'H oon : 10'1 torei ft J . W Jnt T.nblibiJ, a rew additica s? j ;CVt.YZT-LVS C?'-Kntrt Kst n ' tr.e radical curs .'i ..: ned.cin.) S?E3MATO.t'. ' .: A, r Se-.unai W,n. nessjlnvolarstary Seninil I. T " rc"-acy: fta tal and I hysicai Incapacity, i .. -vi. ;:-.: to Kt age.etc. Lor.?amp;ion, i-;. ;v,aci f.a,ia duced by self-indulgence cr seiiii ei'-'irigacw, I rice, :n sealed envelcpe.orii.v n oeTits. . The oelebratfcil author, in this ainiriM clearly demonstrate., from a thirty year's tftt! ful practice, that the a.arn3!-;coT;eqnenrs of :f. abuso way be radinal'y eur?i without the dar.. ous use of internal oedicin or the applicativt f the knife pointing out a mvla of enre at ouca!. pie, certain, end J-?etaal,by cicans of wsich suS'erer' no matter what hij condition may be, mj cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Thi3 Lecture s&oui-I be in the casJi of Ttrj youth and every bis in the lard. iSent under sal , in p. am envelope, to aay ad dress, potpid, on rr-ceirt ot six confa. or !wpv OSce ctflm; s. . AL-o, Dr, Cdivarweil's Mrr:f Guide prio 25 cent. Ad ire the nnhiihs-t. CilAS.J.KLINKit O. i:7rwwery..Vew Yurk, PostOZoebox,4,S.. 1 1-3 12 5 LATEST 7ASniOX3 D?3f AVD J.1Y. UratlleY's celebrated Tattct DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (CK D'r-8f " 't IS'.) Thu ror..!erfal F'exit iiii." nl er?rti C.r)t,.-t i P.estre t any Lady weartr-x f- l'-p;e S :..( Skirt will he expe ic; erf i ;i -ti n'irh hai'r d,4 Anaemb!iea, Opr. Carri.5e R...i:r- ar. rh'Mi Pew. Arai Cbir. for f;'i.fDiVi ai 7I..u-e P .-. jsttie Skirt can be ror J'l whrn i- v ti occupy a small place as eaaUr and o-nTfmenMy a Si t t Moalin Press, an iava:ujie qTarit7 ia criuciise, a:i found ii. any inarle Spring Ssut. A Lady, bavins enjoyed the pl?n-e. connfort ar.4 great c.nvenie!e of wen trtjr fc i'"T 1- K notic 3:1 Hpring Skirt for a siccie 'ay .' ill n"r a'irarl, willliiglv diBpen -iiti ta?;.- ni Kur C)i!'ir9 MUi-e-'and TonngL'!ie ther arr s-ipfri- r lt i' oibr They will r.ot betd tr jre :k t;ke lie ."ina e Sjics. but will preerre h?ir f 1 nl prrrful -.apa where three or four orduir- sirt wU: biv tri thrown aside a nse. Th 1 n p a-e eTereJ t 1 : ta trea't, -i ':" ?s but 1. t . "! from t f -i. he. IMIf 1 te I'Ditem n ara t a I y !out e) cvverttt ; . . . wben draining t . r;:e with e!lt!)t .t bv all tba 4 .- J skirt ef ts prev cot n T'. ? l-fei : - Kai' Fa in- ..1-..? V To enjoy the followir.j iaetimau: advantages In Crinoline, via. . superior quality, perfect niatinfactcrt, stylish shape and finish, nesioility, durability, com fort and economy, enquire for J. W. Erad'.fy'a Dnp;x Elliptic or Do a bio Spring Skirt, and be aireyott the genuine article. CALTIO. To guard agnJt laiposition be pirtie Ular ta notice that skirts orrred as "DLTLKX" Wa tha red ink stamp, via., ' J. w. Bradley' Doptty II liptic Steel Springs." upon the wi isrtasd o ne ;her are gerinine. Also notice t!;i every &v.p will admit a pin being passed throoh the centre, thns revealiof the tw (or double) spri; ga brai-.led to;"Mhr thereis, which is tbe secret of their Eetibl lity and strerg.a, sa4 a eorcbir.atlou not te te found in any osr skirt. For sale