Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, January 03, 1867, Image 3

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Ijc .CitnrrrJisjcr.
f:'iik I 0'i;i'ort7'rftrt,i:tHKF) Replevin,
Urri;c I,i:rr e.Aet Ac. &.e. ii r :.e at mis u;.iie.
WILLIAMS, V,U tie aofbo
si 'n tvr this im;, vi'.l attend to
p.U.r?? ccMf-tlcty r.Jjarc!ei inttit City. OjSce
Cf t.'vf S'.rtrt, X. cor.
3t:0V.VILLC.TCLnSPlY, JAN. 2. IS37.
XDcrl-Ctl Agents for PrlnCC &C0,
c.LO.V. HILL ACOf re tbe tothorutd Agents j
U Nrr Couty for fo. A.. rr.nce llui ec.e
;wii;'nit lleL decns, etc. For price,
tost orricc noins.
Extern :-Jt Suodiy.
Arrive.? u'cltV.a. 1.1 , I.'jrbt,
. utr; II p.m., c;t. ' '
ICrtlt-ui VA, J.i.if,' .I.-ept hundiy.
Attfii4, It cYbtk, p. in., flight,
iTett'ra tri-witlir,
lirpa'ti, MonJaj, Wednday and Friday,
Amr, Tti-Jj, YhnrrliJ a? riatardiy.
'..rlr.rrn an I Latrn IdaaJi tive ill 7, p. ia.
Vei'.cra Jlallat ":ii,e-"
n-Tiy t,f' Df'- jisl received at
4 '- 4.-
, i m m
XX Freh Oytters a: Marth & Co's;
1 00 per cap. :.l ' ;," J' ' -. ...
CfiDlOa'ClIppcr llOWSfcTr sale'at
iCO Eceli Maild FIOTTS fcr'Je at
5Q3 JuhnJDeree' Celebrated Mo line
Pbvs.. THEO. HILL & CO.
500 Hogs wauled at tho. City
Mui Miktt iu Erowr.villc.
Eravs Hand Latj;pi ?.t CO cer.ts each
Irene's' Illinois Cora Planlcrs at
I;y your G'tcctries at Msrsh Si Co's,
thfir i:iot:u i unell profits and juick Jale?.
T1.jc Misou: Hirer is closed up at
this I'oint. Tha ic is -good nnl strong
rJ ttt.ui nni .travellers are constantly
trcir"' "
Extra Table IWU :ir.d Muir's bet
bra:.d cf Flour for .ae by
J. L. McGEE& CO.
As C ?2bs and Culdj arp the order cf
ih? day.'McCrery'a supply of all kinds
of Oi:h Iedic!ne8 rapidly melt away
Itf.ire tLe crfat denmnd.
A. J. HlHcr, t ius Siore, in St. De
r .in. I t I s 1 1 a . i
c l. . :
(4':'. , -
H J i'i it- .... 4. alt" lli.'ti (. i.uit)ij
; !rii L a ii !i 1 ;,i ij Qr,) -,ry !i:ie .
T! ')' nr-' n ii cf ta.-,"- pnJ jtiduiPr'it,
. ui ! t t.'.rir c-i iih great care.
ITCH ('. It ifj!y rot;fnij' to
ifij Surratus., ftr the jarne
inot.t y ;u fjtt more nnj better Sahratus;
- : .
Iio&ntr.d Sh'in. Dry Gwd end Gro
crrJM, CiaiV";aLj Ie!-b.vnunners
! 'cLeipftrcashat 'J,. r..
; s'Thj Salllli SchJFJrial tVe
li rrr.tyieriao Cirtli. jt rtrl:tnias
. waja 'Tcry Jeasani-afTiir lo all
rat:ki,'itsl.:AUv,ciijoyei them
h'u; :r;l wer.t l.ofae vvl! p!tajeJ. ... ,
:aarrll-d.-0n Tjd.17. December, 23.
tihMo;?? (!.C j;S.
II. C. frruv. Mr. Samuel Isaac
Uatucrid Mi Irdva 'Kileti Blair, t'.ih
c: JSECity, NtlraAa.
Tke arl.t(irf,. m olde tirue. -
l mpy cjp'.irrt RM f , ' . .
.". . TV!: ;t:.1 KiMel bvt. i
. ! LvJl je: p:.r.
Iltlaitoos aha tallart Oralis. .
e -re nuv prerared id Oliver, in
r;:y. PnSre' CVjtlrriteJ leloJocr.s
llu.i cjl I'uctrry Pricea,
9 tU tea t-rrortcT.-itjr ercr yet cf.
l fetiicn, to lecume pjjse
eJ c. wiet f.i;- mpVriur instruiueui.
VM).. HILL 6: CO.
.li-ViOrizel gentf.
Ii. Dyt will give 12 Lsotis
nr-4'tr.ii cj Mujie lXMlie.-ca,
vit!l, con-cnencinj-on frida; t-venir-.
rostra to read Music nud Sit- nre in
."M to ar.end. Tickets 2 CO per
;U;uX'i11 "fd at tbeiW
" " r - i , . ,' ,
:UlT 8n I'T tt devrJf.5 ip rrvt
crt'. tV.W U ,aJe harry and
T";. UeWalohubnr.JS,and
ail ho,?a5ia,outviauij Slfv
; flswr Kctr,Year lo AH,.
" ' ,0 h.i
.oJ ti!.etu !.,,,.' . .'"'"'
"rl'rf...f rH..Tue
rC5!rTlvM,rrr,V U.ion Kt
meijr..f-y cr vcalles, and every.
t!?e. chr,rcr i!.,a zr.y ccmpany, l, chr Js
uae ly ratrcLizis- ihe Merci'a
. " " ...
ccruniction be ' "The Re-
V.. ."-
request, an because tad errors appear
ed in it last week. The fertility and
desirableness cf -this-Valley cannot te
loo well known, and cur subscribers will
do well, after readier this weelss issue,
to mail it to fome one East.
"Y 7GC" vere the prders ;n the last
session of Congress, but nothing was so
effectually vetoed as Indigestion, Djs-
pepsia,.anl their kindred evils, by Coe s
Dyspepsia Uure. INo twotriiras vote can
ever sustain these troubles when the cure
is called to the rescue. Dyspepsia, Heart
burn, and Acidity of Stomach oacnot ex
ist where Coe's Dyspepsia is taken.
' The; Christmas Tree Festival of( lhe
Episcopal Church', given at McFherson's
Hall last Friday evening, was a splendid
affair, everything passed oil pleasantly,
umid the rejoicing-s of the yoijng and
old over. -the, marvelcusly quiclc growing,
and fruit-bearirg Chri.-imas Tree: which
was deciJedly the finest ever raised in
this section,-and wss Ijicrally groaning
beneath the" gocd "works' of St. Nicholas.
The occasion will be long and gratefully
re's'nTbireJ bv all who participated. f ;
1 ; f ; -
KcrJOYe llie'CaUStf. K "person can
be well while a costive state of the body
prevails ; it soon produces serious and of
ten fatal diseases, "nhjcli may be avoiJed
by a timely and judiciou? use of a prep
er'caihartinnfc'diciu?. par idjtS'Uill
fif.d in'DrrHenry's'Ucoi and" Plant Vills
a reliable: end tafe ' remedyi jtiuld and
pleasant in their operation, yet thorough
in "cleaning tb.e. system from all hillious
p.itrid and Irritating' ma tiers.' They are
)'.d by .all druggists.., ; -A ;. r
For sale by Dr. A- S. HOLL ADAY
CO- ljrownyille-.
Decehilfettbtnijeran5verta'ry of
St. John the L'vangeljst, being the 1st
dfly in ihp llasopic ycaT 5S67 Nemaha
Valley Lodge, No. 4, A F. & A.M., of
this city, met to install the following
officers elected for the ensuing year:
A. P. Cnrsuell, W. M.
O. B. Hewett, S. )T-
Jqhn Bernett, J. IV,
Aaron Conner, Treaurer. ;
S. P. Tuttlf, Secretary.- -i Uuivw
II. T. Rainey. S. D-
A. D. Marsh, P.'
The Annual Lecre . yas "delivered, by
Bro. Hewett. It was very credible to
the Lecturer, and instructive to all who
listened thereto. y r , rr?r
.fir '':r:r ' : ' - Y. . r
lady friends cf ibe fraternity. JLvery
thin? parsed ofj in .fcatriony. ate id good
fet-lin, plenty and social happines3.