in all stors wtere First Cum skirls art sold throrighant the pnitsU Sute and eUowhere. . Mansrctred by the sote owners of tfe patent, V7c;t3, rr?.d:c7 a Cziy, ll-3-23t '87 Chambers a. li i. 81 Xeade S;..lf.T . cnovzoTnzir a Co., PIANOFORTE MAIIUPACTUH2ES, THE ATTsNTIONcf the public and thetrad is invited to oar Sew &ale. Seitn Oetm, lioeeicood Piano I'vrtre, which fcr volume aci p rity of tcne are unrivalled by any hitherto cfr4 in this markot. They contain all tha iatdera ii- provements, French grand action, haro pedal Ht frame, over-strung bass, ete.. els., aai each ia strument bein? male trier tbe perse-al sa-ervia-ion of Mr. J. li .Gkov;ti2X, who has a practical eiperiaecce cf ever thirty years in thair raaauf ture, is fully warranted in every particular. Received the b' best awari of merit at the cele brated world's i air, where were txtilited Instra ansnts from the beat tnakera ef London, Paris, U many, Philadelphia, Boston, L'alliranr-j aai 5 York ; and also at the American IaMi.aie for fr successive years, the Cold and h'ltTxa lltDilt from both of waieh eau be sesj at oar ware-rocmi. iij the Introduction of itnrrovepiea! j we mass a still more perfect Piano furte, eai by saar'jfacl- rir.g Ur?ely, with a strictly ea mi;;?;, are aa- ablo-i to o5er these 5ntran-nU at a trine, which will preclude all competition. Uur prices are frora 5IJ'Jtj JJOJ j ioapr tnaa any firl rl.iss I ian y-f.rte.- 1 r.UJli. r arr L aaa i current funds. Deicriptive Ciretlar !cEt free. Jaly 1st ISCS ona yeir H. AC. TO CONSUMPTIVE- The adverti.-er, bavir. x been rcured U bral'.k i a few weeks by a tery aixpfe rcnedy, after hariaf suuerei for several year wit,, it lerere Inn rsffae- tion,and that dread deaiie, Cnaajrti-.n is anx ious to make known 10 hit fella w-of rerS ts meaus of cure. . To ail who de?ire it, he will lend a enpT of ti prescription BeJ(free .f-h.irze). with diraa- tions for preparing and uiag tja aaae, which t7 will find a sure cor fr Ccc.iriion JLith-na. Bros- ehitls, Cou?h, CiJ;,and ail Ti.roi and Ludz Af fections. Iheor 'y cVjcet cf be sir-r;ijer La sen ding the Pre-rictioo i to Uri!t the abided, spread laioraatiosi wnich Leeeiiceive t be tavai be hrr every suHerer will try its r ady, as it will cost them nothing, and me;prova blfcjigir. '. . - . Parties wishing the precript'o3, r?.is,bj retara cailjWili p!ea.e a lire - . Kzv. EDT7AHD A. WILSOX, WKIiassburj, Kir ;s Co., New York. EHROES OP YOUTH- A Gentleman who su'erel for j ii-s frca Nerf ous Debility, Preuature Di-riy, an 1 all tbe t7't of yottthfaiiDa'crtiin, wi'.l f.r tLo sake cfmJsf inghuc:ar.ity, scn-1 f.- to all wh,- reel it. lit f ceipe and directions for maklpg thesi3?Tie reanoay by which he waserei. SaTirtrs w: : pnf it by th9 advertij?r'j e xperiercc, es-j .hA bysi dresairg JUL1N D. CGDaN, No 13 Che.-ut St.,v:ew York. STRANGE, BUT TEUE. Eve rv !i li n.t fr,-'!r.n 5 n ii a Unit rf V 5" J - Matcsc.inbcar aotsethicsvery n.5.-h t thcr Tantage by return raiUf;ea of earge'.byaddras ing the a-.I:-i; z -i. 1 rc-hav;-? f bntsbnged wiiJotllge by t..t z. :... tiica.i. All orders will rhae a ' 'rlh'rc.-'r::c;tfrvt TII!J:J. F. C;i.ll"lA?f, . 9 V 31. P. :3-ly