After a j'!ro,r spcuii.hu3, the
Lodtf adj. urned, .
G K ANT' s
Main Street Lttw-uii. .First avd Second.
I Would Respertfu'dy Jnfqrm the iL'zer:s of
Rro wo villi, alnd iarrpatiisu: i-cvuiry libit I have
just received ciy fall t?lock of (Jood?, consisting of
... r j - " ....:-.:".
Of tho latest etica srd Ke:i Quality, Mer.s bravy
calf Iviols, doolie soled llootl-'ine Kip Roots 1ojs
and thiUrcns I'.ootsaad hhor?. All kinks of La
dies' Ror-U Bnd Shoei of tho riaetand bistju a'.ity.
India KuLher and Bg"ajo Over Sljoes
for Cx It tnen'ar'Lares C" f "
Consisting of the hes brand? of
Surrar, ColTee, Tea, Pepper, Allspice,
Soda,: '"Candlej.", .Tobacco,'.. 'MaUlie?,
Starch, Sec.
Wooden Ware, Stone Ware,
The He Quality f
The bert Wookn Under and Over SrurU, bait
Salt by the round cr barrel
-tt mc ir it k o rrKits ro s rs:? ; 7??
Allot wlucli lie otrern at the lowcrt prices, Jeter
naDei not to be unrlersoU. . ... .-j'
. . . . . . : ; , ' . .GRAr-
V W PIRM -. . ' : -
Respectfully inform the Citizens of the
City and Coun ty that they are in reccijt vj
a large ,i pppipldt assoTtpKpt.oj
ladie's Dress-Goods,
an ervJless raristv-of ,:
" " ' ' ' "I .1' ..." ' : '.
Together with the Largest Stock; ;cf
Cuitotn Madtj. ' ..i'cs'v.
Lver brought to this Cityr-.? 'hich
was purchased prrur to the lUi f-lvpnce
in'rt-ld,. which eral lej us to oflr .supa
rir .tiiductrnenti'to ihose dr'fircu.'.cf :rur'.
criadn. JVe alio', ketp on hand a'frt'sh
SlCik 'of - : i - 5
;"A't,ra ro .3 : assert nt'cf
,,7? f-.-r
neaher the Place, Maia SLreet, Ona Door
above ,t;-.t i'ost.-.Cce, t.-owaville, ctrasta.
-10 t'y ioa
L1l7S.a?.Ti:E iniTtlSTATEJ
rested et the First Session cf tbe Thirty-
lJ"inth CoEeress.- . - -. '
'm .: '.
Public EiioluTIon Ko. 67 . . r
Jo it t EfEolntioti declr'tt ry cf the Law of Eseiily
Be i! enacted bv the Senate urd Hout of Jlepre
entativet of the Vnittd State cf Amjiica inCon
Tbat here any VnMstcd irn bas been or may bedt
tile l fcr duty as cleric or tut eny Tother dnly inaoy
executive bureau, at headquarters or elsewhere, b
ha)l t ot by such detail t.e flepriveil of soy rights tc
boaiities iiow due or befeafter to become due, but
bli le ag folly entitiel thereto as though aacL
uetall baJ been made,
jll'proved, July 13, 1SCS
(Public Resolution Xo. CO.)
iui::vcj, Ly iht zze::: cud Uovsz ci
nerriMntativcs cf the UniLd Sides ' cf
JJ;;;erica i:i Ccngrcss csscrdlcd,
Tt-t t:c ?res::nt tf th-? Unite Stafei Is hereby t
tii'jiis..i tofift t tbe tf,rK4i, without cUar??, of
lLecity aatl.orti?s cf PortiinJ, Mu:e. such cioiaircg
cordeucc-U cr oiilcre-l soM. ani such Bcrnples carn;i
cd garrison fcnlptme, bVCiiii;;, a'.J hospital larniiure
on l,rd, as cn L ireA by laa a-rmr, for the use o
familiee rendered huTiseless anl destitote br the re
cent cor Cagratio i ; siuil that it .l,aH be the duty ot the
quart nuaier'a lepsrttneul ti ie!itT Iboje arilo'.e
at Portlahdl, and to take a receipt f jr the eacce of the
mayor of sai l ciry, and to receiv and properly dispose
of the same wheu no loncer ceeticii,
Aprpved. Ju!y 14, ISCG. . . ' ,
Pullic Rciofaiicn 26 ' 73 ' .
Whtrras, in the year eigt teen hr.ndreJ and. sixty.
ore, tlie trorernmei't of tfco Stato vt Tent!ee ws cei2
ed iip n aud taken posicssion r -y H hostility
to the United states, and tha inhabiiauti of saiti Siite
in pursuance f an act of Congress were declared to he
in t at d if Uiicrretf'.in at-iiui4 the United. States j
aud Strrea tuX a tte j n-ornomnt ian- tnlv Le re-Ktorc-J
to it Xormer political relations in the Union Ly
t:ie coi:ieiit of the laiy-m iking power of the Uuittd
Sit; r..l wheredi the pa- pj of i?l j Stito t:d,,cn
tie tw ji-fcecnJ diy of foiruany, eighteen hundred
and tity Cve by a Urga popaUr vote adopt nai fat
lfiy a -iiJ!.iilu:.'4i of euvriiuioiit wheithy klavery was
Hi-olibhcd, arI U o.dir.actci aa.l las of secobia and
derjia cjiiiract'-d uider the s.ia3 whore desiurei vri'i J
aui whtrnti i SUie goveroineut has been prcanlzed
ui.der kaid CMitution wtiion Has raiiiie 1-the amenj.-.
meut tu the Constitution of the United States abolish
ing slavery, also the amendment propoiiJ by Ibo thic
ij-i.iretti Congress, and ha doi.l o.Stier; acts proclaim
1. s and deuvtin; loyalty : Therefore,
' Tictolvt&ly Me SttUe cn& Htute of Rfprrtents
tita j(t':e laijcd Jt ".- Am trie in t'onjrdi
Atten.blcd, " " "
That it 7:'''br'Tcnr.eJse' fclere&y resiVreJ to!.e"r
furnier iKr, practical relatjous totl't U:-ion, an) is
ctain' nitRietl to br represent l by 'secat'vr'i ud rep-
t ctentatnes in ess. i: ... i
; -i'v. '-. - : ., ' 't- r'1" v ' r f '"! t f i
( Public Resolution JSo. 1 ?4.) - - '
"Thercss ty pfPcral order of the war 'department of
F bi t.nry 1. ut teenth. eighteen hundred and iixty two,
I'ittiotil lol'ni ar toidie'nt held irsprUuier. f ftiwar-in
the rtltl State, were coniuiuteuat ac.t price during
the tieriod of their inipriionnient ; and whereas a- larte
nuiuler-'i.f 'iLo Hil j.iiuein. lave betn jjid, v'k-tr
. i . v A ... ' ... . i. ... : . V. . I - I '
tMIU ItllltT, OUk Uldll rfj wullllj Willi ILiU.Ul Atl'l
who bavo fulTered in rebel prisons, tavei uS beeti so
paid: ' , j , . ,
Ecuolved oy Senate ar.d cti cf Hcp'reicnta
titctnfllf UuiudHtatet tf Amtrica in c,or8r
scmtlcd , . . , . .
' . : . i v i
rtat a!l t'plted States ioldicrs, sMlars and mirincrg
who were held As-pr Sonera of war in the Tebel Ktatos,
thai I be paid coin in station i.f rat it ns at cost pt ices du
ring the potodoi their inipci.ii.meiK f Pi vided,Tht
no pereod who has Kuid or trauierroi any iatu'ie-t in
the claiui for said coinmuiatioii, nor any purchaser or
assignee of such claim or lute ret. thnllj ,- b-t-eatted
ho )h 'TOwiiutioTi i tuul tka auiwunt of. uc:i comtruti-.
linn ktiall l6 paid out of any uioucy iu the trcjary U'-t
otherwise appropriated. -ppioved. July 23, lS6a.
(Public Resolution; Xo. G3.) i2 u
' -i.j'jf.i.i
A Resolution to authorize the Birt:ij cf -a 1iVMl ii
or Uuildinc for the .if urir&J-y-, ACA)Bimj4atioa of th .
Department of Sut '-'i- - - i ' X-: . : ;
1 v " - ' . v
? if reolvrd ly the Senile ajid.H'W f.U'frt L
tefufit; of t.'ie UuUed &atet of America in CuH-
TKiMJi? "5j;Vpfi?rVf State Ve .&!eU'.i ta falftj a
snit.ib'.e tniilt?::-? nr-ierrr trr fhi temporary seccrm
rnodtion cf 1t -c Perartnient rtt Stte. and that fuch '' " - t t 'IT ! v,' - y. f ,- t 1 .'
' PoBlic "Resolotiorr N6' 6S
Joint Itesolntioa to enSDTB rhc reiple of tr-a ITnited
States to par icipiite m the Advatitaic of th-i Univer
sal Kilutitiou at rris, iu eiliteen bamirgj aid sixty
stveo. . . . ' y . , ... . ; "
' 2j it resolved by the Senile nnd lloi.rf Rep
rcter.tatipet cfJht United Sta'tz of Anuria tn
Cor.tjzcti Asscribicd,.' , . ". , . . . ' 7 V .; . ;
That .in crd?r to-ena!.! po-ip'e of ttie Tii-t? I Stat
t. part it,, pa to in ij8 jilvjutoj ef ih ujve."ai ex i
bii ten i the" j;c ion of .ti. ioVlt i re, in in'..if.ic t s.
fltul thtrfl'ir arts, to r( htll at f.irj; i fii4 J'tir eiai-'
teen liind-cl atvl slK-y-eev'an the' fsil'nwin snm,"cr
so niui'li iLereiT as m ty be nooeary f -r the purposes
bcvoi ally i-peoifled, are htTeiv iipprnrli tel. txn of
any niopey It ibe! trMsarj uo otherwise approp-iat d
. Jrir6t. . Teproiiile cccessarj f urniture au4 Cxtiire
f..r Hit? proi er fxliilj'nion o' tlie prod net ft. ns of ibe
jL'nitel Stic, acronliji to ibe p!n of the imperial
copinvsioners.-in that part OT the United 3tat'efr ty
eiKlit fh'.ssari'l do'Uars.' : - - '-'..J --
SevondTv.ji lai Y'rivte ; additional cotft'.iiatiationj tii
park, tweutj 6e tfejusani HTi, .n.-.? , .;
Tliird y. lor tlie -(nifert..Ti : of Le priocifal
aacut d H,e Cxhititt. a in tlie J.'nr'eU States- at i lie rate
of". two (tii.ti'liiul !o4lAri a j-Qr : Providrtl. Tut the po
l j.-rt i r n-fli crUe tl ?ll not rstPud rd lxlj ?aVs
after ifce e:ie of tLe' t'r.n,'fMir tliu?.iirl Cellars
or mi nii:ch thereor as i.e Jtiir.ri'iiix-o?ir,Vi-
.- j-on?ihly. Frcfiici rent atS'twr. Yirkj f r fiitiires.
Itit. jiciy. an-i a-ivervi.- .s; "fvi.rf nl'of t re'i iu0 t r .
rr-ceptiow if anJ p-ci'.t-j .f r,txpcnv of t-hip
piiff. Ii-cJu lojj en t.icr-.' 5.c '; for frci rli's ttis arti.
tie t.i be ex'.i'.i'tJ Trtim yw Yor's to Vi-,n?.' nnd f.
coin ctaii.n ol four clerk ii c ihf rnit y ;"tfa ti oiir
reo!u:i. :t",rcve1 or.'tl.e fi fieattivf Auia.irv, ei;hi"
reii fctnVre'l arairTxtv-irfix n f..r cminucrit t tpea p.f
tb" thirtj-tSiee thttaOd sav.a Jiiiuke.l ; vtoii
Ur r sn:uh; tl ete.r os fii.y ronn.l teceinry.
FitMy. Tor . esperi-e in - t'txelvin?. .ix.nairip. sfo
rae, csf ice, Utjrr, .and fo f .rth, at Havre :-Jor raii
wy irant.p,Ttaiioi' from Ilnvre to Pari.-. ; for lubor in
the place; for -pi irjkliug ml swertna compartments
for.r er: fuwBlbfvr ;uris and- keepers .Jar- seven
moiiih '; 'firir.i-ifs.fclnf me:i)'or sevesi r.inth'; fr
tt.irinct'p'ackin'boe,'."ca'('ftri!i, and for n'atedai for
rlcrk-bire, Ftaiii.n.Try. rent, fln.l eotitinaO'it-espenes.
tbe sum f i"jirJy-rlTe ,lbtnsantio.erc;i liuiurej ' i.d
tUree dollars, or so miu'ri thereof as rriiy to liffessarv.
SixfUV, , -i'or travelititt fxpfinsis' ie'-iMei.inal
sod xietiiitic n-haaUsif ners, to lie apjt iipJ y ai.d
with tbe akvLce Mid - r.-ent i.f ilie 5onate -it he r'e
ote hotuano" d-Vl Lire ea'.-li ;'tn Tionand 4 illtrt it te
inif cl!lerto.Kl Qist t:ie' Pre-i lenl mv-- uj PolBt a. I'i e tmiil-M(.ner, nut .eif.eeclou twemy in Miui
ler, .wbie spwi- tball not iio pid; tnt no pcisrti
intcrei-te l direct ly or isu'irertly, in any art cle ocliit)
U1 Vital! t-e, a ron'Us.:oferj norliall, . auv .meiubvr
'I C. iicre.-:.. of ary perstn tn ..dinr ari at poaintMit or
cOce ot trnt under fia Co'ited'S re tre ;4 .nt'l a
ci'iuna-sioopr. aceut "4r'licer luuler 'teolu:iou:
Sec- 2. Anci&e it tmtbereriacUBi TLat tbe p.vci ll'lr
of ti.e sevt rai S ;aie bo. and they re be; oby 'tuc .:
to iKvae I.? ptru tic i eoide I Jbcir rei-pitiivc Suns
toasit'iririeir.)'er eme-i,ivttitio6 liie tian-liwoik
or niir ariit-ans. and 'the prolific sources of m'a.eial
e.iHb wi.b our laud j , le-i el. gi:d to t(,ke s'icu inr
tlier niej"nrcs as mar tc neceary to dnlae a ktinwl.
ed-e tf tl. e propK-id i..u sod t secure to tbair
ropeft:ve sutes atid a dvait.-.tre. vhidi' It p.oua.-es.
tec 3." Aniesit lurtbe ei.nced. That it -sti.tll be
tbe duty of lb? said eral aent at ke Yoik. and
tbe sHi votnniii4i4-tw44j t P.rMi. t- n-u.t .v
CoiiRress, the vDeparluir&t of Slate, a detailed
statement ef tr.e wmiti. ir Arbicti scb exitiniitaies
as are hereinbefore provide r,e nsaJc Ly ttbi i espect
ively. Approved, Jnly 5, ISCb. ' - ' -
. r ' 5 ' ' ' . " . pcBLicf k--. in ' : ' ' ;'
Aa ct granting Lands ti iLc Siate of Orcg'.n. to aid Tn
tfce Const tt a ilililary l'u-ad f rotn AlbaeyOtS
gou totr.p-Eastern lioundaty oi saiO. State, .: - - : . . ;
Lett enacted ly the Stnate stnrf t . f Jip
reimtatirt of tie United State of Awuriea in'Cvn
ret atemUcti7, '" ' :- - 1 "' : '-; .'''"' '
That tiirabe. snriis bereby, rrsttsd to tbe jEwte
ur.egoo, to.aii4 iue construction ot a. military i
rosj frojj the ARjanyOregon.l.y vy it Canyon Clt.'
at.d tbe most fele -ss in Cascade rare? of mnnn-:
talus, tothe eastern tfjruruiary of the iaid State of Or
epoq altercate sections or puMicJand?, designated by
odd numbers, tbree secticTij per'rr.-.1 , to be f eiecten
witblnsix miles of taid rcad;Providrd, That the lands
frrante-J tball be exclusively app;iel in tbe constroc
lieri of sill roaJ, inl ,!ie!l 'be cxclnively applied la
te" Can,;trxjct;ofnt?t said road ; and fhall be applied to
othprjiurj-osesV'hatfer And presided further'.
TSal Any afi land,tie"r?toror? reserved to tbe Tnlt
ed States by act Confrrisscr otfe'f r eLprctent t'utfcor
lj, be, and tbe satne are, rererved trom tbetperrtion
of ibis act, except so far a. it msy be necessary to lo
cate the route of said road tororph the) same, in which
case the rlphr ol way Is pmnted, s nt?ect to tbe approv
ai tf the Pre F!dent of ibe Cm'ed St jte.
Sec. 2. And r It cnndeil, That the faid lands aerehy
Framed to faid State shal 1 be dism.e i of by tte le?U
lature 'hereof ftr the porpi-e atiircssid. atut for n-j ah
I trr; and the fail rod fhsll be in d remain a purie
rti'phway kr 'he u-e .r the r.iveminrnt of the L'rated
states, freefr.ira tdhor other chirfes upon trie trns
j poitaMoft of auv prof erty, tro'S-'t, erraiHit! the Uci
i ird Mates. ' ' ,
T Sec 8. . Ar.,1 be it (eaoe.i,. That saia roal sbaii be
Ci.iislriicten with stcjf fritiiiKi -anl brrtgss to its
Tffswlar xihp r was do-read,-and in utli ottdr special
tbaouer as ft.e SUiegfVt.egjb ir.ay preR.Tite". ,
; Sec. . - And i-e.U fvustcr 0acted,. 'i'tat t''? lands
hf'ret.ygrr:'.;ei'tai.a.d State shail ho ti'.pose1 of only
intte fjl'.owin nai.ter. that is tdiar.' "ber thejrov
fr. r of aid State shall t-ertify to tht Secretary vf the
Interior that anj ten Cun'-ioaous miles of ssid road are
complete, then a anautUy cf land hereby framed co-
teruiinocs to said o'lnpletee portion of sa;-i rouu. doi
to exceed thirty t,pc ions may be seal, aad f-o from
time lo time tin til said Toad is conipieted; and if fsid
read is not completed witbin five yers. no further
sales hall be made . and tbe land retnalEics unsold
stall revert to tho Doited States.
Ijproved, July 8, lt6J- r '
. . . , i ' . j . '
E3arsh Co's Circulating: ILibrarv!
W -. ,Pub!iciTo..ui. :
JtS Act prat.tlSK Al l 13 the rorstrr:i'.:if.f a Rar.
.nd aid Tetesrspb Line from tbtfTown rf rc'iom to
ie Town of Placerville, U the Slate of California.
Ve it enisled by thct nd IIoue if Re j,r
aalicet of U net e d Slate of iAsierica in Concrete
Tfcat the ri.cht of wy thrangb th 9 public lands be.
nd the Earns Is hereby, ganted to the F!acrvll!e and
ra:riento Railroad Cornpr.y, acorporation ejlstinj
titi U:r the laws tf the S:s.e et Caii'.r;: . and Cc- -!!a.
edbytha le.cislitnro ibere if , to contr.; it the rosj
-erflr.after namel, and to its successors mi assigrr.a,
for the cotistruolloR era railroad and telegraph line
rroin the town of ro!-m to the town of Placet viile, ia
aid State; and tea riffct is hereby giren to lai ! con
ixiatioa tntaie from the public ld.T!s achceat totfco
.iue of said road, material for the construction thorc-of;
snid rteht cf way is granted to said railroad t j extent
' f one hundred feet in wi'i n on eacti ewe or sId road
where it pasover the p'lhUc lanl; a'so, all recatsary
eronnd for station dui;jiiis-, worKsuops, g erxits. ma
chine-shops, switches, side tracts, tarn tables, acdwa
ir stations.
Sec 2. And bo it f-rtber eac!e3, ih3t llie-a ba.and
Is hereby, crstited to tte riacervlll and Sacramento
ValW Railroad Company, its saxesssrs and assizis.
for the purpose of aldin? in th construction cf itaid
railroad and tele?rapa line, ana to secure the safeann
soeedy transportation of tee mails, troops, muuitlous
cf war and pubilo stores over the route of iatd lino or
rallwar, every alternate section pi public land, not
coaiainin?fo: 1 or ailfer, debignated by cdj numbers
f the amount of ten alternate sections pr mlie on
arh siite of said railroad line, as said company may
ao'ort. henevfr on the. linethtreof. theUidted Stats
f ave fall title, not re;erea, o.a. sfantd, tf other
wise appropriated, and free from pre-emption or othet
claims r rights at the time the une . of . said rosj is
tltCiiiily fixed, and a p'at thereof filet in vhe' efncs'of
the Commissioner of tb uenerai Jea.J orai;: Jfrori
ded, That the word "rainera'," when it occurs ia this
act, shall not be held to include iron or coal. . -See.
3. it further enacted. That whenever
said Placervi le and Scrajiato Valley Rallrcad Com
pany ihslt h.Te tenCD.-ocu'ive m;ies of any p-rticn of
said railroad and teiepraph li'le reay f?r ihe service
contemn'.aic.l, tho Rriii'ence of the United Sutes shall
appoint three commissioner to examine the same, and
if it shall appcas that ten mnes or saia railroad at i
telesrsph line have teen completed 10 a Cood and sub
statitial manner, and in ali respect as requirl by'thin
act. the commissioners shall no report to ihi ?retijent
of tho United Stuca. and patents of !and. as a.'orea:d
fchall ha i.H?d to said crmpany, c nnraiifi? to aaid
cimpany, Ciniitnuug u u'iiisuy ice rsgrrs ani tj.
tie to said lands, situated ipofUe to atHtcoierruin'ous
with said cimp.etod section of said rend, un es sai l
lar;ds are covered ty tt;e excrptiorts of this ac.. Au.i
from time to time, whenever ten add! ionai miles shall
hive If rs cjnstinc ed'. o;mp!p.eJ, ii.J ia readings, as
nforesaid. a'r;d veritifd by the 'commissioners to the
ccrr.missioHers to the President of tho United State,
tnfn ptet?hall be issue i ta said company, convey
ing toe additional-sections of laud as aforesaid and so
as fast as every ten tni'ej of said road is completed as
aforesaid: Provided, Tbiis.aid commit loners mmed.
i.his.i;cU.)n V.atl Lc pal t.Tjpbe 01 h:pji.y; fenTCV-
lars rer d.iv tor the tiive i.ciuauy enipioyed. arsl ttu
eeii'.s per .tle fnr the distacce itccuaity mui ueciissari-
ly traveled eaohw.vy. .' , : ,- ' - " .
. Sec. 4 An he H iritr eSicKd, Iiit s-iid I'.ace
rj-ille nd Sacrfaiento Kaiiey railroad shall be cou
strnctcd in a sulstntr.ial and workmai.liko manner
V-itB ali the aete-tary dfa ds, ccivcr. s, ri4,;. vwd
rcts, crti.-.-iir.iJ'- ot'T, s'S-ibeisafid, Wftrij?-p!a-cp.
and all otfc,pr, appui te;'anct's, ' mcluJ ns furn.tura
m! roilini -stotk.'equit i i nil re-tr ct-, t- railroads r
the first c:s when prepartd for bu.iueV,''with
of the hrv' ya'.hy, rJbf iiifacturtd-ii'ni-Aria i.;aH tivn
and a tin tonn paue shall be- e-t.iM'sluHt " the" enTtre
lentrOi if the i - Abd mere e nl boi c ijmcti;i i,
teirK'Ri'b U" j the- ihoj-I .ul.tatti.ii ,sui appr. vi
d-fctipti.r., t' be. operated on the enilre ri'MK- Provided-l'har
saidcompairy shvli'iiotoha ce 'h.sher rate.
to Jl.eLPtrvcruinerii. i'f cSJ-ors or tienta. tan they do
t-i individuals for te'leirapMici-, sf-rvk'v an I ihit the
said railroad shall be a'nl ieuia n a"biihlio highway for
IJie me of tho f' vera'.nent id the Uututi ..SLttesc free
of s!l toll or oilier charue t t.e Vratisponntin of
afyprPTi'-y e-r tvtipft3ie -CitiieJl State and the
same si aH ar.sporic J ver said "r-'b- a; tliec j-t
ct -'ce,"and -tren-e of ttii c.rtK.rativri 'or 'com;ajiv
oDin3or operating: the same b3.i required 0) th;
United Statf il'tu CO M.. ." . " ' t
Sec 6. And t e it fiii lrr nscted. That the Presi
dent of the UmUd biate- thatl cruise sii h ln ls to e
anrveyed for centy mites in width on both bi les or
tire, entire Jno n U1 rad, after lit , peueri .rviare
shall .be fixed, and as fat ai ni.-ybo itfjufret' ly s the
cotMrtVcii .il of saliralir 11 fr'sri f "the HiJ ectins of
"lard teref-y jranteJ litl'7k)-b9. iii'-ie oate, w9
try. or pre cniptlorr, before or ftfhy are "unff yaJ,.
except by said- compai providod in this act; out
UlseVnt-iJu!)! the ace SeptemVer. eUutcen fiun
c" red and fort i-pne',.' prt'ifins pre-empt iou rights, and
Xhe ac fjnuniy tory thereof a'r.4 otihei act entitled
An act to Kochre homesteads to stftnsrettiers ou the
public domain," approved May twenty, eighteen huu
drcd'and sixty two. shall be, aud tho aiue are hereby,
extend to all other lands on the line of sard road when
stirvejed. -t.cpiln those hereby granted lo sail com
pany : and Thectiori'trrrmts of secln-.or land
which ly the aforesaid grant shall rernamiij tbefj.nited
States within lea miles on efich 6i)e of i ?fill fdiall
r. 1 a cxid for lesth&n doable te miaium price of
fn..n ti.a ;:;
Khslt enmidt te.the whole road by tbe U
tottvib of July.
e'uliter-n hundred and ilxty-niue. "- -"' --"
Sec. 7 -r.l be it inrtUff etiactet, That the Snited
States TTKlre twvral c. fditiocal granUiierein, and
that ttf fall rUceiville r.d Sucrameou' Valley Coin
r iry pept "the s.m:. ii'i the turf her-cindittn that
iMi.e caid a ike 'an? breach of iae condjtions
berrnr, and nil.-w the same fo oiuinnft for upwards of
mic year; tbin , in such cise, ibe title fo ih puhll-'
land bercir Tee'v.'d cor li.o ct rtruuiot; of ; said road
sbali revert to the Ctdte.!1 Stated '. ' ' '
Soc. R. Ar.d 1e it tiniher tnscto-!, Tbit -a3 tie
m ted Sta'e sbl' bave the richt to.trtii;ribe to tbe
fCK t tlicsaid Placerdlle and, S,iC.ra:nouta Tal'ey
Company until the vrjiule capital is Ukt-a tji, by coui
pi raic will the terms of .subsci iiti-'n- : j M :
Sec S Arid be it lurther. enacted. That the acof?
t'sr. e oti.'ie lorras, conditions, and Irbyorftlons of Hit.
actl v Cio b lid Placerville arm SacratuetiU Vslley Sal
road Compu'iv shaU be signified in writing.;. under
corporate si-al'ii thvll Compaiy ; Uoly executed l pur
niar.t lo the direction f of its board of directors Hi st had
and obtain!, which acceptance shall be cimlo. wlthiu
one vesr srter the piaje of this a.t, not "flr
ward, and shall tc deposited -Ub ttie Secretary or
tbe Interior. ..... .
Src- 10. And be it 'nrtber enacted, Taat tfce said
cti;",vr.y-is a inhumed".. a c?yrn"t ttvoirw f ny
crn iat:(J or iuan wei tiathrte, ai Lvi
taiice-which nn betra"te i f or craerred upon said
cimonr.vbvtlieCi.ncr. s-vJV'iijCuited Statef, by the
le-rYU' tft'of ajv.Sfj4l;fiiU!tr!rsr ni.iiulctfwl-oopp na
tion or !v any coc..raVi3p fS m" V i'i-Ti.d"i
c..rpn'Hli.n is autrionsyf :t7 kifJand "jcy any suca
sr.rtit: 'trjnarlo'i Usa. r iWer, rr:lii!i't, wd ,fAas.
sis?4nrW to its .. u?fs ttie-joriiewe esreii4.
Sc. 11. And beitf jithcf exacted. That unie-s the
pa dX!.i',r ville it-id Stcraiiietao Vliey iialftad C.ui
pitiT shatl ..iitsiw t-mra fide siUsilptwft fire. it4l(.k of
fal.t c mpaiy to tee amount of lour hnwirel liiuusnd
dollat?, with rive percentum paid witbin one year after,
the pas'age and approval U tuisaat-i. II sbaii be inuil
and void. . - . . '. it - -2'f: "' " '7
-Seo . U. And be it luxfner enae'e i. ThalCcve-s at
any time, lnv'ino tine rc2ii'.rer the rights ot saidD a
eervillc a:id Sacran.'c uU A-alli RailroaT'Curppany.adi
to nMer-it'ert I- o r?ieal "this act." ' ' ' ' '
Sc. M. "Alf. lbit" r-iJiber enacted. That aU iotsia
Villa!:e. towns, and suall la cx.inpfed Xroia aud
nor n.hject to ibe peratiotis if lbi act. rl vl-!" x
Approved, July, 13, 1S6S.
An Act io atrend the Cr:b Seciion of an R.t emu. en
' An A t d .uailni .li: tiind-t Iha several Jtaie
ard Territories r.-facli 'miy p.Vv.da College f-r the
iier.eaioi A unci! Mr a 'id th slvniix Kr-.i. "
edSi.iv 2 to extend ibe ttine tvufctn wructt
i t.r s;4riM) - .-i mi rst-g-W wj'. c-jieljarul 1 act,
De it erected lv the Senate end Ilcyte 'sf Kcpm
erilivst'f tXe L'riittd Statt OjAmcrUain Cnujress
Attenibtcd, ' t--. -i 1 ,
That tho time in which Ibe vera! State may comply
v. jtli ibe provi-birs of thMct yiryt iahiou
lmn.Jrl and sity-two. h ntiile-l A -,i do-lt;ni 4.'i
lie la'Ttto ine'tevtrai-Stafs a il Iwti wbkti
may p: lvh c col'ieces for tbe be.itlit, of acricn.tttrs aa 1
ttu lucrhan-t: arts," t rerehy eitc-vdeJ hp t a the
cepfatice of the bem fits or ttn m l sot lM "'sxpress
ed within three year!. tr.m ihe pisraie v ti act, Dd
the culleaes ie,- iit 1 by th mi I act, in iy be pr:vl ied
w iibin f..vV years friirii 4h date of ItavC Cf ac
veplc wiib tn c muuiner .,f ihof it .l . lai.d of.
'fie-: rfu'videO. wl ena iv Te-ri..y 'Fhall become
a State and be admitted I Ho ti)TnloJI ;!, new Sta.e
shall be' entitled to ihebcaeftts of tfte said am of J sly
two, eiitaieeu hundred 'm slxiyo,,;liy..xprc,i,i
tbe acceptance therein re.iiiirei wittiln three year
from tte date ol its admission intohe Union, end pro,
vldmit ibevoile?e-r-jiefe4 ''wiihln five jea.s. arier
st ch acreptaiice, a prescrihtd in Uiis' aci:" Ptcvidca
further, That any State which bas heretofore express
ed its acceptance or tho "del herein"re:eTed .itjatl
bave the period of Bvs years within wh-cti to provida
at least one colieue, as describel ir. tbe foiirlH" Kcftlon
ol tafd act. ifter.tUetfine far providing, said colte ac-
cef-'.inf? io the net of July tecon.i, eijtteii tiijiired, and
silf?-t wo, sbalfosve expired.. A" - i.
"i -Aryroved, Jiy23, iste. ' -r f" rs r-s
i Public js6.2i6.):
An Ad to "x the N'umber of Judges of tbe- Snpra-.e
CoT:-"t of the Uriied StaUj, anu to change certain JtiUi
fJX Circdits. ' ' ' : --"-" -
' Ee it enacted ly the Senate and Jloise of Repretcn
lilives of the Vnstcd Stctet of America tn Lonyress
Aistr.hd. f ' -.
that no vacancy In lae tSce of associn'e jctice cf t.c
snpreme court ihall be filled by appointment until tho
nnrabeof assacaate jutices shall be redsced to six; aal
thereafter tt.e sai't-.oprcmj ccart shail cjjn-iit of a
chief justice cf the L'ite-1 State an 1 six associate ii-ticc-,
aay lour of wbcrnbll be a c.ii.runi ; aul the
mi tcouit -b; hold cue term AiH-.cally at the seat ot
p.-ivernnient, and iacla l.i'jrned or pr);ial terms ai it
uiay find EereaT I"r tae uratch 4 bosiness. - 1
sVc. 4. And be it further eactel. Tiat the first aa-1
Vcco'id circuits. Fli.tll rrmilrt ai now constrtuted j that
the p:strKl?.6f Pbtipylvatla.-' Xw Jesey, and DeU
wia e iball canstittu-i 'tae iLird 'clr:utt f t3at tie dis
uScts of Maryland. irt Virzrais, Yirnn'.a, .Xortb-Car
..i;a, ar i S..mtti Cjro.ina shall, coiisiituto ti.e l .urti.
ciicuU'i i-istth district, or Feo c.a.'i'tiJ AUji rs
t iii.--!-'vi. JL.r,i!iaiana. and Texa thtii ca:j4:.ute te
firth circait tbr't the. districts' of Olao." i:;.!;,,
tuisy. ttd TectxaFfc saall &-cstitue .te s;x;ti c;r; at;
Uiaiji'ta autrilts cf li.dotDa, Illiiois, ar-d V i o. r..-ia,
i'.ialc ostit;'e thj tovcr.t'J Crcait ; that tha ilssui-is
o iiapet-uti. l,v;"i, ".iiu-souti. Ediisa, and Arkjr.ia;
shall .Vr:s"utute't4.e eighth circuit ; rad tbe districts of
Califruia. Oreaa- aui KevsOa Shall
mi ievoa shall cvt.nitute ti.c
AfiToveuSaiy 23. 13;3.
nincth tircuit.
',. Piitlic No. 211
An Act to qnicn tbe Title to certain witbia
corporate Limits of thi City of tcaicl aad tlia Town cf
Ssata Cruz ta tUa State cf Caliiaraia.
J3i tf eRfU-d ly the, Senate td 'JJjuie cf, P.p
rri'Hl'.'tir rf the I'ultei i';sfee.p JLmtrisi t Cm
jr ti aaenilitd, " '.
That all the risht ani title cf toe rcifet States t j
the land sitriateJ wi'hia the corporate limits of thj
city of Eenic a, it; the county ef Solano, State cf Cili
Xornia, as de."ned i'i act iccorr rating g&U city.
passed by th -.ue of the Su;e ef Californta.
April twenty f cUhteea ar.U.-c-i and fl-ty-ese, &e,
anct-.he satnc are Lcrtt-y, relit-qut-hed afid jrintcJ ta
the said city ard its successors, c;cn trost, boTrever,
that so much of sa'.d Jjndsa iiia, tho torn tiJa ocn
paucy of partle upoa the pasa ot this acl, ty theif
selves or tenant.', shall be conveyed by said a'-t to such
parties: Providfd, however, That the relinquishment
am! crant tr this act sfcalr nof extend to acy li;ils
wiihin said corporate limit occiplcf as a military de
pot of the United Su;es, or heretofore ressrtre-J by the
Uniled States for public purposes ; aor shall tbe ia
ter.rere vith tr prcjudic auy valid adverse right or
claim, if srx'.i et;.-1 to s ui laud or any part thereof, or
preclude a JuoViV. c smii'.ia and s-ijaittneat tti.-of
'Sec. "2. And Le it further enacted, Tbot a!l the Tight
and title cf the Stilted States t th land within tie
corporate limits o: the towa cf Sata Crtiz ia ihe State
or C-.i:orc!a,ss Oflned iu H e ec4 ef it ? ,!-! stur.e cf
tbat State Iricorporaticj said town,te, and the sa:n8
ara hereby, relinquished and gratne t totha corp .-rite
authiriiiej cf said town and ts.tiir succe.'sci s, iatrrst
fsr and with authority to cor.vey fo raucli of nil ;. id
as are In the bona r.lo ocenr-asey of partle- npon the
passsce of ttis et ly thecwolvcs or tenauta. ijscch
parties: Provu'ed, Thit this crast shall rlt'extend te
anyt reservation o: the United Sta!, r.-r prejudice eny
valid adverse rl.:el or clai m, ir such exlt, to said Isat
or any part thereo'. nor preclada a Judicial e.xaLtiaa
tion and adla.tnent thereof. -rn , - - ,
: Approve-?, July 23, lid ' ' - J - .
Taten np by the undersigned, living in Olei;
Rock, in Nemaha County Nebraska, en tie 2l)thUav
of October, lS5t5.
One Bay ilare Colt, pna year Hi last Spnc, no
oiarKS or craniu.
Crcwnvii.'e October 2&tb,13C5.
T-5?pa .! ; 1 C. It. CAMP,
f :
T O It
Families 'aiul3Ia-llufacfurcf&
so:,i3:Ti3ir, sew am)
WE. offer jhe public tho sitarjlcst. stron 'est anO
be?t Kav ting Mt4;!ne jn.tba world. ?
' It occtipios but little space is portable anJ" cat
bo uttacbed to a stand or tabic, weighs about 49!bj
U,wiU k-ut a variety of stitches ti e. irtah:;:'
of. needt -s is triflii.g--th8 cost of r.eodlca islif-i
niScaut and the 4ii)it delicate material can be km..'
pure ti nd -pf !efs, as the needlea pre not oiled.
Urdertfuf Mai-liinos ciav be seut thoub, the-
American Advertising Agenc7; . ,
330 Broadway, II- Y.
Sjni for CirciJur, . , -
r- Agents 17ancil.r . ; .
(From the Sew T.rlc Herald)
7 ' ' ... w "ft !' 7
Prominent amon'e the mrrhanical trinnuhs of tb it
most Incnious aae. ionimtjh bi'tiesfy coV.ipa's n to n.;
tire tiie'Kthpire Sewing ilscliuei cuUiniemJa a; istlj
strley' perfectii.n itself Usefvfi as have been'
nous sewur; nuchtnes, rrop iiuie tCi-.ume presfiutn
ti. tlie public, each one of lbcm has been cursed witl
sume rdic 1 "erect, which detracts from general uti:-
ty. ;wMrel by th exi lcme or hi p"-ei(Xstor
the'inviicor of tho TCrie M.vchrne has prtlt.eei1 an n.-
trumont. combining all the advantages for wind
others are vaunted, and obviaUnfc every defect whicl
an bo aKribiucI to Uient fcy the most fj.:iJioc critic.
The"Kp!re iiachine i a marvtj!oii3-combinatifn o
iinpTicljy.'ccotieni'y a''J perfect workship peins tiara
blc, iree from liability to get out ot order. ise1es.'
ami easy wi f.,.rir..-,. . it mthanical contrivance ir
such as Insecure stability, free .oui from accident, an
accuracy as t w j n an -.hi p. 1 n;e us'- or the pa
ented shuttl and sf rais'jt teirl'.o ft tnaltes a stitcl
which cn neither "rip. norravel while, at tie sam
liuie, ican'operate perfectly upin eve' species o
materut from leatner 10 camorick'jiritS.ihreaps af cot
ton, Unea or siu from the finest to the coarsest nam
ber. : i-
As the Empire MacMnels Rfadaally sapplantits it.
more autiqne rivals, no one in want of a nsefei injtrn
meut of this di$criptionrtA-he orf tailor, ccachma-
ke, di esSpiiiker or sdi.islrf'-: caa tl olaerwiV.that
secure one or these econ-jiical anUl'-iraitiyle i53ohi'e
puited allV". for facii v arid masnf i -lurinR purptses
Xotiaais hfrchyg'.rcn tLat parsuarit to snr-rlc
of the I)triirt C'-t'rt ff Nemt.ha County, T.'clrna
ku Terricpry , in CtCi-ery. i.;sda or; l .1 7i-i dai
of NoveujV.'Cf, : A. D. Iu0, in thei crt vrr orcii
Stephen F;'Kucko!ls plaint If? ar.d" the mala.
Va lie. JiiatX, S te'isoa L. tTw-.i." a.:g.i?e r.l I. T
White--. Istivi- T. White suirl . Viliain JJr.-blitieii
partners ai I. T. Whita 'i Co.,' iJ-j'njaniin 1.. IVjr
mm ar.d rsaiaitel 11. Ulddio partners hs Id. It. Ve;
einA Co.. "SatnuelJJ. ,Iijcr And Dirljunin H
Harkalow; partt.rrj ti Cd;:rJ i 3t.jknlow, .WiViniu
Hnblitaell. (Jurden' II. 'iIco.t,in:sha Hmith,
William II. Il Kverv.?ciit of Ver.iiha Csu&i, Ne
brasltS.itni N'omaha-Cjunty, leb?ii3'i.i, dofead
tials, iii . ' .
On the '221 -jay of fJannnryrA. D.15G?
at one nytoa P.ra. ot'tlie front d nr of; McPhor
son's HeU in. the City of KrownvlV.t; in raid Coun
ty of Nercshi, (tho iJ.ic5 where the last Una of
S'lid Co&rt for said CLt tty'iIi$ho Id.) f-V for sale
at pu.Jii3 Hustion ,to the hig'u?st hidlcr fj? cash
tku following de.-vribed 19:U and p.:r.ionil prop;r
y. to-it. twenty, Wy'Jeavenfy:' fct ojt of the
North E w-t eonier'oT jjot'bn'o I la Blocit ona 1 in
the city of Br'f i,vill., Xctiiaha County, Nebraska
Territory otu'ti'inntn at the Noilh East eorocr ot
said ' lot on'' tht nea 'ranfiinj -ivest twenty fct.
thencfi South tcrczly feet, thcnic'Klsi t.,ty fc-t
theno 'So i t iv seventy feet to the p'ate of bcgtnrjtuj?
the siid TrVnJllte'rtg at pre'tfjr tccuvjed b
Swan & LJn th'jr Asai gtoei-y .riro--Ar.d ai.'o one
lion Vwilt farnurly ued hy tht Netutiia Vaicy
Uat.k aod uow in tai 1 baiidioj.-fio said Vault be
in 1-2 l'ee hih,5 1 2 fectVidj and 31 2l'ect
iicep, tn the inside j- , y
This -Aid VaulVdf pttrchajod ofcarate!y from tbe
build will bj delivered on th-3 sidewaiU in. front
of said kmiscs.'' k-A- i- 1
(Jivop aitiIer my hnd, ibis 17th day of,;Diccm
ber, A.D. 1S3G.
12-dt $13.00 ft I istfr in CKjmpry.
. t-.a
fi.;BURCnESl&; GO'S
Nun5J JtY
we.t cl Brown-
tv r
ville. K
Orders tBken for making Osagt
Orasce TiNcts. Wliich will be tone in
tb very bet slylear.d.warranted. j.
Oar. ehnrzes for,. ,bui! jiriS'..IIcdi' Ferviw, and
tending until they. are a, terfect tencearo as fol
lows : V- . ' ? -.; -"..T""
GO cti. ptr Rod, around ff .I60 acre tract.
A simply of Fi of. Pobb'a Ct.rlique will be sent
free (o any ad iriss. Tho Cur iae will flcrl tl
streSghtest hair c-a t-e Orstarinaauon wi-cctis 13-
Jury in sjft, luxurfat.beautitad ourls. '
Addrc-s.with fier, IVof II. U. F,1
Dec.-2 Jib li-om ' v FarjmSn.
1. I M
In thep.ater of the estate of 'joab A. Th jrnbars.
TTtereas the Probate Coort in and for3ige Couttj ,
Nebrks Territory, Ud on the53J day of November, A
OXJS3S, Cx r.nd point tb.Q 'day Cf January, A.
D. 167, aa tbe Jay for ta-e fiaal settlement or the es
tate of JoabvA, thornbarz, Iste cf sai-I county, de
teamed. Now, therefore, ail person indebted to the
said t " will tonic forward and maSc iia eiiate
pija-"iit." AfJ creditors cf aiT estate, n.ra:i pern
or iutere.-ted iterernrare berety nottded to present
tl-eire'-rtnusaiBtsaid estate tef -r? stieFi-tetecoart
or'or tr'ore tr.c J-3.h day cf Jar.tar, A.- V: 157, or
tbe same-will be forever barred. -' :
It ii t-rdere l ty a';d Probate' Cucrt Uiat rot:;e of the
aboire te ipuolithcd for fry" cbp?ecutive vttkiia tbe
KSraika' Advertiser. - ' v ---'-
-.rliy .1 . TTJLIiJiCIiAIG,
". Beatrice, November 23, 'JSCS. 9 it
XronJa v. June 10th lSi7.ia tha tin; w.t bear-'
ing'ciahaj av.fljttEtatfof auutt 3hs?, de
ce-id, and iho plato tbe I'robato Coart Riotai in
,he City of Hrownvs!I?, Jfemiht County , Nebraska
(-Territory .all person baviig cUimi -ip.nit said
1 iJaiata wi.l pr32at taem on taxi any or bs i.vrsvcr
barred from the eol'.POti'n thereDf, bv order cf Fro-
bate Court. GECIlGE W. FAniCllCTilC?.
" Frobfeto Jud
All Idncls of lIBooI-.g
. . . i . i . . i
X . (I ;
" A fr f V n T f v
Kivv.HviU Kill v J
"w ...
Acd nr, critlov.lteJlr, C
i;;ey do, hr t!; l::e
- -I v i ht.g
uipom membt-aan of t?;e bo.r.-:. N-
t..? ft..
UridVm pill
y, l!;cy can n- rivft!, X&r. cots
...... P-ySfJuflkil i.Li.t .
l-s i
S--! r'OWCrrul VCTSfabls tVr-.r1
, '
'4 J
! 1
vthh havead;rcctRctioToa ti:e
hrry tf wh'oh t?i te i
alter otid cr Uos9. They j I
llcmove the Bile,
Assist Dtfji'Htion,
Cave Vc liveliest.
- - - - " 1
In fact, they are. p.s their name
ft I
. 1 3
"The Life-GiTiai Prir-ciple."
They senrch o it ; illi Hn,j
ti!k t its, very root, ttviviti
CVi;(rm in tl. r"T . 1 1 ; . . r t ' .
j "i; I s
i ro-i-F;!-(n:cTir ir.rtv.L: to ? ;
JNPT?, oa.i-EUVJ-Ni OK Til Pi,
I "1
IIUN, nud are a .
SArss, srjKsa and BExriia
hnn hris ri u.. -.."-n .
OAK-t'tATKi, srii especially n.hi.i
ed aaa KE.MEnv van nm m.i'v
jmiMiimui,, ona or our most
b"..cmciui j i. A iii.ririr
OIII'l 1m! Wltil-
but iiai.,
vnincn, val7o:j a cot
f : Successor i Dr. C. W." RalicV.i '
Ire ScId by all Dri;: end
' Dealers in Patent fcledi'
llti't?' ' uio'st titiiciJa uLJ Ci.lTinui t2A t-rj;
kr.ovrn. ' .
(U j-j preyared. frrr ti best JAVA COTTER
tad whiTe i; :iio all tc pavor of Coo CId ' Gorcra"-
tccnt Java,?el!s for le.ii than ta'.f the pri:e.t f .
Osbom's Java (ioSeo .
S 11.13 UW'stesriliy r.iei Tor y?ir?,'y' fccaVnaJ''
of perFoC3 fri ali p-.rt? tif the Coantry, ar.d Is ur. -vers
t'Ty c;knnw:dgvl to bent once mtt'ioi:?, d -lici'uiije,;iXi;I
"acj e'cda.Eitcol. Jli ime q aa.
tity w i d ra ko a richer and strs-'jer cop of 5
thaa' an v ftlisr knTva. r r .
OsborhV Java Coife
,-. .... i . ... . .--.- ... .
Ii pnrti'-'tO.irly m'Mt mended ai t. iiealth fainter
erafio,!! i tn -t lcru;c!hJ,y u-ed ly those sho
4)'frii! Ileiir'a.h 1 crvt nsrerfs, and othei
ri u. To.ts fromtae iue of c;hr Coffse.
-It is prepared wiih Ihe greatest taro. and con
tains no ingredient which ii not more harailei and
beneficial to tho )miui?i orgaaiio than pure CoSTee,
ta whc!i .tit - tbe " most skilfull 1'tyiici; t tad
Cbcmiits testify.
i. iv is.;.' w .tr : i : f - v : .! v-:.t . t . . . ,
Has been extensively u.ed at numerous Hila
ry Fairs throughout the Union, and rtsceivf d eor-
tiiloalea recr tnrrdatioa. ... - -.
. Jl hf alio b'.'eu tijor aughly tcsti-J, aul rcceireJ
ibed plo'a f.f the American laititata aii ether
promt nei, t institutions. ., ,- . ... ' ,
l'ut up ia one paund r"-cka-s bcaria; the fae
sijiiila Signature cd" Je;iis'A. 'Ji'y-rn aa".l in tcsl
cf 20 nd iO and ;4.1, ly CJro'-t r c ne-ally.
JVfcolesalc PrpaU, auGTratlc.
Importers Iti Wliofculo Dc ilena Tc'a,Co.Tee.
and Spice. 1
7.0s. 103 &'lrivY7arrenhiiil 2GI)
TVasIiincf on streets JYciv Yor.i.
at -
. -
. 2-
'.. c-1
ti - 1
! A
e 2 s .
S ' el is
iTv -i
-. '- - b" 1 77 C ec
T? " cr:.-. -
... to w -r m
5. v -
0 - a
"-' -S -a
o t-,
s c-
" 3
iij ,
34 .7 a
i. It 4. ' . )
S - - ' -' - . ' ... -J . r , J
S the
finn dtt
ii .;,;
-' Hbt N, t ' i
r " j
f 4
CO ".".-.1 j
. 4 .. ,'
a j
-4k 6"
4 "
r-Xi.rl :c; 5 -7 . w - . j
r L" r. -1 r I r " i" ; ' ?r . t '
X cc-ct r.. -- '---'-'--
i.ui A 4 . v I - -
ie sr-.i i-i.r't ian trT'.i,!i 0a . - 1
bj Can Deal en aai the Trade s-iir...'
In that days cJ- --c
Olcc thzx.ll havi ort cf
. r- . . . - . . , v ..t
ili-3 aui fvrn:, wi?. -i all so
iiLilJ.Ii.uIUit - ------
, C:jcu'arscc!-lt5 cuts s-.I d;?cr;-Jci f eir,
Ar-3 will H f-rnt,'i?i r?ti r-l.cfc.'.va. . -
e.-ri::i::;g7o:; a so::: iy::. :::: .
. A) C.-sr.iai l. -'"sf r.:r":.
ilAUAMS n.F.Tacrc:-, f;e -:ett A
lsiro:ost3t,C!a,!rT?jia,Rr.i - .
assiator.iihe 1 the s,iea.:!:4 c.i:s cf ih? 1 r;.. 1
na? r.otv located herts".f Rt Uaioa, ilili
rtnr.a ?: e.!ch" woaierfal potlrs
mi stiV-r'a? to enabls her ta iryar. kfli ';
,f the greatest Importance to tie sir.;ie cr r.W! i
fcithersex. Vtaileia' Ute cf trac;, el
.ineatts the veryfsaturej cf ti!
narrr.ard bj? taegiirfsa
produce a life-like piorars of tia fi-t- ai. -a wj
vrife ol theartUcaat, testier with dits cf
ria.pcMtiooin lifcleaJir-; trUi cf t tnr,
fee. TLiJ isE0hvrb3j,at-.c-5:-- ci -.ii
aials can a3ert. b'aa will sa .d, n -ia utr.reJ
lertiSed certiSeate, orwri'.tea raarat, t- J
ri'j ture Is isatifc purports to bo
...o... t r, .
cf hair, and stalir pace eft
li.rositior. aad compleina, and etc!; 5;
inl envelcro aidreisel tar--"
viM rcciv tho picture and' dts.t:! i
return n ail. All enmaaariicatiwBS Si'
i by
'ial. Address, in coaf.dcnce, M ADAMS -4
r0?.TOX. P 0. B.-.S-22.1. liadsj?..' y.Y.
; , V nusTAca
I ' f. ma.I rn fr.or f?Tr.n
E 3
f creed to stow epeo the ; :
fraoothest face ia from 2
,, , - TAURATUEli C-iLIL-1
LARIE, the rca
i.erful discoTeryiaiaodernscieaje.sitlr;- :
Jeari and hair ia an aimo'i cairac-.ctis L-;r.
It has been used by the d ail to cT Ti ? ia i Looici
tith the most Catteriiv? success, a.:j of'al
ourchasers will be re;.3tcrrl, asd if eatire 'jaj
"actica is not girca ia every inUnce, the rr.ony
will ta cheerfully refandei' a rice ty raai!, ie! i
jnd retpa5J,$l. Diicriptive eircaii-sasi t,wl
T.oatais mailed free. -Address BSr.Gi:?. Lv.'I'JTT.',
i CO., Chemist?, No 235 River Street, Trcj, .J1.
.Sola A?eats for the United SUtss. -34-fra
T)E A U T 1 . Atisara
J Go!den, F!ix;a, ar;d
herco.5 straight sad stubbora ar cf e.:rs
Into wary ringlets or hetfj rsMsfr ear!i. ' 2
been cs?l by the fii a .-..; (i1 Purij a.-.j Lanica
iththe most ratifvf'VT sets. Dom no iajsre
to the hair. Trice IV f -ad aad pjstpai-J $1
nUmrIrn ef r"i!nr r . 1 free. A i irtt . L Sli-
,'iER, SrIUTS i CO.,X 5Kir h'tree:. Try
. PL00D
as a
-- ' roa ccitf
Scrofula, S!)7iitis; STcin Dl3
ttsc, Old Sores, Suit llhetim, '
Dyspepsia ar Imlijssilou,
Complaint;, JUieiw -";rB
Fever anfrAfjuc, St. JLsi- 1
thoiiy's lire,
Erysipelas, Tumors, Er"-'f
' ijf, Scrofulous -
i . ifm2ito?, tic.
q -q q q q q q rj ' 5
0?:5 per"i wr'?, t:r c?i-jv.tor i n4
'.of I ... of l m i-.ji.r,;, ax i -i. Vitiiei e f f I - o years. wraei, h!s s-.a wu eurrl
bi. rlch had almost wv 1 ay.
' J4 doctor pr.c-3'::.??.t '.' lm ?-?aUe.
AN0 I'iltCIt era. t f f Kver ai,d Agl til
ler tn-.n r every n.e.l.c;r:9 in h rf-c
ANTfiKIl cared cf JTeserx Urt wliki
Ji f rexf-d fo:trTa year.
.v." AXtM'HKU of Rhum-.:a ef e;vt y.
t'i'xca lriii'anorTii 'e of lyry a;i i L,T
llira.ait-, cu..l b ratujrea, ia w. ca ti
runner aud t'iiii worit like
nvCvp? hr-TV"'..
a charm1.
F 1 r
; 9
h.iv err ' fcreri -i het 15 rt-re-tly
tip! t!w Lirer, excitiri t: 5 r;M -
such an extent a thst t'; n ? Cv r
U:.. onto t Sjrmr -". i. w.
t l- '.; e c.' ' with 4'.y a pur;
. i"ii.'.f aie ' a
a&i u locju .i:c-;
. - i i i
.4 ' 4f
fc. - . . V -' -s
. V-'.i curl i:
c.r t:.-.:. ,e!rci. v
;s, aaJ,
- -
HaiTo fir f r r!'T
wl4llw4Uf VIOMlCv.llf v-J
1 Uiuo Vyuiwiu 4-iWiUM.J
! iIt. ItOB.l :i
-Stomacli Bittorcl
Fhonl'd Lo r.d ty eenvalefe-' - - r- .")
tie proeiriuua wbicli alr; j . j .ave
. , Try the m.i'o;a, trd yea aser r-r-f.
-t. . y-j-ir r hb'- - ii rw
t. ' . sad t.. w..l ey t;. C CO .)
and you siou.i uy L.c.a U
cre gotc; lor a phystc so.
pnir.'cz, valtc u cdb
(Suc-essors ta Dr. C. V. F.o'tck,J ' f
sols rro??.r;Tcr3,
T K1 rq f i . ,"i vi ri.t.-
ci-ci:.:.'Ti, o.
Ara Sc!J by ':'.! Drv;:':'? :v!
f JiGoMen, rlixsa.aai
,'?; ) Fiil-renCCULSproiarei , r -j
Ka" f by the asecf IV f. Ds- . ' -1 j
; caKux-3' ?zzzv. l:: ' j
9 ' f JCHEVECX. Onia:v,i r
Y v'' cateon warraatcd toosrl " y